applied sciences

Article Suitability of Aerial for Dump Documentation and Volume Determination in Large Areas

L’udovít Kovaniˇc 1,* , Peter Blistan 1 , Martin Štroner 2 , Rudolf Urban 2 and Monika Blistanova 3

1 Institute of Geodesy, and Geographical Information Systems, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Technical University Kosice, Park Komenského 19, 04001 Košice, Slovakia; [email protected] 2 Department of Special Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7, 16629 Prague, Czech Republic; [email protected] (M.Š.); [email protected] (R.U.) 3 Department of Air Traffic Management, Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice, Rampová 7, 04001 Košice, Slovakia; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The study presented in this paper analyses the results of measurements and data processing for documentation and quantification of material in heaps in large areas, where UAVs may no longer be effective due to a large range. Two test heaps were selected from a whole area, where the aim was to confirm the suitability of using the method of digital aerial photogrammetry by manned (crewed) aerial vehicle. For comparison, a commonly used GNSS RTK method was also used. Terrestrial was chosen as the control reference method. TLS measurement is a trusted method with high accuracy. The methods were compared with each other through the quality of the mesh,

 analysis of the cross-sections, and comparison of the volumes of heaps. As a result, the determination  of heap volumes and documentation using digital aerial photogrammetry can be confirmed as an

Citation: Kovaniˇc,L’.;Blistan, P.; appropriate, efficient, fast, and accurate method. The difference in the detected volume was less than Štroner, M.; Urban, R.; Blistanova, M. 0.1%, the mean difference of the meshes was less than 0.01 m, and the standard deviation was less Suitability of Aerial Photogrammetry than 0.05 m. for Dump Documentation and Volume Determination in Large Keywords: aerial photogrammetry; SfM; TLS; point cloud; TIN model; mesh; volume analysis; Areas. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564. cross-section analysis

Academic Editor: Yosoon Choi 1. Introduction Received: 15 June 2021 In industrial plants, such as mining and metallurgical plants, there is a frequent Accepted: 15 July 2021 Published: 16 July 2021 requirement for the periodical quantification of the amount of materials stored in the input or waste dumps. The stored material usually consists of a loose consistency gravel, sand,

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral iron ore pellets, steelmaking slag, gangue, fly ash, etc. Given the logistics of the production with regard to jurisdictional claims in process, the materials entering into production usually have a heap shape. Materials of published maps and institutional affil- different kinds or fractions are stored in separate heaps. Material loading and removal iations. occur in small heaps realized by tracked or wheeled loaders; at larger scale heaps, a belt or giant gantry machines are preferably used. A required quantification parameter is the volume of the deposited material in the desired moment. The methodology of the work consists of geodetic measurements in the field, data processing, and calculation. When choosing a method, it is Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. essential to consider the specific size and shape of the measured object, its accessibility in This article is an open access article terms of personnel safety while surveying, and the time period in which it is necessary to distributed under the terms and make measurements in the field [1]. An important aspect is the required accuracy of the conditions of the Creative Commons determined volume, which depends mainly on the precision and detail of the resultant 3D Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// model, i.e., primarily the amount and precision of measured points [2]. Several geodetic methods can be used for this purpose. Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and the 4.0/). real-time kinematics method (RTK) are suitable for such works.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 2 of 19

The tachymetric measurement on the principle of the spatial polar method using electronic total station (TS) can be considered as a base method for geodetic spatial data collection [3]. The non-prism distance measurement use is suitable for detailed point measurements of minimal personnel movement on the heap body and accelerating field- works [3]. The motorized total stations with automatic scanning option and mainly terres- trial laser scanners (TLS) are the current trend of spatial polar method use in surveying instruments [4]. These surveying technologies are most commonly used for direct spatial data collec- tion. Their advantage is simplicity with appropriate accuracy; the disadvantage is mainly the long time period required to carry out measurements in the field, often in dangerous conditions on the bulk material. The TLS measurement method has been used as a validated and reference method for comparing the results of several tested measurement methods and for evaluating surfaces in high-altitude environments [5,6]. Gallay et al. [7], Hofierka et al. [8], and Pukanská et al. [9] also used TLS measurements in the mapping of underground and surface karst areas. Erdélyi et al. [10] used TLS measurements to determine the deformation of a bridge and to document the facade elements of a high-rise building. They used a high scan point density of 3 mm to capture small-scale details on the measured object. In [11], the TLS method was used as a reference in the investigation of the spatial deformation of a bridge. TLS measurement can be used in an industrial environment to document industrial machinery, such as rotary kilns [12] and boiler drums [13]. Another use is the ability to accurately determine the volumes of mined reserves and determine the specific gravity of heterogeneous materials [14]. Kˇremen used high-density terrestrial laser scanning in the documentation of historical monuments [15,16], and Koska [17] and Janowski [18] combine TLS and SfM photogrammetry. We consider aerial photogrammetry (AP) as a traditional surveying method. Com- pared to the aforementioned methods, it is suitable for larger territorial unit mapping or larger object documentation [19]. The most common products of aerial image process- ing are vector maps, orthophoto maps, digital terrain models (DTM), and digital surface models (DSM) [20–22]. In recent years, digital aerial cameras and appropriate software de- velopment have provided sensors with higher resolution, allowing the Earth’s surface to be captured with detail-level improvement at the same flight height, respectively reducing the necessary number of images and thus flight time and cost of [23]. The minimizing of fieldwork time, rapidity of photogrammetric data collection and processing, and high detail and accuracy of the terrain models generated by modern software currently take aerial photogrammetry forward as an exciting alternative in terms of quality and efficiency in comparison with terrestrial geodetic methods [24]. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are preferred for smaller-scale areas today, mainly because of their ease of use and low acquisition costs. Rusnák et al. provided a template for the application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in mapping a river landscape [25]. Its outputs can also be applied to the map- ping and documentation of quarries and landfills. Zeybek [26], Štroner et al. [27], and Ren et al. [28] evaluated the quality and accuracy of UAV photogrammetry data using RTK GNSS methods. Without GCPs (ground control points), they achieved a positional accuracy of 1–3 cm and height accuracy of 4–6 cm. Burdziakowski addressed the qual- ity of UAV-based DEM models affected by poor lighting conditions by comparing point clouds [29]. The filtering and classification of point clouds were dealt with by Zeybek [30] and Klápštˇeet al. [31]. The analysis of spatial solids approximated by a regular solid was applied by Janowski et al. [32]. Speed and morphology change using cross-section processing was implemented by Kociuba [33]. Kociuba et al. in their works also dealt with the issue of the volume of moved material of eroded banks in Svalbard. They studied the bedload transport of material in a glacial river (see discussion) [34,35]. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 3 of 19

