An Examination Into the Stylistic Characteristics
GEWESENER MAGDEBURGISCHE MUSICUS: AN EXAMINATION INTO THE STYLISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF HEINRICH GRIMM’S EIGHT-VOICE MOTET, UNSER LEBEN WEHRET SIEBENZIG JAHR’ Benjamin Michael Dobbs, B.A. Thesis Prepared for the Degree of MASTER OF MUSIC UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS December 2010 APPROVED: Graham H. Phipps, Major Professor Frank Heidlberger, Minor Professor Gene J. Cho, Committee Member Eileen Hayes, Chair of the Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology Lynn Eustis, Director of Graduate Studies in the College of Music James C. Scott, Dean of the College of Music James D. Meernik, Acting Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Dobbs, Benjamin Michael. Gewesener Magdeburgische Musicus: An Examination into the Stylistic Characteristics of Heinrich Grimm’s Eight-Voice Motet, Unser Leben wehret siebenzig Jahr’. Master of Music (Music Theory), December 2010, 172 pp., 61 figures, references, 71 titles. Although Magdeburg cantor Heinrich Grimm was frequently listed among prominent musical figures of the early seventeenth century such as Heinrich Schütz, Johann Hermann Schein, and Michael Praetorius in music lexica through the nineteenth century, he has almost disappeared from modern scholarship. However, a resurgence in Grimm studies has begun in recent years, especially in the areas of biographical study and compositional output. In this study, I examine the yet unexplored music-analytic perspective by investigating the stylistic characteristics of Grimm’s 1631 motet, Unser Leben wehret siebenzig Jahr’. Furthermore, I compare his compositional technique to that of his contemporaries and predecessors with the goal of examining the work from both Renaissance and Baroque perspectives. Copyright 2010 by Benjamin Michael Dobbs ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are many people that I wish to acknowledge without whose support and assistance this study would not have been possible.
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