Hide and Seek

By Nikhil Parekh


Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh

All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.


About the Author

Nikhil Parekh from Ahmedabad, India- is a Love Poet and an Eight – Time World Record Holder for his Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India (2nd in Official World Rankings to the Guinness Book of World Records) . His complete poems, poetry books, awards and works can be visited on the Internet at - www.nikhilparekh.org or www.nikhilparekh.com .

3 About the Poetry Book

Parekh's earliest collection of verse. Written in unparallelled fervor, this collection is a delectable blend of topics from 'love' to 'death', probing into countless infinitesimal aspects of existence which make a significant impact to it. The beauty of this compendium lies in its magical brevity at places and in the most mundane things of life around us brought to the fore like a magicians wand, in brilliant poetic flair by Parekh. Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing--but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around. A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache.

This book tingles every living being's imagination to fantasize beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.


The Poems



When i thought about filth and dirt, unethical images of floating sewage blended with faeces capsized my mental imagery.

when i thought about transparently luring crystal water, panoramic visions of undulating mountains besieged me in entirety.

when i thought about finely crushed chowder of piquant salt, rambunctious memories of the sea flooded desolate regions of my soul.

when i thought about tenaciously blowing coats of wind, lascivious mass of dense tree foliage revolved subtly through my mind.

when i thought about bountiful springs of frosty milk, sacrosanct images of the twin horned cow submerged me with glee.

when i thought about swaying my body in animated jubilation, extravagant pictures of the country barn discotheque gleamed large in my eyes.

when i thought about prolific waves of acerbic heat, charismatic demeanor of the sun god shot loud and clear all throughout cells

6 of my brain.

when i thought about praying to the almighty, omniscient portraits of Christ nailed to bare wood proliferated in my memory. when i thought about the destitute succumbing to pangs of starvation, shriveled silhouettes of skinny children instantaneously crept up my scalp.

when i thought about exorbitant luxury with king sized dishes of food, frivolous images of silken gold took strangle hold of my impeccable heart.

and when i thought about perennial threads of sacred matrimony, effeminate outlines of the girl i loved delectably settled in topmost compartments of my mind.



If there were a 100 holes in the dry ground, small rivulets of water would get accumulated after seasonal spells of monsoon, a blend of mice, rabbit, and ant would continue to live in passionate harmony.

If there existed a 100 holes in the ornately sculptured tea kettle, Sizzling droplets of brown liquid would ooze as if from a lawn sprinkler, Scalding all in vicinity with boiling showers of freshly made tea.

If there were a 100 holes in well spun office shirt, There would probably be no need for fans and large coolers, Natural draughts of air would pierce sweat laden zones of chest, Thereby compensating the need for artificial contrivances.

If there were a 100 holes in the base of my leather shoe, Fresh waves of wind would ventilate through my feet, Hence filtering tension clogged veins inhabiting the body.

If there were a 100 holes in luxury liner floating on ocean water, Saline liquid from the sea would painstakingly penetrate, Ergonomically plush interiors of ship would be flooded

8 with water, The ship made of the strongest wood fibre would sink to the bottom of the ocean.

If there were a 100 holes in the juicy fruit of african apple, A cluster of worm would nibble its core, Rendering it as a commodity to be used as a duplication for stone.

If there appeared a 100 holes in the flaming silhoutte of sun, The light dispersing on earth would be complete with gloom and haze, Prompting the young to walk with sticks in their hands groping blindly for direction.

If there were a 100 holes in my heart, I would drill it with many more still deeper, Filling them all with reflections of whom I loved, Keeping them full upto the brim for the remaining quota of years, I am destined to tread on the soil of earth.



i occur in spots of irregular proportions, i might be black, brown or blue, i hold great significance in tuning a human being, i am present right since the first cry of life, i am indeed a BIRTHMARK. {1}......

i have undulating rash waves, i rise and fall with respect to placement of moon, i am peculiarly salty in taste, i am a boarding house for fern and fish, i constitute more than 70 percent of earths surface, i am the deep blue ocean smashing on rocks. {2}

i have brown precipices, i have loose soil cascading down, i stand like a fortress amidst a cocoon of clouds, i am a warehouse of museums of minerals, i don’t like people blasting me with explosive, i am a chain of mammoth shining rock. {3}

i have multicolored yellow wings, i posses stripes of scarlet red, i feed on minuscule ants and grub, i perch on dark corners of the room, i love to fly all sunlit day, i christen myself the butterfly. {4}

i emit poisonous smoke, i know i look like rotten egg, i cause several diseases and pain,

10 i lie at the rear of a motorized vehicle, i want to commit suicide, i am none other than a circular exhaust pipe.



I took a mammoth slab of bar magnet in my hands, camouflaged within interiors of colored plastic.

traversing through plush lanes of the city, sandwiched between hordes of building and shopping malls, thoroughly illuminated in silver light of the moon, i walked at euphoric pace clad in thin summer clothing, with the monstrous iron magnet tightly strangled in my palm.

the events that unfolded were a feast to the eye, slender pins of needle hurtled towards me, worn out pieces of rusty metal got firmly riveted, sign boards of metal got uprooted from their concrete base, reinforced doors of safe deposit vault tore free from barricade of lock, gates of wrought iron sung open granting me royal access to the castle, portable canisters of food landed on my lap breaking the display glass in frenzy, tall poles of gaudy sodium light developed angular curvatures, rustic candelabrum danced violently on the mantelpiece, all metal in proximity swayed infectiously, I then tried to capture the heart of a young maiden, Loitered around her for humid hours of the day, Slept a few feet away through the equally breezy

12 night, Alas! The gizmo had eluded me this time, It was blended with the prowess to attract the mightiest on earth, Although the reigning moment it had miserably flunked, It hadn't succeeded in capturing her tender heart, Shattering her arrogance like a pack of playing cards, Drawing her close within millimeters of my vicinity, The GIGANTIC BAR MAGNET had failed to strike when it mattered the most, imprison forever the love I always desired.



The newspaper was soiled with moisture and dirt, long strands of my hair lay thoroughly dismantled, perfumed cloth of shirt was soaked in pools of sweat, the nylon vest clung tightly to my broad chest frame, beads of water trickled down bushy eyebrows, smudges of condensed vapour adhered to the crystal mirror, i could see an army of red ant transporting grain, twin cuckoo birds flying with small pieces of twig and broken straw, large tablets of carbolic, disinfectant, colored shampoo liquid camouflaged me from the world, a solid teak door concealed me from embarrassing gaze, stingy draughts of air blew from the partially open vent, hordes of mosquito stung ripe areas of my flesh, lazy flies buzzed incessantly in the hollow ambience of my eardrum, my body perspired like torrential rain pelting down, crisp noises of newspaper shuffling emanated as i read.

there was a shining chain suspended from the roof, tickling sensitive areas of my nostril, the minute i anticipated had finally arrived, the painstaking agony was now on the verge of conclusion, it was now conducive to flush away the accumulated debris, consisting of foul Chinese matter which i had consumed the previous night, i pulled the chain with all my existing might,

14 gushing rivulets of water flushed the dirt, infinite bowels in my intestine were now rendered clean, as i emitted a sigh of relief, a hearty thanks to the creator, stripped of natural reserves of energy, I stepped out of the disdainful interiors of my bathroom.


In the darkness that surrounds me, a light wavers above my head, maneuvering my thoughts to moonlight, with a blurred destiny to handle, through finely stitched fields of a happy pepped up mind.

that light gives me guided hope, in the black starry night, reinvigorating my belief in mystic faith, winding entangled keys of my mind.

the cool air hits my eyes, tracing salty liquid of complexity, knocking the healthy blue tinge away, in that varied shocking manner, from top compartments of my mind.

those punching thoughts press my mind, leading me to the abysmal world below, in an atmosphere of heavily laden gloom, as i discover my concious breath at last.


Meteors shot from crystal clear sky mass, leaped down the galaxy at the onset of twilight, diffusing finally into fluorescent molecules of shiny light. parrot green buds ripened on live branches of oak tree, bushy squirrel flesh kissed umpteenth spots in the hollow trunk, the living pores of hard wood cried, when scientists passed spasmodic currents of electricity. the cows bathed in a cascade of chilly ice-cream, waded their path through paths of thick curry, leaving trails of footprints triangular in pattern, coating their white skin with blotches of clay mud. the sparrows chirped enchanting rhymes in unison, hoisted fine threads of bamboo sticks to their place of dwelling, constructing warm network of crisscrossed twigs, laid round white pearls of egg with nourishing yolk.

there was thunder accompanied with streaks of lightning, the shooting stars had fallen hours ago, soft balls of clouds clashed mercilessly, parched cracks of earth eventually separated, to devour hungrily torrential sheets of pelting rain.


She was all that i ever desired, her body was engulfed with waves of enchantment, slender fingers smelt of heavenly nectar, fleshy earlobes were adorned with beads of gold, luscious lips murmured fairy tales of uncurbed desire, angular neck swung instantly to my soft reflection, daintily carved feet tread on a mountain of thorns, olive skinned palms spread eagled for everlasting embrace, silky strands of hair cascaded down her shoulder, crystal white armory of teeth produced magical smiles, she was a goddess drenching me with rain showers of eternal love. {1}

sunlit days sped into gruesome chilly nights, clock seconds ticked at amazing speeds, the tyranny of time had taken its toll, corrupted human mass had rendered me peniless, there was no scope for employment at distant quarters of society, strong rooms of currency were sealed with iron bars of denial, brutal strokes of destiny levered my head down in shame, i knew she was the queen of my heart, bound we were going to be in threads of holy matrimony, empty containers of food grain echoing like dead skeletons, a labyrinth of sockets in my purse devoid of life bestowing note, and a dreadful images of newborn offspring’s dying of

18 starvation, slaughtered my ideas of blissful romance, crippled me in person with spearheads of pragmatic reality, there was no point in acquainting her with the distraught scenario, neither did I intend to expose her to harsh territories of life, prompting me to consume a liter of rat poison, the venom painstakingly ending "THREE YEARS OF OUR INTENSE LOVE"



This vast expanse of blue tepid water, the yellow sun evading the skies, the beauty all so glamorous, the shimmering spires of the town. green pastures ,chirping birds, colored sands at their perennial best, puts beautiful palace at incisive test. stalwarts built it firm and strong, entrepreneurs decorated it with bronze. water cascading at umpteenth places, makes it the darling of all races. garlanded with human emotions, looks like a fire ablaze at night, a real treat to the human eye, with tawny fishes saying goodbye. the colorful bonanza of gaudy lights, the orchestra singing to a perfect rhyme, the ornamental clock tower gives a midnight chime, blissful silence descends all over, as i succumb to the delight of invincible sleep.


I drowned myself in large beer cans of alcohol, lay the whole night on desolate sands of the beach, traversed bare feet through scorching territories of stone ground, sang nostalgic rhymes while kissing the winter breeze, grew strands of unruly beard on the immaculate skin of my face, stared unrelentingly all night at the cameo of twinkling stars, consumed food abstemiously with occasional sips of soiled water, erupted with volatile outbursts of anger at the slightest of provocation, walked at languid pace with the acerbic sun filtering through my eyes, wore pure suits of torn jute blended with cheap pieces of leather, lambasted myself with incessant strokes of the whiplash at dawn, distributed all my affluence to the needy and impoverished, disposed my smoke grey sedan in fathomless waters of the ocean, burnt all novels which contained even minuscule traces of romance, refrained to cast frivolous glances the charismatic passing by, sequestered myself from pragmatic realities of life, spending life like a relic in a dilapidated barn, ploughing the earth with my pickaxe shovel;the only means of survival, i had obscure memories of my last laughter, the last time i had bounced radiantly;blooming with life,

21 at the present moment though i sobbed all day and sinister night, i no longer possessed the power to win back my love, to shrug of the obliterations and make her forever mine.



Here as i sit with network of green to surround, the Falcon soaring high in the blue sky, a blanket of dew drops on the fresh green leaves, shining a perpetual golden brown.

the silence and tranquility of the blissful air, blueberry flowers on steep slopes of valley, causing mystical ravines of my heart to flood with beauty and sizzling excitement, the magic touch of heavenly green spreads all over, there follows a heavy downpour of tropical rain, macro droplets of water cascade everywhere, with the grass blades crying out in anticipation to swallow the rain drops, clear and transparent, quenching their thirst for divine blessings, leaving them submerged in a river of celestial love.

tall pine trees had their drooping branches covered with white snow, shielded the valley in heat with their shade and warmth, enriching every inch of soil with their overgrown root, as golden rays of the sun shine on their leaves, displaying vivid contrasts of velvety green and satin yellow, obscuring my eyes with film of salty tears, enjoying this lovely rapturous sight, fulfilling desires lurking in my soul with vibrant echoes of ravishing nature.


Red rays of sunlight peep through my window, focusing a path of mystic beauty, shimmering into a pool of darkness, falling directly in my wide open eyes, tracing a look of abstract fear, absorbing flimsy shells of courage, deserting me in a state of speechless exuberance.

the flaming sun i see, resembles the door of a fresh heart, throbbing with a mild intensity, red and gracious in color, filtering burdened pores of intricate mind, for a renewal of liveliness, and powerful glints of hope astride.

the blazing sun behind me, pats my back and says, i want to come down, sit beside you my friend, to enjoy this world from close quarters, and lo! behold he is racing down, his size has shrunken to a podded pea, the world has turned upon him like a bee, for if he comes down on earth, who will give them courage and antiseptic light, they would be left solitary on ground, with dampness of humanity to surround.



When i took a bath in red acrylic paint, my body resembled the sun fading in murky horizons of dusk. when i drenched myself with coal tar liquid, snow white patches of my skin transited to ghastly black. when i sprinkled buckets of rotten vegetable juice in plenty, i smelt like i had last bathed in innocent childhood. when i rolled wildly in mud lying in fresh pools of rain, multiple pores of my body went berserk in heated euphoria. when i poured large cans of honey extracted from bee-hive, my body became a breeding place for red ant and worm. when i swam in white icy waters of the mountain stream, i shivered incessantly with a plethora of goose-bumps instantly formed. When I submerged myself in a tank of steaming acid, soft layers of flesh got denuded of silky hair. when I engulfed myself in churned green chili juice, i felt live currents of electricity circulating through my blood. when I sprayed petrol with high pressured hose, entangled mass of my intestine vomited settled food granules. And finally when I stood beneath a shower oozing gold coin, I felt this bath should go on for decades immemorial.


My eyes open with tremendous velocity, my lips mumble the essence of life, my teeth grit, like a formidable fortress, my body probes with upsurgent fervor, as i am exuberant beyond capacity. {1}

the pain subsides to nothingness, a memorandum of life time cherishment, as the unprecedented force of destiny, the curtain spread of wilderness, strikes a deal with the traumatic cadence of survival, mesmerized by the amazing body machinery, dictating a "sizzling new chapter of existence" {2}

ah! many a lesson learnt, fiddling with natural mechanisms, leads to the horrendous path of treacherous agony, evaporating every ounce of enthusiasm, drowning 'me' into dark cataclysmic waters. {3}

the drainpipe of creativity, finally succumbing to human fallacy, trying to breathe through minute pores of legitimate versatility, devastated every minute by the inevitable lechery of self productivity, with an abysmal desire to challenge almighty, leading to convulsive repetitions of suicidal simplicity, finally assassinating the eccentric chapter, of sinful imagination,

26 dismantling the torrid structure of rigid thought flow, from its very non existent roots, accentuating 'harmony with nature' as the ' peak of reality'


A casual glimpse at the beggars face, can reveal altogether a new case. its filled with substantial beauties and charm, the joy hidden in occasionally occurring sleepy trance. the bone jarring thoughts of his simplistic mind, involve no trickery plots like the educated kind. his hands so shabby look black and soggy, they cant get the ingredients of an ivory flask. homicidal tendencies crept in his mind, he held gleaming knives in his hand, ripped through bulging pockets of passing bystanders, laughed like a harmless devil sipping icy mouthfuls of left over food. his eyes have an uncanny touch of blue, they don’t envisage great ideas of creation, instead give realistic clues of hunger at its very best.



The rain goes on; blame it on the weatherman, The mud appears dreadfully scorched; blame it on paucity of water, The cigarette causes hostile cancer; blame it on fillings of noxious tobacco, The automobile plummets down the valley; blame it on failure of intricate brake, The glistening marble looks untidy; blame it on blemishes of dark chocolate, The luxury liner sinks in the ocean; blame it on gaping holes in its persona, The man trips over and bruises his nose; blame it on the loose splinters of stone, The contemporary computer closes abruptly; blame it on a plethora of nefarious virus, The plush cable car hurtles down the mountain; blame it on the frigid wire, The deadly poison strangulates breath; blame it on the venomous adder, The demeanor of white paper transits of disdainful yellow; blame it on the process of perpetual decay, The knotted hand pains while hoisting loads; blame it on a network of fracture, The outlines of objects seems to be fading; blame it on diminishing vision, Immaculate chunks of rosewood develop an army of

29 indentation; blame it on the belligerent termite, The fledglings didn’t hatch from the shell; blame it on inadequate proportion of heat, The body was grotesquely distorted since birth; blame it on the chromosomes, Infinite fibers of hair were sprawled with dandruff; blame it on the lack of oil, The lights on the street flickered violently; blame it on weak current, The eyes inevitably felt dreary with intoxication; blame it on the honey golden alcohol, The soul trembled for mercy; blame it on the sins of past life; And the heart stopped throbbing;relinquishing to beat; blame it on the compassionate love lost.



When i slept on a razor sharp blanket of thorns, tiny buds of needle pierced ashen white regions of my flesh, painstakingly penetrating pliable arenas of supple skin, prompting my rudimentary blood to ooze, keeping me awake all throughout long hours of the autumn night.

As I camouflaged my body with a blanket of flower petal, A mesmerizing fragrance enveloped sultry cocoons of atmosphere, The aroma settling placidly under cloud covers of dusk, truckloads of worries evaporated from top compartments of my mind, And I felt invincibly drowned in bountiful scent of nature.

When I squirmed violently on a blanket of steaming slippery sand, Minuscule shards of glass and dirt blended with profusely dripping sweat, There was a feeling of intense abrasion all over my silhouette, Accompanied with fiery desires to scratch my skin raw, I suddenly felt soiled with an ocean of dirt, Stood under the mountain springs to cleanse every iota of my blotted persona.

31 When I tossed in quiet contentment on a blanket of authentic cheddar cheese, There came a battalion of red ant to nibble and gnaw, King sized mice crept stealthily to devour the feast, I myself felt suddenly hungry,witnessing the creatures relish their meal, Thoroughly inspired I tore at solid chunks of salted milk, Swallowing them with profound glee,satisfying my omnipotent gluttony for food.

I spent all day perched on blankets of perpetual love, Sharing the traumatic agony of all in vicinity, Catering to unsurpassable needs of my beloved, Gratifying impoverished souls with chivalrous smiles, I finally arrived at indispensable conclusions of clinging hard to this blanket, For the remaining tenure of years I tread my feet as a human on this earth.



I consumed a meal consisting of crushed chili with poignant fillings of snake brown pepper, immediately felt the urge to gulp a can full of water.

i abruptly got up from the vigils of sleep; to eructate my inflated bowels, instantaneously felt the need for gallons of water.

i noticed corrugated blotches of stain sprawling wildly on my car windshield, prompting me to spray it clean with refined globules of water.

i jogged incessantly through undulating landscapes of the rocky terrain, felt appeasingly relaxed after sipping crystal water from the monsoon springs.

i woke with terrified jolts;envisaging a horrendous dream, recieved instant gratification as i drank colossal pints of flavored water.

i scribbled painstakingly obnoxious pages of the annual exam papers, reclined back on my rocking chair drowned in colossal pools of coconut water.

i tresspassed through arid regions of the sahara desert, intermittently wetting my tongue with infinitesimal

33 amounts of water. i percieved utter desolation enveloping my demeanour, chivalrously swallowed herculean streams of melon water, to relinquish the memory of my departed beloved.

i felt epidemic fever circulate through entangled capillaries of my body, flooded my belly with marathon oceans of water to swipe off the deadly infection.

i felt stinging pangs of acrimonious heat strike me in the peak of summer, felt as if floating in paradise;minutes after drinking farm fresh sugarcane water.

i knew deep inside; that i could live without food for days on the trot, but to remain divested of ground water even for more than an hour was disconcertingly impossible.


I flung pointed pebbles leaning on the balcony rail, gnawed incessantly at my soft finger flesh, poked at entangled knots of hair mixing long fingernails with scalp zone, spit loads of saliva on pavements of stale concrete, kicked violently at loose chunks of sand lying unattended, tore every bit of transparent cloth in close proximity, trampled on infinite insects that lurked infuriatingly(irritatingly) across my way, devoured solid bones of calcium, crushing them with my teeth, peeled crisp wall paint in plenty with incoherent strokes of footnail, ripped triangular caps from compressed bottles of soda drink, spilled jars containing carbon ink on satiny covers of the bedroom mattress, plucked masses of grass blades rolling languidly in undulating landscape of the garden, transformed pencil ends to distorted junk by repetitive chewing, added tones of salt to fruit juice before consumption, pedaled my bicycle till a river of sweat descended down my neck, revolved my body in clockwise journeys at electric beats of music, trimmed waste hair emanating sparsely from twin nostrils, applied scented lotion to the back of palm to revitalize skin,

35 roamed aimlessly through solitary streets at the onset of midnight.

Weird situations of nil work had made me fidgety, Obsessions for exorbitant adventure seemed to be fast fading, I strolled at fast pace across the periphery of my fruit orchard, Clambered up a tall tree bearing blood red apple, Snatched it deftly from within its house of green leaf, Drank sweet juice charged with small pints of ravishing flavour, From deep cores within its delicately tender heart.


When twin rubber brakes of my amber Mercedes abruptly failed, while i traversed at shooting speeds through meandering curves of the valley, bulky brake rubber melting in acrimonious rays of the midday sun, the car hurtled down vacuum pores of the mountain, diffusing into infinite splinters, burying itself a few feet below green waters.

as i kissed the rear of a horse with fuming ends of red coal, the tamed beast erupted loose from domains of decency, ran berserk through fecund fields of ripened sugarcane, tossing me high in the air for a brief discourse with god, finally somersaulting down with bones broken beneath silky recesses of my skin.

when dirty black carpets of clouds had a brake fail, macro droplets of rain pelted down with passionate fury, the titanic mass of sky wept unrelentingly all day and placid night, submerged all existing on land in lakes of fresh water, percolating at astounding speeds through innumerable holes in my house roof.

37 when monstrous waves in the ocean had a failure of brakes, they overtoppled strong ships sailing in water, crashing with profound rage against strings of jagged rocks, thoroughly flooding barren regions of shore land mud, devouring with a devilish intent all in proximity and intimate contact.

when frigid brakes of my heart failed to beat rhythmically, there was an intense pounding that followed suit, outrageous bouts of euphoria replaced subtle ways of interaction, i confronted her in person startling her with my piercing gaze, mustered the strength to propose the girl i loved after years of sequestering myself in oblivion.



As i strolled languidly on smooth cakes of road tarmac, stringent pellets of sunshine struck my eyes, blistering sheets of wind whipped petite regions of my flesh, the steaming persona of ground formed a volley of cracks, radiating at right angles from my slender soled feet.

when i frivolously wandered on the fluorescent cake of midnight moon, ornately draped angels collided with soft cushions of my hair, the ambience was overflowing with a sedative calm, blotches of crime had faded into kingdoms of oblivion, my conscience reverberated with impeccable nostalgia of early childhood.

after walking for long hours on cakes of snow, savage blizzards hitting my cheek like an army of pistol bullets, infinite territories of my skin transiting to an embarrassing crimson red, the inner periphery of my ear frozen in the deafening cold, i willing settled for a cupful of boiling ginger tea.

all i wanted was a cake topped with icy peppermint, consisting of tons of chocolate curry, topped up with immaculate dressings of blood red cherry, a cake which could quench my insatiable gluttony,

39 awaken sweet memories of perpetual love which i had inadvertently craved for, put me to sleep with an aura of immortal bliss encompassing my face, dreaming about the palpable goodness that ever did exist.



I built a palace of pure molten wax, painting it with gaudy coats of tree root color, studding the kingly doors with brooches of gold, providing a plethora of waterfall dribbling down, the fragile walls built with reinforced slabs of burnt candle debris.

the blistering waves of sun caused hot juices to flow, placid reflections of full moon embodied it with loads of strength, obnoxious currents of wind punctured depressions in its wall, torrential whips of rain rendered it softer in texture, prowling mass of mice burrowed tunnels of semicircular dimension, handsome eagles laid white eggs on its roof, a cluster of termite nibbled at foundations way below the ground, a battalion of hybrid horse ran across its periphery, venomous snakes slithered on satiny floors, sharp nailed leopards clawed incessantly for instant gratification.

the arduous spells of summer soon arrived, uncouth light of the sun now replaced the cushion of suspended moisture, blazing rays of sun god now engulfed it with buoyant tenacity, stringent currents of merciless wind pounded with full might, the wax cried all scorching day, wept infinte tears bereft of traces of respite,

41 colossal exteriors of the palace deteriorated at amazing speeds, the savage heat of sun had prompted the inevitable, transforming the palace once flooded with grandiloquent riches, reducing it to an ocean of CANDLE WAX strewn on acres of fertile farm land.



Round balls of pearly white gas, with thin wisps of grey cloud floating haphazardly, as cool as snow drops of ice at night, assassinating traces of daytime heat, with crystal beams of singular fluorescent light, perched high in the galaxy of stars, revolving at astronomical speeds across the sun periphery, being the only source of placid comfort during pitch dark ambience of the night, the celestial figure of the moon smiled mischievously, as the hour hand ticked past midnight in city clock tower.

the lethal alligator waded silently through the waters, biting mighty chunks of dead logwood, flickering its abraded tail at small cocoons of fish, squirting blood from its eyeball , opening its kingly jaw to display an armory of canine teeth. there were men ahead pedaling a row boat, consuming large glasses of ravishing gin tonic, with strong fishing rods levered skillfully in the jungle stream, they joked, sung, swayed their bodies in the arid air, little knowing of the deadly monster stealthily encroaching, the beast sank a few feet beneath the boat, gave loud snorts toppled it crushing sewn timber to

43 mangled junk, loud wails besieged the night calm, the moonlight clearly portrayed torn parts of their bodies, white waters smudged with fresh human blood, the birds screeched loudly in the sky, as the 20 feet long crocodile relished man flesh, trapped between the cavities of its elephant teeth.


Regulating incessant draughts of fresh air, revolving in circular clockwise journeys, tapered blades riveted to oval bodied bearing, suspended from a jugglery of plastic wire, firmly secured to an overhead iron hook, with flower petal carvings sewn to wing, evacuating stale air with scent of congestion, revitalizing individuals, drenched in pools of summer exhaustion, driving away hordes of buzzing flies, eliminating seeds of epidemic by fumigating air, filtering atmosphere obscured with coats of dust, an inevitable commodity in scorching summer, equally essential in sedate chills of approaching winter, feeding drained nostrils with pouches of surplus air, extracting moisture from wet cloth, prompting sheets of paper to fly haphazardly, shredding to minuscule pieces large objects in close proximity, rotating at whirlwind speed, at mere caress of switchboard plastic, dancing to supplied currents of electricity, is my sea green colored ,room "CEILING FAN"



They can chew hard sugarcane, entangle seeds from fibrous fruits, snatch fodder for survival, bite into hard skull of coconut, gnaw at hard pieces of chicken bone, hold things about to tumble down, hang on branches for protection, dig tunnels of earth if required, chatter incessantly when struck by cold, nibble large chunks of chocolate cake, sip greedily water, champagne, and fruit juice, gnarl in frustration and intense anger, tear apart flowing strands of silk, make crisp noises when struck, relish tasty food, frosty delights of white cream, mould wax to idols for sale, they come in bunches of glittering 16, with exterior polish of natural enamel, embedded firmly in skin cavities of hard jaw, closley stitched with spit and blood, small sized white buds at birth, having split personality of being named as, baby milk and hardened yellow, making passage for flexible tongue, facilitating speech and innocent smiles, a precious gift of the living anatomy, nominated as imperative for healthy life, a thorough churner of consumed goods, brushed thrice a day with fluoride paste, projecting it as an object of desire, is all that needs to be mentioned, about a cluster of teeth.


The wall of the edifice was composed of contemporary brick, the waters in oceans were composed of gargantuan pinches of salt, mighty precipices of the mountain were composed of diffused rock and mud, stolid poles of light on the street were composed of jugglery of iridescent bulb, the air borne butterfly in the sky was composed of a plethora of stripes, the sand strewn savagely on the road was composed of acrimonious heat, the enchanting island of moon was composed of benevolent warmth, the hunch backed camel in the desert was composed of hidden resources of water, swaying tree lumber in the breeze; was composed of bountiful lumber, ravishing dish of tortilla; was composed of piquant extracts of chili, compactly wound time piece was composed of needle and accuracy, the leather bound dictionary was composed of infinite words, filter pipes of cigarette were composed of venomous nicotine, flamboyant interiors of car were composed of luxury seat and brake, mouth palette of a dog was composed of sharp canine teeth, software of a computer was composed of integrated chips,

47 sleek showers in the bath were composed of spring water, towering church spires of the city were composed of christ, water clogged lines of the gutter were composed of obnoxious sewage, slender stihoutte of the fountain pen was composed of ink, innumerable brains of humans were composed of living cells of grey matter, the nocturnal reptile was composed of life banishing poison, whisl't my heart was composed of magnanimous love for the girl i loved;the ideal woman of my dreams.



Numbers have a profound power to enchant, it all started centuries ago, like a magic wand in a conjurer's hand, when astral constellation in the sky shone; revealing the mystical tale , which i now present with authority: number one depicts outstanding caliber, number two is sensitive and pessimistic, number three is forcefully domineering, number four is unfailingly loyal, number five is highly materialistic, number six is sincerely steadfast, number seven is unpredictably exciting, number eight is a pendulum of emotions, number nine is a born warrior, number ten is a disposition of short temper, number eleven is over ambitious, number twelve is a thorough dreamer, number thirteen is all willpower, number fourteen is a solitary personality, number fifteen is financially comfortable, number sixteen is a true wanderer, number seventeen is intelligently forceful, number eighteen is a roughshod laborer, number nineteen is arrogantly dynamic, number twenty is deeply depressed, number twenty-one is a negative thinker, number twenty-two lacks self confidence, number twenty three has a greed to dominate, number twenty-four is an idealist of love, number twenty five has a fiery temper, number twenty-six is a bit impatient, number twenty seven is a strong dictator,

49 number twenty eight crumbles to pressure, number twenty nine cant face defeat, number thirty can rise to great heights, and number thirty-one is extremely diligent. that concludes the summary of those born, between the first and thirty-first of an astral month.


Glistening golden sands of the beach, A lunch box for venomous crabs, Stormy waves dispatching sheets of salt, With metallic clangs on crab shell, Prompting elaborate spread of noxious tentacles, Temporary dislocating the gallant brown spider, Into well spun cocoons of slippery mud. The sea recedes ,a van stops on adjoining asphalt, A trio of school kids step out beamingly, Dressed in luxurious flannel beach wear, With firm fitted and triangular caps, Innocent wrists wound with water proof time, And flying saucers whirled with speed, In gleeful anticipation of splashing rockets, Of salt water on their bare backs, Shouts of laughter,articulately made sandcastles, Big chunks of sand gliding harmlessly, Past mischivious facial contours, Utter amazement at encountering fossils, Moulded marine green, with faded exteriors, Hungry sipping of coconut water, Causing vertical oscillations of adams apple, And chorused singing of nursery rhymes, Accompanied by the skipping rope flying high, And fishing boats fast approaching, Oh! Yes the toddlers were having a ball of a time. A sudden yelp rises in the air, Led by immediate collapse of tiny feet, Baby white skin, with a tinge of blue poison, As dirty brown spider stings unripened flesh, With pointed crusts of hairy legs, Inserting paltry vials of crab poison, Spreading slowly through circuitous blood, Divesting it of precious oxygen, Cautioning all on sea sand,

51 Highlighting effects of crab poison.



Made of curvaceous ornamental brass, sometimes parallel straight arms of white metal, coated with different shades of radium paint, hung to long center pivot thoroughly oiled and greased, the hour hand moves at painstaking speed, the minute hand ticks a shade faster, the second hand is the fastest of them all. all thick needles displaying time, passing moments of pragmatic life, traversing in circular clockwise journeys, in a background of finely calibrated dial, and roman numerals ascending from one to twelve, all this compactly imprisoned in water proof glass, tightened by an artillery of shock proof screw, triggered by maze of compressed springs, with gold plated chains suspended to be wound, and the chirpy cuckoo announcing its presence every hour, with melodious cadence of bird sound, nailed to plaster in our living room, winning accolades of innumerable visitors, is our unfailingly loyal cuckoo clock.


The chain of black stretched all over, the pointed surfaces, the leading of suicidal death, the tedious climb encircled by emotionless faces, all of which have a maniacal look, abraded exteriors of rock posses shining faces, spreading waves of savage delight and brutal splendor, trapping innocent prey in their vice like grip.

the air mightily pounds on its surface, removing small chunks of graphite powder, transporting loose pieces of stone down the valley, leaking inside the comfort houses of several ant and white rabbit.

hollow crevices in the rock are filled with crusty liquid, growing in stature by the advancing day, bubbling in nervous energy imparted by sheltered warmth, at last gushing out in frenzy, forming volatile springs of boiling lava, assasinating possible signs of life in several kilometers of vicinity.



The heart had ceased to beat completely, the eyes didn’t move a fraction of centimeter, juxtaposed arteries of blood had frozen midway, twin pairs of lips lay partially open to the filtering sunlight, breaths emanating from nostrils had disappeared into oblivion, there was no sweat formed on sensitive zones of body, the expurgation of fluids had been completely sealed, fresh buds of skin vehemently refrained from taking birth, tender sacs of lungs now lay lifeless, nut shells of kidney no longer toiled to produce saline water, glittering contours of teeth showed signs of decay, robust patches of flesh had transited to a ghastly white, his body lay lifeless staring altruistically at me, bereft of traces of emotion.

i had loved him more than i could love god, his scent had mesmerized dormant chambers of my inner being, alas! he no longer walked on the ripened soil of the lawns, a brutal mishap had snatched him away from the bloodcurling embrace of my arms, i had thereafter preserved his dead body in a pool of antiseptic, the hair still grew in abundance,

55 his beard had now multiplied to astronomical proportions, it was almost a month since he had exited for his heavenly abode, i still didnt feel like burying him,wanting to keep him close to my heart, for the remainder of my life.


Naked parchments of paper burnt in crackling fire, long pieces of timber wood were charred to junk, transparent window glass melted to wax, stone chips of white marble transited to sooty black, rich chunks of upholstery were stripped of Dunlop foam, statues of pure gold developed an army of irregular cracks, spiral balustrades crumbled like a pack of crisp playing cards, electronic gadgetry emitted sparks of volatile current, mystic sheets of curtain spread sash split into threadbare fragments, space chambers of cloth and perfume were devoured in the smoke, a network of crisscrossed lintel collapsed with a thud, as savage flames of fire licked minute quarters of the palatial mansion.

masses of humans ran helter-skelter, the ambience echoed with chorused pandemonium, impetuous fingers compressed extinguisher nozzles, frenzied feet traversed speedily across vantage spaces of the house , terrorized mouths babbled incoherent passages of urgent commands, twin parrots in cage screeched in hopeless despair, bright eyed children clung tightly to plump silhouette’s of their mother, missiles of grey smoke erupted from burnt effigies of solid furniture, people lay in a wreck crippled by mammoth loads of ceiling plaster,

57 shrill cries of anguish emanated from scorched parts of their body, their breaths rose rhythmically high, radiant patches of skin contorted to deathly white, valiant attempts of survival were stifled by a thunderous blast, as concrete compartments of bricks came tumbling down, burying a cluster of individuals, into a charred heap stabbed by hot ambers coats of house fire.



There was infectious pus germinating in its body, long silken ears were flooded with tic, forehead scalp had paltry hair standing, hard claw nails were badly uprooted from basal connections, a concoction of blood and water flowed from its eyes, deep gashes lined round periphery of furry collared neck, large smudges of dirt adorned its coat of golden brown, dried pouches of stomach contained decayed food, its tail which once wagged incessantly when happy, was now bruised and withdrawn far between its feeble legs.

the same creature hissed fire once, gave a volley of barks at the slightest provocation, guarded the mansion at prime cost of its life, tore apart to pieces venom snakes and unwanted prey, slept all night cozily tucked between large gentle feet of its master, devoured chunks of rabbit meat, gulped gallons of water, licked all in the family from head to toe at faint rising of dawn each day.

as time elapsed, the onset of old age made it stoop, it now lay neglected at remote corners of the barn, gasping for breath, uttering subdued groans of agony, it already knew death was fast approaching, all it desired at the moment was just its favorite bowl of water,

59 be filled with inexpensive liquid pouring in abundance, from the rusty hand pump a few feet away from its worn out body.


When i tried to masquerade in the voice of a woman, tuned decibels of my voice to effeminately soft frequency, trying to whisper like a dainty maiden boisterous in youth, the result was abashingly bad, as all i ended up doing , was like a eunuch wailing his woes on the vacant street.

when i tried to emulate the voice of humming bird, attempting to chirp with emphatic authority, mesmerizing arid patches of air with placid tunes, drowning a majority of animals in spells of my infectious sound, all i ended up doing was sputter like a parrot replicating its masters voice.

when i tried to duplicate the voice of a dog, growling fiercely with spurts of tenacity and vigour, snaring my teeth as if thoroughly infuriated, the actual monsters on the street stared at me ambiguous suspicion, smelt intricate parts of my body, discarding me as an outcast from their community.

eventually when i discovered my own tongue to speak, the effect of my sonorous voice was stupendously enchanting, it easily surpassed the effects of all voices i tried

61 to imitate, thus teaching me a lesson to speak in the dialect and sound i naturally possessed, the voice that was 100% mine.



Steaming coffee in the tall mugs was growing cold, long table cloth was developing blotches of brown mud stain, the ground floor was engulfed in heaps of disdainful dust, sparkling glass tops displayed infinite scratch marks, a basket of fresh fruit now lay squashed in neglect, utensils of stainless steel had transformed into pale bronze, rich portraits portraying war scenes hung listlessly from the wall, heaps of literary books lay buried under a mountain of sand, pitchers full of mineral water now bred a cluster of fungus, roof light bulbs had formed a fountain of cracks, ivory doors of cupboards were smudged with bird manure, wooden legs of furniture had crawling termite, the mirror on the staircase gave ghostly reflections, wild stalks of grass projected from the infertile soil.

he had bid farewell to the earth decades ago, lived life like a thorough eccentric when alive, his mansion now lay deserted, tucked within the picturesque plains of the tropical forests, the desolate palace was worth a handsome fortune, if only someone ventured through dense territories of the jungle, unveiling the monastery standing solitary in its

63 mystical charm, in a camouflage of parasitic creepers trying to suck blood from the wall of century old brick.


I burnt long sheets of plastic in orange flames of gas burner, extracted a molten mixture of sticky wax, placed it for several hours in a large pitcher containing cool water, obtained residue left overs of elastic rubber, which I compressed into straight folds, stitching the straight ends with curved rivet pins, I finally composed a utility rubber bottle , Fitted with a lid cork revolving in the clockwise direction.

High up in the snow clad terrain I dwelt, With icy sheets of winds depositing paltry amounts of frozen liquid, Crackling firewood proving insufficient in the biting cold, The bedroom window overlooking ivory white landscapes laden with snow crusts, Christmas pine trees camouflaged beneath velvety cover of condensed rain, It was a breathtaking sight to witness in the day, The night stabbed me like a thousand daggers dipped in hard ice-cream, There simply seemed no respite from chilly disposition of winter cold.

I knew something had to be done to save my skin, Provide me reassuring comfort throughout lengthy hours of the brutal night, Reinforce my pale and shrunken body machinery with luke warm currents of wind, That was exactly when minute fibers of brain chalked a

65 plan of action, I decided to fill blistering(boiling) liquid in the rubber bottle, Which I had previously prepared with loads of caution, Closed the lid tight, placed the bottle on my shivering chest, Snuggled under my favorite bearskin quilt, To relish and savour infinite hours of unending sleep.



I took irregular pieces of threadbare stone, painted them with vibrant flashes of crimson red, chiseled them to look like porous stone idol, cut them with an iron knife into multiple fragments, dipped them in steaming acid to divest them of natural shine, soaked them in chocolate curry, rendering them a breeding ground for insect, baked them in an oven transforming them into roasted potato, mixed them with spicy pickle charging them with tinges of spice, hurled them at window panes shattering glass into infinite molecules of glass, polished them with golden emery till they shone as crystal diamond, lay them at random on wet mud surface to act as a tar road, diffused them with electric machine into a heap of fine powder charcoal, blended them with sandalwood paste to yield heavenly aroma in the day, stacked them in coarse bags of denim ready to be dispatched in foreign land, used them as beads of playing marble colliding with soft thuds, melted them in boiling gas flame forming light grey tonic sticky in complexion.

the night was engulfed with chilly currents of wind, soft portions of my neck stabbed me like a thousand

67 needles, intimate portions of scalp demanded adequate backrest, that was exactly when vital brain waves struck me, i crushed all the stone piece into a solitary slab, covered it with rich dunlop cushion foam, slept like a prince all night and sunlit day, on my very own & innovative "STONE PILLOW"



When collapsible doors of the aircraft opened at high altitude, hordes of passenger were hurled out at volcanic speeds, nose-diving devoid of apparatus towards the hard skull of earth.

as sliding doors of the train were exposed to atmosphere, the century old engine clambering through ice clad domains of the mountain, chilly currents of wind froze my breath momentarily.

wrought iron doors of submarine opened underwater, the vociferous sea flooded into the compact interiors, blending the luxurious ambience of wooden floor with scores of jelly fish. when ornate doors of the currency safe brushed across light particles of air, strong beams of sunlight filtered inside, accentuating the glory of life bestowing colored paper.

translucent glass doors of the Mercedes swung open, satin upholstery of cushioned leather welcomed me inside, enchanting clouds of perfume settled on my skin, the driving wheel felt as light as a dog whisker, as the car sky rocketed a few inches above the ground, zipping past picturesque falls cascading from

69 umpteenth spots of the mountain.

and finally when i unfastened strings imprisoning tender doors of my heart, there lay a crystal clear picture of my beloved, drowning in deep waters with her hand tightly clasped in mine, this was the door i intended to seal forever, with a fountain of blood evacuted from deep within our veins.



Hordes of cattle lay lifeless on the streets, lush green crops had withered in meek submission, succulent fruits on tree branches had died a gruesome death, a trio of birds had forgotten to chirp their daily rhymes, predecessors of the ophidian had sunk deep beneath cocoons of soil, dense foliage of green was now reduced to threadbare strips of brittle brown, crystal white streams of the mountain had dried in their roots, mighty perennial rivers could now be sighted as fetid pools of shallow water, gallons of saline liquid had evaporated from the oceans, glistening surface of barren rock boiled in tumultuous fury of the sun, tantalizing mirages loomed large at steaming patches of road, the ground was strewn with sizzling pancakes resting on embers of red coal, rotund island of fuming sun smiled brutally all day, long wires of cable had started to melt in the heat, desires for thirst soared to gigantic proportions, spots of shade were a rare treat to witness in the nerve-wrecking heat, dirty brown lizards swished their tongues viciously in disdain, levels of mercury reached astronomical heights in the day, with little respite in the abhorrent sultry night,

71 the sky hadnt wept since times immemorial, there was not a droplet of free water availaible to quench my thirst, it seemed as if god had forgotten to bless the earth with rain, penalizing millions of human on earth for their catalogue of misdeeds, with savage strokes to encounter the brunt of DROUGHT.



The seed sown in thick dark mud, accompanies the soil with a slow thud. blanket covers of soil provide it that salubrious fertility, piercing through a web of dramatic appearance, which leads to the dynamic prone world, giving boisterous and hearty feelings, and leaving no trace of malice. the seed comes pops out with sporadic bursts of energy, greeted by a sudden gush of blindness, with the sun filtering straight through its eyes, leaving possible autopsies underived. obstacles engulf it from all quarters of land, to subject it to a tough examination, testing where it actually lies. its appearance at maturity puristically flamboyant, mighty storm winds strike it with rebellious force, ultimately causing it to deteriorate, fixing the humans on earth a new subsidized rate.



there was wet moisture camouflaging the earth, condensed slices of soil slept in perennial darkness, tiny bits of stone lay embedded in loose gravel, radiating worms weaved their way through tunnels of mud, reptiles slithered harmlessly past dungeons of darkness, yellow crested frogs danced in abundant ponds of water, the sun had never blazed on this part of the world, sporadic outbursts of moonshine had faded long ago into oblivion, humid pouches of air blew at sedate velocities, entwined roots of tree and grass extruded from the mud, thin wisps of pungent fertilizer cakes caressed the soil, a plehtora of red ant marched boisterously towards their den, droplets of liquid percolated painstakingly, exhausted from deep journeys of incessant travel, a slurry of black oil and grease lay trapped at several patches, dead mushroom chunks lay buried for decades in obscurity, there was no adulteration in the mass of clay for millions of kilometers, the soil was as pure as gods bathed in rich cow milk,

74 with nil traces of metal,pesticide,shards of tainted glass, and surplus amounts of crystal water imprisoned in its core, catering to infinite numbers of scorched mouths dying in blistering heat, all this and things more exotic existed, an approximate thousand feet beneath the surface of mud painted earth.



an assembly of ornate utensils clashed down with fervor on the floor, the ceiling fan got uprooted from its hinges, there was a wailing echo emanating from the earth, an avalanche of bulky rocks tumbled down the mountain slope, blissful carpets of roads in the valley lay imprisoned beneath a river of mud, gigantic trees which once breathed fire; now lay limp on the ground, a fountain of cracks spread at maniacal speeds through walls in the edifice, obstreperous sounds from the soil flooded the atmosphere, a plethora of houses crumbled ;like a pack of plastic cards, sharp shards of metal flew haphazardly in the air, rivers diverted their flow towards arid land, animals hibernated from plush interiors of jungle to urban sands, infinite denizens were sucked in ghastly crevices, with immaculate children being torched by steaming curry of hot lava, there was chaotic pandemonium on the once solitary streets, people ran helter skelter;with tender siblings in hand, the sun had forgotten to shine;the moon was juxtaposed behind clouds of oblivion, my dwelling swayed like articulate swings of the golden circus,

76 with side slopes eventually caving in due to traumatic pressure of earth, it was a gruesome catastrophe;which had decimated millions, leaving their counterparts stranded on undulating hillocks of land, the damage to life was unprecedented; with the whole nation reeling under the onslaught of mother nature, some prayed to god for forgiveness;some for holistic solace, the EARTHQUAKE had measured 6.4 on the ritchers scale, lasting for a threadbare minimum of 10 seconds, still able to assasinate minute traces of civilization;suckle the mightiest in blistering hot recesses of earth's belly.



I chose a man slender and skinny, draped his body in leather skin of witchcraft black, pierced his earlobe with beads of silver, tonsured his scalp with corrugated edge of knife, sprinkled his cheek with perfumed cologne, divested his blood of every sedative, tied him to a square wooden chair with cushioned backrest, drenched him completely with pure spring water, aligned him straight so as to face me in the eye, placing him a good 50 feet away, gazed through the tiny glass nozzle of my bronze pistol, to get a proficient crystal clear aim. i began by placing a large melon on his shaven scalp, pierced it into flying splinters in the first shot itself. i then stuck a medium sized apple with sprouting leaf, closed an eye and ruptured the fruit into infinite segments. a peeled orange on his head looked blissfully pretty, was a gruesome sight to witness as poisonous lead ripped through its body. it was now the turn of a minuscule violet grape, the handcuffed man looked in growing disbelief, he was now sure of death fast approaching, as a loud voice shook the stillness of the jungle air, the violet grape lay punctured and lifeless on the ground, shouts of new found joy emanated from his throat, he then ended our brief encounter by wildly




Dark forked lines sprawling on flesh, stretching wildly on soft areas of palm, crisscrossed with stars, circles, triangular indentations, bifurcating hand skin into several compartments, oval islands depicting inevitable tensions, chained strings highlighting spells of discomfort, forked terminations, resulting in webs of imagination, protuberant mounts, a must for prosperity, angularly curved thumb, a sign of flexibility, blazing tinge's of red, demonstrating radiant health, sacred specks of brown portraying affluence, with the trio of main lines being, that of life, heart, and intricate mind, all having an eminent bearing on vagaries of life, studded firmly on interior skin mass, arising while in Luke warm recesses of womb, with tiny fists being divested of movement, gaining in prominence with advancing age, a hot subject of contention in astral groups, indispensable to be compared , before tying threads of holy matrimony, an issue of permutated deliberation, causing religious blasphemy on asiatic land, i stare at my palm for long hours, trying to unfold my future in scattered lines,fading skin of "MAGICAL PALM".



cloud smokes of aroma rose tantalizingly in the air, dull sheaths of cabin air were drenched with fragrance, spotless patches of shirt were smeared with wet spray, transparent beds of water got coated with musk flavor, bunch of flowers in cane pots went berserk, dry parchments of paper fluttered in glee, sheets of polished wood bubbled in ecstasy, bathroom tiles sparkled, smelt of fresh scotch whisky, heavy curtain drapery greedily absorbed moisture, grey crested peacock spread majestic wings to full circles, bulky leather folders were enveloped in residue of molten wax, wire meshed window grills breathed in scented air, ceiling fan blades revolved faster with pepped exhilaration, pure stone idols showed feeble signs of new found life, straight walls of plaster leaned closer for mere caresses, persian ground carpet raised its fur in insatiable desire, electronic telephone developed shriller tunes, as i sprayed the deer musk perfume at all quarters, maniacally compressed the release button to its fullest capacity, spreading its exotic effect to every inch of free space in my room.



I watched television in fading hours of the evening, resting against a cushioned foam of pure Dunlop, pointing my large feet towards the placid moon, twin pair of hands shielding my dreary eyes, long quilt of rich satin engulfing my persona, an uncorked bottle of white champagne full to the brim lying by my side, crisp voices emanating from the t.v.set flooding my ears, i was ecstatic beyond definition of pleasure, relishing roasted chunks of fish curry, with torrential rain splashing vociferously through the partially open window pane.

the sky barked loud echoes of lightening thunder, swollen clouds collided with volatile intensity, streaks of electricity swept across the galaxy, magnified droplets of rain pelted down in vindication, as masses of pitch dark air hovered dangerously above my house, the inclement weather had taken complete toll on the proceedings.

the fury of rain was simply invincible, fresh liquid now leaked from multiple cracks in the ceiling, light switchboard sockets now oozed rain water, sparks flew high and handsome from wire panels, colossal consumption of alcohol had rendered me inalert, as i alighted from my sleeping cave of kingly comfort,

82 to activate the switch for the morning alarm, deathly chills of naked current ran through my entire body, healthy blood froze in its veins, the heart had stopped throbbing as an aftermath of shock, my feeble knees couldn't hold me any longer, i collapsed in a heap on the wet floor, realms of death strangulated me in entirety, acrid sparks of current causing instant electrocution.



A warehouse of information, a godown of electronic food grain, with coagulated chips of telecommunication, an instrument for incessant chat, engraved with multiple numerals, bold print of manufacturing firms, dangling spirals of entwined rubber, sealed to resistant cushioned plugs, with shiny screw fasteners, riveting a jugglery of charged fiber nodules, entrapping signal waves from thick steel transmission cables, interlocked with an array of codal communication, bustling with feverish jingling activity, piercing the air with melodious sounds, flexing electronically configured vocal chords, at instants of finger flesh, in close proximity with protuberant plastic. a pagan for exchanging emotions, far distance business notes, acclimatizing rural masses with marvels of electronic revolutions, spanning unprecedented breadths of the countryside, encompassing infinite habitats of survival, with threads of indispensable sophistication. an enviable transmitter of the human voice, crowned as the "ELECTRONIC EMPEROR' with a life span of more than a century, and a gentle river of dial tone, is what the telephone's all about.


As the amber ball of sun peeped from white puffs of clouds, weak and languid beams of light caressed the earth, engulfing pitch dark blackness with faint rays of dawn, prompting abrupt closures of artificial light, there rose sporadic urges in the body to walk past barriers of sleep.

as the football of blazing light grew colossal in size, acrid rays of light fell stringently on the ocean, heating suspended dust and concrete tower, illuminating the atmosphere with dazzling sunshine, there arose thunderous urges in the body to start work.

as the molten island of fire began sinking behind the mountain, faded pink currents of light overpowered the day, cool waves of air descended down the network of roads, naturally lit mulitfloor offices transited to murky grey, there arose hasty urges in the body to return back to return to the place of dwelling.

as the golden web of steam finally disappeared from boundaries of vision, overpowering darkness taking a stranglehold on light, vehicular traffic now between few and sparse on the carpet of road, gruesome blackness imprisoning every iota of land and space,

85 there arose an universal need in the body to hide beneath the blanket and sleep.



The sun emitted acerbic rays of stringent light, flooding darkened zones of the cosmos, providing dazzling brightness to all existing in realms of unconsciousness, filtering encrypted arena's scattered along innumerable pores of the body.

the celestial body of moon emitted placid beams of fluorescent color, inhabiting infinite spaces on earth with dormant ecstasy, injecting fuming patches of land with loads of dreamy sedation, piercing through the entangled labyrinth of mind with body blows of solitude.

the multicolored silhouette of rainbow emitted a blend of translucent gas, illuminating the murky persona of sky with a plethora of gaudy paint, encompassing boundless regions of the mundane galaxy, posing as an ultimate novelty to the eye when spotted in river water.

gigantic towers of the chimney emitted grey balls of obnoxious smoke, hanging for incessant periods of time in mute shells of air, polluting wild undergrowths of foliage with its abysmal caress, stabbing innocent pedestrians with draughts of abhorrent contamination.