The current trend in photogrammetric processing is the SfM method. It can be used to process both terrestrial and aerial photogrammetric images [36]. In addition, there are many commercial and open-source software solutions [37]. Mapping using manned aerial systems is justified, especially for larger areas such as the tasks of investigating flood events [38], soil, gullies, shore erosion [39,40], landslides [41], and volcanological surveying [42] or of analysing the slope stability of hard-to-reach or larger units [43–45]. In practice, in addition to creating DEMs and DSMs, it is also used to create updates to orthophoto maps and large-scale maps. Other types of sensors with their economic and technological benefits, such as thermal [46], multi, and hyperspectral cameras and [47–52], can also be placed on airborne platforms. The AP method using manned aerial vehicles is currently competing with the cheaper and more operational UAS photogrammetry, but it effectively covers a smaller area and takes measurements from a lower altitude. This study aims to demonstrate that the use of AP achieves the required accuracy and detail of outputs. After validation on a test area of 1000 m× 350 m, it can be assumed that usage in larger areas (open-pit mines, large landfills, etc.), i.e., where the use of conventional rotary or fixed-wing UAVs would be less economical, will meet the requirements and needs. We also see a use in obtaining data on industrial heaps and dumps as a secondary product when mapping larger parts of the territory if carried out in the required time. Given the large range of the area of interest, the terrestrial measurement would force more days of shut down, which, at a frequent periodic measurement for the company operating in the area, represents an unacceptable loss of production. Therefore, from the available methods for performing the required measurements, the method of aerial photogrammetry has been chosen as likely the most appropriate way to fulfil the purpose of measurement. The advantages of this method consist of the very short time for measure- ment, fast and automated data processing procedures, sufficient precision, the non-contact method of measuring, and the minimized working time in the factory [3,18,23]. However, it was necessary to confirm the suitability of the digital aerial photogram- metry method as a primary method for future measurements regarding comparability and reliability of results with previous measurements. For this purpose, a one-time vali- dation project of heap documentation and volume determination was realised with data collected by aerial photogrammetry compared to the reference method TLS and GNSS as previously used methods. This case study presents verifying the appropriateness of the photogrammetric techniques for the documentation and volume determining of material deposited in dumps of larger scale. The requirements for the measurement and processing methods are determined in particular by continuous operation in the plant (and therefore also in a landfill), the minimal forced shutdown of loaders, and the adequate accuracy of the determined volumes.

2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Study Area Measurements were realized in the largest integrated iron and steel company in Eastern Slovakia near the town of Košice (Figure1a). Dimensions of the study area at the time of measurements were approximately 1000 m × 350 m. There were 29 heaps of different materials of different shapes and sizes with a height of 10–15 m (Figure1b). Two typical adjacent heaps were selected for this study. Appl. Sci. 2021Appl., 11 Sci., 6564 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19 4 of 20



FigureFigure 1. Study 1. area: Study (a) area: overall (a localization;) overall localization; (b) surveyed (b heaps) surveyed (AP model). heaps (AP model).

2.2. Surveying2.2. Equipment Surveying Equipment 2.2.1. GNSS Receiver Leica GPS900CS 2.2.1. GNSS Receiver Leica GPS900CS Dual-frequency GNSS rover Leica GPS 900CS equipped with hardware and soft- ware for receivingDual-frequency GPS and GLONASS GNSS signals rover Leica was used. GPS 900CS In this equipped study, it was with used hardware in and software the coordinatesfor receiving of ground GPS control and points GLONASS (GCP) determiningsignals was theused. absolute In this orientation study, it was of used in the coor- photogrammetricdinates images. of ground Quick control static GNSS points method (GCP) was determining used. Horizontal the absolute and vertical orientation of photo- accuracy isgrammetric expressed as followsimages. according Quick static to the GNSS manufacturer method data: was standardused. Horizontal deviation and vertical accu- in position racyσp = is 5 mmexpressed + 0.5 ppm as follows and in heightaccordingσh = to 10 th mme manufacturer + 0.5 ppm. GNSS data: RTKstandard deviation in measurement method was also used for the detailed measurement of two reference heap position σp = 5 mm + 0.5 ppm and in height σh = 10 mm + 0.5 ppm. GNSS RTK measure- surfaces. Manufacturer declares horizontal and vertical accuracy in terms of relations ment method was also used for the detailed measurement of two reference heap surfaces. σp = 10 mm + 1 ppm and σh = 20 mm + 1 ppm [53]. Manufacturer declares horizontal and vertical accuracy in terms of relations σp = 10 mm + 2.2.2. TLS Leica1 ppm ScanStation and σh = C1020 mm + 1 ppm [53]. Reference measurement was made by the TLS Leica ScanStation C10 device with the rotating mirror2.2.2. along TLS aLeica horizontal ScanStation axis. For C10 distance measurement, the green 3R pulse visible laser withReference a wavelength measurement of 532 nm is was used. made Standard by the deviation TLS Leica of single ScanStation measured C10 device with the σ point positionrotating in the mirror space is alongp = 6a mm, horizontal standard axis. deviation For distance of distance measurement, measurement the green 3R pulse is σ = 4 mm (for lengths up to 50 m), standard deviations of horizontal directions and d visible laser with a wavelength of 532 nm is used. Standard deviation of single measured point position in the space is σp = 6 mm, standard deviation of distance measurement is σd = 4 mm (for lengths up to 50 m), standard deviations of horizontal directions and ver- tical angle measurement are σα = σz = 12’’, and precision of modelled surface is 2 mm. Range of measurement described by the manufacturer is 300 m at 90% reflectivity and 134 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20

