
Need a new Trade and Business Licence? Need to renew a Trade and Business Licence? APPLY ONLINE! Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Issue No 453 Complimentary Ladies, you deserve a weekend trip to TAMPA

949-2311 |

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Another Fantastic Pirates’ Landing  COMMUNITY — A2

National Community Enhancement Project Winter 2019


 Pirates! Full story on page A3 >>

Dengue Update: Seven new cases of dengue A Community Budget  LOCAL NEWS — A7 By Ralph Lewis

Premier Alden McLaughlin and his Government presented the 2020/2021 budget on Friday in the hall of the Leg- islative Assembly titled “Delivering To- day’s Priorities; Meeting Tomorrow’s Challenges”. His Budget Policy Statement would be his last as Premier and sought to ad- dress amongst other things the strong Crown Dependencies and Overseas state of the economy and his legacy. Territories Lay Remembrance Speaking directly to Caymanian Wreaths at Cenotaph for First Time Times, the Premier listed the many achievements over the past six years and made special mention of the excel-  LOCAL NEWS — A8 lent executive team that make up the Cabinet and whom he was proud to lead throughout their accomplishments.

... Continued story on page A6 NY cabaret music night set to take the stage By Lindsey Turnbull

Back by popular demand, cabaret star New women’s healthcare facility KT Sullivan and her friends are all set to showcases services wow event-goers once more with anoth- er New York cabaret music night, this time at the Westin Grand Cayman Seven  LOCAL NEWS — B1 Mile Beach’s Governor’s ballroom. Organised by Cayman Arts Festival, the New York cabaret music evening will feature award-winning Broadway star KT Sullivan, along with Natalie Doug- las, another award-winning singer who is no stranger to Cayman, both ladies having performed in Cayman during the 2018 and 2019 Cayman Arts Festivals. At this upcoming event, to be held on 23rd November, they will be joined by Nicolas King who has been performing since the age of four. An accomplished performer before he even reached his ANTIGUA BANKS ON VENEZUELA FOR LIAT ... Continued story on page A8  Matt Baker COMMUNITY | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE A2 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 C�������� T���� National Community Enhancement Project COMMUNITY NOTICES Winter 2019 North Side Pump Station Work Water Authority – Cayman wishes to in intervals lasting no longer than ten hancement (NiCE) Project for 2019 will advise its valued customers in North (10) minutes. These works will be runThe for �inalthree Nationalweeks starting Community on Monday, En- Side, East End and Bodden Town of completed on Friday 15 November. 25 November 2019. possible low water pressure over the The Water Authority appreciates the “I look forward to my Ministry once next week. This is due to optimization patience and understanding of its cus- again delivering the NiCE programme work taking place at the Authority’s tomers and the public as it undertakes to help build stronger communities and North Side Pump Station. Works will these works, and apologizes for any in- support the most vulnerable, in keep- be conducted between 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. convenience this may cause.  ing with the Government’s broad policy outcomes,” said Minister for Commerce, Planning & Infrastructure, Hon. Joey  Minister for Commerce, Planning and Hew. Infrastructure, Hon. Joey Hew Seven new cases of “The project will also ensure that Cay- ensure that only those who qualify reg- ment,” he added. Dengue Dengue Update maniansThe Ministry, bene�it fromwhich a healthyran this environ- year’s will work up to three weeks, Mondays to NiCE Summer Project, will partner with Fridaysister,EDITORIAL organisers (7 a.m. to con�irm. 3 p.m.). | NiCE COMMUNITY workers NOTICES the Public Works Department (PWD), As well as organising the day-to-day as of 8 November 2019 the National Roads Authority (NRA) supervisionPAGE 2 of work duties throughout and the Department of Environmental the three-week project,Wednesday, CPI staff willOctober • Since18, 2017the last update| Issue on No 132 Caymanian Times Health (DEH) to deliver the programme. co-ordinate the logistics. The Ministry November 4, 2019, 25 ad- Finishing on Friday, 13 December, the will work closely with Workforce Oppor- ditional results have been project will also help beautify the island tunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) received from the Caribbean ahead of the festive season, as well as to ensure that those able to take up full- NPublicotic Health AgencyE (CAR-s providing upskilling opportunities and timeE workditorial opportunities after the pro- seven new wages for those who qualify. gramme are given every assistance. cases of dengue in the Cay- Registration for the 15-day project will The bi-annual initiative, as well as manPHA) Islands. Customscon�irming Registration of Importers begins be held at the Lions Centre on Wednes- tackling repairs and maintenance, will To• Ofhelp these importers seven startnew cas-using a system for entry declaration, the Department will day, 13 November, at 9 a.m. Late-com- again be clearing sargassum, if needed. startes, two registering patients hadimporters travelled starting Monday, 16 October 2017. ers will not be allowed to register. The NiCE workers will also be beautifying toThe a country registration with year-round is required by the implementation of a new online electronic session will also include orientation by cemeteries, parks, beaches, beach ac- systemtransmission for entry of declaration.dengue, Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands partner agencies, involving basic health cess and roadside verges. Customswhile �ive Department had no travel will his- implement the new system. This will require importers and safety, work skills and conduct NiCE application forms are now avail- tory, which suggests that per- to complete and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway training, before ending at 12 noon. Open ableEDITORIAL at district libraries | in COMMUNITY Grand Cay- son acquired NOTICES dengue within portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importers will be able to access the portal to unemployed Caymanians and spous- the Cayman Islands. es of Caymanians (18 years old and GovernmentPAGE 2 AdministrationWednesday, Building’s October through• This18, the brings2017 website the | total Issue number No 132of showing clinical symptoms that might Caymanian Times over), strict vetting will take place to receptionman, Tips and area MLA of in Of�ices, George the asWeekTown. well  as the For individuals who have not yet receivedpotentially training in be the dengue. use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. Motivational Tip However, before they can use COLS, importersThe will Public have toHealth be formally Department’s registered and recognised as an importer by Customs. The Power of Music Thisbercon�irmed 2019), will require to dengue nine each locally results individual transmitted (since to thecome inSurveillance and provide Unit Customs continues with torelevant deploy information including a government-issued �irst locally transmitted case in Octo- Do not underestimate the power and sixotic imported cases.Es systematic and enhanced surveillance N measures, working closely with gov- ofE music.ditorial Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. been distributed between East End, ernment and private sector physicians mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification,As a result, Customs e.g., driver’s will begin licence the or registration passport. Additionally,process starting it will Monday, be necessary 16 October for through companies 27 October and businesses 2017, from to provide8:30am and even help you to live longer. Just George• ToCustoms Town, date con�irmedWest Bay and cases Registration Bodden have to review reports of suspected of Importers dengue. begins Town. For more information, contact the ask some of our seniors who are still To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will Roberts• Since Drive the start(locally of theknown year as the Airport Cay- Road).Public Health Department on 244- playing music and dancing. They will startto 4:00pm registering Monday importers to Friday. starting Registration Monday, will 16 takeOctober place 2017. on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agree that music has added value to manHowever, Islands if hasthey sent miss a this total period of 116 to be 2648.registered, For advice Customs on mosquitowill continue control, to register importers during normal business The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic their life and also a few more years. hours.samples Although to CARPHA most to importers be investigated were previously contact registered MRCU on in 949-2557 the old system, in Grand it is necessary for all importers to be registered After a long stressful day, close your systeminfor the dengue. new for system.entry declaration. Once registered Effective with 1 Cayman,Customs, November or importers 948-2223 2017, the can on Cayman Caymanthen submit Islands Brac; entries electronically and do business with eyes turn on your iPod or CD player CustomsCustoms,• Of