+ Global Positioning S ystem (GPS) Reference & Training for Beginner & Intermediate Skill Levels With Indoor and Outdoor Activities for Building Skills with Handheld GPS Units Printed 9/28/2014 1 Steve Sewell Bio: Steve Sewell is an outdoorsmen and also professional trainer as part of his technical career. He loves to share his outdoor knowledge of GPS/Geocaching in terms and explanations that the whole audience can understand. Steve has facilitated GPS and Geocaching day programs since 2005 through area parks and recreation which exposes students to a lot of field GPS use. For these day programs he has written a about a 100 page reference/workbook for the students as a take away. Steve is also a registered Geocaching Merit Badge Counselor for the Boy Scouts, in which his GPS/Geocaching covers almost all of the requirements. In working with other youth, he has lead a GPS Special Interest Club through 4-H as well as conducting mini workshops for 4-H technology days and Girl Scouts. For his personal outdoor activities, he uses a handheld GPS for wilderness adventures, canoe day trips, geocaching, hiking, as well as road trips. Contact Steve at
[email protected]. The following material is a compilation of subject matter information sourced from internet resources plus many of Steve Sewell’s personal experiences. He includes many detailed explanations with additional notes and tips throughout. Review questions along with indoor and outdoor activities are also provided. Some links of original sources have been included at the start of each section in which the material came. In some cases the material was not included in its entirety, in which one will need to visit for complete details.