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12-17-1908 El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 12-17-1908 La Ciá . Publicista de "El Independiente"

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LAIMDADY CONCORDIA DEL PIE-BL- O tes á vivir en el territorio. Tarn-bie- n dolos el golH? de gracia y envián-dolo- s tksahas ra es debido en gran parte estitas DE NLEVO MEXICO. á su han demostrado (pie la ma ni otro inundo por nlgun eficaz i(M(u:l(ua-aI)- () I - ' 1 y zelosa ayuda. Los tros voríadeeste pueblo, compuesta modo expedivo (pie no los cause No hay cosa pie sea tan ven juntos son los cam j toónos del Ter- de los habitantes originales, do-se- a pena ni sufrimiento. Excusado tajosa para un pueblo y para ritorio en esta empresa y se es-pe- ra """"" vivir en paz y concordia con es decir que sus doctrinan son una comunidaJ como el espíritu que la llevarán A feliz tér- los nuevos colonos, y no alienta acogidas con horror por todas de uuión y concordia (pie preva mino mediante las buenas" disno- - f ni abriga preocupaciones en cotí las personas de buenos sentimien- iIC 1 $1.45 lezca entre pus ciudadauos. Kste sicionos que se notan éntrela ma- tru de estos sino que los admite tos (pie eonsidorau la vida hu- es garantía de buenas relaciones yoría do los miembros del Cou-gres- oy con los brazos abiertos y los da mana como sagrada, y rroen que y de tranquilidad y pazquetraen la actitud benévola del el lugar que hayan merecido con es un delxT prolongar los días de en lotes de 4, nosotros consigo forzosamente el biene- . f i i Presidente y dolos miembros do sus actos y conducta. mane- un enfermo star y prosperidad de todos, l'n le tanto como sea posi. la administración. pagamos el Hete en cual- ra que no hay ninguna razón pa blo, pueblo desunido y desacorde no aun cuando no haya esperan, quiera del ferro ra temer (pie los metedores de ci- za de curación. Ningún hombre tNO DE MESTROS GRANDES PRISI-OENTE- puede adelantar ni prosperar ó - zaña y los diseniinadores de ca- cifstiauo, si quiera humano, i. - T i'-- carril en Nuevo México. porque ü cada paso se ve emba lumnias consigan realizar su po consentiría jamás que un padre, La carrera presidencial de Theo- razado por las disensiones y ri- ó litica de discordia y de antipatía una madre, un hermano un dore Uoosevelt terminará don-tr- o validades que prevalecen eu su MHIJANSK A (pie con tautu diligencia están fuese de breve tiempo. Siete años seno. Ksto sucedo con más veras amigo sacrificado bajo la propagando. idea pagana do sufri- ha regido los destinos de la gran cuando tal comunidad se com ahorrarlo Mé- i ' nación Asf, pues, ahora que Nuevo miento y por halter certidumbre . .. . i , americana, y su política pone de pontes de diferentes ra Luis Ilfeld, xico va á entrar en la nueva era do tpie jnmnspodria recobrar la ha sido un esfuerzo continuado é zas y oríjreucs en la que hay di- N. M. que traerá consigo el estado, do salud. Esa ciencia nueva de incesante para purificar la admi- Las Vegas, versidad de costumbres y mane- dar EL NON. LORENZO DELGADO. hemos desechar y repudiar toda el golpe do á los nistración, para elevarla A un ras de sentir. Cuando hay bue gracia enfermos idea y sentimiento queseoponga incurables grado más nlto do eficienciay ho- ñas lo es cosa (pie jamás disposiciones en que toca Secretario de la Corte do Prue- el c á la unificación y hermandad adoptarán las personas pie ten- nestidad gobierno para ase- coocxdcxxocooocíxxxkxxoooc C moderación v tolerancia mu- bas electo en la últimi elección. fraternal entre todo nuestro pue- gan corazón y sentimientos de gurar la igualdad do derechos tua estas diferencias se desvane- Tomará cargo de su nueva pose-cíó- n Retratos en tarjetas postales de su blo, conservando cada ciudada- humanidad. Referiremos do paso para todas clases y condiciones cen y no non obst Iculo al buen el día primero de Enero de no aquella indejendencia de ca- una anécdota hístóricaautétitka de los ciudadanos do este gran el entendimiento y concordia pene-ra- l 11)09.' Todo l pueblo anticipa candidato favorito, Hon. William H. rácter que siempre ha demos- que tiene alguna correlación cou pais. lia combatido con tesón que deben de prevalecer. Ta- que llenará el puesto e'on honor ó trado no dependiendo de nadie esta materia. y con desinterés por los derechos Andrews el Hon. Larrazolo, ra que esto se haga mucho de y A satisfacción de todos. O. A. sino de su propio esfuerzo y dili Cuando Napoleón Honnparto, del pobre y del trabajador y ha pende do la, actitud y proceder de gencia y de sus buenas relaciones el gran conquistador y guerrero CIMPLIENDO SU PALABRA. refrenado la arrogancia y abusos enviadas por correo á 6 centavos cada los hombres que suponen y que Teño-mo- ó de ó con los demás ciudadanos. s cuyo nombre y fuma llenó y llena Aquellos que dudaban fingían las corporaciones y monopo- ó tienen prestigio influencia entre lios. Con su -- mucho que aprender y mu- todavía el orbe entere, se apo dudar do la sinceridad do las pro política generosa y una seis tarjetas postales enviadas por unos ú otros elementos de la po- cho que adelantar para llegar al doró del Egipto á fines del siglo mesas del Delegado Andrews en magnánima ha destruido las ri- blación. Si estos se muestran nivel de comunidades altamente décimo octavo, muchos de sus referencia A estado para Nuevo validades y antipatías regiona- correo por 26 centavos. exentos de preocupaciones y progresistas y civilizadas, pero soldados se enfermaron de lapos-te- , Mexico, no podrán menos de ad. les, ha aumentado el prestigio C con sus uctos y proce nuestro adelanto es en la actua- que es enfermedad que preva mitir, si acaso tienen nlgun res. influencia do la nación y la ha BOTICA DE LA CRUZ ROJA, deres (pie no hacen mérito de dis- 8 lidad muy satisfactorio y prome- leco con fieoueneia en el oriente. poeto á la verdad, que el IHlega elevado A un grado de grandeza LAS VIGAS. NIEVO MEXICO. tinciones y preferencias para una Como e'sta es enfermedad con te llegar con el tiempo & la plena do está cumpliendo su palabra tal cual ninguna otra nación del clase ú otra de la población y tagiosa so tenia á los enfermos j (XOCKXXXD0OXXXXXXXXXXXX) OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) realización de uuestros mayores haciendo cuanto puede para con-segu- ir mundo ha podido alcanzar, y se i procuran que haya trato ipual en hospitales aislados donde no deseos. Adelante, pues, ciuda- pudiesen contagiar A las demás el pasaje del acta de ha ha dado A conocer como uno da para todos habrán colocado so- danos de Nuevo México, imite- tropas. Cuando ya la mayor bilitación. Las probabilidades loa gobernante! más hábiles y bre sólidos cimientos la unión v parte de los enfermos habían sa- consi-guir- mos do los recien venidos sus vir- ó son muy buenas de que lo á más atinados que se conocen y concordia de todo el pueblo. nado habían muerto, sólo (pie-da- ba tudes y no sus vicios, y hagamos eu sesión, si es uno cuya fama y renombre so ex- un corto número de pacien- esta posible, Aquí en nuestro territorio, á ó A Baratillo. unión fraternal cou todos aque- tes, se ofreció que era necesario si no en la primera sesión del tiende todas partes del uní ver. orillas del gran cambio que se va llos que muestren disposiciones mudar el ejército A otra parte nuevo congreso, y todo indica so. Ha sido también uno de los á verificar en su estado político Tor falta do espacio mencionamos solamente algunos de de cooperar en la buena obra que para hacer frente ánuevosenemi-go- s que Nuevo México será uno de los presidentes más populares quo mediante el advenimiento de la que se presentaban, (bino los muchos efecto en baratillo: no puede menos de contribuir en estados do la Unión. Esto es han tenido los Estados Unidos y soberanía (-- independencia de un no podía llevar consigo A los en- alto grado á la felicidad y pros- lo que so desea y lo que dará ple- uno de los más amados yjpstima-do- s gobierno de estado, nos halla fermos, y saber que si los dejaba Huahuas finas valor 7.00 por $4. GO. peridad de todos, y que con el allí serian inmolados por "los na satisfacción A todos los ciuda- por el pueblo, y al dejar la mos en camino el Kimonas finas, valor $10.00 por $0.00. para realizar tiempo constituirá á Nuevo Mé- egipcios, Napoleón llamó A uno danos del Territorio, y prueba presidencia llevará consigo los Mas linos eu itial proporción. ideal que debe ser el objeto de xico en uno de los estados más do sus principales cirujanos y le no solamente la eficiencia sino buenos deseos ele la inmensa ma- nuestras aspiraciones y deseos. grandes y prósperos de la Unión. dijo que en vista do que no había el desinterés del Delegado. En yoría ele los habitantes do este medio do salvar á los soldados TUNICOS BLANCOS O DE COLOR Tenemos hombres públicos que esta tarea Mr. Andrews ha recibí país. RAZONES PARA NC CAMBIAR DE enfermos era necesario que les l'ara Niñas de uno hasta 18 años. con sus palabras y acciones es do y está recibiendo ayuda muy NOMBRE A NIEVO MEXICO. administrase opio suficiente pa- Lus muchachas, los mucha- tán procurando desvanecer y di ra quiturlos do padecer. Hehusó eficaz del Gobernados (eorge Los de $1 00 por 07c. 1. Porque los únicos que piden chos, las viejas y los viejos, han sipar todas las prevenciones que el cirujano diciendo á Napoleón: del Los do por Curry y Hon. Salomón Luna, aprovechado el buen tiempo pa- a2.00 $l.í$4. pueda haber á causa deladiversi cambio son los que no tienen par-t-e " Mi oficio es curar y no matar." Los de .f.'i.OO por $2.00. que han estado en Washintgon sin ra ir tiendas y dad de origen entre nuestros en la marrana. Y con esto bastó para que no se álas comprarse Los de $5.00 por $3.07. otro negocio quo apoyar la me-did- a vestidos zapatos, sombreros pa- conciudadanos, y con su ejemplo 2. Porque los que exploraron Miipleasen métodos expeditivos para dar el golpe de gracia á los de estado y el buen resulta- ra lucir en la Navidad y Año Sombreros, Zapatos, Géneros, todo está en éste baratillo. mu- y conquistaron el país le pusie y consejos han adelantado soldados. do que se hn obtenido hastaaho cho en tan noble tarea. Su deseo ron ese nombre y por eso debe de La tienda de es que constituyamos un pueblo prevalecer, aunque no fuese más fuerte y ganoso de que haya que por motivos de antigüedad. Bacharach Bros., cooperación mutua en todo aque 3. Porque la mayoría de los in- LA TIENDA DE LOS MORENOS llo que sea para beneficio de los teresados en el negocio no pide, individuos en particular y de la desea ni admite que hayaca rubio l-l- Vcgas' 5 í Enfrente del Hotel Castañeda, comunidad en general, para se- de nombre. Y su opinión debe guir sin estorbo la marcha de tener algún valor. í i3 adelanto y progreso que convie 4. Porque un nombre que se ha El Centro Mercantil! nen á un estado rico y próspero. llevado por tres siglos debe por 22S333S5i8B&S í Quieren que prevalezca en todas fuerza estar bastante arraigado partes el sentimiento fraterna! para que no se le arranque fácil- que conviene á, los ciudadanos mente que son parte de un mismo pue 5. Porque ya que el Congreso y- bloáflndeque nada estorbe la se presta al fin á darnos el esta- Grandes Almacenes buena harmonía que debe reinar do no es propio que atienda á los en toda comunidad bien consti clamores de chismosos y entro- tuida. Sus esfuerzos en esta di metidos y nos ponga condiciones La reccióu están dando buen fruto enojosas. m Casa de Baratillo de DeRopa y Novedades á pesar de las trabas y estorbos (i. Porque este territorio fué originalmente bautizado con el Las que ponen algunos sujetos (pie Veáas. T persisten en tremolar la tea de la nombre de Nuevo México, y noes ARA hacer lupar á los permisible que á un individuo ó á Atención Novios! nuevos Efecto que cada discordia y hacen cuanto pueden dia recibenios del Oriente. para lastimar los sentimientos una comunidad se la bautice dos veces. de muchos de los ciudadanos que DONAS. ItomOH determinado reali- Traficantes al por Mayor en Ropa, se 7. Porque los habitantes de un con de no eometeu á ciegas á sus ca 1 Petaquilla 8 2..V zar Grande rebaja territorio tienen derechos que de- 1 prichos y pretensiones. Estos Túnico para Novia. . 5.U0 precio cu todo lo 'departa- Efectos Secos, Variedades, Avíos de ben ser respetados, y uno de los 1 Enagua " " .... 1.00 sujetos alientan y aprueban todo 3 yardas do velo 1.50 mentos. el de el lo que es en perjuicio del buen principales es conservar 1 Corona 0 1 Hombre, Botas y Zapatos, Sombre- nombre y los nombre que les señala y los dis- llamo para Novio. . . 2.1 Traje para novias los te- reputación de neo 1 l'ar do (litante blati- - mexicauos y hacen todo lo posi tingue. con para Novio 20 Atención nemos elefantes á la últi- ros, Cachuchas, Etc. 8. Porque no pomos colonia de 1 l'ar do (tiatiti'H blan- - ma moda y á precio que di ble para desacreditarlos en la ea. para Novia 20 quo so el coh J STA casa se ha hecho digna de no tienen competición. pital de la nación y en los demás Africa para nos mude 1 V'oirm Deserirredador. 10 nombre á antojo ó capricho de 1 Hotlla Perfume tino. 25 Vi la confianza y predilación del estados, y son causa de muchas 1 de zapatos blan- l'ar Cuerpos para Señoras de to- de las preocupaciones que preva cualquiera sino un territorio de cos de cabritilla 1.25 público debido A que siempre ha te 1 Media blauea.i leccen los Estados Unidos de América. l'ar Calidades y Precios. todavía en contra de Nue finan 25 nido y tiene por norma expender das vo México. EL GOLPE DE GRACIA EN CASO DE Especialidad en Ropa a Todo por 81.1.00 los mejores Efectos y á precios ver- - Pero los trabajos de los hom. ENFERMEDAD. lo Mismo Capas Largas para bres de representación que viva Ciertos hombres que blasonan laderamente módicos, por lo tanto Precios LICORES. Señoras y Niñas. Baratísimos. el mente desean bienestar do to decientíficosy ciertas literatas del liay que visitarla antes que A nin do el pueblo, y la leal y ardiente estilo más avanzado están pro- Whiskey $1.50, $2.00 y (Jalón. runa otra casa. Manteca vendhremos duran- defensa que han hecho y están curando con mucha fuerza y em- $2.50 por te los dias de Navidad á haciendo de los habitantes del peño inculcar la doctrina Vino Angélico, Porto y ' nuevjít los siguientes precios. territorio contra los ataques de "humanitaria," que en tiempos México 75c por (Jalón. 'ME PLAZA BAR,f sus enemigos, han sido de inmen- untigüos fué practicada en Es- Dulces mixtos 10c Ib. Bolea de 60 libra $3.75 rr. 0 sa ventaja y beneficio y ayudado parta. Entre los espartanos era ' " $1.50 11. í (Julieta dulce lOolb. II. GOIILKE, Propietario mucho á desvanecer deas é infor- la regla y costumbre inflexible " " 10 " 80c . mes erróneas y preocupudas di dar muerte á todos los niños que 20 libras de manteca " " 5 " 40c Tres puerta al Oriente de la imprenta de Kl I.ndki'K.n ó por$l.(J0. " " 3 " 25o ihnntk. Se vende la Mejor Clase de seminadas en perjuicio de este naciau enfermos contrahechos pueblo. Ahora se va conociendo y uo dejar vivos á los que goza Vinos, Licores y Cigarros, en Washington y en otras partes ban de plena salud y robustez. de los Estados Unidos (pie el pue-bl- o La nueva doctrina se diferenciu ROMERO MERCANTILE COMPANY, y Tenemos en conección hermosas y magnificas Mesas de Iíi- - de Nuevo Méxie'O, aunque no algo de la antigua en el hecho llar y de l'ool. está exento de defectos, es un quo los sabios y sAbias de ahora Las Vegas, N. Al. pueblo pacifico, obediente á, la Bolamente que todos los í Se sirven Comidas & todas horas en nuestro aseado bien 2 piden conducido Lunch Counter. ley, que posee muchas buenas enfermos que padezcan de algu MARGA RITO ROMERO, Propietario. cualidades y está en todo loesen na dolencia mortal, sin esperan Las Veas, N. M. cial dispuesto á tratar bien á to za alguna de curación, sean ali- do los que vengan de otras par viados do sus pudecimientosdán- - el bu-v- a la au Cuidcae de iBXüftci pira Catarro Lnltlita-ióiMoi.forniel- i'M su iHiudiieiéielulo Si 1 nota 1 o INMOURCUURMISIV Banco Nacional níre d" que Tica Mercurio. Primer INDEPENDIENTE. VA l' (itlillef ino II de tiai la lsin ' i EL ha iiitrxxlualo des-tru- muy lMgra lo p une compairviera Como d seguramente e Vegas, Mexico el lUipulo AnJrtnvr, il petado Alemaiiia ti in uctUMlmente ira Las Suevo á ante o magistrado. ti ser.tiJo e o'er y desarregla ElErsszaGíiciaieeiC do Nuevo México rmrnrA fu disgustado á su subdito cirr;-lftanier.t- ío - i lt iii.i i inex plica to el sistema cuaniio 100,nOt biVn pquipa.lo y lle la iimaadetici.i v fre- l'or liiiacuiiii lw por ciirrcru muy t" i - mucosas. Ta- Capital Existente. rni e fren- Us t Public Juee - i públi-tameiit- ble, al hallarse el i auipesiu. jentia tn no 1. Ion tH'tM ficio que I con- rucia-i.- coi que comenta l les a debía de uiarse ex- - diplo-mátie- al iuez s. ió iiuevaui-n- e; artículos nutx nobre sit depó La Compañía Publicista tlo oí pobionio de los sobre mati tia te Se reciben Humáis sujeta á Órden.-- Se paga iuten o ltnlo visión. en .recri'Ciünes de refutados r delicad.i acosado por Insta cti'tu De ' !1 independiente. I'liiiioA partí su rm-jo- di'arrollo muy ufando olla permanentes. lo v- - me jicf., jmrque el djño que de el se liOXI.Kt, exj'resioiie priqu'iisiis á traer á do para pie explicara ipié MU0 y jrohHTila(l. t Mil n-- el ' . Y es veres mas que bien - l'r.m-i6.l- ía, iij a ua rey despué recita I'.HAYNOI.I'S. Cajei rr.'f!ü. uU- y l'Jñor caito desavenencia internado JKFFKICSOX ItAYNOLDS. Pedente. K. Andrews ha dis (u- - pueda sobre venir . HAsCatarrh i:i líale y hasta una guerra euro de una batalla, que se HAI.LKT t:. Y. . H. SMITH. Vie..-- r residente. lbYN.IS.AM ii.müii:, t.k-- il Km-perad- por Cheney currido muy en aclarar pea. La iiidiM iecioiie di l apresta á abandonar sa reino y Cure uunutauurado J. Tiorroj AüiniuitraJir. ca- - apunto d la (Ifcinión Bobre la sublevado lo áni veo á otro rey, (pie desde sil es- & Co; I'o'edo, O, no contiene mcrcu. 4 I han ,. ( i ..rrw-n't.-- la ll ggf. i, ti' d-- l nuevo estado hasta el ' el con rio y es tonudo internamente, actúan fl"ltV,l-N.K- . .NM lital ino del parlamento alemán y condite, habla por aire" e .a de 1 dejara- - tiempo - do obre la sangre y nTnMñ4ja.. m,u- !. (nn.1. f afio .30. foto dado lugar á interpela! otie á sas minist ro i n doy inue- dim N M C. ROGERS e S. ei:j. u If t.ufici.Mite enfrien la vcoapro-xtmais- muioías del sistema. Al com puraque lo mini'-tr-o que demuestran sinado.' También U'.' deli njisi rri'fin le SiiMruion: u.piraconen y se determine lo aleiaane no otro rey que e ve obli- prar Hali s Catarrh Cure esté sejr ' claramente que : Practico, le í M la capital debo y á de rom;.rar la germina. Se toma Herrero l n aft, están de humor para tolerar que gado á escapar de ku reino 1 oo l e ó wr Toledo, Ohio en Hauta (uillermo Segundo gaste humo sil hijo ipie apresura la ruina de y es hecha en a .ar IíD . tPr..i-i.- i in- i tI. di- - Jr'. & Co. Testimonio Calle del Puente i.n mudada u otra parte. de monarea absoluto. VA can su casa en el campo batalla.. por J. Cheney gratis. De vtnta en todas las boticas y e despué se apoderan Nos. 7. 8 9. i.t..rf ..miar, nii'f!' K aV coiihucIo Yon l'.uelow tuvo pie inter veooue ...eialfe U - .!... '4'" Precio la botella. Tomen las Píl- - aquí en Nue-v-a idler p r su amo in una exposi de nuestro puf lo extranjeros." 75c LAS VIGAS, MIV0V.IMC0 co que dicen de que - i..rtr4 u r;rth l6Mi-- o la pro doias de Familia de Hall para la cons- .México hay votante que ven- ción pública en que par jurtili bsta ultima seguíala tipaoión DE MBRE DE u iudiseieción fecía de Matía. Mit haelovicli. 7tE tS 17 líltlf den su votos y hay eorructón cario ile última Se da atención especial i compos volve- bien, siendo cierto el ase- ( .Sol Land, j Nue la eleccione ya ne ha dicho dijo que el Kmper.idor no Ahora Cuul y P,s tie ( qni' cuando en de Carruaje y Cárros trabaj Kpnar de Miguel V pieel ley Mi FOR turas VIVI á u ten y ne dice todaviaen referen- - ría á intervenir por su propia sinato xitki: rntLirATiox. vo Mexico ce h ipa estado en General . í . .1 t..n el regular de lano sostuvo una guerra contra Di partnient of the Interior. de Herrería armonía el i a ue touon ion cuenta i'ii caso la; ron en buena paz y ia voianicH.1. viu Land DIVice at Santa Fe, N. M. I le- no pudo on pront. excepto lo del relacione diploniátiers y que Bulgaria en 1H0 ipie i Todo H trabajó se hace bien y el órdt ii. do de la Unión, DiwmWr 4th., 190S. u má que abdicó Satisfacción. ,.. .t.ti.u. tut, rono. ni ii ikto, se' aria todo eso á ministro. ser desastrosa: Notice is hereby civen that Misuel tud y se Garantiza ..w...U N. M., who Uh ignorante V lo pobres ba prensa alemana reprueba en su hijo Alejandro letiráudose It oni. of Las Yeiras. üuprimen al jtnr miiyorlo voto. ni Sept. llth., r.HiI, 111 atle Home stead ipii'-ra- , lo mismo abundan donde unánimemente la conducta del al extranjero; que este Kntrv, No. )'. (Ul..4) lor uoi i el la de 5. NKt. SEi, Mexico que en Cuando venga cuetióu emiH-raiJo- el teléfono á NWÍ and SHi NLi moen Nuevo . .v el uirne. censura Alejandro introdujo ó el hW Sh. f!. Town-hi- n 11 N.. Kantre 13 K estado el año que viene en-- le pa- - rc1o del inundo. acrimoniosa y se habla de ; Servia, aparato que servia M. I'. Mii ii han. has hleü notice or - indudablemente make final five year proof COLEGIODESANMIGUEL- , guiente, como constitución a modo ra comunicarse "por el aire con inieniion to le-is- hir m ni-- mendar la Kit esto de lo pie el que fué venci- to establish claim to the land alwve vendrá, partido de todos lo poderes públi- sus ministro y que este pifncie described, before It. L. M. I.oss, at Las poner -- imirlias leyc, ino . . . 1 . 1 1 1 .. - cemita no hoi elección reciente tendrá es- V N 01 Mexico. do en la cos en mano del parlamento murió asesinado junto con su ej;as, m., on trie win uaj iau- Santa Fe, Nuevo una poca que ñ que baista con nueva oportunidad para ene-- apena fal- al cano, listos incidente han sembrado posa la reina Praga, ciaiman names as witnesses: Ciriaeo sean buenas y ademada m' pre ryElañoCuadragésimo-octavoseabrirac- dia 3 deSeptunan 1906. ir realmente tiene, cual en la última parte para dejar Ortiz, of Las Veas, N. M., Franeisuo l la desconfianza toda parte ta N CtlB- - certificados de primer cías tendo, mayor número de voto profecía. ai.doval. of Sena. M., Durio El colegio está apoderado por ley para girar i; lit re lo hotnlire públicde y dado una idea muy pobre de la cumplida la siniestra ez and Luis Montoya, of Galisteo, por losdirtc bu á sus gra tuados, cuyos certificados serán honradof nucflro paí la dilicultml 'nti en cpie el partido Itepublicano. capacidad y discreción del Umpé ow Mexico. de maestros reclamo NÜCHt BUNA. Mam f.l P.. OTKJio, Register. Territorio de Nuevo México hallar alguno que no tengan la d' rnotrución do tal quien pretende reinará la tores de escuelas en ei rador, Ustninos en el me en que no FlBUCATIoiv hacha que amolar. estará la prueba satisfactoria. moda de lo tiempos feudales y NOllCt OF debemos pensar ni hablar de November 25th, 1908. E. ewis, Pte. uño el derecho dv iuo de lo Hermano Cuando venga el chtado habrá Hacen ya cuarenta y dos sostener otra cosa sino únicamente déla In the District Court, fué) como reyes sin echar de ver que en la County of San Miguel. infla empleo, má gasto y ina que Nevada admitido Noche Ibiona v el Año Nueo. de actual los pueblo son Ioh John Thompson tunaeioiie, pero tamlaen huitín estado de la Unión, á pear época Pos días de fiesta que seaproxi vs. SiO. OiU. CC.O00 á los reyes y no Maud Thomnson no tenia sino uno pie gobiernan el - . r&5 &EJ inA habitante y ma recurno que man á medida que camina The said defendant, Waua inomn- tSTTV vTw 'TSis 522&I2B; el mis- tt la habitante. Ahora tiene sto á aquellos. nosotros tenemos sf,n is hereby notilled that a suit in para nobrellevar caiga. tiempo y que tu , mo número ó poco mono y none de divorce has heen commenced agamta la añeja costumbre de festejar you in the District Court for the En esto de abolir el uo de de L INMORTAL IINC01N V1NÜI0 U fe! ve propocto inmediato que manera especi Count v of San Miguel, Territory of fucrt" y eiubringailore á pesar de corns. N e w Mexico, by suid plaintiff John oresca en populación, l,a Noche Ibieiia nos trae al Haul S m pa-rec- e Thompson, wherein plaintiff esfuerzo que haga, Ahora que las huestes de la . i . 1 1.: I todo la minas de oro y plata nr.-iv- nv ni uuo court he AETNA. ricas id bíblico recuerdo oeereu LA pensamiento mal !,o pe-tan- quimérico y visionario. Ni estos inducimien- prohibición se estaban para may be pranted an absoluto divorce que tiene. del uacanieiito del Nmo Dios, el 011 Hi se puede hacer e limitar con más fuerza y empeño from thn Hiña tieienuani un Dirüanse a iníia que to bastan pasa atraer inmigra. Hoyes irroundH of desertion and cruel treat- - ASOCUCION Peléi), los . así Poital de ties " . . a i. 6 impedir su venta donde lo en la afirmación de que el ilustre inent, and for tmen omcr ana runner & Vceder, ; ción. Mago v mucho otros pasajes court may acem just DE tDIf ICIOS Veeder el hcntir dv la comunidad. Abrnhani Lincoln era uno (le los relief as to the exija Ta and proper; that unless you enter or Y PRESTAMOS. lac Vpnas . M. M coiintitu. , divinos tiempos qui CJ Allá en Colorado a..i.. 1.....1, a, i.. 1. m aquellos lo cause to bo entered your appearance ''i Uienavcnt ni ado difamado- de ió . - ción de est ado da derecho .'. liiiliíaii-i- i i(i si i, n in said unit on or before the lbth day I..O i loiia ñ I1U . . que blao-ua- n II IS OI U I'll Mii'i-- i - A. 1W9, decree pro paga sois por ciento en cuenta de res y calumniadores vo , .. t , , , , los lo la leli- of January, P. Lsta Asociación á la mujeres y estas ,. ... menaie haio ritos fe! m lUM'IIMW ' I , . eonfesso thereat will ne renoereu Taga ocho por ciento de interés en acciones de renpetables y precian la at- - Depósito. tan generalmente en toda A Iw.i lio crisimiia MirilillHt, V'lll. Hunker & Lueas, dos de propiedad u I,., .0. ...i,, .lesvan... Presta un peso de cada hombre mejore que ' ti: ...... ,1..lw.nwu ImllW'ir for pbiinUlf, E. Las Vegas, N. .J maduras. de cu 1 torneyu mt elecciones del estado. Aquí .... . - li íü i ti hij iF segura. H t kilo tu 'w KOMKKO, hipoteca. Es absolutamente T i.o- M. SKCT'NMNO raiz bajo la Iioii J ' . ,1, porque tendrán . . 1, nou't umn Io prójimo, Nuevo México la opinión preva 1 I .1 I 1.1...1,11)1 I r.i " reconocí 'liil ra y la fortuna de ser y mujeres ; mvtw ron X cíente entre hombres i - 1; 1,1 ,,n A visit á Oiilt'iies Concierna. hi soinuuint- ,iin; ...i, ttlJvsUsid, do como legitimen faiteóse tengan vo '"'"i luvioso y el frío les aviso ho opone á que estas tiemiio tan A niiiencH concierna m da , , LM l prohibicionista, aunque nuua ...... mecí' .1 :.. A . poerita consumados. y por tul motivo no habrá frío no nos ileiaii a (pie el tinajo iirmano umauc 3 to, toiioib.i beore de niiiLMin oene-:1'"- ' . Nov. A. 1). lws, nomnrauo aunmiis-tnulo- r de ni la narici fiara de las puer Henry P. Urown, .Imposición alguna conceder .. - ... del de lit- ..ii'. i,,.w..i,.,i litado registrada para III, ti nu mo,., linn ten-Hi- iu Ln votación sillo lili tu y debí linailo, y todas las personas que s el sufragio cuntido se adopte - tas le nuestros hogares, la allium elección excedió bas V cuando era pobre y desconocí- '. reciamos contra, al Kstado de di- el á no podeinos ir de pa tinado, presenta- a constitución y venga estado .1,. 1 iii-.- i - 1111 t 1 do eso cho Henry 1'. lin.wn, DAVIS. uln un cifra de 00,0K voto?, luí- n.ihiii ln.' , IKE tante de la uw, t,..w , , ,.,,,.,. , I, rán los mismos dentro del tiempo que sei de en el vendía 8 " "' lu I lev. de manera que caleiilalido Feme ipicno comercio une I .. 1.1.1 prescribe la Se anuncia que la Unión ... y ..I.. ..i...... B. en se Pai'OCO (1110 hl OS cimiaa laeieiniios iiirnrmn Fuank January, Comercantes populación por cada votante nil de Templanza Cristiana, que fuerte. Administrador. , ,:. i., i,.. 'en nuestra casa o de algunas puedo considerar iie .Mi.'VO .l iMviim. ii'i, .i" ,1 ...... ,...... tiene hu ramificaciones en todos ...... Li inn. lull l eilll Vil O xieo t iene en la actualidad muy pues puro al fin en que so declaró Electos Secos y o litados Unidos, vaáinangii y para cuandoii.llegn PABLO LUI BAR III q Atorrotej) la malilla cerca de 5100,000 habitante. co en quiebra y sus noredores lo em- rar su campaña tan pronto el lía do Navidad ya so puede en pro bargaron lo poco que le qiC'da VA mérito principal del Helega mo se reúna la legislatura componiendo el desafortunado Colectorde Deudas Particulares d ba. Cuando año después Lin por Trodnetes del rnls. jjinero. Andrews, v lo que leditiugue déla prohibición de la venta ese devertido juego; pues so le f0n do coln tuvo los memorables deba- cu le en cores cu Nuevo México, y si tal sois edi- de todo lo que precedieron Mi.em- (i no de costillas en nuestro propio tes con el .1 uez Stephen 11. Don i Notario Publico Establecidos el puesto, consiste cu que en i osa no fuere posible, procurará salga nada menos que si nó un ley de op glas I'D ei estado de Illinois, este ficio al lado poniente de la Plaza. descargo de mi deberé intenta que sea decretada una opípara cena, parto de ella Hace y Reconoce toda Clase de Doc- le refirió el asunto tie la quiebra lo y hasta lo imponible ción local dando á cada pobla- una vez que tuvo 1 umentóse Hipotecas. posible ó le dijo que ligurabn entre los Recuerdo de prohibir per- - y ó para ervir a su constituyente ción el derecho onort unidad de concurrir una Oficina: Medico. uoreedoroH de Lincoln una pobre IaVega, Huevo queda por falta de mitirel trátieo en licores, feguu buñuelada. An! que itunuelosi INDKPF.NDIKNTE Nada viuda ft quien se debía el valor Unía Oficina do En rvrrm disponga la mayoría d los vo aitonces no he vuelto ó, de una pipa do whiskey. Lincoln Tesde tantes. oinor otros mejores, qui,a ea AlBlQltRQlE A aquellos publicista do l'hi escuchó sin alterarse cuanto dijo LAS VtOAS Va- - nía ocasión, si la suerte ino es cago que tan ansiosos se mué Dícese que los condados del su antagonista sobro la mate ó con más U'Opíeia. cu bautizar á Nuevo México lio do Tecos, hablando ria, ,V luego dijo que era la trau Tu buen plato do buñuelos ca con el nombro de Lincoln, le su exacit mi, algunos de los (pie ha verdad lo que decía el Juez KELLY & CO., lientes con miel do cana de muí GROSS, gerínio que como Illinois fué c cen de cabecillas cu los mismos, Douglas, pues recordaba muy okó del Cabo, perfumada con un estado donde vivió el Presidente abrigan la idea 6 proyecto de bien que do aquella misma pipa (INCORPORADA.) toquito do anis, es cosa 111 as que seria muy lógico y propio procurar en tiempo no muy dis Dougla había sacado al fiado mártir para hacer un largo o formación de un nuevo galones del licor y nunca suficiente COMERCIANTES que cambiasen ese nombro por tante la cuatro 1 viajo i'ii busca del autor de ese j TRINIDAD j UCtMCAR de Lincoln. estado que abrazando su sección los había pagado. Tor toda res- AL POR MAYOR m niitalagoso condimento v darle t ome parle del estado de loxa puesta, Douglas se aproximó ri Iiíoom iiueet posible quoelTer os mas cumplidos parabienes y complete y redondee de esta Lincoln y lo dió un apretón tie ESPECIALIDAD EN LANA, CUEROS Y ZALEAS, ritoriode Arizona sea admitido el do sus obleas dt manera los límites de la nueva mano y con esto quedó todotor tor invento h la hermandad deestado al mis UNICOS AGENTES DE LOS comunidad. Contemplan como larina. que Nuevo México minado. mo tiempo principal para la Une mne has tiersitlias olio les Coughs,Colds, or la dificultad j E3AIN Lita H'iá demasiada buena mi N VATICINIO alegría la llega realización del proyecto el que I flMSTO. causa verdadera CARROS DE territorio, pues en v to para dicho en que Ln alguna regiones de Servia da del Año Nuevo en muchos los de Texas consientan CROUP, I 3 LOGAN tPRIS 1 la actualidad apenas tiene una vaticinaos funestos lo festejan A más no po ricos se divida su estado. ho predicen logares tercera parle de la populación Lu esto momento so habla le". COMI que cuenta Nuevo México. TltM CHISTE. mucho do una profecía muy ge Ya míe cada quien i's libro a do mí toca, Caminaba por las orillas ai el paí y que si oi- - raoiiiaar v por loquea Ku que parece la juventin. neralizada This remedy can always be depended npon and he sobro un y el Año Nuevo es el día mái triste Tajo, caballero alto con frecuencia suma por la cir Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or d Nuevo México á un naufrago' ta para mi azarosa existencia. I n M. BANZIGER & Co brioso alazán, un célebre filósofo de haberse realizado other harmful druj and may oe given as conn- - i cuustancia viejo! de K que ve rodeada de grand año más do aparte dently to a baby as to an adult. moderno de loa do ciento en bo Ll de la conocida vie- Traficantes en íustit ueionc de enseñanza man en parto. autor la renta meastial déla casa, Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. en. suya principió A hacerse del bus anuales que so á pública, sin tone La profecía es un hombro pueblo nen rentas tenidas costa - agua, a-- la vista do un frondoso y llamado Matía Michaelovich ve vencen cu est- día, mucho da en entrada ai ellas, y en esto se pa al propietario de una Mercancías Generales, completo cerezo, de cuyas altas do Unkovizza. que pensar 60 YEARS' rece ai naufrago que muriendo d cino caja sin fondos. MM. ramas pendia apiñada, roja y mañana del 11 do Junio Be Ino puedo satisfacerla con el Lra la De oualouier modo yo so.v le. apetecible la delicada fruta de ho dirigía t run ligua del mar que le rodea. de 1SU8 y Matías líz con tal "lo que otros lo sean. aquel árbol precioso. Kl diablo quilaniente al Ulereado cuando Compran Lana, Cueros y Zaleas, p aquí en Nuevo México Ls innecesaria y hasta impío-- do la gula tentó A nuestro hom de repente si' sintió alucinado Como quie-tic- n grado de curiosidad á, existo cierto ... a la iliheiisiéai tocante íi bre, mira su rededor, por ver Oh, Dios mío "gritó," veo un Lado Sur de la Plaza, Las vegas, N. M. Ks-ta- al se Trade Marks serán los senadores de los d lo aproximó el ca- sobro asuntos que atañen si observaban, jardín muy cerca de Telgrado y 'Hi-- 4y Dmion t'hidos por Nuevo México afianzó uu piéen el estribo, nador de West Virginia, Stephen ballo, ni príncipe que se interna por Víli-- nd dwirlpOnn T HTnnnni1lnf an el oslado. a) quo y en uu in H. Klkins, que dos vi ees represen- (inli WI Miertiim onr oplnlun free heilief CU nulo venga levantó el otro, sant vereda pairad, mirad! e iipniliin ll pr.)liRlIT ralentuMo. Comrminte. - d como su dele-gad- o t Ion m nl r c.inlnl il. HANDBOOK cm ChimiU W proponga ahora será anula- se encontró los piés sobre la tó este territorio btiI Irm. mimioT for putmit. nieu cae herido por el piula iilli.l f príncipe I'iiiciiH taken tlir.uiuh Mu nil & tu. acon-tecimieii- to en el congreso, anotaremos tpf,-i- l eiirge, do or las cir;uiistai.tias y hilla y las manos en las rumas de un asesino.. "Apenas prouun ii.ilko. without loth lo del matrimonio de la hija H. , que puedan sobrove iniis ultas estrujando cerezos. ció esta palabras, el viejo luga que Scientific W. SHTJPI tiir, por tal motivo nada se debe Ln situación, y cuando doto senador con un príncipe A hnni1omlr illnutmOwí mit. I.riwt el esta reno rompió a llorar amarga riilmi-x- (.f mif m ienlllio Journal, 1trmi.M cosa que ya no tiene - mooiln, U Bolilbjall newxIcoMir. hacer basta que llegue el tiempo. parecía que estaba trabajando mente. Lo circunstantes que lo italiano, es ha- - MUNN & Co.e,Bf--Ne- w YQrk y n las imites, ten- probabilidad de verificarse, Oarrocebo, pitra levantarse contemplaban soltaron la rs Urtucn iMti.o, i V 81, WMhliitfion, 1. U Herrebo Juzgando por lo humo que negociado-no- s só momento en el peligro que ó A biondose rompido las algunos de los periódico un creyéndolo demente idiota. gastan causa qnesejgno ' Calle del Puente, Las Vegas, N. M. corría y dijo gritando diablo, si siguiente, sin embargo, se es por alguna GRATIS Demócratas del Vallo de Tecos es día F flo y le ocurriese de- ra. Así es que no hala A alianza pfraae pasase alguno pareció la noticia que el Tiíncipe americano. flfftD evidente que lo Demócratas de ailo, ca númerosos A pé n as pronunció éntrelos millones americanos y ,,.l..i.. Por esta anuncio á mis amifros y parroquianof que heabierti allá, se creen muy superioies ií los cir, "arre" Miguel Obrenovitcli había sido Lastima! UKU vrhnrtfno mi herrería y carrocería en mi antiguo local en- - la calle del puente ostufiltima palabra cuando el cu Toscider por lo la nobleza italiana. imí wmitidoCiRAI Ib de nuevo y Kepublicauo de asesinado al que rada 24 aifillea Demócrata A haberse verificado, ejeeutar nnimal. crevendo obedecer su del hoy rey do Soi via porque al y siempre estaré listo á condados y pretenden que partidario ' traótín ' 6 coa el de irmij, otros i el y cataplum, México hubiera tenido al- lincho '. íiei amo, tomó trote, Nuevo rrvxrK un uno. Mndt ai orara ñor pe aaaioe j fi vo- Tedro Karageorgevitch. Iiiino íi niel todo ho hagH su antojo y el filósofo ruidio el santo del - timlo loalm vttkÍkIo. rniutaaos $2 . 40 oro y pot pobre guna parto en el origen negó - A rAoiao ffaranttzandow entreta. MA diatumento so reeordiuou nlgu .e rorreo se me Confie. olvidan que donde rompiendo r Vi , Todo el Trabajo que luntad. suelo con su cuerpo, ció. SMt.l nuVILI J CJ i.nimiraai.tfiew ieiB,a. i. hablan vot o callan barba. se las niuelna. nos de la visióu de Matías y fueron EL INDEPENDIENTE Tomo XV Las Vegas, Nuevo Mexico, Jueves 17 de Diciembre de 1908 No. 46 Dedicado a Los Mejores Intereses del Territorio de Nuevo Mexico en general y del Condado de San Miguel en Particular