that Departmentwithout number, having 28will personsto implement attend were in person.the newand system.Department This will of requireEnvironmental importers toadmitted complete to andthe submitCayman entries Islands electronically Hos- Health to onCustoms 949-6696 using in theGrand new Cayman, gateway and just enjoy the mellowing sounds Cayman Islands Customs Management thanks importers for their cooperation and understanding and looks forward to portalpital and COLS Health (Customs City, OnlineCayman System). Islands Importersor 948-2321 will be in ableCayman to access Brac. the portal of music. If you have energy left you continued partnership. may even dance a jig. through the website LiveTips longer. of Live the happier. Week Live life to For individuals who have not yet received training in the use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. itsMotivational fullest with MUSIC. Tip However, before they can use COLS, importers will have to be formally registered and recognisedAir-Conditioned as an importer Storage by Customs. The Power of Music This will require each individualSea toGrape come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued Do not underestimate the power Units - Kingbird Drive of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. Available for Immediate identification, e.g., driver’sSecretarial licence or passport. Additionally, Services it will be necessary for companies and businesses to provide mend the broken heart, relieve stress As a result, Customs will begin the registration process starting Monday, 16 October through 27 OctoberRental 2017, from 8:30am  NiCE Winter Project 2019 starts later this monthand (Photo even by helpElphina you Jones, to live GIS) longer. Just Services: Work Permits, Trade and Business Applications ask some of our seniors who are still Roberts Drive& Renewal(locally known Annual as Airport Returns, Road). General Letters Various Sizes from playing music and dancing. They will to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.Please Registration call for other will servicestake place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agree that music has added value to However, if they missContact: this period Susan to be registered, Customs will continue to register importers80 sq. during ft to 190 normal sq. business ft their life and also a few more years. hours. Although mostCellular: importers were345 previously326-9953 registered in the old system, it is necessary Pleasefor all importers call: 326-3800 to be registered AfterHealth a long Tip stressful day, close your in the new system. Address:Once registered Unit with #2, Customs,Grand Plaza importers can then submit entries electronically and do business with eyes Drinkingturn on your alcohol iPod andor CD Blood player Customs, without having to attend (Opposite in person. Hi-Tech Electronics) or Notice Email: [email protected] and just enjoyPressure the mellowing sounds Cayman IslandsBusiness Customs Hours: Management 9am – 5pm, thanks Mon importers – Fri for their cooperation and Email:understanding [email protected] and looks forward to of Drinkingmusic. If youtoo havemuch energy alcohol left youcan continued partnership. mayraise even blood dance pressure a jig. to unhealthy Tree Trimminglevels.Live longer.Having Live more than three Live drinks life to itsin onefullest sitting with temporarilyMUSIC. increases your blood pressure, but repeated Air-Conditioned Storage North bingeSide drinking can lead to long-term Sea Grape Units - Kingbird Drive increases. Advertise Available for Immediate Old Man Bay . Rum PointHeavy . drinkersCayman who cut Kai back to Secretarial Services moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures Rental systolic blood pressure (the top Services: WorkMonday Permits, to FridayTrade and 9 am Business to 6 pm Applications l Specializing in Cosmetic Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners number in a blood pressure reading) & RenewalSaturday Annual Returns,10 am to General 5 pm Letters Variousyour Sizes from by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury l Dentures OverPlease Implants call l Athletic for other mouthguards services & night guards Contact: Susan 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood l Over 30 Yrs Experience l Denture Repairs while you wait! BaytownCellular: Plaza.345 326-9953 West bay Road pressureHealth Tip(the bottom number in a Address: Unit #2, Grand Plaza Please call: 326-3800 blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 Drinking alcohol and Blood Phone Repairs 943-2355 (Opposite | Hi-Tech Phone Electronics) Retail 945-2355 or mm Hg. Heavy drinkers who want to Pressure Email: [email protected] lower blood pressure should slowly BusinessEmail Hours: - [email protected] – 5pm, Mon – Fri Email: [email protected] reduceDrinking how too much much they alcohol drink overcan raiseone toblood two weeks.pressure Heavy to unhealthy drinkers levels.who stop Having suddenly more than risk three developing drinks insevere one sittinghigh temporarilyblood pressure increases for yourseveral blood days. pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term When and Where: During November and early December,If CUCyou willhave be conducting high blood pressure, aggressive tree trimming on weekdays between 9:00 a.m.increases. and 3:00 p.m. in North Side from Old Advertise avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only Man Bay to The Kaibo. inHeavy moderation. drinkers Moderate who cut drinking back tois Why: Due to excessive growth, the trees and vegetationmoderategenerally along North considered drinkingSide Road, Rum can to Point be:lower Drive their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures and Water Cay Road have become an imminent safety hazardsystolic to power blood lines andpressure (the top here l Specializing in Cosmetic Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners must be trimmed back immediately. number- Two in a drinksblood pressurea day forreading) men your younger than age 65 l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards & night guards CUC is obligated to and has a legal right in accordanceby with 2 the to Electricity 4 millimeters of mercury Law 2008, Rev. Section 22 (1) to trim or remove trees for(mm the- purpose Hg)One of anddrink their a day diastolic for men ageblood 65 l Over 30 Yrs Experience l Denture Repairs while you wait! maintaining sufficient clearance from the overhead powerpressure lines andat all (the older bottom number in a Fast, times. CUC is responsible for providing safe and reliableblood electrical pressure reading) by 1 to 2 Gardener service to Grand Cayman. To satisfy this responsibility, it is- One drink a day for women of Designer necessary to ensure that trees and other vegetation do mmnot obstruct Hg.any Heavy age drinkers who want to Cameraman or interfere with power lines or constitute an unacceptablelower source blood of pressure should slowly danger. A drink is 12 ounces (355 reducemilliliters) how of much beer, they5 ounces drink (148over Efficient, Who: CUC utilises two subcontractors, Utility Maintenanceonemilliliters) &to Construction two ofweeks. wine Heavyor 1.5 drinkers ounces (UMC) and Power Services Cayman Ltd. (PSCL), to performwho the stop necessary suddenly tree risk developing Caymanian Secretary trimming. These contractors use qualified linemen who(44 are certifiedmilliliters) arborists of 80-proof distilled severespirits. high blood pressure for Caymanian utilising professional tree pruning techniques to ensureseveral safe and days.effective tree trimming and to promote the healthy regrowth of trees. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times CaymanianIf you have high blood pressure, calories and may contribute to Times CUC asks for your cooperation during the upcoming weeks.avoid Please alcohol exercise or caution drink and alcohol due only Issue # 132 Driver diligence when driving in these districts and be on the lookunwanted out for the weight bright orange gain —“Utility a risk Work factor Issue # 453 Ahead” signage as there will be temporary lane blockagesinfor moderation.and high traffic blood management pressure. Moderate in place. drinking is Publisher: Ralph Lewis generally considered to be: Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ For further information, please contact our Customer Service Team at 949-5200 or via e-mail Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd here at [email protected]. - Two drinks a day for men Telephone: 345 916 2000 the effectiveness and increase the #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) Dive instruct side effectsyounger of thansome age blood 65 pressure Email: [email protected], Telephone: 345 916 2000 Director medications.- One drink a day for men age 65 or [email protected] and older Email: [email protected], notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Fast, or [email protected] - One drink a day for women of GardenerHairdresserDesigner any age Website: Cameraman A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary spirits. DesignerAffordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director medications. or [email protected] notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser Designer LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 PAGE A3

Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories Lay Remembrance Wreaths at Cenotaph for First Time Representatives of the Crown Depend- tary who laid wreaths on behalf of the encies and Overseas Territories have laid Intelligence Agencies. The three Crown Dependencies were Service of Remembrance at the Ceno- the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick taphwreaths (Sunday for the 10th �irst November time at the 2019). National of Jersey, and the Isle of Man. This year a representative from each The inhabited Overseas Territories of the three Crown Dependencies and represented were Anguilla, Bermuda, representatives for the inhabited Over- British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, seas Territories laid their own wreaths Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, in remembrance of their many contri- Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension butions in both World Wars and other and Tristan da Cunha, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Crown Dependencies and Over- Governor Martyn Roper said: seascon�licts. Territories have previously been “In January 1916 around 300 Cayma- represented by the wreaths laid by Her nians signed up voluntarily to the Brit- Majesty The Queen and the Foreign Sec- ish Merchant Navy. The Cayman Islands retary respectively. Government will now join the rest of the The change comes at an especially poignant time as this year marks the es made by those Caymanian recruits 100th Anniversary of Remembrance asUK theyfamily defended to commemorate our freedom, the sacri�ic- way of Sunday and has also seen the addition life and democracy. We must never take of other new wreaths, including from Nepal to honour the Gurkhas, and by the cluded in such an important ceremonial Foreign Secretary and the Home Secre- eventtheir is sacri�ices an honour.” for  granted. Being in- DCFS Sprint Ahead with Plans for Universal Children’s Day Race The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is holding a with prizes drawn at the end of the race. Universal Children’s Day 5K Run/Walk Organisersparticipants advisewill get thata free well-behaved raf�le ticket, Sunday, 24 November 2019, 6 a.m., at dogs on leashes are welcome and that Dragon Bay (formerly Safehaven). The water is going to be available during the theme of the family-friendly event is “I Have a Voice, Hear Me Roar” with all “Universal Children’s Day is observed funds raised going to local families in globallyrace and toat theimprove �inish. child welfare and need. to promote and celebrate children’s Open to all, the run/walk is being rights,” said DCFS Director Paulinda organised to celebrate the annual Unit- Mendoza-Williams. ed Nations observance, which falls on “The day also supports unity and Wednesday, 20 November this year. awareness among children and their Would-be participants are invited to communities. DCFS wants the children pre-register through www.caymanac- of the Cayman Islands to feel comfort- Alternatively, those want- able using their voices to share their ing to pay in person by cash can do so on Wednesday, 20 – at the main entrance of cally chose our Universal Children’s Day the Government Administration Build- 5Khopes, theme opinions to acknowledge and needs. their We speci�i-agency ing, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Registration costs and to highlight that their voices should $15 for adults and $5 for children (16 carry as much weight as adults,” she years old and under). added. Further race details, contact the DCFS ceive a complementary event T-shirt, all on 949-0290.  While the �irst 75 registrants will re- Advertise your Property Rentals here

Call 945 8463 / 9162000 or email [email protected] PIRATES WEEK PAGE A4 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 C�������� T����

 Waiting for the fun to start  The Pirates are coming! Another Fantastic Pirates’ Landing By Christopher Tobutt There was a quick skirmish, swords glinting in the afternoon sun, as the Everyone loves the Pirates’ Landing “Red Coats” tried in vain to stop the In- because it is when the pirates rule the vasion. But it was no good, and the wick- Cayman Islands for a week. In the old ed pirates came ashore with lots of loud days the idea of pirates ruling would roars and Arrrrrhs and even a few cries have been a nightmare, but of course, of “Shiver-me-Timbers!” being a pirate now really just means The Arrrhing and Timber Shivering having as much fun as possible, and that continued as they kidnapped the “Gov- was exactly what happened from the ernor,” (not the real Governor but some- moment that the two Pirates Schooners one who plays the part of the Governor). came ashore at George Town’s Hog Sty bay. ... Continued story on page A5

