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week of XAVIER NEWSWIRE Februrary 20, 2008 Volume XCIII, Issue 19 Published since 1915 by the students of Xavier University www.xavier.edu/newswire Controversy taints SGA election Xavier to Scanlon wins 51.3 to 48.7 percent Election problems include improper increase despite sanction; Gamboa appeal denied votes, early poll closing, student apathy tuition Patrick Stevenson New costs will not Editor-in-Chief affect upperclasses The new triumvirate of the Xavier Student Government As- Kelly Shaw sociation will enter office amid a Senior News Writer maelstrom of controversy, voting Tuition rates were increased irregularities, campaign violations last December, making a year at and disappointing voter turnout. Xavier $26,250. The victorious trio, President- Approved by the university’s Elect Craig Scanlon, Legislative Board of Trustees, the 2008-2009 Vice President-Elect Carter John- budget will increase a full-time son and Administrative Vice Presi- student’s tuition by $795 per se- dent-Elect Josh Badall defeated mester. Juniors will not have to Esteban Gamboa, Chris Hale and endure the rise in costs, as the new Bianca Callejas by a vote total of rates will only apply to those stu- 593-554. The Scanlon ticket was dents who enrolled after the 2005 docked 30 votes for violating the spring semester. elections code. Room and board will also be The elections code violation, increased by approximately $100 which has become a hotly con- for on campus housing and $50 for tested issue within SGA, occurred meal plans. on the morning of Sunday, Feb. Administrators claim the tu- 10, when, as part of an SGA and ition rates will not deter students This sign went unheeded by 82 percent of the student body. Newswire photo By Erika Bresee X-treme fans event, the Scanlon from applying and staying at Xavi- ticket, clad in their yellow cam- er. Instead, they believe increases paign T-shirts, distributed Red Feb. 18, and after tense delibera- clocks. This statement contradicts cent of them voted for you,” said needed for the future success of Bull and pizza to students entering tion, was denied. claims made by several students an SGA official who spoke with the university. the men’s game in Cin- The appeal was only one of that they were unable to vote in the Newswire under condition of “This year’s general increase tas Center. several irregularities the election during the anonymity. “I’m worried that this in tuition, which continues to be According to The Board of that marred the SGA For the last 15 minutes of the voter turnout represents a serious significantly below the average for disconnect between SGA and the Elections Chair Katy Baldwin, elections. Newswire’s voting period. Jesuit and regional independent this was “apparent and perceived The closing time of Yet another glitch student body.” reaction to colleges and universities in the campaigning,” as many of the stu- the polls also caused in the electoral process However, none of these issues Midwest, is necessary to continue dents entering the game assumed some controversy. the election was the ability of many have drawn as much negative at- to affirm our vision and provide that the pizza and energy drink dis- Many students have story, see non-students, specifi- tention as the campaign violation [students] with a solid and mean- tribution was part of the Scanlon complained that the Op-Ed, pg. 6 cally recent graduates perpetrated by the Scanlon ticket. ingful education,” said Roger For- ticket’s campaign. polls closed at 6:45 p.m. and transfer students, Baldwin repeatedly stressed that tin, Academic Vice President and Gamboa, Scanlon’s opponent on Feb. 12, 15 minutes to cast votes in the elec- the members of the Board of Elec- Provost. in the election, felt that the 30 vote before they were scheduled to. tion. This was brought to the atten- tions had spent two hours discuss- Fortin cited faculty enhance- sanction was too light of a punish- Baldwin said that the polls did tion of SGA officials by Newswire ing the appropriate penalty for the ment, expansion of technology and ment, and appealed the Board of in fact close at 7 p.m., and that any staffers during the voting period, violation, and that she was confi- educational services, renovations Elections decision. The appeal was discrepancy in the poll closing and steps were taken to assure no dent that the punishment was ap- TUITION | pg. 3 heard before the Student Senate on time resulted from unsynchronized illegitimate votes were counted. propriate. Voter turnout was also disap- “This vote should not go to the Tuition costs compared to pointing. Only 1,198 students cast Senate,” said Baldwin early in the surrounding schools: Bigger budget may their vote online, which Senate public forum. Coordinator Jennifer Downing Several senators expressed con- deemed “horrible.” The total voter cern that granting the appeal would 2007-08: $14,850-17,288 bring better bodies turnout was barely double the vot- effectively overrule the vote of the 2008-09: $15,740-18,290 Xavier er turnout for the freshmen senate student body. However, Sen. Kris- elections this fall. ten Vennekotter drew heated criti- dayton cism from a student in the public The low voter turnout means 2007-08: $16,775-18,165 that the Scanlon ticket will be en- forum when she asked “Why are tering office with the support of we even voting on this decision? only nine percent of the Xavier What does it matter?” student body. Katie Bissell, a freshman, chal- 2007-08: $9,099 “It’s tough to claim that you lenged this statement, and received Per Tri-mester: $6,066

represent the student body of applause from the public forum for c y U.Cin Xavier when less than 10 per- doing so. Marquette “There were at least 20 students ©2008 at the public forum and 10 or so 2007-08: $18,472 The Xavier Newswire All rights reserved stayed for the debate and decision, despite having to wait while stu- dent government handled clubs’ Newswire photo By Erika Bresee business. It matters. The Senators 2007-08: The university may be taking steps to improve O’Connor Sports $20,043 who sat and voted at that table are Center for next year by adding more affordable personal trainers Fax (513) 745-2898 our students’ voices,” said Bissell. oh m ia i, and two trained interns to improve safety and education. Find out Advertising (513) 745-3561 Per semester, including tuition, more on Campus News, pg. 3 Circulation (513) 745-3130 ELECTION | pg. 3 Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 housing and meal plans

Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum 2 week of February 20, 2008 Campus news The Xavier Newswire Professor Profile: Dr. Mack Mariani Michelle rosmarin How about your least fa- Which famous person If you weren’t teaching Staff Writer Do you have any advice vorite thing about Xavier? would you most like to what would you like to be for your students? I can never get my printer meet? doing? Woody Allen said that “90 to work. Fr. Mi- I’d like to be a writer. I worked percent of success is just show- chael Gra- in politics for years and I don’t ing up.” Is there one movie you h a m b u t want to do that. I’d like to try my could watch over and over I’ve already hand at writing. There are a lot again? met him. I of good jobs available for people “ T h e don’t know, who know how to write well. Dr. Mack Mariani is an as- Great Es- I’m not re- sistant professor of political sci- cape” with a l l y o n e Is there anything else ence. Though he has only been Steve Mc- for fame. you’d like your students to here since 2007, Dr. Mariani Queen. I I guess I’d know about you? has positive things to say about What is the best job you could watch like to meet I’m the Xavier University being a professor, the students can get in political sci- that every Craig Ferguson, the guy on wing-eating champion of 2007! and, of course, the Ryan’s Pub ence? d a y a n d “The Late Late Show.” That’s my favorite moment here hot wings. A college professor probably! never get bored. A close second is so far— beating Bill Gorman in There are a lot of good jobs, I “Superbad,” What’s your favorite the wing- What degrees do you think political science prepares a n d a l s o part about political sci- e a t i n g have? you to write, to think, to ana- “Seems Like ence? contest. I have a Ph.D. and an M.A. lyze complex relationships and Old Times” I don’t even know how to I’m from from Syracuse University. I teaches you to persuade and with Chevy answer that, it’s really tough. Buffalo also have a B.A. from Canisius communicate. Many people Chase. Political science is always excit- so it was College. go on to law school or to grad ing; there are always issues and a matter school, and it can help in the conflict in politics. It’s interest- of home- communications field. It really ing to study the roots of that t o w n prepares you to be a good citizen What’s one place in conflict and the reasons why pride! and to succeed in a variety of the world you’ve always people hold their views and how professions. wanted to go? they work out their conflicts. What classes do you Probably Washington, teach? What is your favorite D.C. and I lived there for four What’s your favorite I teach American Political thing about Xavier? years. thing to do in your free Institutions, Campaigns and The real sense of community. time? Elections, and Introduction The students are fun, they’re I like hanging out with my to American Politics. Basi- bright and hard working and family. I coach my kids’ soccer cally, I teach American political they make me laugh all the teams and I love watching them courses. time. play. I also watch a lot of TV.

