A Community magazine sponsored by the Anglican church and delivered to every household in , Allington, Bradpole, West Bay, Bothenhampton and . Circulation: over 6000 copies

POINTS OF CONTACT TEAM RECTOR: The Revd Canon Andrew Evans, The Rectory, South Street, Bridport. DT6 3NW. 422138 (Day off Monday) (email: [email protected]) TEAM VICAR: The Revd Peter Edwards The Vicarage, Parsonage Road, Allington DT6 5ET. 456588 (Day off Friday) (email: [email protected])

ASSOCIATE PRIESTS: The Revd Liz Campling, Harbour Lights, Coneygar Park, Bridport DT6 3BA. 425670 (Day off Thursday) (email: [email protected]) The Revd Janis Moore, 61 North Allington, Bridport. DT6 5DZ. 425644 (Day off Wednesday) (email: [email protected]) The Revd Dan Shackell, 146 West Bay Rd, Bridport, DT6 4AZ 426514

TEAM DEACONS: The Revd Ann Ayling, 4 Manor Farm Court, Walditch, DT6 4LQ 424896 [email protected] The Revd Margaret Preuss-Higham 70 Alexandra Road Bridport 424234 [email protected] The Revd Duncan Wilson, 40 Alexandra Court, Bridport DT6 5QP 420651

Licensed Lay Ministers: Lay Pastoral Assistants: Mr Phil Doughty 422096 Mrs Janet Belton 423683 Mrs Coral Hatton Mr Robin Belton 423683 Mrs Valerie Payne 458867 Mrs Chris Evans 422138 Mr Graham Purse 423220 Mrs Isabel Green 458023 Mrs Shirley Smith 425959 Mr Peter Green 458023 Mrs Hilda Gudge 456065 SECRETARY TO THE PCC Mrs Vyv Haydon 420367 Mrs Rosemary Russell 423013 Mrs Shirley Jezard 422136 TEAM ADMINISTRATOR Mrs Daphne King 427552 Dianne Sinclair - Available mornings Mon/Fri 424747 Mrs Marcia Machin 423475 email: [email protected] Mrs Ruth Morse 424641 Mrs Rosemary Parker 456648

HALL BOOKING SECRETARIES: Mrs Marian Scott 456781 St Swithun's Vestry Mrs Shirley Bugler 425103 Mrs Elizabeth Squirrell 863871 Mrs Sue Smith 456955 Village Hall, Bothenhampton Mr Ray Gibbs 423071 Mrs Pat Stapleton 456421 The Village Hall, Bradpole Mrs Diane Ellis 420771 Mr John Ward 424487 Church House, Bridport Mr Tony Nott 425897 Mrs Muriel Ward 424487 Village Hall, Walditch Mr & Mrs Peter Tobutt 458999 Mrs Jocelyn Williams 423593 OTHER CHURCH LEADERS WITHIN THE TEAM AREA C of E Bridport Team The Revd Philip Ringer (Hospital Chaplain) 425774 The Christian Fellowship Mr Ray Dobson 424047 St Mary and St Catherine (RC) Fr Paul McGeehan 422594 The Religious Society of Friends The Warden 456336 United Church The Revd Kath Baldwin 422766 (Methodist & United Reformed Church) Unitarian & Free Christian Chapel Mr Philip Sealey (Secretary) 427931

THE BRIDGE EDITOR Mrs Valerie Payne, 458867 Priory Cottage, Priory Lane, Bridport DT6 3RW [email protected] THE BRIDGE SECRETARY Mrs Paula Biss 898189 [email protected] Laurel Cottage, Church Street, Puncknowle, DT2 9BL THE BRIDGE ADVERTISING MANAGER Mrs Rosemary Parker 456648 (Please contact Mrs Parker for all advertising, including charity events, concerts, etc) THE BRIDGE ILLUSTRATORS Mrs Jane Dibdin 422980, Mrs Sally Roper 422881 Mr Philip Saunders 459278, Mrs Joan Wilkinson 427461 COPY DATE FOR THE BRIDGE March - 28th January 2011 April - 4th March 2011 Web: http://www.bridteam.org.uk If you have ideas for an article for “The Bridge” please ask the Editor before submitting the piece so that space can be guaranteed, and then send it to her as soon as possible. Cover illustrations: Churches - Philip Saunders : Palmers Brewery. 2

Job 19:20 2Kings Signposts are placed in position for guidance, for encouragement, for help in times of need, to allow 20:1 Matthew 5:15

1Kings 19:12 us to walk safely. Throughout history we read of people making pilgrimages, our ancestors followed SIGNPOSTS signposts, they recorded their journeys, and they recorded their experiences and conversations with The televised version of the Archbishop of the people they met. Canterbury’s New Year message began with signposts and everyday phrases – ‘you As we await the first signs of Spring during shouldn’t hide your light under a bushel’, the cold dark month of February, our Lord (Matthew 5:15) ‘set your house in order’, (2Kings the Creator of all that we survey, reassures us 20:1) you survived a certain situation by ‘the skin of his presence in the natural beauty of that of your teeth’, (Job19:20) ‘it’s time you listened to tiny winter flower – the snowdrop. If you have the the still small voice’. (1Kings:19:12) opportunity, follow the signposts to Lewesdon Hill These phrases come from one source - the bible - or Loscombe Vale and witness a beautiful scene, and this year we celebrate the four hundredth carpets of snowdrops. anniversary of the King James Bible - the Authorised Version. My hope is that wherever you experience