 Caymanite Synchronized swimmers and mermaids

 West Bay’s float

 “Arrrhhhh”

 The costumes were wonderful

 Time for the Pirates’ rule  Pirate- spectacular! PIRATES WEEK C�������� T���� Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 PAGE A5

 Mermaids ahoy on the floats  Part of the West Bay float Another Fantastic Pirates’ Landing ... Continued story from page A4 spiration has been Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean, and Captain Jack Spar- Then the fun exploded, as all the pirates row was there, as well as some Hector in their wonderful costumes let every- Balbossa, and a wonderful Davy Jones, one take photos. Oh and don’t forget the who came ashore underwater, appear- pirates in the crowd too. Moms and dads ing on the Beach, as if out of nowhere. and the little ones all had their day at be- Then it was time for the Float Pa- ing pirates, and it was great fun. rade, when all the districts heritage and Just before the Landing, there had been a demonstration of synchronized been working on for weeks. This year it swimming from the Caymanite Synchro- wasschools more show spectacular off the than �loats ever, they with have 22 nized Swimming Club, who gave a beau- tiful display, as four lovely mermaids tions of Cayman’s rich culture and herit- sat on the Harbour wall, splashing their age.different The �loatsWest Bayfull ofHeritage imaginative Committee depic- tails in the sea to watch. Dream Chasers, had put together a wonderful display of Cayman’s most energetic dance groups, many things; there was even a full-sized were chasing their dreams on the big stage set up nearby, and they were great. depicting Cayman shipwrecks. John A There is so much talent among Cayman’s Cumbermodel of School a donkey, had a wonderful and many display out�its youth. full of catboats, and national dress. Then One of Cayman’s top artists, Tansy there were all of Cayman’s royalty: the Maki was a beautiful and mysterious beauty pageant queens, including Miss Coral Lady and many people were tak- Teen, Miss Cayman Islands World, and ing photos of her, and her friend who Miss Cayman Islands Universe. Last but was another undersea goddess. There not least there was a big red truck from were other characters from movies too; the Cayman Islands Fire Service, full of of course one of the great sources of in- people waving to the crowd. 

 East End’s parade  Kadejah Bodden, Miss Cayman Universe

 International Pirates love coming to the Pirate’s Week GOVERNMENT WATCH PAGE A6 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 C�������� T���� A Community Budget “A perfect example of Fiscal Responsibility” ... Continued story from page A1 Care for the elderly will also be priori- tised. Here are a few of the achievements that he spoke of: ture will be upgraded in addition to pro- • Central Government Debt has been gressHe con�irmedon the Solid that Waste roads Management infrastruc- reduced from $586M in 2012 to $404m solution. – a reduction of $182M which will be In the past, we have heard concerns further reduced by $108M with the re- from our readers that the future looks bright for only a few while many in the • The total debt reduction is project- middle to lower income bracket contin- ed�inancing to be $290M of the overbullet the bond two terms ue to struggle with daily challenges in • No new taxes were added since meeting basic living expenses. 2013 and this budget does not include any new taxes being addressed and the Needs Assess- • Caymanian un-employment has mentThe Unit Premier will con�irmedbe provided that with this the is been reduced from 10.5% to 5% and necessary resources to assist with these 3,300 more Caymanians have been em- challenges where warranted. ployed The population level is now at 68,000 According to Premier McLaughlin, the and with the current trend, is expected future looks incredibly bright and would to increase by 4k to 7k over the next be brighter yet if the Port Project moves four years. ahead. The economy is strong, and they The strong economy and the attrac-  Premier Alden McLaughlin have decided to leverage that positive tiveness of the Cayman Islands will at- economic position by focusing on the tract businesses who will relocate or ex- Premier McLaughlin reminded the fabulous team of Ministers, other mem- needs of the community. pand operations in the Cayman Islands. Caymanian Times that his concept of bers of Cabinet and Civil Servants. This will not only provide employment ‘Good, Sensible, Prudent, Financial Man- For our readers we have chosen to ex- Education including the completion of for Caymanians but also increase the agement (GSPFM)’ resulted in the suc- pound on the main components of the theSigni�icant John Gray attention High school will and be improv- paid to need for expatriate workers with spe- cessful performance of his Government, Budget written by our Senior Journalist, ing the levels of student performances. cialized skills. made possible with the support of his Lindsey Turnbull.  Two-year Budget outlined By Lindsey Turnbull

In the Legislative Assembly last week, Premier Alden McLaughlin presented his Government’s two-year budget – the largest in the country’s history at more than $2 billion - covering the time frame from 1st January 2020 to 31st De- cember 2021. Here is how the budget might affect you. Traf�ic Government plans to extend the East-West Ar-

to Look Out in Bodden Town. This project has beenterial Road,brought �irst forward to Northward into this and budget then through period rather than being left until the next, as had origi- nally been planned.

... Continued story on page A7 BE INFORMED Cruise and Cargo Port Facility PUBLIC MEETINGS The conversation about whether or not to build a cruise terminal has been ongoing for more than 25 years. We now stand at a pivotal point and must choose which way to go. Come and hear officials from Government and Verdant Isle Port Partners speak about the project and have your questions answered. ALL MEETINGS START AT 7PM. TUESDAY 12th November Mary Miller Hall, Prospect & Red Bay THURSDAY 14th November Family Life Centre, George Town East, South & West SATURDAY 16th November Venue TBC, George Town, North & Central TUESDAY 19th November John A Cumber Primary School Hall, West Bay SATURDAY 23rd November Savannah Primary School Hall, Savannah & Newlands TUESDAY 26th November Bodden Town Civic Centre, Bodden Town East & West

TUESDAY 3rd December East End Civic Centre, East End October 18, 2019 THURSDAY 5th December North Side Civic Centre, North Side October 08, 2019

