Welton News and ViewsPage: 1 WE DID A PANTO



Issue 243 - February 2020 Brought to you by your Parish Council Page: 2 From the Editor……

“Stir, stir make a spell, use a scary voice as well!”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you missed a treat. Our annual panto returned with a performance of Rapunzel and it was one to lift the spirits and served as a reminder to visit one of the many barbers in .

This looks like a wonderful time to be a Weltonian. Even after witnessing first-hand the many, varied and sometimes distinctly odd talents of The Welton Players, I have had plenty of evidence land in my inbox of forthcoming events and attractions to keep us amused and entertained.

There’s the forthcoming VE Day celebrations run by The White Horse and The Village Hall, A new Welton Village Produce Show coming in the Autumn and some great events for Mothering Sunday and Easter run by our local church. Oh, and Mr. Heath is giving a talk on the history of pantomime in March (page 6). Latin panto = ad innuendo?

We’ve had some exciting, unexpected visitors, too (page 5), which I only had the opportunity to tell you about because I was a bit thin on the ground this issue, but it’s your gain. If you would like to contribute to the magazine, please drop me an email or give me a call.

Yes, 2020 is beginning to get a bit of a nice rhythm to it already. Remember, it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!


Contact: Hendrika on 07767 751386 or [email protected] 2020 Annual Advertising Rates (same low pricing as last year!)

£60 - 1 page Advert £45 - ½ page Advert £30 - ¼ page Advert

Please contact the Clerk if you wish to advertise.

Noreen Walsh, Clerk to the Parish Council [email protected] or [email protected] 01327 876023

Front Cover: Welton Players performing Rapunzel, photos by The Welton Players. Welton Parish Council Page: 3 Chairman’s Report

Planning After Christmas comes the Spring clean and for some very organised residents, that means more space is required in the home, planning applications have been received by the Parish Council, responded to and subject to Council’s approval. We look forward to seeing some very thoughtful extensions being built.

Precept for 2020-2021 Next year’s precept was presented to the full council for their approval by the finance sub-committee at our January meeting. The precept was set at £15,519.00 This is an increase of 3.42% on the precept for 2019- 2020. Dog Fouling Yet again, it has been reported that dog fouling is still a problem around the village. Footpaths and areas around the school where parents and children walk, it appears we still have irresponsible dog owners. There are four dog-fouling bins and a number of waste bins where you can deposit your poo-bags. Remember: BAG IT & BIN IT Street Lights In issue 236, July 2018, it was reported the Parish Council was going to replace our ageing street lights. I can now confirm that all street lights have been replaced. The mixture of Sodium and Mercury bulbs (70-90W) have been upgraded to LED units (15-20W). Some of the benefits of the new LED lighting; 1) Better light quality; 2) Lower energy consumption and therefore lower bills; 3) Reduced maintenance costs; 4) Less night pollution, reduced Carbon footprint; 5) The new LED units have a manufacturers warranty of 10 years. Derek Smith Chairman, Welton Parish Council Page: 4

Welton Recreation Trust

Quiz : The Spring Quiz will be held on Thursday 23rd April 2020. Please contact Chris Smith if you wish to participate.

Reminder Defibrillators : The two defibrillators in the Village are located at the School car park (available 24 hours per day) , and inside the village hall (available when open). For the School Car park defibrillator you have to ring the number and the emergency services will provide you the code to unlock the door. For both defibrillators, take the defibrillator out, and use on the patient by following the instructions given by the unit.

Funding : The Recreation Trust would like to continue to promote differ- ent recreation activities in Welton. We have assisted the Welton Good Neighbour Scheme and the 2020 Village Produce Show. We would be pleased to support for any new ventures.

Welton Recreation Trust : John Edwards, Peter OMahoney, Jack Perry, Chris Smith, Sarah Souter, Duncan Webber

Welton Recreation Trust – Walking Group

We’re reinventing the Welton Walking Group using WhatsApp to ar- range the walks. Initially the aim is for one Sunday walk a month, plus regular mid-week sorties if there is enough support.