God’s bountiful creation, perhaps in your own Four hundred years on and the start of a new garden, your home or from the window of a year, can the bible and the unfolding of the car or bus, you will in the words of Rowan greatest story ever recorded still impact on Williams ‘discover more of the meaning of another our lives today? It can and it does because of the King James Bible’s great words – the the bible is the story of God promising to be with ‘loving kindness’ we all need to give and receive’. his people in good times and bad. It is a story of hope – God centre stage on the big screen, the The Revd Janis Moore universal picture in which we God’s people are unique, precious and greatly loved. CHURCHES TOGETHER As I write this leader page for the Bridge, the early January morning is grey and damp, the After a lot of negative weather forecasting, snow, garden brown and bare after the heavy pre ice and even more ice, the Churches Together Christmas snowfall, the Christmas Christmas Day Lunch went ahead as planned. decorations taken down and stored away for the Most people braved the cold and around 60 sat next Christmas celebration. The pattern of down to a full turkey lunch with all the trimmings everyday life returning to ‘normal’, returning to and of course Christmas pudding and mince pies. Father Christmas arrived laden with small gifts for school, to employment and to our social and leisure everyone and the guests were entertained with activities, sometimes, following the busyness of dancing by Caitlin O'Farrell and her sister Liz the festive season we may experience ‘emptiness’. Baker playing the piano. Empty in the bible is used in a very different context. We would like to pay tribute to the wonderful team of people who made the occasion run so smoothly Jesus emptied himself with love for us; he and thank them for their hard work and commit- became a servant for all. St Paul in the letter ment. to Philippians 2 ‘let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of It says in the book of Hebrews Ch 13 v 1-2 "Keep others. Let the same mind be in you that was in on loving one another. Do not forget to entertain Christ Jesus’. (4-5) strangers, for by doing so, some people have en- Our world may appear broken, in the present tertained angels without knowing it" Grant & Elaine Butcher economic climate we may experience hardship, but knowing that we are part of the great human story, knowing that God loves us, calls us to love and I “Like” Bridport Team Ministry care for his creation and his people we should not Why not keep right up to date by following us on feel ‘empty’. Facebook? It’s simple, just visit our website www.bridport-team-ministry.org or search for “Bridport Team Ministry” whilst using Facebook.



LYME BAY DEANERY CHOIRS FESTIVAL ROCK SOLID will be held at St Michael the Archangel Church, Lyme Aged between 11 - 18? Regis on Saturday 12th February 2011. The service of Want to know more about God and the Christian life? Choral Evensong will be at 5 p.m. preceded by an Come along on the 1st Monday of every month for food, afternoon rehearsal. It will be directed by Nigel fellowship, discussion and laughs!! Groome, Royal School of Church Music Adviser for the South West. For more information please call Chloe 01308 422138

Robed and unrobed choirs, singing groups and individual singers are welcome and should register their interest by contacting Barry Gibbs, (01308 422373) or BEAMINSTER ONE WORLD FELLOWSHIP email [email protected] who will send further details. Thursday 24th February 2011 7.30pm The Strode Room, Church Street, Beaminster.


St. Mary’s Munch Club Speaker: Frances Jobling Church House, South Street Visitors and new members welcome Every Friday 12.30- 2.30

This new toddler group offers an exciting opportunity to Enquiries Peter Glanville 01308 458283 come along and not only enjoy toys, songs and a story but also lunch!!

Cost £1.50 per adult and 50p per child. January Sale Open House All caregivers with children aged are 0-5 welcome!


This year’s service is planned by the women of Chile.

The theme is “How many loaves have you? At a time when some have so much, while others are struggling, Tuesday 18 January 10am-2pm just to survive, this service is a time when we can GOOD BOOKS, Gundry Lane, Bridport reflect on this, and how we may act to bring a better balance. Come and rummage for some bargains as well as enjoy the

We do hope that you will be with us on FRIDAY 4th usual tasty refreshments. Adults’ and children’s books will MARCH at 10.30am at St Mary’s Church, South be on sale, as well as cards and gifts and some special offers. Street followed by refreshments.

All, (men and women) are welcome at this special service. Let’s take this opportunity to be part of the BRIDPORT INDOOR BOWLS CLUB 24 hours of prayer throughout the world on this TASTER SESSION on day, in support of the many millions of people who, SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY 10.00am - 2.00pm despite adverse conditions, continue in hope and faith TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS

Bridport Indoor Bowls Club will be holding taster

nd sessions for those who would like ”to have a go” Next Bridport Community Lunch: Wednesday 2 March from 12.30-2.00pm at Bridport United Church The Club is fully accessible with downstairs changing Hall, East Street. Bring food to share and meet other rooms and facilities. You don’t need to bring volunteers from local voluntary and community groups anything as we have a variety of bowls and even an and charities in Bridport and district, to share ideas, adapted wheelchair if required. expertise and information. Refreshments will be available so why not pop along

and see what it is all about. It’s great fun!! Hosted by Churches Together and the Volunteer Centre West Branch (for more information contact Jo You will find us on St Andrews Industrial Estate, off O'Farrell on 01038 420483, [email protected] or Karen Shoe Lane. If you need any more information please Jones on [email protected]) ring Laura on 01308 420732 for a chat.



COLMER WI Of course, being Tower Captain isn’t a ‘proper’ job and the day I 10th February - “Walking to see Grannie David Smith” describe might happen once a month if I were efficient.

BRIDPORT WI I had worshipped at Holy Trinity, Bradpole, for 10 years before I saw Tues 1st February - Mr Terry O’Donnell “Magistrates inside the bell tower or held a rope – and I had no clue about what in the Community” went on. I don’t think I can write this piece without sharing some of

United Church Hall - 7.30pm the basics with those of you who know as little as I did. Please don’t feel patronized, and if you are interested in this please don’t wait ten years to say so!

