Volume 1 Quaternary Chapter 10 Neogene https://doi.org/10.32685/pub.esp.35.2019.10 Fragments of a Permian Arc on the Western Published online 26 September 2019 Margin of the Neoproterozoic Basement of Colombia Paleogene Gabriel RODRÍGUEZ–GARCÍA1* , Ana María CORREA–MARTÍNEZ2 , 1
[email protected] Servicio Geológico Colombiano 3 4 Juan Pablo ZAPATA–VILLADA , and Gloria OBANDO–ERAZO Dirección de Geociencias Básicas Grupo de Estudios Geológicos Especiales Cretaceous Calle 75 n.° 79A–51 Abstract New petrographic, whole–rock geochemical, and U–Pb–zircon geochro- Medellín, Colombia nologic data combined with data from previous studies enabled identification of 2
[email protected] a fragmented Permian magmatic arc with ages ranging from 294 to 260 Ma in the Servicio Geológico Colombiano Dirección de Geociencias Básicas Colombian Andes. The arc is exposed along the southeastern slope of the Central Grupo de Estudios Geológicos Especiales Calle 75 n.° 79A–51 Jurassic Cordillera towards the Upper Magdalena Valley, serranía de San Lucas, and Sierra Medellín, Colombia Nevada de Santa Marta. 3
[email protected] Servicio Geológico Colombiano The arc fragments consist of plutons on the western margin of the Neoproterozo- Dirección de Geociencias Básicas ic basement and show wide lithological variation in both igneous (monzodiorites, Grupo de Estudios Geológicos Especiales Calle 75 n.° 79A–51 Triassic quartz monzonites, tonalites, granodiorites, monzogranites, and syenogranites) and Medellín, Colombia metamorphic (migmatites, gneisses, and mylonitic gneisses) rocks. The granites have 4
[email protected] Servicio Geológico Colombiano a metaluminous to peraluminous character and correspond to calc–alkaline to high– Dirección de Geociencias Básicas potassium calc–alkaline series formed in a continental arc environment.