East Cleveland, Ohio
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Thundctf, October S3, 1938 T AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES O'BRIEN'S 7ULL0S JIM CONNELL CHEVROLET IMPORTANT NOTICE! SINCE BOTH OLEN PONTIAC 855 AND OATESS PONTIAC HAVE DISCONTINUED BUSINESS . IVanhoe 8-1720 It Is Our Desire To Help You SED CARS CHEVROLETS Continue To Enjoy The Driving MOTOR TUNE-UP •85.«210” 4-Door $995 *65 Bal Air 4-Doer $1395 1955 CHEVROLET 1955 CHEVROLET Pleasure of Your Present 6 CYL. CARS 8 CYL. CARS *55 Bal Air 2-Our $1095 '55 PACK. SfJflE '53 DeSOTOSnnr 2-door sedan, standard shift, Bel Air 4-door sedan, radio, Dtluxe 4-Door $695 Pontiac • O OK Plus 40,. HM*1 power steering, heater, immacu heateri powerglide, white walls, »11-»6 4-Door Sedan | Parts Powerflite VW late. 20,000 original miles. Ultramafic w Br ww We Will Be Happy To LUBRICATION FREE LUBRICATION FREE FORDS WITH TUNE-UP WITH TUNE-UP '54 OLDS ’56 RMOh Wucuu ___ $1295 ’55 Country Squirt $1395 $645 $795 Serve All Olen and Oatess Super 88 Holiday •58 Custom 4-Door $695 FRONT END S^QQ =~v,1095 Full Power 995 Former Customers *5$ Vi-Ten Pickup $595 1955 CHEVROLET 1955 MERCURY ALIGNMENT Q '55 FORD StflE ’S3 Ranch Wagon $595 "210" 4-door, 6-cylinder, power Montclair convertible, Mercomat- Includes Camber, Caster, Toe-in 2-Door Sedan ’53 Victoria $595 glide, tu-tone blue, radio, heat ic, power seat, brakes and Radio, Heater W V V -HydramaticPONT $4959 BwwJ *53 VS-Tor Pickup____ $595 er, extra-clean. steering, radio, heater. tuoRB Center. Dr. Miller- CAW '56 DOD. $895 $1196 WA?H Pontiac Protect Your 2-Door Sedon *65 Buick Special $1045 Foctory Equipped ^LY“ ’295 *53 Olds Sopor “88” $895 ’995 1954 CHEVROLET 1956 CHEVROLET PARKING *54 Pontiac Conv., Pwr. $595 Radiator Now! '56 PLYM. $4 G JE *53 Pontiao Chief 4-Dr. $495 Bel Air 4-door Station Wagon, Delray sedan, powerglide, V-8, SHOPPING 25 <tFNTEft~ V 9 B.Ned.r* I 4£L*| *54 Plymouth 4-Door $695 economical 6-cylinder engine power steering and brakes, Hdtp., Full Power I U 1 U »“riK’1295 with powerglide. radio, heater, white walls. To Gallon I ■■ WW ’•3 Plymouth 2-Door $395 LAKE Shors. Blva Fix Yourself Cars $11 M tint WE WILL '56 FORD '55 Nash snni: $1296 Exclusive Northeast Cleveland and Lake County Pontiac Dealer $4 JflC Flush Radiator and Install Sealer V-8 Sto. Wo8. Rombl.. f)M*l BANK FINANCING ALL FOR I *1*171 Radio, Heater WwBwBw OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. Radio, Heater I 1 UU IT'S FOR Check AU Radiator Hoses AU Cars Chock Thermostat and Replace if Necessary '54 MERC, '54 PLYM. $nK Guaranteed Chock Fan Belt an4 Water Pump 2-Dr. Sedan 11 <151 dju MILT MILLER PONTIAC Stick Shift W ■ V Automatic W V W Many Others To Jim Council One street south of Lake Shore Blvd., next door to Kroger Put In Permanent Anti-Freeze Plus Parts *55 CHEV. $0nE '55 CHEV. sonr Choose From 22501 Shore Center Dr. RE. 1-7300 "210' 2-0oor fl Ml Bel Air Convertible Nearly everybody Knows Stick Shift WWW Stick Shift UW ^CHEVROLET USED CARS Mearly Everybody Knows NEW 1959 JOE O'BRIEN 15201 Euclid Ave. UL. 1-2515 AUTOMATIC JOE O'BRIEN WILLYS TRANSMISSION SERVICE 14115 