Petrology and Geochemistry of the Nipissing Gabbro: Exploration Strategies for Nickel, Copper, and Platinum Group Elements in a Large Igneous Province Ontario Geological Survey Study 58 1996 Petrology and Geochemistry of the Nipissing Gabbro: Exploration Strategies for Nickel, Copper, and Platinum Group Elements in a Large Igneous Province Ontario Geological Survey Study 58 by P.C. Lightfoot and A.J. Naldrett 1996 Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 1996 ISSN 0704-2590 ISBN 0-778-4804-X All publications of the Ontario Geological Survey and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines are available for viewing and purchase at the following locations: Mines and Minerals Information Centre (MMIC) Macdonald Block, Room M2-17 900 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 1C3 Telephone: 1-800-665-4480 (within Ontario) (416) 314-3800 Fax: (416) 314-3797 Publication Sales 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Level B2 Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 Telephone: (705) 670-5691 Fax: (705) 670-5770 E-mail:
[email protected] Use of Visa or Mastercard ensures the fastest possible service. Cheques or money orders should be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Lightfoot, Peter C. (Peter Charles) Petrology and Geochemistry of the Nipissing gabbro: exploration strategies for nickel, copper, and platinum group elements in a large igneous province (Ontario Geological Survey report, ISSN 0704-2590; 58) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-7778-4804-X 1. Gabbro---Ontario---Nipissing Region. I. Naldrett, A.J. II. Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines III. Ontario Geological Survey. IV. Series. QE462.G3L53 1995 552’.3 C95-964107-6 Every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this report, but the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines does not assume any liability for errors that may occur.