Most of us have a stylized picture of a bell, wide end downward as on a Christmas tree. I was amazed to find that before it can be rung properly a church bell has to be inverted (or ‘raised’) then stopped – upside down! It can then be made to swing through a full circle and Wednesday 16th February 2.00pm for 2.30pm stopped again. Only bells of the English tradition are controlled in “Picturesque Illusion:Clough Williams-Ellis & this way. Because of this capability, English bells are rung in Portmeirion” ‘changes’. Thus, if six bells are being used, they will begin in the a look at the creation of this amazing folly and order 123456; a change occurs when a bell changes places with its the man behind it. Speaker Dr Mervyn Miller immediate neighbour e.g. 132456 (leapfrogging is not allowed, not tuneful and only occurs by mistake). Any number of pairs may swap places during one change and the number of combinations available is huge. How do we know when to change and in which direction? First we learn to do ‘called changes’ in which one person

literally shouts out which bells are to swap next. Later we learn A Welcome Awaits you methods or patterns so that if a conductor calls ‘Go Bob Doubles’ or ‘Go Reverse Canterbury’ everyone knows what to do until further Chancery House Day Centre, notice! Methods can be modified during ringing, so allowing a band to perform for a long time without repetition, perhaps attempting a Chancery Lane quarter-peal or full peal. A quarter-peal on 6 bells will involve 1260 or more different changes while a full peal is well over 5000 changes and takes about three hours to ring! Most of us will never be skilled enough to ring a peal but there are many who do so OPEN FOR several times every week! MORNING COFFEE - 3-COURSE LUNCH POP-IN CENTRE - NEW-TO-YOU SHOP Ringing for services is our raison d’etre, though, and simple HAIRDRESSERS changes well done can give a wonderful buzz when you know you have given of your very best. Contact Chancery House Bridport, Dorset DT6 4AJ Let’s get back to my ‘day’. on 01308 424357 or email [email protected] 10:00 Maybe some ‘office work

 I am planning to organize an outing for ‘my’ ringers (we don’t call ourselves campanologists). I need to arrange it soon because BRIDPORT & CLUB 12 South Street, DT6 3NQ the churches I want to visit may have other commitments. New Members welcome  If it’s Tuesday, I will plan tonight’s practice. We have a Ringing (18 years and over) Master – a very fine ringer and teacher who normally does this but Pool Table, Snooker Tables, Skittle Alley - Bar tonight she will be away so I will think about who may attend, how Membership £10.00 per year experienced they are and what we may ring. I may need to Phone 01308 421503 Open daily 7.00pm publicise events or grumble about punctuality … Skittle Alley and Meeting Room available free of charge  As I write this, Christmas is imminent; I need to make sure that www.bwdc.co.uk we have ringers for four services in the space of 19 hours. We have 8 bells and although we could ring on fewer, the full 8 sounds lovely. R ED CR OSS I know that St Mary’s Bridport has a very similar service pattern so Medical Equipment Loan Service we cannot help each other as we sometimes do. Youth Centre Car Park, Send an email to the Salisbury Guild Training Officer. I want to Gundry Lane, Bridport borrow a portable bell simulator for use at the Bradpole Village fete Every Tuesday 11am - 3pm in June. Again, I need to get the request in early. At other times or in emergency contact: Tel: 0845331 3331 11:00 Go to the church to let in a visiting band. A group from Suffolk is touring the area and asked 6 months ago if they could ring Tudor Anthems our bells today at 11.15. I will, literally, show them the ropes (and 20th March 2011 the loo!), offer refreshment, leave them to ring and return later to Workshop - Viols, Voices and Recorders wish them well and lock the tower. St John’s, West Bay 10 - 4.30 approx. Pop in to listen at any time and there is a ‘Concert’ of day’s playing at approx 4.00pm. Details Paula Biss 01308 898189 Cont Page 13……….



This New Years Eve, Sudanese friends Bridport & District University of the Third Age (U3A) and I sat talking in a Euston Station has been awarded a grant of £2,430 by the Big cafe, remembering the personal, Lottery Fund. corporate and puzzling aspects of the

The grant will be used to buy state-of-the-art slide man Bishop Bullen Doli. The and digital projectors, projector screen, laptop nourishing root of that friendship for computer and software and a PA system to use at its me, was a humour that came from 'the joy of the Lord meetings and study groups. Money has also been is our strength'. This recognition bridged many allocated to design a web site. cultural chasms, miscommunications, and gaps of understanding that occurred over 30 years of The award is a major boost for U3A which has correspondents. enrolled more than 250 members from Bridport, I recall his deep sorrow at Mundris forced evacuation Beaminster, Burton Bradstock and surrounding and resulting foodless walk to Juba; anxious times villages since it was relaunched in January this year. during his imprisonment; the slaughter of their cows; It has become the fastest growing U3A in the the bombing of Lui cathedral and killing of staff; hurt South West with more than 25 study groups ranging times when corporate hiddennesses didn't add up, and from books and bird watching to maths for fun and the 5 years of illness his wife, Mama Jarusa, suffered philosophy. Ten of the groups are full and have before her death in 2005 ... just to mention a few. waiting lists of people wanting to join. Interweaving these times, came the delight over the arrival of 'Bridport' the bull to Mundri; time with the “The Lottery Fund grant means that we can set out Church of Ireland in 1993 with the Holy Ghost Fathers; to attract top quality speakers to our meetings the honour of being elected Bishop of Lui in 1999; because we can guarantee to provide them with the very best audio visual equipment,” said Jan Kelly, rejoicing on visiting the White House to receive the chair of the steering committee. “It is a huge bonus Religious Liberty Award, and accepting the invite to for U3A and the people of Bridport & District.” address the House of Congress and the Bush administration just 3 weeks after 9/11. Encouragement The U3A will start the New Year in a new home. came too from invites to participate in retreats and From January its regular monthly meetings on the conferences .... in Spain, Sweden, and of course .. the fourth Tuesday of the month will take place at the Lambeth marathon which gave much food for Bridport United Church in East Street. Since its thought ... well over his baggage allowance ....! relaunch the U3A has held its meetings at the His low profile in the UK, belied a man of many gifts Christian Fellowship Hall in East Street. and achievements, to my 'ant-eyed' view of the vast

For more information on joining U3A contact Diana expanse he was over-seeing. He and his first wife Coleridge on 01308 424431. For information on the worked tirelessly for the welfare and peace of their study groups contact Lesley Archibald on 01308 country. His new wife Lona, and his new son, along 456079. with Tabitha and his extended family need our continued prayer. His trust and that of Sudanese Bob Wells friends in the UK who've 'heard me out' in the mutual effort to understand and befriend one another remains a precious gift. It is still only a 'touching the edge of the Churches Together in Bridport and District Youth garment' of understanding methinks. Worker Project Annual General Meeting, Thursday 24th February 7.30m p.m. in the Cottage Room at the United Church. All welcome.

