Lady f NfiWs- Hawks r«. split

E Fe BE *TVrE: ""■°"gh 3 R^ «»de„(s Autonomv°m ' y and """ the *c, . «W®ie Udent s Press ScENE: Page 16 Havea 11


Page 19 J the cord

2 Thursday October 25, 1990


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■ 3

Dini Petty's show on sexism useless

of Waterloo students who the Aren't we the who know "There were too year University among saw ones many people," Katherine Cord Dowling who is show. Most, like WLU student best?" said Mitchell. said Burke. "There was no Engineering student, a self-proclaimed liberal feminist. Cheryl Mitchell, were dis- Petty spoke with her ten debate." IS THERE sexism on campus, WLU Jones described the backlash she appointed. "It was a bunch of panelists and four members of the Students' Union President and if so how bad is it? Stuart Lewis, a member of and several friends endured when professionals talking about life on audience in total, two of whom the Dini asked these Petty questions out to women panel, but who to they spoke against the 'No campus. Why didn't they talk were who graduated from only got speak last when her Friday morning means Yes' are on to little, agreed. "A lot of signs which appeared the students who campus? university 20 30 years ago. very show about sexism on Canadian people watched the Dini Petty in some men's dorm windows broad- University campuses was the Show, students and Professors," during date rape awareness cast live from Seagram's Muse- he said. "It's unfortunate that I campaign last year. She said this in um Waterloo. involved never got a chance to give the physical and verbal Several WLU representatives students' point of view. That's abuse, as well as some death were on her panel of experts, but the opinion that matters." threats. Laurier wasn't the only Univer- The show began with two fe- Miller, who said that Engineer- under sity scrutiny; representa- is the male students: Nini Jones, a ing most sexist of all tives from Queen's University, recent Queen's graduate who de- faculties, expressed sympathy for McGill University, the University scribed herself as a radical femi- Jones' experience, but said that of Waterloo, and the University nist, and Elaine Miller, a fifth CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

of Toronto were also there.

Queen's date rape awareness campaign and the University of British Columbia's recent 'tug of New WLUSU war' incident were discussed, as was WLU's own panty raid,

which Petty called the "most out- rageous of the occurrences."

the "I don't think show accom- BOD member: plished anything," said Cord Editor-in-Chief Tony Burke, who was there as a member of the studio audience, but, like most Nilesh Patel people there, was never given the ask opportunity to speak or ques- Mark Hand The Cord tions. "Like other problems at

Laurier the students didn't have a NILESH PATEL is the new member of the WLU Students' Union chance to voice their opinions", Board of Directors for the 1990-91 year. Why so glum? Dini, the for Pears does a Burke said. salesperson soap, At the WLUSU by-election on Tuesday October 23, Patel won the talk show on the side. This was a common complaint Pic: Tony Burke election gaining 239 of the 458 ballots cast. Robert Bobier earned 105

votes, and Allan Lee received 93 votes. Twenty ballots were spoiled.

There were three referendum questions also on the ballot. The

referendum to add $1 to the WLUSU fees for full-time students in or-

WLUSU Hallowe'en der to cover the cost of sponsoring a refugee student to at WLU party study next year was passed, earning 335

'yes' votes, and 132 'no' votes.

There were 3 spoiled ballots out to twelve, and there is to be no charge for admis- Sue Bailey The Cord of the 470 cast. sion. Free munchies and Hallowe'en treats will be The of the THE KIDS A of question accepting are all right but are they safe at night? provided. variety games, including the tradi- 1989-90 WLUSU financial state- As Hallowe'en tional for are also the approaches this is a question that bobbing apples, on agenda, ment was also passed, with 461 many people are seriously considering, and WLU is with prizes awarded to the most successful (or ballots cast, 350 'yes', 87 'no', trying to do something about it. determined). and 24 For Several will spoiled. a variety of reasons, parents are becoming chaperones waylay any overt row- The third referendum which of diness the increasingly wary allowing their pre-teen chil- at party, including a few members of the would add the fees in dren $15 to or- to go out unaccompanied by adults in their tra- Waterloo Regional Police force. der to cover the cost of giving ditional for shell-outs. Ken As- quest goodies However, a Carmount, police Supervisor of Special student dilemma arises when work schedules has with the force every a Keystone year- and other signments, been for thirty years. book was defeated, earning only commitments make it for In that time impossible parents to go he has noticed increasing parental con- 210 'yes' votes but getting 235 trick-or-treating with their children. cern for the safety of their children, particularly WLUSU's 'no' votes. Five of the 468 ballots University Affairs department has after dark. cast were spoiled. these circumstances "A the recognized and will throw a lot depends on child's age, but preteens party for K-W kids who The referendum question might otherwise miss out. especially should not be out on Hallowe'en night bash The will be held on October in regarding the $1 refugee 31 the Turret, unattended," Carmount said. "Partly due to inci- sponsor- Mr New BOD Nilesh Patel between 4:00 and 7:00 fee p.m. dents like the disappearance of Andrea Atkinson in ship was passed even though J. Tyler Leatherland, WLUSU VP: University Toronto, there is more concern over the possibility there was a mistake in the submitted "Yes/No" debate printed in last Affairs, would like to see the event become an an- of abduction," he continued. "In Kitchener- week's Cord. It said that the University is no longer continuing their nual one. "We think that there's a real need in the Waterloo, the however, biggest concern would be plan to sponsor a student, however University Administration has area for this kind of alternative," he said. kids out into traffic." running confirmed that there are plans for the University to continue the pro- "The Hallowe'en will offer party the kids a The district for Chairperson K-W's chapter of gramme, in addition to the Students' Union newly adopted policy. chance to have a lot of fun in a safe environment, Child Find, Janice O'Dell, is error was on of enthusiastic about the The the part the students involved in submitting the while at the same time allowing Laurier students to greater safety an organized Hallowe'en party offers. "Yes" platform. give something back to the community." The General election for next year's WLUSU officials will take The event will be geared to children aged three place in February 1991. the cord

4 NEWS Thursday October 25. 1990.

Laurier expands

on Regina Street

Tony Burke The Cord

"IT GIVES me great pleasure to Visitors to the Open House

cut the ribbon and declare this Monday afternoon may have been words building open." With those surprised that the new Women's

the new WLU facilities at 202 Centre occupies two offices in the

Regina Street were officially un- Regina Street building. veiled to a reception of faculty, Though it was once proposed and administration staff, by WLU to be in the security overpass, President John Weir Monday Oc- Vice President: Personnel/Student

tober 22. Affairs Jim Wilgar said that the The new building cost "$1.6 positioning of the Women's

million dollars to and purchase Centre was due to availability of another $750,000 to renovate," space. said Vice-President: Finance and

Planning Andrew Berczi, who is

responsible for locating the build- Dr Baker: An excit- and Burke ing having it renovated. The Dr Weir cuts his way out of 202 Regina. Pic: Tony eh John? figure is more than they had ing day,

anticipated. services like the K-W Dr Weir: Isn't it Crisis The extra cost lay in the Centre. We don't want to dupli- reconstruction of brick facade, great? cate services".

which was Weir Severinski is not that kids "unsuitable," Bash happy for said. the centre is not more centrally

Before cutting the ribbon, located but doesn't feel that it is Commenting on its location Weir be paused to thank those who being off-campus, Wilgar does necessary to on-campus. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 made the Laurier's Pro- new facilities possible. not feel that it will be detrimental Archaeology She also recognizes that in many areas and neighbourhoods without "It's a credit to the a of really people to access. "It is less of a crisis gram occupies large portion the of busy roads, and other hazards, older kids can and will the new dangers who did the work in such a short facilities. With com- centre than a resource centre", trick-or-treat in reasonable safety. time that we have such a beautiful area, labs, student Wilgar said. "It is needed more in puters, storage To their she offers some advice: "Children should be exhibition parents helpful building", he said. "PP&P did a this form work space and space, to respond to campus reminded to remain outside of homes, on the or Michelle Daviau is people's porch patio," beautiful job. Some people needs." program head she said. should also stick together in and When asked if "They groups occasionally thought that it couldn't be done." Women's Centre head Sharon "real happy". check back at home somehow." Housed within Laurier was for a brand new the acquired Severinski, a Masters of Social ripe Invitations to Laurier's first Hallowe'en for K-W kids have would party building are the Cultural Affairs Work student in her second faculty, Daviau only say: year been sent to several neighbourhood associations, including Big Co-ordinator, the Stock "Not It's coming." Market placement at the centre, does not yet. Brothers and Sisters. The event will also be announced on local radio Centre for Social The benefits of the new Competition, know where the idea of a crisis stations and in the Waterloo Chronicle. Welfare Studies, REMAT, and a facilities to Daviau do not end centre came in but feels that the More information about the party is available in the WLUSU of- laser research with the allotted to her optics lab, as well facilities are well-suited for their space pro- fices, on the second floor of the Students' Union Building. as the new Women's Centre and "It's a lot easier to find a needs. "We want to serve as a gram: With enough positive response, it could become a new tradition. several classrooms and labs. connection with the off-campus parking spot here."

( WeeS

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Getfittedfor it - orderyour Quality Clothing 64 Kin St custom leather at Discount Prices § * jacket. St. Jacobs, ONT. Last chance before X-Mas ! Telephone 664-3008 the cord NEWS 5 Thursday October 25, 1990

Students not given chance to speak

Not satisfied

PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM tion of women in positions of

authority is the real problem in she had never felt threatened or universities, according to Honora discriminated against. She Shawgnessy of McGill. believes that she is "fortunate" to "We're sending students a clear

which hasn't had to be in a school message when qualified women

deal with incidents such as the aren't allowed to make important

one at Queen's. decisions," Shawgnessy believes.

The women were preceded by Peter Eglin shares this belief. He three male panelists: the U of T called sexism "the most important

Engineering Society President, U issue of the 20th century." of T's Students' Council Presi- How to deal with something of and WLUSU dent, Tim Lostigan, such importance was discussed. President Stuart Lewis. They Goldberg said the best solution is

agreed that "there will always be bystander intervention. When be- morons out there," but they be- someone makes a remark or about sexism. Dini chats solely with Peter Eglin and others. Notice there are no students talking lieve a greater sense of awareness haves in a manner which is found Pic:Tony Burke and sensitivity among men con- offensive or unflattering, people

cerning sexism today will result should not let it pass. Bystanders

in on campuses. should tell the that what Teacher's positive changes person College requirements "We are aware that what was he or she did or said was uncalled

done before is now un- for, and that they don't agree with

acceptable," Costigan said. it, Goldberg said. Such interven- these It's tough to be a teacher days The remainder of the pro- tion may be hard to come by, ad-

was taken by mitted Goldberg, because ''it gramme up largely but students can in- the sessions gave students the op- formance, Donna The Cord a discussion between an Employ- takes a strong to stand Gafney person up clude sum- portunity to assess the various a one page personal ment Equity officer from McGill, in a crowd." ABOUT 200 students packed the schools on the basis of academic mary outlining any previous two Professors, including WLU's The show ended on a dis- Theater Auditorium on two sepa- and experience requirements. teaching experience they may Peter Eglin, WLU's Director of appointing note for most students last week hear students left have had. rate days to repre- However, many Arthur Institutional Relations, who didn't get a chance to say sentatives from the nine Ontario the seminars with feelings of Similarly, the University of and due to a lack of time or Stevens, psychologist Gerry anything admission Teacher's Colleges. anxiety as they discovered that Windsor also bases Goldberg. The under representa- planning. With the December 14 on marks. The will ap- their life-long dream of becoming largely faculty the plication deadline approaching, a teacher may be harder to take and average from ap-

achieve than expected. plicants 15 highest full credit A Penti Paularinne of courses, or equivalent. 'B+'

Lakehead's of Education is for the GST will make books costly Faculty average required said that admission to teacher's Primary-Junior programme, an

college is more competitive than 'A-' is needed for the Junior- Lakehead had Medical School. Intermediate and an 'A' average? last for 300 5300 applicants year is required for admission to the

full-time positions. Intermediate-Senior programme.

For the Primary-Junior pro- The faculty will add a three

Lakehead one student's gramme, requires point bonus to a average 'B+' full course equivalent with a if she or he has an honours de-

in average English, History, gree.

Math, Science, Fine Arts, and So- Brock University bases 60% cial Science. of their admission requirements

A Similar course requirements are on marks. minimum of 75%

needed for the Junior- the best ten average over courses

Intermediate, and admission to is needed. The remaining 40% with the the Intermediate-Senior pro- emphasizes experience

awarded to gramme requires a teachable highest points ap-

major and a minor. Primary em-

phasis is on academic per- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7



have You can, if you an undergraduate degree in

A any discipline. literate looks at person a book that will be 7% more expensive this January 1. Pic: Jo-Ann Julian

You can start in May, September, or January on a Tim Sullivan The Cord full-time or part-time basis. on books as a member of the Canadian Booksellers

THE GOODS and Services Tax will hit books Association (C.8.A.). Fisher notes that it is in the FOR DETAILS ON ADMISSIONS hard, according to Paul Fisher, WLU's Bookstore Bookstore's interest to lobby against the GST,

despite some students' manager. objections. please write to or telephone: (514) 398-6154

Sales of books have proven to be vulnerable to Some business students felt that the Bookstore McGill University price increases, Fisher notes. Past experience has should not have taken a stand on a political issue Chartered Accountancy Department shown this to be the but Fisher cannot due to its affiliation with the university, a publicly case, Centre for Continuing Education

estimate the effect on books this time around. funded institution. said his stand associ- Fisher was Redpath Library Building, Room 211 One means by which Fisher plans to offset the ef- ated with his affiliation with the C.8.A., and not the 3461 McTavish Street fects of the GST on the price of the books is to of- affiliation with the university. Montreal, Quebec fer the H3A IYI required readings list for the winter term be- Fisher said that the C.B.A. does not take partisan fore the tax comes into effect on January 1,1991. positions on issues, but highlighted the opposition "I have communicated to the faculties about what to a tax on books, a commodity historically exempt books will they want the bookstore to sell," Fisher from sales tax. >?/ McGill lilr* said, "and we will advertise this around Novem- "We (the C.8.A.) have had a task force...petitions, \*v ber." and have lobbied against the tax," Fisher said, but What better place better vourselt Fisher said he about this in the to thought spring, and admitted that until the tax legislation goes through

has planned on it since then. the doing Senate, all indications point to the tax being ap- The Bookstore has taken a stance against the tax plied to books. 6 NEWS the cord Thursday October 25, 1990

Laurier likes its food

over $2.7 million, of which $1.4 He the Fraser Kirby The Cord points to administration's million from comes the meal lack of an effective plan for THE WAY to any student's heart plan. That's a load of Meat Sur- managing growth. he This, says, is through his stomach and it prise. is a major factor in the inability seems we have it In with Laurier admin- pretty good at keeping of Food Services to meet the Laurier. In fact, in a recent survey istrative tradition, Food Services needs of students.

or so asked does in This (20 people were indeed pull a profit. Ranier went on to stress the im-

around - Reid Campus Angus profit, according to Director of portance of student input into would be proud,) a whopping Administrative Services, Earl Food Services, through the Food 80% were satisfied with food on has been Ranier, faithfully put Services Committee. The com-

campus. into the back cafeteria facilities mittee is a long standing student

There are 50 approximately staff such as the solarium construction board comprised of the house

members whose it is to feed in 1989. This should job "surplus" council presidents and one or two

the maddening crowd at or around this WLU, reach $40,000 year. off campus representatives, Dean as Nichols puts it; "to This seemed to the pro- beg question Donna Faulkner, manager of vide a of whether this healthy, satisfying meal or not surplus Food Services, Dean Nichols, students plan to at Laurier." should be used to lower meal plan Mike Belanger, Director of hous-

The size of this operation is and food costs. Ranier contends ing, and Ranier.

to Food Ser- nothing sneeze at. that this surplus must be used to It was this committee that three

Food Donna Faulker. Pic: Jo-Ann vices has an annual of Services-type person Julien budget meet the service demands of a years ago first researched and

growing campus. helped implement the "Declining In improving the efficiency of Balance" meal plan which allows

Food Service facilities, Ranier greater flexibility and a variety

the for the student. Blood donor clinic says, surplusses are particu- There larly important. Improved ser- seems to exist the fear in

vices might be shorter lines in the administration that the committee

Laurier where it counts the gives administration's lack of an effective plan for managing growth

Laurier has hosted other clinics, Marie this time", but "the kids did Tim Sullivan The Cord twice "kids" usually a year. This year, a great job". The were "Torture Room". has become a "Bitch Session", ac- Laurier hosted the Red Cross the promotion was left to members of the fraternity and cording to Faulkner, and not a in Blood Donor Clinic last WLUSU, while The Record also sorority, who helped out. Elliot Line ups are fact one of the Monday, focused, effective committee. and according to Marie Elliot, the provided some advertisement. explained the work involved not major complaints Food Services Jeff Dragich, the chair of the of but receives. supervisor the clinic, it was Elliot added that she missed only directing the donors, set- The informal poll con- committee and President of Little down lot firmed "fairly well attended". Marie Gilkenson, WLUSU's for- up and take required a this complaint. Ranier House, says this year a concerted Elliot said the quota was set at mer Director. of lifting and carrying. Programming effort is made to be "a con- defends the service in the being 250 pints, or bags of blood, but at Gilkenson took a particualr inter- WLUSU helped organize the structive and body not merely a cafeterias, citing that the quality press time, the final total had not est in the clinic, recalls Elliot. Her Elliot said, with labour and day, bitch session". of facilities have not been revealed. the is lose find kept up with Elliot said absence a to the operation, helped daonations in terms the "creeping growth" of the stu- quota will either be or Elliot. of and donuts from reached, notes pizza CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 dent population. come pretty close. Elliot said that she "missed sponsors.