Precinct No. 2. cific street. V by aley Xo. 4; house je. 4 acre bd X by J. M. V aldea, S by k Lnufce meet, d by ii. & M, E by publication 80c. Total $30.77. X by asylum, ü. S by Flores. Taxea Eligió bd N by M. Medina. S by S- - J. D. TruJiUo, E by T. river, W by j t;. imxc Henry NOTICE Aragón All taxes. 100 Taras and M lit fcaa. Laumbach Second half 0f $19 59, penalty 8Sc, publication 35c. N pvllo K by W by! bi.l; tt acres bd N by A. Madrid. S by : $1 63, publication 30c Total $j4.w x bd by A. Madrid. S by C. Baca, E Mrei t. Pacific street. i mt 73 rortcr & MIl Total $20 92. not Than $25.00. J- Ma- -- Mouto-$1.7.- !. Atiunti lest by hill. V by $6.77, pea-al- t 4. tiws- - uf - - Moutoya, L by J. O'Uyruo Ail taxes. Lou IS, 20 river. Taxes alh v No. Taxes $34.63. jKjnalty George B. y J road, V by top of bill. Taxes $4.& 21 1J, &. MUU addi- Preston All taxe LoU To 31c, publication 35c. Total $7.41. publication 70c. $37.06. and block Porter ' " all tax payers of San Miguel Total " Total $10.49. 1 In blk 112 Kihlberg va- puMUation 70c. tion. publi- addition. Taxes County, New Mexico, who are deinr Estefana Aragón All taxes. 90 Florentino Montoya-- AU taxes. Let Iua"y 2c Tutl Taxes $2.31, penalty 12c, ""ra of Leandro Lucero-.-AH $411. penalty 20c. publication 30c. c,uent tor the first and second half or ras, bd N by Peeu river S by Mesa. No. 7 in block 7t! and lots 3 and 4 In cation 60c. Total $3.13. ''Üitiiüiia M. ltO Total $153. tor ail taxes of the year A. D. 190Z, in E by P .Quintana, V by 11. Haca; 70 bbwk 132 of Klhlberg addl I n. Taxet Martiuei All Uxes Romualdo Becker Ail taxes. Lei "r fanta Fe st v ' "'"'to, a N Ü. yards bd X by Pecos river, 8 by mesa penalty 53c, publbu'.ton l yds. Id by Martinez, S by F. Julia A. Prouty All taxes. 1 the amount of not lets than $5.00 $l.rS, , and lmprovuLucuu bd X by Sania Ana Lot Sanchez, E by Lils, VY by T. rtve.-- In blk 35 19 To the dflinuueiit taxpayers lu the E by A. Sala. W by R Tenorio; house $1171. st, 8 by aula lo fctreet, E by Morri- and lota and 20 In blk N by F. S by T. Taxes $185, peualiy Ule, publication 29, and lots 17 and 18 In followug tax list whose taxes are not and lot bd Madrid. Juan Jose Moya All taxes lot for- son ttreet, VV by J. Ptreida; lot bd X blk 67 Porter Armijo. E W by public road a.'.c. Total $4 D2. & MRU addition. less ttian 120.00. Greeting: by Plaza, merly f Tomas l'libarrl, 50x175 feet. by S by Taxes $4.50. penal- 79 Sauta Fe stieet, J. B. Beuavl 1 Taxes $12.32, penalty 62c, publication Ruperto Martinez All taxes H ty 23c. publication $1.00. Total $3.72. You are hereby notified that win Taxeg $2.0;!. penalty 10c, publication dez, E by C. Lucero, YV by X. M. ava, hr Chrlsftnn Ttroa. ap- $1.05. Total $1399. aeree ot land bd X by F. Gonzales 8 'V- Raywood & oa the lsth day oí Jauuary, 1909, 35c. Total $2.48. Taxes $13.S5, penalty 69c, publication W by R. A Roberts Co. (Incorpor- Garcia Second' half of tox- .y hills. E by T. Pino, YV by F. Homa- TJ- Hilarlo 1'. F. All 32 ated) All taxes. Personal property. ply to the diftrct court held lu and Nolan taxes varas bd u 70c. Total $15.24. TUblleatlon in. 64 3 4 varas bd N by hills, S by ro. Taxes $2.48, penalty 2c, publlca-tio- $1 S3c. Total Taxes $199.16, ior the said eountv of San Miguel la X by lots, S by Marcott, E by G. ri- 96. penalty $9.96. publica- iver, E by C. Garcia, W by V. Vllla-iuev- : 3iiC. Total $2.95. l.Uzie Hell All (axes. I to 36 35c. etritory New Mexico, for judg ver, W by ditch Taxes $6.53. penally !ts FonefAnif t ... tion TotaV$209.47. the of -- 50 varas bd N by F. C. de Gabriel Mvtyoya Second !ha'f ot Inclusive 42, & in thj :;;c. publication 35c. Total $7.21. block T. M. addition. ""! 'of M fc"ns. Eloísa Romero All taxes. House ment against ull parties named W 70 Haca, E by E. Aragón. by road; taxes. varan of land bd X by river, Taxes $34 23, penalty $1.71, ' S following dellnuuent lax list, and II. A. Nelson All laxes. Lots 9 and publica fpna. E by vr7r,t. w by hr and lot bd 29 ft from E to W and 84 house and lot bd X by T. A mil jo, H i by hill, K by C. Montoya, YV by .Yi tion 40c. I n against the lauds real estate and per 10. Taxes $13.84, pcu ii y 09c, publica- Total $36.39. ft 4 inches from X to S, bd by J U de )y P. Garda. E. by Plaza. V by hills. Esquibel; 40 acres of laud bd X by Publlcatloa fonal property described in baid list tion 40c. Total .!).!. K. L. BIgclow Second half of To'al $20.23 ica Gonzales. Taxes $16.33 , penalty 82c. Taxes $5.49. penalty 27c. publication ill Joya del Cedro, S by P. Montoya, E together with costs and penalty, ana S. Nelson, Jr. All publication 35c. Total $17.50. 51.05 Total $6.81. J. taxes House by road, W by Ry. Taxes $2.71, penal au order o sell said lands, real bd X by S Jose Ignacio Romero AU for Pablo Lucero Second half of tax- .md lot Alanio street, and ly ltc, publication 70c. Total $3.55 taxes. estate and personal property to sati VV by F. Robledo, E by ditch. Taxes House and lot bd X by M. Montoya, S 's. 50 varas bd N by river. S by mesa Pitacio Montoya All taxes, 85 va ""Te. fv such ludiiiiient. $10 45. penalty 52c. publication 35e. by J. ( havez, E by alloy, W by Í by L. Lucero. W by It. Lucero. Tax- ras of land not bouuded. Taxes $27.3 street. You are hereby further notified that $11. 32. Taxes $2.35, penalty es $4 78. penalty 21e, publication 35c. Total penalty $1.37, publication 35c. Total lie, publication within 30 days after the rendition oi .lose Leon Padilla All taxes 150 Í35 57. npnnl ., es. 35c. Total $2.81. Total $5.i7. $29.10. 0, indement aKains the property de acres bd N by J. Morales, S by road Tom $38.80. ' ' ''"Nation Heirs of Onofre Romero Madrid Second half of Vidal Montoya All 410 Sabino All taxes following delinquent Ambrosio VV taxes acres Lu Ian-- All . scribed in the S R by mesa by road; 10 acres tame House and lot bd X bv Santa no- 'axes 38 varas bd X by T. Gallz. bd N by C. Montoya. S by road, E by property "sonal Fe it., tax list, that after having given non rularles hi-- above; house and lot ,ni.ti S by A. Gonzales, E by G. E Aragón. E by river, V by hills; river. YV by T. river. Taxes $32.22, pe O' and store Mares. W by a hand bill posted at the front 'T bd N by river. S by Jose Maes, E by tu by Church tice bd N by J. Gallegos, 8 $1.61, p. Hoy.. ' Z, af i st. Taxes $26.18. penalty louse and lot nalty publication 35c. Total W F - of the b ilding in which the dl Jitch VV by J. Kavanaugh. Taxes '' br . $1.31. publication 35c. C. Lucero, E b- - hills, V by street. $31.18. Penalty nai 6:- public.f' Total $27.73. by 32c. Vnbilc tC San m , tret court for the said bounty of J14.17, penalty 7lc, publication $1.05. "J. rT tj, Lulslta Romero All taxes. W Taxes $15.85, penalty 79c. publication Jote M. Quintana All taxes 150 va Mguellta Madrid-- The Mimif.1 is held, at least 10 days prio Total $15.93. All Is of lot 4 In blk 108, Klhlberg Vlal-pand- O. far. Il0U8e adll- I will offer for "?. Total $17.34. ras bd N by A. Padilla, S by F. J. Chuerh-Sec- ond lot bd N hy to the day of sale, that Desiderio Romero All taxes. Lot m half of taxes ..." ... Valencia ai. s t, t tlon. Taxes $9.01, penalty 45c, publi- Secundino Padilla Second half of IS by road, VV by Canonclto, ' 12 acres auction lu front of sala 24 In 26 of Rice's plat. Taxes bd X hv ,,.,v 3,"c. sale at public N by L. Lucero. 8 block Q cation Total $9.S1. axes. 50 vart.s d Taxes $3.00, penalty 15c, publication river, s by 2- and personal 10c, 20c. To J. P. Geyer, W by - building, the real estate V A. on- 52.03, penalty publication II. a Publication Lola M. Romero All taxes. Half )v J. Duran, E ly road by i. 35c. Total $3.50. oouievara. S property described in said notice tal $2.33. Taxes $23.fiS, 11 is t,iai fj.ja. Interest In 7 In H. line. penalty He. pub- publication V. lot blk Taxes Taxes $2.22. Jose Sanchez All taxes, house and 35c. l-- ,", J. Maher against which judgment has been ren Pedio Romero All taxes 80 acres Total All taxes. Lot, 11 $13.06, penalty 65c, publication 20c. lication 35c. Total $2.68. lot bd N by J. IS. Montoya, S by river, Peiro Clddlo-Sec-ond for amount of taxes, pen if land at Puertix'ito Gangoso. Taxes hair rortcr MUI Total $1391. dered, the VV of taxe,. r . . adUUon. G de Prada Second half IS by Plaza, by J. E.MoutoyaTax H I'll N by - Emiliana 35c. creek. S hv Bt i.- 4,C PUbI,CaUOn & alty and costs due thereon. Ga-I.- , 523 25, penalty $1.16, publication Romero Jaramillo All taxes. f taxes. 43 varas bd. N by P. A. es $9.21. penalty 46c. publication 35c. Romero, W by Trnim..' 40' TiuV $8f9r"y This publication is- not made with- Total $24.76. j. Half Interest In 49 acres of land bd X S by mesa, E by A. Aragón and Total $10.02. Penalty SOc, t' Edith Markland-- All in time prescribed by law by rea- Thomas Ross and John Robblns publication 70o. taxes. Lots 19 and S by Mills. E by F. Gonzales and the V 5 varas bd X by Total to .!6 In litch. by J. Raca; VV Higinio Sandoval All taxes 200 va Ind. blk 12 Porter A Mm. son of there "being only one tax roll by All taxes. 35 varas bd by Pacific L. Lobato, W by top of crestón. Tax- S by mesa E by Tafoya. W ras bd N and S by A. E by Genevieve L. addition, lota 19 to 36 Inel a office of ütch IS S by M. Aragón, Jacobam, Collins ah ... In blk 4 of es $1.64, penalty 8c, publication 35c. rf n ifl07. in the th 9e, St. by Tie works. . , H. Tafova. Taxes $1.78. penalty Burro ave VV by creek, house and lot of hlk 56 and all , w,,. . muia fifí collector of N by P. riibarrl. Taxes $4.05, penal- nthiv ai n amnion, 'raxes $3.93, Total $207. mblicatl'on 70c. Total $2.57. bd N by I). Garcia, S by L. Gouzal ("iiany .uc. puUUcat on Sflf. county of San Miguel, New Mex ty 20c. publication 35c. Total $4.60. Ttnt Fannie M. Ross All taxes. Lola the All taxes. 30 IS Hcatlon 40c. t.y-- Leandro Vlllunucva 7 and by cn ek, W by road. Taxes $23.31 Total $17 54 '. 23 24 In 71, & ico. which roll Is almost in con V by 11. F. Rosenberg All taxes Lots and blk Porter Mills tx aras bd E by D. Flores penalty $1.12, publication 70c. Total y Aiarrrnno larUnez All use in the tr.ui; action of the 2o S in block 80 of Kihlberg's addition 9 5'","? ?,awk,niAi1 i"e iota tain. tdditlon. Taxes $8.16, penalty 41c, stant X by same. S by d'tch; blk 84 & bouse and X of the office, It Taxes $8.95, penalty 45c, publication $24.12. P M aldltlon; lot bd by It. Dunn, S by publication 40c. Total $8.97. reenlar business by E. Pradr, W by part of ots 22 to 28 A, aras bd E - Inel. blk 78 P & Gonzales. E by do Herrera, W by therefore, being Impossible to make u tOc. Total $9.80. John H. Teitlebaum Second hall M- Janet Ross Alltaxes. 300 varas bd I,. Lucero, N by It. Vilianuev.. o addition. Taxes $18.74 iv. uunn. . by penalty 94e, taxes ju.oo, 65c. lis-- time prescribed ond half of taxe 150 varas bd N of taxes. Land in precinct No. 42 for- penalty N by Mrs. S. B. Davis, S by P & M said within the Taxes $12.58. pena y publication 80c .Total $20.4S ;sc. I.u.fro. VI 1. S R. Montoya E by Guti- merly owned by M uiriitcation Total $14.06. E by H. S boulevard, W by by law. $13.91. . Í. by Segura about 1050 addition. ubllchtUm 70c. Total Jso Ksqulhel All tnoa helix Marttnez All taxes. bd N EUGENIO ROMERO, va- érrez road, VV by creek, S by Alamo varas in width and running to crestón .. . and Lot creí Ion; 100 varas bd X by A. J. Tenorio-- All taxes. 100 inrovnmotv t.,n,i m . t r rtm . by C. Gallegos, S Canuto VV Ft. Vigil, $4.48, pel. In by Church st, E by S by E by ri- and Collector of S. Padilla. st. by Toxes length, situated at Sherlden and Browne, same, Gallinas Treasurer os bd N by ditch. S by h a uaca, w by S Polaco. $9.80 Miguel County, New Mexico. lit y 22, publication 70c. Total $5.40. formerly owned by Manuel Segura, RbclMooro;Bbwba; Taxes ver, W by ditch. Taxes $9.80, penalty San VV by F. Lucero. Tax.., . penalty 49c, P S ilz. - publication 35c. Total v 35c. To Martin Sandoval All taxes. I km Manuel Maestas, Juan Martin, Cres- Sic Publication 49c, publication 70c. Total $1099. 5.S!i penaltv 29c mjblicatlon 3& Total I Í10.64. NOTICE. by - Roy 1ml All taxes. House d lot bd X by J. Maes, 8 and E pin Apoilaca & Candelaria Ortzl della- . A Romualdo ai $6.49. it riunaman ntn.. t.. Jose A. Martinez House bd S by $25.00) Maes, W by Pacific street. bd anl lot anl lot bd X by O. Moulton, E (Amounts under P. ca; 130 acres of land formerly owned X by Mills, No. 3. It Dm T. S by F. Baca, E by lot Baca, H by M. Madrid, W by L. Mon- Precinct N by Escudero. Ta in 2, P m Bi,?ifir, m ... of Sau Miguel by Manuel Segura, not bounded. Taxes $19.85, penalty 99c, publication pub-'Icatlo- n nit iY n:ivera . I- -al-y toya. Taxes $17.14, nor.ilty 86c. t of Donaclano Trujtllo All taxes The 57c, publication 70c 59c, county, New Mexico, who are delin Jose Ignacio Anaya Second half es $11.44, penalty pubiiiST S 3&C. Total $21.19 35c. Total $18.35. of of section 8 and 8 uau oi r,n river bd X by NE JE Total $12.71. C. do I., n ...J ..1 All 4n v ea. TTfMtCI. quent for the first or second ovao varas In Pecos Manuel ? Eusebia Martinez Second "jlIK IllO IWIUUIl'll U1AÍ-E- ,,v.,.r.v. 4 4 Firo Jn í E by L. and and SIS of SV of 7 all taxes of A. D. 1907.. Salazar. W by old river, of SE r rancisco lgn aii taxes. acres 4 nf les. The SE half of taxes. House and, lot bd N by lot on st. Taxes $21.22 an- 114 P ,Vr"" wd persons named in the K W by R. Salazar; Clpiiana Sanchez do bd X by road, 8 by river, E by F. Bernalillo st, 8 by S Assl, E by J Co $1.06, publication 35c. Total To all Salazar, luiprovement NT m' "" penalty penalty 5 16 N. R. 17 E. Taxes hd by M nexed list, whose taxes are below the aerea of land. Taxes $8.23. section in Tp Sanchez W by F S Woch. Taxes $6.00 S by C. rn, w by X. M. ave; lots 7 and 8 la M2.63. Plnard, E by Bt- Greeting: $16.32, penalty S2 publication 35c. 30c, 35 C - blk 106. Klhlberg addition. $3. 6 sum of $25.00, lie, publication 70c. Total $9.34. penalty publication Total $6.65 de Taxes Patricio Sena All taxes. Lots that on the $17.49. I. Vigil ot taxes, Rhni '"Provement b by 92, penalty 20c. publication 7Gc. Total You are hereby notified Anaya All taxes. 300 yds. Total Jose Second half T r,'í IN and 7 In blk 5 of Baca y Sandoval 7 V'3- Monico Creek' B b of January, A. D. 1909, L. J. Tuttle Second half of taxes. 400 yard.- - bd by M. Garcia, 8 by C. W bv p, - Florea $4.87. House and lot bd X by B. 18th day bd. N by J. L. Ixipez. s uy a. waw, f addition. of 10 o'clock, in uu Land about one mile S of Las Vegas Montoya, E by mesa, YV by ridge of T John Memin All taxes. Lots 224 Romero, E by Pacific street. S by St, between the hours 3 road. VV by crestón; uouse af- bv Mary C. 23 58, & Mills addition. and 4 o'clock in the property, S by A. bd X by A. Martinez, S by river. Taxes $4.00, penalty 20c, Anastacia Í".'UZ-- in blk Porter Joseph hall, W by M. Delgado. Taxes the forenoon ot bd X by public - i-- court E G. river, W by hills. 35c. Total $4.55. In blk nn nZÁu Uiies- 6 Taxes $2.42, penalty 12c, publication $65.24, $3.26, publication 75c. ternoon of said day. at the elarde, E by Chavez street, W by an Carpenter, by "oiioeifiv,: piar, penalty I pen- penalty 93c, publication n?C8 L8' 7: Ule. Total $2.94. $69 25. In San Miguel county, thall 4 5. Taxes $4.11, Taxes $18.61, Penalty 41c. niihlle,, Total house illey; lots and Precinct No. 5. g "vv. iotfj to the highest $a.42. 35c. Total $19.89. 7g L. J. Meyer All taxes. Lots 4 H. All taxes, offer for salo and sell alty 21c, publication $1.10. Total and Flora Sheneh Lots property described Pablo Ulibarrl y Mares All taxes. and 5 in blk 83. Taxes $4.90, penalty 25c, 1 18 28 36 Inclu- bidder for cash.the Second nan Pilar Abeytia All laxes house to Inclusive; lots to the tax ooi.outtnna nenavidez T.,md 85 SE to W from river; publication 40c. the following list on which X L. feet bd N by M. Jaramlllo 8 by Santa Total $5.55. sive, all in blk 75 of P. & M. addi- in taxes, house and lot bd by M. It. M. de lot amounts to less than if houf.e and lot bd X by street, E by Lovato street W by L. J. Meyer All taxes. Lots 3, 4 tion. Taxes $26.41, penalty $1.32, pub- delinquent M. Aragón, iu ty u. Paci- Ana contin-u- said sale 5edillo, S by S by IV Martinez, E by 10c, 5 blk 69, Jones plat. ROc. shall pen- - Ulibarrl. street. Taxes $1.96, penalty anl in Taxes lication Total $$28,50. $25 00 and hv an alley. Taxes $8.17 $14.04 Lopez until al Mho here w w fic street, W by alley. Taxes $2.41. $4.90, penalty 25, publication 60c. To J. P. Shirk All taxes. Lot 29 In from day to day 35c, Total $8 93. publication 35c. Total uiiJieEOS. A. t.wut' if. sha!) be sold 41c, publication 70c. nublicatkm 70c. Total --o,,,t 1,. t. . - tal $5.75. 19 property iltv IT a.--. u t uu i oy M. '"'u blk of P. & M. addition. Taxes described " mi Noberto Armijo All taxes Lot and j. Tafa. 9 ly t Manuel uaeian ah ia00. I by Mary J3. Mills All taxes. 1 to $3.26, amount du hereon shall . r . a V,tr 1it $15.44. h st. W by ditch. Taxes $9 80. Lots penalty 16c, publication 26c. or until the nt ,t....N tiv V, Birem-- . o "J Improvements bd N by M. Segura S And in case U Ma. Rita M. de ITlibarrl All taxes publication 4 lncl. In blk Porter & Mills addi- Total $3.62. be paid or realized. street, W by alley by I. Romero, E by street, Taxes $3 "5 3Cc. Total good So 4 E by Chavez S '7'"'I ill IU.l)-l- Taxes $16.33, penalty 82c, publi- in faith - House and lot bd X by J. B. Maes, tion. Mrs. E. C. is no purchaser 51c, pun- penalty 45c, publication 35c. Total . Stevenson All taxes there Mo. 3. $10.19. penalty VV nr.. $17.55. property, thca tht Taxes bv same. E by Terez street. by J imiuei A cation inc. Total Ixits 4 5 In 9't n . Lidding upon said $9.75. uonzales v Duran it f and nf Miguel cation 35e. Total $1105. bd X by A. Ull- - es. part of t.A . or,, . ; . Charles F. Miller All taxes, Blk 43 will be struck off to San Maes; house and lot dltion; and lot 5 In blk 50 of P. & M same taxes, . , T,,,, , .. i I.- .Y,1 Filadelfo llaca All taxes. Lot and Lucas Gallegos All iiuik i.mti. s Dv ! y ,i ' l, ID 1 N. It 21 F!. a In Porter & Mills addition. Taxes addition. Taxes $2.42, county as the purchaser. ny N by L. Gallegos, S SUU penalty 12s, by N. F. Lucero penalty improvements bd lot N, pm-- . UD $8.17. penally 41c, publication 20c. To 1 within d lot bd X VV by an alley Taxes $6.53. bd s and E bv t. publication 60c. publication not made ii YV w k Total $3.14. Thk S by I. uomoz, . u, $7 rtj. by Valencia street, E by T. Lucero, alley, by reason havez street. 13c. miblication 70c Total 100x150 ft. $7.62,' penal-t- y tal $8.78. Josefa Haca de Tafoya prescribed by law 8.:, N by L. Ga- Taxes Second the time - Angel. Taxes $1.64, penalty & Veeder All taxes. 10 by Mrs. Morrison. Lot bd "8c, publication Antonio II. Montoya All taxes half of one tax roll of A. Veeder 70c. Total $3 70 taxes. House and lot bd X by being only Total $2 07. N of F. - llegos, 8 by Valencia street, E by T. Henry bd X by Bernalillo C. of there treasurer niblicatbrn 35c. res ef bird bd bv heirs Grist AH taxes. Lots 1 to House and lots Ilfeld. W by street, S by 907. in the of flee of the '" All tax W bv J. A. Baca. Taxes $98.24 o X. n j G írela y nztaes 7. E. Rosenwald Lucero. inci. in blk 182. street, S by Santa Ana, st. E by of county p.íiro l S bv J. Duran and KlhlborK nlat. Tar. Santa Ana street, X by C. Ilfeld; lot colector the E to W 75 ft bd. $6.34 nenaltv 14.91. Dublieatlon 70c. Total es $10.19, W by E. Montoya Taxes which is. X to S 100 ft. E by G river, W by read. Taxes penalty 51c, publication 40a Newman, de hd X hy Santa Ana treet, S and Miguel. New Mexico & 35c. E if San Alamo street, s by lot j, 33c, publication 35. Total $7.02 $103.85. Total $11.19. tfi.53, penalty 33c, publication To by C. Romero. W by R. Pena- - constan use In by - penalty lota x ii is in almost t atrpet. bv alley No. 1. Tax- All Ixit 3 In All tax E. W. E regular bual-- W Luciano Vigil taxes. Julianita Romero do Baca Gramm All taxes. Lot 4 In tal $7.21. by Church street, W by ditch, N by of the publication 35c 47c, pu- - M he transaction being m $4.89, penalty 2tc. block 9. Taxes $9.10, penalty es. I,ot and improvement on Gonzales Romero addition. Taxee $55.84. po George E. Moulten All taxes Lots E. de Herrera add M. Martlnnez, S office it. therefore, by Tiess the within' Total $5.48. V'"'.tion 20c. Total $10,0". st. by the creek. Taxes $65.30, penalty nalty $2,79, publication 20c. Total 1 and 2 In blk 83, Klhlberg addition ft. Galcgos and I. M. de ina'te said list Sandoval. impossible to taxes house ai tnvp Tots 4 and 35c. Total $08.91. Taxes $17.11, penally 86c, publication Taxes $4.90, penalty 25c, by law. Estevan Gutierrez All John Wall'icf $3.26, publication publication prescribe! Juanita O. 40c. $1.05. Total $6.20. the time hy A- - In block 15 Klhlbere'a T Antonio C. Baca Second half of da Grleco Second half Total $18.37. ROMERO. d bd X bv J. IV s r'at de EUGENIO lot - or Adolph YV by Pa- Í8 .17, penalty 41c, publication 40c. To- taxes.' Lot and Improvement bd N by taxes. House anl lot bd X by st.. S Eugenio Moya Heeonl half of tax Teitlebaum All taxes. Lota of 'ulgenzl. E by E. Quintana, 1 Trc-su- rer Collector by Ma. 26 and $8.98. E Barber, 8 by P. Delgado, E by Pa Lucero, K by st. W by ceme- "s. House and lot bd N by F. Galle to Inclusive In blk 10. 1 to 38 In- - County, New Mexico. in, street. Taxes $23.64, penalt 'al San Miguel tery; 2 vacant lot bd as above. Taxes R elusive In blk 14, lots 1 In- publication 35c. Total $25.18. Unknown owners All faxes. 40 lots cific street W by M. Romero. Taxes tíos, by Valencia st, E by C. Morri to 36, $1.18, 35c. $7.62, penally 3Sc, publication 70c. To clusive In blk 16, loits 1 to 36 Precinct. No. 1. All taxes ó vaiao n Price street, bd N by Prince avé $2.99, penalty 15c, publication son, V by sf; house and lot not bl In blk Jackson tal $3.70 28, lots 1 to 36 inclusive In blk 34, Young, by Uy. S by Se S and E by P. F. Nolan, W by Main Total $3.49. In pre.Mnct No. 23. Taxes $7.90, pen lots House and bd N by J. E C. N. Hall All faxes. Lots 19 27 1 to 36 Inncluslve In All taxes. . to blk 48, lot 19 In Fawtln W by Romeroviiie roaa. ditch, being lots 4 to 9 Inch In block Mr-,- 13. N. Baca All taxes. on illy inc. publication 70c. Total $9.00 road, S by P. naca. na and Baca. Land inel. in blk. 75 P & M adlltlon. Taxes blk 58, lots 5 and 6 In blk 71 X by - 79 1 to 5 in block 157, 1 Mantel McMonald All 8 all of f. ,ol bounded a penalty $1.53, publlcu- lots inel lots Crestón W L. V., Improve taxes. LoU Why D Espera-z- Taxes $30.69, of lot and $14.70, penalty 73c, publication 40c ft M. addition. Taxes $S2.09, penalty K bv Ma. .lontoya. $32.57. to 5 inel in block 68 and lots 1 and 2 Lopez and Bernalillo and 9 in blk 27. Mills & Klhlberg ad penalty 72c. public- Icn 35c. Total ment between Total $4.73. $4.10, publication $3.00. Total $S9.19. Taxes $14.47, taxes, blocks i 'n block 67. Taxes $37.87. penalty litlon. Taxes $21.48, penaty $1.22, F. O. Klhlberg All streets. Taxes $21.23, penalty $1.06, M. j. AH taxes. 35c. Total $15.54. tl.89, publication $1.60, $41.36 Julianita Hays All taxes, house 40c. $26.10. Personal ation vnd 12 In Kihlberg's addition, j ax Total publication 70c. Total $22.99. niiblHutloii Total property All taxes. and lot on back street; lot W of my 4 consisting of photograph- - Garcia y Lopez 4uc. i- - Unknown heirs of Felix Papa All James Mc Far! and All taxes Lots Juan 13.26. penalty 16c, publication M.gtiei A. Baca All taxes Lot and home; house and on S st. rs supplies and merchanndise. bounded, land at taxes. House and lot bd N by street, lot Pacific Valid 6 In hlk 160, Klhlberg addition. other House and lot not al $3.82. improvement bd X by L. Gallegos, 8 Taxei $20.56, penalty $1.03, publica Taxes $13.06, pennalty 65c, publica- s not bounded; house r,d M. Garría. S by street, E by S. Taxes $8 16, penalty 41c, publication Tres Hernr-o- Rafael Lucero All taxes.. House by Valencia street, E by T. Luecro, YV tion $1.05. Total $22.64. tion 35c. Total $14.06. N by T. Garcia, S by by X. Flores PaMfic street W by Chavez street. fiOc. Total $9.17. and' lot bounded n'd lot bd X by street, S bd N by L. Ga Heir? of Robert Ilayward All tax veeder & Veeder All taxes. Lot road, W by creek Taxes $13.06, penalty 65c, publication jy Mis. Morrison; l"t .In mes McKnleht Alt taxeF. Lot 6 Huorena. K by E by G. Chavez, w ny r. aiibi. es. Lots 24 to 36 Inel. In blk 83, and and Improvements bd N by Valencia liegos, S by Valencia street, E by Mrs 11 & 22. penalty 46c, publication '!5c, Total $14.06. blk 60, Porter Mills addition Taxes $9 61. 13c. publication 35c. lots 1 to 8 lncl. In blk 84 P & A street, S by Ike Davis, E by Plaza and s $2 penalty Morrison, W by T. Lucero. Taxet Tax-'- penally 21c, publication $10.73. $1.12. strret, W by property $1.05. Total Totnl $3.09. No. 4. $1.22, publication 70c. dltion Taxes $18 94, penalty 95e, pub Padflc of C. 30 Tecolote $24.49, penalty 0c. Total $1.53. Lopez Ribera All taxes. All taxes. House and 80c. Total $20.69. 1 church; lot and Improvement known Maria Jesus Maes Total $26.41. lication Antonia Narvalz All taxes. Lot N by J. Valencia S by V. street S by common Cle-ofa- s Anaya de Haca All taxeg, :is the WooUn property bd E by Q. varas bounded lot bd N by L. half Ramon de Herrera All taxes house in 1,1k 30. Kihlbere addition. Taxes Chu-vez- , Florencio C do Baca Second VV E by M. Vigil, W by Rev. L. Lucero. W by common 400 varas bd X by creek S by L. river, by ditch; a small unndlvlded 1. Ribera, rights. E by addition. Tax- and lot bd X by B. L. Jaramillo, S 112, penalty 31c, publication 20c. $7.09, penalty 35c, by J. Silva W by A. So of taxes. Lot 7 Romero Interest In the Antonio Ortiz grant; J. I?. Moog. Taxes rights: house and lot bd E by E. Domínguez, 20c. by J. P. Mares, E by X, M. avenue, 1 1.15, penalty 6c, publication Tnl.'il $153. 35c. Total $7.79. Garcia, E by alley, W by a na; house and lot bd N by creek, 8 by es pen- lot 12 In blk 45 of P. & M. addition. publication 8 hy T. W by J. P. Mares. Taxes $13.53, New Mexico Colonization Co. AU Second half of $17.57. penalty 88c, by I). Pacheco, V by R. Total $1.41. Taxes $362.52, penalty $18.13, publica Antonio A. Tapia street. Taxes P. Pacheco, E alty 6Rc, publication 35c, Total $14.56 11 to 15 ind. In blk 20 N. S and V 14c, pub- Hipólito C. do Baca All taxes. taxes Iits tion $1.25. Total $381.90. 05 bounded 70c. Total $19.15. Trujlllo. Taxes $2.80. penalty All - taxes varas publication Mrs. Mary Herman taxes. Lots 1 4 and lot 7 In blk 5 6 block, 2, M. Romero ad ml loth- to lncl. of A. A. D.IIigglns by ditch; 37 varas bd. All taxes. House and 70c. Tola! $3.61. jis and 1 2 Heirs Well and by J. Tapia, E Juan li. Maes lication and In blk 6 of Raynolls addition. In ft Mills aldltlon. Tax Tapia, E by J. 9 by ditch. E dilion. Taxes $1.31, penalty 7c, publi- all Porter All taxes. Lota 12 and 22 In blk N by V. Tapia. S by J. lot bd X by J. Padilla, Rafaela T. de Gallegos Second Taxes $4.12, penalty 21c, publication s'$t-53- $106 N penalty 33c, publication 160 Mexico W ditch; 300 varas bd W by A. Martinez. 8 X S cation 40c. Total $1.78. Xew addition; lot In blk Hurtado, by hv E Quintana half of taxes. acres bd by road, 40c. Total $4.73. $7.86. M. Solano, E by publica- M. C. Pn'nl 7 and lots 1, 2 and 3 In blk 7D of by Cuchillo, S by Taxes $27.76. penalty $1.39, by river. E by G. E. de Garcia. W by de Baca All taxes. Lot and Imogeno llollcnwager AH taxes Lots 2 & bd S W. M Xlebel All taxes. Montezuma addition. Taxer $7.39. creek, W by M. Solano; home tion 35c. Total $29.60. G. Lucero; house and lot bd X by cud Improvement bd N by Taos bt S by T Blk 44 and lot 15 In blk 45 of Torter plat, Taxes $3.27, rights W of 1 In blk 181. Jones penalty 37c, publication $1.20. Total by A. Tapia. E by common Bonifacio Mares Second half river, S and E by T. Montoya, W by O. de Haca and alley, IS by Pacific Bt. & Mill addition. Taxes $18.35 penal- 40e. Total penalty 74c. S penally 16c, publication $8.96. by ditch. Taxes $14.89, 'ivev House and lot bd N by J. road, a half interest. Taxes $4.20, pe- W by IS. Pigeon. Taxes $7.51, penalty ty. 92c. publication 40c. Total $19.67. $17.03. Lovejoy. $3.83. August Well Al taxes. Lots 6 and publication $1,40. Total S bv alley. E by A. nalty 21c, publication 70c. Total $5.11. 37c, publication 35c. Total $8.23. Pablo Jaramillo All taxes. House All taxes. Fernanda C. de Odum 6 In blk 72, Porter & Mills addition-Taxe- s All taxes. Houte VV rond. Taxes $4 91. n nalty 25c. All house Nlcaclo C. taxes. Lot and lot bd N by Mrs. Potter, 8 by B David Urioste by Gregorio Gutierrez taxes de Baca All n, 6 7 In Mk 160. Klhlberg $3.27. 16c, $5.51. al- Lots and penally publication S by mad. E by J. Serna ouhllcation 35c. Total lot. X E und W by wall. S by 5 M. Romero Taxes $1.64, pe- C. de Baca, E by N M kxo, Yf by pu- hd N and and bd addition. iddltlon. Tuxes $5 29, penalty 26c, 40c. Total $3.83. penalty 60c. publica- Martinez All taxes 45 va- 27c, publi 3c, $1.92. ley Xo. 2. Taxes $17.58, penalty 88c, Taxes $12.06, Andres ditch, Taxes $5.4, penalty nalty publication 20c,Total 60c. Total $6.15. John Zimmerman AU taxes. Blk M". S by F. Dibo publication 35c. $$18.81. blication bd X by L. Haca. 35c. Total $6.06, Total I-- In tion 35c. Total $13.01. ras cation William Curtis Bailey All taxes, C. A. Parson All taxes. 21 27 In Torter & Mills addition. Taxes Lot Xo. FP. O. Klhlberg All taxes. Lot 11 .Tullo Hurtado All taxes 8 varas bd de E by river. W by rond: Gutierrez & Lobato All taxes "laza hotel, situated on the X side of 58 7 and 8 In blk 59 of $6.53, penanlty 33c, publication 20c. penahy In blk 45. Taxes $3.27, penalty 16c, blk nnd lots ,T. 4 block 17. Taxe $9.14. house and lot bd N by X. Valdez, S Plaza 97 ft, 112 2 $8.17, N and S by road. E by Serna; in front by feet deep puollcatlon 20c. Total $3.63, Porter & Mills addition. Taxes Total $7.06. T) by publ!cat1on55c. Total $10.15. by ditch, B by V Valdez, V by . Taxes $111.39, Total home and lo bd N by Tapia. S 4rc. J. penalty $20.57, publica- LIzzIo V. Dawklns All Lot riermlty 41c, publication 60c. Unknown Owners All taxes. Lot de Martinez All tax- txes. road, F by Mcslta, W by L. Tapia. Luclanlta R Taxes $3.20, penalty 16c, publi tion 35c. Total $132.31. 36 In blk 30, lot 12 In blk 72 and lots $9.18. bd N by E. Chacon, S by P. Jaramlllo, lot bd N by A. X. de 150 Taxes $31.47. penalty $157. publica- es, house and cation 35c. Total $3.71. Peter Basleer All taxes lot and lm 2 3 In blk 4., all In & Mils Placlta Ranch Co.-- All taxes. E by Xew Mexico av., W by alley ttreet. E by Pa and Porter tion 70c. Total $33.74. Aragón, S by Bernal Ellglo Martinez Second half of tax nrovement bd N by" Br B. Shaw addition. Taxes $28. 54, penalty $1.43, varas bd E by 0. river, W by crestón Continued on Last Page