LEGEND Existing Cargo Port 2015 Design New Design N TENDER SUBMITTAL


SCALE: 1 : 2000 GOVERNMENT WATCH C�������� T���� Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 PAGE A7 A Community Budget ... Continued story from page A6 increase acted as a signal to private sector employers and as a stimulus to Home ownership wage growth elsewhere in the econo- Help is on hand for more young Cay- my. manian families to buy their own homes. Government is extending the current New investment Ministry This budget creates an appropriation home buyers that allows them to buy a for the new Ministry of Internation- propertyprovision up for to $400,000 �irst-time duty Caymanian free, and al Trade and Investment, Aviation and now allows all Caymanians wishing to Maritime Affairs. Premier McLaughlin, who is the Minister for this new entity, $400,000 duty-free, regardless of the said the role of this Ministry was out- valuepurchase of the a �irsthome. home to enjoy the �irst ward-facing, presenting a single front The Government Guaranteed Home door to potential investors in Cayman Assisted Mortgage programme, or GG- and ensuring that the jurisdiction was HAM, is set to be reinvigorated. This effectively plugged in to key existing and programme, run in conjunction with emerging markets. participating local banks, provides the Premier McLaughlin said it could be lending institution with a Government the focal point for future efforts to di- guarantee of up to 35 per cent of the versify the economy and to create new mortgage amount. This covers the re- opportunities that channel that pioneer quired down payment, as well as pro- spirit of Caymanian enterprise. In this vides some additional risk protection next budget period, the Ministry was de- for the bank. Government is also looking liberately starting relatively small. How- ter, more modern equipment. Taken as again at the ‘Build on Your Own Proper- ever, if the Ministry was as successful in the New Year. a whole, the new facilities will greatly ty Programme’ to help those individuals as he believed it could be, then it would gin on capping the existing land�ill early enhance the opportunities for training who own their land but need some help grow to be the powerhouse for the next Fair Employment and personal development for up to 150 qualifying for a mortgage. It’s also con- iteration of the Cayman economic mira- Opportunities Caymanians with special needs. tinuing to fund the work of the National cle, he said. Commission Housing Development Trust. Government will be legislating to Law and Order Government is looking to develop The dump create a new Fair Employment Oppor- The RCIPS will be viewed at the Min- a comprehensive, cross-government The main challenges in taking the tunities Commission. The Ministry is in istry level in Government terms rath- housing policy and is forming a special integrated solid waste management receipt of the initial draft Bill and has er than at the Department level. The inter-Ministerial committee to develop project forward had been resolved and been researching similar such commis- consequence of this is that the Deputy that. Its report is expected to be avail- Governor is inviting the Commissioner able in time to begin implementation through the 2022-23 budget and be- be part of his formal leadership team. yond. Thisof Police will to facilitate act as a Chieffurther Of�icer integration and to of the activities of the RCIPS with other Older people A package of concessions will be en- ment-wide approach to keeping com- acted to reduce the costs falling on older munitiesMinistries safer. for the bene�it of the govern- persons. Across government, 14 fees or The budget provides the funding nec- essary to complete the three-year com- waived for people over 65. The package mitment made to recruit 75 new police includesduties will reductions be signi�icantly in vehicle reduced licensing or fees, duty reductions for mobility scoot- of policing on to a neighbourhood ap- ers and wheelchairs and reduced post proach,of�icers in and addition to support to the the 11 refocusing Commu- for caregivers of older persons will be to work in the community, who are ci- reducedof�ice box import rental duties fees. Workfor older permit persons fees viliannity Safety members Of�icers of all who districts were assignedwho pa- coming through the airport will also be trol communities and identify areas and reduced. Government calculates that the issues of concern while helping bridge revenue foregone by government will the gap between the police and the com- total approximately $830,000. munity. The implementation of this new service continues to be funded through Seafarers, veterans, social this budget. assistance, long serving The RCIPS has acquired a new class of civil service pensioners state-of-the-art, fully-equipped vehicles. Their monthly income will rise by More will come into service in the com- $100 to $850. The budget provides for ing budget period. The budget provides a further $100 per month from January  Cayman Islands Government Administration Building for the full-year funding for the new po- 2021, lifting the monthly payment to lice helicopter and for the second heli- $950. Government and the Dart-led consorti- sions in other jurisdictions to provide copter that will arrive next month and Government has allocated approx- um preferred bidder for the project have further drafting instructions to Leg- extend further the capacity of the RCIPS imately $26 million per year to cover now begun to work together in concrete islative Drafting. It is anticipated that for operational policing, border security that cost in each of the next two years. terms while the contract negotiations the Bill will be submitted to the House and disaster management. are being concluded. There will short- Progression on the development of Civil servants pay increase ly begin a consultation on the terms of to provide for public consultation. The the new West Bay police station will also Government has allowed for a 5 per reference for an environmental impact Commissionwithin the �irst will quarter work across of the theNew whole Year take place. Funding has also been pro- cent cost of living increase for civil assessment for the new facilities to be economy and be empowered to look at servants with effect from 1st January, constructed under the project, including the treatment of Caymanians in all sec- against money-laundering and terrorist 2020. Premier McLaughlin said this the waste-to-energy plant. Work will be- tors and all levels. If there are barriers to vided for the RCIPS to help in the �ight the advancement of Caymanians it will hub creates new capacity to investigate be the Commission’s role to ensure they and�inancing tackle and cybercrime. the new digital forensics are eliminated. The budget includes a capital alloca- tion to fund the next stage of the court Vocational training house redevelopment project that will Funding provided in the current see facilities for the Court of Appeal budget is allowing the construction of a in the Government-procured Scotia dedicated apprentice training facility at building, a new six-story court facility the Public Works compound and the up- and a renovation of the existing court- grading of PWD’s electrical, plumbing, house to provide additional court- AC and carpentry workshops to make rooms. The budget also takes forward them suitable for apprentice training in the much-needed work on a new prison addition to their normal work use. facility to replace the existing male and Currently construction is on target female prisons at Northward and Fair- for completion by December with a fa- banks to provide modern facilities for cility opening and launch of Level 3 (Su- all types of offenders in a single location. pervisory) Training in January of 2020. This coming budget allocates funding to support the continued development of The �ire service will get replacement PWD's apprenticeship programme. By ties�ire trucksmore effectively. and new safety equipment to this time next year, the programme will enableThe new �ire�ighters Coastguard to carry service out theirwill also du- expand to 50 Caymanian apprentices in continue to move forward thanks to re- training including customized classes sources provided within the budget. Of for persons already working in the in- particular note is the capital allocation dustry who need to be up-skilled or cer- being made to purchase new vessels and to upgrade equipment in the new tise or to access emerging opportunities service. This investment is being made withinti�ied in the their sector. particular area of exper- in part as a response to the need for en- hanced border security. School projects Investments proposed in the coming The target opening for the new John budget period for Cayman’s new Cus- Gray High School project remains the toms and Border Control Service will start of the 2021 academic year with the continue the success of the changes al- potential for some of the new facilities ready implemented. Plans to introduce to come on-stream before that date. new electronic passport kiosks for im- Alongside the John Gray project, other migration are funded as part of this capital investments programmed for the budget. 