The idea is to use WhatsApp to arrange dates, times and plan local routes.

All ages and abilities are welcome for what we hope will be friendly walks in the fresh air.

Please contact Richard Proto to join 07802 981655 Page: 5 What’s going on here, then? There I was, quietly shirking my responsibilities during the set-up for this year’s village panto, when I heard a buzzing noise. From the sky! Well, I looked up, didn’t I? Like anyone would with little else to do. And what did I see? Aliens. Well, not aliens ex- actly, but it was a UFO. So I took this photograph to prove it.

Then I realised that it was drawing a bit of a crowd. Three blokes were standing staring at it and one had a device in his hands, presumably attempting to bring the strange craft down before it started abducting the locals, conducting strange experi- ments on them and then killing Ian Threadgold’s sheep!

He wasn’t having much joy, though as it was seemingly intent on taking a very close look at St. Martin’s church. In particular, the stonework.

Being a curious chap, I went over and spoke to the Men in Black and they ad- mitted to me that this strange craft was indeed very interested in the old church’s stonework and was collecting photographic evidence to submit to its’ leader in order to assess the wear and tear of the building and was paying par- ticular attention to the roof and any crack that may have appeared during it’s time on Earth.

Such knowledge these guys had, I was blown over. I didn’t even think these things even existed. I asked one of the ET agents what he was going to do about it, but he just shrugged and said he’d bring it down, download the photographic evidence and write up a survey on the church. Well I never…

If you’re not at all interested in this kind of story, please prevent any more in the future by advertising in or contributing to the WNV. Ed. Page: 6 News from the Welton History Group Our December event (Shake the History Tree) turned out to be the story of “The Winter’s Tale”. Our visiting theatre group supplemented their rather small cast of 3 with members of the audience. Oh, how we did laugh!

In January, we held an informal evening in the White Horse, looking old artefacts, documents and photos. It was a pleasant and relaxed evening.

Anyone is welcome to turn up to any of our meetings. We don’t have a formal membership; so there is no need to contact us before coming.

Forthcoming meetings:

Monday February 24th 2020, 7.30pm, Village Hall Admission £3.00

“The Mystery of the Stone” Anthea Hiscock

When a carved stone was unearthed in a field near Whilton, Anthea could not resist another research project. How old was it? Where had it come from? How had it found its way to Whilton?

Monday March 23rd 2020, 7.30pm, Village Hall Admission £3.00

The History of Pantomime Martin Heath We were so bowled over by Martin’s talk last Oh no it isn’t? Oh yes it is! year that we persuaded him to make time in his busy schedule to talk to us again.

Martin regularly provides the music for the Welton Players, and no doubt there will be more than one reference to them in this talk.

Look out, he’s behind you!

News from the Welton History Group contd... Page: 7

Monday April 27th 2020, 7.30pm, Village Hall Admission £3.00

The Follies of Andrew Plumridge Andrew is a leading expert on Follies and founder of the Folly Fellowship. There are a plethora of follies across the country and North- amptonshire is no exception. Find out about some of these An odd building! odd buildings and what inspired them.

Welton History Group: About us The Welton History Group is a non-profit making group, aiming to pro- mote local history. We have a number of different speakers each year and sometimes we organise trips out to places related to the history of Northamptonshire or local villages. We don’t have a membership sub- scription; people just come to the meetings they are interested in.

We now have a new programme for 2019-20. Copies are available in the Church. Also, see “Save The Date” on page 15 Group contact: Jackie Hibbert 01327 312514 [email protected] Page: 8 The Percival Guildhouse

We moved to Welton from Wiltshire, nearly 3½ years ago, to be closer to our fami- ly (one of our sons lives in Rugby). However, as our other grandchildren live in Italy, our second priority was to start learning Italian so we would be able (one day) to converse with them in their native tongue. Follow- ing an unsatisfactory term with Adult Learning, a friend recom- mended the Percival Guildhouse in Rugby. Suffice to say we are now in ourrd 3 year of study and we love the place! It’s a small, friendly community of mostly (I have to say) ‘mature people’, united in the desire to keep their grey matter in working order. Courses include: 8 different languages at varying levels; various arts and handicrafts; history; writing and poetry; Pilates, Yoga, mindfulness and Sotai Ho; as well as Bridge, pho- tography and singing (you can find the full syllabus online at https://pghdb.net/pghnew2/ ). So if you feel in need of a challenge, or just want to socialise with a like-minded group of people, then why not give it a try. It’s right next door to Rugby library and if you are happy to spend £5 of your weekly shop in Asda, then the underground car park is free.

