Redevelopment Projects for Cities Using Tax Increment Financing, 2003

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Redevelopment Projects for Cities Using Tax Increment Financing, 2003 uR CITIES USING I fI CREMiENT FI!NANCll. DEPARTMENTOF PROPERTY ASSESSMENT & TAXATION Catherine D. Lang Property Tax Administrator Mike Johanns Gouernor March I, 2003 Clerk of the Legislature: The following pages contain a detailed report of each city in the state of Nebraska that is currently engaged in redevelopment projects using Tax Increment Financing. This report is required under section 18-21 17.1 (2), R. S. Supp., 2000. The report contains information coordinated by City Officials and County Assessors. Each project has the type of property and a history of yearly assessments and the taxes levied. The remarks on each city project states the specific name of the project, location, a short narrative description of type of development undertaken by the city and other pertinent information that will assist in understanding the data. The base value remains constant unless noted and the excess value may or may not change yearly. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office or Laz Flores at (402) 47 1-5979. Sincerely, Catherine D. Lang I Property Tax Administrator u 1033 "0"Street, Suite 600 Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone (402) 471-5984 Fax (402) 471-5993 Website: http: // email: [email protected] An Equal Opportunit)b/Afirmatiue Action Employer Printed with soy ink on recycled paper City Index City County Page' Alma .............................. Harlan ............................ 118 Atkinson .......................... Holt................................. 119 Aurora ............................ Hamilton.......................... 116 Beatrice ........................... Gage .............................. 112 Beaver City ...................... Furnas ............................ 111 Bellevue .......................... Sarpy .............................164 Blue Hill .......................... Webster ......................... 181 Brady ..............................Lincoln ............................ 147 Broken Bow ................... Xuster ............................ 37 Cairo ............................... Hall ................................ 113 Cambridge .....................:. Furnas ............................I11 Central City ...................... Merrick ......................... ...I53 Chadron .......................... Dawes ............................ 40 Clay Center ......................Clay ...............................33 Cozad ............................. Dawson .......................... 42 Curtis .............................. Frontier ........................... j10 David City ...................... ..Butler .............................28 Fairmont ..........................Fillmore .......................... 109 Fullerton ..........................Nance ............................ 154 Geneva ......................... ..Fillmore ..........................109 Gering ............................ Scotts Bluff ...................... 169 Gothenburg ...................... Dawson ......................... -42 Grand Island .................... Mall ................................ 113 Hastings .......................... Adams ............................1 Holdrege ......................... Phelps ............................156 Kearney .......................... Buffalo ............................ 20 Kenesaw ......................... Adams ............................ 1 Kimball ............................ Kimball ............................131 Lexington .........................Dawson .......................... 42 Lincoln ............................ Lancaster ........................ 133 Louisville ......................... Cass ..............................29 McCook ......................... ..Red Wlllow ...................... 162 Nebraska City ...................Otoe ............................... 155 Neligh ............................ .Antelope ......................... 19 Norlfolk ............................ Madison ......................... 150 North Platte ......................Lincoln ............................147 Ogallala ......................... ..Keith ............................ ...I23 Omaha ............................Douglas ......................... 53 O'Neill .............................Holt ............................... 119 Ord ................................. Valley ............................. 179 Paxton ............................Keith ............................ ...I23 Plainview ......................... Pierce ............................160 Plattsmouth ..................... Cass .............................. 29 Ralston ........................... Douglas .......................... 