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WASSON @ PAXTON The Xavier Newswire Campus News week of February 20, 2008 3 ...Election | cont. “Students need to know that This was obviously a difficult Senate takes vote manipulation Bigger budget may issue for everyone involved to very seriously,” said Smith. consider. Board of Elections mem- Several senators, as well as ber Jeff Kerscher described the SGA President Maggie Meyer violation as “a perfect storm,” as it seemed concerned that this issue bring better bodies fell into such a “gray area” in the might create a schism in senate. Madeline Lafave Completely renovating the sports interns would be hired to work at election code. Senator Kevin Contrera in- Copy Editor facilities at Xavier will take ex- least 40 hours per week in order to Many senators appeared to be voked Abraham Lincoln, stating Xavier University is trying to tensive planning and nearly $25 increase safety and educate the stu- agonizing about the decision of that “A house divided against itself take steps to improve O’Connor million. dent body about personal health. whether or not to grant the appeal. cannot stand.” Sports Center for 2008-2009 school An increase in the 2008-2009 tu- Largely advocating this idea, Senator Andrew Smith ex- “I think change in the system year. ition may help pay for improvement Director of Recreational Sports Jim pressed concern about how stu- needs to happen,” said Scanlon. A student survey conducted last at O’Connor. Although nothing is Ray sees O’Connor’s dire need for dents would perceive SGA’s ac- “We need to move forward as a spring brought to attention a pri- set in stone until spring, when a re-instatement of these positions. tions in this situation. cohesive unit.” mary concern among students the Fiscal Budget for next O’Connor has previously hired regarding the O’Connor year comes out, SGA Presi- trainers. Sports Center, which dent Maggie Meyer Assistant Director Leslie Dulle was built when Xavier said that in addi- stresses that the staff who run was less than one-third tion to the increase O’Connor work 100 percent for of its current size. and regulation of the benefit of the students. Budget With the projected en- hours at O’Connor ideas are constantly surfacing and rollment coinciding with the up- a n d an increase in funding for being proposed in order to generate coming campus expansion, Xavier student wages, it is likely Xavier the funds necessary to better the is expected to more than double will hire personal trainers. facilities. enrollment in the near future. Two graduate-level, trained A $50 per semester gym fee for all students, for example, would allow for free fitness classes and personal trainers, increased hours and student-employee wages. “While we love the outside memberships, if we could have it our way, we would love to have O’Connor be a student and faculty- only facility, but that is just not an option right now,” said Dulle. Newswire photo by Erika Breese Craig Scanlon, Carter Johnson and Josh Badall: new SGA executives -Paid Advertisement- 

Financial Wellness Seminar

Monday, February 25, 2008

1:30 p.m.

Newswire photo by Erika Breese Xavier students who use O’Connor Sports Center have expressed the Gallagher Student Center/Room 214 need for improvements at O’Connor including new machines, expand- ed hours and available trainers. Pizza will be provided! ...TUITION | cont. also had a record number of ap- of residence halls and increases plicants for the 2008-2009 school x Topics include managing your bank accounts, preventing in need-based financial aid as some year. of the benefits that will come from “There’s no decline in the in- the tuition boost. terest in Xavier,” said Marianne identity theft, and how to establish good credit. “I think [the increase] is small Borgmann, Admission Office In- enough that the quality of pro- terim Director. “The challenge is grams at Xavier will be the driv- in families having enough funds Prizes:MP3 speakers and for everyone who attends! ing factor,” said Adrian Schiess, for payments.” Director of Student Success and Borgmann is confident that fi- Retention, who also claims that he nancial aid—given to nearly 95 Grand Prize:At the end of the seminar, there will be a drawing for a has not seen a negative impact on percent of Xavier’s students—will freshman retention from previous ease the burden of the new costs. increases in tuition. For now, the most significant $100 U.S. Bank Gift Card!!!!! In fact the university has recent- challenge to the university’s in- ly been succeeding in retention, as creased tuition rates are next se- this semester brought 96 percent of mester’s retention and applicant freshman back to campus. Xavier data. Sponsored by GSC/US Bank Visit www.xavier.edu/newswire because it’s too good to read just once. 4 week of February 20, 2008 CAMPUS NEWS The Xavier Newswire Police Notes BRIEFS Feb. 5, 9:15 a.m.- Campus Feb. 9, 1:05 a.m.- An intoxicat- Feb. 15, 1:55 a.m.- Two stu- Katie Rosenbaum, Editor Free fitness classes Police assisted a student whose ed and disorderly non-student who dents carrying a wet floor sign in News Desk: 745-3607 vehicle had been broken into on was visiting a friend in Kuhlman the C-5 lot were cited for underage In honor of National Recreation- [email protected] Ledgewood Avenue near Victory Hall was escorted off campus. consumption. One student was al Sports & Fitness Day on Feb. 22, Parkway. Cincinnati Police were cited for failure to cooperate with O’Connor Sports Center is waiving notified. Feb. 9, 1:09 a.m.- Campus a university official. Got Roommates? the drop-in fee for all fitness classes Police assisted Norwood Police in Are you going to be a junior on Thurs., Feb. 21 and Fri., Feb. 22. Feb. 5, 2:48 p.m.- A car parked breaking up a house party in the Feb. 16, 12:57 a.m.- Two stu- or senior next fall and looking for Come celebrate with us by getting illegally in the C-2 lot was im- 3900 of Ivanhoe Avenue. dents observed urinating in the roommates? Whether you are look- fit for free. Contact fitness@xavier. mobilized and the student owner Norwood Police reported that three bushes outside the Village were ing for three people to live with or edu for more information. was given a disciplinary fine. The complaints had been filed about the cited for disorderly conduct. three people looking for one person, student had 25 prior parking viola- residence that night. we may have the answer for you. XU Christmas tions. Feb. 16, 7:41 a.m.- An em- Come to “Speed Roommating” at Do you love Christmas and help- Feb. 9, 1:55 a.m.- Two students ployee reported that someone had 9:15 p.m. on Wed., Feb. 20 in the ing people? Did you have a blast Feb. 6, 2:13 a.m.- Campus Po- observed kicking over trashcans on attempted to break into the Resi- first floor lounge of the Commons. at a “Xavier Christmas” last year? lice investigated a report of a suspi- the residential mall were cited for dence Life house. Refreshments will be served. If you Here is the chance for you to help cious subject looking for a student underage consumption. have any questions contact Angie plan a “Xavier Christmas” 2008. a in the residence halls. Police were Kneflin at x4998 or at kneflin@ “Xavier Christmas” Committee ap- unable to locate the subject. Feb. 9, 10:50 p.m.- An employ- xavier.edu. You can also contact plications are now available. Return ee reported that his or her vehicle Vanessa Strickley at x3367 or at your completed application by 5 Feb. 6, 8:27 p.m.- Campus po- had been egged and the antenna POLICE NOTE [email protected] and Kara p.m. on March 14 to the Student lice investigated the report of a sus- broken in the Flynn Hall lot. of the Jones at x3125 or at jonesk5@ Involvement Office in GSC 320. picious subject talking to students xavier.edu. Contact Lauren Jenny at x3754 for in the Gallagher Student Center and Feb. 10, 2:20 a.m.- A non- Week more information. making them feel uncomfortable. student acting suspicious in the The subject was found and escorted Commons lot was arrested on an Club budgets Hunger Banquet off campus. outstanding warrant. The Financial Affairs Commit- Please join us for the annual tee of the Student Government Hunger Banquet from 6:30-8 p.m. Feb. 7, 7:58 p.m.- Campus Po- Feb. 13, 10:56 a.m.- An em- Association is reminding all clubs/ this Sun., Feb. 24, in the Clock- lice and Residence Life investigated ployee reported damage to a wall in Feb. 11, 8:44 a.m.- An em- organizations requesting $2,500 or tower Lounge. The cost is $4 per a report of the smell of marijuana in the ground floor kitchen in Brock- ployee reported the theft of more for its 2008-2009 budget to person. This is an opportunity to Husman Hall. A student admitted to man Hall. two animal skulls from a sign-up for a justification hearing to learn about world hunger. Dinner smoking in the residence hall and display case in the Albers take place on Feb. 23 and 24 in the will be served. Tickets on sale from was cited for drug abuse. Feb. 13, 10:18 p.m.- A non- Hall lobby. SGA Office. The sign-up sheet is 1-4 p.m. in GSC on Wed., Feb. 20 student asking for money in and on Joanie’s desk in the SGA Office. and Thurs., Feb. 21. They are also Feb. 9, 12:18 a.m.- Cincin- around Elet Hall was escorted off Also, SGA Line Items must sign up on sale at the AB Date Auction nati Police asked Campus Police to campus. and send a representative. Contact on Feb. 20. Brought to you by the transport a student to the residence Corey Burton at 615-525-1614 for Alternative Breaks Ukraine trip. halls after the student was cited Feb. 15, 1:07 a.m.- Officers more information. Contact Neal Taylor at nealt1@ for walking in the road at Dana investigating a noise complaint in xavier.edu for more information. Avenue and Victory Parkway while Husman Hall cited six students for intoxicated. underage consumption. -Paid Advertisement- T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e Unpaid advertisement week of february 20, 2008 5 Want to be a part of the number one student newspaper at Xavier? Because you should. Applications can be picked up on the door of the Publica- tions House (3739 Ledgewood). Any questions regard- ing staff applications should be directed to Pat Steven- son, Editor-in-Chief at [email protected] or X3607. Applications are due by March 10. They can be turned in at the Publications House or the Newswire mailbox in the SGA office. Available positions:

Editorial Positions: Opinions & Editorials: Editor-in-Chief Op/Ed Editor Managing Editor Editorial Copy Desk Editor Cartoonists Copy Desk Chief Copy Editors Sports: Sports Editor Business: Sportswriters Business Manager Advertising Manager Design: Advertising Sales Layout Editor Distribution Manager Online Editor Page Designers Arts & Entertainment: Arts & Entertainment Photography: Editor Photo Editor Food, Drink, Film and Staff Photographers Music Critics

News: Campus News Editor Senior Staff Writer Staff Writers Feature News Editor 6 week of February 20, 2008 Opinions & EDITORIALS T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e

The Xavier University Newswire Copyright 2008 Circulation 3,000 Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Patrick Stevenson Managing Editor Matthew Finger Business Manager Zach Nolden Advertising Manager Ellie Jaqueth Distribution Manager Skip Young Adviser Patrick Larkin Opinions & Editorials Editor: darren lacour Editorial Board: mfreke akpaninyie, andrew chestnut, madeline lafave Online Editor:andrew chestnut Photo Editor: erika bresee Copy Editors: amanda gregory, beth hesse, monica laco, madeline lafave, stephanie metz - s t a f f e d i t o r i a l -

Stagnant system — L E T T E R S T O T H E E D I T O R — Over the past few months, we’ve gained a lot of respect for Xavier’s Student Government Association. We’ve begun to fully appreciate how Safety Concerns Let Them Play much time and effort those involved in the organization put into their With the recent shootings around The intramural season is about needed to run the program and that work, and we honestly admire that. the country, I am concerned with to draw to a close, and I am a bit we have limited resources for the We’ve gained so much respect for SGA that we’ve actually starting the safety of Xavier’s campus. This disappointed. I am not trying to program, but I would like to see the defending the organization when we hear is a weapon-free campus, which make intramurals look bad, but number of games increase. Get the full story: there are some things that I found Also, I’m concerned about the students attack it. We think the student body “Scanlon wins is wonderful. To further enhance has a lot of negative perceptions about SGA security we are also not allowed disappointing. My basketball, out- officiating in intramural games. I disputed election” door soccer and football teams were don’t expect all correct calls to be that are unfair. So we’ve been trying to cor- p. to carry any fake weapons, like rect these perceptions as much as possible. 1 toy guns or swords. But recently scheduled to play three games this made since students are officiating, However, after these elections, defending SGA is going to be a lot I have noticed a student carrying a season. Older Xavier students have but I do think games would go more tougher than it was three weeks ago. fake lightsaber around. Who is to said that they played more games in smoothly if players could the It seems like the events that occurred over the past two weeks rein- say this is not real? This makes me past years. My indoor soccer team officials in some way, maybe by forced many of the negative perceptions the student body has of Xavier doubt the security of campus, if they experienced a different cutback. We being honest and by making calls University: can carry around a fake lightsaber, were supposed to play 20 minute that the referees miss. I appreciate “People in SGA are just in it for the résumé line.” then who is going to stop someone halves, but they were cut to 15 the referees’ time and efforts, and I “The election is just a popularity contest.” from carrying around a fake gun? minutes, a significant change in think we can make their jobs easier “SGA doesn’t represent the students.” Then who is to know that the gun is playing time. I understand that we and more effective. How do you argue that people in SGA aren’t in it for the résumé build- fake? I am just as afraid of getting have to work around the schedules ing when we just had an election where people fought tooth and nail over shot as I am of getting my limbs of O’Connor and the personnel Robert Marchi | ‘11 fancy titles? hacked off by a lightsaber. How do you argue that the election isn’t just a popularity contest when Abstinence is Not the Only Choice the major part of candidates’ campaigns is to hand out free stuff? Michael Lanner | ‘10 Is it a ridiculous notion to be- current presidential administra- How do you argue that SGA represents the students when only 9 per- lieve the insistence on abstinence tion attributes recent declines in cent—9 percent!—of the student body voted for the victorious executive Unnecessary brings more harm than good to teen pregnancies to the increased ticket? our community? I’ve been in the funding of abstinence education, We’re concerned. SGA didn’t enjoy the best perception in the student Additions Catholic school system all my life a nearly billion-dollar initiative. body before this electoral fiasco. But what does “the average student” I would like to start by saying and have suffered through countless However, researchers at Columbia think about SGA now? that in no way am I knocking our misleading lessons championing University and the Guttmacher We think this situation is completely salvageable, but that SGA should wonderful newly renovated library. the merits of abstinence based on Institute attribute 86 percent of the reevaluate their relationship with the student body. Instead of trying to But I would like to bring some the motto, “The safest sex is no decline to a greater and more effec- “serve” the student body, maybe SGA should try to “facilitate” the stu- attention to the oversized and un- sex.” What a dubious argument! tive use of contraceptives. Besides, dent body. necessary professor lounge. Condoms and other forms of where would Jesus be if abstinence Let us be absolutely clear about this. Few students on this campus work Professors aren’t spending their contraception are preventative worked 100 percent of the time? harder to make Xavier a better place than the students who serve on SGA. free time in the library. Do you measures meant to decrease the God works in mysterious ways. We are in no way questioning their effort or competency. think that they need a room that likelihood of pregnancy and the Catholic values obviously play We’re questioning the system. can seat 50 people? (Exaggeration spread of STDs. No, they are not an enormous role at Xavier. I am Isn’t there something wrong with a system that turns kind, decent and just for effect) But really? We have 100 percent effective, but they not trying to discredit or even dis- caring individuals into political monsters who resort to slimy campaign new plasma TVs, less seating and a serve a valuable public health need courage them. I am only advocating tactics during election week? HUGE area that never gets used! I and are by no means dangerous. the presentation of the whole truth. It seems like there is a massive of pressure on those students who serve think we have a wonderful library My seatbelt doesn’t guarantee my Contraception is a necessary public on SGA. And if they keep trying to “serve” over 6,000 students, we don’t and it offers amazing resources to safety in a car accident. I guess I health need and it is absurd to as- see this pressure dissipating anytime soon. aid in our learning. But really? shouldn’t wear that either. sume that just because I am handed So instead of “serving” the students, try providing more students more It’s hard enough to come up with Abstinence programs have their a condom, I’m more inclined to opportunities to get involved in the campus community. For instance, we tuition money; I hate to see it put failure rates too. A Northern Ken- become a sexual deviant. know that there are plenty of students who are concerned with Sodexho’s to waste. tucky study showed 61 percent service at Xavier. Perhaps instead of sending a few senators to tackle the of college students that signed Richard Head | ‘10 issue, senators should be in charge of generating petitions and organizing Tom Skiba | ‘08 virginity pledges broke them. The other concerned students. Maybe the best way to serve the students is to help mobilize them. An Open Letter to the Commuter of the Month Now, more than ever, SGA needs to be accessible to the student dition, I have a confession to make: body. Many of you have no doubt to at Xavier seems to know. noticed the prestigious parking spot Because of these inconsistencies I’ve been parking in your spot all in front of Kuhlman Hall reserved I have come to the conclusion that the time. Mostly just at night, since for the Commuter of the Month. may shock some of you out there: I figure if you do exist you’ve al- Apparently the Commuter of the there is no Commuter of the Month. ready commuted back to your home The Newswire sends our thoughts and Month is held in such high regard Maybe a Xavier official came up by then. Are you OK with that? Can prayers out to the students, faculty, staff and here at Xavier that his or her park- with the idea, had a sign made and I have the spot when you don’t need ing spot is one spot closer than that forgot the whole affair. Maybe the it? Can we be friends? families of Northern Illinois University of the Vice President. However, person in charge of choosing the P.S. To the Vice President, is it have any of you readers actually Commuter of the Month died and cool if I park in your spot sometimes seen this elusive Commuter of the was never replaced. Any way you at night and on weekends? Because On the Web: http://www.xavier.edu/newswire Month? Or have any of you com- look at it, it seems that the Com- I do. I mean, you shouldn’t work too late anyway, it’s bad for you. The Xavier Newswire is published weekly statements and opinions of a do not nec- muters been able to apply for this muter of the Month exists only in throughout the school year, except during vaca- essarily reflect those of editors or general staff. position? Do you apply to be the our hearts and minds. You work hard and deserve to be tion and final exams, by the students of Xavier Subscription rates are $30 per year or $15 per at home spending quality time University, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH semester within the USA and are prorated. Commuter of the Month, or are you If I am wrong in this conclusion 45207-2129. Subscription inquiries should be directed to hand-picked by a secretive council and you do exist, elusive Commuter with your family on nights and The staff editorial is written by a different staff Patrick Stevenson, 513-745-3607. weekends. member each week and does not necessarily reflect Advertising inquiries should be directed to Ellie of Jesuits? Why isn’t a picture of of the Month, please contact me. I the sentiments of the entire staff. It is also not the Jaqueth, Advertising Manager, 513-745-3561. the Commuter of the Month posted am extremely curious to find out P.P.S. To the Parking Enforce- sole responsibility of the Opinions and Editorials One copy of the Xavier Newswire, distributed ment, please don’t ticket my car. editor to write it. on campus, is free per person per week. Additional on the MYXU Portal along with the who you are and how you were cho- The statements and opinions of the Xavier copies are 25 cents. ‘Person of the Week?’ These are sen for such an impressive honor. Newswire are not necessarily those of the student Xavier University is an academic community Nick Clark | ‘10 body, faculty or administration of Xavier. The committed to equal opportunity for all persons. questions that no one I have talked Your story needs to be told. In ad- T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e Opinions & EDITORIALS week of February 20, 2008 7