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Clothing Store King Centre, Kitchener 745-2490 HBsfc&s MicroWay Plotters, Printers Ortmniltor Monitors, V/UIIIpUICI Computer Systems [ IHAPEI ESI- 301 King St. E. Kitchener 578-6930 the cord NEWS 7 Thursday October 25, 1990

So be eh? you want to a teacher,

or French. their CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 four year programme receive four degree. tions correctly. The University of The University of Western Cut-off marks last at points and an additional four are year Toronto received 9000 applica- plicants who have teaching expe- if the is Ontario bases admissions Nipissing were 78% for the awarded degree com- tions for 1050 places last year. A reference form is also rience. marks. A minimum pleted by April, 1991. Students primarily on Primary-Junior programme and Of those 9000 applications, 2000 required. 'B-' is on a stu- 74% for the Junior-Intermediate with Masters degrees receive four average required were incomplete and therefore No for the 300 posi- preference dent's 10 best full-year courses. However, it more points. Up to twenty points programme. is ex- not considered. tions is to with given applicants will awarded based Students interested in in that this be on a two teaching pected will increase to Whyte also emphasized the graduate degrees. the Intermediate-Senior ex- area, may 78% this Cut-off marks for page essay outlining teaching year. importance of the experience pro- Admission requirements to perience. be eligible to apply for the PEM- the Intermediate-Senior pro- file. "Regard the profile as an in- of Ottawa are the University STEP PEMSTEP is programme. terview and White gramme range from 80% for Ge- not a resume," equally based on marks and expe- a programme designed especially students said. "It's what ography to 83% for not just you tell rience. Academically speaking, a Students with for students with Math, Science Science students. us, it's how you tell us." minimum 75% is needed average and Physical Education back- Masters receive The University of Toronto re- Whyte also talked about aca- in the best 15 undergraduate grounds. minimum 'B' demic inflation. One used quires a average. to be courses. Ottawa received 4000 four more Students admitted to this points pro- This Faculty does not distinguish able to be admitted to teacher's applications last sent out ac- year, gramme start two weeks earlier between a 70 and 79 because they college with a Grade 12 educa- ceptances to 483 applicants and and are placed in a high school realize that universities mark dif- tion. Nineteen percent of those There are 450 avail- received back 328 positions acceptances. for the first semester. The remain- ferently, and an accurate com- who were admitted to Toronto able at Queen's and all Queen's University averages pro- der of the year (January-April) is parison cannot be made. An ad- last year had a graduate degree require full courses in all of the courses that a student grammes spent in the classroom at the uni- vantage is given to Math, and 3% of these had their doc- Art, So- has passed. Points are awarded Psychology, Language, versity. Chemistry, Physics and French toral cial Studies and degrees. based on academic standing and some background York University is limited to students. Students are allowed to sub- in Math. experience. Four points are given Harry Oikle, who a Primary-Junior Programme The University of Toronto mit applications to only three to 'B' students who have B- Queen's at the semi- a represented A 'C+' is only. average required also offers Teacher a Apprentice Faculties. However, there is a and 12 are given for an nar, said that admission to the average along with a personal experience Programme (TAP). Students' fourth option for students inter- 'A+* standing. Junior-Intermediate programme is and two references let- profile or names are taken from the active ested in the Primary-Junior area Students who have completed a easier if a student's major is Math ters of recommendation. York is list and given to the Toronto of teaching. The Institute of Child the of Education only Faculty in Board of Education. If a one-year Studies is a two-year diploma Ontario which interviews CAMPUSCLIPS likely is the apprenticeship completed, programme which is run through candidates for the 600 positions. student is guaranteed admission the University of Toronto. The York had 6000 last applications to the the faculty following year. programme gives students the op- year and 1200 received inter- portunity to teach the Primary- views. Junior grades. A Bachelor of Ed- Unlike Other Faculties of Edu- Advantage is given ucation and an Early Childhood cation, bases Education Nipissing College Diploma are awarded to admission Math, Chem, requirements solely on upon completion. academic standing. The college French Physics, The above information is a itself has less than 1000 students summary of the seminar content. of whom 320 enrolled in are the Students Smokers unite who wish more informa- of Education. Another Gerald of the Univer- Faculty Whyte, tion should contact the schools 250 students plan on enrolling in sity of Toronto, stressed the im- directly or watch the video tape the of of IT'S REALLY how last Faculty upon completion portance filling out applica- of the seminar in Career Services. lovely year the Students' Union took a

righteous step forward for non-smoker's rights (remember last year's

juicy quote from then-WLUSU President A 1 Strathdee: "as far as I'm

concerned, smokers have no rights"?) and banned smoking in the S.U.B. TV Lounge?

Hooray, now people can watch their soaps without filling their lungs with carcinogenic fumes! So why the hell is the place always empty now?!

Those clocks

HOW ABOUT those clocks in the CTB? It's weird how you're sit- in ting class and all of a sudden: click, click, click, click, and you look and and up lo behold, the clock is skipping through minutes like seconds.

Too bad the Profs aren't fooled. They know that it really isn't time to leave That's because yet. they've got their Doctorate and they're really smart.

Watch for next week's Cord where you'll find the stunning expla- nation of the case of the wacko clocks. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh

MIDTERMS. Coffee. Essays. Assignments. Need I say more?

Hallowe'en fun

disc - unlike UEiiiUjfll No. It's just a not those found at Dr. Disc; earth base for

DON'T FORGET to thousands of wear bright on Hallowe'en new and used records, cassettes and CDs. clothing night so that motorists can And see you. don't eat the apples. then time to visit the Doctor, located at 146 King St. W. in the heart of downtown Kitchener (see We're from photo).. open 10am to 10pm Monday thru and from Saturday now 2pm to 9pm on Sunday, (our phone # is 743-831 5)


$2.00 OFF Bob's new LP's and Cassettes GROOVY QUOTE of the Week: "To err is human, to really fuck up OFF Bob's new Posters and CD's you ve to be $3.00 got on your back." Offer Ends Friday, November 2nd JUNES Anonymous. (No wonder!) THAT ARE OUTOMHIS WORID the cord I

8 NEWS Thursday October 25, 1990 I


IN U.S.A.:

An interview by Frank Morningstar MALCOLM McKECHNIE

focus in ONCE AGAIN, Frank Morningstar media with the Canadian and authoritative Canadian govern- about is unavailable this week, because he's Washington Canadian domestic ment viewpoint.

in issues. don't CG: What of issues is the Amer- Washington on a holy pilgrimage They usually report type

and when do cover to the Richard Nixon Museum. them, even they ican media concerned about?

the best Carolyn Gruske, who was sent to Canada, it's not always in MM: We were seeing a lot of interest

Cord retrieve focus the talks Washington by the to light as they only on con- in the Meech Lake and the also the Frank couldn't catch up with him, but troversial issues. We give standoff at Oka. There is also a lot of

she did inter- Canadian view on is- interest in the of the find a neat person to government's start tri-part and the view. sues like acid rain, free trade, trade talks: it's the sexier issue.

Persian Gulf. CG: Do American and Canadian

focus WW SUBJECT: Malcolm McKechnie CG: Is that the only of your journalists take interest in different OCCUPATION: Press Counselor, job? issues? is The Canadian Embassy, 501 MM: No, our second target group MM: Yes. Finishing of the Clean Air Wash- Canadian media based in Wash- Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., the Act and any discussion about acid

There is the Canadian rain ington,D.C. ington. largest would generate more interest by media here in Canadian media than American HISTORY: 18 years as a foreign contingent any city by 25 and service officer, including postings in far — approximately print media.

call lot do L.A., N.Y., Paris, and Mexico. Press electronic journalists. They a CG: What you feel is your most

Counsellor in Washington since July, and I speak to them a lot. They need crucial role here, and why?

1989 (New Embassy opened in May, to be fed, they want to be fed. They MM: To give, I can't deny it, Amer-

do 1989.) want our reaction. They want to ica a favourableimage of Canada, for

the Ambas- profile interviews with all sorts of reasons: trade, political,

sador on given issues. I have the role security, cultural and national could for the CG: Hello, you possibly ex- as spokesman Embassy. identity. We are not limited to any the of Press Counsel- the Ambassador and plain what job Usually only one sector, one image or one ap- We 350 THURSDAYS lor involves? myself are quoted. have proach. It is tough. Canada in the MM: First and foremost is to liaison I need to co-ordinate people. things most part is a second thought in their with the American media based in with senior staff. Sometimes if things minds. They think that they're paying

— Press Washington the White House are really technical, I might say a us a compliment when they say that and and the myriad of news of things on the record if Corps, couple we are just like them. electronic back- people, plus those of the they need some more technical SPORTS AND ROCK 'N ROLL CG: What appeals to you about this elec- media, the specialized or follow I will have them including ground up, job? tronic medialike C-SPAN and CNN. speak directly to the officer in charge. \ MM: This job has more of a public CG: for the explanation. CG: Is it difficult to get point Thank-you your dimension, which is kind of nice — to elaborate about to the Americanmedia? Could further across real you operate in the world rather than letter the duties? MM: Sometimes we do a to REAL ROCK your the striped-suit world. REAL SPORTS, MM: As I explained before, my first editor to correct something or get an-

mandate is to reach the American other viewpoint across: the balanced, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 REAL DEALS Damn that Senate

FREE by AURORA BOREALIS Tim Admission All Night Sullivan

THE SENATE has been a mixed blessing for

d'oeuvres 9-10 prime ministers. It has been the pasture to set Hors p.m. many the source old politicians and bag men to graze, and

of pains and aches to political planning.

into the news Popcorn The upper house has come lately, mostly in the "source of pain" function. Here are a

few facts about the Senate.

□ There are 104 Senators usually, with 24

representing each of the regions, but Newfoundland

gets six, while the territories get one each.

the Gov- □ Senators are appointed, technically, by □ Prime Minister Mulroney has appointed as many ernor General on the advice of the prime minister.

did -- 40. NEW Senators as Prime Minister Trudeau □ Section 26 of the constitution provides for either OfW □ Four Senators by the Liberals vote appointed four of eight extra Senators. This provision has only with the Conservatives. Two were in fact SPORTS LOUNGE last Prime regularly f| | ||112 been used once, and that was month, by Conservatives, while only one Senator appointed by Minister Mulroney. is Stan Mulroney is not a Conservative. That □ A Senator has to be 30 years old, be a Canadian, Waters, the only "elected" Senator. SATELLITE in he or own $4000 in property, live the province □ The Conservatives were outnumbered 3:1 when WINGS she represents. Now there more Con- 3 BIG SCREENS Mulroney came to office. are □ A Senator is a Senator as long as these condi- servatives than Liberals in the red chamber. 9:00 ■ CLOSE T.V.'S tions continue to be met, the Senator has not □ The Tory majority can be overtaken by July, reached the of 75, has not committed a crime or age wins 1994, only if the Liberals (or another party) treason, and has not missed two consecutive ses- the election in late 1992 or early 1993. sions of Parliament. expected but □ There is one vacancy in the Senate, can only On the patronage side of the Senate, the last few either the 1984 debate be filled if another Senator from the West years have been good. In against

retires or dies. Prime Minister Turner, Brian Mulroney said about early the Let us be thankful that the appointments to patronage "You had a choice, sir, and you could for Senate have stopped, or at least slowed down have said 'no' (to the patronage appointments you like the time being. It seemed for a while Mulroney were asked to make)." Since then, the Conserva- and was gassing up. "Fill 'er up, please, Ray, MM] tives have not been averse to patronage, especially don't forget to check the oil". to the Senate.

□ Prime Ministers Trudeau and Turner are Aurora Borealis are those of The opinions expressed in for 49 Senators in 16 Prime Min- the responsible years. the author, but the facts are from the government,

isters Clark and Mulroney are responsible for 47 Globe and Mail, and the Constitution Act, and genuinely Waterloo 886-7730 341 Marsland Drive, Senators in less than 7 years. upset Tim. -- the author. the cord 9 Thursday October 25, 1990 NEWS

BIOFILE: The origins of all the species

i forms gill slits and not lungs. This, for have arisen from a land living There is also something of the species. Alas there is the terrestrial human, can be con- organism that made it back the known as parallel evolution so much more, Both where related de- but this is of the basement of by sidered a stage in development. ocean. organisms are two ancestors part Somewhere WAY back when, streamlined, have paired fins and veloped in similar environments evolution, the paradigms of clas- A.E. Rogan lungs presumably developed so other similarities. to produce two similar modern sification and understanding. BIOFILE: inhabited and that land could be

i the gills remained as a primitive hangover. Gerontomorphis is the in EVOLUTION happens ways that major way organisms spe- that to be a little on the green may appear cialize to suit their environment. backward and unusual. It is com- Sometimes, specialization can plex; I mean, what kind of devel- in be a major downer resulting all of the opment as intricate as organisms that will be unable to species of the earth would be the environment withsarahwelstead to deal with a variable environ- simple? ment. This is accomplished I used to be pretty confused of in their The woman then rhapsodizes about how she has through the process neoteny. ADVERTISERS, valiant quest for a new about the ideas of "primitive" and become unselfish because she uses tampons Neoteny is the corollary of edge to their "subliminal seduction", have now real- "advanced". Primitive technically without ized the commercial of disposable applicators, and to prove her gerontomorphis in that stages are possibilities everyone's refers to an organism that has un- the destruction point, the can into the trash bin. lost during the life cycle. Essen- newly-developed terror over of the drops pop dergone the least amount of Are take this environment. these advertisers know we expected to seriously? tially an immature or larval stage Unfortunately, change when compared to the an- how little the knows Aside from the waste from form of becomes the adult. This just average person really generated any cestral form. Advanced, then, comes "feminine about the and we thus fall victim to hygiene product", the amount of about because the sex organs (and environment, refers to a great amount of an of and cardboard in a applicator is negligible - thus reproduction) becomes array annoying misleading commercials. tampon you change. Primitive and advanced I have can't make me believe that whether I use o.b. not functional and the Lately seem to been plagued with the tele- or characteristics in almost all crea- prematurely vision commercial for is going to make impact on the environment beastie is able to reproduce really o.b. tampons, in which an any tures, so when you find a majori- Not only that, but she doesn't even recycle the early. Again, humans show signs apparently brainless female is strolling through a pop ty of one or the other, you have a it from the of neotenous development. We park talking to us about feminine protection. can. Moving grass to a garbage can (and primitive or advanced organism. to As she a from there a landfill site) is going to do about as exhibit a lot of the juvenile char- picks up pop can, she "When this The big problem is, trying to find says much for the environment acteristics of environment issue came I realized that with as switching from of them our ape-like an- along, the big daddy all, espe- o.b. cestors. 0.b., there's no waste." Tampax to cially in light of two diametrical- who likes discuss this In the first place, "the environment issue" did not Okay, so really to sort of ly opposite modes of differentia- Evolution can be confusing

- No so advertisers find it just "come along" obviously unbeknownst to product? one, very easy to tion. when you're looking at some- o.b.'s the environment with a idea the advertising agency, has been get away promoting mythical ("save Gerontomorphis is the pro- thing like whales and trout. Both and their deteriorating for decades. It's not as though we just environment") no one questions logic or cess of adding successive stages have fishy features but their de- the of what the woke up in 1989 to discover our beaches covered reality they are feeding public. Any- to the adult form of a particlar velopment is incredibly different claim be with used syringes and a few hundred overflowing one can to doing less harm to the environ- what in the more organism. Thus, They are examples of convergent than landfill sites. ment the next guy - but can they claim they are primitive organism was once the evolution. This means that their These the of more things are product years of neglect doing good? adult stage becomes the develop- respective ancestors were dif- Such a mass media only renders it We humans exhibit message accept- The in this column those ment stage. a ferent, yet they resemble one an- opinions expressed are of able to have noticed and done nothing nothing hundreds offree and do few examples of gerontomorphis. other. The trout, it is believed, de- thinking people, therefore not about the environment until are hit with this the views The As you reflect of Cord, Student Publications, and very early embryos, our veloped from an ancestral fish. commercial. especially WLUSU. is respiratory system made up of The whale however, is thought to

Meet the Author

From r the 1 j Land of I M" > Dine & Dance Bar > Shadows: jfr ? 28 King St. North < < Waterloo, Ontario S The Making of

Waterloo's newest Bar <; | . Western Producer Prairie Books

< Great Food - <: . Very Cheap!