Page: 9

Page: 10

Pub & Restaurant with Beer Garden High Street, Welton 01327 702820

The Welton Good Neighbour Scheme (07938 237 070) Page: 11

April will see the first anniversary of the Welton Good Neigh- bour Scheme. We will be holding our first AGM on Tuesday May 12th, 3pm in the Village Hall.

The Tuesday Café continues to thrive and provides a place where people can socialise, play board games, eat cake, etc. (second Tuesday in the month, 2- 4pm Village Hall). Everyone is welcome, including parents with children so why not pop in after school?. Just be warned– someone will talk to you! Future dates are March 10th, April 14th and May 12th.

The Friday Lunch is another chance to socialise. Maggie does a splendid job and is happy to provide small portions (at a reduced price) or a big portion– depends how hungry you are! You will be assured of a warm welcome and someone to talk to, so why not pluck up courage and join us. (Last Friday of the month, 12.30pm, The White Horse). Future dates are February 28th, March 27th, April 24th and May 29th. No need to book, just turn up.

Our helpline (07938 237 070) is still active. After a quiet Christmas, we have received a number of requests for help, particularly for transport and friendship visits.

Whilst we have been able to respond to all the requests, we could do with a few more volunteers who are willing to give a lift to someone (usually for medi- cal appointments or to Daventry and back) or who are able to offer regular friendship visits to the housebound. If you are able to volunteer, please con- tact Jackie or Brian Hibbert, 01327 312514. Applicants will need to undertake a DBS check, due to the nature of the work.

Finally, thank you to all Waitrose shoppers who supported us with their green tokens during February. Although the scheme is completely run by volunteers, we do have expenses such as insur- ance, ID badges, etc., and the income from this will go a little way towards helping with these. Page: 12 Rapunzel by The Welton Players

The opening score swirled around the village hall as we listened to the ever impressive Martin Heath and his talented musicians, including his versatile son and daughter. I thought I might be at the opening of a west end play. Oh no I wasn’t!

I heard some lovely singing and thought I was watching The X factor Oh no I wasn’t ...but maybe time to enter Kitty Bonsor, who played the lead, Rapunzel, with a maturity beyond her years, ..or maybe combine her with Max Hart, the hero and downtrodden prince who I suspect set a few young hearts fluttering (and a couple of old ones if we’re honest!!).

I laughed at, and booed, the three witches (played by the indefatigable Barney Worrall, the quintessential Ian Threadgold and the mistress of irony, Rebekah Dunkley ) and thought I was watching Macbeth. Oh no I wasn’t! Could there ever be a more fun filled coven ..the jokes not simply in the words they said, but the interactions with the audience and the unsaid humour between the three of them. The room came alive when they entered. I think we were meant to boo and hiss but we could only laugh and adore. Just as we were meant not to really like the three wooing princes played by Coral Heath ( this family’s talents are endless), Emily Goddard and Jess Souter ( hope you don’t do that at home!) but that proved difficult too.

And then I thought I might be on one of David Attenborough’s wildlife programmes...as Sarah Souter swung her tail as Roger the donkey and Mercy Coupe weaved her spiders web. But oh no I wasn’t.

I’m not sure what Richard Tidmarsh, playing gargoyle Spout, had on his head but I hope I never see them on a dark night or at the bottom of my soup. Page: 13 I watched the comic timing of the Men at Arms, the dubious, but amusing, bugle playing of the incompetent Harold, the clear storytelling of the Narrator and the hilarious dialogue between the King and Queen and thought I might be watching Britain's got Talent. Oh no I wasn’t! Although certainly in there are the leading players of the future ( what do you feed that boy of yours Pennie Harper- Chapman?)

