Soldiers Exhausted by Slaughter, Lull Falls
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..v - I. WEATHER FORECAST: Fdr and Warmer Today HOME i (Full Report on Page Two.) fe EDITION TTJMBEB 8011. WASHINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1016. PBICE ONE CENT. HOUSE TAKES FINAL Increased Pay Urged WE TO TESTIFY SOLDIERS EXHAUSTED SLAP AT PRINCIPLE tor Federal Workers IN DEFENSE 01 BY SLAUGHTER, LULL OF HALF-AND-HA- I LF As Defense Measure INSANITY IS PLEA Report Urging $3-a-D- ay Minimum Declares Bill "One FALLS AROUND Proposal Out Rider, VERDUN to Strike Of Few Sound Preparedness" Proposals. Attorney Duell Announces Ho Which Repeals Organic Law, Would Foster "True Americansim." Will Try to Prove Mental K Is Defeated. Unsoundness. HORRORS OF BLOODIEST GERMANS GAIN AFTER Reminding Congress that it should consider the plight of the JINKHAM ASSAILS RIDER BATTLE IN HISTORY Government clerk while it is appropriating.millions for TO USE "MAN FROM EGYPT" and internal imorovements. the House Committee on Lahnr BLOODIEST WEEK today filed a Every man in a French force penetrating Fort Douaumont was Not Enough Advocates of Old favorable report on the Nolan bill providing a minimum wiped Gcrman-charge- .wage scale of $3 per day for all Government employes. Prisoner's Brothers Take Stand out in a .' Rsoal Plan to' Get a Tellers' Men in The committee says it heard many "heartrending stories" of and Tell of Poisoner's Pecu- are righting dark, underground tunnels, using hand search- OF HISTORY Vote. lights, knives and bombs. tie struggles of the Government employes in this city who are trying liarities in Youth. to support families on $720 per year and less. Hundreds of French and Germans have been buried alive in the k The wrecking of underground works by shell-fir- e. The House took a final slap at the report includes statistics, hitherto published in The Times, Thirty Thousand Men Fell half-and-ha- YORK, May IB. at lf principle today when It NEW Dr. Arthur Scores have gone insane from the lust of the horrible which show the increase in tho cost of living in recent vears which Wolte will tako the rftand In butchery. overwhelmingly rejected the proposal Warren Surgeons, Douaumont Without Chang- to atrlke from the District appropria- has, however, not been by a his own defense In his trial for the amputating arms and legs without anesthetics, report met corresponding increase of salary for father-in-la- w tion bill the rider which virtually re-pe- murder of John E. Peek, hie wounded French and Germans ing half-and-ha- me continuing the struggle with Either Battle Line. the lf plan. government employe. and Grand Rapids millionaire. Congressman Tlnkham of Massachu- Walter R. Duell counsel for Walte. knives though unable to stand. -- WOULD AFFECT 12,000 EMPLOYES made announcement today In his setts, made the motion to strike this HERE. this A IT M. Mr. opening to Jury.. French captain reported 7,000 dead heaped 700-yar- d rider from the bill but after a debate Statistics furnisher! hv throughout the country exclusive of address the along a FRENCH LOSE POSITIONS of one hour the motion was rejected Larln, president of the Federal Em- postmasters Duell also definitely outlined tho de- front. ployes' and those employed In on grounds of Insanity. ' ' on a vivo voce vote. Union, are also Included. This tho military, legislative, and judicial fense There were not on the floor even a data shows that 25 per cont of the branches Still dapper, faultlessly attired, and ft of the Government a total his long wavy carefully brushed, sufficient number of advocates of the Government employes In this city are of 120,000, would profit by a $3 a day hair Claim Ad- half-and-ha- lf place In Germans Important principle to obtain a working for less than 1720 per year, bill, because they aro now receiving Watte took his the courtroom vote by Mr. Tlnkham and nn 8.8 again today, sitting only a few paces tellers. When that additional per cent are less thnn ISO - mem- a month. aged two vances at Hill 304- and demanded tellers only seventeen paid less than 1840 por year. Attention Is called to In front of his father and bers, not sufficient number, second- Passago tables filed with brothers Fran and Clyde. It was SEAT FOR EACH FARE TEXAS a of the Nolan hill, the report the commlttco by Arthur Holder, of the Southwest of-For- t. ed his motion, and tho vlve voce op- says, will affect about 12.800 omployes tho first time Clyde Walte has ap MUTU American Federation of Labor; Ethel-be- rt peared Opening position stood. In the District of Columbia. Stewart, chief at the trial. for the The language Mr. statistician of the defense, Duell said: that