87 Crystal balls of eyes emitted palpable rays of empathy, Melting the most obdurate of hearts existing, Captivating all with their immaculate presence, Transforming wretched individuals besieged with immortality, Into sagacious personalities uttering tales of benevolent love.



Satiny cloth fluttering in the air, hollow poles of steel embedded in concrete, conspicuous symbols stitched to perfection, depicting national pride, unparalleled privilege, the flag tapers to the sky in crisp draughts of autumn breeze.

Fiber metal sheets glowing in radium light, Crystal glass windows sliding down, Cushioned steering power packed with compressible Dunlop, Coats of silver paint sizzling in sunshine, Twin rubber seats draped in opalescent cover, The sapphire blue sedan dipped down steep curves of the valley.

Round white beads of synthetic plastic, Sewn articulately to glossy coarse cloth, Parallel cuts of arm length sleeve, Faded exteriors blended with blotches of light blue dye, Sweat proof texture hindering perspiring whiffs of odour, The cloud blue denim shirt hangs on curved hangers of the city showroom.

Square chocolates of thick bulky rock, Submerged in golden extracts of medieval liquid, Cut in oval shapes by electric cutters of steel, Glistening wildly in an ambience of dull murky light, The sackfull of gold coins lay stashed in realms of coded iron safe.


Bare stone bricks abraded with sandpaper, Sloping roofs lined with exquisite china tile, Polished mahogany doors studded with brass, Palacial marble columns holding dead live weight of roof, Mystical cuckoo bird bathing in mud bowls of water, The split level house loomed large on undulating landscapes of swiss plateau.

Frothy white liquid dripping at slow speeds, Due to deft hand massage of fertile cow teats, Filling bronze buckets with liters of cream, Gratifying millions of mouths with early morning meals, The pure cow milk churned waves of desire after spoonfuls of consumption.

Striking its fangs against an enclosure of bronze, Riveted firmly to rolled surface of plaster, Triggered by intricate mechanisms of coiled wire, Producing sugary tunes by mere caress to the spongy switch, The magnificent house bell lights up molecules of doom suspended, With melodious rhymes circulating sedately through atmosphere.

Striped furry coat stuck tightly to skin, Eyes radiating in orange roof light, Whiskers drooping down in bruised pride, Razor sharp teeth emitting a ferocious growl, Perched for centuries on rock tablets of hard ground, The wild stuffed leopard stands lifeless after years of jungle rule.

Tubular body reinforced with steel chips,

90 Having watertight windows overlooking the sea, Long tunnel passages illuminated with fluorescent bulb, Spending its entire life in vast prisons of salty water, The submarine proudly marched kissing colonies of sea weed bush.



I thought of nose diving from the 100th floor of the edifice, shivered incessantly when perched right on the top, abruptly changed my decision as i stared in deathly horror, at the fathomless distance between the ground and my silhouette.

i visualized trespassing through amber flames of the bonfire, as they licked barren arenas of the misty blue sky, i vehemently changed my outlook; as i actually felt their savage heat, refrained from venturing even miles near the conflagration.

i perceived chewing brittle shards of broken glass, disintegrating them firmly with my teeth, dreaded visions of blood gushing from chambers in mouth engulfed me, as i formally held a solitary chunk of glass in my palms, prompting me to dismiss the obnoxious idea from my mind.

i envisaged riding on the silken body of blue ocean whale, admiring the scenic beauty of the captivating Atlantic, ghastly images of its canine teeth petrified me in

92 entirety, with hollow kingdoms of its mouth relishing my bones, causing me to instantaneously relinquish the fantasy before it took firm roots.

i imagined conversing with the magnanimous princess, floating high in the clouds with her mesmerizing grace, i then looked down at the torn lace of my shoe, infinite stains in my vest, the emptiness of my purse, the visions of blossoming romance died there itself, and i admonished my mind stringently saying to myself, that "FANTASY SELDOM BECOMES REALITY".



Rotten leaves lay in dark corners, soggy mud was sprawled through acres of land, rusty barbed wire lined vast expanse of territory, dull roots of juicy cane plant projected from the mud, a strong pair of black bull bathed in rain ponds of wet mud slurry, infinite earthworms popped from beneath cocoons of ground, long snakes buried themselves in dark holes, multilegged caterpillar crawled through open skin of wild flower, a family of untamed rabbit trespassed for nibbling fruit, the apple trees swayed with gusty currents of humid wind, as ripened fruits incorporated with natural sweet juice, fell in paltry amounts from the angular wood branch.

the golden sun rose behind the V shaped hill, cast its first burning rays on the fertile land, gradually awakening the husky farmer, tossing in blissful fantasies of sleep, to start his routine ploughing activity for the succeeding day.

the mesmerizing sunlight took its toll on him, he looked drowned in jubilation amidst the tall cultivation of sugarcane, red ants greedily sucking his seasoned blood, as he strained his eyes to devour the breathtaking scene, of sunshine, scarlet apple, juicy sugarcane, chocolate

94 brown mud, and gushing waters through gigantic cloth pipes, it took him a lengthy amount of time to drift into reality, and when he did, he saw precious hectares of his own land, floating with wealthy crop, tonnes of haphazardly strewn crimson apple, he now took a slender pair of shears alongwith bare blades of country knife, sliced ripened sugarcane crop, blended the ravishing juice oozing, into his large mouth chambers, thoroughly parched in the dazzling sun.



The twin horned cow prays to god, for fear of not producing frosty rich cream milk. the scorched patch of infertile land prays to god, for fear of not yielding consumable grains of food. the large butcher knife prays to god, for fear of not being able to slain obdurate chunks of meat, a cluster of spruced vegetable. the devilish chain of mountain prays to god, for fear of collapsing, when struck my cyclonic wind and rain. the enchanting elevation of the edifice prays to god, for fear of being charred by flaming fires, transiting into realms of dilapidation. the light brown crab on the slippery beach prays to god, for fear of being trampled to death by bulky soles of inarticulate feet. airborne birds in the sky pray to god, for fear of snapping their wings, nose-diving thereby towards the uncouth surface of earth. the juicy fruit of apple prays to god, for fear of being pecked by venomous reptile injecting paltry vials of poison. innocent orphan children pray to god, for fear of being stashed like truckloads of garbage. immaculately white satin cloth prays to god, for fear of developing disdainful blotches and stain.

96 the lush green blades of grass pray to god, for fear of being devoured by the roaming stray cattle. the ornately exquisite mercedes prays to god, for fear of being brutally bashed by tankers holding grease. the emerald green waters of ocean pray to god, for fear of being contaminated by gun powder and residue of missiles. appetizing slabs of pure chocolate pray to god, for fear of harbouring an army of red ant and insects. suspended wires of cable pray to god, for fear of electrocuting all those in proximity after fresh spells of monsoon. the croaking frog in the lake prays to god, for fear of being swallowed by killer lizards on the prowl. humans existing on this earth pray to god, for fear of losing their lives,starving like the desert camel bereft of fodder. i pray to god, for fear of being seperated from the person i loved, the ones i really cared for.



Man had the ability to walk on articulately carved feet, man had an uncanny knack of tackling problems. man had large palms which could be curled into a fist, man had sharp beads of visual apparatus distinguishing between good and evil. man had lips which turned scarlet when he chewed green leaves of betel, man had eardrums detecting the minutest of sound. man had the capacity to perspire in the flaming sun, man had twin pair of nostrils which excreted snores at night. man had a mass of shiny hair projecting from shaven scalp, man had finger nails blended with several coats of white calcium. man had bulging arm muscle raising cotton fabric of his shirt, man had a bunch of well chiseled teeth biting through the hardest of sugarcane stick. man had built palaces with silver granite and volumes of red brick, man had bathed for centuries in water extracted from earths crust. man had the prowess of memorizing long stanzas of numeric verse, man had a body which had evolved from the primitive ape. man had a voice that could be synthesized into melodious notes of music,

98 man had acquired occult powers by incessant worship of the divine creator. man had the infinite power of bringing stars to the earth, man had ruled over all living and created for centuries since he was born.



I struck my tender fist vociferously against the hard wall, round globules of indignant anger welled up in my eyes, mighty pounds of fresh air died a gruesome death in my lungs, tapered outlines of my toe fingers took a vice like grip of the floor, crimson blood traveled multiple times faster through my veins, snow white pearls of my eyes acquired streaks of corrugated scarlet, dozens of my teeth clenched themselves to form a formidable fortress, infinite hair on my body stood up in hostile acrimony, the tiny blob of Adams apple oscillated violently like a parasitic leech, amber fumes emanated in quick successions from my nostril, a volley of profound abuse escaped through the luscious envelope of my lips, gallons of adrenalin flowed intermittently via my kidneys, feeble muscles of my persona transited to taut balls of anguished fervor, i gnawed my nails raw of rich calcium, chewed my thumb for times immemorial, staring unflinchingly at my adversary who had humiliated me a few hours ago, had also evaporated traces of exorbitant felicity that i was besieged with.


i couldn't bear it any longer, my entire silhouette radiated with waves of demonic anger, prompting me to punch stringently with my rock hard palms, into the supple core of his solar plexus, evacuating tonnes of air trapped in his flatulent belly, annihilating forever the ostentation he displayed in ridiculing the "THE YOUTH OF MY AGE".



Woolen threads of cozy winter wear, forming bundles of warm noodles, interstitched to furry proportions, tasteless and tailored to high degrees of bitter cold, sheared with large cleavers, from skins of fat mountain sheep, wandering in abundance on hilly terrains, in search of leafy shrub and small prey, shielding freezing winds in their natural dress, with woolen sprouts in clusters since birth, long drooling ears, effusive bleats of denial, gnarled teeth, stamping of feet on white ice, diffusing chinaware of snow into fragments, but alas! at last they succumb to brutal force, of breathing hearts ,and reasoning brains, the most supreme form of godly creation, with trillions of activated brain cells, decades of smartest existence, as man, utilizing animal comfort for human greed, stripping them of their only defense, to manufacture, snow white cardigans, long spun robes with internal heat, royal caps with woolen skin, well spun socks with breathing pores, flexible hand gloves deactivating chill, embroidered scarves with sheets of wool, and a host of winter wear, to numb cold, nip it in its frozen buds, with rich stripped wool of innocent sheep



I toss around with lazy energy, beads of water run down my mane, my head burns like a piece of coal, to conquer life is my ultimate goal, my feet yield to unsustainable pressure, trampling cold sheets of marble chips, aggrandizing my tryst with misfortune, my close rapport with ill luck. {1}

i gnaw my nails with great tenacity, firmly tethered to their cuticles, stuck to red raw flesh, producing semicircular indentations, on the nail and mind alike. my pink tongue dances to, a pentagon of blatant reality, an unsubscribed figment of thought, severing rainbows of desire, achromatic saliva dribbling from my mouth, "a simple case of flagrant imagination"



Black clouds vomited torrential rain, streaks of lightning blazed through the sky, bright light transited to doomsday murky, flaming sun ball jailed within puffs of grey, heat gods fast asleep in guest houses of monsoon, as oblong droplets of water tumbled down. drenching parched fragments of boiling soil, washing tonnes of dust on tree leaves, sweeping stubborn layers of noxious debris, providing free baths to perspiring humans, sprinkling coolant liquid on scorched birds, dissipating chemicals from river bed, depleting fresh whitewash paint off gaudy color, prompting rivulets of water, to gush from drainpipe, flooding coastal ocean, swelling domestic river stream, with sheets of salty water encapsulating low land, dismantling weak foundations of cheap bamboo, tearing apart tin roofs from thatched hay, uprooting tree roots from deep recesses of ground, the rain continued with unrelenting fury, sparing none in proximity with earth, submerging visible land with pools of cloud water, revealing passionate creation of water, after arduous spells of steaming summer.


I scribbled innumerable lines of literature with it, it was still ready to execute a umpteenth phrases more, being as strong as an ox when it came to decoding thoughts into verse, even when tested at bizarre limits of endurance.

i sketched glowing peaks of mountain basking in the golden sun, weaving articulate outlines of the encroaching shadows, it yielded to the faintest of my caress; unleashing dark forms with fountain ink, a true stalwart engulfing me in the times of difficulty.

i even used it for scraping minute blotches of dirt from my ear, delicately tickling the inner soft skin with insipid strokes, it obliged pathetically to whatever i did, didn’t shed a tear from its eye; nor developed a retaliatory hole in its heart.

i filled it with surplus amounts of colored ink, sprinkling the same with lots of glee on the faces of my counterpart mates, transforming them into jocular clowns, with an awe-inspiring caricature of white skin with opalescent paint.


i kept it well stuffed within the interiors of my waistcoat pocket, lived with it for all night and sunlit day, it had fulfilled my insatiable desire to explore the world, assisted me create the animate;and already burried, i hardly skipped exiting my place of dwelling, without the reassuring comfort of my chrome tipped FOUNTAIN PEN.



A trembling little heart, unable to express itself, capsized by the will power of others, waiting to be free from this earthly form, feeble to posses it, escaping far away from the graveyard of miseries, in the midst of tremendous fight for existence, breaks free at last from the vice like confinement of self introversions, like the core of the hot earth, with molten lava gushing out at last, after years of struggle and unrelenting strife, which soon after eruption gets cooled by mother earth, who cant let her surface be full of tears, for if she starts weeping, who will look after her millions of sons, dying every minute of thirst, hunger,and inexplicable pain, struck with horrendous grief, with a bleak future ahead,and no bright lights shinining yo guide them ahead, leaving them in alone in a world of blood thirst and corruption, to the never ending tale of gruesome death, finding the true beating of the heart, at least momentarily, in a river of gods love to surround, never saying yes to love, peace,affection and faith, trailing away from the mysteries of life, closing sinful chapters of existence forever.



Plastic tube of high quality rubber, crisscrossed like a reptile across vast expanse of lush green lawn, fitted tightly to tiny apertures of gushing liquid, sprinkling even sprays of water on irregular protrusions of land, washing tonnes of dirt from broad leaf skin, submerging patches of fallow land in wet pools of nutrition, milking young seedlings with motherly caress, filling empty mud bowls for the sparrows to bathe, quenching thirst of scorched travelers passing by, rendering baked tree branch unsuitable for firewood, splashing it fiercely with straight missiles of water, producing fountains of water when compressed subtly by hand, a portable instrument for conveying gallons of water, lambasting the soil with rockets of frothy spray, flooding vacant crevices of land with buckets of minerals, whitewashing walls of the stone brick house of years of accumulated dust, enabling flower buds to blossom after few days of application, smooth bodied exterior comprising a kilometer of length, with several offshooting nozzles vomiting droplets of water, having the potential of being used as a sturdy rope, lying limp amidst the camouflage of entangled grass,

108 is my decade old and tubular "GREEN GARDEN HOSEPIPE"



Snakes slithered harmlessly in lush green terrains of lawns, swishing their tongues viciously in the autumn breeze, i stealthily encroached them with nimble feet, hoisted them in the air, adroitly snapping their venom fangs, wound them round my neck to relish the tender warmth of reptile garland.

the body of chameleon changed color with surrounding foliage, its serrations stood erect when tickled by red brick, as it glared devilishly at innocuous bunch of radiating insects. i punctured its silhouette with needle arrow, captured more of its species with meticulous proficiency, adorned my slender neck with a garlands of dead chameleon.

i evacuated rich oysters from the carribean sea, pilfered the shells to obtain a plethora of sparkling pearls, weaved them with ultra thin floss of honey golden, sprinkling the beads with pungent amounts of rose perfume, i enveloped my persona with garlands of exquisite glistening pearl stones.

and finally when i engulfed my body in a festoon of

110 her satiny hair, a celestial fragrance emanating from the natural sheath of black, my heart underwent uncontrollable convulsions, finally yielding my entity in complete submission to this inexplicable garland of love.


Brown smoke rose from the tall chimney, sinister eagles glided creating powerful draughts of wind, grey lizards swished their tail as they clawed upwards, dried moisture from the river bank descended on the tapered structure, engulfing parched skin of concrete with paltry amounts of natural coolant.

high up in the tower dwelt a grizzly haired man, solitude camouflaged him in totality, shriveled bones of his body shone prominently, silky white beard flowed majestically from his facial contours, adorned he was in godly robes of saffron gold, each of his finger was studded with a mystical charm, there lay a crystal globe abreast of him, which he presumed dissipated entangled enigmas of life.

an affluent man met him with loads of hope, bereft he was of precious centers of life bestowing vision, he had groped about in darkness ever since he was born. the eccentric saint stared at him for long hours, commanded him to kiss the crystal trophy, containing perfumed mountain shrub and water, sprinkled all parts of his persona with pinches of turmeric powder, smeared his eyes with a paste of rabbit whisker and boiled mushroom,

112 chanted spell bounding rhymes with proficient ease, swayed like a maniac expending all energy possesed by his wrinkled feet, the transformation that occured was breathtaking, transparent globules of water welled up in the mans eyes, blurred outlines of the room became slowly visible, decades of agony in dark seemed to be fading fast, he could now see the razor sharp outlines of ducks in the river, as fresh rays of morning sunlight caressed him with their full might.



They poured buckets of icy water over him, drenched his body with steaming hot soup curry, added pinches of sea salt on his lips, tickled his eardrum with feckless strokes of bird feather, left an army of red ant on his body to wander, tonsured his scalp of thick curls of hair, pushed and probed his flesh with red hot pokers of wood, ignited a plethora of wax candle on his chest, fed hollow regions of his eardrum with a cluster of stinging jungle mosquito, lambasted him brutal strokes of the snake leather whip, shouted at deafening voices, beating hands in despair on his flabby chest, as the unscrupulous giant slept in tranquil peace, unperturbed by the thunderous commotion stabbing umpteenth parts of his body.

He had been cast a spell by the goddess of sleep, To lie dormant for centuries till he existed, Unfazed by all power on earth, There was not a soul who could wake him up from sleep.

That’s when they executed the following on sudden impulse, they laid a drum of cooked sweets beside him, Appetizing fruit juice filled in transparent jars, Cooked morsels of fish and rice at his feet, Round pancakes with frosty butter sandwiched in his hands, they poured a river of pure honey on his belly,

114 Placed an ornate plate of sizzling turkey caressing his demon lips.

The metamorphosis that occurred placed us in enigma, Torrential snores of the giant were now being disrupted, The heavenly aroma of food had thoroughly tickled Cupid zones of his heart, The smell of boiled toffee exploited his penchant for sweets, He flinched a couple of times before regaining wholesome consciousness, And when he stood upright, it was an astounding sight for one to witness, He stood 100 feet tall, with a long hair cascading down his nape, The GENTLE GIANT now ate the food with gusto, Devouring occasionally mouthfuls of juice, Quenching his thirst for the agonizing period of sleep.


Round colored balls of crystal glass, oval shaped mugs of bone china, engraved impressions of fish on thermos flask, tiny cutglass bowls for consuming vodka, heat resistant specimens of pressure cooker, heavy safety valves curbing escape of steam, circular rubber rings sewn with fire proof material, frozen refrigerators cooling a factory of food, hi-tech microwave boilers nursing unburnt meals, hollow iron drums storing yearly food grain, vibrating grinders for softening curd, tetra burner cooking range warming milk, large butcher knives for slicing jackfruit, sleek bottle openers for releasing tin caps, penta cavitied toasters for roasting bread, large alloyed vessels for baking egg, tri cylinder apparatus for filtering ground water, slimy water bowls for wiping utensils, corrugated iron sticks for grilled barbecue, well spun coarse cloth for rubbing hands and stain, shady compartments of exhaust vents, obliterating traces of harsh light, tin metal dishwasher scraping stubborn dirt, cane baskets holding a bunch of spoon and fork, small cuplets filled with chilli ,pepper ,salt, corriander seed..... etc, multifold light bulbs fastened to ceiling, with dedicated housewives preparing mouth watering dishes, and a pitcher of beer on the granite slab, is a glimpse of the 20th century modern kitchen.



I pedal my bicycle furiously, at unearthly hour of midnight, ripping past juicy breeze of the summer month, with increasing pressure on coiled springs, compressed in plastic interiors of cycle seat. {1}

frenzied movement of muscular leg, thorough dismantle of combed hair, watery mucus flowing through square nose, body sac filled with pouches of exhilaration, deactivating tense network of frayed nerve cell, releasing trapped energies of my mind, sweat drops of hate oozing out, venom webs of complication snapping apart, stale air gushing from wide open mouth, cleansing dirt from contaminated platelets of blood, i gradually arrive by the silent river side, park my sleek bike on angular stand, securing it with locked chain metal, descend down the steps of the river, splash my feet depleted of footwear, with body blows of wind across my chest, in the luke warm waters of the holy ganges.



When the crimson crested parrot opened its mouth, gruff sounds; astoundingly similar to humans emanated from its beak. when the elephant opened its mouth; hoisting its trunk to speak, a roaring echo diffused with volatile bursts of emotion.

when the striped black leopard opened its ferocious mouth, there came out sounds resembling thunder clashing in the sky, silencing all animated commotion prevalent in the township of jungle.

when the slime painted frog opened its cupid mouth, disenchanting notes of harsh music flooded the atmosphere. when the boisterous honey bee opened her tiny mouth, sounds of infuriating buzzing dismantled the harmony of air. when handsomely coiled reptiles on the ground opened their venom mouths, poignant noises of hissing pierced the alacrity of stringent breeze.


when the cow in green pastures opened her amicable mouth, timid sounds of indolent mooing blended perfectly with the succulent grass.

when the furry sheepskin dog opened its cannine tipped mouth, gruesome growls expurgated;initiating infinite hair on body to stand.

when a bunch of humans opened their articulately shaped mouths, there came galloping fast;tales of intellect and imagination. and when the omnipresent personality of godhead opened his mouth, one could see the entire universe revolving inside, undulating terrains ,turbulent sea's, flaming persona of the sun, silver silhouette of the moon, dense tropical forests; sparkling waterfalls of crystal water, the creator sparingly uttered few words of wisdom, embodied with the supreme aura of righteousness, which was still the magical verse centuries after he created man "TO LIVE AND LET LIVE".



The crimson grey clouds have an obsessive habit to cry, inundate barren regions of earth with surplus amount of fresh water. the washerman has a stringent habit of washing blotted cloth, scraping tonnes of dirt with adroit strokes of wooden batten. the city traffic police have an impulsive habit of waving their sticks, cant help but do so, even when in realms of deep sleep. the soil has a bountiful habit of giving birth to blades of wild grass, when fed with paltry amounts of achromatic water. the sheep on mountains have a routine habit of walking in clusters, weave their way through interspersed regions of the jungle leaning on one another. the birds in the sky have extravagant habits of chirping incessantly, convey the innermost of their feeling via this medium of coherent music. the saline waters of sea are prone to habits of crashing against chains of rock, falling with a loud thud on the shore when imparted turbulence by the moon. the milkman has an infuriating habit of delivering milk in wee hours of the

120 morning, waking people up from domains of celestial sleep. the dog has a noninvasive habit of barking vociferously at strangers, wagging its tail when jubiliant,in criss-cross fashions dismantling the harmony of air. the venomous snake has lethal habits of consuming baby milk, injects its poison while relishing the same with slender tongue. politicians worldwide have chivalrous habits of making promises, fail to deliver the same when floating high in webs of corruption. striped lizards have denfensive habits of squirting blood when attacked, change their color with nonchalant ease to strangulate unsuspecting prey. i had an unrelenting habit of running till i found paradise on earth, bathe under the crystal springs of mesmerizing nature, live in transcendental oblivion sheltered from pragmatic realities of life.



Thick mirrors of transparent glass, slates of graphite stuck to wall, big bottles of shaving foam, flammable containers of liquid spray, a tetra assembly of royal chairs, with protruding headrests of cushioned rexin, fluorescent light rods producing blue light, arrays of scissors made of stainless steel, razor switch blades in plastic shells, brown hairbrush with artificial teeth, polygonal cans of medicated shampoo, soft white towels dipped in hot steam, aromatic hair oil in copper tins, giant clock hung to wall nail, electronic hair drier suspended from a jugglery of wires, wooden boxes of talcum powder, tantalizing odour of body cologne, huge paint brush coated with black dye, rectangular green tablets of antiseptic soap, flocks of silky hair lying dead on the floor, offering a wide range of services like, haircut,massage,facial,bleach, special shave and shampoo bath, with an iron safe for stacking currency notes, and a large tumbler of cool water, shaping hairy demons to presentable gods, as i stretch my legs, in the crowded ambience of the hair cutting saloon.



When i molded long strands of my hair into slender curls, fastening them with strings of sticky elastic rubber, with infinite fibers of black cascading down like a fountain, my manly exteriors transited to those of a daintily adorned teenage girl.

when i submerged the wild mass of my hair in an exact liter of coriander oil, they slept in tranquil contentment on glistening regions of my scalp, refraining to budge an inch in stormy sheets of inclement weather, dying a disdainful death without savoring the true taste of life.

when i sheared bulky loads of my hair with a pair of pocket jacknife, rustic pathces of my scalp potrayed an alien look, the humming bees sung merrily on the barren islands, my head now resembled polished briquette's of coal;sprawled with white powder.

when i camouflaged my scalp with beads of pure silver,

123 adhering sedately to rudimentary bits of yellow gold, it appeared as if possesed a dungeon of riches, with parasitic individuals of the society pilfering through my house of bare brick.

when i tonsured my skull completely of hair, gently plucking the last bits of floss with my knotted fingers, my scalp got scorched in acerbic rays of the sun, sparkling a pure ivory white in resplendent beams of the moon, i was a grotesque sight to stare;as people offended me with pools of ludicrous laughter.

when i parted my hair in exact equal halves, sprinkling the central rift with pinches of crimson vermilon powder, riveting braids of scented flower with scrupulous proficiency, i looked strikingly similar to the traditionally living indian women.

and when i finally combed my hair with casual strokes of the serrated brush, splashing jagged stubs of my beard with revitalising cologne, kneading my hair vigorously with piquant extracts of blue whale fish, i could be sighted unanimously by one and all;as a truly authentic volatile man.



Bald patches of earth bore olive green hair of silken grass, which swayed frivolously with swift currents of winter breeze. snow white rabbits had a furry shock of hard hair, galloped at electric pace through winding lanes of the valley. lethal alligators were adorned with a bush of needle like hair, glided with languid energy through deep waters of the jungle river. the maple trees possessed wild hair projecting from their roots, gave birth to a cluster of sweet fruit tumbling down with sporadic outbursts of wind. pure bed sheets of silk had a plethora of feeble hair, ready to get brutally crushed at instantaneous contacts of bulky flesh. the disheveled body of chameleon had sprouts of razor edged hair, tickled masses of insects,bare walls of brick as it clambered up with difficulty. long handle of broomstick had infinite hair of cheap cane, scraped trapped molecules of dust and loiter from remote corners of kitchen walls. the sparkling surface of ocean had ravishing hair of salt, struck colossal portions of jagged rock with unparalled intensity of a wild

125 tiger. a bundle of crisp currency note had concealed hair of ecstasy, had the tumultuous power to purchase all animate objects on mother earth. all humans born had fragile bunches of hair emanating from their scalp, the same grew into islands inhabited by deceit and lechery, as advancing years crept,vanquishing immaculate hair of childhood, into traces of everlasting oblivion.



Hands can spin webs of magic, some hands can sketch artistically, some write in majestic fashion, some can covert molten wax into jeweled statue, some can rotate pointed spindles, some can juggle multiple balls at a time, some can compose exquisite poetry, some chop living tree with axe, some can swim through tidal currents, some can repair dilapidated machinery, some can create electronic toys, some plough brown fields of undulating mud, some distribute amenities of life, some drive speedy race automobile, some prepare delicious fodder for survival, some can excavate oil from tunnels of earth, some can stitch firmly loose fragments of cloth, some can dance to beats of high pitched music, some perform intricate surgery of heart, some can play enthusing cricket, some play masterly games of chess, so far, so good, but there are hands coated with blood, stubby fingers ,unshaven hair, merciless disposition,brutal force, waiting to dismantle all the good, tearing apart to complete shambles, blissful personalities from earth like mine. these constitute what we call, hands of MOTHER DESTINY.



Parrot green buds of nimble grass existed in harmony with the soil, sprawled with rampant ease engulfing acres of barren land, when the rain plummeted down from the sky in plenty.

a plethora of birds sailing at high altitudes lived in harmony with the wind, gliding like small angels with adroit strokes of their wings, traversing thousands of kilometers with the sky, wind, and light as their savior.

the slimy bodies of fish survived in complete harmony with the sea, swimming with their silken grace through tidal currents of choppy spray, procreating their offspring’s in salt tunnels of ocean water, having the tumultuous capacity of toppling cruise liners, when inhabiting the colossal form of smoke grey whales.

the rustic stature of a country dog lived in harmony with its tail, wagging it with uninhibited passion while spotting a friend, curling it tightly between its legs when attacked by a

128 hostile bunch of humans.

a cluster of animated squirrel existed in perfect harmony with the tree, traversing through hollow cavities, aided by staccato movements of their body, munching and relishing sprouts of bountiful green foliage. freshly extracted pails of cream lived in co-ordinated harmony with the cow, oozing with melodious rhythm from her ripened teats, satisfying insatiable desires of consuming unadulterated milk. millions of humans on earth survived in harmony with sunlight, thoroughly dependant on the first rays of dawn to start work, and pitch dark beams of night to fall in a sedative trance, a blissfully refreshing, celestial sleep.



When sensitive tunnels in my eardrum stopped functioning, amicable voices of chirping birds failed to cast an impression, stringent sounds emanating from vocal chords of my mother, struck me as inaudibly sedative whispers of the girl i immensely loved.

as rosy pink fangs of my tongue shut down without prior notice, there were insatiable urges to demonstrate my emotions, my face contorted with hapless paralysis, with my whole being plunging into opalescent fountains bereft of water.

when indispensable centers of my vision rebuked to function, hazy blobs of grayish scarlet inundated my eyeball, intricate outlines of the moon resembled disheveled chunks of ice-cream, the catastrophe had marooned me on a paradise of dreams, divested of the philanthropic power to see.

as my stolid pair of my feet brusquely froze in their advancing tread, minuscule distances of the city; loomed menacingly as marathon race tracks, the simplistic idea of walking seemed bizarrely austere,

130 infinite compartments of my body tugged me towards untimely slumber .

when clusters of my knotted fingers shunned to work, mystical enigmas in my brain unleashed themselves at frantic pace, flowery lines of contemporary literature seemed to erupt from my mouth, with my manual apparatus unable to tranform fantasy into written reality.

and eventually when boisterous threads of my heart relinquished vibrations, gallons of crimson blood flowing transited to deathly blue, rubicund complexion of my skin developed patches of febrile yellow, my moistened breath evaporated in its rudimentary roots, and i bid a tearful adieu to mother earth;which i had inhabited as a man for 50 long years.



I coated roasted bread periphery with surplus extracts of cow butter, stuffed hollow spaces between twin slices with squashed tomato curry, baked round crystalline egg to fluffy proportion, crushed a pair of sour lemon to form appetizing juice, flooded polished interiors of glass with blood red wine, sliced infinite biscuits of farm fresh radish, blended chunks of mustard seed in huge jars of ground well water, dropped sizzling pieces of goat meat in gigantic foils of silver, ripped open olive green coconut shell with slender butcher knife, peeled wild skin of fleshy orange after feeble resistance from the fruit, decorated the slimy surface of exquisite marble, with bulky slabs of chilly ice-cream, sprinkled pinches of pure salt on visible patches of spiceless food, laid a cluster of hybrid grapes in minuscule baskets of cane, filled miniature soup bowls with clear paste of noodle and garlic powder, chopped with deft strokes of skill entangled bundles of cauliflower root, burnt sugar to chocolate brown in low rising flames of electronic stove, rubbed green chilli sticks with volatile force on my

132 lifeless lips, opened sliding glass panels of the green house roof, to let in revitalising draughts of the mountain air, reclined and sank in the plush upholstery of king sized chair, to relish the concoctions and recipe which were simply for morning consumption, listening to enlightening tunes diffusing softly, from plastic pellets of my portable walkman.


Dragonflies entered entangled mass of my intestine, black scorpions clambered up conical face, venom spiders spun silky webs in my mouth, red termites stung naked patches of my flesh, colossal pythons embraced me in a strangle hold grip, wild creepers curled themselves choking concealed arteries of my throat, sharp blades of sword caressed limp hair on my chest, concentrated curry of salt was poured on body, spiked leather whips lambasted(thrashed) salt soaked regions of my back, flaming embers of coal were placed in my eye, a cluster of alligator were left berserk to roam beside me, a ball of pointed thorn was placed before me to eat, buckets of fuming acid were emptied over my feet, a plethora of sewage cockroach was thrown on scalp hair, i had just arrived a few hours ago, the surface of land was scattered with dead bone and skull, there was gruesome darkness everywhere, without a trace of dawn and light, it was raining incessantly, with the rain drops being of pure blood.

weeks elapsed as the torture continued unrelentingly, a sudden spurt of blindness gushed past my eyes, strong beams of light emanated from his persona, a golden aura encompassed his facial contours, he proclaimed himself to be the god of HELL, enumerated the list of my brutal misdeeds on earth, charging me with heinous crimes, murder, and assault on

134 the innocent, dictating orders to subservient followers of tormenting me, left as abruptly as he had appeared, leaving me to bear the brunt of what we perceive in common parlance, as HELL AND BEYOND.



There were cubes of white ice strewn on the floor, melting into paltry amounts of water when licked by sunlight, transiting into a solidified mass when kissed by the placid moon, i entered the room with a hand bleeding profusely, inserted my palm beneath a slab of frozen liquid, thereby ceasing the flow of trickling blood, eliminating stabs of bursting pain with inexpensive plaster of ice.

i was engulfed in a coat of mud slurry, tonnes of broken debris lined collar and scalp, ugly sores and bruises projected from several parts of body, that’s when i decided to step in the steaming shower, scrubbed myself with huge tablets of antiseptic, cleansed traces of moisture with blow dryer guns, despite my valiant efforts, the blood i noticed was still oozing. i then applied stingy amounts of my mothers ashes, which i had diligently preserved years after she died, a magical transformation took place, the scenario to witness was priceless and spellbinding, the stream of flowing blood froze in its roots, hard crusts of brown now replaced the torn pulp, tears of gratitude rolled down my cheek, she still cared for me, couldnt see me in agonizing sorrow, she was still there with me in my time of distress, sleeping with a celestial bliss in those grey ashes,

136 which i had stashed safely within lock proof interiors of my cherished safe.


I covered my body with pure silk garment, sprinkled wild shrub extract on countless pores of skin, shaved my face of the minutest of hair with Flintstone, oiled scalp root hair till they shone like gold, massaged my arms with sandalwood paste, bathed in perfumed water cascading from the mountain, rubbed teeth enamel with neem tree bark, adorned eyelashes with wax mascara, crushed lotus petals with my feet, polished my nails with rose nail paint, evacuated moistened sweat with cologne tissue, slept on king sized bed filled with iced water, walked through dungeons dripping with grape vine rain, cut slices of peach with diamond studded knife, rolled wildly in heaps of talcum powder, transforming my wheatish flesh to snow white. licked my lips with slimy tongue, accentuating their blood red colour, i then stared in the mirror, awaiting kingly handsome flashes of reflection, the thick glass reflector vomited artificial beauty, echoed that true splendor lies in unbiased love, residing deep in dormitories of throbbing heart"



The steaming island of sun played hide and seek amidst the smoke grey clouds, peeping sporadically with stringent tenacity, filtering with flamboyant exuberance pallid spots of the galaxy, fumigating dirt and stench with antiseptic rays of dazzling light.

tranquil contours of the moon played hide and seek between brown sandwiches of mountain, illuminating the gruesome blackness of arid night, stuck like perpetual glue to azure carpets of the sky, imparting placid waves of passionate moisture to scorched patches of earth.

a cluster of woodpecker played hide and seek in an ambience of foliated trees, chirping affable rhymes in melodramatic unison, gliding no invasively past an assemblage of tall hawthorn bush, taking frequent dips ,submerging their weary in the crystal stream of silken white jungle water bodies,

truckloads of golden sawdust played hide and seek in an environment of mighty edifices, blowing in feverish exhilaration with torrential

139 draughts of wind, incessantly covering exposed portions of stainless glass pane, intruding upon the intricate coat of snow white eye, enveloping polished arenas of space with blotches of disdainful mud. articulate webs of conscience play hide and seek with the good and bad, yielding predominantly to insatiable desires of evil, succumbing with languid ease to lucrative options of crime, seldom adhering to persevering routes of immaculate truth, falling prey to hollow caves of affluence and superficial glamour.



The gigantic silhouette of neem tree rested on hinges of tender roots, embedded firmly at colossal depths from surface of ground, anchoring the mighty structure for centuries till it swayed in the breeze.

polished teak doors studded with brass leaned on hinges of pure metal, thoroughly oiled, lubricated with whale fat grease, maneuvering with dexterous ease at instants of proximity with curled finger.

pearly white waters of the gurgling waterfall rested on hinges of the bare mountain, plummeted down the barren slopes at breathtaking speeds, diffusing into Herculean amounts of frothy spray, while colliding with the obdurate trajectory of black rocks. cat combed hives of the humming bee spun their homes on hinges of foliage, bustled with feverish activity through speeding hours of the clock, stuffing multiple pores of their tree top den, with loads of freshly manufactured sickening sweet honey.

a plethora of birds flew with spurts of newly found

141 energy, resting lucratively on broad hinges of their wings, relished the supreme freedom of sighting the world from infinite paces above the ground.

i envisaged of sleeping on blissful hinges of love, hinges luminating large with vibrant possession, which could be provided only by unprejudiced feeling, the person i possessed in mind, body, and spirit, held captive deep within sensitive chambers of my heart, the person i cared for above all denominations of the hollow society.



I listened with rapt attention to the sonorous voice, my feet were locked in recesses of tight boot, body besieged with several coats of salty sweat juice, hands trapped in dark realms of trouser pocket, loose chalk powder smeared on curls of scalp hair, large palms soaked in a blend of fountain ink and perspiration, with a carton of paper sprawled before me, bulky textbook volumes to be read for the day, i was getting restless by the passing clock second, as streaks of grey camouflaged the sky, droplets of fresh monsoon pelted down in savage fury, large masses of mundane crowd shouted in animated glee, while me and my counterpart mates absorbed the stringent voice of our history teacher.

the situation had risen beyond limits of tolerance, our hearts throbbed in mounting excitement, scorched bodies of ours bathed in pools of exhaustion, each syllable he uttered struck us with magnified intensity, restless feet trampled the sun baked floor, while our teeth clusters gnawed every possible inch of object in proximity, as we formulated mischivious plans of getting respite, from crowded interiors of the obnoxious classroom.

we collected small pinches of red chilli extract, ground it into small fragments of powder mix, hurled it in chorused unison towards the man who taught us in dedication,

143 galloped out to smell waves diffusing from freshly soaked mud, as the history teacher held his face in contorted dismay, admiring the extravagant courage of aspiring youth existing in the brand new millenium.


The straw brimmed hat bobbed on the surface of the sea, sleek motorboats churned through white froth of water, pearly white shark glided harmlessly beneath a plethora of marine shrub, the sun blazed violently from behind dirty grey cloud covers, strong pouches of wind caused the waves to rise sky high, thereby toppling the hat into deep territories of the emerald green ocean.

high powered torch beams cut tranquil stillness of the night, the huge mast danced tantalizingly in the breeze, large walls of timber were coated with wax paint, conical rooms were fitted with paraffin lamp, there were a battalion of mice on the kitchen floor, pungent aroma of maize whisky floated in the air, a pandemonium of voices rose in chorused unison, crackling fires burnt on the broad steel deck, menacing octopus roasted on barbecue grills, blasting tunes diffused from the programmed loudspeaker, gentle silver light of the moon engulfed their bodies, big drops of the salt and mineral struck them in frenzy, the gypsies were having the time of their lives, with several hours left before the next brilliant dawn, and a host of sea food bubbling in red hot steam of the oven,

145 as the two storeyed house boat gathered spurts of speed, galloping towards realms of the distantly stretched black horizon.


Clawed feet stuck to concrete wall, emanating wildly from my 10 cm body, propagating sandpaper effect as i run, traversing few miles of territory, stealthily encroaching communities of insects, nibbling spider with my lips, gulping ants, mosquitoes, swarms of flies, feasting myself on tender bird egg, bread crumbs, stale fruit, cheese chunks, i ravish, inhabiting faulty crevice in decayed plaster, clinging all night to high voltage bulb, breeding in pitch dark corners of gutter pipe, several of my shape i procreate, with tiny beads of twin black eyes, shooting a fountain of blood when attacked, climbing high rise structures devoid support, i have a lengthy period of survival, prowling boldly into the cleanest of environment, flickering my tail when provoked by kin, possessing the capacity to regenerate it, i'll trespass in your house with informal ease, I need no invitation, 0! yes i am indeed a dirty brown house lizard



Reacting to wild suggestions of fantasy, obsessive desires of throbbing heart, maniacal flow of thoughts going berserk, impulsive desires gaining momentum, and rock hard sugarcane stalks melting in dry compartments of my mouth, i dreamt of the following, chalking plans to reinforce it at some stage, as and when, my feet took complete stranglehold of the soil on which i tread.

a king sized room riveted to tight cane roof, tall slabs of wall made of white crystal mirrors, towering columns carved of ultra light metal, hollow interiors filled with saline sea water, artificial springs of red liquid cascading down a gallery of rock, electric grey dolphins gliding with silken comfort, infinite lotus shrub floating in tranquil peace,' glass aquariums of fish suspended from golden rope, i would then ride in my sea horse boat, parading through an ambience of man-made sea, speeding across undulating currents of condensed salt, finally plunging myself head on, into the tap warm waters of my created ocean, swimming with the underwater fish for as long, as my breath could last within dark brown jackets of my lungs.



If i lived in a house blended with ripened banana, clusters of the fresh green fruit extruding in abundance from the roof, i wouldn't have to cook my meal; surviving handsomely on slices of sugary white pulp.

if i resided in a house made of invincible steel bereft of corrugations, and the beds being of molten iron curry, i would seldom fall into bouts of sleep; roaming around wildly in sheer insomnia.

if i dwelt in a house impregnated with fearsome alligator skin, bold premonitions of the monster encroaching would nictitate in my mind, prompting me to sweat even in the freezing winter night.

if i occupied a house painted with cow dung plaster, with fresh cakes of goat manure adhered to the floor, the preposterous stench would suffocate me to unwarranted death.

149 if i slept in a house made of articulate time pieces, the needle hands ticking in obstreperous unison, i would continue to inhabit this earth with a niggling conciousness of evanescent time.

if i occupied a house with symmetrical holes in the roof, with barren spaces impersonating clerestory windows, water would cascade down torrentially in the monsoon, transforming my abode into a sea of fresh liquid.

if i established my entity in a house juxtaposed with slabs of yellow gold, also an incessant cascade of sparkling silver from the tall roof, i would be sure of wasting the remainder of my life counting the affluence i possessed.

and if by chance i procured a house in sacrosanct realms of heaven, with fairy god mothers flying around, the philanthropic personality of almighty ready to converse with me all day, i would consider myself as someone blessed with the most cherishable house of all.



It occurs all day and night, through hairy pipes of soft flesh, contracting and expanding the lung apparatus, consuming vital oxygen from atmosphere, bellowing crisp draughts of air in blood, inflating belly pouches for flash seconds, imparting vibrant energy to pounding heart, embracing throat windpipe with soft cushion, prompting production of waste in chambers of gas, reinforcing body defense to disease, radiating natural air conditioning in flesh stuck to skeleton, regenerating worn out tissue cells, purifying dark red liquid flowing through veins, filtering shell stones from kidney sac, heating cheek and ear when done rapidly, reinvigorating intricate parts of brain, occurring in gasps, shallow inhalation, puffed sensations, even at work while in deep waters, impossible to be stopped for more than a minute, an involuntary reflex possesed by all living, striking against sticky nasal foreign matter, while entering the body, is the beautiful and reliable human breath.



Dusty demeanor of the stone transited to sparkling grey, as big crystal drops of rain fell in frenzy from the sky, diffusing into multiple bubbles of clear froth, evacuating streaks of dirt from morbid exteriors, abandoning it with glowing tinges of torrential rain.

dilapidated walls of the tumble down hut transited to fortified enclosures, as whirlwinds of silver sands struck them with brutal force, steel grey waves of the sea deposited gallons of water, and coconut trees shed their leafy clothes in plenty, enveloping bare shivering walls of the coastal mansion, with loads of compassion and benevolent warmth.

pitchers full of frosty milk transited to solid jelly, when injected with volatile currents of frozen air, placed on bulky slices of transparent ice, exposed to bitter cold conditions of alps laden with snow, the luke warm cow milk found no remorse, yielding to vagaries of weather,magical prowess of frozen water.

hearts in tumultuous agony transited to fainter shades of sorrow, as a person sobbed hysterically losing refined degrees

152 of control, saline tears rolling down his victimised cheek, filtering colossal burdens from spaceships of mind, releasing a flurry of emotions cascading down as salt water, revitalizing him of the overwhelming distress and the mountain of misdeeds, he lay listlessly sunk deep beneath.



I felt good while swimming in choppy waves of the tidal sea, diving underwater to have subtle glimpses of the aquatic fish.

i felt good gnawing at the rudimentary apple protruding from the tall tree, ripping apart succulent chunks of the fruit with boisterous fervor.

i felt good plucking dead grass from nimble soil of earth, tickling my ear with a blend of humid mud and spongy tufts of grass.

i felt good when i drank pure extracts of violet grape vine, slept like a demon relinquishing the agonies of routine life. i felt good when i stared at the enchanting demeanour of the sky, spent all night counting innumerable numbers of resplendent stars.

i felt good when marooned without aid on an desolate island, leading life in solitary calm, catching small fish with thorny sticks of wild bush.

154 i felt good when i perceived my childhood in transparent fossils, visualizing myself clinging tightly to the plump silhouette of my mother.

i felt good when clambering steep slopes of the mountain, pilfering the loose soil with large treads of my rustic feet.

i felt good when sprinkled with bountiful amounts of lotus spray, rolled on stone cold arenas of floor with my body clad in royal silk garment.

i felt good when whistling indigenous tunes sitting on my mud house roof, coating barren walls of my dwelling with cakes of cowdung plaster.

i felt good working with scrupulous care; perspiring in the fuming sun, being thoroughly applauded for the onerous tasks i had accomplished.

i felt good in close proximity of her tender arms, her Luke warm breath drifting down my nape, the mystical spell of her love embracing me in a vice like grip forever.



I saw big shards of glass hurtle down the multi-floored building, i saw well oiled elevators bounce on cushioned spring, i saw sparkling river water transit black at sunset, i saw spongy tufts of grass with gold patches of castor oil, i saw thin needle levers of watch complete clockwise journeys, i saw hungry street dogs devour chunks of left over meal, i saw steaming hot tea extract being poured in tapered glass mug, i saw expensive ball point refill full with condensed ink, i saw sandstone palaces basking in silver light of the moon, i saw boiled candy sweets in air tight bottles of blue crystal, i saw coiled python skin crushing its prey to death, i saw snow white shoes with jet black knotted laces, i saw emerald green coconuts containing ripened sweet water, i saw shabbily attired beggars with bruised metal bowls, i saw twin winged aircraft rolling on the carpeted tarmac, i saw an army of ant with food grain stuffed in their antenna, i saw gigantic fluffs of cotton leaking from dwarf potted plant, i saw barrels of kerosene stacked neatly at the grocery store, i saw a bunch of hard banana projecting from forked

156 tree branch, i saw towering church spires with king sized bells of brass, i saw blood red wine adhering to polished interiors of champagne bottle, i saw power propelled water craft churning through the sea, i saw barbaric Tarzan swing merrily on twined bamboo roots, i saw dark grey lizards on infinite spots of house wall, i saw splendid portraits of articulately carved Indian god, i saw wooden bridges with side margins of puristic ivory, i saw hunch backed camel strolling through parched terrain of the desert, i saw frozen balls of snow tumble down slopes of the Swiss mountain, i saw ultra light butterflies float gently in moisture laden air, i saw brittle hen eggs simmering in intense fury of the gas flame, i saw fat cubes of molten cheese stored in cool comforts of the freezer tray, i saw square shaped sodium bulbs burning incessantly through the night, i saw gold rings studded with several diamonds cut in semicircular shape, i saw acres of farm land with straw stuffed statues of gruesome scarecrow, i saw a cluster of tiny wooden sticks coated with fillings of fire lead, i saw tablets of pink soap lying dormant on chipped slabs of marble, i saw toy fairy dolls with twin pairs of sapphire blue eyes,

157 i saw heaps of black charcoal stashed within open spaces of timber wood, i saw live shows of stars in the London planetarium, i saw pools of achromatic saliva decaying in vicinity of hospital bed, i saw mammoth footsteps of elephant feet embedded in loose soil, i saw the stars twinkle in exuberance at the onset of twilight, i saw the sea waves rise to a crescendo as clouds wept torrential rain, i saw menacing vultures tearing away flesh stuck firmly to tender bones, i saw tantalizing black cloth fluttering in the rustic breeze, i saw streaks of deathly silver flash across the ravishing sky, i saw beads of multiple pearls pop out from humid recesses of oyster shell, i saw denim grey whales toppling huge assembly of concrete ship, i saw carved blades of ceiling fan flood the ambience with fresh air, i saw the gardener sprinkle tepid water on bald patches of mud, i saw the ambulance zip across the city at electric speeds, i saw gutter water oozing out from neglected pores of sewer drains, i saw the humming bee depositing gallons of sickening sweet nectar, i saw the cricket ball soaring high in the mass of lowly suspended cloud, i saw snake leather purse inhabiting pockets of cotton trouser, i saw gaudy colored posters projecting from air-conditioned cinema halls,

158 i saw a battalion of soldiers marching through territories of upright thorn, i saw people beating drum with long sticks of sliced bamboo, i saw bundle of holy thread crisscrossed on sweaty palm, i saw frogs croaking noisily at amazing depths of the century old well, i saw wild shrub grow on barren landscapes after initial spells of rain, i saw sail boats containing fish tied to pier abutments, i saw the pouched kangaroo take volatile leaps through the jungle, i saw the mesmerizing idol of lord Buddha in stone and studded gold, i saw bicycle tyre trampling tonnes of compact earth road, i saw exquisite curtain drapery obscuring harsh rays of midday sun, i saw dark green leaves of full grown lotus flower, i saw the steep slope of the hair raising valley, i saw crumbs of bread slice roasting in heat compartments of the toaster, i saw icy bed sheets of lake water, i saw the mighty snatching wealth from the feeble and weak, i saw brutal terror prevalent in minute quarters of the globe, i saw the earth burdened by evil doings of fellow beings, i thought i had seen enough, my mind was bursting like a volcano with traces of hot lava, it was time to put brakes on weird mental imagery, reinforce intricate body mechanisms with, holistic amounts of blissful sleep.



i stood beneath the gurgling waterfall plummeting down the mountain slope, with icy coats of air slapping my face, felt tingling sensations creep all over my exhausted persona, drowning me in an ocean of unfathomable euphoria.

I stood beneath blazing roof of the fiery sunball, A swarm of flies buzzed incoherently in my ear, Blistering carpets of heat stabbed fragile pores of my skin, As I bathed in the vicinity of the open street in ponds of perspiration.

I stood beneath the dense camouflage of leafy tree, Melodious rhymes of the cuckoo entangled frayed nerves of my mind, Rain showers of water diffused from the clouds, I slept on the bed of wet jungle weed with colored grape fruit strewn beside me.

I stood beneath a roof of pure silk cloth, Ultra thin threads of floss tickling my nostrils, The aura of luxury encapsulating impoverished zones of my mind, Drifting me temporarily away from pragmatic realities of life.

I stood beneath the mystical idol of god all life, Praying incessantly without reprieve, Refraining from cumbersome work and daily tasks, Visualizing quintals of grey notes to cascade from the

160 statue, My reverie was abruptly broken , I heard in disdain the message floating loud and vibrant, The idol admonishing me to perspire and bleed, Shed costly tears in abundance, develop stains of mud on my immaculately white shirt, To pay the rent for the iota of space I occupied on mother earth.


When i walked barefoot on a cushion of jungle thorn, the blazing sun boiling moist portions of bald earth, with blistering waves of heat stabbing naked spots on my skin, i felt a rich gravy of blood trickle at rapid pace from my sole.

when i walked barefoot on dying embers of seasoned lumber sparks of red coal flying sporadically in the air, a blend of grey ash and mud stinging my tender eye, i felt like a slaughtered chicken with tumultuous numbness enveloping my body.

When I walked barefoot on frozen coats of ice, Icy winds of snow caressing my unwashed hair, With mercury dipping an abysmal low below freezing, I felt blood in infinite veins of my body starting to transit into a solid curry of cold water.

When I walked barefoot on a large slab of cake, The heavenly aroma of crushed cherry tickling starved hair of my nostril, An icing of molten sugar now juxtaposed with my toe nail, I felt concentrated waves of euphoria descend down my entity.

When I walked barefoot on the luxury coffin holding one of my kin, Ghastly blows of sorrow encompassing my trembling

162 body, Hysterical sobs emanating from dormant regions of my throat, I felt as if the world had come to a mute standstill, The creator had promptly vanished, leaving me deserted, to face the worst agony walking barefoot.