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m at 18% reflectivity surface. Maximum measurement speed is up to 50,000 points per vertical anglesecond. measurement Field of view are σ isα =360°σz = horizontal 12”, and precision and 270° of vertical modelled [54]. surface is 2 mm. Range of measurement described by the manufacturer is 300 m at 90% reflectivity and 134 m at 18%2.2.3. reflectivity Digital Aerial surface. Photogrammetric Maximum measurement Camera speed Microsoft is up to UltraCamLp, 50,000 points per Aircraft Tecnam ◦ ◦ second. FieldMMA of view is 360 horizontal and 270 vertical [54]. 2.2.3. Digital AerialPhotogrammetric Photogrammetric data Camera collection Microsoft was UltraCamLp, performed Aircraft by digital Tecnam aerial MMA photogrammetric Photogrammetriccamera Microsoft data collectionUltraCamLp was performed(Figure 2a). by Imag digitale size aerial is photogrammetric11,704 × 7920 pixels, and output camera Microsoftformat is UltraCamLp jpeg or tiff. (Figure Pixel 2sizea). Imageis 6 μm, size and is 11,704 CCD ×chip7920 area pixels, is 70.22 and output mm × 47.52 mm. Pan- format ischromatic jpeg or tiff. lens Pixel has size focal is 6lengthµm, and of CCD70 mm. chip Field area of is 70.22view mmfrom× vertical47.52 mm. is 52° at the cross- ◦ Panchromatictrack lens direction has focal and length 37° ofat 70along-track mm. Field ofdirection. view from Maximal vertical is image 52 at theacquisition cross- speed is one ◦ track directionimage and per 37 2 Weight along-track of the direction. camera Maximalis about image55 kg acquisition[55]. The photogrammetric speed is one equipment image per 2 s. Weight of the camera is about 55 kg [55]. The photogrammetric equipment carrier was a twin-propeller aircraft Tecnam MMA (Multi Mission Aircraft) (Figure 2b). carrier was a twin-propeller aircraft Tecnam MMA (Multi Mission Aircraft) (Figure2b). Its length isIts 8.7 length m, wingspan is 8.7 m, is 11.4wingspan m, maximum is 11.4 takeoffm, maximum weight istakeoff 1230 kg, weight and top is 1230 speed kg, and top speed is 145 knotsis 145 [56 ].knots The camera[56]. The was camera mounted was on mounted an aircraft on in aan gyro-stabilizing aircraft in a gyro-stabilizing basement, basement, which significantlywhich significantly eliminates tilts eliminates of the aircraft. tilts of Aircraft the aircraft. technology Aircraft was supplemented technology was by supplemented GNSS andby inertial GNSS measurement and inertial unit measurement (IMU) in the unit product (IMU) Applanix in the POSTrack product™ Applanix, which POSTrack ™, stores thewhich position stores and the tilt ofposition the camera and attilt the of time the camera of exposure at the and time provides of exposure input data and provides input for the calculationdata for the of the calculation analytical of aerotriangulation the analytical [aerotriangulation57]. [57].

(a) (b)

FigureFigure 2. Aerial 2. Aerial equipment: equipment: ( (aa)) Camera Camera MicrosoftMicrosoft UltracamLP; UltracamLP; (b) ( Aircraftb) Aircraft Tecnam Tecnam MMA. MMA.

2.3. Data2.3. Acquisition Data Acquisition and Processing and Processing For the validation project of documentation and volume determination of bulk ma- For the validation project of documentation and volume determination of bulk ma- terial heaps, surveying methods listed above were used. In addition, two neighbouring referenceterial heaps heaps, were selected surveying in which methods we assume listed the abov occurrencee were used. of error In for addition, points in two a neighbouring cloud, duereference to parts ofheaps the image were thatselected are too in bright which (overexposed) we assume orthe fractions occurrence that areof error too for points in a soft (dust);cloud, thus, due a smooth to parts structure of the image reduces that the are accuracy too bright of the (overexposed) correlation, which or fractions was that are too confirmedsoft in the(dust); processing. thus, a Forsmooth purposes structure of 3D reduces model comparison, the accuracy obtained of the by correlation, listed which was methods,confirmed the network in of the control processing. points (CP) For forpurposes terrestrial of measurement3D model comparison, and of ground obtained by listed control pointsmethods, (GCP) the for network aerial photogrammetry of control points was (CP) created for and terrestrial surveyed. measurement The coordi- and of ground nates of thesecontrol points points were (GCP) determined for aerial in a common photogramme coordinatetry system was created ETRS 89 and (European surveyed. The coordi- Terrestrial Reference System) by quick static method using relative GNSS measurements nates of these points were determined in a common coordinate system ETRS 89 (European and transformed into the positional coordinate system S-JTSK (The Uniform Trigonometric CadastralTerrestrial Network) andReference height system System) Bpv by (Balt quick after static adjustment). method Bothusing listed relative coordinate GNSS measurements systems areand used transformed as a mandatory into the geodetic positi baseonal in coordinate the Slovak Republic.system S-JTSK Workflow (The diagram Uniform Trigonomet- is shownric in Cadastral Figure3. All Network) field measurements and height and system data Bpv acquisition (Balt after GNSS, adjustment). TLS, and AP Both listed coordi- were performednate systems in one day are during used theas a shutdown mandatory of the geodet productionic base to preventin the Slovak any changes Republic. Workflow in the morphologydiagram is and shown size of in the Figure examined 3. All heaps. field measurements and data acquisition GNSS, TLS, and AP were performed in one day during the shutdown of the production to prevent any changes in the morphology and size of the examined heaps. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 6 of 19