ASK the EXPERTS Are you addicted? You may (or may not) be asking 7. Which of the following ad- Dr. Oliver Birckhead yourself, “Do I care too much about jectives have you used to describe Director, McGrath Health and Counseling Center sports?” Take Andrew Chestnut’s what you just witnessed during a short quiz to find out. sporting event? 1. The best TV sports commenta- • Cool (1) Question: Why isn’t the Health Center open on weekends? tor is... • Awesome (1) • Who cares? (1 point) • Unexpected (2) This is purely because of ex- Another thing to look at is • John Madden, because he • Old-school (3) pense, and what we would have that at Xavier, we have more makes it so easy to understand • Favre-like (4) to do to staff the Health Center physician hours than most what is happening. (-1 point) • AND ONE!!! (5) on the weekends. chools our size, including • Gus Johnson. (5 points) • Dominique-Wilkins-esque (8) If, for example, we extended an on board consulting psy- • John Madden, because mak- • Condemnable (10) the hours to Saturday, we would chologist and a gynecologist. ing fun of him is one of my • Solipsistic (18) have to hire people just to work Other schools are able to have pastimes. (7 points) on that day, since the rest of our more physician hours when 8. In my opinion, Xavier needs... staff is already full time. they have medical schools on 2. If asked what the Patriot League • A football team (2) As such, we would have to campus. is, I would respond... • Basketball tailgating (8) raise the Student Health and If students need to get in • An NCAA Conference (4) • A less apathetic student sec- Counseling Fee, which we contact with a physician after- • A group of Revolutionary War tion (3) haven’t raised for two years hours, they may call campus reenactors (-3) • A better mascot (-5) because we’re trying to be an police, who will then contact inflation fighter on behalf of the the physician, who can let the 3. ___ sounds like something I’m 9. At Xavier basketball games, I students. students know about self care- most likely to ask: wear: Most doctors’ offices aren’t options to tide them over until • “So, who’s bringing Bend It • A blue shirt (3) open all the time anyway, save the Health Center reopens on Like Beckham tonight?” (0) • A light-purple/brown shirt (4) some pediatricians and other Monday. • “Now, where did LeBron • Whatever I have on (-17) huge practices. James go to college?” (1) • Very itchy blue paint (20) newswire Photo by erika bresee • “How long has the dropped third strike rule been in ef- 10. I would pick ____ to be my fect?” (4) Godfather: • “What do you mean you won’t • Archie Manning (4) give me Shaun Alexander for • Woody Paige (10) Cupid’s costly curse Larry Fitzgerald? Are you • Andy Dick (-22) crazy? What if I throw in Dal- • Dick Vitale (30) Hey everyone! I know it’s been guys made homemade cards every with hearts and arrows to wear for las’ defense?” (8) awhile, but hopefully you had a year, there would be a lot of singles. you as a gift and that’s all they got Bonuses... good Valentine’s Day. Mine was I’m sorry ladies, but if I go out and you? You’d be a bit upset. That is 4. I would die to see a ___ in For having YouTube-d Den- pleasant, but in the days approach- spend $6,500 on you, I’d better get like your boyfriend buying you a person nis Green’s “We let ‘em off the ing the holiday I noticed a pretty something more than a kiss. I’m not football for Valentine’s Day. You • Superbowl (1) hook!” tirade at least twelve times, amazing phenomenon: that Valen- talking about sex either because I would be pissed. • Notre Dame football game 12 points tine’s Day is sexually biased. don’t think sex is even worth I feel that a gift is some- (3) For being Mike Pierce, 50 In other words, Valentine’s Day that much. I wouldn’t pay thing that is supposed to • Duke/UNC game (4) points is enjoyed more specifically by girls $6,500 to have sex with be used by the person • Packers home game (5) than guys. I know—crazy. Angelina Jolie. receiving the gift, not • Bill Belichick press-confer- Less than 35: I guess it comes If you watched any Valentine’s I think that both peo- the giver (Of course ence blow-up (20) as no surprise to you that you Day commercials on television, all ple should get some- with the lingerie ex- • Spice Girls concert (-10) aren’t completely, and probably not the gifts were given by males and thing nice. Why can’t ample, one could argue remotely, interested in sports. Con- the recipients were always females. the commercials show that the guys is prob- 5. If I had $100 million, I would... gratulations on making it to the end I saw one Kay Jewelers commercial the opposite thing? Why ably just using the girl • Travel to various sports venues of what must have been a terribly where a husband gives his wife a can’t a girl go out and for what he wants, so around the country (3) boring and confusing quiz. box of jewelry and they of course buy chocolates and maybe the gift is fair • Buy Barry Bond’s homerun-re- 35-80: You are semi-interested, kiss while a little boy watches. Then jewelry for her man after all). mfreke cord-breaking baseball and let and possibly almost addicted, to the boy goes to his room and makes and then get a kiss In no way am I say- people vote on what I should sports, but you’ve still got some a fake box of “Kay Jewelry” and back in return? I know akpaninye ing I hate Valentine’s do with it (8) work to do before you go stumping gives it to his little girl crush. He “bling-bling” was popular back in Day, but changes need to be made • What are you talking about in the Schwab or anything. too gets a kiss. the day but I am pretty sure it is still in the kinds of gifts that are ex- the previous question? (-2) 80-200: You are officially ad- I’m not saying that it isn’t right to a nice gift for guys. changed. • Buy an NFL team (6) dicted to sports*. You probably show your love on Valentine’s Day, Another thing I have to point out Ladies, sometimes guys want • Buy an English Premier League make playoff predictions before but it needs to be more balanced. In is how some girls buy lingerie and to be taken out and bought nice team (14) the season starts, are a member of that commercial, I remember it say- underwear for Valentine’s Day to things. several fantasy leagues and your ing that the price ranged between wear for their lovers and think that’s So, next Valentine’s Day, try to 6. The most underrated sports two best friends are Mike Wilbon $499.99 and $6,500. $6,500.00!!! I a good enough gift. But what if get something for your man that movie is... and . And that’s know the saying that you can’t buy your boyfriend or significant other costs the same or close to some- • “White Men Can’t Jump” (1) just how you like it. love, but that’s