GOOD BOOKS - St Valentine Open House Good Books: for Christian books (including Friday 11 February 10am-2pm secondhand bargain shelves), cards, gifts and church

supplies. Home of Bridport Good Neighbours/ The word “love” appears over 500 times in the Bible so Pathways to Care, Threads of Hope, Bridport Book of do join us to celebrate this with themed refreshments – Hours, monthly Book Club. New volunteers always and perhaps find a card or gift for those we love to mark welcome! St Valentine’s Day, 14 February. We stock a wide range of Bible commentaries, including Tom Wright’s St Mary’s Old School excellent “..for Everyone” series on the New Testament Gundry Lane, Bridport for the lay reader – St Paul for Everyone: 1 Corinthians DT6 3RL discusses the famous passage on love. Tel: 01308 420483

E-mail: [email protected] Thank you to all our customers for your support during 2010 and we wish you a very happy, peaceful and blessed Good Books opening hours: Monday-Friday 9am- year in 2011. Drop in any time you are in town for a 1.00pm, Saturday 10am-12.00. cuppa and a chat or rest, we love to have visitors even if NB We are now open till 3pm on Wednesdays and you are not coming to buy. Fridays.


A CONFESSION In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained CBS Sunday Morning Commentary. she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our

children when they misbehave, because their little

personalities would be warped and we might damage their

self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an

expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no

conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it My confession: doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was themselves.

Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated WHAT WE SOW.' against. That's what they are, Christmas trees. Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about on display at a key intersection near my beach house in sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God the Menorah a few hundred yards away. is suppressed in the school and workplace.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't Are you laughing yet? think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it. the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it Funny how we can be more worried about what other people being shoved down my throat. think of us than what God thinks of us.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come Pass it on if you think it has merit. from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed If not, then just discard it.... no one will know you did. But, if to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are about what bad shape the world is in. wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to. My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully,

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, Ben Stein this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something Tenders are invited for the grass like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina).. Anne cutting and maintenance of three local Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by church yards and a rectory this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get garden. out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He If you are interested please contact John Cooke has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us on 01308 423004 or Ivor Parker on 01308 456648 His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

7 Getting ready for an exciting event in the

summer! St Aldhelm’s Pilgrimage 26th June to 1st July We welcome Bishop Graham, both archdeacons Snowdrop Services of Remembrance and a team of pilgrims to our town and its Weldmar Hospicecare Trust Snowdrop Gardens and Walks were established to provide a lasting memorial to those who were churches. dear to us. Your loved one may have died in another area, they may not have had cancer or they may have died a long time ago. Who was St. Aldhelm? You are invited to remember them privately at the Walks or Gardens or join with others at the annual Services of Remembrance. These services are held in late winter when Aldhelm was born c640 and was educated at snowdrops first appear, reminding us that the hope and warmth Malmesbury Abbey in Wiltshire and became the of spring are not far away. director of the school there. The eleven Snowdrop Services of Remembrance are held He founded several monasteries including ones at throughout our area from Shaftesbury in the north, to Weymouth Bradford-on-Avon and Frome and Aldhelm was a in the south. This year the services will be held as follows: very great scholar. Blandford Forum St Peters & St Pauls Church on Tuesday 8th February at 2.30pm Sherborne The Methodist Church on Tuesday 3rd February at 10.30am Dorchester St Peters Church on Sunday 6th February at 3.00pm. Stalbridge The Pound Gardens on Sunday 6th February at 3.00pm Sturminster The Railway Gardens on Monday 7th Newton February at 11.30am Bridport St Marys Church on Tuesday 15th Malmesbury Abbey today February at 11.00am Lyme Regis St Michael the Archangel Church on The kingdom of Wessex was divided into two dioceses in the year 705 and Aldhelm was Thursday 10th February at 11.00am appointed the first Bishop of Sherborne. During his Gillingham Garden of Remembrance in Cemetery time as Bishop he built four churches in the area and th Road on Saturday 12 February at was noted for the very imaginative techniques he 11.00am used in telling people the Gospel, including clowning Shaftesbury St James Church on Sunday 13th and song. St.Aldhelm’s Head in Purbeck is named February at 3.00pm after him and an ancient chapel stands there today. Beaminster St Marys Church on Tuesday 15th February at 11am

Weymouth Holy Trinity Church on Friday 11th

February at 2pm

All are welcome to attend these services.