FigureFigure 3. Workflow3. Workflow diagram. diagram. 2.3.1. GNSS Measurement 2.3.1.The GNSS GNSS measurementMeasurement of selected heaps was carried out to compare the quality of measurements on the same day as TLS and AP data collection. RTK VRS method was used with a connectionThe GNSS to ameasurement network of permanent of selected reference heaps stations, was SKPOS carried® serving out as ato base compare the quality of formeasurements relative measurements on the in same the Slovak day Republic. as TLS Virtualand AP reference data stationcollection. was generated RTK VRS method was used atwith the sitea connection of measurement. to a Positional network accuracy of permanent of the measurement reference is stations, indicated by SKPOS the ® serving as a base coordinate standard deviation σxy < 20 mm and height accuracy σh < 40 mm. At heap No. 1,for 205 relative points were measurements measured, and at in heap the No. Slovak 2, a total Repu of 534blic. points. Virtual reference station was generated at the site of measurement. Positional accuracy of the measurement is indicated by the 2.3.2. Terrestrial Laser Scanning coordinate standard deviation σxy < 20 mm and height accuracy σh < 40 mm. At heap No. Laser scanning was performed from six stations (Figure4) at ground level (green mark)1, 205 and points one at were an elevated measured, level in theand platform at heap of theNo. loading 2, a total machine of 534 (blue points. mark). Georeferencing to the surveying network was carried out by the resection method. Network points2.3.2. (purple) Terrestrial were signalizedLaser Scanning by 6-inch targets for high-definition scanners (HDS) on tripods. The scanning resolution value was set to 5 cm at 100 m distance. For both heaps, 12.5 millionLaser points scanning were measured was performed (raw data) (Figure from5 a).six During stations the data(Figure processing, 4) at ground level (green unnecessarymark) and and one erroneous at an elevated points in the level scan werein the filtered, platform such as of a loadingthe loading machine, machine (blue mark). beltGeoreferencing conveyors, error to points, the surveying etc. (Figure5 b).network Scanned was data werecarried further out divided by the into resection method. Net- single files for each heap and spatially subsampled to resolution of 5 cm. Resulting files containedwork points approximately (purple) 181,000 were points signalized for heap by No. 6-inch 1 and 449,000targets points for high-definition for heap No. scanners (HDS) 2.on Leica tripods. Cyclone The 7.3® ,scanning Microstation resolution V8i® with Terrascan value wa v.13s® ,set and to Trimble 5 cm RealWorks at 100 m distance. For both ® 6.5heaps,software 12.5 were million used. Filtering points and were classification measured of the (raw point clouddata) were (Figure performed 5a). as During the data pro- ground extraction in Terrascan® software. cessing, unnecessary and erroneous points in the scan were filtered, such as a loading machine, belt conveyors, error points, etc. (Figure 5b). Scanned data were further divided into single files for each heap and spatially subsampled to resolution of 5 cm. Resulting files contained approximately 181,000 points for heap No. 1 and 449,000 points for heap No. 2. Leica Cyclone 7.3®, Microstation V8i® with Terrascan v.13®, and Trimble RealWorks 6.5® software were used. Filtering and classification of the point cloud were performed as ground extraction in Terrascan® software. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20

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FigureFigure Figure4. Surveying 4.4. SurveyingSurveying network networknetwork (3D (3D(3D viewview onon on GCPsGCPs GCPs forfor 3D for3Dscanning—purple, scanning—purple,—purple,scanner scannerstations—green stations—green scanner stations—green and blue;andand selected blue;blue; selectedselected surveyed surveyedsurveyed heap heapsheapss are are highlighted highlightedhighlighted as as red red as areas). areas).red areas).

(a) (b)

Figure 5. TLS data: (a) raw TLS point cloud, (b) classified TLS point cloud. (a) (b) 2.3.3. Aerial Photogrammetry Figure 5.Figure TLS 5. data:TLS data: (a) raw (a) raw TLS TLS point point cloud, (b ()b classified) classified TLS pointTLS cloud.point cloud. A priori analysis was performed to determine the expected accuracy of the deter- 2.3.3.mined Aerial volume. Photogrammetry It depends mainly on the area of the surface and the accuracy of the height 2.3.3. Aerial Photogrammetry coordinatesA priori of analysis the detailed was performed points. When to determine estimating the expectedthe accuracy, accuracy a heap of the height determined of 10 m Avolume.and priori the horizontal Itanalysis depends heap was mainly dimensions performed on the area100 mto of × thedeter100 surfacem minewere andassumed. the the expected accuracy Photogrammetric ofaccuracy the height soft- of the deter- minedcoordinatesware volume. producer It of depends the declares detailed the mainly points. standard on When heightthe estimating area error of of the theDSM accuracy,surface points andas a heap1.5 the times height accuracy the of size 10 mof of the height andthe pixels the horizontal on the ground. heap dimensionsIf the maximum 100 merror× 100does m not were exceed assumed. twice the Photogrammetric mean error, and coordinatessoftwareone pixel of producer hasthe a detailedsize declares of 5 cm, points. the then standard the When maxi heightmum estima error difference ofting DSM the pointsin heapaccuracy, as volume 1.5 times a determining heap the size height of of 10 m and thethehas horizontal pixels a maximum on the heap ground.value dimensionsof If1.5%. the maximumTherefore, 100 error thism × accuracy does 100 notm is exceedwere fully assumed.acceptable. twice the mean Photogrammetric error, and soft- ware producerone pixelAt the has declaresstage a size of of flight 5 the cm, plan thenstandard creation the maximum heightfor data difference ecollection,rror of in DSM heapimages volume points with determininga resolutionas 1.5 times hasof 5 the size of the pixelsacm maximum per on pixel the value wereground. ofproposed, 1.5%. If the Therefore, which, maximum regarding this accuracy error the parameters isdoes fully not acceptable. ofexceed the camera, twice corresponds the mean error, and to theAt flight the stage altitude of flight of 580 plan m above creation the for grou datand. collection, Four flight images axes withwere a realized resolution (Figure of 5 cm 6). one pixelperMutual pixel has transverse werea size proposed, of overlap 5 cm, which, was then 75%. regarding the Longitudinal maxi themum parameters overlap difference of of images the camera, in in heapthe corresponds flight volume direction to determining has a maximumthewas flight 65%. altitudeRedundant value of of 580 number 1.5%. m above ofTherefore, frame the ground. pairs thisincreases Four accuracy flight the accuracy axes is werefully of realized theacceptable. resulting (Figure DSM 6). AtMutualand the alternatively stage transverse of flightallows overlap plansome was 75%.imagescreation Longitudinal to be for omitted: data overlap collection,for example, of images imagesblurred in the flight images with direction duea resolution to of 5 cm perwasturbulence pixel 65%. were Redundant during proposed, the number flight. which, of frame regarding pairs increases the theparameters accuracy of of the the resulting camera, DSM corresponds and alternatively allows some images to be omitted: for example, blurred images due to to the turbulenceflight altitude during of the 580 flight. m above the ground. Four flight axes were realized (Figure 6). Mutual transverse overlap was 75%. Longitudinal overlap of images in the flight direction was 65%. Redundant number of frame pairs increases the accuracy of the resulting DSM and alternatively allows some images to be omitted: for example, blurred images due to turbulence during the flight. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 8 of 19

