THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 282, NO. 50, pp. 36714–36723, December 14, 2007 Printed in the U.S.A.

Autosomal Ichthyosis with Hypotrichosis Syndrome Displays Low Proteolytic Activity and Is Phenocopied in ST14 Hypomorphic Mice* Received for publication, July 5, 2007, and in revised form, September 19, 2007 Published, JBC Papers in Press, October 16, 2007, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M705521200 Karin List‡, Brooke Currie‡, Tiffany C. Scharschmidt§¶, Roman Szabo‡, Jessica Shireman‡¶, Alfredo Molinolo‡, Benjamin F. Cravattʈ, Julia Segre§, and Thomas H. Bugge‡1 From the ‡Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Branch, NIDCR, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, the §National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, the ¶Howard Hughes Medical Institute-Research Scholars Program, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815, and the ʈThe Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, and Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 Downloaded from Human autosomal recessive ichthyosis with hypotrichosis The epidermis of terrestrial vertebrates is formed by two (ARIH) is an inherited disorder recently linked to homozygosity interconnected compartments: the interfollicular epidermis for a point mutation in the ST14 gene that causes a G827R muta- and the follicular epidermis. The interfollicular epidermis pro- tion in the matriptase domain (G216 in chymo- vides a permeability barrier that prevents excessive water loss numbering). Here we show that human G827R to the surrounding environment and noxious chemicals from matriptase has strongly reduced proteolytic activity toward entering the body. The follicular epidermis gives rise to epider- small molecule substrates, as well as toward its candidate epi- mal appendages such as hair and feathers. The interfollicular dermal target, prostasin. To further investigate the possible con- epidermis is a stratified epithelium that is formed by proliferat- tribution of low matriptase activity to ARIH, we generated an

ing basal cells that move outwards through a series of distinct at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 ST14 hypomorphic mouse strain that displays a 100-fold reduc- differentiation events to form the stratum corneum: a two- tion in epidermal matriptase mRNA levels. Interestingly, unlike compartment structure that consists of a lipid-enriched extra- ST14 null mice, ST14 hypomorphic mice were viable and fertile cellular matrix in which an interlocking meshwork of dead cor- but displayed a spectrum of abnormalities that strikingly resem- neocytes are embedded (7–10). Epidermal differentiation bled ARIH. Thus, ST14 hypomorphic mice developed hyperpro- culminates with the regulated shedding (desquamation) of the liferative and retention ichthyosis with impaired desquamation, outermost layer of corneocytes to control the thickness of the hypotrichosis with brittle, thin, uneven, and sparse hair, and stratum corneum (11). The follicular epidermis is a complex, tooth defects. Biochemical analysis of ST14 hypomorphic epi- dynamic organ consisting of multiple keratinocyte populations. dermis revealed reduced prostasin proteolytic activation and The outer root sheath of the hair follicle is continuous with the profilaggrin proteolytic processing, compatible with a primary basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis. Within the follicular role of matriptase in this process. This work strongly indicates matrix, a zone located at the proximal end of the hair surround- that reduced activity of a matriptase-prostasin proteolytic cas- ing the dermal papilla, rapidly proliferating undifferentiated cade is the etiological origin of human ARIH and provides an transient amplifying cells give rise to the cortex, medulla, cuti- important mouse model for the exploration of matriptase func- cle of the hair shaft, and the inner root sheath cells, which con- tion in ARIH, as well as multiple other physiological and patho- tinuously move upward. The matrix transient-amplifying cells logical processes. periodically withdraw from the cell cycle and commit to termi- nal differentiation, giving rise to repeated cycles of active hair growth (anagen), hair follicle regression (catagen), and rest Serine are among the most abundant proteolytic (telogen) (12–15). in vertebrate genomes. This diverse family of extracel- A large number of serine proteases and inhib- lular proteases regulates a large number of biological processes itors are expressed in the upper layers of the epidermis, suggest- associated with tissue development, tissue homeostasis, and ing a role of extracellular/pericellular in terminal tissue regeneration, and it is implicated in the genesis or progression of a wide spectrum of important human pathol- differentiation. Indeed, several recent studies have revealed ogies, including carcinogenesis (1–6). that proper epidermal differentiation depends on a finely tuned interplay between specific serine proteases and their cognate * This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Intramural serine protease inhibitors, and that perturbations of this pro- Program and by Department of Defense Grant DAMD-17-02-1-0693 (to teolytic balance in either direction have serious pathophysio- T. H. B.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by logical consequences (15). Key steps of epidermal differentia- the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 tion that are regulated by serine protease activity include solely to indicate this fact. profilaggrin proteolytic processing, lipid lamellar body extru- 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Proteases and Tissue sion, and desquamation of the interfollicular epidermis, as well Remodeling Unit, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Branch, NIDCR, NIH, 30 Con- vent Dr., Rm. 211, Bethesda, MD 20892. Tel.: 301-435-1840; Fax: 301-402- as hair shaft eruption and hair growth (15–23). Generally 0823; E-mail: [email protected]. speaking, the loss of serine protease proteolytic activity impairs