53 Ravenna ......................... Buffalo ............................20 Roseland......................... Adams ............................I Schuyler ..........................Colfax ............................35 Scottsbluff ........................ Scotts Bluff ...................... 169 Sidney ............................ Cheyenne .......................31 So. Sioux City ...................Dakota ............................38 Stromsburg ...................... Polk ............................... 161 Sutherland .......................Lincoln ............................ 147 Sutton ............................. Clay ...............................33 Tecumseh ...................... ..Johnson ......................... 122 Wahoo ........................... Saunders ....................... 168 Wakefield ......................... Dixon .............................52 Waterloo ......................... Douglas .......................... 53 Wausa .............................Knox ...............................I 32 Wayne ............................ Wayne ............................ 180 West Point ....................... Cuming ........................... 36 York ...............................York ............................... 182 * Page number refers to first page of the county - - Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Report February 19,2003 - COUNTY: IADAMS Page 1 CTL Proiect Name Project date City Remarks TIF ALLURE CONDOMINIUM 1211 011 993 HASTINGS Name of Project: Allure Condominiums 51 2-516-520 West F St. Class CTL # Proiect did not start till sometime after 1993 Base Code 01-0018 Affiliated Code 284 20 ~escri~tion.Provided funds to buy down the cost of 3 single family condominums. Year 1 Base Value I Excess Value I Tax Rate 1 Tif Base Tax I Tif Excess Tax 1993 1 I 1 2.99780000 1 I -- Current Year I Base Value Excess Value Totals: 1.252.41 26,490.92 Residential 8,985 / I 1 Commercial 1 0 1 1 Industrial 1 0 / / Other 1 0 / I I 1 I - CTL Project Name Project date City Remarks TIF ANDERAND LLC 1111811 996 HASTINGS Name of Project: Anderand, LLC C Lots 1,2,3,6,7,8 of Block 4, Dawes and Foss First addition and Lot 1, SchookHASTINGS 18 - Class CTL # Anderand Subdivision. - EaseCode 0LOQ18 - 4ffiliatd Code - - - ?84 - 22 Description: Funded the removal of an existing vacant building, public - parking and landscaping on public rtght of way. A new convenience store and food court was built on the site. L Year I Base Value ' I Excess Value 1 Tax Rate I Tif BaseTax I Tif Excess Tax - 1996 1 I I 2.78264800 1 I Current Year Base Value 1 Excess Value Totals: I 6.357.56 1 112.123.51 1 / Residential 0 i 0 I 1 Commercial I 45,610 1 929.595 1 -- 1 Industrial 0 i 0 I - Other - 01 0 Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Report February 19, 2003 - COUNTY: 1 ADAMS Page 2 CTL Project Name Project date City Remarks - TIF BECKER WAREHOUSE, INC 0512011 994 HASTINGS Name of Project: Becker Transportation Warehouse - Lots 1-9,Block 15,Veiths Park addition -Area V, City of Hastings School: HASTINGS 18 CTL # Description: Provided funds for water improvements and construction , Base Code 01-0018 Affiliated Code 284 7 of warehouse and storage facilities. rC - - 4 -d 4 I Industrial 0 Other 0 / I I I I C CTL Project Name Project date City Remarks TIF BlENKOWSKl WALTER & DIANE 10/1411996 HASTINGS Name of Project: Bienkowski Storage Buildings I Lots 7-24,Block 15,Prospect Park Ave addition, Hastings Schoo1:HASTINGS 18 CTL # Description: Provided funds for paving of new street and construction - Base Code 01-0018 Affiliated Code 284 21 of small business complex and storage units. 4 Year Base Value Excess Value Tax Rate Tif Base Tax Tif Excess Tax 1996 23,975 2.78264800 1,108.19 - 1997 154,200 2.77047100 1,103.34 4,272.07 .. w 1998 154,200 2.28389900 547.56 3,521.77 1999 161.910 2.24264400 537.67 3,631.06 4 2000 210,810 2.17285900 520.94 4.580.60 2001 210.810 2.1 9967400 527.37 4,637.13 2002 210,810 2.26940700 544.09 4,784.14 - Current Year / Basevalue 1 Excess Value Totals: 4,889.16 25,426.77 - Residential 0 / 0 Commercial 23,975 .I-Industrial 0 ( Tax Increment Financing-. (TIF) Report February 19, 2003 1 COUNTY: 1 ADAMS Page 3 I CTL Project Name Project date City Remarks TIF BURLINGTON CENTER. LLP 0211 612000. HASTINGS Name of Proiect: Burlington Center, LTD Partnership 1 Lots 22-24, lock 18. original Town of Hastings. I CTL # Description: TIF funds used to partially fund purchase and demolition 1 Base Code 01-0018 Affiliated Code 284 3 of buildings and site preparatio. for the construction of new retail shoe 1 building. Year Base Value Excess Value Tax Rate Tif Base Tax Tif Excess Tax 2001 7,155 173,345 2.19967400 157.39 3,813.02 2002 173,345 2.26940700 162.38 3,933.90 Current Year Totals: 31 9.77 7,746.92 CTL Project Name Project date City Remarks TIF CLOCKTOWER PLAZA, PTNSHIP 0813011 989 HASTINGS Name of Project: Clocktower Plaza Lots 1-5, Block 10, Moores addition, Hastings Area
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