Benefice of Newport with Longford and Chetwynd

Newsleer 7/3/21

Musings Tuesday 2nd March was the saint’s day of St Chad who established the of Lichfield. He was born in the 7th century and is reputed to have been brought up with his brothers (, Cynibil and Caelin) by St Aidan on . He joined his brother Cedd at the Abbey of Lasngham in North Yorkshire and when Cedd died in 664, Chad became Abbot in his place. At that me, had been chosen as of Northumberland with his seat at York and had gone to France to be consecrated. He was gone a long me and the king of Northumberland, King Oswui got fed up of waing, so he had Chad consecrated in place of Wilfrid. When Wilfrid returned from France there were then 2 of ! The Archbishop of visited the region a few years later and let it be known that he was very unhappy with this irregularity. Chad, immediately, gave up his posion and returned to the monastery at Lasngham. Archbishop Theodore was so impressed by Chad’s humility that he soon had him appointed Bishop of . Chad chose Lichfield as his seat and founded a church and monastery there. Lichfield soon became an important site of Chrisan learning. Throughout his me as bishop St Chad travelled around his diocese preaching and teaching and he is credited with the spread of Chrisanity throughout Mercia. He was cricised by some for walking everywhere. They said that as bishop he ought to ride a horse. Chad tried but soon went back to walking. He said that when you are on horseback, people have to look up to you but he wanted to meet and talk to people on an equal foong. This habit of walking is sll commemorated in the , named for St Chad and St . This is a 92 mile recreated pilgrimage route between the cathedrals of Lichfield and . St Chad’s example of humility can be hard to follow. Our modern society prizes celebrity and fame, no place for the shrinking violet. Yet Jesus tells us we must be ‘the servant of all’ (Mark 9:35). We pray for the humility to put others above ourselves as we try to follow our Saviour – the Servant King. Sandra

This week

St Michael and All Angels Sunday 9.00am Holy Communion on Zoom 2.00pm – 3.00pm Church open for private prayer On Sunday 15th March (Mothering Sunday) the church will reopen for Holy Communion at 9.00am.

St Nicholas Sunday 10.30am Holy Communion Facebook live Wednesday 10.30am Morning Service Facebook live All week 12.00noon Prayers for Lent Facebook

We connue to remember in our prayers this week the children and staff returning as schools reopen. We pray for a smooth transion and that the Covid infecon rate connues to fall Please pray for Jo and Mike, Vicky, Mary, Gill and her family, John and Johanna, Chrisne, Margaret, Pat, Judy, Phil and Lisa and Peter and their family, and we pray that God will comfort all who mourn. We especially pray for the families of Kenneth Brotherton, Brain Cuer, Annie Jones and Albert Milward.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord (Jer 17:7)