This document was last updated on 1/08/2014 2014 Kuranda to Port Douglas and Bump to Beach Trail Race Competitor Information Pack In its four year, this point-to-point race starts at the corner of Black Mountain Road and Kennedy Highway and finishes at on the beach in Port Douglas. The K2PD is the fourth and final race in the FNQ Trail Running series. Date: Sunday 7 September 2014 Race Organiser: Dynamic Running Length: 64km or 64km relay or 16km (point to point) Race Directors: Larry Lawson and David Elms Email:
[email protected] Mobile: 0417 534 727 IN BRIEF Competitors can view large maps of the course and speak to the race directors on 6 September from 5.30-7.00pm at the Pasta Party at Dunwoody’s Tavern, 317 Sheridan St, North Cairns. A good idea is to participate in the practise runs leading into the event. Keep an eye out on the Dynamic Running Facebook page for other trail runs over the course. Mandatory gear • Race number to be worn on your front and visible at all times (supplied by race organisers) • 1 x Elastoplast or Handy’s Heavy Crepe Bandage (10cmx2.3m) – 64km individual and relay runners for legs 1-3 only. DON'T turn up with anything else, you will not be allowed to compete without the correct gear. (Highly recommended for ALL runners). • 1 x whistle. • Map and course description in zip lock bag (provided by event organisers). • A hydration system. • Nutrition to sustain running for each stage of the event.