Donald Smith All You Can Eat Buffet >, 112 . ii University of Calgary History Department

On 'til 3am and <￿ April 8, 1938, the Waterloo businessmen's association wrote to Macmillan Canada •: . Open Friday Saturday Owl if he would asking Grey come to Waterloo to speak at one oftheir meetings. Macmillan

wrote back to tell them that Grey Owl had passed away a few days earlier on April 13, 1938. Grev Owl Free Nateho Bar 10 •: couldn't make it to Waterloo, but his can. In a •: most recent biographer . pm-12pm nightly

remarkably illustrated lecture, Dr. Donald Smith recounts Grey Owl's controversial life

story, explaining his reasons for adopting a North American Indian identity and his lasting

contribution to the environmental movement. Shuffleboard, Fooseball | . Hockey,

The Bookstore is very pleased to provide this opportunity to meet and hear Dr. Smith

speak on this as ties in fascinating person it so well with today's issues of conservation Dance, DANCE ;» . Dance, and aboriginal peoples.

> PARTY :• . Party, Party, Friday, November 2,1990

12:00 noon

in the Turret (Student Union) I Refreshments What a Place!

LU's Bookstore in Check it out! [[WLU [| Sponsored by the Concourse ' M 10th Anniversary Series I j

, the cw Thursd NEWS Thursday October 2.5. ]~1' 1 A dream about fish But not everyone got the top and in a bizarre fashion munched. Only the really slow that could really only happen in a by ones, or the ones who just swam dream, they evolved into not­ FROM THE ASYLUM Mark straight ahead and tried to get fishes who didn't need to worry Hand away by outrunning it. And there about the big fish. was a big group of a lot of fish While still others managed to I who never even realized that they group together and form another had got munched because for big fish and fought it off. I HAD this really silly dream last and it was hideous to behold, and some reason they didn't see the I did none of these. Actually, I night, and you were in it it was infinitely faster than the big fish. don't know if I ever did get away, I was a fish. Everybody I rest of us. And we were sore Some fish got away by swim­ because I haven't woken up yet know was a fish as well. Come to afraid. ming along behind it so it never I told you it was a silly dream. think of it, everybody I don't So we swam and we swam noticed them, or by swimming off know was a fish too. There we and we tried our damndest to get on their own so that it ignored The opinions expressed in this were, a whole school of little fish, away from the big ugly fish. It them and went for the bigger column are those of the person who and we were swimming our way wrote the damn thing, as if you was gobbling people, I mean fish, group. couldn't guess. Right now we're merrily through the water. left and right, and as it munched Others survived by sinking trying to see if they're the opinions of So, yago When all of a sudden, along on them it would chew and down and hiding in the mud on the rest of the staff too, but we can't Well came this really huge fish with crunch their little fish bones like the bottom. figure out what it means yet. So don't end up massive teeth and powerful fms, crazy. It was terrifying. Others did it by swimming to count on it. stint. Th able to u for deali to find o question It's 1. Will I Not that they still s FORBIDDEN FORTUNE to shelv s 2. What your You wa $30,00ll~OO PER MON'fH EVERY MONTH! jective work. A make. 3. Wha Dtar Friend, If it's th I c:haJienge you to join me In a totally L...-__H_ERE'S PROOF I I TAKE THE SSO.OO CHALLENGE food "UNIQUE" Money-Making venture that I am about to offer what no one else can! tou\d c:bange youJ \\fe forenJ, and show you K.C. Houston, Tx. Filr 11195 I was working 2 Order my Secret Money-Making System CONTINUED FROM PAGE& Thesec how to begin earning $30,000.00 per month, jobs and just barely gelling by. I began using Today and if you are not making at least twoho every month. I GUARANTEE IT! I (See The your program 2 months ago and I now make $30,000.00 following my system, send it back Dragich indicated that the com· SSO.OO Challenge) I have laid out this plan in more money in I month than I did all last S.Wha for a full refund. PtUS, I will send you an mittee's role has been expanded great dttail in a step by step manual that even year. Thank-you so much for your easy to additional 550.00 simply for trying my The rna a child could follow. I know a 67 year old operate program. program. You have nothlnR to lose and to include the testing and approv· This co woman in Florida who purchased my manual e"'erythlng to gain. Either you make ing of all new menu changes ml 6.Wha and !ast month she made over $32,000.00. $30,000.00 or I pay you 550.00 for just trying experimental dinner. You ha You could be ne"t! Last month I made my p; · ...,g.·ar.~. ~~pp:;;:s are !!r.-:!t.:d. ! wi~! Finally, Dragich strongly stt $33,253.75 just by working 12 hours per M.L. Surfing, Va, File 112251 have never seen honor orders only until my supply has run time to week. This month I e"pect to earn over a program so easy to operate as yours. out. If I receive your order after I have run ports student input. He asks any. carpet, $35,000.00 and take a 3 week vacation in Believe me I have sent for numerous so called out of manuals I will simply return your one with a question or comlllell peons h Hawaii. This program has never been offered get rich schemes. None of them worked and order with rny Regrets. You Must Order to drop a note into one of the sug· treatme they just cost me money. I started your before and I will not offer it again. You Today To Ensure Your Copy Of My Secret gestion boxes at the various 7.Dol cannot afford to pass up this opportunity. program for less than $10.00 and I now""'" Money-Making Program. This revolutionary money-making method is over $24,000.00 per month. Thank-you sc cafeteria facilities. We at in demand everywhere, yet few people even much. [~IIY-~~LY S2~.:o~-~~~~ ~~n~? J For students with concerns know it exists. Within 30 days you can be about food quality, he asked tbl enjoying $30,000.00 a month, every moilth. Obviously, I could earn much more money Don't Envy me Join me! by offering my deluxe money-making students make a point of bringin& Imagine, never again having · to worry ;Jrogram at a much higher price. But I am not them to the attention of a kitchel C. C. Albany, NY File 1127.J Thank you very inter~sted in immediate short term profits. I about your financial sta:us. Imagine much for allowing me r .~e opportunity to supervisor. It's your food, get in­ purchasing that special home for your family honestly want to help and show a select few participate in your "Deluxe Money-Making people this outstanding opportunity. The volved! or driving a Brand New Mercedes. All this Program." It has changed my entire life. I and much more are now possible for you to peuple who most need this Deluxe Money­ deposited $18,500.00 in my checking account Making Program, could not afford it it il wa ~ achieve, with my easy to follow Deluxe last month. Program. When you order my Delme too expensive. I have priced it so that anyone Program today, I will offer you FREE, who has any serious interest in bccuming a unlimited, telephone consultation. Included financial success can have the chance. It's all Canadian in my manual is my unpublished phone up to you! In fact, I will pay you S50.00 just T.J. Stuart, Fl File II.J/8 I was skeptical when to try my Deluxe Money-Making Program. number for you~ personal use. Call anytime I heard about your program. /thought it was and I will be happy to help you with any You deserve more for yourself and your one of those get rich quick schemes to con family . ORDER today, your satisfaction is Embassy questions. people. I figured "what the heck, either I guaranteed. No, this has nothir.K to do with Real make the money you say or I get my money Estate, playing the Lottery or Gambling. It is back plus $50.00. Well was I wrong. " To If coupon is missing write your name and PERFECTLY LEGAL and does not require think, I almost passed this opportunity up. I address on a piece of paper along with Sl8.00 Press man a special talent or long hours. It's very now earn more money in one month than I plus $2.00 shipping and handling and send to: unusual and uniquely designed for each made all last year. Thank you Ron. PDC Corporation ---.. -- .. '"' ...... it Th•!'- ic nn "f~ce to face" Chrnani!O ito. speaks ;;Iii~~· ~; l;~g; inve~tme~t . ~equired. It's a Nfw Hartfol'd, NY 13413 "Money Making Program" that has a proven record and it is e"tremely profitable. ------~------, CONTINUED FROM PAGEl DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT CG: Could you possibly give PDC Corporation Dtpt. 9003 me • Perhaps you have sent for some worthless ChtnanKo Ad. example of a typical day in the life of NO INVESTMENT NECESSARY get rich schemes in the past. So many ads Ntw Hartlord. N \ 1341J the Press Counsellor? promise you everything, but in reality you get MM: O.K. My first experience in ill Dear Ron. I started my program for under $15.00 and nothing. I guarantee you sucess or I will pay 1111 I'd be cra1\' nol 10 lrv vour svstem. I press spokesman role involved a you can do the same. It's as valid now as it you $50.00 for just trying my prot~ram. You undef'tand if I. don'! Sian ~aking SJO.OOO per scandal at the Australian EmbauJ was 2 years ago, In fact, with the trend of the can't lose. Read what Mark Preston a noted month I can rclurn your Manual for a full that supposedly involved a Canm Nation's economy today, my program is even author and publisher on home opportunities, refund plus an addiltonal S50.00 for just lrying diplomat. On my first day on the jib more of a success. has to say about my "Deluxe Money-Making your Dclu'c Money-Making SyS~em . On !hal the headline in the Washington Program" . .. oasis here" m' SI~ . OO Tinws screamed 'Sex Scandal in the Aum. lian Embassy' and it implicared a START FROM THE PRIVACY Namr nameless Canadian. That set ie OF YOUR OWN HOME "Ron, you offer an outstanding oppor­ phones ringing. We were barraged tunitt·. I don't understand why you don't for the next week. put my "Deluxe Money-Making charge more than $18.00 but I do underJtand Cily ___ _ CG: A real baptism by fue. Program" into operation from my apartment M'hy you offer !50.00 to anyone M"ho triei MM: It sure was. 2 years ago, while working a full time job. your program. Simply, it M'Orks as you S1a1r ·---- _ l•r ------CG: How did the scandal resolve it­ Last year I deposited over $625,000.00 into describe. I M'ho/e heartedl,r recommend your self? my checking account. My accountant in New IJeluxe /'.foney-1\taking l'ro~:ram to anyone in York has my financial statement in his office need of large sums of money, because it.f Plea\ (.' mdtHk S.:! .OO h.l l'(l\('T r 0 ...rap:e and MM: No Canadians had anything b to prove it. I now own my own home in the profitable. legitimate and prm·en ... 1 handling of vour package do with it. most prestigious part of town . -Marl.. Preston L------~~~_J CG: Thank-you for the interview. MM: Thank-you. Thursday October 25,1990 11


Interview? Be

sure to ask these questions

by Alan Wright

interview — eh? So, ya got a

Well this interview is really important because you may actually

with this for more than the usual four month end up being company not stint. The mind boggling implication of this is that you will be

of "I have 60 more of this able to use your strategy only days place" with like boss. So the is for dealing annoyances your important thing

-- few to find out if the company meets your expectations here are a questions to help you find out.

50? 1. Will I be working for anyone older than

but those old-fashioned - Not that you discriminate, guys are pretty forced they still wear lamp shades at parties, and you don't want to be to shelve all those bald head jokes you have been collecting.

2. What kind of objectives do you set? ridiculous ob- You want to know if they are going to give you some

the the of the jective based on way president company produces

all the is a mint more than to work. After guy making you're going


customer 3. What is your policy on relations? in If it's the "customer comes first" nonsense, you can point out that

in your case you always come first, every way. 4. Will I be to attend boring meetings? expected Club wins AISEC Award These if are can really screw up your day, especially they during your Sociology two hour lunch break or, worse yet, if they extend after quitting time.

5. What hours do expect to work? winner of for this you The Sociology Club was the proud the award year's very suc- The majority of people are either "night" people or "morning" people. cessful AISEC FOOD DRIVE CHALLENGE. Pictured above are: (left to right) This company may have hours which do not suit your style. Dea Marlie back row: Stephen Gillespie, Lynn Cheliak, Cheryl Reiss, Watson, 6. What kind of office will I get? front AISEC member Barbara Heather Paul have lived for the four it's Yoshiki; row: Williams, Campbell, You frugally past years at school, now

time all Make the best Rob Shaw. Other canvassers for the food drive include: Kristie to go out. sure you get only big office, plush Chun, Pagniello,

nooo indi- carpet, leather furniture and, of course, computer terminal. Only Jennifer Purcell, Shannon Davis, Raquel Atchison. Thanks also goes to all the have terminals and not to settle for that peons you're going bourgeois viduals who contributed food items.

treatment. Photo: Jana Watson 7. Do I get my own parking space?

We at WLU know the joys of parking. If they haven't got a space for

you, tell them to cross out the stick man in the chair and put your

name there - you need lots of room to park your car. 8. What of dress code do have? to type you Voters 'yes' You're a "with it" and dress to moods. Don't say person, according your

let restrictive codes cramp your style.

9. Do I get my own washroom?

Of don't share read in course you want to your space, you like to R-fees referendum privacy. 10. What kind of travel is required?

Tropical islands are best, but what want to avoid is being sent to you by Carolyn Gruske reaction to the outcome of the vote "seems

some boring little burg where they roll the sidewalks at 9 or up pm favourable, even though everyone would have

one of those "dry" areas where you can't get recommended daily decision your The has been made, the referendum is hoped for a higher turnout. The main thing is that it of booze. requirements and the word is 'YES'. voted in -- from there." over, got we can go 11. What kind of do expenses you pay? No, this referendum does not involve She that the is Quebec goes on to explain programme A that is with company stingy their money would be hell to work for. separation or constitutional decisions, but some- being put into effect quickly and that the Program- You have to have lots of cash to do fun things and stay in nice places. thing equally important to all WLU business and ming Council (the decision making body in control 12. What kind of vacation do I get? honours economic students. of the funds) is being chosen within the next couple want Don't let them with that old "two You lots and lots. pacify you The results of the im- vote on whether or not to of weeks. This is an important step because the 8.5.. You six weeks weeks after one years' work" are accustomed to plement the collection of voluntary contributions Council will "be involved in putting the constitu- a don't down grade. year, $50 per term by the school of business students for tion together." 13. Do you have a WATTS line and/or a 1-800 number? the purchase of new computer hardware and soft- Wilson feels that the majority of the students This is have lots of friends out of town. super important, you and other business related ware equipment were are happy that this plan is being put into place and 14. Do I get a car phone? 61% in favour and 39% eleven bal- against; spoiled says that the students opinions are important be- This is when late for can call in and let handy you're work, you your lots and 63% of eligible voters turning out. cause "the students are the ones who are important boss know when or if in. to expect you The reaction the vote around the Business to in all this, and will be leading us as this is a student 15. Will my phone extension be unlisted? School seems relatively positive. Nancy Wilson, initiative." You don't want unimportant with business mat- people bothering you the Administrative Assistant to the Dean in the Let's hope so, since it is student money that is ters when are weekend activities. you trying to set up your School of Business and Economics states that the being spent.

Write (or edit) Cord Business.