I wanted to paint ornate flower petals with spring water, swallow the residue of perfumed liquid dripping down its stalk. i wanted to paint blue chipped marble floors with freshly extracted cow butter, roll violently in the grease for several days on the trot. i wanted to paint chicken flesh with hot ginger curry, boil it in steaming water blended with a plethora of vegetable. i wanted to paint bare walls of the castle in crimson color, engrave mystical designs on it with my uncut fingernail. i wanted to paint tall poles of the maple tree with extremely saline sea water, lick as long as my tongue could last, spicy patches of tree shivering in the breeze. i wanted to paint my toenails with brilliant red dye, dance on the sun with blistering light filtering through delicate pores of skin. i wanted to paint my hair with golden honey, expose them to the atmosphere for the birds to feed. i wanted to paint barren patches of land with blades of lush green grass, sprinkle the infertile land with gargantuan amount of goat manure.

164 i wanted to paint white canvas with swashbuckling strokes of feather brush, draw a sketch depicting blissful territories of the globe. i wanted to paint immaculate walls of her heart with my thick blood, pray that the scripture lays imprisoned for decades till we exist.


I wanted to be a part of the kingly orchestra, dance wildly all night flexing dormant muscles of my body. i wanted to swing in silky webs weaved of spider thread, drown in the saline ocean amidst an ambience of grey whale. i wanted to devour large chunks of unripened banana, roll in silver sands with awesome amount of rain tumbling down. i wanted to smell the sugary aroma of brilliant red rose, bathe in shower taps oozing an incessant flow of golden honey. i wanted murky clouds soaked in sandalwood to tickle hair in my nostril, swim through frightening deep areas of the water pool. i wanted tonnes of salt in the food i consumed, walk on sparkling floor smeared with rich quality grease. i wanted a compact wrist watch studded with roman numerals, sleep all night in a cane straw house high up in twined branches of neem tree. i wanted to plunge into the dark valley with a parachute attached, sip violet grape juice at painstaking speeds from the crystal glass. i wanted to gallop across mighty currents of african wind, feed the fishes in the tank with minuscule grub and crushed bone.

166 i wanted to help all in distress and afflicted with pain, earn gargantum amount of wealth to achieve the same.



If i were god, i would put sea in land, gold liquid in blood veins, send rain with currency notes attached to droplets, transform all humans to aquatic fish, having a mermaid like disposition, living in all equality with bundles of salt, rebuke the sparse few, left on land, for their plethora of misdeeds, charging them with the highest treason, sweeping them away like piece of dirt, with cheap broomsticks of twined bamboo. then there would be, no poverty, indiscreet trampling of deprived, no panic stricken, aggrieved , mutilated, no innocent assaulted , by powerhouses of wealth and illegitimate pride, no shivering in chilly winters, no dying of sun strokes, no scope for inflicted brutalism, no supply of hazardous narcotic, absolute prohibition of life ending liquor, manufactured in dilapidated breweries, complete harmony amongst all tribes in flesh, beheading sinful chapters of mutual racism, dulling the nerves of rampant blood shed, elimination of traumatized anecdotes, of premature death, through vehicular clashes, air, water and rail collisions, no mammoth crowds flocking for , oil, petrol, gas, essential fodder for survival, no palaces for some,

168 and unbaked cow dung plaster huts for others, uprooting all kinds of glamour , reinforcing it with simplistic existence, no indecent portrayal of stalwarts, sacrificing personal lives, releasing us from jaws of captivity, no inflation, unauthorised storage of food grain, no urchins left like garbage, in clammy interiors of unkempt orphanages, i would evaporate every trace of crime, with complete equality nestling in all quarters, all this and a host to follow, as i wish and pray fervently, if only i were God.


If only sunshine replaced gloomy nights of winter cold, if only tufts of grass replaced barren patches of infertile land, if only cars replaced filthy exteriors of tumbledown bus, if only tropical juice replaced beer mugfulls of contaminated water, if only yards of silk replaced yellow rolls of threadbare cotton, if only compressed honey biscuits replaced hard loafs of bacterial bread, if only petroleum extract replaced illegal sales of noxious kerosene, if only hi-tech computers replaced quintals of school paper stationary, if only white sparkling marble replaced unpolished fragments of cheap tile, if only silver spoons replaced their counterpart mates engraved in thick plastic, if only mirrors replaced morbid walls with crumbling plaster, if only exquisite snake leather replaced large purses of inferior suede, if only golden sodium lights replaced dim emissions of fluorescent tubes, if only luxury air-conditioner replaced Luke warm air draughts of ceiling fan, if only fecund soil mass replaced colossal plains of scorched sand, if only varnished mahogany replaced plaintive sheets of ordinary wood,

170 if only balls of white snow replaced dry laden winds of boiling heat, if only gold coins replaced all kinds of stone strewn on the ground, if only affluence replaced poverty residing in all domains of the globe, then we would seldom pray to the supreme creator, his quota of responsibilities thus fading into oblivion, each of us would then transit to super gods breathing for eternity, in a strife free world bestowed with undeserved riches



Tender green tufts of emerald green sponge, riveted firmly to fertile landscapes of earth, dancing to sedate tunes of swashbuckling breeze, growing at rapid paces in a blend of manure and fresh water, feasting on nutritious rays of unadulterated sunlight, greedily devouring tap water sprinkled at spaced intervals of time, glowing sedately in artificial lights of sodium bulb, submerged in ponds of placid moonshine, a bountiful warehouse of red ant and earth worm, the green grass meadows were a breathtaking sight, oblivious to the vagaries of jet paced life.

Cows grazed quietly trampling the grass cushions, Long beaked cranes nibbled at pieces of left over corn, Wild pigs gulped loads of untreated sewage, Petite fleshy ducks floated in tank water, Thoroughbred horses galloped in enclosures of wire mesh, Athletic rabbits leaped with long strides of feet, Wide winged eagles glided harmlessly through the sky, It all seemed set for yet another day fading, When finally the amber ball of sun hid behind the mountain, Encompassing the tranquil green pastures with, Tarpaulin covers of pitch dark night.


If we held back our thunderous laughter, boisterous episodes of joy would get crucified in dungeons of sorrow, accompanied by hysterical sobbing at times of ecstatic jubilation.

if we held back our breath for more than few seconds, the body would feel choked and suffocated, we would inadvertently release the same with exhilarated sighs and gasps.

if we held back saline tears from dribbling down, we would become brutally cold to pragmatic realities of death, would soon become insane and misfits to exist in the society.

if we held back outrageous anger from expurgating out, outbursts of violence would strangulate our heart, leading to imprisoned feelings of savage vindication.

if we held back our sneeze from diffusing out into frothy spray, crusts of moist mucus would get deposited in our nostril, causing inevitable sensations to occasionally finger our nose.

173 if we held back our coats of nails from growing tall, they would forcibly find a way to flourish, piercing through the plethora of sophisticated armory placed beside them.

if we held back our speech from making obstreperous noise, the fleshy organ of our tongue would decay, trapped between a cluster of teeth, dying a natural death in hollow ambience of mouth.

if we held back dazzling yellow pools of water in our bladder, the spongy caricature of body would feel overwhelmingly restless, the liquid would spasmodically gush out after few hours of feckless control.

if we held back unsurpassable feelings of holistic love, there would be frugal purpose in this life to exist, we would simply waste precious years bestowed upon us to breathe as humans.



Thick shock of jet black hair, sprawled languidly on white domes of hard mass, stuck to skin with offshooting pores, sprouting from umpteenth prickly roots, sizzle in hot rays of the sun, heating their periphery with flashes of fire, scorching patches of flesh on which they stand, with readily absorbed natural solar energy, hairy follicles shine in radiance, parted to high degrees of comfort, compressed by electric hot wind guns, blowing air over silky strands, shaping them to angled perfection, with abundant supply of white allergic powder, sliding down the black stalks, filling virgin cavities with white plagued dust, an obnoxious termite for the natural sheath of black, an alien relative of disdainful proportion, resulting in premature wearing of hair mass, shrinking, shrivelling, withering, the most precious component, of breathing souls , the only solution being, mega sized hollow glass bottles, tightly corked and transparent, filled with aromatic hair oil.



In every bit of white enamel engulfing teeth; there sleeps calcium, in every bit of morbid stone; there sleeps a radiant crystal, in every bit of green grass; there sleeps a blissful dew drop, in every bit of scorched sand; there sleeps a penchant for rain, in every bit of blood strewn on the floor; there sleeps tumultuous pain, in every bit of scalp hair emanating; there sleeps white flakes of dandruff, in every bit of time piece wound on the wrist; there sleeps hands of hour and unleashing minute, in every bit of dazzling sun ball; there sleeps indispensable beams of stringent light, in every bit of the century old mansion; sleeps compressed briquettes of dust, in every bit of satiny web lingering from the wall; there sleeps an innocuous spider, in every bit of sapphire blue sky; there sleeps an innocuous cloud, in every bit of castor seed oil; there sleeps a ravishing fragrance, in every bit of copious saliva; there sleeps an army of germ, in every bit of woven gold mattress; there sleeps a royal king, in every bit of poetic verse; there sleeps an enigmatic

176 meaning, in every bit of scarlet rose; there sleeps a wrinkled petal, in every bit of pachyderm feet; sleeps polished nails of ivory, in every bit of mother's heart; there sleeps perennial affinity, in every bit of fiendish monster; there sleeps perpetual animosity, and in every bit of the omniscient creator; there sleeps magnanimous love.



In order to wipe sweat trickling down my nape; I used a large bandanna, in order to wipe blotches of mud from my demeanor; I used a soft towel, in order to wipe scalding tea from my shirt; I used a colossal palm leaf, in order to wipe invincible stains of crimson betel; I used stringent antiseptic, in order to wipe agglutinated paint from the wall; I used a blend of water and salt, in order to wipe tonnes of sawdust from the pellucid glass; I used a fluffy brush of handsome cotton, in order to wipe sumptuous grape vine from the barrel; I used my tongue, in order to wipe oleaginous grease from live grass; I used micro thin bristles of brush, in order to wipe disdainful sewage from earth; I used a pair of dry twigs to incinerate, in order to wipe saline tears from her eyes; I used my strong palm, in order to wipe immaculate chalk from the blackboard, I used a rosewood duster, in order to wipe incongruous thorns from the mystical grave; I used a forked pickaxe, in order to wipe blood oozing profusely from my

178 wounds; I used a concoction of whisky and sponge, in order to wipe erroneous blunders in pronunciation; I used the dictionary, in order to wipe mascara from her dainty eyes; I used my luscious red lips, in order to wipe my bowels clean of debris; I used a well spun sanitary towel, in order to wipe brackish footprints of my triangular feet; I used soft detergent, in order to wipe flakes of white powder from my scalp; i vociferously used an extract of medieval roots, in order to wipe venomous poison from her cheek; I articulately used my teeth and withdrew, in order to wipe moisture from sequestered interiors of my home; I made use of fumigating sunlight, and in order to wipe the heinous sins I committed this existing life; I took birth for infinite decades, harnessing the void created with my precious blood



I thought of swimming in the sparkling waters of the lake, the inner voice of mind held me back saying, deathly green waters will suck you deep within the point of no return.

i mused on skiing down the ice clad mountain, the inner voice of mind refrained me from doing so, as mighty avalanches of snow would strangulate me, burying me a few feet beneath the frozen coat of spring water.

i pondered on penning a few lines of composition, the inner voice of mind made strong inroads of denial, saying that the carbon ink was sure to leak, creating embarrassed smudges on the flawless sheet of paper.

i speculated on investing in the stock market, the inner voice of mind guffawed in pools of laughter, admonishing me from proceeding forward, as the entire index would collapse within seconds of my investment.

i visualized gulping large barrels of tropical coconut water, the inner voice of mind stringently halted my stream of fantasy thought, reinforcing my mind with obnoxious visions of the water containing traces of

180 snake poison.

i perceived of spending my life with the person who loved me, as usual the inner voice of mind prompted me to alter my course of action, acquainting me of the dire consequences likely to follow, this time though beats of my heart were stronger than tunes of mind, facilitating me to work antagonistic to the mind, execute a perception into pragmatic reality, despite the precarious influence of INNER VOICE OF MIND.


the inflated swell of vehicular rubber, with soft rectangular indentations, help captive in circular hollow of the tyre, traverses speedily along well binded metallic roads, crushing dried leaves, trampling unkempt wild weeds, fixed and stuck to metallic plates, with radiating spikes, midget spokes of steel, maneuvering sharply across barren concrete landscape, with deft strokes to the driving wheel, firm slanted pressure to the compressible gas pedal, and coherent articulate movement of the gear shift machinery, the tyre treads race through wet mud roads, leaving behind trails of woven patterns, resembling dead sticks of unconsumed sugarcane, a sudden whirring noise encapsulates the atmosphere, as tonnes of dust blow, silencing the crux of exuberant activity, brakes wailing in cacophonic unison, tyre chunks bleeding against mass of hardened mud, creating asymmetrical rings of disdainful dust, the main culprit being, a cluster of metallic pins, in hot agony, strewn in savage random proportions, waiting to trap innocent preys of vehicular rubber, inserting themselves into thickened rubber flesh, squeezing out macro plumage of air mass, a rendering the spongy sheath of solidified rubber, into distorted piles of mangled junk.



It was impossible to inhale air without twin bifurcation of nostrils, sustain life with nonchalant ease; for more than an wholesome minute.

it was impossible to walk without angularly sculptured legs, viciously kick grey boulders of stone; acting as barricade's in unveiling path.

it was impossible to scribble literature without articulate synchronization of hands, emboss exquisite lines of calligraphy on naked sheets of bond paper.

it was impossible to segregate minuscule threads of color without immaculate vision, distinguish between the good and gruesomely bad; lurking on this earth.

it was impossible to decimate food into supple chowder; without strong teeth, produce gregarious smiles in tandem; when frivolously appreciated.

it was impossible to secrete saliva without rosy pink organ of tongue, rebuke people with loads of spit; in response to their

183 uncouth deeds.

it was impossible to uproot concrete edifices with bare hands, amalgamate sapphire arenas of sky with the periphery of monotonous earth.

it was impossible to operate the hi-tech computer without a plethora of software chips, type a battalion of literature at swashbuckling speeds.

it was impossible to quench thirst without gallons of fresh water, assassinate intractable blotches of dirt; agglutinated to clean cloth.

it was impossible to die without abrupt closure of tangible heart beat, infinite cells of animation; freezing in the body.

and it was impossible to live without loving a person in heart; body; and spirit, dedicating marathon hours in life; harnessing that perpetual affinity.



It was nice fondling silken curls of your mesmerizing hair, it was nice drenching your persona in icy cool pints of jungle water, it was nice tickling your ear with serrated feather of protuberant crested pigeon, it was nice painting your cheek with shades of resplendent color, it was nice hoisting you several floors above the ground on my shoulder, it was nice blowing puffs of tingling breath in your crystalline eyes, it was nice feeding your voluptuous mouth; with slices of fresh pineapple, it was nice embossing preambles of fathomless love in your heart, it was nice provoking you to pugnacious realms of anger;witnessing your acrimonious face, it was nice guiding you past the congested street;clasping your hands in mine, it was nice slapping you in intense indignation; succeeded by passionate kisses, it was nice swimming with you through waters of the choppy ocean, it was nice draping you in grandiloquent floss of silk; staring at you for hours immemorial, it was nice camouflaging your profusely bleeding wounds; with strips of my

185 holistic skin, it was nice obliterating you from acrimonious beams of light; with my web of scalp hair, it was nice instigating you into ludicrous laughter; observing mystical outlines of your teeth, it was nice helping you a accomplish a plethora of household task; prepare sumptuous tea for you at dusk, it was nice recounting enchanting fantasies; incorporating your fragile brain with tumultuous strength, it was nice uttering your captivating name every unveiling minute of the day, it was nice iterating my omnipotent love to you all day, it was nice pestering you to go to sleep; cuddled like a fairy beneath a golden quilt, but let me tell you sweetheart it would be nicer still ;if you were to be my lover, for countless births we traverse on this earth as philanthropic humans.



Floating specks of dirt occupied drinking water, paltry amounts of venom seemed abundant in gelatin capsule, the tribal liquor had extracts of sedative nicotine, sliding door of luxury car contained an impurity of threadbare plastic, polished chunks of pure marble had reinforcements of loose mud, rich granules of food grain were blended with sharp glass and stone, navy blue solution of carbon ink was filled partially with chalk, glossy sheets of milled paper possessed tinges of raw jute, 100 percent mixture of concrete had mammoth amounts of burnt brick, gallons of consumable milk was adulterated with tap water, finely ironed currency note lived in harmony with its fake counterpart, natural sea water developed traces of oil and thick grease, round biscuits of gold reflected sparse territories of faded bronze, meticulously printed ancient literature was remixed to music album, fertile clay mud resembled a vast assemblage of strewn insecticide, winter caves with drooping icicles were displayed in exhibitions, plastic exteriors of the monsoon raincoat had invisible patches of colored

187 cloth, a cluster of hybrid mango tasted like acid when dissolved in salivary bud, there was inflation prevalent in all quarters of global society, the only thing it was unable to imprison, was the heart pumping at full speeds, nestling in chamber rooms of true conscience.



They made me sit on ugly bare current chair, clasped my hands with rusty iron wire, strangled my neck with metal plaster, dragged my feet in boiling effluent, tore my scalp with steel toothed combs, pierced my nail in halves with knife, coated my face with acidic tar, broke my nose with gruesome fist blows, stitched my lips with needle and thread, engraved designs on flesh with rusty pins, severed bunch of veins with carpenter saw, divested me of water for long hours, enclosed my face in jute bags, containing an army of African wild rat, whipped me with leather skin dipped in salt curry, unclothed me in the chilly night, sprayed obnoxious petrol with large hosepipes, punctured my features to look like a ghost, left me hanging in dangling chains, in dilapidated comforts of crumbling roof, i then lost faith in the reigning creator, who put blood in my flesh, pumped oxygen in my chest, which now converted into complete shambles, agony groans echoing through walls of confinement, my eyes finally closed in submission, ending the ordeal, sealing bleeding pores of my body.


I wanted to be like the opalescent flame of the wax candle, Which burnt unrelentingly; even when caressed by wild draughts of wind.

I wanted to be like the sheet of pellucid glass, Which didn’t diffuse into splinters; even on deafening collision with obdurate ground.

I wanted to be like the tall and majestic edifice, Which stood like an immaculate angel; even after bearing the brunt of flood and crimson fire.

I wanted to be like the turbulently moving silver sedan, Clambering steep slopes of the treacherous terrain; with exorbitant ease.

I wanted to be like the aircraft with twin pairs of ivory wings, That hovered high in the sky for times immemorial; bereft of life yielding fuel.

I wanted to be like the ship clad in sheets of fortified iron, Which refrained from sinking; even when attacked by a battalion of blue whale.

I wanted to be like the succulent leaf on the maple tree, Which remained blissfully green; even when its

190 counterparts withered to the tyranny of autumn heat.

I wanted to be like the glittering spires of the century old temple, Which didn’t show signs of rust; even after marathon years of construction.

I wanted to be like the steaming brown filter coffee, Which never got stale and cold; even after being exposed to the monotony of atmosphere.

I wanted to be like dazzling light rays of the day, Which were never obliterated by shadow; fumigating the evil residing in distant corners of globe.

I wanted to be like the cloud showers of torrential rain; Which ceased to stop; even when the amber ball of sun crept up in the sky.

I wanted to be like the articulately molded skeleton key; That bludgeoned its way; through the most obstinate of lock.

I wanted to be like the saline waters of colossal sea, Which never evaporated; even when subjected to overwhelming heat.

I wanted to be like the coherently synchronized versatile robot, Which executed tasks to meticulous perfection; even in times of bizarre catastrophe.


I wanted to lead life on the soil of mystical earth, As the strongest being ever encountered; with unfathomable capacity of brain.

The very next instant; the creator robbed me of indispensable breath, Making me realize wasn’t god; not even fraction of his celestial reflection, As I left for my heavenly abode; to sleep peacefully in the arms of the almighty.



The opalescent moon was jealous of the flaming sun, as the former provided dazzling light; with Herculean amounts of comfort in the day.

the desolate piece of stone was jealous of the colossal mountain, as it was minuscule in size; often kicked contemptuously by ongoing people.

the perennial jungle river was jealous of the denim blue ocean, as it was unable to bear the weight of titanic ships; as its counterpart was able to do with nonchalant ease. the century old typewriter was jealous of the hi-tech gizmo of computer, as it was bereft of sparkling chips of memory; considered as outdated by the youthful chunk of contemporary society.

sapphire blue patches in the sky were jealous of blotted grey clouds, as they simply didn’t have the capacity of blessing the earth with pelting showers of rain. the ever reliable twin pedaled bicycle was jealous of motorized cars, as it was divested of powers to transgress beyond

193 extreme speed limits.

the evanescent flames of candlelight were jealous of the ceiling bulb, as they weren't blessed with the prowess of illuminating acres of pitch dark night.

large jerry-cans of fruit juice were jealous of pure water, as they stumbled to quench thirst; the mystical way water did.

frigid strands of grey hair were jealous of bulky floss of glistening black, as they highlighted the old and feeble; which was not even shades nearer to the flamboyant young.

the decade old tortoise was jealous of the aquatic fish, as it simply couldn't walk fast; perching in its claustrophobic shell all sunlit day.

undulating moulds of clay were jealous of smooth carpets of road, as they flunked miserably to impersonate the charisma produced by flat land.

hard slices of bacterial bread were jealous of the chocolate cake blended with plums, as they lacked the ingredients to deliver appetizing taste. shiny denominations of coin were jealous of exorbitant

194 currency notes, as they were maltreated; being stashed in dingy compartments of purse.

the honey colored nimble deer was jealous of the menacing striped panther, as it was overwhelmingly defeated in its attempts of being crowned the king of jungle.

black complexioned individuals were jealous of their fairer counterparts, as they were gazed down upon as inferiors; with racial discrimination plaguing them for majority of their lives.

while i was intractably jealous of the boy next door, who made unscrupulous advances to the girl i loved, initiating me to stand like a pillar; between her immaculate heart, and the demonic glare he unleashed intransigently riveted on her persona.



Volumes of slippery sand escaped from my fist, parched silver mud devoured me in entirety, flaming sunlight stripped reserve quota of energy, entangled thorny weeds scraped delicate layers of soft skin, whirlpools of dust blew with turbulent velocity, strong rooms of blue sky were bereft of moisture laden cloud, trapped molecules of mercury rose high in compact case of thermometer, green cover of grass and tree was a rare treat to witness, large reptiles burrowed themselves in moist recesses of earth, evil eyed vultures glided across boiling currents of wind, grandfather tortoise traversed at painstaking speeds, pot bellied spiders ran in gay abundance, distant mirage's lured me to add velocity to stride, undulating terrains of hot sand grain whipped me, burning heat waves prompted me to melt in submission.

the situation was getting out of control, secret reserves of stored water were drained with the passing second, scalp hair were camouflaged with gallons of sand, my slimy tongue had consumed remnant saliva, twin pair of feet blatantly refused to hold my weight, a river of sweat flowed down my armpit, there was not a soul to be sighted within a million kilometers of vicinity, when suddenly it seemed my feet struck a light green

196 cactus, infinite droplets of water oozed out, charred chords of my throat erupted in wet ecstasy, guttural sounds emanated as i sipped cool water, as i deftly chiseled elastic branches of the desert cactus, with razor sharp edges of my portable knife.


He had fanatic obsessions for bulging trouser pockets, overloaded sockets of office shirt, silver chains fitted neatly to periphery of neck, all kinds of heavy purse dangling from shoulder bone, jeweled rings adorning daintily curved fingers, beads of slim gold riveted firmly to ear lobe, portable briefcase bags carried by executive staff, bronze plated ribbons holding a bunch of hair, he was a maniac patrolling through the busy city streets, sighting stashed trouser shelves with his hawk sharp eyes, waiting to capsize on every stealing opportunity that came his way.

the passenger ahead had protruding pockets, a short thick neck flooded with precious ornament, he looked like a prince waiting for the bus, with gold rimmed glasses nestling on his thin nose.

the maniac couldn’t resist any longer, long hours of wait had tantalized burglar zones of his mind, saliva dribbled from his mouth in plenty, his eyes lit up like briquette's of burning coal, sly smiles encompassed wide corners of his mouth, professional fingers now moved stealthily, maneuvered skillfully caressing bulging outlines of the pocket, few swipes with cheap blade finished the job, the passenger now felt light as he alighted the bus, great chunks of his wealth now lay in cold hands of the maniac,

198 all he was left to confront was a big gaping hole, torn threads emanating from infinite regions of the stripped pant pocket.



Snow drops fall incessantly, cloud mass turns blacker in complexion, as the sun sleeps in cosmic rays of galaxy. avalanche of ice descends down the slope, tumbling fast with violent draughts of Swiss wind, growing larger with every coat of frozen ice, passing tall Christmas pine, projecting tracks of ice rail, hollow caves of mountain bear, finally reaches lonely stretch of desolate road, breaking into scattered mass of icy platelets, diffusing with an echoed thud, on instants of land contact, obscuring a furlong of visible concrete, into multiple bed sheets of frozen water. i stare in delight from my cottage window, witnessing the encounter of snow and land, drag myself into a atmosphere of death cold, clad in heavy scarf and coat, with Dunlop plugs embedded in both ears, gum boots plodding vehemently, forming triangular treads in crusts of snow, and cylindrical torch light clearing the smog, filtering a beam of welcome light, as i stealthily approach the mound of ice, make a silent prayer, take fistfuls of snow in cupped hands, devour it down my throat, numbing and choking branched arteries, slowing down metabolic rates of my body, imprisoning my heart with a vice like grip. deathly pall embraces my face,

200 my legs tremble to hold my weight, as i finally bid adieu to this world.



Steaming hot acid in glass crucibles, stone slabs of individual apparatus, labeled conical flasks with neutral bases, glass cupboards full of performance journals, hi-tech microscopes for analysis, round jars of swimming flower roots, specimens of algae, rats, and dead frog, black full-scale charts of chromosome study, programmed calculators strewn in fluorescent light, electric meters with voltage fluctuating, dangling copper wires for connection, sharpened lead for sketching designs, steel spheres suspended from oscillating threads, cross ventilation for absorbing fumes, mega dissection boxes with scientific artillery, shaving blades for tearing root, round the clock botanical demonstrations, high powered glare bulbs, bountiful samples of colored compounds, thickened glass fish aquarium, shining granite holding multiple computers, with a host of modern software chips, black canes of adjudicating supervisors, ready to slash at instants of wrongdoing, lavatories blended with pungent antiseptic, with germicidal tablets of white carbolic, collapsible springs attached to bar magnets, the window overlooking bare bricks of school entrance, projecting from dizzy heights of clock tower, with blue apron adorning my stature, a compulsory must during practical hours, is a first hand discription of my school laboratory.


When i burnt medicinal leaves of wild grass in a cauldron, blending them with sizeable amounts of rusty brown tea powder, adding paltry pinches of saccharine to the syrup, stirred vigorously the concoction with an inflated wooden batten, the outcome was scintillatingly delicious tea; which i sipped with profound contentment.

when i torched a conglomerate of dead tree leaves, scorching them with somber sticks of lead match and paraffin wax, there was a crackling fire that swayed with the breeze, with menacing flames; making futile attempts to lick the sky, offering me fountains of compassionate warmth; sublimating my energy from shivers to blissful sleep.

when i ignited a cluster of rustic cowdung cakes, occasionally probing the fetid slurry with my big toe, there were delectable puffs of smoke that originated, i then aligned a frying pan at right angles to the conflagration, and roasted for myself a sumptuous meal of baked corn coated with salted herring.

when i set ablaze acres of farmland sprawled with

203 ripened nose buds of tobacco, submerging the entire region with an ocean of stringent kerosene, the atmosphere was engulfed with a noxious odour of charred cigarette, hurricanes of venomous wind annihilated palpable organisms in the vicinity.

and when i burnt infinite leaves of my immaculate heart, there was a mystical aroma that imprisoned the ambience, it was a smell that portrayed sacrosanct love, it was an insatiable odour of her mesmerizing soul thoroughly entwined in mine.



If someone slapped me with swashbuckling strokes of fingers, i would retort back a volley of praise to pacify his nerves.

if someone vomited loads of spit on my persona, i would blend it with my precious blood before returning the same to him.

if someone splashed my exteriors with pails of fuming acid, i would offer him a large pitcher full of sweet mountain water. if someone blended sizeable amounts of snake venom in my food, i would sprinkle sacred ash on his hair, paint his forehead with golden vermilion.

if someone left a battalion of red ant on my bare flesh, i would offer him a articulately carved oysters containing a plethora of pearls.

if someone rode on my back unrelentingly whipping my skin, i would carry his load even through arduous spells of steaming summer.

if someone pinched dainty regions of my flesh amidst an ambience of

205 dignitaries, i would embrace him with open arms pardoning his disdainful deeds.

if someone tripped me midway, left me squirming facedown on the ground, i would simply wipe the blotches of dust from creases of my attire.

if someone made me lick the mud on road with corrugated flesh of my tongue, i would reward him with biscuits of bonded gold.

if someone punctured transparent marbles in my eye rendering me blind, i would bless him with infinite pairs of eyes to envisage perils lurking towards him. if someone left me unequipped in savage jungles of the African valley, i would smile all the way treading across den's of striped panthers.

c'mon folks lets be ardently realistic, the above actions can be replicated by none other than god, having divine powers to forgive the most heinous of atrocity, the magnanimous prowess of blessing all animate existing: we as a bunch of fallible humans would have onerous difficulty in duplicating the creator, some tasks are better left to him, rather than accomplishing them ourselves.


Knotted chords of jute dangle from ceiling, with large throat sized loop hole, engulfed in perennial pitch darkness, freezing cold bare stone walls, a battalion of mosquitoes hovering around, bone skeletons partially stuck to floor, ghastly designs portraying execution, clouds of dirt, with a backdrop of blood, the ambience was complete with long iron lever, compressible at instants of death command.

the courtroom was packed with audience, uniformed guards, fool proof security, black coated lawyers, bespectacled judge, the murderer was in a sandalwood kiosk, tears oozing from eyes, lips painted with fresh blood, a volley of arguments followed pursuit, law professionals displayed tact and eloquence, with the killer being invited to dilapidated gallows, ruthlessly hung, with dark hood covering face, an aftermath of justice ink printing, "TO BE HANGED TILL DEATH"


If i forgot to tightly seal the projecting water tap, gallons of liquid would dribble unrelentingly, there would not be a solitary droplet of liquid in the overhead tank, and my body would acquire an unwashed disposition all throughout the sweltering day.

if i obdurately refrained from closing my mouth, flooding the air with cacophonic webs of my husky voice, intricate regions of my throat would divested of moisture, causing me to cough and sputter when i needed my speech the most.

if i intentionally kept the fluorescent bulb on in the day, with acerbic rays of sunlight filtering through my moistened eyes, the contrivance would shatter to infinite splinters, portraying a lackluster appearance when i desired it inevitably in the night.

if i heard deafening tunes of blaring music all day, with the decibels ricocheting to supreme frequencies of intolerance, my ears would get immune to the fragility of sound, being paralyzed to decipher the melodious sound of nocturnal cuckoo.


if i consumed mighty barrels of milk; instead of crystalline water, quenching irresistible pangs of thirst with pints of artificial milk, my body would expurgate all the richness, demanding the perennial gift of nature to be fed immediately.

and if i ran restlessly all stormy night, without having a siesta in despicable heat of the day, my legs would collapse midway on the bustling street, transforming my persona into a temporary coma, penalizing me just a fraction for breaking bonds with essential rudiments of nature.



Shall we climb mount Everest, rest in shady domains of tree foliage. shall we eat spicy food coated with cheese, remain awake till late hours of the night. shall we laugh till stream of tears roll down our cheek, splash our feet in gushing torrents of river water. shall we make sandcastles in ocean sand, gallop through paddy fields on strong race horse. shall we play relishing games of card poker, greedily gulp steaming brown coffee from mugs. shall we drive through streets of the crowded city, ring incessantly metallic bells of towering church. shall we scrub marble floors with wet sponge, wash sins of past lives with our precious blood. shall we talk on telephone for unsurpassable length of time, watch us grow every unfolding minute of life. shall we paint canvas with smudges of mixed color, perspire together in scorching heat of unforgiving sun. shall we move our bodies to pulsating music, serve humanity with all possible dedication and might. shall we tear apart our hair in anger, wade our way through artificial tunnels of ice. shall we consume barrels of intoxicating wine, get marooned in scarcely populated african jungle. shall we fly high in gas baloons, snap photographs of the mesmerizing moon. shall we leap into dark death valleys, stay united for many births as humans.



The man in the photograph didn’t withdraw air from surrounding, While I breathed several times a single minute.

The man in the photograph didn’t laugh at a hilarious joke, While I burst into volleys of laughter at mention of the slightest satire.

The man in the photograph didn’t feel at all thirsty, While I couldn’t suffice without water for more than an hour.

The man in the photograph wore an impeccable white shirt; devoid of creases, While the garments that fitted my body were with blotches of stain and grease.

The man in the photograph didn’t budge a fraction of an inch, While I tossed and turned with growing spurts of overwhelming restlessness.

The man in the photograph was clad in threadbare clothes even in chilly winter, While I draped my persona with furry covers of pure sheepskin wool.

The man in the photograph never developed shabby

211 stubble of beard, While I shaved my skin scrupulously twice in a single day.

The man in the photograph didn’t sweat drops of pungent perspiration, While I shed water from my armpits every unfolding second in the sun.

The man in the photograph didn’t sit for years on the trot, While I needed to rest occasionally on the ergonomically sculptured leather pouch.

The man in the photograph didn’t expurgate his bowels, While I made frequent journeys to the bathroom after devouring plum juice and water.

The man in the photograph didn’t cough when tickled by pigeon feather, While I erupted into an earth shattering sneeze when struck by cold.

The man in the photograph was holistically phlegmatic, While I was full of volatile energy; ready to plunge into the sea of adventure.

The man in the photograph had black hair since times immemorial. While I had acquired grizzly streaks of white with the onset of age.

The man in the photograph didn’t struggle to earn money,

212 While I worked at frantic pace to make my livelihood.

As a matter of fact; the man in the photograph had died decades ago, And I was still living ;all set to change the complexion of this earth.



The man was stripped of sight since he was born, groping around his way in perpetual darkness as a kid, shielding his dilapidated eye with thick wipers of charcoal black, he rapidly learnt the art of deciphering protuberant Braille, acquired a kingly accolade in contemporary art; being divested precious ingredients of vision indispensable to execute it.

the orphan was deprived of the ability to disentangle sound, an aftermath of which he was oblivious to coherent speech, there was however no massacring his zeal for life, he decoded words through subtle movements of lips, was a dedicated pioneer in onerous freedom struggle of his country, refrained from portraying to the world; that he was deaf as a silent stone.

the lady in the slum possessed twin pairs of crippled feet, bearing the brunt of irascible car wheels crushing her bones, she now walked with tapered calipers of cheap cane, although she had a heart embodied with philanthropic visions, lending a helping hand to people suffering in miserable plight.

214 i wandered about jobless for several days, bestowed upon with all tangible aspects of life, punching the ground hard in inexplicable frustration looming large, i then witnessed the lives of the abovementioned; utterly distraught yet ready to smile, it was that very day that i felt lucky; and sumptuously blessed, urged myself to laugh when i felt like sobbing; reminiscing memories of the man, the orphan, and the die hard lady.



Two compartments of soft gelatin plastic, dissolvable in spit and glandular secretions, dipped in thick grey brilliant dye, compressed by steel jaws of modern machine, functioning till wee hours of midnight, with meticulous efficiency and robotized control, producing miniature plastic at lightning speed, causing the strips of plastic to overlap, into tiny shells bouncing in dispatch jars, incorporating milligram amounts of medicine powder, having curative potential to eliminate ailments, attacking virus, anaemia, brain malfunction, intractable woes of cancer&aids, assassinating diseased outgrowths, nestling in perennial supply of red blood, targeting the heart of sickened behavior, with mixed ingredients of sulphur, oxide, potassium, and derivatives of molecular compounds, procurable in a host of potency and cost, from a franchise of licensed medical shops, guaranteeing reprieve from invincible pain, an effective way of ending misery, decades of darkened existence, masses of weakened body machinery, gasps of insufficient contorted breath, a savage killer of soaring body heat, when taken with adequate amounts of water, at regular intervals of the day, is simply called and saluted as " MEDICINE MAGIC"



The sheets had never been slept on, the china ware glittered like pure gold, the blankets were of Persian wool, the tables were built of solid teak, the paintings were exquisitely sketched, the brass handles had no smudges, the mirrors shone in brilliant radiance, the upholstery was ergonomically plush, the boiler rooms were a bustle of feverish activity, the clock tower had silver needles, the auditorium echoed with catholic rhymes, the first class chambers were somber sophistication, the workers room flowed with beer and dance, the lifts well oiled, carried people graciously, the dinner room was full of flattery and rich cigar smoke, the alarm bells were nailed to plaster, there was a separate floor for grotesque prison cells, the mammoth chimneys breathed grey smoke, the warning check post stood the tallest of all, the vintage car hung in pride, the coarse cloth sails cut chilly currents of Atlantic, the steel railings formed invincible periphery, the captains room had maneuvering controls, skilled manpower managed electric supply, thousands of human sailed for two days of expedition, existed in harmony, in handsomely furnished cubicles, with no scope for mice and dirt, the ship was made of unsinkable iron, a blend of grandeur, and majestic travel, the strongest sailing monster on water,

217 creating history in ship hierarchy, with its hull biting into frozen Atlantic waters, it was a ship of dreams, a ship of artistically carved glamour , with life boats suspended for mere formality, and winged propellers marching through territories of water, they called it the "TITANIC"


When the golden eagle laid her eggs in pallid interiors of the jail prison, in a pathetic ambience of torn spider web and wild rat, the inmates wailing their woes at discordant tunes, the obdurate periphery of snow white shells simply refrained from hatching, the fledglings suffocated to death in the rudimentary ocean of yolk and blood.

the gaudily striped magpie built her nest of raw twigs and grass, nestling precariously on tall precipice of the mountain, in which she delivered a festoon of small yellow eggs, there suddenly came torrential rain pelting down, the sky camouflaged with flashes of cold crimson red, her precious pearls of palpable silver plummeted down the valley, diffusing into infinite splinters after colliding with a chain of rock.

the long legged ostrich laid her king sized egg in soggy fields of paddy, nurturing them with loads of compassion and motherly warmth, slept in a tranquil bliss all throughout the monsoon night, she wept in inconsolable grief, as first rays of dawn filtered past her eyes, the babies were no longer hers, as they now lay safely

219 impregnated, within the slimy intestines of the slithering reptile.

the above mentioned were rare cases of callous mothers, the premonitions i held for my mother were simply astounding, she hailed from a godly pedigree of mammalian mothers, guarded me against evil all night and blistering day, caressed me in her arms yielding to my faint cries, suckled me with milk, reinforcing my tender bones, left me to wander on the soil of parasitic earth, after i acquired a mountain of maturity blended with the spirit to live.



I felt drowned in waves of pungent distraction, as flickering images of the television flooded inert regions of my eye. i felt possessed by gargantuan amounts of languid energy, rolled on the spongy mattress placed on flat rosewood of my bed. i felt strangulated by feckless obsessions draining reserve quota’s of energy, as gallons of saliva leaked copiously from my mouth. i felt submerged in violent fantasies all throughout the sunlit day, danced with lively animation on the blazing roof of my sloping terrace. i felt captivated by the poignant aroma of the garden rose, drank with gusto, sickening sweet curry of beehive honey. i felt imprisoned by the melodramatic chirping of striped nightingale, abruptly froze in my footsteps, shrugging away loads of consequential work.

i felt mesmerized by husky voices of my beloved floating in the air, opened multiple windows of my house to distinguish the heavenly cadence in her sound. I felt nostalgia for native land imprison my heart, As infinite Goosebumps crept stealthily on fragile

221 pores of my skin. I felt holocausts approaching me from all quarters of the globe, Plucked several blades of grass from fertile patches of clayey mud.

The final examinations were looming large round the corner, Dreamy regions of mind found cumbersome to decipher intermingled lines of book, There were coats of sedation enveloping my persona, Reminisces of childhood era punctured diligent balloons in my mind, Fragrant premonitions of my love next door increased multifold the beating of heart, One thing was dead sure, If this was the route I adopted till my exams commenced, Truckloads of luck would desert me midway, Nefarious outcomes would haunt me for the rest of my life, It was a pragmatic certainty, That my youthful demeanor was likely to succumb miserably, When confronted with the might of annual examinations.


He was as strong as an ox, youthful exuberance pumped through his chest bones, rich blood flowed in all veins of body, golden sweat dripped down muddy contours of cheek, long strands of hair rose occasionally with the wind, snake leather belt was wound tightly to waist, aroma of fresh sea water cologne emanated from cheek, he stood tall several inches from the ground, clad in crisp denim shirt and cream trousers, my friend geared up to attend the midnight dance, as his high powered bike left whirlwinds of dust behind.

he traversed the vacant streets at breakneck speeds, listening to mystical tunes of enigma, coherently increasing wrist pressure on speed bar, with full illumination of focus lights, clouds of sand grains whizzed at intimate contacts of wheel and ground, chilly currents of winter breeze collided across his chest, he had a large heart residing in dormitories of self respect, at the moment he was a reckless maniac, ready to blend torrential thunder with earth, zipping like a demon past towering mansions of the city, nevertheless he still would remain as my friend.


The water was icily cold, colored to sinister reptile brown, coated with oxygen and aroma, with a tinge of sweetened flavour, and specific gravity more than one, refrigerated in automatic mechanized plants, passing through innumerable check monitors, dictating strict conditions of health and hygiene, an amalgamate of water and black vapour, aerated to add spice to taste, an artificial alternative of quenching thirst, soaring to dizzy heights in the blazing sun, a symbol of universal sophistication, an essential ingredient for all occasions,' a genuine appetizer for millions of bowels, identical to alcohol before consumption, an omnipresent commodity in shopping centers, stone offices and cinema halls,. spreading waves of unanimous addiction, bottled at source in hexa inch tin metal, with emblems of pepsi, coke, fanta, sprite...etc, producing frothy gas when shaken, tingling sensations when consumed, euphoric shouts when sighted in sweat, it doesn’t take a specialist to realize, that i am describing a " COLD SODA DRINK


When i deftly plucked heinous iron nails from the soft trunk of maple tree, cleaning its stalk with a blend of husk perfume and mineral water, despicable patches of fungal green; vanished without leaving stingy traces, the demeanor of lumber now transited to summit's of impeccability, and the tree swallowed fresh gulps of air; having been hindered for several years on the trot.

as i ripped of an assembly of wooden nails from the sordid plaster of walls, the contraption was left isolated with king sized holes, hostile beams of sunlight now sabotaged the interiors, the rain and wind entered without formal invitation, alongwith envious neighbours breaking barriers of intimate privacy.

when i trimmed unruly portions of nails from my protuberant finger, coherently chiseling irregular indentations with the abraded base, the appearance of my palm thereafter left me in dumbstruck stupor, the hands once savage; now replicated articulate designs of fashion, with the fairer sex casting frivolous glances at the web of masculinity stripped of muddy nail.


and when i tried and evacuate colossal sized nails from the body of Christ, emancipating his silhouette from the ghastly prisons of trauma, he stringently admonished me whispering, "let blood trickle from my arms; an ocean of tears dribble down my cheek", "i want to free the world from realms of pain and enigmatic misery", set an example by inflicting upon this body of flesh and bone; fathomless distress that encompasses my fellow beings.



When i shielded my eyes from blistering rays of midday sun, wearing frivolous black tints of exquisite glass, palpable objects on the streets appeared faded and disgustingly murky, with all garment in flocculent white; seeming to be dipped in grey sewage water, i felt as if sporadic flashes of blindness had stealthily encroached my vision.

as i obscured my eyes ;with bulky frames of high powered glass, slender avenues of my eyeball resembled fully ripened eggs of the farm hen, single silhouettes of plebeians struck my eye as multiple, i groped my way faltering over bedraggled stone, reached back my place of dwelling limping; with a host of broken bones.

after i sealed my eyes with a tightly wound linen cloth, acerbic rays of sun god; flooded my vision as an ocean of red fire, there was gruesome darkness camouflaging me at the onset of twilight, i had to be escorted in person; with embarrassing stares hissed by oncoming individuals.


when i obliterated my eyes with round balls of blood red plastic, frothy white milk looked like ghastly human blood, dazzling bandwidths of crimson pierced my eye, and i refrained completely from consuming all that was pearly white.

and when i kept my eyes naked for all day and humid night, the results were exhilaratingly remarkable, pungent outlines of clock tower needles now reflected clearly, the sunbeams were as sharp as never before, the full moon shone with undulating islands of misty black, it was that very moment that i holistically resolved, to keep my eyes completely naked for the tenure i was destined to walk on mother earth.



The day was astonishingly bright and sunny, brilliant sunshine kissed bare bricks of the multi-storied edifice, puffs of white clouds were a meager few, wandering in oblivion, handsome cranes dipped their beak occasionally in still water of the lake, diminutive grains of dust glowed in the sun rays, a fleet of jet crafts left trails of grey smoke, there was a perfect bliss in the atmosphere, as I stood at high altitudes from the ground surface, on the roof top terrace plains of the tall building, gazed thousands of feet down through my high powered pair of field glasses.

The gigantic structure was surrounded by pure cotton, Bundles of cushion foam lined its periphery, There were chunks of velvet and satin quilt, Fibers of jute and gunny sacks containing unprocessed pulp, Reinforced with soft crystal balls of spongy Dunlop. The feelings generated were irresistible, Waves of eccentric euphoria drowned me in totality, It was a breathtaking view that one could ever witness, A marvelously imposing structure, engulfed by a river of rich cotton floss.

That’s when I decided to execute this act , Inhaling cylinders of fresh air inside my lung, Spread my hands like an eagle, bent my back to full angularity, Leaped with the strong wind, bereft of elastic

229 camouflage covers of parachute, Hurtling headlong towards the ground at the speed of light, Infinite hair on my skin standing upright in exhilaration, Eventually bouncing on the maze of white cotton sea, Blended in equanimity with jute, plastic, dunlop and fiber, Escaped unhurt like a celestial god, Danced like a maniac losing pressured degrees of respect and control, As flakes of fragile cotton , A jugglery of thread and foam leaked from, All quarters of my wheat complexioned body.


Blue lotions of liquid bubbled in gas flames, large quantity of acid lay still in crucibles of hard plastic, molecules of sweet sugar were scattered on the floor, silky webs of spider clung to steep corners of the roof, group of white mice ran helter -skelter at instants of heavy foot steps, warm rays of the sun shone through the window pane, silver mercury outlines looked enchanting in spiral testutbes, finely crushed rock samples were stored in transparent carboys, gold rimmed half glass caressed his triangular nose, the scientist was in a spell of intense concentration, with bulky sheets of printed paper buried under his chin. innovative ideas shot through meticulous chambers of his mind, scented sweat dripped from infinite pores of body, square fingers with uncut nails worked in passionate fury, blending a variety of volatile liquid, melting wax paper with brittle chunks of chrome metal, coating charred stone with aromatic spirit, he had several inventions to his credit, but this one was straight from top drawers of his brain, as he smeared a long slender broomstick, with a queer smelling ointment made from bird feather and ostrich egg, the dead broomstick displayed first signs of newly

231 found life, rose a few inches from the concrete floor, whistled past the open window glass, high up in the clear blue sky with rollicking bursts of pumped speed.



When i greedily gulped saline water from sea waves, fresh centers of thirst got doubly stimulated, wild freckles of red rash encompassed my lips, tingling sensations vociferously tickled dreary zones of my mouth, amalgamated mass of my intestine puked rich chicken bone, which i had devoured in entirety a few hours ago.

when i licked blotted pools of soiled mud water, sedately consumed large pints of contaminated liquid, thoroughly washing tiny morsels of food in my mouth, scraping rigid tints of yellow from the riveted cluster of teeth, a host of infections blossomed in my body, rendering me insipid, feeble, prone to dire consequences of complete extinction.

when i languidly sucked translucent water from coconut shell, extracted the last drop of juice trapped within cocoons of snow white pulp, making guttural noises as i relished the drink, diluted streams of blood revitalized with volatile energy, abandoning me with poignant traces of contentment, entrenching me in blissful boundaries of felicity.

as i opened my mouth to gulp crystal white waters of the mountain spring, spread eagled my palms to embrace the cascading froth,

233 i felt tumultuous gratification engulfing my persona, this was the purest form of water i could ever perceive of consuming, quenching my thirst for minutes immemorial, scrupulously mending all webs torn by the essence of substitute water.



When i caressed barren regions of my flesh with furry noodles of wool, nimble hair stuck to skin stood up in animation, as i broke into volleys of irresistible laughter.

as i kneaded long noodles of raw paper pulp, there was a conglomerate of reddish white wax formed, and a heavenly fragrance of garnished paper tickled moistened hair in my nostril.

when i gulped compact noodles of gelatin capsule, the magical powder spread parasitically through infinite veins, rendering me with bleak rays of hope, as i relinquished gruesome pain.

when i swung vociferously on noodles of thickly knotted thread, poignant missiles of air colliding with my body through the interstitched holes, there were languid feelings enveloping bountiful layers of my persona, prompting me to shut my eyes tightly and sleep. as i smeared supple regions of skin with unsymmetrical noodles of virgin clay, washed my body in the holy waters of Ganges, the natural antiseptic displayed spectacular aftermaths, transforming morbid exteriors of my demeanour into a

235 brilliant sparkling white.

when i consumed spongy noodles blended with bulky extracts of spice, drank gallons of golden beer causing them to drown, i fell down with indispensable thuds on the king poster bed, envisaging tall mountains with silver peaks, in my everlasting slumber.

when i felt agonizing noodles of her precious tears dribble down my neck, i wiped them thoroughly with my tender lips, obliterated her from blasphemous sectors of the world, reinforcing her eyes with the passionate tenacity of my love.



Olive green grenades of juicy fruit, silver grey oysters touching ocean beds, round yellow moulds of gold biscuits, black leather made of pure python skin, glass trolleys from projecting pivots of Ferris wheel, leather bound volumes of English dictionary, sliding metallic doors of refrigerated apparatus, big tyre treads of fantasy Toyota, wrought iron legs of four poster bed, mesmerizing voice of the tower cuckoo clock, articulately carved statues of marble, jeweled parker pens with ball pointed refill, exquisite clothing for all kinds of wear, luminating dials of strapped wrist watch, everlasting chill of window air conditioner, lush green lawns with high converging fountains, sprawling meadows of migratory birds, blood curling growl of hybrid Alsatian, electronic computers with surplus microchips, 100 pails of freshly extracted cow milk, royal game of chess played on checkered squares, brown thatched roofs of clay huts, inflated sharpened pencil shell of scud missiles, dense camouflaged orchards of red apple, solitary confinement amidst an assemblage of graves, bronze plated flower vase with red roses, flashing signal lights in London streets, loose cattle wandering on Swiss plateau's, a motor boat cruise of river Thames, multicolored flags of global nations, rotund policemen on Asian roads, mega suspense thrillers of James bond, acres of fertile farm land,

237 electric charged atmosphere of stock market floor, bottles of tightly corked Australian champagne, furry green tables of playing cards, slender skies for zipping through snow, throaty chuckles while viewing Walt Disney, rich tapestry of aircraft seat, mono-rails trespassing African jungles, museums possessing antiquated fossils, revolving trophies of championship wins, hunched camel back on desert soil, cigarettes containing filtered tobacco, frogs croaking in discordant unison, midnight stars in a twinkling cameo, i wake up with pricked jerks, drenched with cold ice water, thrown in disdain by my plump mother, one thing's for certain, my mind is a vast OCEAN OF DREAMS.


I felt woolen threads of afghan carpet tickling me, a saga of emotions draining golden reserves of energy. i saw cherry red apples dangling from leafy tree twigs, swam rapidly across chilly currents of deep water. i kicked loose chunks of dirt with my spiked shoe, rode on bare horseback through soggy fields of unripened paddy. i drenched myself with saliva dribbling from my mouth, fed the cows with lush green bundles of country grass. i devoured greedily, roasted slices of barbecued goat, paced vigorously through sea sand hosting an army of venomous crab. i drove my slender nosed sedan at breakneck speeds, whistled at the top of my lungs piercing placid carpets of air. i swayed rhythmically to infectious tunes of music, sipped chocolate rum from large beer mugs of bone china. i stared at my reflection in sparkling mountain water, draped myself in expensive linen suit with tinges of gold. i dug tunnels in mud with crowbars of metal, fondled long silky ears of my pet Alsatian. i painted the courtyard walls with hasty strokes of king sized brush, snored like a demon through humid passing hours of the summer night.


I was confronted with cumbersome amounts of jigsaw puzzles, which on my day would unleash themselves with nonchalant ease.

i felt inadvertently stabbed at umpteenth places of my persona, infinite thorns punctured spongy sheath of my car tyre, the same refrained to happen when on my day.

i fell from unprecedented heights of the tower, escaped unhurt devoid of agonizing bruise on my day.

i felt exhausted, stripped of reserve quota's of volatile energy, was yet able to accomplish disdainful tasks on my day.

i felt impeccable pieces of memory deserting me when delivering my best, the same got reinforced with sacrosanct knowledge when on my day.

i felt as if torn to bone by menacing white sharks in the sapphire ocean, assassinated the same mammal with adroit strokes of blade when on my day.

i lost stringent consciousness after consuming intoxicating red wine, danced like an untamed elephant, tearing my hair, all solitary winter night when on my day.

