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True US History Jan 4, 2015 - It is no longer Al-Qaeda, now Russia is the ‘main threat’ for the US. Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 4, 2015 - Botschaft 24 von Mutter Nebadonia: Jeder wird innig geliebt Political Information Jan 4, 2015 - Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind How many years can some people exist, before they're allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see? How many times must a man look up, before he can see the sky? How many ears must one man have, before he can hear people cry? HOW MANY DEATHS WILL IT TAKE TILL HE KNOWS, THAT TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED? - Bob Dylan

Telemensajes de Otros Jan 4, 2015 - Serafín, Mensaje 213: SOIS LOS TRADUCTORES DE LA VOLUNTAD DIVINA Serafín a través de Rosie

Telemensajes de Otros Jan 4, 2015 - Serafín, Mensaje 212: AÑO NUEVO: VIDA NUEVA Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information Jan 4, 2015 - Putin Cancels South Stream: Game Changer! Ron: A bit of revision for those not keeping up.

Targeted Messages Jan 3, 2015 - GROUND ZERO From pretty much everyone up there of the light.... thru Kibo... since its signed. But you ones would figure that out anyway-C

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The target message is pretty long and its for the dark and all of you too. Given for New Years Day but I am posting it so it stays up there thru the 3rd.

Kibo Jan 3, 2015 - yeah. yeah..happy freakin' New Year... I love you too... still Do any of you remember the story of the ‘Little Train That Could'? (that was a favorite childhood story of mine....-C)

Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Holocaust Opinion Poll; Not for the Weak..of Stomach or Mind! Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Being Critical of Jews Is the Ultimate Taboo Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - The state can't handle the volume of historical child sex abuse allegations claims MP as he warns that victim total could be in the 'many tens of thousands' Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Australia Silences Criticism Of Vaccines, Benefits of Homeopathy Ron: While shit dispensing Jews control global humanity most people will live and die in misery and ignorance. IMHO, blaming them for their ignorance also evidences ignorance. Brandon Turbeville: When the facts surrounding the safety and effectiveness of vaccines begin to be brought into the light, the only option left for those who manufacture, promote, and/or force vaccines onto the general population is to silence the presentation of those facts. Indeed, it is also imperative that those same forces prevent any alternatives to vaccination and financially incentivized medical dogma from becoming known amongst the general public.

True US History Jan 3, 2015 - Obama: Afghan War made US ‘safer and more secure’ Obama’s claims are nothing but usual PR crap to cover-up US-NATO’s military humiliation. 17,000 US-NATO occupation forces will remain in Afghanistan to maintain control over 300,000 US-trained Afghan foot-soldiers behind the scene. The daily life of Afghan citizens has gone worse than it was under the Russian or Taliban rule before December 2001. Taliban still control more than 70% of Afghan territory. Afghan civilians are being killed by US coward drone attacks on daily basis... The US invasion of Afghanistan was a premeditated invasion of a sovereign state months ahead of Israeli terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Afghanistan was attacked and occupied because Taliban became a hurdle to America’s greed for oil and drugs, and Israeli interests. On October 9, 2014, Manlio Dincuci, an Italian geopolitical scientist and author in an article claimed that the US-NATO have no intention of leaving Afghanistan to act as an independent functioning democracy... According to the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government 2013 Report the US war in Afghanistan and Iraq is estimated to cost $6 trillion to US tax-payers equivalent of $75,000 to each American household – and not a few billion dollars as Bush administration told the brainwashed Americans in 2001 and 2003... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 3

Kia Makarechi commented at Jewish Vanity Fair magazine on December 29, 2014: “It’s true that the president has drawn down troop levels dramatically after taking office and completing his “surge” between late 2009 and 2012. But leaving thousands of U.S. soldiers in a country and tasking them with carrying out combat missions is not ending a war. Branding it as the conclusion of a war may be politically expedient, but it’s also disingenuous. Operation Resolute Support is a new mission, but it is war, with a new name.” Barack Obama, known as the Bomber-in-Chief, has killed so far more civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and elsewhere than Dubya Bush. -

Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - The Fierce Encroachment of the Last Gasp of Darkness. Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Venezuela: Economic war unleashed by the United States True US History Jan 3, 2015 - US Army report calls for military support of Israeli energy grab Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - IRGC thwarted Israeli terror attack on nuclear scientist: Colonel Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 3, 2015 - Target GROUND ZERO Zielgerichtete Botschaft: Von so ziemlich jedem da oben aus dem Licht. Durch Kibo – da es unterschrieben ist. Aber ihr würdet es sowieso herausfinden. –C Die gezielte Botschaft ist ziemlich lang und an die Dunklen und an alle von euch gerichtet. Sie wurde am Neujahrstag übermittelt, aber ich poste sie so, dass sie bis am 3. stehenbleibt.

Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - 'A Can-Do Person': How The West Reacted To Putin 15 Years Ago Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Ukrainian Soldier Explains Why He Enjoys Killing Russians Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Azerbaijan Shuts Down US-Funded Radio Free Europe Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 3, 2015 - SERAPHIN BOTSCHAFTEN 2014 als pdf Ein Geschenk für alle, die die Weisheit von Seraphin schätzen - eine Sammlung von Seraphin Botshaften aus dem Jahr 2014. For contents and pdf see inside. Love Rosie

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Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Ukraine Volunteer Battalions Are Running Amok Ron: As this ie excerpted from The Washington Post it is biased and provides disinformation. But, the writer does evince some concern about the Ihor Kolomoyskyi and his and other lawless and genocidal volunteer battalions organised and PAID by Jewish oligarchs to ethnically cleanse Novorussia, Odessa and other Ukrainian areas that object to the Jews' Kiev junta.

True US History Jan 3, 2015 - Did the U.S. and the Saudis Conspire to Push Down Oil Prices? Irreversible Decline? Rosie Jan 3, 2015 - Seraphin Message 213: YOU ARE THE TRANSLATORS OF DIVINE WILL "We beg you to listen; we bring great news to you always. We leave packages and letters and signs and telegrams and hints and warnings CONTINUOUSLY at your mental doors, using thoughts implanted into your heads as well as stimuli in the form of incidents and encounters. Will you throw them away, condemning them as “coincidence”? Will you fear them as proof of “magic”? We are putting these into your lives DELIBERATELY so that YOU can take on THE LIFE DIVINE, so that we can jointly provide those round you with a simple, uncorrupted view of the workings of “God” or “Divine Consciousness” for all to see and enjoy, so that all may profit, so that you all may become our beloved messengers, so that you may joyfully emit our teachings and through your actions MANIFEST OUR CONCERNS, PRODUCE SOLUTIONS TO YOUR GLOBAL PROBLEMS AND SPREAD MESSAGES OF HOPE AND CHANGE AND RECONCILIATION SO THAT YOUR WHOLE GLOBE IS SATURATED WITH LOVE"

Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Past Russian wars: a quick look at history Ron: I haven't read the comments.

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True US History Jan 3, 2015 - Is America Preparing for War with Russia in 2015? Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - Europe's Shame: Support for War on Civilians in East Ukraine Political Information Jan 3, 2015 - WAS MICHAEL JACKSON DESTROYED DUE TO HIS FASCINATION WITH ADOLF HITLER? (Repost) Translations - Others Jan 3, 2015 - Italian: GROUND ZERO / PUNTO ZERO Trasmesso da praticamente tutti quelli lassù della luce.

Announcements Jan 2, 2015 - Hazel's Email address compromised If you received an email supposedly from Hazel asking for emergency help and a large sum of money... please DO NOT answer it... It is a scam to rip you off.....DO NOT SEND MONEY,, Please.. you will never see it again. -C I have confirmed with Hazel that she did not send any such thing... quite a few are receiving it. OK updating... at least one story is that Hazel was held at gunpoint in Ukraine and had everything stolen and needs to get home. IT IS NOT TRUE. I have talked with her..she is again, safe at home in London. SEE INSIDE

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - ‘Malaysian tribunal finds guilty of genocide, three Malaysian planes fall from the sky” Ron: I understand that the crash of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 was caused by natural phenomena but there are many strange and unexplained issues surrounding it. For instance: The report on this urgent warning in the Epoch Times told how a mysterious user of a Chinese social media network predicted the disappearance on AirAsia Flight QZ8501 almost two weeks before the plane went missing, urgently warning Chinese nationals not to use the airliner in dozens of posts.(Source: Prison planet). Half a million viewed his 39 posts – and maybe in conseqence, not a single Chinese was on board, amongst its 162 passengers. (see video of warnings here) Also: Even had the plane broken up in a storm, the Emergency Locator Transmission should have transmitted the wreck position.The plane’s ELT should have functioned automatically and sent warning signals – but no signal has been detected by control centers in Indonesia or in neighboring countries

True US History Jan 2, 2015 - Decade later, India’s nuclear test which killed 230,000 people Ron: This article title is misleading in that it states that the Indian Ocean Tsunami on 26 December 2004 was caused by an Indian nuclear test. IT WASN'T. The Tsunami was caused by two nuclear devices placed on the Indian Ocean floor by the US navy.

Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 2, 2015 - The Wisdom of Sitting Bull’s Grandson AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 6

True US History Jan 2, 2015 - Even CIA Admits Torture Doesn’t Work Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Jews more prone to schizophrenia than non-Jews Ron: Not all Jews are Ashkenazis (Khazars) and one doesn't have to be an Ashkenazi to be a Jew. Judaism is NOT a religion. It is a vicious, ethno-centric, supremicist political ideology inculcated from birth to death in many cases. The ideology - Talmudism - is anti-human and anti-life and as such, being steeped in it via a mind control system from birth is an extreme environmental condition which almost certainly has deleterious psychic effects upon those subjected to it. Accordinly, these findings, if valid, do not even prove that Ashkenazi Jews have been genetically rather than psychologically afflicted with psychic problems. This "finding' only relates to Jews of Khazarian extraction rather than ALL Jews. There are Jews of other genetic backgrounds. Arguably, anyone can CHOOSE to be a Jew, or not. What this does demonstrate is that most Jews are NOT Semites since Khazars are NOT Semites. Actually the core Talmudic group comprise TECHMA, who ARE a race, quarantined here from another universe where they rebelled against the Creator and Creation and were sent to this planet and given a second chance to rehabilitate themselves. Similar in that respect to Lucifer and his fallen angels. BUT not all Jews are TECHMA and hence Jews are not a race. Jews are ANYONE who espouses Talmudic ideology.

True US History Jan 2, 2015 - Tragedy in Bhopal – Thirty Years Later The emission of a poisonous gas (its composition is still unknown) at a pesticide plant, the majority of shares to which were owned by the Union Carbide Corporation at the time, caused the immediate death of 4 thousand people, and another 15 thousand people, according to official data, died from fatal poisoning over the next few years. In total, the number of victims of the disaster reached 500 thousand people. And their number will only increase, because the consequences of the explosion at the chemical plant still affect the health of the population, primarily infants. There have been frequent cases of congenital mental retardation and physical defects in children whose parents were breathing poisonous gas and drinking poisoned water. The city has witnessed sharply increased levels of cancer, in a book recently published by the Indian Centre for Science and the Environment, “Bhopal, the gas tragedy thirty years later”, the fact that so far there is no proven data on the actual number of victims of the disaster is discussed... The agreement between the company Union Carbide Corporation and the Indian authorities had, in their opinion, to resolve the conflict of interest. The company recognized its share of responsibility for the accident and in 1989 paid the Indian government 470 million dollars as compensation. – approximately 2,200 dollars to each family of the deceased. – and 550 dollars to each family of the injured. And then it “washed its hands” of the matter, arguing that it had fulfilled its social obligation. Bhopal residents who still have not recovered from the terrible tragedy that befell them consider this agreement to be “offensive”... Dow Chemical, which bought Union Carbide in 2001, refuses to take any responsibility for its past “deeds” and believes that the only defendant in all disputed issues is currently the state government of Madhya Pradesh, whose capital is Bhopal... Although after the explosion the plant was closed, nevertheless the area adjacent to it AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 7 continues to pose a threat to people living nearby. The 350 tons of hazardous waste that were not removed from the plant are a source of contamination of the soil and groundwater. Bhopal residents are demanding that the authorities undertake emergency measures to decontaminate the area. However, until now the question has not been clarified as to who should bear the costs for cleaning it up – the American or Indian side. - Natalia Rogozhina

True US History Jan 2, 2015 - U.S. Citizens Continue to Infiltrate Eastern European Governments True US History Jan 2, 2015 - Are Americans worth saving? You have to wonder about the sanity of those deluded dupes still waving their flags as our soldiers come home from their mass murder assignments around the world and are treated like heroes when they're really nothing more than brutal, mind-controlled assassins. Wasn't it established at Nuremberg that following illegal orders is a crime punishable by death? By now, hasn't everybody figured out that Al-Qaeda was an invention of the U.S. and Israeli intelligence services, and that this new so-called enemy that America is bombing in Syria was really created by Israel with help from the U.S. and its other flunkie states? ... What's the point in trying to save an ungrateful mob of thoughtless drecks, addicted to self-destructive trivialities, oblivious to the murders conducted in their names around the world and hooked on meaningless rituals, habits and compulsions that actually shorten their own lives. - John Kaminski

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Stricken AirAsia plane soared 'as fast as a fighter jet' and then dropped almost vertically into Java Sea as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts revealed today Brian: Here is a comment received privately from a retired Qantas Flight Engineer. There are reports of a deep stall conditions in these aircraft types where recovery cannot be completed once the stall condition is entered, regardless of control input by either pilot. Why, because they are completely computer controlled and the Alpha laws for flight controls that they depend upon are not fool proof, nor can they envisage every situation an aircraft is likely to encounter. The angle of attack sensors (3 entirely separate systems) iced up on Air France. Once that happened the computers had no reference regarding the aircraft’s attitude. Translated ------Deep, deep shit Air France was in a deep stall ex Brazil. It took 3.30 minutes to pancake into the sea from 38000 feet in a horizontal attitude. In deep stall conditions the airflow over the tailplane becomes so turbulent, as a result of the wings being stalled, that the aerodynamic effectiveness of the elevators is reduced to near zero.In other words, it doesn’t matter what the pilots do now with pitch commands (read elevators), They now can’t change the attitude of the aircraft.! I suspect that the investigation into this terrible accident will reveal a very similar scenario. Note: with sidestick controllers the pilots cannot monitor each other’s pilots actions because the joysticks are not visible to them.i.e. Is one demanding full nose down and the other calling for full nose up? Who has control? Scary shit indeed. Cheers Peter

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Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 2, 2015 - Seraphin BOTSCHAFT 212: EIN NEUES JAHR: EIN NEUES LEBEN Environment/Science Jan 2, 2015 - 3D Printed Car is Strong, Light and Close to Production Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - INDONESIAN AIR ASIA FALSE FLAG Ron: I understand that the AirAsia Flight 8501 crash was probably the result of a natural occurrance but this author is correct in asserting that the great Asian Tsunami on 26 December 2004 WAS caused by the US exploding nuclear devices on the Indian Ocean floor.

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Big Banks Conspire with Giant Oil Company to Manipulate Currency Markets Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Ex-Bank of England boss says financial crisis was 'fun' as he flies to Washington to interview US counterpart about the crash Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Sydney Sheikh believed responsible for Syrian massacres, kidnappings Ron: Some reports of "collateral damage" inflicted while the Techma are given more time to contemplate their navels... Tim Anderson:Lily Martin Sahiounie was very close to this massacre. She says: 'In August 2013, Radical Islamic terrorists entered at night the sleeping village of Ballouta ... They went methodically from house to house killing men, women and children in their beds. They cut open the stomach of a pregnant woman and hung the fetus in the trees. Many survivors ran for their lives and later gave their eye witness reports of what happened. The Radical Islamic terrorists kidnapped 100 small children, and a few older females ... [they were held] in a basement underground in the Syrian village of Selma'. Lily notes that 44 of the Ballouta children were released in a mid-2014 prisoner swap, nine months later. Many are believed still held in Selma, to this day. From evidence of those released: 'they endured torture, abuse and some of the children [were] killed by the terrorists. They said their captors were a mixed group: some were Syrian and many were foreigners ... several of the terrorists spoke Arabic ... [but] also spoke English much of the time among themselves'. Two reports have emerged (ISTEAMS and Mesler) saying it was videos of these children, drugged and held hostage in Selma, that were sent to jihadists in the East Ghouta (rural Damascus), to be uploaded and used in the infamous chemical weapons incident two weeks later. No trace was ever found of the bodies of the children said to have been gassed in the East Ghouta. Relatives of the kidnaped children remain too scared to speak out, because of those still held hostage.

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Australia in America’s Third Iraq War 米第三次イラク戦争と豪州

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - The Future Is Local, The Future Is Not Monsanto AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 9

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Something Strange About ISIS Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - Ramzan Kadyrov offers Putin his own *personal* volunteer Chechen special force Ron: I havent read the comments. Environment/Science Jan 2, 2015 - Commodity Prices Are Cliff-Diving Due To The Fracturing Monetary Supernova—The Case Of Iron Ore Ron: This is just another reason why humanity has to eliminate the MONEY MEME with all its implications about Capitalism, competition, over production, product obsolescence and all the rest. Humanity and the planet do not NEED grossly excessive material production or the jobs that allegedly justify it. Humanity already has super abundance; what is needed is a rational and equitable distribution and sharing of global resources and production such that everyone will have enough for a good life and there will be NO waste due to excessive and shoddy production. Couple this information with the fact that we already live in a permanent unemployement and under employment global economy: Underemployment-Economy.shtml And believe it or not, endless wars to destroy infrastructure and kill excess workers is NOT the solution.

Political Information Jan 2, 2015 - 2015 Will Be All About Iran, China and Russia True US History Jan 1, 2015 - The US cannot start a major war in Ukraine German Jan 1, 2015 - Warum werden die Beziehungen mit Kuba jetzt normalisiert? Konrad, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - Official: Sonar may have detected wreckage from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - Marine Le Pen, Patriot Extraordinaire

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Education Jan 1, 2015 - Interview with Nikola Tesla from 1899, Pdf Interview Nikola Tesla gave for magazine "Immortality"

Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - New Zealand: Occupied by Jewish minority Hano Jan 1, 2015 - Superior or Inferior The new year, 2015, has come and with it the hope of many for positive change and renewal in all facets of life. It is time now, too, to take another , deeper, look at yourself, at who and what you are and who and what you want to be in this coming time. It is time to ask the question : "Will I be a Superior or an Inferior?"

Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - British minister vows to fight ‘dark forces’ of anti-Semitism Minister Eric Pickles vowed to fight the “dark forces” of anti-Semitism across university campuses and soccer pitches. Under the new initiative, Jewish schools would be given additional funding for security and tougher punishments would be meted out for hate crimes. “The irrational hatred of Jews is like cancer,” Pickles writes in the Daily Express. “Once beaten it can come back. It lurks in the shadows, and in 2014 there has been a revolting relapse of this ancient evil.” -

Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - Flower power? Afghan opium production hits all-time high Health and Nutrition

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Jan 1, 2015 - Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT Ron: Sooo, since humanity is said to be responsible for what happens to it (whether everyone knows about the Techma or not) WHO will be responsible for this in 2025? Us or the children? And what, exactly are we supposed to do about it? I suppose we could start by banning KOSHER taxes? See eg: The "U" Tax! -

Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 1, 2015 - The Awakening Springs Unstoppable True US History Jan 1, 2015 - The Empire Is Crumbling, That Is Why It Needs War Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - Israel used Gaza as testing ground for new weapons: Palestine official Barghouti said, “Israel has launched four devastating wars against Gaza, during which it has used internationally-prohibited weapons, including white phosphorus, as well as barrel bombs.” Bourghouti also warned that the Gaza Strip would “explode” if construction materials were not allowed into the Palestinian enclave. Gaza has been blockaded by Israel since 2007, a situation that has caused a decline in the standard of living, unprecedented levels of unemployment, and unrelenting poverty.

True US History Jan 1, 2015 - “Distancing Acts:” Private Mercenaries and the War on Terror in American Foreign Policy 距離を置いて アメリカ外交政策における傭兵とテロへの戦い Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - 'EU can’t really solve Ukraine's problems' Political Information Jan 1, 2015 - USA instructs Russian Central Bank how to strangle Russian economy "There is no other central bank in the world that would not be allowed to support the national economy. The Russian Central Bank is the only exception. This is a specific peculiarity of the Russian Central Bank. The law even says that the bank is a branch of foreign companies in Russia. For example, the Russian Central Bank is a depositary of the IMF. The law of the Central Bank does not have a word about the Russian economy. Yet, it contains detailed instructions on how to follow and execute instructions from abroad. The law was made during the 1990s. Putin tried to amend it in the 2000s, but it did not work out. As a result, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation works for a foreign country under the Russian Constitution. This state imposes sanctions on Russia. The Russian Central Bank is obliged to execute instructions from the USA - the Americans set an official task to weaken the Russian economy. - Yevgeny Fyodorov

Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - For Russia War Is Now a Grim Reality. West a Bitter Rival Candace Dec 31, 2014 - Thought Adjuster Transmissions Coming

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Be on Notice That there are to be frequent Transmissions from the Chief Thought Adjuster of Urantia to all Thought Adjusters on this world. Learn to listen for them.. as each of yours will receive this and then where appropriate transmit to you what you must know... which can vary for each individual depending on what YOU NEED. These transmissions can be regional so to speak with say some going to people in different regions or different religions. This should increase over the next several weeks. Chief Thought Adjuster of Urantia.

Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - The Year that was 2014: The Social Axis versus the Corporatist Axis

Ron: This a fairly reasonable general summary but lacks depth. The most glaring and misleading inaccuracy is the statement that: after the democratically elected President of Ukraine was removed in an illegal Putsch: there ensued calls for the deaths of Russians and Jews on the streets of Kiev, the Chief Rabbi of Kiev advised the city's 100,000 Jews to leave,' The calls for "the deaths of Jews" and for "Jews to leave Kiev" are sheer BULLSHIT! JUDAIC propaganda designed to conceal the truth that the Kiev Coup was a Jews' coup similar (though much smaller in scale) to the Jews' coup mislabelled the Russian Revolution in Imperial Russia in 1917. See eg: Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It - Surprise-Jewish-and-Real-Surprise-Proud-of-It.shtml And: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine - seeks-to-re-build-Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See: Promised-Land.shtml Also the statement that 'there were anti-Russian edicts issued by the "new Parliament", and then Fascist massacres' is inadequate and misleading. The article should note that the massacres were instigated by the Jew controlled Kiev Junta and largely oversighted by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, (the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and president of the European Council of Jewish Communities) who is the Kiev Junta appointed Jewish governor of Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Kolomyskyi offered a bonus of US$ 5,000 for every Novorussian or other inhabitant of Odessa and South East Ukraine murdered by his private Death Squads.

Candace Dec 31, 2014 - Short Message to all readers/supporters READ Inside-C This message is from December 3, 2014

Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - Hard Proof Sydney Hostage Crisis was a Movie Set True US History Dec 31, 2014 - Rewarding the criminals: how global capitalism preys upon the poor Ron: If we want humanity to change and start to "GET IT" some way must be found for humanity to be able to perceive that there IS a real possibility for positive change to occur. IMHO wheedling, pleading with and waiting for the Techma (Jews) and their henchmen, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 13 supporters and immitators to decide to change their ways AIN'T GONNA DO IT. Query: What then, are we waiting for? If we are waiting for sheeple to wake up we'll be waiting a looong time IF we are depending upon the Techma et al to change their minds first. Humanity is mentally (as well as physically) enslaved by the Jews' money meme and usurious banking system. That won't change unless that meme and system ceases. Prolonging them prolongs the death and misery Jews and other psychopaths inflict daily, WITHOUT effecting any positive change in the global psychic paradigm. IF major criminals cannot be arrested and exposed to real justice perhaps its time for Russia to pull the plug on the global banking system. THEN people WILL start to think... OR, we could just go on producing martyrs like Margarita Murilo and Lopez Miralda...

