Injecting Word Embeddings with Another Language’s Resource : An Application of Bilingual Embeddings


Prakhar Pandey, Vikram Pudi, Manish Shrivastava


International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017)

Taipei, Taiwan

Report No: IIIT/TR/2017/-1

Centre for Language Technologies Research Centre International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIA November 2017 Injecting Word Embeddings with Another Language’s Resource : An Application of Bilingual Embeddings

Prakhar Pandey Vikram Pudi Manish Shrivastava International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, Telangana, India [email protected] {vikram,manish.shrivastava}

Abstract of different methods have since been proposed to construct bilingual embeddings (Zou et al., 2013; Word embeddings learned from text cor- Vulic and Moens, 2015; Coulmance et al., 2016). pus can be improved by injecting knowl- edge from external resources, while at A disadvantage of learning word embeddings the same time also specializing them for only from is that valuable knowl- similarity or relatedness. These knowl- edge contained in knowledge resources like Word- edge resources (like WordNet, Paraphrase Net (Miller, 1995) is not used. Numerous meth- Database) may not exist for all languages. ods have been proposed to incorporate knowledge In this work we introduce a method to in- from external resources into word embeddings for ject word embeddings of a language with their refinement (Xu et al., 2014; Bian et al., 2014; knowledge resource of another language Mrksic et al., 2016). (Faruqui et al., 2015) intro- by leveraging bilingual embeddings. First duced retrofitting as a light graph based technique we improve word embeddings of Ger- that improves learned word embeddings. man, Italian, French and Spanish using re- sources of English and test them on variety In this work we introduce a method to im- of word similarity tasks. Then we demon- prove word embeddings of one language (tar- strate the utility of our method by creating get language) using knowledge resources from improved embeddings for Urdu and Tel- some other similar language (source language). ugu languages using Hindi WordNet, beat- To accomplish this, we represent both languages ing the previously established baseline for in the same vector space (bilingual embeddings) Urdu. and obtain translations of source language’s re- sources. Then we use these translations to im- 1 Introduction prove the embeddings of the target language by using retrofitting, leveraging the information con- Recently fast and scalable methods to generate tained in bilingual space to adjust retrofitting pro- dense vector space models have become very pop- cess and handle noise. We also show why a dic- ular following the works of (Collobert and We- tionary based translation would be ineffective for ston, 2008; Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., this problem and how to handle situations where 2014). These methods take large amounts of text vocabulary of target embeddings is too big or too corpus to generate real valued vector representa- small compared to size of resource. tion for words (word embeddings) which carry many semantic properties. (Kiela et al., 2015) demonstrated the advantage Mikolov et al.(2013b) extended this model of specializing word embeddings for either sim- to two languages by introducing bilingual embed- ilarity or relatedness, which we also incorporate. dings where word embeddings for two languages Our method is also independent of the way bilin- are simultaneously represented in the same vec- gual embeddings were obtained. An added advan- tor space. The model is trained such that word tage of using bilingual embeddings is that they are embeddings capture not only semantic informa- better than monolingual counterparts due to incor- tion of monolingual words, but also semantic re- porating multilingual evidence (Faruqui and Dyer, lationships across different languages. A number 2014; Mrksiˇ c´ et al., 2017). 2 Background word vectors are close to their original vectors as well as vectors of related words. The function to 2.1 Bilingual Embeddings be minimized to accomplish this objective is: Various methods have been proposed to generate n " # bilingual embeddings. One class of methods learn X 2 X 2 mappings to transform words from one monolin- Φ(Q) = αikqi − qˆik + βijkqi − qjk gual model to another, using some form of dic- i=1 (i,j)∈E tionary (Mikolov et al., 2013b; Faruqui and Dyer, The iterative update equation is: 2014). Another class of methods jointly optimize monolingual and cross-lingual objectives using P j:(i,j)∈E βijqj + αiqˆi word aligned parallel corpus (Klementiev et al., qi = P βij + αi 2012; Zou et al., 2013) or sentence aligned par- j:(i,j)∈E allel corpus (Chandar A P et al., 2014; Hermann α and β are the parameters used to control the and Blunsom, 2014). Also there are other meth- process. We discuss in Section 3.2 how we set ods which use monolingual data and a smaller set them to adapt the process to bilingual settings. of sentence aligned parallel corpus (Coulmance et al., 2016) and those which use non-parallel doc- 2.3 Dictionary based approach ument aligned data (Vulic and Moens, 2015). Before discussing our method, we would like to We experiment with translation invariant bilin- point that using a dictionary for translating the lex- gual embeddings by (Gardner et al., 2015). We ical resource and then retrofitting with this trans- also experiment with method proposed by (Artetxe lated resource is not feasible. Firstly obtaining et al., 2016) where they learn a linear transform good quality dictionaries is a difficult and costly between two monolingual embeddings with mono- process1. Secondly it is not necessary that one lingual invariance preserved. They use a small would obtain translations that are within the vo- bilingual dictionary to accomplish this task. These cabulary of the embeddings to be improved. To methods are useful in our situation because they demonstrate this, we obtain translations for em- preserve the quality of original monolingual em- beddings of 3 languages2 and show the results in beddings and do not require (benefi- Table 1. In all cases the number of translations that cial in case of Indian languages). are also present in the embedding’s vocabulary are 2.2 Retrofitting too small.