240 i felt violent palpitations lambaste my heart while facing brunt of weekly test, the same transited to impassionate waves of relaxed demeanour, magical contours encompassing my face when on my day.

i devoured sour cream fermented with bacteria as the first meal of dawn, received a silken cascade of rich pearly milk when on my day.

i kept searching for misplaced notes within an ambience of juxtaposed objects, saw the same looming large in close proximity with eyeball when on my day.

she averted me with obnoxious fervour all throughout the course of unfolding years, was perched blissfully abreast my heart when on my day.



Spongy toes project awkwardly, from dark flesh of gentle feet, waxy liquid in blue bottles, leather bound books laid in dust, quintals of paper sheets flying astray, dingy bulbs cutting dark holes, flashy portraits stuck to red brick, antiquated moulds of varnished wood, ceramic squares of lavatory tiles, ergonomic bulge of fantasy pillows, scented sprays ,with a blend of antiseptic, colored tablets of soap, a range of toiletry, sliding cabinets of solid steel, thick drapery of rich curtain spread, shielding stringent rays of sunlight, solitary vents for cool air, sprawled water beds with tepid water, reliable tetra winged ceiling fan, with switchboard panels pummeled to concrete, electronic gadgetry on revolving rubber, black pointed arrows of the giant father clock, exaggerated crumbling polished wall paint, tall framework of slanted mirrors, crisp shirts of pure cotton floss, grey linen flannels hanging down, semicircular marble arches with potted plants, strips of black scotch tape spread wildly, translucent glass panes of window shutters, shaven wood scalps of voodoo witchcraft, the large oak tree at visible heights, shooting through solid foundations, with shadows of ecstasy lurking stealthily, a glittering heap of silver coins,

242 solid iron doors with heavy bolts, providing loads of security, escalating fragrance of tangible comfort, with a pandemonium of chorused voices, is all what i have in my room.


I lay on primitive mass of chocolate brown soil, digging cupfuls of earth with brackish hand, engraving incoherent designs with big toe, smearing my face with slippery mud, envisaging, the splendor of the fragrant rose, the timeless chirping of humming sparrow, nocturnal movements of colored reptile, sedate swim of lethal alligator with king sized jaw, prolific sprint of striped leopard for prey, non invasive walk of multi-legged insects, green light radiating from twin eyeballs of owl, entangled network of crisscrossed antelope horn, mammoth silky strands of African spider web, pure white monstrous egg of wailing vulture, black haired apes feeding on jackfruit, slender necked peacock exposing kingly feather, pouch bellied kangaroo racing at whirlwind speed, fleet footed squirrels eluding acerbic rays of light, i suddenly feel dirty, coated with pungent clay mud, the vigils of darkness taking a stranglehold on murky light, prompting me to climb wooden rungs of my treetop house, sleep in tranquil, snore like a beast, on elastic wood of forked tree branch.


There was a heavy shrinkage of body bones, supple parchments of skin had now transited to decayed yellow, the cheeks had sunk well within cavities of hollow, juicy pulp of lips resembled jagged outlines of smashed rock, the harmony of teeth was broken by gaping tunnels of black, crystal marbles of the eye had relinquished the power to see, handsome pairs of shoulders stooped disconcertingly towards earth, a paltry few hair on the scalp had turned a disdainful grizzly white, frigid feet now ached when i placed them on the ground to walk, knotty hard fingers had shriveled to bonded sticks of soft pencil, chambers in the ear abnegated all voices in proximity, huge tendrils of white fiber emanated from my nose, calcium coats of nail had stopped growing on my finger, the kidneys malfunctioned with a plethora of stone, chocolate brown sacs of liver had condensed to small specks.

i felt newly born again, needing someone to cuddle me, make me go to sleep, alas! i was all alone leading life in absolute desolation, my spouse had deserted me several years ago, the people around viewed me with contempt and loads of dejection,

245 my tongue quavered violently when wanting to speak, bowels in my intestines refused all food, the walking stick now bore insults, the brunt of few pounds of my weight, i was 90 years old, on the verge of extinction from realms of mother earth, tear drops from my eyes had dried decades ago, the only gratification was, that i still breathed air, reminisced radiant images of my youth.



Fleshy pipes of my legs carried me long distance, made sure i was triumphant in every race of life.

wooden pipes filled with sedative tobacco caused me drown in aroma, ensured that i floated in paradise, a few hours after consumption.

steel pipes of the pistol made me feel like an uncrowned king, blessed me with loads of comfort and unprecedented power.

twin pipes of my nose facilitated me to take in air, breathe in a celestial bliss for the time till i lived.

knotted pipes of my palm fingers gave me versatility to write, held with earnest solidarity steaming mugs of milk for me to drink.

infinite pipes of hair descended down my scalp, cushioning my skull from brutal blows of metal and wind. a crimson pink pipe of tongue extruded from chambers of mouth, blessing me with the authority to win the world through my speech.

there were pipes of fragile plastic in all rooms of my house,

247 providing me with bountiful amounts of ground water.

angular pipes of bone protruded from my elbow, assisting me hold my head down when struck by unfathomable shame. nostalgic pipes crept haphazardly from throbbing pores of my heart, oozing incessantly the agony of existence, the blissful tales of my everlasting love.



I started digging soil with pickaxe of the strongest iron, loose chunks of mud flew haphazardly, coagulated sand broke into diffused cakes of brown earth, snail worms and ant ran for safe enclosures, the ground was bruised with unrelenting strokes of sharp blade, interior recesses of land were wet in moisture, sandwiched layers of soil wept at the invasion, hot geysers of liquid erupted at great depths from the surface, as rain showers of sweat ran down my flesh, after perspiring hours of grueling excavating work.

mammoth intervals of clock time passed by, the sun peeped at dawn every fresh day, my palms developed cracks with bleeding pores of skin, stubby filaments of beard transformed into platelets of wild hair, rich cotton clothing resembled threadbare rags of a beggar, eyeballs were transfixed down for infinite intervals of time, i was severely exhausted, reserve energies of my body were sapping down, all of a sudden my axe struck metal, there followed a ear splitting collision, shards of gold flew alongwith bits of clay pottery, my face lit up with glee, my body was enveloped with waves of jubilation, i knew i was going to relish luxury meals, live in silver palaces for a while,

249 as the century old assemblage of buried yellow coins, kept cascading through the small aperture made by my plaintive pickaxe.



When yellow beams of sunlight passed through blood stained glass, the rays transited to crimson red; with prominent tinges of pallid empathy.

when yellow beams of sunlight permeated through a dense forage of leaves, the rays converted to mesmerizing shadows; obfuscated from harsh light.

when yellow beams of sunlight penetrated through pellucid pools of mountain water, the rays transformed to a honey golden; converging like a quiver of arrows on clusters of fish.

when yellow beams of sunlight filtered through daintily polished finger nails, the rays acquired color of pink avenues of tender skin. when yellow beams of sunlight sneaked through morbid interiors bathing in pitch darkness, the rays illuminated the ghostly ambience with stringent rays of antiseptic light.

when yellow beams of sunlight softly caressed frozen tunnels of white ice, the rays lambasted the tyranny of savage

251 winter; prompting the snow to melt.

when yellow beams of sunlight fell on the clammy surface of stale tea, the rays prompted its pallid persona to boisterously heat and sizzle. when yellow beams of sunlight pilfered through hollow crevices of teeth, the rays fumigated obnoxious centers of rotten breath inhabiting in abundance.

when yellow beams of sunlight plunged on the satiny mattress of scalp hair, the rays reinvigorated intricate parts of brain machinery with holistic warmth.

and when yellow beams of light pierced through my heart;body;and soul, the rays had overwhelming tasks of perpetually bonding me with my beloved, amalgamating me and her for centuries galore; with the essence of our love radiating its blissful fragrance.



There was a time when i bludgeoned people with my rock iron fists, now i didn't even have the vigor to raise my hands.

there was time when i drove my car at swashbuckling speeds, now my legs quivered at mentions of automobile travel.

there was a time when drank barrels of beer with unprecedented gusto, now i refrained from drinking even salted water.

there was a time when i cast frivolous glances at young maidens, now i withdrew miles away from the faintest shadow of females.

there was a time when i clambered up the hill with robust spurts of euphoria, now i stood at the base and admired the honey golden sun; tumbling drops of rain.

there was a time when i chewed vicious petals of raw tobacco, now i confined myself to a bland soup of banana curry.

there was a time when i shouted on the streets creating utter pandemonium, now i talked in subtle whispers with my spouse; in imprisoned interiors of our home.

253 there was a time when i gnawed my teeth in the brittle body of sugarcane, now i satisfied myself with frigid chunks of sour milk cream.

there was a time when i bathed in an avalanche of freezing water; beneath the mountain spring, now i meticulously poured minuscule tumblers of hot water on my persona.

there was a time wrote sedulously; infinite lines of poignant literature, now i dictated lethargic notes for my assistants to scribble down.

there was a time when i indulged in rambunctious brawls with my rivals, now i begged them for perennial harmony with folded hands. there was a time when there when i bore a thick shock of curly hair on my scalp, now they had been replaced by frugal fibers of deathly white projecting timidly.

there was a time when i spotted oblivious outlines of bird in the sky, now i wore high powered glass to distinguish my children. there was a time when I dismantled rocks that came my way, now I was petrified to even tread on ants that

254 trespassed the floor.

There was a time when I sobbed at the slightest of provocation, Now I stared in tranquil contentment even when ridiculed to bizarre limits.

There was a time when I laughed incessantly all sunlit day, Now I groped for inexplicably for profound reasons to smile.

There was a time when I romanticized wading through choppy waves of the ocean, Now I perceived loads of gratification; sitting abreast my innocent siblings.

That was decades when I was bubbling in the zeal of youth, Whilst now I lay shriveled; discarded as a disdainful liability; in the form of an grizzly hair man.


Please do disturb me in enchanting night of chilly winter, when i sleep like an angel; strangulated in the fragrance of blueberry musk.

Please keep miles away when i drive my battered jalopy, with the horns wailing; and rustic shards of metal protruding out.

Please take me with you in mesmerizing waters of the blue ocean, for i desire to swim parallel to the pearly white shark; and sapphire blue whale.

Please help me carry cumbersome loads hung to my dainty shoulders, As I contracted a deadly sprain, tripping down from the balcony rail.

Please flood my mundane ears with pungent notes of captivating music, Nostalgically imprisoning me in mind, body and soul.

Please inspire me to read vociferously through innumerable pages of history literature, Rendering me capable to conquer invincible might's of examination.

Please prepare a concoction of steaming brown coffee with extracts of pure honey, Facilitating me to perspire in solitary hours past

256 midnight.

Please help me disentangle a jugglery of thread wound to my wrist, Releasing my blood from jaws of sinister captivity.

Please refrain from indulging in animated talk with pedestrians, As volcanic pangs of jealousy would shoot through my veins.

Please adorn your hair with scented braids of rose flower, Drowning my starved nostril into waves of everlasting euphoria.

Please don’t get angry when I commit erroneous blunders, As I surely would patch up for them at prime costs of my life.

Please walk beside me with your hands entwined in mine, For me to perceive the passionate warmth radiating from your fingers.

Please stay with me for the time we breathe, For if you deserted me; I would simply relinquish all power to live.



I dabble my feet in a pool of water, Lying solitary on deserted tarmac, A blend of algae and dirt, With a caravan of powerful stench emanating, Perceived obnoxiously by the breath center, Comprising hairy tunnels of sticky mucus, Creating waves of hazy drops, Suspended in elastic walls of blotted water, In an ambience of moistened blackness, Appalling gloom of the sweltering night, With fleet of birds chirping incessantly, Propagating freedom through aviatory rhymes. The water factory of micro-organisms, Awaits galleries of blistering sunshine, A million seconds of bated breath, Fumigating it with clean rays of filtered light, Breaking chains of trapped water, Few days of stagnated persona, Evaporating a hectare of water pond, An assemblage of seasonal rainfall, Into crispy delights of thin atmosphere.


If you ventured to leap from unprecedented heights of the building, the power of my love would stop you from colliding with the earth. if you thought of consuming vials of deadly snake poison, the power of my love would transform it into golden herbs revitalizing life. if you planned to severe the bunch of blissful veins on your wrist, the power of my love would replace them with impenetrable sheets of metal. if you pondered on pursuing nefarious paths of lechery, the power of my love would freeze your footsteps violently midway. if you dreamt of driving your automobile at breakneck speeds, the power of my love would impregnate your persona from all sides, averting possible collisions and obstacles that came your way. if you walked pompously in blistering heat waves of the sun god, the power of my love would imprison you in a vice like grip with blankets of shady moisture. if you tried and concealed from me indispensable secrets of your life, the power of my love would prompt you to vomit the same with intense fury. if you shivered convulsively feeling stabbed by whirlwinds of fear,

259 the power of my love would make you sleep with compassionate warmth flooding every corner of your body. if blood oozed from your slender fingers while chopping vegetable, the power of my love would rehabilitate your bare wounds with supple skin. if you felt tormented by irascible groups of strangers, the power of my love would assassinate their necks from base tips of their skulls. if you whipped yourself in isolation and sheer contempt, the power of my love would convert your agonizing cries into those of pure ecstasy. if you ever thought of leaving me, the omnipotent power of my love would annihilate all such thoughts, before they even gained prominence in frigid pores of your mind.


I felt like consuming soft cones of chilled raspberry ice-cream, nibbling gently at the appetizing kernel of white nut, all i needed was a glutinous mouth to swallow, a sheaf of crisp currency notes as a pre-requisite.

i felt like swimming underwater for long intervals of time, caressing the mangled outgrowths of coral reef with my supple skin, it was therefore indispensable to be a prolific swimmer, with the aqualung apparatus and an ocean of courage being a pre-requisite.

i felt like sketching intricate shapes of roman gods, filling the same with glossy color and embroidered silk, i knew i had to be a true connoisseur of mystical art, also posses a pair of articulate fingers as an inevitable pre-requisite.

i felt like flying as the birds in the azure sky, relishing the poignant breeze slapping across my face, this seemed possible; if i was a fairy in the tales of Arabian nights, with twin pair of corrugated wings as a solitary pre-requisite.

i dreamt and lived life with blissful visions of acquiring solace in heaven,

261 spending unsurpassable lengths of time with the creator, i had in turn to fulfill fathomless duties on earth, with a plethora of chivalrous deeds being a pre-requisite this time.



A brittle shell camouflaged my body, engraved with multicolored stripes of steel gray, slimy in texture, resembling dead chunks of wood, as hard as a rock, unmoved when blasted with explosive.

a fleshy neck protruded from my hollow skull, imprisoning a slender pink tongue swallowing glow worm, compact sets of teeth were for churning meal, i retraced my nose within cozy comforts of body pouch, the moment it smelt the unmistakable aroma of approaching man.

a pair of eyeball beads composed my vision, sighting appetizing prey in murky ambience of light, maneuvering my lazy feet to the place I resided, triggering my instincts of self defense, warning me round the clock of possible predators encroaching upon.

I swam at painstaking speed in stagnant pond of monsoon water, Nibbled floating weed ,drank lots of liquid, Lay topsy-turvy on clay strewn banks of river, With my belly bathing in dazzling rays of the sun god, My head inches within my tubular body, Whirlwinds of tension far away from my silhouette, Meditating jungle rhymes in this state of dormancy, Till pangs of hunger stimulated me to hunt, I knew the creator had blessed me with more than a century of life, As I had proudly inherited the form of a tortoise from

263 my still alive mother.



Wrinkled folds of elephant skin were painted golden yellow, ivory tusks were encircled with ornate black, sturdy teak wood seat was strapped to its body, large fringe of hair grew on slender tail, the elongated trunk had several corrugations, scalp was abraded by uprooting tall tree structures, the pachyderm marched through the wilderness, crushing an armoury of shrub, dismantling bird house with caressing trunk, bellowed exuberantly as the sky turned crimson, added leaps to its stride with torrential rain, carried passengers at towering heights from the ground, bathed in gushing currents of the mountain river, splashing rockets of solvent on the surrounding flamingo's, drenching itself with icy spray of spring water.

there was a fleet of ants residing in cocoons of soil, bustling with feverish activity, transporting milligram amounts of food grain, for relishing meals all throughout the day. the African beast trampled their den, disrupting the harmony of their united network, killing them in colossal numbers, sped haughtily for a good nights sleep. the ants wanted to teach him a lesson, caught up with him, clung to his tail, foot, occupied vantage points on his body,

265 finally inserting their venom stings on the hard skinned mammal, causing him to collapse in a heap, displaying the supreme might of RED ANT POWER.


I erased bulky manuscripts of scribbled literature, assassinated traces of the strongest chalk smeared on wall, bounced with boisterous pliability on the surface of hard ground, squirmed with nonchalant ease through tiny openings of sewage pipe, clambered up erect walls of the edifice with scrupulous proficiency, didn't diffuse into splinters when thrown from unprecedented heights of clock tower, traversed metal roads of the city at incredible speeds, disentangled my body from the tightest rope and steel, floated gently when laid on undulating waters of the savage ocean, wasn’t fastidious at all about the food i consumed, neither did i get engulfed in waves of dirt; staying immaculate without antiseptic baths, had the uncanny ability to fit in all types of cloth, pilfering into sealed vaults of bank ;stripped of articulate keys, i didn't bleed a trifle when pierced by gleaming jackknives, i didn't transit to charred ash when burnt in boiling flames, i didn't suffocate to death when strangulated by barbed wire, i didn't vanish to heavenly isolation when divested of food and water, bubbling with robust energy even when deprived of a

267 placid nights sleep, working like a maniac all 24 hours of the grueling day, i made people laugh ,existing for centuries on the pious soil of earth, a life complete with vibrant euphoria, bereft of dark shadows of ostentation, you must be wondering; whether i was god or an celestial angel, let me tell you folks that i was neither of the two, i was infact made of pure slices of intricate rubber, extracted in abundance from white streams of latex dribbling down the rubber tree.



When i spit saliva on brackish complexioned tan ground, there were pearly streaks of white formed amidst an assemblage of disdainful black.

when i spit saliva on the scintillating surface of immaculate marble, hordes of pedestrians tripped headlong; after an encounter with the slippery surface.

when i spit saliva on ravishing morsels of steaming food, the concoction transited to a fetid brown; hosting an army of obnoxious mosquito.

when i spit saliva on delectable pints of frosty milk, the opulently prosperous liquid turned into fermented bitter cream.

when i spit saliva on finely decimated granules of sugar, it produced a molten ointment of jaggery; deleterious to health.

when i spit saliva on arid patches of blistering air, the ambience was submerged in passionate humidity; pacifying high strung temper.

269 when i spit saliva on the surface of vast sapphire ocean, it simply faded into oblivion ;diffusing amongst colossal chains of trapped salt.

when i spit saliva in vehicular petrol, the elixir was rendered useless for further use; failing miserably in its attempts to rekindle the machine.

when i spit saliva on a jugglery of software electronic, the contraption hissed currents of venomous electricity; electrocuting tender bones in my skin.

when i spit saliva on slithering persona of jungle reptile, its demeanor glittered like pure gold; blended with stripes of vibrant yellow.

when i spit saliva on crisp sheets of morning paper, the manuscript was reduced to threadbare pulp; with distorted lines of English literature.

when i spit saliva on burning embers of black coal, the flames died a natural death; with sporadic spurts in intensity.

when i spit saliva on parched soil of the desert, it applauded my efforts; thanking me heartily for my assiduous efforts.

and when i didn't spit saliva at all; my body

270 retaliated in poignant anger, irresistible sensations proliferated in my mouth, and i eventually burst open my constipated mouth; emitting a frothy spray; as it didn't cost me to spit loads of FREE SALIVA.


The ambience was moistened with sweat and fresh rain, darkness prevailed at all quarters, soft car seat was reclined to full angularity, cluster of lotus flower petal imparted heavenly fragrance, lid of olive perfume bottle was left ajar, sheets of turbulent wind had left the windows painted with dust, plush upholstery gleamed in airtight interiors, grocery baskets were stashed in the back seat, a black bodied insect seemed to be crawling on the windshield, with an army of hairy legs kissing the bullet proof glass, the tarantula finally decided to perch for the night, in hidden enclosures of the rear view glass panel.

she haughtily stepped in the car, beaming at the prospect of driving through the misty valley, switched on the sleek stereo system, drove with the enchanting air hitting her pale skin, drowned completely in tantalizing tunes of Caribbean music. there was a loud honking sound, a goods caravan seemed to overtake, she cast routine glances at the rear assembly of mirror, the ghastly sight she witnessed sent chills down the last bone of her spine, occasional bumps and winding turns had disturbed the

272 spider, jostled it wide awake from lazy realms of blissful sleep, the foot long monster now emitted hostile stares at the young lady, showed first signs of slow movement, now fully alert after few hours of revitalizing rest. she cried at the top of her weak lungs for help, infinite goose-bumps emanated from her body, her fingers trembled convulsively, with equal impact on her dainty feet, the car finally swerved violently, lost sensible degrees of control as she went into partial trance, crashed into splinters of side hand rail, went tumbling down the steep valley at electric speeds, as the tarantula advanced a few inches further.



I consumed rice blended with fish curry, added pinches of salt to exit from realms of bland taste. i licked bare brick wall coated with sand plaster, devoured spicy remains of natural plastic paint. i trampled violently through fields of red pepper, sprayed finely crushed powder in the vicinity of shivering tongue. i swam at feverish pace in extreme salty solvent of the Caribbean sea, wiped myself dry to feel allergic patches of faded red. i pumped the air with a blend of perfume and green mustard seed, sat for patient hours basking in a film of spicy atmosphere. i rolled in clay mud sprinkled with pungent fertilizer, smeared my wheatish face with semicircular cakes of flavored mud. i sat on a cushion containing fermented yellow sour cream, smelt of obnoxious odour all throughout the passing day. i rubbed naked patches of my skin with hot repellant balms, danced all day with thunder storms of ecstasy echoing through my eardrum. i tore big chunks of orange ginger from tender branches of sapling, drenched myself with a tumbler full of aromatic water. i desired to breathe in an ambience of ravishing

274 alligator perfume, swim in colossal ponds of suspended salt for the remaining tenure of my life.


The farmer gaped at crusts of dry brown earth, acres of land lying fallow in merciless heat, bountiful crop wilting under stringent light of the sun, crevices in land splitting wider by the zipping second, he then scolded the plain regions of dark blue sky, for not acquiring ominous tinges of violent grey.

the striped panther rested on moistened portions of land, snoring chivalrously in a kingdom of celestial sleep, visualizing a cluster of humans in thick flesh and blood, pouch bellied kangaroo wiping its brutal teeth, he then scolded dead rabbit meat, lying well tucked within the hollow of his stomach, for ruining his perceptions of a royal sized meal.

drenched clothing hung on strong metal ropes, soaked immensely in sweat and tap water, fluttering sporadically with agitated outbursts of wind, and the ambience consisting of dull murky light, eventuality of thunder showers tumbling from the sky, the wet shirts then scolded the sun, for not hissing fireballs of natural light, thereby baking the humid persona of cloth with full round beams of sunshine.

hordes of fish got infected with disease, gasped for breath at great depths of the ocean,

276 lay strewn on the shore thrown by the exotic currents of waves, the water showed traces of contamination, black coats of oil and grease were found in gay abundance, the aquatic family then scolded the impetuous humans, for polluting its saline composition in the quest for displaying nuclear superiority.

he had simply no inhibitions, lived life in high esteem and loads of respect, inspite of not witnessing a single ray of light since birth, executed all his tasks to immaculate perfection, leaning heavily on his stick with stripes of white and red, traversing miles of territory, with an assemblage of gruesome blackness as his faithful companion, he thought several times of scolding the creator like his counterpart mates mentioned above, although he refrained registering his complaint, he possessed a rock solid opinion, it was better to exist being obscured from light, than not to live at all.


I lived all life in seaside hut, with frothy spray bearing granules of salt, dripping through octagon cavities of straw cane roof, sheets of loose sand whistling past glass pane, long tapered pine laden with juicy coconut, showered in plenty with strong draughts of wind, hairy crabs peeping from wet cocoons of sand, royal horse carts making spiral journeys in coastal mud, smart navy ships at obscure distances from human sight, sleek motor boats churning through white waves, plaintive wooden rafts with projecting fishing net, mammoth piers of resistant timber, securing ship rope, fiber glass stalls selling coconut flesh, stray vendors mixing iced candy, toddlers drilling awesome shapes in sand, teenagers rubbing liquid sun tan lotion, grey haired masses walking at brisk pace, fleet of cranes sipping brackish water, agilitic birds capsizing fish in moulded beak, acrid sunlight heating ocean in day, moonlit rays pacifying sea thirst at night, huge assemblage of waters crashing against black rock, with sea swelling in leaps and bounds, in torrential agony of cloud rain, and warm gulps of herbal tea, I simply love my seaside hut.



The car shot at high speeds through deserted lanes, trampling scraps of paper, bushy outgrowths of foliage, zipping at speeds escalating by the minute, leaving truck loads of plain golden dust behind.

his hands were smudged with cold blood, sweatshirt of rich denim clung to his waist, tinted strips of glass shielded his savage eyes, stubby fingers poked from tightly stitched leather gloves, bulging muscle almost tore his shirt sleeve, streaks of sun tan blended perfect with ruddy complexion, long strands of auburn hair looked gruesomely brutal, thick chains of pure gold hung from short neck bone, uncut fingernails contained crusts of human blood, a gleaming gun barrel projected from trouser pocket, heavy perspiration trickled down his arms and cheek, wailing horns of the police now reached him loud and stringent, the cops were hot on his trail since decades, although he eluded them on more occasions than once.

this time the scenario looked dismally distraught, he knew had few breaths now to breathe, reminiscences of past misdeeds flooded his mind, those days of ruling as a professional killer had now faded into oblivion, the car swerved violently, came to an abrupt halt striking against heavy tree lumber, buckets of blood leaked from mutilated parts of his

279 body, infinite bones of his body lay crushed beneath the burning debris, slender windpipe of breath now split in halves, the once saluted form lay completely lifeless, as a volley of bullets erupted from compact pistol apertures, aimed at random to assassinate all traces of the SERIAL KILLER.



If i lost a leg in vagaries of disdainful war, i would limp for the remainder of my disillusioning life, thanking the creator for having blessed me with a twin pair of sturdy feet.

if my persona was brusquely submerged in gruesome darkness, dazzling light of the sun seemed as smudged outlines of molten ice-cream, i would thank the creator for bestowing upon me the hind sight of hearing.

if daintily painted coats of my nail got severely punctured, the skin peeling off with droplets of pure blood, i would thank god for embedding hollow sockets of my arm with iron hands jutting out.

if infinite hair on my scalp tumbled down in lackluster unison, rendering my head resembling a barren ocean; bereft of goldfish, i would thank the almighty for endowing me with the power to regenerate.

if i sporadically lost the gift of eloquent speech, incorrigibly failing in my attempts to utter the faintest of sound, i would heartily thank god for showering me with the

281 gift of effusive expression. if my heartbeats temporarily deserted me at midnight, my face contorting spasmodically gripped with the onset of deathly paralysis, i would convey my thanks to the creator; for atleast sparing my life.

and if my beloved departed tragically for her expedition to heaven, relinquishing me alone in a world of abhorrence and corruption, with nostalgic memories of the times we laughed, broke down into tears at the slightest of provocation, i would still thank the almighty for the time he kept her, for me to obsessively admire; on this earth.



I draped my silhouette in flowing robes of immaculate silk, With golden brooches extruding out from the exquisitely stitched chicken collar, An aromatic rose embossed solitarily in the upper pocket, With the piquant musk cologne diffusing haphazardly from my cheek, And a conspicuous triangle of sandalwood luminating large on tender regions of my forehead.

When I came in proximity with a leper; he passed eloquent remarks commenting, On the impeccable complexion exhibited by my radiantly supple skin.

When I confronted a person bereft of sight; he scrupulously appreciated, The sonorous crispness that was incorporated in my stringent voice.

When I inadvertently collided with a pedestrian; divested of the gift of sound and speech, He exorbitantly admired the varsity of blended color that was visible to the naked eye.

When I traversed past a person; walking with crutches to support his mutilated

283 leg, He cast lingering glances towards the bulging muscle that clung to my impregnable feet.

When I encountered a ragamuffin beggar; strolling through the vacant street, He riveted his gaze cupidly towards the prominent projections in my trouser pocket.

When I met an illiterate individual; using his ink coated thumb to sign a sheaf of documents, He glanced at me with abhorrent prejudice; cursing my dexterous ability to write and speak.

When I came in close association with an opulent businessman, He gauged me suspiciously; contemplating various sources of my possible income.

When I came in cahoots with a professionally acknowledged wrestler, He clasped my wrist in his invincible grip; thereby testing eventual aftermath's of my grip.

When I came face to face with a belligerent soldier, He made ludicrous mockery of my attire; haughtily envisaging his own dress on the border.

When I came abreast of a rustic villager; carrying a bludgeon in his hand,

284 He stared unrelentingly; praising the contemporary styling of my clothes.

And finally when I met the girl I loved; she said I was looking voluptuously enchanting, Flooding a myriad of open spaces on my shirt with passionate kisses, I then fell in an enigmatic trance; disdainfully shrugging the opinions of a host of people I had previously encountered, with bountiful arenas in my mind considering her remarks as the "THE FINAL VERDICT".



the day she sobbed with unsubsiding hysteria, i would try and assassinate the reason for her agony from its very existent roots.

the day she slept barefoot; bearing the tumultuous onslaught of winter winds, i would cover her trembling body with furry skin of mountain bear. the day she bruised her skin; with prolific streams of blood oozing out, i would kiss it with passionate warmth; leaving it for it to heal with bonds of our omnipresent love.

the day she sequestered herself in realms of isolation, i would make her violently laugh to exit from vigils of solitary boredom. the day she sneezed incessantly; with heat soaring to Herculean proportions in her body, i would prepare sizzling hot cupfuls of incense tea; for her to get some respite.

the day she complained of her temples throbbing, i would massage her scalp with deft strokes of my palm.

the day she giggled freely with a pack of lecherous

286 strangers, i would scold her for betraying me; with my anger rising to unprecedented limits.

the day she seemed exhausted to raise her feet, i would hoist her on my shoulders to make her witness the outside world.

the day she screamed at me for arriving late, i would try and pacify her anger by tickling her vociferously.

the day she seemed hapless while knitting me a sweater, i would try and execute fervent attempts to solve her dilemma.

the day she was struck viciously by deathly fangs of the garden snake, i would extract the venom with my teeth; bringing her back to consciousness.

and the day she said she wanted to terminate our relationship; leaving me forever, i would simply have no other option but to die.


When I lay languidly sprawled on a king poster bed; emollient with a scent of mesmerizing rose, There was an insatiable craving in the body to sleep.

When I came in proximity with an appetizing meal of cold salad; blended with sea petrel, There were irresistible cravings in the starved bowels to eat.

When there hung an immaculate bandanna at right angles to my vision, There developed an inevitable craving to expurgate my nostrils; and sneeze.

When I saw white water tumbling down the undulating mountain, There arose unfathomable cravings in my persona to stand beneath it; and bathe.

When I came in lethal confrontation with a cluster of venomous snake, There was an indispensable craving in my legs; to gallop at rollicking pace and flee.

When I alighted the majestically strong demeanour of a race stallion, There was a ubiquitous craving in my mind; to traverse the race course at swashbuckling speed.


When I jumped aboard the ship; into sapphire waters of the fathomless ocean, There were desperate cravings that proliferated in my body; to swim.

When my fellow counterparts tyrannized me; victimizing me as the subject of ludicrous laughter, There arose sporadic cravings in my tongue to stringently retaliate.

When I was on the verge of freezing in chilly winds of arctic winter, There arose profound cravings to burn a grandiloquent fire; and warm my numb feet.

When I was chased by a striped leopard in dense camouflage of the jungle, There was an overwhelming craving to clamber up the tree; and hide in the myriad of branches.

When I walked bedraggled; through silver soil of the scorched desert, There was an ingratiating craving for sipping cool water; thereby sustaining precious life.

When there were stacks of resplendent gold lying unguarded on the solitary street, There were intractable cravings to permeate through the heap; and pilfer.

When one of my siblings left prematurely for his

289 heavenly abode, There were nostalgic cravings in the eyes to sob hysterically and emit water.

And when the ethereal shadow of my beloved unveiled in entirety; before my silhouette, There was an intransigent craving in my lips to kiss her; and love.



Crisp cotton shirt had developed stains of spilled coffee, parallel velvet tie was coated with grease, white spun vests resembled coal tar dustcloth, flower embossed handkerchief smelt like rotten fish, massive piles of square bedsheet showed blotches of saffron oil, a heap of bandages contained liquefied yellow pus, wrinkle free trousers had fresh traces of sea mud, infinite pair of woolen socks lay like decayed brown, triangular head caps were submerged in streaks of violet sweat, plush upholstery covers showed smudges of wet muddy feet, the colossal mansion was in a complete mess, with dirt converging in animosity on every visible piece of clean cloth.

i took bulky amounts of carbolic powder, several tablets of rough textured soap, compact biscuits of chemically charged detergent, blended the concoction of soap and powder granule, in a deep tank containing crystal ground water, stirred elastic walls of the solvent with a wooden bat, creating gargantuan amount of pungent soapy froth, dissolved the tonnes of soiled dirt cloth, way down in the dark slimy interiors of my ever reliable hexagonal "WASHING TANK"



White specks of dust were visible floating in the air, as acrimonious beams of sunshine filtered through the dark room.

golden splinters of sawdust flew in bountiful amounts, as the serrated periphery of carpenter file, sank deep in the body of rich slabs of mahogany wood.

granules of silver sand blew gustily in the air, colliding with the eyeball at turbulent velocities, as volatile bursts of wind hoisted them high in the air, blessing them magnanimous degrees of elevation.

morbid chunks of graveyard soil stuck to my boots, as i trespassed the solitary mass of humid land, weaving my way through a network of coffins, bearing crucified souls of those buried alive during war.

i lost ergonomic proportions of poise and balance, hurtling face down towards rock iron sheets of ground concrete, as my feet caressed disdainful cakes of cow dung plaster, the slimy sheath of natural manure prompting me to fall like a pack of cards.

my skin glittered like pure gold, infinite arenas of my flesh exhibited looks of freshly painted silver, there was a mystical radiance overflowing from my eyes,

292 as i soaped myself vigorously with handfuls of richly scented fertile mud.



if gigantic silhouette of the peepal tree was rotated upside down, countless fibers of moistened roots would shiver in the wind, leafy bunches of lush green foliage would be buried deep beneath the ground, with a host of animals living in proximity with the earth.

if the dexterously sculptured flower vase was kept upside down, soiled extracts of plant water would leak out in ecstatic frenzy.

if conically tapered blocks of the mountain were inverted upside down, the slender nosed tip would refrain to bear the onerous load of hillock, and the formidable structure would collapse like a soft packs of playing cards.

if the glass facaded bungalow was revolved upside down, heaps of furniture would tumble down with a sigh, water oozing from infinite cavities of the shower would try and kiss the sky.

if princely cars traverse rough carpets of roads upside down, occupants would solely relinquish ideas of inhabiting

294 them, chrome topped assembly of roof would screech in high pitched tunes of discordance.

if the colossal brick structure of the clock tower was placed upside down, there would be inevitable confusions of time, with people having to perspire all night and sleep with a perpetual bliss all sunlit day.

if humans trespassed upside down on the surface of obdurate ground, they would be in intimate contacts with slithering snake and ant, growing bald every minute with glistening scalps, with their legs oblivious to the art of walking , baking like unconsumed cakes in harsh rays of the sun.



When the rustic horned cow swished its slender tail, hordes of buzzing flies absconded at fast pace for saving their lives.

when the fur coated sheep dog wagged its angular tail, there were waves of euphoric ecstasy that hovered around his persona.

when the radiant eyed tawny cat fluttered her bulky tail, it was an evident signal that she could ferociously attack any moment.

when the acrobatic monkey swayed its nimble tail, several of its progeny hung to it; making merry in sedative currents of autumn breeze. when the rubicund complexioned chameleon caressed her tail with ground, it was a symbol of optimism; highlighting her perennial urge to hunt.

when the serrated skin alligator flashed its menacing tail, the beast conveyed exorbitant amounts of pleasure; while basking in the midday sun.

when the fast track stallion batted its aspirant tail, there was an accentuated indication of his charged emtoions;at the commencement

296 of race.

when a battalion of red ants flickered their tails, they danced with blissful harmony in a godown stashed full with salubrious food grain. when the colossal sized dinosaur moved its Herculean tail, virgin expanses of solid earth; diffused into inarticulate crevices of gaping hole. and when the omnipotent demeanour of godhead lifted his tail, he hoisted the entire universe with overwhelming spurts of ease, on which lived the affluent, the poor, the animate and intangible; and a host of animals which had previously swished their tails.



Washing tonnes of daily dirt, a hexagon shaped carbolic bar, producing gargantuan amount of froth when rubbed vigorously, obnoxious odour when mixed with fruit juice, waves of scented euphoria for bulk of the day, scraping blanket of germs from skin, whitewashing body with germicidal paint brush, gently caressing flesh with rich lather, culminating into elastic bubble spray, blending superbly with tepid tap water, fumigating scalp hair, slaining chains of dandruff, reinvigorating natural electric balance of body, extremely bitter in taste with a mesmerizing smell, a thorough essential inhabiting wash rooms, available in plain, multicolored bars, wrapped in gaudy paper, transforming breathing idols of dirt, to immaculate gods, also used for washing,smudged clothes, long silky curls of animal skin, initiating allergic reaction while entering the eye, is my beautiful red "LUXURY TABLET OF SOAP"



The crystal water looked marvelously blue, shining like a glowworm in the infectious moonlight, filled in a hexagon tank lined with pure sandstone, with, stainless metal slides converging down from amazing heights, long strips of diving board for a headlong plunge, crisscrossed threads of netlon bifurcating it into equal halves, large injections of disinfectant added at fixed intervals of time, cozy changing rooms stacked with luxury towel, mega perfume canisters for swimming in ecstasy, inflated circular rings of rubber for wading through the deep, an ambience of pine tree and sprawling lawn proved more than conducive, the swimming pool was a treat to the eye in blistering heat of the summer month.

i couldn't resist any further, waves of exhilaration dismantled sensible imagery, as i clambered short rungs of the steep ladder, gave a shrill scream, relishing thoroughly the icy waters, after plummeting 50 feet down from, the ergonomically sculptured diving board.



Slender slices of steel acquired the complexion of molten curry, when amber flames of the fire licked their persona with savage heat.

infinite blades of lush green grass were camouflaged in dew drops, after blissful long spells of winter night sleep.

brutally scorched skin of desert camel oozed droplets of water, when struck by incessant heat reigning with immense fervour in all quarters.

ornate petals of the red daisy produced nectar in abundance, after hosting a cluster of humming bees having fertile sacs of golden honey. concrete walls embodied with red brick displayed slimy coats of moisture, after brand new strokes of ravishing wall paint.

the ergonomically sculptured car seat felt amazingly humid, after i inhabited it, sank on it relishing my posture, for unsurpassable lengths of time.

the surface of earth vomited Herculean amounts of sizzling lava, imprisoned within its innermost core for decades in

300 strangulation.

colossal masses of rich black clouds excreted gallons of water, when hovering in close proximity with the green periphery of earth.

wild branches of the raspberry tree expurgated fat globules of bitter milk, as i adroitly ripped their skins with my fingernails. my body perspired like hell when thoroughly exposed to currents of warm sunshine, as blistering waves of heat sapped reserve quota's of energy, sweating like an untamed pig all along the sultry ambience of pitch dark night.



Moist lotus flower coated with dewdrop paint, floating in dark green jungle waters, faded pink in color, thorny stalk buried in slimy river bottom, with swarms of honey bees clawing wildly for nectar, is a perfect example of uninhibited ravishing beauty.

white water springs descending down the mountain slope, washing tonnes of dirt in its flow, gurgling mystically while meandering through ground stone, bacteria free liquid when bottled at source, is a perfect example of spotless crystalline purity.

dazzling rays emanating from golden sun ball, imparting heat to all planets in the solar system, feeding a plethora of green shrub throughout the day, fumigating disease on earth with stringent pools of sunshine, is a perfect example of priceless and abundant light. hot streams of liquid bubbling beneath parched core of earth, trapped for years by bulky mass of mud and rock, gushing velocity causing irregular cracks, annihilating all life existing, submerging it in oceans of boiler heat, is a perfect example of unfathomable power of dormant lava.


The atmosphere was enveloped with raspberry essence, octagon pillars held the vast expanse of egg shaped roof, mystical scriptures were engraved on stone, the floor was strewn with century old clay, the exquisite elevation was an architectural treat, a trio of saffron flags blew on towering roof, tubular well was 1000 feet deep in belly of earth, the dungeons contained armoury of knife, and gleaming sword, the idol of sun god hissed fire, the sacrificial altar, was smeared with holy ash, metal boards showcased clippings of war, melodious sounds, a ramification of , brass tongues striking golden bodied bell, blistering sunshine baked the structure in day, effeminate light of the moon embraced it all night, ivory tusks projected from stuffed elephants in crimson grey, ornamental doors were embroidered with brass, a grisly haired guide, held bulky manuscripts, entertained hordes of visitors, fleet of school children, with nostalgic memories of the golden era, in which were built the fiery walls of the "GOLDEN SUN TEMPLE''.



As i loosened taut strings of my dotted lemon purse, there oozed out incredible amounts of corrugated currency coins; falling with sedate thuds on spongy cushions of carpet green grass, luring cupid individuals in mammoth numbers towards their salacious demeanour, pacifying raging fires; in order to sustain mystical vagaries of life.

as dense foliage of trees released venom strings from the devil grey clouds, pudgy globules of water pelted down with monstrous fury, wiping traces of obdurate dirt from mud painted leaves, sweeping fragile tufts of clay; effusive clusters untamed fauna, inundating every centimeter of barren land with gallons of; pure rain water.

when i dexterously snapped entwined chords of my inflated parachute, soaring like a princely eagle at invincible altitudes of the sky, the contraption nose dived towards the chain of chafed rocks, colliding with obstreperous bangs against stiletto outlines of pointed stone,

304 and i relinquished breath without; animated struggle with the creator.

as i opened my mouth to bark a string of incoherent words, woven with threads of intransigent abuse, the babble seemed feckless and disillusioning, prompting masses of people to vindictively spew spit behind my back. and when she decoded tension ridden strings of my nictitating heart, i erupted opulently into raptures of ebullient emotion, rebuking forever the insecurity that besieged my persona, making me oblivious to the most heinous of pain, drowning me under furry quilt covers of celestial sleep.



The tree leaves swayed with injected stimulation from breezy draughts of air, shedding its foliage at sporadic intervals of time.

stagnant patches of river water formed silken ripples, with buoyant stimulation offered by cruising boat, was lined with white froth in abundance when the boat exceeded barriers of speed.

hungry particles of mud transformed into wet slurry, when fed with stimulation from the pelting drops of rain, forming soft cushions of water for the birds to take their morning baths.

feeble men started working with newly discovered exhilaration, when poked with stimulation of mouthwatering food and spring water, dreary bones now functioned with fresh supply of newly formed blood.

dilapidated engine of car shot ahead with bursts of speed, when reinforced with stimulation blend of petrol and oil, the life bestowing concoction flooding scorched testubes in its engine.

bodies heavily soaked in sleep got boisterously

306 active, when submerged in volatile stimulations of steaming coffee, wee hours of the night suddenly came alive, as black currants of coffee barged open doors of blissful sleep.

we will exit out of nefarious deeds and malpractice, relinquish the crown of prejudice forever, breathe air, reminiscent of the era in which we were born, provided we get conducive stimulations that tickle unexplored avenues of our heart, give us the omnipresent love we as a community of humans have ever perceived.



Waiting majestically on grey tarmac, 100 feet of solid steel mass, eloquent window panes visible in elevation, consisting of resistant shatter proof fiber glass, stubby nose coated with black caps of steel, the entire body sleeping on a framework of elongated steel, stuck to an assembly of high quality radial Dunlop, aerodynamic flaps of protruding wings, enabling necessary leverage in thin air, ergonomically soft cabin interior, seat belts dangling from oval plastic, bulb arrows leading to emergency exits, inflated life vests camouflaged in cabin roof, television monitors displaying altitude and speed, revolving trolleys serving continental food, circulating dailies stored in cloth racks, overhead lockers containing hand baggage, with tonnes of cargo in its hollow belly, nestling in hangars for refueling, ready to fly a million kilometers of air journey, towering above snow alps, violent seas, concrete cities, dense forests, bearing signatures of Air India, British airways, Royal Nepal....etc, flying at unbelievable heights of half a lac feet, the highest flying tapered bird, made up of light aluminum foil and steel, a carrier of unparalleled privilege, the fastest mode of transport available, is the air bus 320.



Thickened bulges of curved black tarmac, painted with stripes of brilliant silver white, right angled patches of dull yellow, riveted firmly to loose base of mud ground, bulging handsomely a few inches above the rock bottom base, blended with coats of sand and dust in the summer day, smeared partially with slimy drops of car oil, kissed hard by bulky tyre tread trespassing, found virtually on every open street of the city, and mammoth empty patches of the national highway, an obnoxious hazard prompting reduction of electric speed, repetitive squealing of brakes in close vicinity of its periphery, few meters of air-borne journeys after a head-on confrontation, existing in variable sizes of ultra large, medium and baby stretch of wax mould, getting a few hours of disturbed sleep after the clock hour strikes midnight, i the speed breaker warn you of the following,

never drive at nerve wrecking speed, compress lever bars of the dipper while overtaking at night, transform all groans into smiles while on the driving wheel, don’t gallop at fast speed when the alcohol meter

309 overflows in your body, give the underprivileged pedestrians on foot faint chances to cross the road, and last of all bear this in top shelves of your mind forever, slacken wheel speed to zero as and when you approach a SPEED BREAKER.



High pitched blaring sound of rock music, silent gurgling rhyme of partially frozen water. agonizing screams of deceased for help, sardonic laughter of affluent sipping grape vine. rubbing flint stone, produces fiery sound of malevolence, evacuated gas from earth core, diffusing into clouds of noxious smoke. crisp noises emanate as shoe soles crush dry leaf, excreted spit falls with soft thud,kissing the ground. blooming flowers sway,whistle with the air, throat chords flex ,on savage consumption of bone meal. pungent voices echo,when lead match brushes sandpaper corrugations, scorched earth erupts in raptures on intimate contact with drizzling water. mega gas balloons burst with a bang, on mere caress by pin, traffic comes to a standstill at instants of security barking stop. teeth chatter wildly when hit by chilly draughts of breeze, exuberant voices greet the onset of tropical monsoon. white flamingo's sing in rustic breeze of autumn, sedate sounds float, from dying embers of crackling firewood. i cry with tenacity, wail in hysteria towards the sky, pray fervently, to bestow all existing” WITH THE SOUND OF OMNIPRESENT HAPPINESS"



I inadvertently broke sparkling glass panes; while playing cricket, blurted a pathetic sorry to the outrageous occupants, before they could take evasive action of slapping me on my face.

i tickled my little brother with curled strokes of pigeon feather, said an innocent sorry when he was on the verge of erupting into a volley of abuse.

i woke my mother from tranquil realms of midnight sleep, demanding ravishing items to devour as a feast, uttered a condoling sorry; when she was on the pinnacle of gaining complete consciousness.

i gulped nightmarish amounts of scotch whisky, swung my body like a person strangulated by uninhibited emotion, whispered a down to earth sorry when the cops caught me red-handed. i brusquely collided head on with the milkman carrying pails of fresh cream, toppling them on the ground; with rivulets of milk radiating all over, said iterative numbers of sorry; thoroughly condemning my irate act.

i sketched egg shaped cartoons of my balding math’s

312 teacher, pasting the graffiti on the walls for all to relish, blurted a timidly echoing sorry; when he raised the cane to whip my satiny flesh.

i fought like wild cats with my beloved in the day, causing incorrigible agony to her throbbing heart, kissed her forehead; saying a sorry which came from deep within my conscience, to see her smiling with the same intensity with which she first wept.



When i felt the scarred and abraded skin of unripened orange, it caused silent tremors in multiple pores of my flesh. when i touched the cold skin of pale chipped marble, shivers of dormant jubilation made me smile. when i caressed rough skin of unprocessed grey stone, feelings of utter disdain crept slowly through cellars of my blood. when i felt the satiny skin of pure silk garment, a serene calm descended painstakingly over my persona. when I touched the skin of crystal flowing mountain water, nostalgic memories flooded in domains of longing heart. when I slapped the skin of languid grass blades, tingling sensations catapulted me to dizzy heights of ecstasy. when I kneaded thoroughly the skin of unbaked dough, circulation of red blood increased by leaps and bounds in all regions of body. when I licked the skin of sickening sweet chocolate candy, it sent spurts of energy to torn cells of anguished heart. When I sipped nonchalantly elastically translucent skin of brown rum, Waves of pungent alcohol drowned me in webs of disaster sedation. when I cuddled the furry skin of the striped leopard, I experienced overwhelming courage acting as my

314 companion. When I raised the lifeless skin of my beloved to the creator, I felt like charring it first, to have an everlasting scent of her divine grace



Water seeped fast through the tall drainpipe, muddy pools of liquid inhabited desolate patches of the street, bed sheets of road dust were drenched in the inclement showers, smudged portions of leaf glistened with water droplets, a distinct aroma of freshly bathed mud rose in the air, the birds chirped violently amidst the drifting clouds, as the sky now disguised in devil black wept like never before.

semicircular skin with coats of light red , blended with crushed lead graphite powder and tinges of pink floral paint, fell down, on the immaculate floor polished with molten wax, diffusing into minute particles with the blowing wind, licking the periphery of Arabic marble with coal grain, as i sharpened my bonded pencil, with vociferous strokes of the razor switchblade.

i then took a huge white canvas cloth, natural oil paint derived from tree bark and virgin clay, prepared a concoction of color paste and tap water, sketched the grey clouds colliding with passion, olive green bunches of wet tree leaf, the thunder showers of torrential rain pouring down, the backdrop of sun smiling behind the clouds,

316 all i used was my sharpened pencil, and a thick water brush, dipped in natural extract of mixed color.


When the olive green light enclosed in translucent sheath of glass beeped, it was a subtle signal for pedestrians to unanimously surge forward, zipping past disdainful white lines of the zebra crossing; at animated pace.

when acres of soil sprawled on earth scorched onerously in the flaming sun, an infinite assembly of hollow crevice blended infectiously at several quarters, it was a indispensable signal for grey clouds to shower torrential rain.

when insidious white powder dribbled in unison from the jet black sheath of scalp hair, inevitable sensations of itching cropped up at barren regions of musk brown skin, it was a lucrative signal for applying chivalrous coats of medicated shampoo.

when a cluster of fish slithered haplessly on arid surface of virgin ground, trembling with cold shivers nibbling neglected chunks of wild mushroom, it was a desperate signal to inundate the ambience of fish with surplus water. when the passenger plane nose-dived into satiny azure cocoons of humid air,

318 intricate machinery of the steel bird relinquishing to perform, it was an emergency signal for the passengers to strap their air bags and leap down.

when the robust farm hen laid a festoon of pearly white eggs, nestling them with intimate warmth of her feathery quill, it was an harmonious signal from the creator for the fledglings to hatch.

when there was a brusque interruption of the human breath, innumerable palpable cavities of heart throbbed with emphatic exhilaration, it was a sure signal for the person to evacuate this earth. and when she waited anxiously for me to return in wee hours of dawn, refraining to consume even a droplet of water in my solitary absence, praying tenaciously to the almighty for me to return, it was an incorrigible signal that she loved me as she feared to die.



I used them to trample incorrigible chunks of wild clay, violently kick orphan splinters of soft pebble that came my way. i wore them while clambering up menacing slopes of the snow clad mountain, waded through placid waters of jungle river at leisurely pace.

i brutally dismantled inarticulate walls of the glistening sandcastle, tread harmoniously; with nonchalant vigor on an army of desert crab.

i aimlessly loitered through solitary streets of the city; a few hours preceding dawn, tenderly kissing pliable cakes of cow dung plaster that confronted my way.

i assassinated transparent panes of the shop window; into a fine spray of white chowder, stole exquisite pieces of saffron cloth; from the dark ambience of the closet. i jogged incessantly across the sparkling meadow; with sporadic pants of breath, made cacophonic noises ;crushing withered leaves of the oleander maple.


i stood fearlessly on a battalion of fiery red ant, escaped unhurt; as the animate creatures tried puncturing the leather without respite.

i even adhered them to my feet; with long strands of shriveled rubber, descending to fathomless depths of the ocean; exploring blood red coral reef's.

i traversed unrelentingly on steaming patches of barren land, they still seemed to hold my weight; bereft of squeaks and discordant sounds.

i took them out for few hours; when sunk in the domains of blissful sleep, my twin pair of corduroy shoes still guarded me against jinxed spirits, exuberantly anticipating the fresh soles of my rustic feet, as the clock ticked a second past brilliant dawn.



As i shaved corrugated exteriors of the deodar tree, the palpable object of wood shivered incessantly all frosty night.

when i shaved the skin of rustic African leopard, he was left behind with a conglomerate of bones and naked flesh, assassinating buoyant traces of pride nestling in infinite parts of his body.

when i shaved the thorny skin of juicy pineapple, ripping the fruit into triangular halves with my butcher knife, appetizing slices of nutrition lay lifeless for me to consume.

when i shaved hectares of paint sticking to house walls, savagely rubbed every iota of polish with crystal sandpaper, the structure resembled a morbid mortuary devoid of sparks of color.

when i shaved the gaudy black skin from tinted car glass, punctured its doors with grey lead flying haphazardly from my pistol, the sedan appeared as if donated in charity, fresh from the dilapidated domains of the village junkyard.

