Sunday, March 4, 2012, 3pm Hertz Hall

Wolfgang Holzmair, Russell Ryan, piano


Franz Schubert (1797–1828) , Op. 89, D. 911 (1828) 1. Gute Nacht 2. Die Wetterfahne 3. Gefrorene Tränen 4. Erstarrung 5. Der Lindenbaum 6. Wasserflut 7. Auf dem Flusse 8. Rückblick 9. Irrlicht 10. Rast 11. Frühlingstraum 12. Einsamkeit 13. Die Post 14. Der greise Kopf 15. Die Krähe 16. Letzte Hoffnung 17. Im Dorfe 18. Der stümische Morgen 19. Täuschung 20. Der Wegweiser 21. Das Wirtshaus 22. Mut 23. Die Nebensonnen 24. Der Leiermann

Please note that Mr. Holzmair and Mr. Ryan will perform Winterreise without intermission.

Funded by the Koret Foundation, this performance is part of Cal Performances’ 2011–2012 Koret Recital Series, which brings world-class artists to our community.

Cal Performances’ 2011–2012 season is sponsored by Wells Fargo.


Franz Schubert (1797–1828) sunlight—is one of Schubert’s most remarkable growing confidence in his own creative abilities for death through evocations of frozen nature, Winterreise (“Winter Journey”), D. 911 and characteristic achievements, and touches in- and a reputation quickly spreading beyond his of loneliness, of lost love, of pointless wander- delibly upon the incomparable series of works— native , Schubert had already begun con- ing, of vain hope, of painful memory. At the end Composed in 1827. Winterreise, the “Great” C major Symphony, the sidering closely the subject of death. His own of this motionless journey, after the poet-singer last three Piano Sonatas, the String Quintet, the health had by then been seriously undermined has inquired about a place in a cemetery (Das On January 31, 1827, Franz Schubert turned 30. two Piano Trios, the Impromptus—that he cre- by the complications of syphilis—Die Schöne Wirtshaus), mocked hope (Mut) and wished for He had been following a bohemian existence in ated during the last months of his brief life. Müllerin was largely composed during a hospi- the extinction of the third sun that lit his way Vienna for over a decade, making barely more Early in 1827, Schubert, always alert for po- tal stay—and he was much disturbed by reports (Die Nebensonnen, representing love, hope and than a pittance from the sale and performance etry that he could wrap with music, discovered that , whom he admired life itself), he is lured by the poignant drones of of his works, and living largely by the generosity a four-year-old copy of the Leipzig periodical immensely as both a composer and an exemplar Der Leiermann to try his songs in the uncertain of his friends, a devoted band of performers and Urania that contained twelve poems collec- of the creative artist, was near death. (Schubert next world. “On paper,” wrote music-lovers who rallied around his convivial tively titled Die Winterreise—“The Winter’s visited him on March 19, 1827, a week before in his biography of Schubert, “Winterreise looks personality and exceptional talent. The pattern Journey”—by Wilhelm Müller, whose Die Beethoven died; it was the only time they ever too gloomy, too monochrome, too doom-laden of Schubert’s daily life was firmly established schöne Müllerin (“The Beautiful Maid of the met. Schubert was one of the 36 torchbearers in by half. In the best of performances, however, by that time: composition in the morning; long Mill”), a narrative poetic cycle about youthful Beethoven’s funeral procession.) In February, a spell is cast and maintained through more walks or friendly visits in the afternoon; com- love turned tragic, he had set in 1823. Müller, Schubert composed the dozen Winterreise po- than an hour of music, music which—however panionship for wine and song in the evening. born in 1794 into the family of a tailor in ems, and performed them for some friends. one responds to the unrelieved self-obsession The routine was broken by occasional trips into Dessau, studied linguistics and history in Berlin “Schubert had been gloomy for some time and of the poetry—achieves immense expressive the countryside to stay with friends or fami- and volunteered for the Prussian army in 1813 seemed strained,” recorded, power, as much by context and accumulation lies of friends—he visited Dombach, near the to fight Napoleon. Late the following year he re- “and he told me, ‘Well, you will soon hear and as by the potent yet simple inventiveness of Vienna Woods, for several weeks in the spring turned to Berlin, where he resumed his studies understand. I will sing a cycle of somber songs to each individual song.” In a review of Part I of of 1827, and Graz in September. A curious di- and made his way into some of the city’s most you. They have moved me more than any other Winterreise on March 29, 1828, the critic for chotomy marked Schubert’s personality dur- fashionable salons with his charm and literary songs I have done.’ With great emotion he sang Vienna’s Theaterzeitung wrote, “Schubert’s spirit ing those final years of his life, one that suited talents. In 1817, he set off on an extended tour Winterreise to us. We were all amazed at the mel- soars so boldly that he carries along all who ap- well the Romantic image of the inspired artist, around the Mediterranean, developing a deep ancholy mood of these songs.” When Schubert proach him and are borne through immeasur- rapt out of quotidian experience to carry back love for the civilizations of southern be- accompanied the baritone able depths of the human heart into worlds be- to benighted humanity some transcendent vi- fore returning to his native Dessau in December in the cycle that summer, they had to stop the yond, where the promise of the infinite opens up sion. “Anyone who had seen him only in the 1818 to teach classics and work as a translator, performance because all of the auditors, men longingly in the radiance of the setting sun, but morning, in the throes of composition, his eyes editor, critic and poet. He was appointed court and women alike, had been reduced to tears. where also the gentle confining hand of the pres- shining, speaking, even, another language, will librarian by Duke Leopold Friedrich of Anhalt- (Winterreise had a similar lachrymose effect ent joins with the fearful bliss of an inexpressible never forget it—though in the afternoon, to be Dessau in 1820 and privy councilor four years on the veteran composer and Johann premonition to define the boundaries of human sure, he became another person,” recorded one later, but his rising success was abruptly termi- Nepomuk Hummel and on the young Franz existence.” friend. The duality in Schubert’s character was nated by his sudden death on October 1, 1827. Liszt, who transcribed the complete cycle for reflected in the sharp swings of mood marking In 1815, he confided to his diary, “I can neither solo piano in 1839.) In September, Schubert dis- © 2012 Dr. Richard E. Rodda both his psychological makeup and his creative play nor sing, and my verses lead but half a life covered the remaining twelve poems of Müller’s work. “If there were times, both in his social until music breathes life into them. But courage! cycle in the 1824 complete edition of the work relationships and his art, when the Austrian a kindred soul may yet be found who will hear (dedicated to Carl Maria von Weber), and he set character appeared all too strongly in the vig- the tunes behind the words and reflect them them the following month. The Viennese firm orous and pleasure-loving Schubert,” wrote his back to me.” Müller could have found no better of Tobias Haslinger published the first twelve friend the dramatist Eduard von Bauernfeld, a “kindred soul” than Schubert, who not only songs of Winterreise in January 1828 (Schubert “there were also times when a black-winged de- brought his poems fully to life but also estab- dropped the definite article from his title), and mon of sorrow and melancholy forced its way lished the integrated song cycle as a viable musi- the balance of them in December, a month af- into his vicinity; not altogether an evil spirit, it cal form with Die Schöne Müllerin. ter the composer had died. Correcting the latter is true, since, in the dark concentrated hours, it Die Winterreise, with its nameless character’s edition’s proofs in his sick bed was the last sub- often brought out music of the most agonizing hopelessly lost love, his frigid emotional world stantive work that Schubert did. beauty.” The ability to mirror his own fluctuat- and his welcome acceptance of his own mortal- Winterreise, unlike Die schöne Müllerin, ing feelings in his compositions—the darken- ity, struck Schubert as deeply as any words that does not tell a story. It is instead a series of two ing cloud momentarily obscuring the bright he ever put to music. Though only 30, and with a dozen contemplations of despair and longing