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-7700 JEEPS « TRUCKS ADJUSTING - $7.50 14000 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-2000 Now On Display SEALING - $35.00 and up AT . AND YOU ARE REBUILT UNITS FOR ALL MAKES • HYDRAMATIC • POWERGLIDE • DYNAFLOW KRAUSHAAR • ULTRAMATIC O POWERFLITE • FORDOMATIC • JET-A WAY INVITED FREE TOWING SERVICE HUNT EASY TERNS Willys Dealer TO BRING THIS ADV. FOR WITH THIS AD Opposite East Cleveland City Hall 20% DISCOUNT Lubrication and Oil Change 14335 EucUd LL 1-2100 Monthly for One Year Two Convenient Locations AUTOMATIC Our »hop equipped with latest vision liner equipment and trained mechanics On Purchase This Month Of A AUTOMOBILES TRANSMISSION BILL'S SERVICE Front End Special Free Winter Check Up 1958 Plymouth or Chrysler 1956 FORD Jack Adkins Bill Modic All Cars up to 1956. When you purchase 2 gallons of oil- COUNTRY sedan, blue and white 601 East 200th St 1311 East 55th St. Other Cars slightly extra. station wagon, 22,000 miles, one weather permanent Anti-froeze o We owner, private ._EX. 1-0822. IV. 6-3635 EX. 1-9188 Chock AU Hose*, Radiator, Thermostat, $5^0 Brakes, Engine, Battery, Generator and THE P. R. WARD co 1955 MERCURY Euclid. Ohio Cleveland. Ohio Carburetor FREE! YELLOW convertible, 22,000 miles, one owner, private. EX. 1-0822, OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER ■ PLYMOUTH DEALERS 1957 JEEP. 4-wheel drive, factory FREE! 2 GAL PERMANENT ANTI cab with sliding doors, radio, SITUATION WANTED East 152nd Bl. North of 5 Points heater, new condition. $1700. 749 FREEZE with BRAKE RELINE SPECIAL Babbitt rd.. AN. 1-0675. ON DISPLAY PAYMENTS SLIP covers made in your - home 1954 BUICK 2-door Super hardtop, with your material, reasonable Chevrolet, Ford, Plymouth full equipped, excellent condi- rates. RA. 1-2247. Others Slightly Higher. Includes lining and All tion, $795. IV. 1-7293. AT HIGH? Labor. We Check Wheel Cylinders, Master Cylinder, USED CAR SPECIALS 1956 FORD convertible, padded Emergency Brake, Inspect All 4 Brake Drums. *25” dash board and sun visors, Ford- We trade down by giving you Drapes Cleaned 1954 PLYMOUTH 1955 PLYMOUTH o-Matic, power steering, radio, heater, whitew'alls. 22470 Lake* a clean low-priced car and pay WE TAKE THEM DOWN Choice ot 2. dtOR V-8 4-door, radio, 47 7K mont, AN. 1-1907,____________ ctf your balance and rid your AND REHANG THEM heater, Powerilite ... V ■ ■ U LLOYD, 1958, sun roof, good condi W» Repair, Rehem and Remake Radio, heator La TOUR self of those high payments. As New Draperies Made To Order EAST 185th AUTO SERVICE tion. good transportation, $1045. Days, MA. 1-9860; evenings, LO. OLDSMOBILE, INC. finance specialists we do what Allan Draperies SERVICE DAILY 8 TO 10 — CLOSED SUNDAY 1-9247._______________________ 1954 FORDS 1957 FORD others consider impossible. We 15517 Euclid Ave. IV. 6-1132 Fairlane 500, fordomatic, 4-door HAVE 2 cars, must sell 1952 Ford OPEN FRIDAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY TILL 9 P.M. 975 East 185th St. IV. 6-1732 Choice of 2: 6 s, 8's. 8KQK 4-door V-8, no rust, very clean, also buy outright. Low over $549. IV. 1-2131. 