FigureFigure 6. 6.GCPGCP (5001–5006) (5001–5006) scheme scheme withwith SfMSfM model model background. background.

Ten ground control points were stabilised for absolute image orientation in the coordi- Ten ground control points were stabilised for absolute image orientation in the coor- nate system (Figure6). GCPs were signalized by square black and white plastic signs with dinatea size system of approximately (Figure 6). 30 GCPs cm× 30 were cm. GCPssignaliz wereed determinedby square byblack GNSS and fast white static plastic method signs withwith a size post-processing of approximately and 20 min 30 cm× observation 30 cm. onGCPs each were point. determined In addition, virtualby GNSS reference fast static methodstation with generated post-processing in the middle and of the20 surveyedmin observation location (usingon each SKPOS point. reference In addition, network virtual referencedata) was station used. generated in the middle of the surveyed location (using SKPOS reference networkOverall, data) was 56 images used. were made in the case study area. Flight time between first and lastOverall, image was56 images approximately were made 15 min. in the The case images study were area. radiometrically Flight time correctedbetween andfirst and lastcalibrated. image was Data approximately recorded by onboard 15 min. GNSS The receiverimages andwere IMU radiometrically devices were post-processed corrected and cal- and attached to the coordinate system ETRS89 and, together with the coordinates of control ibrated. Data recorded by onboard GNSS receiver and IMU devices were post-processed points and camera calibration parameters (internal orientation), provided input data for andthe attached block alignment to the coordinate of images system and calculation ETRS89 and, of external together orientation with the elements coordinates of the of con- trolanalytical points and aerotriangulation camera calibration using photogrammetricparameters (internal software. orientation), The resulting provided coordinates input data forwere the block transformed alignment into theof images coordinate and system calculation S-JTSK. of Residual external deviations orientation of theelements ground of the analyticalcontrol pointaerotriangulation coordinates after using the photogrammetric analytical aerotriangulation software. solution The resulting reached coordinates values weresmaller transformed than 20 mm into for the positional coordinate coordinates system and S-JTSK. 30 mm Residual for the height deviations coordinate. of the ground control Frompoint these coordinates modified aerialafter the images, analytical DSM was aerotriangulation automatically generated solution in thereached form ofvalues smallera point than cloud. 20 mm Points for were positional generated coordinates for every and second 30 mm pixel for of thethe aerialheight image. coordinate. About 1.7From million these points modified (raw data) aerial were images, processed. DSM Unnecessarywas automatically and erroneously generated generated in the form of points were filtered and removed similarly as described for TLS processing. Such modified a point cloud. Points were generated for every second pixel of the aerial image. About 1.7 point clouds contained about 168,000 points for Heap 1 and 445,000 points for Heap 2. million points (raw data) were processed. Unnecessary and erroneously generated points were2.3.4. filtered Data Processingand removed similarly as described for TLS processing. Such modified point clouds containedThe single meshabout models 168,000 were points created for Heap for every 1 and set of445,000 points points obtained for by Heap the above- 2. listed methods, which formed the upper terrain of selected heaps. Points bounding the 2.3.4.heap Data and Processing points on the ground plate have formed the lower terrain. Filtration removed erroneously generated (AP) and measured (TLS) points using Microstation software V8i® The single mesh models were created for every set of points obtained by the above- with Terrascan v.13®. Such modified point clouds are referenced and were the starting listedbasis methods, for the creation which of formed final mesh the modelsupper andterrain further of selected analysis. Asheaps. thereference Points bounding surfaces the heapat bothand heaps,points mesh on the models ground obtained plate by have the TLSformed were the considered. lower terrain. Filtration removed erroneouslyFor the generated purpose (AP) of compliance and measured rate description (TLS) points of theusing compared Microstation surfaces, software the Z V8i® withcoordinate Terrascan differences v.13®. Such were modified calculated. point Applying clouds the are AP referenced and GNSS methods,and were obtained the starting basisdata for were the comparedcreation of with final the mesh reference models model an (TLS).d further analysis. As the reference surfaces at both Residualsheaps, mesh represent models the obtained vertical difference by the TLS between were the considered.Z value in the data file and the interpolatedFor the purposeZ value of on compliance a reference surfacerate description at every position of the Xcompared, Y of the data surfaces, file point. the InZ coor- dinatethis case,differences the bilinear were interpolation calculated. method Applying was the used. AP and GNSS methods, obtained data were compared with the reference model (TLS). Residuals represent the vertical difference between the Z value in the data file and the interpolated Z value on a reference surface at every position X, Y of the data file point. In this case, the bilinear interpolation method was used. The formula used to compute a residual value is Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20