We need staff and a happy editor to take this section to new heights. It

Come pays. up to the Cord offices and inquire today. the cord COMMENT 12 Thursday October 25, 1990

photo by Jo-Ann Jalien graphic by J.R. Ariinger






EDITOR Tim Sullivan


SCENE EDITOR Guy Etherington

SPORTS EDITOR Brock Greenhalgh



MANAGER Christine Yarwood

Production Assistants:

Roxanne Chartrand,

Darcelle Hall

Karen Lennox

Classified Co-ordinator..... Charlotte Gravlev

Circulation and Filing. Cathy-Jo Noble Graphics Artist J.R. Artinger Copy Editors Mike v. Bodegom You're us off! vacant pissing

CONTRIBUTORS: Sometimes, when exams are getting you frustrated, your significant other seems to be totally unsatisfied,

be have and a 32 page newspaper has to finished, you just to let loose and complain. So we did. Jana J. Watsonpfeiffer, Karen Gordon, Katharine

Dowling, Carolyn Gruske, A, E. Rogan, Sarah Wel- I When the World Series was finished was shocked. Not at the fact that Cincinnati had won; not even to see stead, Stephan Latour, Rob Huns, Rob Cresswell, Ed them do it in four I was shocked when I saw the little American flags on the of all the players.l Rusk, Jennifer Epps, Sue Bailey, Donna Gaffney, games. jerseys wondered these had been sewed asked all told Fraser J. Kirby, Janet Forbes, Jeff Dragich, Chris why symbols on, so I my roommates. They me that they were Chris Pat Julia Dodd, Skalkos, Brethour, Brcndorfer, for the Americans in Kuwait. What? You mean those guys aren't about to fight a war? They're just sitting Tom Pugliese, John Siambini, Mark Pivon, Elizabeth around the desert watching the World Series? Come on. Chen, Bill Legate, Martin Walker, and he that did not

come. When to Wilf's, check ID EVERY TIME! So it be the law that they have to, but Production: Ismail Rashid and Chris Skalkos. you go they your might when in there four times like I think after while and Photo: Chico Galvcz, Jo-Ann Julien, Chris Skalkos, you're a day am, you'd they'd recognize you a say, "OK,

Burke, I've times this in." I've it Jana Watson, Tony Harvey Luong, and Dave seen your ID thirty-seven week, you can just go on But nooooo, got to whip out each

Bradficld. time.

STUDENT PUBLICATIONS And something else that really bothers all of us on the Editorial Board is sitting down Monday nights and rack-

our brains to think of a idea for the Editorial. That's the worst. SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Michael Myc ing trying stupid bloody Christly


Photo Technicians: Chico Galvez Okay, so this may be redundant (re:Campus Clips) but those clocks really bother me. How come the univer- Jo-Ann Julien sity has so much money for trivial things but it can't afford accurate timekeeping devices Graphic Arts Technician Niki Westman

Howza 'bout who insist socks and their rolled in the ADVERTISING: people on wearing no pant legs chilly, even cold,

MANAGER Martin PJL. Walker weather? Drives me nuts. Are they trying to be cool? Literally or figuratively? Jerks.

Advertising Production:

I have this home that leaks all of the time. When wake in Manager Rick Dales refrigerator at I up the morning without my big

Assistant Steve Ladouceur rabbit-head I walk into the — time! And then little kitten likes bite and slippers on, puddle every my stupid to

Advertising Representatives; claw the hell of feet. In between Lake and that I can't out my dodging Spermatozoa mangy feline, concentrate K. - ~...Laura Lee, Katie Campbell, Shreddies with smile face like in the on eating my a on my (just commercials). Dennis Bon, Marc Navabi, James Neilson

BOARD OF DIRECTORS It really gets to me that when I seem pleasant to a girl of the opposite sex, everyone, and I mean everyone who thinks her". off it. nice knows me I am "hitting on Get I can be a guy, sometimes. Jana Watson, President

Jim Boyce Pat Brethour I have Prof who the class to tell the class that the class is who is a interrupts being interrupted by a guy sleep- Vlad Kinastowski Dan Muys at the back of the no-one. Peter Roose Tom Samac ing class, disturbing

Stuart Lewis

But wait, there's more! Casper the Friendly Ghost: how come he can float through walls but he never falls EDITORIAL: 884-2990 through the floor? And why do the batteries in the radio on Gilligan's Island never run out? And when seagulls ADVERTISING: 884-5092 poop on cars, why is it always the white ones which really get it the worst? And... National advertising by Campus Plus: Editiorial topics are approved by the Editorial Board of the Cord and do not reflect those of the Student (416) 481-7283 Union, the university or the Student Publications Board ofDirectors.

The Cord welcomes all feedback, comments, criticisms, gifts, The Blues Kevin Matchstick Please University by and suggestions from our readers. submit letters to the Editor typed and double-spacedby Tuesday at noonfor the followingpubli- cation. We can only print letters that bear the author's real name, telephone number, and I D. number (if applicable), but your name withheld The Cord also welcomes all submis- may be by request. ofThe Cord and sions butremember that they become the property

we reserve the right to edit and refuse any submissions. Furthermore,

be racist The Cord will not print anything considered to sexist, or staff homophobic in nature by the as a votingbody. Eight month, 24 issue Cord subscription rates are: $20.00 for

addresses within Canada and $25 outside the country. Co-op stu-

of four month work dents may subscribe at a rate $10 per term.

The offices of The Cord are located on the third floor of the

Student Union Building in the lunchbox of the WilfridLSurier Uni- the fine Ricter versity campus. The Cord is printed by people at Web Press in Brantford, Ontario.

The Cord is published weekly in the fall and winter terms. The

Cord is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Associa-


Copyright (c) 1990by WLU Student Publications, 75 Univer- No of this sity Ave. West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3CS. part publi- of the Editor-in-Chief. cation may be reproducedwithout permission the cord COMMENT 13 Thursday October 25, 1990

Not all church- The Question

goers are bad of the Week

I believe that the Editor, in his what's with editorial of last week, should not Letters to the Editor Now, wrong being sexy? bash the institutionalized church Letters welcome from all he does be- are members of the WLU community. simply because not by Jana Watson, Jo-Ann Julien, All submissions must be within 400 words and bear the lieve in the church's creed. I author's and Tony Burke real name and phone number for verification. Names be think that Mr. Burke is giving may withheld The Cord will coloured by request. print as letters as people a negatively per- many allows unless the letter is deemed ception of God and the Church. space potentially libellous, or to incite hatred or violence towards individuals or Granted too many people turn attempts

identifiable -- lesbians and ethnic to God in hours of need only, but groups including women, gays, and religious and with a many people keep their faith in groups, people disability. It's an incredible bur- God in good times as well as in den. bad ones.

Catholics were taught that God created the world and he will Title Fraser J. Kirby be the one save the ultimately to Poli Sci misleading guy human race. Yes man should take

an active role in solving the prob- I wish to clarify the meaning of A headline like that makes ME lems that are plaguing the world letter that in throw cans into my was printed The want to my pop at this moment. However, God Cord last week the the au- concerning recy- garbage, just to spite will be the one who will cling. thor of the letter and I was the determine whether the human Consider the headline, one who wrote it. race shall perish or be saved. "CORE STUDENTS TOO LAZY So, to the biz core students, I would like to stress the also head- TO BE GREEN". That was NOT ignore that insulting, biased You can't avoid the fact that those who the only study line. letter intended my headline. Those are NOT my My to en- theological meaning of the words temptation. words, nor do they have anything courage recycling and create in the Bible claim that this book do to with letter. That head- awareness, not to insult the my Dave Marcus is misread. being line is the S.B.E. Please offensive, warps mean- recycle your Honours Mr. Burke, I think that you English ing of my letter and twists my bottles and cans. If not for the en- should look at the religion, its tra- words into an insult do it that against vironment, to prove ditions and its people before S.B.E. students. business students are most

making such an assumption about The of letter point my was to definitely not "lazy". the Church. We are not all Jim encourage students to recycle, not Bakkers and abusing priests! to slam them for being "too lazy". Holly Tse

Roxanne Chartrand It's time to tear down Bring back the Leupold Wall You attract all kinds of hot babes and who in Hell Life wants that? but how Have you ever imagined how it long must we suffer this

would be to live in the bowels of eyesore? Political reform in East- For the past 3 or 4 issues now we New York? Do wonder has Karen Gordon you ever ern Europe seen greater ac- been have living a life of joy and what it would be like in to open complishments the past eigh- Some silly thing bliss without the comic strip "Life your curtains to a brick wall ob- teen months than this school has in Hell" appearing in The Cord. structing your view? Stop by seen in years. We are tired of being happy. We Leupold's lower lounge some It's lime to tear down the wall are begging you to please, please, time and too can friends you experience my so that we may see the please include our favorite comic the wall! world that surrounds us. in more Cord issues! As part of Laurier's develop- Thanx Dude! Rebecca Tiessen ment of the new residence, they Love Always, have erected a massive grey brick Women want you for wall in order to choose the colour Christina Craft, Nicole Mes- Letters selected your body. yet the wall remains. continue... senger, and Brenda Morehouse An inconvenience is expected

Mike Honours Phys

Ed betweenthewheels

editorialbyburke tony

Beyond informing and entertaining the univer- Cord.

the student sity community, newspaper's primary This is not propaganda material for Student role is as a for the student ~ watchdog government Publications. The position requires that the ombud- our Students' Union. But who is to watch over the sperson does some digging, some watching, and, student newspaper? some couldn't yes, snitching. If the News Editor is caught My ego From political back-biting to embezzlement to smoking his in office, if the Editor-in-Chief is handle it. the breaching of the Union has by-laws always had censoring letters, or if a Director is breaking by-

The Cord as a thorn in their side to keep them on laws, it is the ombudperson's responsibility to Stuart Lewis track (or, from at least, conducting their report it accurately within their column. questionable in the Sex practices public eye). Without Complaints and criticisms from the student god

The Cord there to report their mischief the students body, including those who come up to our meet- would never know what be was happening to the ings, can presented through the ombudsperson's they to the Union money pay every year. column, bringing awareness of these problems to But what about the of that the full portion money that Cord readership. to Student goes Publications, the parent corporation The ombudsperson also has full editorial control of The Cord? What is to keep them honest? That's of their section of the newspaper except, of course, where you can come in. if its is content defamatory or libelous. Breaching The staff of The Cord have decided this to accept trust will result in a call for resignation. applications for the of position an ombudsperson This is not an enviable the Nothing. position; person for Student Publications. Essentially, this could find themselves person resente by the many would be for responsible a weekly column in the volunteers at Student Publications very quickly. But Alex Tong Comment section of the with the a newspaper dealing position is important one that takes a very spe- Honours Chemistry various aspects of the staff corporation. Reports on cial kind of to handle. If that person you're person, meetings, Board of Directors and Meetings, the see us the Cord come at offices soon. week-to-week operations of the corporation can be The opinions in this expressed column are those of the included to the Laurier keep community aware of author and do alone not reflect the views of The Cord, what is happening in-between the of The pages StudentPublications, the Student Unionor WLU. the cord COMMENT 14 Thursday October 25, 1990

NOTES FROM YESTERDAY Fundamentally evil By JamesBoyce

Ten in the years ago Cord... words of the New has offer. by Patrick Brethour Testament, ment to Much worse

urging us to love one another, than its of hate is message its □ John Crosbie, former minister of finance for Joe Clark, visits with the Imagine there's no heaven bigotry perpetuated by message of stupidity. For the fun- Laurier to discuss the constitution, "Crosbie accused the government It's fundamentalism. Can damentalists easy if you try you explain say "Cast away your of being dishonest to the people of Canada regarding the Constitu- how "Christian" No hell below us a preacher forces doubts, and have faith. Don't tion." his followers suicide Above us only sky to in a worry about the world's

□ Financial considerations force U of T to use a boiler room and a Imagine all the people Guyanan jungle? problems-this world is in-

bathroom as labs. Living for today The fundamentalists also consequential. Don't partitioned

can call me a dreamer think...believe." You but In their ig- preach peace, practice □ Sexism at WLU? "The fact is that all executive positions at WLU But I'm not the only one norance, they promote the fiction violence. Sometimes the violence of the are held by males, as are slightly more than three quarters "ex- will that I hope some day you join is subtle. Sometimes God, and God alone, insidiously ecutive professional" position holders" determines us whether the human it takes the form of a Jimmy

And the world will live as one. race perishes or is 'saved'. □ Laurier crushes York 43-12 to reach break into the ten Swaggart preaching hatred of to top na- Fundamentalism's in Catholics and Jews, while a child ingrained tionally (15) while Laurier's men's soccer team is number one John Lennon anti-intellectualism is its -"Imagine", listens. most Canada with an 8-1 record.

malevolent aspect. Of course, the Imagine a world without in- And sometimes the violence fundamentalists without fear free thought Twenty in the Cord... tolerance. A world book is not so subtle. You only need to years ago

and free speech — for those are burning bigots. A world of look at the wreckage of one the two things that can destroy □ thoughtful compassion, of in- bombed abortion clinic to see this On Oktoberfest: "... in the midst of the festivities, I could not help and in their empire of fear hate. So telligent caring. type of 'peace' action. Blessed, but notice uniformed security guards, with open-holstered revolvers we witness the burning of books, Imagine, then, a world indeed, are the meek. and long night-sticks, strategically stationed all around." and the establishment of the cult without Christian fundamen- Tolerance is yet another virtue □ A television show is at of taped WLU called Under Attack. Dorothy talism. the fundamentalists enshrine. Yet stupidity. Willis spoke on behalf of Black Power, while Rev. Carl Mclntire Here's where the howls of look at the fundamentalist version Fearing life, fearing change, denounced the anti-Vietnam movement and supported the blocking of Christian of tolerance. See Catcher in The fearing their vengeful God, the protest start up. A communism in Asia. The Cord accused students of to Watch while fundamentalists build their playing movement bigoted, uncaring? Rye burning. up Mclntire's right-wing views, exchanging "drivel" for "drivel". defenseless women who only defenses of and ig- How can that be? prejudice

are norance. divide □ Here's how. Christian funda- want reproductive freedom They the world The Cord editor announced that, due to the War Measures Act, he into and un- harassed. Look on while the fun- good evil, to make their had four mentalism is fundamentally to pull a page feature on the FLQ manifesto to avoid being

old maxim "Prac- damentalists bash gay rights — lives uncomplicated, and to christian. The arrested, "We do not disagree with the War Measures Act, we with all " and And all "for the render what has never greater thought unnecessary. our soul condemn the but also tice you preach gays. FLQ, we question the wisdom of out- glory of God." Perhaps, their fear been more appropriate. someday, lawing intelligent discussion of a document that already is in the pub- will wither The fundamentalists preach Yet Christian fundamen- away, and the funda- lic domain." mentalists will become Chris- love - but practice hate. Try, if talism's violent, intolerant mes-

the the tians. And, if that day ever com- Sixty years ago in the Cord... you will, to reconcile stirring sage is not the worst move- es, perhaps then we can all "live

as one." O "With an audience of at least half a dozen local students cheering The views expressed in this article them on, the Waterloo College grid squad last Saturday afternoon are those the author and are solely of failed the amid occasional STRAIGHT UP to get breaks and, snow flurries, bowed to in no associated with the way O.A.C. the Guelph Freshmen to the tune of 12-0. The solution? "By Editorial Board of The Cord, Student a of dollars... by Julia Brenndorfer offering prize two the Athenaeum Society hopes to get Publications or Wilfrid Laurier Uni- some real college yells the need of which is felt." versity strongly Giving out of love, taking out of greed. It's the corruption on the

for certain TV taking which leaves us with little but contempt evangelists such as the Bakkers. be Those who lost out on the giving end have good reason to out- Wheels editorial 'bleak' Their hard-earned was wasted their raged. money and, beyond that, in received the of God's trust an ideal was betrayed. They message freely given and unfailing love to show genuine caring in return. of civilization will lead to great words of Christ for yourself. that God have The Bakkers were raised so high on a pedestal may Letters pain and finally destruction". shadow of When . seemed to be only a pale their glory. they toppled ...continued. Is it any wonder that people Trusting in a personal and ac- from the pedestal, God seemed to fall out of sight as though He was are seeming to bury the truth in countable God has given me a just another piece of the glitz. their need to answer their fears, if of mind (not complacency) Jesus wasn't peace But glitz and ritz was never the style. Humbleness This letter is in lies in response to the truth relying on and a genuine concern for others He He lived. When He called simply a word preached, but a state Tony Burke's bleak editorial in humanity alone? that I otherwise would not have He warned that it people to follow Him to a relationship with God, last week's Cord. In his It editorial, If like me, have trouble had. is not merely a crutch to it would mean that you, would mean giving up a lot. Most especially, they us to take comfort in with the Tony urged with as lean on during exams but and Christianity presented by would have to turn their focus away from gaining more more and God a humanity that is busy polluting the Bakkers and their cohorts -- strength direction gives material possessions. and the planet raging war in the don't just take their word for it. me I can truly make a difference that call follow Him also take on People who take Christ up on to Middle East. He encouraged us to It's sad that people judge God by in a world that so desperately the responsibility of showing others how to head in the right direc- "[sjtart making a to change pull such examples, although I can't needs a helping hand. Jesus walked tion. They can use the example that set that while He on hole" while humanity out of this blame them if they know nothing what He A commitment Earth — His life lined with professed. to up the he is "certain that current path else. Be informed -- check out the Rowan Meggison become like Him. walking with Jesus can help them more with frustrations and Yet the walk can become overgrown regrets

that it's be like Christ — when people recognize no easy thing to lost we're all too human. But God isn't content to let His people feel The Telephone Directory. among the weeds.

of to "sinners" God offers an amazing amount reassurance from Student of Free through the Bible. He encourages all people to run the "race" life, when assuring us that He's there to support and forgive us, even we Publications.

fail in our relationship with Him. Look for us in the We've all experienced how tough it can be to forgive someone in who our trust promises and acting ways that destroys by breaking Concourse today hurt us and others. It's hard for me to stop labelling certain TV

took to heaven and tomorrow. evangelists as scummy hypocrites who a highway

only to gain profit for themselves in the here and now. But yet, I've asks also got to remember that I'm walking with a God who me not to He judge and condemn others, and who constantly reminds me that

doesn't keep forgiveness under lock and key when His people turn to

Him with a sincerely humble and repentant heart.