If you wish, snowdrops may be planted in memory of your loved one, and their name included in the Snowdrop Memorial book which is kept in each location. We ask for a donation of £10 to cover costs; this donation would be acknowledged by a commemorative card. For more information call Nikki Grattan, Hospice Secretary, Weldmar Hospicecare Trust Direct dial: 01305 767527. Full St. Aldhelm’s Chapel today details on the new website www.weld-hospice.org.uk Bishop Tim (now Bishop of Truro) organised the first pilgrimage in 2005 and they have happened every year since. This year Bishop Graham and the archdeacons of Sherborne and Dorset, along with a group of pilgrims Do you have a huge heart for Mission? from the diocese and local people, will be visiting our Has your Church got IT? town from 26th June to 1st July. Did your Church have IT but has lost IT? What is IT? The pilgrims will be involved in a range of activities in and around the town and they will be very willing to help

out with any events that might be planned at that time. Craig Groeschel is the founder of LifeChurch in the United States. He and friends started a church in his The pilgrims bring a range of practical skills and won’t garage. It now has thirteen campuses in six states. Come be afraid to work hard, so if there is something you would like them to do, just let us know! to the Rectory in South Street on 9th February at 7.30 p.m. to hear his DVD talk on IT! Look out for details of the programme in future editions of the Bridge and on our website: bridport-team-ministry.org 8


Night Shelter in Bridport? Response to a letter in The Bridge - November 2010

When you are in Bridport and see “travellers” sitting on “I agree that faith starts as small as a mustard seed, but like any other the pavement, often with their dog, or sheltering in seed, to grow, it needs nourishment. The seed of Faith is fed and watered with the body and blood of our Saviour through the receiving doorways, do you wonder whether there might be a need in of the Blessed Sacrament. Feeding the fragile seed of Faith just three Bridport for a night shelter for the homeless. Do write or or four times a year is like the seed that fell on stony ground, it will e-mail The Bridge and let us know your opinion. In the spring up, since there is no depth of soil, but as it has no roots it will meantime here are a couple of poems to make you think. wither and die. Both were written in the 1990’s by a rough sleeper at The exercise outlined for supermarkets and car-boot sales is Spires (shelter for the homeless) in London. admirable, but , I feel, not very practical. Having seen a man in Buckydoo Square preaching “repent before it is too late”, with a total Possibilities: response of ‘nil’, I am rather sceptical of this suggestion’s success. So, friend, if you’re homeless there’s one of two Also I have my doubts that many customers would be too pleased to possibilities: be preached at, even if they are getting their bags packed. I fear that going round to the car-boot sales or the playing fields would be likely to Either you live or you die. receive the same short shrift as at the supermarket. If you die it’s OK But if you live there’s one of two possibilities: There is a noticeable lack of respect in church by a small number of Either you find a place or you don’t. “casual Christians” of being in God’s House, and for the feelings of those who attach such great importance to that place. You can feel, But if you don’t there’s one of two possibilities: see and hear their feelings of being there, all they want to do is to show Either you sleep rough or you get a bed in a shelter their face and get out as soon as possible. If you sleep rough it’s hard But if you get a bed in a shelter there’s one of two Today so many people have to be able to see, hear, touch, taste or smell anything before they will believe in it. It is too much for them to possibilities: accept the statements of believers of the truths revealed in the Either it’s nice or it ain’t scriptures. But they quite willingly accept the statements by scientists If it’s nice it’s OK of the ‘big bang’ theory as the start of the universe x number of years But if it ain’t there’s one of two possibilities: ago. Either you’re left alone or you’re offered drugs; Many people have stopped coming to church because, perhaps like If you’re left alone it’s OK me, they feel that the church they grew up in, and loved, has moved But if you’re offered drugs there’s one of two too far in a fruitless exercise to increase the congregations. There is possibilities: today a lack of any strong leadership when Christianity is side-lined in Either you take them or you don’t favour of any other religion. We seem to have become ashamed to If you don’t it’s OK declare, in a loud voice, our Christian beliefs in case we upset But if you take them there’s one of two possibilities: someone who doesn’t agree with them. Didn’t bother Jesus.. Tug Either you lie or you die. **** Dear Friends of Good Books

The Baby in the B and B Our next Open House is on Tuesday 18 January when we are having a January Sale - do come along and rummage for some Tiny baby in the B and B You were born bargains whilst enjoying tea and cake! You were never to laugh intended to be to reach out and touch Our Book Club meets that day too from 10.30am - 11.30am so if put to bed in a box and see the world you’ve read our current book The Cellist of Sarajevo, do join us and all new give your opinion. then shoved outside with your mother and fresh For your Diary, our February Open House will be on Friday 11 every morning. waiting to be found February with a St Valentine theme.

Thank you for all your support in 2010 and a happy New Year and Tiny baby every blessing for 2011 Your mother was never Tiny baby intended to be afraid of gazing at me from your Jo, Veronica, Janice & the Good Books team your cries second hand buggy you were never afraid the Landlord WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN TO RING BELLS would turn her out. intended to live like this AT ST MARY’S CHURCH, BRIDPORT?

St Mary’s Mother’s Union Meeting We would really like to recruit some new ringers. Some of the bells are heavy Tuesday 8th February. 2.30pm in Church House (not all) but they provide a wonderful challenge to learn a new skill. Mrs Jill Pryke will speak on “Esther”

Come to hear more about this little known but If you would like to have a go or just interesting old testament character. come along and have a look, please contact Dinah Wilson on 01308 422788 9

ST. MARY’S B RIDPORT HOLY TRINITY BOTHENHAMPTON Parish Editor - Chloe Evans - Lippett Village Editor - Mrs Barbara Ffooks 423122 Churchwardens Churchwarden - Mrs Pat Scott 423447, Mr Ivor Parker 456648, Mr John Cooke 423004 Children & Youth Worker - Mrs Jean Mitchell 422127 Children’s & Youth Leader - Mrs Valerie Payne 458867 Home Communion - Mr Tom Brown 456151 Director of Music - Mr Peter Jezard 422136 Tower Captain - Mrs Dinah Wilson 422788 COFFEE MORNING AT HOLY TRINITY On Sunday 9th January members of St Mary’s congregation Saturday 5th February 10.00 am - 12 noon were privileged to join with the Bridport United Church in their annual Covenant Service - a really meaningful event. The Come and chat to your friends over a cup of coffee following is the Covenant prayer which many of us could continue to use throughout the year: DEANERY FESTIVAL - Holy Trinity Choir will be taking part in the Deanery Festival on Saturday 12 February at I am no longer my own but yours. St Michael the Archangel, Lyme Regis. The Choral Your will, not mine, be done in all things, Evensong will be conducted by Nigel Groome, the wherever you may place me, in all that I do RSCM Music Adviser for Southwest and the and in all that I may endure; organist is Alex Davis. The Service begins at 5.00pm when there is work for me, and when there is none; when I am troubled and when I am at peace and everyone is welcome Your will be done when I am valued and when I am disregarded; MOTHERS’ UNION When I find fulfilment and when it is lacking; Tuesday 8th February, 2.30pm at 28 Maple Gardens when I have all things, and when I have nothing. Bothenhampton. Jo O’Farrell will be talking about I willingly offer all I have and am to serve you, “Hopeful Hampers”. New members welcome. as and where you choose.

Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are mine and I am yours. THE BOTHENHAMPTON VILLAGE PLAYERS May it be so for ever. Present Let this covenant now made on earth TREASURE ISLAND by Jim Sperinck Be fulfilled in heaven. Amen Valerie Payne (An amateur performance produced by arrange- ment with Jasper Publishing Ltd) Thursday 17th, Friday 18th and Saturday 19th Update of works at St. Mary’s February at 7.30pm

Several on-going projects at St. Mary’s are making progress, albeit slowly: Bothenhampton Village Hall Tickets £6.00 adults, £3.00 children to include The Parvaise (the area above the porch): The rail is complete and new refreshments lighting has been put into place. The next action is to put in new flooring to Book with Sandra Hooker 422205 or cover the old planks and then carpet. Thanks to a bequest, a new Holy Pennie Jones 458006 Table is going to be purchased for use in what will become ‘St. Andrew’s Chapel’. It is thus named to remember St. Andrew’s church which closed in the 1970’s and because this was the name given to the earliest recorded EVENING WOMEN’S INSTITUTE church in Bridport on the site of the current Town Hall. St. Andrew is the patron saint of the Church’s Mission, so again the name is very Monday 21st February, 7.30pm Village Hall - appropriate. We await the necessary Faculty for the purchase of the Holy AUCTION of unwanted gifts. Everyone welcome. Table.

Toilets: Plans have been drawn up and discussed by the DCC for the The Bothenhampton Afternoon WI had its last meeting provision of toilets in the area of the current choir vestry. This will in January and has now closed. It was formed in 1984 necessitate some other minor re orderings. and during the 1990’s grew to a membership of over

President’s Chair: The old Bishop’s Chair was stolen and after much 60, with a waiting list. However, with the introduction discussion with the Diocesan Advisory Committee a design for a of other WI’s and various organizations in the replacement, made by a local craftsman, has been agreed. The chair is surrounding area, membership of Bothenhampton being paid for by a gift from a member of the congregation. As with the Afternoon WI declined in recent years and sadly could Parvaise, we await the necessary Faculty to be granted so work can not carry on. The Evening group continues in the proceed. village and there are nearby branches meeting in the High Altar area: It is hoped that in time this may be brought more often daytime at West Bay and Walditch into use. Do go and have a look at the wonderful new altar cloth which replaces the one stolen and damaged some years ago. Next Film Evening - Saturday 26th February All these works involved a considerable amount of meetings and 7.30pm EAT, PRAY, LOVE Services for February Bothenhampton Village Hall. Doors open at 7.00pm Sunday 6th 8.00am Holy Communion. 9.30am Parish Admissions £5.00, £4.00 Film Club (423071/458006) Communion. 4.00pm Evensong (BCP) Sunday 13th 8.00am Holy Communion. 9.30am Parish Communion. 4.00pm X-Alt Informal Service Services for February Sunday 20th 8.00am Holy Communion. 9.30am Parish Sunday 6th 11.00am Sung Communion 6.00pm Evensong Communion. Sunday 13th 11.00am Sung Communion Sunday 27th 8.00am Holy Communion. 9.30am Parish Sunday 20th 11.00am Sung Communion 6.00pm Evensong Communion. 4.00pm X-Alt Informal Service Sunday 27th 11.00am Matins Every Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion 10

HOLY TRINITY B RADPOLE S T . M A R Y ’ S W ALDITCH Village Editor - Douglas Baldwin 424232 Village Editor - Penny Hall Churchwarden - Mr David Coe 421352 [email protected] Verger - Mrs Sheena Ascott 456373 Churchwarden - Mrs Pat Stapleton 456421 Children & Youth Worker - Mrs Vyv Haydon 420367 Tower Captain - Mr Peter Carnell 420716 LIGHT UP THE CHURCH If you have any Pastoral/personal issues please contact The church is lit during February The Revd Janis Moore 425644 (Day off Wednesday) in loving memory of Joan Margaret & Donald Humphry Spackman, and Jean Brown. ‘Long Odds and Short Straws’ This popular group will provide the music for a barn dance, Also organised by ‘The Friends’ of Holy Trinity’, in Loders village In loving memory of Lilian Baynes hall on Saturday 12th February at 7.30pm. Tickets at £7.50, which includes food, are available from Goadsby’s the estate ST. MARY’S CHURCH, WALDITCH agents in South Street. FELLOWSHIP GROUP The Fellowship Group (The Walditch Wanderers) is meeting twice a month on Friday mornings at 4 The Green, Walditch. If you’d like to Communion and Healing Services The early morning communion and the evening healing come along, please contact: Pat Stapleton (456421) or Ann Ayling services have been suspended during the winter months due (424896). Anyone interested would be most welcome. The February to the small number of people attending and also to conserve meetings are on Friday 11th and Friday 25th at 11am. energy. This was decided at the last District Church Council meeting. However, healing prayer ministry will be offered in NEW! MUMS & TODDLERS GROUP the Chancel after each morning service. We would love to start a 'Mums and Toddlers Group' in the village hall at Walditch. We’ve had a few enquiries, HOUSEWIVES UNITED but we need more people to register an interest. If you would like more details, or if you feel you might like to be th February 9 – Pat Bowcock will talk on ‘The Story of involved, please contact Pat Stapleton (456421) Ourganics and Living off the Land’