322 when i shaved the transparent skin of electric bulb of light, severed the dainty filaments of voltage inside, the contrivance resembled soft yellow pulp of rotten mango.

when i shaved ornately sculptured skin of oyster shell, evacuated frugal amounts of saline water trapped inside, impeccable pearls of brilliant white bounced in my awaiting palms. when i shaved chunks of hair from the human scalp, scrubbed it hard with a concoction of oil and perfume till it shone, engraved it with mystical scriptures portraying the ancient era, the bald dome looked strikingly similar to, sparkling idols of god assembled in the tranquil golden light of the Temple.

323 100 M SPRINT

Grey lead escapes gleaming pistol barrel, 10 bullets soar high in the sky, piercing fluffy carpets of blue clouds, flooding air patches with dynamite stench, as 10 heads sport curly hair, crisscrossed in pools of sweat, 10 shirts of athletic spun cotton, 10 sweat shorts clinging to muscled leg, 10 time pieces wound on wrists, 10 pairs of footwear studded with spikes, 10 bands of multicolored foam, fitted tightly to throbbing forehead, 10 chains of shining metal, jingling against heavy chest bone, 10 pairs of eyes converging dead straight, reflecting uncurbed desires of complete triumph, 10 sets of moist palms, clenched tightly into blood curling fists, 10 pairs of curved ankles, knelt towards saw dust race tracks, 10 pairs of pounding hearts, ready to leap in heated ecstasy, the 100 m sprint is just about to commence.


the pungent alacrity of the air strikes me, creating quadruples of animated breath, as i pass,

luminated signboards, suspended cables, well lit edifices, lush green shrubs, tainted scraps of loiter,concrete skyscrapers, flashing signals, incoherent busstops, sacrosanct church spires, towering clocks, gaudy exhibitions, heavy bolt prisons, suburban railways, thick glass aquariums, bustling airports, chagrinned cinema halls, glittering coffee shops, nonchalant mad houses, exquisite monuments, sporadic manufacture of milk, disheveled beggars, unsuspecting black hoods of crime, plethora of beaches, desolate rumbles of junk, mammoth emergency wards, indiscreet abattoirs of sheep, looming textile mills, stagnant pools of fetid water, haunted carousels, brown tarts of crisp toffee, undulating landscape,chiselled toy shops of soft plastic, escalating perfumed fountains, low altitude tin roofs, black wisps of hovering clouds, crimson crested pigeon flesh, unrelenting spikes of steel wire, landlords blessed with cupidity, infrared power stations, chunks of gaseous evading moonlight, salubrious machinery in gymnasiums, corrugated assemblage of pine trees, i finally switch my way homewards, the four wheeled metallic monster probes forward, cutting clockwise currents of dust, the vulcanized rubber comes to an abrupt halt,

325 shards of glass lay all over, metal to metal clashes hard, creating a screeching eerie sound, my head submerged in pools of thick grease, sticky and red in color, as i breathe my last breath, utter my last syllable.


I butchered unwanted outgrowths that came my way, crushed thorny cactus under bare soles of my feet, hung freely from forked elastic branch of mango tree, bathed in icy streams flowing past a plethora of rock, screamed at full lung capacity to resemble aboriginal apes, bit my teeth in thick folds of green banana skin, covered my body with dotted fragments of tree bark skin, rode bare back on untamed African elephant, burnt a roaring fire of brittle tree logwood, engulfed my mouth in fleshy delights of smoked deer meat, slept like a demon in moist interiors of my large rock cavern, camouflaged from sight by thunderous waterfall, cascading from dizzy heights of the mountain.

acerbic rays of the sun filtered at dawn, through innumerable crevices of my dilapidated cave roof, awakening me with jolts of unwarranted surprise, as i started my expedition towards the century old buried temple. there were steps that led a trail into deep recesses of earth, at the end of which lay sprawled a dungeon of riches, with silver coins raining from the oval roof, diamond and yellow gold was stashed abundantly, pieces of ivory projected from the wall, i then lost balance, high degrees of self control, my weary legs collapsed on the floor, to roll in a bed of glittering gold, with globules of

327 white silver pouring down.


Transparent droplets of water rolled down my cheek, crusty white liquid was produced in bountiful spray, piercing tunes blasted from sleek sound systems, fountains of water oozed from the shower at electric speeds, hot geyser lights burned incessantly, coats of wall plaster glistened in dull radiance, tablets of green soap lay bare on the mantelpiece, rich spun towels hung from articulately curved hooks, tonnes of washing powder evacuated a cluster of bacteria, as i stared into the crystal mirror, suspended a few feet below the ceiling weaved with corrugations.

i filled a large tumbler with mineral water, dissolved filaments of chili for pungent perfume, poured frosty denim foam wildly compressing the nozzle pipe, stirred the mixture with round sticks of silver, caressed hard stalks of my hair, with pea sized amounts of yellow cream, scraped untidy mass of overgrown stubble, with deft strokes of twin platinum blades, splashed my face clean with handfuls of ice water, slaughtered remnant traces of untrimmed hair, with steady applications of blow dryer gun, breathed a sigh of relief at last, sprinkling my immaculately shaven flesh, with revitalizing wisps of the cologne aftershave.



Why did he have to walk with a crippled leg, when several of his age took part in marathon race. Why did he beg with bruised bowls of cheap copper, When bulk of the population sipped peach flavored chocolate rum. Why did he travel long distance on rusty bicycle, Silver sedans with undeserving youth clambered through dream lanes of the valley. Why did he quench his thirst with contaminated tap water, His counterpart mates drank Irish spring water all night and day. Why did he sleep with clattering teeth with threadbare sacks wrapped round his body, Affluent children snuggled tightly under the comfort of their Persian quilt. Why did he spend his day begging and pulling truck load, youth of his age swam merrily, played long tennis with cushioned racket. Why did he place his feet on scorched tarmac, The prince in the palace tread on Luke warm chips of scented marble. Why did he speak in a rustic village accent, Teenagers of his kind babbled inarticulately in different styles of slang. Why did he wear clothes that were stained with colored spit and mud, A fleet of school children attired in white shirt and immaculate tie. Why did he have no one to wipe his tears with tinges

330 of blood, God bestowed riches on some and a mountain of horrendous difficulty on the other



The eagle soars high in the sapphire clouds, a trail of holy smoke rises in the moist air, striped leopards sprint through bushes at high speed, protuberant pigeon neck submerges itself in coolant water, furry Eskimo bear nestles against the deciduous tree, agilitic monkey springs in a network of branches, a cloudburst of water tumbles from the sky.

there was a draining of emotions, droplets of salt water rolled down my cheek, witnessing the grandeur as cloud waves were smeared with tea black, i exposed my flesh to be encompassed by moisture, tried to confiscate a pool of saturated vapour, with fingers extended, palms cupped in gusty currents of the wind.

the ambience was enveloped with serene calm, ground mass was ice-cream soft, with wet patches of water, the sky was crystal clean, divested of ugly tinges of grey, birds left for their nests in exodus, fleshy tortoise neck receded in hard shell, spiders were busy mending torn threads of web, pin drop silence now replaced deafening sound of pelting rain, i stared in ecstasy at the starlit night, buried deep in my mountain cave, slept like a horse till first rays of the next dawn.




Dominating its presence right since birth, in sunlight, moonshine, and artificial light, pitch dark in color at all instants of time, sewn perpendicular to pair of feet, lurking stealthily on all kinds of surface, unobstructed passage of black light, trespassing nuclear stations, barbed wire, high flung walls, towering gates of wrought iron, mass of water ,galleries of glass cubicles, with utmost ease of a crowned prince, kissing unknown strangers with soft intimacy, embracing hot patches of dirt, with tender caress of shady moisture, cooling dreary passengers scorched in the sun, priceless comfort without a pinch to the purse, emanating wildly from all living and created, disappearing entirely at nightfall, and abrupt closure of switchboard light, twice the length of person possessing it, a magnified presentation of existing object, as i stare at the relaxed composure of my SHADOW.



White granules of crushed salt, distilled from rash waves of saline ocean, mixed in adequate amount of clear water, filled to the brim in large beer mugs, along with with crushed pulp of lemon, tinge of ginger, is my definition of taste. {1}

fine threads of variegated saffron, adhering to shiny interiors of stainless steel, filled with curry of white starched curd, with fine sprinkle of pungent mustard powder, beaten to jelly with wooden battens, producing clouds of strong aroma, is my definition of smell. {2}

brilliant red petals of fragrant rose, germinating in tandem from thick center buds, springing from thorny, slender green beanstalk, deriving nutrition fertile soil, with a sheath of transparent dew drops, is my definition of colour. {3} heaps of crisp currency notes, stacked in invincible iron safe, punched in a cluster by pins of soft metal, increasing in size by the passing day, with exquisite statues of pure gold, is my definition of comfort.



I shriek at high pitched tones in discordance, mumbling words unnaturally formed,

stretching minute chords of my vocal tract, i was a sight to stare on the bustling street, irregular hair mass pivoting from my scalp, thick outgrowths of beard stubs sprawled across face, a breeding place for minuscule street insects, feeding in comfort, on unwashed dirt , adorned in threadbare sac, reaching my ankle, i felt like an official prince of the poor, being mentally traumatized since i was born, brutally whipped at all quarters of life, utterly bereft of a shoulder to droop upon, looked upon in contempt by all passing me, a large slate of wood to perch on all day, cold stone pillows the armory for sleep, a meager consumption of hard bread and contaminated water, i spent all my life by the fountain side, with droplets of misery showered in plenty, an empty begging container my proudest possession, dangling from my skeleton shoulders, i have to make an early exit friends, there seems to be a traffic jam, luxury cars seem to be the majority, where in lies the crux of my begging activity



The painted strand of fiber is held rigid, as its variegated counterpart clings to the air, the cocoon of sapphire mist encroaches upon, the sun dazzles amidst network of intermingled wrists. the thread surges with upsurgent fervour, the canvas races still further. slow staccato movements of the hands, nimble turning of the feet, blaring noises kiss the air, multicolored strips of plastic cut the glare, with daintily adorned straw brimmed head gear. the fibers collectively come abreast, chorus in unison for equal strength, the canvas sways wildly, as the savage battle is put to true test. the canvas finally snaps into multiple fragments, floating with gleeful anticipation, amidst the pulsating tension, descending with effusive velocity, with the backdrop of oleander being its lone saviour. i mull quietly over the proceedings, the four winged canvas falls with a thud, gently caressing my large feet, puts me in a trance; an everlasting sleep.



Thick sheets of raw cardboard paper, sewn from dried pulp mixture, processed and woven in looming mill machine, a commodity manufactured at threadbare costs, desert brown in color, and rough in texture, cut to various shapes of square, rectangle, triangle, penta and cone, with steel cutters piercing its hard flesh, particles of golden sawdust floating in air, transforming barbaric paper to trimmed angel, rendering it feasible for further treatment, the prime of which is an overlapping fold, followed by rich wax paint, printing designs befitting all occasions, like marriage, love, laughter and examination, with finely calligraphed captivating quotes, accentuating magical conversion of raw paper, into royal greeting card, a carrier of fluctuating emotions, a cheaply procurable "OBJECT OF DESIRE" ‘



nightmarish solitude envelops them, as mindless monsters in flesh encroach upon, hooded in deadly black witchcraft drapery, clutching steel tubes with twin nozzles, incorporating lethal bundles of gunpowder, angularly carved pointed iron, brittle green shells pinned at ends, heaps of razor sharp long shears, heavy metal gleam of savage crowbar, brutal wailing of siren bombs, indiscreet flashing devilish smiles, a cloudburst of mangled voices, sharp shots of blood curling fire, a plethora of hard grey lead flies around, biting acridly into cool sheaths of cabin air, making gaping holes into splinter proof glass, dissipating plush upholstery into threadbare components, toppling multiple cutlery with scalding water, disarming monitoring switchboards of electricity, horrendous blackness descends all over, living entities run helter -skelter, hushed silence pervades all commotion, a saga of epidemic bestiality, prompting contorted panic ridden reality, blotches of blood, strips of cloth lay astrew, the two winged airbus finally changes course, as obstreperous demands strike eardrums of the air navigators, shocked by a network of gun barrel, ready to explode at instants of denial,

339 the most bizarre act on humanity, as the hijackers formally announce their arrival


Corrugated branches of live wood, oozing bitter colored milk when sliced with axe, sprouting from infinite spots of tree trunk, slender ,thick, long ,strong, angular sticks of dark brown, irregular planks of breathing timber, tapered at ends with several offshoots, alongwith tiny buds concealed in darkness, awaiting encounter with rustic breeze, bearing bunches of fresh green leaves, spiraling down towards the earth, compressed by sheets of torrential rain water, tumbling from black moisture laden clouds, drenching completely foliage and tall tree, a breeding palace for, bushy squirrels, migratory birds, camouflaged lizards, black ants, sharp witted fox, night watchman owl, red beaked parrot, grey crested pigeon, an essential commodity for crackling firewood, spreading its roots in deep tunnels of soil, growing fast and wide through dispersion of seed, a soothing sight to the human eye, its branches whistling with the wind, the neem tree is granted the status of the, oldest "UNCROWNED KING".



I had hands roughened with passage of time, calcium nail coat with irregular indentation, supple skin with pores of youthful endeavor, fresh dark lines on palm, ruddy in complexion. {1}

i dreamt of luxury cars with Dunlop seat, spacious rooms with filtering sunlight, appetizing food served in silver, arrays of crystal adorning ceramic polished wall, pure ivory cutglass made from elephant tusk, Persian satin cloth draping my bare flesh, ice cold water for euphoric summer swim. {2}

i sliced tree bark with butcher knife, collected grey stone sprinkled with ash, blended sticky clay with pitchers of water, rolled spiked wire to form a fence, crushed marble chips, sparkling granite, to flat tiles, dug deep wells for extracting pure ground water, clipped cable wires for transmitting current, set the hands of gold watch at my favorite nine, snatched all finance from blood sucking population, built a two story house with red baked brick. {3}



A full day of sunshine provides truck loads of dazzling light, evaporating traces of imprisoned water with blemishes of grey.

a full day of sunshine revitalizes dead nerves, imparting fortified strength to frayed network of shoulder bone.

a full day of sunshine stringently fumigates households of moisture, tenaciously baking slip-shod exteriors of feeble edifices.

a full day of sunshine makes morbid waters of the river sparkle, instigating animate fauna to creep up uninhibited on the translucent surface.

a full day of sunshine would decimate clusters of venomous mosquito, releasing scores of humans from the captive jaws of epidemic.

a full day of sunshine provides fodder to sprawling acres of green grass, reinforcing their lack-luster appearance with blossoming stalks of lotus pink.

a full day of sunshine ensures a ravishing time at the

343 beach, engulfing shriveled white patches of pale skin with masculine streaks of tan. a full day of sunshine is a rare commodity on jagged peaks of the snow clad alps, initiating fountains of perennial happiness to pour; from the eyes of those privileged to witness these welcome beams of warmth.

a full day of sunshine prompts sagged clothes in blended water to dry, transforming its wet demeanour into crispy texture of uncreased garment.

a full day of sunshine inspires individuals with premonitions of art, rendering them versatile enough to scrupulously achieve mounting tasks.

a full day of sunshine leads to intense perspiration dribbling down, highlighting the optimistic effects of confronting life.

a full day of sunshine offers respite from nail biting cold, a reprieve from abhorrent sins of the previous night, filtering feckless prejudices into oblivion, chalking out innovative plans and fresh directions in adventurous life.



pieces of stone molded to artistic pawns, royal knights maneuvering handsomely on the board, sturdy rooks marching straight with dexterous ease, hunchbacked bishops gliding through diagonal streets, haughty queen parading on all quarters of the board, the resolute king taking a step at a time, minuscule pawns were killed in initial encounter, infinite permutations kept going on, the well spun chess cloth shone in yellow bulb light, automatic clocks ticked with player moves, giant screen flashed moves to millions of people, the indoor auditorium brimmed to capacity, crowd mass took bated breaths, stayed glued to their seats, the battle on board grew tense, as the day was divested of passing hours, his tapered fingers eventually slammed a piece down, chorused smiles reflected on thousands seated, as well as the ones witnessing it on silver screen, the winner proudly shook hands with the ruling president, flung the trophy high towards kingdom of the creator, grimaced his teeth in exuberance, to announce his victory in the world of chess, crowning him as the reigning "WORLD CHESS CHAMPION"



Round bumps of red rash developed on my face, As a handful of mosquitoes stung placid regions of my flesh in unison. Small protrusions of skin were visible on my face, An aftermath of fanatic consumption of dairy milk chocolate. Blotted patches of dirty green crept on my handsome feet, After dipping it in stagnant water for unsurpassable lengths of time. Soft crusts of yellow grew in abundance beneath my luscious lips, As I didn’t scrub my face for weeks on the trot. Illicit corrugations of grey engulfed large portions of my back, The moment I rolled vociferously in remnant ashes of a dead soul. Fresh wounds of thin blood were disdainful to spot on my hands, As I kneaded them against cutters of steel to gain respite from inflamed irritation. Prominent sty buds cropped on intricate exteriors of my eye, After violent outbursts of epidemic fever. Tiny hillocks of skin took birth on my scalp, As I drenched them in fuming acid instead of tepid water. Colossal amounts of prickly heat erupted on my chest, As I waded through blistering currents of the brutal summer.

346 Minuscule goose-bumps rose with tender tenacity from my body, As I lay down on cubes of ice, bereft of a cloth camouflaging my flesh. Throbbing walls of my sensitive heart, Got reinforced with a cluster of blunt tiny thorns, Ripping apart capillaries of blood, bellows of gallant oxygen, When the person I was ready to die for, The one who meant to me more than what bountiful life could offer, Left me midway in my quest for conquering unfathomable goals in life.



when drops of fuming acid fell down on the ground, infinite blades of green grass wailed in cacophonic unison, the soil was subjected to unrelenting agony; engulfed with waves of acerbity. when globules of crimson paint cascaded on the ground, a plethora of leaf was submerged with obnoxious color, strangulating life rendering pores of tangible breath.

when pellets of aromatic effluent tumbled on the ground, there arose an utter pandemonium; nimble ants and toads ran helter-skelter, the rustic ambience of soil; now transited to inevitable distortion.

When fetid gutter water leaked out on the ground, Streams of blotted liquid now imprisoned land, And there proliferated a battalion of venomous mosquito with toxic sting.

When an extract of raw sugarcane juice was poured on the ground, The coagulated balls of clay relished it on primordial encounter, But soon vomited out the surplus with sighs of increasing impatience.

When a pressured spray of pesticide was sprayed uniformly on the ground, Animate creepers repelled it with all their might, The mud shrieked disdainfully; unable to bear the

348 tyranny of being mutilated.

And when finally crystal water plummeted from silver grey clouds, Famished granules of soil; heaved gargantuan sighs of relief, Hungrily suckled the NATURAL DRINK they were deprived of for marathon hours on the trot



The road was a desolate patch of tarmac burning, blotches of dust stuck to side embankments, disdainful heat waves knifed all those moving, the sun shone from all quarters of sky carpets, crows croaked loud for mud vessels of water, gigantic lizards adapted chocolate brown color of tree stalk, house interiors baked in increasing intensity of sun blaze, multiple mouth cavities craved for transparent liquid, ground mud sheets burst into cracks, in boiling heat, the kilometer strip, was inhabited by striped furry dogs, chasing vehicles as they whistled by, distant roars of laughter became evident, as gang of youngsters danced in aisles of the silver Mercedes. {1}

blaring music echoed through the air, powerful stench of alcohol floated in the breeze, radial tyres left trails of scorching sand, driver compressed gas pedal to full angularity, innocent dogs chased car at whirlwind speed, barked their heart out at unruly youth reclined in car seat, ran abreast of bullet proof doors, for marathon time, the men then decided they had enough confrontation, wailing yelps besieged the serene calm, as car assembly surged forward, indiscreetly trampling few pounds of helpless dog meat.



I chopped the mighty cheddar tree into slices of trimmed lumber, then accomplished the action of aligning dry wood for fire. i evacuated slippery fish from the lake with coherent dexterity, then plunged myself into the action of roasting them for night supper.

i traveled at nerve breaking speeds in the lead tipped capsule of spaceship, engaged myself voraciously in the task of snapping photographs of the moon.

i brutally tore through the skin of the succulent watermelon, urged myself into the action of devouring blood red chunks of the fruit. i waded past undulating waters of the sea; landing up marooned on an island, intensely involved myself in the action of plucking wild banana to survive.

i subtly filled hollow interiors of my pen with fountain ink, passionately prompting my fingers to perform the action of ornate calligraphy.

i inadvertently slipped from precarious height of the stairs,

351 wasted no time getting into the action of consuming a pellet of pain killer.

i mounted euphorically on a thoroughbred stallion, then ardently executed the action of galloping past the mountains.

i chewed a cluster of sapphire green betel leaf, performed the rustic action of spitting cup fulls of saliva on the street. i memorized mystical tunes all throughout the cloud covers of murky day, prolifically drowned myself in the action of composing romantic songs.

i slogged in the blistering heat of the fierce midday sun, then succumbing myself to the involuntary action of blissful sleep.



a dog has overwhelming addiction for raw sticks of bone, gnaws them with immense fervour, crushing them to finely powdered calcium with brutal strokes of canine teeth.

the human tongue has an addiction for the slimy texture of water, swallows mammoth pints of ice water with the ticking clock, relishing the moist freshness, quenching the thirst for insatiable desire.

a slab of iron has an addiction for acquiring coats of rust, the monsoon approaches, mighty droplets of rain drench its surface, transforming its shining body into rusty curled peels projecting out.

the farmer has an addiction for rich cow milk, deftly kneading the ripened teats, thereby extracting a fountain of white cream into the empty pail placed below.

the spider has an addiction for spinning webs, revolves incessantly with sticky juice emanating from its legs, developing a network of intermingled threads glistening in the golden sunlight.

353 some souls have a mounting addiction for tobacco leaf, chewing it, blowing it into clouds of grey smoke, rendering their hearts deficient of life bestowing achromatic oxygen.

fishes have addiction for saline ocean water, move at amazing speeds with their bodies slithering, gasp for breath, dying within few seconds of isolation from the sea.

all car engines have severe addiction for lubricant oil, sputter at regular intervals, whine like monsters, emitting sparks of friction when divested of blood in their veins.

i had a pragmatic addiction to survive, had to consume many morsels of food and water to achieve the same, needed crisp currency notes as my sole artillery, which appeared cumbersome to earn from impoverished hearts residing beside me.



When i sedately pinched an opalescent balloon filled with tonnes of gas, pricked it with ultra thin needles coated with scorpion sting, gave it a volatile punch in its solar plexus, the colossal ball of swollen rubber burst with obstreperous bangs, now resembling deflated skin of threadbare junk.

when i boisterously pinched the shell of juicy water melon, ripped apart the fruit with adroit strokes of the butcher knife, kneaded the blood red pulp, applying unrelenting pressure with palms, squashed the residue in compressed interiors of knotted cloth, a stream of crimson red juice tumbled directly into scorched regions of my throat.

when i placidly pinched the striped skin coat of a sleeping leopard, tickled his upright ears with silken camouflage of Falcon feather, left a plethora of red ant to wander around his slimy nose, kicked his rear playfully with swashbuckling strokes of my feet, the beast roared ferociously, jolted from arena's of blissful sleep, devoured me like an insect, relishing a meal of soft tender bone.


when i vindictively pinched blissfully asleep tunnels of my heart, poked my ribs with icy cold vegetable of carrot, turbulent voices advocated my penchant for everlasting freedom, a mystical aura radiated from my wheatish face, i wanted to smile with pumped exuberance for the remaining quota of life, before blending my ashes with the mundane playground of earth.


When i feel happy and bustling with youth, the atmosphere sprinkled with petals of palpable emotion, i embrace semicircular pillars of white stone with a vice like grip.

when i feel besieged with waves of despondence, inflated bubbles of energy pierced with daggers of revenge, i stare nonchalantly at clouds swimming in the sky. when i feel exhausted with mounting tasks of the day, clothes soaked wet in pools of dripping sweat, i suspend my feet in salty water of the ferocious sea.

when i feel pangs of hunger striking walls of long intestine, dreary body frame succumbs to an unnatural siesta , i stretch my mouth palette wide to swallow large chunks of roasted potato.

when i feel tickled rolling in languid blades of grass, grey lizards traverse rough barks of live tree wood, i inhale air in lungs, scream in ecstasy flexing vocal chords deep down my throat.

when my fingers swell with incessant clinging to fountain pen, mental imagery fluctuates in relation to school text load, i massage both palms vigorously with herbal turmeric

357 balm.

when i fly in the aircraft at unsurpassable heights from ground, the flight steward serves tall beer mugs of juice, i feel like floating in blue air of the bare sky, with my body strapped firmly to chords of parachute.

when i feel the world frantically running after me, there exists no peace at all quarters of the city, i enclose myself in soundproof walls of my submarine, listen to melodious tunes of Egyptian music.

when i envisage the poor shivering in icy winds of winter, stunningly rich trading wealth in polished glass walls of the kingly casino, i feel like distributing minuscule fractions of their affluence, to my human counterparts on the brink of extinction.



They floated like inflated gas balloons, bounced to and fro between the earth and sky, leapt from amazing height of the castle tower, drowned deep in remote galleries of the blue ocean, walked through crackling flames producing blistering heat, ate needle thorn with coats of salt for evening supper, drove their cars suspended in air ,evading cumbersome jams, closed their breaths for abnormal hours without traces of suffocation, transformed the patches of earth on which they tread into sticks of gold, held out their hands for scorpions to sting, took bath in fuming acid at the rise of handsome dawn, inscribed the names of their beloved on flesh with rusty knife, chewed the hardest of bone with nonchalant ease, devoured atom bomb shell like flavored candy cakes, scored cent percent marks in every single grade, bludgeoned their way, unhurt amidst an ambience of indiscreet gunfire, swam with the elegance of a white shark through the red sea, were invisible in the brightest sunlight of the day, danced all throughout the night without a single spell of enchanting sleep, they had existed since millions of calendar year, in secret domains beyond silver grey outlines of the rain cloud, even before the first sign of life wept on this earth, some millions years prior to man's creation,

359 their awesome power was simply unparalleled, they always wore satin robes of spotless white, they christened themselves as"ANGELS OF THE SKY"



i wore spiked shoe with projecting porcupine thorn, tread on the brittle surface of the frozen lake, breaking the harmony of the agglutinated chunks of ice.

i wore a demon mask having scores of Dracula teeth, attached a hair wig composed of fiery needle, roamed in zebra striped suits, traversing the busy streets, thereby scaring groups of innocent children.

i wore trousers made of threadbare rope, encapsulated my chest in jackets of rich straw, held wine jars in my hand containing pure incense stick, sat down to meditate with routine traffic whistling past my eyes.

i wore a plastic coat made from stale polythene, triangular cap of cane possessing an army of irregular holes, nailed a big plus in the center of my broad chest, catered to a host of patients as the visiting doctor.

i wore a suit stitched in exquisite quality silk, sparkling boots made of snake python leather, sprinkled my persona with gallons of whale perfume, pinned an enchanting red rose to my immaculate tie, sat with overwhelming peace in the plush interiors of the American coffee shop.



I stood for marathon hours under the blistering sun; accomplishing a battalion of tasks with the arid breeze slapping my cheek, When I came back home; I instantly pacified my insatiable thirst consuming a glass of cold water.

I ran long distances on a track of consolidated mud; with pumped exuberance bursting through my fragile muscles, Infinite strands of my hair engulfed by golden sweat; I then submerged my forehead in a glass of water to rejuvenate my pulsating temples.

I clambered up steep slopes of the mountain using the full power of my wrists; with a crunching sound emanating from my bones, As an inevitable aftermath; I swooned on the ground midway in exhaustion; opened my eyes the instant I was sprinkled with a glass of water.

I rolled ecstatically in a curry of voluptuously wet mud; incorporating my demeanor with streaks of brown blended with abashing black, Poured a glass of water with vigorous tenacity on the same; to get rid of the disdainful dirt.

I lay unconscious on the ground; after diligently

362 fasting all day; exhaling shallow gasps of breath at intermittent intervals; Displayed the first signs of recovery; after a glass of water was meticulously impregnated in my body.

My voice sounded pungently shrill and hoarse simultaneously; with blurred notes of music diffusing when I sang, Although I was cheered with boisterous claps; received a plethora of accolades; when I opened my mouth after drinking a glass of water.

Streams of blood oozed profusely from my wounds; as I lay on the road after a ghastly accident, The flow however ceased dramatically; after I drenched my bruise in a glass of water.

I wrote unrelentingly under the dim light of the bulb; with my dainty fingers tiring as a manifestation of the onerous effort, However my hands were as fit as to decimate a brick wall; after revitalizing them with a glass of water.

I lived my life in penurious circumstances; with meager emoluments of affluence to my credit, However to all who visited my dilapidated dwelling; I never failed to offer a glass of water; gratifying their thirst; prompting them to shower blessings on my impoverished soul.

363 I commenced my day in brilliant sunlight consuming it with relish; imparting radiant tenacity to my silhouette, Retired for the night uttering a silent thanks to the creator for all the goodness he created; admiring the richness embossed in that innocuous looking glass of warm water.



A writer without a pen; is like a dog deprived of its magnanimously furry tail, A writer without a pen; is like the jungle woodpecker without a beak, A writer without a pen; is like a musician without a melodious voice, A writer without a pen; is like a cluster of fish deprived of saline water, A writer without a pen; is like the celestial body of sun bereft of brilliant rays, A writer without a pen; is like the colossal persona of blackboard without colored chalk, A writer without a pen; is like the desert without astronomical amounts of scorched sand, A writer without a pen; is like the cow stripped of its angular horn, A writer without a pen; is like the exquisite sedan divested of aromatic fuel, A writer without a pen; is like a red ant without its poignant sting, A writer without a pen; is like a well laid concrete road without congested traffic, A writer without a pen; is like a bird without its pair of indispensable wings, A writer without a pen; is like warm quilt without stuffing if wool,

365 A writer without a pen; is like a grandiloquent chess board without carved pieces, A writer without a pen; is like a wrestler without bulging muscles, A writer without a pen; is like a computer without a plethora of programmed chips, A writer without a pen; is like the scintillating sword without a sharp edge, A writer without a pen; is like a rustic panther without its vociferous growl, A writer without a pen; is like an oyster without immaculate pearl, A writer without a pen; is like the preposterously huge blue whale without teeth, A writer without a pen; is like black thunderous clouds in the cosmos without pelting rain, A writer without a pen; is like sticky puddles of glue without adhesive power, A writer without a pen; is like a bank vault without crisp notes of currency, A writer without a pen; is like the sacrosanct bible without umpteenth parables of holy literature, A writer without a pen; is like man existing on earth without mystical traces of love, Therefore it is my vehement plea to all writers treading on the soil of this earth, Lift the contraption of pen and ink in your philanthropic hands,

366 Voraciously inundate blank sheets of paper; with infinite lines of effusive literature, Thereby portraying the power of your thoughts; transmitted with great efficacy by the innocuous pen.


The race horse inexorably needed red radish; with succulent green leaves, Before he could fall into a slumber; rest his tired body with paltry hours of nocturnal sleep.

A fleet of birds impregnated their nests with bountiful fillings of twigs and grass, Cuddled their offspring with quills of ruffled feather; before retiring for night sleep.

The pot bellied tortoise receded its head way back in its obdurate shell, Gulped down handsome pints of water; before shutting his eyes and going to sleep.

The venomous spider; trapped a plethora of insect in its battalion of arms, Traversed across the periphery of its silken; before clamping its legs and falling asleep.

The preposterously huge whale; hunted down gargantuan amounts of small fish, Transforming the ostentatious silhouette of the luxury ship into pieces of floating log; before transiting to realms of deep sleep.

Slithering reptiles in the densely cloistered jungle; stung innocuous people

368 by the campfire, Stealthily devouring fresh eggs laid by bird mother; before they retreated in their den to sleep.

The disdainful leech; sucked infinite amount of blood, Stuck intractably like the strongest of glue; languishing a bit before falling into a snooze.

Stray donkey's on the road; obstreperously wailed their tale of daily woes, Stood on their hooves; with their heads lowered down in shame; before embracing night sleep.

The hunchbacked camel in the desert ambled at languid speeds, Stored colossal amounts of water in its belly; before he bent down on the sand to sleep.

Hordes of mosquitoes stung scores of people; mischievously grinned, Extracting robust blood to gratify their gluttony; before going to sleep.

And an army of humans on this earth; perspired onerously under the sun all blistering day, Earning fodder to sustain precious life; inscribing a place to dwell on the surface of earth, Before they eventually retired for the night; to blissfully snore and sleep.


I wanted to flood barren sheets of paper with infinite lines of embossed literature, I wanted to flood the sprawling lands of desert with awesome amounts of slippery sand, I wanted to flood the dry beds of the seasonal river with lots of fresh water, I wanted to flood crystalline blue patches of the bald sky with diabolically grey clouds, I wanted to flood stripped branches of the autumn tree with a battalion of lush green leaves, I wanted to flood dilapidated crevices of the mansion wall with coats of scrupulous paint, I wanted to flood profusely oozing wounds on the body with antiseptic powder, I wanted to flood undulating slopes of the colossal mountain with scintillating sheets of snow, I wanted to flood hollow burrows of the red ant family with bountiful chinks of italian bread, I wanted to flood the eyes of people who were blind with indispensable sight, I wanted to flood shattered panes of window; with arrays of pellucid glass, I wanted to flood dismally empty tanks of the sedan with reinvigorating petrol, I wanted to flood the fathomless well beside my house

370 with surplus quantity of animate frog, I wanted to flood the lungs of a dead man with bountiful and clean air, I wanted to flood long stretches of the cable wire with white currents of electricity, I wanted to flood naked patches of skin displayed with sacrosanct garment, I wanted to flood the rusty nails lying dispersed on the ground with lots of resplendent color, I wanted to flood the magnanimous persona of saline sea with a flurry of ravishing waves, I wanted to flood the morose faces of individuals in anguish with blissful smiles, I wanted to flood the mutilated silhouette of the crippled with inevitable bone, I wanted to flood the empty bowl of the impoverished with life yielding food, I wanted to flood the picturesquely embellished jar with fragrant rose, And most importantly I wanted to flood the tenderly tangible heart of my beloved; with overwhelming love.



If I used acerbic tree twigs instead of the corrugated comb to part my hair, The outcome would be ludicrously funny; with several strands of follicle settling wildly on my scalp.

If I used steaming acid instead of water to clean my persona in the morning, Blissful patches of my radiant skin would transit to a ghastly brown; as an aftermath of the acrimonious effluent.

If I used pure nectar instead of soap to wash my face, There would be a battalion of red ant crawling all over; injecting small vials of sting in my blood.

If I used a quilt embossed with thorns to sleep; instead of one with furry cotton, A myriad of spots in my body would bleed; rendering me tossing and turning all throughout the chilly night.

If I used raw coal tar instead of sandalwood mascara to embellish my eyes, They would incessantly water; with a host of foreign bodies invading their dainty ambience.

If I used water logged cloth instead of sun dried sticks to light a fire,

372 The conflagration would fail to incinerate; with paltry draughts of smoke produced as a ramification.

If I used a flat plate of porcelain instead of a mug to consume a barrel of fresh milk, The liquid would clumsily spill; with frugal droplets of the concoction being able to enter my mouth.

If I used my hands to walk instead of my sturdy feet, I would inevitably lose balance; toppling on the ground; appearing to be one from the acrobatic circus.

If I used red chili in food; instead of Commensurate amounts of salt, The taste buds in my tongue would irredeemably burn; with my bowels relinquishing taste forever.

If I used all my love for a girl with overwhelming affluence; instead of the one who desired me truly from the heart, She would feed me with sumptuous food no doubt; while keeping me tied in chains of rebuke and insult till the time I live.

And If I used infinite hours in the day worshipping god instead of doing something for those afflicted with distress, The creator himself would admonish me to perform benevolent deeds; Assisting people camouflaged in cloud covers of anguish and sorrow,

373 Which would be the greatest prayer I could dream of offering to him.



I buried myself deep into an island of loose sand; sprawled in abundance on the solitary street, Warm moisture clinging to mud; like the vise like grip of a mother, Blended profusely with an agglomerate of loose stone and fish shell, Perspiring voraciously in the sweltering heat of the stringent day, Loads of contaminated debris neatly aligning its periphery, Frigid particles of soil flying high and handsome in violent puffs of wind, Rustic chameleons slithering harmlessly past rotund rocks settled in the clay, Finely crushed sand glittering like an opalescent mirror in the flaming sun, Multi legged roots of the uprooted tree; lying obsolete amidst a mountain of earth, The conglomerate of golden sand shimmered magnanimously in the hostile beams of sun.

A plethora of earth worms tickled intricate zones of my ear, Red ants in clambered up my bare chest; stinging my supple flesh, There was perennial darkness encapsulating my silhouette, I breathed heavily in a dense ambience of mud and

375 slippery fossil, There was no scope for vociferous noise; I barely possessed the power to whisper, Incessantly blending my hands in the mystical wetness; I tumultuously fantasized about lush green lawns on the pastoral slopes, Ostentatious palaces of pure sandalwood; fighter jets flying at swashbuckling speeds, Unrelenting rain pelting down showering solid medallions of glistening gold, I suddenly felt thoroughly exhausted; parched regions of my throat wailed exorbitantly for cool water, Infinite hours of sleeping under sand had sapped indispensable energy from my bones, Eventually prompting me to dismantle the web of silver granules, And as I audaciously stepped out in the brilliant light of the moon, I was a sight to be ludicrously stared at; evoking a volley of incoherent laughter from the pedestrians, With every arena of my persona being submerged in disdainful coats of mud, Obnoxious molecules of sand extruding from a battalion of territories in my body.



I had a cavalcade of ostentatious cars following me every second; with melodious tunes emanating from the sleek music systems, The upholstery was plush; the ambience was besieged with a pungent aroma of wild scented flower, Yet I felt lonely; as there was no one to hold my hand; make me frivolously smile.

I had a furry quilt made of the finest quality satin; adhered to a bed embossed with pure god, Embroidered carpets sprawling on the colossal walls; with the majestic panther skin hanging limp from the ceiling, Yet I felt lonely; as there was no one to sing enchanting rhymes; tickle me in my ribs; make me go to sleep.

I had grandiloquent pool of water in the interiors of my palace; with the waters appearing emerald green in the full moonlight, An aquarium of exquisite fish blended with crystalline pebble; with profoundly embellished life boats floating on the surface, Yet I felt lonely; as there was no one to splash water on my face; swim with rejuvenating euphoria beside me.

I had the most succulent of violet grapes lying on

377 corrugated silver; with blood red apple juxtaposed in clusters, Ravishing glasses of immaculate milk; the most piquant of green chili; with commensurate proportions of Italian chocolate, Yet I felt lonely; as there was no one in vicinity to converse with me; feed me the food with congenial warmth.

I had a piano studded with the most resplendent of diamond; a jugglery of musical instrument lying in exorbitant quantity, A slender necked violin leaning on the wall; enmeshed with a myriad of chiseled wire, Yet I felt lonely; as there was no one in proximity to listen to the enchanting music when I played.

I wore a bullet proof jacket encompassing my chest; with scintillating swords protruding gallantly from my back, A luxuriously emollient suit camouflaging the same; snake leather shoes concluding my kingly attire, Yet I felt lonely; as there was none in the surrounding; able to listen to my throbbing heart.

I had amassed sumptuous wealth in the tenure of my life; with currency of all kind cascading down my persona, Armed forces parading around the formidable castle I inhabited; an ocean of golden honey plummeting down from the window, Yet I felt lonely; as I couldn’t purchase her intricate heart with all the

378 affluence I possessed; hold her captive in the prison of my gold.



I liked the way; the jugglery of bones moved in the body, I liked the way thunderous clouds in the cosmos produced sheets of torrential rain, I liked the way in which fish swam articulately swishing their silken fins, I liked the way; in which handsome horses galloped down the plateau at swashbuckling speeds, I liked the way; in which fluorescent bulbs diffused gaudy lights on the street, I liked the way; in which steaming brown filter coffee was poured melodiously in bar mugs, I liked the way; in which intricate zones in my eardrum reacted ecstatically to vociferous sound, I liked the way; tones of literature was juxtaposed on immaculate bond paper of books, I liked the way; in which gleaming sheath of black hair cascaded down effeminate shoulders, I liked the way; in which the railway engine obstreperously chugged through solitary arenas of desert, I liked the way; in which a plethora of bamboo sticks were used to construct fortified enclosures for dwelling, I liked the way; in which golden particles of saw dust flew haphazardly in the

380 austere breeze, I liked the way; in which the princely panther clambered tall trees with nonchalant ease, I liked the way; in which scores of glowworm radiated mystical rays at the onset of twilight, I liked the way; in which the crystal waterfall plummeted down the slopes at tumultuous speeds, I liked the way; in which small cubes of ice rolled down the slope; eventually transiting into a mighty avalanche, I liked the way; in which enchanting shapes were sketched by synchronized strokes of the paint brush, I liked the way; in which those dying of thirst; quenched their thirst drinking gallons of spring water, I liked the way; in which ostentatious cars sped down the valley at rollicking speeds, I liked the way; in which people bounced on an island of pure jelly; catapulting a few feet above ground, I liked the way; in which the cricket ball was hurled over the fence with overwhelming tenacity, I liked the way; in which innocuous toddlers played incessantly in pools of wet mud, I liked the way; in which the philanthropic politician helped clusters of individuals afflicted by distress, I liked the way; in which the voluptuous nightingale flooded the atmosphere with mesmerizing rhyme,

381 I liked the way; in which crisp flakes of popcorn tumbled in unison from the wending machine, I liked the way; in which man toiled to unprecedented limits in order to retain his self esteem, I liked the way; in which young hearts throbbed violently; falling prey to inevitable love, I liked the way; in which tender patches of my skin developed disdainful rash when stung by harmless nettle, I liked the way; in which the flag patronizing my nation fluttered high in the wind, I liked the way; in which people bereft of sight; still had a zeal to live; relying solely on the sense of hearing, I liked the way; in which acrimonious rays of sun fumigated all the filth on earth, I liked the way; in which colossal mountains trembled due to onslaught of the earthquake, I liked the way; in which pellucid mirror of glass reflected my authentic image, I liked the way; in which the tranquil moon shone on my eyes when I was in realms of deep sleep, I liked the way; in which all the tangible and intangible existed; under a single roof; blended with harmony and love, And over and above all I liked the way; in which god created man; from which hailed my very own ancestors, Who in turn bestowed upon me the power to like and

382 dislike.



I wanted to be your tenacious palms; when you wanted to climb the steep mountain, I wanted to be your intricate eyes; when you desired to browse speedily through condensed literature, I wanted to be your formidable teeth; when you wanted to passionately chew hard chunks of sugarcane, I wanted to be your feet; when you felt exhausted; with marathon distances yet to be covered, I wanted to be your knotted fingers; when you wished to inundate immaculate sheets of paper with infinite lines of script, I wanted to be your skin; when you felt the blistering heat of the sun; the steaming breeze burning your flesh, I wanted to be your breath; when you felt suffocated; gasping to inhale in claustrophobic cabins of the aircraft, I wanted to be your memory; when you needed to scrupulously retrospect the past, I wanted to be your laughter; when you danced around the room in stupendous exultation, I wanted to be your stomach; when you were afflicted by monotonous constipation, I wanted to be your rosy tongue; when you felt like boisterously screeching;

384 expanding your lungs to top capacity, I wanted to be your bones; when you felt dreary ready to collapse on the ground, I wanted to be your nails; when you felt like inevitably scratching mundane paint from wall, I wanted to be your confidence; when you were confronted all alone by a gang of unruly thieves, I wanted to your inspiration; when life seemed cumbersome at every footstep; with the tyranny of fate besieging you every second, I wanted to be your ability to fantasize; when you desired to of to blissful sleep, I wanted to be your ravishing hair; which swirled with mesmerizing grace under the fully opalescent moon, I wanted to be your blood; flowing unrelentingly through your ocean blue veins, I wanted to be your sweat; oozing profusely when you laboriously executed a plethora of household tasks, I wanted to be your effusive tears; when you felt like sobbing in tribulation, And over and above all; I wanted to be your heart; which was purer than the most exquisite of gold; loved me more than anybody else inhabiting this earth.


The nimble blades of grass sprouting from soil; wanted sumptuous sunshine for nutrition, The boisterous squirrels clambering on the tree; wanted a The reptiles slithering mystically through a labyrinth of blend of insect and large succulent leaf, The frogs croaking in discordant cacophony; wanted blotted ponds of water to bathe and make merry, The mystically radiant reptile slithering through jungle bush; wanted innocuous trespassers; to sting, The pearly white mushrooms growing rampantly in the fields; wanted tinges of disdainful dirt, The hunch backed camel traversing through the abysmally hot desert; wanted revitalizing refreshments of water, The uncanny spider spinning its web with dexterity; wanted to devour unsuspecting prey entangled in vicinity, The ostentatiously inflated persona of balloon; wanted to soar at unprecedented heights in the air and fly, The diminutive body of matchstick; wanted to incinerate mammoth buildings and produce fire, The majestic leopard galloping through the forest, wanted to capsize its prey; pulverize it to pieces, The ubiquitous(universal) birds flying in the sky; wanted to reach back their

386 nests before the onset of perilous night, The ravenous waves of the sea blended perfectly in full sunlight; wanted to rise high; collide with the jagged rocks and eventually die, The brown eyed looking impeccable goat; wanted to consume lots of corn and produce frosty milk, The sniffer dogs running at swashbuckling speeds through the city streets; wanted to hunt nefarious criminals; annihilate traces of their entity, The gigantic lizard on the wall incessantly changed its color; wanted to entice its prey; pretending to be like a dead twig, The pot bellied ducks quacked for indefatigable hours in the day; wanted scores of opalescent fish to relish, The monstrous sized tortoise with its neck well camouflaged; wanted a plethora of worm, The frivolously sculptured domestic cat; wanted to insatiably sip at hidden bowls of milk, The obnoxiously detestable cockroach violently fluttered its antenna; wanted to safely sleep in the clammy and untidy realms of the gutter, The diabolical demon in fairy tales; wanted to munch humans like ants in his mouth, And till the time I existed on this earth in the form of a human being, I wanted to unrelentingly love; make the world a better place to live in, With celestial blessings of the creator; to assist me in every step of my

387 benevolent endeavor.



If I had a thousand bricks stashed beside my persona; I would utilize them all to construct an invincible house, If I had a thousand fishes slithering for life in my vicinity; I would put them back into the saline sea, If I had a thousand burnt needles in my palms; I would embellish them with ice candy; incorporating them on the surface of chocolate cake, If I had a thousand pens full of fountain ink; I would inundate the blank demeanor of paper with a battalion of literature, If I had a thousand apples embossed with brilliantly radiant skins; I would peel of the same at lightning speeds and cupidly devour the imprisoned juice, If I had a thousand cars aligned right outside my driveway; I would traverse through the steep hills with a cavalcade of soldiers following me, If I had a thousand cubes of cheese strewn haphazardly beside my nose; I would nibble at a few distributing the rest amongst a plethora of red ants, If I had a thousand pieces of flocculent cotton; I would juxtapose them together; then sleeping in tranquil calm on the conglomerate of my innovative bed, If I had a thousand hunter dogs; I would engage them in tracking nefarious criminals; reprimanding the culprits severely for

389 their compendium of misdeeds, If I had a thousand balls of immaculate marble; I would bang them on the ground to produce a deafening noise; roll with sheer exhilaration on the same, If I had a thousand cakes of deplorable cowdung; I would smear them on the walls of my house; sparing a few to splash around mischievously, If I had a thousand legs; I would sleep; at the same time walk; clambering up the treacherous terrain without perspiring in the sun, If I had thousand eyes; I would clearly sight disdainful traffic in front as well as in the rear; alongwith the twinkling stars in the sky, If I had a thousand dreams; I would keep sleeping all sunlit day as well as in the starry night, If I had a thousand tongues; I would eloquently speak the language of each city in the world with nonchalant ease, If I had a thousand arms; I would embrace all whom I revered without feeling drearily exhausted, If I had a thousand moons; I wouldn’t need a mirror to gaze at my reflection; instead would admire my intricate silhouette in the celestial body, If I had a thousand glasses of poignant brandy lying on the shelf; I would consume it regularly with unprecedented jubilation; and would always refrain from contracting a cold, If I had a thousand guns; I would use them to

390 assassinate traces of crime inhabiting this earth, If I had a thousand leaves of red betel; I would chew them incessantly thereby coating my lips with scarlet color, If I had a thousand cameras; I would use them all to snap the picture of the ones I cherished, If I had a thousand twigs of wood; I would stack them meticulously to incinerate a crackling fire; relishing the gratifying warmth all throughout the chilly night, If I had a thousand biscuits of gold; I would blend them to form exquisite pieces of jewelry; purchase the best quality of Persian silk, And if by the grace of god I had a thousand lives to live in; I would unrelentingly love the girl of my dreams; the very girl I today passionately cared for.



If I had your love; I would be able to light blazing fires in icy water, If I had your love; I could impart life in dead blades of insipid grass, If I had your love; I could bring the celestial stars back on terrestrial land, If I had your love; I could flood the scorching soil of the desert with cool reinvigorating liquid, If I had your love; I could transform mundane mud into gold, If I had your love; I could make the colossal aircraft fly without wings, If I had your love; I could make the ceiling bulb shine without electricity, If I had your love; I could make disdainful stones glitter like exquisite diamonds, If I had your love; I could make those bereft of indispensable sight; blissfully see, If I had your love; I could embed the hearts of brutal criminals with perpetual love, If I had your love; I could blend the sapphire clouds existing in the firmament of sky in the balcony of your living room, If I had your love; I could construct a house with frigid chunks of decayed paper, If I had your love; I could make a computer function

392 without intricate programmed microchips, If I had your love; I could drive a car at flamboyant speeds without petrol, If I had your love; I could inundate the immaculate white canvas with resplendent streaks of vibrant color, If I had your love; I could smolder the heat in an crackling fire without an extinguisher, If I had your love; I could emboss the parchment of bonded paper with infinite lines of calligraphy with a concoction of my blood, If I had your love; I could make a dumb man speak like he was the finest orator, If I had your love; I could produce a rainbow in the gargantuan cosmos without rain, If I had your love; I could conquer the tallest summit of the mountain with unprecedented ease, If I had your love; I could win the mightiest of battles without a sword, If I had your love; I could submerge myself in fuming acid without getting ruthlessly burnt, If I had your love; I could live without food and water for marathon hours on the trot, If I had your love; I could stroll casually without clothes amidst the freezing winds of the snow clad alps, If I had your love; I could make a snake bite without injecting its deadly poison, If I had your love; I could make individuals sleeping

393 in dead corpses awaken with robust life, If I had your love; I could annihilate the deadliest of obstacles that confronted my way, If I had your love; I could drink the most lethal of poison and still dance boisterously on the open streets, If I had your love; I would feel endowed by the almighty as the most fortunate of all existing; and If ever by stroke of hapless fortune relinquished life; I would yet feel alive.


If my hands were made of pure stainless steel; I would be able to dismantle the most obdurate of stone; shattering the most acerbic of glass, At the same time; I would be deprived of the intricate ability to sketch and paint.

If my legs were composed of glistening steel; fortified with surplus fillings of iron, I would be able to trample fearlessly through blistering oceans of lava; kicking mighty barricades of wood hampering my way, At the same time; I would relinquish the ability to handsomely walk and run.

If my skull was blended with invincible iron; embedded with an amalgamate of strong cement, I would be able to withstand the most tenacious of blows; rupture brick walls by my mere caress, At the same time; I would emancipate the ability to majestically fantasize and think.

If my eyes were made of impregnable steel, embellished with an exterior coating of brass, Hot needles of coal wouldn’t make an impact when inserted; and they wouldn’t bleed, At the same time; I would abdicate the power to see;

395 produce volatile tears of empathy.

If the nails on my fingers were made of polished steel, I would be able to scratch the hardest of wall with nonchalant ease; dig deep fathomless holes in rock ground, At the same time; I would lose the right to poke my mother.

If the house that I lived in was composed of steel juxtaposed with shards of blotted chrome, I would sleep all night without the tension of burglars intruding in, At the same time; I would be deprived of the ravishing scent of grass; and the gusty winds of nature.

If the clusters of my teeth were made of formidable steel, I would be able to crack the hardest of coconut; gnaw incessantly at raw slices of unprocessed bone, At the same time; I would feel embarrassed to smile; kiss my beloved with passionate fervour.

And if my heart was made of high quality resistant steel, I would be able to withstand the most voracious of body blows; sustaining life even at high altitudes in the air, At the same time; It would fail to beat violently when I was supremely in love; and reminiscing nostalgia of past pain.


The stray dog on the street had an inevitable instinct to wag its bushy tail when ecstatic, Garrulously bark at irate trespassers; who hurled irregular stones at its shriveled persona.

The leotard skinned cat; had an insatiable instinct to lap vigorously at frosty milk, Purr in its ubiquitously pungent voice; when tickled intensely in the ribs.

The twin horned cow; had an involuntary instinct of swishing its slender tail; to drive away buzzing flies, Laboriously chewed loads of grass; before preparing to snooze on the bare tarmac.

A battalion of ants on the floor; had inborn instincts of walking in groups, Injected their acrimonious sting; the moment they sighted bare flesh in proximity.

The birds soaring high in sapphire carpets of satin clouds; had effusive instincts of chirping melodiously, Did so at the onset of every evanescent dawn; and the unveiling of stormy night.

The slimy frogs residing in shallow realms of the cloistered pond; had a

397 disdainful instinct to croak, The instant tumultuous showers of rain; pelted down from the sky in fury.