It isn't up. to me to judge how repentant the Bakkers really are;

God know what feel in their hearts. But, God only can exactly people The does ask us to gain our own Biblical understanding of Him. Bible

clear that not who the presents a very warning everyone preaches way Him and of Christ has made a heartfelt commitment to to practicing

what they preach.

This warning from God shows that He does give us the responsi-

in all But bility to exercise our critical judgement carefully matters. Him when through it all, He's asking us to check out thoroughly faded bit of Bakker judging whether He is more than just a glitz. the cord „ COMMENT 15 Thursday October 25, 1990


The University Blues by Kevin Matchstick The idea of government influenc­ ing newspapers in this country is a_utonomy, n. right of ridiculous; so it should also be within It is a commonly held belief tbl the university community. The stu­ those in the newspaper business are dent newspaper cannot be free to ful­ too busy writing and reporting to fill its obligations to the students if take care of their finances. There is self- governn1ent; personal the major object of its front page an amount of truth in that statemenL news coverage can control the con­ The best thing for a newspaper to do tent of the paper. How can the news­ is hire someone with expertise in thai freedom; freedom of the -will paper responsible to the students of a area in the form of a full-time Busi· university campus guarantee un­ ness Manager to take care of the restrained, untainted coverage of the paper's financial position from year By Tony Burke year including columns printed Student Union's job while the union to year. Hiring a part-time book· under the "Bill Needle pseudo­ has the power to cut off financial keeper is also worth considering. support, thereby crippling the news­ As an independent unit, the nym. The paper also refused to LJ The entire staff of l'Universite paper? Autonomy is the only way. autonomous newspaper also has to du Quebec a Montreal's student print a feature on WLUSU jobs decide on whether to become its own newspaper was impeached Febru­ because it was considered to be corporation. This is a necessity to ary 19 1990 for being "a threat to unpaid advertising and printed staff democracy and protect those working on the paper student unity at the university". "fuck" and "shit" four times a constitution are from financial liability in the adveu An issue featuring articles strong­ (each) in the March 29, 1990 is­ necessary of bankruptcy but the yearly audit ly supporting the province-wide sue. Also contained in that week's can be expensive if the books are rn student strike February 28 to edition were the "WLUSU Report kept in proper order. protest Quebec's then upcoming Cards" evaluating the WLUSU Yet without that threat looming When a newspaper proposes tuition hike were impounded by executives for their performance over their heads, what is to stop the autonomy, the main considerati011 the student council saying it con­ over the year. newspaper staff from printing of the independent publication is to tained "biased" reporting. The whatever garbage they want to? They discover where they will get their have to remain responsible to the stu­ money and facilities from. staff began having problems with dents without having the newspa­ Most funding comes from ad· the council earlier in the summer newspapers not per's ability to write restricted. This vertising revenue; most newspaper~~ when the paper's office was taken clubs under student problem can be solved through staff like The Cord, run on a 30-35 per over by the council to make way union control democracy and a constitution. cent ads to copy ratio that earns a for a meeting room. Staff democracy entitles all staff substantial profit over publishinr members to a vote on the large deci­ costs. Unfortunately, these newspa­ LJ Bishop University's newspaper Autonomy for a person is a neces­ sions which effect the paper. The pers still need money to pay for oo- sity; a basic human right. For a stu­ staff should consist of a good cross­ The Campus printed an editorial ministrative (salaries, etc.) and dent newspaper it is equally impor­ section of the greater student body in their November 16, 1989 issue equipment costs. tant if it is to serve the students as a including members of different titled "The Big Picture" accusing A nominal student levy collected newspaper should -- free from out­ faculties, sexes, and cultures thereby the Students' Representative at registration along with other fees side control. Council of spending money ir­ acting as a good sounding board for such as Student Union fees, athletic Student unions and councils have issues that effect the entire school. responsibly. It questioned the fees, et cetera would take care of aD to be made aware that university A constitution serves two pur­ need for an expensive computer of a newspaper's monetary needs. H newspapers are not merely clubs un­ poses: as a contractual agreement be­ system and attacked the Pub for the union acts responsibly, that same der the student governmynt's control. tween the student government and amount of money would be deducted secretive accounting practices. Sure, the paper is an excellent way the paper and it defines the internal The Director of Finance Greg from regular union fees as it is for students interested in writing, workings of the paper including ad­ redirected for our use. Staff, adminis­ Dobbin threatened the Editor-in­ drawing, and photography to get to­ vertising and submissions policies. It tration and faculty should also be en­ Chief saying "Don't bite the hand gether and practice what they enjoy defines the newspaper's freedoms couraged to contribute to this fee if that feeds you", implying that in a social setting but the similarities and responsibilities. they pick up the paper regularly. both The Campus' funds and his end there. University newspapers The Board of Directors for the honorarium were at stake. The have a job to do. newspaper, comprised of two direc­ Editor-in-Chief was also strongly What would happen if the Cana­ tors elected by the student body and urged to-write a letter of apology dian government was in control of three elected by the staff, can also only a referendum for criticizing the government. the funding of the Globe and Mail? field complaints and recommenda­ should raise a Each time the newspaper tries to crit­ tions from the student body to aid the newspaper levy icize Mulroney's Senate appointees voice of the students be heard. The LJ The Polar Press of Confedera­ or Wilson's GST, a message would autonomous newspaper must remain tion College in Thunder Bay, come down from Parliament Hill, ef­ responsive to the needs of its reader­ Any increases to the levy besides Ontario has recently been resur­ fectively quieting the issue. ship. inflation would have to be approved rected under the supervision of the Student Union's Director of Communication. In its present format it features articles written by the union about student union activities; the entertainment sec­ tion is merely an ad for upcoming union-sponsored bands. The editors of the newspaper have only recently been able to start an editorial page and an editorial policy has been drafted.

LJ A WLUSU Board Meeting in March, 1990 brought the issue of shutting down The Cord to a vote. The Board objected to certain articles printed over the speaking to staff members of other same facilities and equipment rent­ university newspapers, I discovered free from the institute through bec­ that that, most separations being oming an autonomous newspaper in amicable, facilities were generously 1982. "The paper had established it­ donated. self," O'Connor said, "and we didn't want interference or the political jousting with the union. The staff "We didn't want also wanted greater say in the con­ political jousting tent of the paper; we 've earned a lot with the union." more respect from the readership now." Under their current set-up the Diane Russell of the University of union acts as a collection agency for Toronto's The Newspaper said that the student levy of $7.72 per student they have been autonomous since the which constitutes 25% of their in­ paper's conception twelve years ago come. The remaining 75% comes when its founder broke off from fel­ from advertising revenue and work low U of T paper The Varsity. on letterheads and business cards. Space and equipment were generous- University newspapers must gen­ ly donated from the university to erate as much revenue from their house their facilities. own resources as possible before The Ontarion at the University they ask students for the size of their of Guelph have also been levy. The operation of the newspaper autonomous since they began in is designed beyond the break-even ~ the student body through a !he financial statements should 1951. Today they own all of their point so that they may look toward derendum question; such changes be published by the newspaper at equipment and the space is run by their future technological and per­ ae unlikely. Unfortunately the levy least once a year to keep the students the Central Students' Association but sonnel needs. t11110t be refundable as the newspa­ aware of how the paper is spending they exercise no control over the of­ Autonomy is the only avenue ~ could not calculate its revenue their money. fice space. Their ad revenue is sub­ open to student newspapers who N5e and plan a budget, or much else sidized by a student levy of $2.55 per want to shake off the threat of without knowing how much money student each semester. The only con­ closure from its parent corporation; tlltlld be available to us. Also, there Facilities trol on them is that the students could to take the paper's fate into their own ~no way of knowing if those who The union has the power to allow vote to withhold funding. hands. The result is a happier staff, a Md their money refunded were not the newspaper to keep their facilities Mike 0 'Connor and his staff at more informed student body and a !lill picking up the paper. and equipment rent-free. Upon The Ryerson Eye-opener kept the better-- newspaper. to m at Readers of university newspapers some of our iess fortunate peers; we aren't privy to the politics that go on enjoy a kind of semi-autonomy with l:ehind the scenes between the unions the Students' Union. We are a sepa­ arxl the publishing staff. A brief con­ rate corporation, we decide our own versation I had with Jennifer Camp­ budget year-to-year (although all ,.. ..,...... _...... ,.... ' to ., Ieaia .ember that bell, co-editor of the Polar Press WLUSU departments including "THE THRILL OF YOUR ...... Ul stiJ .a:cplabk lo Atltletic Scllolarsllips the CoDU:et c-11\ee (to • ...aua ollfteen ...,_te puts the problem into perspective. Marketing and Student Activities do Awarded COLLEGE LIFE" awtrtr. per tc..tl. r------=-=:..::..:...:; • ._ .t die LU. Plaa ltul ~ by U.. ~ SlullalllJmDal. 3. Entry r-• •ut be The relationship between the so also), and we have our own presi­ ..__... a..-..- a.a.. ~ ...... 1IIIIID dcpoalted ln the ..... •lot ..... ~-. ~ ...... _.. Jlecftallala arm rweqw located ... the StudentAdMtm 48L ...... ,...._- 4:30P.Il.OCT. 3J. I_, ~Booda. newspaper staff and the union is dent and Board of Directors (that are ... -- .....,.... Early ... ·~ ... apply- ~~ DDIIUIX:. C'XB'JISI'W'A the contatt of J"DW' ·tbrtll" ..__ ft*a:- a~_, 0,. a._,._,-~ I . ~ •u.t be kelble. 6adudinC ...... « defaadnc tenuous at the moment as they dis­ not elected by the student body and ...... - .,. ~ m.lrtd ~~-..... CIQIIIIIIIdeandoa«...... Sto KtMtke.,.. any .....,tton. cuss editorial policy, Campbell said ~--=:;o. !...2£, ::..=-; ~~===-a-p. ::...~=-o:u.:.~= hence are not responsible to them). ._.. - ...... CeakdnaUO.. ~ ...... ,...... be -.ted lltudad. handboolll. ~• ...... IIVP. .,__ .. a .el.ecUoe eoaalttee wW speaking from the union offices, "we The point is, it's all just a sham. ~ • ~ adalek .. .JuciF: tbc wlnnlnC entry bMed

don't want to jeopardize the rela­ All titles aside, we are little more :=::-_.._..__-~---= :..::::!7t.w:.:=-5. ADc:ntrte.bec::o-.e'pi'OIIUty...... __ J:W.e ... ,.__,. ol tbc CclnfedenUon CoUeee c..r._._....II!J._. Student u.-., and~ tionship." than a WLUSU department ourselves &.D...... -.. ~ Content ol tbe When pressed about any specific as long as they are able to pull fman­ L-~~==~==~~--.w--~~.. -- -~~~-~~~=== problems encountered with the union cial support (that is, to refuse to send is for doing our job right. not be an extra cost; but would mere­ and the question of autonomy, out cheques to pay for printing, sup­ The Cord needs independence. ly be directed right to its final Campbell could only say "um .. .I plies, et cetera). And it has happened. From the Student Union and from destination. In return the students can't really tell you right now. Guess In February of this year WLUSU ef­ Student Publications. The other pub­ would get the best possible newspa­ which office I'm in". Simply sending fectively shut down Student Publica­ lication departments -- UT &T and per. afax of information about the Polar tions because of a large amount of the Keystone Yearbook-- have a dif­ The Union could be so kind as to Press through the union was a outstanding receivables; in July they ferent mandate; they don't face the donate the current facilities to the dangerous enterprise for the editor. did so once again for the same rea­ same dangers. The paper has to con­ paper. To force a purchase of the Two other newspapers, sons . . centrate on what it does best, and do present equipment from them and to Laurentian University's The In these isolated instances, the it right. Let the Union take UT&T charge rent for the offices would be Lambda and York's Excalibur, Union had no choice but to take ac­ and the Keystone under their wing; a grave injustice to the students who considered autonomy as an option to tion to force the Student Publications they can even take over the summer will have to inevitably pay for The keep everyone else out of the content business office to get off its collec­ publications -- the WLUer, the Blot­ Cord's extra costs. of the paper. Peter Stathis of The Ex­ tive ass and get the money in. But ter, and the Directory -- it is their In February the autonomy ques­ calibur said that they had to break think of future Board members or funding that puts those publications tion will hopefully be brought to a away because of a fight in 1976 WLUSU presidents, presidents who in the black anyway. referendum. Until that time The when a Student Council President don't wish their crimes of financial The Cord makes a large amount Cord will make its views and needs objected to articles written about or administrative misconduct to be of money through advertising. All known to the voting student body. him. published in the student newspaper. that is needed from the students is a Make an informed vote when the The Cord is said to be in a All it takes is to influence the Board nominal charge that would be time comes; the quality of your stu­ privileged position compared to to pull the plug once again. And this removed from Union fees. It would dent paper depends on it :*••• *• •.•#••••••• • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • ••

m •••••••••••mMHWHB •••••••••••

who W • Wanted. People are willing to £ # - YOUTH LINE: Something worry- ft show it all! The Liason office ® u? Want 10 11 over? at 0 y° the % ft for Volunteer Tour Guides W ft ft YOUTH line can talk with £ looking £ you someone own 6-9p.m. to show our on Laurier your age, campus ftftftftftftftftftft Mk AA) A A Aftftft ft • dai] q, talk with understand- W Nov.2. sheets Day; Friday Sign up _ _ ft ft ft ft adults ft r. air- ft A A ing anytime 745-9909(Youth ft . , r W around or at the liason of- FOR SALE campus Z 745-1166 • J T LOST & FOUND 5 Ime), or 653-2000.. flce ® ® ' A ftftftftftftftftftft — To the nck • 5 ftftftftftftftftftft AAAAAAAAAA P who put a zigzag in a A WWwWWw a A HELP WANTED - students S Ser- receptlon for older Students A quired to shovel snow Optima Computers: FOUND: Piece of jewelleryJ at ft n° W ThankS alot aSSh°le Students. Lowest in ft ' • adults living in Waterloo. If inter- vicing prices J corner of Young + pepple7 on " " • would link with Waterloo on 286's, 386's, Printers, • ested, we you Oct.s. Describe it + it's 746- ftftftftftftftftftft yours. ; Hard Drives. within own Monitors, Oeb: fetishes ft someone your neigh- 5578 evenine satisfy your on ft ' any 286 Includes bourhood. $7.00/hr. For further in- System Package: THE WLU QUALITY OF STU- danc* floors lately? ft 112 MenMen'ss watch on the A 40MB Hard V 9 T formation please call Susan everything, Drive, DENT LIFE COMMITTEE, IN- Jlie of HAWKTOBERFEST at • Roland Printer, Monitor, VITES YOU OR YOUR GROUP night ; ft Cameron at 579-6930. Home Sup- Keyboard, ; BOOMER: First MS-DOS it was jocks, then $15 99 Priced for TO PARTICIPATE IN A FOCUS If think are ft port Services. Only . Bingeman's. you you q was CO i A Students. Please call Jason Wood INTERVIEW (Interview- S now ts intellectuals... a GROUP the owner then call Trevor at P > 747-3484. ing will in November) CALL are . GREAT SUMMER BUSINESS begin decisions now based 725.0743 your on BETTY MITCHELL, (Dean of • OPPORTUNITY! Low risk, es- minds Z « instead of CQmputer 299 Student- genitals? ' DEAD- ftftWwftwwWwW ft tabhshed customer base, and ■

•••••••••• Thc uilt old Core Room for rent (Columbia St.), Builty8 y your Eft •mm TDC qvatpbc f„ large FIGURE ~ forr SKATERS, required _ break! • Take a Join OFF-CAM on a bedroom in 5 bedroom house buddies. ft n o a rockin' road the TYPING trip to BIG BOP (2M,2F), 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, ftrha?s°od7oSiinc no'BoxE 'Box 42 ft p ft °ctober FHday 26> Tickets m laundry: rent Ont. N3T 5M4. Call Parking, negotiable, Have ever had a bad experi- ft Brantford, ' you £ 99WVM9VV9 no lease: 5 mm. from both umver- 449 5200. Minimum 18. Concourse. Don't miss it! , (519) age ence wjth landlord? you Fast reliable w typing service avail- sities. Call 886-3571 Tony (after . ft living m a complete hellhole. Let able _ ft SPRING BREAK 1991-Individual at reasonable rates. Profes- . 6pm weekdays). TAIUTAI? D t Rnc TAMIAE-Presents to BOS- a trip the Cord know about it. Leave your sional resume service also ft or student organization needed to writing Nov. 3 2 ™ available. Call June 747-4557 TON, 9,10,11, days, Rec-room For Rent. Perfect for name and phone number in Gail promote Spring Break trip. Earn ft free and valuable nights at the Howard Johnson Hotel student. Own washroom and T.V., Cockburn's mail box in the Cord ft money, trips anytime.