36714 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50•DECEMBER 14, 2007 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development terminal epidermal differentiation, whereas increased proteo- form of prostasin. Furthermore, we generated mice with a lytic activity accelerates the process. For example, genetic abla- hypomorphic ST14 allele with ϳ100-fold reduced epidermal tion of the membrane-associated serine proteases matriptase matriptase mRNA levels at birth and characterized the pheno- and prostasin impairs stratum corneum formation and causes typic consequences of reduced matriptase expression. Surpris- follicular hypoplasia, whereas the genetic deficiency in the ingly, this very low epidermal matriptase mRNA level was com- Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor lympho-epithelial Kazal- patible with postnatal development, long term survival, and type inhibitor or targeted overexpression of stratum corneum reproduction. Importantly, these ST14 hypomorphic mice chymotryptic is associated with accelerated stratum were virtual phenocopies of ARIH patients, displaying near corneum formation (15–17, 20–24). identical epidermis, hair, and tooth abnormalities. This study Matriptase (also known as MT-SP1, epithin, and TADG15) is strongly implicates impaired matriptase proteolytic activity as a type II transmembrane serine protease encoded by the ST14 the underlying cause of ARIH, and it provides a valuable animal gene. The membrane protease is being extensively studied in model for the study of ARIH, as well as for the exploration of the context of human carcinogenesis, due to its almost ubiqui- matriptase proteolytic function in other physiological and tous overexpression in human carcinomas and its potent pathological processes. tumor-promoting properties (25, 26). Matriptase is normally expressed in terminally differentiating cells of stratified epithe- EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Downloaded from lium but becomes expressed in undifferentiated epithelial cells Expression of G827R, S805A Matriptase, and Wild-type that have the capacity to undergo malignant transformation Matriptase in Pichia pastoris—The G 3 A and T 3 G muta- after carcinogen exposure (27, 28). Null mutations in the ST14 tions in nucleotides 2672 and 2606 of the human matriptase gene cause neonatal death of mice due to the loss of epidermal cDNA (GenBankTM NM021978), causing, respectively, G827R

and oral barrier function leading to fatal dehydration (24). The and S805A changes in the translated , were introduced matriptase-deficient interfollicular epidermis is characterized using the QuikChange kit from Stratagene (La Jolla, CA). by complete loss of proteolytically processed filaggrin, Nucleotides 2036–2762 of the wild-type and mutated impaired epidermal lipid extrusion, and impaired desqua- matriptase serine protease domains were introduced into the mation of the stratum corneum (16). Recent evidence sug- Pichia pastoris expression vector pPIC9 (Invitrogen), immedi- at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 gests that matriptase acts as part of a matriptase-prostasin pro- ately downstream from the coding region of the Leu-Glu-Lys- teolytic cascade during terminal epidermal differentiation (6). Arg KEX2 signal , leading to the synthesis and secretion Loss of matriptase in mice also causes generalized follicular of active matriptase. The recombinant serine protease domains hypoplasia and impaired vibrissae eruption (16, 24). were affinity-purified on benzamidine-Sepharose columns as Recently, a newly defined syndrome, autosomal recessive recommended by the manufacturer (Amersham Biosciences), 2 ichthyosis with hypotrichosis (ARIH), was linked to homozy- dialyzed against 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and aliquots were gosity for a c.2672G 3 A mutation located in exon 19 of the snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. ST14 gene. This mutation results in a Gly 3 Arg substitution in Matriptase Proteolytic Activity Assays—For prostasin zymo- residue 827 of the matriptase protein (henceforth G827R gen activation, recombinant soluble prostasin was made as matriptase; G216 in numbering) (29). ARIH described previously (6). Briefly, HEK-293T cells were trans- patients present with thickened, scaling, and grayish skin and fected with the pCMV-SPORT6 expression vector containing curly, sparse, fragile, brittle, dry, lusterless, and slow growing full-length human prostasin cDNA. Transfected cells were col- hair. Other manifestations linked to homozygosity for the lected mechanically and incubated with 1 unit/ml PI-PLC c.2672G 3 A ST14 allele included corneal opacity, photopho- (Sigma) in phosphate-buffered saline for4hat4°C,andthe bia, and abnormal deciduous and permanent teeth. Some clarified supernatant containing the PI-PLC-released proteins uncertainties remain, however, regarding the interpretation of was collected. The soluble prostasin was incubated with 1–10 the reported findings, because the effect of the G827R sub- nM wild-type or G827R matriptase serine protease domain for stitution on matriptase proteolytic activity was determined; 2hat37°Cin50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 100 nM NaCl. For the three homozygously affected individuals analyzed in the complex formation with protease nexin-1 (PN-1)/SERPINE2, report were all siblings from one consanguineous marriage, 700 nM PN-1 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) was added to and one individual also was diagnosed with Hirschsprung the activation reaction, and the incubation was continued for disease. an additional 1 h at 37 °C. Proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE To further investigate the association between matriptase on 4–12% gradient gels under reducing conditions followed by proteolytic activity and ARIH, we characterized the enzymatic Western blotting using a monoclonal anti-prostasin antibody properties of recombinant human G827R matriptase and (BD Biosciences Pharmingen). report here that the mutant protease has highly reduced pro- Fluorogenic Peptide Assays—0.1–100 nM wild-type, G827R, teolytic activity toward low molecular weight peptide sub- and S805A matriptase serine protease domains were added to ␣ ␮ strates, fluorophosphonate probes, and 2-macroglobulin, as 200 lof50mM Tris/HCl, pH 8.0, 2 mM CaCl2 reaction buffer well as toward its candidate epidermal substrate, the zymogen containing 10 ␮M t-butyloxycarbonyl-Gln-Ala-Arg-7-amido- 4-methylcoumarin HCl fluorogenic peptide substrate (R&D Systems). The assay was performed at 25 °C for 30 min, and 2 The abbreviations used are: ARIH, autosomal recessive ichthyosis with hypotrichosis; PI-PLC, phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C; fluorescence measurements with excitation at 380 nm and PN-1, protease nexin-1. emission at 460 nm were obtained every minute using a

DECEMBER 14, 2007•VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 36715 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development