got to be false. If bought some Valentine’s boxers thing you would want. • “Brian’s Song” (7) 200+: Please get help. • “Miracle” (4) • “Bill Durham” (8) *Not a medically-approved So It Goes by Matt Kroeger • “Love and Basketball” (-30) diagnosis 8 week of february 20, 2008 SPORTS T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e BRIEFS Seniors step up in statement wins Doug Tifft, Editor Sports Desk: 745-2878 Xavier rides senior leadership to close vistories; take control of A-10 [email protected] Doug Tifft have to have that savvy. There’s no Sports Editor teaching when it comes to that. You Bobinski added to There are many things that just know how to do it.” basketball purists point to as keys The following game at Charlotte selection committee to postseason success including: was Josh Duncan’s best perfor- Xavier Associate Vice President senior leadership, solid guard play mance of the year, and it came at and Athletic Director Mike Bobin- and strong defense, to name a few. the best possible time, as Lavender ski has been selected to serve on the If Billy Packer and company nursed an ankle injury and Burrell NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball really know what they are talking was sidelined with foul trouble. Committee. about, then the Xavier Musketeers It was in this game that Dun- His five year term on the com- are shaping up for a deep postsea- can truly evolved into a dominant mittee will begin on Sept. 1. son run. force, the likes of which the Xavier Bobinski will be one of the 10 The Musketeers are led by coaches had been hoping the 6’9” members on the committee, which seniors Drew Lavender, Stanley forward would become all season. consists of athletic directors and Burrell and Josh Duncan. He was 7-7 from the field, commissioners of Division I mem- Their leadership is usually called including 5-5 from three point ber institutions and conferences, upon in tough road games, such as range, on his way to a career-best and oversees the administration of the ones Xavier faced recently in 25 points. the NCAA Division I Men’s Bas- wins over Saint Joseph’s, Charlotte “The emergence of Josh Duncan phto courtesy goxavier.com ketball Championship, including and Rhode Island. has really taken our team to another Josh Duncan has hit his last 15 attempts to lead the Musketeers the selection, seeding and bracket- In these situations the seniors, level,” Miller said after the 62-60 to two ctricial victories over Charlotte and Rhode Island. ing of teams for the tournament. namely Josh Duncan, stepped up victory. The committee also serves as to guide the team to last minute As Xavier prepared for Mon- floor to allow Burrell to assume his ponents to only 63.2 points per stewards for the good of the game, victories. day’s matchup with Rhode Island, natural position of shooting guard, game. monitoring and taking action as ap- Duncan earned Atlantic 10 they received word that they had the offense was running on all cyl- “The thing that knocks me out propriate regarding issues affecting Player of the Week honors after been ranked 10th in the Associated inders and the Musketeers were in about this Xavier team is their college basketball. he averaged 19 points and six re- Press college basketball poll, the control of the tempo. fierceness defensively,” Saint Jo- Bobinski will attend the first bounds in wins over Saint Joseph’s highest the school has been since The win displayed Xavier’s seph’s head coach Phil Martelli said and second rounds of the NCAA and Charlotte. a No. 10 ranking the second to last toughness, being able to go on the after falling to Xavier. “They’ve Tournament this season in Denver Saint Joe’s came to Cincinnati week of the 2002-2003 season. road to place where no visiting got a lot of Sean in them. He looks in order to learn the duties from an a game behind Xavier in the con- The ranking is due in large part team has won this season with mild-mannered, but he’s going to incumbent committee member. ference standings, and played like to the other two seniors on Xavier’s their star injured, and emerge with fight you, scrap you.” Bobinski, a 1979 graduate of an elite team, even in the absence roster, Lavender and Burrell, who a victory. The Musketeers will need to Notre Dame, came to Xavier in of top scorer Ahmad Nivens, who comprise one of the country’s best That toughness is exemplified clamp down this week as they will 1998 as athletic director, then in played only 15 minutes due to foul backcourt tandems. in no better way than the defensive host the high scoring Duquesne 2004 he moved to the position of trouble. The importance of the pair was effort Xavier brings to the floor Dukes on Thursday. associate vice president. At the end of a back-and-forth obvious in Monday night’s 81-77 every time. The Dukes are leading the con- In 2006 moved back into the battle featuring six lead changes, win at Rhode Island. Burrell has received some well- ference with an average of 84.1 position of athletic director, tak- Xavier needed a strong and-one by With Lavender plauged by an deserved attention for his defensive points per game, riding an up-tempo ing the dual position that he now Duncan, and a string of excellent ankle injury sustained during the excellence, which he displayed attack with balanced scoring. occupies. passes by Burrell and Lavender to second half of the Charlotte victory, again against Rhode Island in hold- The Muskies complete a tough set up a corner three pointer by B. J. Rhode Island controlled the pace of ing Rams’ second leading scorer week of games with a Sunday trip to Tearing up the Raymond to seal a 76-72 victory. the game. Jimmy Baron to two points on 0-7 Dayton to face the desperate Flyers, track Xavier head coach Sean Miller The Muskies struggled against shooting, yet the team as a whole who have lost six of their last nine pointed out Lavender’s value after an up-tempo style, and were stag- has bought in to an increased effort games, and badly need Sunday’s the game saying, “If there’s a de- nant against the Rams’ zone as Lav- on the defensive end. game to strengthen their case for a fining moment for Drew, it would ender played only 28 minutes. Xavier is second in the Atlantic bid to the NCAA Tournament. be that pass he threw to B.J. You When Lavender did return to the 10 in team defense, holding op- Where are they now: tyler grote Xavier’s all-time block list with 140 Staff Writer career blocked shots. “The Run,” Xavier’s 2004 jour- In the 2006-2007 season, Doell- ney to the Elite Eight of the NCAA man was selected to the Atlantic 10 Tournament, was the first period Conference First Team. in a long time where it was more So what ever happened to this socially acceptable to be seen in communications art major?