~ bed and work CALL NOW!! Park. $169.00 laundry facilities, pull out ft experience. by Fenway mem- offices or call 884-2990. ft

WORDS FOR MONEY - 1-800- Quality dresser. For more info, contact ft Inter-Campus Programs: befS> $175.00 non-members, plus £ word and A processing graphics. or Steve 725- , 327-6013 ~ Pauline 746-5842, t „ taxes For more mformation call WEASEL - HAPPY BIRTHDAY., • Postscript Laser Printer. Free Pick- " ggg9 #

- Individuals Stu- Chri 747-3925 in the Campus Reps or U and $2.50 s at or see us ft p delivery. per page. HOPE U HAVE A GOOD ONE!! ft

dent - needed a Organization to pro- 742-4315 concourse Oct. 19/90. NEW CONDOMINIUM LOVE U'R ROOMIES A mote our Break Spring Packages on TOWNEHOUSE 3 bedroom. niDT AMD TAMTF ft FREE TRIPS campus. plus Com- will take care of 9 Experienced typist .. five a ; Garage, j-ou 1 fr can theologian Father living/dining/kitchen. ® ' mission. Call Campus Marketing, all needs. Fast efficient ft your typing appliances. Walking distance to 9 Albert will 1-800-423-5264. Nolan,O.P., give the John Where service. Westmount-Erb area. S., were on Fri- a ft WLU. $850 plus utilities. 885- you Phone Devlin Lecture for 1990 886-7143. prestigious 4186 The Social Club of 10:30- ! . #day? ft JAPANESE TUTOR NEEDED ' * of St J CALL JASON 747- " ™e s 11=30 miSSCd SmilC A.S.A.P. @ ' WORD PROCESSING: fast, ac- • 3 ROOM S in auiet house Very • with o»r evil devil chil- 2029, will make spelling and y

November 1990 7.30 m 9, at p.m. dren. We love Tutors Wanted. minor grammar corrections. you! . Interested in 12 month lease phone746. 4679 ™ 9 Laser Call C.L. Hall. The lecture is Turns a tutor? Do (English Grad). printer. Siegfried As the being you have a re- 2 weeks Torque gang!

Suzanne at 886-3857. 9 spectable academic standing? Fill free of charge and open to the gen- £

out an form at the In- application eral ublic" For further information FOURTH YEAR CO-OP! Sublet ft P ALL LAURIER STUDENTS IN- # Word processing. Fast accurate, Centre. ormaUon three Rent contact: Dr. Mary Malone, Director rooms Jan-April. negoti- 9 reliable service. Letter'quality at VITEDTO ft able. I hone 725-5474 Acton Student Window Cleaners, is 886-6361. (519) 884-8110, ext. or Mrs ft competetive rates. Betty, 42, CHARITY BALL!!! A

for — students — A looking hard-working Helen Univer- Heimpel, Secretary rr . np cTimvMTC 1 CHARITY RAI I'll A CO-OP 3 rr,r.mc 9to STUDENTS- rooms ft their own word but Fast, processing > manage profitable professional •nfst T . ,r lQ

' erom s e e ( B ) available for sublet January-April. CHARITY BALL!!! challenging business next summer, by experienced secretary. Letter ft 31. Fun time! Rent 725- Provide 884-8110, ext. negotiable. JANUARY ft an easy-to-perform service quality. On campus pick-up, 19,1991 ft 5474 for - our already established delivery. Call Sharon 656-3387. WEAR YOUR MOST FORMAL Z

customers and others. Receive Millions of unwanted and homeless J ATTIRE Live three Honda Civic - lengths 30%-60% and • of your business in TYPING,WORD PROCESS- puppies and kiuens, dogs eaK from Petets Bui|dii , HOTTEST DATE J make m • up 10 n P pOUndS • : , J»nU arv-Apnl or Janu.O'-Augusl „ ,° u 0R $12 000.00. Our Printer. checked. Will no matter how cute and A support systems Spelling shelters, 11 Rhi ....uip, Fi;,„hpth nr i, M 9 KeoeKan reduce the BRljsfG YOURSELF IN YOUR and training are second to none-we pick-up and deliver. Only cuddly they are. Help 745 6349 J W take the numbers by spaying and neutering I 9 • risk out of running a busi- $1.25/page. GREG 725-9458. 0 HOTTEST OUTFIT 0 ness. Call collect (416) 291-9990 yourpets. Females. Two-Bedroom Apartment !!!IT'S THE PLACE TO BE G

LER CA 1 " o' nforn a,km 'he °r " ' AD • b": i I available for Great for • I'T JS£-APi i - Tn Jan-April. SEEN!!! VAN 1 AGE- AnimalA Defence of r (519) 660-0186 anytime. Call now wordpressmg-essays- League Canada, 9 Co-op students! Close to WLU. TICKETS ON SALE IN NOVEM- ft before it's too late. Remember the letters, flyers etc. Pick up and P.O. Box 3880, Stn. C, Ottawa,

Rent is Call 725-4606. best summer first. available. Call 748-5160. Ontario, KIY 4M5. negotiable. BER 9 jobs go delivery 0

PPPHrai appiMj ippfMPfflW |i|llll'llll||pi||in^ u MMMSiiBISiBM


25 26 ,27 W 31

II The Cord presents Law The Music Association professor Robert II Martin presents it's annual gala I speaking on libel at the ■ Hallowe'en Variety ■ Turret 10 am - 4 I General Meeting and pm. Talent Bash -Bpm in I ■ Call 884-2990 for Jam Session for the the Theatre Auditorium. Join the Off-Cam Club ■ details. It's the ■ Musicians' Network irin the Bie 800 free, by $4, $3 M.A. members, for a to 1 6:00 Room 2CB. Tickets available In p™ ■$1 off if you wear , Duy ,oine eoodks „ I costume. Lots of talent Concourse Oct 24-26. Amnesty International International "Careers for Soc & I Amnesty meeting 5:30 in ■ Bake Sale in the Con- Cord staff meeting 2:30 Anthro Majors" 5:30- I pm "«»L203. 6:30 Room 4-205 I cou,,. from 9to 4 pm. pm. pm | 725 0386 Thursday October 25, 1990 19 SCENE

Choir's concert conquers Canada

"It's the by Guy Etherington only way our monthly

can increase. paycheque If we

sell more then believe like tapes we get a "Do you I be- raise. Right now one month's lieve?" is cheque good for about one week's groceries. The rest of the Friday night had Toronto's has money to come from some- The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir where else." pull into U of W's Fed Hall, a Incidentally, the tape is avail- surprisingly large venue for this able now at Sam's in Kitchener band considering they are rela- but it is still cheaper to get it.from tively unknown and without a the band. major record deal. The crowd

turnout, however, was a different "Death is the Great story: 400-500 strong.

Saxophonist Gene Awabetter' 1 Hardy speaking

their most on The band has recent Western had other let's Canadian tour THE "difficult say supporting their ft . _ rx o times to say the recent indie cassette least. Last year on a swing out Sister Anthony and their intention West they had a great awakening. of mass redemption:

"We were in a curving tunnel that "The trip went well; usually went through a mountain.

There was diesel the two or more nights in given fuel on road And their met from any eyes across a smokey r00m... and city. Now that we're back in our van hit it. We hit the side photo by Dave Bradfield the Southern Ontario we're of tunnel a times, playing a couple of a little Indeed. got bit of uh-huh and a "As As Want minimum three did a exited the songs. Right They of gigs and a couple of spins, whole lotta Oh Yeah. To Be" tunnel and slammed was dedicated to the Holy maximum of six shows a week. into the Father median. 000 "Smoke and 2 Live Crew is one of It's going well. We're doing Did $6 damage to on the water, Fire Dave Wall's voice. The best the better new That it is a thing for our songs. equipment. in the sky" male voice I've ever heard. Clear, the more structured than some of Things, or 1 (the ale-house is healthy string, emphatic and wide their NDP rang- earlier stuff reveals the

ing. It's and he's a ham. and pleasant and polished band's growth as and at warm) blessed and Truly funny as hell to musicians also allows for im- Exhi Bourbon yet poten- watch. provisation live that can some- bilion tially times The DJ's music stretch to as much as 64 Place on abruptly ends. bad Smokin', smokin' bars. Saturday and then gigs at Eight (8) (?!) university aged things, The dancefloor is jammed. kids-er-uh Queens, Western, in Guelph rather people stroll happen to this band, but..." Covers included a James onto the and various places in Toronto." stage. Brown tune (of course) and, for ...they're still here. "Tear the roof off mother, 1,2, ah the Gene got miffed when he 1,2,3,4. encore, a supremely, harshly tear the roof off mother overheard The group shot on the inside funky 15 minute version of Stevie one attendee say she The dancefloor is jammed. tear the had of Sister sucker, roof off Wonder's taped Sister Anthony just Anthony was taken 15 "Superstitious" com- The band is seemingly in a sucker" prior to the show. minutes after the crash. "Why the plete with jam session. Stevie almost hell did groove as soon you that picture in "You what! Hey, ignoring the put would be proud. as it there?" begins to play and obvious legal ramifications, we the songs smoke. The make our living off those tapes. The roof of the "Well, to begin with, it was a eight elements to the the C'mon.just buy tape." building was later found group shot and it also such was a band are joined by one several hundred feet To put things in better significant event per- we felt it should single, simple, chain- yahcrnack spective away. concerning their-uh-well be included. was It a part of the like thread: rhythm & cash flow, they have to the cassette. The peddle making of expe- blues, funk, blues, tapes in between sets and after the rience brought us closer rock togeth- soul, and groove. They are show. er." The Bourbon Creed ? — smooth but they have an untamed

edge impossible to ignore. "Here where the denizens of

self-melt sit and wither, we will

Bass, drums and sax solid frolic and cavort with luster. with shots, smooth funky and known They're to preen and liquid bumpy with rhythms a la Mad with polish, recent envy, and James Brown. Enough said. slippery when taking it beneath

the table. with sudden- Two guitars trading chinks When, a most lurching leap, the cuckolded and wahs, ripping blue-soul solos, knave forth, with more wah and a full natural springs frothing urgent whimsy. "Hark The sound. The fine line between a ye! time of battlement doth good soul sound and a good rock ap- ho! The sound. Both at once. proach!" But, sorority

has never been jellied on, Varlet!

The Vox/Hammond The Time of Reckon-

/organ experience. See Back ing! to your "Green Onions" but stinky shrivelled sound smell Bourbon. The CHOIR garden of childish box crowd yelps and howls pudding." with every solo and run.

"Do believe like you I The sound spoke truths. The Bourbons played four believe?" Yes, several hun- Chris Brown tracks from makes the keys live. Sister Anthony in- dred people do believe. I cluding the single "Worms", a Kate Fenner's believe. I underused danceable believe the best wonderfully song Go voice. Powerful, rich, thick and about man how we're all stiff it live band in the is go, photo by Dave Bradfield gonna country a golden and syrupy unique. It's some as day, well as some new Choir. the cord I 20 SCENE Thursday October 25, 1990 I Frankly SpeakingII Don

AnFrank by Morningstar interview Harron

Martin: So, you've been in show- Martin: Is that the secret to your Hoah boy. Yet another editon of biz quite a long time. success? 'Frankly Speaking' and yet again Don: 56 be I'm Don: I'm what I years to exact. doing like for a no Frank Morningstar. He's got senior now 66 years old. I'm a living. I've done other things in no excuse for not doing the inter- citizen! my life. I was the worst clock view this time though. It was Marty: How does Charlie feel watcher at the Dept. of Education 'Scene' Editor Guy Etherinton's about being a senior citizen? but now I literally get paid for decision. I believe Guy said is Don: Well, Charlie's character what I used to get kicked out of "Morningstar do Don Harron? old. I'm class for. only 38 years Actually, You've got to be kidding. That him-I Martin: Gotta like that! the right age now to play Morningstar just plain sucks. guy Don: When I kids always was to young! give guidance, Let that young Martin Walker fel- I to them 'take chance.' Marty: Oh. So would you consid- say a low do it." Martin Walker did So, should make of or a You a living out er yourself a star northern interview Don about Charlie Far- what want to do. light? you really quharson's new book "Universe". Don: A star is someone who sells Marty: You're quite American

due Hee Haw tickets. If you don't sell tickets now to your fame.

Don: I've lived in New York for you're a bum.

ten Americans think of me Martin: Hi Don! How are you en- years. photo by Jo-Ann Julien as American but everywhere I joying Laurier? go

across Canada knows Don: Laurier's a little livelier I'm a everyone Barrie in I've fin- someone like Charlie...an uncle, a gone! in September. than when I was here last.

Martin: If Charlie could be a cash ished a show that all book grandfather or someone from played Martin: Your new is on senior citizen! what would he be? Canada called Old Charlie Parry Sound. crop, across astronomy. Whatever made you Martin: What do think the Don: Marijuana. Farquharson's Testament-it's a interested in astronomy? you musical version of the Bible. It Leaf s chances are this year? Marty: Marijuana? Don: I was called by the Martin: Speaking of stars, what's Charlie: I make tobacco il- was successful. Don: Well our national anthem is say quite Planatarium to write it...it was yourfavourite constellation? those down in legal so all guys Marty: And of course you' 11 be on their idea. Don: I like Casseopiea because fortune Tillsonberg will make a the road promoting your new Martin: Oh Sell really. it's the Big Mac of the sky. marijuana like when they do when they sell book that's in the stores. Don: They called me last August Martin: Be 'Frank' with me Don, marijuana and hashish. Don: I'll be out on the road until show about and asked me to do a what keeps someone so old as and hashish Martin: Just a reminder that this December 15th off and on. the universe. me a character so They gave Charlie's young at is a no smoking section. What Marty Walters: Well good luck reading list and I began to read. heart? now called "God Save the Leafs". lie ahead Charlie Far- book and hi to plans for with your new say ended a 45 do that? The show up being Don: I think making people Marty: Why you say quharson? Charlie for me. I read- Don: Because minute video but kept on laugh. I love to make people He's the only one Don: Thank-you. that do it that Harold's Don: There's a play I'm planning ing about Hawkins. laugh. can now

I Toplo I RENTED MOVIES Mwaj furji 11

Make it a Halloween oarty you won't forget! For The Week of 0ct.25 - Novl need 112 We have all you r disguise: makeup, wigs

and Coftume sales 1. The Hunt For Red October warts. only.