A Midsummer Night’s Dream; and the Father Born in North Dakota, in Hansel and Gretel on a Japanese tour un- Russell Ryan received his der Ozawa. In 2010–2011, he sang Masino in first piano lessons at six. Haydn’s La vera costanza in performances in He was a prize-winner sev- Cologne. Future plans include Agamemnon in eral times at the San Wagner’s version of Gluck’s Iphigénie en Aulide Francisco Junior Bach in Bayreuth. Festival and performed as Equally in demand on the concert platform, a soloist for four consecu- Mr. Holzmair has sung with leading European tive years. After comple- and American orchestras, such as the Israel tion of his piano studies under Paul Hersh at the Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna San Francisco Conservatory of Music, he par- Symphony, Dresden Philharmonic, the Leipzig ticipated in master classes at the Gewandhaus, Cleveland and and subsequently moved to Austria, where he orchestras, and the Orchestra of the Age of studied piano and chamber music under Georg Enlightenment, and under such eminent con- Ebert at Vienna’s University for Music and ductors as Blomstedt, Boulez, Chailly, Frühbeck Performing Arts, graduating with honors. de Burgos, Haitink, Harnoncourt, Kreizberg, In 1985, Mr. Ryan became a member of Norrington and Ozawa. This season’s con- the staff of the vocal department at Vienna’s cert appearances include Mahler’s Songs of a University for Music and Performing Arts Wayfarer with the Klangforum Wien in Vienna where, as of 1991, he worked as assistant in the and Amsterdam; orchestrated Wolf songs with class of Edith Mathis. For several years, he olfgang holzmair was born in the Budapest Festival Orchestra under Iván was also accompanist of the Wiener Singverein WVöcklabruck, Austria, and studied at Fischer in Budapest; and Brahms’s Requiem un- and frequently gave master classes for lied, op- the Vienna Academy of Music and Dramatic der Yutaka Sado at the Teatro La Fenice, Venice. era and musical theater at such international Art with Hilde Rössel-Majdan (voice) and Erik Mr. Holzmair has an extensive discography, festivals as the Jugendfestival Bayreuth, the Werba (lied). He performs in recital throughout which has received critical acclaim: Clara and Wiener Meisterkurse, the Gino Bechi Festival the world, including in London, Lisbon, New ’s lieder; Eichendorff songs in Florence, the Oslo Music Academy, and the York, Washington DC, at the Risör Festival in by various composers, all with Imogen Cooper; Austrian Cultural Forum. In 2008, he received Norway, the UK Bath Festival, the Menuhin various Schubert recordings with Gérard; the a professorship of practice for collaborative Festival in Switzerland, Bregenz Festival and Austrian Pasticcio Award-winning Songs from piano at Arizona State University and is guest Carinthian Summer Festival in Austria, as the British Isles with ; Wolf songs instructor at the Institute for the International well as in Amsterdam, Cambridge, Liverpool, with Imogen Cooper; Pelléas et Mélisande with Education of Students in Vienna, where he is in- Oxford, Linz and Vienna, where he curates and Haitink and the Orchestre National de France; charge of the vocal performance class. He also sings in a Mahler project. Alongside his out- and Brahms’s Requiem with , is a guest artist at the Fairbanks Summer Arts standing artistic relationship with the British which won a Grammy Award. For years, he has Festival and Middlebury Summer Program. pianist Imogen Cooper and his collaboration also been a committed advocate of works, espe- Mr. Ryan performs regularly as a soloist and with a number of well-versed accompanists, he cially lieder, by such formerly persecuted com- collaborative artist throughout China, Europe, performs with some of the leading of posers as Křenek, Mittler, Zeisl and Schreker. Israel, Japan and the United States. He has ap- our time, most recently with . Since 1998, he has taught lied and oratorio peared in many radio and television broadcasts, Mr. Holzmair is also active in the op- at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and given mas- recorded several CDs, and successfully con- era world. He has appeared as Papageno and ter classes in Europe and North America. He is certized in the Wiener Konzerthaus, Wiener Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus; Faninal in Der also a visiting professor and fellow of the Royal Festwochen, the Menuhin Festival Gstaad, the Rosenkavalier in Seattle under Asher Fisch College of Music in London. Grieg festivals in Oslo and Bergen, Lincoln and and in Hong Kong under Edo de Waart; Don Kennedy centers, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw Alfonso in Così fan tutte in Lyon under William and the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Christie and in Toronto; the Music Master in . In addition, he performed at Carnegie in Madrid under Jesús López- Hall, accompanying ’s major song- Cobos; Wolfram and Demetrius in Britten’s cycles on several evenings.