A cluster of animate roses emanating from brown soil; had a perpetual instinct to diffuse fragrance, Sleep with its articulate petals closed; as vigils of dusk strangulated bright light.

The serrated brown lizard on the wall; had a vindictive instinct of spurting blood from its eyes, The instants it got provoked by kin; envisaged signals of being mutilated.

The frivolous monkey perched up in the entwined branches of tree; had mischievous instincts to imitate, As he cast his eyes on surrounding organisms; scrupulously emulating their plethora of emotions.

And humans breathing air on sacrosanct soil of the universe; had a natural instinct to love, Mutually interact; spreading waves of harmony, bliss, and compassion, Procreating infinite numbers of their own kind, Irrespective of cast; creed; religion and the hour of day they were born and witnessed first rays of brilliant sunlight


I used it to sketch undulating peaks of the snow clad mountain, It willingly obliged; dexterously embossing intricate lines on the canvas of naked paper.

I pressed it to scribble magnanimous lines of English literature, It did the same at swashbuckling speeds; without flexing my fingers to onerous limits of endurance.

I incessantly chewed its nimble body; while harnessing my mental machinery in top gear, It didn’t even wail a faint cry; after being thoroughly mutilated with a plethora of indentation.

I used its sharp point; to tickle my friends in the sensitive cartilage of their ribs, It gratified my desire to tease; without lamenting the loss of its angular tip.

I viciously moved it in spongy mud; engraving mystical designs symbolizing rustic art, It did so with copious ease; inspite of getting disdainfully dirty with coats of soil.

I revolved it vigorously to stir the sugar in my tea; to commensurate

399 amounts, It executed the job to meticulous perfection; bearing the tyranny of being scalded by boiling water.

I rubbed it voraciously against itching regions of my scalp; to get reprieve from allergy, It accepted this preposterous behavior; in the stride of a chivalrous knight.

I rotated it wildly in the breezy atmosphere; rhythmically striking it against a table of polished wood, It seemed to be unruffled; remaining as stoical as ever maintaining its sordid composure.

I held it articulately to shade vacant avenues of the map topography, It did so with overwhelming zeal; transforming monotonous white into shades of enchanting slate grey.

It had served me sumptuously on many a perspiring occasion, Helped me immensely in my perennial conquest of becoming a writer, Alas ! I had just the capacity to give it a solitary award, As I chiseled its steel grey mouth manually with a sharpener, Crisply saluted my friend in times of distress; existing in the compact form of a "LEAD TIPPED PENCIL".


Life without a purpose; is like a luxury liner maneuvering wildly through the ocean without a rudder, Life without a purpose; is like a creeper growing up tall without a brick wall for support, Life without a purpose; is like a aircraft flying high in the sky without a skilled captain, Life without a purpose; is like an unruly classroom without a learned teacher, Life without a purpose; is like a drunkard man traversing through the streets hurling a volley of expletives, Life without a purpose; is like a river flowing berserk without side embankments, Life without a purpose; is like a intricate necklace of beads without a finely chiseled supporting wire, Life without a purpose; is like a submissive population reeling under the tyranny of dictatorship, Life without a purpose; is like a crackling fire blazing without enclosures to prevent it spreading, Life without a purpose; is like a flamboyant car without a steering wheel, Life without a purpose; is like a stealthy spider swirling around wildly in its web, Life without a purpose; is like a stray dog growling for food; mercilessly

401 snatching the same from others of its kind, Life without a purpose; is like mesmerizing rose growing on bountiful meadows; bereft of fragrance, Life without a purpose; is like lovers courting each other without tying sacrosanct threads of matrimony, Life without a purpose; is like a lion gulping his food without scrupulously chewing, Life without a purpose; is like the moon in the sky without scintillating shine, Life without a purpose; is like road of raw concrete without obstreperous traffic, Life without a purpose; is like the most voluptuous of face without a frivolous smile, Life without a purpose; is like an intricately chiseled brain without an ocean of thoughts, Life without a purpose; is like eating sumptuous food; without relishing the same, Life without a purpose; is like an inherited rich man; without having the cognizance to spend his affluence, Life without a purpose; is like breath inhaled in the body; without being sensitively felt, Life without a purpose; is like palpable heart impregnated in the chest; without having the capacity to throb, O! yes life without a purpose; is like living life listlessly; although being actually dead.



When I stared unrelentingly into broken shards of irregular mirror, The reflection that emanated was grotesquely distorted; with my nose appearing to be broken at a myriad of places.

When I sighted my face in a thick sheet of mirror stained with a crimson slurry of blood, I resembled the diabolical devil; with ghastly streaks of brutal red embellishing my forehead.

When I viewed my persona in a sea green mirror; hoisted towards blazing light of the sun, Intricate features of my body appeared evidently blurred; and a bunch of hair on my scalp looked like blades of grass.

When I held a mirror painted with black; abreast twin pairs of my crystalline eyes, I felt as if I had been divested of vision; with an ocean of perpetual darkness striking me at blinding speeds.

When I attempted to picture my silhouette; in the translucent mirror of the emerald sea, The image appeared preposterously hazy in the primordial stages; disappearing at instants of boisterous waves transiting into frothy

403 spray.

When I tried to spot my demeanor in the immaculate mirror of moon, The reflection appeared overwhelmingly clear; but soon got obliterated by a cluster of black clouds.

When I audaciously attempted to view my outlines in the blistering mirror of the flaming sun, I inevitably failed to do so; as the acrid beams of light decimated all my capacity to see.

When I tried to distinguish my color in a mirror camouflaged in frosty milk, I inexorably looked like a clown; with my dexterously chiseled features transforming to fat smudges of white.

When I endeavored decoding my face in an absolutely Pellucid mirror, I could sight it as it was sculptured at the reigning moment; without traces of emotion and empathy.

And eventually when I attempted to see my face in the mesmerizing mirror of my beloved's eyes, This time though the reflection which diffused was the clearest of all; and I sighted a blissful smile on my lips, Which was a perennial signal that we loved each other; as much as we feared to die.


A smile on your lips comes absolutely free; spreading waves of unsolicited exhilaration in my persona, A smile on your lips looks mystically enchanting; resembling sweet coats of molten nectar, A smile on your lips accentuates your immaculate teeth; portraying your mesmerizing grace, A smile on your lips gives me loads of renewed hope; instantly assassinating all the anguish I face, A smile on your lips reveals your boisterous nature; encompassing me completely in supreme exultation, A smile on your lips impregnates me with hope; prompting me to overcome a battalion of dismal failures, A smile on your lips makes me walk fast; keep up pace with the uncouth speed of mundane world, A smile on your lips looks ravishing in the tenacious moonlight; instigating me to stare unrelentingly in your sapphire eyes, A smile on your lips sculptures your face to resemble a fairy; bestowing upon my dreary soul a plethora of riches, A smile on your lips makes me oblivious to time; and hours unleash themselves into days without traces of boredom, A smile on your lips reinvigorates my exhausted bones; encouraging me to walk for marathon distances in sweltering heat of the sun, A smile on your lips makes me feel exorbitantly

405 special; placing me several shades above the common pedestrian, A smile on your lips makes me ostentatiously dream; sequestering me from harsh realities; blending me with ostentatious walls of the palace, A smile on your lips incorporates me with tumultuous confidence; making me extravagantly speak at business meetings, A smile on your lips gives you that frivolous look; melting my stringently compact composure; instilling my demeanor with inevitable desires, A smile on your lips makes me feel flying high in thin clouds; incessantly constructing a building of dreams, A smile on your lips reinstates my belief in mankind; inducing me to be philanthropic towards my fellow beings, A smile on your lips pacifies soaring temperatures of viral fever in my silhouette; alleviating the soreness in my intricate throat, A smile on your lips makes me incorrigibly feel I am real; have a definite purpose while existing on this earth, A smile on your lips distinguishes you from the solitary girl; granting you the invincible status of being holistically alive, So for heaven sake sweet heart; wake up from the realms of unconsciousness and PLEASE SMILE.


It was as ravishing; as the black bear trampling indiscreetly through the dense foliage of the jungle, Humming incoherent tunes in a poignantly husky; while in its quest for concealed prey.

It was as scintillating; as the crystal blue patches of the pellucid sky, Which basked in overwhelming joy; when caressed by stringent rays of the magnificent sun.

It was as fertile; as the lush green tendrils of spongy grass, Which spread like wild fire in pelting showers of rain; danced vibrantly to tunes of music and air.

It was as voluptuous; as the ornately embellished pink petals of lotus, Blossoming perennially when their counterparts died; impregnating venomous beetles in their womb.

It was as opulent; as the yellow biscuits of pure gold, Which retained their color even at unfathomable depths beneath soil; could purchase all the tangible existing on earth.

It was as immaculate; as white pearls incarcerated in oyster shells, Embedded since centuries immemorial in the sea; having

407 the mystical prowess of producing a sparkle in the eye.

It was as invincible; as the colossal grey silhouette of the tropical elephant, Decimating strong trees with its mighty trunk; pulverizing small bush and ant with its iron feet.

It was as boisterous; as the flaming red sun in the firmament of gargantuan sky, Fumigating disease on earth with its acerbic rays; imparting reprieve from darkness to those in tribulation ..

It was as flexible; as the euphoric wings of violet butterfly, Perching handsomely on solitary corners in the night; flying as nimbly as an aircraft all day.

It had incorporated in itself; minuscule tinges of all existing color, And It didn’t fade a bit with the unveiling of time; instead fortified to mammoth proportions as life progressed, O! yes, the rainbow of love was the most mesmerizing thing to blend with; till the time we blissfully lived.



She wanted to reach the summit of the mountain in a royal aircraft, While I wished to walk on the scorching streets barefoot; basking in the full sunshine.

She wanted to drape her demeanor with fabric of the richest quality flocculent silk, While I desired to camouflage my body in rags; and stare unrelentingly at the moon.

She wanted to use the most luxurious soap available; to scrub her dainty skin and face, While I was quite contented washing my hands with natural mud; use twigs of the tree to brush my teeth.

She wanted a compact swimming pool to dip into; sedately swim; with an enclosure of crystal sequestering the same, While I fantasized about plunging into stormy waves of the ocean; relishing the scent of salty spray.

She wanted clinically processed milk in late hours of the morning; to be served by her bedside with sizzling hot scones, While I had an insatiable urge to garrulously devour large pints of

409 milk directly from the rustic cow.

She wanted a striped umbrella to walk blending with her queenly gloves; irrespective of sunshine or rain, While I ingratiatingly desired to drench my silhouette completely in pelting showers from the sky.

She wanted a grandiloquent watch wound tightly to her wrist; with its luminous dial; radiating glow, While I vehemently resisted contraptions on my hand; relying exorbitantly on the positioning of the sun and stars.

She wanted to use a concoction of honey and rose to wash her cascading hair, While I vigorously rubbed my hair with raw lime; annihilating remnant traces of abhorrent dandruff.

She wanted to play intricate games of billiards; chess and cards; within the plush interiors of her palace, While I simply went berserk; bursting with waves of euphoria at executing swashbuckling strokes with my baseball bat.

She wanted a cavalcade of cars pursuing her wherever she went; a battalion of cameras to snap her photograph, While I wanted to be left solitary on the street; uttering a volley of expletives when provoked.

She wanted the cool air of air-conditioner to

410 incessantly pacify her heat, While I was quite contented to feel the stringent summer breeze blow wildly across my face.

She wanted a fresh vase of flowers to embellish her room; throughout the tenure of the acerbic day, While I roamed about in the jungles; hunting large fish; caressing my lips to the pungent aroma of blackberry shrub.

She wanted to be a glamorous model; with a plethora of people admiring her ostentatious jewelry, While I simply detested the high society; was supremely ecstatic when given a chance to mix with innocuous children.

She wanted to love me like a commodity; besieging my neck in a straps of leather; While I had this overwhelming desire of guarding her against evil; wiping her tears when it mattered the most, We were actually; excellent illustrations of conflicting personalities; god had ever created on this earth.



When I smeared my lips entirely with brilliant scarlet paste, they looked voluptuous and mesmerizing; but they produced obnoxious blemishes on whatever I kissed.

When I applied stringent white chalk powder on the intricate periphery of my lips, They looked comically distorted; enticing innumerable individuals to bestow upon me a plethora of frivolous smiles.

When I dipped my lips in an infectiously sweet mixture of molten jaggery, They looked tantalizingly intense; with a battalion a red ant clambering with euphoric fervor to devour the same.

As I stuck my supple lips to fresh acrylic paint projecting from the chiseled wall, They appeared stitched to each other in a vise like embrace; depriving me of the indispensable ability to speak.

When I applied a curry of black pungent mud on my articulately sculptured lips, I resembled a bedraggled ragamuffin on the street; with pedestrians mistaking my identity for a homicidal beggar.

412 When I rubbed my lips in lush green blades of wild grass, They acquired a poignantly slimy texture; prompting me to obstreperously sneeze.

When I submerged my lips in steaming hot frosty milk, They developed peels of innocuous milk; and I looked like an organism having just taken birth.

When I painted my luscious lips in a concentrated extract of carbon ink, The outcome was ludicrously funny; I seemed like a novice at writing literature; and the stains were intractably cumbersome to remove.

When I applied a blend of cement and water to my lips, They amalgamated together like a solid rock; and it became virtually invincibly to separate them.

And eventually when I passionately kissed the lips of my beloved, There were thunderous fires igniting frigid arenas of my persona, My lips now looked enchanting after marathon hours of being lackluster, and for the first time I uninhibitedly smiled.



When a conglomerate of thunder clouds collided in the cosmos, Infinite splinters of water pelted down in fury; gently bruising naked patches of my skin.

When multiple balls of bulky glass clashed with tumultuous fury, Acerbic splinters of jagged mirror pierced with hostile fervor through my skin; prompting crimson blood to flow.

When I dexterously sliced colossal chunks of tree lumber with my serrated pickaxe, Pulverized splinters of saw dust flew in unsymmetrical unison; inundating my eyeball with series of allergy.

When obdurate balls of round steel smashed tenaciously with each other, Minuscule splinters of metal settled haphazardly on my scalp; with obstreperous cacophony tickling my eardrum.

When I pricked the gargantuan balloon with a rusted pin; tones of air blew out at overwhelming speeds, Soft splinters of rubber descended down on my feet; and I slipped while walking inadvertently on the same.

414 When menacing masses of ice tumbled down the mountain; they formed a monstrous avalanche, Which diffused into incommensurate splinters after striking the ground; stabbing my flesh like a quiver full of arrows.

When I shook a barrel full of fermented cream vigorously in the air, Decayed splinters of milk splashed disdainfully across my face; with a stench of rotten rat emanating; besieging all in proximity.

When I placed a mammoth elephant tusk in amicable contact with circulating blades of the ceiling fan, Bountiful splinters of powder blended with small bone infiltrated into my nostril; making me vociferously sneeze.

When I entered the unscrupulous ambience of the darkened cloth factory, Irascible splinters of cotton fiber camouflaged my cheek; instigating me to voraciously scratch.

And eventually when the immaculate crystal of her splendor; burst with a bang over my forehead, A myriad of victimized arenas in my silhouette; relinquished pain instantly, Wounded avenues of my heart and soul perpetually healed; after being injected with splinters of her unprejudiced love.


Shaking a cluster of hair vigorously; was a symbol of euphoric ecstasy, Moving the feet unrelentingly; was a symbol of acute nervousness, Punching the fists vehemently in placid air; was a symbol of impetuous indignation, Opening the lips partially towards the moon; was a symbol of celestial dreaming, Fluttering the eyelids viciously; was a symbol of flirtatious mischief, Clenching the fortress of teeth in a grimace; was a symbol of incorrigible anger, Whistling incessantly to tunes of unheard music; was a symbol of frantic fantasizing, Biting the supple nail coat of calcium from fingers; was a symbol highlighting sheer contemplation, Beads of cold sweat uncannily trickling down the forehead; was a symbol of intense fear, A battalion of crimson pores emanating from tender skin; was a symbol of contracting disdainful measles, Excruciating pain in the bones while hoisting the bucket; was a symbol of distressing fracture, Frequent sensations of emptying the bladder; was a symbol of anticipatory excitement, A plethora of goose-bumps diffusing from soft flesh;

416 was a symbol of shivering in austere cold, Waking up with startled jerks a few hours after midnight; was a symbol of witnessing a ghastly nightmare, Obstreperously swallowing gargantuan gulps of cold water; was a symbol of insatiable thirst, Gasping for precious breath after long sprints of running; was a symbol of tumultuous exhaustion, Unruly stubs of hair projecting from the disheveled face; was a symbol of refraining to shave, Intractably staring at piles of glittering gold in the treasury; was a symbol of malicious cupidity, Licking the lips voraciously after consumption of meal; was a symbol of fulfilling gratification, Dancing exuberantly till the first rays of new dawn; was a symbol of overwhelming jubilation, Sleeping for marathon hours extra even after the rising of dazzling sun; was a symbol of lackluster life, And the violent beating of heart; blended with feelings of uninhibited passion; was a symbol of instantaneous love.



When I stepped on the tranquil surface of opalescent moon, The temperature that engulfed me was up to levels of sustainable endurance; though I felt a trifle uneasy.

When I trespassed through the territory of blistering sun, The temperature was astronomical degrees above boiling; transforming my supple flesh into briquettes of charred ash.

When I walked through densely sprawled meadows of the wild forest, The temperature that encompassed my silhouette; was stringently fluctuating; with the perilous night air stabbing my chest.

When I tread on the snow clad summit of the jagged mountain range, The temperature prevalent dipped abysmally below freezing; instantly solidifying volatile blood in my veins.

When I plummeted marathon feet under the surface of sky blue sea, The temperature I encountered was disdainfully cold; and I felt imprisoned; draped in a jugglery of water jacket blended with my facial mask of transparent glass.

When I ambled languidly through the scorching soil of

418 the vast desert, The temperature that existed was abnormally erratic; with hot winds piercing me in the day; and equally cold air strangulating my breath at night.

When I audaciously entered the cock pit of an aircraft, The temperature inside was tailored to ergonomic degrees of comfort; with the pilot emanating hostile stare towards my demeanor.

When I ran at rollicking speeds through an island of molten lava, The temperature in vicinity was like sizzling cakes of overburnt stone; chapping the dainty soles of my feet in entirety.

When I rolled ecstatically on infinite blades of grass; laden with a fresh cover of glistening dewdrops, The temperature that radiated; sent shivers down my spine; being a bit too exaggerated for amicable comfort.

And eventually when I embraced her body in my arms; with a vise like grip, The temperature this time; was splendidly perfect; incarcerating the two of us in bondage of perennial love.



The blood flowing in her intricate veins; was as red as flaming ball of sun in the cosmos, Got instantly agitated when she sighted me; talking vociferously with another of her kind.

The skin covering her tender bones; was as Resplendent as the pelting showers of rain, Stirred insatiable desires in my soul; when I sighted her dexterously leaping the skipping rope.

The nails embossed on her dainty fingers; were as soft as a mystical fairy, And she used them to tickle me incessantly; at moments when I was perplexed with life.

The cluster of teeth in her palette; were as white as the goddess of pearly moon, With which she cast amicable smiles at me; keeping me in bubbling spirits all throughout the day.

The twin pairs of eyes in her sockets; were as crystalline as the scintillating waterfall, They were studded with gargantuan traces of empathy; wept hysterically when I

420 was in pain.

The coverings of her luscious lips; were like the succulent fruit of water melon, Voluptuously enticing me to kiss; blend my passionate warmth with her in entirety.

The petite pair of feet she possessed; were like the gentle river trickling through the forest, Coherently synchronized themselves to beats of music; danced uninhibitedly when seeing me in jubilation.

The hair on her scalp cascaded down full length; like the waterfall plummeting from precipices of the mountain, Which she further embellished tying bunches of fragrant flower; swirling them at full speeds towards my face.

The earrings in her fleshy ear lobe; resembled sweet fillings of nectar inhabiting the bee hive, Jingled with melody as she walked; enlightening the island of despair in my eyes.

And above all things that mattered; she had impregnated in her chest; an immaculate heart, Which throbbed vehemently when witnessing my silhouette; the heart that was 100% mine.


The instrument indispensable to stay happy was to stay contented, The instrument indispensable to feel warm; was to consume a pitcher full of sizzling tea, The instrument indispensable to unrelentingly fight like a true stalwart; was courage blended with lots of brawn, The instrument indispensable to swim in the choppy waves of ocean; was dexterous swirling of the hands and feet, The instrument indispensable to produce ravishing fragrance; was the ornately embellished crimson rose, The instrument indispensable to uninhibitedly laugh; was to be tickled voraciously in the intricate ribs, The instrument indispensable to quench thirst; was crystalline sacs of mountain water, The instrument indispensable to decode accurate time; was a compactly studded wrist watch, The instrument indispensable to run a computer; was a plethora of coherent microchips, The instrument indispensable to run marathon distance at swashbuckling speeds; was the tenacity of the leg, The instrument indispensable to fly a kite at astronomical heights in the sky; was a pliable and slender string, The instrument indispensable to fumigate infection and

422 gloom from distant corners of the globe; was dazzling rays of sunshine, The instrument indispensable to hysterically sob; was the salinity in the eyes juxtaposed with tribulation , The instrument indispensable to inundate blank canvas with rustic streaks of color; was a articulately sculptured paint brush, The instrument indispensable to produce loads of salubrious milk; was the mother cow, The instrument indispensable to inculcate overwhelming strength in the body; was to perseveringly work and consume food, The instrument indispensable to produce fiery sensations in the palms; was to vigorously knead them, The instrument indispensable to feel miserably cold; was to stand on the summit of the mountain bereft of any clothes, The instrument indispensable to produce itching in the scalp; was abhorrent dandruff, The instrument indispensable to produce blazing fires; was a wildly strewn pile of baked twigs, The instrument indispensable to produce torrential rain; was a conglomerate of black thunder clouds, The instrument indispensable to illuminate a cloistered room; was waves of white electricity, The instrument indispensable to produce fetid smell; was a mountain of orphan sewage, The instrument indispensable to produce mesmerizing tunes; was the eloquent

423 and mystical nightingale, The instrument indispensable to produce pools of ghastly blood; was the nefarious nozzle of the automatic gun, The instrument indispensable to provoke violence; was discriminating illusions of religion, The instrument indispensable to produce sleep; was feeling exorbitantly exhausted, And the instrument indispensable to live; was incessantly love; and incorporate the same in the hearts of the commoner.



When I swam in the blistering ocean of golden sun; infinite arenas of my body got disastrously charred, Indispensable centers of breath in my body got strangulated; and I relinquished breath with great gasps of disbelief.

When I swam in the molten ocean of iridescent moon; there was a temperate warmth that engulfed my persona, The immaculate white color submerged me in entirety; and I felt uncannily distraught as gaseous clouds obliterated my gaze.

When I swam in a tank of bubbling acid; there were incoherent screams that emanated from my mouth, The radiant complexion of my skin transited to briquettes of coal; and the color of my luscious lips now resembled that of my scalp hair.

When I swam in a river replete with frosty milk; I cupidly devoured huge mouthfuls of the same, I emerged out exuberantly fresh after the swim; only to be attacked by a battalion of red ant and fish.

When I swam in icy streams; accumulated at the base of the snow clad alps, The formidable fortress of my teeth commenced to

425 repulsively clatter; and I vociferously sneezed my nose; after a few seconds of my swim.

When I swam in volatile electricity; my demeanor got stabbed with a volley of brutal shock, Clusters of hair stood on my intricate scalp; and I stared dumbfounded at the scenario in utter bewilderment.

When I swam in a silver ocean of slippery mercury; I rolled for marathon distances without flexing my jugglery of muscles, Although when inadvertently some of it slipped into mouth; the blood abruptly froze in my veins; with my persona transforming to a deathly crystal blue.

When I swam in blotted water blended with traces of obnoxious sewage; a fetid stench flooded my nostrils, A fleet of disdainful cockroach clambered up my shirt; and the municipality dumped me like a piece of discarded garbage.

When I swam in a curry of chalk powder; I had to put onerous effort to keep afloat, There was a severe itching in the moist pearls of my eye; and people mistook me for a comedian of the highest fraternity.

And eventually when I swam in bunch of her silken hair; I felt drowned in the savage sea of her perpetual love, I wanted this swim to go on for times immemorial; and

426 I found this to be the most PERFECT SWIM.



I wanted the speed of life to be like swashbuckling blades of the ceiling fan, When I was bustling with euphoric fervor; in the prime of youth.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the withered leaves of autumn, When I was imprisoned in desolation; with traces of the world far away from my silhouette.

I wanted the speed of life to be like slowly dribbling honey, When I felt secret avenues of energy fading; and my feet felt drearily exhausted.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the mesmerizing and eloquent cuckoo, When I brusquely got up from sleep; at the outbreak of evanescent dawn.

I wanted the speed of life to be like slithering reptiles traversing through bushy outgrowths of the jungle, When I was intensely engrossed in artistry and captivating romance.

I wanted the speed of life to be like hostile blood leaking in fury; from fresh wounds, When I felt my persona submerged in pools of

428 belligerence; my fists clenched and clusters of my teeth grimaced like a formidable fortress.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the transparently reflecting mirror, When I felt circumspect to confront loads of tumultuous sorrow.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the garrulous tongue, When I felt like incessantly chattering; disrupting the synchrony of stillness with my voice.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the turbulently flowing Ganges, When I contemplated on dipping my demeanor into Luke warm water; and having a bath.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the plummeting showers of torrential rain, When I set out to conquer the world barefoot; basking in the spirit of adventure.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the majestically gliding eagle in the sky, When I envisaged about the harmony of thought; the blissful symmetry of existence.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the shrill ringing of the telephone,

429 When I nostalgically reminisced the conversations I had with my beloved on telephone.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the painstakingly trespassing desert camel, When I was on the threshold of succumbing life; and I had relinquished the tenacity of youth.

I wanted the speed of life to be like the brilliantly burning bulb, When I was on the course of reaching stupendous echelons of invincible stardom.

And I wanted all speeds of life to be transferred to my fellow beings in acute distress, The moment I left for my heavenly abode; to rest perennially in celestial arms of the creator.



When I tried to cross swirling waters of the river on threads of fragile paper, The contraption disdainfully broke midway; and I hurtled down at astounding speeds to blend with the cold water.

When I tried to clamber up the mighty edifice on threads of molten wax, I miserably failed in my daunting attempt; with the slurry of candle sucking me to the ground bottom.

When I hoisted myself on long thread of burnt plastic; frigidly dangling from unsurpassable heights of the mountain summit, The thread snapped into multiple fragments midway; and I plummeted down, into a concoction of wild stone and shrub.

When I tried to make merry; swaying on a swing impregnated with threads of mushroom, Cupid desires made me nibble at the fruit, and I fell with thunderous thuds on the floor, intermingled with the debris of the broken swing.

When I tried to visualize my entity in coagulated threads of shattered glass, The reflections appeared grotesquely distorted; prompting me to frivolously laugh at my demeanour.

431 When I tried to incinerate a crackling fire with threads of soggy cotton, The conflagration refrained from burning; and there arose weak flames of amber camouflaged in clouds of smoke.

When I tried to entangle my slender wrists from a jugglery of invincible iron thread, The outcome was abhorrently disgusting; my hands bled prolifically pulverizing my futile attempts of escape.

When I tried to perform the artistry of tight rope on a flaccid thread of chocolate candy, The cable snapped like scores of matchsticks; when caressed by gentle draughts of air.

When I tried invade through silken threads of the rustic spider web, Surplus arenas of my body got embossed with sticky cream; with the creature injecting paltry vials of poison in my flesh.

And eventually when I got bonded with incorrigible threads of her love, A plethora of apprehensions in life got mystically pacified; onerous difficulties in life transited to lucidly simple, My entire silhouette was draped in cloud showers of perennial love, And let me tell you friends; this thread of our celestial love was resistant to decay; didn’t break for centuries immemorial.


I used it to scrape streaks of blatant dirt; adhering languidly to my neck, Rubbed it vigorously against my bare skin; the instant I felt petulant sensations of itching.

I dipped it in a barrel of aromatic paint; keeping It immersed in a concoction of flamboyant color, Slapped it hard against the barren wall; inundating her surface with reinvigorating opalescent color.

I used it as a broomstick to swipe off tones of obnoxious dust; applying tumultuous pressure on its fragile persona, Buried it deep beneath the ground for few seconds; to evacuate pugnacious worms.

I caressed it gently against my nostril; applying its noninvasive hair to my lips, Produced a deafening sneeze soon after; as an inevitable aftermath of the application.

I held it high In the air; clenching it tightly in my rubicund palms, Swirled it unrelentingly in right angled patterns; using it as a contrivance for seeking indispensable help.

I melted it in crackling fires; transforming its body

433 into a shriveled wire, Painted the same with pure gold; winding it dexterously against my slender neck.

I used it to wipe my effusive tears; holding it in close proximity of my intricate eye, Pressing it against my heavy eyelids; to gently massage exhausted arenas of my brain.

I rotated it wildly in the arid autumn breeze; trying to assassinate a fleet of ominous mosquitoes, Trying to impregnate waves of uncanny terror in all insects hovering around; perched innocuously in dark corners.

I fitted its head with a metallic cap; embossing it with fluorescent color, Even had the audacity to fix it in my pocket; substituting nicely for my fountain pen.

My toothbrush however looked the best; when coated with a flimsy layer of germicidal toothpaste, Scrubbed onerously against the periphery of my disdainfully yellow teeth; imparting them a scintillating shine.


It was sweeter than the supremely sweet chocolate candy, It was more pungent than fresh slices of green chili, It was shriller than the mesmerizing chirping of jungle nightingale, It was more captivating than a thoroughly animated game of cricket, It was darker than the most opalescent of pastel color, Its sting was infinite times more than austerely venomous beetle, It was more obdurate than the strongest piece of rotund stone, It was denser than the bountiful bunch of hair riveted to scalp, It was more transparent than the most scintillating of pellucid glass, It was thornier than the bushiest of desert cactus, It was more sparkling than the most polished of marble floor, It was cooler; than the most efficacious of air-conditioner, It was saltier than the saline waves radiating from the persona of colossal ocean, It was crisper than the most poignant of edible biscuit, It was brighter than the golden rays of the brilliantly dazzling sun, It was more fragrant than the tantalizingly aromatic crimson rose, It was more picturesque than sprawling mountain ranges embossed with perennial

435 foliage, It was more flexible than the most malleable of tree rubber, It was whiter than the purest of pearly cow milk, It was more vociferous than the thunderous waterfall colliding with jagged rock, It was more stringent than the teacher slashing an innocuous student with a leather cane, It was softer than the satiny quilt stuffed with loads of flocculent cotton, It was more sharp than the acerbic edges of broken glass, It was sleeker than the articulately moulded race sedan, It was more salubrious than the tastiest of consumable food, It was more tenacious than sporadic currents of electricity traversing through cable wires, It was more handsome than a scrupulously embellished; pampered prince, It was more volatile than the most radioactive of atom bomb, It was more enigmatic than the most mystical of historical scripture, It was more profound than the accepted axioms of contemporary science, It was more prolific than the athlete with the most number of football goals, It was more immaculate than the palpable heart of a life rendering mother, It was more enticing than the most ravishing of malt whisky and Caribbean rum, It was faster than the speed at which the aircraft

436 sped through placid carpets of cool air, It was more intricate than the most coherently synchronized poetic verse, It was more supple than the most succulent of ripened water melon, It was more effusive than a stream of tears cascading down tender cheek, It was more intense than scarlet blood trickling down raw wounds, And it was more omnipotent than any offering made to the all-mighty, O! yes the thing; that has made me scribble infinite lines to describe, Was none other than incorrigibly imprisoning "TRUE LOVE ”



The mammoth elephants in the forest; made a thunderous noise; bellowing rambunctious wails of sound from their trunk, Inundating the placid ambience with obstreperous cacophony; I still slept peacefully; with my hair drooling over my eyes.

The unruly traffic on the roads chugged smoke blatantly; honking unnecessarily in wee hours of the night, Permeating the carpet of air with incongruous noise; I still slept like a horse; thoroughly lost in the realms of dreamy fantasy.

The bedraggled urchins on the street shouted vociferously; flexing their lungs to monumental capacity, Striking the cricket ball hard; with a glass pane shattering occasionally; I still slept unperturbed; with the furry blanket over my head.

An army of obnoxious mosquitoes hovered in the vicinity of my intricate ear; buzzing incessantly tunes of insipid exasperation, Evacuating precious blood from my succulent skin; I still slept like a prince; with innocuous saliva oozing from my mouth.

The indiscriminate party of burglars marauded my house; pilfering all the

438 wealth they could their hands to, Making a flurry of conspicuous sounds in the process; I still slept like a gigantic whale; with heavy snores emanating from my partially opened mouth.

Herculean drops of rain water struck against my kitchen window; accompanied by sounds of stringent thunder and lightning, With turbulent wind gushing right past my face; I still slept like a tortoise with its head receded way inside its stomach.

Irate trespassers punched the doorbell with passionate fervor; incessantly doing the same with renewed gusto, Piercing the atmosphere with disdainful noises of the monotonous alarm; I still slept with an enchanting smile on my lips; thoroughly oblivious to sound.

There were communal riots going on in the street below; a plethora of shops were submerged by pugnacious fire, Hordes of people fled their dwelling; ran berserk for their lives helter-skelter; I still slept like a drunkard; rolling languidly in my inebriated state.

Multiple buildings shook as an aftermath of vicious tremors; infinite walls of solid concrete incorporated prominent cracks, The entire structure reverberated with the unleashing impact of earthquake; I still slept like a dead log; with my eyes formidably

439 shut to the proceedings.

It was at that very moment she entered my room; her perpetual fragrance tickled my conscience, The aura of her magnificence rekindling my impoverished soul, There took incredulous transformations in my body; and I woke up with a startled look on my face; staring unrelentingly into her mystical eyes; and I didn’t sleep thereafter.



When I sliced volatile wire; impregnated with white currents of electricity, It spewed out a volley of poignant sparks in tandem; I was stabbed with several impacts of shock; falling like a lifeless pigeon on the ground.

When I sliced open obdurate tree bark; embossed with a cluster of rustic root, A slurry of succulent white juice oozed out in emollient abundance; and the tree wept in hidden anguish.

When I sliced the belly of the colossal mountain; infinite tones of mud leaked out in frenzy, A cluster of earthworm and rabbit got dismantled; and the once bombastic structure now resembled a beggar in torn rags.

When I sliced open the skin of emerald watermelon; rosy pink juice cascaded down with spontaneity, The fruit looked ravishingly voluptuous like never before; with scores of brown seeds tumbling down.

When I sliced decayed bones freshly excavated from soil; a finely crushed

441 chowder of calcium flew directly in my eyes, The scenario appeared grotesquely despicable; with nostalgic memories of centuries ago besieging the cool air.

When I sliced through the heart of a concrete wall; a series of blatant cracks spread fast like wild fire, The structure now looked insipid and fragile; a battalion of red baked bricks came plummeting down; and broke my scalp.

When I sliced scintillating biscuits of yellow gold; an amber tinge incorporated the edge of my knife, The currency proliferated itself with each stroke of mine; and soon I had more pieces of gold than when I commenced slicing.

When I sliced through an ocean of loose sand; the blissful assemblage got thoroughly distorted, Bountiful splinters of silver soil hurtled towards my eyes; and there was profuse tearing that incorrigibly followed as an inevitable aftermath.

When I sliced open a balloon incorporated with salty cheese; and a fountain of water, An incoherent design of white dots then inhabited my face; scores of flies and cupid ants stuck like true stalwarts to my demeanor.

And when I sliced my heart open with the most sharpest of blade; crimson blood

442 gushed out at exhilarating speeds, It contained bold traces of the girl I immensely loved; the celestial image of the mother from whom I was born.



When I burnt a cluster of succulent green leaves; torching the same with the poignant matchstick, There arose a faded green smoke in the air; causing my intricate eyes to profusely tear.

When I burnt solid crusts of white wax; holding it in the brilliant candle flame, Infinite streams of hot liquid ran down my palms; diffusing into grey smoke; embossing them with blotches of burnt black.

When I burnt gigantic sheets of plastic with my cigarette lighter; there emanated clouds of achromatic smoke, It look marathon hours to burn; producing the most unbearable stench I had ever smelt.

When I burnt mountains of brown mud; igniting the same with hot embers of coal; the colossal structure simply refrained to burn, There arose dying wisps of smoke in the atmosphere; and the tumultuous heat produced made me flee and run.

When I burnt enormous bundles of white cotton; after submerging the same in disdainful kerosene, There were clouds of black smoke engulfing all in

444 proximity; with occasional flufs of distorted cloth entering my eye.

When I burnt lush green grass sprawled on the meadows; inducing sinister current from a copper wire, There arose frigid blue smoke; incarcerating the air; which repulsively tickled my nostril; making me puke out consumed food.

When I burnt live cables of electricity suspended on the streets; firing a volley of lead bullet, There arose white smoke in the air blended with golden sparks; and I ran like a panther; for fear of being electrocuted.

When I burnt fetid sewage decaying in an oblivious heap; with blazing sticks of fire, There arose crimson smoke in the air; and the odor was so obnoxious; that it entered through my ears when I closed my nose.

When burnt a close compatriot of mine; placing his lifeless form over a bundle of dry rosewood, There arose a wheatish smoke in the air; I reminisced all his actions; and the nostalgia made me cry.

And eventually when I burnt myself; immolating my demeanor with pure gasoline, The smoke that arose in the air was brilliant red; and the fragrance was the most emollient of all; as it contained profound traces

445 of her heart; portraying the essence of our love.



I ambled languidly on my rooftop terrace at evanescent dawn, Invisibly faint rays of light gently caressing my silhouette; a chilly breeze blowing across my soft ear, The cuckoo gave loud chirps; a blend of resplendent birds soared high in the impeccable clouds, I felt dreariness besieging my exhausted eyes; and soon dozed off lost in realms of a mystical reverie.

I woke up with startled jerks; stupendously bewildered by dazzling light of the full sun, Splashed my face several times with cold water; trying to audaciously stare into the crimson ball of fire, Although I miserably failed in my attempt; as the astronomical proportion of heat burnt my scalp, And I submissively sat down reading the crisp newspaper; in remote dark corners of the terrace.

The crystal sky now displayed the midday sun; blazing down viciously in full fury, Sweltering hot currents of breeze now blew across the window; virtually melting all in proximity to water, As I incessantly consumed large pitchers of sweet liquid; refrigerated to

447 freezing ice, To get temporary reprieve from the distressing agony of the sun god.

A few hours later dusk strangulated the exorbitant heat; radiating serene pink light, The eagles in the sky were now returning back to their dwelling; densely foliated trees rustled vivaciously in the gusty wind, The atmosphere was impregnated with obstreperous voices; as children played in the silver sand, I stood in mute silence; leaning on periphery of the colossal water tank; as I witnessed the mesmerizing sight of the sun going down.

As the seconds zipped by; dusk unveiled itself into starry night, The sky now; was entirely obfuscated from the sun; looked enchanting with a cavalcade of stars, Emanating mystical light; illuminating the darkness with a bountiful sparkle, I watched her innocuous features; the beauty of her form a few feet below; thanked the creator for putting her to sleep, Incorrigibly vowed to spend many more days on my ROOF TOP TERRACE; as her sighs now converted into deafening snores.



When I pricked a large bubble impregnated with acid; infinite droplets of fumes flew all over my persona, Transforming my glowing skin; into complete shambles of pathetic brown; and I emitted a few tears unable to bear the anguish.

When I pricked minuscule bubbles of soap emanating from the bathtub; a pungent spray flew in my eyes, It was as if someone had hurled tones of chili powder; and the interiors of my eye developed a severe red allergy.

When I pricked rotund bubbles incorporated with honey; sweet globs of liquid fell on my face, I felt nice in the beginning; but it soon became a disdainful nuisance; as clusters of stinging ants clambered up at fast pace.

When I pricked plastic bubbles looking thoroughly inflated; a sudden gush of stale air rushed across my lips, There was a deafening roar produced that inundated my ears; and for the next few minutes I was unable to decode sound.

When I pricked bubbles filled with crimson blood; my immaculate clothes acquired blotches of red, A sickening smell encompassed the ambience; and I felt like vomiting out

449 consumed food; wanting to eliminate the process of death.

When I pricked bubbles compactly filled with frozen ice; tiny nuggets of ice cascaded down my neck, Umpteenth hair on my body stood up due to impact of the bitter cold; and my teeth started to violently clatter.

When I pricked frothy bubbles wafting out of a stray dogs mouth; a fountain of water gently caressed my face, A fetid stench arose in the air; and I knew I had an overwhelming chance of contracting deadly rabies.

When I pricked bubbles drifting from the periphery of sizzling hot tea; blistering sprays of water collided with my face, Scalding sensitive arenas of my silhouette as they trickled down my chest; also my body smelt of tea leaf for remainder of the day.

When I pricked bubbles generated by the ravishing sea waves; salty foam struck me stringently in my face, My eyes started to profusely water; with an inevitable sensation to scratch painstakingly developing all throughout.

Eventually when I pricked the colossal bubble of our perennial love; there was a rainfall of fragrant water; that imprisoned us in bonds of immortal embrace,

450 And there were many more such bubbles which proliferated every unleashing minute; uniting us for the present and many births to unveil in the distant future



He babbled incoherently at innocuous pedestrians traversing through the streets, Clenched his fist high in the air; barking a malicious volley of rustic expletives, Spat loads of colored saliva on the ground; blending superbly with the loosely sprawled mud, Danced languidly listening to the slightest of music; eventually collapsing in a bedraggled heap on the ground, Swayed frivolously at fair skin; only to be slapped with fervor on his bearded cheek, Occasionally stumbled badly on sharp pieces of stone; hurtling at fast speeds to get a taste of disdainful soil, Scratched his hair in wild rhapsody; with a ravishing hunger in his blood shot eyes, Took deep breaths every once a while; as if getting strangulated by bouts of suffocation, Wailed passionately; vociferously proclaiming his unrelenting misery and tyrannical pain, Was thoroughly oblivious to his boisterous surrounding; lost in realms of sedative fantasy, Had lost all appetite for cooked food; relinquished to chew and eat,

452 Looked waywardly towards the sky; trying to decipher his blurred destiny, Rebuked his children severely at home; at their most innocuous of provocation, Kicked acerbically intricate furniture in vicinity; dismantling the sanctity of household to threadbare junk,

Illegibly scribbled few lines of script; making a ridiculous mockery of calligraphy, Slapped his wife with tenacity on her ear; for disobeying his dictatorial rules, Audaciously revealed startling facts about his life; which he had embedded deep within his heart, Was saved by the scruff of his neck on umpteenth an occasion; from high powered cars; and monstrous traffic, He had completely lost the dignity to speak; the ability to stand firm on his knees; distinguish the light illuminating air from darkness, In the end; he collapsed in a disheveled heap on the ground; awaiting the first rays of brilliant dawn to terminate his sleep; wash all traces of the BARREL OF RED WINE; he had obsessively consumed the previous night



Granules of silver sands drifted into my eye; tormenting them to the threshold of irritation, Wild draughts of wind blew across my face; almost annihilating all the hair inhabiting my scalp, Black wisps of clouds hovered disconcertingly close to my persona; circumventing me from all sides, Scraps of strewn paper; threads of innocuous cotton rose high in the breeze; settled nimbly on my freckled nose, Frothy waves of the sea struck me with tenacity; diffusing into pearls of ravishing foam, Gigantic lizards slithered harmlessly on the soil; gallivanting their way upwards into the crevices of the tree, Rustic leaves of the foliated trees swirled violently; occasionally dropping on the ground with a thud, Infinite blades of grass got dismantled from their roots; lay massacred in a pathetic heap, Bountiful amounts of dust adhered to immaculately polished windows; the sparkling exteriors of statues transited to blotted and scarred, Metallic signboards in the street fluttered turbulently under the midday sun; belting under pressure, Fleets of birds in the sky glided ecstatically; without generating effort from

454 their aerodynamic wings, Scores of rusty iron nails entangled themselves from crevices; rubbed themselves vigorously against sandpaper corrugations of the wall, The bells in the church chimed incessantly; striking their fangs tenaciously against pallid bronze, Slender needles of the tower clock revolved haphazardly; displaying erratic fluctuations of time, Hordes of mice retreated hastily in their burrows; shriveling to half of their original size, The potbellied tortoise sunk way beneath into its shell; profoundly contented with its perennial warmth, Steaming coffee cascaded all over into a rampant spray; as I tried to pour it dexterously from the kettle, A battalion of fish tried to escape from the boisterous waves of the sea; find some respite from the torrential reverberations of the water, Tightly fitted contemporary caps were swept like rolling pins from scalps; the crisp demeanor of my office shirt developed a plethora of crease, I simply relinquished all power to open my eyes; hoist my head towards the sky; and her breath seemed closer to me like never before, As the wind blew at swashbuckling speeds; inundating the stillness of atmosphere with the euphoria of vibrant adventure.


They blasted it with the most pugnacious of explosive; planting corrugated sticks of dynamite around its periphery, It bravely bore the onslaught; didn’t sway a single inch; instead fortified its roots firmly into the ground.

They fired a volley of bullets from my compact pistol; caressing the air at swashbuckling speeds before striking the wall, It stood unperturbed like a handsome prince; and there was not the slightest of indentation.

They hurled at it colossal buckets of fuming acid; drenching its demeanor with blistering liquid, It refrained to change its complexion; and sparkled even more after the aftermath.

They incessantly sprinkled it with disdainful petrol wildly bursting from hospices; then ignited the same with a blazing torch; It however refrained to catch fire; shimmered mystically under the pearly moon.

They attempted to chop it down with their acrimonious axe; indiscriminately slashing at its body, It neither bled nor wept; while the axes after a while seemed to be thoroughly battered and bruised.


They dug the earth to fathomless depths; feeding its foundation with a battalion of parasitic termites, It resisted their ominous attack; the termites after several days felt exorbitantly exhausted and eventually slept.

They tied it with chains and iron shackles; tugged at it with from all sides exerting tumultuous strength, It didn’t utter the slightest of whisper; neither did it move a centimeter; proving their vindictive attempts worthlessly futile.

They left a fleet of hostile vulture to devour it; pulverize its persona to threadbare rags, It remained as stoical as ever; and the birds flew away without trying to invade and harm it.

They then banged and pummeled it with their fists; as a manifestation of their anger and frustration, Used all paraphernalia they could lay their hands on to dismantle it; it still stood like rock unmoved by the proceedings.

It had withstood the severest of test on umpteenth an occasion; without yielding to pressures of ostentation and society, And grew more formidable, as the prejudiced tried to crush it; the dictators tried to capture it; and the opulent tried to purchase it, It had remained as fresh as a new born for centuries

457 unprecedented; it possessed the immortal blessings of god, O! yes it was indeed the one and only invincible PILLAR OF LOVE..


When I punched a bag replete with mud; overflowing to the brim with bountiful food grain, There flew tones of dust in the still air; of which some it settled on my nose; partially obscuring my vision.

When I punched an inflated balloon in its midriff; infinite molecules of gas escaped in fury, There was an obstreperous sound produced; which almost ripped apart intricate arenas of my eardrum.

When I punched the colossal sized melon with my fists; the shell broke open into incommensurate halves, A myriad of fleshy splinters flew everywhere in the air; and the slimy juice languidly cascaded down my immaculate face.

When I punched the solid baked brick; exerting tumultuous pressure against its navel, Shards of disdainful concrete entered my crystalline eye; along with a series of fracture that enveloped my knuckle.

When I punched the heavyweight champion in the solar plexus; there was a myriad of fetid sweat droplets that stung me with alacrity, His esteem got thoroughly provoked; and he pulverized

459 me to dust displaying his overpowering brawn.

When I punched biscuits of pure gold; glittering impeccably in the enchanting moonshine, My fingers acquired faint tinges of yellow; and I profoundly regretted the wastage that I had produced.

When I punched the venomous reptile that hung from the tree; trying to frivolously fondle with its skin, The monster bared its fangs in vindication; hissing vociferously and eventually inserting its deadly poison in my flesh.

When I punched the assembly of scintillating mirror; it diffused into a myriad of minuscule fragments, My reflection now appeared comically distorted; and droplets of crimson blood oozed from my palms as an aftermath.

When I punched the power horn in the truck; applying unrelenting pressure from my wrists, There was a deafening noise that was produced; instantly overpowering the natural ethos prevailing in atmosphere.

And finally when I punched my heart; using the full power of my hands, There echoed only once voice; there seemed only one face; and there seemed only one god; and all of them were my mesmerizing beloved.



I sprinkled bountiful water on the cluster of tree leaves; granting their surface a scintillating radiance and shine, Yet they developed disdainful blotches of dust on their persona; as the rustic wind blew in wild draughts.

I polished the marble with moulds of wax and feathery sponge; continued to do so until it glistened, Yet it developed a series of blue blotches; as the toddlers unwittingly spilled globules of writing ink.

I wore a crisp cotton shirt entwined with threads of white silk in the morning; meticulously wiping of all the dirt with my snake brush, Yet it developed a blend of obnoxious blotches; as the tyranny of sun and perspiration overpowered me in entirety.

I voraciously scrubbed the wall using a lather of antiseptic foam; scrupulously cleansing all the unwanted grime, Yet it developed infinite blotches and irregular scars minutes later; as the cars traversing blew a load of contaminated gutter water.

I tenaciously rubbed the interiors of the cloistered well using battens of

461 steel; made sure that the grease and stale algae was thoroughly annihilated, Yet the surface developed blotches of black mud along with a fleet of incorrigible termite; as a few nights passed by.

I rigorously scraped all the mud from the temple bells; making their demeanor sparkle in the midday sun, Yet they developed a plethora of blotches juxtaposed with ghastly stains; as scores of devotees incessantly rang them creating a pandemonium.

I delicately chiseled streaks of condensed clay from my fingernail; to render it with a salubrious complexion, Yet it developed painted blotches stuffed with trapped particles; a few hours after I consumed my meal of boiled rice.

I stringently brushed my bare bruise with a concoction of medicinal balm and ointment; to eradicate prevailing infection, Yet it developed hostile blotches; seconds later when it was exposed to acerbic atmosphere.

I adroitly brushed off briquettes of soil from my pet dogs skin; bathing him in a tub replete with soapy foam, Yet he developed irrevocable blotches of green on his skin; after rolling uninhibitedly in the grass.

It was now the turn of my beloved; I made her stand in the most blistering of

462 fire; the most savage of oceans; the most lecherous of society, She withstood the test with tumultuous endurance; escaped without a single indentation on all occasions; facing an army of acrimonious tests in her life, And the most astounding thing was; she didn’t acquire any scars; her heart was as pure as gold; her character immaculate and her conscience was free of the remotest of blotch.



The light diffusing from the sun was stupendously dazzling in the morning; gaining profound intensity by the onset of afternoon, Although as the hours zipped by; the same sun set behind the mountains; with its brilliant rays now transiting into pathetic black.

The light emanating from the moon was an immaculate white; subtly illuminating the darkness of the night; Although as the first hours of dawn stealthily crept in; the moonlight simply faded; without leaving a single trace.

The light radiating from the high voltage bulb was wholesomely flamboyant; piercing with stringent velocity through particles of gloom, Although when I merely caressed the switch with my fingers; it abruptly shut up without the slightest of struggle.

The light diffusing from the volcano was belligerent and hostile; torching all the animate that came in proximity, Although when the tremors subsided; the same sparkle got submerged in clouds of insipid smoke.

The light emerging from traffic signals appeared scintillating; blending perfectly with the flurry of traffic traversing the

464 roads at nights, Although the contraption failed to produce the same effects in the morning; when the natural shine of the sun overwhelmingly took over.

The light originating from the stars was silvery in complexion; besieging the ambience with an enchanting mysticism, Although when came the next morning; there was no sign of the light as well as the galaxy of prominent stars.

The light ejecting out from the mountain stream was a juxtaposition of several colors; as the sunrays punctured it, Although it vanished into oblivion as nightfall took its toll on the day.

The light arising from the computer screen was creamy and fluorescent; enticing the mundane man with lots of ease, Although when I punched the button to a position of closure; there was a dull background of gray that flooded my eyes.

The light emitting from the sky was sapphire blue; with blissful tinges of golden, Although the same was sighted as ominously black; with the thunder clouds hovering around.

And the light of our love was as everlasting as the fragrance of god, It radiated a perpetual immortal glow; which neither faded in darkness; not

465 disappeared in the brightest of light.



When I was drowning in a sea of grease; I felt severely asphyxiated, Indispensable breath seemed to be relinquishing my body fast; I also felt the unbearable stench inundate my nose.

When I was drowning in a sea of blood; I felt a sickening feeling strangulate my intestines, There was a deathly red color that camouflaged my vision in entirety; and the desire to live now seemed to be dwindling in my persona.

When I was drowning in a sea of fuming acid; umpteenth pores on my skin got horrendously charred, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer; the heat finally overpowered me choking my breath.

When I was drowning in a sea of silvery sand; clogged balls of mud stuck intransigently to my silhouette, The colossal burden of soil seemed preposterously bulky to bear; and I emancipated breath with loud sighs and groans.

When I was drowning in a sea of red wine; I initially relished the aroma and ravishing taste, However as minutes unleashed themselves rapidly; the

467 same elixir became a profound nuisance; and I succumbed disparagingly.

When I was drowning in a sea of obnoxious petrol; the gasoline left me helpless with a piquant feeling, I prayed to the creator for granting me reprieve from my plethora of misdeeds; but in the end halted my cells from functioning after entering rampantly in my body.

When I was drowning in a sea of pressurized gas; the vapors initially made me dreary, Painstakingly catapulted my demeanor to heights of complete unconsciousness; and leading to ghastly death.

