Thundctf, October S3, 1938 T AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES O'BRIEN'S 7ULL0S JIM CONNELL CHEVROLET IMPORTANT NOTICE! SINCE BOTH OLEN PONTIAC 855 AND OATESS PONTIAC HAVE DISCONTINUED BUSINESS . IVanhoe 8-1720 It Is Our Desire To Help You SED CARS CHEVROLETS Continue To Enjoy The Driving MOTOR TUNE-UP •85.«210” 4-Door $995 *65 Bal Air 4-Doer $1395 1955 CHEVROLET 1955 CHEVROLET Pleasure of Your Present 6 CYL. CARS 8 CYL. CARS *55 Bal Air 2-Our $1095 '55 PACK. SfJflE '53 DeSOTOSnnr 2-door sedan, standard shift, Bel Air 4-door sedan, radio, Dtluxe 4-Door $695 Pontiac • O OK Plus 40,. HM*1 power steering, heater, immacu­ heateri powerglide, white walls, »11-»6 4-Door Sedan | Parts Powerflite VW late. 20,000 original miles. Ultramafic w Br ww We Will Be Happy To LUBRICATION FREE LUBRICATION FREE FORDS WITH TUNE-UP WITH TUNE-UP '54 OLDS ’56 RMOh Wucuu ___ $1295 ’55 Country Squirt $1395 $645 $795 Serve All Olen and Oatess Super 88 Holiday •58 Custom 4-Door $695 FRONT END S^QQ =~v,1095 Full Power 995 Former Customers *5$ Vi-Ten Pickup $595 1955 CHEVROLET 1955 MERCURY ALIGNMENT Q '55 FORD StflE ’S3 Ranch Wagon $595 "210" 4-door, 6-cylinder, power­ Montclair convertible, Mercomat- Includes Camber, Caster, Toe-in 2-Door Sedan ’53 Victoria $595 glide, tu-tone blue, radio, heat­ ic, power seat, brakes and Radio, Heater W V V -HydramaticPONT $4959 BwwJ *53 VS-Tor Pickup____ $595 er, extra-clean. steering, radio, heater. tuoRB Center. Dr. Miller- CAW '56 DOD. $895 $1196 WA?H Pontiac Protect Your 2-Door Sedon *65 Buick Special $1045 Foctory Equipped ^LY“ ’295 *53 Olds Sopor “88” $895 ’995 1954 CHEVROLET 1956 CHEVROLET PARKING *54 Pontiac Conv., Pwr. $595 Radiator Now! '56 PLYM. $4 G JE *53 Pontiao Chief 4-Dr. $495 Bel Air 4-door Station Wagon, Delray sedan, powerglide, V-8, SHOPPING 25 <tFNTEft~ V 9 B.Ned.r* I 4£L*| *54 Plymouth 4-Door $695 economical 6-cylinder engine power steering and brakes, Hdtp., Full Power I U 1 U »“riK’1295 with powerglide. radio, heater, white walls. To Gallon I ■■ WW ’•3 Plymouth 2-Door $395 LAKE Shors. Blva Fix Yourself Cars $11 M tint WE WILL '56 FORD '55 Nash snni: $1296 Exclusive Northeast Cleveland and Lake County Pontiac Dealer $4 JflC Flush Radiator and Install Sealer V-8 Sto. Wo8. Rombl.. f)M*l BANK FINANCING ALL FOR I *1*171 Radio, Heater WwBwBw OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. Radio, Heater I 1 UU IT'S FOR Check AU Radiator Hoses AU Cars Chock Thermostat and Replace if Necessary '54 MERC, '54 PLYM. $nK Guaranteed Chock Fan Belt an4 Water Pump 2-Dr. Sedan 11 <151 dju MILT MILLER PONTIAC Stick Shift W ■ V Automatic W V W Many Others To Jim Council One street south of Lake Shore Blvd., next door to Kroger Put In Permanent Anti-Freeze Plus Parts *55 CHEV. $0nE '55 CHEV. sonr Choose From 22501 Shore Center Dr. RE. 1-7300 "210' 2-0oor fl Ml Bel Air Convertible Nearly everybody Knows Stick Shift WWW Stick Shift UW ^CHEVROLET USED CARS Mearly Everybody Knows NEW 1959 JOE O'BRIEN 15201 Euclid Ave. UL. 1-2515 AUTOMATIC JOE O'BRIEN WILLYS TRANSMISSION SERVICE 14115 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-7700 