Arxiv:1602.06269V2 [Astro-Ph.SR] 30 Oct 2016 the Incidence and Theory of Episodic Accretion in Ysos, and Mid-Infrared Wavelengths (E.G., Megeath Et Al
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1{?? (2002) Printed 11 September 2018 (MN LATEX style file v2.2) Infrared spectroscopy of eruptive variable protostars from VVV C. Contreras Pe~na1;4;2,? P. W. Lucas2, R. Kurtev3;4, D. Minniti1;7, A. Caratti o Garatti6, F. Marocco2, M.A. Thompson2, D. Froebrich5, M. S. N. Kumar2, W. Stimson2, C. Navarro Molina4;3, J. Borissova3;4, T. Gledhill2 and R. Terzi2 1Departamento de Ciencias Fisicas, Universidad Andres Bello, Republica 220, Santiago, Chile 2Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, UK 3Instituto de F´ısica y Astronom´ıa,Universidad de Valpara´ıso,ave. Gran Breta~na,1111, Casilla 5030, Valpara´ıso,Chile 4Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, Av. Vicuna Mackenna 4860, 782-0436, Macul, Santiago, Chile 5Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NH, UK 6Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Cosmic Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics Section, 31 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2, Ireland 7Vatican Observatory, V00120 Vatican City State, Italy 11 September 2018 ABSTRACT In a companion work (Paper I) we detected a large population of highly variable Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey, typically with class I or flat spectrum spectral energy distributions and diverse light curve types. Here we present infrared spectra (0.9{2.5 µm) of 37 of these variables, many of them observed in a bright state. The spectra confirm that 15/18 sources with eruptive light curves have signatures of a high accretion rate, either showing EXor- like emission features (∆v=2 CO, Brγ) and/or FUor-like features (∆v=2 CO and H2O strongly in absorption).
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