Retrofitting was introduced by (Faruqui et al., Language Vocab Matches 2015) as a light graph based procedure for enrich- German 43,527 9,950 Italian 73,427 24,716 ing word embeddings with semantic lexicons. The Spanish 41,779 16,547 method operates post processing i.e it can be ap- plied to word embeddings obtained from any stan- Table 1: Using a dictionary based approach dard technique such as , Glove etc. The method encourages improved vectors to be simi- lar to the vectors of similar words as well as sim- 3 Approach ilar to the original vectors. This similarity rela- tion among words (such as synonymy, hypernymy, Let S, T and R be the vocabularies of source, tar- paraphrase) is derived from a knowledge resource get and resource respectively. Size of R is always such as PPDB, WordNet etc. Retrofitting works as fixed while size of S and T depends on embed- follows: dings. The relation between S, T and R is shown S R Let matrix Q contain the word embeddings to in Figure 1. Sets and have one to one map- ping which in not necessarily onto, while T and be improved. Let V = {w1, w2...wn} be the vocab- S ulary which is equal to number of rows in Q and have many to one mapping. Consider the ideal R S d be the dimension of word vectors which is equal case where every word in is also in and every S T to number of columns. Also let Ω be the ontol- word in has the exact translation from as its ogy that contains the intra word relations that must nearest neighbour in the bilingual space. Then the be injected into the embeddings. The objective of 1eg. Google and Bing Translate APIs have become paid. retrofitting is to find a matrix Qˆ such that the new 2using Yandex Translate API, it took around 3 days T S R original vector and β controls movement towards vectors to be fitted with. (Faruqui et al., 2015) set 1 ragazzo α as 1 and β as γ where γ is the number of vectors boy to be fitted with. Thus they give equal weights to figlio each vector. Cosine similarity between a word and its trans- lation is a good measure of the confidence in its translation. We use it to set β such that differ- Figure 1: Relationships between Source, Target ent vectors get different weights. A word for and Resource Vocabularies. which we have higher confidence in translation (i.e higher cosine similarity) is given more weight simple approach for translation would be assign- when retrofitting. Therefore wi being the weights, ing every si ∈ S its nearest neighbour ti ∈ T as α, β are set as : the translation. γ First problem is that in practical settings these X conditions are almost never satisfied. Secondly the α = wi, βi = wi sizes of S, T and R can be very different. Suppose i=1 the size of S, T is large compared to R or the size of T is large but size of S is comparatively smaller. Further reduction in weights of noisy words can In both cases size of translated resource will be too be done by taking powers of cosine similarity. An small to make impact. Thirdly words common to example in Table 2 shows weights of similar words both R and S will be lesser than the total words in for Italian word professore derived by taking pow- R. So the size of R accessible to T using S will ers of cosine similarity (we refer to this power as be even lesser. A mechanism is therefore required filter parameter). to control the size of translated resource and fil- Words Similarity Weights ter incorrect translations. We accomplish this as educatore 0.955 0.796 follows: harvard 0.853 0.452 insegnando 0.980 0.903 3.1 Translating knowledge resource insegnata 0.990 0.951 For translation we adapt a dual approach that al- Table 2: Taking power of weights reduces weights lows control over the size of the translated list. We of noisy words (here harvard). Here filter = 5. iterate through T (not S) looking for translations in S. A translation is accepted or rejected based on whether the cosine similarity between words is Algorithm 1 Translating Knowledge Resource above the threshold η. This method stems from Input : Source (S), Target (T ), Resource (R), η the fact that mapping between T and S is many to Output : Translated Knowledge Resource one. So the Italian word ragazzo is translated to R∗ boy, but we can also translate (and subsequently R∗ = [] retrofit) figlio to boy (Figure 1) in order to get a for t in T do larger translated resource list with some loss in t ← NearestNeighbour(S) quality of list. Thus η gives us direct control over s if similarity(t, t ) > η then the size of translated resource list. Then to trans- s lexicons ← S[t ] late the list of related words, we translate normally s for l in lexicons do (i.e from S to T ). Algorithm 1 summarizes this l ← NearestNeighbour(T ) process. t weight ← similarity(l, lt) ∗ 3.2 Retrofitting to translated resource R [t].add(lt, weight) We modify the retrofitting procedure to accommo- end for date noisy translations as follows: else As discussed earlier, retrofitting process con- continue trols the relative shift of vectors by two parameters end if α and β, where α controls the movement towards end for Half En- Full En- Language Vocab TRL Tasks Original riched riched MC30 0.631 0.643 0.662 18,802 RG65 0.503 0.531 0.600 German 43,527 37,408 WS353 (sim) 0.600 0.631 0.635 Simlex999 0.333 0.356 0.373 22,022 WS353 (sim) 0.595 0.640 0.652 Italian 73,427 44,309 Simlex999 0.247 0.283 0.313 17,434 MC30 0.312 0.286 0.412 Spanish 41,779 35,034 RG65 0.608 0.615 0.634 16,203 French 40,523 RG65 0.547 0.582 0.673 32,602

