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UNIFIED FIRE SERVICE AREA AGENDA February 16, 2021, 8:30 A.M THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH MINIMUM 24 HOURS NOTICE UNIFIED FIRE SERVICE AREA AGENDA February 16, 2021, 8:30 a.m. (or immediately following the UFA Board meeting, if after 8:30 a.m.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNIFIED FIRE SERVICE AREA BOARD OF TRUSTEES SHALL ASSEMBLE FOR AN ELECTRONIC MEETING ONLY, DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC THE PUBLIC MAY ATTEND ELECTRONICALLY VIA ZOOM WEBINAR AT: https://zoom.us/j/98255960431?pwd=VW9iWk1KQ0JYTi9lSDIxMS96KzZXZz09 Password: 123911 1. Call to Order – Chair Overson 2. Public Comment Please limit comments to three minutes each. There are two options for comments during this meeting: a. Live during the Webinar by logging in as described above. If you wish to make a comment, select the “Raise Hand” button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be added to the que and invited to speak. b. EMAIL: Public comments will be accepted prior to the meeting via email at publiccomment@unifiedfire.org until 7:00 a.m. February 15, 2021. Emailed comments submitted prior to 7:00 a.m. February 15, 2021, will be read or summarized into the record, comments received after the deadline will be forwarded to the UFA Board, but not read into the meeting record or addressed during the meeting. 3. Administer Oath of Office for New Board Members – Cyndee Young, Clerk 4. Approval of Minutes – Chair Overson a. January 19, 2021 5. Station Construction Update – Assistant Chief Burchett 6. Consideration to Pursue Magna Land Lease Request – Assistant Chief Burchett 7. District Administrator Report – Rachel Anderson 8. 2021 Bond Financed Projects – Plans and Specifications (17D-2-301, 302 Requirements) – Assistant Chief Burchett 9. Consider Resolution 02-2021A Authorizing and Approving the Execution and Delivery of an Amendment to Master Lease Agreement, One or More Ground Leases by and Between the Service Area and the Local Building Authority of the Unified Fire Service Area (The “Authority”); Authorizing the Issuance and Sale by the Authority of its Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2021, in an Aggregate Principal Amount of Not More Than $42,500,000; Authorizing and Approving the Execution and Delivery by the Authority of a Supplemental Indenture, Certificate of Award, Certain Security Documents, and Other Documents Required in Connection Therewith; Authorizing and Approving the Distribution and Use of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement; Authorizing the Taking of all Other Actions Necessary to the Consummation of the Transaction Contemplated by this Resolution; and Related Matters – CFO Hill 10. Possible Closed Session The Unified Fire Service Area may temporarily recess the meeting to convene in a closed session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual, pending or reasonable imminent litigation, and the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property, as provided by Utah Code Annotated §52-4-205 or for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. (If only discussing topic (A), character, etc., then you may move to not record that portion of the closed session per Utah Code § 52-4-206 (6).) Re-Open the Meeting 11. Adjournment – Chair Overson The next Board meeting will be held March 16, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. electronically only. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL UFSA MEETINGS. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, UFSA will make reasonable accommodation for participation in the meetings. Please call the clerk at least three workings days prior to the meeting at 801-743-7213. Motions relating to any of the foregoing, including final action, may be taken at the meeting. This meeting may be held telephonically/electronically to allow a member of the UFSA Board to participate. This agenda is subject to change with a minimum 24-hour notice. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING The undersigned, does hereby certify that the above agenda notice was posted on this 12th day of February 2021 on the UFSA bulletin boards, the UFSA website http://unifiedfireservicearea.com , posted on the Utah State Public Notice website http://www.utah.gov/pmn/index.html and was emailed to at least one newspaper of general circulation with the jurisdiction of the public body. Cynthia Young, UFSA Board Clerk Tuesday, January 19, 2021 UNIFIED FIRE SERVICE AREA Meeting Minutes 8:30 a.m. This meeting was held electronically via ZOOM due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Board Members Present Council Member Allan Perry Mayor Jeff Silvestrini Council Member Gary Bowen Mayor Kelly Bush Council Member Kathleen Bailey Mayor Kristie Overson Council Member Trish Hull Mayor Robert Hale Mayor Dan Knopp Mayor Tom Westmoreland Mayor Harris Sondak Surveyor Reid Demman Board Members Absent Mayor Jenny Wilson Council Member Richard