February 23rd – Terry Brown will give his reflections on a ride GOOD NEWS! on a no. 15 bus from Limehouse to Paddington in London The heating has been overhauled in St. Mary's by Jonathan Bourbon and is now in good working order. We have had two replacement Both meetings are at 7.30 in the village hall. storage heaters and the others were tested for efficiency and have been ‘passed’. West Dorset Branch of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers WALDITCH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Meets in the village hall in Walditch on the third Tuesday of The annual Branch Memorial meeting will be held at each month, from 10am to 12 noon. For more details, please Holy Trinity Church, Bradpole on Saturday 19th Febru- contact Pat Pullen on 01308 425703. ary. There will be ringing on open bells from 3-4pm February 15th : The first Walditch WI – Chris Prideaux which is followed by a service, tea, and then the annual DATES FOR YOUR DIARY meeting. If anyone is still standing, there will be more Friday 11th February - Beetle Drive and Gift Evening 7pm in the ringing until 9pm! village hall. Tuesday 8th March - Pancakes 5pm in the village hall MOTHERS’ UNION WALDITCH VILLAGE HALL As a small village, Walditch is very keen to foster a community The meeting scheduled for Tuesday 15th February at spirit, and the Village Hall Committee works hard to encourage use 2.30 in church will be a service of Holy Communion with of the village hall by the whole community. As well as occasional Canon Andrew Evans events organised by various groups and individuals (usually advertised on the village notice boards) there are groups who meet on a regular basis. We hope you find something of interest in the VILLAGE LUNCH CLUB list below. Private bookings of the hall are also welcome – for more information contact the booking secretary, Jill Tobutt on 01308 The King’s Head is the venue for lunches on 458999. th nd WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Tuesday 8 and Tuesday 22 at 12.30. MONDAY: PILATES 2.15pm – 3.15pm Details contact Julia Baker on 07855309282. TUESDAY CLUB TUESDAY: TABLE TENNIS 7.00pm – 9.00pm Contact Pat Stapleton on 01308 456421. The club meets in the village hall every Tuesday at WEDNESDAY: ART GROUP 2.00pm – 4.00pm 5.45pm giving fun to kids aged 6-11. Contact Robin Stapleton on 01308 456421 / Pat Pullen on 01308 425703. THURSDAY: YOGA 10.00am – 11.30am Contact Gillian Summers on 01308 421966. SERVICES IN FEBRUARY st Tuesday 1 2.30pm ‘Tuesdays Together’ (with teas) Services for February th Sunday 6 9.15am Breakfast service (snack breakfast) Sunday 6th (5th before Lent) 6pm Evensong – Tea in the th Sunday 13 9.30am Communion village hall at 5pm 6.30pm Evensong Sunday 13th (4th before Lent) 11.15am Parish Eucharist Sunday 20th 9.30am Worship service Sunday 20th (3rd before Lent) 11.15am Parish Eucharist Sunday 27th 9.30 Communion (BCP) th nd 11 Sunday 27 (2 before Lent) 11.15am Morning Prayer

ST. SWITHUN’S A LLINGTON ST. JOHN’S W EST B AY Village Editor - Mrs June Goodburn 423061 Village Editor - Marcia Machin 423475 Churchwardens Chapel Warden - Mrs Rosemary Russell 423013 Mrs Verena Doyle 427759, Mrs Sally Wakefield email: [email protected] 861181 Children & Youth Workers - - Saturday Club 423061 It’s not quite 2011 as I write, but may I add Best Organist/Choirmaster - Mr Donald Allcock 485402 Wishes to all for the New Year, even if we are already FAITH a month into it by the time you read this! For those who are coping financially with the rise in There is no love without hope. No hope without love And neither hope nor love without faith VAT, spare a thought for those who find finances (St Augustine of Hippo) difficult. May we do what we can to help each other in the months ahead: sharing meals together seems one Faith is like a seed, it has to be sown. It is planted into good way to keep ourselves and friends cheerful when the soil of our minds, germinated, nourished on the times are hard. Word of God and then it will bear fruit. Salvation will not be there if that precious seed is not planted in the If you have a computer, you could always Google first place. “Ways to save money” - you can find some good

Faith is a gift from God that is planted in our minds at ideas!! the time of baptism. It lays there until confirmation, when it will mature and become the greatest influence Life in the Bay can be quiet in February. Take on the individual’s life, behaviour and very being. advantage of the sunnier days to get out and about, and

Christian faith gives a framework on which to base our remember that the days ARE lengthening, even if a bit day to day behaviour following the example shown to cold. If you are feeling ill, keep warm, and hopefully us by the life of Jesus Christ. In everything that we do you will be feeling better soon. throughout our lives we know that we are accountable to God, and will answer on the Day of Judgement. What about a bus trip to Weymouth for lunch? Faith and trust are very similar and we trust God to You might even fit in a film before the bus keep His promises to us, if we will respond to Him with home! promises we have made. It is not only a dynamic force in our lives, but also the major element for right living, The X53 leaves West Bay at 11.02 the framework on which we try to build our lives. It is You could be in Weymouth just an hour later also a pre-requisite to seeing and receiving God’s Return from Weymouth 15.15 blessings – without faith this is impossible. Back at home in time for tea

If we want to be good at anything practice is the only And you wouldn’t even have to find a car-parking way to make things perfect. There will always be space!! temptations to think that perhaps we have been Or stop the bus at: mistaken in our Christian faith. The only faith that will The Othona Community who offer a Reading survive is absolute faith. Retreat 18-22 February We live in a world of stories passed on from generation to generation: our family stories, A quote in the form of a prayer – cultural myths, deep-seated beliefs. They are the legacies of “Give me, O Lord, a wise and lowly faith, that I may not character and history that inform who we are. We will dip into stumble at thy word, but thankfully receive and obey some of our favourite books to explore personal and what thou dost reveal of thy truth and will”. TUG collective legacies.