JEEPS « TRUCKS ADJUSTING - $7.50 14000 St. Clair Ave MU. 1-2000 Now On Display SEALING - $35.00 and up AT . AND YOU ARE REBUILT UNITS FOR ALL MAKES • HYDRAMATIC • POWERGLIDE • DYNAFLOW KRAUSHAAR • ULTRAMATIC O POWERFLITE • FORDOMATIC • JET-A WAY INVITED FREE TOWING SERVICE HUNT EASY TERNS Willys Dealer TO BRING THIS ADV. FOR WITH THIS AD Opposite East Cleveland City Hall 20% DISCOUNT Lubrication and Oil Change 14335 EucUd LL 1-2100 Monthly for One Year Two Convenient Locations AUTOMATIC Our »hop equipped with latest vision liner equipment and trained mechanics On Purchase This Month Of A AUTOMOBILES TRANSMISSION BILL'S SERVICE Front End Special Free Winter Check Up 1958 Plymouth or Chrysler 1956 FORD Jack Adkins Bill Modic All Cars up to 1956. When you purchase 2 gallons of oil- COUNTRY sedan, blue and white 601 East 200th St 1311 East 55th St. Other Cars slightly extra. station wagon, 22,000 miles, one weather permanent Anti-froeze o We owner, private ._EX. 1-0822. IV. 6-3635 EX. 1-9188 Chock AU Hose*, Radiator, Thermostat, $5^0 Brakes, Engine, Battery, Generator and THE P. R. WARD co 1955 MERCURY Euclid. Ohio Cleveland. Ohio Carburetor FREE! YELLOW convertible, 22,000 miles, one owner, private. EX. 1-0822, OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER ■ PLYMOUTH DEALERS 1957 JEEP. 4-wheel drive, factory FREE! 2 GAL PERMANENT ANTI cab with sliding doors, radio, SITUATION WANTED East 152nd Bl. North of 5 Points heater, new condition. $1700. 749 FREEZE with BRAKE RELINE SPECIAL Babbitt rd.. AN. 1-0675. ON DISPLAY PAYMENTS SLIP covers made in your - home 1954 BUICK 2-door Super hardtop, with your material, reasonable Chevrolet, Ford, Plymouth full equipped, excellent condi- rates. RA. 1-2247. Others Slightly Higher. Includes lining and All tion, $795. IV. 1-7293. AT HIGH? Labor. We Check Wheel Cylinders, Master Cylinder, USED CAR SPECIALS 1956 FORD convertible, padded Emergency Brake, Inspect All 4 Brake Drums. *25” dash board and sun visors, Ford- We trade down by giving you Drapes Cleaned 1954 PLYMOUTH 1955 PLYMOUTH o-Matic, power steering, radio, heater, whitew'alls. 22470 Lake* a clean low-priced car and pay WE TAKE THEM DOWN Choice ot 2. dtOR V-8 4-door, radio, 47 7K mont, AN. 1-1907,____________ ctf your balance and rid your­ AND REHANG THEM heater, Powerilite ... V ■ ■ U LLOYD, 1958, sun roof, good condi­ W» Repair, Rehem and Remake Radio, heator La TOUR self of those high payments. As New Draperies Made To Order EAST 185th AUTO SERVICE tion. good transportation, $1045. Days, MA. 1-9860; evenings, LO. OLDSMOBILE, INC. finance specialists we do what Allan Draperies SERVICE DAILY 8 TO 10 — CLOSED SUNDAY 1-9247._______________________ 1954 FORDS 1957 FORD others consider impossible. We 15517 Euclid Ave. IV. 6-1132 Fairlane 500, fordomatic, 4-door HAVE 2 cars, must sell 1952 Ford OPEN FRIDAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY TILL 9 P.M. 975 East 185th St. IV. 6-1732 Choice of 2: 6 s, 8's. 8KQK 4-door V-8, no rust, very clean, also buy outright. Low over­ $549. IV. 1-2131. 