SAFIRE2TM Microplate Reader (Tecan, Durham, NC). All Analysis of Epidermal Prostasin and Profilaggrin/Filaggrin— measurements were performed in triplicates. Once meas- Skins were removed from euthanized newborn mice, and der- ϭ ured, the reaction rate (kobs) was determined as kobs mis and epidermis were separated as described (24). For pros- Ϫ ln[S]/time. The kcat/Km ratio was then calculated from the tasin analysis, the epidermis was immediately ground into a fine ϭ Michaelis-Menten equation as kcat/Km kobs/E(total). powder in liquid nitrogen, and the powder was lysed in ice-cold Fluorophosphonate Labeling—4–400 nM wild-type, G827R, lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 2 mM EDTA, 150 mM and S805A matriptase serine protease domains in 50 mM Tris- NaCl, 1% Nonidet P-40, 0.5% Triton X-100, 0.1% SDS) supple- HCl, pH 8.5, 100 mM NaCl, were incubated with 0.5 ␮M rhoda- mented with a protease inhibitor mixture (Sigma). Homoge- mine-coupled fluorophosphonate probe for1hatroom tem- nized lysates were cleared by centrifugation at 13,000 ϫ g for 20 perature (30). The resultant mixture was then separated by min at 4 °C. Soluble protein lysates were quantified using a BCA SDS-PAGE on 4–12% gels under reducing conditions, and the Protein Assay (Pierce). Equal amounts of epidermal proteins gels were photographed on a UV transilluminator 2040ev were resolved by SDS-PAGE on a 10% gel under reducing con- (Stratagene). ditions and transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride mem- ␣2-Macroglobulin Capture—␣2-Macroglobulin capture brane. Western blots were performed with the anti-prostasin assays were performed by incubation of 200 nM wild-type and antibody as described (6). For profilaggrin/filaggrin analysis, Downloaded from G827R matriptase with 200 nM ␣2-macroglobulin in 50 mM epidermal proteins were extracted as described (18) using 8 M

Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM CaCl2 for1hatroom urea, 10 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, with protease temperature as described previously (31). Complex formation inhibitor mixture (Sigma). Equal amounts of epidermal pro- was then analyzed by SDS-PAGE on 4–12% SDS-PAGE gradi- teins were separated by SDS-PAGE on 4–12% gels under ent gels under reducing conditions, followed by Western blot- reducing conditions and Coomassie stained or transferred to

ting using a rabbit anti-matriptase antibody (Calbiochem), and a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. Profilaggrin/filag- an alkaline phosphatase-labeled goat anti-rabbit secondary grin was detected using a rabbit polyclonal antibody (Zymed antibody (DakoCytomation, Glostrup, Denmark). Laboratories, San Francisco, CA) and an alkaline phospha- Generation of ST14 Hypomorphic Mice—ST14 hypomorphic tase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG as secondary antibody mice were generated by interbreeding mice with an ST14 null (DakoCytomation). at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 allele (24) with mice carrying an ST14 allele in which the pGT0pfs gene trap (Bay Genomics, San Francisco, CA) is RESULTS inserted into intron 1 (ST14 knockdown allele). ST14 hypomor- G827R Matriptase Has Reduced Proteolytic Activity—Gly- phic mice were either bred for three generations into a 827 is part of the S12 ␤-sheet (34) (Fig. 1A). This glycine residue C57BL/6J background or maintained in a 129/Black Swiss is highly conserved in trypsin-like serine proteases, although it background. All experiments performed with ST14 hypomor- is substituted by serine in the mouse hypothetical protease phic mice were littermate and sibling controlled. Genotyping of TESP2 and by in -␣(2). To test if the Gly to ST14 wild-type, knockdown, and null alleles was performed as Arg substitution reported in human ARIH affected substrate described (24, 28). accessibility and/or hydrolysis, the wild-type and G827R Histology and Immunohistochemistry—Histological analysis matriptase serine protease domains were expressed in P. pasto- of ST14 hypomorphic skin was performed as described (24). ris and purified by benzamidine affinity chromatography as Cell proliferation was visualized with Ki67 immunostaining as described (34). Wild-type and G827R matriptase displayed described (32). Bound antibodies were visualized with a Vec- identical absorption and elution profiles using this purification tastain ABC peroxidase kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, procedure, suggesting that the benzamidine binding pocket CA) using diaminobenzidine as the chromogenic substrate. is retained in the mutant matriptase (data not shown). We Desquamation Assays—Neonate ST14 hypomorphs and lit- first performed a peptide cleavage assay using a fluorogenic termate controls were euthanized by CO2 inhalation, and the t-butyloxycarbonyl-Gln-Ala-Arg-7-amino-4-methylcouma- dorsal skin area was sequentially stripped with 14-mm D-Squame rin peptide that is efficiently cleaved by matriptase. G827R disks (Cuderm Corp., Dallas, TX) as described before (33). matriptase hydrolyzed this model substrate poorly, displaying a Transepidermal Fluid Loss Assay—Newborn pups were sep- catalytic activity that was ϳ1000-fold lower than that of wild- arated from their mother to prevent fluid intake and placed in a type matriptase, and was similar to a matriptase mutant 37 °C incubator. The rate of epithelial fluid loss was estimated (S805A) in which the serine was changed to alanine ϫ 6 Ϫ1 ϫ Ϫ1 by measuring the reduction of body weight of the individual (kcat/Km: wild-type matriptase, 1.7 10 M s ; G827R 3 Ϫ1 Ϫ1 3 pups as a function of time over a period of 4 h. matriptase, 1.8. ϫ 10 M ϫ s ; S805A matriptase, 2.4. ϫ 10 Ϫ1 Ϫ1 Scanning Electron Microscopy—Tissues were fixed in 4% M ϫ s ). We next incubated wild-type, G827R, and S805A formaldehyde/4% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH matriptase with a rhodamine-labeled fluorophosphonate 7.4, for 3 days, rinsed in cacodylate buffer, and incubated over- probe, which attaches covalently to the active site serine of night in 2% glycine, overnight in 2% tannic acid, pH 4.0, and 6 h serine proteases (and other serine ) after its cleav- in 2% OsO4. The fixed tissues were dehydrated in graded etha- age (30, 35). This analysis showed efficient cleavage and cova- nol solutions, put under vacuum for 2 h, mounted onto stubs lent attachment of the fluorogenic probe to wild-type with Leit-C adhesive (Electron Microscopy Sciences, Fort matriptase (Fig. 1B, lanes 1 and 2), and much lower, but meas- Washington, PA), and examined with a Philips XL-20 scanning urable, cleavage and covalent attachment of the fluorogenic electron microscope. probe to G827R matriptase (Fig. 1B, lane 5), when analyzed by

36716 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50•DECEMBER 14, 2007 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development

