Welcome to the Worlds Most Cost-Effective Formula 3 Championship
Welcome to the worlds most cost-effective Formula 3 Championship. Welcome to the Formula 3 The quest to win a title steeped in history and But go back before the 2005 season and big won by some of the biggest names in Austral- names now fill the list of successes in The long and Australian Drivers asian motorsport. Australian Formula 3. Karl Reindler, Michael Championship. Caruso, Will Power – all now elite in their In 2005, the ADC went international as chosen fields be it domestically, or twisting Fifty-four years ago, Australian racing legend Formula 3 – now Australia’s premier ‘wings internationally. Bib Stilwell took his Ferrari 500 to victories at and slicks’ category – took custodianship of Caversham, Albert Park, Lowood, Mount the Gold Star. The 2011 Formula 3 Australian Drivers Cham- road to the Panorama, Port Wakefield and Phillip Island, pionship – as it has been for six years now – to win the very first Australian Drivers Champi- Since then drivers from eleven different coun- is a mix. A mix of the worlds pre-eminent onship. tries have come to do battle in Australia’s junior development formulae in Formula 3, top starts fastest cars on Australia’s best circuits. Four and Australia’s most storied racing award. With it, Bib won the now coveted CAMS Gold Britons have now won the title, Ben Clucas, Star award, affirming his position as the best James Winslow, Joey Foster and Ben Barker It’s a combination that has delivered intense ‘top level’ open-wheel driver in Australia. all etching themselves on a now 54-year old racing, fantastic entertainment, and the skills here.
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