True US History Dec 31, 2014 - DRONE WARFARE Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - AirAsia CEO Dumped Shares Days Before Flight Disappeared Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - Real Estate Of Religion Ron: Amng other things the Abundant Hope organisation is tasked with changing the face of religion.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 31, 2014 - Diamanten werden geschliffen Göttliche Tanzende Töchter (mit Serena) durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Translations - Candace Dec 31, 2014 - Italian: Sono in Arrivo Trasmissioni dall’Aggiustatore di Pensiero Candace E il Capo Aggiustatore di Pensiero di Urantia

Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - 2014 "End of Year" report and a look into what 2015 might bring The Saker: This is exactly the same propaganda style as used by Hitler against Jews and we all know how this ended (yet again another proof that to refer to the junta as "Nazi" is perfectly justified. Ron: The Kiev Junta's psychopathic, RACIST demonisation of Novorussians and other Kiev Coup opponents is NOT the propaganda style used by Hitler and the National Socialists against Jews! The Saker is again showing his prejudice and spreading Judaic propaganda. His failure to understand and portray the truth about Hitler and Germany conceals and hence tacitly supports the Ashkenazis in their COUP in the Ukraine and their onslaught on Novorussians and others. It also implicitly conceals the truth that Ashkenazis ie Jews, control Germany and the EU and most of humanity. This sort of delusional paradigm expression by opinion setters is the reason our world is mired in Jewish propaganda and bloody dystopia. Every time the Saker states or slyly implies that the Kiev Junta is a "Nazi" rather than a Jewish enterprise, he misdirects the debate and conceals the real perpetrators. The Kiev COUP is NOT a Germanic coup; it is identical to the Jews' COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917 which was also funded by Jews in Amerikka; except that the Jews are using ignorant Fascist thugs as cannon fodder in Ukraine whereas they used ignorant AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 14

Russian peasants as their cannon fodder in Russia. Apart from Jews, namely Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, holding the positions of "Junta" President and Prime Minister respectively, Jews like Ihor Kolomoisky and Borislav Berezaare also control so-called "Nazi" militia units. See eg: Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It.- Is-Surprise-Jewish-and-Real-Surprise-Proud-of-It.shtml Repeating Judaic propaganda reinforces the Talmudic conspiracy to genocide and enslave gentiles, not only in Ukraine, but everywhere. The Saker is doing an excellent job of distracting attention away from the real perpetrators in Ukraine, a task that hasbara would struggle to perform. Notice also the righteousness with which these sly RACIST slurs against Germans are regularly injected into the Saker's essays. Frankly, I often feel I'm pushing shit up hill with a rake when annotating his ever so moralistic and erudite contributions. I haven't read the comments

Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - Children of war 2.0 Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - Ukraine 2015 Budget Starts $4 Billion in the Hole Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - There's a Way for Russia to Break the Petrodollar. Now's the Time to Do It Political Information Dec 31, 2014 - Europe Beware! – WWIII could destroy Europe for the third time in a Century Kibo Dec 30, 2014 - 3 Days #2 Just a reminder dear dark brothers.. techmas... thugs.. whatever.... that almost one year ago now... the Anunnaki Lord vacated his position and directly serves with the light.. which he was anyway actually. Its it time you threw in the rag and served the light and lets just get this all going as it should ideally be going? You cannot cancel God... even he that indwells you ...You cannot win against that.. you can only collaborate or give it all up.. Your choice as always as "free will beings"... but are you truly free will beings? Most of you have enslaved your own selves in the mess of your making.. Ponder that... Please learn to ponder. It is life giving to do so. It will be the giving of your lives to yourselves in fact. -Candace Piece inside posted by Kibo December 29, 2014 There is another also to be placed. I didn't realize he wrote 2 pieces.

Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace) Dec 30, 2014 - Kurze Botschaft an alle Leser/Unterstützer Von Candace und dem Chef-Gedankenjustierer von Urantia, Übersetzung Kathy

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Examining the Hatred of Vladimir Putin and Russia Kibo Dec 30, 2014 - 3 days #1 No,, not those "three days".....3 days until the "new year"... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 15

Hazel Dec 30, 2014 - 'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life Redated for the end of this year.. 2014. Good to read it again as we prepare to enter another year which hopefully will be incredibly productive for the people of earth who may discover they want peace after all. Originally posted in August 2010

Christ Michael/Aton thru Melchizedek Hazel. This is a masterful piece which fully explains the concept of THE WAY. Did you know the very first "church" after the crucifixion was in fact built 3 years later in Galstonbury, England by none other than Joseph of Arimethea? He did NOT use the word "Christian", what he and others started then in Europe was called THE WAY. Click above to read the piece, or to view the video by Christ L. in several languages, click the link below VIDEO-in-different-languages.shtml

Rosie Dec 30, 2014 - All Seraphin Messages from 2014 A New Year present for all those who appreciate the divine wisdom of Seraphin and who wish to prepare themselves for the challenging but exhilarating era to come. This is a compliation of 47 messages received from Seraphin in 2014. Look inside to download. Love Rosie

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Environment/Science Dec 30, 2014 - Is Human DNA Reprogrammable With Light, Sound, Frequency and Vibration? Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - AirAsia flight QZ8501 - Emergency Update Ron: dunno about the veracity of this report but it sounds plausible. Perhaps flight QZ8501 got some help from Star Fleet. Tom Heneghan: It can now be reported that French Intelligence has confirmed that AirAsia flight QZ8501 made an emergency landing in the eastern part of Belitung, the island located in the Java Sea. The passenger manifest includes individuals tied to numerous Asian financial and banking institutions. LATE BREAKING REPORT The French pilot of AirAsia flight QZ8501 took his aircraft to a higher altitude when he received communications that his aircraft was about to be "stonered" by U.S. NSA satellites that had been fixed onto his aircraft from take off. Note: The best way to avoid "stonering" of an aircraft, especially the French airbus, is to immediately climb to a higher altitude, which then alters the satellite codes that were programmed to the aircraft's flight path. Tom Heneghan

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Russian options in the face of Transnational Elite's frontal attack Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace) Dec 30, 2014 - Ankündigung von Übertragungen des Gedankenjustierers Nehmt zur Kenntnis, dass es häufige Übertragungen des Chef-Gedankenjustierers von Urantia an alle Gedankenjustierer dieser Welt geben wird. Lernt auf sie zu hören –, denn jeder von euch wird diese erhalten, und sie werden euch dann gemäß dem übertragen, was ihr wissen müsst. Sie können für jede Person unterschiedlich sein, das hängt davon ab, was IHR BENÖTIGT. Diese Übertragungen können sozusagen regional sein, was bedeutet, dass einige an Leute in verschiedenen Regionen oder verschiedener Religionen gehen. Dies sollte sich über die nächsten Wochen verstärken. – Chef- Gedankenjustierer von Urantia.

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Cuba blasts a hole in the blockad Telemensajes de Candace Dec 30, 2014 - Mensaje Corto a todos los Lectores/Seguidores

Telemensajes de Candace Dec 30, 2014 - Llegan las Trasmisiones del Ajustador de Pensamiento Tened Presente Que van a tener lugar Transmisiones frecuentes del Jefe Ajustador del Pensamiento de Urantia para todos los Ajustadores del Pensamiento en este mundo. Aprended a escucharles...ya que cada uno de los vuestros las recibirá y luego habrá una transmisión AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 17 apropiada a lo que tú has de saber...lo cual puede variar para cada individuo en función de lo que NECESITES. Estas transmisiones pueden ser regionales, por así decirlo, es decir, que algunas irán destinadas a personas de diferentes regiones o religiones diferentes. La frecuencia debería aumentar en las próximas semanas. El Jefe Ajustador del Pensamiento de Urantia.

Translations - Others Dec 30, 2014 - Italian: UNA PREGHIERA PER OGNI MATTINA PRIMA CHE IO APRA GLI OCCHI True US History Dec 30, 2014 - RAPE AND MONEY FUEL THE "IDEOLOGY" OF ISIS The scum of ISIS are about as "Muslim" as Italian Mafia members are "Catholic". True Muslims do not rape and terrorize... the real psychological answer to the riddle of ISIS's successful recruitment drive is much simpler than the Slimes would have you believe. Simply pay a convict or a slum-dog $100,000 per year and he'll gladly become a mercenary. Throw in the 'perks' of full rape access to the White Yazidi women of Iraq and the "psychology" of why so many degenerate low-lifes are "flocking to join ISIS" is no longer a mystery... The silly piece continues with elaborate descriptions of how ISIS sells oil to finance itself. Really? If that's true, then who's buying this oil? Who's refining it? Who's shipping it and to where? Are we to believe that the US, the EU, the Arab States and the rest of OPEC are all powerless to stop the alleged sale of this alleged oil? This doesn't make any sense, at all. Nor does this bit of brazen bull-sugar from the article: "General Nagata alluded to the Islamic State’s sophisticated use of social media to project and amplify its propaganda, and insisted the United States needed “people born and raised in the region” to help combat the problem. I want to engage in a long-term conversation to understand a commonly held view of the psychological, emotional and cultural power of I.S. in terms of a diversity of audiences,” the general said. “They are drawing people to them in droves. There are I.S. T-shirts and mugs.” Social media? T-shirts? Mugs? Who is actually manufacturing and selling these ISIS swag items? Where can one buy some? Is there a website address? Are the sales done online, at a local shopping mall, on QVC? Why can't the all-mighty NSA trace the IP addresses of the online networkers and salesmen? Why can't they be tracked down? Who is paying for the Internet service? Who is publishing these "terror websites": Go Daddy? - Mike King

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Two more ministers accused in the VIP child abuse scandal: MP wants Secrets Act lifted to let police speak out Campaigning MP John Mann said he was approached last week by a victim who claims to have been abused by the politicians – one a peer – in the 1980s and has passed the detailed allegations to detectives.... The new allegations of child abuse emerged after the Bassetlaw MP handed a carefully-researched dossier about five paedophile rings to police with the names of 22 MPs. It includes 13 ex-ministers, at least two of whom are claimed to have gone to 'abuse parties' held at Dolphin Square, the luxury riverside estate in Pimlico which has been home to dozens of MPs...

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He said the key to unlocking the truth behind the saga lies with retired Special Branch detectives who witnessed events and could be 'absolutely critical' in providing information to an investigation. He said 'a number' of officers have contacted him, including one who has read a 50-page dossier of evidence amassed by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens which is now said to be missing. He added: 'It is clear there are a lot of people who could provide a lot of information, potentially vital information, to support ongoing criminal investigations. 'But they are not doing so because of the Official Secrets Act. They are fearful of not only breaking the law but the potential effect on their pension. This is absolutely crucial if we are to get some of these ex-officers coming forward and to get prosecutions of some of the former MPs.' - Chris Greenwood Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Two more ministers accused in the VIP child abuse scandal: MP wants Secrets Act lifted to let police speak out Campaigning MP John Mann said he was approached last week by a victim who claims to have been abused by the politicians – one a peer – in the 1980s and has passed the detailed allegations to detectives.... The new allegations of child abuse emerged after the Bassetlaw MP handed a carefully-researched dossier about five paedophile rings to police with the names of 22 MPs. It includes 13 ex-ministers, at least two of whom are claimed to have gone to 'abuse parties' held at Dolphin Square, the luxury riverside estate in Pimlico which has been home to dozens of MPs... He said the key to unlocking the truth behind the saga lies with retired Special Branch detectives who witnessed events and could be 'absolutely critical' in providing information to an investigation. He said 'a number' of officers have contacted him, including one who has read a 50-page dossier of evidence amassed by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens which is now said to be missing. He added: 'It is clear there are a lot of people who could provide a lot of information, potentially vital information, to support ongoing criminal investigations. 'But they are not doing so because of the Official Secrets Act. They are fearful of not only breaking the law but the potential effect on their pension. This is absolutely crucial if we are to get some of these ex-officers coming forward and to get prosecutions of some of the former MPs.' - Chris Greenwood

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Child abuse Westminster paedophile ring: Jailed Charles Napier will be told to name VIP abusers Caged child abuser Charles Napier faces a grilling by detectives who believe he could help expose a network of VIP paedophiles with links to Westminster. Officers probing claims that span decades think the former teacher – jailed last week for abusing 23 boys – can name Establishment figures including peers, Government ministers, - civil servants and police. Napier, 67, was treasurer of the twisted Paedophile Information Exchange, which - campaigned on behalf of paedophiles in the 1970s and 1980s and argued that the age of consent should be lowered to FOUR.. Officers recently revealed there are now 18 separate operations probing historic allegations

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 19 in the 70s and 80s – and campaigners believe Napier would have had a full list of those - involved with PIE... “As a test of his newfound ‘remorse’, he can share all the names of the rich and famous who attended the parties that his victims referred to. “As PIE treasurer in its peak period of membership in the mid-1970s, Napier holds the key to the identity of hundreds of dangerous abusers who continued to abuse thousands of children over many decades. “He can now pass all this to police as testament to his newfound regret and remorse.”- Keir Mudie

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - Christians, Stand Your Ground Against Homofascism Staver noted that in 2004, after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court unconstitutionally imposed same-sex “marriage” on the Commonwealth, Catholic Charities ceased its adoption ministry because it refused to place children in same-sex households. “The commitment to Church teachings and conscience is commendable,” said Staver, “but Catholic Charities should not have voluntarily ceased its adoption ministry. If the government wants to impose an intolerant agenda on people of faith and trample their religious convictions, then let it happen in public for all to see. I cannot believe the American people will long tolerate this intolerant agenda.” - J. Matt Barber

Political Information Dec 30, 2014 - More than 200 Muslim youths protect Christians during Christmas service in Kaduna True US History Dec 30, 2014 - Cuban Resistance: An Example for the World Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Pope Francis To Enter Climate Change Game As Major Political Player In 2015 Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - MH17 – Dmitro Yakatsuts & Anna Petrenko True US History Dec 29, 2014 - Why America Can't Stop Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Ditching US dollar: China, Russia launch financial tools in local currencies Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Hungary Press Fears US-Made Maidan in Budapest Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Fallout from Obama’s Russia Strategy Is Spreading through Europe Ron: This is a typical myopic and totally distorted view of the reality vis-a-vis Russia and the effects of US and EU sanctions. Russia will not be grossly affected by EU sanctions but the EU will be.

Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - The Devil in the Vatican AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 20

True US History Dec 29, 2014 - US Fox in charge of the Ukraine chicken hawk coup bank? Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Russia-n SWIFT, BRICS Bank, China defends ruble: Revolt has begun. Independence from West’s global financial slavery, blackmail at hand Environment/Science Dec 29, 2014 - E DARWINIAN MYTH OF THE 'SIMPLE SINGLE CELL' Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Putin And Medvedev…In Sync!

Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Starvation Hits Retirees in Blockaded Donbass Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Is Russia the ideal enemy for western capitalists? Dagmar Henn: The present economic crisis is not a financial one. Finance is just the surface. The wave of deindustrialisation sweeping over most of the Western economies during the last decades tells another story. Industry became too efficient; it doesn´t generate enough jobs, therefore it doesn´t hand out wages sufficient to pay for all the products produced." Ron: Einstein noted in the 1930s that humanity had solved the production problem using mechanisation and technology. Since then, developments in electronics, robotics, 3D printing etc have grossly compounded the problem from the point of view of the Jew bankster global matrix controllers and their various subterfuges such as the welfare state.That is why the Techma (Jews) planned (at least as long ago as Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini in 1871) on having WWIII so that they could drastically reduce the global population AND usher in their New World Order, Jewish dominated One World (dictatorial) Government, at its conclusion. See eg: The Permanent Unemployment & Underemployment Economy - Underemployment-Economy.shtml And the various related articles referenced therein.

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Incidentally, having solved its production problems, the remaining issues facing humanity relate to fairly sharing the resulting abundance, AND eliminating over production and waste, which is rapidly destroying this planet and making it uninhabitable. These problems have now become so acute that their resolution requires divine intervention which will take the form of the 3DD which will cleanse the planet of negative energies including the removal of the Techma and other individuals not yet ready to embrace the journey into Light and Life.

Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Self-proclaimed DPR republic nationalizes Ukrainian state companies Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Сoal supplies to Ukraine prove Putin’s goodwill for supporting Ukrainian people - Peskov Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - Self-proclaimed Luhansk republic nationalizing strategically important enterprises True US History Dec 29, 2014 - Rating Agencies to Downgrade Russia Debt to Near Junk in Political Attack True US History Dec 29, 2014 - ‘More stable & prosperous than ever’? NATO officially ends 13-yr mission to Afghanistan Armed confrontations between militants and security forces in Afghanistan have intensified in recent years, as the number of Taliban fighters has skyrocketed from 2,000 to around 60,000, since the US-led invasion in 2001. In 2014 Afghanistan lost over 5,000 police and soldiers fighting the Taliban, more than in any previous year... Since the US toppled the Taliban in 2002, opium production in the country has tripled. Afghanistan now accounts for over 90 percent of the world’s heroin market... From January 2015, the new US-led mission will provide training and support for Afghanistan's military, with the US accounting for almost 11,000 members of the residual force. [Ron: Is it just me or is there a contradiction between "ending" the US/Nato mission in Afghanistan and the fact that the US is still leaving 11,000 troops in occupation of that country?]. According to the Congressional Research Service, the war in Afghanistan has already cost the US taxpayer $686 billion throughout the 13 years - roughly $144 million a day. -

Candace addition: How many TIMES now have we already LEFT Afghanistan with a few forces to keep peace? I lost count. I remember recently when I guess it was an Obami speech where he said we were out of Afganistand now and I went WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT... do Americans even remember?

True US History Dec 29, 2014 - College Workshop On Anal Sex? Ron: I assume this is a legitimate posting.The US being what it is today... a Judaic cesspit.

True US History Dec 29, 2014 - Hollywood propaganda threatens world peace AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 22

True US History Dec 29, 2014 - ADL's "Advanced Training School" brainwashing top law enforcement executives True US History Dec 29, 2014 - US Thought-Control Goes into Loop over Sony Hollywood Hack Political Information Dec 29, 2014 - US Armed Rebels Gave TOW missiles to Al Qaeda Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - Rethinking Politics: The Irresistible Lure Of Socialism Ron: IMHO Andreja Vrazalic's analysis is shallow, ignorant and naive. It also appears to totally lack any real spiritual dimension. Humanity is NOT inherently unable to live in peace and harmony in communitarian relationships. All of Creation is enlivened by the spirit of Source and all humans are indwelt by a God fragment which seeks unity for all and everything. Capitalism, like Socialism, Communism, Feminism and all the rest, was a Techma (Jewish) creation designed to divide, conquer and enslave humanity. The challenge for humans is to see through the smoke and mirrors created by Techma illusions in order to see the way the truth and the life, which is Christ centred love of all that is. Those who perceive this truth and seek to achieve it, will continue with Gaia after the 3DD. The societies they will create will be communitarian with governance based upon republican models in which ALL members of society will seek to be involved to the extent of their capacity. So be it.

Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - A Very Brief History of China-Russia Relations Hano Dec 28, 2014 - What you answer to a question Once, a question was asked: "Father of All, what am I?"...and an answer was received... The Light of Life is what you are. It is your very substance, your very essence. You are no different from it. You are it in all ways. You were created to fulfill a certain purpose in the fullfillment of the Father's plans for the evolution of His Creation...

True US History Dec 28, 2014 - Afghanistan against US plans to transfer military gear to Ukraine - Kabul official Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - US War against Russia Is Now against Hungary Too Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - The Upsides to Russia's Ruble Collapse True US History Dec 28, 2014 - US is Losing its Economic War Against Russia Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - IDF Raids Bethlehem Stable; Jews Extorting Money from Spain Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - Chief Rabbis Slam Lack of ‘Jewish Values’ Amid Corruption Scandal Brian: Comedy corner.

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Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - Paul Eisen announces: ‘Jews for Justice for Germans’ Ron: Does this mean that Paul Eisen has finally got off the fence on the side of the Creator and the German people? For his sake i hope he has. Time is very short for Jews and others who wish to repent and recant their support for the crimes of the Jews.

Political Information Dec 28, 2014 - Australia: “Terrorism” warnings ratcheted up for Christmas Two days before Christmas, Prime Minister Tony Abbott, acting on the advice of the intelligence and police agencies, issued a grim-faced statement. He claimed that “chatter” by “terrorist sympathisers,” following the hostage crisis in Sydney on December 15, made it necessary to warn that another “attack is likely.” Abbott stated that the security apparatus did not know where or when an attack would take place, but people should “go about their lives as normal.” The purpose of such a warning was to ensure that, as millions of people gathered with their families and friends for Christmas events, the notion firmly was implanted in their heads that in any part of Australia, at any time, a terrorist atrocity could take place. This constant fear-mongering is being used to justify the extraordinary measures taken during and after the Sydney siege, all of which have far-reaching implications for the democratic and social rights of the working class. - James Cogan

True US History Dec 28, 2014 - Hollyweird's Double Standards THE JEWISH BRIGADE was “part of the British and, in some cases, even the US army.” It was made up of so-called ”Revenge Squads”, he tells us “who received their orders from the US, London and Tel Aviv (then not yet an established Israeli City).” Remember now: this Cosmic excrescence wore BRITISH military uniforms and AMERICAN military uniforms, and they would go, literally unimpeded, from house to house, and basically execute any and everyone that took their fancy. Israel Carmi, one of the Judaic killers, admitted so much: ”We would go,” he said, ”from house to house, and search for Germans, any Germans, THOUGH NOT BEFORE PUTTING ON OUR BRITISH MILITARY HELMETS WITH THE WHITE BANDS AND POLICE ARMLETS…” It was the same with those that raped German women: they were not Russians, though one cannot exclude the possibility of there being at least some Russians among that raping horde, but by and large, the sadistic rapists and torturers were Jews. Here is a partial list of those that did those bestial things to the Germans. Look them up; they were called THE JEWISH BRIGADE. Here is a partial list of the names of the Jewish Brigade members, raping and killing Germans whilst wearing British and United States police and military uniforms. Yehuda Amichai Ted Arison AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 24

Hanoch Bartov Yehoshua Bar-Hillel Ernest Benjamin Zvi Brenner Reuven Dafni Israel Carmi Dov Gruner Hans Jonas Mordechai Maklef Haim Laskov Edmund Leopold de Rothschild Shlomo Shamir Vittorio Dan Segre Israel Tal Adin Talbar Moshe Tavor Meir Zorea Amram Zur Bert Goldshaw Again, and again, and again, and again: JEWS ARE NOT HUMAN! They are psychopathic parasites, hell-bent on destroying the human race. Marcus [Ron: Actually most Jews appear to be reincarnating Techma, an alien race from another universe. Techma are human, but barely so, due to aeons of evolvement as ego-centric mentalists who reject the Creator and Creation and seek to become their own "gods", and to create their own universe, completely divorced from the Creator. That insane attitude has all but eliminated the God spark of humanity in them. The Techma were quarantined on Urantia to give them another chance to evolve but many appear not to have accepted the opportunity. They will be removed during the 3DD.].

True US History Dec 28, 2014 - Facebook: Colonialism 2.0 Ron: How are Joe and Josette SIX PACK or even your average Star Seed, supposed to KNOW the truth about our world? Every aspect of life is contaminated, distorted and controlled by smart arse Techma ie Jews.

Kibo Dec 27, 2014 - HAPPY DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! Kibo's day after Christmas "rant"...... Hang tight folks because this year of 2015 is going to be INTENSE. I think folks will truly begin to awaken and beg for God.....and start feeling him better.... for emotions are of LIFE and thus of God...Its the Father's Will to get a God knowing race of people developed on this planet which has been quite a tough job. Keep walking in God's Will beloveds... LIVE and Demonstrate God within YOU. By the way the Cobra and others continue to posutulate opposites and during this coming year I hope people will begin to think for themselves and stop holding untruths.. particularly untruths of AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 25 opposite natures. A simple example: You can't have some person named God (Christian belief) who is going to destroy the planet and at the same time send his Son Jesus to rule it for 1000 years and then let the devil loose again.. this does NOT COMPUTE ... start pointing these out to your friends. -C

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - What if a Jew swims against the stream of Zionism? Ron: Jews not only want their cake and to eat it too. They also want YOUR cake as well. Professor Yakov M. Rabkin goes even further; he seems to argue that the only true Jews are religious Jews, typified by Haredi. The erudite Professor Rabkin, who almost certainly owes his position at a Canadian university for the last 40 years BECAUSE he is a Jew, pontificates about the supposed distinction between Zionist Jews and religious Jews despite the fact that ALL Jews live by the dictates of the political ideology in the Talmud. Apparently Zionist Jews are not real Jews since they supposedly don't follow the "religious" practices prescribed by the Torah and Talmud. However, Professor Rabkin, like Jews everywhere, is happy to accept the advantages and benefits associated with the activities of "non-religious" Jews while pretending that Zionist Jews are not real Jews. The inference being that REAL Jews are nice and not at all RACIST, supremicist, exceptionalist, anti- gentile, etc. This is typical Judaic, rabbinical "double speak" ie standard Judaic divide and conquer rhetoric designed to confuse and deceive undiscerning gentiles. Interestingly, as well as accepting political, vocational and cultural preferment in gentile nations acquired by ever acquisitive, ethno-centric secular Jews; REAL Jews accept the power, prestige and physical pillage acquired by Zionists and other secular Jews especially in Palestine and Germany, including fraudulently acquired "reparations" for the HoloHoax; and land and resources stolen by Zionist Jews and their secular Jewish IDF military, from Palestinians. BUT, being hard core ideologues, Haredi demand to be parasites on the backs of Zionists and "secular" Jews as well as parasitically battening upon gentiles. For instance, Haredi men don't work for a living but study Torah instead. AND they refuse to serve in the IDF which does the "work" of TAKING Palestinian land and assets for Jewish use and benefit while protecting Haredi from Palestinian "blowback" so that they can enjoy stolen Palestinian property and amuse themselves by harassing and murdering dispossessed Palestinians with impunity.