Snelgrove Staff Tony Hill, UFA CFO Chief Dan Petersen Cyndee Young, UFSA Clerk Rachel Anderson, UFSA Legal Counsel/District Administrator Guests AC Burchett Division Chief Widdison Local 1696 AC Pilgrim Division Chief Robinson Nile Easton, DOC AC Higgs Division Chief Torgersen Nate Rockwood, Midvale Arriann Woolf Deputy Mayor Catherine Kanter Patrick Costin OC Dern Erica Langenfass Rachel Anderson, UFSA Bill Brass Johnathan Ward, Zions Ryan Love Brad Patterson, Bond Counsel J Cody Hill, Midvale Shelli Fowlks Captain Bogenschutz Japheth McGee, Zions Steve Quinn Captain Conn Kiyoshi Young Sam Klemm, SLCo Captain Simons Kate Turnbaugh Tim Tingey, CWH Calogero Ricotta Keith Zuspan, Brighton Wendy Thomas Captain Greensides Lana Burningham Division Chief Larson Larson Wood Chair Kristie Overson Presided Called to Order Chair Overson called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. Quorum present. I Page 1 Attendance roll taken. Bailey Y Overson Y Bowen Y Perry Y Bush Y Silvestrini - Demman - Snelgrove - Hale Y Sondak Y Hull Y Westmoreland Y Knopp Y Wilson - Public Comment None. Public comment was made available live and with a posted email address. Approval of Minutes – Chair Overson Mayor Hale moved to approve the minutes from the December 15, 2020, UFSA Board Meeting as submitted. Mayor Knopp seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Bailey Y Overson Y Bowen Y Perry Y Bush Y Silvestrini - Demman Y Snelgrove - Hale Y Sondak Y Hull Y Westmoreland Y Knopp Y Wilson - Approval of Resolutions 01-2021A/B Board Elections – Legal Counsel Anderson a. Chair Mayor Knopp moved to approve Resolution 01-2021A retaining Mayor Overson as the UFSA Board Chair as voted upon this day. Mayor Bush seconded the motion. All verbally voted in favor. None opposed. b. Vice Chair Council Member Hull moved to approve Resolution 01-2021B retaining Mayor Westmoreland as the UFSA Board Vice Chair as voted upon this day. Surveyor Demman seconded the motion. All verbally voted in favor. None opposed. II Page 2 Quarterly Financial Report – CFO Hill CFO Hill stated that this is the first look at year-end UFSA 2020. Reviewed Income Revenue and stated that it is ahead of projections, Impact Fees are strong, even with the Pandemic. Expenditures are as expected, no areas of concern with 2020 expenditures, Debt Services Bond is right on budget. The auditors will be in soon, expecting a few more year-end expenditures, and Property Taxes will be trued up as well. Mayor Hale moved to approve the quarterly financial report including the list of expenditures for the last quarter as presented. Council Member Perry seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Bailey Y Overson Y Bowen Y Perry Y Bush Y Silvestrini - Demman Y Snelgrove - Hale Y Sondak Y Hull Y Westmoreland Y Knopp Y Wilson - Transition of Accounting System from QuickBooks to Caselle – CFO Hill CFO Hill and staff are requesting to transition the accounting system UFSA uses from QuickBooks to Caselle. Caselle meets our needs, is used for UFA accounting, and is better suited for governmental accounting. There are no additional budget requests, however this is coming before the Board as it wasn’t included in expenditures. A memo was included in the packet outlining the $3,000 needed to make the transition and the monthly service fee of $133.00, an increase from the currently $33.00 for QuickBooks. Mayor Knopp moved to approve the transition of the accounting system from QuickBooks to Caselle as discussed. Council Member Bailey seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Bailey Y Overson Y Bowen Y Perry Y Bush Y Silvestrini - Demman Y Snelgrove - Hale Y Sondak Y Hull Y Westmoreland Y Knopp Y Wilson - Mayor Sondak stated that Alta currently uses Caselle and cautioned that there are a lot of additional costs for each extra module. CFO Hill agrees and has experienced this with UFA accounting, but has worked to identify and set up only what is currently needed to provide the accounting for UFSA. III Page 3 Station Construction Update – Assistant Chief Burchett AC Burchett explained the communication plan that was used with the neighbors surrounding old Station 112 and the new temporary Station 112 and plans to utilize the same communications with all station construction. Have been conducting Geotechnical and HazMat testing on both Station 112 locations. Have found some HazMat issues, anticipated due to the age of the stations, but have found no Geotechnical issues. The large station design is in the schematic design phase and work is taking place within the Steering Committee to finalize the design. The small station design isn’t fitting on some of the property footprints, therefore a higher design fee is anticipated, but this should result in less construction costs. District Administrator Anderson is also working to complete a land purchase west of Station 112 that was never completed. This piece of land will become part of the new footprint for Station 112.
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