10640 St. Clair MU. 1-7000 VELVA’S Alteration Shop, altera­ Call for Evening Appointment Radio, heater ............. VWUV head enables us to pay more tions, remodeling, tailoring, men ,adw' $1696 1952 NASH Rambler hardtop, good and women, drapes made to condition. $100; also new 1955 cash, especially Station Wagons Ford battery, 30 month, $10. GL. order. 13430 $t. Clair. UL. 1-3592. 1- 9407. and Thunderbirds. MAN with 2-ton dump truck de­ 1953 NASH 1953 HUDSON FOR SALE - BOATS sires hauling of any kind; rub­ 1957 BUICK 2-door Special; owner Hornet 4-door, radio, COAK bish, ashes, dirt, garages torn For Advertising Call GLenville 1-4383 4-door sedan. must sell, leaving for Army; ISli-FT. Lyman, steering wheel, down, basements and attics Radio, heater $196 I heater, hydramatic . v*1!— $1795. LI. 1-8739. windshield, 30 h.p. Johnson mo­ cleaned. GL. 1-3841.___________ FORD, 1950 2-door, radio, heater, tor, Tee-Nee trailer, many extras. UNITED WILL take care of children in my (New Plymouth-Chrysler Quality Used Cars) $35. TV. 1-0060. USED CARS KE. 1-0400. 13415 St. Clair Ave. home, days, for working mothers. 1952 FORD, will take best offer. 14-FT. Arkansas, 15 h.p. Evinrude, RE. 2-818u. JOHNNY’S .... 24-HOUR RE. 1-2063. teenee. fully equipped, skis, fish­ GL. 1-0033 DRESSMAKING, tailoring, altera- E. 152nd ing tackle, lattem, excellent con. tions. Call PO. 1 -3053. MU. 1958 PONTIAC hardtop; must sell. dition, UL. 1-5057 after 6 p. m. P. R. Word Co North of RE. 1-9644._____________________1997 FORD WASHING or ironing, pick up and 1-7600 - 5 Point* 1987 CHEVROLET Bel Air convert- 1957 TROJAN Sea Queen, white delivery in Euclid, Ohio. RE. AUTOMATIC 870 East 182nd St. Custom V-| 4-Door, factory equipped, upholstery, trailer and canvas, 1-1846. ible, $1525. RE, 1-7110. fordomatic. radio, speedometer, 1958 Scott- SPECIALS ALTERATIONS and dressmaking. Selling and ServidngYour Can far 23 Yean 1957 CHRYSLER Windsor 2-tone Atwater engine, 40 h.p. RE. 2-9419 hardtop, low mileage, fully equip, $1495 after 5 p. m. 1995 WILLYS Call Carm, KE. 1-4260. TRANSMISSION ped. RE. 1-6921. 4-wheel drive with plow. DRESSMAKING and alterations, 1948 CHRYSLER ’’6’’ 4-door sedan, 1956 FORD Low mileage. guaranteed work. RE. 1-1507, radio, heater, fluid drive, snow 22070 Ball ave._______________ tires, good condition; must sell. Customlina 6-cylinder 2-door; radio, FOR SALE - BICYCLES $1395 ALTERATIONS and dressmaking. EV. 1-9171. heater, fordomatic. experienced, work guaranteed, 1953 CHEVROLET reasonable, pick-up in Euclid. All TYPES 1954 FORD 4-door. very good con­ BOY S 26-inch bicycle, $10. 21301 22951 Arms ave., RE. 1-6369. DRASTIC PRICE CUTS dition, $480, aqua and white. RE. $995 Ball ave.. Euclid._______________ 2-door sedan. f at J. cleaning with the home REPAIRED and REBUILT 2- 7622. ___________ CHAIN drive tricycle, Colson, $10. It's beautiful touch, wall and woodwork wash, ON ’59 BUICK TRADE INS 1956 LINCOLN Premiere convert- 1855 FORD IV. 1-1421._____________________ mg, paper cleaning, window ible, power steering, brakes, 19,- Customline V8 2-Door; factory CUSHMAN motor scooter, best washing, have your gutters clean, 000 miles.
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