True US History Dec 27, 2014 - From Energy War to Currency War: America’s Attack on the Russian Ruble A multi-spectrum war is being waged against Moscow by Washington. If there are any doubts about this, they should be put to rest...On a daily basis this struggle can be seen playing out on the airwaves, in the war theaters in Ukraine and the Middle East, through the statements and accusations of diplomats, and in the economic sphere- Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA

True US History Dec 27, 2014 - 4-Year-Old Preschooler Handcuffed, Shackled & Transported to Police Station for Allegedly Acting up in Class AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 26

Ron: Amerikka, Land of the Free!

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - China offers Russia help with currency swap suggestion Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - China Steps In as World's New Bank Beijing's move to bail out Russia, on top of its recent aid for Venezuela and Argentina, signals the death of the post-war Bretton Woods world. It’s also marks the beginning of the end for America's linchpin role in the global economy and Japan's influence in Asia. - William Pesek

What work is left for the IMF? Photographer: Adam Berry/Getty Images

True US History Dec 27, 2014 - Glen Beck and the ISIS plumber's truck

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials '... a human rights group in Berlin, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, has begun the process of indicting members of the Bush Administration by filing criminal complaints against the architects of the Admin’s torture program.' - Ryan Denson

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 27, 2014 - Eternal Damnation Doesn’t Seem to Work So what about the path? Do we have to fear choosing a path because it might be wrong? Of course not. A person might take any number of paths in a lifetime. What matters is that we pause to notice if we are dissatisfied enough to change, reflect and evaluate, ask for wisdom, and come a little closer each time to answering in a way that satisfies our spirit: “What do I live to be?”... We were born into an incredible time of collapse and uncovering of what has AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 27 been hidden. I suspect that as more layers are peeled off we will begin to see this world and ourselves clearly, and that’s what makes it a great day for some and a dreadful day for others. Among the things we are realizing is: we can’t make it through this time by calling upon external powers in the sky. We have to turn within, as that is where we find Spirit… the I Am that is one with All That Is. So, to me, the meaningful path is ‘know thyself’, and the price to pay is the exemption from responsibility. If we wish to awaken to or remember ourselves, we have to take responsibility. - Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - 'Santa cop' hands out $100 bills instead of tickets Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Vatican Reeling As Pope Francis Admits There Is An Army Of Over 8,000 Pedophile Priests True US History Dec 27, 2014 - New Jersey Man Who Has No Use of His Arms Charged with Gun Possession Ron: Amerikka - Home of the Brave, Land of the Free.

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Sisi brings back Egypt’s police state with a vengeance Ron: Query what sort of "activists" are referred to in this article? IF Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar al-Assad had adopted this approach to so-called "activists" it seems probable that "activist", mercenary DEATH SQUADS could not have been assisted by NATO bombing etc, and so they could not have destroyed Libya and murdered Gaddafi. Similarly, 200,000 Syrians would not have been horrifically killed with even larger numbers maimed, dispossed and made refugees by DEATH SQUADS organised, armed and paid by the Judaic Empire. The acid test is what would the Jews do if their control of the US, UK and EU was threatened by violent "activists" and their supporters, FUNDED BY say, Russia, China or Iran? Al-Sisi has the "excuse" that Egypt is being attacked by REAL, externally organised and funded TERRORISTS. What excuse does the US have for incarcerating millions of USans and others?! IF the US can justify BOMBING and/or invading countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan,Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and the Ukraine et al, on NATIONAL SECURITY grounds, surely al-Sisi can (and should) arrest, charge and incarcerate Egyptians and foreign agents for inciting insurrection and violence WITHIN Egypt. No? Why not?!

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Iran and Modern Cyber Warfare Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Gazprom confirms Ukraine settled $1.65bn gas debt … following the agreements reached in Brussels Naftogaz paid $3.1 billion in two tranches to settle for 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas supplied by Gazprom in November-December 2013 and April – June 2014,” the company said in its press – release. The first payment of $1.45 billion was made on November 4.-

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Dec 27, 2014 - Ukraine suspends all rail services to Crimea Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - Bank of Russia launches analogue of SWIFT system Ron: Tell me again why you think that Russia is depemdant upon global Jewry's City of Londin controlled banking system.

Political Information Dec 27, 2014 - China to Start Payments With Russia in National Currencies on December 29 Environment/Science Dec 27, 2014 - ‘Noah's Ark’: Russia to build world first DNA databank of all living things Ron: This is not the action of a nation lacking inspiration, money, resources, courage, imagination or concern for humanity and the planet.

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - In New Economic War Russia Can Initiate Mutual Assured Destruction

Ron: I think this article title is misleading. Russia can initiate the assured destruction of the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire economically or, if push comes to shove, militarily; WITHOUT RUSSIA OR those who support Russia, being destroyed economically or otherwise.

True US History Dec 26, 2014 - Pepe ESCOBAR - Blowback after blowback for the “Empire of Chaos” Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - The 2014 "Saker's Man of the Year": the Russian soldier Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Ukraine PM Insists Kiev Is on a Charm Offensive in Donbass "For a long time we have been trying to win the hearts of the people in Donetsk and Luhansk." - Ukraine's prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Please? By shelling civilians week after week then into the ceasefire? Maybe by calling them "subhumans"? Or maybe still by stopping salaries and pensions to them? - http://russia-

Translations - Candace Dec 26, 2014 - Italian: Candace E il Capo Aggiustatore di Pensiero di Urantia da Candace E il Capo Aggiustatore di Pensiero di Urantia

Human/Animal Rights Dec 26, 2014 - Kangaroo Punches Drone Out Of The Air Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Netanyahu: Europe has not learned lessons of "Holocaust" Ron: I'm really tired of reading about whining, lying, Jewish shit kicking rhetoric. How can anyone with half a brain believe these smart arse Techma misfits?! SERIOUSLY?!

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Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Aleppo’s Synagogues Have Not Been Destroyed Why am I not surprised that the so-called Muslim mercenary Al Queda and ISIL terrorists et al, have murdered and maimed hundreds of thousands of Moslems and thousands of Christians while also destroying their mosques and churches BUT left Jews unmolested and ALL synagoges intact?

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Pope Francis Decrees That Individual Salvation Outside Of Roman Catholic Church Doesn’t Exist Ron: A major task for the Abundant Hope organisation is to change the face of religion so that it reflects divine truth.

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Top BBC executive publicly endorses key Zionist mantra Danny Cohen, who is the director of BBC Television, claimed that anti-Semitism has become so bad that he has to question the long-term future for Jews in Britain... Appropriately enough, Cohen was speaking at a comedy conference, so it is somewhat disappointing that he didn’t mention, as evidence of anti-Semitism, the fact that he was appointed controller of BBC1 TV at the age of 40, the youngest appointee to that post, before taking over as director of BBC Television in 2013.Cohen has had a Jewish tribal upbringing in the UK, where he attended a Jewish elementary school. So, the odds are that he sees the world from a narrow, Judaeo-centric, narcissistic perspective where the only things that matters are what Jews think, what Jews feel and how well Jews do. -

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Iranian Cyber Warfare - Modern Threats and Modern Defenses True US History Dec 26, 2014 - How Every American Can Fight Terrorism With Just One Finger Presented with no comment...

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h/t @WG_Burton

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Russian Pivot Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Short update about the Ruble and a great interview of Michael Hudson

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Russia, China mock divide and rule To top it off, in 2014 President Xi Jinping has deployed unprecedented diplomatic/geostrategic frenzy - ultimately tied to the long-term project of slowly but surely keeping on erasing US supremacy in Asia and rearranging the global chessboard. What Xi said in Shanghai in May encapsulates the project; "It's time for Asians to manage the affairs of Asia." At the APEC meeting in November, he doubled down, promoting an "Asia- Pacific dream". Meanwhile, frenzy is the norm. Apart from the two monster, US$725 billion gas deals - Power of Siberia and Altai pipeline - and a recent New Silk Road-related offensive in Eastern Europe, [4] virtually no one in the West remembers that in September Chinese Prime Minister Li Keiqiang signed no fewer than 38 trade deals with the Russians, including a swap deal and a fiscal deal, which imply total economic interplay. - Pepe Escobar


Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Ukraine Central Bank Conned Into Swapping Its Gold For Lead Bricks AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 31

Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Mysterious Russian satellite sparks ‘orbital weapon’ speculations Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Witness account of Ukraine MH17 takedown confirmed by lie detector – investigators Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - MH17: Russian investigators claim proof from witness that Ukrainian pilot involved in downing of flight Political Information Dec 26, 2014 - Russia’s Humble Christmas List For Christmas, Russia would like the west to live up to its creed Candace Dec 25, 2014 - Have a Wondrous Christ Day um=internal_email&utm_source=pickup&utm_campaign=receivercontent


Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - China Challenges US Economic War against Russia by Directly Challenging Nato Power Directly challenging the NATO powers’ policy of cutting off credit to Russia to undermine the ruble and bankrupt the Russian economy, China is pledging to extend financial aid to Moscow. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 32

On Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed the need for mutual aid between China and Russia in remarks on the ruble crisis, which has seen a drastic 45 percent fall in its value against the dollar this year.“ Russia has the capability and the wisdom to overcome the existing hardship in the economic situation,” Wang said. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity.” - Alex Lantier

Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - Video: Christmas in the Third Reich – Weihnachten im Dritten Reich I have included the amazing, historical "Weihnachtsringsendung" (Christmas Ring Broadcast) which took place via military two-way radio and the domestic public airwaves. With this broadcast, the entire German nation at home, and their soldiers, sailors and airmen on all fronts of the war, were joined together for a few minutes via radio on Christmas Eve 1942, to sing "Stille Nacht" (Silent Night). It was a miraculous, and a very uplifting display of national solidarity and Christian brotherly love: the very things National Socialism stood for, and which only the forced war under the combined might of the corrupt Allied Nations could destroy. - Wayne -

True US History Dec 25, 2014 - America Meets Ghost Of Christmas Future America Meets Ghost Of Christmas Future This 2' 26" video was published by Br Nathanael on 24 Dec 2014: Ron: The Pharisees sought to kill Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) and DID have him crucified but he survived and went to India where he lived to well over 100 years of age.

Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - China openly and officially backs Russia Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - 22.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Europe Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - Why the Secrecy on the Mh17 Investigation Political Information Dec 25, 2014 - Khazin on schizophrenic Government Polices Translations - Others Dec 25, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 212: UN NUOVO ANNO: UNA NUOVA VITA Seraphin tramite Rosie

Translations - Others Dec 25, 2014 - Italian: STIAMO CUOCENDO Dal Sé Superiore/Io Espanso di Shellee-Kim

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Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2014 - The Santa Claus Syndrome Ron: We wish everyone a Happy and Holy Christmas season and a Wondrous New Year.

Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - New testimony about the shooting down of MH17 Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - Ruble, Oil, Shale Gas, Derivatives and American Hegemony VINEYARDSAKER: said... @Where-Wolf:The Chinese 'Communist' (read Jewish-Marxist) That is just about the dumbest thing I have read in a long, long while. [Ron: Really?! WHY? China was exploited by the Jews throughout the 19th Century and much of the 20th Century; and Mao Tse Tung was a Rothschilds' Bolshevik agent. See eg: The Late, Great Helmsman - Late-Great-Helmsman.shtml Jewish Faces in Chinese Government. - Government.shtml CHINESE REVOLUTION THE BIGGEST GENOCIDE ON PLANET EARTH , COMMUNISM AND THE JEWS , MAO TSE TUNG AND ROTHSCHILD FUNDS – CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL - THE-BIGGEST-GENOCIDE-ON-PLANET-EARTH-COMMUNISM-AND-THE-JEWS- MAO-TSE-TUNG-AND-ROTHSCHILD-FUNDS-CAPT-AJIT-VADAKAYIL.shtml China and the Jews - the-Jews.shtml The USA’s decades long warfare against China (Parts 1 & 2) - warfare-against-China-Parts-1-2.shtml CHILD ABUSE IN CHINA. - CHINA.shtml Anything for Power: The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin – Chapter 20. - Story-of-China-s-Jiang-Zemin-Chapter-20.shtml Contaminating Confucius: Christianity in China - Christianity-in-China.shtml

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Dec 24, 2014 - Chronicles of the Collapse of Kiev - Edition 2014-1 Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - Russia is a Creditor to the World - Default Risk Non-existent Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2014 - Trust in Self '... who are the meek? We can look at various people around the world, but I’m pretty sure ‘meekness’ is not on the surface. Searching through the dictionaries, I find that ‘meek’ points to persons who are patient under suffering, teachable, righteous and humble, restraining their own power so as to allow room for others… and doing it by their very nature. One of the dictionaries even mentions enduring injury with patience and without resentment. What would enable a person to endure like that, without resentment? I’m thinking a great deal of faith, and trust… in something holy and eternal... Trust in the True Self strengthens over time into faith. Faith is the victory. Or, as Helen Keller said, “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” Let’s celebrate your light and our light this Solstice. - Ida Lawrence

True US History Dec 24, 2014 - 1938 U.S. Census Figures Reveal High Unemployment Under Roosevelt – Parallels and Implications for Today Make no mistake. It was not just the Germans who were defeated in World War II. All nations who went along with the destruction of Germany lost, in many cases never having experienced bullets and bombs on their own soil. They lost in terms of their own humanity, culture, heritage, sovereignty and solvency. But they lost in ‘slow motion’ and are perhaps only now just realizing it, and seeing the effects of it around them. The proverbial ‘frog in the slow boiling pot’, so to speak. ‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII. This insane path can only lead to an inevitable global economic and cultural collapse, mass unemployment, chaos, starvation, disease and World War III, for the fulfillment of Bankster’s satanic NWO agenda. - Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - UN predictions fall short: Gaza uninhabitable today So there is an increased awareness of the unjust plight of Palestinians in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine. But as we approach the end of the year, a time when much of the West will be preoccupied by holiday shopping and celebrations, will this awareness be enough to sustain pressure on Israel and prevent a new massacre of Gaza? Will it be enough to pressure both Israel and Egypt into allowing building materials into Gaza and opening the Rafah crossing to Palestinians needing to re-enter or to exit Gaza? Will it be enough for American citizens to call for an end to the billions of dollars of aid given to Israel, let alone munitions, including a reported 3,000 more precision-guided munitions of the type used over the summer? Or for British citizens to demand Britain end arms export to Israel? - Eva Bartlett

Telemensajes de Otros Dec 24, 2014 - Serafín, Mensaje 211: ERRORES Y NUEVAS ACTITUDES Serafín a través de Rosie

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Telemensajes de Otros Dec 24, 2014 - Serafín, Mensaje 210: EL NUEVO CONCEPTO: BAILAR JUNTOS Serafín a traves de Rosie

Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - Haiti: Time for Clinton and Co to Pack and Go Environment/Science Dec 24, 2014 - Greenpeace director appears in Peru court after ill-conceived Nazca Lines stunt True US History Dec 24, 2014 - 911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe This 1 hour 35' 50" video was published by Ken O'Keefe on Dec 20, 2014: Publisher's comments: This is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct response to David Cameron's rediculous speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014.

Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - To be the Right Kind of Investment Banker. True US History Dec 24, 2014 - Israel – America’s torture consultant French Dec 24, 2014 - French: Dr. Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 04. Dr. Peter D. Beter, traduit de l'anglais par G. AKUÉ.

Political Information Dec 24, 2014 - Why normalize relations with Cuba now? When the oligarchs make war on you, and they have outside help, they can only be defeated by putting them in prison and taking over the means of production. Thus, to defeat the oligarchs, Venezuela’s government would have to go communist or National Socialist — either of which would bring an instant military attack from the entire Western world. It would be Libya II. Despite the war by the oligarchs, with their engineered scarcity, Venezuela was able to keep buying imports as long as oil prices were high, since Venezuela’s government could get foreign currency. But now that oil prices are down, and Venezuela’s supply of foreign currency is drying up, the oligarchs’ war is devastating. Cuba will continue to get Venezuelan oil, but that is not enough. Cuba also needs to import food. For that, Cuba needs foreign currency. Venezuela has no foreign currency to give it, since oil prices are down. Neither Venezuela nor Cuba can print their own currencies out of thin air are use it to pay for imports, since importers will not accept those currencies as payment. Foreign importers want to be paid in dollars, or euros, or British pounds. When you send 10,000 cars to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 36

Venezuela, you want to be paid in dollars that you can spend anywhere in the world. You do not want to be paid in bolivar fuertes that you can only spend in Venezuela. Cuba’s economy is in trouble, since Cuba can no longer get help from Venezuela’s government, other than oil imports. Thus, Cuba is forced to start talking to Washington, whose sudden recognition of Cuba is a wedge between Cuba and Venezuela. It is designed to break up the ALBA nations. The USA must do this NOW, before oil prices go back up. Washington’s recognition of Cuba will not stop at building an embassy in Havana. Washington will shower Cuba’s top politicians with money, thereby creating an instant and permanent addiction to money and power. Cuba’s politicians will want more. Always more. In other words, once Cuba is corrupted, there will be no going back. Cuba will turn away from Venezuela, and will enter the globalist club. Everything gained from the revolution will be lost. Cuba will become Mexico, or even Honduras. A playground for the rich, and a nightmare for the natives. All the corporate bigwigs understand what I have just described above. That’s why they are circling Cuba like vultures. Within a year, Cuba will be overrun with Israeli tourists. Synagogues and “holocaust”™ museums will spring up like weeds. (At present, Cuba only has about 2,000 native Jews.) Cuba’s finance minister and central bank head will be Jews. It’s over folks. I’m sorry to be so negative, but I’ve seen this movie many times, and the ending is always the same... The term “neo-liberal” is not connected with “liberal” (as in liberal versus conservative). “Neo-liberal” refers to deregulation of finances and economics. That is, to the decriminalization of financial fraud and mass extortion. “Neo-liberal” refers to pure plutocracy. It means government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. It means reducing everything and everyone to commodities. It means viewing life strictly in terms of monetary profit. It means all of society being geared toward widening the gap between the rich and the rest. - Konrad

Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’ Two films expose in no uncertain terms the core issue of our time: how the financial system has come to dominate the globe by centralizing wealth and power through Usury, the manipulation of the volume of money, and centralized control of credit allocation. This is the core of the conspiracy industry: that history is not so much a matter of competing nation states, but that a shadowy elite rules the world from behind the scenes, and that the core of their power is through control of money. - Anthony Migchels

True US History Dec 23, 2014 - US Embassy in Havana – The Cuba Caper Hano Dec 23, 2014 - Lost?! Impossible! The Father Fragment/Thought Adjuster is your personal, ever present, unerringly guiding, ever patient connection with God. It is GOD'S OWN VOICE AND BEING WITHIN only waiting for you to STILL YOUR MIND and LISTEN. It is closer to you than your heartbeat.

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With the Eternal Father as your centre in this unmatchable intimate relationship it is impossible to ever be lost.

True US History Dec 23, 2014 - Sorry, Putin. Russia’s economy is doomed Ron: Here is some typical Amerikkan RA RA economic propaganda bullshit. It's not worth annotating.

True US History Dec 23, 2014 - How the CIA Launched the «Financial Pearl Harbor» Attacks on Russia and Venezuela Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - Old American Punishment, New Russian Strength: The Unintended Consequences True US History Dec 23, 2014 - Is NATO aiming at a No Fly Zone for Russia over the Baltic? True US History Dec 23, 2014 - Texas Christians Protest Chabad’s Hanukkah Ron: Discernment required. I haven't got time to analyse this article.

Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - Ayatollah Khamenei's 6 reasons to prove ISIS serves the U.S. and Israel True US History Dec 23, 2014 - Were NATO Dogs Used to Rape Afghan Prisoners at Bagram Air Base? Ron: Doya think YOU will be exempt from the Techma's Talmudic (Anglo-USraeli) "interrogation" techniques after establishment of the Jews' New World Order?! Good Luck with that!

Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings Human experimentation was a core feature of the CIA’s torture program. The experimental nature of the interrogation and detention techniques is clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summary of its investigative report, despite redactions (insisted upon by the CIA) to obfuscate the locations of these laboratories of cruel science and the identities of perpetrators... To implement those theories, Mitchell and Jessen oversaw or personally engaged in techniques intended to produce “debility, disorientation and dread.” Their “theory” had a particular means-ends relationship that is not well understood, as Mitchell testily explained in an interview on Vice News: “The point of the bad cop is to get the bad guy to talk to the good cop.” In other words, “enhanced interrogation techniques” (the Bush administration’s euphemism for torture) do not themselves produce useful information; rather, they produce the condition of total submission that will facilitate extraction of actionable intelligence. - Lisa Hajjar

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Rosie Dec 23, 2014 - Seraphin Message 212: A NEW YEAR: A NEW LIFE "For those who are familiar with the feelings of elation which a NEW YEAR can bring, who raise their glasses in celebration, realising that this is a momentous and unrepeatable and unique moment, pregnant with the potential for effecting change, KNOW THAT A LIFE IN BLISS, IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DIVINE AND WITH THE LAWS OF THE COSMOS IS FORMED OF AN ETERNAL CHAIN OF SUCH MOMENTOUS MOMENTS OF DEEP AWARENESS, WHEN PERCHING ON THE EDGE OF THE OLD, HOLDING YOUR BREATH BRIEFLY BEFORE PLUNGING WITH EXHILARATION INTO THE NEW"

Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - SURPRISE, SURPRISE–Pope Benedict helped free Alan Gross from Cuba

Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - Israel: More than Murder Political Information Dec 23, 2014 - OPINION: Non-Violence and the Lost Message of Jesus Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - 93-Year-Old Auschwitz Guard Oskar Groening to Stand Trial on 300,000 Counts Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Love in the Age of Kali Yuga Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Vineyard of the Saker White Paper: the China-Russia Double Helix Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Ruble Crash: China Pledges to Support Russia

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Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Ruble crisis: so far so good Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - The Secrets of the Lindt Cafe Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West “Suppose the Russian government says, ‘Well, since the attack on the ruble is political and you guys are attacking the ruble and causing us so much trouble, we are just not going to pay off the next traunch of our debt that comes due early in 2015.' Well, the European banking system would collapse because those banks are terribly undercapitalized. Some of them have loans to Russia that almost absorb the entire capital base. So the Russians don’t even have to default. They can just say, ‘We’re not going to pay this year. We will do it later. We’ll do it when the ruble stabilizes.’ (Laughter). You can understand the impact of such a decision by the Russians on the West. And given all the linkages and the interconnections — when Lehman Brothers went down it had just about as much adverse affect on Europe as it did the United States... The biggest black swan of all, Eric, if the Russians get thoroughly angry, all they have to do is call up the European governments and say, ‘We no longer sell natural gas or any other form of energy to members of NATO.' The consequence would be the utter and total collapse of NATO. Not even a puppet state like Germany is going to let the people freeze to death, let the factories be closed down, and let the unemployment rate hit 40 percent. It’s just not going to happen — it would be the end of NATO. - Paul Craig Roberts

Environment/Science Dec 22, 2014 - Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics This 3' 03" video was published by 3D Systems on Dec 15, 2014: Publisher's comment: See how unique, custom 3D printed prosthetics allow Derby the dog to run for the first time.