2020-21 budget period include works to improve the primary school estate, most Sister Islands notably an upgraded hall at the Bodden Renovations and additional buildings Town Primary School. for District Administration in Cayman Brac will be completed, as will the park- Sunrise Adult Training ing lots and hard courts for tennis at the Facility upgrade The Budget allows for the building of the multi-purpose hall. Work will also a new Sunrise Adult Training Facility. beBrac undertaken Play�ield, and to theconstruct interior the works Little to Along with a new building will be bet- Cayman Boat Launch Ramp and Jetty.  LOCAL NEWS PAGE A8 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 C�������� T���� New women’s healthcare facility showcases services By Lindsey Turnbull current full-time ObGyn, Women can expect high and brings a wealth of expe- tech diagnostic equipment, OceanMed has just held an open rience from her practice in including leading technolo- evening event for doctors and the pub- the Netherlands as well as gy for imaging that produc- lic to showcase its facility as Cayman’s overseas work in Gibraltar es a 2, 3 and 4D image, in and Abu Dhabi. Some of her particular allowing health- uniquely run by women for women, lo- core competencies include care practitioners the high- only female-speci�ic healthcare clinic, diagnostic and therapeu- est level of images when it Mall in George Town. They offer patients tic hysteroscopy, hormonal comes to fetal health. Their gynecologicalcated on the secondand obstetrics �loor of Bayshoreservices disturbances and menstru- Hologic breast biopsy sys- and also diagnostic services, such as al irregularities, colposco- tem gives patients a much mammography, ultrasound and biopsy. py, infertility and recurring more comfortable expe- Shahla Powery, Managing Director at miscarriages, as well as rience when their breasts OceanMed, explained that the centre high-risk pregnancies. are biopsied and their GE was leading edge, with quite a few mo- The facility has a full-time Invenia Abus (Automated dalities unique to their facility on island, consultant breast radiol- Breast Ultrasound System) unique in the Caribbean and only availa- ogist on board as well, Dr is cutting edge breast can- ble in a few centres in the United States. Sana Pascaline from Esto- cer screening technology “We are on a worldwide state-of-the- nia, who is also registered with the Gen- The waiting room allows for a for women with dense breast tissue eral Medical Council in the UK, and who smooth transition, taking the patient which can improve breast cancer detec- Shahla gave some background as to specialises in women’s imaging and has out of the general public area so they tion by 55 per cent over mammography. howart scale,” OceanMed she con�irmed. came about. practiced as a breast consultant radiolo- have a private waiting space and is well “This is the only one in the Caribbe- “Through personal experiences, talk- gist in several UK hospitals. equipped with a luxurious bathroom an, the only one in the region and with ing to friends, talking to family, we real- that offers a good space for women to regard to this particular model, only a ised that there was a gap in healthcare Designed for women change. few have been released in the US. All of The overall atmosphere at OceanMed Shahla said that OceanMed did a huge our machines are FDA approved and GE place that is their own sanctuary where is serene and calm, with an eye for de- amount of research before they put the held off and gave this to us early because theyspeci�ically would forfeel women. comfortable, This would a place be to a tail that includes aromatherapy in facility together, working closely with they’ve seen our vision and they love lessen the anxieties. With the right en- many rooms, coastal décor and relaxing GE Healthcare in the United States to what we are,” she said. vironment, we know that more women sounds piped into rooms. Patients are Their mammography room is spe- will come in, get screened and have a shown to a stylish waiting room after to offer for women’s healthcare. She said cially designed to make women feel signing in. sheunderstand visited their speci�ically facility whatin Boca they Ratan, had particularly at home during what can OceanMed have a full time ObGyn “Our lounge is designed if you are Florida several times to try and achieve be an uncomfortable experience. Their doctorhealthy andoutcome,” a second she onecon�irmed. joining them coming in for a diagnostic procedure. that kind of standard in Cayman. Pristina 3D mammography machine in January. Women who see these phy- We have lockers like a spa so you can allows women to apply more compres- sicians will have been referred by their lock your handbag away and take a key, Budget-friendly, state-of- sion if they feel comfortable to do so via GP for specialist diagnostics. If a woman so you are in full control of your person- the-art care a remote control and offers a with-con- doesn’t have a GP and they need to see al belongings and it’s neatly stored away. With such a well-designed and trast facility, should the radiologist feel an ObGyn, they are welcome to come, This means you don’t have to fuss when thoughtfully laid-out facility, patients further enhancement of the breast is Shahla said. you go into an exam room while you do might think that healthcare at Oce- needed. “With regard to diagnostics, we will your exam,” Shahla advised. “It’s a very anMed is more expensive that at a more Because OceanMed is a diagnostic take referrals from your physician, be- warming environment; we’ve used a lot traditional facility such as a hospital, but rather than a treatment centre, health- cause we have such advanced equip- of aromatherapy to relax. If you have a Shahla says that is not the case. care coordinator Elyse Burt is the refer- ment. We will accept and work in very biopsy planned or a pelvic ultrasound, “We are not any more expensive than ence point for patients and the primary close partnership with your primary care there’s a lot of anxiety involved, so we anyone else, in fact we only charge care physician, overseas physicians and physician and hand those results back so give you that chance to relax, drink standard health insurance fees. We in-house physicians. they can continue your care,” she said. some tea, drink some coffee, listen to the wanted to make sure that every woman “We’ve found a lot of times that wom- Dutch obstetrician and gynecologist relaxing sounds and take in the aroma- was given the exact same opportunities en don’t know what to do, they need Dr Diana Van Der Borden is OceanMed’s therapy scents.” as everyone else,” Shahla said. answers and we have that with our healthcare coordinator,” Shahla stated. “There’s no cost involved; it’s a service that we want to offer so that no woman leaves wondering what to do next.” Shahla said that they work closely with the Breast Cancer Foundation, re- ferring patients to and from each entity. While OceanMed is geared up for women’s health, it will never turn away a man who is in need of a mammogram,

