Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2008-02-20 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2008). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 529. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/529 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. What’s up with Justin Dolleman? Spice up your life Check out the latest installment of Where are they The Spice Girls hit Chicago last week, and long-time fan now?, and find out where he is playing Katie Rosenbaum was there to recount the concert Sports, pg. 8 Arts & Entertainment, pg. 10 week of XAVIER NEWSWIRE Februrary 20, 2008 Volume XCIII, Issue 19 Published since 1915 by the students of Xavier University www.xavier.edu/newswire Controversy taints SGA election Xavier to Scanlon wins 51.3 to 48.7 percent Election problems include improper increase despite sanction; Gamboa appeal denied votes, early poll closing, student apathy tuition PATRICK STEVENSON New costs will not Editor-in-Chief affect upperclasses The new triumvirate of the Xavier Student Government As- KELLY SHAW sociation will enter office amid a Senior News Writer maelstrom of controversy, voting Tuition rates were increased irregularities, campaign violations last December, making a year at and disappointing voter turnout. Xavier $26,250. The victorious trio, President- Approved by the university’s Elect Craig Scanlon, Legislative Board of Trustees, the 2008-2009 Vice President-Elect Carter John- budget will increase a full-time son and Administrative Vice Presi- student’s tuition by $795 per se- dent-Elect Josh Badall defeated mester. Juniors will not have to Esteban Gamboa, Chris Hale and endure the rise in costs, as the new Bianca Callejas by a vote total of rates will only apply to those stu- 593-554. The Scanlon ticket was dents who enrolled after the 2005 docked 30 votes for violating the spring semester. elections code. Room and board will also be The elections code violation, increased by approximately $100 which has become a hotly con- for on campus housing and $50 for tested issue within SGA, occurred meal plans. on the morning of Sunday, Feb. Administrators claim the tu- 10, when, as part of an SGA and ition rates will not deter students This sign went unheeded by 82 percent of the student body. NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY ERIKA BRESEE X-treme fans event, the Scanlon from applying and staying at Xavi- ticket, clad in their yellow cam- er. Instead, they believe increases paign T-shirts, distributed Red Feb. 18, and after tense delibera- clocks. This statement contradicts cent of them voted for you,” said needed for the future success of Bull and pizza to students entering tion, was denied. claims made by several students an SGA official who spoke with the university. the men’s basketball game in Cin- The appeal was only one of that they were unable to vote in the Newswire under condition of “This year’s general increase tas Center. several irregularities the election during the anonymity. “I’m worried that this in tuition, which continues to be According to The Board of that marred the SGA For the last 15 minutes of the voter turnout represents a serious significantly below the average for disconnect between SGA and the Elections Chair Katy Baldwin, elections. Newswire’s voting period. Jesuit and regional independent this was “apparent and perceived The closing time of Yet another glitch student body.” reaction to colleges and universities in the campaigning,” as many of the stu- the polls also caused in the electoral process However, none of these issues Midwest, is necessary to continue dents entering the game assumed some controversy. the election was the ability of many have drawn as much negative at- to affirm our vision and provide that the pizza and energy drink dis- Many students have story, see non-students, specifi- tention as the campaign violation [students] with a solid and mean- tribution was part of the Scanlon complained that the Op-Ed, pg. 6 cally recent graduates perpetrated by the Scanlon ticket. ingful education,” said Roger For- ticket’s campaign. polls closed at 6:45 p.m. and transfer students, Baldwin repeatedly stressed that tin, Academic Vice President and Gamboa, Scanlon’s opponent on Feb. 12, 15 minutes to cast votes in the elec- the members of the Board of Elec- Provost. in the election, felt that the 30 vote before they were scheduled to. tion. This was brought to the atten- tions had spent two hours discuss- Fortin cited faculty enhance- sanction was too light of a punish- Baldwin said that the polls did tion of SGA officials by Newswire ing the appropriate penalty for the ment, expansion of technology and ment, and appealed the Board of in fact close at 7 p.m., and that any staffers during the voting period, violation, and that she was confi- educational services, renovations Elections decision. The appeal was discrepancy in the poll closing and steps were taken to assure no dent that the punishment was ap- TUITION | pg. 3 heard before the Student Senate on time resulted from unsynchronized illegitimate votes were counted. propriate. Voter turnout was also disap- “This vote should not go to the Tuition costs compared to pointing. Only 1,198 students cast Senate,” said Baldwin early in the surrounding schools: Bigger budget may their vote online, which Senate public forum. Coordinator Jennifer Downing Several senators expressed con- deemed “horrible.” The total voter cern that granting the appeal would 2007-08: $14,850-17,288 bring better bodies turnout was barely double the vot- effectively overrule the vote of the 2008-09: $15,740-18,290 XAVIER er turnout for the freshmen senate student body. However, Sen. Kris- elections this fall. ten Vennekotter drew heated criti- DAYTON cism from a student in the public The low voter turnout means 2007-08: $16,775-18,165 that the Scanlon ticket will be en- forum when she asked “Why are tering office with the support of we even voting on this decision? only nine percent of the Xavier What does it matter?” y student body. Katie Bissell, a freshman, chal- C 2007-08: $9,099 “It’s tough to claim that you lenged this statement, and received Per Tri-mester: $6,066 represent the student body of applause from the public forum for U.Cin Xavier when less than 10 per- doing so. MARQUETTE “There were at least 20 students ©2008 at the public forum and 10 or so 2007-08: $18,472 THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE All rights reserved stayed for the debate and decision, despite having to wait while stu- dent government handled clubs’ NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY ERIKA BRESEE business. It matters. The Senators OH I, 2007-08: $20,043 The university may be taking steps to improve O’Connor Sports M who sat and voted at that table are IA Center for next year by adding more affordable personal trainers Fax (513) 745-2898 our students’ voices,” said Bissell. M and two trained interns to improve safety and education. Find out Advertising (513) 745-3561 Per semester, including tuition, more on Campus News, pg. 3 Circulation (513) 745-3130 ELECTION | pg. 3 Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 housing and meal plans FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUM 2 week of FEBRUARY 20, 2008 CAMPUS NEWS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE Professor Profile: Dr. Mack Mariani MICHELLE ROSMARIN How about your least fa- Which famous person If you weren’t teaching Staff Writer Do you have any advice vorite thing about Xavier? would you most like to what would you like to be for your students? I can never get my printer meet? doing? Woody Allen said that “90 to work. Fr. Mi- I’d like to be a writer. I worked percent of success is just show- chael Gra- in politics for years and I don’t ing up.” Is there one movie you h a m b u t want to do that. I’d like to try my could watch over and over I’ve already hand at writing. There are a lot again? met him. I of good jobs available for people “ T h e don’t know, who know how to write well. Dr. Mack Mariani is an as- Great Es- I’m not re- sistant professor of political sci- cape” with a l l y o n e Is there anything else ence. Though he has only been Steve Mc- for fame. you’d like your students to here since 2007, Dr. Mariani Queen. I I guess I’d know about you? has positive things to say about What is the best job you could watch like to meet I’m the Xavier University being a professor, the students can get in political sci- that every Craig Ferguson, the guy on wing-eating champion of 2007! and, of course, the Ryan’s Pub ence? d a y a n d “The Late Late Show.” That’s my favorite moment here hot wings. A college professor probably! never get bored. A close second is so far— beating Bill Gorman in There are a lot of good jobs, I “Superbad,” What’s your favorite the wing- What degrees do you think political science prepares a n d a l s o part about political sci- e a t i n g have? you to write, to think, to ana- “Seems Like ence? contest.
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