True US History Dec 22, 2014 - The Unfortunate Mr. Cosby *Update* Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Trends Report For 2015

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Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - The Impending "Russian Maidan" The Guardian would admit in its 2004 article, “US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev,” that (emphasis added): ...while the gains of the orange-bedecked "chestnut revolution" are Ukraine's, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes. Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box. Richard Miles, the US ambassador in Belgrade, played a key role. And by last year, as US ambassador in Tbilisi, he repeated the trick in Georgia, coaching Mikhail Saakashvili in how to bring down Eduard Shevardnadze. Ten months after the success in Belgrade, the US ambassador in Minsk, Michael Kozak, a veteran of similar operations in central America, notably in Nicaragua, organised a near identical campaign to try to defeat the Belarus hardman, Alexander Lukashenko. That one failed. "There will be no Kostunica in Belarus," the Belarus president declared, referring to the victory in Belgrade. But experience gained in Serbia, Georgia and Belarus has been invaluable in plotting to beat the regime of Leonid Kuchma in Kiev. - Tony Cartalucci

Political Information Dec 22, 2014 - Ukraine’s Poroshenko Prepared for ‘Total War’? True US History Dec 22, 2014 - Season of Goodwill… West Delivers Sanctions, Suffering and Conflict Translations - Others Dec 22, 2014 - Italian: PER ESSERE DIAMANTI MULTI-SFACCETTATI Le Divine Figlie Danzanti tramite Shellee-Kim

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Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - The forgotten lady who gave her life for Cuba Ron: The Reichstag fire was a Judaic terrorist event NOT a false flag by the National Socialists. As always, the Jews do the terror event and then have their political and media flunkies BLAME others. By now that should be FKN obvious to anyone who wants to know...! IF this David Rovics "hero" can't tell the truth about 911 WHY would anyone think he is telling the truth about Hitler and the Reichstag fire?!!! See eg: THE REICHSTAG FIRE WAS NOT A 'FALSE FLAG'! - NOT-A-FALSE-FLAG.shtml And: A Brief History of False Flag Attacks: Or Why Government Loves State Sponsored Terror. - Flag-Attacks-Or-Why-Government-Loves-State-Sponsored-Terror.shtml And: Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer. See: Modern-Primer.shtml

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Speculation upon the Cause of Israel did 911 Denial. True US History Dec 21, 2014 - "Jews created modern American mass culture" Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Israel fighter jets conduct air raids on Gaza Strip True US History Dec 21, 2014 - Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Closing the Gate on GMO and the Criminal Transatlantic Trade Agreement Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Australian government exploits Sydney siege to advance “war on terror” Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - “Hanukkah Miracle” Down Under: The Dirty Zionist Hands Behind The Sydney Siege Ron: Those who want to know what the Jews are currently doing in Australia should read thei article. It is excellent. Feel free to check out the foot notes as well. This article explains the rather absurd happenings in the "Sydney Seige". As usual the stupid (mentally disturbed) PERP was expendable. Being befriended by ASIO and ASIS is the kiss of death in much the same way that being befriended by a CIA or FBI agent is; as the Tsarnaev brothers discovered ( No-Proof-Tying-Tsarnaevs-to-Triple-Murder-Feds-Admit.shtml )

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Kibo Dec 21, 2014 - 12182014 Posted December 18, 2014 Please notice special linky inside. You will understand the Thought Adjuster after reading that lovely book. For the "god" in it,, is the authors thought adjuster. This is just excellent...a member of Talk It Up posted about the book... its from 1914 and exceptional.

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Oh how much they hate and fear Russia and Putin So, in fact, we only have two bases outside Russia, and both are in areas where terrorist activity is high. One is in Kyrgyzstan, and was deployed there upon request of the Kyrgyz authorities, President Akayev, after it was raided by Afghan militants. The other is in Tajikistan, which also borders on Afghanistan. I would guess you are interested in peace and stability there too. Our presence is justified and clearly understandable. Now, US bases are scattered around the globe – and you’re telling me Russia is behaving aggressively? Do you have any common sense at all? President Vladimir Putin

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - What Putin is not telling us True US History Dec 21, 2014 - Paul Krugman's Notes on Russia Debt Are Upside Down Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Crouching sanctions, hidden revenues Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - The Baltic Dry Index Has Never Crashed This Fast Post-Thanksgiving

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - ISIL kills 100 members trying to quit terror group: Report Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Is This Xi Jinping's Jewish Handler? Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Pro-Israel Rabbi to monitor ‘religious freedom’! On Friday, Obama’s nominee Rabbi David Saperstein became the first non-Christian ambassador-at-large to monitor international religious freedom including gay and lesbian rights. Saperstein is an open supporter of LGBT rights movement, abortion, same sex marriage and has been quite proud of Jewish contributions in this field. “When it comes to the work of protecting religious freedom, it is safe to say that David Saperstein represents the gold standard,” said Secretary of State John Kerry (a Crypto Jew), announcing the nomination at the State Department. The Jewish Lobby has hailed Saperstein’s appointment at the US State Department. Elliott Abrams, the convicted pro-Israel White House adviser called Saperstein, “a terrific choice”. -

Environment/Science Dec 21, 2014 - The plane that could fly ANYWHERE in four hours gets a step closer AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 43 to blast off: European Space Agency backs plans for air breathing experimental rocket

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - The Land of Don’t – The Mounting World of Regulations True US History Dec 21, 2014 - Jewish hypocrisy: Ethnostate for them, multiculturalism for us Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 21, 2014 - Seraphin Botschaft 206: Ein Aufruf an diejenigen, die sich vom göttlichen Plan abspalten Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - Christianity, Imperialism, Capitalism Christian Dogma Should be Questioned Ron: A major task of the Abundant Hope organisation is to change the facce of religion. This rant illustrates both the problem and the ignorance of the critics of religion.

Political Information Dec 21, 2014 - The Forgotten Christmas Truce of 1914. Unlearned Lessons which could have Prevented a Century of War (1914 – 2014) Ron: This author is either shill for the Jews or a sanctimonous incompetent who enjoys preaching.

German Dec 21, 2014 - Macht aus eurem Leben eine bewegliche Meditation von Hazel, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Targeted Messages Dec 20, 2014 - Dinares Gurus This posting is not of interest to our normal readers. I am posting it here per the request on David Righter. There is a reason for this. This is not any sort of "global nesara type program".. so please do not emotionally involve yourselves AH readers in some sort of monetary hope. There is "fraud" in this.. so beware any of you others of another sort who read here, you have been warned.

German Dec 20, 2014 - Ölkrieg gegen Russland: Lächerliche Leute und unbeabsichtigte Konsequenzen F. William Engdahl, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History Dec 20, 2014 - Return Of The Jewish Neocons

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 44

True US History Dec 20, 2014 - HOW THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR CHANGED THE WORLD True US History Dec 20, 2014 - The Congressional report on torture confirms that Al Qaeda was not involved in the attacks of September 11 True US History Dec 20, 2014 - Trapped in a terror trance True US History Dec 20, 2014 - Ending the Cold War on Cuba? From the Freezer to the Chiller True US History Dec 20, 2014 - The murderous history of USAID, the US Government agency behind Cuba’s fake Twitter clone Political Information Dec 20, 2014 - ISIS' Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory True US History Dec 20, 2014 - BOSTON BOMBING: No Proof Tying Tsarnaevs to Triple Murder, Feds Admit Political Information Dec 20, 2014 - Red Ice Radio - Anthony Migchels - Hour 1 - Usury: The Problem with the Economic System... Ron: Anthony Migchels is an excellent commentator on "money" and usury. I highly recommend that you listen to this video audio with attention.

Political Information Dec 20, 2014 - Barbarossa 2 - Ruble Takedown Exposes Cracks in Putin’s Defense Political Information Dec 20, 2014 - More To Ruble's Collapse Than Meets The Eye? Political Information Dec 20, 2014 - "It's A Huge Crisis" - The UK Oil Industry Is "Close To Collapse" True US History Dec 20, 2014 - ZIONISTS ARE FRAMING NORTH KOREA! Political Information

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 45

Dec 19, 2014 - Russian president Vladimir Putin says West behaving like 'empire'; reassures Russians over economy As soon as [the West] have torn out [Russia's] claws and teeth, then the bear won't be needed at all - they will make a stuffed dummy out of it. "This is not about Crimea, the thing is that we are protecting our independence, its sovereignty and its right to exist." - Russian president, Vladimir Putin

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game? Ron: I haven't read all the comments.

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - China Prepares To Bailout Russia True US History Dec 19, 2014 - The Oil Coup Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 18 December 2014 Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - ‘Suicide Drones’ and the Spoils of War: Israeli arms manufacturers look to cash in on the war in Gaza Ron: this sickening article includes embedded videos and images not incorporated here. I can't be bothered making the effort to include them. BUT you get the picture.

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Australian teen anti-Semite punished with visit to Jewish museum Ron: And what are Jews required to do who actually maim and kill Palestinians?

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 19, 2014 - Moving through Darkness in Search of the Light. True US History Dec 19, 2014 - Christian Christmas Symbols Banned while Giant Jewish Menorahs Erected on Public Land! Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - “Cuban Five” at Heart of US-Cuba Deal True US History Dec 19, 2014 - As a Symbol of Hanukkah Obama Opens the Door to Cuba Ron: Gosh I'm sick of this Techma shit! It's endless and totally mind addling. How many more Palestinians, Syrians, Ukrainians, Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Sudanese, Malians, Venezuelans, Central Africans et al must be fed to the Judaic MOLOCH before enough is considered to be enough? If we are waiting for Russia to perfect its alternative to Swift and require that payment for its oil be made in rubles, is it not possible to assist them to speed up the process? Aren't they doing enough to help themselves ... and us?

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - A bit of X-Mas for re-thinking, from the PJ's (Repost) AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 46

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Propaganda is the art of telling people what to think without them realising that’s what you are doing... (Repost) Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - THE HANUKKAH HOAX Unfortunately the Techma (aka, Jews, neo-Pharisees, Pharisees, Canaanites ...) own OR CONTROL most alternative media sites AND THOSE THEY DON’T OWN THEY TRY TO UNDERMINE USING HASBARA, SHABBOS GOI AND USEFUL IDIOTS AS GATEKEEPERS AND SHILLS. They are like a plague, they are everywhere and their corrupting handwork is a corrosive cultural acid eating away the foundations of the Christian cultures they infest. Subtle Techma propaganda usually goes unnoticed and it is all the more insidious for that reason… See eg: Propaganda is the art of telling people what to think without them realising that's what you are doing... at telling-people-what-to-think-without-them-realising-that-s-what-you-are-doing.shtml

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Israel’s Role in Syrian Conflict Brought into the Open: Direct Support to Al Qaeda Terrorists

Translations - Others Dec 19, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 211: ERRORI E NUOVE RIPRESE Seraphin tramite Rosie

Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Grisly Peshawar Slaughter - Who Created Taliban, Who Still Funds Them? Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Tehran: Iran Repeatedly Warned Australia about Gunman Political Information Dec 19, 2014 - Another Interesting Take on The Sydney Siege – ConspiracyOz Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Sydney hostage videos despicably fake Ron: There are three videos embedded in the original article. They all appear to be staged and in the second one you can hear a female voice saying : "One, two, three", at AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 47

the beginnng of the clip and then saying: "OK that's it" when the female speaker finishes her spiel. A lot of people MUST be aware of the fact that this so-called siege was a drill presented by the media as a real event.

True US History Dec 18, 2014 - Obama to announce major Cuba policy change, US may open embassy Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - ALBA Alliance Celebrates 10 Years, Nicaragua Sanctions U.S. in Defence of Venezuela True US History Dec 18, 2014 - A Century Ago: Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize 15 Million Americans Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Rebranding Christmas: More public bodies are refusing to give festival its name for fear of causing offence Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 18, 2014 - Lehr-Botschaft von der Quelle Von der Quelle durch Hazel, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Germany says will help finance four new Israeli warships Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Dancing the Apocalypse Tandava with Amanita Muscaria Claws. Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Dying for Industry Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Guilty until proven innocent Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - ISIS Horror — OK to Rape Non-Believers — But Media Covers Up Judaic Sexual Horror! Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - America: Australia's Dangerous Ally Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - MOSCOW BLOG: Picking through the ruble Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Russian Central Bank Releases 7 Measures It Will Take To Stabilize The Financial Sector Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - KYIV BLOG: What price European values when economic collapse is imminent? Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Ruble Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Economic War Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - China's Li cements new export corridor into Europe Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 48

Dec 18, 2014 - Go West, Young Han Political Information Dec 18, 2014 - Letter from Diogenes on Interest Rate and Russian Central Bank Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 18, 2014 - SELIGKEIT - die Hüterin des Gleichgewichts Höheres Selbst von Hazel, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Hano Dec 18, 2014 - Counter the War Energy War (World War 3) is coming everyone is saying, and so they are using you to create the war. Do not go along with the meme energy. Do not feed the energy the dark elements are using to manifest their wishes of destruction...Be the Light. Be the Peace. DO NOT FEAR.

True US History Dec 17, 2014 - Oil War on Russia: Ridiculous People and Unintended Consequences True US History Dec 17, 2014 - HOMOSEXUAL TERRORISM SUPPORTED BY GOVERNMENT Hazel Dec 17, 2014 - BLISS- The Host of Balance The body of truth is bliss. The embodiment of truth leads to a blissful state of being.

Hazel Dec 17, 2014 - Let your life be a moving meditation Advocating a way of life that will counter every base vibration, lower frequency thought, event, circumstances or people that may enter our awareness daily.

Hazel Dec 17, 2014 - Teaching message form the Source Children of Light, I AM your Eloquence

German Dec 17, 2014 - Israels Geheimplan für ein "zweites Israel" in der Ukraine Wayne Madsen, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Russia's New Currency ~ The State Duma is discussing the possibility of replacing the ruble new currency Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Israeli Report: Jews are Khazarians Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Olympics now banned from any country restricting spread of homosexuality On December 8, the IOC unanimously approved a wide-ranging package of 40 recommendations, the Olympic Agenda 2020, that includes a rewording of its anti- discrimination Principle 6 clause to include a reference to "sexual orientation" as a protected category. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 49

Hosting the games, or ‘belonging to the Olympic movement’ as its styled by the IOC, “requires compliance with the Olympic Charter and recognition by the IOC." Thus, countries hoping to host Olympic Games in the future, such as the two contenders for the 2022 Winter Games -- Almaty, Kazakhstan and Beijing, China -- would not be able to implement laws restricting homosexual proselytizing such as those enacted by Russia, or other measures aimed at limiting the spread of the harmful sexual behaviour. The Principle 6 clause of the Olympic Charter will be amended to state that "any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement." - Thaddeus Baklinski

True US History Dec 17, 2014 - More details on “psychologist” thugs who devised CIA torture True US History Dec 17, 2014 - The BRICS Nations Will Take Down The Dollar? But What About Israel? Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 17, 2014 - The High Value Potential of each Living Moment. Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - BBC attacked for running 'lucrative revolving door' after sacking 700 staff with £10million golden goodbyes... then re-hiring them all back again Rosie Dec 17, 2014 - Seraphin Message 211: MISTAKES AND NEW TAKES "This is indeed the great CORRECTING TIME when all will be tested and measured for AUTHENTICITY, HONESTY and INTEGRITY. How will you score on this on, Beloveds? For the celestials who observe you have every insight into the workings of your thought processes, and nothing can be overlooked or hidden. We see some of you rebel automatically in your thoughts when we mention that this is a “testing” time, and that it is something akin to an “examination”. Yet this is exactly what it is. Do you stand for spiritual degeneration or for spiritual growth? And how do you demonstrate and manifest this? This is the question we ask you all today. Your answer will determine your grade"

Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - ISRAELI COMPANY TAKING OVER SYDNEY'S WATER SUPPLY Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the biggest distortion of Islam in history

Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Protesters in Ukraine guard biggest weapons cache in eastern Europe Ron: I wonder what happened to those guns?

True US History Dec 17, 2014 - US Lawmakers to Gazprom: Keep Sending Gas to Ukraine or Face Sanctions AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 50

The bill primarily targets Russian energy companies and military contractors if they sell equipment to Syria, or anyone Ukraine, Georgia, or Moldova doesn’t like. It also calls for sanctions against Gazprom, the largest natural gas company in the world, if it doesn’t send natural gas to Ukraine, Georgia, or Moldova. Ukraine is the only one for whom that is a significant issue, as the nation has had repeated problems paying its bills, and owes Gazprom billions of dollars. -

True US History Dec 17, 2014 - U.S. Taxpayers Now Alone in Financing Ukraine’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign. IMF Says Ukraine Fails to Meet Conditions of $17 Billion Loan Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Donbass starts paying pensions under conditions of economic blockade Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Is Qatar Attacking Russia? Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - FINANCE – THIS STRANGER! Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Rouble vs. Dollar Games - From a Perspective of a Russian Businessman Ron: No doubt this is the correct interpretation of what Putin and his government are doing. As usual, he is defeating the greedy oligarchs and Western speculators at their own game. It is a matter of timing. No doubt the Russian Central bank will disconnect from the BIS and the Rothschilds at the appropriate time. The key to understanding the situation is knowing that the EU, and the world generally, needs Russia's oii, gas, uranium and other minerals and so it is a matter of ensuring that payment for those commodities will be made in rubles issued and controlled by Russia.

Translations - Others Dec 17, 2014 - Italian: Premete l’interruttore – è il momento Esseri di Luce tramite Mika

Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - The Russian Central Bank's "counterattack" lasted 30 mins! Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Turmoil Spreads: Ruble Replunges, Crude Craters, Yen Surges, Emerging Markets Tumbling Political Information Dec 17, 2014 - Putin´s Confident: Putin to Nationalize Rothschild´s Central Bank and Purge “Collaborators” with West. “War till One Side Collapses inevitable” Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - SYDNEY BUSTED - NOT THE RIGHT GUY!!! Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - The Russian Ruble Is Hereby Halted Until Further Notice Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Can anybody find me... a central banker to love?

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 51

So a more laughable rationale was offered: the rate hike would help contain inflation. Here's why that's funny: suppose I am a Russian manufacturer making widgets and now have to borrow at 10.5% instead of 9.5%. I will price my widgets correspondingly higher in order to pay the higher interest. That's price inflation. Then my workers will start complaining and threatening to defect, and I will have to give them raises; that's wage inflation. That's if my widgets are life-saving and people have no choice but to buy them; if my widgets are discretionary and I hike prices, people would simply buy fewer of them, so instead of taking the loan and increasing production I convert my savings into dollars or euros, close up shop and leave the country, telling everyone that I've had enough of this Russian central bank nonsense. But what if that's exactly what the bureaucrats at Russia's central bank want to see happen? Hmm... - Dmitry Orlov

Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap Hano Dec 16, 2014 - Choices If you could go back and change anything in your life, what would you change? What are your regrets?...How will your life be different with a different choice and how would you be different with a different choice? Would you still be you?...All your choices make you who you are. Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Very bad news out of Russia and Novorussia Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - The "Shape-Shifting Sheik" and the "Sydney Siege" Suspect had multiple aliases, granted political asylum by Australian government, interviewed by Australian media, spent years as fake pro-Western "Shia'a cleric" condemning Iran and Syria before recently "converting" to Sunni and supporting ISIS... Recently, a series of sweeping raids involving hundreds of Australian police and security agents netted suspected "terrorists" after communications were "intercepted." One must wonder why police didn't also visit the "Sydney Siege" suspect who openly pledged allegiance to ISIS... One thing is for sure, for a man in Australia's political and legal spotlight either for good or for bad for nearly two decades, it is highly unlikely he was able to put together this plot without Australian security and intelligence agents knowing. After several recent "anti- terror" operations carried out across Sydney based on intercepted communication, why hadn't federal agents also visited a suspected murderer openly pledging allegiance to ISIS?... whatever the truth may be - what is being insisted upon by the media, government, and corporate-funded think-tanks now certainly isn't it. - Tony Cartalucci

True US History Dec 16, 2014 - Gold, Financial Markets and the International Monetary System: One Foot on a Banana Peel …The Other in a Grave! Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - China and the Jews Ron: I haven't read the comments.

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 52

Dec 16, 2014 - Pooka Time in The Circus of the Absurd and Ridiculous Translations - Others Dec 16, 2014 - Italian: Nebadonia Messaggio 24: OGNUNO E’ AMATISSIMO Madre Nebadonia tramite Rosie

Human/Animal Rights Dec 16, 2014 - School Parents Outraged After Planned Parenthood Caught Indoctrinating Kids With The Genderbread Person Since gay [Ron: ie homosexual] people can not reproduce, they are forced to recruiting to expand their ranks. -

Screencast1: Genderbread Person 2.0

Environment/Science Dec 16, 2014 - Why Rockefellers Aim at Destroying Farmers Worldwide? Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Australia – Descending into Darkness (Draconian Laws, Police State, Surveillance and more) Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO’s Strategy Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Reuters Claims Public Expression of Atheism Is Illegal in Russia Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - International Criminal Court Challenging Russia Ron: Gosh I'm tired of this endless Techma (Judaic) shit! WHEN will humanity start to be told the truth?! Is it really reasonable to assume that billions of people who have been given the mushroom treatment all their lives should osmotically come to know the truth about the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 53

Jews and what they DO and have done to humanity? Why must everything be such a big secret?

Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Poroshenko says ceasefire regime helped Ukrainian army to reinforce its positions Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Who Will Foot the Bill in Ukraine? Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - US isolated, BRICS to get greater voting power at IMF Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - No pensions, water, electricity: Ukrainian way to the EU Political Information Dec 16, 2014 - Chevron: fuck the Ukraine The energy giant Chevron has told Ukraine that it will pull out of a $10bn shale gas exploration project agreed last year, officials said, in a further blow to the country’s war- torn economy and its hopes for an alternative to Russian gas imports. The cancellation comes months after Royal Dutch Shell, which also signed a multibillion-dollar production sharing agreement last year, froze shale gas exploration in eastern Ukraine. Read more at Chevron lost interest in the western Ukraine shale exploration project after findings in nearby Poland and Lithuania with similar geology showed worse than expected reserves, said a person with knowledge of the situation... Chevron’s decision is another blow for the present Ukrainian regime, which usurped power after toppling the democratically elected president in February. -

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Ukraine As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Geologist Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Monday, December 15, 2014 14-15.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Australia Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - The Lindt Cafe “ISIS™” Siege: Australia’s Bush-league 9/11 Ron: The same old, same old...

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - A coup against Putin or a coup BY Putin? Dear friends, Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - The Sydney Lindt Ball Attack Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Australian Military Predicted Cafe Scenario 6 Weeks Ago! It’s a good thing that like 9/11 and 7/7 our military is training in advance for the exact same scenarios they are being confronted with on either the day the events occur or a couple of weeks later. Because just like on and before 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings military drills were held foreshadowing those tragedies unfolding it seems that the Australian Military was

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 54 training for a hostage situation in, you guessed it, A cafe in an inner city! Fancy that! - Travellerev

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Eight Brutal Back-Stabbings of the New World Order (Updated) Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - 20 deals in 24 hours: Russia-India relations given $100 billion-worth boost Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - NATO's "Fact Sheet" about NATO Will Make Your Eyes Bleed Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Ukraine to call up 40,000 more soldiers in 2015 Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Frontline handshake: Kiev army, militia meet amid Donetsk airport ruins Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Brazil and the Politics of Neoliberalism: President Rousseff Declares War on the Working Class Ron: This article is sooo depressing because James Petras is probably right and the Techma get to emiserate another 200 million people.

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Central Bankers suppressing Russian economy Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Khazin on Putin's message - 05 Dec 2014 the benign sounding CIA “Phoenix Program” in South Vietnam resulted in the deaths of over 21,000 Vietnamese. As Carl Boggs argues, the acts of U.S. barbarism in Vietnam appeared both unrestrained and never ending, with routinized brutality such as throwing people out of planes labeled as “flying lessons” or “half a helicopter ride,”[2] while tying a field telephone wire around a man’s testicles and ringing it up was a practice called “the Bell Telephone Hour.”[3] Officially sanctioned torture was never discussed as a legitimate concern; but, as indicated by a few well-documented accounts, it seems to be as American as apple pie.[4] FBI, working under a secret program called COINTELPRO, designed to assassinate those considered domestic and foreign enemies.[5] forgetting/ - Alien Tech

True US History Dec 15, 2014 - Blaming Russia for Everything? Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Ukrainians inflict a painful defeat on their Russian opponents Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Islam and Russia's Tryst with Destiny by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - New Ukraine finance minister drafts sweeping welfare cuts AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 55

True US History Dec 15, 2014 - Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia Telemensajes de Otros Dec 15, 2014 - Serafín, Mensaje 209: UNA LLAMADA A LOS DELIBERADAMENTE DESTRUCTIVOS Serafín a través de Rosie

True US History Dec 15, 2014 - Israel teaches brutality to your security agencies Ron: Eran Efrati's video is very interesting: He says that the Israelis are training ALL of the US police AND:"You guys (USans) are NEXT in line." Also, to stop the genocide of Palestinians humanity must stop the flow of money to the Jews. Unfortuanately Eran Efrati does not appear to understand that the Holocaust is a HOAX. Until ordinary Jews UNDERSTAND that the Holocaust is a HOAX (and that therefore those who attest to it are either lying or deluded) most of them will not change.