The above studies indicated that G827R matriptase would have impaired capacity to activate its candidate downstream epidermal substrate, the prostasin zymogen (6). To verify this, the wild-type and mutant enzymes were incubated with an excess of recombinant solu- ble prostasin zymogen. Active two- chain prostasin can be distinguished from the prostasin zymogen by a small increase in electrophoretic mobility in Western blots of high percentage SDS-PAGE gels after reduction of the single bridge that links the two chains, as Downloaded from well as by the capacity to form SDS- stable complexes with the cognate , PN-1 (36). As described pre- viously (6), exposure of soluble

prostasin zymogen to either 10 or 1 nM active matriptase serine protease domain lead to the emergence of a new prostasin protein species with

the mobility expected for active at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 prostasin (Fig. 1D, compare lane 1 FIGURE 1. G827R matriptase has reduced proteolytic activity. A, structure of the matriptase serine protease showing the positions of the glycine 827 residue that is changed to arginine in ARIH (corresponding to glycine with lanes 3 and 5) that formed an 216 in chymotrypsin numbering) and the catalytic site amino acids His-656, Asp-711, and Ser-805 (His-57, SDS-stable complex with PN-1 (Fig. Asp-102, and Ser-195 in chymotrypsin numbering). The matriptase structure (PDB code:1EAX (34)) is depicted 1D, compare lane 2 with lanes 4 and in the ribbons-rendering mode (gray). Red, oxygen; cyan, carbon; and blue, nitrogen. The image was generated using the Visual Molecular Dynamics 1.8.6. program (47). B, 0.5 mM rhodamine-coupled fluorophosphonate 6). However, equivalent amounts of probe was incubated with 400 nM (lane 1), 40 nM (lane 2), and 4 nM (lane 3) wild-type matriptase serine protease G827R matriptase were incapable of domain, 400 nM S805A matriptase serine protease domain (lane 4), or 400 nM G827R matriptase serine protease domain (lane 5). Fluorophosphonate probe attachment was examined by SDS-PAGE followed by photography converting the prostasin zymogen of the gel under UV illumination. The position of matriptase is indicated at the left, and the positions of into a faster migrating species that molecular mass markers (kilodaltons) are indicated at the right. C, ␣2-macroglobulin capture assay. Vehicle could form an SDS-stable complex (lane 1), 200 nM wild-type (lanes 2 and 3) or 200 nM G827R (lanes 4 and 5) matriptase was incubated with 200 nM ␣2-macroglobulin (lanes 1, 3, and 5) or buffer (lanes 2 and 4). Matriptase-␣2-macroglobulin complex formation with PN-1 (Fig. 1D, compare lane 1 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by Western blotting with matriptase antibodies. Positions of matriptase- with lanes 7 and 9, and lane 2 with ␣ 2-macroglobulin complexes and matriptase are indicated at the left, and positions of molecular mass markers lanes 8 and 10). Even very long (kilodaltons) are indicated at the right. D, soluble human prostasin zymogen was incubated with buffer (lanes 1 and 2), 10 nM (lanes 3 and 4), or 1 nM (lanes 5 and 6) wild-type (lanes 3–6) or G827R (lanes 7–10) matriptase exposures failed to detect any spe- serine protease domains. At the end of the incubation, buffer (lanes 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) or 700 nM PN-1 (lanes 2, 4, cific prostasin-PN-1 complexes 6, 8, and 10) was added for 1 h. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions, followed by Western blot with a monoclonal prostasin antibody. The positions of prostasin-PN-1 complexes, prostasin (data not shown). Given the zymogen, and activated prostasin are indicated at the left. The positions of molecular mass markers (kilodal- dynamic range of this assay of one tons) are indicated at the right. logarithm or more, we conclude that the activity of G827R SDS-PAGE and ultraviolet light illumination. To further inves- matriptase serine protease domain toward the prostasin zymo- tigate the enzymatic activity of G827R matriptase, an ␣2-mac- gen is reduced by at least 10-fold. roglobulin capture assay was employed. ␣2-Macroglobulin has Very Low Epidermal Matriptase mRNA Level Is Compatible four 180-kDa subunits, each with a thiolester bond. Upon cleav- with Mouse Survival—De novo generation of a knock-in mouse age of ␣2-macroglobulin by a protease, the thiolester will form strain that expresses mouse G827R matriptase to study the a non-reducible covalent bond with an amine on the protease, effects of low matriptase activity in mice is a lengthy process. which will manifest as a mobility shift of the activating protease However, we were able to mimic ARIH in mice by generating an when analyzed by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. High ST14 hypomorphic mouse strain that combined a pre-existing molecular weight ␣2-macroglobulin: wild-type matriptase ST14 null allele (24) with a pre-existing ST14“knockdown” complexes were easily detected in Western blots using a allele (28) in which an engrailed-2 splice acceptor site had been matriptase antibody (Fig. 1C, lane 3). However, no ␣2-macro- inserted between coding exons one and two (Fig. 2A). Analysis globulin:G827R matriptase could be detected, even when com- of matriptase mRNA expression from these ST14 hypomorphic bining a long incubation of the protease and the inhibitor with mice revealed that the presence of the engrailed-2 splice accep- a sensitive Western blot procedure (Fig. 1C, lane 5, and data not tor site greatly reduced, but did not completely abolish, the shown). generation of normally spliced (wild-type) matriptase mRNA in

DECEMBER 14, 2007•VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 36717 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development

their siblings. This weight reduction persisted from the earliest time point measurable (days 1–2) throughout an observation period of 300 days, was gender-independent, and presented in two different backgrounds (129/Black Swiss and in C57BL6/J (N3)) (Fig. 3). Taken together, this shows that mice can tolerate a very dramatic reduction of epidermal matriptase mRNA levels. ST14 Hypomorphic Mice Phenocopy ARIH-Ichthyosis and Hypotrichosis—ST14 hypomorphic mice were distinguishable from their siblings at birth by the absence of erupted whiskers (data not shown) but were otherwise unremarkable (Fig. 4A). However, the skin of ST14 hypomorphic mice gradually became wrinkled and scaly, strikingly resembling the external appearance of ARIH skin (Fig. 4, B and C). Pelage hair eruption in ST14 hypomorphic mice was delayed by more than 1 week (Fig. 4C), and ST14 hypomorphic mice displayed patchy, lus- Downloaded from terless, and sparse fur at weaning resembling ARIH scalp hair (Fig. 4D), as well as curly and thin whiskers (Fig. 4, I and J). ST14 hypomorphic pelage hair appeared thin and uneven when examined by either scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 4, K–N)

or light microscopy (Fig. 4, O and P). Like the hair of ARIH patients, the overall presentation of ST14 hypomorphic fur improved with age, and gradually became indistinguishable from that of normal mice at seven months of age (Fig. 4, E and