I thought I might be watching Question of Sport as well known people turned up as mystery guests in attire they might not normally be seen in...unless Mark Coupe and Victor Coupe ( always a good panto character) wear dresses when we are not looking. But oh no I wasn’t!

And then Jeanette Mortimer came on, looked straight at the audience, told a couple of jokes, read the words of the song and I knew where I was...the Welton panto. Oh yes I was!

There is something quite comforting ...even inspiring...about being amongst a group of people who, year after year, willingly and generously, give of their time, put themselves forward to be dressed up in some interesting outfits, tell corny jokes (including a few we hope the younger ones don’t understand) to show what community spirit looks like. It involves villagers of all ages and attracts the same in the audience. So a big thank you to those on stage and those behind the stage and those in front of the stage (thank goodness for the prompt actions of Ann Ramsden (hear hear, Ed!)) and those on the door. But a special thank you to the person who made it all possible, who worked tirelessly to produce a wonderful village event and make those who watched feel just so proud to be part of it. Take a bow Mariann Holloway. And a couple of curtain calls. And finally, thank you to those who came to watch. Because that is all part of the community spirit too

This is a pretty special village and this panto and those who support it are one of the reasons why. Oh yes they are!

Bronwen Curtis Full Colour Pictorial over the page Page: 14 Save the Date! Page: 15 Dates for your diary…

Date Event Organiser 7.30pm Village Hall : “The Mystery of Jackie Hibbert 24/2/2020 the Whilton Stone” Anthea Hiscock 01327 312514 5, 12, 19, 3.30pm Village Hall : Easter eats, treats, See page 20 26/3/2020 fun and learning!

7.30pm Village Hall : The History of Pan- Jackie Hibbert 23/3/2020 tomime, Martin Heath 01327 312514 7.30pm Holy Cross Church Daventry : 28/3/2020 Daventry Choral Society’s Brahm’s Req- 01327 843165 uiem

31/3/10 10am Village Hall : Mother’s Day Cafe See page 19

23/4/2020 TBA The Spring Quiz See page 4

7.30pm Village Hall: The Follies of Jackie Hibbert 27/4/2020 Northamptonshire, Andrew Plumridge 01327 312514

See page 10 or Margaret at 9/5/2020 White Horse’ VE Day Celebrations the pub!

Village Hall: Welton Village Produce 19/9/20 See page 17 Show

Please contact the editor with dates and details for forthcoming events in and around the village. I know there are lots of things going on, so let’s hear about them, please! (Ed) [email protected] Page: 16

Page: 17

Page: 18

Welton Village Hall report for News and Views

One of the reasons people want to live in a village is because in a village they feel part of a community. On a new housing estate where the residents have all moved in within the last few years it’s not always easy to get to know your neighbours and there are seldom facilities for shared activities.

Our village hall, although it is not a glamorous building, provides a vital focus for village activities which bring people together. It is a meeting place for all sections of the community.

As we start a new decade the hall is more fully booked than it has ever been. It is noticeable that we have such a variety of regular groups such as the Guides, the Brownies, the Bowls Club, the WI, the Bridge Club and History group. We also have band practices and Pilates and TangSeDoh classes, but also there are an increasing number of ”Whole Village” activities.

These are events which attract people who otherwise might seldom meet. They are events such as the Pantomime,(end January) the Recreation Trust Quiz (April and November), Special events like last year’s Penguin lectures, and Soap Box Derby day.

This year there is the VE Day celebration (May 9thh) and the WI Produce Show (Sept 19th) which help to foster a community spirit by involving a wide mixture of residents.

The Village Hall is also the venue for a number of smaller events which are open to all. You can just drop in to the Thursday afternoon craft sessions led by the WI and the Tuesday Friendship café (2nd Tuesday 2pm) organised by the Welton Good Neighbour Scheme. And of course, Parish Council Meetings (1st Monday at 7.30pm) are open to the public.