Telemensajes de Otros Dec 15, 2014 - Serafín, Mensaje 208: UNA LLAMADA A LOS TEMEROSOS Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Scout Association facing more than 50 sex abuse claims since Savile Telemensajes de Otros Dec 15, 2014 - Serafín Mensaje 207: UNA LLAMADA A LOS DESPREVENIDOS Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Dancing with the Broomsticks of the Sorcerers Apprentice. Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - The Church of Rome and the love of money Political Information Dec 15, 2014 - Iraqi Jews reject ‘cynical manipulation’ of their history by Israel, Zionists, writer Almog Behar tells EI Naiem Giladi, an Iraqi Jew who joined the Zionist underground as a young man in Iraq and later came to regret his role in fostering the departure of some 125,000 Jews from Iraq, wrote that, “Zionist propagandists still maintain that the bombs in Iraq were set off by anti- Jewish Iraqis who wanted Jews out of their country.” But “the terrible truth,” Giladi said, “is that the grenades that killed and maimed Iraqi Jews and damaged their property were thrown by Zionist Jews.” - Ali Abunimah

True US History Dec 15, 2014 - America's death dance True US History AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 56

Dec 15, 2014 - USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide True US History Dec 15, 2014 - The Global Bankers’ Coup: Bail-In and the Shadowy Financial Stability Board Environment/Science Dec 14, 2014 - CHINA'S NEW "LITTLE CAR" aka "THE HIGHWAY SUPPOSITORY" Ron: This car sounds too good, and cheap, to be true.

Hano Dec 14, 2014 - Normal or Unique Are you a machine? Are you a mass produced commodity built according to a strict set of plans from which no deviation is possible? Are you "normal" or are you "unique"? Rosie Dec 14, 2014 - Message 24 from Mother Nebadonia: EVERYONE IS A DEARLY BELOVED "This is the turntable, the mission, the learning experience, to attract yourselves to each other, to like-minded souls, to share, to agree, to solve, to enter into disagreement, and to emerge, to progress, to form bonds and release them UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, always moving, always travelling the DIVINELY INSPIRED PATH, improving yourselves and your behaviour and your interactions UNTIL YOU RECOGNISE EVERYONE YOU MEET AS A BELOVED"

True US History Dec 14, 2014 - Sweet Deal: Corporations Get $760 from the Government for Every Dollar They Spend on Elections The report found that out of the $3 trillion in contracts the federal government issued for goods and services, the top 200 political contributors received one-third of that money. Other financial benefits are harder to quantify, the report admits. For instance, many companies save by influencing trade agreements, labor and environmental regulations and tax codes.For instance, the report cites tax provisions that save health insurance companies and healthcare providers tens of billions of dollars. Meanwhile, WalMart, the company that put out food bins in its break rooms this holiday season to be donated to its low-wage workers, acknowledged in a filing with the SEC that a reduction in the federal food stamp program could negatively impact the company’s $476 billion yearly earnings. - Alex Ellefson

Human/Animal Rights Dec 14, 2014 - Factory Chicken Farmer Invites Activists to See the Horrors of his Farm Political Information Dec 14, 2014 - Iran provides drone technology to South America Political Information Dec 14, 2014 - Iconic Mideast Photo Is a Fake — and Heartbreaking One at That Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 57

Dec 14, 2014 - Big Bad Things and Big Good Things True US History Dec 14, 2014 - U.S. Arms Deal Will Increase Israel’s Kill Power Political Information Dec 14, 2014 - Lest We Forget… The Talmud True US History Dec 14, 2014 - Central Banks Have Failed Because They Can't Push Wages Higher Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 14, 2014 - Knipst den Schalter an - es ist Zeit Von Mika, Lichtwesen, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - WWIII Is Guaranteed! "One Step Closer" To "All Out War" Says Russia Ron: This article states the bloody obvious as if its news. Also. Ann Barnhardt sounds like a hysterical disinformation agent. The US and ALL its political and judicial leaders are war criminals and that has been obvious for decades. She correctly goes on about issues like "not watching TV" etc BUT avoids actually telling the truth about US war mongering and the fact that Jews control ALL US Presidents and Administrations and are the CAUSE of US war mongering. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Elijah Johnson seems to be part of the problem. Don't bother listening to Ann Barnhardt unless the fact that the US is run by a bunch of arch thieves and war criminals is news to you.

Others Dec 13, 2014 - Flick the switch on – it’s time Includes original Finnish. Translated to English. Recieved about December 7.

Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Vladimir Putin’s Productive India Visit Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Why Russia’s Unfazed By Falling Oil Prices Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - India strengthens its strategic partnership with Russia Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - The new European 'arc of instability' Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Central Bank of Russia tries to destroy Russian economy? Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Russia and Turkey’s Gas Deal Can Save Europe and the World Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - The EU and the Ukraine stand to lose the most from the current US policies against Russia Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - ZIONISTS WHINE ABOUT 'HOLOCAUST' 7 YEARS BEFORE IT 'HAPPENS' AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 58

True US History Dec 13, 2014 - Non-participation Activism & How You Can Participate Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Adolf Hitler: Excerpts from Mein Kampf These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, where as in reality they are a race? And what a race! [Ron: Arguably Judaism is a political ideology created by the Techma who are an alien race from another universe who refused to accept their Creator and sought to become their own gods. To prevent their contamination of other areas of the cosmos they were quarantined on Urantia in the hope that they would become rehabilitated. It seems that most have not yst seen the Light and as a consequence they will soon be removed to an environment in which they can no longer harm others. The Techma tend to reincarnate as Jews and their political ideology is Talmudism. However, Talmudism is an ideology that can be CHOSEN by anyone and so, technically, Jews are not a race but an ethno- centric socio-political group who masquerade under the pretense of being a race and a religion, ie Judaism. Judaism's "deity" is Yahweh, a violent, jealous, genocidal g-d who is no god at all since the contradiction is obvious. So, Hitler was right as regards the core of the Judaic excrescence but inaccurate as regards any implication that being a Jew is necessarily a genetic characteristic. It isn't, although Techma appear to prefer to incarnate in the Khazar genetic stream.]. One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. Schopenhauer called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”. Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail. - Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) Ron: Incidentally, the reason Hitler ceased to function well during WWII was almost certainly due to the fact that his Jewish doctor Morell for all intents and purposes slowly poisoned Hitler to death with drug cocktails. And of course the Rothschilds' agent Martin Bormann was increasingly able to negatively influence Hitler's decisions. See eg: Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati - Illuminati.shtml].

Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Double Jeopardy True US History Dec 13, 2014 - Slain MassMutual Executive Held Wall Street “Trade Secrets” Health and Nutrition Dec 13, 2014 - vaccine Why flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Iraq: ISIS Making Profit Selling Organs Harvested from its Dead Fighters

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 59

Reports out of Iraq have found that the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group are making huge profits by selling harvested organs of its own dead fighters... Assisted by surgeons and doctors from Saudi Arabia, ISIS reportedly is operating an organs smuggling ring in Mosul. A report citing a local doctor from Mosul stated that ISIS was using 'networks specialised in trafficking human organs.' Siruwan al-Mosuli, an Iraqi doctor based in Mosul told Al Monitor that 'surgeries take place within a hospital and organs are quickly transported through networks specialised in trafficking human organs.'... All the dead ISIS fighters are brought to the medical facilities and their organs are harvested and then sold, he said.? - Johnlee Varghese

Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Christian Zionists funding Israel immigration still scares Jews

Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Israel decries ‘unfounded’ Amnesty International Gaza report on Zionist war crimes Political Information Dec 13, 2014 - Taylor Twit and those Heroin Model Rock, Eyes of Darkness. Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Middle East on the brink again: Palestinian minister dies after being tear gassed and hit in the chest with a rifle butt by an Israeli soldier at West Bank protest Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Iraqi Army Discovers Huge Depots of Israel-Made Weapons, Ammunition Political Information

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 60

Dec 12, 2014 - Thursday, December 11, 2014 10.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, USA, CIA - Phoenix Journals - PDF in German Dec 12, 2014 - Die Khasaren in den PJs, 9. Teil Auszüge aus diversen Phoenix Journalen

Kibo Dec 12, 2014 - The December 15th Cobra IS:IS Ritual Candace: read this well below who support him... I keep teaching that these dark ones want to liberate the planet from God and also be able to invade other planets... they will never be set free as long as they persist in this and do not grow up... Growing up in God is the essential act for ascendents to be set free in fact... everyone is kept watched over until the Paradise graduation in fact. I would suggest sending the piece to Cobra that Kibo has written here,,, the first part is a very succinct summary

Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Leaked Document: Ukraine's Government Set To Eliminate... Everything Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Confusion about AngloZionist sanctions against Russia True US History Dec 12, 2014 - US flag proudly flies over the SBU building in Kiev True US History Dec 12, 2014 - Ellen Brown-5 Big Banks will Survive Next Financial Calamity- Everybody Else Bankrupt Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - CrossTalk: Ukraine Wedged in the Middle Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Alternative Media and the MH17 JIT Reversal Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Putin Describes The 'Meaning Of Life' Russian President Vladimir Putin took a quick break from politics in order to describe the ‘the meaning of life’ at the 15th Congress of the Russian Geographical Society. “In general, love is the whole meaning of life, of being. Love of family, of children, and of the Motherland. It is such a multifaceted phenomenon that is the basis of all our actions,” he said in the conclusion of a speech at the event, reports RIA Novosti. - Elena Holodny

Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Ruble Collapses, Russians Yawn Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Putin Just Spelled Out a Radical New Economic Policy, And Nobody Noticed Political Information Dec 12, 2014 - Putin 2000 – 2014, Midterm Interim Results: Diversfication, Modernization and the Role of the State in Russia’s economy

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 61

Ron: Most of humanity lives in a sea of Techma (Judaic) LIES. Here's a bit iof truth about Putin, and the Russian economy which you won't find in any Jewmedia.

Spirituelle Schätze Dec 12, 2014 - Das Cobra-IS:IS-Ritual am 15. Dezember Candace: jene, die ihn unterstützen, lest das unten Stehende sorgfältig... Ich lehre immer wieder, daß diese Dunklen den Planeten von Gott befreien und auch in der Lage sein wollen, auf andere Planeten einzufallen... sie werden niemals freigelassen werden, solange sie darauf beharren und nicht erwachsen werden... In Gott erwachsen werden ist tatsächlich die grundlegende Voraussetzung für Aufsteigende, um befreit zu werden.... In Wirklichkeit steht jeder bis zur Paradies-Graduierung unter Beobachtung. Ich würde vorschlagen das Stück, welches Kibo hier geschrieben hat, an Cobra zu schicken; der erste Teil ist eine sehr prägnante Zusammenfassung.

Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - Sergei Glaziev: stupidity is worse than theft Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - EU Demands Russia Bail Out EU & Ukraine Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - Germany, Stuck with Massive Bill for Ukraine, Asks Russia for Help Western governments are turning to Russia for help since, as has been obvious from the start, it is only with Russia’s help that Ukraine can be stabilised politically and economically. At the same time, as Merkel’s most recent comments show, they don’t want to make any concessions to Russia over Ukraine or modify their policy there. This is the delusion the West’s Ukrainian policy has suffered from ever since talks about Ukraine’s association agreement with the EU first got started. The West wants Ukraine to follow a pro-West pro-EU anti-Russia line. At the same time they want and expect Russia to pay the bills. They are then baffled and angry when Russia says no. - Alexander Mercouris

Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - Why Are U.S. “News” Media Ignoring Important News? Western Media is Hiding War Preparations Directed against Russia True US History Dec 11, 2014 - CIA Spent $40 million, Hacked Senate Computers to Suppress Torture Report Regarding the President himself, Barack Obama’s biggest hurdles will now be defending his personal policy which prescribes actually killing detainees, rather than torturing them. Since taking Office, Obama has sanctioned approximately 2,400 murders through JSCOC and CIA covert drone programs. Intelligence Committee member Senator James Risch (R), explains, “They’re not picking up prisoners anymore. When a subject is identified, they are droned.” - Patrick Henningsen True US History Dec 11, 2014 - Ex-CIA agents hit back at shocking 'torture report', calling its findings 'cherry-picked'

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 62

True US History Dec 11, 2014 - 2 psychologists earned $81M from CIA torture tactics Ron: Sooo, humanity is supposed to believe that TWO unnamed psychologists who were essentially unquallified in interrogation techniques etc, were responsible for and performaed ALL the CIA interrogations carried out over many years ALL over the world in numerouse secret prisons etc. YEAH RIGHTTT !!! When is this shit gonna stop? WHEN is enuf, enuf?!

Translations - Others Dec 11, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 210: IL NUOVO CONCETTO: DANZARE INSIEME Seraphin tramite Rosie

True US History Dec 11, 2014 - Russell Brand on CIA Torture Report: If Rape Is Being Used As a Way To Get Info, We’re Already In Hell Ron: Russell Brand helps us understand just how complicit and ridiculous the mass media reports on CIA torturing are. See: This article cludes a lot of his comments.

Environment/Science Dec 11, 2014 - Print my ride! Local Motors builds the world's first 3D-printed electric car Ron: Get a grip on 3D printing Pilgrims because it typifies the Open Source Build Yourself Civilisation which will transform the way we live and make things once the Techma (Jewish) global matrix controllers are removed. That removal process is actively underway as we speak so give yourself a head start and get across these ideas and technologies now.

True US History Dec 11, 2014 - Reckless Congress Declares War on Russia Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - The Invocation of the Beast Nature and the Unnatural Course of Empire. Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - Cash-Strapped Russia Won't Support Ukrainian Separatist Regions Of Donetsk And Luhansk Political Information Dec 11, 2014 - More on Turk Stream Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Putin to visit India, Modi and Mukherjee on December 11- Nukes on the Table AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 63

David Crayford and the OITC Dec 10, 2014 - Important update from David Crayford Detailed and important.


Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Gold And Silver Will Rise With US Dollar Demise, Just Not Soon Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - A Malaysian Alternative Strategy for Russia? Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Russia notifies Ukraine of intention to dispatch ninth relief convoy to Donbas — media True US History Dec 10, 2014 - Washington Believes US Has Right to Produce Regime Change in Russia

Ron: Do the Techma have shit for brains or what?! To openly claim that the US has the right to change the regime of any nation including in this case, Russia, is morally and physically untenable. In fact it would be classed as insane IF the claimants actually had truly functioning brains. Apparently the Techma don't.

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Russian Missiles Shoot Down Ukrainian Surveillance Drones Over AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 64

Crimea Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Steelworkers in Kremenchug, Ukraine protest layoffs, demand conversion of their factory complex Ron: Those Ukrainians who are sooo stupid and alienated that they blame Novorussians (rather that the Jewish organisers and controllers of the Kiev Junta) for their plight, deserve what's coming to them.

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - 'Let those Russians die' Ron: Actually Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Kaganovich et al were JEWS and their Bolshevik 'government' was the result of a Jewish COUP just like the current Kiev Junta took power as a result of a Jewish COUP. Arguably therefore, the Bolshevik dominated Soviet Union was NOT a Russian government but a Jewih one just as the current "governments" of Palestine and Ukraine are NOT genuine Palestinian and Ukrainian governments respectively. However, the Putin government IS Russian and this poster's evalutaion IS valid: "Before Putin appeared on the international scene, I was a very apolitical guy. And suddenly, there was light at the end of the tunnel. I thought it was impossible. But it turns out that it is. A politician, who cares about his country. A politician, who can think. A politician, who is smart. A politician, who knows what to say and when to say. A politician, who makes the West work 24 hours a day to vilify him. Putin is probably someone, who gives humanity the last chance to survive in this world." - Cristo

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Ridiculous NATO Video Claims There Are No Fascists in Ukraine

...And certainly no fascists holding NATO flags. Never!

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Donetsk’s faint hopes for new ceasefire in Ukraine Ron: The hidden reason for the Jew controlled Kiev Junta's attempt to ethnically cleanse Novorussia is that the Israeli and Ukrainian Jewish plan is to resettle the Ashkenazis from the West Bank into the Donbass and the Russian autonomous republic of Crimea after what they see will be an eventual retrocession of the peninsula to Ukraine. The ultimate plans of Ukrainian Jews such as oligarch Kolomoisky, and their American allies like Assistant US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 65 to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, is to establish a new Jewish "homeland" in Ukraine. The justification is apparently that the Jews now admit that they are Khazars and say they wish to reestablish a Khazarian "homeland" in Ukraine because a Khazarian empire existed there a thousnad years ago. See eg: Israel’s Secret Plan for a 'Second Israel' in Ukraine - Second-Israel-in-Ukraine.shtml

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Russia’s monetary solution II Ron: Surely Russia has to withdraw from the IMF and cease having its Central Banking and monetary policy determined by the Jew banksters who control the IMF, the BIS and the World Bank etc? Russia needs to be able to decide how much money it will place into circulation and the interest rate, if any, to be charged for it rather than having those matters effectively determined by foreign banksters and speculators. While ever the Techma (Jew) banksters and corporatists grossly depress the price of oil and gold and grossly inflate the value (price) of the US dollar Russia should sell oil and gas for US dollars and use the proceeds to buy gold.

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Alternative Media Forced Malaysian Inclusion into MH17 Investigation

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - NATO Prepositions Weapons In Poland for Attack on Russia Hano Dec 10, 2014 - Unity will carry you ONE-ward Unity will become the strength which will carry you forward, upward, onward and ONE-ward. You will live it, breath it and love it and yet still be a unique part in it...

True US History Dec 10, 2014 - Washington and Baghdad agree to grant US troops immunity, says US Ambassador in Iraq Ron: Why am i not surprised?

Environment/Science Dec 10, 2014 - Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon! ‘666’! True US History Dec 10, 2014 - New Law Would Make Taxpayers Potentially Liable For TRILLIONS In Derivatives Losses Just imagine the following scenario. I go to Las Vegas and I place a million dollar bet on who will win the Super Bowl this year. If I am correct, I keep all of the winnings. If I lose, federal law requires you to bail me out and give me the million dollars that I just lost. Does that sound fair? Of course not! In fact, it is utter insanity. But through their influence in Congress, this is exactly what the big Wall Street banks are attempting to pull off. And according to the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 66

Huffington Post, there is a very good chance that this provision will be in the final bill that will soon be voted on… According to multiple Democratic sources, banks are pushing hard to include the controversial provision in funding legislation that would keep the government operating after Dec. 11. Top negotiators in the House are taking the derivatives provision seriously, and may include it in the final bill, the sources said. Sadly, most Americans don’t understand how derivatives work and so there is very little public outrage. But the truth is that people should be marching in the streets over this. If this provision becomes law, the American people could potentially be on the hook for absolutely massive losses… The bank perks are not a traditional budget item. They would allow financial institutions to trade certain financial derivatives from subsidiaries that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. — potentially putting taxpayers on the hook for losses caused by the risky contracts.- Michael Snyder

True US History Dec 10, 2014 - Voices Grow Louder To End The US Dollar's Reserve Status Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - India’s top priority: Toilets not Arms Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Israel Bombs Syria ... Again: Hits Ag Centers, Warehouses Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Iran, Russia Roundly Denounce Israeli Airstrike on Syria Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - No Truer Words; By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them. Their so called holy books directly state that they have the right to kill and enslave everyone else. It’s right there in print. They work all ends against the middle. By example, they owned the slave ships but they position themselves as agents of civil rights. They have insinuated themselves into governments and religions the world over and at the slightest whisper of criticism, they mount international campaigns of manufactured outrage over being exposed for what they most certainly are doing... All members of this demographic who defend the behavior of their evil brethren are on the game and those who embrace silence, are guilty by omission. Period. Those who know about massive lies that have been told and do not come forth to declare these things as lies are also ‘in on it’. It is only the level or degree of involvement that is different but… with Evil, it’s the same as being only a little pregnant. Evil, once in residence, eventually takes over if it is not fought against in the struggle for control over one’s own being. They seem incredibly powerful and most anyone with a survival sense steers clear of confronting them. Their power is illusionary. Given the right, they can dishonor and kill you but only whatever vehicle you are running around down here in and that’s no great loss. The great loss is the loss of all of your spiritual qualities, due to knuckling under to them. Some of us don’t …and care nothing about what harm they may temporarily visit upon us. Some of us work for the true master of all things and whose power is far greater than the shadow AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 67 they work for. They are the ones making war against Christmas and Christianity, Islam and all others. What they did in Russia is a clear example of what they have planned for America and other countries... Think of Christ as the emblematic example of all that is best in us. This is true. Christ is a state of consciousness, not a person.- Les Visible

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Two images

Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Prominent German Signatories – Open Letter: Another war in Europe? Not in our name! Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Ukraine's Other "Separatists" (Transcarpathia) Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Ukraine Receives New Weapons Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - Putin Snookers Nuland, Delivers Russian Gas to Kiev for Winter Political Information Dec 10, 2014 - The great lie of our time Environment/Science Dec 10, 2014 - China lacks innovation? Take another look Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 10, 2014 - EUCH WIRD ALSO GESAGT UND IHR WERDET ANGEWIESEN, IN DEN KRIEG ZU ZIEHEN Gezielte Botschaft LEST AUF DER INNENSEITE, -C! Dies ist für die DIENER/ SKLAVEN, die blind sind oder unter dem Druck der NWO-Kontrolleure stehen. Es wird euch HILFE angeboten, aus dieser Situation herauszukommen.

Kibo Dec 9, 2014 - Dedicated Prayer This would be a good one to read DAILY for a while...-C

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Sanctioned Russian banks begin testing national payment system next week Ron: When the US petro-dollar global reserve currency collapses and the US and Western nations'economies with it, Russia, China and the BRICS and other nations who seek to join them, should be able to avoid the worst of the fallout.

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - The biggest threat for Russia and for Putin AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 68

The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt, the mob should be forced to work and not depend on government for subsistence, and prudence and frugality should be put into practice. - Cicero, 58 B.C.

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Wars are Carefully Staged "World Order" Productions

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - 08-09.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, USA Rosie Dec 9, 2014 - Seraphin Message 210: THE NEW CONCEPT: DANCING TOGETHER "Your task is to MOVE TOWARDS EACH OTHER and in particular to EXPERIENCE LIFE TOGETHER and to GROW AS A RESULT OF ALL ENCOUNTERS, WHETHER PLEASANT OR UNPLEASANT. TO NEGLECT THE UNPLEASANT IS GROSS NEGLIGENCE, FOR THE CONFLICTS – UNSPOKEN, UNTREATED AND THUS UNHEALED – WILL NOT BE RESOLVED UNLESS LOOKED UPON" Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Chutzpah: Western media hate Jews! Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Chile’s Neoliberal Flip Flop Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Jews extort Croatians for $4 million in "Holocaust" reparations Ron: nice money if you can get it. The organized Jewish community has successfully extorted the Croatian government for roughly $4 million as a result of their endless promotion of the fake "Holocaust" narrative of WWII. The Jewish Daily Forward reports: ... Croatia will give land and an office building in Zagreb collectively valued at about $4 million to the city’s Jewish community as restitution for property expropriated during World War II.