When I was drowning in a sea of white electricity; a battalion of insidious sparks caressed me with vindication, I got instantly electrocuted; and didn’t even have the time to reminisce my past.

When I was drowning in a sea of hatred blended profusely with corruption; nefarious deeds of the society plundering heavily on my conscience, I forcefully closed my breath refraining to live any further; although the world did give me a slim chance.

And eventually when I was drowning in a sea of love; her eyelashes tickling my forehead,

468 The incense of her love igniting undiscovered passion in my body; I lived; and not only did I live; I now dictated and preached the same to all I encountered in the tenure of my life.



My eyes felt overwhelmingly revitalized; with their focus seeming to be crystal clear, The network of bones in my body seemed to be well oiled; with that extra ounce of energy incarcerated, The breath flowing through my nostrils was holistically pure; without the slightest trace of impurity, Sweat glands under my arms had started producing fresh perspiration, The mass of curly hair on my palms had stood up alert; with pungent alacrity, There seemed to be melodious sounds congruously humming in my eardrum; as an aftermath of nocturnal dream, Scarlet blood circulating through my veins had acquired a lighter tinge; and now flowed with pumped exuberance, Dried crusts of dirt lined my eyelashes; which I wiped off ecstatically with my nail, A serene calm now besieged my stomach; after onerous turmoil of the previous day, Languid yawns now occurred; impregnating my demeanor with robust spurts of exhilaration, The flesh circumventing my chest glistened all the more profoundly in golden rays of the sun, New buds of taste had sprouted in clusters on my

470 tongue; producing tantalizing sensations in my mouth, The fortress of my teeth seemed to be fortified and strong enough; to masticate the hardest of coconut shell, There was a perfect co-ordination between the mind and brain; a perpetual harmony which harnessed constructive thought flow, Bouts of intense infuriation had dwindled substantially, replaced by the tendency to gently caress the grass and care, The clouds had never seemed so blue before; and the sun had never seemed as dazzling as I could spot it now, There was passion to work; gleeful run and perspire profusely in the heat, My voice reverberated loud and stringently from my throat; blended with a perfect crispness to project authority, All the laziness now seemed to have vanished into thin oblivion; with the last trace of dreariness thoroughly annihilated, Mind you there was no mystery behind this; I had slept like a hooded monster last night; with thunderous snores piercing the stillness of air, And as the first rays of dawn hit my eyes; I possessed unprecedented strength to fulfill my duties; love with reinvigorated vigor the ones I ardently admired.



When I applied it on the morose painted black wall; it highlighted a vivid contrast, The surface suddenly acquired a gaudy complexion; captivated stringent attention of the roving eye.

When I smeared it on the surface of the airfield tarmac; it bifurcated the entire terrain scrupulously into zones, Made life immensely simple for the pilot; giving adequate options to the pilot to maneuver his winged bird.

When I mixed it with plain pellucid water; it transformed into a curry of immaculate starch, And I was easily able to whitewash the periphery of the dilapidated mansion; with magnanimous strokes of my serrated brush.

When I threw it nonchalantly on the earth; it inconspicuously blended with the soil, Impregnated the mud with innocuous tinges of sparkle; looked spotless in the assemblage of infinite dirt.

When I released it high in the air; it cascaded down painstakingly, Eventually settling and juxtaposing with my hair; rendering my features to appear comically distorted.


When I hurled it at unsuspecting individuals; they acknowledged my gesture with frivolous smiles, Although they inevitably scratched their eyes with their palms; as the granules caused pertinent irritation.

When I applied a frugal amount of it on my rosy tongue; it looked as if covered with snow, Although some of it managed to infiltrate into my nose; and I thunderously sneezed.

When I voraciously rolled in it; inscribing wild designs with my fingers, I resembled a talented cartoon from the Disney world; and the neighboring children laughed till tears rolled down their cheek.

When I washed my hands; vigorously rubbing it all over the skin of my fingers, They came out meticulously clean; with the last traces of grime now completely annihilated.

But I think that my CHALK POWDER served me the best; when I moulded it into a composite bar of handsome chalk, Used it for imparting judicious knowledge; sketching a conglomerate of love symbols with it on the crystal blackboard.


When I wore a bangle of pointed thorns on my wrists; they got apathetically scarred, A series of raw bruise developed with the unleashing hour; and ravines of warm blood trickled down my fingers.

When I put on a bangle of live reptile on my hands; it tickled me voraciously, The venomous creature hissed enchantingly for a while; eventually striking its perfidious(disloyal) fangs indiscriminately in my flesh.

When I wore a bangle of dead frog on my wrists; there wafted an unbearable stench in the atmosphere, Also the skin in proximity with the contraption developed a plethora of infection; catering to a host of abominable insects.

When I wore a bangle of sea shell on my wrists; it initially imparted me a majestic look, But the exhilaration soon faded; as a fleet of slimy worm came crawling from the inside recesses.

When I wore a bangle impregnated with ravishing honey on my wrists; it glimmered tenaciously in the midday sun, Although after a few hours I found; the obstreperous

474 humming bees encircling it perceiving it to be their hive.

When I wore a bangle of insipid grass on my wrists; the frigid blades tickled me pertinently, And every now and then; I had to scratch my flesh; executing overwhelming force of my finger nail.

When I wore a bangle of jingling metal on my wrists; it glittered profoundly under the creamy moon, However it provoked me to the threshold of irritation; as it produced cacophonic noise; every time I moved my hand.

When I wore a bangle of pure gold on my wrists; it incarcerated the attention of several pedestrians, The penurious could hardly believe their eyes; immediately chalked astute plans of actions to steal it.

When I wore a bangle of elephant teeth on my wrists; it highlighted richness blended with rustic tradition, Although I felt pervaded with remorse for the colossal beast; nostalgically reminisced the agony it must have felt while dying.

And finally when I wore the bangle of our love on my wrists; all my apprehensions vanished into minute oblivion, My hands; my persona; and the coordination of my senses all got astronomically reinvigorated; and they seemed to be gaining strength

475 as each day unveiled into perilous night.



When I rolled ravenously in it; inscribing incoherent patterns in the powder with my big toe, It stuck to innumerable pores of my tender skin; poignantly tickling every part of my body.

When I smeared a parsimonious amount of it on my tongue; the taste buds instantly stood up; as if after a marathon period of prolonged rest, My throat cried for water soon after; to pacify its inevitable thirst.

When I sprinkled it gently in the drifting breeze; it rose high and handsome in the atmosphere; adhering to the crisp tree leaves, While some part of it descended down painstakingly; causing my eyes to profusely water as it barged in forcefully.

When I blended it with pure water; vigorously stirring the concoction till it spewed bubbles of sparkling froth, The elixir produced was wholesomely spicy to drink; and I washed my mouth scrupulously clean; after consuming a few sips.

When I rubbed it fervently against the periphery of succulent fruit; completely engulfing the same with its surplus fillings,

477 The berry remained as fresh as ever even after several weeks had elapsed; unperturbed by the onslaught of deleterious insects.

When mixed it with the chocolate brown soil; it acquired evanescent tinges of cream, The mud now looked far more enticing; with streaks of impeccable white clearly accentuated.

When I heated it on the stove to form a composite bar of soap; it willingly underwent the metamorphosis, And I felt hot fumes emanating from my persona; when I took bath with it.

When I hurled it mischievously at passing pedestrians; they were partially perplexed by my uncanny behavior, Their initial anger soon converted into intense indignation; as they were left scratching their flesh raw till it bled.

When I dissolved colossal pints of it in the fathomless ocean; it was supremely grateful, Thanking me from its heart for submerging it back; in the place it actually belonged to.

And eventually when I added frugal pinches of it in my food; my supper transited to the tastiest of all times, With commensurate proportions of sweetness and spice; overwhelmingly gratifying the pangs of hunger in my stomach,

478 It was now that my bottle of TABLE SALT had served me to its absolute best; had indeed embodied lots of color to my spiceless life



When the colossal dinosaur traversed through the marshy soil; there occurred a deafening roar; the entire family of jungle beasts saluted him, However he left behind a trail of triangular footprints; bohemian and gigantic; that made onlookers uneasy; by merely glimpsing the same.

When the hunch backed camel ambled languidly through the desert; I paid him flowing tributes of adulation; for unceasingly bearing the tyranny of scorching heat, However he left behind a semicircular array of footprints; which appeared pretty insipid and nonchalant.

When the stray dog ran across the wet road; he was a sight to stare; with his furry coat now camouflaged in muddy water, However he left behind a battalion of messy footprints; which caused disdainful blemishes on the surface.

When the handsome horse galloped across the racetrack; he looked majestic and grandiloquent; panting with spurts of exuberant energy, However he left behind an incongruous design of footprints which were crudely square in shape; punctuating cavities in the hard ground.


When the olive green and serrated skinned crocodile slithered through the river banks; he looked domineering and awe inspiring, However he left behind an armory of deadly footprints; which caused sumptuous food in the belly of innocuous trespassers to violently churn.

When the protuberant bellied ducks paraded through clayey farm mud; they appeared a sight to feast on; with their yellow beaks dazzling brilliantly in the sun, However they left behind a jugglery of diamond shaped footprints; which perpetuated incorrigible stains in the spotless kitchen.

When the black striped panther aimlessly loitered through the tropical grass; he looked like a royal prince; embodied with the whitest of silken whisker, However he left behind a fleet of monstrously incoherent footprints; which scrupulously lead the hunter to his den.

When the nefarious robber stealthily crept across the soil; he left me dumbfounded; clad in the blackest of attire; with a snake hood camouflaging his face, However he left behind a volley of deplorable footprints; which helped the police to trace and apprehend him.

And when she walked on the cold floor with bare feet;

481 it shivered as if caressed by a celestial fairy; having just descended from the realms of heaven, Also the footprints that she left behind were perfectly synchronized; were the most mesmerizing that I had ever sighted on the trajectory of this earth.



A divider of polished bricks separated the road; segregating a battalion of traffic meticulously, Preventing unruly accidents; ensuring that vehicles traversed at electric speeds.

A divider of thunder clouds separated the crystal sky from earth, Obfuscating it from indispensable sunshine; inundating its surface with an ocean of stormy rain.

A divider of dense leaf; separated the slender tree from the wind, Cloistering it from uncouth gaze of trespassers; impregnating it with loads of passionate warmth.

A divider of charged barbed wire; separated the house from the illuminated street; Harboring its occupants in fortified custody; shielding them from vindictive glances of the society.

A divider of entwined fur; separated the grizzly bear from atmosphere, Protecting his skin from freezing winds and bitter cold; incorporating his persona with a thoroughly mystical look.

483 A divider of radiant flowers; separated the orchard from the polluted city, Flooding the sir with a sweet fragrance of piquant scent; attracting scores of bees to hum in rambunctious discordance.

A divider of feathers; separated the majestic peacock from the unethical vulture, Depicting its magnanimous splendor to all in vicinity; spreading waves of wild euphoria when spotted in rain.

A divider of blistering sand; separated the desert from common land, Granting it the status of being virtually invincible; hosting a plethora of kingly cactus and crab.

A divider of brutality separated; the devil from sacrosanct god, Assassinating blissful traces of benevolence; rendering the world a disaster to live in.

And a divider of her perpetual love; separated me from the mundane earth, Saving me from the tyranny of blending with the deplorable; imprisoning me in bonds of celestial romance.


The venomous black beetle stung naked patches of innocuous skin; injecting paltry vials of its poison, Was considered a deleterious hazard; had people swishing at it with entwined broomsticks, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; she took refuge in the dainty petals of crimson rose.

The alligator revealed its ghastly teeth in the brilliant sunlight; decimated the animate and inanimate in its proximity, Mercilessly slaughtered scores of humans; clusters of big fish, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the sedately tranquil waters of the jungle stream.

The multilegged spider entangled innumerable insects with glow; devouring the same with tumultuous relish, Annihilating its prey; submerging it in its piquantly bitter juice, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the compassionate leaves of the tree; silken threads of its mesmerizing web.

The mystical reptile slithered stealthily through the bushes; furtively pilfering(stealing) the eggs of the mother bird, Raising its hood high at oblivious trespassers; striking them with its toxic

485 fangs, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the immaculate dark burrows of the nimble ground.

The ruffled grey lizard traversed up the wall at electric speeds, Capsizing its prey in a vise like grip; crunching it viciously in its jaws, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took refuge in the hollow of the tree; camouflaged a little by moisture from the soil.

The impeccable little infant cried unrelentingly all day; banging his tiny fists in the cradle, Inundating spotless sheets of cloth; with natural spray of disdainful effluent, Yet when the time arrived to sleep; it took blissful refuge; nestling within the warm arms of his mother.

All of us inhabiting the earth inadvertently commit a plethora of mistakes, Sometimes not adhering to the sacrosanct norms laid by society; indignantly stamping our feet at frugal issues, Yet when the time arrives to perish from this earth and sleep; we all take refuge in the magnanimous shadow of the omniscient creator.



The apple tree swayed frivolously in the air; bearing crimson crested fruit peeping out from its dense foliage, However as came freezing winter; its leaves wore a shriveled look; inevitably feeling the chill and sporadically falling to the ground.

The cherry tree looked awe inspiring and magnificent from a distance; with succulent balls of incongruous shapes clinging to its tendrils, However as the wind blew mightily; stormy currents of air collided with it; infinite berries fell down on earth; rendering it as a pathetic sight to witness.

The coconut tree appeared domineering; standing at unprecedented heights from the mud; firmly holding its ground in the tenacious ocean breeze, However as I shook it; exerting all my power assiduously assisted by my fellow mates; the hard shell fell with a thump on the floor; snapping apart into scores of asymmetrical halves.

The maple tree looked like an angel descended from the sky; with its golden leaves shimmering in the sunshine, However as the vigils of autumn took over; it now resembled a threadbare urchin; shivering incessantly as the slightest of current struck its naked persona.

The mango tree appeared enticing and voluptuous; with a conglomerate of brilliant shell adhering to it faithfully, However the same replicated and impoverished beggar; as a battalion of red ant and woodpecker; nibbled passionately at its flaccid fruit.

487 The fir tree looked enchanting in the moonlight; producing sweet volley of rustling voices, However as snow fell unrelentingly from the sky; its branches drooped towards the slope; unable to bear the tyranny of ice any longer.

The Banyan tree appeared impregnable; with its century old roots dangling impeccably like compactly entwined threads, However it developed a series of gaping holes in its silhouette; as a fleet of parasitic termites attacked it voraciously from all sides.

The Fig tree looked a sight to feast under the blistering Sun; with rubicund slices of fruit embellishing its persona, However as the diabolical owl inhabited it at night; people shirked away from it in utter abhorrence; as much as they had initially loved it.

The Lemon tree growing in my backyard appeared pretty phlegmatic; slowly gyrating with the breeze; bearing a bunch of poignant fruit, However it soon dried up into a mangled heap; when I inadvertently forgot to feed it with salubrious manure and water.

And the Tree of Our Immortal Love looked the most splendid of them all; bearing perennial fruit in all seasons; unhampered by the onset of the most thunderous rain and snow; unperturbed by the pandemonium going on in the world, It had stood the test of all times; stood as formidable as the Omnipotent Creator; for fathomless centuries; even after we had evacuated the soil of this earth.


When I lit a fire in the peak of sweltering summer; with the Sun dazzling to a fiery radiance in the sky, Amalgamating pieces of dry logwood and scores of incongruously shaped leaves, Adding several sheets of crumpled paper along with a plethora of dilapidated brick, The conflagration caught fumes rapidly; with amber flames leaping at electric speeds towards the clouds, However I soon extinguished the blaze splashing gigantic buckets of river water; as I could no longer bear the tumultuous heat; with large beads of sweat trickling down my nape.

When I lit a fire under the ominously dark sky; with the thunder clouds partially obliterating my gaze, The Sun playing hide and seek like a frivolous maiden; appearing for flash seconds; then disappearing again for marathon hours of time, An ambience of ethereal blackness encompassing the atmosphere; with birds making their journeys homewards, The majestic peacock spreading the plumage of its kingly feathers; to mesmerizing semicircles, The fumes no doubt rose to unprecedented heights; however they soon subsided in entirety; as torrential showers of rain came pelting down.

When I lit a fire midway through autumn; with tropical trees sporadically shedding their foliage, Gathering dead chunks of dilapidated timber; impregnating them with a bulky sheaf of burnt grass blades, The tepid stream waters gently striking my dreary toes; profoundly accentuated ripples causing high rising waves, Melodious chirping of the nightingale permeating the air; with a conglomerate of enchanting sounds,

489 The fumes had a merry time as they swirled in the air; however I annihilated the same; beating them frantically with gunny bags; as they interfered with the moderately cool air hitting my eyes.

And when I lit a fire amidst the snow clad mountain; in the acridly blowing breeze of chilly winter, Painstakingly managing to ignite the lumber twigs and leaf; rekindling it incessantly with intermittent applications of the rake, Shielding it from the irrevocable onslaught of gusty winds; camouflaging it under a canvas tent, A drum replete with lager beer placed by my shivering persona; I felt warm waves of heat instantly soothing the array of goose bumps formed on my skin, Expressed gratitude from the inner most core of my heart; to the FIREWOOD AND BEER for saving my life from the freezing cold



The leaves of the tree withered at the onset of autumn; rendering it as bare and a pathetic sight to witness, Atlhough the body and trunk were still alive; did scream passionately as the wind slapped and caressed them.

The most majestic of reptile shed its skin while undergoing a metamorphosis of seasons; partially annihilating its grandeur, Although its slithering body still traversed in circuitous routes; and its fangs were ready to strike injecting lethal venom.

The mountain sheep had their fur sheared for weaving thermal contrivances; leaving their appearance as shabbily disgraceful, Although they still wandered in harmony on the colossal slopes; bleated in unison as dusk stealthily approached.

The austere Sun God shed its brightness as nightfall took over; resembling an insipid reflection of its original identity, Although it still shone brilliantly the next morning; illuminating stringently every bit of cloistered gloom.

The slender iron nail lost all its gloss as monsoon showers poured incessantly from the sky; giving it a deplorable appearance, Although it still maintained the capacity of being embodied in the wall; and still had the hostility of piercing the inflated balloon.

The fermented barrel of milk lay bereft of immaculate white color; resembling worthless chunks of flaccid curd,

491 Although it still produced an extremely piquant taste; had reasonably high levels of salubrious nutrition.

The flying birds sheds infinite numbers of feathers each day; looking bedraggled after being stripped of their kingly plumage, Although they still retained the power to fly; soaring high up in the air and procreating their progeny.

The banana after peeling its intricate skin appeared as dilapidated urchin; shivering uncontrollably in the wind, Although it was sumptuous and relishing to eat; and its pulp caused ravishing sensations in the buds of taste.

The biscuits of gold after losing their shine; resembled the mundane coin; failed to captivate attention, Although they still had the same value; could fetch their owners an astronomical fortune when judiciously traded.

And all the old folks traversing the streets; looked a sight to profoundly sympathize; clinging tightly to their walking sticks, Although they still had the power to love; the power to overwhelmingly fantasize; as they were YOUNG AND INNOCENT AT HEART



When I punched a bag replete with mud; overflowing to the brim with bountiful food grain, There flew tones of dust in the still air; of which some settled in my nose; partially obscuring my vision.

When I punched an inflated balloon in its midriff; infinite molecules of gas escaped in fury, There was an obstreperous sound produced; which almost ripped apart intricate arenas of my eardrum.

When I punched the colossal sized melon with my fists; the shell broke open into incommensurate halves, A myriad of fleshy splinters flew everywhere in the air; and the slimy juice languidly cascaded down my immaculate face.

When I punched the solid baked brick; exerting tumultuous pressure against its navel, Shards of disdainful concrete entered my crystalline eye; alongwith a series of fracture that enveloped my knuckle.

When I punched the heavyweight champion in the solar plexus; there was a conglomerate of fetid sweat droplets that stung me with alacrity, His esteem got thoroughly provoked and he pulverized me to dust displaying his overpowering brawn.

When I punched biscuits of pure gold; glittering impeccably in the enchanting moonshine, My fingers acquired faint tinges of yellow; and I profoundly regretted the wastage that I had produced.

493 When I punched the venomous reptile that hung from the tree; trying to frivolously fondle with its skin, The monster bared its fangs in vindication; hissing vociferously and eventually inserting its deadly poison in my flesh.

When I punched the assembly of scintillating mirror; it diffused into a myriad of minuscule fragments, My reflection now appeared comically distorted; and droplets of crimson blood oozed from my palms as an aftermath.

When I punched the power horn in the truck; applying unrelenting pressure from my wrists, There was a deafening noise that was produced; instantly overpowering the natural ethos prevailing in the atmosphere.

And finally when I punched my heart; using the full power of my hands, There echoed only once voice; there seemed only once face; and there seemed only one god; and all of them were my mesmerizing beloved.


I leapt audaciously from the balcony rail; hurtling at full speeds towards the obdurate ground, However I escaped without a scar to my skin; and all my bones solidly agglutinated to each other.

I plummeted from the top floor of the edifice; increasing my velocity as I approached the ground, However I got up instantly a few seconds after the fall; smiling frivolously at the austere Sun.

I jumped from the aircraft flying at unprecedented heights; floating gradually towards the earth, However when I did land; I thoroughly maintained my stoicism; and refrained to cry.

I plunged from unfathomable heights of the diving board into the pool; cascading as straight as an arrow into the waters, However as I fell with a thunderous roar; I swam up to the surface feeling unperturbed by the commotion.

I tripped inadvertently from the roof while playing; heading in perfect alignment with the rocky stones, However my flesh didn’t bleed neither did my eyes tear; even after the deafening impact.

I was pushed into the thousand feet deep well by a bunch of miscreants; as my cries echoed through the slimy walls, However as I tasted the blend of frog and dead fish; I still escaped unhurt and with an enchanting glow in my eyes.

I flung myself from the tall tree to flee from the venomous reptiles; diving head on towards an assemblage of wildly sprawled thorns,

495 However after landing I gazed pacifically at the opalescent moon; unfazed and relishing my close proximity with the thorns.

I stepped out of the speeding train; catapulting several kilometers before I came to a state of inertia, However at last when I discovered my breath; there were no signs at all of broken bones or deadly fracture.

Well I think the time is conducive to reveal the secret that lay imprisoned in my heart, I had worn large rings of coiled springs completely encompassing my back, Flocculent foams of Dunlop compactly fitted to my persona; with satin balls of cotton clinging like a new born to my cheek, The cotton and coiled springs had saved me on umpteenth an occasion; granting me a chance to live and profoundly admire the beauty that I saw.



I asked the road; the things that perturbed her the most, She replied saying; that she was mutilated every unleashing minute, By the juggernaut of trucks; and cloud showers of swollen rain.

I asked a cluster of fish in the monsoon river; about the ultimate fantasy of their lives, The answer that followed was studded with arduous lines of brevity, As they unanimously dreamt of swimming in stormy waves of the ocean.

I asked the domestic lizard to narrate its tale of woes, It didn’t ponder even for a fraction of a second; curtly saying that it was a paucity of succulent insect that kept her starved these days.

I asked the bleary eyed moon to impassively blurt out its agony, The celestial figure in the cosmos retorted with a volley of eloquent expletives, Blaming a fleet of monstrous spaceships; pilfering its exquisite decorum.

I asked the merrily swaying trees; to recount the expeditions of the blistering day, They retaliated with traumatic screams; with white blood trickling down their entirety, Rebuking the farmer; who had sliced them down for his daily fodder.

497 I asked stray dogs in the street about their conditions of blissful health, They made gallant mockery of my question barking; we aren’t fastidious about food; All we need is a solitary place to sleep.

I then questioned my tangible heart to disclose its candid feelings, There were mystical vibrations which shook my entire silhouette, Beads of cold sweat camouflaged my shock of black hair, As it responded to my query saying; that it wanted to imprison forever, Possess for times immemorial the holistic form it loved on this earth.



The air leaking form the air-conditioner was ergonomically cold, Pacifying tumultuous anger of people; frantically quarreling in the acrimonious summer heat.

The air diffusing from the ground; after fresh spells of monsoon rain, Possessed a heavenly aroma of unbaked grass; tantalizing the nostrils into a partial stupor.

The air emanating from saline waves of the ocean; was blended with fine spray of sand, Revived nostalgic reminisces of the evanescent past; impregnating the body with the spirit of adventure.

The air in close proximity with parched sands of desert; was like a sizzling inferno, Was not conducive to breathe; provoking loud yelps and screams when caressed by nimble pair of feet.

The air prevailing at astronomical heights of the mountain precipice; was astoundingly thin, Leading to austere problems of suffocation; camouflaging the face with mighty cylinders of oxygen.

The air floating in the dilapidated mansion; was blended with truckloads of dust, Prompted iterative bouts of sneezing; had an obnoxious stench of dead rat and literature.

The air circulating in the cake shop; was ingratiatingly ravishing,

499 Inundating innumerable bowels with insatiable hunger; acting as an inevitable stimulant to eat.

The air revolving round the dense foliage of trees; was as pure as an angel, Expurgating its harmful ingredients into the blanket of leaves; acquiring the sedate calm of shining moon.

The air imprisoned inside a rubber balloon; died a gruesome death every unleashing minute, Got perpetual freedom in the end; as the contraption burst with obstreperous bangs.

The air that flowed out of humid nostrils; was luke warm in temperature, Revealing a plethora of passion captivated within the soul; highlighting the zest to lead life.

And the air my mother hissed down my persona; was the most immaculate of them all, For it was the very air that had created me; the air that had articulately nourished my arms and feet, The air which had made me actually witness; the atmosphere I was engulfed by; at the reigning moment.


I wanted you to be my godmother; caress me gently in the night; humming a melodious rhyme to put me to sleep, Prepare appetizing dishes of corn to gratify my gluttony; wipe the tears of my cheek when I was struck with grief.

I wanted you to be my robust brother; tickling me incessantly in my ribs; make me wholeheartedly laugh, Defending me against all evil prevailing; obliterating me from the remotest of brutality.

I wanted you to be my absent minded father; riding with me through steep curves of the hill on a horse, Instilling gargantuan confidence in me while I studied; embedding my tender mind with nostalgic reminisces of the past.

I wanted you to be my innocuous child; crying impeccably as I hoisted you high in my arms, Melting my heart with your mischievous smile; tugging at my loose beard with your dainty fingers.

I wanted you to be my old grandmother; reciting to me a plethora of mesmerizing fairy tale, Preparing herbal concoctions to pacify my wounds; admonishing me severely for flaunting with girls.

I wanted you to be my ravishing dreams; tingling dormant arenas of my heart with your stupendous grace, Radiating perpetual heat in my body all day; leaving your everlasting fragrance close to my soul.

I wanted you to be the blood that flowed through my veins; imparting strength to my fragile muscle,

501 Purifying every unleashing second as I breathed air; losing refined degrees of control at the slightest of provocation.

I wanted you to be my intricate heart; which throbbed violently when loved, Imprisoned the deity it worshipped; and was prepared to relinquish life for the ones it really cared for.

I wanted you to be the redness of my lips; which got more accentuated when I rubbed them, Exorbitantly highlighting the fervor of my thoughts; the insatiable passion I had impregnated in my eyes.

And over and above all; I desperately wanted you to be my wife, Inundate my impoverished heart with vast oceans of your love; blissfully living with me for this and an infinite lives more to be confronted.


When I sliced volatile wire; impregnated with white currents of electricity, It spewed out a volley of poignant sparks in tandem; I was stabbed with several impacts of shock; falling like a lifeless pigeon on the ground.

When I sliced open obdurate tree bark; embossed with a cluster of rustic root, A slurry of succulent white juice oozed out in emollient abundance; and the tree wept in hidden anguish.

When I sliced the belly of the colossal mountain; infinite tons of mud leaked out in frenzy, A cluster of earthworm and rabbit got dismantled; and the once bombastic structure now resembled a beggar in torn rags.

When I sliced open the skin of emerald watermelon; rosy pink juice cascaded down with spontaneity, The fruit looked ravishingly voluptuous like never before; with scores of brown seeds tumbling down.

When I sliced decayed bones freshly excavated from soil; a finely crushed chowder of calcium flew directly in my eyes, The scenario appeared grotesquely despicable; with nostalgic memories of centuries ago besieging the cool air.

When I sliced through the heart of a concrete wall; a series of blatant cracks spread fast like the wild fire, The structure now looked insipid and fragile; a battalion of red baked bricks came plummeting down; and broke my scalp.


When I sliced scintillating biscuits of yellow gold; an amber tinge incorporated the edge of my knife, The currency proliferated itself with each stroke of mine; and soon I had more pieces of gold than when I had commenced slicing.

When I sliced through an ocean of loose sand; the blissful assemblage got thoroughly distorted, Bountiful splinters of silver soil hurtled towards my eyes; and there was profuse tearing that incorrigibly followed as an inevitable aftermath.

When I sliced open a balloon incorporated with salty cheese; and a fountain of water, An incoherent design of white dots then inhabited my face; scores of flies and cupid ants stuck like true stalwarts to my demeanor.

And when I sliced my heart open with the most sharpest of blade; crimson blood gushed out at exhilarating speeds, It contained bold traces of the girl I immensely loved; the celestial image of the mother from whom I was born.



The disdainful gutters; expurgated tons of sewage every unveiling day; producing an unbearable stench which infiltrated the fragrant surroundings, The parrot green blades of grass; expurgated dew drops at the onset of evanescent dawn; shimmering magnificently in the temperate sunshine, The exhausted body; expurgated a million drops of sweat; slowly trickling down the bushy eyebrows, The fountain pen; expurgated sapphire ink when pressed; granting intricate shape to a jugglery of words, The colossal mountains; expurgated droplets of snow in chilly winter; which cascaded down their slopes in unparalleled jubilation, The mystical nightingale; expurgated melodious sounds as it opened its slender throat; flooding the ambience with its deliciously sweet music, The ominous clouds in the sky; expurgated torrential rain; quenching the insatiable thirst of the parched ground, The monstrous trucks on the road; expurgated obnoxious smoke; prompting suffocation in innocuously passing pedestrians, The sensitive filament of bulb; expurgated brilliant light; illuminating the gruesome darkness in the solitary street, The animate inhabiting terrestrial earth; expurgated feces as the first activity before commencing the new day, The lizard on the wall; expurgated hostile blood at the occupants; when provoked and slashed by the same, The celestial body of the Sun; expurgated sizzling rays; fumigating the conglomerate of dirt on earth, The bunch of entangled rose; expurgated tantalizing fragrance; tickling the most ruthless of individuals,

505 The salty waves of the boundless ocean; expurgated dead fish on the shores; killed mercilessly by fishermen and fiery storms, The resplendent rainbow in the cosmos; expurgated a plethora of colors; glistening in the splendor of pouring rain, The striped panther philandering through the jungle; expurgated a domineering growl; announcing its presence to all animals in vicinity, The ones suffering from lethal cancer; expurgated precious blood; struggling every unleashing minute to stay alive, The eyes of my mother; expurgated tears of incredible exultation when I was born, The nostrils incorporated in every human; expurgated humid breath; necessary to sustain life, And the indefatigable heart imprisoned in my chest; expurgated love for the ones it cared for; the girl it unrelentingly loved.


She hurled him high in the air; exuberantly catching him in her safe arms, Suckled him passionately with her milk; harnessing his tiny form with her warmth, Played with him incessantly; instructing him how to unwind the soft toy train, Cleansed his mischievous face frequently of mud and blotted ink, Held his fragile fingers firmly in hers; trying to inculcate in him the art of walking, Tickled him voraciously on his belly; which prompted him to incoherently giggle; displaying fresh buds of his newly formed teeth, Placed him in the bathtub filled with heaps of flocculent foam; thoroughly scrubbing his minuscule silhouette, Gave him a honey soother to chew; in order to facilitate the metamorphosis of his teeth, Rubbed his supple body with emollient olive oil; basking him in the full light of the Sun, Applied black lining of mascara on his drooping eyelashes; to accentuate his huge crystal eyes, Tied jingling chains to his feet; which produced a tinkling sound as he ran, Taught him the indispensability of language; with a bulky book of articulate alphabets lying by her side, Scrupulously changed his yellow diaper; as he had a habit of intermittently wetting, Sprinkled tons of aromatic powder on his arms; attempting to make his somber complexion multiple shades fairer, Placed him amidst an island of inflated balloon; which he inadvertently pinched; and was dumbfounded on hearing the thunderous noise produced thereafter,

507 Fed him with a pulverized curry of milk and fresh corn; at painstaking speeds; for him to digest the same with ease, Cuddled his shock of curly hair entwining her fingers; combed it after giving him a revitalizing massage, Took him out in the spongy grass to play; introducing him to a cluster of new children, Wiped his tears with her tender lips; when he unrelentingly cried; pacified him by singing melodious rhymes, Kept all doors locked; providing him a formidable enclosure to inhabit; saving his innocuous form; from hideous eyes of the evil, She loved her baby more than she loved her God; Gave him his last feed of sumptuous milk; before putting him of to a blissful slumber.



When I dared to touch the fiery and pugnacious ball of Sun; I got instantly electrocuted, All the animate cells in my body got mercilessly charred; and I was decimated to a residue of finely chiseled black powder.

When I inadvertently touched acid bubbling in the dark crucible; my hands were rendered lifeless by the impact, Loud screams of anguish echoed from my mouth; water globules rolled down my cheek; as I possessed insipid capacity to bear the pain.

When I touched red chili sprouting from the soil with my hands; there was a disdainful rash that spread on my skin, Sizzling currents of electricity rain down my spine; succeeded by a feeling of sudden blindness in my eyes; as some of it had managed to enter the same.

When I touched bare wires of light with the rain pelting down; my body shook like a torrential volcano, The conglomerate of my teeth chattered incessantly; and I fell down on the ground unconscious; inaudibly crying for water.

When I touched frozen ice strewn in abundance on slopes of the colossal mountain range; I felt my blood slightly freeze, My hands went partially numb with sheer inability to move; and there was no sensation even when I punctured them with hot needles.

509 When I touched the aromatic elixir of petrol; there arose a deplorable stench in the air, I was soon battling for life; encompassed in entirety by hostile flames; as someone in vicinity had alighted a matchstick.

When I gently touched the serrated green skin of the alligator; mistaking it for a jeweled fantasy island, The beast made no mistakes; instead scrupulously dismantled my flesh from bone; before devouring me as a relishing meal.

When I touched wild blades of African grass standing tall at the equator; I felt inevitable sensations of itching besieging my persona, Blotches of red soon enveloped my innocuous face; small rivulets of blood trickled down; as an aftermath of the raw scratching.

When I touched strongly blended white adhesive paint; presuming it to be frosty milk, My palms irrevocably stuck to the concoction; and inspite of Herculean effort from my side; I was simply unable to free my grip.

And eventually when I touched her lips; wound my arms around her in an air tight embrace; All my obstacles seemed to be vanquished; it was as if I was in the middle of a grandiloquent reverie; with the bond of our love growing perpetually stronger; as the minutes unleashed.



I wanted to fly high in the blue sky on the wings of love; Traversing through balls of white cotton clouds; listening to the mellifluous chirping of birds, Having a silent peep at the blazing Sun; admiring its enchanting and radiant shine, Bathing in the unrelenting rain pelting down; trying to catch the tiny droplets in my palms, Watching atrocious airplanes whizzing past me at electric speeds; invading the serenity of the atmosphere, Confronting chilly draughts of breeze as I proceeded; occasional flakes of snow caressing my hair, The horizon appearing just at arms lengths from my body; as if the Sun was ready to gobble me for supper, Earthly inhabitation infinite kilometers away from my sight; with a panoramic view of the towering mountains, The innocuous white of my skin transiting to scarlet red; as gusty winds rushed across in fury, A fleet of twinkling stars staring down at me in pin drop silence; preparing to shimmer in the night, Thunderous black clouds obliterating me completely from visions of earth, The only food being; a blend of white and colored air inundating my mouth, The need for water not arising; in the bitter cold and freezing sheets of wind, With me somersaulting several times on my back; viewing the sky in ecstasy walking upside down, A feeling of reverence; feeling the divine Creator in whispering distances of my silhouette, There was no pollution; adulteration; not even the faintest trace of civilization as I flew,

511 The open conglomerate of sky and space besieging me in a vice like grip, Simply not a soul to disturb me throughout the long day; the tenacious light of the moon engulfing me in darkness, I remembered my close affiliates; siblings; and most importantly the spell binding cadence of her voice, As I flew still higher in the sky; on the wings of perpetual love.


There was nothing born on earth; whiter than frosty white cow milk, There was nothing born on earth; saltier than the saline sea, There was nothing born on earth; redder than the intensely emollient scarlet rose, There was nothing born on earth; more green than the blades of grass protruding from fresh soil, There was nothing born on earth; purer than crystal spray of water cascading down the mountain, There was nothing born on earth; more pungent than piquant slices of red chili, There was nothing born on earth; more transparent than the human eye, There was nothing born on earth; more sensitive than the throbbing heart, There was nothing born on earth; more rotten than raw pig manure, There was nothing born on earth; more effusive than a flurry of tears dribbling down the cheek, There was nothing born on earth; more tenacious than resplendently strong beams of the moon, There was nothing born on earth; more reinvigorating than a glass of natural coconut water, There was nothing born on earth; more supple than the skin of an innocuous infant, There was nothing born on earth; more eloquent than the mesmerizing voice of the nightingale, There was nothing born on earth; more sweeter than succulent sticks of farm sugarcane, There was nothing born on earth; more handsome than the majestically swirling electric blue dolphin, There was nothing born on earth; more provoking than a helpless cry,

513 There was nothing born on earth; more thorny than the king cactus extruding from silver desert mud, There was nothing born on earth; more slippery than the glistering sand, There was nothing born on earth; more vociferous than the growl of the panther, There was nothing born on earth; more dominating than the inner voice of the conscience, There was nothing born on earth; more benevolent than serving mankind, There was nothing born on earth; more beautiful than a persons mother, There was nothing born on earth; more powerful than the Creator, And there was nothing born on earth; more invincible than true love.



When I wrote her name with light fountain ink; on the naked parchment of white paper, It appeared almost invisible; failed to portray the fervent intensity of our romance.

When I inscribed her name on the walls; using exquisite quality of floral paints, There emanated an ethereal fragrance of flower; although it failed to highlight the main ingredient of our love.

When I scribbled her name on the slippery beach sands; using a chiseled twig, The calligraphy embossed looked amusing; although it soon got washed in entirety by the gushing waves.

When I painted her name on scintillating glass; using vibrant strokes of steel gray, The printing was so scrupulous and neat; that it miserably failed to depict the tenacity of our relationship.

When I wrote her name on the black board; using a cylindrical stick of expensive chalk, It appeared clear and bold; although it couldn’t yet provoke even the slightest of sentiment; and the professor soon scrubbed it clean with his duster.

When I embedded her name on a triangular biscuit of gold; using my switchblade knife, It appeared grandiloquently studded; although it gave our love a look of ostentatious flattery.

When I symmetrically carved her name on the soft tree bark; using the corrugated drill,

515 It appeared astoundingly clear from a far distance; although it failed to convey our immortality; as the next second a nomad chopped it down.

When I incorporated her name on the voluptuous cake; using an icing of aromatic peppermint, It looked romantically enticing; although it couldn’t display the essence of our romance; soon lost its charm as a battalion of ants and insets crawled all over.

When I painstakingly penned her name on glittering diamonds; using a solution of shimmering silver, It appeared kingly and aristocratic; although it failed to highlight the hardships we had undergone to make our love an intransigent success.

And when I wrote her name on my chest; using rusty nails and a gleaming blade, Pools of blood dribbled down my ribs; rendering me virtually unconscious; but this time it spoke fathomless volumes of our immense dedication, With each droplet of blood; reflecting the unconquerable tenacity of our everlasting love.


When I banged a ball of spongy rubber on the ground; it bounced a few times with insipid fervor, Rising a few inches from the ground; displaying a thoroughly lackluster performance.

When I threw a rotund ball of solid stone on polished floor; it bounced negligibly; producing a thunderous noise when it collided, Unable to rise even a centimeter above the ground; languidly rolling as if about to be indiscreetly kicked.

When I released a ball of pure crystal from unprecedented heights of the edifice; it diffused into infinite splinters of acerbic powder, There was no question of it bouncing; as it reduced to complete shambles; and the loss incurred was substantial.

When I hurled a ball of obdurate leather on the silver façade of glass; it zipped through like a fiery rocket, Bouncing with nonchalant exuberance after striking the floor; and there was a rotten fragrance of leather that disparagingly originated.

When I banged a ball of flocculent cotton on the muddy road; it blended magnificently with the ocean of dirt, It simply refrained to bounce; and flimsy wisps of satin flakes drifted in the air.

When I banged a ball ornately stitched with a plethora of crimson rose petal; there was not a trace of the faintest of bounce, The blissful leaves were squashed into a miserable pulp; and colored juice dribbled; forming tiny rivulets on the ground.


When I threw a ball of wet mud high in the air; it settled on the ground with a dull thud, Umpteenth molecules of loose dirt cascaded all over; and the bounce was intensely sporadic before it died.

When I voraciously banged a ball of hot iron against car metal; it ripped apart the intricate demeanor, Traversing at swashbuckling speeds like a fired bullet; it was too heavy to bounce and virtually sunk deep.

When I banged a ball of malevolent hatred on the floor; it assassinated alongwith itself scores of impeccable individuals, Propagating enmity in races of mixed color; instigating rampant incidences of uncurbed violence; without bouncing the slightest whisker.

And when I eventually banged the ball of love against the most roughest of surface; it bounced as high as the sky, Kept bouncing even after striking the ground several times; It was the bounce of flexibility; the bounce of perpetual bondage and sharing; which had its spirits soaring handsome in the clouds; with the Creator to shower his blessings and perennially protect it.



I felt unrelentingly strangulated; with exhausted blasts of wind emanating from my nose, Gloominess besieging me with tumultuous force; piercing through my innocuous heart, An ocean of sweat dribbled down at astoundingly slow speed; trespassing my brow, The crispness of my shirt; now transited into a completely bedraggled texture, An inevitable sensation to scratch engulfed my naked skin; and intricate areas of sandwiched between the curly mass of my hair, A fetid odor wafting from my mouth; permeated the rustically plush ambience, Incessant shuffling of my feet; made me feel intensely uncomfortable, Trapped mosquitoes stung succulent chunks of my flesh; inundating my palms with embarrassing blemishes, My hands felt stiff; starved and thoroughly deprived of the tiniest of movement, Folds of my skin camouflaging my eye felt heavy; my vision growing disconcertingly blurred by the unleashing minute, A plethora of jerks rattled the most tenacious of my bone; waking me up every second from my blissful reveries,



Ominous black clouds in the firmament of sky; showered thunderous rain, Deluging dry earth with bountiful water; quenching the thirst of umpteenth organisms dying premature.

The densely foliated apple tree; showered clusters of dry leaves on the ground; blended commensurately with dead twigs, Facilitating the infertile soil to blossom productively; yielding a plethora of vegetable and lush green grass.

The dilapidated ceiling glistening nefariously in the silver moonlight; showered several crusts of decayed paint on the ground, Impregnating it with a soft cushion; so that the stray rats could seek blissful refuge; and sleep.

The astral body of Sun dancing vivaciously in the cosmos; showered tenacious beams of dazzling light on the earth, Annihilating inexplicable disease from its non-existent roots; giving the mundane pedestrian a new hope to live.

The metallic pipe suspended in the bathroom had intricate nozzles incorporated; showered ravishing droplets of water when switched on, Drenching exhausted individuals with revitalizing liquid; cleansing the disdainful blotches riveted to their skins.

The colossal mountains strangulated with mesmerizing white snow; showered icy liquid in peak summer, Which trickled down languidly on the ground; intensely tickling innocuous toddlers passing by.

520 The healthy persona of rustic cow; showered tons of milk when deftly caressed on its teats, Silenced incessantly crying infants when they tasted the same; passionately suckling its young ones just born.

The wildly suspended pungent breeze; showered astronomical amounts of dust as it blew, Imprisoning gargantuan dust and sand in its flow; vomiting the same on high swirling waves of the ocean.

She stood tall and domineering; way above the rest of the lecherous world; showering me with perpetual cascades of her magnanimous love, Instilling my impoverished soul with immortal happiness; catapulting me to heights of incredible jubilation.

And the Omnipresent aura of God; showered the earth with us humans; existing in varied color and species, Bestowing upon us the power to procreate our generations; the unrelenting prowess to create; discover and love.



I was born with a thick shock of curly hair, Silky strands of light brown cascading down my scalp, Broad outlines of eyebrow fringe, They were my pride; cuddled on infinite occasions by my mother, Glistening in sunshine like pure black shoe polish paint, Caressing minute regions of my skull in breeze blowing with high velocity, Mingling once in a while with the delicate periphery of my inverted eyelash, Sighted as a puffed bunch of dark cushion by all in close proximity, I always kept them shampooed and scrupulously clean, Sobbed hysterically in private interiors of my room, When a cluster of school mates harmlessly plucked a few, I was obsessed with the concept of evergreen hair growth, Slept all night with tight fitted shower cap clinging to my garden of hair.

Those whirlwind days of youth had now faded, Unwanted vigils of old age had crept in at amazing speeds, Bald patches of skin now sparkled in sunlight, Resembled rich quality pure wax in pearly light of the moon, The hair which once inhabited my scalp, Now lay dumped; perhaps under stagnant waters of the city sewer, Iterative attempts of washing, scrubbing, oiling, applying medicinal balm had proven futile, I had finally succumbed to the tyranny of fate, Nevertheless I still wore fluffy fibers of ant red hair,

522 Which neither budged nor moved an inch; in the most gustiest of breeze, Projecting pompously from the artificial plastic of my whisky complexioned hair wig.


It was a semipermeable membrane of curved plastic, Softened to usable proportions, Suspended in a pool of viscid tear film, Enhancing complete visual fitness, Enriched with optical charisma, Tailored to a host of curvatures, Sewn with fibers of crystal gelatin, Blended with a spectrum of colors, A maze of wild; sedate; tulip; ravishing designs, A plastic strip of delightful fashion, Extinguishing tales of darkened sorrow, Months and years of faulty vision, Nerve wrecking tales of groping about in haze, Impeachable agony of mistaking identities, Unending oppression of being mutilated, A lustrous jewel adorning the eye, An invincible palace of dreams, Dethroning flashes of black forever, A tribute to the visual faculty, My salutations to what a novice knows about, The scientific way of annihilating visual devastation, An indispensable product for meaningful existence, Clinging tightly to the eyeball, Christened in common parlance as an ultratight and satiny soft “ Contact Lens”



I altruistically stared at the wall, Pale and white with a few blemishes, A solid fortress of cement concrete, Embellished with multiple coats of rich paint, A silent barrier impregnated with juxtaposed bricks, Fiery red; burnt brown and black, The acting alloys of the nonchalant structure, Firmly sealed to its fecund foundations, Embedded deep in intricate recesses of mud, Which cries out loud with every inch of vertical invasion, Radiating rampantly with discordant ease; with every unfurling minute, Breaking the harmony of the coagulated network; of trillions of soil molecules, Rendering them hopeless and haphazardly scattered, As the morbid structure of creation, Painstakingly penetrates into deep oceans of dark mud.



The inflated swell of vehicular rubber, Was with soft rectangular indentations, Held captive in circular hollow of the tyre, Traversed speedily along compact metallic roads, Crushing dry leaves; trampling unkempt wild weeds, Fixed and stuck to metallic plates, With radiating spikes; midget spokes of corrugated steel, Maneuvering sharply across a landscape of barren concrete, With deft strokes to the driving wheel, Firm slanted pressure to the compressible gas pedal, And skillful articulate movement of the gear shit machinery, The tyre treads raced through wet mud roads, Leaving behind trails of woven patterns, Resembling dead sticks of rotten sugarcane, As a sudden whirring noise encapsulated the atmosphere, Tons of dust blew; silencing the crux of exuberant activity, Brakes wailed in cacophonic unison, Tyre chunks bled against the mass of hardened mud, Creating asymmetrical rings of disdainful dust, The main culprit being; A cluster of iron pins; in hot agony, Strewn in randomly savage proportions, Waiting to trap innocent prey of vehicular rubber, Inserting themselves into the thickened rubber flesh, Squeezing out macro plumage of air mass; exhausting it to the last drop, Rendering the spongy sheath of charismatic rubber, Into distorted piles of mangled junk.


Infinite stretch of white metal, Running parallel through unlimited access of territory, Laid on mounds of defined camber, Spaced at varying distances, Connected by planks of resistant timber, Criscrossing flexibly through a maze of routes, Firmly stuck by tight screw; nut and bolt, Welded to designer perfection, In a kingdom of pointed stones, And shady domains of tree foliage, Bearing loads of flesh and cargo, Along with metallic skeletons of speedy trains, Excreting clouds of smoke as they pass, Produced in coal chambers of captain room, The train chugs blatantly, With horns blaring in obstreperous unison, Through steep slopes; cloistered tunnels, Icy cliffs; steel bridges, A jungle of stations; distant towns, Embracing sticks of long iron rail, On a compatible basis; for centuries of blissful travel.



Blue lotions of liquid bubbled in gas flames, Large quantity of acid lay still in crucibles of hard plastic, Molecules of sweet sugar were scattered on the floor, Silky webs of spider clung to steep corners of the roof, Group of white mice ran helter-skelter at the tiniest insinuations of heavy footsteps, Warm rays of the Sun shone through the window pane, Silver mercury outlines looked enchanting in spiral testubes, Finely crushed rock samples were stored in transparent carboys, Gold rimmed half glass caressed his triangular nose, The Scientist was in a spell of intense concentration With bulky sheets of printed paper buried under his chin.

Innovative ideas shot through meticulous chambers of his mind, Scented sweat dripped from infinite pores of his body, Square fingers with uncut nails worked in passionate fury, Blending a variety of volatile liquid, Melting wax paper with brittle chunks of chrome metal, Coating charred stone with aromatic spirit, He had several inventions to his credit, But this one was straight from the top drawers of his brain, As he smeared a long slender broomstick, With a queer smelling ointment made from bird feather and ostrich egg, The dead broomstick displayed first signs of newly found life, Rose a few inches from the concrete floor, Whistled past the open window glass,

528 High up in the clear blue sky with rollicking bursts of pumped speed.



The emerald green cinnamon leaf, An undulating surface of midget proportions, Engraved with somber white veins, A camouflage of edibility, Wild with rudimentary scent of nature, Vivaciously luring tiny apertures of consumption, Into a chewable fiesta; of spicy blended ingredients, Prompting unanimous chorus of satisfaction, As globules of water roll down from my crystalline eyes, Witnessing natures brevity at close quarters, Tuning my mental machinery; effusive arenas of my demeanor, To harness the gift of clay and kin.


Brown smoke rose from the tall chimney, Sinister eagles creating powerful draughts of wind, Grey lizards swished their tail as they clawed upwards, Dried moisture from the river bank descended on the tapered structure, Engulfing parched skin of concrete with paltry amounts of natural coolant.

High up in the tower dwelt a grizzly haired man, Solitude camouflaged him in totality, Shriveled bones of his body shone prominently, Silky white beard flowed majestically from his facial contours, Adorned he was in godly robes of saffron gold, Each of his finger was studded with a mystical charm, There lay a crystal globe abreast of him, Which he presumed; dissipated entangled enigmas of life.

An affluent man met him with loads of hope, Bereft he was of precious centers of life bestowing vision, He had groped about in darkness ever since he was born.

The eccentric saint stared at him for long hours, Commanded him to kiss the crystal trophy; containing perfumed mountain shrub and water, Sprinkled all parts of his persona with pinches of turmeric powder, Smeared his eyes with a paste of rabbit whisker and boiled mushroom, Chanted spell binding rhymes with proficient ease, Swayed like a maniac expending all energy possessed by his wrinkled feet, The transformation that occurred was breathtaking,

531 Transparent globules of water welled up in the man’s eyes, Blurred outlines of the room became slowly visible, Decades of agony in dark seemed to be fading fast, He could now see the razor sharp outlines of ducks in the river, As fresh rays of morning sunlight caressed him with their full might.


The sparkling surface of evanescent water, Reveals undiscovered exhilaration in a smooth manner, The impregnable waters had few ripples, Withstanding the acerbic summer heat, Cruising along with radiant buoyancy, Crawling step by step with dreary resistance to hard bed rock, Into the open crevices of virgin land, Covering in entirety; barren regions of dry river bed, To give sedative effects like those experienced, After massive consumption of lethal tranquilizer drugs.



Before me stretches the gargantuan ocean of blood, O! helmsman be my eternal companion, Launch me into it face down, The turbulent waves of blood shake our boat, But don’t be afraid my friend, For at every step there’s god to be, To wipe the tear drops from our eyes, And to be our eternal friend.

Our boat is going too fast, Slow it down a trifle my friend, To bring it in terms with the actual pace of life, Where lies agonizing sorrow and grief, With a thick intensity, For us to handle with our boat, Trespassing calmly over it, For every step that passes by; is a path to the open world.

O! Friend come near; lets prepare to jump, In the concoction of blood and water that surrounds us, For we have now left this life far behind, And are prepared for the time to come, Do not be afraid of the consequences my friend, For this world will laugh at you and me, I can hear the laugh loud and reverberating a few feet behind us, C’mon lets prepare to jump.


O! Mother why do you shed your costly tears for me? I’m horrid and of no use to this world, With every unforgiving minute to my credit, And the agony of my presence; causing tears to your eyes, Those eyes which once oozed tears of ebullient happiness and joy, Newness and excitement, With the past memories reflecting poignantly in them, And the most moisture engulfing them; making those tears more costly and inimitably priceless.