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= − , Z res Z dat Z ref (1) The formula used to compute a residual value is

where: Z res is the difference value, Zdat is the Z value in the compared data file, and Zres = Zdat − Zre f , (1) Z ref is the interpolated Z value on the surface at each X, Y point coordinate on the refer- where: Z is the difference value, Z is the Z value in the compared data file, and ence surface.res dat Zre f is the interpolated Z value on the surface at each X, Y point coordinate on the referenceThe standard surface. deviation σ of the data file is the square root of the variance of the file and is, inThe general, standard calculated deviation byσ of the the formula data file is the square root of the variance of the file and is, in general, calculated by the formula n σ = 1 ()− 2 s zi z , (2) ()1 − n σ = n 1 i=(1z − z)2, (2) ( − ) ∑ i n 1 i = 1 where: n is the number of observations, z i is the data value, and z is the mean. where: n is the number of observations, zi is the data value, and z is the mean. ® CreationCreation of of the the cross-sections cross-sections waswas performed performed by by the the Surfer Surfer® software. software. For bothFor both heaps, heaps, threethree vertical vertical sections sections parallel parallel to to eacheach otherother were were created created (Figure (Figure7). They 7). They were were situated situated parallelparallel to tothe the longest longest dimension dimension ofof thethe heap heap in in the the heap heap centre centre and and its side its side slopes. slopes. In each In each section,section, about about 120 120 data data points points were were evaluatedevaluated without without removing removing outliers. outlie Asrs. the As referencethe reference surface,surface, the the model model surveyed surveyed by by the TLSTLS method method was was chosen. chosen.

(a) (b)

FigureFigure 7. Location 7. Location of cross-sections: of cross-sections: (a) (aHeap) Heap 1 1(distance (distance of of cross-sections cross-sections approx. approx. 10 10 m), m), (b )(b Heap) Heap 2 (distance 2 (distance of cross- of cross- sectionssections approx. approx. 20 m). 20 m).

3. Results3. Results The main characteristics of the created point clouds are listed in Tables1 and2. The main characteristics of the created point clouds are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1. Characteristics of point clouds: Heap No. 1. Table 1. Characteristics of point clouds: Heap No. 1. Average No. of Triangles Density of Method No. of Points DistanceAverage Dis- No. inof Mesh Triangles PointsDensity of Method No. of Points betweentance Points between in Mesh Points GNSS RTK 205 377 0.1/m2 3 mPoints GNSS TLSRTK 181 205 360 362 377 524 196/m 0,1/m2 2 0.07 m3 m TLSAP 181 168 360 084 335 362 826 524 100/m 196/m2 2 0.10 m0.07 m AP 168 084 335 826 100/m2 0.10 m

Appl.Appl. Sci. Sci.20212021, 11,,11 x ,FOR 6564 PEER REVIEW 1010 of 19of 20

TableTable 2. 2. CharacteristicsCharacteristics of of point clouds: HeapHeap No.No. 2.2.

AverageAverage Dis- No.No. of TrianglesTriangles DensityDensity of of MethodMethod No. No. of of Points Points tanceDistance between in MeshMesh PointsPoints betweenPoints Points GNSSGNSS RTK RTK 534 534 1 1 034034 0.1/m 0.1/m2 2 3 m3 m TLSTLS 449 449 404 404 898 551551 196/m 196/m2 2 0.070.07 m m APAP 446 446 629 629 891 591591 100/m 100/m2 2 0.100.10 m m Analysis Analysis of of Surfaces Surfaces TheThe Trimble Trimble Realworks Realworks®® ver.ver. 11.3. 11.3. software software was was used used for for the the twin twin surface surface comparison compari- asson a coloured as a coloured mesh mesh with withdifferential differential scale scale (Figure (Figure 8). The8). The comparison comparison expresses expresses the the com- pliancecompliance rate of rate the of compared the compared surfaces. surfaces.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FigureFigure 8. Coloured 8. Coloured mesh mesh twin twin surface surface comparison.: comparison.: ( (aa)) TLS vs.vs. AP—HeapAP—Heap No. No. 1; 1; ( b(b)) TLS TLS vs. vs. GNSS—Heap GNSS—Heap No. No. 1; (1;c) ( TLSc) TLS vs.vs. AP—Heap AP—Heap No. No. 2; 2;(d ()d TLS) TLS vs. vs. GNSS—Heap GNSS—Heap No. No. 2. 2.

RegardingRegarding the the large large number number of evaluatedevaluated points,points, the the compliance compliance differences differences of theof the comparedcompared surface surface residuals residuals were evaluated graphicallygraphically as as a a frequency frequency histogram, histogram, where where onon the the XX axis,axis, the the intervals intervals of of residuals residuals are are displayed, displayed, and and on on the the YY axis,axis, the frequency of of residuals in intervals from −0.2 m to + 0.2 m are displayed (Figure9). The single bin residuals in intervals from −0.2 m to + 0.2 m are displayed (Figure 9). The single bin size size was set to 5 mm; the number of intervals was therefore 80. The values of residuals of was set to 5 mm; the number of intervals was therefore 80. The values of residuals of TLS TLS vs. AP (Figure9a,c) were determined as processed for two separate heaps. Then, as a vs.result, AP (Figure the correlation 9a,c) were coefficient determined 0.96 was as calculated.processed Forfor two TLS vs.separate GNSS heaps. values ofThen, residuals as a re- sult,(Figure the 9correlationb,d), the correlation coefficient coefficient 0.96 was value calcul wasated. 0.75. For TLS vs. GNSS values of residuals (Figure 9b,d), the correlation coefficient value was 0.75. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 11 of 19 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9.9. Histogram of frequency of surface differences of residuals in intervals. (a) TLS vs. AP—Heap No. 1, 1, ( (b)) TLS vs. GNSS—Heap No.No. 1, (c)) TLSTLS vs.vs. AP—Heap No. 2, ( d) TLS vs. GNSS—Heap No. 2. 2.