ue Tent en oaas aose con jo que ueue. la Botica de la Cruz lioja'y u. u. conocimiento. j ft i,ti& tr 2 NK 1 of NE 4 of awtioa I. lot M N by alley. 8 by n. Romera, E 0. river; land bounded N by M. arret bJ. N by railay. S Hay- - Pablo Martint-A- U taxes 2C7 varas'parcel of land from N to S 200 rs; 'l of Fred Dettaarala-A- U taxea. tf tr pen- - 16 ltt by Lopez. V by at. Haca. S by F. A. M.. H by O. W ard. K by N. T. Cordova, W by of la:. M X by I Martinet. S by F. lot. length 39 rs. Taxea $32.25. Tp K 7 plat Taxes $".47. F. Pacific laxM river. r. 0C VV la Klco'i a, u $S SS. penally 29c, publication & ty rniUay; land bound'-- N by M. Ha right. $10.73, penalty 64c, pub-r- u. p K rw w ,t any ii bi. tuüi cation toia. uj Penalty publication 40c Toul jo Tai'i rivr ii.. 114 73. $J7. tal 8 by F. A. M, K by U. river. VV by jhcation 3.'.e. Total $1164. dl'rh. $ i' sfi. penalty $1.54, 7t. Tae , Roybal All taxes. 20 yds teo railway; land bounded N by V. Haca. AJI $:!2.73. lorenzo de Duran AH taioc Plicita Ranch Co. All taxea. Lot Elizabeth 8. and Arthur Harria publica! 'on To'al N by I. Duran, S by A, I tabal Baoa ai1- K 3. no 11. 'of land bd n - railway. W by H. S. B N by j rrecmcx bd N by P. Bena, 8 by i lo b.k M. Kihlberg adíLtlon. Taxe 's ' ''7 luios. lo acres bd. by bta at, Juan Martinez y Espinosa All tax , I Arraljo, W by a. riou.e and lot ' "! N M. Creí pin. E by D. Maldonado, 8 by $1.27. renalty 16c. publication roa''; bounded by Haca, 8 h. Irs of A Haca. S by beirt oí A. II, 137 varas df bd. X. by r Ij.-- F Lucero, B by F. lie. land ,ii . - iitirtinnf Tatp O. nenaity Ztc h by railway. VV by 1L 8. n. V by O. rlv- - ..i i..j Taxet $11.41, penalty Total $3.63. tr p, atlj farrle Hume. Martinet. S anl A by A. Sandoval. 7 VT c' Í limhlLentinn 25c. Total 5.81. Chavet i , - , . a itwL ro.m . iaiia iy m. naca, s r. Tux.-- 27c. publica- - n r, , i i no ii uiutioi catii u uuvitvu $7c. pub'lcatlon J6c. Total $UJ5. Klta I Kioera AU taiea. . i.y ner. ..a.v; , ,K v ,. Ianrt vno- -n Hout i M.K'K'l Ha a. E by . A. ..rV by T R. All taita. ''T r M, ;""n " íüiaj publication ie.3.".c. Total $27 .IS. 12. lYlmiUTo Etcudera and lot ü-.- 8. Pacino and Oonxalet H- as lKt n place 3 and 4 Precinct No. - :. ..T old house In Lpper Lai In sections bd N by O. A. Larra- ...... :, f"d: w. -- a ii.uv,.rAiiv. .Ml iai-- s. i House and lot irtHJU. iwuaiij ..,.,.. i,,.,,,..,j v . n Milano umi ims ui Tll Ifi v H P. wnn 12 lucí ..u. . fiu, i...A- - o N L - 'um-- r. w ..i. K. n narria. br publication 3&c Total $20.81. Ux'' ,;J s "d land not bound.-.!- Taxe $s.f.o. penat- Susan Sheffield place J, Juliana Dean AJI taxes. 16 aerea y, 7 71, ' by in section ; , nVS; r;,ad,,W :by r.H.d to Canada, K by road to $3 3S. gTant, w oy auwii. ' ' 1, r?, Demetrio Rlbera-- All taxee. Lot. ty 41". publication 35c. Total Tp jg n Taxea 129.84. of land on los Trigos bd all í-- jt c. t,J.UI1ElDB. RUE. , f';rm.?,y Ta.-- 12.41. penalty puu puoucau. aller , . Kc. J. Antonio OrtU & Pro All taxes. $1 49. To-- sides by grant. Taxos $2.41, penalty lie. bd N by Moreno street, 8 by !.u!,a all. $19- - , i i.naity Duplication $1.05. . l. - rjíoaitu. k hw a. Monroe, w. by otoro. Sella 'n.v ....imin- - t,. ts-- . atH'li Total Latul known as 'he Peras ranch. Tax- tal $22. 3S. 12c, publication 2itc. Total $2 Houia and lot W oy ,.i,. half ot taxee iw c) Taxe $5 56. penaltj 2S. pub- - Tota $24 SO. Ma. de Jfbu J. do j vil 5c. Total $22 92. Armijo 8 Nestoriu Ruiz de Gavaldon All . Ü Perfecto All taxes. The 11 tact-a- Land bd. N by Cooper, and 1-- N Dy i1 ' M.Ku,l A. Baca-- A,, Cesarlo Quintana All laxes. Hous i.o Qf XVV tn NW 4 of Sec 15. taxee. Land bd r. Arcnuieia. JÍL? - taxet. Und p - W pen-.T- .... i: and by T. Davis. Taxes UV10. $5.56. E by railway, W by Sam X ? Iielr Joün "ogersí"" AH laxes. tioiinded N t y K. A. M, S by A. and lot not bounded. Taxes 16 X, K 14 E. Taxes $9.17, pen- 3 by uieea, Be. 30c. Total $lv.t4. liara ixiblk-atio- o-- in nubllcaüon tíSÍ i I 3.'c. Toial c, puu-licatU- i i i. .. i..PH v , . inalty 'jc, 33c. Total $7.24. a vi in r ki ii tirr..i mnntimn1 , it' - alty 33c. publication alty 46c, publication 35c. Total $10.08. Pate. Taxes fis.ov, penally Ail laiea. UOiM I ' " ' i"u, ti iuiu to $13.47. "al,y 326' bound. d N V'. .!! Cat.rl.-- Koybal All taxes l.ana in Armijo 230 35c. Total loVclu?iTlnb P"lcLin.l by liaca. U by , , . 1(I uufno All taxes. yds 70. I Tp. 16 X R 13 E. Taxes Land Sc 6 ltAle6 laclu- - Toal $8 H br K. Haca. W by road, land section bd x by j cJomez, S by F. Martinez Jesua Gutierrez All taxes. 1. lou to b"1 ' d bJ- tic,?,, penalty 13c. publication 3óC S by A. Prada, E by lá blk SU and lot. 11 and S3 m C. S Koge,scond naif of taio. bound-- N by F. üaca. S by A, liaca 'f '"nurrt'Dl,:v8 Sauiora. E by L. Roybal. W by bd N by Canada. VV - 7 8 K by road. W by G. , ' Total $3 11. . hills; land bd N Esqulbel, S P. land. by river road. Taxea blk Ul all In K.b.berg addniou. Tax- Luta and In blk S3. Hubbell'a ad river; land d. -- ? J. and E N V. Ha- - 'i.-"- "' SC' 84 yds. by VV 33c, publication 35c 47.,ty pubUcaUon dltlon. Tax... J.S0. penalty $1.34 by a. 3 by F. Haca K by G. Julian Roybal All tables. road, by ditch; house and lot $6.51, ienalty 7c . rl- r. tis! TÓi li7fc4 publication 40c. Total $41 :0. rlv.-r- W by railway; land bounded N I'ubMcatlou Jar. Total ' UI. X by Valley Ranch. S by Pecos - (bd N by J. L. Henavldes, S by F. Gon-ve- Total $7.19. All 360 Canuto All taxes. liouso oy a Haca. S by M. Haca, K by O. tf 300 H by A. Roybal. VV by R Sena. zales 1st, E by road, VV by hills. Tax-13- Anastasio Herrera Second half of taxe. vara. omT F. A. MaJi.anares. .All taxes. Orillo Urcla W N L. U'H'X, by L. M. da Ito-- and lot not boundod. Taxe $6.t3, river. by railway; land bounaod N vs. bd. X by M by U. de yds bd. X by Cuchilla. S by P. es $14.84, penalty 74c, publication taxes. Land bd X by J. wuintaua, a bd by 3 ' Haca, 8 J. bklo by road. W by mesa, bouao penalty 3c. publication 3Dc. Total by A. Huta, S by M. Haca, K by O. Otero and F. A. M.. E by road, land. E by Lucero, VV by P. Ortiz. Tax- - $15. Total $16.13. by H. Garcia, E by river, "W by hill. - r W by 6c, and íot bd N by E. Vioni.mar. S by $721. rlv. railway; land bounaed N VV by Mh st.; 12'J vs. bd. N by V. O'.e-r- j es $7.20, penalty 3;c, publication 70c. Santiago Armijo All taxes 160 Taxes $106, penalty publication y oy - B. 11. Saiaiar, ti by I Lopcx, w by ai. ria l.. ao Homero ah taxes. r. a. m, t, uy raii- and F. A. M , S by T. Hata E by Total $126. acres ot land bd X by It. Medina. 8 35c. Total $1.46. way, V by II. I'aclflc atreeu Taxet $44.86, penalty ,Houe and lot on S side of I'laza. s. rt,nd; land bounded Mo i a road and 'V or U. diun; 16 Roman Rovbal All taxes 7 acres by L. Quintana. E by J. Armijo, W Manuel Quintana Second half of - N V. j 4c, publlcaUon "0c. Toul $1.80. Taxe $iaS7, penalty $691, publica- by llar. S by F. Huta, K by acres bd. X by P. Roth, S. by A li bd. X5 by C. V'lcll, K by F. J. Vigil, E by edge of Chupadero; 160 acres of taxes. The SE or SK 1-- 4 ot sec- Octava Gooffrlon All taxes. House, tlon 3Cc. Total $140.05. - i railway, V by 11. S. road; land bound- - d; .Manzauares, E by A. Haca and V bv P. river, VV by di'ch; land In bd N by 8. Armijo, S by road, tion 9, Tp 16 X, It 13 E. Taxes Pen-grln- N VV and lot bd N by Graud street, 8 by Homero Second half of j by F. Hara, a by a. liara, u by u. by Sth bt.; 72 acres bd. N by Taíojí. tlon 31 Tp 16 X. R. 12 E; 1 acre bd. ,K by X. Armijo, by L. Quintana. $2.03. penalty lUc, publication 35c. bocorro street, K by lota 3 and 173 in taxes. House and lot bd N by U. Lu- - river, V by H. 3. roud. old bouse In 3 by V. Haca, E by road anl VV by Q X by T. R S by creek. E by river. VV Taxes $12.08. penalty 60c, publication Total $2.48. , - 1'pin-- r $13-38- blk 138. W by N. M. ave. Tai. $J6.- - cero, 8 by road, K by F. H. da Laba- Las Vear; land bounded N by river; 12 ucre bd. X by t Haca, 8 bv d'trh. Taxes $16 61. nenaltv S3c. 7"c- - Total . Pedro Ruiz All taxes. Laud and - W . $2.81, A lliu a, by VV 18, penalty $1.85. publU:atIoa 3tc. To- do, byl Hlnoues. Taxes 8 J. Haca, E by II. 8. by F. Huca, E by R. ditch an l by G ,, !.h,.,h, ,n li nr. Tnt-i- i ti4Q Darlo Atencio Second half of improvements, not bounded, taxea penalty 14c, publication 35c. road, W by crestón. N la! 139.16. Total Taxes $112.59, river; 25 acres bd. N by F. Laca, 3 Pedro Ribera (Mlnor)-- All taxes. House and lot bd by P. ilu.96. penalty 80c, publicatiou 35c V penalty $5..:!, VV Oeoffrlon Detmaral All taxts. $3.30. publication $3.50. Total by Asylum, E by G river, aud b) 200 vara bd. X by P. Ribera, S by F. '".KJ"ales. Taxes $3.40, penalty 17c, Total $17.11. - .v. Koyuai L-- 'publication 3oc. Ilous and lot bd N by Plata, 8 tr Guadalupe do au taxos. top of Crestón. Excepting liat fold a ...,ii.. .i M- i... r; ,.,,. Total $3.92. Antonio Ruiz All taxes. Land 100 J ' ' i A t - 1 U 1 W '. House lot bd N by F. Lopex, 8 by j ti rn ar fl rt All lnni- ra. street, K by E. II. Balazar, by at.d Valerio liara All l;.... 113 varas na. X by M Haca, S by A E by bd. N by rlv.r. S by Cuchilla, E by E. varas, not bounded. Taxes $5.8J, pen- l.s'ju-bei- , w 160 N Danzlger A Co. Taxes $124.07, penal- J. a. ty street, .bounded N by F. Haca, S by railway und VV by 11. S. road; 3 i.w t nu.APH m w ras nut bd; acres ot land bd 35c. $6.47. 8. Daca ,..r.. w. u, . (m. alty 29c, publication Tota. Taxej $.u.!U, penalty $1.54, publica-- 1 y Ü. " " t by A. Lucero. 3 by gov. land, E by ly $6.20, publication 35c. To;al $UJ by r)iud. by riv. r. laud bound-tlo- bd. X by M. Haca, 8 by V. Haca, E .,sc. '"70c. Romaldo Kuiz Ail taxes, interest - es lia.54. penalty publication Catnpos; 1. :ir. Total $12. .2 j N by c (- úo UgLCA s by M Um& by railway, VV by 11. S. road; 7 acres A j w by gov. land. Taxes in Pecos grant. Taxes $12.4, penalty; .Mrs. aiary au j.' ,v V roml h,.i.n,l,.H X by A. Ha- .uwii $14.52. penalty 73c, publication 70o, Jose Gabriel Gómalos All tatci-- iiuienorra laxet. hills. l.v bounded by F. Haca, S J. All 64c, publicaUon 35c. Total $13.73. 4, 6 6 In 6, i a Andres Ribera taxos. IS yds. m L)ts and blk Kiblberg v i.v y m . s i.v u.xrn v. h ca, E by G. river, VV by railway; Total $15.95. C. VV. Watson taxes. 200 vara ii j u i,. k,..i. r of bounded, raxes $2.17. pen- - All Xe" M. land not Mr3 Kate Hell All taxes. 280 VV 8 by A. Madrid. E by C. Hlanchard, lo"; Tí, V,M ' n,;u1' w ty - rlv"r: ,,"d bounded Ihi varas bd X by A und Haca and bd X and E by hills, S by river, by ' alty 11c, publication 3:.c. Total $2.1. S. !acmi 0f ial,d bd X by Wentworth. 8 W by T. Martinet. Taxes $16.33. p.n- - publication flb.OJ. Ix t,y A Ilal.n) a hy M, j,,lcai a by 0 lir. Olney, 3 by M. Haca, E by Mora M. Desmarais. Taxes $16.13. penalty. í'f Jose Ribera All taxes. 66 yds. of by Campos, E by Grant, VV by alty 82c. publication 35c. Total $l7.:.rt. v''JuV ii-- 'f' 'uaoi'lver, W by railway; land bounded mad VV by old I'pper town road; 100 Carr. Sic, publication 35c. Total $1 29. J . oy uy y, 'and bd. X by a. Koybal. 3 by D. Pino 11, Tp 16 X, R 14 E. Tax AH Lo ana lot na r. nuca, b au. N ,,y j. A 1!aca s hy roud E by Q vuras bd. X by F. A. M , E tho east- in Section Nicanor Herrera taxes. s VV - M K by wamonaao. w i.y V VV E by river, by road; 35 yds. of land eg $18 70, penalty 93c, publication 1 and I In block 78. Taxes $14.69, r. street. liv,.r by railway; land bounded N ern boundary of L. V. grant, by Rociada No. 13. Houho bd N by V. 3 bd. X,by hill 3 by river, E by 8 Vá- 35c. Total $19.98. 73c, publication 40c. Total and lot Pact, by f. A. M, 8 by F. Haca, E by rail-b- Mb Btreet. Taxes $30.88, penalty i penalty 1). VV W by H by C. H- y rela, by M. Roybal. Taxes $23.63, Jose do Leon Henavldez All taxes, $16.82. l'erez. Mreet. way w by road; lan(1 boun,ied to Agua Pura Co. Taxes $57. i peu-tlt- Jose S. Candelario All taxes. Land $1.31. penally 6c, pub- - publication 70c. Total 20 acres bd X by Tecolote creek, 3 Armljo. Taxes N by j. A. aci, s by M 1!ajCa M bv $2.89, publicatloL $2.S). lo-a- l penalty isc,. by X by J. Bustos, 8 by M. Bustos, B F. O. Kihlberg All taxes. Lot 12 70ic. $2.07. by M. Roybal, E by Tecolote creek, llcatUm Toial railway, VV by H. 8. road; land bound $0.53. $25.51. by ditch, W by E. Rudulph. Taxes In blk X, Bridge street addition. Taxes Smith-- All 4 1G0 VV by bd N & by hills, Ira taxes. Lot In blk ed X by F. A. M., 3 by F. A. M., E Antonio H. do Mauazanaru -- All tax Pedro Ribera AU taxes. acres bilk. Land 8 $8.04, penalty 40c, publication 35c $32.65, penalty $1.63, publication 20c. VV by J. de losll. Abeytla, E by G. 77, Kihlberg addition. Taxes $8.16, by (1 river, W by II. 8. land es. 109 acres bd. X. by V. Haca T of land bd. X by ditch, S by, river, E Total $8.79. Total $34 48. i road; $12.35, 62c, penalty 41c, publication 20c. Total N 11. V by by F. Ortiz, VV by A. Roybal. Taxes Várela. Taxes penalty 3 Mrs. O. A. Larraxolo All taxes. bounded by H. Chavez, 8 by F. A. by 8. road, 8 by J. A. tíacv Fred E. Corbett All taxes. Lot $8.77. ; publication 70c. Total $13.67. 1-- M.. h by H. S. road, W by top of crea- - top of Cm-urn- 10 acres Dd. K by F $'6 97. penalty 35e, publication 35c. To and NW of SE and X Í ot House and lot bd N by J. Fathers, Mariano Sena All taxes. Ü. Tom Breen All taxes. Land bd Joe ton; residence house and A. M., E by Lo Valles road, W by tal $7.67. SVV 4 of rection 15, Tp 19 X, R 14 8 by H. E. du Várela, E by Pacific St., old houso X by L. road, 3 by G. road, E by M House and lot bd N by creek, 8 by In I'pper Las Veas, Tuxce $8.97, S by V. Haca; 7 aou bd N by Crescencia Garcia de Sena Secand E. Taxes $11.91, penalty 60c, publi- W by street. Taxes $102.87, penalty W L. river, Ribera, VV by Gallinas road. Taxea Peret street, by Lopez, E by M. penally $1.50, publication $3.50. Total F. Haca, 8 by G rlVer, E by U river, half of taxes. Iind bd. X by M. D. Pi- cation 35c. Total $12.86. $5.14, publication 35c. Total $108.36. A. Martinez. Taxes $1.64. $36.41. penalty $1.82, publication 35c, Urlosle and $7.97. and VV by ditch; 8 acres bu X by J. no, S by F. Gutierrez, E by river, VV Heirs of Bernard Dally All taxes. Pablo Lopex Sooond bait of taxes. Ienalty Kc, publication 35c. Total Total $38.58. A. Huca, 8 by V Hacx and E by G. by ditch; land bd. X by ditch, 3 by The SVV 4 of section 22 In Tp 19 N. Th 8V4j of 8W 14 and the N H of 2.07. Aurelia Haca All taxes. Land bd. Julian Coca All taxes. 160 acres N M. and VV by 11. 3 roil; 14 aerea E bv E. VV" by F. Ortiz. R 14 E. Taxes $23.69, penalty l-- Sena. $U8, hw t or section xo, ip io n, H A. A. All taxes. by liara, S by houso ot M. Haca river bd X by gov. land, 8 by V. Duran, E u Seneeal - IIoubo $4.04, publication $3.15. Total $S8.07. 11c, publication! publication 35c. Total $25.22. E by v Taxes $2.15, penalty VV E; and house and lot bd N by V. Dos-- fttuj lot bJ N by NaMonal street, 8 by foot of hills, by road; laud by E. Trujlllo, by gov. land. 200 N Una S. de Otero All taxea 100 7oc. $2.96. Eligió Gallegos All taxe. Land marabj. 8 by Moreno street, E by J. Desruaruls, E by S. Lujan, W by II. bounded by M. Haca, S by F. A. Total yards at Tórrenos not bd. Taxes f. M., E by yds. bd. X by F. A. M., 8 by M. Mal- All taxes. 1G0 acrs bd N by S. O. Haca, S by J. Pendar-le- s, M. Hernandei. W by J. Rivera. Taxea & M. Co. Taxen$20. 12, penalty $1.31, foot of hills, W by road; Abran Valencia $4.65, penalty 23c, publication 70c. N donado, E by F. A. M VV by ditch, X P. by P. E by Cerro, W by rlvfir. Taxes $19.69. penalty 98c, publication 70c. publication 35c. Total $27.78. laud bounded by F. A. M., 3 by M. of land bd. by Várela, E Total .$5.48. VV penally $1.08, publica- VV $53.59, penalty $2.68. l ira. cation 35c. Total $21.37. M Torp All taxes. Lot 2 In blk Mara, by G. river, E by road; land Taxes $33.7, land, by J. Montano. by P land. Filomeno Crespin All taxes. Land bounded N by M. Haca, S by V. Ha- tion 35c. Tolul $35.70. $17.77, X9c, publication X S W. Total $56.62. Heirs of Lorenzo Lopez All tales. W,, Hire's plut. Taxes $20.44, poual-6- 0 Taxe penalty bd by edge of Canada, by W. f by t of Jose Ignacio Martinez. Second halt varas bd N by V. L. da Homero, S ty j 02, publication 2oc. Total $21.66. ca, E G. river, W by railway; land Mrs, C. V. Present Second ball 35c. Total $19.01. Rawlins, E by edge of Canada, W by by B. B by bounded X by by M. Ha- bd. X by C. VV Hummer tax- $3.93, penalty of taxes. 100 varas bd N by F. Cor- Homero, Railway, W by jan n. Vaur-- All taxes. Lota 2 Hnscnwald, 3 taxes. Land Juan Valencia Second halt of middle Canada. Taxes G. oy l S by J. A. Martinez, E by Fl road in precinct Xo. 3; house and lot 3 6(1, Kihlberg ca, E by liver, W by railway; land lln and U it. Allen, E by Stli at. s es. in section 30, Tp. 16 N. R, 20c, publication 35c. Total $4.48. bett. and in blk addition Rito, W by G. land; 280 varae bd M bd N by Moreno streot, 8 by E. 11 Taxes $4.11, penalty 21c, publication bounded N by J. A. H., 3 by M. Haca, road, VV by V T road; land bd. N by 13 E; land at Pecos. Taxes $11.64 G. II. Englesby All taxea. The 8 E W by VV by 4 8 4 by P. Bustos, S by F. Corbett, B by Balaxar, E by Bee, Homero, W by II, 40c. Total $4.72. by railway, II. 3. road; laud Allen , by G. river, E by bwy, 8 5Hc, publication 70c. Tota! $12.92 12 of SE and of NW of 5 river, W by A. Salazar; 100 vara bd C. Monslmer. Taxes $:i9.18, penalty Unknown heir of Felix Papa All bounded N by F. A. M., 8 by J. A. Ha- T. T. Turner. Taxes $2.69, penalty Josefa Gonzales de Várela All tax' Mictions and 4, Tp 16 N, R 13 E. VV $10, 60c, N by V. Martinez, S by D. Bu9t03, K $1 96. publication 70c. Total $41.84. taxes. 94 feet wldo from E to W, ca, E by railway, , by road; land lllc, publication 70c. Total $3.52. 100 yds. bd. N by F. M. de Roybal Taxea penalty publication Iit N by M. e. by road, W by Hito. Taxen 1H3S, Felipe Lopes. All taxos. House and and 123 feet from N to 8; lot bd N bounded Haca, 3 by J. A. Momeo Tufoya All taxes. 50 varaa 8 by church, E by river, Vf by road. 35c. Total $10.85. linen, E by VV Francisco Garcia y Gutierre All penalty 69, publication $1.05. ioti.l lot bd N by E. Romero, 8 by Pacific by C. llfeld, 8 by Grant Btreet, E by river, by II. S. road; bd E by Mora road, VV by Gallinas Taxea $24.15, penalty $1.22, publica- by L. land N b" M. Haca, by M. taxes. Land bd N by road, B by J. $15.16. street, E E. do Delgado, W by O. Smith. W by P. Martinez y Bona bounded 8 liver, X by S. Haca, S by F. A. M.,; tion 35c. Total $20.02. M. L. Haca, E by road; VV by M. Gonzales, E by J. D. C. Gutierrez, Jose Alberto Martinez Second da Delgado. Taxea $19.69, pen- and K. II. Suliunr. Taxes $6.66, Mora road; and lot bd. X by Sandoval, S by Várela All taxes. 162 acres N by M. M. liouso Tomas VV by C. Roybal; land bd N by J. half of taxes. 100 varas bd N by J. alty 98c, publication 35c. Total $20.92. land bounded Huca, 8 by Ya-ta- penalty 33c, publication 70c. ToUl alley VV by river, E by Plaza, axes bd. N by J. G. de l, S by A. Roy- VV S by M. Roybal, by Mon- I. Martinez. S by V. F. Martinez, E Crus Lucero All taxos. House and $7.56. Haca, E by Hot Springs? road 70c. Coca, E P. 51, penally $1.42, publication bal, VV by ditch, E by river. Taxes VV W M. lot bd N by creek, 8 by street, B by by Crestón; half Interest In dwell- $2. tano, by hills. Taxes $4.26, penal- by road, by J. Taxes $5.10, Total $::o.63. $1.54, penalty 23c, publication 35c. 25c, J. Angel. W by M. Urlosto. Taxea ing house; old house In Upt.Jf 1 ua ty 21c, publication 70c. Total $5.17. penalty publication 35c. Total Precinct No. 7. Ilertliu C, Thornhill All taxes. 160 $5.12. $8.17, penalty 41c. publication 36o. Venas. Tuxes $134.61, penalty $6,73, Total Alfredo Geoff rlon All taxes. Per- $5.70. of land bd. VV by Mora road, E Várela All taxes Intuid in nee Rudulph All 10 Total $8.93. $;i.S5. aeren Pablo sonal property consisting of live stock Nicanor taxes. H. 8. Arnold All taxes. Land In publication Total $115.27. N bv Turner, 8 by Dettertck, by Dr. tlon 19, p. 10 X. It. 12 E. Taxes $1.90 and 'other Items. Taxea $14.66, pen-atl- y acres bd X bv creek, S by Mora road, John J. Ludí Second half of taxes. sections 10, 11, IB, 22 23 Tp G. and in Trinidad do Haca Second half Olney. Taxes $15.33, penalty $2.27, penally 25c, publication 35c. Total 73c, publlcatln 35c. otal $15.74. E by hills, VV hy creek. Taxes $5.81. House and lot bd N by creek, E by 17 N, H 12 E. Taxea $5.00, penalty of tuxes. Land N by M. M. bounded publication 35c. Total $17.95. $5.50. Geoffrlon & Desmarals All taxea. penalty 29c, publication 35c. Total Pacific street, 8 by J. Angel. W by $3.25, publication :t5c. Total $6.60. llur-rl- s de Maes! as and F. A. M., 3 by Miguel Zamora All laxes 500 Francisco Várela All taxes 44 yds. Lund bd N by J. F. Esqulbel, 8 by J. $6.48. C Lucero. Taxes $4.25, penalty 21c, Rebeca Hoprla Arnold All taxes. Hros., E by 8lh Btreet and Mora publication 36c. $4 81. ara: bd. N by G. Saavedra, S by P. bd. X by J. Várela, S by J. Várela, E L. Henavldes, E by P. land, VV by Eugenio Rudulph All taxes. 20 Total Und In section 14, Tp 17 N, R 12 E. road, VV by Ü. river; land bounded N Antonio Madrid All taxes. House Zamora, E by (1. VV. Lour, VV by J. A. by river W by road. Taxes $1.25, road. Taxes $40.00, penalty $2.00, axtres bd N by A. Salazar, 3 by rond. Taxes $10, penalty 50e, publication by l'eler Hotli, 3 by 3. Homero, E by E Rito; and lot bd N by O. Del- Rodriguez; 90 varus bd X by P. Za- penalty 5c, publication 35c. Total $1.65 publication 35c. Total $42.36. by house and lot In precinct hoirs of P. 35c, Total $10.85. Perns creek, VV. by e Mora road; lntr-- M Ef.teban Gutierrez All taxes. iOO No. 25, bd N by road. S by Valerio, gado, 8 by C. Homero, E by C. 11. mora, S by F. A. E by Dr. Olney Joaquin Vigil All taxes. 41 varas J. J. II. Gllinour All taxoH. Tho t lu Las Vegas srant. Taxes $39.09 VV VV N varan bd N by G. Gutierrez, 8 by J. E by road, by A. Archuleta. Tax s W by 4 by Mora road; house and lot bd. bd. X by V. Roybal, S by R. Maes, E Paclílc itreet. Taxea W of SE 14, tho 8W 14 of NE penally $1.115, publication $1.05, Total VV de G. Gonzales, E by river, W by $17.25, penalty 86c, publication 70 . $241, penalty lío, publication 85o. of SE 14 lew. 3 33, oy l A. Romero, S by street, E by J. by Ribera, by Gov. land 30 varas acres of section $42.00. hills. Taxes $12.24, penalty 61c, pub- Total $18.81. Total $2.88. Tp 18 N, It 12 E; Lots 1, 11 Manzanares. VV by Mora road. Taxe bd N by V Roybal, S by It. Maes, E and Jobo A. Haca Second half of taxot lication 35c. Tota' $13.20. Bablno Lujan All taxes. House and NW 14 of HE 14 of Section 27, $15.52, penalty 63c, puld'catlon $1.05 by Gov. land. VV byl R. Maes. Taxes Land lid. N by Asylum, 8 by Allon, E Gregorio Gutierrez All taxes. Precinct No. 14 and lot bd N by National street, 8 by Tp 18 N, 11 13 E; E 12 ot NE Cot Ml $17.20. $7.33, penal1 y 37c, publication 70c. To the by Mora road, VV by G. river; land bd. Land bd X by J. L. Henavldes, S by F. Desmarals, 8 by F. Colman, W by E 12 of SE of section 27, Tp $8.40. X by M. Haca, S A. Haca, ü u tal 1). Atenclo, E and VV by fence. Taxea Francisca Baca di Baca All taxet. A. A. Seneeal. Taxes $26.12, penalty 19 N, It 12 E. Taxea $111.26, penally iv Precinct No. 9. Ascension Vigil-- All taxes. 300 va. $1.31, road, W by railway; bd. N 0 .VÍ. 1)(,nRltv aFl Land bd N by trp of hills, S by S. publication 35c. Total $27.78. $;.5tl, publication $1.05. Total $117.87. V bd. N by Vigil, S by J. Valencia, E,;, , liara, S and E by river, VV by ditch; J. 57 river, E by F. Baca. W by M. Anavti. Jose M. Maldonado Second half of Prudencio Gontales Second taxes. Laud i - half of land bd. X by road, 8 by M. Haca, E Francisco Armijo All uy alien, w uy river, u.i. fio..- Reyes Gutierrez Second half of Taxes $17.44. nenalty 87c, publication taxes. 160 varas bd N by M. de la 'taxes. 10 acres bd N by G. Moroly, S1 by Valen- 35c, Total 8 by river, W by railway; land bd, N by .id. N by BuHtamante, J. penalty 91c, publication taxes. Land bd N by T. Esqulbel, 8 3c. Tidal $18.6 OarzA. 8 by F. Maldonado; house by C. E by M. and Gonzales, J. Gllinour In cia, In section 7, Tp. 10 X, R. 13 E. $20.11. VV m oy A. Haca, 8 by V. Hiy'ii, E by railway. by M. Ribera, E by L. road, by L. J. Isaacson All taxes. Land bd N lot na rere street, 8 by M. 'section 4, Tp 17 N H 12 E, 4 acres bd SC., N VV by road; land bd. X by A. H. do i'aves $17. penalty 89c, publication Pablo Vlsll All taxes. Land bd Quintana. Taxes $3.19, penalty 16c, bv river, S E bv J. II. Mftat.ivii. Ullbarrt E by A. Cobley, W by L. N by E. Gonzales, 8 by C. Qonzaloa, Manzanares, S by V. Hac a, E by river 35c. Total $19.10. by E. Vigil, S by O. Vigil, E by P land publication 35c. Total $3.70. W bv Taxes Í7.24. 36c, Urioste. Taxes $1.96, penalty 10c, W by E. Gonzales. Taxes $5.23, pen- rtd. penalty VV by railway; bind bd. N by a. Haca Fileinon (iockey-A- ll taxes. Lnnd VV by road. 1C6 yd, formerly of O bo- Pablo LeFporanc3 All taxee. 77 publication 35c. Total $7.95. pobUcatlon 70a. Total $2.78. 26c, 35 - ally publication Total $0.19. X by IC. i, by G. Monta penm ny Hairs ot S by A. H. do Manzanares, E by river, bd. Valencia, guru, not oounueu. laxes acres or tana na x i rights, s Dy Jesus Ma. Jaramillo All 'axes. 160 Formln Maldonado All Hescn & Carter All laxes. VV Por VV by roud; land bd. X by A. tí. de no, E by P Land, by same. TaxeB ty 12c, publication 70c, Total $3.23. G. Várela, E and W by C. rights; arres of land bd X by J. S tales. 150 varas bd E and V by road; 'tonal property consisting of livestock J 'vinillo, Manzanares, 3 by M. Haca, E by road $f..28, penalty 31c, publicatiou 35c. To Jose F. Vigil All taxes. 51 yds. bd. bind bd X by E. Duran, S by ditch, E and W bv C. rights. E bv T. Gonzales. houtie aud lot bd N 8 by alley, B y and and other items. Taxes $28.23. pen-b- T VV VV by crestón; land, bd. N by A. 11. $6.94 bv R. Rovoal. S by T. Roybal, E by by L. Martinez, by r'ver. Taxes j Taxes $7.45, penalty 37c, publication L. Maldmado, W by 1. D. do Duran, alty $1.41, publication 35c. Total tal de Manzanares, 8 by A Haca, E by Gonzales Second half land, VV by Pueblo Heights. Taxes .$8.41, penalty 42c, publication 70c. i:.C. Total $8.17. taxes, penalty be, publicaron $20.99, Encarnaron Anaeleto Olives - 70C $s.Z4. road; taxes $26.22, penalty $1.26, pub- .if luxes. Land on Pecos: grant; land l1!l net,:iltv 41c. iniblrHt Ion :!5c. ioihi All taxes. 400 var- Total Eutlnila Martinez All taxes. Land I eatulro Martinez t;i taxes. : bd N E B. lication $3.15, Tctal $29.63. lid. X by M Gonzales, 8 by 11. Gonza fotal $S.94. Land and bv rond, S by river. W John Mackel Socond half of In tectlon 17, Tp 17 N, U 12 E. Taxes 0(1 oy m. Maria A. Huca All taxes. Land bd. Ion, E by VV by A. Cortez; house VIkII All taxes. Land In "" " wartinci t. uoRe; 100 váras bd N and W taxea. Lot and Improvements bd N by $10.12, penalty 61c, publication 85c. river. Torlblo 1,v v- N by J. A. Haca, S by A E by U' Iadl,la. bv - Jaramillo. .by riad. S by river, E by National streot, 3 and W by I. D. de $10.88. Haca, and lot b.l X by road. S by V. Padilla' section 8 Tn 16 N R 13 E bd P. land. Total VV foot hills, by road; land bd. N by 10 VV Romero, E by Plata and Pacific stroeL Hentura Portillos All taxes. 400 bv J. G. de Vuieiii, by E. Martin. A. Haca, 3 by F. A. M., E by hill; land 68c, Taxes) $114 28, penalty $5.71, publica-Ho- n yards of land bd N by M. Portillos, E Taxes $13.5(1, penalty publication bd. X by A. Haca. 8 by A. Haca, E 35c. Total $120.34. and by government land, 8 by J. Or- J. $1.65. Total $15.29. bv G. river, VV by road; lnnd bd. N Ramon Manzanares All taxes. Per- - tiz. Taxes $6.88. penalty 34c. publl- - iK iinekuHi Goimilos Second half of VV. A. Williams All taxes. Land on s,.(tUn g To 16 N ,. ,5 R Tnvpfl Jlm,nM r AtC " n by J A. 8 by A. Haca, E by G. . tonal property consisting chleny of jcnti'-- Total $7.57. liara. taxes-- House und lot bd. N by roud, 3 Pecos Valley Land grant Taxes ,0 ,,rll,,i,v 5üe ,,,,1,110,,. inn ar, Tn. Ih Ú !, VV by Railway; bd. N by w u v stock of meats and other merchandise. Tburclo Sena All taxes. 100 yaida river, land and B by heirs of H. Padilla, VV by T $115.96, penalty $5.80, publication 35c. ,.,n kj.s K, "1 ' "Poaaca,.,rl.r's M. Haca E by Gallimie river, B by F. " n. .viarnyo, rj ny P. R:bera VV by Taxe $4.28, penalty 21c. publication 'of Innd bd N by T. Sundnal, E by Gonzales. Tnxcs $12. 68, penalty $166 Total Desiderio Padilla All F. Haca, VV by railway; land bd, N by $tz.n. taxes. Land Lucero. Taxes $1.75, penalty 9c, J5c. Total $4.84. government lnd, S by J. Sena, W publication $1.05 Total $15.29. bd X by road, S by M. publication Hoseuwald, 3 by J. A. Haca, tí by Martinet, E by 70c. Total $2 54 Enrique Marcs All taxes. House by government land. Taxoa $6.2C, Mrs. S. X. Uiughlin All taxes Wl-- Precinct No. 10. G. road, VV by Oak Cauyon. Taxes N - railway, VV by 11. 8. road; land bd. N and lot bd by G. Sanchez, 8 by Cha- penalty ::ic, publication 35e. Toial NVV1-- and No. 2 in section 16, $5.00. nenaltv 25c. publication ar.c by road. S by F. A. M., E by railway, of lot vet treet. E by F. Horca, W by $6.92. 16, North, Range. 12 SE1-- of Jems anegos y uarcia All taxes. Total $5.60. VV by 11. S. road; N by hos- Tp. Ii Precinct No. 15. street. Taxes $1.83, penalty 9c, pub - Jamen Sweeney All taxes. Land 4 land bd. 80 yds of lnnd bd N and E by river, S. 15 XE1-- 4 of Section 17, Tp. 16, North, Juan Quintana All taxes. The pital, S by F. Hora, by F. A. M., VV $2 27. InHl-- S by y 4 llratlon 35c. Total n north of Kl Macho In Tp 18 N, 12 $17.29, penalty by J. Madrid, J. Gallegos SE of section 31, Tp 12 N. R 13 E VV bv II. S. road; land bd. N by A. Range E. Taxes Gregorio Garcia Pedro Martinet y Sena All taxes, lit 12 E. Taxes $!2.1), penalty $1.61. Garcia; house-lo- t bd N&S by river, E Taxes $10, penalty 60c. publication Second half of !Uea, S by K.A. M., E by Mora road. Mlc, publication 70c. Total $18.85. taxes. Land bd. N by Houre bd N by E. H. $34 15. - by Taxes $8.27, penalty 41c, mesa, S bv riv- and lot Salazar, publication 35c. Total C. Lewis- Second half of tax: river. 35c. Total $10.85. VV by road; land bd. X by A. Haca, 8 John er, B by N. Sandoval. Wi by Angostu- 8 by Friedman street, E by F. C. do 18 publication 70c. Total $9.38. Martina Martinez de Ribera All by F. Haca. E by II. 8. road, VV by os. SVV1.I of Secllou 2, Tp. North ra; land N Homero, V by F. Papa. Taxes $2.29, Precinct No. 8. Bartolo M. Vigil Second half of taxes. 327 acres of land bd N by L. bd. by river, S by mesa, E Crestón; half Interest In residence Range 12 E. Taxes $14.31, penalty 72 by F. penalty lie, publication 35c. 3'oial taxes. Land in section 35, Tp 16 N, Martinez, S by S. Santillanes. hi by Encimas, W by C. Garcia. Taxe hou-- publlcut'on 35c. Total $15.38. $3.66, 12.75. Harbarlto O. de Abeytla All taxc. house and other bulld!ni?8; old and 5 acres of land bd N by P. Ar- J. de J. Gutierrez, VV by penalty 18c, publication 70c. 11. 