Don’t forget that the hall is also available at reasonable rent for private parties, family celebrations, funeral wakes and public meetings.

Keep an eye out for notices of forthcoming events. You may be surprised to find out how much is going on. Let’s make good use of this valuable facility.

If you have suggestions for other activities don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are always keen to listen. Welton Village Hall 07767 751386

Duncan Webber, Sarah Souter, Jude Proto, Hendrika Folwell, Ian Threadgold, Chris Smith, Natalie Sukhu-King, Caroline Hickman, Caroline Maxwell Page: 19 Page: 20

Welton Short Mat Bowls Club Welton Short Mat Bowls Club may be small but is beautifully formed, as it should be after nearly 25 years of existence. People from Welton and elsewhere have come and gone over the years, the problem now is that they are going rather than coming. We are now at the absolute minimum number of players which has led us to withdrawing from the Day League, a competition we have won on numerous occasions. The game of Short Mat Bowls is suitable for everyone regardless of age (12 to 90+) or physical fitness which is played throughout the year in the village hall, there is not a seasonal break. The Welton Club is designed for people to have some fun, play bowls, socialise over tea and biscuits and not travel far from home. Do you want the Bowls Club, the only sporting activity in Welton, to go the same way as the long-lamented Cricket Club?? If not please contact me. Currently we play on Wednesday afternoon 2pm to 4pm, however, we would be delighted to have another session at a time to suit you and when the hall is available. Why not make it a family activity? Margaret Jones -01327 705402 Page: 21 Page: 22


Monday 7.15 pm - 9.39pm Bridge 1st and 3rd Mondays

6.00pm - 7.00pm Pilates 2nd and 4th Monday

7.00pm - 10.00pm Parish Council 2nd Monday

7.30pm - 9.00pm History Group 4th Monday

Tuesday 9.00am - 11.30am Pilates Weekly

2.00pm - 4.00pm GN Friendship Tea 2nd Tuesday Weekly until Panto 6.30pm - 7.30pm Pilates (6.00-7.00 during panto) Welton Players Weekly from October to 7.30pm - 9.30pm (Panto) February

Wednesday 9.30am - 12.30pm Art Weekly (Sept-May)

2.00pm - 4.00pm Short Mat Bowls Weekly Weekly (Term time On- 5.00pm - 8.30pm Brownies/Guides ly) Weekly (Term time On- Thursday 9.30am - 12.00pm Parents & Toddlers ly)

2.00pm - 4.00pm Crafts and Coffee Weekly

7.30pm - 9.45pm WI 2nd Thursday Weekly (Term time Friday 1.30pm - 2.30pm Exercise by Dance Only) Weekly (Term time 5.00pm - 6.00pm Rainbows Only) Saturday

Sunday 9.00am -11.00am Family Martial Arts Weekly

Danetre Ukulele Or- Every 3 weeks 3 hour sessions chestra (different times/dates)

Contact Details: [email protected] Phone No: 07767751386 Welton Northants Village Hall: Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1155046 Pilates Classes in the Village Hall Page: 23

My name is Katrina and I live in Well Lane - at the top of the village.

Over the last year, I have been training to be a Pilates teacher with Body Control Pilates run by Lynne Robinson in . Earlier this month, I passed my final exam- making me eligible to teach Pilates, which I would really love to offer within our community.

The reason I chose to take up Pilates was because of continued repeti- tive strain injury to my shoulder and wrist- due to my profession as a Sonographer. Pilates enabled me to improve the movement in all my joints, improve my posture and also strengthen my core improving my health and leaving me pain free.

Pilates is all about encouraging our bodies to work as they are de- signed, our joints to move from a good starting posture and ensure long term health of those joints with a good range of movement. It serves to increase core strength, improve stamina and aid in increasing our stability, help our balance to prevent falling and finally increase bone density. The osteoporosis society supports exercises that reduce that likelihood of falling so reducing the chances of breaking bones, particularly important as we get older.