EXTENDED HOURS: 2. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

l° October 20th and 27th Huether Hotal King Street The The Movie 3. Jetsons: —

„ 10am to o spm . to. * 9:3oam „ Bpmr ,7; w Regina

4. Glory __ . * MAVIS THEATRICAj- | "X j 5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ~f Pepp,e,Sl

6. The Last of the Finest -///CZIM& ' r \ THEATRICAL SUPPLIES inc. 7. Crazy People v LOCATION 46 PRINCESS ST. E. 8. Martians Go Home 746-1484

9. Q & A

10. Opportunity Knocks the cord SCENE Thursday October 25, 1990 21 Fantasia rereleased-50th anniversary

unsuccessful 1982 digital record- sorgsky's "Night on Bald and Jim Bakshi's Mighty Mouse

ing was scrapped), and the prints Mountain" shows a demon series, it does not seem quite so

themselves in center the image a tormenting souls until the morn- psychedelic as the hippy crowd in black border that theaters 1969 have so can- ing church bells drive him back may thought (that the 1940 format of 1:33 into fifth not crop hiding. Most people have year, the time the film was

ratio. seen excerpts from"The Sor- released, was the first time it ac-

It is an experience not to be cerer's Apprentice," with music tually made a profit).

when the Dukas passed up. Although composed to describe an However, it is so much more

film first appeared there was an ancient legend. It stars Mickey organic, and so much less mind-

outcry from music lovers that the Mouse, and was actually the numbing than the bulk of what is of the would limit for the creation of flashed TV power image catalyst the over our sets as rock the music whole that it our responses to itself, anthology. (It was original- videos, seems a blessing. in But the age of music video this ly intended as a single short, be warned: this release is a

isn't even an issue. which may be one reason why, limited offer, and is scheduled to

Besides, what the Walt Dis- gripping as it is, this segment leave King College Square Cine-

studios do doesn't fit in with the at the of Novem- ney managed to was to quite mas beginning

stimulate the imagination, explore others. Another may be Mickey's ber. You don't want to wait for in another do music in another medium - the star persona.) seven years, you?

that children Ollie Johnston, one of the same way are some-

times given the creative exercise Meanwhile, over at Warner is half-a- of writing a story or drawing a Brothers, Bugs Bunny Mouse old himself. picture in response to a piece of Mickey century The tape of music. We do not necessarily the TV special Happy Birthday has hit the video think of fairies and toadstools vs Bugs just stores.

time advice is - every we hear "The My to you simple Nutcracker Suite" avoid this video any more than Bugs Bunny as you would a we think of Mikhail Barishnikov anvil. It has neither falling A) any and Kirkland information of Gelsey (who per- backstage worth,

form the popular PBS version). animators of the film, said of nor B) any actual cartoon seg-

But it is a great deal of fun to see Walt Disney: "There was a time ment lasting more than a few sec-

how the Disney animators when he wanted to make a onds. Instead, we are showered thought fairies and toadstools character out of everything, but with clips of third-rate television

might behave if they could dance with the advice of his story con- personalities (John Lithgow and attempt was made to return the by Jennifer Epps the "Nutcracker" in a woodland sultants, he became more Whoopi Goldberg excepted) in- film to its 1940 splendour: as time went on." dulging in the sparkling, scintil- In setting. sophisticated honour of Fantasia's 50th original negatives were located wit of Most of the pieces in Fantasia Two of the best parts of the pic- lating typical Emmy pre- anniversary, Disney has re- and cleaned by hand, conductor America's are stories: "The ture, in fact, are abstract senters or Funniest released this milestone of anima- Leopold Stokowski's handwritten Stravinsky's con- interlude Videos. Rite of is as cepts: the half-way tion after a painstaking two-year notes were consulted in Spring" perceived the history of evolution, Mus- through when the narrator tries Your best bet is Reg Hartt's process of restoration. A serious reconstructing the soundtrack (the out different instruments from the The Uncensored Best of Bugs

Philadelphia Orchestra on a wigg- Bunny and Friends, playing this ly soundtrack, and the opening Friday and Saturday at the Elora Political number, Bach's Toccatta and Gorge Cinema. Hartt is from

perils D an Fugue in Minor. Toronto, calls himself "ar-

One of the weakest portions chivist," and buys prints of rare [A review of Perils to of Persephone, Humanities right know what is happening, but "it's not concerns a troupe of baby-faced cartoons and other old films and Theatre, U of W, 17 and Wednesday Thursday 18 enough to do the right thing. Politicians must be mythological critters scampering then accompanies them on their October, Waterloo Showtime.] seen to do the right thing". about to the tune of Beethoven's tours of bars and repertory cine- A barnful of horde By Elizabeth Chen Bessies, a of sensation- Sixth Symphony, "Pastorale." Of mas in this area. He also gives in- hungry journalists, the Premier's Machiavellian didn't "It's damn hot!" course, Walt know his troductory speeches before each pronounces Orval Currie, co- Princess of an Executive Assistant, the preening, owner of the Currie farmhouse pastel coloured flying horses of his family in Per- Minister of segment expensive, pitiful the Environment, a real milk would be anteceded the vile several-hour and sephone Township. And so are the characters and by shows, though truck, a fake milk truck, avarice and political black- Little but there situations found in Perils the latest My Pony herd, he's a little it's still better of Persephone, mail and back all strange, stabbing conspire to produce an has been creation of Toronto-bom playwright Dan Needles. always entirely too than the Emmys. amusing rigmarole that would have made Papa much cutesiness in anima- Persephone is a fictitious located Disney township in Wodehouse drool. This particular show features and this is southern Ontario, with Eldon Currie its tion, piece just too as reeve. Events end with firework very old cartoons, interesting a of reality as the Its perils begin with the in comparison with the negligence of a nuclear syrupy from the historical standpoint but government gets an unexpected, although not un- braver on waste truck driver who, under the influence of experimentation going also in their warranted, "bang for their buck". Fortunately for very entertaining "mind-altering drives his truck into the in the rest of the film. substances", the own as well as a few more government officials, their PhD's in right, Currie When the risks how- farmhouse swamp. work, familiar but televised schemantology enable them to leave the "godfor- infrequently This event causes droves ever, Fantasia feels completely of political "city slick- die shorts, shown Hartt un- saken place" in state they arrived ~ unscathed by ers" to invade natural, as if and sound and spoil the with image sex or countryside their and blissfully ignorant. abridged. There isn't much surreptitious methods of motivation were joined at the hip, and ex- and manipula- As for violence, but there is a little more our protagonists the "Country Bump- tion. isted with terminate symbiotically one an- wit and mischievousness. You're kins", they their impromptu tango with The public must be informed of of The Wall the the other. In the wake in for a few surprises. potential government smelling like cows. The difference dangers involved, so Eldon calls in the Honourable is that instead of resentine the field tho.v havp hnH Henry Hornspoon, Minister of the Environment for to plow all their lives, they now voluntarily play in Ontario. the Hornspoon agrees that the public has a hay.

« So Music profs play you want to by Bill Legate be a lawyer... Paul Pulford performed in hear Schubert's Winterreise on Did catch favourite you your Ensemble a the 26th Eudemon, quartet Friday at 8 pm with Canadian Business Admissions professionals from major prof working in the of Paul consisting (cello), Sophie Daniel Lichti, baritone, and Ar- Law Schools will be in attendance to answer bank the other How about and distribute application forms. day? Renshaw (viola), Jean Francois lene Strut, piano, and this Sunday questions the Head Psychology exposing Rivest and the Dalhousie Toronto (violin) Liselyn 28th at 3 pm, sees the first the Moncton Windsor mind of a schizophrenic? Adams (flute). One need not have WLU Orchestra Symphony con- McCHI Western not. at Probably Most faculties Ottawa Calgary been a student, however, to cert. The will be ap- Symphony per- Laurier Oueen's Alberta don't a chance give you the talent the with the preciate faculty forming WLU Choir and osgoode victoria to see your professor in action un- must have in teaching after such a the Laurier Singers and will be less you happen to be in music. tight performance of Quartet in G conducted by Paul Pulford. Tick- LAW FAIR #1 Franz '90 major, 0p.76 by Joseph ets for the latter are three dollars. Every Thursday at noon the Haydn (1732-1809) and Quartet Aird Get all the information Law School Building Recital Hall or on at one in D major, Op. 18 #3 All of the above convenient place and time. Keffer Memorial by Ludwig performances Chapel host a van Beethoven (1770-1827), after will be in the Aird Building. If performance by either faculty Park Plaza Hotel a few rehearsals. unfamiliar with classical 4 Avenue musicians only you're Road, Toronto or well known guest and choir music then this week's artists and Friday 2 November this past Thursday was Music Today (Thursday) at events will provide a (5:30-8:30pml no exception. great op- Noon features Elizabeth Neufeld, portunity to become familiar with Saturday 3 November (10.00 WLU Orchestra and Leslie De'Ath, the music for am-3:00 pni) Symphony soprano, a very marginal fee conductor and cello instructor piano. Also this week you can if it's already not free. the cord SCENE 22 Thursday October 25, 1990 Mark & Guy pooh pooh Pixies

he kinda sounds like Bowie in The Pixies parts. on the whole album. Classic, frenetic Pixies.

"" and "Havalina" were also kinda neato Ah from Bossanova yes, "Velouria", the single Bossanova. An

tunes on side two. Somehow, though, I was expecting PolyGram epic film theme without an epic movie. Huge guitar much frenetic and from the dif- something more desperate solo, Pixies third release, Bossanova, offers a feast of sound, soaring guitar soaring background spacey

vocals from . Kinda boring run of ferent attitudes and styles by hardcore chameleons The the mill Pixies. Pixies. Bossanova also contains the first that A few tracks from the album beg to be heard. The sin, vinyl is, that the band has committed. "Allison" has that spontaneity and aggressiveness found here is something ever hor- since the of Bowie and Stardust. XI rible building ching-chucka-ching-chucka-ching-chucka- long lost days Ziggy ching riff. ZZZZZZZzzzzz. The opening track "Cecilia Ann" becomes an anthem to

There are some other bad, even horrible, surfers dedicated to winning back the ocean for John things on Pixies this time around. Where the B-side is this album, however. "Down to the Well" is just plain ir- Wayne. This instrumental boasts hillbilly-ish riffs with traditionally the of Stevie place for an artist to break new ground, the new the guitars. Stop it, STOP IT! Also, an inkling towards a style reminiscent Ray only ritating, especially broken here is how Kim Deal vocals. Just Vaughan, but not quite. ground to serve up ear fluff. not enough ' in- I was with most of the album. cessant whining which is also with By far the hardest track is "Rock Music". Black Francis disappointed remaining quasi-nasal irritating The like How- production behind the drums was low, with an al- no Kim Deal high-pitched, little girl whisperings. spits and growls into the mic an angry panther. non-existent that make almost in- most bass. I found much of the album bor- Which is a nice lead into this bit where I say in- ever, distortion and fuzz boxes this track

on of the were almost an it does are too hard to write audible. dering monotony; many songs deed seem they trying

endless chorus of five or six words. The whole of the al- 'Pixies' The album, for the most lacks "Velouria", the title track of the album and hovering songs. part, bum sounded and in criterion for less emotion inspired more contractual and is predictable spots. Can you say com- around the CFNY top 20, satisfy some suc- spontaneity

obligation. In "Bossanova" became more of a distinctive and sound is to cess on commercial radio. The beat is infectious and the my case, placent? Their style beginning

on turntable. kick "Picaspark" my wear thin, but, when they want to, they can still ass

Mark Pivon else. better than anyone

PI Pixies Bossanova 4AD ES chorus is repetitive for easy recognition. The Pixies even Bossanova—connotes images of pomposity. Indeed get creative by utilizing stereophonic recording. The the Pixies larger than life guitar sound and wash of dis- from resonating guitar travelling speaker to speaker kicks But wait, what about the should tortion does border on pompous but then it also lyrics? Funny you mood about Kim Deal's creates an atmospheric the song; ask The are not some serious ass. you English major-type you. pennings vocals recorded the same serves to this way compliment Bossanova-also the title of the Pixies' latest album. nearly as interesting, rude or funny as on past efforts. However, E-ven 1 a-do- technique. "My Veh-Loo-reah, the Black Francis can't even be cuz his The album is, as a Pixies' album tends to be, all over understood-guess hore takes this about as far as I will endure it. yuh" single is of old 50's surfin' tune music/noise. place. "Cecilia Ann" a cover an vocals are mixed way down and lost in the Weird" the "Allison" and "Is She were probably tunes ballad that and "Havalina" is also another very 50ish Too bad--his whining would actually help this album. that made me think of David Bowie. While so of many This band has a conjures up images of "Johnny Angel". Ahhh, stick to and Doolittle (the latter, bands sound like spent hours at the today's they 50's influence which is almost unheard of in this to definite by the way, is the best way sum up what the band does Black manicurist, Francis sounds more like he just got This is but day of 60's retro-rock. great sounds kinda on Bossanova). mold his And for done chewing up the on sandwich. like... weird when you get to tunes some (although MANY disagree), I think reason, people "Rock Music" which is definitely the thrashiest track Guy Etherington OPENINj^!^ SniMEAB FASHION §iftfflEAß MiK OUTLET tins NOW OPEN





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Thursday October 25, 1990 SCENE 23

Miller's Crossing: comic violence

Brethour I read The lecture on by Pat good for Bernie. If there's such a tempting to save Bernie Bern- when first it. casual- Caspar gives Leo a

-- him to kill thing as being a consistent liar, baum from a gangland execution, ness of the violence amused me a ethics and then asks

of it's Bernie. Tom deal." Bernie Bernbaum. An unreal, "lt's a matter ethics!", invariably ends up regretting great Seeing Johnny comic-bookish thunders Johnny Caspar in the Consistency is not a hallmark it. So much for evil receiving its Caspar tee up and bash one of his atmosphere

of Miller's of Leo however. With the desserts. cohorts in the face with a shovel results. The Coens' are opening moments mayor, just tongues

Crossing. And indeed, ethics fig- chief of police, and the whole Don't think that Miller's is so ridiculous, as to be un- firmly in their respective cheeks.

this latest in his You can that the ure heavily in entry town in pocket, Leo rules his Crossing is an entirely serious avoidably amusing. only hope

film directed an film, however. The ex- More humour results the 'gangster' genre, kingdom of crime with iron random, from jar- Coens were using this same we- and produced by the Coen fist — most of the time. The sole plosive violence that permeates ring juxtapositions of words and know-this-is-cliche approach Ethan. A beats brothers, Joel and exception of course is Verna, the film borders on slapstick. actions. hood Tom to a when they decided to use the

The Coen brothers started Bernie's sister. This pair's rela- Says Albert Finney, "It seemed pulp -- and then asks, "No hard dreaded black hat metaphor in

Miller's Crossing with little more a like a comic in a Continued 25 tionship give the audience look strip, sense, feelings, eh Tom?" Johnny on page in their than an image of, words, at evil's vulnerability ~ not to

in overcoats in the "Big guys 'Good', but to its own lusts. of of woods -- the incongruity urban Lust, a different type,

gangsters in a forest setting." Out drives Johnny Caspar as well. His of this image, the Coens have is not a sexual lust, but a lust for

for friends. need fashioned a fascinating (and respect, The for sometimes disturbing) look at the evil to seek out approval is shown nature of ethics, evil and trust. as a fatal flaw, for Johnny's need

for leads his But Miller's Crossing is no friends ultimately to morality play. Rather it, and all destruction.

One driven lies, two its characters, are devoid of any- by by lust what of the fourth? What thing remotely approaching ... ethics. The four main characters about Tom? Byrne's character is

of the film — Tom Reagan much more ambiguous than all

(Gabriel Byrne), Leo (Albert Fin- the others. I was never quite sure ney), Johnny Caspar (Jon Polito), what Tom was thinking (especial- and Bernie Bernbaum (John ly when he hid beneath his big

Turturro) - each give a different black hat). Moreover, I was never

insight into the nebulous nature quite sure if Tom should be wear-

of evil. ing a black or a white hat.