F). However, the pinnae of the ears often presented with a per- at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 sistently thickened and scaly epidermis (Fig. 4, E and F). Histological analysis showed that the stratum corneum of FIGURE 2. Generation of ST14 hypomorphic mice. A, schematic structure of newborn ST14 hypomorphic mice was abnormally compact, the wild-type mouse ST14 allele (top), ST14 null allele (middle), and ST14 resembling the epidermis of ST14 null mice (Fig. 5, A–C). At knockdown allele (bottom). The ST14 null allele was generated as described days 10 and 21, ST14 hypomorphic epidermis displayed marked (24), by replacing a 350-bp fragment of the ST14 allele containing the 3Ј por- tion of intron 1 and most of exon 2 with a HPRT cassette, deleting the signal retention (Fig. 5, D–G) and hyperproliferative (Fig. 5H) ichthy- anchor-encoding sequences and introducing a frameshift mutation through osis. The histological appearance of ST14 hypomorphic epider- the splicing of the exon 1 and exon 3 (red arrow in B). The ST14 knockdown mis generally normalized with age (Fig. 5, I and J). Exceptions to allele was generated by insertion of a gene trap consisting of the engrailed-2 (En2) splice acceptor site, ␤-galactosidase-neomycin fusion gene, and an this included the skin of the pinnae of the ears of adult mice, SV-40 polyadenylation site that was inserted between exons 1 and 2. ST14 which often presented with marked ichthyosis (Fig. 5, K and L) hypomorphic mice are compound heterozygous for one ST14 allele null and one ST14 knockdown allele. B, schematic depiction of the mRNAs transcripts and fibrosis of the underlying dermis (Fig. 5M). generated from ST14 null and knock-down alleles and the position of the Tooth Abnormalities—The teeth of three individuals with primers used for analysis of the abundance of wild-type matriptase mRNA by ARIH have been described as conical (deciduous teeth) or quantitative PCR. The null allele generates only “null matriptase mRNA (1),” whereas the knockdown allele generates both wild-type matriptase mRNA notched and pitted (permanent teeth) (29). Moreover, we and “null matriptase mRNA (2)”. C, quantitative PCR analysis of wild-type recently reported that matriptase is highly expressed in the matriptase mRNA levels in newborn, weanling, and adult skin and in newborn lung and kidney of control and ST14 hypomorphic mice. The data are enamel-producing ameloblasts of developing teeth (27). To expressed as the average Ϯ S.E. p values were determined by the Student’s t examine if matriptase contributes to tooth formation, the test, two-tailed. morphology of 4-week-old control and ST14 hypomorphic teeth was examined by scanning electron microscopy. No the newborn epidermis. Thus, quantitative PCR analysis of total gross morphological differences were observed between mRNA isolated from organs of newborn, weanling, and adult control and ST14 hypomorphic incisors (Fig. 6, A and D)or ST14 hypomorphic mice showed that the level of residual wild- molars (Fig. 6, G and J). However, examination at high mag- type matriptase mRNA was ϳ1% in newborn epidermis, ϳ7% nification revealed a rougher enamel surface of ST14 hypo- in weanling epidermis, and ϳ12% in adult epidermis (Fig. 2C). morphic incisors (Fig. 6, compare B and E) and molars (Fig. Wild-type matriptase mRNA levels in other organs of newborn 6, compare H and K) with markedly increased bacterial ST14 hypomorphic mice, such as lungs and kidneys varied from growth (Fig. 6, compare C with F, and I with L), suggesting a 7 to 18% (Fig. 2C). ST14 hypomorphic mice were born in the direct role of matriptase in enamelogenesis. expected Mendelian ratio, but unlike ST14 null mice, ST14 Barrier Function and Desquamation Are Impaired in ST14 hypomorphic mice did not display neonatal lethality and had Hypomorphic Epidermis—Having established the remarkable normal survival when observed for up to 1 year (data not outward similarity between ST14 hypomorphic mice and ARIH shown). Furthermore, ST14 hypomorphic females and males individuals, we next performed functional and biochemical were capable of producing and rearing offspring (data not assays to gain mechanistic insights into the condition. The shown). ST14 hypomorphic mice, however, were lighter than marked ichthyosis associated with ARIH is likely to be caused

36718 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50•DECEMBER 14, 2007 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development

A 129/Black Swiss males B 129/Black Swiss females 60 30 Hypo (N=11) Hypo (N=9) 50 Control (N=8) 25 Control (N=16) * *

40 20 30 * * 20 25 18 * * * 16 30 20 15 * * 14 * * 12 * * 15 * Weight (g) Weight * * 10 * * * * (g) Weight 20 *** * * 10 8 * * * * 10 * 6 * 4 5 10 5 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 010203040 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Age (days) Age (days)