35 E. Oarcla; l I'pper town. Taxes $134.97, penal Juan Lucero All taxes. yds. I.Ii.ndnt All lnoi finí ;1ff nnrna t.,1 V l,v r..-i,- SI liir M Tn. in chuleta. 8 by E. Vigil, E by ditch, VV 2S0 varas bd N by M. Apodaca, 3 by Total $4.64. c " $4 20. Total $145 92 !id. X by M. Pino, S by J. Várela, E yards of Und bd N by V. Chavez, 8 ;foya, E by top of crestón, VV by top of l'ibllcatlon by street. Taxes $9.42, penalty 47c, 3. Montano, E and W by C. rights. Tranquilino Garcia All taxes. Land ,' Hurger-'-A- ll taxes. 8 acres by house and by J. Ortiz, E by road, VV by railway hill. Taxes $1I4S. penalty 72c, pub- James by ditch and W river; publication 70c. Total $10.59. Taxes $40, penalty $3. publication bd. E by N. Sandoval, W by B. Garcia, bd. X by T. Rots, S by A. Sena, !5 by Taxes $12.08, penal In precinct No. 42; 105 yards Of land bi atlon 35c. Total $15.55. lot not boundod. Teodoro Garcia All taxes. 20 varas 70c. Total $42.70. N by mera, S by river; 10 acres not VV 11. ;4. Tsx-e- s I G river, by I. vard. $1 05. Total $13.73. in precinct No. 44, bounded N by J. Luisa Gallegos de Haca All taxes. ul ty 60c, publication bd N by A. Garcia, 8 by N. Duran, E John Rogers All taxee. 160 acres bd. Taxes $16.42, penalty 82c, publi- $!UIS, penally 4Sc, publlc.ition 36c. Lopez 8 by E. Lucero, E by road, VV 443 varas bd X and S by heirs of F. Santiago Lujan All taxes. Land bd by hills, W by river; honre and lot of land formerly owned by A. Jara- cation 70c. Total $17.94. by Tacolote river; lot and Improve- - A. Manzanares, E by Romero ditch, Total $10 61. X' by S. Ortega. S and W by public bd N by F. Tafoya, 8 by road, B by millo at La Canada del Alamo. Tax- Pantaleon Maestas JÓé: , All taxes. 146 - O. Ilessle Cavan. iuU taxes. H by Gros-s- Kelly & Co. Taxes R. Lopez, W by street, $7.94, $10, ments in precinct No. 6, bd N by Pa- jVV by river. Taxes $47.60, penalty land. Taxos es penalty 60c, publicaUon 25a yds. bd. N by A. Maestas, S by N. by No. 7, K $2.3S. 35c. $50.33 acres by X by eu Mown. VV by T. T $1.19. 21c, publication 35c. To- penalty 40c, publication 70c Total Total $10.83. eiflc street, 8 lot by alley publication Total penalty Maesta. E by S. Blea; 46 yds. bd. N' No, 2, VV by Lopez Miguel & 1 Turner, S by Davidson, E by railway. $9.04. Sotero Romero All One- - avenue. Taxes Filadelfo Haca Secón tal $175. taxes. by C. Martinez, S by J. I Vigil, W by $42.57, nenalty half taxes. 60 bd N by Har-Tota- l Taxes $6.8S, penally 34c publication N. Goldsmith & Co. All taxes. Per- third Interest In N $2.13, publication $1.05. of varas Pedro Maes Second half of taxes land bd by J. Ro S. Blea, E by roid. Taxes $17.00 penal- S by F. A. M , 35c. Total $7.57. sonal property consisting of stock of mero, s by M. Lo- $45.75. rold. E by Pecos creóte. Unid in Section 1. Tp. 16 X. R. 12 E. Jaramillo, E by A. ty 85c, publication. 70c. VV 4K0 Amistarlo Cordova Second half of merchandise. Taxea $12.94, penalty pez, W by road; SVV Total $18.55. Mm. Anna McDonald All taxes. by G. river; acres of land a Taxes $2.39, penalty 12c. publication the W of 14 Francisco Montoya XVV 4 SVV 4 Second half N W F. Monta; In canyon taxes. The of the 14 of 65c, publication 35c. Total $13.94. of NE the E of W 2 of bd and by Mares, 8 by A. land Sebast!nns bd 35c. Total $2 86. E of taxes. Land 100 vs. C, 16 17 BO 2 SVV bd. X by J. M. Pa- Lañadla.!t E by Pacific N by rrenton, S by E. Las Vegas Bisection Tp. north, rang east Francisco Lucero All taxes. E of W ot W 2 of SE street; lot bd Andres Garcia All taxes. Land In dilla. S by by 34c, VV 2 river. E P. Montoya. by above lot. N by F. Marer, W and 8 'and VV by crestones; Interest In San Tnxer $1.04, penalty publication varas bd N by ditch, S by river, E by of Sec. 6, the of NW 4 of W section 19, Tp. 16, N. R. 12 E. Taxes by J. M. Padi'la: 150 - 35e. Total $1.73. Ma, T. D. do Alcarcon. W by church. XVV E 4 vs. bd. N by cres- by F. Escudero. Lot bd N by C. Ma- 'guljuela; interest In Las Vegas grant; 14c, publication 35c, the of NE ot NW $2.71. junalty 1-- tón. S bv res, 8 by above lot. E by Pacific t, ranch at Las Cuevas; 75 vuras bd N Simon Gallegos All taxes. House Taxea $11.01, penalty 55c, publication 4 of Sec. 8, Tp 16 N, R 15 E. Taxea river. E by creek, w'by J.. Ua- - Total $3.20. Padilla. Taxes W by P. st. Taxes $3.27. penalty 16c. by F udilla, S by F. A. M., K by and lot bd. X by 8. Otero, 3 by H. 35c. Total $11.91. $13.36, penalty 67c. publication 70c. 112. penalty 11c pub. VV Albino Gonzales All taxes. Land In CO llcntlon 70c. publication $1 05. Total $4.48. Iroad. Tuxes $10.14. penalty $2.01. ca. E and streets. Taxes $2..l, pen- Marcos Mares All taxes. varas Total $14.73. Total $293. 16, R, 12 us Section 18, Tp. N. E. Taxea Bar- One-thir- Je-- Ma, Pablo Ornelas All IviL nublLcatlon 12.43. Total $44.60. alty inc. publication .;c. Total l.:.o bd X by hill. S by river, E by A. Tcresino Romero All taxes. d Pndl'la y Galléeos AU tai.. $S 60, penalty 43c, publication 35c. To- VV by taxes. 415 and 9 In blk 66. Taxes $16.22, penal- - Filadelfo Hnca All taxes. 112 vans Rafael Gallegos All taxes. Land for es, road. Taxes $2.71. penalty Interest In land bd N by J. Ro- vna bd. N by twin trees, ty 82c, publication 40c. Total $17 0!. bounded N by heirs of A. Haca, 8 by merly of Ma. Petra Torres, bd. N and tal $9.3S. 14c, publication 33c. Total $3.20. mero. 8 by M. Jaramillo, E by A. Lo f? bv rlrer. T bv J. ftarc'a, W by P. VV half of VV 2 4 Telesfor Ortega Second half of ,V. Haca, E by Romero ditch. VV byE by Asylum by top of crestón, S Florencio Martinez Second Addison B. Stone All taxes. One pez, by rond; the E of SW Montova. TnTi ?2 95. nepplty $1.15, taxea. House and lot not bounded Gallinas river; 2 acres bounded N by by road from boulevard to cres'on. taxes. , and bd. N by L. Rochemont, parcel of land along the G. river 160 of NE the W 12 of SE 4 of NE punncmon "se. Ttui $'4.4!i. VV , ,, Taxe $4.70. penalty 23c, publication M- Haca and F. A. M . E by foot rf Taxes $3.48, penalty 17c, publicit'oa S by T. Husfamente. E & by ditch varas In width; one parcel of land the W of SE of SE the Arttrtnfn Tona O n I, .. ,11 . 35c?. $2 84. penalty 14c, publication N to S 25 vs In width; one par E of W of SE 4 XT 35c. Total $5.28. MU, W by road; land bounded N by Total $4.00 Taxe .from of section 5. loo varas bd. W road E. San-- l I 160 eel of land from N to 8 230 vs; E 12 of NW 4 NE 1-- 4 gusano Ortlt All taxei. House aad V. Baca, S by M. Caca, E by road, W Patricio Gonzalez All taxes. 35c. Total $3.33. the of and W chex. B by town, W by ml Taxes

- -- I a iat ' y I creyendo oUnlocor ft u illiirio, hny .v (1, Sm via, I ltfiit- it nort4KJk con d cor. ieuiiic cuuv Z"Z:;ZZ::.Z. mmal, ,mrt M V"" é 4.. 'i!. J" tf mn A e inioaj. i atril 11 A. Mon- - G R Springs, not bounded; house at tm and top of bll. Tkiea $11 18. penalty bd N by Mora irrant. S by B. Marea, Vi::s & Kihlberg addition; lots and Hoyd. 8 by Gomales, E by H. ShaftVr All taxes 160 acre Nicanor Lopes Second half of Ux-1- 2 lilace not bounded. - 222 acres bd N. S tfc. publication 70c. Total $12 44. E by lUue canyon. W by Cuchillo. In blk 7; lots 31 and 32. 37. 29. 19 toya. Taxes $29.45. penalty $1.47. known as Gomales ranch. 160 acres es Personal property. Taxes $4.29, pa ana tú Dy Aiiiouio unit grani, oy Juan n. Chavez All taxes. 400 vs. Ta $6 35. penalty 1 32. puDllca-- in blk 1 Mills ft Chapman addition, publication $105. Total $3197. t. S 0 yrds E to V 8S0 yds. bd N nalty 21c. publica.lon 35. Total $4.85. Two-third- s sso y.u begin. by R. Gut! Antonio grant. Taxes $:7.5S. penalty bd N by F. Caüegos. S by R. Rodrl- - tlon 70c Tota! $91 37. Interest In lot. 1. S. 5. t la !U Rlno Marques All taxes 160 wheni 8 Julian Lucero All taxes. 160 aeree $1 03. rtI- V W yds from p $1.2S. pulilication Total $30,01. guez, E by A Chavez. V by E. Rodrí- Isidro Sandoval All taxes. 130 ti. Mk !.". Mils & Chapman aditlon. Tax-- arrey bd N by L. Lopei. 8 by J. Bare-- 'v I1.. 80 uf lan not bounded. Taxes $38.16 11 Tax-1- 5 naca pcnaiiy nalty 35.C Precinct No. 40. guez. Taxes $2 83. "penalty 14e. publica-- not bounded. Taxes $14 63. penalty e Jl"V7 tenal'y 55c. publtcatloa !.. E byroad. W by A. Eiirlrlas. laxe ii.zu publication Total uMWaUon 70e. i:uTotal $25 95 D. A. 7:'c. publication 35c Total $15.71. 15. Total $26.67. es $15 59. penalty 78c, publication 35c $10.42 Kay mundo i; J. De CiiUlUiio ion 35c. Total $1.22. nc Or-cl- No. 51. Juan Maesta All laxe Laud W by raiUay, PaulUa riiharrl d Gallegos All Donactano Triiilllo All taxes. House Walte Moore All taxes. Lots 12 Total $16 72. r Torda. Rnntl - Tomaslta Aragón da Archlbeque half of taxes. - X, S and K by Tecolote grant; i'JO yds taxes. The PE 14 of Portion 34. Tp. d lot hi X bv river. S by hill. E by 13 In Mk 25. Mils f. KthlberR ad- Martin Marquei Second half of Land patent Xo 220 oe- Ü. - ere va u 11 jm by X by railway, tí by mesa, K by 16 N R 15 E. Taxe $1 0 75 penalty V. Truill'W by J. Ma. l.npez; i5 vs. dü'on Taxes $2.71. penalty 14, put)- axfs. ín aerea or land not bounded. "" "'s ium iu ace i. ip k zí Aguáis, S by Cerrito. E by P. K. Taxes $7.11, 3Gc, publlca- - W by L. Mares. Taxea $12.b2, f,4o publication 3",o Total $11 64. hd N bv S river. 8 by hills. K by V. llpatlon 40c. Total $$3 25. Taxes $2 3;. penally 12c, publication Archlh.-que- . Uon "r,c- - To,al 7 82. penalty C4c, publication 7oc. Toial PE Tnifl'lo. W by .1 Ma. Lonez. Taxe Ahe YounR All taxes Lots 7 and r.c. Total $2 79. V by T. Tena. Taxes Jeus .larnm'llo Al taxes Tho Hirardo U.1G. 11 87. penalty $2 09, publication 70c. S in Mk 10 Milu Klhlberpr addition. Feüx Matine y Torret All taiea. $2.00 penalty 10a. publication 35c Martinet All taxea. Pert-- 14 of Portion 22. Tp. H N. R lfi E on Márquez All tases. Land r, 2 300 Lo-- Total 2.45. property. Taxes $17.15. l'orlirio TflTM m-- nrmifT Me, publication Total $46.56. Taxe. 71 rnnalty 13e. publication vs bd X bv C, Arrnljo. 8 by L. penally bd N by ( llustos, 8 by A. I'adllla, li S. L. Second half of taxe-- S6c publication 35c. Total $18.36. 35c Total $11.64. 30c. Total 3!S. pet. E and W by hll. Taxes $1.8. Barker y Rito du Moutoya, W by P. Land. Precinct Ni 47. Unknown Owners All taxes. 2 penalty 9e. publication 35c. Total acres belnfc part of Scs 10. U Flllberto Tacbeco Second half of Antonio v Jirón Second Its 1G0 s- -. Taxen $1.01. penalty C3c, publication Lucero 41 $2 33. a..d I. la Tp 18 N R 14 E Taxe. $3$.- - taxea acres In 6 and 7, and V M. S. Paldwln All tax o. and 4 In blk 8. and lots 41 and In 3ic. Total $13X2. hslf of taxev bd bv F Mrs. - . o i-- z 10 Mk 27. lot 13 and 14 In Mk 7. MUI Pmacia oMontoya All taxer 149 37. penalty puoncauon 3&c to- no 1. ana me e or - 13. 14 17. 21. 22 25. 27. iz. 4 Janet Hood All taxos. 1000 vs. not Jirón. S bv F. M Gonzales. E bv r'v- Lots 9. 10. IS. tal $40 64. 8 being 167.81 acres In Sec 32. 45, Taxes $6 45. acre bd N hv V. Lonci. 8 bv n vAU all XV N 29. 30, 34. 37, 3S. 41. 42. 48. 49, Klblber? add'tion. bounded) Taxes $10.75. penalty 64c, er hv mocar house and lot bd 33. Xe tor M. Medina de Fresquei AH In Tp 16 N R 22 E. Taxes $20.03. pen- - - eralty 32c. publication $120. Total II. E and W hv N. Armllo. Taxes publication 35c. Total $11.54. J. M Lucero. 3 bv Juanita Lu- 5 53 54 57, 5s 60. 63. 65. to 67 joln-orr- o alty $100. publication 70c bv $7.97. $3 64 penalt ISc 'publicatlc UBd M N by Cuchilla. 8 by Total $21.7 O. W bv road. Tax- - r)j 70, block 3. Mills and Khll-- e S5. ,, by Aolfo Sandoval-- AU Precinct No. 41. F by Lucero. Kni in Precinct No. 48. Total $4 17 pque,, E by J Pendarlea. W taie.. Th n 1-- $3 01 publication 70c $13.98. penalty 12 of FE 14 Sec mnd W F. A. Brady All taxes. The S 2 penalty 15c. er? addition. Taxes Juan T Ro'ba!- - ,an1 M N by P Fresqtwi. in 31. the $ $20.88. 160 14 1 oí NW 14 of NB 4 In Total 3 86. 70c. publication 20. Total Catarlno Atenclo All taier T.f." w!r 8 by Cuchilla. E by T. Raybol. W by U of 8W In 8ec 32. Tp N. R It XE the bd- V h- ... w mil J 21 Mova AM 150 yd Lot 1 In arr bd N f"d 8 bt (tv. land. E by f J: Pendar'e. Tax $26 42. penalty. E. Taxe $5.51. penalty 28c, public Section 32. Tp 16 N. R E. Taxes tsxe. F p n.ver All taxes. an(J xy f Tfn- - K J n(1i.d $215. nn- - C. W by land. Tate. $132. publication 70c. $28.44. j tlon 35c. Total $6.14. $7.35. penalty 3vc. publicatloi 35c. of lard not hou Tare. block M, ft Rhllherg addition. Atenclo. for. ' R Total 35c Total $2 61. $15.79. penalty publication 35c Tve Simon Fresquet All taxea Land bd! Antonio Sanoval Second Total $S.07. alt y llr, publication Tp9 31 rnaUT 7c publication 7c. N M V L bait vt rby bv by C taxes. Per-on- al Henry Laumbach Second half of ;tnctNo.45. 30c. Total $1 60. Total $lOS $10 09.' N and 8 by C rights E Bancbei, property. Taxea $6.58, penalty 50c. nUbl m r irvn mm 1 a 1 v a v.v w j na vi t taxe. The 2 of XE 4 of Sec- . ,v a a h.if ftf tai- - T. nooker All taies. Lots 1 to R J. Darnel All taxes. Personal h..vil..i... 24 and X 1-- of NB 4 of Section - 44. 7 n property, .ui. renany .. 3 tT E by A Allres. W by F.$7.23. tion o 172 vs not bd. Taxes $5 54. pen- 4 Inc.. 9 10. 31. 32. 43. and in iaxes ni 24 E. Taxes $4.09, pen- idi.uj. uesierio ladilla Al! taxi C80 Mot tova.miTaxes $9 63. oenaltT 48c. Btt-- Jose Ellaeo 25. In Tp. X. R on- .,,- lOMIls A Khllberg aldlttca piiMlcanon loiai Tor.5oen - t ttt Total $617. block 3. w- J- 20c. publication 35a Total $4.64. , All taxes, 01 Miration 70c. Total $10 81. taxes. 120 acre. In Seca 11 alty 50 vs bd N Tax-r- 1612. penalty 81c, publication P'edid Estrada ;:;tN;.n,D T. and fa Arason-- All taxes. '. it Cruz " - i v?. H. D. Martin All taxes. The XE . Art 1 tHQ7 31. Tp. 16 N. R. 24 E. being ",n. i'T i fun.- ivaiim i.itvia iinnraiPH aii tupi i it üi Itnnall M ap- - T ' Section co pnngs, z tivaa hí 4 SVV 4, bv A. Jaramllo. S by J. d la u. ' 7f i acre bd N by 4 of SW tho XV of $34.36. penalty $1.72. N Lan bd N by Bordo. 3 by Tinajas. E ioc. puoncauon 3&c xx- - . Aitt-- W. .' I All taxes. hot 1? 80 acres. Taxes I Total $15.69...... Tutm u.cll uft'lo. S by 4 32, ttj iit.-i- Maestas. R by V by 61 and SE of XH in Section men. ht " 10, Mills A publication 3T.p Total$36 43. Cerrito hv II Coke, E GarcU. being Jose Serafín Torres All taxes. 16 -- and half of 15. In block Colo. by 200 - IS 24 E. $43.9tf, pen- 6.76. ponm'tv $$1.34, publication - creek vs hd N by En- $18 29. penal y 91c. publl-carrit- acres bd X Tp. X. R Taxes $10.75. pen- v Sec-or- d ,ds hy J. n. Gonzales, S by J IOO Klhlberg addition. Taxes SanMapo Gallegos Martinez S . Taxs alty $2.20. publication 35c. Total ' JE by M. Ribera. E by Id road cation 35c. Total $19.55. X Torres, E hy school W by - alty 54c publication 40c. Total $11.69 half of taxes. Personal nmnertv. ny section. ,.f nomr.sno Prefnlnv Orte- u anon. Tato--- tl??? ... , , c Maegtas. $10 54. ti, 22 In 0 t, nnu milium linn ui E Taxes $ penalty Cc, a ... B Ar. 7.X povalley All taxes. Ixit Taxes $3 penalty 15c. publication pMlrvlon $105. $19 iro Precinct No. 42. rt u v t,. Total 66 v m nf Sff M 1 c.n publication 35c. $5.71. . . 17 addition $3.5 n. .,! Total : nr hwu Mill Klhlbere 35c. Total Jore Ignacio Romero All tax.'H 160 n r, , All taxes. X i I'wirtii ln voo 12 Tt prc n Tp ls Pedro Trujl!lo-A- Manuel Alcou olj .1 .: - e-- 11 taxes. 'niee'.i. See- 1.33. penalty 7c. publication GreiTorbi Gr.icia y Gonzales t 11 1 ...... Personal 1-- 4fi Taxes h! N hv misltii S hv rail ,r i t. r nn oi m 4 W NE in Sac-- 1 hy bll $19 14. penalty t" t property. NW and of Tares 1 Taxes $14.25. penal'y 71c $1 .60. f of taxes. lf.O aerea bd N by hy roa(j, .c 20c. Total r brlf W bv carbonero. Taxes mi,..i- 01 3.-- tion 27, Tp. IS X, R 22 E. Taxes piibVrntion 35c. Total $51.95. tío - ir o publication Total $15.31. Eneleman All taxes. 10 vs. n. Garcia. S by J. Garcia, E by gov-'an- penalty 54c, - $30.89. penalty i.52, publication 35c. Blmon Oonzales All tnxes. 140 vs John piblicatlon 35c. To- Theo.b.n. Ilalnlen A half interest Penlgno M. by M. Mares. l riibarrl Secon half of $13.Sfi. penalty bd N by J. Lucero. 3 W by Rond Tiros . being In Sec- In part section 11. Tp 18 N. R 14 E. taxes. 102 ccreg Total $320. not bounded. Taxes - In Sections I and 2 $4.-7- a- 2 Taxes 22. 13 X. R. 22 .man ramo miibs-- aii taxes. 'Jim Ore pin All taxes. S me, pnhl'oTMon 3r.c. Total $14 SO. E by river. Wbvrtver. tion Tp E. Taxes Tr,ob 5r31 nallv $2 57. publica and 160 acres n Secton 2. Tp 17 V. 1C X 35c. 35c. i n ny S hy ,, e of part of Suctiou 21, Tp. N, R l.ucprio I,ncero A1 taxes. 160 vs f?7 oonnlty 27c, publication penalty 24c. publication Total ,r T,a, (m R 21 E. 1C0 acres not bd. Taxe $53.-3- vnch. E by 1. TruJIIlo, W by A Salas E; 12 acres bd X by J. Martinez, S mountain. E bv TntM "99. $r..29. f'bnrler 1'alrlen Ml half penalty $3.67. publication 1.35, ht N bv river. S br ?oo vs not bounded at samo placa. bw. by J. Baca, E by railway, W by Cres- Onfonnclto. W by E. T.ueero. Tres Xfr; 'sine Flood All taxes. Txits Marenrlto Gonzales Second half of lntere--- t In part of sec 11, Tp 18 N. R Total $57.05. 52c, publi- , , i 1 Klhl- - 240 n.cre d N S ' P'nai.y :(', punucanon 79. pu- tón. Taxes $10.43, penalty ..14r2. penalty 73c, publication 35c. 4. i mv VIII. tares bv mesa. hv 11 E. Taxes $14 penalty $2.24 Domaniro Vallejos Second half of $11.05, .. A V. I. 1 XX' h T ' lOiai $47.38. cation 70c. Total $15.70. nenau.y nnmolns fncflllr, blication 35c. Total taxes, personal Jroperty. Taxe $8 31 All taxes. 240 Total berg andition. Taxes jiz ladero Tniiillo Second half of tax- leliivino Gonzales All 200 vs puhlloatlon40e. $13.08. D. Sanchef. Taxes $5 ,,19. penalty $J.. Martina Martinez All taxes. 100 vs penalty 42e, publication 35c. Total S by A. Ma- Ensebio Lucero taxs. 60c Total es. I nn1 bd N by X Armljo. S by F dd b yN by J. Madrid, F. fi. nnbllcntlon 35c. Total $60.40. at Ijis D'spensas. nox bd Taxo $5.R0 $9.09. hd N bv O. river, S bv bill. E bv William E. Gotchell All taxes. Lota M y Torres. E by' Enclnroa summit. by W by road, hause o drid, E Crestón, T.neern Taxes oo Kteeir 57 lot 12 In block Francl.-c- .Taramila All taxes. Per-- penalty 28c. publication 35. Total $613 Land Grants. S by A. Madrid, T,tieerr W bv R. O i. 'V hv l.vncb. Taxes $2 32. penalty 12o. and lot bd N by road, --- "u e-- v. Jose. Guadalupe Antonio Ortiz grant A'l taxes 151 X11.M. pennlty 59c. publlcatlon 35c 6. Mills & Klhlberg addition. Taxes im n.. publication 25c. Total $2.79. Mescnrenlas Sec- E by bill, W by gap. Taxes $12.75, ond hhlf taxes. 200 900 acres bd N by Canon of Lstirtana 1 eoc. puniicanon of vs bd N bv Ca publication .Oq. Tota', J 12 ,7. f r,9 oenalty .08. publication ftc, h:c. loiai i3.n. Juan de Vata Tmllll- o- All taxes, penalty file, Tota T do, B by O. Salnv- - E by, Meslta of Los Conchos, 8 by old TWael O. Lucero All taxes. 30 o 07 Aienfdro T,ncero Al taxe. 160 rue-- $14.09. Sc7,tod b'y Los Concha . W hy can- E by Tti . . - ..AM T n.i oereo In C!eetlnr 1 nnA 9 Tn 13 EbívNtotroJ!creio;w S O road going tc Manuel D. All taxes. 100 ocres bd N by O. river. S and M. U. uoraon i. .m.... N.R. Maeta nil f . . hv ;JVbíiÜ7- - W h on of Agullar. TaxeB $2062.71. pena'ty nv TP m m - T w bv u. r,. A. a, bmm' iA - tv i.. futnvsiAa j nnniiHo - -- - nnnu- "J E. river. j n.... lie 0. aerea being part of S of Section heirs of Anodnoa. N by road. E by J. Ma rtiinuur. " j, " r.".'" ron.l. mira ion IP Arneon. Taxes $5 38. penalty 27c. $10314, publication 35c. Total $G.8G, . publication bv O. land. bv R. Lucero W bv I. ir.35c. Total $8.87. 21. Tp. 15 X. R 16 E. Taxes Taxo-- $3.64. penalty lc. nnd W bv O. river; land hd N by road E ration nnhllrstlnn 70e Tntal IR SK publication 35c. Total XV Garcia: V. Quintana. In Section 35. Tp. 14 N. penalty 34c, 15c Total $$4.17. a hv rtftch. E hv land """n"1 vareia Xll inxes ir,0 acres Tenrtern Penn411 tTe 100 vA Anton Chico grant All tjxvs. Rd $7 55. do Lucero All taxes. 150 hrt V bv O S bv bill and ditch, n V, Tnros $34 37. penalty $1.22, by X by F. Frsua. S by A.Jaramlllo, B ,,v Amada river. M N rofl(1 s by nordo. E by T X hy Antonli Ortlt grant, E b;f Sn'il-n- o All taxes. 100 S Max. A- publication 70c. Total $26 29. (17 Cctavlano Maestas seres bd N hv old road, bv p hv pitp w bv - Mares. Taxes and W hv E Hilólos Tnren tIQ no. frllnn V Vv Ci Mnariranlga r.nft springs, 8 by county of GuixdsHpe N by Ortiz, S by M. A. Tax- - Lucero Al taxes. The E 2 yds bd F. Mora. E. bv O. river, w bv road. t ,j r0. penalty $1.08, publication $1.05 Cruz naIty ,5 ,nlhnrnuon 35. Total $20.37.' vds bd N by Rordo S by Rordo, E bv W by top of little mounts n of E by railway, W by Cres- one. er -- w or ínw - Maestas. ei-- ft .94. penalty lop. puniicanon Totat $23.53. m "a 11 h ana H Williams All taxes 8 acres Tt. Arcblbeoue, W by rond. 500 vds hd Taxes $15.00 penalt v 32.25, publica- 25 yds bd X by A. Madrid, S by 9. Tp 14 tón; Total $2.39. Fred Gvsax All taxes. 160 acres; VW 11 of SE of Section ' nown ns Rock rancha, 92 acres bd N X bv road 8 by bordo, E by road, W tion 35c. Total $677.60. E. Maostaa, E by creek, and W by am N H 22 K. i,y- - Ma. de la Lu V. de Slsneros hn N ,)V A p K bv V. Martinez, Taxes $sir.r.9. penally 7"C, J A Padilla, E by J An'onlo S by ,1 Archuleta, 100 acres bd N bv L Peck grant All taxes, fid X t y An- - $2.23, penalty 11c, 1 Creaton. Taxes taves. 100 vrds nnot bounded. Taxes K by r"rnf:toni w by OUto de Osha. nhiieitlon 35c. Tola' $$16.72. hv rond. W formerly bv Chris Wle- - V grant and gov land 8 by hotn of grant and of Avua 70 Total $3.04. toloOrtl the men publication 35c. All taxes. 80 , X2191. penalty $1.10, publication n- - VlC publication' Timoteo Martinet T,,v,,, $0500, alty $1.27. S Garcia E hy rond, W by O land e e la Yerna. E by mesa of pajtrlto. Montezuma Ranch Resort Co. Sec- Tups Pna)u Tnt:11 Í 23.36. -e 31. Tp 15 X. R. 24 R luildiijatlon. 70c. Total 127.29. Taxes $100 S9, ponaltv ÍT..04, publica S by Guadalupe county. W by point ond half of taxes. 25G4 acres being 35e. Total l3eeion Frannclsco Tafoya All taxes. 100 All Taxes $38 24. pemltv $1.91 publlca- - No. Hon $1 10. Total $107.33 if ChupalnrM tnieil. Tnr-- $04,00 tl.e Buena Vlsia ranch at Romeroville, Sophie E. Hamilton taxes Lot Prrcinct 50. t hd N bv TV Torres. 8 by M. .lope de la Romero AH penalty $32.25, publica' ton 3"c. Total not bounded. Taxes $99.20, penalty 23 In block 4, Hold & Mills addition. tlon 35r. Total $40.50. Ranfaw Archuleta All taxes. 160 laxen by B. Torres, W by river; Lund bd X by P by Rome- $1.90, publication 35c. Total $114.51. Delgado, E Taxes $1.31. penalty 7c', publication Xafirlo Martinez All taxes. 160 nerer; bd X by bllbt, S by Ceja. E by laud 8 P $677.60. Whlt-mor- ro, E by M Crespln. W by Y Luían Jose Francisco Moutoya All taxed.. 1M anres bd N by hill, S bv J. 20c. Total $1.60. reres bd N bv Pterri R Nnbm. S hv C. J. H. Archuleta, W by top of hill. Tax J 7 21 36c. publication 130 vs bd N by J. Hsquioel, S by F. E by Mnnteclto, W by Upper E. O Hendricks All taxes. Lot 13 Q'ir...ho- P ir.,i w hv rev. land. In " $2130. reiia1ty $1.22, publication Trues penalty $1.-1- 25r Total $7.95. Moutoya, W by Crestón. Taxes $19.79. Monteclto.' Taxes $23.12, penalty ln block 11. Mils Klhlberg addition. Section 24, Tp. 15 N. R 23 E. Taxes :!rc Total $25.96. 5 penalt 99c, publication 35c. Total publication 70c. Total $24.98. Taxes S1.33. nonalty 7c, publication 13 83, penalty 69c. publication 35c. Itemado Haca Seenrul hnlf nt int. Desiderio Romero All laxes 160 PRFCINCT N by Y $21.13. Jone de la Piedad Tafnya All tax- 20c. Total $1.60. ofal 11 87 es. 100 acres bd N bv E Archuleta, 9 '1 J Luían. S by T 1i y Heirs of Pedro Montoya All taxes. es. ir.O acres bd N by P. Upez. S by Etnllv ilenzelman All taxes. Lota Sixto Martinet y Garcia All taxes. by M Salazar, E by E Candelario and "n,r " j Araron W by heights. by J Moutoya, S by - Improvements on grant. publi- Itlrt acre lxl X D. Samora, W by river, E by M. Del- 14 17 n block 5. II. S. addition. nercir.t,)1i pnonertv. Taxes ir. 11. pen Mrs. J Garduño. Tnxes $6.07, penalty Taxes $21.26 No .2. Taxes $9 79, penalty 49c. W by f0 n0i grant, E by F. Samora. 1 anally $1.31, publication 70c. Tefal 35c. Total $10.63. Tecolote cado Taxes $15 26 penalty 76c, pnb- - Txe 3 nenalty 8c, publication alty 75c, publication 35c. Total $16,- - w publication 35c. Total $6.72. cation R. Moutoya. Taxes $9.77, penalty 49c, Apolonio $26.17. No. 6. llcatlon 35c Total $16 37. 40c. Total $2.11. 43. Cordova All taxes. The N Precinct 35c. Total $10.61. - - TWiroteo Romero All taxes. Lund C. publication Kenneay a. - v" an i i- Fulgencio do Paca Second half 1C0 Nn 4s James ah taxes. uois lomas menina ah taxes. Ttie 1J' "i iw T,v Rumaldo Montoya All taxes. Dfin M N r rlvor- - 8 Bnd w n omero Na-- 4 and XE SE by Santiaeo Araeon All taxes. 17 8 and 9 ln block 2, Mills & Klhlberg S 12 of NE and S of SW - 4 14 of ot Sec 19 Tp 16 of taxes. House and lot bd N E. Moya, S by Teco- R by Y T',IJnn- - Tr acres bd N by J. X. R 19 E. $10, - J Brrps of ,i,n' not S by B addition. Taxes $2.57. penalty . 13c,; of Section 15. Tn. 15 N. R. 23 E Tax Taxes penalty 50c, pub tlonnal street. Moreno street lote, by heirs of P. Montoya, W by vs bd X bv Sanello river S bv hill. E bounded. Taxes $16.67, peniltv 83c E i... r r inn enhllrntlon 40c Total 83.20. $27.62. nenaltv 1138 nnhllentton llcation 35c. Total $10.85. by C. Romero and R. A M Co., W by R. Montoya. Taxes $G.41, penalty 33c, t let. e' publication 70c. Total $18.20. nj F. O Klhlberg All faxes. 30 acres 35c. Total $29 35. J0S0 Creapin AH taxes. alley. Taxes $15.51, penalty 78c, pub- publication 35c. Total $7.08. vs. bd N by hill, S by Sapello river, E Personal Esteban Romero All tnxe Dy vv oz lication 35c. Total $16.64. Nieto All .taxes 160 bv J D Hand, W by J. M. Aragón, bd N ana n by mus. tu une Jose manuei Menina aii taxes. S'i jaxes 7.35, penalty 37c. N hy Ravmundo publication .hd Cerro 8 hy river. E and W Severo Paca All taxes. House and 1). Nieto, S by F. Xleto, $40.91. pennaltv $2.05 publica- - H. S. Co., W by canon; part of lots seres in Section 17. Tp. 15 N. R. 23 E 35c. Total $8.07. acres bd N by Taxes by J do la Lut Romero Taxes $15.64. by O. Taxes 1 and 2 ln block 1. Mills & Chapman Taxes $15.89. penalty 79c, publcaton Anastasia T de Garcia All lot bd N by Socorro street, 8 H by G. river, W by road. tlun 70c. Total $$43.66. taxes penalty 78c publication 35c. Total -1 .Land bd X by hiii, A. Larrazolo. E by C. Garcia. W by $1.76 .penalty 9c, publication 35c. To- rwnlel Para All taxes 46 vs bd N addition. Taxes $9.46. nena tv 47C.Í r lo,al river, 8 by E by . M. Martinez, W by . Padilla. Taxes $10.47, penalty B!o, tal $2.20. bv bill. 8 by road, E bv P. Garcia. W publication 75c. Total $10.68, iNarcso ortega wecona nair or tat' F T Gonraten ' 1G0 4 , 7 0r,"- $11.34. taxes. es. SE o 31. Tp. 12 faxes $36.20. penalty 1 1 puM ca-mi- -ll taxe.. publication 35c Total Antonio Nieto All by S. Paca; land bd N hy river, 8 hy J. II. Koogler All taxes. Lots 9 The fSectfon by SI road, 23 tlon 35c $38 36 J Pendarle. 8 by Martlnita M. de Raca All taxea. aores bd N by Canonclto, by road, E by D. Raca, W by G." Lopez; nnd 10, 13 and 14, 61 and 62 In Mock N. R. E. Taxes $5.50. penalty 28o, To'al Tax- ', Teof,b, Garcla-- All -- lot hd N by Rivera, 3 Fl by edKO of mesa, W by cerro. on by 9. Mils & Chapman addition. Taxe publication lie. otal $6.13. axes. 160 Z 'louse and J. house and lot bounded north N by y- by es $13(62, penalty 6K, publication 8c, $1.20. Juan N. Quintana Second half 'y William White. 8 hy M. Jlmrjl- ,mp J. Ellsworth, W and E by street. F. Lopez, 8 by A. Garda. E by 8. $1.51. penalty publication of v I F ,1" 100 nr. e bv Las Vegas W i!. Ar,n " - Várela. W Taxes $65.00, penalty $32.25, publica- - 35c. Total $14.65. Martinez, W bv road. Taxes $9.85, Tctal $2.79. laves.. ire hd N hv F. Ma Outn. Erant. hv fl All taxes. 615 yds...... a m-- , n: vv rtw - OrfeEa. Taxes $8.00. penalty ""no. L20 VJ A. D. Tuttle t tt n ttt . n itaaoIaw Ail . .a. in.. n- --Hnn-- -- - iiv ver "lann 43c nub . J' '"r" 35c Total $10.63. pen aiTy C, puoiicauon l.uo. o. u. ouu vWe.v. ' irk i '"-- . I'ln.neHlion YIIC, $22.08 commencing at SE corner by a stone ioi I llmtlon' " Tnlnl to 90 Total C. All $ 11 39 Lots 9, 12 to 15 Inc. 18 and 19 in blR. in npri.on rp. 13 n. K. Z3 . J. n. Vaur Jiillaa de Rara taxes. House V thence 880 yards Second hnlf of mark L. grant, 10 11 17 al, In Taxe, $4.r. penü.y 25c, paMIt-- 1 líoíen- and lot not bounded. Taxes $16.52. Segundo naca-- All taxes. House 2 and lot. and In blk. yh7 ' M N b P road. 8 by E - S 615 yards, E 880 yards. 1G0 acres , . í. 35c. $5.67 n sT? o'n V of . ... 82c, v.. , o ....-- . . HHinn Tures.. tlon Total - a penalty publication 35c. Total ana na y tur-i- fii rurmun...... Se5..i ' 1 n ry. V $31.14, penalty lot uj r. TD 18 N R 21 K- - and 132 nerón " r not bounded. Taxes Romero d Ribera-- All hy $17.50. f 70c. Total $33.40. pn. Lopez, W by A. A. Gar- - r,.69. penalty 28c. publication $1.40. barita road. 150 by 3O0 yds. land hd N $1.56, publication EhvF. 2!- N Tt Vigil vs. $2.6 penalty 13c, publl- - lfi" M y P. Oalegoa, TI by road. S hy Cuchilla. E by Ch Juanita de Paca All taxes. Amador Ulibarri All taxes. 125 rla Taxes Total $7.27. $13 Tainn " tvci l"!S W v. - 68c publl. 1 House N C. Trustees' land E by F. Quln- Rito. W by A - and lot bd by Plannchard. N by C. O. Baca, a by R. Es- cation 35c. Total $3.14. E. V Long. Sec. card of ; , Jaxon elm of Jaramlllo. Tax- bd de S by T. 13 V-- n. Taxes 62c, pub-- . Labadle, by Paclfilc ftreet. quí bol, E by railway, W by Crestón. Maria Tgnacia G. de Baca-Sec- ond of Town of L. All taxea. Lota m48.P?alty n,nt' BOo'tIi Vmlion 8c, publication j'yn-- m taxes W by F. Escudero. Taxes $7.84 pen Taxes $1.58, penalty - - - v.i : ...... ry by Vl" ua.i m...... u..--- ,r ... It Galléeos. alty 39c, publication 35c. Total $8 68. S5c. Total $2.01. dl'cli S by road E by J. Maria D. de inc. and vto h ins., ju ana as, in ma nol- an Taxes. E by D. Padilla, W by Precinct No. 52. 43. of 16, 14 F Romero. Walter Pierman All taxes. Person- Precinct No. Martine, W hv'lTand. Taxes $12.29. 1. Mills & Chapman addition, Taxes Part Suction Tp. N. R. 22 E, axes 16 containing 120 .!.,,, penairy 11. ii, puDiicaton nut arco Armljo All taxes. 120 al properfv conslstlnng prlnnclivOly Apolonio Gonzales All taxes. penalty 61c, publication 35c Total 13 05, penalty $2.18, publication $1.80. acres. Taxes $25 90. .s:.c lotai 124.87 acres nl Sec 15, Tp 16 N R 13 E. Tax,- $26.-1- vs bl N by M. Araffon, S by river, E Ppiilty $1.30, publication 35c. 'f stock of merchandise. Taxes $13.25. Total $47.63. Total Heirs of Lorenzo Lopez All taxes. les $12.29, penalty 61c. publication "W by C. Ortiz;' 50 varas bd $27.55. Sic penalty $1,31, publication S5c by ditch, Juan A. Pernal All taxes. 2639 Jose L .Lopez All taxes. Land at Tho NE 14 of Sec 2, tho SW of Total $13.25. W by I. Martinez, E by C. Martinez, Afrnsi No. 49: land at Eugenio Sains All taxes. 160 acre Tonl $27 78. aerea of land at Sanguijuela, not 7nrca Precinct Sec 8, In Tp 11, the SW of Sec 24, Ahellno tax- - $4.48, - Garcia Second half of y N by ditch, S by river. Taxes ino. do " uy i ax- - T'raruiclsco Gonzales Cunaos All $82.92. penalty $4.-1- l'uerieeiio, t kv. inu. n Tp 12 N, R 24 E. and part of Sees es. Tlu SW 14 of Sec 10, T;i 16 N P. penalty 22c, publication 70c. Total bounded. Taxes Dy taxes. House and three lots not bd. wire fence, S by S. II. Neams, W penairy ic, piinncation 3.rc s nnd 9 In To 14 N. R 20 E. Taxes: 11 Taxes $3.15, penally 16c, publl $5.40. publication 35c. Total $87.42. r Taves $1.90. penalty 25c. I j. Lopez; a nair lnrresr. in iann iu " s.",o.76. penalty $1.84, publication $1.41) :ir,e publication taxes. 1G Al taxes. 125 vs bd , eaibm tiro Apolonio Gonzales All Picio Garcia T n íl r A .lOSe SalilS- All T i . '. 35c. Total r..r.0, .j i ... mm l...r.n ...... - - tnvno Pcannftl min ... r, $2.24, pen- X R by Tiluo canyon, E by tirienrii miiir ..i...... r,,,,,. louii cregorio....hoytial All taxM. acres yds not bounded. Taxes by river, - uropertv. Tavr--s Dioriielo All jr.O in precinct No. 47. Taxes $27.95 pen- $19.01. penalty $2.45, R Lucero All laxen. The NWM s by W by river, N oy top Cas'ellino taxes alty 11c, publication 35c. Total $2.70. M. Crefpin, W by V. Montoya. Taxes Jan river. by J1.40, lOiai, .i... .n r,f sec Z, ir. N, it i: vi. I axes aras bd N A. Domínguez. S by M. taxe.--i Five altv pulilication Il.iU. iraai 14 Tp ,,f n ,y j, Rivera. Tax M $6.51 Juan A. Gutierrez All $S.42, penalty 42c. publication 35o. rnn Ouriile. E hv hl'ls. W bv Ma-drd- , Í20.75. '" ivuaar aii laxes. The penalty 2&c. publication !c penalty 33c publication 35c. ere"k: house N by creek, S by P. ' Tola lacres bd $9.19. NW 4 lot. Total Heirs of F. A. Manzanares All tax- of Section 2, Tp. 14 N. R. 23 Tola! $5.62. $7.19. and bd N bv E. T. d Patrorn 8 E by mesa, W by G. river; five tax-e- Teófilo Garcia Second half of N Padilla, 8 hy ",y,8 publica- - by ftreet, FbyPHnebardtreet. W hy Taxes $3.84, pen- es . 30 acres bd by F. nenalty 50c, Jn GH.hrlel Martinez All taxes. Jose E. Roybal A'l taxew. The NW aerea ld as above. 123 vs bd N and S by hill, E by 3r,c. '"" J. Mnldonndo. 