phto courtesy goxavier.com Cincinnati during March wearing For starters, he married his col- Junior Luke Beuerlein blue instead of black and red. lege sweetheart, Meredith Fendt, The Cincinnati Enquirer was last summer. The Xavier men’s and women’s actually giving the Musketeers the Beyond that, Doellman had one indoor track teams had strong front page and the Queen City was unsuccessful try at the pros and showings at the 2008 Atlantic 10 paying special attention to what was was not selected in the 2007 NBA Indoor Track meet at the Univer- stirring in Norwood. draft. sity of Rhode Island on Sunday, With the emergence of this He participated in the NBA’s Feb. 17. special and unique squad came the Orlando Pre-Draft Camp, but didn’t Senior Becky Clark led the emergence of a young freshman. seem to have what scouts were women’s squad with a school re- Justin Doellman provided Mus- looking for. phto courtesy webshots.com Justin Doellman has moved on to play professionally in France after a cord time in the mile of 4:53.76, keteer fans with a glimpse of what Not to worry, Justin Doellman is great career at Xavier. placing her fourth in the event. to expect in his next three years. still on the hardwood. Her teammate, freshman Chris- This 6’9” forward was uncon- He’s a member of the Cholet tina Schneider, turned in a career ventional in the sense that he was basketball team in France; a part Doellman by the Digits best time of 17:53.26 in the 5,000 more prone to throw up a shot of the French Men’s Pro A division Justin Doellman is one of the most accomplished Xavier meter to earn third place. beyond the arc before going down in the National Basketball League players in recent memory. He is how his Xavier stats match up Sophomore Bethany Moore also low to post up in the paint. (LNB). against his professional numbers this year: recorded a career best, running the He was one of two freshmen is set to play JDA 1,000 meter race in 3:00.72. starters on the 2004 squad that Dijon on the 16th of February. Season Rbs./gm. Asst./gm. Points/gm On the men’s side, Luke Beuer- made “The Run,” the other being They are struggling a bit as they lein placed seventh in the mile with Justin Cage. are currently in eighth place out Xavier 2003-04 3.6 1.7 7.3 a time of 4:18.89. He played in a combined total of of the 16 Pro A teams. Doellman 2004-05 6.0 2.8 10.9 Also, junior Clinton Womack 132 games and started his last 123 played just 13 minutes in Cholet’s placed eighth in the 1,000 meter games in a row. last game in which they lost 71-69 2005-06 6.7 2.5 11.0 with a time of 2:32.60. He led the Musketeers in his to Strasbourg and went 0 for 5 in The teams have some time off senior year averaging 13.7 points the field. 2006-07 5.5 1.7 13.7 now, before a March 8 trip to Las per game and finished 17th on the Catch up with Doellman by Vegas for the University of Nevada Musketeers all-time scoring list. checking out Cholet’s website at France 2007-08 4.3 1.7 7.7 at Las Vegas Collegiate Classic. Doellman also finished third on www.cholet-basket.com. T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e SPORTS week of february 20, 2008 9 Women ride roller coaster to top Muskies drop one, then with victory to regain first in conference emily neubauer the next 4:10. XU started the game with a 6-0 Staff Writer Harris scored seven points dur- run and led the entire first half. The basketball season inevitably ing the stretch and capped the run The Musketeers shot an impres- has its ups and downs. with a driving lay-up with 2:40 left sive 55.2 percent for the first half The tumultuous ride of the in regulation. and finished 50 percent for the Xavier women’s 2008 season has However, UD’s Karah Cloxton entire game. seen a recent upswing, as the lady hit a contested 3-pointer with 1:56 Harris added 16 points on 6-of- Muskies have won seven straight to go as UD reclaimed the lead it 10 shooting. games and individual players were would not surrender. Combined, Phillips and Harris receiving various accolades head- Along with one loss this week , blocked 10 shots. ing into a matchup with Dayton on there was also one victory. Junior forward Tudy Reed scored Thursday. On Sunday, Xavier defeated 14 points and had a clutch and-one The ride went slightly downhill, Charlotte with a final score of 71-62 down the stretch. however, when Xavier fell to Day- at Cintas Center. Taylor was the fourth Musketeer ton by a mere one point, 44-43. Freshman standout Phillips re- in double-figures with 11 points The odds were good heading corded game-highs with 21 points and she also tied a career best with into the match up. and 14 rebounds. five assists. XU had won the previous nine The double-double was Phillips’ With the crucial win, XU im- games against Dayton, but this year 14th of the season. proves to 18-7 on the year and Dayton had the better record. Unlike the game against Dayton, works back into a tie for first place With the victory, the Flyers Xavier dominated from the start. in the Atlantic 10 Conference. improved to 20-5 while the Muske- teers fell to 17-7 on the season. Sophomore forward Amber Har- Oxford Apartments ris scored 11 points and snared 14 rebounds for the Musketeers, while 1005-07 Dana Ave. freshman center Ta’Shia Phillips scored 14 points and added 10 ™ Free Heat & Water rebounds. ™ Walk to Campus Harris was 7-12 from the floor photo courtesy goxavier.com ™ Cable/ Dial Hook-up and the double-double was Phillips’ Junior guard Jerri Taylor had 11 points and three rebounds in Xavier’s ™ Air Conditioning 13th of the season. ™ Parking Junior guard Jerri Taylor added win over Charlotte. eight points and buried a pair of three point field goals. 9:20 stretch to jump out to a 20-15 Xavier trailed by 10 points, 40- Now Leasing The Musketeers started out cold, lead with 2:10 remaining in the 30, after Dayton’s Kenel Ross made $405 and up failing to make their first seven at- first half. a 3-pointer. http://www.apartmentsincinti.com tempts from the floor. But 14 minutes into the decisive Harris and Phillips would get Manager: Art 513-961-3786 Offense eventually heated up second half, the Musketeers began the Musketeers back in the game, Office: 513-474-5093 as XU rallied for a 15-3 run over a to fall. leading the way for a 13-1 run over Classifieds For classified orders and information, call Zach Nolden at513-745-3561 or email him at [email protected] Xavier Professor looking for daytime babysitter to For Rent Help Wanted care for two young children in Madeira. 8 miles from Houses For Rent. 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses available for this PT instructors needed for Science Center. Call 396-5578 for details. campus. Flexible. Email [email protected] winter, next summer and next school year, 2 blocks from campus, Earn $$$$ this summer! Assistant Aquatic Director. City of Spring- Mother’s helper/nanny needed for Indian Hill family. 4 girls clean, fully equipped, off street parking, laundry, next to other stu- dale, OH. Responsible for assisting in the managmenet and operation 16, 13, 10, 7. Must be cheerful, responsible. 5/10 wk. Tue/Th. dent housing, please call 513-616-3798 or email [email protected] of the municipal swimming pool. Seasonal position begins in April Live with all your friends! Huge 4 & 5 BRs with large aft/eve. References req. Email: [email protected] and ends mid September. Duties include pre-season/post-season front porch overlooking yard for grilling out. Washer/ Earn $$$ while you tan. Enjoy the water? Working outside? Inter- pool preparations, hiring and supervision of aquatic staff and organi- Dryer on premise and free parking included. Easy walk/ ested in teaching? The City of Springdale, OH is looking for mature zation of special pool related events. Knowledge of pool chemistry, bike to class. Call 673-4946 to set an appointment today. qualified, friendly and dedicated individuals to lifeguard. Great pay filtration and daily maintenance is essential. Current certification in Awesome 2 BR with walk out balcony overlooking yard. Huge scale of $7.75-$12.00 p/h DOQ. American Red Cross Lifeguard, Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor, CPR and First Aid. Salary range rooms with closets to spare. On XU shuttle line. On site wash- Standard First Aid and CPR or equivalents required. Certification in $4500.00-$6000.00 DOQ. Days, nights and weekends required. EOE er & dyer and lighted off-street parking. Call Scott at 673-4946 American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor preferred. Day, night Apply at the Springdale Parks and Recreation Dept., 11999 Lawn- 3/4 bedroom- Norwood. Walk to Xavier. Water paid. Coin op laun- and weekend hours available. EOE Apply at the Springdale Parks view Ave. Springdale, OH 45246 or download an application from dry. $850 per month. $450 Deposit. Call Mike @ 513-300-2392 and Recreation Dept., 11999 Lawnview Ave. Springdale, OH, 45246 the web site www.springdale.org. For more information call Sharon This is a fabulous place to live. Close to school! Amberly Vil- or download an application from the web site www.springdale.org. lage! Studio with a full bathroom very art deco! Huge stone Casselman, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, at 346-3910. fireplace about 600 square feet. Garage space if needed - place FUN and Rewarding Summer Job Opportunities in Cincinnati! En- Children’s Day Camp Summer Staff. Cincinnati Nature Center to do your laundry. Great Kitchen!!! Please call 520-3888 joy the outdoors while leading and teaching children recreation seeks Children’s Day Camp Summer Staff. Details: http://www.cin- activities as a summer day camp counselor. Weekdays 9:30 AM- cynature.org/cnc.asp?n=jobs-summer or call 513-831-1722 x127.  3:30 PM. Positions include: archery, drama & singing, maintenance,  male group conselors, rifle, swimming instructors (current life Perfect Summer Baby-Sitting Job for Student: Begin June 2nd, 15-  guarding required, WSI preferred), team sports and other activ- 20 hours per week, starting at 3:00 PM, Mon-Fri. Pick up our son ity leaders. Camp Session: June 23-August 1st. Pre-camp work at summer camp and supervise till we get home. Must have own  available in May; staff training on 5/24 & 5/31 on Saturday & eve- car, salary negotiable. Contact Hal at [email protected]  ning 5/30. cincinnati location near Winton Woods. Call Camp Wildbrook 513-931-2196 or email [email protected] Travel Energetic, fun person to watch & escort 2 kids(7 & 11 Spring Break 2008. Sell Trips, Earn Cash and Go Free. Call for group yrs) to summer activities 3 days a week, references and discounts. Best Deals Guarenteed! Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, good transportation needed. email [email protected] Bahamas, S. Padre, Florida. 800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.com.