C C57BL/6J (N3) males D C57BL/6J (N3) females

45 Downloaded from * 30 40 Hypo (N=10) * * * * Hypo (N=9) *** * * 25 Control (N=15) * * Control Females (N=16) * * 35 * * * * * 30 20 * 20 25 * 18 * 25 * * * * * 16 * * 20 * * 15 14 * * 20 * 12 15 * * * 10 * * * * Weight (g) Weight Weight (g) Weight * * * 15 * 8 * * * 10 * * 10 * * * * 6 * * * * * * * * 4 10 5 * * * 5 2 0 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 010203040 0 0 at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 0 50100 150200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Age (days) Age (days) FIGURE 3. Persistent body weight reduction of ST14 hypomorphic mice. Prospective cohorts of male (A and C) and female (B and D) ST14 hypomorphic mice and littermate controls (carrying combinations of either two wild-type, wild-type and null, or wild-type and knockdown ST14 alleles) in mixed 129/Black Swiss (A and B) or C57BL/6J (N3) (C and D) were weighed daily until 35 days of age and every other week thereafter for up to 300 days. The number of mice of each genotype is indicated. Insets in each panel show weights on days 0–40. Weights are expressed as the average Ϯ S.E. *, p Ͻ 0.05; Student’s t test, two-tailed. by impaired barrier function (29) as a consequence of reduced epidermis, even when subjected to 17 rounds of tape stripping, matriptase activity. To investigate the barrier function of ST14 retained part of the stratum corneum, demonstrating an hypomorphic epidermis, the rate of fluid loss through transepi- impaired desquamation compatible with reduced corneodes- dermal evaporation was determined in newborn ST14 hypo- mosome degradation (Fig. 8, C and D). morphic and control mice. Newborn litters were separated Impaired Proteolytic Prostasin Zymogen Activation and Pro- from their mothers to prevent fluid intake, and the loss of fluids filaggrin Processing in ST14 Hypomorphic Epidermis—We have at 37 °C was recorded for each individual pup over a 4-h period previously proposed that matriptase acts as part of a by monitoring the loss of body weight. This experiment matriptase-prostasin proteolytic cascade to promote three key revealed that the barrier function of the ST14 hypomorphic steps of terminal epidermal differentiation: profilaggrin proteo- epidermis was significantly compromised when compared with lytic processing, epidermal lipid extrusion, and stratum cor- that of littermate control pups, showing that decreased neum desquamation (6, 16). To query the effect of highly matriptase compromises epidermal barrier function (Fig. 7). reduced epidermal matriptase mRNA on prostasin activation, However, the rate of fluid loss of ST14 mice (ϳ2-fold higher protein lysates were prepared from the epidermis of newborn than control mice) was markedly lower than the previously control, ST14 hypomorphic, and ST14 null mice. Prostasin recorded fluid loss rate of ST14 null mice (5-fold higher than processing was analyzed by the separation of the protein lysates control mice) (24), likely explaining the capacity of ST14 hypo- by reducing SDS-PAGE on high percentage gradient gels, fol- morphic mice to survive the critical neonatal period. lowed by Western blotting using prostasin antibodies (Fig. 9A). Reduced degradation of corneodesmosomes is a prominent As described previously (6), control epidermis contained two ultrastructural feature of ARIH epidermis and was proposed by forms of prostasin: a 39-kDa form, corresponding to the pros- Basel-Vanagaite et al. (29) to underlie the prominent retention tasin zymogen, and a slightly faster migrating species repre- ichthyosis. To test this hypothesis, newborn ST14 hypomor- senting active prostasin (Fig. 9, lanes 1–3). As also reported phic mice and littermate control mice were subjected to a earlier, in ST14 null epidermis, prostasin was exclusively found sequential tape-stripping procedure routinely used to assess in the higher molecular mass 39-kDa zymogen form (Fig. 9A, stratum corneum cohesiveness (33). Repeated tape stripping of lanes 7–9). Interestingly, although the amount of active prosta- dorsal epidermis of control mice resulted in complete removal sin was clearly reduced in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis, small of the stratum corneum and exposure of the granular/transi- amounts of the active prostasin, nevertheless, could be detected tional layer (Fig. 8, A and B). In contrast, hypomorphic ST14 by Western blot, indicating that very low level matriptase

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FIGURE 4. ST14 hypomorphic skin resembles ARIH. A, external appearance of newborn control (left), ST14 hypomorphic (middle), and ST14 null (right) mice. Wrinkled and scaly skin with delayed hair eruption in ST14 hypomorphic mice (right) compared with littermate control mice (left)at8(B) and 12 (C) days of age. D, sparse and lusterless fur of weaning-age ST14 hypomorphic mouse (right) compared with littermate control mouse (left). Inconspicuous appearance of fur, but thickened and scaly ears of a 7-month-old ST14 hypo- morphic mouse (F) compared with littermate control mouse (E). Scanning FIGURE 5. Hyperproliferative and retention ichthyosis in ST14 hypomor- electron microscopy of the surface of the pinnae of the ears showing abnor- phic epidermis. A–C, histological appearance of newborn control, ST14 mally shaped corneocytes of ST14 hypomorphic mouse (H) compared with hypomorphic, and ST14 null epidermis, respectively. Abnormally compact control mouse (G). Macroscopic (I and J), scanning electron microscopy (K–N), stratum corneum of ST14 hypomorphic epidermis (arrow in B) resembling and light microscopy (O and P) images of whiskers (I and J), pelage hair of ST14 null epidermis (arrow in C). D–G, retention ichthyosis in ST14 hypomor- pinnae (K and L), and dorsal skin (M–P) of 14-day-old control mouse (I), ST14 phic epidermis (F and G) at days 10 and 21, compared with littermate control hypomorphic mouse (J), 10-month-old control mice (K), ST14 hypomorphic epidermis (D and E). H, hyperproliferative ichthyosis of ST14 hypomorphic mice (L), 30-day-old control mice (M and O), and ST14 hypomorphic mice (N and epidermis revealed by increased basal keratinocyte proliferation. Percent P) showing hypotrichosis of pelage hair and whiskers of ST14 hypomorphic mice. Ki67-staining basal keratinocytes in newborn, 10-day-old, 21-day-old, and Size bars: G and H,20␮m; M and N,10␮m; and K and L, 100 ␮m. 7-month-old dorsal skin of control mice (shaded bars) and ST14 hypomorphic mice (white bars). The data are expressed as the average Ϯ S.E. *, p Ͻ 0.05, Student’s t test, two-tailed. The number of mice is indicated in each bar. I and J, normalized histological appearance of ST14 hypomorphic dorsal epider- expression suffices to sustain some prostasin activation (Fig. mis at 7 month of age. K–M, example of persistent ichthyosis (L) with 9A, lanes 4–6). underlying dermal fibrosis (M) of the pinnae of a 7-month-old ST14 hypo- morphic mouse as compared with a wild-type littermate mouse (K). All To determine the level of residual profilaggrin processing in histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Size bars: ST14 hypomorphic mice, epidermal urea extracts enriched in A–C and M,20␮m; D–L,10␮m. profilaggrin and profilaggrin proteolytic processing products (18) were prepared from newborn control, ST14 hypomorphic, and ST14 null mice and analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by DISCUSSION either Coomassie staining or Western blot using a profilaggrin/ This study provides strong evidence that reduced matriptase filaggrin antibody (Fig. 9B). As reported previously (16), proteo- proteolytic activity is responsible for most of the phenotypic lytically processed filaggrin monomer was readily detected in manifestations of individuals with ARIH. First, our biochemical control epidermis by Coomassie staining and Western blot (Fig. analysis revealed that G827R matriptase has highly reduced 9B, lanes 1 and 5), whereas no filaggrin monomer was detected proteolytic activity. Second, we found that ST14 hypomorphic in ST14 null epidermis (Fig. 9B, lanes 4 and 8). The amount of mice with very low matriptase mRNA levels faithfully pheno- proteolytically processed filaggrin monomer in newborn ST14 copied the key features of ARIH. hypomorphic epidermis varied from pup to pup, from barely The Gly-827 residue that is mutated in ARIH (G216 using detectable to clearly detectable by Coomassie staining and chymotrypsin numbering) is highly conserved in trypsin-like Western blot, but was always much lower than in control epi- proteases. Pioneering mutagenesis work of trypsin, which dis- dermis (representative examples in Fig. 9B, lanes 2, 3, 6, and 7). plays 42% identity to matriptase, showed that an Ala