70c. Total J M. Martinez, E hy N. M. railway, tion otal $10.85. The SW 4 of NB 14, the NW of 1,1 of Sec 26, Tp 17 N K I E. Tax Tnxes $".24. penalty alty 19c. publication W by V. Lucero: 20 publication William Frank. W by top of Taxes $2.45, Cesarlo Sanchez AH taxea. 60 SE of NE se'" penalty 19j, publ cation fCc 3nr. 70e. Total $6 20 $1.73. Dom-tngeu- 14. and NW of ves bd N and 8 byhllls, E hy S. $2.-9- nn nv V. Lauriano Gutierrez All taxes. Ten enalty 12c, pubt .cation 35c Total nerPs n h. Sanchez. 8 hy M. 1.4 of NE and NW 14 of SE 14 Total $4.37. Jullanlta Chavez All taxes. W by Ti. Paca. Taxes $5.11, Sanche?!. M. S.-- ( House nnd hd acres of land not bounded; personal E hr Sanchez. W by A. of NW 14, and NE Tp 17 N, 14 Jose Tiburclo Royba- .- n:d half lot W bv S Ortir E hy nenalty 26c. publication 70c. Total I Va- E. Romero, 8 F, property. Tarea ÍG2.57, penalty $3.13, Andrea Martinez All taxes. Land Archuleta. Taxes $7.05. penalty 35e, of NW 14 of Sec 11. To 17 N. R 16 E. of taxes. 225 yds bd N by Ma hy Delirado v Lucero. by publication 70a Total $06.40. $6.07. bd N by Cerro Colorado, 8 by Cerro publication 35c Total $7.75. Taxes $10.00. penalty 60c. publication lencia. S by J P RojImI, K hills W bv PacltV tre. Tuxes fix 12. Jose Pablo Madrid Second half of Santiago Lopez All taxes. 150 v. pfiion. r Dt red corner. Taxe $18 Stern A Nahm Second half of 35c. Total $10.85. W by road. Taxes 59 50. penalty 48c penalty $1.31. publication 35c. Total N bv Sapello S by hill, E hy 2 4 $10 $28 78. taxe 50 varad bounded B by R. bd river, 12. penalty 91c, publication 35c. Total taxes. The N of SW and 8 2 Gabriel 8. Montoya All taxen 160 publication 35c Total - ..13.- 4 Nn 53. Madrid. W by J. A. Gutierrez, N by town, W by I. Ullbarrl. Taxes jm sr. of NW ofSeetlonlS. and W 1 J of acres bd N. 8 and W by Ias Vegas Precinct Transito Chave Second half of ditch, S byj river; 60 veras bd N by 79. nenalty 69, publication 35c Total j. R Pegram All taxes. Lots 3 to W 4 of Section 23, Tp. IS N. R. 22 grant, E by G. M. Montoya. Taxes Jose Apod:i:a of taxes taxes. House and lot bd N hv Moreno O. Blea. 3 by mesa. Taxes $3.52, pen- $14.83. 6 me. In blk 2, and lots 3, 4, 15 and E. Taxes $63 55. penalty $3.18, publl- - $8.40. penalty 42o, publication 35c. To Personal proieriy. Txt $145. pen' ftreet, 8 by E. Martinez. E hv same. alty 18c, publication 70c Total $4,40. Juan P. Lopez All taxes. 100 vs fi ln Wfc 5 n g Co., addition. Taxes cation 70c. Tota!$67.4S. ,tal $9.17. ty 22c. publication tir.c Total 15 nj W by L. L. Mares: lots hj N hv Mo- Leonarda Romo de Márquez All hd N by J. D. Hand, 8 by river, E and $3.73, nenalty 19c, publication $1.20. Stern ft Nahm Second half of tax- - Jose Manuel Naranjo All taiea, Modesto AragM Seinnd half cf reno street. 8 by F. Romero. E hv L. taxes. 20 varas bounded N by river. W D. Taxes $76.00. pen- - taxes. 80 acres in 81c 22 l'i IS N R L. W hy bv Tmllllo. Total $5.17. es 160 seres belne the SW 4 of RP1 Personal property. Taxes $6.44. pen de Mr) 8 Moreno. T'.vea 9 by road. E by M. J. Archlbeque, $3 89, publication 35c. $80.-- , $7.11.1 22 E. Taxes $'47). penalty $2,'M, jub 8 00. 40c, alty Total n preston All taxes. Lots 1 to the 8E 4 of SW flection 21. all7 32c' Plication 35c. Total penalty publication 70c W by Ii. Lopez. Taxes $23.11, pen- 0 15- - Teodoro Pacheco AH taxf-- s perso-Tp- . llcatlon 35c Total 257..: $910. 21 In II. 8. Co.. aditlon. Taxsa Tp. 15. f,nfl int. ? nnd S In Section Total alty $1.16, publication 35a Total Inc. Arv.?oi--Al- l Moisés Lucerclltaxes. The W 14, N. 22 B. $4 nal Taxes $30.25 penalty Nestor Ui3 Three Mrs .Lucy K. Clemen's AH taxes. $24.62. penaty 54,c, publication 40c all R. Taiea 09, P!'- 2 of NW 4 the W of G5, 35c $32.15. ranchea boiid.v.1, 160 ncreti 'n K N bv E. Romero, tax- of W 20c, publication 35c Total P"blcatlon Total c acres of land bd Jose, C. 2nd half 1- ' Martinez of 4 penally $6.29 NE 4 of SW1-- the NW of SW CIar2nce 8 wuanaiupe invera ae itenaon ec each Tnxes ,1'5T6, S. hy F W bv fence. 8 hv O. es. The SW of NW 4 of section ienAn taxes. Lota iirc l U ot aortic.,28 and of V? 4fi U'llllnm WMraA11 1. XT river. Taxes ft.53 penalty 33c, publi- 14, 4 NE 14 o 15, B ,nc.. 24. Mills & Klhlberg and SE of section J3 ,0 In blk 2.1, K 1 2 axv-- of NR 1 ow U. of Section and tho of SE Antonio Arc.Mli.i A'l Per cation rr.c. Tota' 7.21. 17E. $3 50, penalty NK. JJ $8.88. v. Tp. 14 N, R Taxes publication 40c. Total linftipti 1 "JVV'r,!"! 22- - 16 IE prope-t- I"-IH,I- I r, ,,. .1" Tl N. R E. Taxes sonal Tax.. $19.10, n. 11. 11 it. iv. x.w 1 . 1'J . a 0' W renalty Modesta L. de Delirado All taxes, 13c. publication 35c. Total $2.98. n njA11 Tta 1,1 35c. - -- $5 00, penalty 25c. publication 35c.,2.0Z, publlcatlm r.'.c. Total $1 Dotca-dr- . ii9i r.ír.ity 56.c publication ,r. .. , m hd N bv n"ev. E bv f!. L. Heirs of Carlos Martinez All taxes. addition. Taxes $8.08, penalty 40c k cz r,. inxe Tnta, j5.6() Hlglnla 'ot $12.16. r. lnany Martin do 'laa All tax W F. LTjOoer. 8 hv ,T 8 Fseul-hel- : One-thir- d in taousea Total 17 bv Interest business to 3 Ine , In blk 4 and lots 14 to j.i.u!. puDiicanon anc iotai Maximo Romero All taxes The SRies. 10 acres ,n icí, 11 and 14. Tp 17 pen- - S. taxea. , , house and lot bd N hy E L. de in precinct No. 10. Taxes $36,25. Louislta de Martinez ah n!1f a u a qo.. add. lota 3 2. Tp 15 N. R 19 K. Tax- - N R 22 E. Taxe $5.71. Precinct No 14 of Section l?c rvoiptirto, 8 vhneiee st... E bv1!"v. nlty $1.81, publication 35c. Total o:;o yds. at Emplazado not bounded; 'ppd 4 ln blk 21 lets 1 n1 J In Hk . is. 60c publication 35. publication 35c. Totcl $1.32 Sangulnela not bounded. publication mM W bvE. L. do Delgado Tsxes 4.57. $38.41. 600 acres at $32.81, penalty $1.64, $!. Felipe Angel Al taxetx. 200 yds bd Total $10.85. r. A. Urady All l;.xes. PeMrnal Ma. Quintana All taxes. Meateno nat bounaea; N by by nenalty 23c, publication 70c. Total Jesus ieo acres at Total $36.05. J. Chavez, s J. F. Kavanangn. Nleo'ni taxes. T.and In property. Taxvs $1111, 61c, -- - Tom.rr.Aii pmnlty ..r,n t Land bd N by G. river, 8 by ditch, W $174.23. penalty $8.71, publica John W. Veedor All taxea. Two- E by topof crestón, w hv road. Tax- - taxes $3.38. nenalty publication publication 35c. To 115 OS. Taxes 17a al Enimennla L. do Delendo Al taxes, E by u. Leger; lana x In folowlna; lots ec 1S.S7 2 fie. . a . . by A. Allemand. t,nnn 05 Total 1133.99 thirds Interest the , nnnftlt lío., niihllratlonw .n ... f'eellln- v p,.o . imiM is.jH. nenauv --uc. nun neanon ' nn- r or- tmra, .T Enul-he- l - - , m . . '.ot hd N hv Veppet, 8 hy 8 c. 1 4 1 0l ' -l . not bounded. Taxes $1.71, penalty Romaldo Martinez All taxes. The Nos. to and 12 to is lnci. in die oral r.n Tk.un airo l- l NW I rT Can 11 .. Z.. Total 1X90 ' tt t " 'ni 1 j E by W hv M. L. 1-- 4 10, 13 14 a iL Ti7, . . . . Oonales street.. publication 70c. Total $2.54. W 2 of NW 4 andNW of SW. 18; 27 and 28 In blk 1; and Jose Abran Barela Recond half of JoSe L. Romero All taiea Tl.e 8W u' in ami Nia 1.4 f xj5 do Delgado: house nn dlot hd N hv II. AH 43 4 1-- 4 35, 39. 40, 43, 44, 47. 4 Gabriel Romero taxes. rs.14 of cecH0n 1. the NE of 8E in blk. 7: 32. 36. taxes. 250 vs bd N by 8. Gonzales. 8 4 0f Sec 2. Tp 15 N R 19 B. Taxee in 8ec 15, and SW 14 of mw 1.4 Lo- - Pomero. 8 hy Pacific St.. E bv M L. by by L. 56, 59, 60, 7. 8, 11, D. - NH t-- hd N by river, 3 ditch. E of B0Cti0n 2 Tp. 17 N. R. 16 B. Taxes 48. Bl. 52, 55. II. hy road. E by 8. Garcia. W by Ta- 28, 35c,. the 12 of SW In 1 . penalty 16c. publication Sec all In 1 Dele-ado- t. 28, 1 í W hv Paciee Tses pez; houpe and lot bd N by Ma. J. de $9.00, penalty 45c, publication 25c. 15. 16. 19, 20. 23. 24, 27, and SI. feva; 200 vs bd N by 8. Garcia, 8 by Total $3 79. p 1 n k 'Z rt. Taxe $!:4í rrialty - 8 -- $19.59. pennslty 98c, publication 78c. L. Ortega, by J. Gu $9.80. 9; 9 blk 13; 1 to 2 Inc. and A. 8al-8o- $2 97. publlca'Jon 7 Romero. S by E Total blk In oad, E by P.R amia, W by Párela. juan cond "half c Totil $63.15 - taxie Total W ditch. Taxes $6.27, pen- Gomales de Martines All to lOlnc. In blk 10; 14, 17. 18, 21 In 18.11. ty 41c, publication rf Gablno All """ tierez, by Juanita Taxoa tvna 100 "actos bd N by P Jaramlllo. 8 by Herrén Ux4i. 160 (Continued 1 3 9, 12 In acres 24 ea Page Two) alty 31c, publication 70c. Total $7.28. taxes. 60 acres bd N by hill, S and blk 14, to Inc. 7 to and IS 70c Total $9.22. oiguln road. E by F. Lloon. W by L In Sec Tp 18 N, R 22 E Tux Precinct No. 44. E by P. R. Co.. W by Ma. Ignacla Oon- - blk 17: 16 and 17. 20, 21. 25, 25 Inblk Apolonio Marnnez All taxes. 180 V grant. Tax $3.50, ipenalty 43c, es $1 J 88. penalty 69c, publication 35c Mrs. Ella R. Davis All taxea 207.6 tale. Taxes $129.83, penalty $6.49, 17. Mills ft Chapman addition; an un- vs bd N by heirs ot J. Marnnca, S and publication 35c. Total $9.28. Total $12.82 35c. Tom acres hd and described as per sched- - publication Total $136.67. divided 6 interest In the Milla A E by A. Gonzales. W by E. Párela; Nicolas Salazar All taxes. 160 cars liostor Jr. Second half of tax - es. Personal property. ule of 1967; alM) land hd N by C. Rod- Jose A. Sandoval All taxes. 400 Dolds addition : lots 1 to 4 Incl In blk vs bd N bv D. Mares. 8 by M. hd N bv P, Paca. 8 and E hv White Taxes $15.83 l,pnri'y 78c, publication 35c. Total riguez, S by top of mesa, W by bridge yds. bd N nad S by hill, E by L. 8. 7 Mills & Klhlberg addition; lots 10 Márquez, E by A. Marquex. W by top W by M Romero Taxes $4.28. penalty 15 21 2, 160 bd N by C. 21c, publication 35c. . and C. G. Sanchez. E by F. Romero Martinez, W by A.. Cordova; 400 yds. to and 17 to loci In blk all ln ot Crestón; acres J. Total $4.84 Ii

jje venta en waas g aose con 10 que ucue. la Hottca ae la Cruz üoja y u. o. conocimiento." fo IaH Ft 6cba(r. tas boticas. , ' - otro cowIaloH y itrctoiíden que!4 "V' TT"" i ,,r un i ' y ii'iiiii'imiwun , ino, tomo fl trote, vn.,vn Xl ,'c(i huliiom tenido al- - liofwho'aTOi'íoioeiaeinicUiial lodo wljMiírt u antojo y vo i., J,, i LnlVilro XurHKeunivit'li. luine- - $1.96. penally l"c. publication 35c To ih: half Interest In part of 21 V I Ul $241. wctlen ran. K by river. by hill. Taxes Precinct No. 25. Manuel Maca All Uxes. 116 it penalty 41c, publication 35c. lotal to 33 Ind. in blot k A Tp. X R K $5.0-- . of Pablo Bac - H I! Taxes penalty $15 17. penalty 76c, publication X by river, tí by AL Montoya, Nicano.- Sandoval $105. lld do VM. ai'.dition; lou 32 to 36 Ind. block Second half 25c, publication GO. 1 . , .in ol 35c. Total $5 .Tota! $10.ys Ut ronitiio M aellas ofjB by 1. R. Co., V ty M. Galleg All taxes. 100 f - .F taxes. 416 hd X t talf Crpin; tiroteo a ti,- r i.ion jim axiaiUon. Ta- - v. r.ver. S aud K Ignacio tax. 8 bd X by V and by IC ArchuieU, 6 ra X by Ma- i.y river, by A' t.its. 10 . 34 acres road, SjboUti lot ti bd A. Uuian, a by J. .o. pual:y f I 93. publication land bd. N i M.iu, acres bd X by Canoncim S by J. Gon Precinct No. 22. by rher and J. A. Archuleta. E by J. ty J. Mejlles, H by road, W by A. drid. E by ü. rlvOT, W by (Lien. Tai-- e Vc. isTotal $104.43. and b by river; Sj bd X v. by rivri tales. B by L. Balso. W by Jarltas Ja Arehuleu. W by II. Ihiran. Taxes Sanchez. Taxu $416, penalty 21c, $5, iHjnaJty SUc, pubacatlou S5c. a uy J. rerea. by J. U. W Us Emma S. & C. A. Browning All k Maes. by 40 acras bd. X. K. and W by 1. land M Brennan Second half of H.l'ti. eiiili i5c. pubheatou 35 lublnatloa 70c. Total $i.U7. Total $j.C0. tax vs. ua. . es. IajU 1 and 2 in blk 4, r. uuiuie, ij'j by river, K 4 I L R. It. S by S. Gonzales; 50 vs. fern.erly of taxes The E 12 of SW In See 18 Total $X56. Antonio Martinet All laxos. Tb Auiouia All á M. Trujlllo, V by Abreviadero; Uonzale uxo. Land addition. Taiea $13.16. penalty CCc. pu- 200 - 19 -- 1- Antonio Gonzales. Taxes $4s 16. enal 'and the E of SW 14 In Sec Tp Valeria Kumlrez SiHund half of S u ul XW 14 and X W oí &W -4 on Coccbaa, vs. IK1. .N and S by J. I). E by Una rant noar Lu blication 40c. Total $14.22. Hand. ty $2 41. publication $l.o5. N. R 27 E. Taxes $196. penalty tax, 4 acres from heirs of J. R. Mar. 'of 20, Tp 17 N, U IK by Total $5162l's hccUou E. Tale toruiurly liuuuKd ranch. Ttxua $lu, Clinton uiue lanyon, river; 3u0 vs. Ul '9;,c- Mar-'$10- , Browning tJecond oC - publication 35c. Total $21.20, 1U0 yds. formerly of 1. de peaaity Ovc, To-llne- bait fc.. Pedo MondrajTon All taxes 160 Unci. publication 35c. icLdlty $5.25, publication 35c. lotal X by bandoval, S by .Sandoval, l taxes. Lota 21 to 23 Incl blk 20, f. acres bd X by Mesa, W by JucUro' Cornel'a Brennan Second half of Taxes $3 50. penalty 18c, publlca-'ta- f 10 HO.bO. In d. E by A. Garcia, V by Bordo. Taxes M. T. Co. addition. Taxo $37.83, pen- i taxes. 120 of land in Sec. 24, Tp tlon Total $154. $29.46, penalty $t 47, long. 9 and E by mesa; E 12 of SW acres Ketugio Moudrason All taxea. lbU Carlota L. a Lopvii All taiea. alty $1.S9 publication 12.10 SancUez-Sec- onJ publication 40c. Tolal $10.1X 4 SW 1 4 4. XW 4 Is X. R. 20 E; 320 acres of land In Tojiblo S. h;lf of vj Total $Ü3.03. and of SW and .L.tvi bJ N ty Türu Uka ly liU The SE 14 ur aectlou s, Tp 11 , H ' R 2 24 vs. X by K Thomas . Urj ant Socond oC of SW 14 of section 20. Tp. 15 X R 20 25 and 2C, Tp. IS X, E; lot taxes bd J. Ramirez. naciUs, E by S. W.pez. W by bordo, 24 K. land bd X by A. Kumero, So half Luía baudoval All taxes, luo vs. bd - W by A. D. taxes. Lots 5 6 In , E. Taxes $9 40, penalty 47c. publica- No Tp IS X. K. 2i E. Taxes $j0 by Mora mesa. S and di;TttJt,.s J0 lH.nalty $1. publlcatiou and blk 36. H, S. T. X by Lili-- fc" K by V by C. Robledo, E by E. Romero. W by Co and F. Gudtilc. Hon 7w. Total $1V57. penalty $2.51. publication $105. Total (arela, 75 vs bd X by R. Romero, addition. Taxes $23.86. pentlty $1.1 E,,. Total $21.35. J. L. laud bd X by V. road, tt by river. Taxes $5.73, penalty 1 19c, $53. S3. by J. H. Martinez, s 1 a. P. Ue Uar-- Uwi, publication 40c. Total $25.45. Paul McCormick All taxej. S 1 2 o' niceta Gallegos do Montuj a Ail 'by S. 11. by publication 35c. Total $0.27. ..l . W 1...... I...... 'Ca.. '") .... Xeaius. E J. L. Lopez, W A. P. 4 uuuU-.- . Back tiecond SE und S 4 of SW 14 sec. 5. Tp. Frank Carpenter All taxes. Part of .a tax.-s- 43 vs bd X by re I bill. S by by top ot mountain; land bd N by half of taxes. 1 uatly lie, publication Total $J.6. Lou 17 to 19 incl 14 Xi R 20 eat. Ixt8 1. 2. 3 and 4 sec. Sections 35 and 2C, Tp X. R 26 K ,a rjVi.r K by w y road, S by round mountain, E by In blck 2. L. V. T. Precinct No. 16. Ijizara Sanchez de Sanchez All JM J. Co. addition. Taxes 18, Tp. 14 X. R. 20 east. Taxes $9.37, and part of S c. 31 Tp Is N. R. 27 E. Gallegos. Taxes $2.08, penalty lte. J. limera, W by C. Taxes $41.62, penalty $S taxes. 100 vs bd X by L. Saucbel, S by rlau $2.08, publication 4oc. penalty $IS2. publication 70c. Total Taxes $105.11, penalty 25. publica publi. atiou 35c. Total $2.43. $2S, penally publication. Total $14.10. Leandio Haca y Martinez Second K by W by Ce- $1.40, $1.40 W. tion 7t'c. Total $174.01. R Martinez. Cuchilla. A. Carleton Second half of ta-e- i. taxes. 160 $101.S9. I Julio Pacheco All taxes. 10 Total $30.S0. half of acres bd. X. S and rro; 2e0 vs. bd. X by J. It Martinez. 13 and 14 in block 1, Rosen- Francisco E. Robledo All taxes 100 Nícalos T. Cordova All taxes. 15 jbd X by Mesita. S by S. river. E by Ita K by government land, W by F. Gon- S by A. Sanchez. E by Mora Rrant. W Mauricio Lucero All taxes. 160 wald & Co addition. X Gomez, S by II acres of land bd X and B by ditch M. Sanchez, W by AL 3S Taxes $11.62. pen- zales, 55 vs. bd X b heirs of 11. Ortiz1 acres bd. by G. by road. Taxes $1512, penalty lc, Crespiu; acies bd X by B. Lucíalas, 8 by alty 5sc publication W by by F. Cayot. W by P. land. Taxes lacres X by S. by 40c. Total $12.50. S by M. Martinez. E by creek, W by- Hunea E by Ceja do Monte $17 C3. bd river. S ditch. E school by W 59c, publication 35c pub.lcat'on 70c. Total sectíou, E 1. L'llbairi, Lizzie V. Carpenter All taxes. Lot Taxes $9.50, penalty 47c, publi- Gait. Taxes $5.00, penalty 25c. publi $li.S7, penalty jby T. Gaassotn. W by William rana; by guv. road. laud. Taxea $78.2. penalty 4 to 6 incl In blk 3, Pablo Baca addi- 70C. $10.07. cation 35c. Tolal $5.60. Total $12.S1. Jl2 acres bd X by ditch, S by HtUe cation Total Precinct No. 26. $1.94, publicaUon 35c. Total $83.11. tion. Tract of land 51 1 2 Anselmo Gonzales All i'art (blue canyon, E by T. Gaussoin. W by ft front by Marcelino Montoya Second half of taxe. LKuuingo Maes All taxes Land and 115 ft bd N by alley. No. 20. of Sec 6, Tp 16 X R 24 E. Taxes $16.55 William I rank; and lot bd N dip. E by C. F. taxes. 160 acres bd. X and S by gov. Precinct C d Itiua All taxes K'O impruvemunts. Huninwd. S by 83, Jullanlta by P. road, S W Taxs $12.16, penalty Main st W by Mrs. Tram-bley- penalty publication 3c, Total and E by mill aitch, land, E by I). Lucero, W by C. . vs not bd; 140.25 acres b.nln at XW 61c, publication 35c. Total $13.12. Hammond. Taxes $65.80, penalty Atanacio All taxe?, 5 acres $17.73. by F. Pacheco. Taxes $.15.28, penal- - $3.29. Tax"s $S.32, penalty 42c, publi- Casaus corner, thence, X 63 pe.:, E at XW publication 75c. B mesa, W, by - Filomena Chavez do Márquez All Total $09.84. bd. a by S. Flores. by J. M. Howe AH taxes. The SB 14 C'hS ' ?A.1V. Autai fa.- cation 35c. Total $9.09. cerner, thence X t..1 pegs. 416 taxes. 16 of Mrs. Julia A. Catron--A-ll taxes. A J. I). Dimas, X by hills; 2 acres bd N. 16 11. Oacres laud not bound 10 of Sec. 14. Tp X, R 23 E; and the s ir. it.i. v. :ir.i eh to XW pleco of bought Victor Solano All taxes. vs. bd t . by ed. Taxes $49,78, penalty $2.49, pub land from Thomas hill-- S by mesa. E by Flores. W i? 2 1 of XW 1 4, the XE 4 of SW 14 111 00 iM'nnltv 55o nub- - JUSI" ' rinidan bancnez All taxes. X by A. Solano, S by 1). Tapia, E by Ca- irn,.r Ti4a lication 3jc. Total $52.62. Ross, near the new town and outslds 2 bd. X by mesa, H by 1-- ou river, acres the XW 14 of SW of Sec 22. Tp 16 7oc. $12 25. vs M N red hill. S by river, Tecolote grant, W by T. creek; house X lication Total I' Pedro Padilla All taxes. Tho E the city limits, not bounded. Taxes nada. W by T. Garcia, land bd. and X R 23 E. Tiixe $57.31, penally $2.86 r. uy i. .Mitcnelt, v by 1: it. Co. X, S, E W by F. 1. v . u. llj0 $24 67, penalty $1.22, and lot bd. and Arch" S. 5 Jiian naca rtii uies, - of SW 14 and X of NW 14 of publication 35c. and W by hills, E by hills, acres ...... Taxes $24 5,i. penalty $1.23. puuiic-a- 4 $0.20, innalty 31c, publica- publication 70c. Total $60.87...... Total $26.25. leta. Taxes tul X by house, S and B by mesa. W tlon 25c. Tota $26.Í3. sections 27 and 34, ip 13 X', R 24 E. F. M. Hughes All 4 tion 7Uc. Total $7.37. taxes The SE N bv- li(ir;i. Tax. petialty 56u, Bossie Cavauaugh Second half by J. A. Henavldez. Taxes $10.01. pen- - 1 O .... A I ,.x .. $11.2, publication of SW 1 4, U 1'2 SIC 4, (10. 4( vi? Nat-tlon- of of the ot I the IS nenaltv C tvllbl cation rauo,ai au taxes. iuu vs taxes. lid. by al T?ambley 100 T,,00r,V " 35c. Ixt E 8th st, 3 by Casimiro All taxes. alty 50c. publication $1.75. Total $12.26 Total $12.15. XE 1 4 of SW 4 of Sec. 23, XW uot bJ Ta,ss . li'nalty D7c. bd. X, S, B and V by gov. land. the 35c. Total $8 75. Fabian kt, W by Lucero addition, II 07 acres Pedro Casaus All taxes. 200 vs bd. yuuucauon -- oc Romero Socond half of of XE 14 of Sec 26, all in Tp 18 C. Haca-- All taxes. 100 loiai Annn Hartman. Taxes 18.26, Taxes $5.65, penalty 2sc, publication M. Arguello, W Feliciano de taxes. 160 aeren bd S by P. Marauei, penalty X and B by mesa S by X R 26 E. Taxes $45.67, penalty $2.28 II. All 900 91c, 35c. Total $6.28. va bd X by river, W by F. Baca. E by John Teitlebaum taxes E by N. S. W by P. publication 35c. Total $19.52. by T. Flores. Taxes $10.89, penalty land. Maruuez, N " publication 35c. Total $48.30. by Montoya acres or land about b miles lrora Chambers & . $11.78. Kronis's land. S Rrnnt.' by sebo I section. Taxei $11.95, pen Taul Second half 54c, publication 35c. Total hous.- - n Tomas Garcia All taxis The S 12 160 acres being part of auctions 25, 30 j court know a (ollins ranch; taxes. Personal property comistluj of Precinct No. 17. All taxes. 54 yds. alty 60c, publication 35c. Total $12.90, Dimas Casimiro of SW 14 the XW 14 of SW 14, the 18, X. 17 E; and part acres or land adjacent to above of liquor, B by J. A. and 31, Tp R. ofiyj liiglnlo Sanchez All taxes. of stock saloon furnituro nnd bd X by hills, S by river, 2 In Sec. 29. 16 X. 24 " Cooper's Tart 1 lot Tp It E. Tax section's 1, 6, 7 12. Tp. 17 X, R. 17 known as lands; 262S'4 other Items. Taxes $2. .39, penalty Xlcolas Cordova All taxes. Part Gallegos, W by S. Jiron, 25 yds. bd. X and section 2, Tp 15. X. K. 2G E. Taxoj es $10.75, penalty 64c publication 35c, E Taxes $12.00. penalty 60c, publica, acres of land known at the Teltlo-tlo- n $1.07, publication 35c. $22 81. of section 0, tp. 10 X. R 17 E. Taxes by hills, S by L. Chavez. B by U Ji- $10, penalty 60c, publication 35c. To. Totd Total $11.64. $105. Total $13.65. bautn homo ranch. Taxes $298.80. Hugh Chappell Second half of taxes $11.25, penalty 56e, publication 35c, W by Gallegos. Taxes $4.49. tal $10.85. rón, A. All penalty m.m, puuiication ii.uu. to-- 18 to 20 Inc. In Total $12.10. 70c. Total Francisco C. de Baca taxes. lota blk I Rosenwald penalty 22c, publication Precinct No. J. be- - Rafael Crespin All taxes The E 1 2 loo vs. at Jova 160 acres, & Co. addition. Taxes $19.d2. penalty $5.41. .M'.lnt Frank Torrance and others All Precinct No. 29. of NW 14, the XE 14 oí SW 14 of of M,,nt, .t 756 ft X 63 detr. E 99c, publicv.lon 40c. IVal $21.21. Hercnlano Dimas Second half Isidro All taxes. 42 vs taxea All of section 28, Tp 19 N. R 23, 1 4 of SK 14 of E llustamenie from NB corner of claim of Jullanlta Alejandro Clements All taxes. Ix)t section the SE taxes 100 acres bd X by C. Chavez, S. 17 635 Mctorio Abeytla All taxes. Lots bd X by M. Montoya, S by II. Busta C X 63 leK. E 4.16 E. and acres in sections 35 & ltd N by T. Rutenbeck, .q b- - A Cam- 4 of section 14, all in tp. 15 N R 17 E N riv- L de Baca, thence 10 to 12 M. bv fence; 75 vs. bd. and W by Vi. 1 K- 1 Incl. In blk. 32. S. T. Co. maute, E by ditch, W by O. Garlea; chains, thence S 15 cleg, E 357 chs, i. U 1' " - axes lo.UO, pos B by L. Clibarrl. W by C. Meyer. $11.25, penalty 56c, publication by J. . 1 Q $1.65. penalty Taxes er. S bv J. de O. Gonzales, E ...... nl...' f ...1.1l..t.... A.. addition. Taxes 8c. house bd W by town, E by A. Busta W 4 10 chs. thence X 15 dega. - iwai Taxe-- $123. penalty 41:. publ'catlon 35c. Total $12.16. Chavez. Taxes $7.15. penalty 3fic. pub- thence i"""i- publication 40c. Total $2.13. mente, X by P. Ilustaniente, S by J, 351 chs, corner beginning v" 35o. Total $8 99. Juan Antonio Gonzales All taxes. $8.21. W to the of Charles W. Allen All taxes. Lota lication 70c. Total Gallegos. Taxes $7.18, penalty 36c. A. G. and E. II. Walte Second half Charles Cce oalf taxes. 2 30' 15 X. R. and XW TaxeB $15.00, penalty 15 16 Scond 0! Tim SW of sec Tp. coiner. 2.1, and In blk 34, S. M. T. Co. ad publicatin 70c. Total $8.24. r. . K ,.u t , ... riw Tutnl IKÍ45 of taxes. The NE 14 of section Pesonal property consulting of 17 E. Taxes $11.25, penalty 5t!c, publi. No. 21 dition. Taxes $6.58, penalty 33e, pub stock Precinct of Jose L. Perea All taxes. All - 35c. Total $12.10. Heirs Jullanlta Luce ro de Baca-- tax " 'TU"" lication 40c. Total $7.31. of liquor and saloon furniture. Taxes cation 25ti X " ,c- - 1C0 vs. IhI by road, S by R. Ortega' es. 144.51 acres, beginning at the NW,-- ; ' " A. $26.53, penalty $1.36, publication Griego All taxes The I W. Allison All taxes. Lots 20 Francisco Anolonio Chavez All taxes M. L- '"" B Me- B by Gurule. W by F. Ortiz; land of with the XE corner of . . Total $28.21. acres bd X by road, S by J. M. SWr the X of SB 14 corner claim V- and 27 in blk 2, Ortega addition. Tax XB of bd X by ditch, S by unknown, E by O. 63 MV -' Tp U N. N. Cook tax v by R. X. C. de Baca, thence X deg.!e " es $9.87, 49c, James Second half of dran, E by road, Sanchez. SW 1 4 of XB of section 19, Tp Juan penalty publication 40c. the Lucero, W by A. Segura. Taxes $50.62 15 N E ' ' es. IioU 19 lo 20 In S, L. 8. & R. $11.25, penalty 50c, publication 3. N 12 G 51 chs. thence deg,. to the iiV,1'" r. i Total $10.76. n'o't Taxes 11 X R 13 E. the let Xo. he ' j rx penalty $2.53, publication 70c. Total c Tax-- addition. Tiixes $13.82, penalty C9c, 12.10. 1 i sec corner place beginning. -- .....ti , . Mrs. Cora L. Archibald Second 35c. Total 1 4, the XE 14 of SW of ' of SB $53.75. 45c, imb Mention 35c. t.n publication 40c. Total $9.13. Thomas G. Rhoda E. Green AH 11 R 12B; XE 14 s $9.00. penaltv ' 7, Vt half of taxes. Lots 19 and 20 In blk and tion 24, Tp. N the Padilla de Haca Second taxes. 600 vs bd V by MncBtnA S A'! V 1 4, W Amada Total $9.80, . L. V. T. Co. Rddltion. Taxes $22. Mrs. Crucio Cordovi taxes. The of XW the 12 4 20 the K 12 taxes. 1! of XW of section ard . - by S. Padilla, E by bordo, W by Palo half ot tax?s. 6 acres bd, X by river, C. nuitee-A- tax- 1. liot 2, In blk 3, Teltlelmum's addtt'on. SW of section 9, Tp. 16 X. R. 17 1,4 SB of Xestor de Baca. M 4() ;a penalty $1.11, publication 40c. To of of SW and XW of by E by A. W by rlv hill. S by 45"!, publica- 1 2 3 road, Salazar, 100 vs lxl N by river W l.y tal $23.73. Taxes $9.08, penalty publoi'.lon E. Taxes $14.08, penalty 70c, section 17. Tp. It X. R. 13E; the E es. by & V l.v V er; 32 vs. IkI X by A. C. de Padilla, S ales, B by Jullanlta, S by 4,.,.' Annie v. Ashley Second of 20c. Total $9.73. 35c. Total $15.13. 4 19. Tp. U N. R. Montoya...,,' half tion of XW of section by A. Ta;l Ha, B by ditch, W by river. TnP9 G. de Cordon All taxes. N 1 2 4 grant; land, no boundary Riven. Taxes taxes. 13 to 16 Inclusive In blk Saturnina Celso Maestas All taxes. The 13 E: the Bl-- 3 of SW ot sec. mil)I1,ation 70(. Toja,.,'',,$9.27, Ixts $5.14, penalty 26c, publication 6 7 In 11, L S & R ad 4 Taxes penalty. 55c, publication 70c. 4. Dlitnchard & Co. TaxeB Lots and block N'.W N of XW of Sec. 1--2 section 17 $10.90. addition. of 14 d and the B of XW 11 of pub- pe- 70c. Total $6.10. ( $29.61, dition. Taxes$13.16. penal'y 61c, 35 X, R 17 E. Taxes $11.25, 11 R. 13 B. Taxes $53.13, Total $12.21. No. 27. penalty $1.48, publication 40c, 3, Tp. In Tp. N. Precinct 40c. $11 21. publication 35c. Total $12.16 $1.75. Total MaHa Ignacla O de Baca All tax Total $31.49. lication Total nalty 56c?, $2.C6, publication 4. 12 In tax- Precinct No. 20 .N Ty s. by and Miguel M. P. Coislna All taxes. Lot Heirs of F. A. Manzanares All $57.54. es. acres lxl river, s Tomas Chavez All taxes. 400 yds Flladelfo Baca Second O. Gal- - 38 blk 2, T. Romero adlitlon. Taxes 250 vs. 11. X by M. Gonzales, S by Second half of ditch, E by S river. W by A bd X by P. S by P. Ta-dill- half of taxeH, acres bd N by Fried es. Ascension Chavez Julian E. Aragón Ail taxes 200 vs. Santillanes. Í16.44, penally 82c, pub". nation 0c. M., W by old Roraeroville road of secion 8, and the legos; 10 acres and Improvements at E bv L. Chavez. W bv R. do man ave. 3 by Ilfeld & Baca, E by F. A taxes. The SW bd. X by river, S by Geoffrion, E by F Total $17.48. :i75 acres bd N by F. A. M., S by A. A. .the XB 1-- or bia 1 Sanguijuela. Taxow $12.79i penalty .Gutierrez. Taxes $3.86. penalty 19c, Pecos creek, W by 4th st. 5 8 Interest; s of SE 14 Márquez, W by J. L. Martinez; house W. B. Crltes Al lamí, huts 0 to II B by road, W by Romerovile 9 XW of SW 64c. publication 70c. Total $13.13. publication 35c. Total $1.30. lots 5 and 6 and 15 to 18 Incl. in blk Senecal, of section and the bd X by C. A rascón, S and E by M Ma- Inc. In RelJllnger's a.Ult on. Taxes 13 C. W. All taxes. 453 acres 100 1 1, peuwli h.oj, 10. all in Tp. 9 X; R. E. J. Coxe ..XiraUs GaJlegos All taxew. 1, lots to 4 incl. in blk 7, lota 8 to road. Taxes of si. es, W by hills. Taxes $10.96, penalty $106.33. penalty $5.32, publication 40c. 70c. Total $29.90. penalty $1.07, publica except 23 12 chs. In the E side of Sec.'vs bd N by M. Jiron. S by J. Flores, I to S incl. 11 nnd 20 In blk 9; lots lication Taxes $21.33, 55c, publication 70c. Total $12.21. $112.05. All tax- tion 26. Tp 17 X R IS E. Taxes $22.56 B by P. road, W by mesa. Taxes 10 12 15 Total of Andres Martinez $23.10. Ind. and to Incl. in blk 8 lots t . Heirs tion 70c. Total N. C. de Baca & Bro All taxes The Albeit H. Delhi 3i-v.i- bni: tax-s- bd. by Lynch's fence, S All taxes. The h. i penalty $1.13, publication 35c. Total $30.30, penalty $1.52, publication 35c. es ICO acres Prim Galléeos T C. de Baca ranch, bd X by G. river 16 to 19 Incl In blk 10; lota 1 to 9 11 Bnd 12 In blk ñ Kl Dorado C 4 of lots Morales, E and W by hlghts. IS. the SW $24.04. Totnl $32.17 1 by J. of XB of section and C rights, S by O, right, E by" G. Inll In blk 12; lots to 17 Incl In blk addition. Taxes $20.7";, pjnMty $104, penalty 15c, publication 1 2 in seetin 17, Santiago Crespin All taxes. CG yds Rafaela R do Gutierrez All taxeR. Taxes $2.32, vV 14. the lots and W by C. rights. Taxes $19.35, 14; nil In Ilfeld & Baca addition; lots 40c. Total $22.19. penalty river, bd N by S. river, S by C. Wright, E 50 yds bd N by T. Olguln. S by J. publication X'. 14 B. Taxes $2.95 5--8 35c. Total $.42. Tp. 11 R. penalty 97c, publication 35c. Total A to O incl and lots 3, 7 and 8 and D9 iw1ddi- - Seo.'U naiT or Martinez All taxes. by J. Garcia y Maes, W by P. road; Jiron, E by T. Martinez, V by R. Ilenrv Jos Anasiaclo 15c, publication 35c. loiai of triangle; In blk 1; lots A and D to 5 ' if. bi: 19 S. M. T. 1 4, $20.67. varas N S. river, by Bino $2.01, penalty 1.5c, axei. l ots nni 2 W 14 of XE the Leyba Ail taxes me uti bd bv E Encintas. Taxes 1 The W of Justinlano Beatriz Otero de Delgado & Sons-- All F incl and to 23 Iwl In blk 2; lot Co. addittort. Taxo.i $r.4. penalty S of SW 14 4 canyon, E and W by P. Jones. Taxes publication 35c. Total $2.99. 4 of NW the 12 11.2 of NH 1.4. the SW of Xh D 12 t 14 20 SE n taxes. 80 acres bd X by M, Delga 17.88, to F Incl and incl and, 19c. publication til; Joial $10... , 1 of SW 8 Tp. penalty $1S9, publication 70c. Hammond & Blake All taxes. NW'1-4- E 2 of NW 14 4 of XW 14 of section of the and SE do, S by canyon, E and W by to 32 incl in hlk 4; lots A to F Incl W. F. Poll-Sej- ond h.rf taxps. 1 4 W i Water Total $40.47. Land bd X by J. F. Esnulbe, S and ft 4 SW , the 13 E. Taxes $9.46, penalty 1 the XE of 11 X. R. edge of canyon. Taxes $5.3S, penalty S. W and to 23 Incl in blk, 5; all in the prue-t-v is In' cf stock Sec. 26, Tp 15 $10.28. J. Everhard All taxes. The R by D. Martinez. W by J. Esquibel. Personal ron' of XW 14 of SE of publication 35c. Total 27c, publication 35c. Total $6.00. J. A. and A. Baca addition. Taxes Taxes $H 18. SI, penalty S8c, SE of Section 23. Tp 17 N, R 18 E. Taxes $2.71, penalty 14c, publication of merchandUe. X 18 E. Taxev $17. l.eyba All taxes The 4 $S.-55- . ?5-:- . R Natividad Pablo Garcia All tax.. 70 vs. bd. $16. penalty 80c, publication $111.99, penalty $5.60, publication 74c, publication Totil $17 37. 11 R. 13E. Taxes Taxes ,35c. Total $3.20. 35c. Tota' $19.04 4 bcc. 4. Tp. N. 1, -- A l unification of N by Water canyon, S by G river, E fie. To al $17.15. , Montoya tax- - Total $126.14. Ascención Pom'nf; z uxes. -- taxes. The 3jc. Jose Encarnación All Richard A. woney All $10.72, penalty 54c, publication Trinidad G. de Baca Second half L. S R. by H. Garcia, W by C. Rosenwald; Jore N. Gallegos All taxes. 42 vs lew. 200 varus bd X by Reto de Sap Pa- - Ixit 5 in blk H. addition. Total $1161. & bd. X by P. M. de Garcia, of taxes. 30 vB bd N by B & M Co., 8 $4.15, ..oiilty 21c 1 ublictiticn 10 XW house lot bd N by Red hill, S by S. river, B by 'bio, s by J. Ma. Pino, E by land of Taxes 4 of s.'fttlon and Leyba All taxes, nouse V 1 of SW Emiterlo S, B W H. Garda, axes $8.73 G. do Montoya, V by F. Gallegos; by A. Sena, E by Pecos creek, W by 20c. $4 56. Tp 16 N R 17 s uy and b" owner, W by T. and A. Taxes Tolal 4 10, all in ami bd X bv F. Leyoa, 23 of section lot penalty 41c, publication 70c. Total 30 vs bd X Sit- - G. river; lots 12 to Incl nnd 26 to Pn rick Duean All taxes. Lot u. 68c, publica- y Mares, W by Sanello river, S by $10.75, penalty 54c, publication 35c E. Taxes $13.50, penalty Sandoval, E by L. Chavez 33 Incl in blk 4; lots 5 to 27 Inc4 in 10. addition. Taxes 71 $9.87. va creek, E and W by A. G. Gallegos. Totnl $11.61. In block T. Romero $14.88. Leyba. Ta-e- s $14.13, penalty 31 10- - tion 70c. Total by C. Bonifacio Garcia Second half of Taxes $7.18. penalty 36c, publication m, m. McSchonler All taxes. Land blk 5; lota 9 to Incl in blk 7; lot 5.32. penalty 27. publication 200. IX Padilla Socond half 35c. Total 1 Francisco publication $i&.i. taxes. 40 vs bd X by C. rgiht, S by 0c. Total $8.24. formerly of W. W. Rawlins, bd N by triangle C and to 56 incl in blk 8; tal $5.76. 1(10 bd. N by J. Daca, S. l.eyba All taxes. 