Nelson, British Columbia, Saturday, August-18, 1894. the WEEK's
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•' '. tJ. '•-./' V.< r\"."\ jC>-! .!'."'.".'• The Sillies in The Ores are Kootenay sire Anions "i£'i-('ratic In Gold, | the Klchest iu Silver, €.>i>i»cr, America. THE INER an I -f'ciiil. WHOLE NUMBER 209. Nelson, British Columbia, Saturday, August-18, 1894. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Creeks, about, a mile below thc divide Though the weather is fine the smoke un mum of $15,000 or $20,000, a special ap A bill has been introduced into (he THE WEEK'S MINING NEWS. between French and McCulloch Crocks, fortunately prevents our visitors from peal should be made to representative United States Senate, providing for and adjoins tho Panhandle on the east. seeing the splendid scenery of the Kootenay bodies and the public of the Dominion certain alterations in the law of trial by Both claims are 1500 feet square. If the Country. generally for assistance in the present jury. Its chief features are that in cer WANETA. ledges aro similar to the specimens emergency, and that a copy of the tain cases the number of. jurymen may A telegram from Seattle of Aug, 10 (From our own. correspondent.) brought down. Mr. Howard has a bo resolution lie sent to the press associa be less than twelve, with the consent of nanza. *' says: Pv.. J. Savage, who escaped from tions and to the various city corporations both parties to the suit, and that It is with regret wc have lo chronicle jail at Kaslo, B. C, was arrested in the and boards of trade throughout the criminal cases five-sixths, that is ten:out city last night by Detectives Sam Gor- the departure of Judge W. M. Newton THREE FOKKS. Dominion. of twelve, may render a verdict, and in from om- midst. Mr. Newton has gone bett and Charles Phillips and jailed civil cases three-fourths. to Nelson, thence he goes I o the coast (From our oion corresponddnt. J pending instructions from the Kaslo authorities. Savage was in prision CANADIAN NEWS. in search of the g^iod health that was August 17th.—(Special)—All of the Noble The Idaho Avalanche says: Exaggerated unfortunately denied hiin here. charged with stealing a gold watch. Foiuhundied road men iii the employ Five and Deadman Buildings were burnt His wife got a divorce recently in reports of the prosperity of Owyhee' have of the City of Montreal have been dis been circulated, which is leading to ah Mr. Bell, chief engineer of S.S. Colum last night by forest fires which were blown Spokane. charged owing to lack of funds. bia, and a companion had a narrow into fierceness by a gale of wind that uncalled for influx of working men, who escape from lightning while viewing tho sprang up suddenly. Tom Ward and John Hirsch came back Mr. Pelletier, Provincial Secretary of find upon arrival that the chances for emr to town on Wednesday after a roughish Quebec, has brought a» action for libel ployment are not as numerous as they wreck of that vessel. A small thunder The great ledge of ore recently struck in shower came up and Ihe lightning trip in theYmir mountains. They went against the Montreal Wituess, claiming anticipated. There are now more miners the Idaho mine is found ou development in by the East Fork of the Cottonwood 131.0,000 as damages. aud laborers in Silver City and DeLamar splintered several trees in a radius of to be fifteen feet thick. 50 feel, the men being thrown to the and crossing the Ymir Basin they pass than can obtain work. Living is high ed eastwards across tlie head waters of The Dominion Government is inviting there and parties without resources should bottom of the boat hy the. violence of F. F. McNaghteu has found the same alternate tenders for a cable from Van the shock. They weie badly frightened ledge in the Cumberland claim where, the 10 mile Creek, and then bending to keep away. the north came out opposite Balfour. couver Island to Australia by seven but not otherwise injured. The elec however, it is is only four feet thick. different routes. tricity was probably attracted by the Unfortunately they did not discover After ineffectually praying for rain for large amount of old iron in ihe wreck. A report has come down from the anything to repay them for the hard A great meeting of thc Liberal party nearly a mouth, the priests and parsons of North that, The Horsefly, cleaned up ships of their journey. was held at Crystal Beach on the shore Northfield, Minn., are getting weary of We are pleased to note that Messrs. .