Surface Hopping Dynamics with DFT Excited States Mario Barbatti1* and Rachel Crespo-Otero2 1Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, BA2 7AY - Bath, United Kingdom *Electronic address:
[email protected] Abstract Nonadiabatic dynamics simulation of electronically-excited states has been a research area of fundamental importance, providing support for spectroscopy, explaining photoinduced processes, and predicting new phenomena in a variety of specialties, from basic physical-chemistry, through molecular biology, to materials engineering. The demands in the field, however, are quickly growing, and the development of surface hopping based on density functional theory (SH/DFT) has been a major advance in the field. In this contribution, the surface hopping approach, the methods for computation of excited states based on DFT, the conection between these methodolgies, and their diverse implementations are reviewed. The shortcomings of the methods are critically addressed and a number of case studies from diverse fields are surveyed. Keywords Surface Hopping, Density Functional Theory, Excited States, Nonadiabatic Dynamics, Photochemistry 2 Abbreviations ADC Algebraic diagrammatic construction ALDA Adiabatic local density approximation CASSCF Complete active space self-consistent field CC Coupled cluster CI Configuration interaction CIS CI with single excitations CPA Classical path approximation DFT Density functional