
Title: Concepts of Hard copy and Soft copy . Such as: Printing a file as well as having it on the . Contributers: Semeena Kader Std: 3 Reviewers: Submission Date: Approval Date: REF No:

Brief Description: This topic introduces concepts of soft copy and hard copy. Goal: To familiarize the terms soft copy and hard copy. Pre­requisites: Familiar with computer files . Learning Able to differentiate between hard and soft copies . Outcome: Duration: 1 hour References:

Detailed Attached page 2,3,4 Description: Lesson Plan: Attached page 5 Worksheets: Attached page 6,7 Evaluation: Attached page 7 Other Notes: Detailed Description : (For Teacher ­ Use to write Teacher's script)


A hard copy is a printed copy of information from a computer. This term is now used by many people to represent all paper documents, including memos, order forms, letters, print advertisements, books, catalogs, and so on. Hard copy has the advantage of being accessible to everyone everywhere, without the expense of a computer . Sometimes it referred to as a printout.

HARD COPY Printed on paper or another permanent media.


1 . Computer printouts

It is the printed document from a computer . 2. Teleprinter pages

A ­like terminal with a keyboard and built­in printer. Teleprinter­like devices are still used in retail applications (In super markets you can see it )where receipts are necessary.


The same information, viewed on a computer display is referred to as a soft copy. So a document that we created using / Open Office /Microsoft word is an example for soft copy . Printout of the same file , is an example of hard copy.

SOFT COPY Displayed on screen or by other non­permanent means . This is a file created using Open Office Writer (In Linux) Lesson Plan Outline:

1. Prepare for the class : Create a sample doc file (for example you can create a file containing a nursery rhyme) and take a printout of the same file .

2. Fresh up previous lessons about files . Ask students 'How you create a file using MS word / Open Office Writer ?' etc . Ask them how can they save that files . Such files that are stored in computer is called as Soft copy .

3. Show them sample doc file in the computer . You can show other similar files .

4. Introduce the term Hard copy . Show them the printout of the file . You can say that printout taken from a computer printer is an example for hard copy .

5. Ask them to give other examples for hard copies . Ask them 'Have you ever went to supermarkets?' , 'How they are giving us Bills?' etc. Such bills are also example for a hard copy .


Activity No 1 [In lab] Objective : To make the kids understand soft/ hard copies

Using scanner scan kid 's hand , and show them the scanned (soft) copy on the computer . You can say that what you see on the computer is the soft copy . Then take printout of the image using printer and give to him/her . Ask them whether it is soft/ hard copy . [Answer is : hard copy]


1. Soft copy or Hard copy ???

Put a Mark in the appropriate boxes.

Soft copy Hard copy

Soft copy Hard copy

Soft copy Hard copy Soft copy Hard copy

2. Gave a circle around the names of machines that give you hard copies ...

[suggestion : Provide pictures of machines instead of giving their names]

Television Printer Computer

Web camera Teleprinter


Ask the following questions in the class

1. Name 2 machines that can give hard copies .

[Answers can be : Printer , Teleprinter]