101 of taxes. acres Francisco N Montoya, E by Ma. Lucero, W by Clotilda G. do Gallegos All taxes, by W by lota 1 to 12 incl In hlk 9, all In Pablo Mra f'nrm-i.f:- l Plir 1" All tl.XI S. gov. Ley- - J. hills. S mesa. E by creek, J. 13 and W by by gob. land. S by J. 1 Tax- S by P Padilla. acres bd. X M. Martinez: 12 vs. bd N by S Garcia acres be! N by A. O. Gallegos, 3 and Ma. Pino Taxes $53.7G, penalty $2.69, Baca addition; lots 21 to 31 Incl and txjt 7 In blk I addition. $4.50, penalty 23c, publi W land. Taxes to (c. land. Taxes .:. E and b" ?ov iiv.n s W by river, E by dllch. Taxes E by S. river. V by A. G. Gallegos; 'publication 35c. Total $56.80. to 96 lncJ in Pablo Baca 2nd addition; es $17.66, penr.lty 8c. public itbn $5.08. Penalty 35c. Total and .cation 35c. Tolal 52c, iublatlon $1.98, penal'y 25c, publication 70c. To- land bd N and S by A. O. Gallegos, E Prudencio Santlllanes All taxes. lots 11 to i4 Incl In blk 1; lota 1 to 3 Total $18 74 D. Romero All taxes I Guadalupe de $11.31- - tal $5.93. by heire of S. Gallegos, W by J. M. 160 acres bd N by B. Coca, S by T. Incl and 11 and 20 In blk 8; lots 4 to 7 J P. Fonner A'l taxes, uot in Gonzales, S by roay - bd. X by H. Macarlo Leyba aii taxes. iu & All taxes. $7.80, penalty V 3 11, T. Romero addition. Taxes Laid road, Geoffrion Desmarais de Martinez. Taxes Olguin, E by tneslta, by C. Right, and 16 to 19 incl In blk 9; lota 1 to block W by Romerovllle O. Lathrop. a oy r. $1-- 20c. and G. river, bd N by ijV; 200 acres bd X by round oak. S, E and 39c, publication 70c. Total $8.89. land bd N by D. Atencto, 9 by creek, and 12to 15 Incl In blk 10; 10 o $24 67, penalty 3, puV.toitbn road, h-- i V. Taxes lot O- - W by Romerovllle Lopez. W Chavei. E by rlv.'v. by J. W by Mwa. Taxes $36.82, penalty Albino G. Gallegos All taxes. 375 W by A. Crespin, II by J. I). Santll- IS Incl in blk 11; lots 1 to 17 Incl In Total $26.10. 500 vs. bd. N by J. S. 5'.'c publlcatln 35c. L,jt'' 7 B by G rivi r. $10.45, pena'ty $1.84. publication 35c. Total $39.61. vs bd N by hills north of S. river, S lanes. Taxes $22.70, penalty $1.13. 15; & Albinlto Sallnvi-- All W blk nil in the Ilfeld Baca addl T?t-p- s Brqulbei, rond. E by C rights, $1132. G. F- - & & nddlUon. 0 Total Teodoro Gomez Al taxes. 300 yds. by hills, S of S. river. E by Ma. I. publication 70c. Total $24.53. tlon; lots triangle 1 and 4 In blk 1; and 8 In blk 4. L. '' $102.70, penalty $a.l3. AH t.ixes. iou aom 4tc. by river. Tai" Fidel Ley'a bd X by Mesa. S ty boido, E by J. de Baca, W by P. R. Co; 42 vs bd N lots 36 to 38 and B, and C In blk 2; $8.23, penalty 'e, publicVlm 70t... Total $108.53. ,h v hv Gov. land S by A. Sandoval. by by publication Garcia, W by I. Garcia. Taxes $3.51 by red hill S Sapello river, E Precinct Noi 28 lots 1 and 2 and A to C Incl in blk 4; Total $9.04. All taxes The m . y Mares, W by C. Ley All taxes. Apolonlo Roybl-- hv Chavez penalty 17c, publication 35c. Total N. Gallegos, W by A. Gallegos; 250 24 .18 Incl blk 6, A. S. de Gallegos 14 XE 68c, publica lots to In all In J. Petrita ad- 1-- 4 SE of $13.63, penalty O. 100 2, Baca 2 of XE of NK ba. Taxes $4.03. acres bd N by S. road, S by Ma. I. Mori leo Anaya All taxes. vt A. Lots 3 and 4 In blk Pablo I in and Baca addition. Taxes $125.65 1-- 2 X1Í1-- 0 SB $14.60. M. Clc, pub- 14. the N of tion 35c. Total Samuel Gomez All taxesu 200 vb bd do Baca, E by L. V. road, W by jbd N by J. Carillo, S by C. rtRht, E penalty $6.2S, $9.75. Total dition. Taxes $10.28, penalty 1 ' All taxes, nome- - iubllcation Sec. 28, and the Sl-- 2 of NW J 9Nf Jesus Ma. Grtiz X by mesa, E by J, fi. Garcia. W by G. de Martinez. Taxes $41.59, penal- by N. L. Rosenthal. Taxes $5.76, pen. lication 40c. Total $11.19. N $141.68. 27 the S 4 of XW 14 and jt on i! In section 28. TP. Jl S by T. Gomez. Taxes $1.73. pen- ty $2.08, publication $1.05. Total $44.. alty 29c, publication 35c. Total $6.40. Rafael Gallegos All taxes. Lot Tp publication 35c. lake, William T. Beckham. All taxes. XW 14 of SW of Sec. 27. all in $37.43, penalty $1.87, 21c, 35c. Total $5.32. William noylan All taxes. Part of 2. L. S. & R. addition. Tazes alty publication 1 3 In 9, ad- In block penalty pc. . 23 lt.s to Incl bJk L. 20c. 15 X, R 17 B. Taxes $1.17, Total $39.65. Juan Jose Herrera y Jimenez All Isldor V. Gallegos & Son Second sections 28 and 23, Tp 12 N, R E, lez $2.G7. penalty 13c, publication All taxes, dition. Taxes $21.39, penalty $1.07, publication 35c. Total $1.58. Trwn nrt-- v Pino rartoi bd N by Water canyon half of taxes. Uind at Sanguijuela containing 160 acres. Taxes $179.-7- $3.00. - SB of taxes. Land publication 40c. Total $22.80. Total S. Zimmerman All taxes, see. 4, Tp. 10. N. R. 13E; the G. E by D. Garcia, grant, bd N by Ma. Ignacio G. de Ba- penalty $8.99, pubjication 35c. To- All taxes. Lots 8. 9 Minnie cieek, S by river, Bidden & Mills 1 E B. Gallegos SW 4 oí SE a see m All taxes. Lots 34, r. The E 12 of SE the cv - Jots ana in u. W by O. Araron; land bd. N by M. S. ca, S by el Alamo, E by road, W by tal $189.01. one half of 10. In block H. S. i lo 4 Incl. In block 13a, In Ivjpez or and 4 E 12 of or sr. 14 the SB 4 of SW the 11 X R It's; tie Ma i.i Tapia, S by J. Herrera, E b y Vega' J. A. Denial. Taxes $18.54, penalty Telesfor Chavez All taxes. The Co. addition. Taxes $18.09 Penalty 1C X, d" Zion Hill addition. Taxes $52.64, pen 4 of Sec. 15, Tp 24, 94c. publication 35c. Total $19.83. SE 14 of NW 14. and NB of SV COc. Total fV 14 of SW of sec. TP i creek, W by mesa; 40 acres not bd. alty $2.63. publication 40c. Total 90c, publication pub 4 4 R 17 E. Taxes $10.13. penalty 51c, terest In SW n n Taxes $245.35, penalty $12.27, publica" Julian R. Garcia AH taxes. 100 and NW of NB of section Garcia All taxes. Lota $55.67. Pebecca -- R- TaXGR ,27'8T Wil- 23 E. 35c. Total $10.99 10 N. - 14B. v"n' vs bd N by hill, S by river, W by 6, Tp 12 N. R Taxcv $12.28. 12. S. B. add lication 14 Tp tion $1.05. Total $258.77. Bidden & L. V. T. G. I. Co. All to 5 Incl. In block U publication Tot. $30.82 160 liam Frank, E by A. Sena. Taxis penalty Clc, publication 35c. Total penalty 61c, publi- a'tv $1.40, Himplo Maes All taxes. acres taxes. Lots 1 to 8 Incl. in block 7 tlon. Taxes $10.37, No. 18. y Plno-- All tfixos. The $12.29, penalty 61c, publication 35c. $13.24. Precinct Pedro Ortiz hd N by top of hill, F' by Cerrlto. E lo's 17 to 20 incl. in block Jots 13 cation 40c. Total $11.18. 1(4, th SB 4 of XW Total $13.29. O L. Curtis All taxes. An undi- 1. taxos. SW 14 of XB by corner of Goat spFlna, W by road. to 18 Incl. In block 11. lota 14 to 20 .Torus Ma. Gncla-- All Ijt y Lucero 14, XE of SW Teófilo Garcia Second half of tax- in Preston Beck & 8. addi- of Felipe Delgado NW of SE the $36.35, penally $1.83, publica- vided interest the G 14 in block 4. U S. Heirs the SW Taxes Incl. in Mock 12, lots and 7 In block 13 and 4 2. Tp. 12 XE 14 of es. 125 vs bd N by river, S by hills, grant in the undisputed portion which 8c, publica- All taxes. The NB of sec. the NW of SE tion 35c. Total $36.08. 13. m in the L. S. & R. addition. All tion. Tax $1.65. penalty penalty 54c, SW of NW M of K by M. Jimenez, W by O. Chavez. Is In San Miguel county. Taxes $250, X. R. 20 E. Taxes $10.75, Interest in the U Marco Maes Second half of taxes of blocks 14 to 1G Incl. In river bed tion 40c. Total $213. 14 B. Taxes $18.30 Taxes $3.10, penalty 16c, publication penalty $12.50, publication 35c. Total 5 publication 35c. Total $11.64. sec 34 Tp. 10 N. R. 300 vs. bd X by O. river, S by Agutlar Taxes $47.71, penalty $2.39 publica- Gibson & Seitz-- All taxes. Lots taxes. Part or 70c. Total 35c. Total $3.61. $262,85. 2, L. S. ft R. ' Placido Gurule All penalty 91c, publication Mesa. B by stonci on river, W by S. tion $2.40. Total $52.50. t0 7 incl. in block X.- 25 B. Taxes Jose M. Gonzales Second half of Anastaclo Duran All taxes. 75 vs 49c, publi- 11, Tp. 12 R. - 270 X by $9.87, penalty section $1991- . . . AM Padilla; vs. Ixl. F. Márquez, Clara Bell All taxes. Lot 13 and W tlon. Taxes publication 3oC. . y.. axes. 138.75 acres beginning at the bd N and B by river. S by Jesus GaV $10.30, penalty 81c, Antonio Fnndovai S by hill, E by stone on river, W by 12 of 14 and 15 and B 2 of II In bis cation 40c. Total $10.76. 4 e EW M corner of claim which Is identical legos. W by hill: house nnd lot bd of tax- Total $17.46. taxes. The N 12 of SB river. $12.46, penally 62c, pub 3, Rosenwaid & Co. addition. Taxos Glese Second half Tnxs Gon- - A. S E by bill, W by Charle i sec, 34. Tp. 11 N. R. 12L with the NE .corner of Ricardo X by Baros, and of lots 5 and ,f B f Mention 70o. Total $13.78. mill, $55.31 penalty $2.77, publicat'on 80n es. Biillard's subdivision No. U. 3, Tp. 10 N R. 12E: zalea, thence N 63 degrees E 4.16 p. lsnd; house and hit bd N by Co. addition. Precinct and lot 2 in sec. Vld.tlla .1 Montano All taxes. 170 Total $58.91. 4 In block 17, U V. T. 34. N chains, thence S 15 degrees, E 31;9 a by street. E by L. Duran, V by 1). publica- B 12 of NB 14 in sec. the N A. by C. tax-s- , penalty $127. the vdr bd by P. de Maes. S G. cbp.lns. N penalty 61c, Mrs. Evallne Benjamin All Taxes $25.50. All taxes. 4 35c. Tp 11 N R nr 1.1 f a thence 4.16 chains, thence Atencio. Taxes $12.12, Jose de la Cruz Aragón of NW 1 of sec. .onwes vv ny 10.10,j. h. no. oy lots 1 to 5 Incl. (a naif Interest) 40c. Total $27.17. S by T. "' ir H.p w M7 ot.nlrm to tho NW ,.1lM,!1,n ti 05 Totiil Í13.7S tion of 25 acres bd N by A. Jaramillo. 12E. Taxes $23.05 penalty ,1.1, Pb gate, S by F Sanchez E by high a);, In block 3. Ilfeld & Baca addition. Luble Gilstrap-Sec- ond half tav Tax-e- rorner n,a(,fl of bPRinll,nf.; 40 nilnIel Flores-- All taxes. Land bd 34. Apodaca, E by river. W by ditch. 70e. Total $25.53. by M. GHIhws Taxe 25 to 2 incl. in block 38, If. S. T. 6 1 4 of 7. In block II. lication moun'ain, W J. f ,)d TftX(,s 4fi penal,y s ,)V r,.P(k B ,,v n. ly.pez, N by G. Uits ps Iot and penalty 65c, publication 3c. Tapia All taxes. 160 acres y penalty Taxes $2.96, pen- $13.08, Faus'in pen-i- 010. pui.iicftton vo 70c. $10.63. W C. Baros. Taxes $10.11 Co. nddltton. Taxes $167.78, 5 T. Co. addition. not bd. Taxes $K..3Z. penalty iU publication Total river, by 40c. Total $3.61. Total $14.08. of land Total $17.43" ' taxes, $8.39, publication 80c. Total $176.97. alty 15c. publication 35c. Total $16.44. Jose E. Gonzalez y Baca All rvnnlty 55c, publication 35c. Totnl tax-- Pedro Aragón All taxes. 160 acres 77c, publication PeiVo Quintana half of Mrs. Xeille Tllgford All taxes. Lot Mary Coin Second half of Ortega-- Tapia All taxes. 160 "end Tjgnd M x by rlveri s by foot f n 01 Mrs bd N and S bv Mesa, W by F. Rosendo taxes, bd N by P. Mpea, S 13 In 7, L. S. & R. nddl"on, Taxes 11. 12 and of 10 In block $16.01. ion varas K by M Jimlnez, W by Lmcer--1 Gregorio Florer All taxes. Land blk Ix)ts Taxes $27.77, penalty acres of land not bd. Taxes Wfí. 7c, 2oc. To- Taxes $18.09, by Mesa. by C. Araaon, E by road, W by Cerri 2gr. Taxes $14.24. penalty N S by hill. B by J. D. $1.32. penal'y publication L V T Co. addition. $29.51. penalty 80c. publication 35c. Total m vs. bd bv river, ' COc. 35c Total y Total $1.39, publication to; 66 vs. bd. N by J. J. Quintana, S 7 publication 35c. Total $16.30. W by Flores. Taxes $3. pen-- tal $i.59. penalty 60c, publication All taxes. House $17.16. , Paros. U Marcos Castillo 160 edge of Cnnada, B by P. Maes?, W, All taxes. 138 35c. $3.50. Claris A. lloardman All taxes Lot $19 29. by P land Mauricio Tp'a All taxes. Ricardo Gonzales altv 15c, publication Total tax- X, a. R and W - tax-nez- , Tuxes Second half ot and lot bd. bd N, S and E by gov. by Cerrlto; 100 yds bd X by T. Jime- arTW) beginning at the NW corner of Manuel Flores y Esquibel All 12 In blk 1. T. Romero addition Chnrles Gon $2.11. penalty 11c. publication acres of land 13c, publication 20c. To- 35 Incl. In block 2. Ros- Taxes V. TapMa. Taxes $9.67. pen- S by cad, E and W by road, 66 ciam thence N 63 degrees, K 4.16 es. r0 vs IhI N by 0. river. S by hill, $2.63, penalty es Tots 33 to 'and, W by $3.95. 35c. Total $2.57. $10.49 s. bd X by heirs of J. de D'os Macs, S 15 degrees E 337 V. Taxes $12.31, penalty tal $2.96. enwald & Co. addition. Taxes All taxes alty 47c, publication 35c. Total chains, thence E by Baros. d Gallegos K-ic- res "3 40c. Petrita L. All taxes. q by Bardo, E by P. vuintana, W by chains, thence W 4.16 chains, thence T,2c, publication 35c. Total $13.28. EfTio I. Brown All Uxoj Lot penalty 20c. publication Total A. B. Gallegos, S Manuel Tenorio 160 acres hd N by pectlons 2" end 14; ro 'd; 100 vs bd X by Ios Herreras, 9 x 15 degrees, W 336 chains to the Jose Martinez y Garcia Second to 36 Incl l:i blk 24 ot 3G building lots $4.55. by Gov. land. W by of land In by A. Gonzales, E by C. bv P Quintana. E by Bordo, W by Cer XW corner and place of beginning, of taxes. 160 acres bd N by T. addition. Taxes $10.53, pen.V'y 53r, Filomeno Gonzales All taxes. Lots $8.00, penalty 75 vs. Bd X by Mesa. S Lucero. half 'C. U. d Ixpez. Taxes 100 Taxes $5.22, penalty 26c. publi- - Taxes $8.64, penalty 43c, publication Brlto, S by M. Lucero. B by F. Mar-catio- publication 40c. Total $11.4 5. 17 to 22 Incl. and half of 23, In block $8.75. B by river, W by summit of hill; rito. 40c, publication 35c. Total $7.23. $9.42. D. $8.35, Mae B. Uzee. Lots 31 T. addition. Taxe $5.2C, ydg of M. ' by mesa, S by C. Du $1.75. Total ,35c. Total tlnz, W br Enclnias. Taxes BrownsAll 11, nibarrl Ana M. R. do GardunaAU taxet laod

qualnr, l"e tunt umuc v 1 Do en remedio para la tos & mi se por conseguirla conformán I'' lia rcir,i..m Foley para los linones. venta quier otro afana guaranty ixver runl out. V-- .t Our o spruceáT Ka 1 " - K'.. tr "I.. la Botica de la Ouz Koja y O, G. conocimiento." De venta n todas dose con lo que tiene. feo 11 by aulhorlxi-- dvnlur ni urcci nt ii mji y. ..r rv II ski, S by C. Martines. E by road. W Taxes $6.31, penalty 32c, publication penalty ICC, publication CJc ToUl Dominga Maxtlnex All tuts. Lot Francisco S una All taxes. LoU t to Leo Wright half of taxes. ponalty 2Cc, publication 20c Total R- 2G (by G river; 75 vs. N and E by O 35c. Total $6 98. fC.12. 13 In block 4, L. S. A R-- aaalUon.-Taxe- c 10 lncl. In block 13, L S. ft - addi- Lot la block 2. Rosen aid ft Co. $7.89. bl $1,4 4. pub- 3 'river, 8 by road, W by bills; bous Gregorio Maestas All taxos. 400 vat. L Grant Second half of tax-o-n $2.10, penalty 11c, publication tion. Taxs $28.75. penalty addition. Tax? $9.05, na!ty 45c. Sverlano Montoya All taxes. Crscs publication and lot bd. N by S. Martines, 8 by F bd X by O. Sandoval, fi by S. Wal- loU 5 ta S incL In block 3S. II. 20c ToUl $2 41. lication 4oc. Total $3059. 2"c. ToUl $9.70. acre bd X by P. Gonzales. S and W Mrs. Wright Second half j Padilla. E by railway. W by oad; lace, E by road. W by los pinos; 146 3. T. Co. addition, and all taxes on Romualdo Martines Second half Mrs. L. A. Shank Second half of U Poole by Cuchillos. E by L. Vigil; 70 vs. bd 1 house yds bd X by P. Maeetaj, & by A. 3, 20 Ix!3 25 and 2C, block 27. S. of taxes. IM 2 In block 10. V. T. X and S by Cuchillos, E by P. Vigil, and lot with same boundaries. loU II to 16 lncl. In Work Pablo of taxes Lot la bik I, L S. R. taxes la Maestas, E by W by road; 10D M. T. Co. edition. Taxes $21.39. pen- Co. addition. Taxe $26.01, penalty W by I. Lucero. Taxes $174, penalty Taxes $13.11, penalty 66c, publication fence. Haca addition. Taie 1109.23, penalty addition. Taxes $2.02, penalty $115, yds bd XI by S by Mora alty $107, publication 40C. Total $1.30, publication 20c. Total $2i.51. 24e, publication 7"c. ToUl $5.68. $1.40. Total $15.17. P. Maestas. $546, publication 0c Total 1115.49. publication 20c Total $24.28. road. E by F. B.ea, W by Mora road. $22.86. lien Young All taxes. Lots 21 and D. All taxej. 550 ; Agapito Sanchez Second halt of Mxirtha Green All taxes. 40 Felix Martinex All taxes. Lot 11 Manuel Montoya Taxes penalty $1.62, publica- acroi 22 in block 10, T. Romero addition. L. 'taxes. 50 vs. bd X by Z Sanchex. S $331. M. by In blk 2, RoacnwaJd 41 Co John Shank Second half of taxe. vb. bd X by T. Martinez. S by of and bd. X by Mar. J. Wood. 8 sddltloi. Taxes $16.ím'i. 84c, publication by J. Quintana, E by W tion $1.05. Total $34.93. Taxes $26 32, West 25 feet of lots I to 3 lncl. In Quintana. E by A. Vitfl, W by C. Lu ede of bill. J. & J. S. Raynolds, W by Mora road. penalty $1.32. publica 40c. $18.1 1). Cayetano Martinez of block 8, I V. T. Co. addition. Taxes Total cero; 8o vs. bd X by road, S by ditch, by Crestón; 20 vs. bd N by M. Vigil. Second "alf K by A. Green; ICO acres of land not tlon 20c. Total $27.84. All taxes. Ix)ta taxes. 60 vs. bd X S $16 00, penalty $2.30, publication 40c. Unknown owners E by E Upez, W by R. do Herrera. S by P.. Lopez, E by heights, W by by P. land, by bounded. Taxes $115.64, penalty $178. Panchón C. Mills All taxes. Lot 1 4 1, 5 hill, E byj M. W by Total $iS.70. to lncl. in bbxk and lots snd Taxes $11.04, penalty 55c. publication 'old river; 160 acres bd N by Canada top of Montoya, Tuc. $122.02. 21 and 22 blk 9, L. 8. ft R. addition; 6 2 I publication Total in block Fairvlew addition. Taxet $12 29. IS by P land. E by ere ston, W by land. Taxes $3.76, penalty 44c, lots 10 In blk 4, Fa-nu- Shank, Kawllns & Rhodes Seconal 7oc. Total Alfred Green All Uxes ICO acre and U ed f9 e. penally l'c, pulillcation mc. jedKu publication 35c. Total $9.65. dttlon. Taxes $98 05, penV.y $4f0, half of taxe. Land, 127 feet north to Vicente Sanchez A'l taxs. 23 vs. of mountain; house and lot bd. of land bd N by 11 Grain, tí by land Total $10.1. X by road, 8 by M Maes, by Jose E. Ramirez All taxes. 600 publication 80c Total $103.."f. south and 7"0 feet east to webt, bd. bd E by R. Trujillo. W by J. C. Mar- E II. formerly of Wiley, E by C right, W I'nknoMi owners All taxe. Ixj's .Martinez, w by D. Frosquez. Taxes yds bJ X by S. Lucero, S by P. Do- .Mrs. J. F.. Moore All tax-ii- . Per-son- 5 by Friedman Uros., W by ditch, N tinez. 8 by Cuchillo, X by another by M. Groen Taxes $213 84, penalty l to 12 ind. in block 50, and Iota 7 to ;$1.19. penalty 21c, publication $1.40, mínguez, E by P. Maestas, W by Cu- property consiidntj of house- by Raynoldi and Harrold addition; Cuchillo. Taxes $198, penalty 10c, $10.09. publication Sic. Total $224.88. 15 lncl. and lot 2 In block 62, liuena .Total $5.80. chillo; ISO v bd B by M. Casaus, V hold furniture and items. Tx-.- lots 1 to 5 and 17 to 21 lncl. in block publication 35c. Total $2.43. It. E. L Hammond All taxes. othr Vista addition. TaxeH $18.09, penalty by A. Vigil, X and S by Cuchillo. Tax- $32 90 penalty $1.j1, jmbllcatlon I, and lots 1 to 5 and 17 to 21 lncl. In VlKll All taxes. 130 vs. The Las Vegas Driving Park and Lots 31, 32 and half of 33 In Ilk 2, 9oe, publication $1.00. Total $19 99. Remigio es $32.62. penalty $1.63, pub'xation 35c Total $34 S9. block 2, all in Raynolds & II. addition. W by I. Vigil, S Fair Association All taxes. 200 t.s A. A. Ha. a addition; lot 3 In blk bd E by E. Allrt. 70c. Total $34.95. J. Taxes $128, 21c, publication Unknown owners All taxes. Ixts j bd. X by E. Sanchez, S by J. D. Mar- l!t.lrs of M igrie Mm tell All t.u.e and X by Cuchillo; 97 vs. bd E by M. Filemon Sanchez All taxes. Land 3. I'ublu Baca addition; lota 22 and 25 26 Reiilngers rlr-e- -, lliiena-viHt- a $1 95. 44. and in addition. II. Montoya,E by G. Loti 8 to 11 inc. In bU 4C, Total $6 Vigil, W by E. Allre; 48.3 4 vs. bd E tinez and J. bl X by F. A. de by 23 In blk 46, liueua VMi addlUon. Times $0.58, pi unity 33c, publicailon W by railway, recorded In Book Sanchei. S P. addition; lota 20 and 1 In b k Singer Sewing Machine Co. Second by A. J. Vigil, W, by P. J. Garcia; 11 Sanchez, E by top W by $1(7.80. penalty $4 89, publica- toe. Total $7.:',i. Inter-'es- of mountain, Tans 14, Ixipex or Zlon Hill addition Tax- half of taxes. I'ernonal property con vs. 8 by Cuchillo. E by C. 57, page 4, and and undivided t Total $103.89. bd N and Terremote. Taxes $3.43, peralty 17c, tion $12. s Unknown All txaes. in 300 bd X by J. & I. S. Ray es $SS,83, penalty $441. publication slstlng chiefly of titock of fcowlug oneri Lots Lucero, W by H. Valdez. Taxes $10.00, v8 publication 35c. Total $3.95. F. V. Hanson Second Lalf of tax-e- . 23 21 In block 3, Raynolds & Har-rold-s nolds, 8 by by fence, W by HOr. Total $94 07. Taxes $10.45, penalty 82c, ami penalty 30c, publication $140. Total hill.E rail Torlbio Sanchez All taxes. 60 vs. Low VI and half of 10 In blk 1, addition. Taxes $.4.30, penalty way, recorded In Rook 67, page 2; 60 Charles McCulley Second half of publication 25c. Total $17.62. $11.90. bd X' by top of mesa, V by same, y Ortwgr addition. Taxes $11X2, penal- V 17c. publication 4Uc. Total $3.87. I vs. bd X by J D . Martinez, 8 by J. & taxes. The 125 feet of lots 21 and Mis. Samuel A. Smith Second half Agustín Vigil All taxes. 77 acres E. Aragón, E by I Sanchez. Taxes ty publication 40c. Total $12.00. Lu- IJ. S. Raynolds, E by hills W by rail-!wa- !,:. in, In blk A, lioBenwald addition. of taxes Lots S to 10 lncl. in block A. Unknown owners All taxes. IitH not bounded. 30 acres bd E by E. $4.06. penalty 20c. publication 35c. To- John W. Hanson All taxes. Lots recorded In Hook 67, page 2.; Taxet $13.16, penalty GOe, publication Rosenwald aiMltlon. Taxi-- s $19.48, II and 15 in blin k 1. Iota 18 and 19 In jan, W by L Lujan. X and S by moun- tal $4.61. 14 Mk 3, L. S. & It. ad- 150 vs. X S on wests lde 12 to lncl. In 40c. Total $14.22. penalty $197, publlcatln too. Total bbxk 9, lots 2 to 4 ind. and 22 to 25 tain,' piece of land bd E by J. F. Jara to situated Ezequlel Sanchez All taxes. 200 $10.86, penalty D4c, pub- !of river, 3 miles north of town of Las dition. Taxes Mrs. Maud McDonald All taxes. $11.8.1'. ind. In block 13, It. itaca additlon.Tax-e- mllo, S by R. Vigil. B by mill ditch; vs. Id N by road, S by ditch, E by lication 40c. Total $1180. 19 In 11. I V. Co. addi- penalty 90c, publication by W by L. Vegas, bd X by J. D. Martinez, 3 by Lot blk T. Smlth--Secon- d $18.0. landiVl E J. Itamlrez, town, W by hills; 1047 J. H. half of taxes. by O W vs. bd X by James V. Hanson Second half of tion. Taxes $24. C7, penalty 11,23, pub- $1.60. Total $20.59. Quintana, X and S by mountain. Tax- J. & J. 8. Raynolds E river, Crestón. S by Lot 15 In block 19, Lopez or Zlo'i hill Book 54, atone wall, E ly Canon, taxes, l ot 30 in bik jl, liuuna. Vibta lication 20c. Total $26.10. Unknown owners All taxes. es $117.90. penaltv $3.S9, publication by railway, recorded in W by iiililitlon; lutx 12 and 13 In blocn 01, Ixt . Cuchilla Taxes $8.86, penalty ny page 632-- 50 vs. bd. X by F. A. M., S addition. Land bd E Manx maros, I N. McXetue Second Sialf of H. S. T. Co. addition. Taxes 58, 2 In block 1, Or'cga addition. Taxes $1.40. Total $125.19. 41c, publication 70c. Total $10.00. N by Midn by J. H. Montoya, E by edgo oi blU, W by Graaf & Hayarl, taxes Personal property consisting lmalty publication C'tc. Tot:i $1.9.1. penalty 25c, publication 20c. Francisco Sandoval All taxes. 1.0 3::. Precinct No. 31. W by to river, recorded In street, S by Diamond ttreet. Taies chiefly of household furniture. Taxes $7.61. Total $5.28. hill next vs. bd X by S. Padilla, S by M. San- 65c. $9.87, 'book 55, page 75. Taxes $40.00, pen- $11.52, penalty 6Sc, publication penalty 49c, publlcatloo 35c. Roblna J. Smith All tax ? 23 Unknown owners All taxes. Iit)t All taxes. doval, E by F. Sandoval, W by Boi.l .; Lo's Desiderio Chavez Land alty $2.00, publication $1.75. Total Total $12.65. Total $10.71. and 21 In block 2, and lots 10 and 17 16 and oik! half of 13 In block 1; lots 11 X and S by roads, E by E. Gotir 185 vs. bd X by M. Sandoval, S by C. $13.75. Mrs. Annie Hartnian AH taxes. J. Northcraft Second half of In block I, nnd tots 26 tnd 27 n otock II to 40 lncl. in block 2; lots 3 to 12 zahM, W by C. Martlrez. Taxes $4.67, B by Bordo, W by Alamo, a; I Vigil. All taxes. 100 vs IxjIs 7 and 8 In blk 25. of 36 build- taxeH. Personal property consuitng A, all In Pablo Haca addition; loin lncl. nnd 21 to 31 ind. 4n block 3; lots penalty 23c, publication 35c. Mariano 50 vs. bd N by M. Sanchez, S by A. and Total by M. F. ing lots addition. Taxes $11.52, pen- chiefly of stock of liquors and sa.ot n 6 and 7 in Mock 2, Martnoz addition; 15 to 40 Ind. In block 4, lots 5 to 14 $5.15. bd X by river, 8 by hill, E Suazo, E by Mora road, W by govern- 03, K 10 I.linilnez, W by Vigil. 20 vs bd N alty 5Sc, publication 40c. Total $12.-6- fixtures and furtnltuie. Taxes $23 lot in block 1. Ito...iv,',tld .t ('. ao and 22 to Ind. tn block 5. lots 1 to Jiise Ma. Chavez All taxes. 8 acres J. ment land. Taxes $24.64, penalty 5 8 by road. E by F $1.23, penalty $1.15, publication 35c Total dition. Taxey $19.35, 'nual'y ?2 47, Ind. and 25 to 34 ind. in, block 9, bd M by J. M. Iopez, S by G. Gon- bv J. J. Quintana. publication $1.05. Total $2(192. $24 53. all In & ad- by Taxes $6.10, X. I. 0 llazzard All taxes. Lota 33 publication $1,80. Total $5.3.62. IH'z, SulzbacbfT Sterns zales. K by river, W by ditch. Taxes Ortega. W Crestón. Segura All taxes. 173.48 .cíes Jnmes Purcell tax-I.rt- ,t dlUon. $165.011, 31c, publication 70c. Total bd X to 28 lncl. In blk 4, J. A. and A. Haca Second half of V. M. Spirits All t.'X'.s. L.,ts 1 to Taxes penalty $8.23, $14.71, penalty 74c, publication 35c. .penalty by line of Mora grant, S by p. of addition. Taxes $19 74, penalty 99e, lots 8 12 Inc and lots 3 to t lncl. and lots 16 and 17 In block 6. publication $:ir,o. Total $176.83. Total $15.80. S7.ll Sanchez, E by Terremoto, W by H.i ra 7 In 2, ad- Vigil All taxes. 110 bd publication 40c. Total $21.13. inc blk Juan Jose Ixtpcz L. S. & It. addition. Taxe $51X8, Unknown owners All taxes. Lots Pablo Chavez All taxes. Part of Pablo ts. road. Taxs $Ü75, penalty $2 14, dition. Taxes $11.13, penalty $2.06, $2.58, I to 13 lncl. nnd 16 to 30 lncl. In block X by T. Gausfclon, S by M. Jimenez, pubUcatlon 35c. Total $45.24. N. O. Herman Soc.ond half of penalty publication 80c. Total section 10, Twp. 11 X. R. 13E, 160 publication 8M. Total $13.99. 1; lots 5 to 3d lncl. In block 2, lots 1 to E by river, W by hill; 20 vb. bd X by Juan Garcia y Segura All ta- - taxes. I'ersonal property contesting $55.06. acres. Taxes $26.83, penalty $1.34, es. Jamos A. IUynoldn All taxes. Per- Mlus Ada Sparks At( II lncl. and 16 to 30 lncl. in block 8, publication 35c. Totnl $28.52. J. Juintana, S by C river, 10 vs bd 160 acres bd N by A. T. & S. F Rv, S of stock ii paints and other . taxt. Iots sonal property. Taxes $6.58, penalty 14 15 In 6. R. addi- bus 20 to 30 lncl. In block 9, lot 30 Y X by ditch, 8 by river, E by A. San- by mesa. E by J. Uenavldes, W by J. Taxes $7.08, penalty 35c, publl-fiitli- and block US. ft Toodoslo Chavez Márquez All 33c. publication 35c. $f.'.0. Taxo-- i in block 10, 1 26 to 30 W by M. Otero; lot bd N by Perea. $14.43, pub- Zip.. Total tion. $12.78, penalty $2.14. pub- lots and lncl. taxes. 76 vs. bd X by C. Martinez, S chez, Taxes penalty 72c, Total $7.78. IS 1 W Ktte Reed All taxes. Low to lication 40c. Totnl $15.32. In block 13, all In lerendo Ipez by J. M. Chavez, E and W by mesa. road. by ditch, B by O. Crespln, lication 35c. Total $ lii 52. J W. Ilcbger All taxes. 15 Lota 13 inc in blk fi, L. 8. & R. addition. Mrs. Manuel I!, Sosaya Second Taxes $118.44, penalty $3.92, Taxeu $17.39, penalty 87c, publication by D. Sanchez. Taxos $4.44, penalty Francisco Silva All taxes. 598 vs. to 17 Inclusive In blk 49, Buena Vista X Taxes $11.71, penalty $1.80, publica- half of tHxejt. 2 and 3 In block i nbilcatlon $ !.2o. Total $127.50. 35c. Total $18.61. 22c, publication $1.40. Total $6.05. bd by L. Sanchez. 8 by J. Aiiuron, addition. Taxea $7.90, penalty 40c, tion 40c. Total $P..94. II, T. Ullbarrl nddltlon. Taxed $t.9l. Unknown owners All taxes. Lot 9 Dolores Lucero All taxes. 80 vs. William Wells All taxes. 10.21 E by ed?,e of Terremote, W bv Cuchil- publication 40c. Total $8.70. Heirs of Mrs. P. C. O'Kecfe. Sec- penalty 25c, publication 40c. Total and 16 to 19 lncl. In block 12, Iota 8 bd X by ditch. S by river, E by M. acres being part of XW 14 of section lo. Taxes $25.12. penalty $1.26, pub-licat- J. pen- Larl Hoillngsworth All tnv. ond linlf of taxes, (o: 12 and 13 In $5.59. to 19 Ind. in block 13, lota 1 to 7 lncl. Manzanares. W by A. Lucero; 100 vs. 5, Tp. 16 X. R. 16E. Taxes $2.55, 35o Total $26.73. Lot 14 In blk 2, Rosenwald fe Co. ad blk 3. Illanchard & Co. addition. Tax Mrs. Annie StandlMi All taxes In block 14, lots 1 to 14 lncl. and 7 bd X by M. S M. alty 13c, publication 35( Total $3.00. Per Lucero. by E No. 37. dition. Taxes $26.32, penalty !es $19.74. to 32 in block 15, lots 8 to 19 Precinct $1.3i, penalty 99c, publication 40 hoiiiiI property consisting of stiHk of ind. lncl. by creek, W by ditch. Taxes $23.25, 34. publication 1 Precinct No. 20c Total $27.84. Total $21.13 millinery nnd other Items. Taxes In block 16, lots to 10 incl. and 17 penalty $1.16, pulillcation 70c. Total Lazarlo Flores All taxes. Personal T. 3 UubboIl-- to 32 In block 19. 31 32 A!l 1 nnd Id Prlent, Quick & Ilenjamln All tax- $18.09. penally 90c, publication 35;. ind. lots and $25.11. Jose Andrew Aragón All taxes. 109 property. Taxes $13.12, penalty 66c, N by M. A. tnx 2000 In block 20, lots 3 to 5 Incl. in block do Trlsarrl, 8 by F. A M . es. acres of land east of Pecos Total $1931. Pablo Lucero y Martinez Sec- vs. Id X by M. A. Araglon, 8 and W publication 35c. Total $14.13. K by r Per.-otu- lots O to F Incl. 23 28 road. W by G. r.-e- Taxes creek, not bd. Taxes $130.75, penalty Andy Storz All taxes. l .I. nnd to incl. ond half of taxes 50 vs. bd. N by hill, E by L. Gonzales. Taxes $439, Federico Madrid All taxes. 50 va $6.58, all lii block 50, 3 to 5 penalty 33c, publication L5t $G.54, publication 50c. Total $137.64. property consisting of stock of second lots lncl. and by (rich, S by I). naca. E by Iienalty 22c, publication 35c. Total bd X by river, S by ditch, 1 by A. A to Total $7.20. Pablo Padilla 2nd All taxes. Lots hand goods. Taxes $15.79. penalty 79c, F Ind. in block 51. all In the A. Sand val, W by C. Martinez; $4.96. Manzanares, W by F. Tenorio; house Hill Site-- , Co. -, J. A. Jamuton Second half of tax- 13. 14 and 16 feet of 12, In blk 13, publication 35c. Totnl $16.93. Town addition. Taxes 100 vs. bd X by bill, S by rlve- B by Crescendo Gonzales All taxes. 30 and lot bd X by ditch, S by street, E $151.31, es Lots 5 and 6 In blk 12, L. V. T. L. 8. ft R addition Taxes $6.98, pen- J. C. Stowell and Son All taxes. penally $7.57, publication J. Gutierrez. W by R. Várela; house vs. bd X by creek,S by ditch, E by by A. Mares, W by I. L. Duran. Taxea Co. addition. Taxes $29 61, penalty alty 35c. publication 40c Total $7 93. Lots 17-3- In block 4, Hnynoldn $5,60. Total $104.51. bd N by Plaza, S by ditch, E by alley. river, W by S. Gonzales Taxes $7.62, $19.29, penalty 96c, pablleaUon 70a $1.48, publication 4Uc. Total Mrs. Flora Prentice Second half find II nddltlon. Tuxea $19.74, penal Unknown owners All taxes. Lots W by P. Lucero. Taxes $2.08, penalty penalty 3Sc, publication 35c. Total Total $20.95. $:il.4. 17 Of-tOf- and 18 In 6, 4 6 V, 11. Jameson Second half of tax- of taxed Lots 9 and 10 In blk 1, .a ty 99c, publication 40c. Total $21.13 blk lots to incl. in 10c, publication $1.05. Total $3.23. $8.35. Ramon Manzanares All taxes. Per- block 7, 7 es. Ix)t 6 in blk 11. L. V. T. Co. ad addition. Tuxes $18.10, penalty, 10 .1. Sntfln All tuxes. Lots 6 to lots to lo, ind. and 8 to 29 .Teiits Ma. Ribera All taxes. 8 Trinidad Ortiz All taxes. 120 vs bd sonal property. Taxes 5.0, penalty lncl. in block 8, 14 1 ditieu. Taxes $19.7'., penalty 99c, 91c, publication 40c. Total $19.41. 10 lncl. In block 5, H. & M. Co. adll- - lots to Incl. In acres bd X by I), Jiminez, S by M. X by F. Uenavldes, S by A. Renavldes, 25c, publication 35c. Total $5X3i. block 9, 1 7 puMIoitluu 20c. Total $20.93. It. I.. Richmond All taxes. Person tln. Taxes $:!95. penalty 2lC, publl lots to lncl. Jn block 11, Manzanares, V by river, E by ditch, W by river, E by F. Garcia; 20 yds. Manzanares All In Crescendo taxes. cat In, 40c. all Fort nnd Martinez addition. house bd X Si Jtmi P. Jnramillo All taxes Lots al property constating chiefly of Total $1.55. nnd lot by Thomas, S' by bd X by C. right, and B by river, T.and not bounded. Taxes $24.53, pen- Ktock Magnus Tnlt All taxes, 31 In laves $12.1!, penalty $2.11, publica San Antonio, E and W by W by 5 toT Inclusive In blk 6. L. S. &. a. of merchandlBO. Taxes $22.28, l.t ditches. Garcia. Taxes $12.92, penalty alty $1.23, publication 35c. Total block 31, S. M. ilon $2.40. Total $16.62. Taxes $8.51. penalty 43c, It. addition. Taxes $3.29, penalty 16c, penalty $1.11, publication 35c. Total T. Co. addkton. Taxe? publication 65c. publication 70c. Total $14.27. $26.1 8 Unknown owners All taxes. Ix)t 9 70c. Total $9.64. 1. publication 40c. $3.85. $23.74. 23. penally 41c, publication 20c. .Vaiia Sena All taxea 5 acres Dolores Manzanares All taxes. Total in block 32, lot 4 In block 33, 14 M. James Robblns All taxes. 1ofs 15 Total $8,81. lot Indalclo Sena All taxes. 