  For more coverage of Xavier sports,  and in-depth coverage of men’s basketball  check out the Sports at:  xavier.edu/newswire 10 week of february 20, 2008 Arts & Entertainment T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e BRIEFS Spice up your life Emily Hoferer, Editor Arts & Entertainment Desk: katie rosenbaum Campus News Editor 745-2878 I admit it, I was obsessed with [email protected] the Spice Girls. I had the CDs, post- ers, Barbie dolls and T-shirts. I ran around saying “Girl Power,” and Kumar goes to GSC even dressed up as Baby Spice for Halloween in fifth grade. Join the College Democrats and My first concert was the Spice Students for Obama for an exciting Girls, so when I heard they were re- uniting and coming to Chicago, my event: Nick Cannon and Kal Penn home city, I was beyond excited. will be speaking from 4:45-5:45 Yes, I bought their greatest hits p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21 in the CD, which was basically a combi- Gallagher Theater. Doors open at nation of their two hit albums. I also 4:15, so come early and get a seat. still know all the lyrics. My friends went to the concert with their Spice Girls T-shirts. But Noodles as a rule I do not wear a band/ group’s shirt to their concert (be- ing there already indicates that I Take a break from studying and am a fan), so I decided to skip out get a late night snack. Noodles on the shirt. and Company will be feeding the However, I was in the minority. masses along with Rice Krisp- Many girls there had already bought ie Treats. The snack will take or made Spice Girls shirts for the place at 10 p.m. on Thursday, Xavier ornament $9.95 concert. Even more surprising was the number of girls who dressed up photo courtesy abcnews.com Feb. 21 in the GSC Theater. Free The Spice Girls costumes, designed by Roberto Cavalli, are changed a total of four times. Xavier colors lei $3.95 as the Spice Girls as we remember to XU students with All Card. them: tacky dresses and obnoxious even have the same “dance” moves. vidual stars. Their individual songs really have that few hits?) the con- platforms. I still remembered the moves to sounded worse than a Paris Hilton cert ended with “Mission Accom- Late Night Movie Xavier silver Seriously? Did you really dress “Stop” from their last concert and single. Victoria Beckham didn’t plished” written on the screen. up like the Spice Girls for a con- videos along with about 70 percent even sing during her “song,” she I guess they did accomplish coffee mug $9.95 cert? I’m sure the Spice Girls do of the other girls there. They have just strutted down the stage. their mission. The Spice Girls still The GSC Classic Movie for the not need reminding of what they updated their wardrobes, but not Besides these solos and a few know how to dress, use props and month of February is “Happy looked like in the 1990s. their moves. forgettable new songs, the Spice entertain crowds. Gilmore.” Show time is at 11 The Spice Girls were entertain- They may not be able to dance, Girls performed all of my favorite I realize that the Spice Girls are ing and full of energy. They really but as a group they can still deliver songs, including “Wannabe,” “Say not musicians or even artists, but p.m. Feb. 21-Feb. 22 in the GSC have not changed in the past 10 pop hits. You’ll Be There” and “Holler.” as performers they still know what Theater. The movie is free to years. However, I can now understand After playing “Spice Up Your their audience wants, what they XU students with All Card. They still sound the same and why they have not become indi- Life” for the second time (do they really, really want. -Paid Advertisement-