36720 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 282•NUMBER 50•DECEMBER 14, 2007 Matriptase Insufficiency in Epidermal Development Downloaded from FIGURE 8. Impaired desquamation of ST14 hypomorphic epidermis. Microscopic appearance of control (top panels) and littermate ST14 hypomor- FIGURE 6. Abnormal enamel surface and increased bacterial colonization phic (bottom panels) epidermis without (left panels) and after 17 rounds of of ST14 hypomorphic teeth. Representative scanning electron microscopic tape stripping (right panels). Complete removal of the stratum corneum with images at low (A, D, G, and J) and high (B, C, E, F, H, I, K, and L) magnification of exposed upper granular and transitional cell layers of control epidermis (B) at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 control (A–C and G–I) and ST14 hypomorphic (D–F and J–L) teeth from young and partial stratum corneum removal in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis (D) are adult mice reveal normal gross morphology, but roughened enamel surface shown. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was used. Size bars all frames, 20 ␮m. and increased bacterial colonization of ST14 hypomorphic teeth. Magnifica- tions: A, D, G, and J, 100ϫ; B and E, 1000ϫ; H and K, 2000ϫ; and C, F, I, and L, 10,000ϫ. enzyme (39). Consistent with these previous studies, we found that, although the capacity to bind benzamidine and cleave flu- orophosphonate probes indicated some level of preservation of the integrity of the activity site, G827R matriptase serine pro- tease domain displayed low proteolytic activity toward small peptide substrates as well as toward macromolecular sub- strates. In light of these kinetic data, it is tempting to conclude that the c.2672G 3 A mutation in ST14 gives rise to a null allele. However, this conclusion may well turn out to be premature. Thus, our ST14 hypomorphic mouse model presented here sur- prisingly revealed that mice can tolerate even a severe reduction in matriptase: mice with Ͻ1% epidermal matriptase mRNA at birth survive the neonatal period and display only a moderately impaired barrier function. Although methods for quantitatively measuring the residual matriptase proteolytic activity in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis are not at hand, the 100-fold reduction in epidermal mRNA levels most certainly is going to translate FIGURE 7. Compromised epidermal barrier function of ST14 hypomor- into strongly reduced matriptase proteolytic activity. However, phic mice. Litters of newborn pups were separated from their mother to the ability to tolerate drastic reductions in the activity of a ser- prevent fluid intake, and the rate of epidermal fluid loss was estimated by measuring the reduction of body weight as a function of time. The data are ine protease cascade is not unprecedented in a physiological expressed as the average body weight as a percent of initial body weight in setting. For example, the activity of tissue factor, a membrane- ST14 hypomorphic (open circles, n ϭ 4) and littermate control (dark squares, associated receptor for factors VIIa and X that n ϭ 4) pups. The data are expressed as the average Ϯ S.E. *, p Ͻ 0.05, Student’s t test, two-tailed. serves as the primary physiological initiator of blood coagula- tion, can be reduced by 99% with minimal adverse effects on substitution in this residue increased the specificity of the mouse embryonic development, whereas complete tissue fac- mutant trypsin for small peptide substrates containing Arg in tor deficiency causes mid-gestational embryonic lethality (40). the P1 position (37). A charged residue in this position has been In this respect, it is noteworthy that matriptase and tissue factor reported only in tryptase-␣ where it is responsible for the low both are believed to function near the apex of a complex serine catalytic activity of tryptase-␣ compared with tryptase-␤ (38). protease cascade (4, 6). G216S substitutions have also been reported in human protein The overall phenotypic similarities between ARIH in C deficiency and shown to cause the reduced activity of the humans and low matriptase mRNA in mice are remarkable and