Tlnkham Nineteen per cent of all Government Bureau of Labor; Mr. Mcl.arin. and ought to strike from the bill was employes In Washington else-whor- e, ap- and uinurn. loucning me under pay of Gov- Opening Speech. NONRUSH HOURS Utter exhaustion of the human that providing that hereafter all tho report says, now ernment employes, and the cost M T FACE COURT propriations modo for the support of receive living. of "The people of Now York allege Dr. the District 'shall be paid of less than S720 ner vear. A nor Wnlto commltteed the atrocious crime elements in two great fighting ma- out cent of employes The committee agrees with Mr. Holder revenues of the District, pf Columbia all would honcdt by that the bare living expenses of a fam of poisoning John E. Peck, March 12, chines brought a lull in the titanic to the extent that the same shall be me passnge or the Nolan bill. ily or nvo perrons will amount to 1767.95 and that time ho was of sound n vpnr fhfu ntnm,.., lnnl...llHM at sufficient therefor, and the remain- In other words, tho report estimates " - ...... uuitl IlltlUlllllK IIUIIUIII.Hn.uiHM mind. You have sworn ont to bo Public Utilities Commission An- Baker struggle around Verdun today. der out of any money, in tle Treasury that out of 200,000 men nnd womon on tur uniuBcincniB, street enr fares, church biased by the Introduction of testi- Reverses Decision in Case not otherwise appropriated." Uncle Bam'B pay roll in this city and (Continued on Page Fourteen.) mony as to mental unsoundness. The breathing spell came with Under this arrangement the Federal "If you find him mentally unsound nounces Ruling Prescribing of One Hundred and Sixteen Government . will contribute only at the time of the crime, to And him Fort Douaumont in German hands about fS.OPO.'OOO to the District up- guilty would make you parties to a Minimum Seating Capacity. Men Who keep. judicial murder if I may use that Ignored Call. and the tide of battle swinging to- term. Parliamentary Wrangle. WHO IS OWNER OF RIGGS OFFICIALS ASK "Of course, if you find he was of ward the Kaiser's legions at other After refusing to eliminate this sound mind, a verdict of guilty would legislative ue nroper. "A seat for every passenger during Secretary of War Baker today an- points. rider, the House became non-rus- h two the hours, every stand- court-marti- al Involved in a parliamentary wrangle "From his father and brothers and for nounced that he will order the (Continued on Fifth Page.) ing passenger during the rush hours of 118 members of the Texas The bloodiest week in the world's because Congressman Mondell raised square a KIMBERLEY JEWEL? stven feet of space." National Guard who refused to re- history is point of order against a separate ACQUITTAL ORDER This is the railway the statement of both paragraph applying specifically to the standard of street spond to the President's call for serv- proportion of appropriations for the service for Washington proposed by tho ice on tho Mexican border. French and German military ob- - engineering Utili- next year.- Mr. Mondell claimed that, SHOWSWASHINGTON branch of the Public The specific charge on which the servers. althoUKh the House had lust rone on ties Commission, which today made pub- mll)tlamenlwll be tried will be "fail- record In 'favor of, a system of ap Society Women of lic Its report of a two. months' invcstl ure to present themselves to nau-ana-na- ic the, Capital Move for to Jury do mas- Thirty thousand" men have met propriations noi on ine Instructions conditions!. measure, the half-and-ha- lf piari was gatlono( truffle tered into the service of the United still a-- law.and-- lt waarsr change In and'"ofnfhloagoT ArB'-Ago- "At'Cfose' "of 'Defense To To meet tho standard,the Washington States at the call of the President of their death' in, the underground law to attempt to appropriate other- OreNTO AIR ATTACK Railway and Klectrio Company, it is tha United States." wise fdr the next year. stated, will required to Improve caverns of Fort Douaumont with- Congressman Over 'Mystery. Hurry be its In making this announcement Sec- Page combated this Case.' service during the non-rus- h hours on retary technical point. Tho debate won still Baker reversed his decision of out' the battle lines there being progress all lines with the exception of tha yesterday when he announced the in early this afternoon. Vourth changed in the slightest, says Congressman ; of Ohio Insisted street car line. Improved ser- guardsmen would be given another the Is Chi- Aviator Carlstrom Flies From non-rus- h that the House should' be Ilboral in Who tho "Washington and Declaring that the Government has vice during the hours will be chance.