cancer in men is rare, cases have been seenShahla in con�irmed.Cayman and Even Shahla though said breast that men could use their facilities if need be, but they would be seen after hours to ease the stress for any male patients.  NY cabaret music night set to take the stage ... Continued story from page A1 Cayman Arts Festival’s Executive Di- events in between. I am now in the pro- rector, Marius Gaina, said there was teenage years, Nicolas performed on clearly a great appetite among the Cay- slot for 2020 and am looking to begin Broadway in Beauty & The Beast, then man community for this type of enter- bookingcess of signing for 2021.” up the �inal piano recital in A Thousand Clowns opposite Tom tainment. Selleck, and Hollywood Arms directed “Cayman Arts Festival has grown sig- Giving back by Hal Prince, all before the age of 12. Marius explained that both KT Sulli- Matt Baker completes the line-up, and is every two years event to monthly per- van and Natalie Douglas are part of The a fresh new face on the jazz landscape. formances,”ni�icantly over he advised. the years, “Our from main a once fes- Mabel Mercer Foundation, with KT hav- With a smooth-as-silk voice, he’s been tival is held in February each year; we ing been named its artistic director in touted as one of the hottest musicians have two always sold-out piano con- 2012 and Natalie a Master Teacher for out there currently. certos each year and many other music the Foundation. The Foundation was es- tablished to promote public interest in classic popular song and the art of cab- aret and as such, they undertake train- ing of youngsters who show potential in singing cabaret. “An integral part of the event is the masterclass that takes place the day before, held by Natalie Douglas. She will see around 12 young people with an aptitude for singing and one will get the chance to sing with the artists at the  KT Sullivan concert. Two years ago, they spotted Caymanian student Jaedyn Hanna who The Cayman Arts Festival has been sang with the artist and eventually went steadily building a strong reputation for to New York and attended the New York itself globally as a sought-after event to Cabaret Convention at the Lincoln Cen- attend for musicians, with the winner tre,” Marius said. of the most recent and highly prestig- “We decided to hold this additional ious Vendome Prize for Piano that was New York Cabaret Music Night in addi- held at the Verbier Festival (held every tion to the one held during this year’s two years in Switzerland), winning the Cayman Arts Festival in February based chance to perform at Cayman Arts Festi- upon the feedback we had received from val, Marius explained. the public, but, what puts that in the The New York Cabaret Music Night shade is the fact that Cayman’s young will take place on Saturday 23rd Novem- musicians can be exposed to this level of ber at 7pm at the Westin’s Governor's musical performance,” Marius explained. Ballroom. Doors open at 6pm and the cost is US$50 for adults, which includes a glass of wine, and US$15 for students up to 18 years old, which includes a glass of juice. You can buy tickets at events/ny-cabaret-music-night/ Marius said he was deeply grateful to the sponsors of the event: Ogier, Robert Loverd and Christel Ibsen, RBC Bank and KPMG, presented in conjunc- tion with The Mabel Mercer  Natalie Douglas Foundation.  WORLD WATCH | REGIONAL C360 C�������� T���� Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 PAGE B1 ANTIGUA BANKS ON VENEZUELA FOR LIAT A move by Antigua and Barbuda that he recently said “has shown remarkable would further consolidate its position as courage and determination to forge a a key shareholder of the regional Carib- better future for the Venezuelan people.” bean LIAT has encountered a blowback Antigua and Barbuda was one of the from the US. countries absent from a US White House The Antigua and Barbuda prime invitation list of regional leaders who minister Gaston Browne has signed a met with President Donald Trump in $US 15.8 million loan agreement with Florida earlier this year in what was re- garded as a reward for supporting the ly-strapped airline which plies routes US administration’s stance against Ven- linkingVenezuela the toislands. recapitalise the �inancial- ezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. But almost immediately US displeas- President Trump had met with lead- ure came via a Tweet, not from Presi- ers from the Bahamas, Dominican Re- ing the country for neighbouring Latin Prime Minister Mottley also warned dent Trump, but the top echelons of the public, Haiti, Jamaica and St Lucia at his American countries. that “what we have done is to place the Democratic Party. private club in Palm Beach, Florida. The PetroCaribe deal which provid- burden of LIAT only on the shareholders Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois tweet- The expectation of automatically tow- ed oil supplies to Caribbean countries without recognizing that routes cannot ed: “Troubling to see Antiguan Prime ing a US foreign policy line is being chal- on concessionary terms has also been be sustainable unless there are either Minister Browne convey legitimacy to lenged by some Caribbean states, test- placed under stress due to the crippling Maduro while he arrests & tortures his ing the strength of relations forged over economic crisis in Venezuela. desirable.” opposition & millions of Venezuelans many decades of diplomatic ties built on While the Venezuelan loan might not �inancially pro�itable or economically capitalist principles. common ground for all of the stakehold- Senator Turbin, who as Democratic Formal relations with socialist Ven- winds it has been encountering for ers“I becausetrust and while pray thatLIAT we 1974 can �indLimited the Whip�lee in since hunger 2005 & desperation.” holds the second-high- ezuela are more recent, dating to the years,yet steer it strengthens LIAT clear ofAntigua �inancial and head- Bar- may not be a viable proposition, reason- est position in the Democratic leader- 1990s Hugo Chavez PetroCaribe era. buda’s hand as a shareholder. able, affordable, reliable air travel is the ship in the US Senate, wondered: “When While the Venezuelan cash injection prerequisite for the growth of this re- will the proud democracies of our Carib- for LIAT secured by Antigua and Bar- LIAT in its 63-year history and its future gion,” she stated. bean neighbors stop enabling Maduro’s buda might have caused some conster- stillIt seems has not uncertain been a smoothdespite the �light Vene- for A planned deal announced earlier this criminal regime?” nation from the ranking US Democrats zuelan loan injection. year for Antigua and Barbuda to take At the meeting in Caracas, Antigua senator, it will at least reduce the pres- Speaking a few days ago during a and Barbuda had also signed on to the Caribbean trade forum in Barbados - a On taking out the loan agreement Venezuelan-backed ALBA regional de- However, it no doubt raises questions major LIAT shareholder, that country's withover Barbados'sVenezuela afterLIAT theshares Barbados failed to plan �ly. velopment bank set up in 2005. aboutsure on Venezuela’s the airline’s ability �inances. to be so mag- prime minister Mia Mottley cautioned collapsed, Antigua and Barbuda's prime It joined St Vincent and the Gren- nanimous, whether or not that is seen that the airline risks being “doomed” minister Gaston Browne concluded that adines, Dominica, Cuba, Nicaragua, and as an investment with long term re- under its current ownership arrange- “LIAT is our infrastructure that links our Bolivia as members. ment. scattered islands into a single economic That in particular seemed to raise the accrued. Suggesting that there are urgent and space and it breathes oxygen into our ire of the US senator. turnsThe in country �inancial is orcurrently diplomatic gripped bene�its in serious discussions to be had about the tourism industry.” While he did not call for any US dip- a severe and seemingly unending eco- future of the regional carrier she de- He noted that while his government lomatic action targeting Antigua and nomic crisis which has led to extensive clared; “LIAT is not a CARICOM issue; was the sole signatory and borrower Barbuda, the intervention by the Sena- social upheaval. LIAT is the issue of three or four gov- with Venezuela, he nevertheless regard- tor Turbin further highlights the schism Ironically, while Venezuela is lending ernments having to have shareholder ed the cash injection into LIAT as an in- between Caribbean and US politicians of 4US 15.8 million to Antigua and Bar- discussions vestment on behalf of the entire region. all ideological shades over the region’s buda for LIAT, hundreds of its citizens Between them, Barbados, Antigua and The skies ahead look clearer for LIAT relations with Venezuela. have sought refuge in several Caribbean Barbuda and St. Vincent and the Gren- for the time being at least, though less so Durbin is a strong supporter of inter- countries as economic migrants, while adines along with Dominica own 95% of for relations between the US and some im Venezuelan President Guaidó, who LIAT’s shares. Caribbean states over Venezuela. 