$•1880 for 10S hours work, and the Cam- of Lake Erie last week, at which well-doing and threaten to throw up the Hardman & Babb. who have recently boo .$5,180 for 47 hours work. The electric light; is now an established 10,000 pei sons were present. The Hon. sponge. Now, if they will only quit put in a small hydraulic plant on their fact in Nelson. R. E. Lemon has the credit Richard Harcourt, Mr. Patterson of preaching too and get into their heads the Eighteen tons of ore were shipped from property one mile from the mouth of of being the first'to have it installed in his Brant.and others addressed the meeting. fact that the Almighty is not likely to the Salmon, have made a very satisfac the Josie and O. K. Mines at Trail Creek store, and he will be followed quickly by change the eternal laws of nature, to please tory clean up, the results, far exceeding to Revelstoke, last week. G. Bigelow and the tenants of tlie Houston The government of Newfoundland the population of a township in Minne their most sanguine expectations. Block. The rates charged are from 5% to narrowly escaped defeat at its first sota, and give their attention to the subject meeting. A bill was introduced indem MINING TRANSFERS. 8 cents per candlepower per month. These of irrigation, they will give * some support Geo. J. Goodhue, of the Kootenay are cheaper than coal oil, but they are not nifying the governor for the illegal Hydraulic Co., in a dispatch from New collection of revenues during the past to the creed that heaven helps those who York says he has succeeded in enlisting NEW IJENVEK. so cheap as they would have been had not help themselves.—Mann. Free Press. the company bungled so seriously over the two months, and it was only carried by capital to the amount' of $('0,000, and Aug. 3rd.—"Greonleaf,"—W. Hunter one vote. will arrive here about the 20th inst. He to J. N. Black, *{• interest-, .$1. water power. In fact every user oE the One of the results of the recent strike in will put on a large force of men at once Aug. 3rd.—"Greenleaf," J. Butler electric light now has to. pay.for the com A back door is being opened by which America is the inability pf militiamen to to pany's an business'^ ^.e management. We and institute a system of pumps to J. McCaskell, :|- interest, .$500. General Herbert may slip out of the get back into the billets they left when supply water for- the work of their Aug. 4th.—-'Spokane Belle,' "Legal hope to see the streets lit by the new light, difficult position in which he finds him they were called out. Their late employers ground in the spring. Tender," "Ella"' and "Casey,"—C. L. and we are satisfied that this can be doDe. self. "The World" says that he may be declare that they could not get on without at a very small cost. When it has beeu o " Arnold to W. A. Arnold, full interest, .$1. ordered to vacate his Canadian com assistance for so long a time and that they Aug. 4th.—"Omaha" v interest and proved that the light can be properly run mand and return to his regimental have had to fill up the vacancies. The NEW DENVER. , • "Dolly Varden" & interest, C. L. Arnold a meeting of the citizens should be called duties with the Grenadier Guards. In position is a difficult one. No one will (From our own Correspondent.) to II. Brim, $00. to ascertain the cost of lighting the tcvn fact if he does not return he will forfeit join the militia if he is to lose his livelihood . Aug. 9th.—"Wilson,"-^E. C. Pease to and to see whether the necessary funds the right to command the battalion. every time he is called out, and yet his, ;• August 11th," 1S94. to J. Wilson A interest, to C. Freeman can be raised. The article concludes: "I cannot, employer can hardly be blamed for the The Cumberland, which immediately •J, .$1. ascertain that any pressure -has action he takes in the matter. adjoins the Idaho and St. John, until Aug. 9th.—"Blue Jay,"—R. E. Lemon PROVINCIAL NEWS. been brought to • bear upon the War die last few days had only been able to to A. H. Buchanan, .',- interest. $1. Office from Canada to have the Major- .- A telegram from Los Angeles, Cal., nnr show-18 inches of clean ore at a depth of Aug. 9th."—"Comstock,"—E. Thomp George Thompson, an old resident of Go neval of the Canadian Militia recalled, nounces the formation of a new secret over 100 feet, can now lay claim to have son to B. Finnell, A. & T. Thompson and Victoria, walked off the wharf aud was but in Canadian circles here it is con political order. The name of the order is one of the finest showings in the Slocan.