According to the World Jewish Restitution Organization, the community will receive a six- story building and a surrounding land parcel owned by the government in the central part of the capital to replace a building once owned by the local Jewish burial society. The Nazi-allied government confiscated the original building during the war and it was nationalized by the Communist government. The income from the property will help to fund the operation of the Zagreb Jewish community’s senior-care facility and other communal programs... The WJRO’s chair of operations, Gideon Taylor, said his group welcomed the decision. He added, “We ask that the government build on this positive action by returning additional properties to the Jewish community and providing restitution for private and heirless Jewish-owned properties.”... Today, some 2,000 Jews live in Croatia, mostly in Zagreb. Rack up yet another victory for

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 69 the organized Jewish community. The fake "Holocaust" narrative, and the financial and sympathy racket it has generated, is the gift that keeps on giving. - John Friend

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Israel complicit with Takfiris, extremist terrorists: Iran FM Environment/Science Dec 9, 2014 - "There Are A Hundred Flashing Red Warning Signs Coming From The Environment" Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - MH17 'was shot down in botched bid to assassinate PUTIN': Pro- Kremlin media names Ukrainian air force pilot who they allege downed craft Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - Move Over America: How Russia Is Fixing Your Mess In Syria This week’s meeting that Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem had with Putin and Lavrov in Sochi was scarcely reported on in the West, but this doesn’t mean that it was insignificant. In fact, it was neglected precisely because of its significance, since it shows that Russia is the main international actor helping to bring peace to the country and victory to the anti-terrorist forces. All of this jars with the mainstream narrative that the US is the solution to the Mideast’s woes, instead showing that it’s actually the problem in the first place. - Andrew Korybko

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - MH17: Kiev defied warning on airspace True US History Dec 9, 2014 - Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners — Paul Craig Roberts Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - How Russia Outmaneuvered the West Financially in Ukraine The only way for Ukraine to rebuild enough economic strength and earned foreign exchange to avoid the consequent legal and economic mess is to voluntarily impose effective anti- corruption measures and market-based pricing for energy and other goods that end the oligarch model of development. [Ron: OH NO! NOT THAT! The whip but not that! That is just too horrible and totally ANTI-SEMITIC! Humanity cannot allow that! Next Jews like Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, Borislav Bereza et al might have to actually WORK for a living!]. In turn, these reforms would need to evoke not just reductions in wasteful and corrupt use on the demand side, but new production on the supply side. [Ron: Heaven forbid that as well!!!]. To anyone who has past experience with [Ron: Techma (Jewish oligarch) dominated] Ukrainian officials, this would appear to require intervention from, say, an archangel with a flaming sword. [Ron: this is currently being arranged!]. In this miserable winter, though, there may be enough popular sentiment against past practices to get the job started. - John Dizard

Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - 07-08.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Russia, ISIS Political Information Dec 9, 2014 - UN Human Rights Report Whitewashes Ukraine AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 70

Maybe they shell themselves?

Translations - Others Dec 9, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 209: UNA CHIAMATA PER CHI DISTRUGGE DELIBERATAMENTE Seraphin tramite Rosie

Translations - Others Dec 9, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 208: UNA CHIAMATA PER I TIMOROSI Seraphin tramite Rosie

Translations - Others Dec 9, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 207: UNA CHIAMATA PER GLI IGNARI Seraphin tramite Rosie

Political Information Dec 8, 2014 - Russia's Central Bank Hit by Accusations of Sabotaging Ruble I have a suspicion that the government and the Central Bank (and this refers a united ideological, commercial and political ‘team’ which are labelled by the media as ‘Liberals’, although the term potentially misleading), who promised the national political leadership economic growth although were unable to maintain it, have decided to resolve the situation by devaluation. However they simply don’t understand economics, rather they do not understand that devaluation will only benefit GDP in teo specific cases: Either there is a large amunt of idle capacity (like in 1998), or there is a large amount of freely available credit. At the moment there is neither. FX investments are not profitable and no one will invest. As for the ruble the central bank has simply refused to open up the credit market. This means that there can be no positive consequences from devaluation only negative ones. The most obvious will be a collapse in living standards amongst the normal population as the majority of consumer goods are imported. This brings us to the hypothesis that the governance of the central bank is in cahoots with Washington with the shared aim of subverting Putin. The hypothesis is already mainstream in the Russian Media... Russia has a whole collection of legislation to regulate its currently which are simply not ative at the moment because their activation would contradict the ideology which drives the financial elites. There is the mechanism of enforced conversion of foreign revenues (Set at AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 71 zero percent at the moment). There are limits on declared FX positions and other FX regulations which are similarly not active. I am not at all sure that new legislation is required, those which exist are wholly sufficient should the will be therr to activate them. The Central Bank’s investment policy is similarly pulled by the opposing forces of IMF rules and the country’s economic needs. During Gerashchenko’s tenure, the Central Bank was actively increasing domestic capital (from late 1998 until 2003, the money stock M2 increased approximately 10-fold relative to GDP, from 4% to 40%, and about 15 times in absolute terms). The post-Gerashchenko Central Bank has been pursuing a strict policy of keeping the ruble from becoming an independent investment vehicle (in compliance with the principles of the Bretton Woods system, in which the dollar should be the only investment source). It has become clear today that there won’t be foreign investment in Russia at a significant scale and therefore it is necessary to stimulate the ruble investment process. However, the current leadership of the Central Bank refuses to take any steps in this direction. Thus there is a reason to believe that the management of the Central Bank will change in the medium term. - Mikhail Khazin ( Saker-Community.shtml). [Ron: Why not IMMEDIATELY?!].

Kibo Dec 8, 2014 - Between You and God Alone Don't forget the roles you ones are training for here... which can include in a distant time your own universe... but along the way many many management positions also.....-C ONE DAY A WHOLE UNIVERSE OF YOUR MAKING WILL LINE UP BEHIND YOU TO GO WHERE YOU ARE GOING AND HAVE ALREADY BEEN...... ARE YOU READY? AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET US BEGIN!!!!!!! Rest inside

Political Information Dec 8, 2014 - Economic warfare the main Western weapon Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 8, 2014 - Beyond the Five Senses: The Powers Latent in Humankind Political Information Dec 8, 2014 - Egypt under military rule is good for Israel Political Information Dec 8, 2014 - The Saudi Israeli Alliance True US History Dec 8, 2014 - America's family court policy was drafted in cold war Russia True US History Dec 8, 2014 - Even Chinese Intellectuals Recognise Jewish Supremacy Over America! True US History Dec 8, 2014 - The dirty consequences of our clean wars AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 72

Five years ago the suggestion that within a decade drone strikes would be taking place on a regular basis in multiple countries with little notice by the mainstream media or the general public seemed far-fetched to many. Today, with drone strikes being undertaken in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and no doubt Libya again too soon (and not to forget the regular sporadic bursts of Israeli strikes in Gaza) such a prediction looks a lot more likely, if not a certainty. Continuing daily ‘precise’ airstrikes by US, UK and other nations against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria are currently almost invisible in the news media except for a few stories re- presenting carefully controlled DoD and MoD press statements. Meanwhile the US continues to increase its military forces in the area with A-10 aircraft and further Reaper drones being deployed from Afghanistan. The UK is also likely to have deployed further Reaper drones from Afghanistan but insists that it can’t reveal such information. - Chris Cole

- Phoenix Journals - PDF in German Dec 8, 2014 - Die Khasaren in den PJs, 8. Teil Auszüge aus verschiedenen Phoenix Journalen

True US History Dec 8, 2014 - American War Machine Ramping Up for Revenge The most effectual engines for pacifying a nation are the public papers… A despotic government always keeps a kind of standing army of news-writers who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invent and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper. — Thomas Jefferson Freedom of the press is another of the principal slogans of pure democracy…The capitalists have always use the term freedom to mean freedom for the rich to get richer and for the workers to starve to death. In capitalist usage freedom of the press means freedom of the rich to bribe the press and freedom to use their wealth to shape and fabricate so- called public opinion. In this respect, too, the defenders of pure democracy prove to be defenders of an utterly foul and venal system that gives the rich control over the mass media. They prove to be deceivers of the people, who, with the aid of plausible, fine- sounding, but thoroughly false phrases, divert them from the concrete historical task of liberating the press from capitalist enslavement… — V.I. Lenin

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Israel carries out two airstrikes near Syrian capital Ron: Israel repeatedly bombs Syria and Syria threatens to retailiate but never does. Russia and Iran SAY they will not tolerate a successful attack on Syria but they let the Jews and their covert Muslim terrorist mercenaries murder and mutiliate Syrians and destroy their homes and infrastructure piece meal, day after day, year after year. Syria is experiencing a death of a thousand cuts. Iss there a magic minimum number of Syrians that have to be murdered and mutilated; and homes and infrastructure destoyed etc, BEFORE the Juaic(Anglo-USraeli) Empire can be eliminated? Do Russia and Iran really not have the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 73 military capability to eliminate Anglo-USraeli military aggression in Syria, the Middle East and Ukraine? IF that is the case, how about they stop pretending they can?!

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Putin welcomes billionaires back to Russia – but will they come? Ron: Putin and Russia may well have the last laugh if the plutocratic thieves who removed their fortunes from Russia do not return them. Why? Because the so-called "safe haven" US dollar (USD) is currently grossly overpriced (and the ruble is grossly underpriced) so anyone hoarding their money in USD will suddenly find that it devaluers by 50% or more when China and Russia launch gold backing for the ruble and the yuan, thus destroying the US petro dollar as a global reserve currency. Even if ex Russian billionaires have invested in property in the US, UK and EU they may well find that such property no longer commands top ruble (and yuan) prices when the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire implodes. See eg: TRUNEWS 12/4/14: Jim Willie "The Western Banking Cabal's Stranglehold". See: The-Western-Banking-Cabal-s-Stranglehold.shtml And: All That Glitters Isn't Gold, Even Gold - The Potential & Perils of Precious Metals - Even-Gold---The-Potential-Perils-of-Precious-Metals.shtml And: The Golden Trap of Chess Master Vladimir Putin By Dmitry Kalinichenko. - Master-Vladimir-Putin-By-Dmitry-Kalinichenko.shtml And: Russia's Monetary Solution. - Solution.shtml

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Oil Prices and Energy Wars: The Empire of Frack versus Russia Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Putin: ‘Russia will be a sovereign state or cease to exist’ Putin was replying to the words of human rights ombudsman Ella Pamfilova, who said that the Federal Law on Foreign Agents needed amendments “so that it does not humiliate anyone and allowed rights activists to work normally.”...Putin reiterated the official position that the controversial law was introduced so that no one could affect Russia’s politics from abroad by means of financial leverage. “When someone across the border is paying for political processes in our country, I assure you, regardless of when they are claiming, in reality they are not servicing our national interests but only their own,” -

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Latest Terrorist Attack in Russia Has All the Marks of “Made in USA”

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - International human rights bodies confirm Russia’s White Book reports on Ukrainian abuse Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Here's Why The Kiev Sniper Massacre Was a False Flag Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 74

Dec 7, 2014 - Ukraine’s New American Finance Minister Lost $100 Mil of US Taxpayer Funds, Tagged with Financial Improprieties Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Kiev Regime – a Disaster Awaiting Meltdown Translations - Others Dec 7, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 206: UNA CHIAMATA PER I DISERTORI DEL SACRO PROGETTO Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - PURGING THE TRAITORS OF RUSSIA Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 7, 2014 - Under Pressure considering the statement that we enter the world with something and leave with something, what did we enter with? To me it seems we have entered with a task… to participate, along with many others, in the homecoming of God. -talk2momz

True US History Dec 7, 2014 - Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin Zen Gardner: This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it at any cost. Ron: Please read this article Pilgrims. Its the truth and the time to "Get it" and act on it, is NOW!

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Israel’s Secret Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - All That Glitters Isn't Gold, Even Gold - The Potential & Perils of Precious Metals human survival and indeed progress itself depends on resources. Available resources are the bottom line. An economic system based on resources and their exchange, not the perceived value of a national currency or precious metal, would appear to be a far more sustainable and intuitive economic system. From actual resources all real power is derived. The possession of forests, oil, seas, minerals, agricultural land, or even highly developed human resources and the ability to organize and exploit them are the primary source of power for any nation, organization or institution. The encouragement of those holding monopolies over these resources for the common individual to instead accumulate otherwise useless currency may go far in explaining the socioeconomic disparity inherent amid the process of increasing globalization. For individuals, organizations and even nations, the pursuit of actual resources and the means to more efficiently use them provides the greatest hedge of all against financial turmoil on a global scale. A microcosm of this in action we can observe today are nations currently cut off from globalization due to economic sanctions imposed upon them by those interests at the head of globalism. Nations like Cuba, Iran and North Korea, for example, show us how societies may AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 75 react to a catastrophic global financial meltdown where everything beyond their sovereign borders effectively disappears and all that is left is what they can devise themselves. For nations like Cuba and Iran, developing human resources, alternatives to large multinational corporations and their products and services have allowed them to weather sanctions for decades. While these nations are perceived to be behind the socioeconomic curve, should the US Dollar collapse tomorrow and the numerous interdependencies that define globalization unravel, they would be positioned well not only to weather the global fallout, but profit from teaching other struggling nations the lessons they've learned in dealing with socioeconomic isolation. In summation, while gold certainly has its place and holds value both perceived and as an industrial resource, the only true way to hedge against financial collapse is by preventing it in the first place. And to do this nations, communities and individuals must understand that the development and efficient exploitation of resources is key to both survival and in order for civilization to thrive. - Ulson Gunnar

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - India’s ‘best friends’ Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Ukraine Is Inflicting Horrible Civilian Suffering in the East Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Ukrainian Forces Using Torture Against Captives: Russian Foreign Ministry Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - Putin says Russia observes rights of sexual minorities, though chooses traditional family Hano Dec 7, 2014 - THE UNSUSPECTING BEACH A poignant allegory of what has happened on our earth: "Once upon a time all were Unsuspecting, walking up and down on the beach of Earth with no real clue as to what really is and is not. They knew of the Ocean, they could see the Ocean but were always told by the Beach Controllers, the only ones that ever really knew, to stay out of the Ocean as it was dangerous. The Unsuspecting were only allowed to pick up little shells on the shoreline. From time to time strangers would show up on the beach with stories of the Great Ocean and the wondrous adventures to be had in it. The Beach Controllers never liked these strangers and always sent their own storytellers....."

Political Information Dec 7, 2014 - 05.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR, Novorossia Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - "Turk Stream": Huge Win for Turkey - Big Win For Russia - Historic Loss for EU Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Israel’s Secret Plan for a 'Second Israel' in Ukraine

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 76

The Times of Israel’s explosive story about the Khazarian roots of the Ashkenazis also revealed that Israel, knowing that a Palestinian state is inevitable considering the increasing pressure for it from Europe, is preparing to resettle Ashkenazi settlers in the West Bank to Ukraine. Israel’s advanced research in genetics resulted in a direct DNA line being established between Israel’s Ashkenazis and the Khazars who were dispersed across eastern and central Europe after Russia conquered the Khazarian Empire in the 11th century... The Times of Israel reporters quoted an unnamed aide to Netanyahu who revealed the plans for Israeli emigration to Ukraine: 'We first thought that admitting we are really Khazars was one way to get around [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas’s insistence that no Jew can remain in a Palestinian state. Maybe we were grasping at straws. But when he refused to accept that, it forced us to think about more creative solutions. The Ukrainian invitation for the Jews to return was a godsend. Relocating all the settlers within Israel in a short time would be difficult for reasons of logistics and economics. We certainly don’t want another fashlan like the expulsion of the settlers in the Gaza Hitnatkut [disengagement]'. Ostropoler and Grosser-Spass also quoted an anonymous Israeli intelligence source as saying: 'We’re not talking about all the Ashkenazi Jews going back to Ukraine. Obviously that is not practical. The press as usual exaggerates and sensationalizes; this is why we need military censorship'. The Israeli and Ukrainian Jewish plan is to resettle the Ashkenazis from the West Bank in the Russian autonomous republic of Crimea after what they see will be an eventual retrocession of the peninsula to Ukraine. The ultimate plans of Ukrainian Zionists such as Kolomoisky, in addition to such American allies as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, is to establish an autonomous Jewish region of Crimea and restore to the peninsula the original Khazarian name of Chazerai. Although the Tatars who live in Crimea and elsewhere today are largely Muslims, the plans to create a Khazar nation in Ukraine will also likely involve global proselytization by Israelis and Ukrainians who are bent on restoring Khazaria as an alternative to Israel... the current Israeli desire to create a new nationalist Israeli identity is tied directly to the activities of the Ukrainian [Ron: JEWISH] leadership of Petro Poroshenko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, and their American supporters, Nuland and Pyatt, in creating a safe haven, temporary or not, for the Ashkenazi settlers of the West Bank. Thanks to the Times of Israel exposé of the secret Israeli report on the Khazars and modern-day Israel, the machinations behind the American and European Union destabilization of Ukraine becomes all the more apparent. - Wayne MADSEN Ron: Sooo, although the USraeli and EU's global media narrative is that the Kiev Junta is a NAZI Junta, the Jews never the less EXPECT that the Ukraine, ie the Kiev Junta, will grant the Ashkenazi Jews ownership of the Crimea as a second Jewish Homeland! The Jews always LIE, but why would any rational individual believe that the Jews running the Ukraine are anti- semitic Nazis?!

Changing The Face Of Religion Dec 6, 2014 - Putting Christ into the Holy Days (holidays) 2014 SANTA CLAUS is back in town! READ IS INSIDE

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 77

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 6, 2014 - Nederlands: EEN OPROEP TOT DE DESERTEURS VAN HET HEILIGE PLAN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 206 - door ROSIE

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 6, 2014 - Nederlands: EEN BOODSCHAP AAN DE BAKENS: HOOFDEN OP SERAPHIN BERICHT 205: door ROSIE

Rosie Dec 6, 2014 - FIVE CALLS TO HUMANITY; WHICH CALL IS FOR YOU? FIVE CALLS TO HUMANITY; WHICH CALL IS FOR YOU? TO THOSE WHO READ THIS: Please forward the CALL TO THE BEACONS to those who work actively for change. Please forward the CALL TO THE DESERTERS OF THE HOLY PLAN to those who work against the expansion of consciousness, with or against their will. Please forward the CALL TO THE UNSUSPECTING to those who are completely unaware of their own divinity and task on this earth. Please forward the CALL TO THE FEARFUL to all those who live in fear and who are paralysed and forced into submission by same. Please forward the CALL TO THE DELIBERATELY DESTRUCTIVE to those who appear to have no conscience and who purposely support negative and harmful processes.

Rosie Dec 6, 2014 - Seraphin Message 206: A CALL TO THE DESERTERS OF THE HOLY PLAN "YOU WILL FIND YOURSELVES ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE DIVIDING LINE UNLESS, UNLESS UNLESS …. you take all your courage, all your humility, and step away from your previous lifestyle and occupations and associates in the deepest and most profound regret. IT IS POSSIBLE. IT IS POSSIBLE STILL, yet the tide will turn, and then the moment of opportunity will be irreparably lost as far as this incarnation and learning experience is concerned. We beg you to listen. Seraphin"

Rosie Dec 6, 2014 - Seraphin Message 209: A CALL TO THE DELIBERATELY DESTRUCTIVE "To our destructive brothers:(...) It is no longer appropriate to try and usher you gently from your ways of depravity. It is time to receive the FULL CONSEQUENCES of your actions, in accordance with the DIVINE LAW of CAUSE AND EFFECT – to feel the FULL PAIN that you have inflicted upon others. AND YET, AND YET, AND YET ... You will always have the choice to turn towards divinity. CHOOSE WELL"

Rosie Dec 6, 2014 - Seraphin Message 208: A CALL TO THE FEARFUL AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 78

"While some fears have been falsely fanned for purposes of control, we also bring to you the very grave news that many „negative“ entities and events and structures which fuel your fear REALLY EXIST, beyond your present powers of imagination. But we also bring the glorious news THAT THEY SHALL FALL and THAT THERE WILL BE NO MORE REASON FOR FEAR BECAUSE THOSE WHO REMAIN WILL BE ROOTED IN LOVE. TO GROW THESE ROOTS AND HARVEST THOSE FRUITS AND PLANT HARMONY ON THIS SPHERE WILL BE YOUR TASK"

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH Dec 6, 2014 - The 144 million This 3' 04" video was published by The Way shower on Dec 5, 2014: Publisher's comment: 144 million aware and awake inhabitants are needed to change this kind of system we live in now. Join us. Ron's Comment: Meditate on the need for a loving, peaceful and balanced world while directing your energy to the fulfilment of the Creator's plan for Gaia and her peoples. In God's name it shall be done! (Translations inside)

Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - France to pay $60mn for Holocaust victims deported by state railway Ron: The endlessly lying and hypocrisy associated with the HoloHoax and the humungous amounts of so-called "compensation" previously EXTORTED and still being EXTORTED by Jews and their puppet governments 69 years after WWIi is both unbelievable and sickening.

Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - We are all Palestinians now Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - In face of beheading, Iraqi children proclaim love for Jesus Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Zen and the Art of Cancer and other Living Things. True US History Dec 6, 2014 - New Jersey rabbi alleges that Palestinians are “unruly animals" Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Government espionage on people, not privacy violation: UK court Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - KARMA: Ezra Levant, Zionism & the Politics of Deception by Arthur Topham Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Russian Children Need More Tolstoy — Not Sex Ed, Official Says Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Isolated? Russia's Way More Popular Around the World than the US Rosie Dec 6, 2014 - Seraphin Message 207: A CALL TO THE UNSUSPECTING

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"Ponder that you have been living in a sort of artificially constructed womb up until this time, and that you are on the brink of REBIRTH INTO THE REAL, BRIGHT WORLD OF LIVING SPIRIT. We hope that our words and our worlds (in the sense of our concepts and perspectives) will reach you and prepare you for what is to come. We regret that the new worlds approaching you are so difficult to explain here in a brief and clear way, and that our words will probably provoke more questions than provide answers. This is only the beginning: you have a long career of learning in front of you, during which clarity can and will be gained for all the topics we touch upon so lightly here. You may look forward to GREAT EXPANSIONS in knowledge and consciousness on this spiritual journey"

Telemensajes de Otros Dec 6, 2014 - Sa-Ra 28: LA TRAICIÓN Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It Ron: Tell me again why you think that the Kiev Junta is run by Nazis? The 'President' and 'Prime Minister', two other ministers and various governors and other officials and leaders are Jews and even Borislav Bereza the speaker of Right Sector is a Jew. Borislav Bereza says: 'Look at this country where the governor of Dnipropitrovsk [Kollomoisky] is a Jew, where numerous heads of administration are Jews, where the speaker of Right Sector is a Jew! How can one speak of anti-Semitism? It seems that 13 million Jews have sooo terrified the 7 to 10 billion non-Jews on this planet that most people dare not even speak the name,"Jew". BUT, it IS the Jews stupid! The Kiev Coup was a Jews' Coup just like the Russian Revolution was actually a Jews' coup. And both were funded by Jews in the US. GEDDIT?

German Dec 6, 2014 - Krieg in der Ukraine durch die Gas-Dollar-Verbindung angetrieben - Verteidigung des Dollar-Imperialismus Mike Whitney, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Dec 6, 2014 - The Holy Grail of Transparent BS about Russia Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - The Golden Trap of Chess Master Vladimir Putin By Dmitry Kalinichenko

Ron: Whenever you see or here Jew controlled presstitutes and media whores telling you Russia is being destroyed by falling oil prices and sanctions, REMEMBER THIS ARTICLE! It won't be long now Pilgrims, before the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli) Empire falls. Russia sells its oil and gas for USD, which is artificially inflated by the banksters. Russia then turns around, taking the inflated USD currency and buys physical gold, which has been artificially deflated by the banksters in an attempt to shore up the USD as the global AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 80 reserve currency. See eg: The result is that Russia makes money both coming and going by buying something undervalued (gold) with something overvalued (USD), offsetting the slide in the oil and ruble markets. China is doing a similar thing in that it is accepting USD for its exports to the US but then using that USD to buy gold. Dmitry Kalinichenko: The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: “Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Friday, December 5, 2014 What the fallout of the recent combats in Grozny says about relationship between Putin and Kadyrov Kibo Dec 5, 2014 - VISIONQUEST 1 AND 2 Targeted Messages Dec 5, 2014 - WARNING!!!! TIME IS SHORT!!! WARNING!!!! TIME IS SHORT!!! VERY SHORT!!!! CHOOSE WHO AND WHAT YOU SERVE EVEN NOW!!!!! SOON THE TIME WILL COME WHEN ALL WILL BECOME...... WHAT THEY HAVE MADE OF THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER AND TO PAY THE BILL THAT IS DUE ON THAT......


Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Disgusted, Russia officially gives up any pretense of "dialog" with the AngloZionist Empire Russia is fighting to thwart Chabad - Lubavitch's new Zion in Ukraine. The plot by Kolomoyski and his US backers led by the largest and most influential Chabad community in New York. This is part of the new Khazaria unleashing all their hatred of Russia and Russians, Persian. They are talking about a revival of the Khazars, with their centre shifted to Dnepropetrovsk and, apparently, Ukraine as a contributor to the "city on a hill" - the new Jerusalem. - hans Ron: See eg: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine - Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See: Land.shtml And: Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic propaganda - us-beat-Russia-s-anti-Semitic-propaganda.shtml

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Translations - Others Dec 5, 2014 - Italian: 11-09-2014 – IL MONDO STA CAMBIANDO… KIBODABI

True US History Dec 5, 2014 - TRUNEWS 12/4/14: Jim Willie "The Western Banking Cabal's Stranglehold" Ron: Jim Willie explains how he sees the global currency reset to a gold standard which will eliminate the US dollar completely. He says between 120 and 160 countries have agreed to a return to the gold standard. Germany and Turkey will join the new gold standard currency initiative and the EU will collapse along with the US petro-dollar. When this happens the US will have to issue a domestic currency and cease living off the fraudulent, fiat petro dollar. At that point the US will be unable to fund its military offensives and occupations around the world.

