- The author speaks of exploration of pleasure (2:1-3); impressive accomplishments (2:4-6); unparalleled wealth (2:7-10).

Ecclesiastes: An Outline Wisdom Books • This outline was taken from Be Satisfied by Warren W. Wiersbe. Note the () places where admonished us to enjoy life and be satisfied with what God has assigned to us. I. THE PROBLEM DECLARED: -2 Life is not worth living! Consider: â The monotony of life (1:4-11) Ecclesiastes: The Book ã The vanity of wisdom (1:12-18) ä • TITLE: The Hebrew title is tl,h,qo qoheleth {ko-heh'-leth} comes from the The futility of wealth (2:1-11) å The certainty of death (2:12-23) word lh;q' qahal {'kaw-hal'} meaning “to gather or assemble” – thus Enjoy life! (2:24) II. THE PROBLEM DISCUSSED: -10) qoheleth is “one who speaks before an assembly.” tl,h,qo He considers each of the above arguments: • TITLE: The (Greek translation of ) used the Greek â The monotony of life (3:1-5:9) word Ekklesiastes. It comes from evkklhsi,a ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah} ì Look up (3:1-8) which means “an assembly, congregation.” It is also the word for church . í Look within (3:9-14) So, Ekklesiastes is “a speaker before an assembly.” î Look ahead (3:15-22) • Key word: vanity – emptiness, futility, vapor, that which vanishes quickly and ï Look around (4:1-5:9) leaves nothing behind. The writer uses this term 38 times. Enjoy life! (3:12-15, 22) • “Vanity” in Ecclesiastes is “the futile ( vergeblich ) emptiness of trying to be ã The futility of wealth (5:10-6:12) happy apart from a serious relationship with God. ì Employing wealth (5:10-6:12) • “under the sun” – looking at life from the human perspective. ( 29 times) í Enjoying wealth (5:18-6:12) • The author, the wisest, richest, and most influential king of Israel declares that Enjoy life! (5:18-20) life, viewed from human perspective, and the pursuit of popularity, prestige, ä The vanity of wisdom (7:1-8:17) pleasure are nothing but vanity. ì We make life better (7:1-10) • BUT seen from God’s perspective, life takes on real meaning and purpose. í We see life clearer (7:11-18) • The author writes, “Eat . . . drink . . . rejoice . . . do good . . . live joyfully . . . fear î We face life stronger (7:19-8:17) God . . . keep His commandments!” Enjoy life! (8:15) • “Skepticism and despair melt away when life is viewed as a daily gift from God.” å The certainty of death (9:1-10:20) • “fools” and “folly” are referenced at least 32 times. ì Death is unavoidable (9:1-10) • “wisdom” is referenced 54 times. í Life is unpredictable (9:11-18) î Beware of folly (10:1-20) Ecclesiastes: The Author Enjoy life! (9:7-10) • Both internal and external evidence point to King Solomon being the author of III. THE PROBLEM DECIDED – Ecclesiastes 11-12 this book. â Live by faith (11:1-6) – Life is an ADVENTURE! • EXTERNAL : The Jewish talmudic tradition attributes the book to Solomon. ã Enjoy life now (11:7-12:8) – Life is a GIFT! Also, Solomon’s authorship has been the standard Christian position. ä Learn your lessons (12:9-12) – Life is a SCHOOL! • INTERNAL : ä Fear God! (12:13, 14) – Life is a STEWARDSHIP! - The author calls himself, “the son of , king of .” (1:1, 12) Enjoy life! (11:9-10) - The author is wisest man who ever taught in Jerusalem (1:16; 1 Kings 4:29, 30)