These adult classes will be tailored according to need and ability. I would love to see you join me at the Village Hall.

If you are keen to know more as to whether this is something that may suit you please contact me, Katrina, on 01327 704471 or 07775940490.

Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am, 10.30-11.30am and 6-7pm

Cost £7.50 – all equipment and mats provided Page:What 24 ’s been happening? In November last year I wrote to every household in the village to give you an up date on what your vicar and church have been up to and to ask for your financial support towards the upkeep and running costs of our church. I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all those who gave so generously to this appeal. We raised over £3000 and donations are still coming in for which we are very grateful.

The cost of keeping St Martins open for worship, christenings, weddings and funerals, for the work with Welton School, supporting the Baby Pro- ject and the care of the more vulnerable members of our community is £30k per year.

There is no central or national funding for churches so the responsibility to keep our village church going really does fall to us. Each year this ap- peal makes a real difference to our ability to meet our costs.

I was also keen not to just ask you for money but to see what we as a church community can do for you and we received a number of requests for prayer and support. Please don’t wait ‘til next year to ask again.

After a very successful service for Mothering Sunday Café Church last year, we’d love you to join us in the village hall again this year on Sun- day 22nd March 10-11am. ‘Café church’ is for all the family and will in- clude free fresh coffee, bacon rolls, pastries, music, activities and time to chat around tables. If you would like further details, please give me a call – 01788 890298.

Chicks, Bunnies & Chocolate Eggs, What’s Easter all about? We’d love you to join us for 4 sessions after school in the school hall, 3.30pm- 4.30pm, Thursday 5, 12, 19 & 26 March. There’ll be food (hot dogs), lots of fun, games and crafts, plus time to chat together about the meaning of Easter. This is an all age event for the whole village. Children and sib- lings must be accompanied by an adult. BTW there’ll be lots of chocolate too! We look forward to seeing you!

God Bless, Rev Nat Page: 25

ABS AUTOS ALAN STEWART Tel: 07817 931956 Unit 4, Baird Close, Drayton Fields Ind. Est. Daventry, NN11 8RY • MOTs Arranged • Car Repairs & Servicing • Air Con’ System Regassing • Diagnostics • Brakes & Exhausts • Tyres • Courtesy Car

Email: [email protected] Page: 26

CRISIS CAFÉ Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust If you find yourself in crisis or need support with your mental health in the evening and/or at the weekend we are here to listen and help you in your time of need.

Mind Cafés have professional mental health workers who can offer you a safe space. Our aim is to support people to reduce any immediate crisis and to safe- ty plan; drawing on strengths, resilience, and coping mechanisms to manage their mental health and wellbeing.

There is no need to call, just drop in to find a safe place with hope and comfort and find your pathway to recovery.


Brook Street, Daventry, NN11 4GG Tel : 01327 879416 5-9pm

Page: 27 Welton Town Lands Trust Registered Charity No. 204672

Educational Grants ------The Welton Town Lands Trust has been supporting the residents of our parish for over 400 years. One third of it’s annual income is used to provide grants for educational purposes and in December we were able to give £750 to the school. At the next meeting of Trustees we will be considering applications from residents of Welton for grants (of up to a maximum of £100 for each applicant) to help with the costs associat- ed with education/training.

Do you have a child at University? A child that is gifted or talented? A disabled child? Or are you an apprentice? If so please read on!

To be eligible for this grant you must be one of the following:

1. a student on a course of post-18 Higher/Further Education following a nationally accredited course, whether full-time, part-time or through distance learning 2. a young person requiring assistance in the development of a particular gift or tal- ent 3. a child of school age with physical or mental handicap 4. an apprentice, or in training for a trade or profession 5. a mature student seeking to improve or extend your career development possibili- ties through a nationally recognised course 6. a representative of a village group supporting activities for the young.

All you have to do is complete a short application form and return it to the Clerk to- gether with receipts for books, equipment or training expenses, incurred as a result of your studies/training since September 2019. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2020.