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teolytic processing, thus uncovering potential targets for treatment. Matriptase is widely expressed in epithelial tissues and by some hematopoietic cells and has been proposed to play a crit- ical role in multiple physiological processes. These include thy- mic development (41), mammary gland development (42), turnover of intestinal epithelium (43), fibrinolytic surveil- lance (44), and macrophage activation (45). Furthermore, matriptase proteolysis is linked to the progression of both early and late stages of epithelial carcinogenesis of multiple tissues, and the membrane serine protease constitutes an attractive target for cancer therapy (25, 26, 46). However, the exploration of matriptase physiological and pathological functions using the powerful approach of mouse genetics has been seriously impaired by the uniform and early lethality of ST14 null mice (16, 24). The ST14 hypomorphic mouse Downloaded from strain presented in this report combines strongly reduced matriptase mRNA levels with normal survival, within at least a 300-day period, in both mixed and partially inbred genetic backgrounds. This makes the ST14 hypomorphic mouse

strain almost ideally suited for further exploration of the FIGURE 9. Reduced proteolytic prostasin activation and profilaggrin functions of matriptase in a wide spectrum of physiological processing in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis. A, Western blot using a mouse and pathological processes. monoclonal anti-prostasin antibody of protein lysates (50 ␮g per lane) from the epidermis of three newborn control (lanes 1–3), three ST14 hypomorphic (lanes 4–6), and three ST14 null (lanes 7–9) mice separated by SDS-PAGE Acknowledgments—We thank Drs. J. Silvio Gutkind and Mary Jo at The Scripps Research Institute on December 7, 2007 under reducing conditions showing reduced, but not abolished, active pros- Danton for critically reviewing this manuscript, the NIDCR Gene tasin in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis. The positions of the prostasin zymogen and proteolytically activated prostasin are indicated at the left. The position of Targeting Facility for the generation of transgenic mice, and the mouse IgG heavy chain, which is recognized by the secondary antibody, is Dr. Adrian Turjanski for modeling of matriptase. also indicated. The position of the molecular mass markers (kilodaltons) is indicated at the right. B, Coomassie staining (left panel, lanes 1–4) or profilag- grin/filaggrin Western blot (right panel, lanes 5–8) of epidermal urea extracts from newborn control (lanes 1 and 5), ST14 hypomorph (lanes 2, 3, 6, and 7), REFERENCES and ST14 null (lanes 4 and 8) epidermis reveals diminished profilaggrin pro- 1. Puente, X. S., Sanchez, L. M., Overall, C. M., and Lopez-Otin, C. (2003) teolytic processing in ST14 hypomorphic epidermis. The positions of pro- Nat. Rev. Genet. 4, 544–558 filaggrin (Pro-FG), pro-filaggrin-processing products, and proteolytically 2. Rawlings, N. D., and Barrett, A. J. (1994) Methods Enzymol. 244, 19–61 processed filaggrin monomer (FG) are indicated. The positions of the molecular mass markers (kilodaltons) are indicated at the right. 3. Dano, K., Andreasen, P. A., Grondahl-Hansen, J., Kristensen, P., Nielsen, L. S., and Skriver, L. (1985) Adv. Cancer Res. 44, 139–266 4. Davie, E. W., Fujikawa, K., and Kisiel, W. (1991) Biochemistry 30, suggest that the physiological functions of the membrane serine 10363–10370 protease are relatively conserved in the two species. These sim- 5. Kitamoto, Y., Yuan, X., Wu, Q., McCourt, D. W., and Sadler, J. E. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91, 7588–7592 ilarities included thickened, scaly epidermis, hypomorphic and 6. Netzel-Arnett, S., Currie, B. M., Szabo, R., Lin, C. Y., Chen, L. M., Chai, dysmorphic hair, and tooth abnormalities. It is also noteworthy K. X., Antalis, T. M., Bugge, T. H., and List, K. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, that the phenotypic manifestations of low matriptase improved 32941–32945 with age in both humans and mice. Unlike ARIH patients, how- 7. Segre, J. A. (2006) J. Clin. Invest. 116, 1150–1158 ever, the eyes of ST14 hypomorphic mice appeared normal 8. Nemes, Z., and Steinert, P. M. (1999) Exp. Mol. Med. 31, 5–19 9. Roop, D. (1995) Science 267, 474–475 when observed for Ͼ300 days (data not shown), and the link 10. Presland, R. B., and Dale, B. A. (2000) Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. 11, between corneal opacity and matriptase-insufficiency pro- 383–408 posed in Basel-Vanagaite et al. needs confirmation in future 11. Egelrud, T. (2000) Acta Derm. Venereol. Suppl. (Stockh.) 208, 44–45 studies. 12. Rogers, G. E. (2004) Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48, 163–170 By using our ST14 hypomorphic mouse model, we were able 13. Alonso, L., and Fuchs, E. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100, Suppl. 1, to gain mechanistic insights into the physiological and molec- 11830–11835 14. Muller-Rover, S., Handjiski, B., van der Veen, C., Eichmuller, S., Foitzik, K., ular events underlying ARIH. Histological and functional anal- McKay, I. A., Stenn, K. S., and Paus, R. (2001) J. Invest. Dermatol. 117, 3–15 ysis revealed that the ichthyosis of ST14 hypomorphic mouse 15. Zeeuwen, P. L. (2004) Eur J. Cell Biol. 83, 761–773 epidermis was caused by a combination of hyperproliferation of 16. List, K., Szabo, R., Wertz, P. W., Segre, J., Haudenschild, C. C., Kim, S. Y., basal keratinocytes (hyperproliferative ichthyosis) and and Bugge, T. H. (2003) J. Cell Biol. 163, 901–910 increased retention of upper epidermal layers (retention ich- 17. Leyvraz, C., Charles, R. P., Rubera, I., Guitard, M., Rotman, S., Breiden, B., thyosis), secondary to a markedly compromised epidermal bar- Sandhoff, K., and Hummler, E. (2005) J. Cell Biol. 170, 487–496 18. Resing, K. A., Walsh, K. A., and Dale, B. A. (1984) J. Cell Biol. 99, rier function. Biochemical analysis indicated that this compro- 1372–1378 mised epidermal barrier function was again secondary to 19. Presland, R. B., Boggess, D., Lewis, S. P., Hull, C., Fleckman, P., and Sund- reduced prostasin proteolytic activation and profilaggrin pro- berg, J. P. (2000) J. Invest. Dermatol. 115, 1072–1081

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