CommencementCommencement CallingCalling AllAll CountdownCountdown 20082008 Graduates!Graduates! The day you have all have been waiting for is almost here! Begin your prepara- tions! There will be a chance to get Sponsors your cap and gown, receive lots of cool Balfour Blue Gibbon free stuff, and much more!!! Career Services Center Chipotle Commencement Committee Wednesday, February 27th Wednesday, February 27th Division of Student Life and Leadership Follett Higher Education Group, Bookstore and and Frame Success Thursday, February 28thThursday, February 28th Jostens National Alumni Association 11:00 am to 7 :00 pm11:00 am to 7 :00 pm Office of the Provost P.F. Chang’s Gallagher Student CenterGallagher Student Center Registrar’s Office Senior Board Senior Legacy Fund Questions? Comments? Subway Contact ext. 3469 US Bank T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e Arts & Entertainment week of february 20, 2008 11 -Paid Advertisement- The writer’s strike is over! So when are are your favorite shows coming back?

March 17 How I Met Your Mother Two-and-a-Half Men

March 24 CSI: Miami

April 2 CSI: New York

April 10 The Office 30 Rock Scrubs ER

April 14 One Tree Hill

April 15 Law and Order: SVU

April 21 Gossip Girl

April 23 Law and Order ®

ABC and Fox have not set return dates for their line-up but they are expected to return sometime in April.

photos courtesy tv.yahoo.com, juniorcelebs.com,nymag.com New Releases The following discs are due for release on or after February 19...

Chris Cagle My Life’s Been A Country (Capitol/EMI Records) ... Jim Jones Harlem’s American Gangster (Koch) ... Allison Moorer Mockingbird (New Ling Re- cords) ... Janet Jackson Discipline (Island) ...Mike Doughty Golden Delicious (ATO Records).

OJ0208_046_G_BudLadies.inddThe 1 Newswire’s Suggested List of 2/13/08 12:10:24 PM Live Wires Possible Performers for a Spring Concert Wednesday, Feb. 20 Saturday, Feb. 23 Thrice $17.50 Larry the Cable Guy $44.75 -Gnarls Barkley -Everclear @ Bogart’s @ Taft Theatre -Counting Crows -Chris Rock Saturday, Feb. 23 Saturday, Feb. 23 Scarface $20 Wayne Brady $20 -The Goo Goo Dolls -Dmitri Martin @ Annie’s @ Grand Victoria -Third Eye Blind -Red Hot Chili Peppers -Guster (again!) -Barenaked Ladies -Mat Kearney -Jimmy Eat World We don’t need elections, super -Sarah Bareilles -Incubus delegates or hanging chads. -Gin Blossoms -Colbie Callait -Duncan Sheik -Black Eyed Peas www.xavier.edu/newswire -Hanson -Oasis -The Knack -Matt Nathanson -Fiona Apple -The Strokes 12 week of February 20, 2008 CALENDAR T h e X a v i e r N e w s w i r e wednesdaY February 20 Calendar City By Briana Hansen. To place an item in the calendar, mail to [email protected]. What better way to celebrate Thursday a significant birthday weekend Sunday than with a “Holy Power Hour” Every day is paradise in the world February 21 sponsored by Life After Sunday February 24 If you think my Snoop-a-loop is at 8 p.m. tonight in Bellarmine Don’t Tell Anna, Xavier’s Pre- I create in my head! Snoopy:The most fantastic funny, you must have a horrible Chapel? It’s like a party! Parties miere Improvisational Comedy Boy, I sure am glad nobody creature in all of dog history. sense of humor and should not go are fun! I want to be invited to one Group, will be having a show in reads this column! see “Happy Gilmore” at 11 p.m. someday...maybe someday... Kelley Auditorium.This show is I feel so free to write what- It is so much fun having so in the GSC Theater. entitled “The Silly Show” because ever nonsense I want to what- much color surrounding me! I Snoopy was a beautiful crea- the DTA-ers are promising to be ever make-believe characters I feel like I’m Dorothy and I’ve ture. He was like an artist that extra silly at the performance create. just stepped into the land of Oz was way ahead of his time. He tonight! They’re always funny, It’s so much fun to live in a and I’m holding Toto and we are was too modern for your feeble, but this night they’ll be funny and fantasy world! (Much better than scared but we are excited for our unprogressive minds. He was silly! The shows are always free this uptight land of reality...) new adventure because we have the masterpeice that could only with a money-back guarantee. a feeling we will meet new friends be truly appreciated by more Tuesday and learn about ourselves in the intellectually advanced minds of process. the future. February 26 My Toto breed wouldn’t be a He was truly beautiful. I’ll bet every party is like a Janet There will be a Barely Legal Yorkshire Terrier like he was in Teens Improvisational Comedy Reno dance party! the film. My Toto would be my show tonight at 9:30 p.m. in Kelley Snoopy who was my Beagle/Ter- Auditorium. The show is free! rier/Cow/Manatee mix who was Saturday Whatever happened to Alanis my first and most beloved dog. Morisette? She was so big for so He was the greatest dog that February 23 long...heck she even played God ever lived. Maybe I can ease into the What a wacky girl! I’ll bet she’d in a film! She was huge! Where Ever. party scene. I’ll start with a live really enjoy Don’t Tell Anna! did she go? She spoke to my soul. I will personally fight anyone music concert...like live music She made me feel like a strong and who disagrees with me. at Ryan’s Pub tonight at 9 p.m. powerful woman...just like a good Bring it on. Monday movie on “Lifetime.” Oh, Alanis. Like the Grosse Fuge, Snoopy’ll be Maybe afterwards I’ll share some February 25 appreciated by future generations. local beverages with friends. Perhaps someday I’ll work my Dear Dr. Smith, way up to a crazy theme party. I hope you have enjoyed my Friday The craziest theme party would column thus far. I would like to February 22 be something like a “Princess inform you that this weekend, I This weekend is quite a week- Rave” where the girls have to have heard rumors there will be end for birthday celebrations. If dress up like Princesses, the boys parties at students houses in Nor- you happen to celebrate a birth- treat the girls like Princesses, wood. Since I, too, am anti-fun, I day yesterday and will be cel- and everyone dances like crazy was wondering if you could help ebrating said birthday the entire all night long. Too bad there’s me dampen the cheerful spirits of There is absolutely no similarity weekend with your roomate/soul nothing like that going on any- Xavier students. Together, we can All I really want...are some voice between this creature and my dog. sister, cheers to you pookums. where on or off campus today. crush them. Thank you. lessons. Ah-hiyayayayaaaaaaa. - Paid Advertisement -