Father Peter, the Church Wardens and the DCC would Daily discussion, plus time and space for private reading, like to sincerely thank all those who worked so hard to walking and relaxation. There’s no ‘set text’ – just bring your own ideas, experience and enthusiasms, and some books have the church looking so beautiful for Christmas. you’d like to read and/or share. It could be poetry, prose, fiction or non-fiction. St Swithun’s Church Children’s Saturday Club. Church Hall.10.30am - 12 noon. Aged 4yrs to 10yrs Phone: 01308 897130 to book a place or for news of We have a few spaces for any children who would like to join us. Othona's many other events We start with breakfast, followed by activities based on our Church life and end with games. Come and spend some time with us while Mummy does the shopping. Our village Church is available at all times to offer a warm welcome for visitors, explorers, (young and older) and all Thursday 3rd Feb. 3.00pm St Swithun’s Guild those for whom a regular time in our Holy space is important. Speaker Deacon Duncan Wilson You will also find a book stall and information which we hope Subject “There’s gold in them thar ‘ills” will interest you. Saturday Club 12th and 26th 10.00am - 12 noon If you would like to know about holding your wedding or other important family event in our Church, please contact Services for February Rosemary Russell, who will be happy to help. Sundays 6th, 13th, 8.00am Low Mass, 9.30am Sung (phone number at top of page) 20th, and 27th. Mass Sunday 13th 6.00pm Evensong and Benediction Sunday Worship: Saturday 12th Walsingham Cell. 9.30am Low 11.15am Service with Hymns, Prayers and Mass. Holy Communion 12

We entrust to God’s merciful keeping

Kathleen Mary Baggs (aged 78) Bradpole Gertrude Margaret Brown (aged 92) Bridport Joyce Wilson Bruce (aged 93) Bridport Christine June Burt (aged 85) Bridport Albert Edwin Foord (aged 98) Bothenhampton Alice Foord (aged 97) Bothenhampton Phyllis Elsie Furlong (aged 86) Bridport John Hallett (aged 73) Bridport Phyllis Irene House (aged 90) Bridport Margaret Johnston (aged 93) Bradpole Christopher John Lambert (aged 61) Bridport Matthew John Leggett (aged 26) Bridport R M BROWN Richard Jonathan MacGregor (aged 55) Bridport Marjorie Lillian Mardell (aged 95) Bridport Joan Irene Norton (aged 89) Bridport Constance Ada Oliver (aged 81) Bridport FRESH FISH TO YOUR DOOR Gertrude Myrtle Ernle Ruston (aged 97) West Bay Wilfred Lawrence Seabright (aged 79) Bridport WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY William Scadden (aged 103) Bridport Kenneth Henry Symes (aged 78) Bridport IN THE BRIDPORT AREA Gerald Andrew Tattershall (aged 66) Bridport Frederick John Vincent (aged 72) Bridport 01308 425048 (answer phone) Gladys Margaret Wakeham (aged 88) Bridport Roy Whittingham (aged 81) Bridport 07768936230 (Van)

Valerie Rose Wright (aged 88) Bradpole Pauline Barbara Wykes (aged 59) Bradpole !!!!!NO MINIMUM ORDER!!!!

A Day in the Life …...Cont from Page 5………...

12:15 Say goodbye to the visitors. They’ve enjoyed themselves, of course.

The verger is in the building. I want to climb up to the bells so I warn her that I’m around. I love being amongst the bells but they are dangerous so we never work on them without telling someone. I check the condition of the bells, ropes and running gear. All is well. A change in air temperature has made the bells and frames run with condensation. Extra care is needed, and I’m concerned about the sensors. I will check them again this evening.

13:00 Do something else this afternoon. I told you it’s not a proper job. 20:55 The lower. We return the bells to their safe position. Some of 19:00 Practice is at half-past seven. I try to be first there! Make us climb the ladders again to tie the clappers. What on earth is sure to take all I need, especially glasses and keys … that? Bradpole is a Ringing Centre. We run frequent courses, for all levels of ringing. The bells are silenced mechanically but are fitted 19:30 The raise goes reasonably well. The Bradpole band has with sensors connected to a computer that generates very realistic some fine ringers of 30, 40 or 50 years’ experience, others such as bell sounds within the ringing room. The next course is tomorrow. me who started 5 to 10 years ago and some very welcome learners We fix the clappers and test the simulator. The condensation is who began last autumn. Tonight, too, we have some visitors who causing problems. More work will be needed before the course are in the area for Christmas. begins but for now we’ve done what we can.

The tower is crowded. I must make sure everyone has a fair share Computer off, lights out, lock doors. of ringing. I find this stressful and miss my Ringing Master! With our mix of experience we make mistakes, but that is why we 21:20 As ringers have done after practice for centuries in thousands practice; and there are some glorious patches where our striking is of places that have bells, we make our way through the night to the good, our pace is brisk and the bells hum. This is what it’s all about, pub. There to down a welcome brew, to mull over the evening, plan and if we can do this over Christmas and the New Year we shall for the future, perhaps to debate the merits of called changes have the privilege of contributing in a way that few can. versus method ringing, certainly to celebrate this fascinating, addictive, heard-but-not-seen link between the spiritual and the Cont...→ secular. Peter Carnell 13

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We thank the advertisers who have supported this magazine. Please support them and mention “The Bridge” when you make contact with them. The opinions expressed in “The Bridge” are not necessarily those of either the Clergy or the Editorial Board Printed by Creeds the Printers, Broadoak, Bridport, Dorset DT6 5NL (01308) 423411 16