10640 St. Clair MU. 1-7000 VELVA’S Alteration Shop, altera Call for Evening Appointment Radio, heater ............. VWUV head enables us to pay more tions, remodeling, tailoring, men ,adw' $1696 1952 NASH Rambler hardtop, good and women, drapes made to condition. $100; also new 1955 cash, especially Station Wagons Ford battery, 30 month, $10. GL. order. 13430 $t. Clair. UL. 1-3592. 1- 9407. and Thunderbirds. MAN with 2-ton dump truck de 1953 NASH 1953 HUDSON FOR SALE - BOATS sires hauling of any kind; rub 1957 BUICK 2-door Special; owner Hornet 4-door, radio, COAK bish, ashes, dirt, garages torn For Advertising Call GLenville 1-4383 4-door sedan. must sell, leaving for Army; ISli-FT. Lyman, steering wheel, down, basements and attics Radio, heater $196 I heater, hydramatic . v*1!— $1795. LI. 1-8739. windshield, 30 h.p. Johnson mo cleaned. GL. 1-3841.___________ FORD, 1950 2-door, radio, heater, tor, Tee-Nee trailer, many extras. UNITED WILL take care of children in my (New Plymouth-Chrysler Quality Used Cars) $35. TV. 1-0060. USED CARS KE. 1-0400. 13415 St. Clair Ave. home, days, for working mothers. 1952 FORD, will take best offer. 14-FT. Arkansas, 15 h.p. Evinrude, RE. 2-818u. JOHNNY’S .... 24-HOUR RE. 1-2063. teenee. fully equipped, skis, fish GL. 1-0033 DRESSMAKING, tailoring, altera- E. 152nd ing tackle, lattem, excellent con. tions. Call PO. 1 -3053. MU. 1958 PONTIAC hardtop; must sell. dition, UL. 1-5057 after 6 p. m. P. R. Word Co North of RE. 1-9644._____________________1997 FORD WASHING or ironing, pick up and 1-7600 - 5 Point* 1987 CHEVROLET Bel Air convert- 1957 TROJAN Sea Queen, white delivery in Euclid, Ohio. RE. AUTOMATIC 870 East 182nd St. Custom V-| 4-Door, factory equipped, upholstery, trailer and canvas, 1-1846. ible, $1525. RE, 1-7110. fordomatic. radio, speedometer, 1958 Scott- SPECIALS ALTERATIONS and dressmaking. Selling and ServidngYour Can far 23 Yean 1957 CHRYSLER Windsor 2-tone Atwater engine, 40 h.p. RE. 2-9419 hardtop, low mileage, fully equip, $1495 after 5 p. m. 1995 WILLYS Call Carm, KE. 1-4260. TRANSMISSION ped. RE. 1-6921. 4-wheel drive with plow. DRESSMAKING and alterations, 1948 CHRYSLER ’’6’’ 4-door sedan, 1956 FORD Low mileage. guaranteed work. RE. 1-1507, radio, heater, fluid drive, snow 22070 Ball ave._______________ tires, good condition; must sell. Customlina 6-cylinder 2-door; radio, FOR SALE - BICYCLES $1395 ALTERATIONS and dressmaking. EV. 1-9171. heater, fordomatic. experienced, work guaranteed, 1953 CHEVROLET reasonable, pick-up in Euclid. All TYPES 1954 FORD 4-door. very good con BOY S 26-inch bicycle, $10. 21301 22951 Arms ave., RE. 1-6369. DRASTIC PRICE CUTS dition, $480, aqua and white. RE. $995 Ball ave.. Euclid._______________ 2-door sedan. f at J. cleaning with the home REPAIRED and REBUILT 2- 7622. ___________ CHAIN drive tricycle, Colson, $10. It's beautiful touch, wall and woodwork wash, ON ’59 BUICK TRADE INS 1956 LINCOLN Premiere convert- 1855 FORD IV. 1-1421._____________________ mg, paper cleaning, window ible, power steering, brakes, 19,- Customline V8 2-Door; factory CUSHMAN motor scooter, best washing, have your gutters clean, 000 miles.