Kibo Dec 5, 2014 - Addressing Cobra and his Purpose Cobra being the person so calling itself... at that name. We activated already with the Center of the MilkyWay back in October 2006..... I am not a member nor will I become one of your Brotherhood of the Star.-C This piece inside is by KiboDabi Post december 4

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - The Enemies Of Vladimir Putin JEWISH MALICE entered the theatre of the absurd when Jew-run Washington bulldozed the EU into slapping sanctions on “Zazou,” the racehorse of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. Due to Kadyrov’s close friendship with Putin, “Zazou” was denied stable rights in Jew- occupied Germany. “My horse is not responsible for the ills of the world,” complained Kadyrov. No, dear Ramzan. “Zazou” is not to blame for the world’s ills. JEWS are.

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Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Color Coded Slot Cars to the Sewers and the Stars Those consumed by evil do not see what is coming after them. Their whole focus is on whatever nasty plots they are trying to carry out. It’s like people with some degree of offensive skill in fighting. They are at a disadvantage with an alert defense that waits on it. It’s like that old reference about not starting fights, only finishing them.

The strutting, preening, ego raging, bombastic and insufferable stone cold cowards who are killing on a wholesale level, to counter the bone rattling fear at their core, are up against something like all that. They will never see it coming. That’s how it is when you are only thinking about yourself. Only thinking about yourself means you will never enjoy life or get anywhere near the real meaning of it. Only thinking of yourself means that Love will not come around you. You can fool yourself with clever imitations of the real thing, the same as you have fooled yourself into thinking you are real but... eventually... when it’s too late, you will be given ample time to repent at your leisure, or not. In some cases, in the blink of an eye, you are transported into an entirely different realm of existence and there’s no coming back to the former particular episode, so quickly vacated. All things in time. All things in time. - Les Visible

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Law, not Bombs and Band-Aid – Dr. Mads Gilbert on Palestine Ron: What possible LAWFUL right have the Jews to prevent this doctor from enterring Palestinian communities in Palestine?

French Dec 5, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Pdf. Translations - Candace Dec 5, 2014 - Italian: Breve Messaggio a tutti i lettori/sostenitori Da Candace E dal Capo Aggiustatore di Pensiero di Urantia

True US History Dec 5, 2014 - The Retail Apocalypse Accelerates: Collapsing Holiday Sales Are A Signal That A Recession Is Coming Retail sales during the four day Thanksgiving weekend were down a whopping 11 percent from last year. This is a “make or break” time of the year for many retailers, and if things don’t turn around during the coming weeks we could see a tsunami of store closings in January and February. As you read this article, there is already more than a billion square feet of retail space sitting empty in the United States. Many have described the ongoing collapse of the retail industry as an “apocalypse”, and this apocalypse appears to be accelerating. Yes, the shift to online retailers is a significant factor, but as you will see below even online retailers struggled over the holiday weekend. The sad truth of the matter is that U.S. consumers are tapped out and are drowning in debt at this point... - Michael Snyder

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - The Heart of the World Bleeds for the Master Race AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 83

2100 Palestinians murdered this year alone, East Jerusalem auctioned by “holy” real estate dealers, Goldstein’s heirs stripping Arab land to the bone The never-factored crimes of the Talmudic stealers, Their thefts modulated to the lowest possible tone, As Palestinians are shot, jailed, robbed and reduced to stone;

When they resist, the western world starts screamin’, Popes and Presidents cry crocodile tears, How dare Arabs obstruct faux Israel’s dreamin’? There’s no real concern for Palestinians’ fears Of being killed at will and without a trace, while The heart of the world bleeds for the Master Race. - Michael Hoffman

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 5, 2014 - The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 5, 2014 - WARNUNG!!! DIE ZEIT WIRD KNAPP!!! WARNUNG!!! DIE ZEIT WIRD KNAPP!!! SEHR KNAPP!!!! WÄHLT, WEM UND WAS IHR DIENT, AUCH JETZT!!!!! BALD WIRD DIE ZEIT KOMMEN, WENN ALLE DAS WERDEN...... WAS SIE AUS SICH SELBST UND EINANDER GEMACHT HABEN Rest inwendig

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Miko Peled, Steve Niva, Max Blumenthal: The Judaization of Palestine. Part 1 Ron: Please watch and listen to this video. It will give you some insight into the constant terrorisation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Rothschildslandia (Israel) today.

Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - Ex-spy chief: Israel is lead by ‘pyromaniacs and egomaniacs’ Political Information Dec 5, 2014 - New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND Pensioners

Ron: Please read this article and seek to understand it.this situation will happen, probably very soon. When the Jew banksters TAKE everyone's bank and pension fund savings will people WAKE UP then? And what could they do anyway? Getcha money OUT of banks Pilgrims! Too bad about the Pension Funds. Ellen Brown: On the weekend of November 16th, the G20 leaders whisked into Brisbane, posed for their photo ops, approved some proposals, made a show of roundly disapproving of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and whisked out again. It was all so fast, they may not have AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 84 known what they were endorsing when they rubber-stamped the Financial Stability Board’s “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution,” which completely changes the rules of banking...  What was formerly called a “bankruptcy” is now a “resolution proceeding.” The bank’s insolvency is “resolved” by the neat trick of turning its liabilities into capital. Insolvent TBTF banks are to be “promptly recapitalized” with their “unsecured debt” so that they can go on with business as usual.  “Unsecured debt” includes deposits, the largest class of unsecured debt of any bank. The insolvent bank is to be made solvent by turning our money into their equity – bank stock that could become worthless on the market or be tied up for years in resolution proceedings.  The power is statutory. Cyprus-style confiscations are to become the law.  Rather than having their assets sold off and closing their doors, as happens to lesser bankrupt businesses in a capitalist economy, “zombie” banks are to be kept alive and open for business at all costs – and the costs are again to be to borne by us.

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Zionism And ISIS: Opposing Forces Or Two Sides Of The Same Coin? Ron: ALL pseudo Muslim extremist groups are created and controlled by Techma, who incarnate as neo-Pharisees having self chosen the label: "Jews"; slthough some hide beneath other labels as the Saudis and many other crypto Jews do and have done down the centuries. The fact that seemingly opposed Israeli and extremist Muslim groups parade about under different labels doesn't evidence that they are different in essence because they are not. Psychopaths are psychopaths. The absence of love and compassion in the tenets of Judaism and all of the movements that Jews create, evidences their common core - which is anti-God and anti-humanity. Jews who call themselves Amerikkans or British or other nationalities; or profess to being Christians (evangelicals or otherwise) or Muslims et al, are truly identified by their attitudes and actions. BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM. Being a "Jew" is not genetic, it is a CHOICE. It connotes a state of mind, an adherence to an anti-God, anti- human ideology. Anyone who professes allegiance to the Talmud OR attitudes consistent with that ideology, is in fact a neo-Pharisee - an enemy of God and humanity. Debating whether one group of atheistic, anti-human psychopaths is somehow distinct from another group of atheistic anti-human psychopaths obfuscates the issue; which of course, is the aim and intention of all neo-Pharisees whatever they may choose to call themselves. After all, an obvious characteristic of any neo-Pharisee is that s/he invariably LIES. Hence the typical discription of tergiversatious discourse as "rabbinical".

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Made in the USA – How the Ukrainian Government is Giving Away Citizenships so Foreigners Can Run the Country Ron: Arguably, IF Putin and Russia finally give the Judaic (Anglo-USraeli and NATO) Empire a belting, MOST of humanity will applaud. Only a few hundred million useful idiots and greedy gentile enablers will object - because they will finally get their Judaic "money" drip feed cut off.

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 85

Dec 4, 2014 - Violent clashes in Grozny Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - 04.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. Donetsk, Lugansk, Latest news of Ukraine, Novorossia Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - 03.12.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, DPR, LPR, Novorossia. Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Ukraine, A “Suspect in Crime” involved in the MH17 Criminal Investigation Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth'? OSCE lashes out at Kiev’s new ministry amid journalists’ outcry Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Ukraine, pro-Russia forces declare Dec. 9 as truce date Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Putin offers amnesty for money coming back to Russia Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Putin: Talking to Russia from position of strength is meaningless Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - ‘Remember lessons we taught Hitler’: Top 10 quotes from Putin’s State of Nation address True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. Environment/Science Dec 4, 2014 - German-made ‘miracle’ machine turns water into gasoline Health and Nutrition Dec 4, 2014 - Vaccines Will be Made from Human Cancer Tumors True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Lyndon Johnson was the first Jewish US president and a disaster Ron: there's quite a lot of Jewish propaganda mixed into this narrative and I couldn't be bothered refuting all of it. But this author does appear to demonstrate that President Lyndon Johnson was a crypto Jew. Which explains a lot of US history in the 1960s. Dunno about the Neanderthal stuff though.

True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Aiming for Two Militant Leaders in Pakistan, U.S. Drone Pilots Killed 233 People, including 89 Children states that The U.S. drone program in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen is referred to as “targeted killing” of those deemed to be a danger to American interests. President Barack Obama even said in a speech on May 23, 2013, “[B]y narrowly targeting our action against those who want to kill us, and not the people they hide among, we are choosing the course of action least likely to result in the loss of innocent life.” Instead, the Central Intelligence Agency attacks are anything but targeted; hundreds often die in the multiple attempts to kill each individual.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 86

Ron: Bombing and killing someone you "deem" to be "a danger to American interests" is murder. When OBama and the US military does it in a sovereign foreign nation, killing women and children in the process, it is a crime against humanity and a war crime. Pretending that it is OK and morally acceptable to "target" and kill people "deemed" to be a danger to US INTERESTS is not a moral, lawful or legal justification for killing anyone.

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Pope Francis ‘concerned’ about Christians in ME Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - French police search historian’s house Police search Professor Faurisson’s house Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Peña Nieto: Two Years Of Poverty, Corruption, Repression And Impunity Ron: I haven't read the comments.

True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Police state run amok as 40 federal agencies now deploying undercover agents as doctors, ministers, protesters and more True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Anatomy of a riot It's hard to refute the notion that the government wants this country to be torn apart, fulfilling the wishes of their Jewish masters to turn the entire American landscape into Palestine. Isn't it only a matter of time before local police departments and the Department of Homeland Security take their new MRAPs (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected armored vehicles) and hollow point bullets into American cities to quell dissent and destruction that the U.S. government has itself created by the hiring of domestic al-Qaeda type thugs who will do anything for money? ... Although it has never happened, law enforcement needs to focus on the out of control white collar crime engineered from the very top of the political food chain that deprives people of their livelihood. The recent failure of the corrupt government in Washington to investigate all the stolen money and corrupt practices of bankers has done far more harm and killed far more people than these FBI-fantasy terrorists could ever hope to kill. - John Kaminski

True US History Dec 4, 2014 - ADL once again brags it trains American law enforcement Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - 25 Ukrainian radicals arrested in Moscow for teaching on how to overthrow the government True US History Dec 4, 2014 - Arms or Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Policy Planners Divided over Ukraine Strategy French Dec 4, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 13 & 15.

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction G. M. AKUÉ. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 87

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Russia's Monetary Solution Alasdair Macleod: in the short-term the rouble's weakness is undermining the Russian economy by forcing the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) to impose high interest rates to defend the currency and by increasing the burden of foreign currency debt. There is little doubt that one objective of NATO's economic sanctions is to harm the Russian economy by undermining the currency, and this policy is working with the rouble having fallen 30% against the US dollar this year so far with the prospect of further falls to come. Ron: This is typical Jew bankster speak! Russia has no external debt and is rich in reserves including a huge holding of gold. Russia also has more land and resources than any other nation on the planet If it had the political will, Russia could produce its own money instead of paying interest (usury) to the Jew controlled global banking system. Moreover, the fact that the rouble is falling compared to the US dollar (USD) does not necessarily mean that Russia is being harmed thereby. Why? Because Russia sells its oil and gas for USD, which is artificially inflated by the banksters. Russia then turns around, taking the inflated USD currency and buys physical gold, which has been artificially deflated by the banksters in an attempt to shore up the USD as the global reserve currency. See eg: The result is that Russia makes money both coming and going by buying something undervalued (gold) with something overvalued (USD), offsetting the slide in the oil and ruble markets. Russia should be more than happy to continue doing this, since China and many other nations will be more than happy to settle trading debts using gold. Besides offsetting losses in oil revenues, this will give Russia the ultimate laugh when gold rebounds, increasing in price as the USD declines towards its real value. Also, Roubles are used for acquisition of resources and labour within Russia and hence its value for that purpse is unaffected. The fact that imports are more expensive simply forces Russians to produce and buy more locally produced goods and services instead of relying on imports. That is how every nation should live, and especially a nation as large and rich in physical and human resources as Russia is.

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - The "taming" of Europe or Putin's new compromise Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - SYRPER EXCLUSIVE: WHAT LAVROV IS TELLING MU’ALLEM; WHAT MU’ALLEM IS TELLING PUTIN AND LAVROV Russia and Syria, with Iran, of course, are going to embark on a more combative approach to the war in Syria. Expect more aggressive Russian moves at the U.N. in light of France’s volte-face on the contract for the Mistral helicopter carrier. Russia is aware of how unpopular Hollande is in France. All the French people need now is a crisis in the delivery of natural gas during winter time... Expect, also, action in the Arabian Peninsula. I believe Iran will be pulling out all the stops, especially, if the Saudis make the mistake of executing Al- Shaykh Nimr Al-Nimr, the Shi’i cleric who was tried in a Saudi security court and found guilty of fomenting anti-monarchical violence. Once Iran has made the decision in consultation with Russia and Syria (and Iraq), Saudi Arabia will get a taste of an insurgency which will spread from Bahrain to the Dhahraan oil fields all the way to Qatar. Arabian monkeys will get a taste of what anti-Wahhabists do with serrated bread knives. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 88

You are watching the collapse of the Arabian oil and gas empire. We believe that Mr. Putin has told Mr. Mu’allem that a new multi-polar world order has no place for pre-Iron Age apes like the Saudis and the Qataris. We think Mr. Putin is going to start kicking them to the curb. - Ziad Fadel

Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - Putin pulls when Obama pushes Political Information Dec 4, 2014 - MOSCOW BLOG: Russia prepares for $40 oil Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream Russia sells its oil and gas for USD, which, as has been pointed out an innumerable amount of times, is artificially inflated. Russia turns around, taking an inflated currency and buys physical gold, which has been artificially deflated ( by the US in an attempt to shore up the USD. The result is that Russia makes money both coming and going by buying something undervalued (gold) with something overvalued (USD), offsetting the slide on the oil and ruble markets. Russia will be more than happy to continue to do so, as China will be more than happy to settle any transactions in gold. Besides offsetting losses in oil revenues, this gives Russia the ultimate laugh to the bank when gold rebounds.- Don Wiscacho Advice for western leaders... quit fucking with Putin!

Submitted by bobo4u on December 3, 2014 - 7:06pm. - stream-by-alexander-mercouris

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 89

Ron: See also: Russia's Patience Is Wearing Thin - Wearing-Thin.shtml

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - HRW: Kiev fails to probe cluster bomb use against Donbass civilians, should invite ICC Ron: As always, this article quotes UN estimates of deaths bnd casualties in the Ukraine that grossly underestimate the true figures. For instance the deaths of Ukrainian troops attacking the Donbass alone, far exceed the UN's stated death count for ALL deaths attributable to the Jews' Kiev Coup and the Jew Junta's subsequenbt reign of terror. The failure of Russia Today to qualify the statistics it quotes evidences either complicity by RT staff in the UN's blatant distortion of the truth on this issue OR absolute incompetence which amounts to the same thing.

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - The Siamese Twins of Satanism and Materialism, Dancing a Clockwork Orange. Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Synagogue killings on the site of an Israeli massacre of Palestinians Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Guess What Happened The Last Time The Price Of Oil Crashed Like This?… Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - New Australian terrorism bill to facilitate targeted military killings Ron: Either we get some real divine intervention "soon" or we'll be totally fucked by the Techma and their traitorous enablers!

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Hollande cancels military contract to punish Putin Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - NY Times: In Diplomatic Defeat, Putin Diverts Pipeline to Turkey Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - The bear hug of Europe and its consequences for Bulgaria Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Fresh smart moves by Putin in the geopolitical field The first strong signal from Russia to the EU, is that it has many alternative ways to bypass sanctions and barriers against other projects like the South Stream pipeline. Putin clearly expressed his dissatisfaction about the barriers imposed by the EU concerning the deployment of South Stream (, and the deal with Turkey showed that he is determined to build alternatives. -

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - The quote by Putin which says it all...

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 90

My Bulgarian colleagues have always told me that whatever happens, they would certainly implement South Stream, because this corresponds to their national interests. But here, unfortunately, this did not come to pass. If Bulgaria is deprived of the opportunity to act as a sovereign nation, then they should at least demand money from the European Commission to compensate for their lost profits, because direct revenues to Bulgaria’s budget alone would have been no less than 400 million Euros a year. But ultimately, this is also the choice of our Bulgarian partners; it seems they have certain obligations. Still, that’s not our business – it’s our partners’ business. - Vladimir Putin

French Dec 3, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 11 & 12.


French Dec 3, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 9 & 10. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

Translations - Others Dec 3, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 205: UN MESSAGGIO ALLE LUCI-GUIDA: ALZATE LE TESTE Seraphin tramite Rosie

Translations - Others Dec 3, 2014 - Italian: Sa-Ra 28: TRADIMENTO Sa-Ra tramite Shellee-Kim

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Saker rant: Russians are just pathetic at public information "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

Political Information Dec 3, 2014 - Who won? Who lost? You tell me! True US History Dec 3, 2014 - Washington Ready for Lethal Arms Supplies to Kyiv Political Information Dec 2, 2014 - It's Time to Partition Ukraine - Seriously Political Information Dec 2, 2014 - Russia launches ‘wartime government’ HQ in major military upgrade Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of the entire country in case of war. The new top-security, fortified facility in Moscow includes several large war rooms, a brand new supercomputer in the heart of a state-of-the-art data processing center, underground facilities, secret transport routes for emergency evacuation and a helicopter pad, which was deployed for the first time on Nov. 24 on the Moscow River. The Defense Ministry won’t AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 91 disclose the price tag for the site, but it is estimated at the equivalent of several billion dollars... “The creation of NDCC was one of the biggest military projects of the past few years. The closest analogy in the past in terms of functions and tasks was the Commander-in- Chief HQ in 1941-45, which centralized all controls of both the military machine and the economy of the nation in the interests of the war,” Lt. General Mikhail Mizintsev, the NDCC chief, told in an interview. -

Political Information Dec 2, 2014 - Human Rights Ignored Amid NATO's War in Ukraine True US History Dec 2, 2014 - Islamist Dogs of War in Ukraine True US History Dec 2, 2014 - Ukraine War Driven by Gas-Dollar Link Rosie Dec 2, 2014 - Video: MEDITATION TO DRAW YOU AWAY FROM THE SAME 5 minute guided meditation to discard old structures and seek the possible PARADISE

French Dec 2, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 7 & 8. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

French Dec 2, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 5 & 6. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 92

Political Information Dec 2, 2014 - Real Money And The Jewish Dialectic

Political Information Dec 2, 2014 - Swiss Gold Referendum Fails: 78% Vote Against "Protecting The Country's Wealth" Whether as a result of an unprecedented scare campaign by the Swiss National Bank (most recently reinforced by Citigroup), or due to confidence that Swiss gold is as safe abroad as it is at home, or simply due to good old-fashioned "hanging chads", today's most awaited event has come and gone and the result - according to early projections by Swiss television SRF - is that the Swiss population overwhelmingly rejected a referendum to force the Swiss National Bank to hold some 20% of its reserves in gold in a landslide vote, with about 78% voting against what AP politely termed "protecting the country's wealth by investing in gold." ... The initiative “Save Our Swiss Gold” also would have prohibited the SNB from ever selling any of its bullion and required the 30 percent currently stored in Canada and the U.K. to be repatriated. - Tyler Durden Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - The Sleeper Awakens Ron: I haven't read all the comments.

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True US History Dec 1, 2014 - "The Best Slave Is A Slave That Doesn't Know He's A Slave" - America Today In 4 Pictures Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Gadhimai Hindu festival: Over 5,000 buffaloes slaughtered in Nepal Ron: Humanity needs to drastically change its eating habits AND the face of religion.

True US History Dec 1, 2014 - ‘US eyes Occupy Central movement as ability to destabilize China’ True US History Dec 1, 2014 - North Korea, The UN, And War Propaganda Once we got over our surprise that the first people we met in our hotel in this supposedly “isolated” country were American Army officers, we asked them what they thought of the country and conditions, since we had just arrived and did not know what to expect. We were surprised to here an American Major say: “Look, don’t quote me or use my name, but when we left Hawaii to come here we were told it was hell on earth, but we’ve been here for two years and nothing they told us was true. It’s nice here and they treat us well. Everything we had heard in the western media, everything our superiors told us was complete and total bullshit.” This echoed a conversation we had with two Congolese diplomats who we met on the way out of the country. We asked them to compare their experiences and they stated they were shocked, that everything they had head about North Korea, all the negative propaganda, was false. They added that it would be a dream for most Africans to have the life that people in North Korea have. - Christopher Black

True US History Dec 1, 2014 - Israel to get 3,000 smart bombs, part of US military aid – reports Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Russian Bank Loans $9 Mil (!) to French Political Party. So What? Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - State Of Emergency In Ukraine As Russia Cuts Off Coal Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Why Putin is winning the new Cold War Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - How Russia and Germany may save Europe from war Consider some of the basics: - Russian ICBMs armed with MIRVs travel at about 18 Mach; that is way faster than anything in the US arsenal. And basically they are unbeatable. - The S-400 and S-500 double trouble; Moscow has agreed to sell the S-400 surface-to-air missile system to China; the bottom line is this will make Beijing impermeable to US air power, ICBMs and cruise missiles. Russia, for its part, is already focusing on the state of the art S-500 – which essentially makes the Patriot anti-missile system look like a V-2 from WWII.