For further information or to request an application form please either email me or contact me on the telephone number below:

Adrian Jolliffe Clerk to the Trustees 2 Clarks Way, Welton, NN11 2JJ Tel: 07771 641841 Page: 28

December 6th Christmas Lunch. This was only the second time that Welton WI as a group had celebrated Christmas with a meal, this year it was at the Pytchley at . Around 30 members enjoyed an excellent lunch, the food was delicious and despite the restaurant being busy the service was very efficient.

December: The meeting was held on Friday 13th due to the General Election and the hall being used as a polling station on Thursday. Ginny Davis`s talk was very amusing, she spoke of her life from working as a solicitor’s clerk, to becoming a barrister, then later taking her one man show to the Fringe in Edinburgh. The point of her talk was if you really want to do something, with a lot of determination you can do it. Everyone also enjoyed a glass of prosecco and a Christmas buffet provided by the members.

January: The January meeting was titled “Recycling with a Difference.” Susan Drage came along with a vast amount of stuff that she had made from items in her recycling bin, She began by telling us how in 2012 through Radio Northampton she was asked by the US space agency to knit a new protective suit, knitted out of plastic carrier bags for Camilla a rubber chicken which was to be launched into space by NASA. Then she went on to show what could be done with the most unlikely items of what we would call rubbish. There was a varied selection of goods available to buy.

Contd... (from page 28) Page: 29

February: 13th The speaker is Chris Ward he will be talking about Garden Birds and all the things we don`t know about them.

February 2020 It is 100 years since the WI was founded in Welton, there is no record of why it stopped just before the 2nd World War, probably another organisation related to the Church became more popular. By 1961 the Village Hall had been built, replacing the old school building and the WI in Welton re commenced. There will be a very special dinner in the Village Hall for WI members with the catering provided by a local pro- fessional caterer. Welton Village Produce Show Saturday 19th September.

If you would like to know more about Welton WI or what is on please con- tact Kim Baldwin – Secretary [email protected] or check out the WI website at [email protected]

Carol Bertozzi. The Book Corner In October the WI Book Group read and enjoyed “An Ameri- can Marriage by Tayari Jones. Set in today’s Atlanta it is Written in the voices of a young American professional couple whose marriage is ruined when they be- come the innocent victims of a miscarriage of justice.

This month we will be discussing. “Time will Darken it” by William Maxwell. This too is set in America, but 100 years earlier, and is about the damage outsiders can unwittingly do to other people’s relation- ships. Our verdict on this book will be in the next edition of News & Views. We would be glad if any other readers or book groups would share their book choices in future editions of N & V. The idea has the support of the editor. Caroline Maxwell for the WI book group. Page: 30 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH TEAM

Who covers which neighbourhood area?

ASHBY ROAD and Mariann Holloway Jeanette Mortimore 311295 871011


WELTON PARK & CLARKES WAY Jean Williams 872368




THE BOTTOM OF THE VILLAGE Bob Somerville 871275

Page: 31 Northamptonshire County Council Street Doctor

Did you know that you can report potholes, blocked drain covers, road marking and many other items via the NCC Street Doctor on line?

Simple go to the following website, click on REPORT HIGHWAY PROBLEM and a drop down list will appear of many highways items that members of the public can report. This can be done either by map or a form and is a very simple step by step process.

So if you see it report it! www.northamptonshire. gov.uk/

Welton Town Lands Trust Registered Charity No. 204672



A vacancy occurs for the office of Clerk to the Trustees with immediate effect. In brief, the role involves: • Organising 3 meetings per year, held in March, June and November • Agendas and minutes for the above meetings • Producing the accounts • Dealing with any correspondence relating to the Trust and its lands • Receiving applications and distributing grants on behalf of the Trust

The clerk receives an honorarium and expenses for carrying out the role.

Applications invited in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Gisella Webber at the following address: 1 Burrows Close Welton Tel: 01327 311753 Email: [email protected]

If you wish to have any further information regarding the role, please telephone or email the Clerk. Page: 32