80 vs. bd known as Gusano, bd by river and House and lot, bd X by ditch, S by P. Jefferson All taxes. LoU 21 In S. M. d 11. Mary K. Tnylor All block 31, T. Co. addition. Tax- X by C. Martinez, S by F. ft i) J 22 In blk 16, Lopez or Zlon addi- to 19 nc In blk 3, ti M. Co. addition. !irs. taxes, Uit Gallegos, hill. Taxes $5.38, penalty 22c, publi- road, E by P. Ullbarrl, W by S. Ten- 19 and 20 m 10, T. addi- es $9.88, penalty 49c, publication 60c. by road. W by Pecos 35c. $22.42, tion $.'2.90, penalty $1.C4, pub- Taxes $21.00, penalty $1.05, publica- block Romero river. House and cation Total $5.95. orio. Taxes penalty $1.12, pub- Tam Total $10.97. lot bd X by S. 40. tion 40c. Total $22.45. tion. Taxes $8 88. penalty 41c. publl mesa. by n. Paca, E by lication 3" i Total $23.90. lication Total $34.94. Unknown owners All taxes. E. W Precinct No. 35. Heirs of Mrs. L. II. Reynoldn All cation 40c. Total $9.72. Iots Haca, by C. Ifachlcha. Taxes Anastasio Manzanares All taxes-Person- F. W. Kelly All tates Lot! 23 and 6 to 9 Montezuma Club All taxoa. Ind. in block 1st. 3. Teitlebaum $1.71, penalty 24c, publication 70c. To- property. pen- 24 In Mk 4 Jllanchard & Co addition taxes, tots 11 and 12 In blk 10, T. Ro The Antonio Aranda Second half of tax- Taxes $18.88, entire second story of addition. Taxes $5.27, penalty 20c, tal $5.68. alty 94c, publication 35c. Taxes 16.46 penalty 82c, publication mero addition. Taxes $23.03, pen alty the Masonic es. 160 acres bd X by A. Sandoval, Ttal $20.17. Temple, rlttinlcd, on 7 9 publication 40c. Total $5.93. Juan do Tapia All taxes 35 M. $1.15, publication 40'. Total $21.58. lots to lncl. vs bd S by G. by canyon, W Agaplta de Manzanares All tax- 40c. Total $17.68. In Unkonwn owners All taxes. Lots X by R. S Arcia, E Mora W. of t.u-es- . block . I.opez or Zlon hill addl Salazar, by river, E by road, es. Huse and It bd W by ditch, S Lot 26 Jl. Rhodes Second half 21 by J. Herrera. Taxea $2.7i, penalty Mrs. L, Kingsley All taxes. tlon. $177.66, and 25 in block 1, lot 5 In block 2, W by D Salazar, 51 by Ma- Persanol property consisting of Taxes penalty $8.88, vs bd N by J. 14c, publication 35c. Btreet. E by J Maes, W by F. 2 of Pablo Caca addition. Tax- lots 1 1, 23, 25 nnd 30 in blk 10, Duran. 3 by J. Total $3.28. In blk liquor, furnUure publication 40c. Total $186.94. lots Romero, E by E. Sala- L. drid; 94 vs. bd X by J. Ma. Quintana publication stock ot enloon and 22 5 Cliene All taxes;. 320 acres bd es $28,82, penalty $144, The, ,nn Vegas Cottage and 23 In block 12, lots and 6 zar, W by P. Salazar; house 8 by G. M. ,13 fixtures Taxes. $9.87, penalty 49 Tent Co. and lot B by Iji Garita, X by Las Dispensas, de Quintana hy river, 20c. Total $30.46. All taxes. PetMonal property. Taxed nnd 16 to 21 Ind. In block 13, lot 30 bit B by J. Duran, W by R. Gallegos. VV by d'.tch; 81 vs. bd X by rlvor, S by publication 35c. Total $10.71. 19. 8 by It. Ortega, W by A. Lucero. Tax- 8. T.; KJino Second half of taxes. $16 45, penalty 82c, publication in block all In T. Romero addition. Taxos $14.70, penalty 74c, publication ditch, E E. Quintana, M C. I). Rhodes All taxes. Lota 11 35c. es $30.96, penalty $1.65, publication by W by G. 15 18 19 In blk 31, S. M. T Totnl $17 62. Taxes $67.45, penalty $3.37, publica $1.05. Total $16.49. Taxes, Lots and to 13 Inc In blk 12, L. 8. R. addi- 35c. Total $32.8 do Quintana. $48.47, penalty Taxes $24.C8,poualty K. (), Thomas tlon $2. SO. Total $73.62. $2.42, & Condition. tion. Taxes $33.39, penalty $1.67 pub- Second hnlf of taxes. Celestino Garcia AH publication $1.05. Total $51.94 Ltit 17, 50 Precinct No. 32. taxes. The $1,23, publication 60c. Total $ and S of 51 on 3, Unknown owners All taxes. 1-- Albino Manzanares All taxes. 80 lication 40c Total $35.46. block Ixt XW 4 of XE tho NJ2 Compan- y- 11 S 26, In of NW Las Vegas Mercantile Pablo Haca addition. and half of blk 11, T. Ro- L. 4 vs. bd X by river, S byl ditch, by Clarence C. Roberts Second half of Taxes $10,72, Joro Ribera All taxes. House of section 5, Tp. 16 N. R. 15E, the E taxes. Persanol prop- penalty 53c, publication meo add It lou. Taxes $14.81, M. Quintana, W by M. Montoya Tax- Suooud half of 3 60c. Total penalty and X by 4 1-- taxes. Lot In blk I). Rosenwaid lot bd Ribera y Ortiz, W by SW of SE and SB 4 consisting of stock of merchan- al $11.85. f'Oc, publication 40c. ToUl $15.81. of ?W es $16.11, penalty 81c, publication erty dttlon. Taxes $9.54, penalty 48c, pub- Peco.i river and ditch. Taxes $12.26, of section 32, Tp. 17 X. Ri 15E; land 35c. Taxes $21.57, L. K. Unknown owners All taxes. Total $17.27. dise and other items. lication 20c. Total $10,22. Trainer Second half of taxes. Lota penalty 61c, publication 35c. Total bd X by Placita, 8 by Rev, E. Oilier, publication 35o. Total liOts 13 to 16 2, 8 to 16 ind. In block 14, lots 11 16 Leon All penalty $108. CS. Ronera Second half of lncl. In block llield to $13,22. E by road, W by G. Nelson taxes. Land not tavs. & Ind. In blo.-- 19, 1 river. Taxes $3.79, $23.00. 1. & Itaca nddltlon. Taxes $32.94, penal- lots to 10 incl. and Fermino Romero All Iienalty bounded. Taxes $21.51. penalty $1.08, t.'.tt, t: nnl IJ n b'k 5. S. R ad 17 taxes. 20 vs. 19c, publication $1.05 Total Com- , ty $1X5, public Ion 40c. Total $34.99. to 30 Ind. In block 20, lota 1 to 3 bd publication 35c. Total $22.94. Las Vegas Hallway & Power dition. Taxes $4-t- penalty E by J. E. Gallegos, W by B. Ull- $5.03. of V, John Thornhlll All taxes. Person- Incl. In block 21. lota 1 to 3 Inpl. and Benito Nelson All taxes. pany Second half of taxes Tract 40c. Total $u.r.8. barrl, S by Pecos river, N by ditch. Leandro Jaramlllo and others All Land owners, al property. Taxes $24X7, penalty Mi 12 to it ind. in block 24, all In not bounds. Tavog $12.75. penalty land bd N and S by unknown Samuel Rogers At wlfj-- AU taxes. House not bounded. Taxes $3.66. pen- taxes. Personal property. Taxes $16.88. Hy., $1.23, publication 35c. $26,25. the Pecos nd lit'oii. Taxes $31.68, pen- alty $2.14, publication 35a. Total $45.24. W be river, IS by A. T. & 8. F. 50 ft 9 to 12 In blk Total 13c, publication 70c. Total $3.49. penalty 84c, publication 35ci. South of lots Inc alty Total I.--: by Montoya, E by P. R. K. Twtchell. Trustee taxci. $1.58, publication $2,80. Total Candelario Chi an Nc.-.- All taxes. 160 land bd N J. H. I, Martinez addltl ."t Tiinm i.'JAt. Ullbarrl All taxes. 150 $18.07. lots 9 to 10 I 25, 30 $33.96. vs. arras not Nv.t-.- d vl. $18.3 t Trainbloy, 8 by L. 8. & R addition, n al Aid. nblock of not boun cd; house and not Vicente Iipez All taxes. 150 vo. Tixes k ir penalty $t,15, puoticii'.' 4c. IV All lot alty 93c. 12 12 U Ino In b'k building lots fddltlon. Taxes $65.80, Unknown owners taxes. Lois bounded. Taxes $18.34, bd X by publication 35c. Total $19.01. w t.v at: lots penalty 92c Wolf canyon, 8 by P. San- - $21.58. 2 to 4 2 by 1 to penalty $3.29, publication 40C. Total lncl. In blk 9, lot and 6 to 8 publication 70q. Juan It. Olguln All . taxest ..V 8, L. S. & It addlUon, W lots Peregrins Romero All taxes. Lot Total $19.96. doval, E by Canada, W by It. Ortega $09.49. Ind. in blck 12, L. S. & R. addition. 320 acres bd X by J. Lucero y Romo, E ,y In block 2. Toltteuaums 3 & ncre bd X by edge of Trout H In blk 11, L. S. R addition. Tax Taxes $9.21, penally Precinct No. 33. cliool S by II. penalty $13.10. publl Genoveva Vnldoz All taxes. Ixt 13 46c, publcatlon Spi lnt's, S by I). Marcs, E by section, Castillo, W by "IS62.01, $1.15, penalty 21iC, publication 20c. F. Ga:!e I Taxes es In blM-- 32. S. M. T. Co, nddltlon. Tax $1.00. Total $10.07. V. ucero. liuim In set.hin 35, Tp. $1.90. Total $900.31. Juan P. Aragón gos, W by S. Rem r i Ta: es Í35 3D U cation Total $1.56. es $5 2(1. penalty 26c, publication 20c. Unknown owners All taxes. Lots Second half of tax-o- N. K ir.K. Taxes $22.62, pena'ty fl Two-third- VV !rpr.nov $1.77, ' r Robs All taxes. s The 12 XFJ 1 4, 1 4 publication 70c. Toial ; Las VM '....If. B, Janet Total $5.72.. 27 iidn 28 in block 21a, of 36 building the NW of 13, publication 3,".c. $24.1o. Sui-divl- s ou $37.77. Second of tuxes tn lots 1 to 17 Inc In blk A SE the NE of SW 1 4 E. Interest John I). W. Veedor All taxes. lots addition. Taxes $9.S8, penalty i.nd the "t Precinct No. 38. If Ut E e is F. A. Manzanares A I loik 29 o .1 tni bao .oi in Pablo Para addition; lots 6 and 7 22 49o, of NV the E 1 2 o rf tax Ron-a- I of to 27 lncl. In Lucero addition ; lot publlcatln 4He. Ttal $lu.77. fíE es. One opez y Galleaos AH taxes. Union. Taxe 8 and E 2 of XR In :( T,.' tliird inierest in Trout Springs e blk 7, L V. T. ?o., In blk L. V T. Co .addition. Taxes bd N by National' street, S by Veeder Unknwn wneis All taxes. Lot9 all e Hou-- and lot bd N by cliff, S by U'.'C, pub.lvdbn ÍOc. 17 N. R. 16 E. Taxea r. sr, rancn ni.u tinnier. Taxes $22i5u, pen $19.74, penalty $75,01. penalty $3.75, publication 80c. Si Veeder, R by lot 27 of Lucero, W by 15 and It; In block 11, Iota 13 to 15 si mesa, E by J. Rael, W by Aragonés. $20.93. 77c, publication $ti0ó. ,mty $1.1,!, publication 35c. yTotal Total Totul $79.56. irtrcet. Taxes $118 44. penalty Ind. In block 12, lots 7 to 19 incl. Tota) 17.i7. Taxes $12.80, penalty 54c, publication Ü nth In l I. K. Ml taxea. I.jIj and 1 iielrs of CH'azelachow-sk- Lewis Robs & Itrowne Wool Scouring Co, ?'92, publication 73c. Total $125.11. block 18. lots to 3 and 22 o 29 Ind. All luxes 25c. Total $13.69. T 2800 iseiuandro Ortega All taxes. 300 12 In blk 34, . T. Co. audillou. All 13 to 18 inc tn blk At In aerea in Sanguijuela grant, tatcd Lots Veeder Veeder All taxes. Lot block 19, T. Ulflbarrt addition. Tax- not vs. . Julian Lucero All taxes. 150 vs. bd n bd by Canada, S ljy hills, by Taxes $25,66, ni'.y IK'&. luHUa-tio- U & M Co addition Taxes $16 46, commencing es $16.00. penalty bounded: 200 acres tn Tjio v.--. E X by S by nt the northeast corner $2.30. publication grant v. j,opcz, vv by S. Padilla mesita, river, E by J. 40c. Total $27.1 penalty 82c, ipublkatlon 40c. Total of said lot at $2.00. $30.36. not bounded; house and lot not Taxes Moya, W by fence, 177 the property of one GId Total i.7, penalty 16c, publication 35c, vs bd N by V. M. Lewis Foeoal half f ioxts $1768. eon St. uounaeci; lot not Ixmnded Taxes fence, S by river, Denis; thence running wost No. 30. Total $3.78 E by P. Arguello, Personal coiisU'.i.g of aicck & Precinct $195.00, penalty $9.75, publication pnpsr'y Rtissel Lewis All taxes. Pers along Main street 71 feet to tho pro- manm.,.. rv...... W by R. Montano. Taxes $30.05, pen- of undertakers' uppd?9 Refugio M. $1.40. Total $206.15. wu'i,a ah taxes iuu acres alty onal properly consisting of atock of perty of ono Jesus Padilla, thenco Gallegos All taxes. 300 N by $1.50, publication 70c. Total Taxe $26.?.2, ty to Mariano Maestas td Canada, S by L Maes, E by item.:. peral $. 32. niiTchandlKP. Taxes $20.59, penalty south 100 feet to tho property Gid- vs. lxl. by I). Herrera, W by h. Mar- All taxes, 300 vs $32.25. of bd X G Trout Springs, W by E. Rolbal. publication 35c. Total $27.9:. 1.03, publication 35c. Total 2 27. eon St. Denis, tinez, s. by Cuchillo, N by top of Pint- by river, S by hill, E by Ry. Tax- Juan F. Moya thence north 71 foet to W es $2.32, penalty I2c, publication All taxes. 163 yds Alice It. Long. All taxes Lot 11 A13 by river. House and lot N 35a in Anotonlo (Slaaar taxe: (lot the place of beutnnlir: loU 8 nnd 9 ada dd Rodo. Taxes $6.45, penalty bd. by Total $2.79. bd N by ditch, S by river, E by E. Llk 40, II. D. Crespln. S bv A Vto-i-t v. 8. T. Co. addition; lot 22 13 In blk 9 T. Romero addition. Ta.c-- 4 n the Weder nddltlon. land bd. N 12c, publication 35c. Total $7.12. hv Rosenwald, W by J. Lucero. n bv W by D. rt.i Alberto Ortega AH taxes. 160 Taxes d; n, Lopez or Zlon l Crespln. Taxes $10.19, pen' acres $7.46, IJHl nuultion J22.72, y $1 14, puMcatlon Main street. S by ditch, ft by W. G. Ramon do Herrera All taxes. 100 bd X by penalty 37c, publication 35c To- lots 13 and 14 alty 51c, publication A. de Delgado, & by P. San- In blk 40, II, 8. T. Co 2(c. Total $24.06. Rupp. W by A. Taxes $87.19. v.i. bd. N and S by Cuchillo, E by F. 70a ToUl $11.40. tal $8.18. Strauss. F. A. Manzanares doval, E by B. Ortega, W by A. D. audition; lot 11 in blk 1 L. 8. & H Placido Sandoval All taxes LoU tiennlty $1.36. publication $1.10. Vnldoz, W by A. Vigil; house and lot All taxe. 640 Pedro Roybal All taxes. 100 Total vs. bd X hy do Lueoro. Taxes $5.93. penalty 30c yds addition. Taxes $139 82, penalty $6.9J 4 9 Inc 11 add) $93.05. bd. N by A. Vigil. S by ditch, E by R. land formerly of Juan not bounded. Taxes to iu blk T Ulilunl publication 35c. Total $6.58. $13.75, penalty publication o Anaya, S by land ormerflv I? $1.00. Total $147.81. tlon; lot 21 tn blk 10 T Ronic-- lul Can-l- Dell Vogt Second half of Vli;l, W by ditch. Taxes $19.91, pen- nf ia. 69c, publication 35c. Total $14)79. S, C (Inez, E and W by Sanguijuela Francisco D. Padilla Second half of Iahir All taxc&. Lots 1 to 31 tlon Taxes $28.29, penalty $141, LoU nnd 4 In 5, alty $1.70, publication 70c. Total grant, Florencio Val verde All taxes.' tax.. 3 block Pablo half In taxesj 600 vs. not bounded 175 90 iac In blk HO. 8 M. T. Co. million'.' $21.61. Interest 1000 acres bd N by J vs bd vs. bd N by river, S addition. publication 60c. Total $10.30. Haca Taxes $14.97. nenaltv R. X by G. river, S by by hill, E by P Tau-- s $72,38. $3.62, 7r,c, Martinez, 8 by Sanguijuela grant! Crestón, E by road, V penalty publica Juan Sandoval All taxCB. Ut 8 In publication 40c. Total $16.12. Pablo do Herrera Second half of W M. Valverde, by B. Montoya. Taxes E by -. by Garcia. Taxes $15.48. pen- Hon 4"c Total $70.40. Mrs. taxes. 150 vs. bd by Ro- ton of Canvoneltn Ani w k- $13.67, penalty Mock 9, It. Itaca addition. Tuxes Kmtna F. Ward All taxes. Canada del alty 77c, publication 70c. 68c. nubllcatton ar .V-'i- H Sprines mountain. Taxes pen- - Total $..6.95. Inve All tnxeg. Lots 23 $1 97, iH'iialty loe, publication 20c. Lots 28 and 29 In block 19, S. M. T. clo, S by Cuchillo. E by D. H. W by D. $ia.9G, Total $14 70. i.'i iiv u;)C, riacldo Sandoval All taxes. 160 to inc. In Ilk 2 ftos'nwaki $2.27. Co. addition. $19.35. Herrera; 100 vs. bd N by Canada del puwation 70c. .Tctal $12 71 , Reyes Valverde All tv Total Taxes nenaltv acres bd X by Cre-ton- S by taxes. 1l0 vs Roclo, by TV. Heirs of F. A. Manx n mt, Ail t o v Crestón bd X addU.on. Taxes $r,:..29, penalty $2.76 Lester SandH Second half of taxes. $2.47, publication 40c. Total $52.22. W Trujillo, S by Cuchillo, i Eby D. by hills, S by G. river, n hv es. 150 vs. In Sane-iiHimt- Al!rc3, W by M. Romero. Tax- putilicatii.n 4c. Total $58.45. Personal pro) erty cop Pstlns of stock Wean & Hlndman Second E by C. Trujillo. Taxe $3.7C, penal- street, W by R. Torres; house ralf of es $11.98, penalty 60c, publication - and lot M.i''-- Lujan All taxe3. ty 19c, publication 70c. acres bd N by Sang ill ..Va i;ranr, 8 35c. bd X- by Lou I o of incuts and other merchandise. T taxes. Personal property. Taxes Total $1.65. Total $12.93. and W street, S by hill, E by 4 Ii.- -. IV . : by road to Hot Spring.,, B un- P. in blk Pablo Haca ad't'ilo-i- cm $1317, oenaity 60c, publication 35c. $9.87, penalty 49c, publication 35c. Hlego do Herrera Second half of by Montano. Taxes $13.42, penalty known owners. W by Tfx-$4.2- Taxes $59 22, penalty $2.96, publica Totnl $1418. Total $10.71. taxes. 350 vs. Id N by Cuchillo, W 'A Led jo. Precinct No. 67c, publication 70c. Total $14i79 4 penalty 21c. ouhH 2. tí.iti Or Total $62 S8. Mw, lvoutsa R. Schmidt Second G. V Westell -- Second half of tax by A. Garcia, S by top of Canada, E vittnn 7iv ' Precinct No. 39. H V. Total $5.11. Victor Carillo Mackel Second half of taxes half of tnxes. 1 and 22 In block es. 20 and 21 in block 1, L. V. T. by P. J. Garcia. Taxes $13.04, penalty All taxes. 70 acres Albino Bnca All Taxes, lfio acretr k Its It Santiago Martinez Second, bd X by T. Stci of Taxes $:;9 11 C, L V. T. i'o. addition. Taxes $16.06. Co. addition, Taxes $18.10. nenaltv 65c, publication 86c Total $1.04. half of Sanchez, S by B. Sanchez ranch at El Pino, not bounded Taxes taxen 65 vs. N by - pennlty $1.96, publication S5c Total $2,30, publication 40c. Total 00c, publication 40c. Total $19.40. Ceoilio Lucero All taxes. 118 acres bd and S by cieek, E E Canada, W by Mora countv lino- $21.53, penalty $1.08. publication sr.e V3 bd X bv ditch. S A Taxes $26.31, $4149. $18,76. F. A. Wicks Second half of taxes. bd N by rlde, S another ridge, W by hv Ontntnnn penalty $1.32, pubUca-ti- n Total $22.96. n. Market All taxes. 4 1). Trujillo, E by S. Montoya. Taxes $6.19, penalty 32c, publication 35c. Total $27.98. J. Lota t3 J. C. Scblott Alt taxes. LoU to 8 Pervonnl nronerty. Taxes $5.76, pen ' Taxes Jose del Rayo Gonzales All Mitm 39 Inc. lots 1 and 2 and 5 and 0 nil tur!. Reldllnger addition; lot 19. 20 alty 29c, publication 35c. 'Total $6.40. $2X8, --penalty 13c, publication 35c. 35c. Total $7.16. Pedro Domínguez All taxes. 200 vs. 160 acres bd X. S. E and W hv firttr. 1. Sennet lan Ortega bd X by Ceja, S in blk T. Romero di.'m; lm 10' and 32 In block 24a of 36 building lots Mary J. Winn Second half of tax Total $3.16. All taxos. 160 by road, E by T. San- grant. Tax?s $5.28, penany 26c, pub- N""by and f Inches of north sido oí lot 11, addition; lots 19 and 20 In v block 6, ei. Lots 1 and 2 In Phillips suhdlvis' Luciano Martillen AH tnfres. t!00 acres bd White stono. S by bar chez. W by J. Ramirez"; 9 acres bj X lication 35a Total $5.89. s ranea, by J. TL !n blk 7. L V. T. Co la-e- Martlnei addition. Taxes $77.34, pen- ion, of block 30, P. M. T. Co. addition. vs. bd N by Cuchillo, 8 by river, E E by Anaya, W by P. land; 60 Duran, S by Martinez. K by Gumeclndo Lopez All taxes. 30ft vs. X $245 :0, penalty $12,26, publication alty $3.87, publication $1.40. Total Taxes $14.81. reunify 74c, publication by A. Garcia, W by J. rendarles. Tax- bd by ditch, 8 by A. Quintana, Cuchillo, W by Wolf 'canyon. Taxes vs. lid N by river. G bv Mesitna m fcv 1 IT. $4.14, 0. Tolnl 2r,.96 $82.61. too. Total $15.95. es $17.45, penalty S7c, publication E by 8. Co.. W by F. Padilla. penalty 21c, publication 70 O. Flores. W by J. Duran. Taxes Joseph 1 33c. Taxes $8.56, penalty 43c, publication Total $5.05. , Maralile Alt taxes. Iits , Mra. Mtvy Sellman All taxes'. Lot Heirs of W1e & Ilngsett All taxerf. Total $18.67. $6.00, penalty 30c, publication 35c. To und 2 in blk 11 L. 8. & It.' addition. 10 In block 22, S. M. T. Co. addition. T t A In block A, Pablo Raca addi- Facundo Montoya All taxos. 200 70c. Total $9.69. ( Simon Lucero All taxes. 162 aerea tal 16.63. f D. Padilla Rrtrnnil bd S by N Taxes $19.74, penalty 89c, publication Taxc-- $57.57, pena'ty $2.88, publica tion. Taxes $8.53, nenaltv 41c. nubil- - vs. bd X nnd 8 by Cuchillo. E by M. Francisco half fence, by top of Ladera, B Anastasio Rael y Apodaca Sceond CO Qrazlachow-- 4ic. Toial $21.13 j tion 2UC. ToUl $00.03. :cc. Total $S,84. Gallegos, W by C. Lucero. Taxes $7.18, of taxes vs bd N by j by J. E. Ramirez, W by Sandovales. half of taxes. 2 aerea at Cbupaderoa LOS I.TADOS SO LA IEJOR Tara l opalda .oTir ron rritucmox. IU1 ltriala.ó l Ll Independiente (.'liando u-- doloir rír- - Department of the Interior, El Jarata a Higos y Elixir da Sen utsl at Fe. N. p ad la espalda bailóse do ve" al Latid Oüice Santa CÓMO 1 S. I.U 1. I . acción de ChamUrlain, "i Obra muy aradalilcmente, beneficiando la a l'ufdc IUImt IbJ de lo HfulU-l- dia con el Linauit nto Notice i hereby given thai Aurelio dn loa IUnones, Hígado é Intestinos. I la palma de la mano por JC. M., ha filed Obtenida ra . Yeta sobando iiu Un a, of Casa Grande, ESTÁ IJmpía de nna manera completa el Sistema. rOMEN NOTICIA De-- make final: ; cinco minuto á cada aulieación. ! notioe of hi intention to Cuita catarros y dolores de cabeza. f hi pué luiniedezea un jxtltuo de baile'. five vear, proof in Support Obra dulcemente pero con prontitud. í.iitry No. t...s & ó euvuel-jvaloen- laim. viz: Homestead Ayuda dominar constipación Toila i'o;iiuiir;u ''ni di- - Lo resultado dicen la verdad. I y SU HÍGADO? la estreñimiento levetueute con este linanienlo ul ."O) uiade Jan. IT, l'.tr.', for tlie SWJ .. habitual do una manera permanente, cura la duda queda despejada roo el testi aillo del dolor, y quedará :l SF. and V rígida á rcdiicrióii, SW'l See. and SF.i. M caldudo bilis y las muchas eufermedades que reultan tvia o ' 1 I pgftri el tomar buen ó o monio tlt' un ciudadano de La Veira nrnrendido 1 ver cuan pronto des- - Sec 1. Township 14 N lUio;e h. da una condición de debilidad inacción de los be-- 1 u hígado, si lo 1 I . said prM.f will te made de porque nact at, órganos Jarabe) U'Ih du M á ual puede investigarse fácilmente. rece lo estroin-ado- Do venta en and tlial en que dicho o;era. iii ni ore P.obt, L. M. s. t ourt Ligado fo cuidará I'd. adaptado para Hombres, Mujeres, y Nifloa y (ue mejor prueba se puede tener? Uos, I. ta i Et& toda la botica. Com. at La ega. M., on .or. Impa- es el remedio preferido por millones de. familias. El hígado afectado lo pone r' II. A. Se iii.,'er, del No. Orand l'.KW. ,.c. : . l yenta .7, 12th, ciente, piiido, le produce rabio. De en todas las Iloticas. El IndepcntJientc, Ave. K. La X. M., dice: "l"n I I. M t i:OK UK DI IS He name the following witnesses to Cuidado con las Imitaciones I Vea. upon, trul de estómago, con dolor en el Í compresa corto uso de 1 Pildora de Doan para la prensa americana que Ma prove hi continuou residence 'ara obtener estos benéticoa resultados, Informa land, viz: per- - and cultivation of. tbe mismo, dolor de cabeia, malaria, mm siempre el legitimo manufacturado solamente lo Kiíiones ba dado prueba en mi cao nuel Homero Palafox, un timbro - si fjuifit'ii ser frontil men- Pedro Baca, Andre Gutierrez, Ikt- etc El hígado ea condición per por la del valor de sata preparación, y debi- aonal del l'rettidente Pía, asegura que Baca, Gutierre., all curdo F.siuitnla fecta lo tiene 4 en bntn alud, CALIFORNIA FIG SYHÜP CO. te do á lo cu su- of tiraiule, N. M. t'd. atentlidos. bueno resultado obtenido este tiene puesto ojos comou Casa K Saa CaL Ntw Tark. & T. MASfK.L i puiificando sa a tigre y digiriendo UofcnUf. Truche. la puedo con just'eia recomendar co cesor, eu el actual vice presidente, Dn. H. Register. . u. m a. LA IMPACCION. .el alimento. mo el remedio má valioso para bu llamón Corral. Asegura el señor Pa- LtoJm. latUtena (i AL 8oloilst na cura fegura, cierta Prvcla 0A la Ua limito it twklla wtimralt dolores de espalda ó cualquiera de lo lafox que los temores de que de algún Ll NOTICE. Itolla de confianza para el Ligado, 7 eaa male que sobrevienen de lo desarre- modo se altere la paz y el progreso de In the District Court of the County j ó of San Miguel, in the rourth Judi- es la poción llamada glos de lo liiflones,. No hay prueba México con la retirada muirte del l'ara fzi'tna, letami y lit-- m m. cial District of the Territory of New tan secura y convincente como la que General Díaz on infundados, debido Mexico: La pii-aó- iuu-n-- de se obtiene por medio de la experencla á lo sólido de la obra y los prepara- Esther Gene Oakes, otus uialen e alivia eai instantánea- Thedíord's y e justamente por medio de esta cía para el porvenir. Plaintiff. mente, eon la Salvia de Chamberlain. tivos vs. No. 6.121 se de evidencia que yo fundo mi opi- M iK'hiiM casos severo-- , han nido ".ira-Jo- s Harry Gatlin Oakes, nión en la i 'i Ido ras de Doan para lo LAIi:oA por olla. De venta i'ii toias las MA Delcnitani. BIack Draught. Hiñones." Kn la ciudad de México y eu la casa The said defendant. Harry Gatlin biiticac. an ac ISIDOR, N. M. De vena todos lo boticario. de Hamón Hernández, servía la chi- Oakes. is hereby notified that jor been commenced against ."A-- . Foster-Milbur- tion' has años Precio n Co., Buffa- quilla Francisca Hocha, y como en of Coun- Tor mis de 60 este maravi I'.l ruinante Orino de Foley cura him in the District Court the eü lo N. Y. único agente en los fetadoa. día pasados le fueron robados á di- ty of San Miguel, in the Fourth Judi- lloso remedio vecrtal ha sido en Mercancías Generales la constipación crónica y estimula el pirado por miles de familias, y es Traficantes Recuérdese del nombre-Doau's-- y no cho señor doscieiitoi treinta y fcinco cial District of the Territory of New hígado. Orino t cyula el vientre cosa Esther Gene actualmente la medicina favorita tomen pesos en billetes de banco, estrechó á Mexico, bv said plaintiff del mundo para curar el afeado. que actué í.atn; almeire y no tiene (ji;e otra. Oakes, which action is numbered FftftoM Abarrotes, I5otn y Ztipaltis Jo !; tnejor para que dijera si etjjfc era Actúa suavemente sobre el hígado Si'os, v la ehiquüla 6021. on docket of said court, In tomar puratí os emit iiauimente. De Ml MS ruó HCILADO the ríñones, y no irrita el vientre. Nuestros precios irnn cotí low toinercioH la autora del hecho: pero la fábula which action said plaintiff prays judge i cnliilml. fompt't i venta en la liotie de la Cruz Hoja y con- Cura el estreñimiento, alivia la Dicen 'e Port Au Prince, que e contestó que no había robado ella, si- ment that the bonds of matrimony de Monto.vft y Cuervo, rotnprntno todn clane de produc- ?! O. O. Schacfep, firma la noticia del fucilamiento en existing between said plaintiff and congestión y purifica el sistema del tio unos desconocidos que le habían exceso de bilis, manteniendo asi I tos del pai.i. litíganos una visita y quedtin'nsntisffi lion. may be dissolved and ti Jcremi del General Leconte, Ministro que se le said defendant al cuerpo en sano estado. A ION III 1, V A(Jl 1 dado treinta v cinco tiesos may be freed and PAl'IKIt hit fué that said ulaintili V ano del Interior. La causa : Tols las boticas y comerciantes Créese que pea positiva la pacífica recogieron. forever divorced from said defendant q ie al ir llegando á Jeremí & la cal' aseguró of children of 10 venücu a ase. Tanto y tan formalmente that the custody the 1 cióu y aquí, por (ue los indio, seún í PruéMo z 1 del destacamento del gobierno con-t- que era inocente, quo la ere' the marriage between said plaintiff el decir de lid l nos, tienen Francisca defendant may be awarded to a los revolucionarios, acusó de trai yó, en la casa and b lenas disposiciones ue paz. Stu re y continuó sirviendo said plaintiff; that defendant may be cion al comandante Ostema, y en se fué sorprendida en tí como doscientos cincuenta pero últimamente required to contribute towards the TA KJ E PKOF KN ION A LKH lieron guida lo mandó ejecutar; y después de pay TAS fel los momentos en que guardaba en un support of said children and the indios y tuvieron una entrevista con ar haber llegado al luirar se propuso A costs ano expenses 01 saui action ,i - , un billete de cincuenta pesos, Oral. Luis K. Torres y el señor Izá- frasco that unless you, the defendant, enter, GEO. H. HUNKER, ;ente que luchara contra los le y Be Uesprenue por lo cual se hizo aprehenuer cause be entered, your appear bai; y ile tales entrevistas rebeldes al mando del General Si- or to conducir á la comisaria, er. donde con ance in the above entitled cause on AHIMUim KN LUÍ. que la eati.paíiu toca a su lin. món. gente se negaron, Algunas fesó su delito y manifestó que el resto or before the 31st day of December Tlrftrau Hrlna ra el edificio da Veedrr escogió el do pro- D. 1908, a will de éstas General del dinero se lo había dado á una mu A. decree l.a N. M. Culpable de Fulsillein ión. minente ciudadanos, á quienes mandó be rendered against you in said action. (, no es peor o jer llamada María, que fué quien la The attorneys for said plaintiff are Pasar tunero talso qi ej cuiar. Esto causó gran indigna- remedio descono- instigó para que se apoderara de la Jones and Hosiers, whose address is S.itistituir cualquier ción en la masas que se armaron rá- Las Vegas, ' Iloney and suma robada. Crockett Building, East cido y m vUioi por l'oky pidamente é hicieron prisionero al Ge- New Mexico. Abogadas rea-frí- y Consejeros Tur, el uran reuieUio para la to y neral Leconte, fuellándolo en seguida. Dated Nov. 10 1908. COMFORT ECONOMY CUAL ES Mi IIOMIIIIE MAS FELIZ! IIOMKHO, que cura la tos más obstinada y SKlTNniNO EN I.EV. Esta pregunta, que es tan vieja como Clerk of said Court. cicatriza lo- - boles. De enta en la de Praotlcsii entortas la cortes del Territorio MORS ANO BETTER RUBBER, STRONG, l'ara ese Sentir Soñoliento llespucg desde que vio el pri Botica de la Cruz ) O. O Sehacfer el mundo y que NON - RUSTING, UNBREAKAIÍLK PAUTS, la (omiila. BUTTON-HOLE- mer hombre se ha repetido á porfía ENDS AND S THAT V. ON T He usado por algún tiempo las Pas- veces, contesta HAS. A. SPIESS, VKKAK OR PULL OUT, ENABLE US TO millares de sin haber ITINERARIO. " Si li h.IO tillas de Chamberlain para el Estóma- POSITIVELY OUAKANTKS THAT una señora do á ella más que A medias los filoso En México se siiiciJió go ó Hígado, y puedo testificar quo me Abogado en ley, Hernández. fos de todas las escuelas, encierra por llainaua María Hela Luz hecho más bien que cualquier otras han si sola bastante filos dia para que yo Practica en todas las cortís del Ter BULL DOG SUSPENDERS La causa üel suici .10 lima que alyún es: pastillas que he tomado. Mi enferme- nretenda decir, de una vez por todas rltorio. Su dirección do estafeta infortunio lué la obsesión de aquella somnolencia terrible des- 1 Las Vegan, N. M. OUTWEAR THREE ORDINARY KINDS dad era una la última palabra acerca de la tan de dcseiiuiiibraüa mujer. Una jovciici a comida. David Freeman, pués de la inve-tlira- r cual es MADE LIGHT AND HEAVY en avi-si- ', hatidA cuestión de de u lea uño fué la primera dar Kemp, Scotia. pastillas A LAW, WEIGHT (EXTRA LONG. IP Nova E'tas el mortal más dichoso en la thrra. CHAS. pues la suicida vivía enteramente refuerzan el estómago y mejoran la di- DKiJIKED), IN A VARIETY OF 4: tu- Garnagie no es el primero quo nos NEAT, sola. Por el aspecto revelaba que regulan el hígado Abogado en Ley. PLEASING STYLES gestión. También ha dicho que el dinero no hace felices vo atroz agonía. mas superio- del Ter é intestinos. Son mucho á ln hombre, núes mucho antes Solon PractifTi en todas las cortes Ü CENTS res á las pildoras pero no cuestan más. úA rltorio- .- Especialmente practica en las Tos ronca y resinados que pueden contesto á Creso, que le preguntaba PAHA K.L ORIENTE. Su dirección de 50 gratis. Do en todus Cortes dn Terrenos. Muestras venU era el hombre más feliz que ha es N. M. ft desarrollarse en una puimonia duran- cuál NO. 2 llega a 2:00 l M. sale á2:2.r) p. m. estafeta Cluyton, las boticas. conocido, con la intención do sa-- l te la noche son prontamente curados bía 8 " 1:23 a.m. " " 1:30 a. m de mayor D. DAVIS, siendo ber si el que era dueño U 11 Jr. por Foley's honey und Tar, I XA LF.Y tTIUüSA 4 " 4:40 A. M. " " 4;45 A.M. 8. SDSlDIRMlIMiFI inllama-aa- s, las riquezas de la tierra, lo que ablanda las membranas Lo el irrubios cansados do sopor- parte de 10 ' 12:55 p. m. " " 1:20 P.M. Abogado en Ley. pies juntilla cicatriza los boles, y expele el el timo de la belleza, hánse puesto era en realidad, como á If tar & POTTER conside- KL en cortes del Ter HEWES del sisieiua. De venta en la de acuerdo eu Georgia, y lanzado una se le suponia que nidio debia PAHA Practica todas las ero que ritorio. Su dirección de estafeta es LARGEST SUSPENDER, BELT ANO BARTER MAKERS IN THE WORLD. y O. G. pre-ceb- a rarse feliz mientras viviera: p. M. Bnk-- de la Cruz l.ja ley, para ponerla en vigor, que los NO. 1 " 1:35 v. M. " " 2:00 Las Vegas, N. M. hitbian sido de veras por la LINCOLN BOSTON, MASS. beimeler. de futuros engaños. otros lo 7 " 5:15 P. M. " 5:10 p. M DEPT. 3173 ST, con one so conformaron en Su divisa es: la verdad en su lugar medianía 3 " 0:25 1'. M. " " 0:30 A. M. ' do LAKRAZOLO. A FAMILIA dueño en un tiempo a ASI.SIM Ith M y para demostrarlo, han decretado un la vida. Job 9 0:00 p. m. " " 0;20 r. M. que, según 0 En Nueva York ocurrió un hecho proyecto de ley en una de cuyas cláu- rebaños, riquezas y tierra Kl No. 2 lleva pullman y Coches Dor Abogado en ley. 6 lo para poner & Chicago, Kan- verdaderamente asombroso: un pana- así: la Biblia Dios arrebató mitorios de Turistas M. en tenla sulas dice y un pullman pa Las Vegas, N. Practico í5 nrnpha su DRcicncia, ;.era mas leltz sas city y St. Louis, dero de 57 años, llanii'do Cari Ltose, la promulgación de la pre - las cortes de Nuevo México y en la "Desde . . .1 a so le uneen TriiiKiuu. su al- uU J Denver Corte Suprema del, Terrilor lí llegó á su casa cuan to familia senté lev e establecerá que es nulo en la opuieuui 4uC ga á la Junta A las 10:110 p. M. conectan- en el mu- - morzaba y disparó sobre ella. hirieni.O ..i u.,.,m,ni m rpsi.l.a one el mu. por Ion piojos y los pusanos do con el No. 5; sale de la junta á las " i : . . . SANTA FE des- pueblo a ó:ot A. 17 años, y do en que 10 auanaonarusu :10 M. llega a las DAI primero á su bija ue por su novia, usan- - Indar i,.,..., a. tiAv rido fué ú las (5:3. A. M. á BACA á de 2L Su hijo de l'J ó contestaba & quienes le decían que sus M.Colorado springs MALAQUIAS pués su hijo do pintura en la cara, dientes pelo 9:110 a - i i f i ,1., í.lwwlrtí. i na á las a. M. , l , ou0 Denver lo desarmó; Loose al ser arrrestado, ..0llnnaHfl algodón, zaea-- renanos nniuau Muoiw.mwUB 1 y coenes M. kii. 8 eva pullman uor DE HAVEN, N. 4 ó sin poderse salvar nada y Kan- net; la cansa de su determinación. m , en lo vestidos, casas ardían mitorlos de Turistas a Chicago ,w,knlm,ti..v. , Mexico. ,!., & á las 10:15 p de los Line of New Esta lev. ahora viíente de Georgia, ha ae lo que comeuian, 4 sas citv. Llega La Junta Comisionado Estados lai The Short se con el No. w., saiu ue v ; M EXOCAL v á quien con munífica mano conectando v... rt.s nar- - volvía a y Notario Púbüco. Prompt Service. fel- - la Junta á las 12:10 P, M. ai pueuio dos New Equipment. S3 dice eu hi Habana que el Genen.l ,.i..i. lea lo habia entregado Y es más Rock tes do las muehehas casader as para las 2. 