Tables3 3 and and4 4 show show the the percentage percentage frequencyfrequency ofof pointspoints at intervals up to ± ±2020 mm, mm, ± 40±40 mm, mm, ± ±6060 mm, mm, and and ± ±8080 mm mm based based on on residual residual differences differences of of surfaces surfaces obtained by the selected surveying methods.

Table 3.3. Surface differencesdifferences evaluation—Heapevaluation—Heap No.No. 1.1.

HeapHeap 11 Frequency Frequency of of Residuals Residuals for for Compared Surfaces Surfaces in in Intervals Intervals upup to ±±2020 mm up up to ±±4040 mm up up to ±±6060 mm up to ±±8080 mm TLS vs. AP 53% 73% 78% 92% TLS vs. AP 53% 73% 78% 92% TLS vs. GNSS 18% 30% 53% 72% TLS vs. GNSS 18% 30% 53% 72%

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 12 of 19

Table 4. Surface differences evaluation—Heap No. 2.

Heap 2 Frequency of Residuals for Compared Surfaces in Intervals up to ±20 mm up to ±40 mm up to ±60 mm up to ±80 mm TLS vs. AP 44% 73% 80% 92% TLS vs. GNSS 21% 40% 53% 73%

3.2. Analysis of Cross-Sections Tables5 and6 show the percentage frequency of points at intervals up to ±20 mm, ±40 mm, ±60 mm, and ±80 mm based on residual differences of surfaces in cross-sections obtained by the selected surveying methods. The cross-sections comparison result of surfaces obtained by the AP and GNSS methods represents the data file in which the height differences against the reference surface were contained.

Table 5. Cross-sections differences evaluation—Heap No. 1.

Heap 1 Frequency of Residuals in Compared Cuts in Intervals up to ±20 mm up to ±40 mm up to ±60 mm up to ±80 mm TLS vs. AP 57% 72% 80% 91% TLS vs. GNSS 16% 31% 50% 67%

Table 6. Cross-sections differences evaluation—Heap No. 2.

Heap 2 Frequency of Residuals in Compared Cuts in Intervals up to ±20 mm up to ±40 mm up to ±60 mm up to ±80 mm TLS vs. AP 42% 73% 85% 93% TLS vs. GNSS 17% 39% 55% 72%

A graphical representation of these differences in sections for the surfaces obtained by the AP and GNSS methods is presented (Figure 10). Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,, 6564x FOR PEER REVIEW 1313 of of 1920



Figure 10. Cont. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564x FOR PEER REVIEW 1414 of of 1920



Figure 10. Graphical evaluation of the surface differences in cross-sections without removal of peak values. ( (aa)) TLS TLS vs. vs. AP—Heap No. 1, (b) TLS vs. GNSS—Heap No. 1, ( c) TLS vs. AP—Heap AP—Heap No. 2, 2, ( (d)) TLS TLS vs. vs. GNSS—Heap GNSS—Heap No. No. 2. 2.

3.3. Analysis of Volumes Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 15 of 19

3.3. Analysis of Volumes The volume calculation was realized for each heap and method separately. The upper surface was formed by the heap body points, while the lower surface was created by points on the ground plate in the heap surrounding. Volumes were therefore determined indepen- dently on the mutual registration of point files. Volume calculation was performed by the Trimble Realworks® software. The designated volume and the absolute and percentage comparison are shown in Table7.

Table 7. Volume differences comparison.

Heap Surveying Method Volume (m3) Volume Difference (m3) (%) TLS 4584 - - Heap 1 AP 4588 4 0.09 GNSS 4430 −154 −3.36 TLS - - Heap 2 AP 14 0.08 GNSS −311 −1.67

4. Discussion The mesh surface comparison (Figure8) was the initial analysis in this research. It shows a level of agreement of the compared surfaces obtained by different surveying methods. TLS vs. AP surface evaluation (Figure8a,c) is almost identical at both heaps. The most significant differences between the surfaces were detected mainly on the upper part of the heap and partly on its sidewalls (red and blue colours). This can be assigned to the absence of a sufficient number of points at these locations measured by the TLS method. Despite the goal of making TLS measurements with a full coverage of heaps and with a raised instrument station position, these areas were hidden by obstacles. The TLS vs. GNSS surface comparison (Figure8b,d) identifies significant differences of surfaces at both heaps. These are mainly found on the edges of the formed planar areas and on the circumference at the base of the heaps. This is due to the substantially lower density of points in the model created from the GNSS RTK measurements. Furthermore, all the direct methods, including GNSS, are influenced by human factors: when moving on the heap, it is not easy for the operator to select the appropriate measured points for optimal surface description. To obtain numerical values for comparison, the frequency difference histograms were created in sets with a 5 mm size for the residual values of −0.2 m to + 0.2 m (Figure9). TLS vs. AP surface analysis has confirmed the initial assumption about the possible correlation of surface models obtained by the employed method. TLS vs. AP surface validation shows a standard deviation σ = 39 mm for Heap no. 1 and σ = 42 mm for Heap No. 2. TLS vs. GNSS surface validation shows a standard deviation σ = 67 mm for Heap no. 1 and σ = 68 mm for Heap No. 2. When comparing the TLS vs. AP surface validation residuals, there is a mean error value of 9 mm for Heap No. 1 and 6 mm for Heap No. 2. TLS vs. GNSS surface validation residuals show a mean error value of 12 mm for Heap No. 1 and a mean error value of 15 mm for Heap No. 2. The correlation coefficient was calculated from the frequency of residual values at the selected intervals of 5 mm of the same data collection methods and processed in two separate heaps. The correlation coefficient value was 0.96 for the AP and 0.75 for the GNSS measurement. This parameter shows a high reliability, especially for the results obtained by the AP. Cross-section analysis (Figure 10) was performed on smaller datasets relative to surface analysis, which corresponds to the evaluated standard deviations according to initial assumptions. TLS vs. AP cross-sections validation has a standard deviation σ = 53 mm for Heap No. 1 and σ = 49 mm for Heap No. 2. TLS vs. GNSS surface validation shows a standard deviation σ = 100 mm for Heap No. 1 and σ = 91 mm for Heap No. 2. TLS vs. AP cross-sections validation residuals show a mean value z = 6 mm for Heap No. 1 and Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 16 of 19

