Linear Regression in Matrix Form
Statistics 512: Applied Linear Models Topic 3 Topic Overview This topic will cover • thinking in terms of matrices • regression on multiple predictor variables • case study: CS majors • Text Example (KNNL 236) Chapter 5: Linear Regression in Matrix Form The SLR Model in Scalar Form iid 2 Yi = β0 + β1Xi + i where i ∼ N(0,σ ) Consider now writing an equation for each observation: Y1 = β0 + β1X1 + 1 Y2 = β0 + β1X2 + 2 . Yn = β0 + β1Xn + n TheSLRModelinMatrixForm Y1 β0 + β1X1 1 Y2 β0 + β1X2 2 . = . + . . . . Yn β0 + β1Xn n Y X 1 1 1 1 Y X 2 1 2 β0 2 . = . + . . . β1 . Yn 1 Xn n (I will try to use bold symbols for matrices. At first, I will also indicate the dimensions as a subscript to the symbol.) 1 • X is called the design matrix. • β is the vector of parameters • is the error vector • Y is the response vector The Design Matrix 1 X1 1 X2 Xn×2 = . . 1 Xn Vector of Parameters β0 β2×1 = β1 Vector of Error Terms 1 2 n×1 = . . n Vector of Responses Y1 Y2 Yn×1 = . . Yn Thus, Y = Xβ + Yn×1 = Xn×2β2×1 + n×1 2 Variance-Covariance Matrix In general, for any set of variables U1,U2,... ,Un,theirvariance-covariance matrix is defined to be 2 σ {U1} σ{U1,U2} ··· σ{U1,Un} . σ{U ,U } σ2{U } ... σ2{ } 2 1 2 . U = . . .. .. σ{Un−1,Un} 2 σ{Un,U1} ··· σ{Un,Un−1} σ {Un} 2 where σ {Ui} is the variance of Ui,andσ{Ui,Uj} is the covariance of Ui and Uj.
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