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- The Russian Iskander missile travels at Mach 7 – with a range of 400km, carrying a 700kg warhead of several varieties, and with a circular error probability of around five meters. Translation: an ultimate lethal weapon against airfields or logistic infrastructure. The Iskander can reach targets deep inside Europe. - And then there’s the Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA. NATO clowns dreaming of a war on Russia would have to come up with an ironclad system to knock out these Iskanders. They don’t have any. Additionally, they would have to face the S- 400s, which the Russians can deploy all over the spectrum. Think of a hefty batch of S-400s positioned at the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad; that would turn NATO air operations deep inside Europe into an absolutely horrendous nightmare. On top of it, good ol’ NATO fighter jets cost a fortune. Imagine the effect of hundreds of destroyed fighter jets on an EU already financially devastated and austerity-plagued to death. - Pepe Escobar

Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Anti-Putin Propaganda is not working Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Russian Government Gives Church $40 Million to Set Up Spiritual Centers Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - 1940: NY TIMES REVEALS WHY GERMANY INVADED BELGIUM & THE NETHERLANDS Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Switzerland on Verge of Huge Gold Investment Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Killing for Krap and the Wrath of Tamerlane. Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Pope Francis tells “no longer fertile” Europe to “ensure the acceptance of immigrants” Ron: I haven't read the comments

Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - “What Does the World Want” from Jewish Communities regarding the Atrocities Committed by the State of Israel Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - ASEAN Economic Community – Why, For What, and By Whom Upon ASEAN’s official website, the AEC is described as: The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) shall be the goal of regional economic integration by 2015. AEC envisages the following key characteristics: (a) a single market and production base, (b) a highly competitive economic region, (c) a region of equitable economic development, and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy. The AEC is an unquestionable inevitability – and more alarmingly – an inevitability absolutely none of the many hundreds of millions of Southeast Asian citizens have asked for, voted for, or have any direct say in regards to. So inevitable is AEC’s unfurling in 2015, that few have even bothered to ask “why?” “for what?” and “by whom?” - Tony Cartalucci

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Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Bankers dishonest by training, not by nature, Swiss study finds Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Hong Kong: "Pro-Democracy" Protesters Reject Will of the People Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Demonizing Russia as US goes to war Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Some of the Latest News on Ukraine, from Deutsche Wirtschaft Nachrichten Telemensajes de Otros Dec 1, 2014 - – Serafín, Mensaje 205: UN MENSAJE PARA LOS FAROS:LEVANTAR LA CABEZA Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Is Bezler really naive? In almost any war one side can be dishonestly demonized even by a truthful enumeration of its crimes, if the crimes of its adversaries are suppressed. —Irmin Vinson Excerpted from Thomas Goodrich’s 2010 book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany (1944-1947)

Political Information Dec 1, 2014 - Russia dispatches humanitarian aid convoy to eastern Ukraine Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - "Panicking" Ukrainians Face Soaring Prices, Warn "Inflation Is War" Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Russia's Patience Is Wearing Thin Ron: The embedded video audio is well worth a listen. See:

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Western Attacks on Russian Media Merely Prove That It Is Telling Truth Shellee-Kim Nov 30, 2014 - Sa-Ra 28: BETRAYAL [ Visit Website ]

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Nov 30, 2014 - Seraphin Botschaft 205: EINE BOTSCHAFT AN DIE LEUCHTTÜRME: HEBT DIE KÖPFE Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - “I’m Sick And Tired Of The Secrets And The Lies” Jim Carrey Calls Out Illuminati Secrets On National Television AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 96

Ron: Hopefully Jim Carey is gonna start being a bit more specific about who runs our world and how. Dunno if he'll be able to use the Jew word though. This 3' 44" video was published by Jimmy Kimmel Live on Nov 14, 2014:

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - BREAKING: Germany's DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO's Turkey Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications - possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) is supplied not by "black market oil" or "hostage ransoms" but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey's borders via hundreds of trucks a day. The report titled, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 - that NATO member Turkey has allowed a torrent in supplies, fighters, and weapons to cross its borders unopposed to resupply ISIS positions inside of Syria. - Tony Cartalucci

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - France ‘double standards’: Prison for Mosque offence, fines for Femen church affront Ron: NOTICE that Femen and Pussy Riot and all similar Talmudic, dysfunctional, exhibitionist "feminist" groups NEVER befoul synagogues with their degrading performances. Why is that doya think? Can you imagine what would happen to a "feminist" who dared to defile a synagogue in the way this slut defiled a Catholic Church? The alleged ANTI-SEMITISM alone would warrant a lengthy goal term and her life would cease to be worth living in any event. Last year, 28-year-old Australian filmmaker Kitty Green, had “outed” Victor Svyatski (a “consultant” to the movement) as the mastermind behind the group, in the documentary film “Ukraine is not a Brothel”... Green reveals that Svyatski is not simply a supporter of FEMEN but its founder and éminence grise. It’s his movement and he hand-picked the girls. He hand-picked the prettiest girls because the prettiest girls sell more papers. The prettiest girls get on the front page… that became their image, that became the way they sold the brand – Kitty Green [See: Degeneracy-Under-The-Guise-Of-Feminism.shtml Jews for this, Jews for that, Jews for bare tits. See: Jews-for-bare-tits.shtml

Health and Nutrition Nov 30, 2014 - Photo Essay: At a Half-Mile-Long Table, Chefs, Farmers, and Volunteers Feed a Neighborhood for Free Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Does Israel’s pending law target world freedom? AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 97

Criticize Israel or Zionism and wind up in an Israeli prison? That could be the outcome around the world if recent statements by U.S. President George W. Bush and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan become reality. thanks to the myriad of “hate crime” laws passed in Europe, Australia, Canada and the U.S.— and Sec. 13 (b)(2) of the Israeli Penal Code, which was ratified in 1994—the proposed official redefinition of Israel’s status paves the way for the extradition and trial of critics of Israel in Israel if it becomes law. - Tom Mysiewicz

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Nov 30, 2014 - Sa-Ra 28: Verrat Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Nov 30, 2014 - Ergreift die Gelegenheit Gott durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - The Battle For Anne Frank: Who's the Rightful Owner of Her Copyright? Ron: This is typical Jewish propaganda bullshit! See eg: The Anne Frank Diary Fraud typifies the HoloHoax fraud. - diary-fraud.html The Franks were not 'betrayed" except by Otto Frank who was caught defrauding the German military in relation to contracts he had with them. His family lived in relative comfort and he did business with the Germans for years, as did many Jews in occupied Europe during WWII. See eg: OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS PROVE "HOLOCAUST" WAS A FRAUD. - INTERNATIONAL-RED-CROSS-PROVE-HOLOCAUST-WAS-A-FRAUD---Repost.shtml The only reason Otto Frank and his family were INTERNED in Auschwitz was that his CRIMINAL behaviour was discovered. Anne Frank died of typhus as did many others in the camps, both Jews and non Jews. The reason so many died was that the US refused to share their knowledge of DDT with the Germans and they unmercifully fire bombed German cities and transport infrastructure so that food and medical supplies could not reach the internment work camps. See eg: The pilots of Bomber Command cannot be called heroes. - Command-cannot-be-called-heroes.shtml And: Churchill And Hitler...And History. - History.shtml. The diary was written with a biro pen in the early 1950s by a New York Jew named Levin who was awarded $50,000 USD for it by a New York court when Otto Frank refused to pay him for writing it!

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Reversing Disney’s Black Magic Sex Spells Ron: Everyone will benefit from reading this article and watching the video with attention. Hyper sexualisation of children and everyone is a major reason for the ignorance, stupidity AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 98 and vice that characterises Westernised human society today. IMHO humanity will not survive another generation of the degeneration being spewed all over children and society today. Presumably that is why Christ Michael Aton is about to pull the plug on the Techma who have created this foul dystopia.

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Tanzania to evict 40,000 Maasai Jews True US History Nov 30, 2014 - What If America Declared Itself Christian? There are currently close to eight million people living in Israel, more than 20% of which are Palestinian citizens. After years of de facto discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel in various aspects of daily life, this new law, ...will make such discrimination official: Palestinians will become formally, legally, second-class citizens. And this is without even mentioning the Palestinians who still live under the Israeli occupation in the West Bank. If you would oppose such a law had it been proposed in your own country, how can you support it when proposed in another country? If you would have objected to such a law because it would discriminate against you as a member of a religious or ethnic minority, how can you possibly support such a law when it is being put forward in your name, with you as the would- be member of Israel's Jewish majority? - Avital Burg

French Nov 30, 2014 - French: PJ #13 " CADAVRES DANS LE PLACARD ", Chapitre 3 & 4. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

Translations - Others Nov 30, 2014 - Italian: PADRE UNIVERSALE E NEBADONIA INSIEME Padre Universale e Nebadonia tramite Sylvia

True US History Nov 30, 2014 - N.J. rabbi: Arabs in Israel ‘must be vanquished’ Ron: WHY is Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey, not prosecuted for inciting terrorism and advocating genocide and ethnic cleansing? WHY can Jews advocate murder and genocide with impunity while no one is even allowed to criticise their attitudes and expressions? Jews are a mere 1.8% minority in the US, WHY do Amerikkans put up with the shithouse rhetoric of their leaders like Rabbi Steven Pruzansky? As a collective Jews are reprehensible. Isn't it time that Amerikkans and the rest of humanity NOTICED THAT?

Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - It’s Up to Germans to Decide if They Need War in Europe Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - Polish Colonialism and Ukraine’s Neo-Nazism Political Information Nov 30, 2014 - MH17: Malaysia's Barring from Investigation Reeks of Cover-up Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Soros: The European Union is a “Failed” Experiment In “International AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 99

Governance” Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - World » Europe USA makes France look like Washington's bootlicker Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Ron: This is not surprising. Why? because global Jewry ALWAYS acts in a co-ordinated fashion to achieve its Talmudic goals of conquest and enslavement of gentiles. The Jews' USE of pseudo "Nazi" thugs to achieve control of Ukraine is typical. For instance it mirrors the Jews' use of ignorant Russian peasants to effectuate its coup and control of Imperial Russia in 1917 and for decades thereafter. The Kiev COUP was organised by Jews and Jews now control the Kiev Junta which is terrorising and murdering Russian speaking Ukrainians and ALL other Ukrainians who disagree with the Jews' FASCIST tyranny and genocidal ethnic cleansing of Novorussia. Poroschenko, the "President" of Ukraine and Yatsenyuk, its "prime minister", as well as other key ministers, governors and officials are Jews, despite the fact that Jews constiutute less than one percent of the Ukrainian population. Moreover, oligarchic Jews like Ihor Kolomoiskyi fund, arm and maintain private armies consisting of many thousands of impoverished and ignorant pseudo "anti-semitic" Ukrainians who are used to harass and murder all opposition to Jewish oligarchic rule. Sooo, of course there is NO REAL, active anti-semitism in Ukraine and the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center have no objection to Svoboda and other pseudo anti-semitic elements in Ukraine. In fact Kolomoiskyi and Chabad; and organised Jewry, are attempting to ethnically cleanse Novorussia because they want to establish another Jewish "homeland" in Ukraine on the basis that the Khazarian Empire controlled part of the Ukraine's current geographical area a thousand years ago. See eg: Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine - Khazaria-in-Ukraine.shtml And: Ukraine: New Jewish ‘Promised Land’. See: Promised-Land.shtml And: Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic propaganda - Jews-helped-us-beat-Russia-s-anti-Semitic-propaganda.shtml - Phoenix Journals - PDF in German Nov 29, 2014 - Die Khasaren in den PJs, 7. Teil Auszüge aus diversenPhoenix Journalen

True US History Nov 29, 2014 - PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS REVIEWS M.S. KING'S THE WAR AGAINST PUTIN! Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Turkish President slams Western Feminism True US History Nov 29, 2014 - Fast-growing Hispanic Evangelical population steps up support for Israel Ron: Half the global population are robots.

Other Channels

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 100

Nov 29, 2014 - French: Séraphin n°205: UN MESSAGE POUR LES PHARES : TENEZ LA TÊTE HAUTE Rosie

True US History Nov 29, 2014 - 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground Ron: WHY do so many commentators earnestly discuss these drone killings in these terms? The implication is that the US is entitled to kill people in sovereign countries all over the world IF it suspects (or even just "says") that they are "terrorists" or in some way a threat to Amerikkans or Amerikka. That proposition is ridiculous and contrary to international law and even US law, let alone divine law. Even if the only people killed by drone attacks were the targetted individuals named by the US that would still be MURDER, and unacceptable! HOW can anyone write or read articles like this and NOT see the total amorality involved?! The fact that the US is killing huge numbers of civilians including large numbers of women and children using drone attacks in foreign countries evidences that the US Administration is the greatest terrorist organisation on the planet. THAT is what should be said rather than all this bullshit about "collateral damage" "unintended consequences" etc, however described. Every time the US BOMBS a sovereign foreign nation it is committing an act of war and a war crime; AND a crime against humanity. ISN'T THAT FKN OBVIOUS?! Ask yourself: What would be the response by Amerikkans and their government IF a foreign nation BOMBED and killed Amerikkans in the way that Amerikkans murder huge numbers of people in foreign lands? Moreover, HOW is what the US does with drone BOMBINGS in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and wherever else it feels like doing it, different from so-called "terrorist" attacks by suicide bombers et al?

Other Channels Nov 29, 2014 - French: PROFITEZ DE L’OCCASION DIEU par SHELLEE-KIM

Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Israeli War Room To Spread Israeli Propaganda On Social Media Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Insiders Looted Gold Worth $200b from South African Reserve Bank True US History Nov 29, 2014 - The USA as Judge, Jury and Executioner The Punishment of Cuba Ron: Let's not be hasty... there are still many people in the world that have not yet experienced the full measure of "freedom and democracy" Amerikkan style. The UNITED STATES Inc has murdered tens of millions of people around the world (including Cubans) since its inception in 1871, and has also used sanctions etc to encompass the unnecessary deaths of tens of millions more, mostly women, children and old people, including 12 million Germans from May 1945 until 1950 and Amerindians. Not satisfied with that the US has emisserated hundreds of millions of people all over the world, including the populations of Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Haiti and dozens of other countries. BUT, there are still many millions of smugly ignorant humans who apparently need to have first hand experience of Amerikkan exceptionalism in order to appreciate what is AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 101 entailed. What irritates me though, is that most demonstrations of US supremicism seem to be repeatedly directed at Third World populations, as if the populationsd of Iraq,Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, the Congo, Haiti, Palestine et al, are slow learners whereas in truth those who refuse to learn are mostly situated in Anglo-Amerikkan and European countries. Of course it is probable that the Techma who run Amerikka are too THICK to comprehend the truth even if they were to be on the receiving end of the genocidal treatment they dish out to others. Still, I cannot see the merit of not having them experience what they sow. In my experience humans only learn from the school of hard knocks and despite their endless wailing protestations, the Techma, as an ethno-centric group, have had very little such experience in the last couple of centuries; and probably not since the Rus destroyed Khazaria and the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and Carthage.

Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Saudi’s Invisible War Against Shia Muslims in the Middle East Political Information Nov 29, 2014 - Egypt’s ex-leader Mubarak acquitted of murder conspiracy charges Environment/Science Nov 29, 2014 - Creating Water Out of Thin Air – Ingenious Billboard Helps Alleviate Drinking Water Shortages Environment/Science Nov 29, 2014 - Why 3D printing is the ultimate game-changing technology for freedom, self-reliance and the spread of democracy Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - Dinner with the Devil and the Patanjai Method England and principally London and more specifically, The City, is the financial center of the planet. Decisions of life and death the world over are made in The City and the will of The City dictates the policy of the House of Lords, the House of Commons and #10 Downing Street. MI5 and MI6 are the leashed and unleashed Doberman Pinchers of Commerce. The Black Nobility of the Royal Family and the debauched aristocrats who use the Magna Carta for toilet paper every day, are with loving and fearful fealty, bent low to osculate, possibly in the manner of the French, the central locus of the devil’s rear end. It’s a religious experience. The first line of offense is the international bankers. Chief among them is the Satanic Rothschild dynasty, whose main focus is the spread of dissension, discord and the promulgation of wars for the purpose of financial profit and geopolitical advantage in the pursuit of financial profit. Until the primary source of world wide oppression and discontent is rendered impotent, there can be NO JUSTICE AND NO PEACE. The idea that any other cause might be the source of planetary ills is pure delusion. The bankers ARE the problem. In the legend of Jesus Christ, his moment of greatest wrath and outrage was directed at the moneychangers and these were the origin of the plot to crucify him. They controlled the Sanhedrin and every manifest religion, except for the occasional schism niche here and there is simply another arm of the Globoctopus Banking creature. The comparison is apt; given their tendency to finance and spread an inky darkness of lies as their defense in the process of literally sucking the life from the public, as well as their strangling grip on the fortunes and welfare of humanity. - Les Visible

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Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - The Holocaust Narrative: Politics Trumps Science Rosie Nov 28, 2014 - Seraphin Message 205: A MESSAGE TO THE BEACONS: RAISE THE HEADS "You must be strong, if you wish them (others) to be strong. You must be honest, if you wish them to be honest. If you wish to lead this earth into a new harmonious existence for all, YOU MUST CREATE THIS HARMONY, however difficult the circumstances, and if you wish to do a perfect job, there is no room for carelessness or laziness. You must be impeccable to achieve an impeccable result. We survey the situation at this present time and we say that YOU ARE NEEDED AS NEVER BEFORE. Those who wholeheartedly engage will receive their reward"

Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - Unconditional Basic Income – an Economic Model for a New Renaissance Ron: This author assumes her conclusion in that she assumes that humanity is already embued with higher consciousness and will easily adopt and adapt to an Unconditional Basic Income scheme. However, that is not the case. Humanity must undergo a radical increase in spiritual consciousnes before most people will willingly embrace rather than abuse such schemes. Moreover, no initiative of this sort can ever gain traction on even an isolated national or regional basis while our world is controlled by psychopathic Techma (Jews) who assassinate individuals and bomb whole nations back to the Stone Age if they try to defy the Jew banksters let alone overturn the Judaic's global control matrix. History is replete with examples. Recent instances include Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria and Eastern Ukraine. Even nations the size of Russia and China are not immune. So we must first change global consciousness so that a critical mass of humanity perceives the need to eliminate the Techmas' physical and financial global control mechanisms. That process is occurring NOW. Once it is completed we can seek to implement schemes such as this author advocates on the understanding that what is required is a fundamental paradigm shift enabling people to respond to each other on a more spiritual basis.

Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - After Gaza, Europe Scrambles to End Its Complicity Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - Former Mossad chief fears for 'future of the Zionist project' Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - The Pope’s Embrace Of Evolution Brings Us One Step Closer To A One World Religion Ron: Sooo, why do you think that the Pope is infallible?

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Nov 28, 2014 - What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts True US History Nov 28, 2014 - Ferguson and the False Promise of "Revolution" True US History Nov 28, 2014 - The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of The Debt Enslavement System That Dominates Our Lives Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - Does the Name "Strauss-Kahn" Ring a Bell? Trotsky at the IMF Ron: Ever wonder why Dominique Strauss-Kahn (D S-K) was caught in a "honey trap", prosecuted and removed from his role as the IMF’s managing director? I did. Here's why. He was removed by the banksters becasue he said: 'We need policies to reduce inequality, and to ensure a fairer distribution of opportunities and resources. Strong social safety nets combined with progressive taxation can dampen market-driven inequality. Investment in health and education is critical. Collective bargaining rights are important, especially in an environment of stagnating real wages. Social partnership is a useful framework, as it allows both the growth gains and adjustment pains to be shared fairly… We have also supported a tax on financial activities (and) organized jointly with the ILO … to better understand the policies behind job-creating growth… Ultimately, employment and equity are building blocks of economic stability and prosperity, of political stability and peace. This goes to the heart of the IMF’s mandate. It must be placed at the heart of the policy agenda.' Whether you are D S-K, Muammar Gaddafi, JFK, Hitler, Tojo, Vladimir Putin or any one else who seeks to free humanity from the Judaic (Techma) yoke, the response is always the same. Demonisation, character assassination and where necessary physical assassination and bloody incursion. Presumably D S-K went quietly ... and lived. This sort of example suggests to me that blaming humanity for failing to realise that the Techma are the ultimate in ignorant, ruthless, anti-human shitheads, is unfair. This article is the first indication I have seen of the real situation underlying D S-K's removal. HOW is the average human supposed to know these things?!

Political Information Nov 28, 2014 - UK approved £7m Israeli arms sales in six months before Gaza conflict

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Palestinian men look on as a bomb from an Israeli air strike hits a house in Gaza City in August Labour MP Katy Clark said: “It is now abundantly clear that not only did the UK refuse to condemn Israeli military action throughout Operation Protective Edge but that it actively allowed UK companies to arm the IDF throughout the conflict.”

True US History Nov 28, 2014 - Why US Balks at Accord on Children’s Rights True US History Nov 27, 2014 - West Cynically Plays For More Time to Deny Iran Iran has self-imposed a restriction on its uranium enrichment process to a level of five per cent which is way below the threshold required for producing a nuclear weapon. It has also opened up its facilities to intrusive IAEA monitoring, including the installation of CCTV cameras. In return for these concessions, which are not legally required under the NPT, Iran has gained paltry relief from the international sanctions that the US and its Western allies have largely been responsible for. Under the interim agreement signed last year, Iran is able to draw on some $700 million a year from billions of dollars-worth of assets that the Western powers impounded going back decades to the Iranian revolution in 1979. The Iranian economy is still very much straitjacketed from Western embargoes on its vital oil and banking industries. Life-saving medical and pharmaceutical imports are also still banned. - Finian Cunningham

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - West accused of 'sleepwalking' as Ukraine edges towards crisis Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - EU chief calls for decentralization and federalization of Ukraine Quoting "1,000 deaths" in the country since the cease-fire agreement was reached in Minsk on September 5, Van Rompuy said he could no longer call the situation a cease-fire. And a AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 105 new cessation of conflict, if controlled by the same players, would have the identical outcome, the politician said in his speech, marking his five years presidency of the European Council. Urging a "global solution," the EU chief said a way for Ukraine to become a "decentralized (or federalized) country" must be found. He called for the country's closer ties with the EU. However, he also said, "Europe has become unpopular among Europeans" in the past five to six years. Kiev should "establish a correct relationship with Russia, its neighbor, with which it shares history, culture and language," Van Rompuy said, adding that the interests of minorities in Ukraine should be respected. - - Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Pensioners storm banks, sue president as economic blockade enforced on E.Ukraine Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Russia has no intention of building a new Iron Curtain, says Putin Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Russia and China: What is Happening Beneath the Propaganda Curtain?

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Russia-China trading settlements in yuan increases 800% Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Why We Need A new Soviet Union Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Mikhail Khazin Q&A with the Saker Community Ron: This is an excellent Q & A article. As you might expect, the real problem for Putin and Russia is that the Russian Central Bank is in the hands of 'Liberals", ie people in the thrall of the Techma (Jew banksters), who insist on destroying Russia by continuing to pretend that Russia is bound by the Bretton Woods Agreement which the US effectively abrogated in 1971 when it totally rejected the gold standard upon which the USD reserve currency was based. The current sanctions on Russia merely emphasise the criminal nature of the US controlled global financial system which continues to negative the Bretton Woods arrangements. The bureaucrats running the Russian Central Bank (RCB) in the interests of the US and its Jew bankster controllers are traitors to the Russian people and should be treated as such. Surely Putin hasn't got to wait until Russia is physically attacked by the US and NATO before his government assumes control of the RCB and Russia's currency issuance and economic policy?

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Russia ‘signs contract’ to deliver S-400 missile systems to China – report 09:04 Russia ‘signs contract’ to deliver S-400 missile systems to China – report Russia “has signed a contract” to deliver the S-400 surface-to-air missile systems to China, Vedomosti daily reported on Wednesday, citing its sources. The contract between Russia’s AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 5-- Page 106

Rosoboronexport and China’s Defense Ministry on the delivery of at least six divisions of the S-400 systems for more than $3 billion was concluded at the beginning of autumn, according to the sources. Russia’s defense concern Almaz-Antey has not commented on the report. The talks between the two states on the issue have been continuing for several years.

True US History Nov 27, 2014 - INCITEMENT TO MURDER ! The Al Shapton Body Count True US History Nov 27, 2014 - Darren Wilson…Good Cop/Bad Cop?

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Egyptian president says his regime is ready to protect Israel Ron: Presumably having the Egyptian military IN Palestine might deter Jewish troops and police from indiscriminately killing Palestinians whenever they feel like it, at least wherever the Eqyptian troops are located. It could also make it more difficult for Israel to assist Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to attack Egyptian troops in Sinai.

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Turkish President: 'Equality between men and women is against nature' Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Islamic finance doubles in size with demand forecast soaring to new heights Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - It Begins: German Bank 'Charging' Negative Interest To Its Retail Customers Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Brawl over Gen Patton at Museum of Jewish Heritage

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Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Major political faceplant for French Resistance leader Alain Soral Ron: IMHO this commentor explains why it is so difficult for humans to evolve and mature in this exceedingly dysfunctional world. Kat Kan: What children are brought up with is not a "lifestyle" it is the ONLY LIFE THEY KNOW, and it remains so even if they notice the lives of others are not the same... you drag in satisfying sex. That is NOT what most people are looking for. They are looking for human contact...and all the other factors which you listed have given them NO OTHER EXAMPLES OF IT, no other way to get it, never were given love and affection and don't know how to give it. Some give up and just turn to drink or drugs or over-eating instead. But for the ones who turn to promiscuity,it is NOT about "satisfying sex", it is about human contact - or human contact other than being beaten. Physical contact is a human necessity - orphans kept in cribs and never touched except to change nappies fail to thrive - they plain shrivel up and die. If they do survive to adulthood you expect them to know how to be affectionate? ... The isolation from culture and community, even from most family is a result of an economic system that forces people to move out of their communities, turns them into nomads, takes them from clan support systems when they're in trouble...caused by the end of feudalism,by the industrial revolution,by emigration, another round of industrialisation, depressions, unemployment...

All human nature,ie the nature of ALL humans, is highly susceptible to the social environment. It absolutely is not a matter of self control to avoid harmful excesses - it is a matter of a self that never knew anything else. Expecting an isolated abused neglected person to grow up balanced is like expecting him to speak Japanese overnight...never mind it is "easy even 5 year olds can speak it" (yeah, those who grow up with it).

Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - The future of the [Ron: Ashke]Nazi Ukraine in 90 seconds Political Information Nov 27, 2014 - Russian commander warns US could control whole Gulf of Mexico

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