z = 3 mm for Heap No. 2. TLS vs. GNSS surface validation shows a mean value z = 11 mm for Heap No. 1 and z = 8 mm for Heap No. 2. Yourtseven [58] compared photogrammetric DSMs obtained from different flight altitudes up to 350 m AGL using UAS. The reference model was DSM obtained by TLS. When comparing GNSS and TLS measurements by comparing the Z coordinate in the sections, he achieved a standard deviation of 73 mm. When comparing GNSS and AP from a height of 350 m AGL, the standard deviation was approximately 60 mm. The values correspond to our achieved results. When comparing TLS and AP, a standard deviation value of up to 76 mm was reached. The comparison of the specified volumes (Table7) confirms the results of previous analyses. Volume difference values were specified for the comparison of TLS vs. AP as 0.09% at Heap No. 1 and 0.08% at Heap No. 2, and for the comparison of TLS vs. GNSS as −3.36% for Heap No. 1 and −1.67% for Heap No. 2. Regarding the relatively large size difference of both heaps, these results are at the level of expected values and correspond to small values of the mean error of residuals to the reference surface. The determination of volumes by contact methods such as the spatial polar method using total stations and the RTK method using GNSS was summarized by Ajayi [3] as comparable. This is mainly due to approximately the same density of measured points. This has the most significant impact on the quality of the model and the derived results. By comparing volumes with a reference value, he determined an error in determining the volume with a value of 2.9% [3], which is in line with our results of the GNSS comparison. Tamin et al. [59] achieved a volume difference of 0.002% between TLS and AP. For AP data acquisition, a UAS was used at the height of 100 m AGL. The results show that the AP method for volume determination and documentation is in its precision comparable with the reference method TLS (the calculated volumes differ by less than 0.1%) and is significantly more accurate and reliable than the RTK GNSS method (volumes differ in ones of percentages). The advantage is the high density of surveyed points and thus almost true shape capture of the measured object. In areas with poorer texture, e.g., smooth surfaces and shadowy places, the error points occur, but these can be effectively removed using appro- priate filtering tools. In the case of multistage measurements, it is appropriate to make a flight with the same parameters and external orientation using the same control points [60]. Although the TLS measurement method achieves excellent results, it has some limits: in particular, the need for field measurements and the incompleteness of the point cloud and 3D model. It is, therefore, suitable for smaller areas or separate objects [34]. Furthermore, the AP method with a correct measurement setup provides a higher work efficiency and model quality [5,17]. Ajayi [3] also compared the time required for field measurements by the different methods. If we do not consider the time required for flight and GCP preparation, conven- tional measurement is more time consuming than AP. In our case study, a large area was surveyed. Therefore, fieldwork is only a small part of the surveying process. The total time required for AP acquisition is, then, shorter than using terrestrial measurement [36]. However, with a large number of images, it is necessary to take into account the longer time of post-processing software processing [37]. A disadvantage of AP use is that it only allows for measuring objects visible from above. It depends on suitable weather, which allows the flight to be made and provides good lighting conditions. Measurements can be made only in daylight, ideally in the midday hours. Risk factors in terms of industrial plants also include the direction and strength of the wind, which could impair visibility by smoke from nearby chimneys or swirling dust from heaps. These risks should be considered during mission planning and scheduling. Nevertheless, the accuracy, efficiency, speed, and economic view of AP compared with other methods make it the first choice for solving problems associated with data collection for terrain modelling and volume calculation with larger scale territory and objects. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6564 17 of 19

5. Conclusions The presented validation study aimed to compare the modern geodetic technologies TLS and AP for determining the volume of heaps of material and their spatial documen- tation. In addition, the GNSS RTK method and TLS were also compared to bind actual measurements with previously used surveying methods. As the reference method, TLS was chosen because of the high density, the number of measured points, and the high measuring accuracy. AP measurements are very fast and can cover a large area in a short time and from a high flight altitude (even compared to UAVs). The time required for fieldwork in comparison with conventional surveying techniques is markedly shorter. The method is therefore also suitable when dynamic change detection in a short time is needed. The measurement is non-contact, and thus it can be safely implemented even in harmful or hazardous environments.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L’.K., P.B., R.U. and M.Š.; methodology, L’.K., P.B., R.U. and M.Š.; software, L’.K.; validation, RU., M.Š. and M.B.; formal analysis, M.B.; investigation, L’.K., P.B.; resources, L’.K., P.B., R.U. and M.Š.; data curation, R.U. and M.Š.; writing—original draft preparation, L’.K. and M.Š.; writing—review and editing, L’.K., P.B., R.U. and M.Š.; visualization, L’.K. and M.Š.; supervision, L’.K. and M.Š.; project administration, L’.K., P.B., R.U. and M.Š.; funding acquisition, M.B., L’.K.and P.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the grant 1/0588/21 funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (VEGA); APVV- 18-0351 funded by the Scientific Grant Agency of The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (APVV); grants No. 004TUKE-4/2019 and 055TUKE-4/2021 funded by the Cultural and Educational Agency of The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA); and the grant SGS21/053/OHK1/1T/11 funded by CTU Prague, Czech Republic. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Acknowledgments: To Geodeticca Vision company for providing material and support to this work. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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