Please close your eyes, For I have not the strength; to see your sorrow pouring out, Just for the sake of a wretched boy, Those holy white drops of your pain; purify the area on which they fall, Creating tremors of faith, Depicting your immortal glory to all. Your eyes are so astoundingly beautiful, Weren’t meant to cry, But to enjoy the tears of ecstasy gushing out instead, Every instant; creating sweet rivulets of love, Away from my unearthly soul, In a blissful world you would like to live in, Leaving my disgraceful form; in the hands of the supreme form.

My every unpardonable deed, Leads me to those pointed thorns, where I await my harsh destiny. O ! Dear mother please don’t cry, Don’t waste the wonderful years of your life,

535 For a coward like me, uncaring, unloving, causing misery to your impeccable heart, Leave this devilish character, Far away from your mesmerizing shadow, Giving those eternal eyes of yours some rest, But for heaven sake please don’t cry.


This man living was a blessing to earth, His character truly spotless and bright, With every bit of immaculate truth in it, In a great vast and mangled world of politics, Resolved to serve the nation And to be a true stalwart cum true knight.

His persevering hand always got up for the right cause, To crush evil with a strong force, And gave infinite masses of people renewed hope. His ideas were as firm as bare unprocessed bricks, Bore tense enigmatic moments in peace, And let ghastly crime on earth cease. A quick glimpse of his wheatish face, Can reveal a just and fair case. His steps to righteous success were never stopped, As they got mighty obstacles chopped. He pointed to the right way, Kept people round the globe always gay. The essence of his benevolent deeds spread far and wide, Prepares all humans for the onerous bout. The ashes of his body still depict, As to where the real freedom of India lives.



Those dark brown fields of life, So vast in an entrenchment of their own, Lost in the syndrome of beauty, Towering over all heights, Capsizing the true mettle in man, Perspiring from the onerous task, Draping curtains of freshly dug earth, Leading to dim lights shining ahead.

Those brown fields resemble that orange fading light, Diffusing into blissful shades of turmoil, Ebullient with the quenching of time, Creating bountiful demands, Abaft with blushes of scarlet red, Entangling unsolved riddles of life.



I consider the weird tenacity of the intransigent air, That tickles the envelope of my mind, Unfolding a whole life of misery, Involving the trickery of its kind.

The rugged terrains stretched like a shell, Rings nonchalantly in my mind a good nice bell. A flower blossoms; a bird chirps, Bringing my mind the best kind of jerks. At last I get out of this heavenly dream, To enrich the taste of the real cream.



When I study the softness and true intimacy of the air, It encapsulates my mind with an altruistic blare. The velvety touch, the shadowy grace, Have evaporated fully without a trace. The hot and blistering breeze, Has made the cool atmosphere cease. The salty scent of air near the volatile sea, Has always satisfied hordes of humming bee, And filled innocent minds of school children with lots of glee. The ravenous smell of the sweet blue air, Has made man go near it, For he has in his mind a plethora of thoughts; but no fear, And as the scorching Sun filters through the sky, The arid air mass cries aloud, To get the sympathy of thin wisps of invisible clouds.



The mystic tune of melodious air, Shimmering brightly in perennial softness, With breaths of insatiable desire, Like a golden harp beside me, Flowing past my eyes; smothering all sorrows, Entitling its presence to my skin, With showers of silken delight to follow.

The path of air inside me, Imprisons me with a wave of hope, Briskly striding over a mountain of sadness, Subsiding every iota of pain, Enveloping my whole being in a languid manner, Making surplus availability of exuberant thoughts, To say goodbye to me.

That blazing rumble of soft movement, Tickles my conscience astride, Offering its red hot tenacity, To the liquid of rage inside me, Penetrating me with slow viscosity, Determining my fate to go, Placing me in an abysmal dilemma, Like the dexterous string of elastic bows.



The vivid moonlight amidst the vast expanse of black,’ Mesmerizing with tranquil tunes, Whispers its sanity below, To dark and moisture laden sultry air, Intruding upon the blissful silence.

The spiritual harmony in whitish tinge, Scrapes away ghastly black petals of malice, Glistening in quiet contentment, Revealing non violent signs of complete triumph, Sprinkling crystalline dew drops of everlasting love.

It invades upon the softness of the night, Giving rise to springs of spontaneous affinity, Dreary to a host of artificial emotions, Blazing its entrance into the world, With strong mists of belief in self as its lone saviour.



O! that crystal clear stream flowing, From tall precipices of the mountain; cascading below, Those granules of spring water resemble love, Make brand new paths to go, Forming tributaries of eternal love, Gushing at volatile speeds into the mystic world beneath.

The twisted path made by river flow, Emphatic with light yellow tinges and glow, With absolutely no hindrances to grow. It imparts the secrete messages of hidden compassion, Spreading its enchanting touch all over, To this frenzied exhausted world, With serene black calmness to follow.

The stream descends down in a placid manner, With euphemistically soothing gurgling sounds, Radiating in its splendid beauty, To spread permanent messages of unbiased love, To give relief in its arms, Resembling gargantuan twists and turns of empathy.



The sky with its tinge of heavenly blue, The sky which is coherent and true. The sky so beautiful with its purplish face, The sky that can conquer the human race. The sky so sweet at lemonade, The sky that can bring the earth an adolescent grade. The sky that helps at the time of drought, The sky that causes newborn seeds to sprout. The sky that can bring crackling floods, Doing so can shed a lot of blood. The sky black and swollen near the river bank, Hungry clusters of flower expecting all they can. The drops of pelting water all hope for, The sheets of rain showers already gone. The sky with it protuberant legs stretched, The sky that can get a house creshed.



The celestial placid shape in the sky, Gains the shape of a question mark, To give vague and abstract clues, Depicting conventional meanings of life.

The star configuration gives new life to the door of hope, Diverting the mind to sacred paths, Leaving a person in a quandary, Groping for reasons of non commercial survival.

It gives him a glimpse of his vibrant nature, Pointing accurately to the heart core of life, In this space age of computer and robot, To bring a spiritual upstanding in life.

It sharpens ones outline, Finely chiseling dormant parts of brain, Making one mentally sound and fit, Portraying to the world ones brand new gift.



The gallant star with perpetual shades of white on its coat, Glitters through the darkness of the amicable night, An envelope of pitch dark cosmos surrounds it, Its blessed with a virtue of blatant intimacy, Staying united amidst a constellation of planet, Shy and late in announcing its presence in the sky, The stars all in a blithe, To give nourishing effects of gliding kites.

The earth’s surface reflected on it, Goes through the web of exotic desire, Overcoming thunderous whirlwinds and tumblers of rain, Standing firmly where no else dares.

The stars take position in a tinge of black and blue, Sticking to the sky like impregnable glue, Suction occurs through their entire structure, The emphatic feeling yet to come.



The wind blows at a soft tune, As I sit in the full light of the Sun, Profound with the power to enchant, Teasing tiny grass stalks with all its might, Filling stripped cavities of my heart, With waves of rapturous melody.

The Sun’s light on the sprawling web of green, Invades the blanket of blissful beauty, Mesmerizing golden dew drops with its aura, Like iterative soft caresses of a young mother, Cuddling her baby with showers of encouragement, Incorporated with conditions of pure love.

The gleaming sea waters in full flow, Endowed with sparkling film of salt, Strike colossal jet black rocks, Translucent in their perennial strength, Take the Sun with its dazzling yellow light, As their constant companion.

The snow clad cliffs make a way, Weaving their way through a valley of clouds, Like crystalline shapes of pure wonder; encroaching and puffing solitary spaces of the misty valley.



The stream lit days of peace, Flow past the agony of time, So quiet, so serene, so blissful, yielding their touch softly; bit by bit, Cruising smoothly over the field of messy emotions, To give life to the tiny molecules of beginning, In a supreme entrenchment of their own.

Sweet tunes pierce suspended carpets of air, Gorgeously tranquil and splendid, Oozing out silent tremors of love, In circular rings of boisterous feelings, Far distance away from the trapped world of complications, In an ambience of mustard green dew drops, Depicting short parables of perfect excitement, Precarious with the fading of time.



Panic grips my heart, As germs of fear enter my blood, Biting every ounce of enthusiasm, Every bit of mental strength, Baffled by the onslaught of those faces, As I look in sheer disbelief, At the army of mutilated faces, In this strange world created by God, Plunging my whole being into emptiness, Without a trace of hope; and lord being my saviour.

O! Lord; so beautiful is this world you have made, Turbulent rivers; high mountains, Clear blue skies; yellow seas, Dazzling sights; treacherous heights, But what form of beauty is this O! Lord, Unfolding a trauma of ugliness, The most deplorably dreaded form of a human being, Circulating spasms of fear in my mind, Leaving me in second thoughts, As to what really is mankind.



Acrid Sunlight peeps through the windshield, Bifurcating shades of yellow and green, As satiny curls of my dermis go berserk, My luscious lips produce glowing embers of animated smile, As stringent rays of palpable dimensions, Smother the grievances of a scalding destiny, Stitching adeptly the dungeons of devastation, Halting boulders of vexation, Through sweetened fruits of creation. The vivid network of intermingled light, Finally blazes across my incoherent eyes, Prompting me to secure my grip on the driving wheel, Dousing flames of perverted imagery, Exorbitantly rekindling my faith in mankind.



Fresh beanstalks of green chili, Standing upright in fecund patches of clay, Strewn in crusty jigsaw moulds, With famished caterpillars in its womb, Swarms of obstreperous flies buzzing around, And hordes of white mice sprinting with a squeaking sound.

Water clogs arid balls of cracked mud, Jutting out fiercely; from hose pipes composed of coarse cloth, Forming pulpy rivulets; amidst the garnished stalks, Drenching the untilled land; with pearls of natural nutrients, Pure and crystalline from the inner core of earth. The parrot green buds then ripened in quick succession, Into macro skin coverings of saliently dark green, The entire camouflage whistled with the win, Withering the plethora of standing stalks, Heaps of chili now lay in a mangled wreck, Giving rise to the “Tapered and the Spiciest”



Finely chiseled in circular fashion, White and sparkling in complexion, Engraved in multiple denomination, Dexterously crafted to realistic proportions, Malleable with euphoric scent of obsession, Spreading indispensable waves of possession, To living masses with grey matter in utter commotion, lustrous and eternal with yearly corrugations, A commodity spearheading all emotions, Trampling indiscriminately over all temptations, Reigning supreme above all imagination, Spinning webs of dreamy sedation, Placing it to be a landmark of fascination, Blessed with a virtue of godly personification, The Currency Coin was eventually garlanded as the kind of all destinations.



The leaf gorgeously parrot green in color, Relishes flamboyant tinges of purple on its coat, Its face tapered and jutting out, It reveals to all its natural splendour, Infinite lines adorn its spongy surface, Bifurcating oblong zones of its sand paper complexion, Its real beauty comes pouring out, As the rainy season begins to sprout. The beauty which is truly emphatic, Indicates bent points on its slender persona, Drooping down in a stingy manner, To get a fleeting glimpse of the earth, Which nourished it like a baby from its childhood to its present day youth, The very earth; of which it has been an integral part for decades of existence. It sways gently in the hot currents of breeze, Dead eyes disclosing true facts of life, Hold no fear; are devoid of vacillating emotion, Leading a person to astral remnants of an ancient phase. Its time of perennial joy never ends, For it always shows its naturally sculptured and angular bend.



Unbaked flabby chunks of dough, With loosely sprawled fine powder, Molded into round lumps of bulky wheatmeal, An unyielding deodorant in its primitive form, Studded with minute recesses clinging to its body, Awaiting hybrid flames from unburnt firewood, To nurture it into a ripened swell of burnt complexion, Compactly stitched at all sections, With threads of natural glue, Compressed into delicious sandwiched bread, Sewn in perfect co-ordination, With progressively low rising engulfing fusion, Emanating from the tiny apertures of gas burner, Enriching and finally deserting it as a “Fragment of Consumption”



The placid pebble in blue water, The yellow Sun evading the skies, A black cloud of mixed feeling, The blue tear strained eyes.

The mist hanging in the air, The white dew drops in the field, The heavenly smell of thatched hay, The fathers scattered everywhere.

The delicious smell of baked corn, The cock singing a perfect rhyme, The lively squirrel on the tree, The evanescent rising of dawn.

The hedges covered with green foliage, The fields to be ploughed at, The hushed rustling of the trees, The sweet melody in the air.


Lunch boxes filled with spicy delicacy, Children dressed in neat uniform, Stitched badges identifying institution, Hung coarse bags filled with textbook volumes, On rustic shoulders of budding youth, Polished footwear projecting from cream pant, Shoelace tied in immaculate fashion, Plaits of hair brushed meticulously with coconut oil, Brilliant red tie dangling from shirt collar, Secured to shirt cloth with metal cufflinks, Conspicuously large watch dial displaying time, Elastic socks of white conclude attire, As group of children board the school bus.

Shouts of laughter; chorused rhymes, Plodding of feet; biting of nails, Twinkling smiles; comic faces full of glee, The toddlers were having a gala time; With dead drunk driver hands on the steering wheel, Flashing demon smiles through the rear glass, Meting personal frustration on gas pedal, As the bus sky rocketed into daylight, Leaving unsurpassable tornadoes of dust behind.

Swerving wildly like an African panther, Ultimately crashing into iron posts, Marking the outlines of the river bridge, Shouts of laughter turned to breathless horror, Metal screeched against solid concrete, Multiseater bus took a hundred feet plunge, Chorused rhyme converted into imprisoned cries, As Innocent lives mercilessly drowned into the savage waters of the amazon.



Violent streaks of nail polish Violet, Circular shades of flaming Indigo, Thick envelope of heavenly cloud Blue, Fat smear of bright parrot Green, Thin smudges of neglected dirty Yellow, Peripheral paint lines of blazing Orange, Encapsulating outlines of deathly Red, Prompted by brilliant sunshine in cascading rain, Sky patches of light blue, Sun ball shining in full heat at boiling point, Thin wisps of pale white cloud cover, Dispersed in distant boundaries of the Sun, Shriveled to an iota of their traditional attire, Which is dark grey with blushes of black, Now discharging rain in sunlight, Forming a perfect VIBGYOR rainbow, To the insurmountable delight of living organism, Existing in spiceless moments of robotically worldly life.



The white semi crescent luminates large in the sky, Suspended in the jet black pool of atmosphere, The starts glitter in unison, As black wisps of clouds hang around.

Awesome masses of air blow gustily, Bundles of molecules gasp collectively, Stringent voices blow mightily, As thunderous core of lechery comes pouring down.

Macro droplets of liquid break into frenzy, Torrential rain cascades all over, Drenching fresh granules of earth, Softening parched rocks of violent composition, Trespassing waywardly through molten fiascos of heat, Harrowing the elixir of humanity, Soothing the edifices of brutal racism, Shattering glass panes of heinous felonies, As I watch the proceedings in mute silence.



Short stubs of sharp black hair, Sprouting from skin pores of unshaven flesh, Long hair with untrimmed side locks, Bearing heaps of white dandruff powder, Corn dried lips chapped at sides, Nostrils emitting hardened mass of mucus, Eardrums filled with coats of sordid yellow wax, Streaks of dirt lining angular neck, Pus cells activated in lower eye, Broken eyebrows curled in disarray, Uncut fingernails adhered to mud, Armpits spreading undesirable stench, White teeth pearls dulled to chocolate brown, Scribbled writing on all quarters of palm, Tightly fit bedraggled clothes, With gaping holes in shirt and vest, Ants gnawing at chunks of stuck honey, On projecting wide shoulder bone, Sports shoe lining coated with coal tar, I moan in utter dismay and lost hope, As I stare at my unwashed demeanor; my unpolished body in the mirror.



The conspicuous blood drop of a wounded man, Can never fill the brim of an eccentric CAN. That molecule of indispensable thought, Has occasionally brought misery; but broth. When one roams in this dark world of massacre and pain, He can conquer everything except mercenary gain. And when comes the real violent flood, It leaves behind thick greasy blood, Thoroughly soaking the surface of parched earth, To give a vindictive human race birth.


The elliptical glittering white nutrition, With yellow sprawled on the inside, The fragile adumbrate shell, With flimsy blend of color and white, Is the best I have ever known.

The ruffled feathered monster, With its conspicuously red beak, The protuberance of its chest, With the cadence of the sung rhyme, Is the best I have ever known.

The immaculate white pearl, With glistening sheen of perpetual freedom, Hovering on the tenterhooks of extinction, With the splendour of someone possessed, Is the best I have ever known.

The hazy ray of virgin moonlight, With the sweltering heat suspended, The languid chunks of green grass, Cacophonic with insipid exhilaration, Is the best I have ever known.

The sparkle of perennial molten liquid, Forming crevices of incongruity, The lustrous melancholy of tumbling water, Drifting mankind onto precipices of jubilation, Is the best I have ever known.


Jaded tobacco flakes in wrapped yellow candy paper, White and appalling in visual imagery, Dunloped to high degrees of compression, Forming tetra inch sticks, Of ashen grey crusty powder, Thoroughly malnourished and stale, A recipe for unending doomsday, An aftermath of human greed, Accentuating lecherous desires of eating smoke, Bitter and contaminated ash, Ignited by a host of sleazy gadgetry, Wooden sticks of leaded match, Producing derogatory clouds of white air, Floating with fetid fragrance; low vitality, With occasional buts of red coal falling down, Diffusing into soft powder, Carcinogenic to several glands of the living organism, Chronologically spreading its ghastly effect, To millions of mouths consuming it, Chewing it; blowing it; relishing it, Stitching webs of longevity forever, Succumbing to something as inconsequential, As a portable cylinder of pressed tobacco, Withering mankind to caves of self destruction, Rendering it the worst of its kind.


My mental imagery fluctuates, As beads of sweat drip down voraciously, Spearheads of steel stab my skin, Plucking away huge chunks of my pristine flesh, Chopping the crux of zealous activity, Plundering me with the waves of dormant ecstasy, Admonishing the dexterous web of drudgery, Impersonation tingling sensations of existence, Scrapping my reflection from mother earth, In permanent accordance with the Creator.


Grey bristles of pointed hair, Ruddy complexioned facial aura, Small beads of visual apparatus, Shrewd silhouette of pink lips, Portraying firm outlines of decision, A glittering bunch of 32 teeth, A long sprawled pungent nose; sensitive to minutest of change, An eye opening infectious smile, Hands dangling from brave sockets, Knotted fingers on the prowl, With a heart pounding in cavities of innocence, A coagulation of speedy catalysts, Primitive bohemian feet clambering up walls of unfettered triumph, High pitched mental machinery, Harnessing loads of talent, Lurking in realms of faith in self, Thoroughly greased to simplistic proportions, A gift of precious inheritance, Combined with onerous perspiration, With unceasing steps towards overwhelming success, A diligent disciple of the Almighty Lord, With burning incense sticks of truth, Nailed deep to his persona, A blend of righteousness and dedicated humor, Short stature compiled with euphoric honesty, An idol of indigenous prosperity, Having empathy and compassion to pain, A gifted molecule of billions existing, Is how I would like to describe my father.



Stretching the tendons of my brain, To ultimate realms of high strung imagination, Flowing from deep recesses of throbbing heart, And dreamy lips partially opened to light, Embroidered with tunnels of abstract thoughts, Spontaneous ideas on existing life, Composed in a plethora of style and rhyme, Absorbing loads of talent and dedicated time, Spun meticulously with silent aggression, Unfolding a saga of true emotions, Portraying a moral and emphasizing love, Great pains to deliver and derive, An easy victim of sardonic ridicule, A truncated version of written prose, Elaborately expressed in a few lines, Granting it the status of a glittering fable, Entangling the mind in an ocean of words, With equivalent use of punctuation marks, An inborn skill in some, Developed to dizzy heights with the passage of time, A meager source of income in India, While capturing mammoth audiences in foreign land, A persevering route of earning fodder through rhyme, Presented as a pearl of written composition, Is what we mean by self composed poetry.



The crystal maze of sparkling water, Interwoven with threads of molecular attraction, Adhering to peripheral blocks of scarlet plastic, With off shooting molecules, In angled semicircular configuration, A boisterous echo of soapy texture, Thoroughly spongy and elastic in dimension, Bustling with insipidly feverish activity, Diffusing into minuscule pearls of froth, Clashing with robust excitement, As I pour oblong vessels of water, Drenching my mass of composite flesh, Strands of curly hair, With perennial gift of surplus liquid, Blended with flamboyant antiseptic minerals, Jutting from the dilapidated steel taps, With surplus blotches of bronze, Drawn from amazing depths of the earth’s belly, Finally tumbles down in a united assemblage, A carnival of frothy soapy spray, A melodious gurgling spring of purity, The finest form of luxurious cleansing, Evacuating encrypted pores of blocked emotions; from deep within hidden recesses of my body.



The vast swirl of Atlantic water, Nefariously cold with tufts of ice, Obdurate and strong with the passing of time, A blend of fish and aquatic shrub, Incorporating monstrous waves with frothy spray, Chunks of dead timber drifting in bountiful quantity, Encroached with currents of drifting seaweed, Prompting the invincible fortress of inhabitation to waver, Through lurking masses of undulating water, Diffusing chains of liquid globules on its way, Compressing galleries of fern and soft rock, Crunching primitive icicles of molten snow, Biting sharply into the vast assemblage of black water, Piercing the aquatic ambience, With high strung notes of the fog horn, Clearing its way amidst heavy mists; and evading moon, The Sun finally steams through the glass pane, Ending the tyranny of the ruthless night, I suddenly wake up with a startled look on my face, Finding my way out through the furry delights of my cotton quilty, Rush across to the wire meshed stern, My hair blowing wildly with the gusty wind, Transfixing me into a mute personality, In due admiration of the boundless ocean; As the salty waves strike; break my celestial reverie.



The cool and stupendous effect the air has, Can never be got by poisonous nerve gas. The exotic effect of soft blue air, Cane never be obtained by mechanized gear. But O! when the air becomes black and swollen, It yields riches like a dried pollen. Its lost in its thoughts which never come true, Due to the incessant quarrel between the two. The air finally comes down on earth with great force, To cover the distance of its natural course.



He walked adroitly on tight strained cotton rope, Tied at both ends to the tallest precipice of blood stained rock.

He skydived into dark valleys of nothingness, Without comfort parachutes buckled to rib cage encompassing his body.

He swam incessantly for long days against chilly currents of the Atlantic, Had occasional meals of cold sea weed and salt water.

He drove his sports car through winding roads of the mountain, Applied bare minimum of brake; with mounting pressure on the accelerator

He rode fearlessly on striped panther back, Slept in the night on a bundle of hay with a family of wild fox.

He consumed long shards of unpolished cut glass, Cracked a joke a few seconds after relishing the ghastly meal.

He plummeted infinite feet below into savage waters of the river, Pulled out trapped children from smashed interiors of the dismantled bus.

He trespassed through steaming flames of city fire,

569 Tried to evacuate people gasping for fresh draughts of breath.

He resolved to climb Mount Everest on foot, Confronted frozen winds and avalanches of ice on his expedition to the top.

He always decided to attempt the virtually impossible, To blend white clouds of the sky with earth, And he knew he would succeed, As with every step he took, He was there with himself for his miracle rescue.



The vast turbulent waters have a shade of cloud blue, Possessing strong and high rising waves, That gives a nice and hearty feeling, And are unable to touch the highest nail on the ceiling.

The sky laughs at the waves, Greets them with a lop-sided grin, Advising them to keep fit and trim.

The advancing waters kiss the shore line, They want to be near the sand, To get far and distant from the obstreperous ferry band. The waters move with the tune of the air, Creating loud and stringent blares.

The sand seeps gallons of water at the shore, Acting as a good and natural utility bore, The colossal sea waters eventually evaporate into a dark cloud, That gives the sound of loud rumbling thunder, Pelting down sheets of much awaited torrential rain, To enrich and develop the oncoming food grain.


My heart speaks in violent fury, Raging over like wild white fire, Ruling all emotions, Holding the pointed time about, O! I wished with all my energy for a gentle calm voice, Neutralizing all my sorrow, Wading past the tumultuous agony that besieges me, Settling my cumbersome entity on mother earth.

An ardent desire pounding on it for years, Crushed by the effervescence of fate, Like a dicey off stand dance, Glancing mockingly at effort, Giving a thoroughly dull start, To withstand truck loads of pain all throughout.



I silently eavesdrop on my mind, Wading past a sea of darkness, Across rash currents of mangled thoughts, Trying to search for cryptic clues, Breathing in domains of mystic behaviour, Breeding in pools of trivial obsessions, Bleeding at various sensitive junctions, Weeping every unfolding second, Proliferating in leaps and bounds; in changing color of the light.

Obsessions they were with iterative hammering, Struck firmly by 100 pounds of fresh iron, Submerged in hot cream of fading luck, Striking soft tissues enclosed in precious brain, Weak and feeble to resist the mighty onslaught, Disintegrating into crumbled imagination, Whipping brutally inactivated zones of subconscious, Causing downpour of torrential agony, Cascade of non-existent thoughts, Finally uprooting all the goodness that ever prevailed, Mind you friends, This was just a preliminary investigation, As I stealthily eavesdropped on my brain.



The chain of black stretched all over, The pointed surfaces; the leading of suicidal death, The tedious climb encircled by emotionless faces, All of which have a maniacal look, Abraded exteriors of rock possess shining faces, Spreading waves of savage delight and brutal splendour, Trapping innocent prey in their vice like grip.

The air mightily pounds on its surface, Removing small chunks of graphite powder, Transporting loose pieces of stone down the valley, Leaking inside the comfort houses of several ant and white rabbit.

Hollow crevices in the rock are filled with crusty liquid, Growing in stature by the advancing day, Bubbling in nervous energy imparted by sheltered warmth, At last gushing out in frenzy, Forming volatile springs of boiling lava, Assassinating possible signs of life in several kilometers of vicinity.



The string of vivid imagination goes deep, Flooding the path to a loosened character, When I pluck it; it gives a shrill resounding noise, Leading to the mystic cavity of an unruly conscience, Putting me in a dread.

Those particles of audible sun light filter a way, Through the tiny blackness inside my mind, Biting and nibbling the inner elastic heart, Falling freely like pointed black darts, Aiming sharply at the sensitive organs, Nothing more than an inconsequential brawl.

The string finally breaks with a painstaking gasp, I find myself so empty, With nothing to ponder on, Except that crimson blazing light, Dark tunnels of life then emanate a hearty chuckle, And leave all those who are bald and shivering with non- existent fear.



Wailing sirens echo through the air, Red rooftop lights flash violently, A big plus sign is stuck to all its doors, Metal stretchers adorn the interiors, Oxygen masks hang from plastic chords, Along with Megan bottles filled with glucose liquid, Antiseptic stench spreads all over, Streaks of blood smudge windows, Bundles of cotton bandages lay in a heap, Modern computer displays throbbing heart; blood pressure..etc., Walkie-talkie antennas sway in animation, Plastic face masks are strapped for medical inspection, Power horns blare incessantly, The speedometer barks escalating speeds, Acknowledging bystanders shift away, Portable refrigerator carries patient food, Consisting of capsule; injection; pacifying ointment; and mineral water, Patient groans inundate plush interiors, Wounded and stabbed at umpteenth places, Dislocated bones and fight for breath, Head lying in gory pools of blood, With nostalgic memories of close kin, And an overwhelming desire to survive like never before, As the 10 seater ambulance urgently surges forward through crowded roads of the city.



Parrot green buds of thorn, Camouflaged in multiple coats of sand, Having entangled roots in a sheath of loose soil, Sighted in abundance on colossal plains of parched land, Required crystal water in paltry amounts, Thriving in blazing rays of the fiery Sun ball, Swaying mildly in the rustic dry breeze, Resistant to termite and large insects, A specimen of sharp and flexible tentacles, Spreading its parasitic reach to milligram amounts of starved sand, Giving birth to flowers after short spells of rain, Oozing bitter springs of milk when sliced with knife, Accustomed to soaring heights of mercury all throughout centuries of the calendar year, Baked to brittle proportions in oceans of acid light, a relishing meal for hunch backed camel wandering at leisurely speed, It has hidden cavities of water in raw pulp shells, Also the tenacity to wound its prey with a labyrinth of acrimonious sprouts, A perfect antonym to lush green grass, Inhabiting umpteenth spots of infertile land, The King Cactus stands tall and solitary in steaming sand of the Sahara Desert.



I wound it tightly into oblong ball of soft cushion, Tossed it high in pools of humid air to play with it.

I tied it on forked branch of the conical tree, Prayed for unsurpassable wishes to come true.

I pressed it firmly to stop the oozing of blood, Reinforced it with several of its kind after witnessing its power.

I curled it completely engulfing my slender wrist, Got ready to face my opponent in the boxing ring.

I painted it dark with streaks of striped violet, Hung it on the wall adding shades of versatility to the dull ambience of the room.

I used to wipe gallons of sweat dripping down my neck, Drenched it with ice water generating waves of frozen excitement.

I threw it in a pond of water; coating it with lots of glue, Withdrew if after few minutes with a cluster of small fish sticking firmly.

I draped it round my neck in biting winds of winter, Marched pompously through the streets in cozy comforts of my inexpensive scarf.

I soaked it in a concoction of cologne and strong scent,

578 Revitalized dead nerve cells by its magical caress.

I blew my nose with rapid spurts of energy, Didn’t care a damn as long as I had the company of my large red handkerchief.



The straw brimmed hat bobbed on the surface of the sea, Sleek motorboats churned through white froth of water, Pearly white shark glided harmlessly beneath a plethora of marine shrub, The sun blazed violently from behind dirty grey cloud covers, Strong pouches of wind caused the waves to rise sky high, Thereby toppling the hat into deep territories of the emerald green ocean.

High powered torch beams cut tranquil stillness of the night, The huge mast danced tantalizingly in the breeze, Large walls of timber were coated with wax paint, Conical rooms were fitted with paraffin lamp, There were a battalion of mice on the kitchen floor, Pungent aroma of maize whisky floated in the air, A pandemonium of voices rose in chorused unison, Crackling fires burnt on the broad steel deck, Menacing octopus roasted on barbecue grills, Blasting tunes diffused from the programmed loudspeaker, Gentle silver light of the moon engulfed their bodies, Big drops of the salt and mineral struck them in frenzy, The gypsies were having the time of their lives, With several hours left before the next brilliant dawn, And a host of sea flood bubbling in red hot steam of the oven, As the two storied house boat gathered spurts of speed,

580 Galloping towards realms of the distantly stretched black horizon.


The crimson grey clouds have an obsessive habit to cry; inundate barren regions of earth with surplus amount of fresh water,

The washerman has a stringent habit of washing blotted cloth; scraping tons of dirt with adroit strokes of the wooden batten,

The city traffic police have an impulsive habit of waving their sticks; cant help but do so; even when in realms of deep sleep,

The soil has a bountiful habit of giving birth to blades of wild grass; when fed with paltry amounts of achromatic water.

The sheep on mountains have a routine habit of walking in clusters, Weave their way through interspersed regions of the jungle leaning on one another,

The birds in the sky have extravagant habits of chirping incessantly; convey the innermost of their feelings via this medium of coherent music,

The saline waters of the sea are prone to habits of crashing against chains of rock; falling with a loud thud on the shore when imparted turbulence by the moon,

The milkman has an infuriating habit of delivering milk in wee hours of the morning; waking people up from domains of celestial sleep,

582 The dog has a noninvasive habit of barking vociferously at strangers; wagging its tail when jubilant; in cris-cross fashions thereby dismantling the harmony of air,

The venomous snake has lethal habits of consuming baby milk; injects its poison while relishing the same with slender tongue,

Politicians worldwide have chivalrous habits of making promises; fail to deliver the same when floating high in webs of corruption,

Striped lizards have defensive habits of squirting blood when attacked; change their color with nonchalant ease to strangulate unsuspecting prey,

I had an unrelenting habit of running till I found paradise on earth; bathe under the crystal springs of mesmerizing nature; live in transcendental oblivion sheltered from pragmatic realities of life.



If gigantic silhouette of the peepal tree was rotated upside down, Countless fibers of moistened roots would shiver in the wind, Leafy branches of lush green foliage would be buried deep beneath the ground, With a host of animals living in proximity with the earth.

If the dexterously sculptured flower vase was kept upside down, Soiled extracts of plant water would leak out in ecstatic frenzy.

If conical tapered blocks of the mountain were inverted upside down, The slender nose tip would refrain to bear the onerous load of the Herculean hillock, And the formidable structure would collapse like a soft pack of playing cards.

If the glass facaded bungalow was revolved upside down; heaps of furniture would tumble down with a sigh; water oozing from infinite cavities of the shower would try and kiss the sky.

If princely cars traverse through rough carpets of road upside down; occupants would solely relinquish ideas of inhabiting them, Chrome topped assembly of roof would screech in high pitched tunes of discordance.


If the colossal brick structure of the clock tower was placed upside down, There would be inevitable confusions of time, With people having to perspire all night and sleep with a perpetual bliss all sunlit day.

If humans trespassed upside down on the surface of obdurate ground, They would be I intimate contacts with slithering snake and ant, Growing bald every minute with glistening scalps, With their legs oblivious to the art of walking, Baking like unconsummated cakes in harsh rays of the Sun.



He felt as if the solid roof of his house would abruptly collapse, Burying him beneath a conglomerate of cement and bare brick.

He felt as if someone was following him in the darkened ambience of the night, Would stab him with unrelenting strokes of switchblade knife.

He felt as if he would drown in shallow waters of the pool, If he ever ventured to take a plunge and swim.

He felt as if there were wailing monsters descending from the sky, Ready to rip apart precious chunks from his anatomy.

He felt as if the food he ate had traces of lethal venom, Vomited his bowels clean prior to gulping even a morsel of food.

He felt as if the glass would shatter into infinite splinters, The moment he caressed it with silken smooth fingers.

He felt he was brutally contaminated and impious, The instant he touched the silver door knob obscured by minute linings of dust powder.

586 He felt as if human blood would trickle instead of mineral water, If he stood under the protuberant nozzles of the bathroom shower.

He felt as if brittle tip of the pen would break, Gallons of ink flow rampantly; the second he flexed his fingers to scribble.

He felt as if the liquid he consumed would strangulate his throat vein, Suffocating intricate pipes leading to his brain.

He felt as if the soil would sink him in its colossal lap, If he dared stepping on barren pinches of clay mud.

He felt as if a cluster of scorpion would pop out from his mouth, The instant he hoisted his jaw to speak.

He felt sick; encompassed with intimidating bouts of fever; when his body felt a trifle warm after basking in sunlit rays.

He knew he was dying a ghastly death every unleashing minute of life, Confronted with ludicrous ridicule from the society, There were several of his kind spending their entire lives in cloistered rebuke, With every filtering beam of dawn looming large as shivering night, C’mon friends lets do the best we possibly can to help the HYPOCHODRIAC.



When I caressed barren regions of my flesh with furry noodles of wool, Nimble hair stuck to skin stood up in animation; as I broke into volleys of irresistible laughter.

As I kneaded long noodles of raw paper pulp; There was a conglomerate of reddish white wax formed; and a heavenly fragrance of garnished paper tickled moistened hair in my nostril.

When I gulped compact noodles of gelatin capsule, The magical powder spread parasitically through infinite veins, Rendering me with bleak rays of hope; as I relinquished gruesome pain.

When I swung vociferously on noodles of thickly knotted thread, Poignant missiles of air colliding with my body through the interstitched holes, There were languid feelings enveloping bountiful layers of my persona, Prompting me to shut my eyes tightly and sleep.

As I smeared supple regions of my skin with unsymmetrical noodles of virgin clay, Washed my body in the holy waters of the Ganges,

588 The natural antiseptic displayed spectacular ramifications; transforming morbid exteriors of my demeanor into a brilliant sparkling white.

When I consumed spongy noodles blended with bulky extracts of spice, Drank gallons of golden beer causing them to drown, I fell down with indispensable thuds on the king poster bed; envisaging tall mountains with silver peaks; in my everlasting slumber.

When I felt agonizing noodles of her precious tears dribble down my neck, I wiped them thoroughly with my tender lips, Obliterated her from blasphemous sectors of the world, Reinforcing her eyes with the passionate tenacity of my love.



I loved the astounding ounces of reinvigoration that you perpetuated wherever you went; even as the globe grew stale in disdainful robotic work,

I loved the way you tantalized every mortal around you- as every globule from your body sensuously dissipated into barren patches of mud,

I loved the way you were served in the most glitteringly embellished platter- so that every meal finished with an uninhibitedly contented smile,

I loved the way you caressed me with your unflinching softness- making me feel like I was galloping through fields of spell-bindingly electrifying Sunshine,


I loved the way you euphorically charmed humans of every religion; caste; creed; tribe and color- with the effervescence that wafted from your diminutive form,

I loved the way you announced your delectably curvaceous and colorful presence- as hordes of people left what was thwarting them- and rushed to devour mouthfuls of your ecstatic grace,

I loved the way you evoked so much reaction without uttering a word- as almost everyone had something to appreciate about you- be it your color, form, odor, freshness, poignancy or unparalleled taste,

I loved the way you brought about that quintessential zeal in all those lives; miserably lamenting without reason or rhyme- pepped up the ambience with sparks of revitalizing newness,

I loved the way you quelled volcanic body heat like a magicians wand- even as man-made discrepancies permeated the atmosphere around with

591 poisonous smoke and fumes,

I loved the way you ignited those whirlpools of uncanny excitement around you- becoming a chilled centerpiece of exhilaration on that extremely warm summer afternoon,

I loved the way you innocently nestled in the palm- so soft; so tender; so immaculately princely- drawing hordes of cheers as one sighted even an inconspicuous trifle of you,

I loved the compassionately triumphant warmth that you generated in everyone who consumed you- being frozen yourself; without any respite and to the core,

I loved the way you united haplessly estranged lovers into bonds of endearing friendship- as they resolved all disputes; buried past differences—whilst clasping you with one hand each,

I loved the way you disseminated the message of universal brotherhood- with people from all parts of the globe; unhesitatingly ready to

592 mingle in groups to have a slice of your dazzling ice,

I loved the way you were used to celebrate occasions solemnizing love – when marriage was proposed with a ring in one hand and the other offering your silken grace of impeccable unity,

I loved the way you held your own inimitable identity- even when blended with myriad concoctions; cakes; eateries; syrups and what not’s- with mortals distinguishing you instantly from the assortment; as you astoundingly chilled,

I loved the way you effortlessly glided your way to your destination- when sadly and rarely there weren’t any takers- melting into absolute submission under golden rays of the mid-day Sun,

I loved the way you retained your rudimentary essence for all humans to savor- remaining the most kingly eating constituent of their meals- even as the space-cyber age hurled one ingenious innovation over another,

593 O! Yes, I’ve definitely fallen in love with you- my scrumptiously enchanting and unabashed “Ice-Cream”

594 My Darling Unfettered Umbrella

It made spell bindingly intriguing shapes in construction sand; as I thrust its tip with the most nonchalantly uninhibited ease and without giving a damn,

It brought about unabashed laughter when tickled with in the ribs; proving an astoundingly great and cost-free playmate to relish life,

It helped me draw wondrously enamoring designs in loosened clay; as I swished its tip with perseveringly passionate tenacity to reach my imaginative direction,

It pummeled incongruously delectable holes in the wall; when sagaciously used to reach the other side of the room; when every other alternative had failed,

It proved a quintessential humane tool for self-defense; as merely raising its awkwardly gaunt persona towards an impersonator; made him retract right back to the entrance gate,

It made an excellently formidable walking stick; with a resolute grip on stony ground and compassionately fondling the palms with its bountifully semi-circular end,

It acted as an enchantingly philanthropic pulley in times of duress; when I offered its tapered tip to people stuck in the flood; that helped me hoist them to safe places of comfort,

595 It made one of my most flexibly rejoicing bats; as I used its neatly serrated body to bludgeon the ball flying towards me; to high and handsome outside the rickety fence,

It appeared as a wand of practicality in my hands; starkly proclaiming that I’d like to mind my own business and expect the same from others; wherever I went,

It made me feel at my youthfully effervescent best; as I tapped it on cold floor- to the passionately unhindered tunes of the loudspeaker on the bustling street,

It acted as a rhapsodically make-shift broomstick at times; clearing unsolicited garbage that spontaneously appeared in the way; swishing left and right with all its might on sordid road,

It acted as a magnanimously enthralling storage pouch; as I kept all sorts of meaningful tid-bits and coins in its inner recesses; emptying the same wholesomely only after reaching the safe environs of home,

It served as a mesmerizing respite against mosquito bite; as one used its somberly protruding tip to scratch; alleviate the pang of rash after the obnoxious sting,

It proved an impeccably honest shoulder to lean upon; share; cuddle; caress and clasp- without expecting the tiniest from me in return; as the world outside suddenly turned deaf to what I said,

It gave me a feeling that I was holding an unparalleled winners trophy at times; as I nimbly tread my way to the train holding it invincibly against my chest,

596 It gave me a feeling of sparkling newness as I trawled my fingers through its scintillatingly shiny spokes; which jutted out in synchronized tandem to define its ebullient outlines,

It was so compassionately adjustable; as it shrunk to almost a quarter of its size when I closed it; at times even to less than my little thumb to accommodate like a toy in my pocket,

It snugly hung in almost every corner and wall nail when the time came to retire for the day; reminding me of the optimistic fervor that I needed to start a freshly flamboyant dawn,

But I liked it the most when my unfettered Umbrella opened full bloom at the punch of a button; unfurling the colors of joy of my impoverished existence; and sequestering me from the acrimonious afternoon heat just like a new born child.

597 School Bag

They uninhibitedly abused me in their own innocently gathered slangs; terming me an unnecessarily bulky mountain of nothingness,

They scorned at me like I was a piece of rotten charcoal; nonchalantly dismissing me away from their rhapsodic activities for the day,

They told me I was good for nothing but presumptuously preaching them; when they wanted to frolic and play in their mortal capacities,

They admonished me for being a laggard; sauntering at a pace slower than dead stone; at times even seeming like a gargantuan unmovable boulder to their delicate palms,

They indignantly kicked me out of the way; as I appeared a jocular misfit amidst their row, shelf, floor and tub of surreal dolls and majestic toys,

They had the time of the life trying to snap me in entirety from my seams; stealthily poking me with that mischievous scissor using all their might; before mummy had a chance to stringently intervene,

They disdainfully stood over me using me as a perfect bridge; to form a perfect circle with their joyously unfettered hands; hands intertwined in innocuous hands,

They rebelliously dumped stale leftovers of their food; socks; chewing gum; clay; into my forlorn interiors- just to teach me a lesson for burdening their shoulders; on which they wanted to carry their favorite chocolate,

598 They mockingly used me with gay abandon to scratch wherever they wanted; which gave them that quintessential wave of relief as well as saved their tiny hands the bother,

They impudently held me in their nimble hands criss- crossed in absence of their plastic swords; and flung me with great fervor to see who won in their game of the musketeers,

They taunted me in the most sardonic of their tones for seeming like a piece of junk; whose resting place was infact the dumpyard instead of the delectably cozy realms of their compassionate abode,

They advised me like an adult to find a worthwhile job and be constructively engaged; rather than whiling away my time nagging their inimitably fragrant childhood,

They considered me as the most abominable outsider; shutting me tight into their cupboards as they discussed their secrets and intrepid plans to be consolidated into action soon,

They had me shred into smithereens of insipidness at the tiniest of opportunity; hurling me to the hungry vultures in their backyards to disintegrate and devour,

They vowed not to talk to those who gave me as a Happy Birthday present to them; as they’d rather go without a gift- than involve themselves into the practicality of life with me by their side,

They slapped me most impeccably as only they could do; venting their entire fury on me as a mute spectator; whenever reprimanded by their parents for not doing home-work,


They used me as a perfect punching bag; boxing into my countenance with their uninhibitedly raw palms- emulating their favorite Boxing stars preparing for the big Wrestling day,

Yet. And ironically Yet. The same kids tossed me gleefully the next morning upon their pristine shoulders; marched with unfettered abandon towards their school- hugging me like I was a prince,

No. Incase you assumed that I was something of a royal charmer, let me assure you I wasn’t any of that. But I was what you mortals might’ve addressed as “ SCHOOL BAG” as you grew up by the grace of the Almighty Lord.

600 Cute Creases .

They were marvelously royal undulations that broke the tyrannical monotony of commercialized success – with magnanimous ease ,

They poignantly depicted those unbelievably ecstatic moments which when blended with rhapsodic fantasy – constituted the newly wed couples tryst with unparalleled delight,

They were a subject of awe-inspiring intrigue – leading to various perceptions as to how they must’ve occurred – as people perched at the edge of the king poster bed,

They effortlessly led the human panache – into the recesses of uncannily plush imagination – into a land where impeccable pearls cascaded unabashedly on layers of seductive existence,

They were majestic figments of impromptu artistry – evolving on their own as sensuous silhouettes twisted and turned – in a natural desire to rest in their journey on earth,

They held their very own inimitable identity – protruding like dainty non-living prince and princesses – amidst the gargantuan expanse of the silken sheet,

They uninhibitedly portrayed – that there was romantic existence

601 beyond ruthless realms of tawdrily barbarous office – which was an indispensable constituent to be enjoyed ,

They appeared brilliantly charismatic and replenished with charmed fables of the yesteryear – as the Sun’s blistering rays caressed them in the thick of the afternoon,

They might’ve been inconspicuously withering in size – but swelled up into a formidably united cluster of togetherness – when beaten or ironed or rattled or mauled,

They were a true artist’s delight – his quintessential source of inspiration as he danced his flamboyant paintbrush upon the barren canvas – nudging and tickling them with his thumb and little finger,

They were a lover’s flight of triumphant fantasy – as he sprinkled petals of profoundly scarlet rose beside them – to form an enamoring oasis that lit up the serene night,

They mollified even the tiniest ounces of apprehension with their phlegmatic twirls ; curls ; swirls and furls – dancing in unfettered abandon as the exuberant breeze slapped on their dead periphery,

They personified the true spirit of unmatched independence – a classical example of an untidiness which appeared a darling amidst a monstrous rat-race to survive,


They were the philanthropic road taken – tantalizing the goodness of a person to come forth – to come good – after a rejuvenating night’s sleep ; rolling against them,

They formed so tranquilly without an ounce of extra effort or agonizing manual pain – unlike their counterpart concrete tiled peaks which took assiduous expertise and skill of masons; working on the sloping roof of the house,

They followed no particular religion as they were an artificially dead mass – though people bonded majestically into the religion of invincible humanity – rolling and spontaneously whistling - on them ,

They added that indispensably vivid splice to the photographs snapped – blissfully blended in the Kingly backdrop of the wall; curtain; window and pillow,

They looked exuberantly endearing with butterflies and birds nestled on them ; perceiving their minuscule peaks as hillocks to have a ravishing feast upon ,

Thus - it is my humble plea to you benevolent people – that please don’t straighten these immaculately princely “Creases” – that lay perched so non-invasively on your fabulously unmade bedsheets .

603 Chalk Stick .

Hapless and diminutive – yet it invincibly thrilled you as it landed astounding close to your silhouette – reminding you of those uninhibited school days when the teacher had whirled it at you – for crassly unfinished homework ,

Bland and Corrugated – yet it was the most indispensable ingredient in a teacher’s armory of various paraphernalia even in today’s age of super computers – as she commenced her lecture buoyantly dashing it across the black – board ,

Insipid and boring – yet it empowered you to express yourself in writing wherever you wanted – be it the rustically threadbare and rotting rock or the nondescript office wall that wasted away amidst sonorous silence,

Lackluster and nonliving – yet it made you frolic around like a freshly born infant – as you smashed it in its entirety to build the measly toy castle on your table – just before the corporate honchos were about to enter to start the commercially livid day ,

Plain and nonchalant – yet an optimistic backbone of your mortally nothing existence – as you used it to gleefully scribble at atleast some point of time in your life – in the disdainful absence of your conventionally stereotypical pen,

Asymmetrical and stub – yet inspiring you to indulge your artistic talent with aplomb – as you unabashedly sketched virtually any intriguing shape from imagination on the floor with it – eventually resulting into a masterpiece collage of tantalizingly brilliant creativity,


Deplorable and dusty – yet marvelously easing you out from various financial crisis in life with child like ease – as you rolled it majestically with your fingers and merrily devoured your nocturnal meal ,

Short and stingy – yet stimulating you to fantasize about the extraordinarily blessed goodness of existence and its myriad hues – as you thrust bulk of your weight upon it via your chin – and it snapped instantaneously into bits of oblivion,

Orphaned and Desolate – yet it proved to be an unassailably charmed savior as you lost your trail in the meandering forest – and marked your inimitable identity with it – for the rescue team to reach you as soon as possible ,

Unkempt and frail – yet it rekindled the speed of the in- built laptop mouse to lightening fast – as you rubbed a fraction of it upon the same – and then traversed the wondrously smoothened periphery ,

Sloppy and unimaginative – yet it granted instant authority to your otherwise sweat mopped palms as you grasped it tight – and scurried across the table to highlight the key point of the presentation with its dangling end,

Unsubstantiated and penniless – yet it seemed to be the most perfect present that you could’ve ever gifted to your old college professor – as he fondly reminisced those glorious teaching moments of his life – scribbling articulately and rapidly with it on the curriculum board ,

605 Harried and Unrewarded – yet it gorgeously helped you pen an entire book of your variedly benevolent thoughts ; spontaneously on the park bench – with an ecstatically replenishing backdrop of trees and grass as your fecund friends,

Unpretentious and Raw – yet it proved to be the most eclectic drumstick when you drove out with your friends and they exuberantly tapped it to produce sound – rejoicing in the aisles of desire - as the night beckoned you into the freshness of a golden new sublime dawn ,

Measly and voiceless – yet it meant unconquerably cherished to you as the referee drew the start and finishing lines with it – and you galloped forward in the race to triumph unfettered – go past the white mark which looked its admirable best ,

Unacknowledged and discarded – yet it permeated that quintessential thought of hope ; peace ; betterment and humanity – with its pristinely innocuous white a much needed respite – as the electricity abandoned you in the middle of the arid night ,

Feckless and solitary – yet it irrefutably triggered you to help humanity in the best of your natural capacity – just as it reduced to nothing without any regret – after being used by the society for its various indispensably good deeds and needs ,

Ordinary and Artificial – yet it held its own unduplicated identity in this fantabulous age of digital enhancement ; when full fledged enterprises thrived on the internet – and it lay unmatched - alongside the most modern of contraptions ; on the writing desk , Please welcome this uncelebrated hero of our age – the ‘Chalk Stick’ .


Watermelon .

A delightfully rounded ball of wondrous green exterior ; that rolled with unparalleled fervor upon any frictionless surface ; with the tiniest of thrust ,

A shell so spectacularly enamoring and impeccable ; that it left even the most charmed of maidens to envy with its smooth periphery and robustly exuberant texture ,

Fecund brown seeds adorning it unabashedly in the inside ; disseminating fresh hope for existence if they were planted in unassailably bountiful earth ,

Royally salubrious aroma drifting from its succulent demeanor ; mesmerizing people of all religions, caste, creed and color with the profound charm of a fulfilled existence - which thrilled in myriad proportions ,

Sporadically , a rejuvenating substitute for a nonchalantly mundane pillow ; as you cuddled it up close to your ears ; wrapping it with jagged pieces of cloth asymmetrically strewn around ; as if for transient support ,

A beautifully convivial ball of smoothness ; magnificently illustrated as kids kissed it and nudged it with their chin - then ran around with a squeal of bewilderment as it reached the other corner of the house ; rollicking on the floor within lightening seconds of time ,

A marvelously tantalizing delicacy served to befit a crowned prince - mollifying you with motley fantasies of good grace as you snuggled in the royal armchair without the tiniest of apprehension on the glorious roof top terrace,

607 Profoundly ecstatic sponge of majestic red embodied within ; incredibly enthralling and bringing about a cheer to the wisps of lackadaisical disenchantment , in the impoverished existence of a human being ,

A fantabulously satisfying meal at occasions for the penniless pocket ; in the absence of that quintessential platter blended with myriad spices and some of the most charismatic delicacies of the seasonal celebration ,

A fabulously intriguing topic of intelligent discussion - as elders of the family expounded upon its plethora of amazing health benefits - for the younger generation to assimilate and incorporate at various stages of their life ,

Resembled a big zero ; but harmoniously providing the fabric of humanity a wondrous opportunity to relish one of the most sumptuously delicious and gorgeously sweet ; fruit on this earth ,

The most perfectly robust fruit on mortal earth to be squelched into liquid form ; thereby rendering the opulently carved glass with the finesse of ebulliently scarlet juice ,

One of the heaviest things to exasperatingly carry under the dynamically triumphant afternoon Sun - but an adorable darling to the taste - as a person absolved even the tiniest trace of his apprehension after consuming its natural richness ,

An earnest favorite in the appetizingly varied menu list of the most stellar restaurants and found scribbled with bohemian chalk on the wall of the neighborhood highway

608 cafeteria - with individuals cutting across barriers of caste and color ; whilst savoring its ravishingly enchanting flavor,

A proud inhabitant found with predominant contingency in the deeper recesses of the refrigerator ; peacefully nestled amongst an array of other vegetable ; salad ; cream ; sauce ; pizza and chocolate - but enjoying its its own inimitably imposing presence and preference as the hands affably reached out for it first ; after the successful completion of a meal ,

Written about with aplomb ; in poetry and prose by bestseller authors and those in their nascent stages of penning something substantial ; praising its astoundingly simpleton demeanor ; which empowers the living race towards unbiased friendship ,

A privilege for talented artists to incorporate within their paintings of the unfettered forest , depicting the trajectory of the earth on barren canvas - in its multitudes of hues and color ; with one of the largest of princely fruits occupying heroic center stage ,

One of the most adulated fruits at the vendor's imperiously embellished establishment ,

Was the relished watermelon .


The End