hundreds of thousands more are �lee- CARICOM Countries Say Ongoing Embargo against Cuba Hurting the Region Caribbean Community (CARICOM) tive act against Cuba but as an imped- member states say the economic, com- iment to Caribbean regional develop- ment as a whole,” she told the General by the United States against Cuba is Assembly. impedingmercial and regional �inancial development embargo imposed as a The embargo is rooted in the Cold whole, as the United Nations (UN) Gen- War, when Fidel Castro and his revolu- eral Assembly adopted a resolution for tionaries seized power. Tensions only the 28th consecutive year, calling for an eased more than a half-century later end to the sanctions. when the Barack Obama administration During a vote on Wednesday, 187 UN established diplomatic relations with Member States underlined their sup- Cuba, modifying several aspects of the port for the resolution while Brazil and embargo such as lifting some travel re- Israel joined the US in voting no. strictions. Two countries—Colombia and However, as the UN resolution states, Ukraine—abstained. these policies “contrast” with measures During presentations ahead of the implemented by the current President, vote, the 15 members of CARICOM high- Donald Trump, in 2017. lighted Havana’s support to the region. Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Cuba has deployed medical profession- Rodríguez Parrilla, reported that in re-  UN General Assembly votes on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and als to distressed areas, including those cent months Washington has begun to financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba. (UN Photo/Evan Schneider) affected by natural disasters, among “escalate aggression”, including by pre- other initiatives. venting international fuel shipments one single Cuban family that has not suf- humanitarian impacts for the people Grenada’s Ambassador to the UN, Kei- to the island, scaling down consular fered the consequences of this.” Cuba. The country’s socio-economic re- sha McGuire, recalled that the country services, and attacking national pro- Palestine, speaking on behalf of the forms have also been hampered by the grammes that support other developing developing countries’ bloc, the Group of embargo.” mas in the aftermath of Hurricane Dori- countries. 77 and China, regretted that the US has US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft, anwas in among September. the �irst to assist The Baha- “The blockade has caused incalculable strengthened the embargo. speaking prior to the vote, insisted that She characterized the embargo as “an “From April 2018 to March this year, the US, like all nations, “get to choose anachronism and aberration” in an era massive and systematic violation of hu- the impact of the US embargo on Cuba’s which countries we trade with”. when global cooperation is critical to humanitarian damages. It is a �lagrant, foreign trade amounts to more than US$4 “This is our sovereign right,” she said. address common challenges such as cli- an act of genocide under Articles II (b) billion,” Ambassador Riyad Mansour said. “So, it is worrying that the international mate change. andman (c)rights,” of the he Conventioncharged. “It onquali�ies the Pre- as community, in the name of protecting “It is in this broader context that we vention and Punishment of the Crime of cult access to development credits trans- sovereignty, continues to challenge this view the embargo—not just as a puni- Genocide, adopted in 1948. There is not late“Limited directly foreign into economic investment hardship and dif�i- and right.”  Jamaica Government to Divert Mentally Ill Persons from the Justice System Health and Wellness Minister Dr The comparative research report on Christopher Tufton says the Govern- strategies used to address the rights of ment is looking to provide alternatives mentally ill individuals in Jamaican pris- to incarceration for non-violent persons ons, completed by Stand Up for Jamai- primarily with substance use and/or ca (SUFJ) in August, was funded by the psychiatric disorders. European Union through its European He said the Ministry has made rec- Instrument for Democracy and Human ommendations for the development of Rights (EIDHR) country-based support a range of interventions in this regard. schemes in Jamaica and Belize. Dr Tufton noted that an audit of the Dr Tufton said the research is timely Tower Street Adult Correctional Cen- and in keeping with the Government’s tre last year revealed that of the 1,550 thrust to raise awareness and eliminate persons incarcerated at the time, stigma regarding mental illness through 203 had been diagnosed with mental its ‘Speak Up, Speak Now’ campaign. illness. “It lines up with our plans under “The goal is for persons with a mental the National Strategic Plan for Mental illness to be diverted to treatment and Health 2020 to 2025, to assess the bar- services in the community instead of riers that vulnerable and at-risk groups entering the justice system, and for the face in accessing mental healthcare and prevention of re-entry into the system to inform the training of health and so- by mentally ill offenders,” he said. cial care staff that will enable them to  Health and Wellness Minister Dr Christopher Tufton (Credit: JIS) The Health Minister was speaking at better care for vulnerable and at-risk the launch of a research paper on in- groups,” he noted. vital data that can inform mental health proaches and provide advice to the Gov- carcerated persons with mental illness, Further, the Health and Wellness Minis- plans, budgets and programmes, as well ernment on effective resource allocation dubbed ‘Through the Cracks’. ter pointed out that the research provides as prepare options for alternative ap- to community mental health service.  PUZZLES | COMICS PAGE B2 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Issue No 453 C�������� T����

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