00 P. M. á colorado Springs a ias N. M., the Denver & Jilo Or tin Hallway i , Cotinpctintr at Santa Ve, with Men-icnl- el conserva- que aueno aei capu ai o p. m. So atenderán con prontitud todos los M.irio candidato estados vecinos. ler ahora uib 3::t0 p. M. á Denver a las l'ueblo, Trlnlda l mid all points in l olorudo Ltuli cuerpo con negocios que a el se 1c eorilien. Denver, Colorado Hpriiiir, dor á la presidencia; que fué derrota- grande de mundo nutre su no. 4. california Llmtteu, corre sola and the Northwest. Ks Idtthn. Montuna Orcat a - íecnc loz Miércoles y sábados. tren Tiii-rMi- . do, recibió uiut jjraii ovación á su par-til- Mala e Más Costosa qne Cnal- una cantidad isigniflcante ue mente N. M.. wlili the I. Tuso Noribraxtorn bysuu Salud putlmans solamento, con coches co r,,,,imri. Mexico, Texan Nueva York, en el vapor quiertiira. efecto de la dispepsia que lo aqueja, de for El Texan, and all points in Southern New Amona, para medor, buffet y observatorio ro tiene lo, Lou In, Clm-aii- and al. con gente a- - tho of Mexico. Aluo for Kutusa City, St. "daratoya." Fué escoltado hasta el Este país está ahora lleno cuando gozando de perfecta salud ti y und Koimhlio igual en servicio equipo. points east via t-- Hoek ltdanii system. y emiL'ranátravésdelcontlnente al saciar su voraz 1 y coches dormi- e l 1 muelle puf una ,'uardU de honor, riuienes " hoinKiin- dia tiara NO lleva Pullman The Santa Fe, Central U tin Short Line between Santa l mid mho. los puntos del - eu lu.i calles por las multitu- en todas direcciones buscando aquello apetito? Slla no tenia tampoco ra.on torios de turistas para Texas, Alnnio'ordo, CarrlniMO, Junta Hon a, Tuetiineari, N, M,, Dalhurl leva.- aclamado m Sleep . sur de california y pullman para .su-iu- des. Hubo una prosecióu de clubs po- que el oro no puedo comprar. Nueve de considerarse feliz sobre los monto and all other pointn on the Ll rao isortlieasicru paso y la Ciudad de México, nace Cttnard SteatuHhlp Company and ihe Old Dominion Steam la, manif'iotacióu que e le s partes de ellos sufren de en nes de cadáveres queobstruven las ca paso, Dcming, silver Sleep is nature's re- Avenís for tho líticos en ó para El ship y bofes de rivalidad del par de Mexico sur Coniiany. San- hizo. fertned des de la lles de Roma por la y todos los puntos and panseiiKcr ratos ami other information repai d wx the y ue building period, when the For freight catarro crónico resultando de resfríos tido de Mario. El dinero, pues, llama de Nuevo Mexico, sur ti .n. ta Fe Central Railway and the country through which it 0ierutt on ol 7, pullman y coenes Cada uño tiiiU frente toma el Reme- y en vano gastando fortu doporQuevedo "poderoso caballero Mo lleva oormi energy used by tho brain, addre(H nedigid 's, de páralos puntos uei . - . n n dio de Foley para Rioones. Se perdida. es torios turistas ANDREWS, s. í. t. & ks ñas para recobrar su salud y loado por el Arcipreste de Hita de California. muscles and organs is re- W. H. Presiden!. mwm, "5 - norte considera ser el remedio tnús efectivo no es- indis-nensahl- e Pudiera cualquier enfermo mas para vivir eomodamen NO. 3, California Limited, tiene, ei B. L. GBipiSimW, T. F B. J. r. uah, uiy r. 4 r. p. pava enfermedades de losrinones y ve- ese primer siempre se logra equipo quo el No. 4. Corre ios newed. If you lose sleep, It. hacerlo pasado y curar te en a vida; pero no mismo ,,. jiga que la ciencia médica pueda pro- resfrio negligido, todo este nesar, do-- 0biener la felicidad con su adquisición Lunes y los Jueves. your system is robbed of Slit it Fe, New Mexico. . Foley para los yectar. El Remedio de lor. ansiedad v i'tisto podia haberse en primer lugar, porque ella no solo se the strength sleep should Ríñones corrige ii regularidades, cons- oviturlii. El remedio de Chamberlain ..micreta á loa vienes exteriores, sino y vitali- loss truye los tejido. restaura la pura la Tos es famoso por sus curas también i los del cuerpo y á los del Salón del Pacifico give. Continued of dad perdida. Lo hará sentirse y d; resfríos, y siempre puede depender- - ui,na, y en segunda, porque es en sumo sleep multiplies this loss De venta en la Botica de ITsenla v enfermedades ílificil reunlrlos todos en una BENIGNO MARTINEZ, Propietario ..Hooiiíi. las rn.ort you become a phys- MAQUINA DE MOLElí la Cruz Ruja y O. Cí. Schaefer. más trraves podrán evitarse. De venta Ból a persona. Los filósofos l'erlpa until r- i el edificio de Don T. conprendian entre los bienes del Sit uado en Miles' eu todas las boticas. técos del de ical wreck. Dr. Apelación rersoiial. aimnol buen eonseio: entre los del Romero, al lado stir Park De Las Vegas, N. M. personal N, M. Venden Nervine quiets the irri- Si pudiéramos hablarle AL TOLO NOUTE salud la fortaleza y la her La Veras. loda - cuerpo la mentó acerca ile los grandes méritos de Se dice en Cristian a que el Rey íla- entre los exteriores, las clano de Licores y Cigarros. Cuar tated nerves and brings tos, personas, Foley's Homy and Tar, para la akón, con más de diez mil riquezas, la nobleza y la gloria tón de recreo en coneccion. refreshing, invigorating y enfermedades de los bofes, en el salón de la Socie esta, listo para poner SMITH, P'rio. recriados s reunieron Tmiibien J. añade a estos la estimación, la sleep. Nervine contains con Platón el serví R nunca seriit inuucido exeriuieütar dad de Geografía, para enterarse de Integridad alambre y etpiipnje para la fortuna en el obra y la no opiates, and therefor LA CASA REDONDA, preparaciones no conocidas que pue- l.w nUnos de Amundsen, acerca de ció de la luz eléctrica a precios CERCA DE eentidos, amen de muchas otras tCJr-ei'fec- de los leaves no bad af ts. den contener aignnas drogas dañinas. una nueva expidieión al Polo Norte. Asi que para muy cómodos. y secunda, después de ser de la inejo cosas útiles á la vida. ld vender harina de Flor two tin-to- ílfreremos Foley's Iloney and Tur no le cuesta cientificos de vario países "For ovar yfara t wtttrrti ningnn de La? Los clubs los filosófos de la antigüedad, comple- aonU; my f rlent' ithougat I fresco á preciotan barato que no puede competirlo conir:io más y tiene un registro de cuarenta tienen representantes en la asamblea. que á más de - was folng craay. I moid not lop tamente íeliz el hombre :V:- doo-tor- s. visita para que lo puetian creer meior. en Botica alcanza-- i worlds greathí w" kaciiu- nor reat at all. I trl tmrnt VCK& II"uoiuna ñ.is de curas. Do venta la Animado por los resultados ser sabido y tener fortaleza, salud y but fallad tm tin&jrlit. Mr l i hMid aU ttwir; I wa de la Cruz Roja y O. G. Schaefer. dos por Nensen en su último viaje, el ri- - mi';'.ái(? would iPh tho herm08l,rili eU!f Cltrecia je nobleza, fe utI ftouid not feono.ntrato - ,UIUR HliUilllU r like ono drunk: capitán Amundsen declaró que su in- pa- - my mind, and was o ratlp and ueza y Klol.ia, De la belleza ,ue " A ) put of tho VI Jr. CVMKO viejo worrtad that - tención era ae embarcarse en el ra D0,renPS eg la raejor reComenda- - Aftr taking- Mo bottle of Centro-Améric- a que el ?iiftion. wonderfully Se abe cu buqtiede Nensen, para llegar á la yBpara ArjMtotele8 y Platón "un Narvlne I fait y cioDi t am third bot piensa hacer uu via-- el Nor- - chaniaí. own mf Presidente Castro Punta Harrew; y de alli hacia d(m y una prerr0iratlva do ia, natu. tio and am tainHtf n ni tima. I á Europa, pura someterse á una presa can l a flown ant Mp a child. te dajando que el buque fuera dicen Socraie9 qil0 e8 "un ti- - anil am nhta ta An n manos de hábiles ciruja-- n neiht. . . Ind. op t del hielo, ae manera que la corrieuue unn Teof8fltro. flUe MRS. MAY SCOTT, Bnillih, Se catán haciendo los arreglos del Océano polar. Your drugglat tall ftr. Mltea Nerv i. lo llevara á través 4,(m udto enfañ,w0.. olrog entre ellos Ine, and wo authorlio him to roturn para el viaje. Con excep- suft- - ft (only) If It folio necesarios Dijo que retomarían provisiones TeocriW) iac0DSideran como un (lefio prloo of rat bettl ción de alguna viMtas que ha necho A años, to banofit you. cientes para durar pot varios de marfil y Cadeadea como un reino es la primera vez que Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind Co.ombia, ésta y anaaio que esmun, OCK' i" Vese por Venezuela 8ln j,uardas. sin embargo" el l'resideute se alejará de u,CuU - viaje ouraru cbuu eMt0i Que e,tán en abierta contradie- - . REGULATE THE - - ue tiempo indefinido. por un período y que ó debe- De Como un Ductor! rata la Pulmonía cion unos contra otros, I moa nwnernos sus o no )) La Lxpcrleiicia de Mr. run Kiiin. a oniniones STOMACH, LIVERS BOWELS, iMiss., pulmonía," dice el Dr. croer en lo que nos dicen. Carden pie Mrs. M. MeKuuey, Preutiss, 'En tratando CV A, AHL I quienes son más fell "Ivitube pontradá eu cama W. J. Smith, de Sanders, Ala., "el yunta también: SEEDS escribe: ó BUCKBCEt SVUi0l por tres meses de una enfermedad de a, in remedio ue Yo uso nat a los bo-- 1 ees los vivos los muertos? Como no OFFER: THE BLOOD. la ultra- - SPECIAL PURIFY los ríñones y vejiga, y fui atendiüa fes es el Remedio deChamberlain para tenemos más noticias de vida Maa fcoltd W. A trial will n.ak ...1 Mir hrillAnflt L (MllUlUlVT. por dos doctores pero fracasé en to la Tos. Mientras Que, por supuesto, terrena que las tradiciones bíblicas A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR síntoma con dife- de la Gloria y los Campos l 1 mar alivio. Ninguna lengua humana Yo trataría otros homérica II ih. rlnMt T.r.1.. 1 iMf ndl.l 0.1". per- - est reme- no podemos asegurar que sean I Indigestion, Biliousnass, Heachche, Constipation, pueue decir como sufría, y habia rentes medicinas, he usado rJiseos, ' WiNTÍI B TO UlAMC mé- si es Paper. Dizziness, Bad l bin t.oda esneranzu de sanar hasta dio mucha veces en mi práctica unos más que otros; pero cierto Write toflay i Mention this Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, que comencé ti tomar el llemedio de dica y he todavía fracasado en hallar loque nos dice Mahoma en el Coran Complexion, Dysentery, Of? nsive Breath, and all una re apun nrHTC Foley para los Kiñones. I)epues de un caso en el cual no haya restringido loa muertos deben vivir vtua lfyon wantPlthoraVlhnitlngSliiittlo nntary disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. y mi esposa lo he- al lado de loa hurles eo el pa hiiultloor BHiniilo'lliriiKl Chain fitttchl tomara dos botellas me senücorno una la enfermedad. Yo galada Htiwlng Machine wrilo to 4 v,mIok of a.rnaia, ww ml el hom Inatmrtlra, Hnalllal ana riaat Rlpana Tabulea contain nothing injurioua to tha moat dclicata conitu. y siento que es mí de mos usado repetidamente para la tos y raíso mahometano. Para THE NEW HOME 8EWIN0 MACHINE COMPANY . ill tHi W Wieii.. Oi nrr.i Sold by nuevá persona, libo liun. I'ltatant to Uke, taf, affactual. Giva immtdiata relief. el que cree que perlo II...LI... uvott aiain Addreaa de decir á las mujeres que padecen resfrio, y de toda voluntad y alegría bre más felizes Orange. Mas. diugfUu. A trial boul wot by mail ott reuipt o( 13 ctun. ber marte Mil of el de recomiendo como euperlor a cual- v one ni envidia á otros su fortuna ni Mnr sewinf machines are in rrtrdlM "STf lo que hizo pira nil Ceruedío lo anility, but the Sew Home ii made loweat. THE R1PANS CHEMICAL CO., remedio para la tos á mi e afana por conseguirla conforman never rum out. I Foley para los Kiñones. De venta en quier otro I Duf 10 Spruce Street. New York City. Cruz Koja y O. G. conocimiento." De venta en todas dose con lo que tiene. old hy oullorl-- donlero onlf. la Uoticade la fu Ait íy SchaeUr. loa botic. Santiago Hswstbo SISSIBlt DIIINC10N. vo edificio sea levantado en el lu- Comunicado. j Mctioi latmr.a propia y mi merc- - 1 !!ni.iito. gar qup ocupa paradero anti- Alliu'j.n N. M. run, M í no difama'!. y man aminos de Don f f drrlci Df sitiarais. Honrad y guo. Esta c un pañía está traba Kl). l'K l'.i. iré Imih kmhkntk la vcriia'l. Dáüco de Sai) Mííiíigí, Respetado Cisdadait pasa á jando con los dueño de propie- Ti 1 lwn!al en su IJaeloiiai I anuncio de la n.i Vakeel imevo ! Menos y mili aboaJos. Mejor Vida. dad A mariariu niuirntc: i'a'lftot Com- para que se oponpaa la I cnwi de Homero Mercantile i' ...i.k.. ,u v M...;..,. ,..! o Mi-n- ambicione y iiihi LAS VEGAS, N. M. mudanza, diciendo n que vi- hs g pany. prevalecer raniit muy ajra!;i Mi-no- tli'inlaw y dinero. e El Jueves de la semana pasa- ven al oricntp del paradero ne- - y con de vc!ii it Mi-n- y CAPITAL PAGADO .100.000.00 l'nra vender una Mena Tool. muña-n- importaciones nás produc- da, cerca de las 8:,'10 de la a tual (píela colocación del elüciol llem.s vien.lo en los muele- - J rija nee ni número 4.H1, Aveni- cta!o ción. SORHANTK 50,000.0 li pasó á mejor vida en la cna les hará mucho perjuicio y moles- - 'diarios !'! oriento, y aún hasta en Ve- ' Menos y máí da del IYrrocanil, Las - aventureros de su residencia el bien conocido no debeu consentir rmii- otro tliarío gas. X. M. : ,. i el nombre del (lárdele al nuevo p. comerciante y ciudadano Don Fe- ti . . iii'" Dr.J. M.Cunningham, Frank Springer, a-- g de Mexico, Vice-President- e, I estado Nuvo l'nos Presidente. Ion Allano It. allego de Law derico iHwnarai, causa un fuer- tan A los propietarios en I po- solictor riBiicAíioN. J rt-- el nombre de Lincoln, y otros G su Eloísa, estu- In the District Court D. T. Hoskins, Cajero. F. It. January, Asis'te Cajero. Conchas y iiina te ataque de pulmonía que lo tu- niente de la ciudad pie no deben el hombre d otru hombres promi- County of San Miguel vieron en la ciudad á Cues do la vo postrado en cama solo tino permitir que sea retirado el pa- nentes y aún basta el nombre del es- Albert (j. Adams Se pata lotería Sobre Depositoa que ae Maceo por Larjo Tjempo. tado de Navrj ), y así cada un perió- vs. No. semana pasada. cuantos dia. radero del sitio (pie ocupa por- Mattie May et ala. dico hace su surest Um ue por decir- del Don Federico nació on Vur-rene- s, que eso será en menoscabo del The said defendants, Mattie May, Don Juan l'ab!o Chavez, lo así aborrecen ese nombre dv Nue- unknown GS The heirs of John Chester Tecolotito. csttivio en la ciudad Canada, año pasado, valor de su propiedadps. , vo Mexico que es tan simpático para shelüeld, Klmen A. Wigton and the XXXXXXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOO el no es- di-- unknown of Klmcr A. Wigton, a it con pero desde año de 18."4, nosotros hijos país. En un editorial heirs g á fines de la cein a pasada La pretensión de la compañía es The unknown heirs of all deceased en Las Vegas. del "Philadelphia Press" se sobre sa- negocio THonale!. tableció I'or los que el concilio municipal se opon, person who in their lifetime made Co., últimos 'JO hííoh perteneció & le tanto en mi repugnancia de ese claim adverse to the estate of plaintiff Las Vegas Lumber sangre indegestión son ga al cambio de lugar y no per no in premises described, Mala é la firma mercantil de (ieoffrion y nombre! (ue dice: (Jue puede ser the hereinafter d buena mita ni ferrocarril (pie interne que el nuevo estado lleve el nombre and also all unknown claimants of in- enemigos a muerte la I tesina mis. sue- terests adverse to the plaintiff in the salud. Lo Amargo de JWirdock mas su paradero. Todavía no de Nuevo Mexico siendo que esto said premises hereinafter described, de recibir surtido de Ka todas bus traosaccones fué na mucho lí mexicano y ademas sien- Acabamos nuestro para la sangre lo destruye. se sabe en (pie vendrá á parar es are hereby notified that a suit has derecho y honesto, lo misino en do que este nombre huelo mucho á been commenced in said District Mu to, porque los oficiales del ferro ó in plain- Papel para Empapelar. Todo nuevo. .í. A. del nombres monárquicos o Court by said plalnsiff. which El Ilon. Ortiz, asesor relaciones sociubles y amigable. tiff prays upon a final hearing of carril no han anunciado el lugar puede ser que un nom- that condado de Santa le estuvo en FuA un esposo fiel y un padre said cause his title and estate in and chos hermosos designios. donde se proponen levantar su bre (pie se detesta tanto entre los to those certain lands and parcels of ciudad nlgunnsdiamlela sema-m- a la amoroso. nuevo paradero. Ks muy proba nombres de los estallos de la l'nión n al estate, situate, lying and being negocios causó in County of Han "Miguel, aforsaid madera panada atendiendo La noticia de su muerte ble Americana sea puesto en la lista de the No se olvide de nosotros cuando desee comprar (pie haya una fuerte contro- and described as follows, to-wi- t: los demás ? Parece que partícula re. una gran sensación entre toda la favorece! estados... The West half of the North-wes- t y toda clase de material para edificar. versia entre los Joles y y es- este Señor Editor estaba dormido quarter of Section Three, South- Pintar de Hon esa en- comunidad, pues era amado y pa- the Somos los únicos agentes de las Tintas para plaga terrible, opositores de la mudanza del ó que hay va- east quarter of North-wes- t quarter co- soñando no ha notado the seco y timado por todos los que lo North-eas- Mountain Plain. Hechas estrictamente para clima fermedades cotnesonieutas de la radero, y tumbien es posible que rios de nuestros estados que llevan of Section three, the t quar- y ter of the south-we- st quarter of epidermi. Ien íia ú su miseria nocieron. Durante su vida fué si acer- los nombres de otros países extranje- Section se venden absolutamente bajo garantía. se prohibe al ferrocarril three, the South-we- st quarter of un liel y verdadero the Kl l'ngüento de Ioau le sanará. Cristano, por car su paradero al centro de la ros y que huelen á monárquicos como North-eas- t quarter of Section three, xxocxxxxxxxxxxxcx 0000 su son "Carolina" Georgia'' "Louisia- the North-wes- t quarter of the South- Ue venta en todas la lotiea. virtudes era admirado por ciudad n lia va nada de edificio. na" y otros con su adjetivo New, east quartet of Section three, and the todos y estamos seguro (pío I'.ast half (f the north-eas- t of La vida de un niño puede Todo puede suceder. Vi:kitas. New, como Hampshire y quarter Dios le ha asignado un lugar entro hoii: "New Section four, all of the above des- 41 "New Jersey". Kastante sabemos quo being á un ataque repentino Dlí UNCION. cribed real estate in Township 65 los justos quo verdaderamente lo "Carolina" y "(eorgiia" son nom- sixteen, North of Range No. Fourteen de coqueluche, hi es que no ten Kl g Pidan de sus Comerciantes mereció. Lunes pasado, cerca de las bres que llevaban la nobleza dp (It)? East of the New Mexico Meri- a para emergencia dian, be established as being gan mano tal Le diez de la noche, en la casa de su v el nombre fué the ré 69 sobre viven su inconsolable 'Louisiana" tate and property of said plaintiff 65 I Aceite Lléetrieodel PrTlionms, esposa, Doña Catarina F. Des- residencia en esta ciudad f dleció nombre que llevó una dama de la no- against the adverse claim or claims 65 '1 Uayniuii-d- o bleza de Francia: Conque no veo por- of the said defendants or any or Nuestro amigo, )ou muráis, dos niñas y dos heruia Don Herculauo López, bieueouo-cid- o either 65 65 que u ese Sr. Editor se le haga tan re- of them; and that the said defendants I Lopez, comerciante en Ocal1, vecino do esta ciudad, des ami each and every one of them be Kio 65 nos en Canada. pugnante el nombre de nuestro Terri- Café tico estuvo en la ciudad ú principio' pues do forever barred and stopped from '1 65 Sus funerales tuvieron su verif- haber estado postrado torio, porque es extranjero como dice having or claiming any riirht or title 65 de la semana y no favoreció con icativo el Sábado en la mañana, encama cerca do tres semanas él, el cual fué lijado por nuestros to said lands anil premises, adverse to 45 65 y vis- ali- y plaintiff, and that the plaintiff's title una agradable placentera de la su acom- hasta pie la muerte vino ú aquellos grandes heroes . i .v. .1 i 65 casa de residencia, lo saui luiios uuu premises oe iorever 65 El Mejor por el Precio. Iler-culan- nobles conquistadores cuya sangre ita. pañando los resto los Kevéren-do- s viar sus sufrimiento. Don o quieted and set at rest, and that the 65 corre en nuestras venas. A mi hu- plaintiff may have such '1 negligido engordan al tiempo do su inuertete-ní- a other and 65 "I'esfrio l'adres (ilberton, IMantard, milde opinión (I nombro de Nuevo further relief as to the said court may 65 dp l'i-n- camposantos." Kl Jarabe d ('Imperito y Habeyrolle, de la cerca de () años deedad; por Mexico debe prevalecer por muchas y be equitable in the premises. 65 That unless enter your apear-ane- e de Noruega del Dr. Woods nu- mucho tiempo estuvo ocupado que ser you 65 plaza nueva, seguido por un nobles razones. Primero, por in the said suit on or before the 65 Insistan que se les dé la MARCA ayudará á hombres y mujeres á meroso concurso d gente. Des- en la casa mercantil de Don Mar-garit- o nombre fijado por nuestros anteceso- (ith. day of February, A. 1). 1909, a 45 res li cuya raza pertenecemos, y ni judgment will ho rendered against llegará una feliz y vigorosa an- pués do celebrarle misa de cuerpo Homero hasta el dia que CIC0. Solo se vende en paquetes de 65 mismo tietypo dar un pequeño tributo you by default. cianidad. cayó enfermo. Hecvndino, preséntelos restos fueron lleva que so le híice á la madre patria, y '2 Clerk Fourth Judicial District Court. g una libra, sellados. 65 su 1 Don Clcofes Homero, alguacil dos ni ceiiMUiterio Monte Calva Lamentan inuei tesu esposa, qu se puede decir que caHÍ no hiy Hyron T. Mills, Las Vegas, N. M. mayor de este condado y su di- rio en donde fueron sepultados. Doña Vigil de López ningún llispano-American- o que no es- Bridge Street, Solicitor for 1'laintiff. '1 de quo ese nombre preva-lese- a. putados, regresaron el Domingo Al dar á nuestros lectores esta y siete hijos. té en favor INVITACION. 65 pasado de la capital á donde fue- triste nueva, damos, A su incon- Ia Asociación de San José muy BONITO f NTRtTtNIMILNTO PARA Así es que lo más propio sería que & ú eordialmento invita á las diferentes ron llevar seis reclutas para la solable esposa, sus queridas ni en caso que pasara la ley do habilita- NAVIDAD. sociedades católicas para que se reú- penitenciaría. ñas y hermanos, el más sentido ción para el estado, y que el congre- Un excelente programa de jin'-go- s nan con ella en el salón de San José en efectos de navidad pésame, que la resigna so no pudiera concurrir en lijar el deslindo Las Vegas, 24 Di- Kl Lúnc pasado el senador do escamoteo y Fres I digita- N. M., el día de eíl-ca- r- nombre del nuevo estado y que fuera ción cristíarm sea el bálsamo SKIS, ciembre ile i ú las 8 de la noche, exami-na- Joseph l'eiisun EornKer, deOliii ción, hábilmente desempeñado el qtie hoy tiene; parece que esto de- Nosotros los invitamos para que vengan ( r quo mitigue el justo dolor que para hablar sobre la moralidad. Con- en el senado el pro-yect- o por el bía dejarse al voto popular de nuestro Navidad, lie- introducto sus el distinguido Prestidigita, cluida la oratoria se participará de un nuestra linea do Efectos para embarga corazones y que territorio que seguro votarían por el de la cámara No. i!227l. dor banquete y en seguida iisistirómos á la mos puesto todo el efuerzo posible este año para alma do nuestro amigo encuentre nombre de Nuevo Mexico, el provecto proveyendo misa de media noche, siendo el naci- Navidad que satis- Etees en la Mansión Celestial el reposo Cedro Chacon Muy Respetuosamente, obtener presentes para darán I miento del Niño Dios. estado para Nuevo México. Se liKNIONO ROMKKO. facción á toda clase de gente. Vd. podrá ahorrar eterno. con Monólogos, Cancio- i'or órden de la Asociación cree que pasará dentro do unos asistido Católica 25 por ciento haciendo sus compras de Navidad NOTAS DE LA CAPITAL. nes y etc.. por aficionados do re- de San José. Pablo Ulibarrí, (lias. 10 QUE MCISITAMOS. en nuestro establecimiento. conocido mérito. Procurador. Lo señores Pedro (arduño y Menos diliimadores j más amigos de Die. 13 de 1008. (rail Hado después del Kntre-tenimient- o. la verdad. Entre las cuestiones más importan Telefoneen Nosotros Atenderemos. Daniel Flores, de ( Imperito, es tes que se presentarán en la próxima La mansión ejecutiva (pío hace La noche del Vier- Menos Instituciones y más educa- tuvieron en la ciudad el Limes asamblea legislativa para su seria con- WINTERS DRUG CO., algunas semanas se comenzó á nes, 2o del actual. ción. pasado. Estos señores lian es- sideración y acción será una para pro Calle del Puente, Las Vegas, N. M. edificar Capitolio va Casa de Opera de Menos reformadores y más hombres curar el modo más propio ' tablecido en aquel lugar un co- ceradel M.nkrl. y legal para progresando con mucha rapidez do bieu. el asesamiento de propiedad tasable. mercio da Hbaíío1eí;ti( ore, ta-lae- Admisión (eneral U.jc, Asien- y ya está terminada la obra Menos chambones y más periodis- y toda dustukv producto cai tos Heservados, 50c, Niños 15o tas. de levantar las paredes y no fa- del pais. Los boletos están de venta en Menes pedantes y más letrados. lta niís que el techo y el trabajo el expendio del joven De- Menos preceptores y mus cuse ñatua. Seeundino'Ho-iner- o Adolfo 65 4? Lo Honorable interior. Kspérnso que para me Menos politicastros y más patriotas. lgado, o'i la Kstafeta. 65 y Apolonio A. Sena, hicie- diados de Marzo estará el edifi Menos política y más industria. inspección la Menos ladradores y más labrado- 65 65 ron una visita de á cio listo para ocupación. Será A los Maestros de Escuela. res. 65 E. e Hijo 65 de Ortiz la semana pasa- de la más Rosenwald fábricas hermo tina Por esto doy aviso í los Macaros Menos persecuciones y más justicia. da. Kl señor Homero intenta do 65 65 sas la capital. do Escuela del Condado do San Mi-jfu- Menos divagaciones y más juicio. Lo Tienda Moderna de Departamentos, poner seis mil de sus ovejas á 65 65 Se dice quo el representante H principalmente A los quo tienen Menos epidemias y más precaución. 65 pastearen aquel lugar durante certilleados do tercer grado y á los Menos programas y más empresas. 65 L. Haca ha estado muy activo el invierno. quo tienen permiso solamente, que Menos empleados y más economía 65 65 trabajando por la presidencia de Ioh días 15 y ltt do Enero do lito co- Menos aspirantismo y más igual 65 65 Kl líennes, presiden Hermano la Cámara y que so ha allegado menzando lí las ocho do la mañana, dad. 5 MUÑECAS. 65 dcM 'olegio de San Miguel en li te el soporte do muchos miembros en la Cusa do Cortvs, habrá una exa- Menos caciques y más hombres 65 JUGUETES 65 S 1 Y--, después de por- - nimación de maestros para la acomo- bres. inta haber do la misma. Ilastanhora pare- 65 Muñecas que dación de aquellos qn deseen ense- Menos criminales y más cárceles. ahora enseñando el más grande y mejor surtido de Juguetes y niaiiecido en la ciudad algunos cí que lleva la ventaja y el único ESTAMOSj se ocupa 97 nar. Do ninguna manera conce- Menos indulgencia y más escarmien se ha enseñado en ésta ciudad. La cuarta nave de nuestra tienda días visit ando al Hermano Art- - '1 peligro que nmenuza á su candi- derán certificados á aquellos que no to. 65 casi en su enteridad á éste desplego y hay todo lo que pueda desear. 65 del nenian, presidente Instituto datura es que pudiera haber una cumplan exactamente con los provis- Menos favoritismo y más trato igual. 65 65 mp la Salle en esta ciudad, par combinación entre sus competi- tos do la ley. Menos envidia y más generosidad, 65 Juguetes de Hierro, Juguetes de Vapor, Trenes y Automóviles con Meca- lió el Dojuingu pasado para la dores en favor do otro candidato MfUl'KI. F, PllHM.UtAIS. Menos engreimiento y mas sensibi nismo, Carretas para Muñecas, Velocípedos, Osos Teddy, Ranges de Ju- Superintendente de 65 q CMpital. del oriente. Escuelas del lidad. guete, Ajuar para Muñecas, Juegos y 45 Condado de San Miguel. Menos crímenes y unís castigos. 65 Hay cierto individuo en núes, Se anticipa que cuando üegue 65 45 - tro medio que la tira ele tunante el tiempo do hacer los nombra- 65 Mas aue 1,000 Muñecas Hermosas- 65 V'aiia , veces ha profesado ser mientos para empleados territo- 65 65 .migo nuestro, otra lanía ue NNN 65 65 riales habrá muchos aplicantes DE SSVVGOhGEPGlOM.. eees ha prometido hacer esto y ..fluPEIfl LR 45 (pie pedirán ser los preferidos del liPLIfl p A Apartado Postal de Claus. otro por nosotros pero al ir ejecutivo. Kábeso de varios polf. 8 Santa 45 ver su no M huerta hemos hallado titos prominentes do diferentes L8 VEGAS, X. Santa Claus ha puesto en nuestro Departamento de Juguetes 45 ni chile, y el piensa que so la g no condados pie so abstuvieron de un departamento postal, y quiere que todos los niños y niñas le 45 maliciamos. el correr para la legislatura A cau- 65 escriban una carta a diciendole que es lo que más desean que les Ksctielas internas y externas para muchachas. Curso 65 traiga. Quién sabe puede ser que tu lo obtengas. La casa comercial de K. Hosen- - sa de la regla que se ha estable- completo de ('studios. Se ofrece toda facilidad para obtener 65 A la niña que escriba la mejor y más aseada carta le dará una 45 wald é Hijo de esta ciudad, ha cido do no nombrar A ningún hermosa muñeca vestida. tina educación completa intelectual y moral. 65 45 hecho imprimir en esta imprenta iniembro do la misma A un em- Al niño que escriba la mejor y más aseada carta le dará una For términos y particulares dirijánse á 45 u.tiOOcirc tila resdegra ndes dimen pleo territorial, y estos, por su. '1 expléndida navaja. Lti Escriba su en Inglés ó Español y á nuestro de- ciones anunciando la graa rebaja puesto, son los que esperan mejor Hermann Superior!. 65 carta trnedla 2 65 partamento de juguetes y echadla en el líuzón. 45 de precios que tendrá durante la consideración. 65 No le ponga estampa. 45 venta especial que comenzó el Li'i- - La Escriba claramente su nombre, edad y dirección. Compañía del Ferrocarril 65 45 lie pasado y concluye el dia filti La contesta se limita á niños de 12 años abajo. Atchison, Topeka y Santa Fé ha 65 45 tno del fio. anunciado que se propone edif- & 65 Kl esta ciudad un edificio nue. NAHM Hon. Kugeiiio Homero, te- icaren STERN 45 vo y l'a-r- a sorero y colector del condado de moderno de paradero, S BARATURAS ESPECIALES. 45 Kan Miguel y político pioii.ineu hacer esto es ha aguardado 45 más de un cuarto de siglo, á pe- Territorio, como caudillo 65 T7STAS baraturas Especiales estarán de venta lo restante de 65 I de que partido Kepublicaiio, nos ha sar cuando fué organiza 65 65 da la compañía ferril so designó Noviembre. Gada es ahorro lio frecuentes visitas última 6? una un para usted. 65 á Sauta Fé como su punto termi- pitey sus numerosos amigos 65 1.25 por Camisas marca "Monarch" para 1.25 cuerpos imitación flaneleta, para 65 etique tienen plmer de verlo. nal, pero al hacer el ferrocarril hombro 08c mujeres, por 9Sc 65 medias para hombre, negras ó am- dicha fué 2tc GHc Handera Americana. ciudad dejada Aun lado arilla l5liC 1.00 tápalos circulares tejidos de mano.. g y tuvo que conformarse con un g 6"'C caminas de dormir de flaneleta pa- 35c y 40c gorras tejidas para niilos 25c Venderé barato todas la pren- ra hombre 50c 121c ramal que echó A cuestas al con- jor fllaneleta vistosa, por 10c g das de joyería y relojes que se me C"c tirantea para hombre, en cajas do 1.25 ropa de lana da abrigo para mu- dado una gran deuda. Ahora la g fantasía, por 40e lían traído para componer y que jeres, por 98c 49 e me lian quedado por cuestión de paradero ha desper- Tres partos para hombre, do 10c por . . . 10c falta de 65 J.25 camisas di flaneleta para dormir 2.75 Quilas finas rellenas con algodón. . . 2.10 su dueños de venir por ellas 45 tado oposición, pues los oficiales MERCANCIAS GENERALES 65 para mujeres, por 9Sc 5.00 frazadas de pura lana, tamailo dentro del que Xie ropa de abrigo para mujeres, por.. . 69 i tiempo previene del ferrocarril quieren edificarlo ó 2.e grande 8.98 la ley. No olviden que tienen 7.00 enaguas do Panama Voile, por... 4.9. 10c bolo de lapatos, dos cajas por. ... 5c en un punto más céntrico, al pa- Calle del rúente, las Vegas, N. M. 'l 7.00 cutes para mujeres, kersey negro. . . 4.92 1.75 Mofe, caya y cuello, temo para ñi- '1 oportunidad de obtener? buena 65 5.00 y 8.00 cutes do invierno para mu- 65 so que una compañía ad- flas 1.3 prenda precio ínfimos espe-pálmen- te que ha ' á Compran Lana, Cueros Zaleas y clase de del Fais 65 chachas, por 3.98 1.25 enaguas negras de satin 91c 65 relujen. Sabino Lujan quirido terrenos al oeste del pá toda Productos Tenemos clase de Frescos los cuales ofrecemos fi 69 69 joyero. radero actual quiere que el nue. toda Abarrotes precio baratos.