Table 3: Retrofitting Translation Invariant Bilingual Embeddings for German, Italian, Spanish and French using English Paraphrase Database. (TRL stands for Translated Resource Length)

4 Datasets and Benchmarks because we believe the embeddings that we use are well trained and low in noise. This value can be For English as source language, we use the Para- increased further if word embeddings being used phrase Database (Ganitkevitch et al., 2013) to spe- are very noisy but in most cases a value of 2 is cialize embeddings for similarity as it gives the enough. η value, as explained in previous sections best results (compared to other sources like Word- is set such that the translated resource obtained is Net). To specialize embeddings for relatedness, of sufficient length. If more lexicons in translated we use University of South Florida Free Asso- resource are required, relax η and vice-versa. ciation Norms (Nelson et al., 2004) as indicated by (Kiela et al., 2015). For Hindi as source 5.1 European Languages language, we use Hindi WordNet (Bhattacharyya Table 3 shows the result of retrofitting translation et al., 2010). Whenever the size of resource is big invariant bilingual embeddings of four European enough, we first inject word embeddings with half languages for similarity using English Paraphrase of the dataset (random selection) followed by full Database. For each language we set η as 0.70 and length dataset to demonstrate the sequential gain filter as 2. The embeddings are evaluated specif- in performance. ically on datasets measuring similarity. All em- Multilingual WS353 and SimLex999 datasets are beddings are 40 dimensional. To show that our by (Leviant and Reichart, 2015). We also use method is effective, the embeddings are first fitted German RG65 (Gurevych, 2005), French RG65 with only half of the database followed by fitting (Joubarne and Inkpen, 2011) and Spanish MC30, with full length database. Table 3 also contains in- RG65 (Hassan and Mihalcea, 2009; Camacho- formation about the size of vocabulary and trans- Collados et al., 2015). For Indian languages we lated resource. One can compare the size of trans- use datasets provided by (Akhtar et al., 2017). lated resource that we get using our method to the dictionary based approach. 5 Results Table 4 shows the results of specializing word In this section we present the experimental results embeddings for relatedness using the USF Asso- of our method.3 Before discussing the results we ciation Norms and evaluation on WS353 related- explain how different parameters are chosen. We ness task. We test only with German and Italian as do 10 iterations of retrofitting process for all our only these languages had datasets to test for relat- experiments because 10 iterations are enough for edness. convergence (Faruqui et al., 2015) and also using Language Original Fitted the same value for all experiments avoids over- German 0.461 0.520 fitting. 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