107th Congress*

THE VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD B. CHENEY, Republican, of Wyoming, born on January 30, 1941, in Lin- coln, NE; education: B.A., and M.A., degrees from the University of Wyoming; public service: served on the Cost of Living Council and Office of Economic Opportunity in the Nixon Administration; served as Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff for President Gerald R. Ford; elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978, and reelected 5 times, through 1988; in the House he served as Chairman of the House Re- publican Conference and House Minority Whip; in 1989 he was nominated to be Secretary of Defense by President George H.W. Bush, and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate; he served from 1989 to 1993; on July 3, 1991, President Bush awarded Secretary Cheney the Presidential Medal of Freedom; after leaving the Department of Defense, he joined the Company serving as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer; reli- gion: Methodist; family: married to Lynne Cheney, 1964; two daughters; elected Vice President of the on November 7, 2000; took the oath of office on January 20, 2001.

The Ceremonial Office of the Vice President is S–212 in the Capitol. The Vice President has offices in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) and the White House (West Wing). Chief of Staff.—Lewis Libby, EEOB, Room 276, 456–9000. Deputy Chief of Staff.—Dean McGrath, EEOB, Room 276, 456–9000. Counsel to the Vice President.—David Addington, EEOB, Room 268, 456–9089. Counselor to the Vice President.—Mary Matalin, EEOB, Room 272, 456–9042. Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs.—Eric Edelman, EEOB, Room 298, 456–9501. Assistant to the Vice President for Legislative Affairs.—Nancy Dorn, EEOB, Room 285, 456–6774. Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Legislative Affairs (Senate).—Candida Wolff, EEOB, Room 285, 456–6774. Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Legislative Affairs (House).—Stephen Ruhlen, EEOB, Room 285, 456–6774. Staff Assistant (Senate).—Kate Green, U.S. Capitol, Room S–212, 224–2424. Assistant to the Vice President for Domestic Policy.—Cesar Conda, EEOB, Room 288, 456–2728. Executive Assistant to the Vice President.—Debra Heiden, West Wing, 456–7549. Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Operations.—Claire O’Donnell, EEOB, Room 269, 456–6770. Assistant to the Vice President and Chief of Staff to Mrs. Cheney.—Deborah Dunn, EEOB, Room 200, 456–7458. Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Scheduling.—Elizabeth Kleppe, EEOB, Room 279, 456–6773. Director of Correspondence.—Cecelia Boyer, EEOB, Room 265, 456–9002.

*Biographies are based on information furnished or authorized by the respective Senators and Representa- tives.