Christopher F. Zurn Department of Philosophy University of Massachusetts Boston Wheatley Hall 05-007 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125
[email protected] Employment Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston 2015 — present Affiliate Faculty, McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, UMB 2012 — present Gastwissenschaftler, Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2015 — 2106 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston 2010 — 2015 Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston 2010 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky 2006 — 2010 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Kentucky 1999 — 2006 Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ohio University 1997 — 1999 Instructor & Teaching Assistant of Philosophy, Northwestern University 1991 — 1997 Education Northwestern University M.A. 1993, Ph.D. in Philosophy, 1999 Dissertation: “Competence and Context: Conceptions of the Self in the Critical Social Theories of Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor” Wesleyan University B.A. with Honors in Philosophy, 1989 Areas of Specialization Areas of Competence Social and Political Philosophy Ethics Philosophy of Law Aesthetics Contemporary European Philosophy History of Philosophy Publications Monographs 1. Deliberative Democracy and the Institutions of Judicial Review (Cambridge University Press, 2007; paperback 2009). Argues that a normative theory of deliberative democratic constitutionalism yields the best understanding of the legitimacy of constitutional review, and argues that this function should be institutionalized in a complex, multilocation structure across constitutional courts, the legislative and executive branches, and civic constitutional forums. Nine chapters; 366 pages. Reviewed in Cambridge Law Journal, Constellations, Ethics, Law & Politics Book Review, and Social Theory & Practice.