Bernbaum is perhaps the least One thing is quite certain

complicated of the four. After though: whenever Tom attempts

Tom risks his own life to save to do something moral, he gets a

Bernie's, the two-time hustler un- kick in the teeth for his troubles.

abashedly blackmails Tom. For Whether he's trying to save Leo None too subtle—notice the on the floor in the background? Bernie, what is ethical is what's from his own stupidity, or at- body Allen at large

medians, Dave Allen can command a very serious by John Siambani air about himself, as perhaps would be expected

from a Irishman. Yet at Saturday, October 13, Kitchener-Waterloo saw young 54-year-old any

he would off on a maniacal the arrival of Dave Allen, one of Britain's foremost given moment, go

about of human comedians, at the Centre in the Square. Most tangent talking some crazy aspect

Allen us realize how people may remember his show "Dave at nature, making amazingly stupid

Large" which was centred around his sitting-on-a- some things we do truly are. when the chair/perch-and-view-the-world humour. Frequent- I was extremely fortunate, I got op- in the ly it was shown after Benny Hill or on PBS, and portunity to meet this comedic god after show.

still Just in the Allen and some places those 1970's shows are being run, like theatre, projected, had, a

which display just how timeless Dave Alien's very sincere and approachable manner. Currently

humour really is. he is doing dates all over the world with his stand- well Allen's set ran well over two hours covering a up routine. Hitting the road even with over

Centre in the his belt continues to fantastic array of topics. Although the thirty years of comedy under

Square isn't the most intimate place to see a come- challenge Allen, and it is truly amazing to sec a

dian, Dave Allen used his distinctive style and veteran in this field still as fresh as the day he

crate his wit presence to an atmosphere some comics started with as sharp as ever. in He wouldn't be able to achieve even Wilfs. A night with a good comedian is something to

stood alone on stage with a stool for his drinks (just be remembered especially if his or her material he weaved in around like his show) and a couple spotlights as sticks with you and can be seen situations

will remember stories and recounted his observations of the world. you. I'm sure the audience long an William B? "Ah hu hu hu No, it's Dave Allen. As opposed to other contemporary stand-up co- evening with Dave Allen. iP'SAN FRANCESCO^

33 University Ave E Waterloo, Ontario




Ramble, ramble, ramble on

this tried it Try at a party (we "lt's met in all so much horse a Waterloo one that mitted his puck- pub, homeopathic tenden- his divulged past. She thought to here on Get up Tuesday). some he each ey, really," slurred, spittle run- rarely frequented, when cies. Nathalie, a certified being herself that Niles had been and them to people get one of down Niles in of ning his ill-shaven face. a fit drunkeness, undid medical doctor in the state of reserved, and seldom mentioned write an intro to a 5-10 story for his trousers "Oh, Niles, quit and dropped shorts to Vermont, took some using exception. his girlfriends from before. She mins. Then the next writes person let the admire quantitative phrases that mean pub-goers his "wri- Niles recounted his belief ... had heard from a mutual friend, seeing only what will be enough I'm sick Each thing python". nothing. of it. state- "It all began while I was dating a Orest, that Niles was never too to allow him/her to continue it. ment from is 'so Nathalie admired his you much this or flower child", Niles recalled, "and with smooth on account Continue til done. Voila. Thanks women, so much that'. chutzpah. Truly, Niles, you a lot of the bohemian did ways of his hair-lip. It did not look too to Jana, Tim andKaren. are After a weekend whirlwind beginning to sour my good appeal to me. After I felt so all, bad, she thought, since the opera- Nathalie moved into Aim is True was temper." romance, alive..." My playing free, so liberated, so tion, but some scar tissue still Niles' This from small bachelor on softly in the background, as Niles Nathalie Malheur, Lodge Nathalie, stunned at the remained. Niles live-in Street. Linehan reached toward his companion for the revelation, was captured by the Nathalie was a general prac- Not long after Niles seventh gin and tonic. past month. Nathalie and Niles then, ad- sexy voice with which Niles titioner, but had a fleeting interest

in the science of cosmetic

surgery. "That" she knew, "is

where the money is."

Niles continued "The ... drug

situation never got too bad,"

Niles confessed, "and even im-

proved my complexion. The can-

cer even went into recession..."

Nathalie was stunned, but did not

want to show any expression. She

understood how difficult it was

for Niles to confess. In fact,

Nathalie had a confession of her

own. At the word "cancer", she

jolted. Orest had had cancer in

the vas deferens, but the vasec- II tomy was a success. HRLLinnEEN "Orest" Nathalie pondered, did not believe in homeopathic

medicine, but was dying anyway.

"It's not fair", she quipped under

her breath, but Niles had not

heard. He was too emotional to

hear words. He only knew his

own emotion at this time.

It is so hard. Niles ended. He

cried. Nathatlie only sat there,

and had not heard much in the

last minute, except the far away

sound the of rain as it gently car- ressed the rooftops, in the distant

of How village Aylmer. sym-

bolic that on this day, with his

closest confidante, and lover Costume: Wins an petering on the brink death that

the weather should imitiate his all inclusive Trip for Two solemn mood. How could he make it through the long, lonely nights without the comforting to Club Majestic Acapulco voice of his dear Orest. Life is so SBest cruel. As the rain from "LINK WITH HOME gentle slowly turned into a thunderstorm,

Nathalie found herself pondering TRAVEL" the financial implications of the death of her dear husband Orest.

Who would be the recipient of the More Prizes PLUS: Many enormous toilet plunger fortune when her estranged husband N kicked off. Would it be her, or his new lover, Madalaine? Knowing

full well that she, through her 27 had SATURDAY, OCTOBER devious lawyer Louis, managed to make arrangements concerning the recently updated

It was copy of poor Orests' will. unbelievable how cheap it was to

buy a lawyer these days.

Madalaine, ever the concrete

wall of strengh stood, at the door

making subtle eyecontact with all

in the room. FULLY LICENSED Days later, when the post-

mortum on Orest failed to show

in a place that says party! the fatal amount of turpentine 2000 creeps- in his blood system and the money

from Orests' estate had been dis- in tributed, the phone rang ADMISSION FREE BEFORE 9:00 Madalaine's east Aylmer apart- ment. A sultry voice came across

" the line Maddy honey, I've got the 886-7730 the the is set, 341 Marsland Drive, Waterloo money, plan love nest plane leaves for our new

in an hour, I love you Maddy." FROM 5:00 P.M. the Call for DINNER RESERVATIONS And Maddy gently hung up

" receiver and said I love you too

I Nathalie. Bring the dog too;

need a ride."

O ■ the cord v SCENE Th ursday October 25,. 1990 25

Colin's rock stop

Chris Skalkos by "What is it like to open for ZZ Top in front of thousands in ofpeople a major venue one and What does an up and coming rock star do when night then play a university pub the next?" he misses the opportunity to rattle the new furniture

"You have to be more in at the hottest university pub in Waterloo? flamboyant a large

rock venue but can let loose Why, he plays down the street at the University you really and have fun in a bar. There's interaction of Waterloo's Federation Hall of course and that's more with the audience." exactly what Colin James did in between opening

"You mean the ones here who shows for ZZ Top's current Recycler tour. are going to Canadian guitarist/singer/ Colin scientifically analyze your music in mathematical

models I added with a wink. James and his four piece band were in town tonight?"

his second album Sudden "Ah, er uh, yeah, I love live promoting Stop with a basically playing style that displayed raucous passion and soulful anywhere." Skalkos This drama and covering styles from low-down blues to was an understatement. With a confident

wailing rock 'n' roll. voice and the ease with which he flaunts his fret Chris I infiltrated Fed Hall rather early for a pre- work he had a hell of a good time keeping an arranged interview and to flu to expose my germs energetic rapport with the audience. Colin and his by healthy U of W students. The two level interior of drummer Darrell Mayes, bassist Dennis Marenko,

Fed Hall speaks for itself, but allow me to comment and John keyboardist Rick Hopkins Ferreira on sax photo

on the bouncer's attire for a moment. Oktoberfest delivered an impressive show. They exhibited a lederhosen outfits on football players complete with wide range of styles from the powerful rock of mismatched hoi hoi hoi! sports socks...zigga zagga "Just Came Back", to the scorching ballad of One compliment, however, to their ventilation sys- "Crazy Over You." Uncanny blues licks were evi- tem. The whole night I was there, shoving and el- dent throughout his guitar playing while his band bowing towards the stage to some half- my way get performed almost flawlessly, kicking out new Queensright I decent photos, was never bothered by heat or and old tunes like "Chicks Cars and the Third

cigarette smoke, being a non-smoker with a nasty World War" and "Five Long Years." Queensryche such as "The Thin Line", "Jet and all. I'm sure can flu bug you appreciate this. Colin as displayed incredible stamina he played Empire City Woman", and the title track, back to the interview, I was Getting greeted by non-stop until midway through the set when he EMI "Empire" exemplify the heavy and musician a apologetic for being 45 paused to tribute to the late Stevie very young pay Ray When I was asked to review guitar sounds and soothing of I minutes late because a long sound check. began Vaughan that stirred an emotional from this I had Chris response album, initially, my melodic edge provided by

with a textbook the audience. The sound typical question: was exceptionally clear doubts. I had heard several tracks De Garmo and Micheal Wilton

"Critics claim that you are a Stevie and technical difficulties were to minimum protege of kept a by Queensryche from prior al- on guitars and lead vocalist, How would describe Ray Vaughan. you yourself?" despite the apparent shortage of roadies. bums and I must admit I thought Geoff Tate. "I'm blues 'n' not a purist, I do like rock roll An undeniable talent with a unique ear for the they were just another "hit and Musically, Queensryche has

and music, but I've learned a lot from Stevie. blues with all its descendants, Colin I pop rocking James miss" hard rock band. But when not compromised anything. In the We had similar tastes." He reflected first is remarkable musician on jam- a who defies this LP a first I release for De categorization. gave listening, press Empire, with ming Vaughan and his band Double Trouble Next time he's in town, brace yourself for found myself listening again and Garmo writes that the band has in 1984. a...sudden stop. again. "really been clicking both as a

The follow to a visual up very group and as individual

"Operation Mind Crime" LP will musicians." In listening to this Black surprise a number of casual LP, it becomes apparent just how listeners. With the audience hats—Agh! mass much Queensryche has prog- success of their last LP, which ressed musically, and perhaps this black-hatted villains. is also has been certified ... Agh! score worth noting. The gold, Queens- progression will be reflected by Continued from 23 page Whatever faults lie with Irish that has considerable may only song composer ryche generated an improvement in what has been Miller's the the of the this release. Crossing. Yes, cliche symbols movie, one Carter Burwell originally in- anticipation over new dubbed by critics as an "in- that wouldn't die shows time thing about Miller's is the hard consistent" live up Crossing tended to include in the film was Hardly stereotypical Queensryche per-

and time again. And the beyond its rock band, has formance. groans reproach: the song "Danny Boy", for the Queensryche

get louder time. All I delivered a diverse every can cinematography. Texture, and shootout at Leo's house. Bur- very album, Nevertheless, Empire will not is God the Coens if lots of is the order of the both and say help they it, day well's compositions became in- musically topically. disappoint. From the first track to weren't the for this movie. deprecating gangster The Coens went creasingly Irish-tinged (no doubt This Seattle based quintet ad- the last, producer Peter Collins

so far genre. as to use different film for due to the influence of Gabriel dresses a vast array of issues. and Queensryche have put togeth- the forest Conversely, hats are used scenes than for the ur- From "Resistance", an environ- er a album, both in con- Byrne), until the melancholy quality

quite cleverly to emo- ban scenes — in order to a mental to "Delia tent and in If symbolize get score that made it in to the film anthem, Brown", musicianship. you tional for richer for the forest. interested withdrawal, especially green The resulted. a song about the homeless, to are in some not-so- Tom. when his hat is off muted browns "Best I track about the Only can and greens of the Can", a typical hard rock with material

he to and when costumes and If of in the that the listener open up Vera, sets impart an in- you're looking for mind- power positive thinking challenges to pay

Tom rides out to Miller's Cross- credible visual don't this face of little richness to the candy, go to movie. If a tragedy. a attention, give Empire a ing to he kill, pulls the brim of his movie. Although the phrase slow down in plot bores you, Yet hardcore fans need not shot.

hat down there the Tom Pugliese firmly. And is the 'visually stunning' is overused to don't go. If, on other hand, worry; this LP really kicks. Tunes

unexplained image of Tom's hat the point of banality, this movie you want to see a

blowing away in the woods of is exactly that. Truly, a treat for (semi)thoughtful movie, with a Miller's Crossing. On the one of TV's minimum of pretensions eyes weary flashy, trashy ... go off hand, subtle ahead. I liked it some symbolism on colours. much better than Rip the Cats part of the Coens, on the other The film's Irish-flavoured \Up^&^ComJng\

(jßejoice, oh in young man, thy youth. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! LULU'S HAS AN INTIMATE) anOn^ia^ / Ecclesiastes EVENING WITH SAM KINISON ON NOVEM-C

. BER IST. ) _ #$*&&s#@@#! / / MikeMI c ... , uu , u , Something at the Bombshelter or other also I

) on Friday. / / Dance desire with Haywire at the Highlands in I

1 do Cambridge (just over the ridge) on Nov. 2nd. J (What like on your Cornflakes?) Come up to the

(lab or rather the Turret for the on Saturday Rocky 1 off this ad and save Rip ff size of _ Q any i Horror In the never never land of Much Music spotlights r Picture Show. Wear your grubbies. Also Schlotzsk y's on Yes B-52's and New Order) ml 1111 water but maybe some toast and tp? Yeah, I (tonight), (Friday) jno U® JL Original Sandwich / think • so. (with my very favourite video 'The Perfect Kiss' on ( ) Saturday). / An unforgetable blend of thirteen delicious flavours including 77t , 112 cover band at \ lop Tres Hombres looks sharp three meats and three cheeses. Served hot on our baked fresh

I the Commercial bread. The tavern on - in Maryhill the 27th. daily a favourite for over 17 While we're on the subject of Much Music, it sucks 112 original years.


Bi Time &at was to ) \ 140 Ave. W. Fleetwood Mac S 'Citylimits' changed Friday B University ) rears its 70's dinosaur head on Oct 112 watches \ I 30th in the nights. No-one, at least not me, it any more ( court Skydome. SdllOtZSky S ) campus ) and KCC is no for just repacement Christopher/ / COMBINATION —- NOT VALIDIN V Hey! The first band I ever saw in Ward. Another case of less music concert! Teenage 'popular' 1 • • other getting Sandwiches Soups Salads with offers / Head at the tad ( OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 30,1990 Trashateria on the 31st. the shaft, (oh, just a bitter).

Inc. Schlotzsky's is a registered trademark of Schlotzsky's £/ze 26 SCENE corcf Thursday October 25, 1990

euchreim? / / Friday, October 26,1990*48/)

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EWP^ I LABATT's for Budweiser Every Monday

Come to Wilfs for

a draught & FREE Popcorn after 7pm j Thursday October 25, 1990 Brock Greenhalgh, Editor 27


Lady Hawks split weekend games

Latour off the defense, and then by Stephan They responded respectfully with shaking Unfortunately for the Athenas, the goal department, but nonethe-

pulled the trigger that unleashed their offensive come- less, were On Cord Sports several dangerous crosses and potential they noteworthy.

an shot that found Saturday, Oct. 20th, Columbia corners, but Laurier keeper Cathy unstoppable back was foiled when they scored the left, Sally-Jo Knight got a

the left corner for the 3-0 on their own net. No one has die Fields Bailey thwarted the Athenas's at- top good taste of action, but those

score. Stoumbos due credit. She Waterloo 1, Laurier 5. tempts. given fluorescent shoe laces of hers did

no one was a corner There are not of Unfortunately, curled in with punch, not her shots into the many pieces Laurier, despite a lack of in- catapult finished for an quite talking about the and Waterloo was not sure art worthy enchanting tensity managed to find empty quite even brighter net.

or the goal when Waterloo decorated where the ball bounced, until it place at the Louvre in Paris estates especially at the edge of With six minutes left, Liisa

the score board in their favour. in the back off the Art Gallery in London, but if the the Waterloo 18 yard box. In the was net. Wannan, the afternoon's artillery

The score was now 3-1. Laurier After this fourth Laurier Laurier goals had been captured 26th minute, Laurier mesmerized goal, captain, sent off a pass to this to clear the ball the Hawks in beautiful colours on the Athenas with series of forgot correctly, changed personnel, as time to Colleen Allen. She fed murals, passes leaving the Athenas with a which others such as Beaver, they would have certainly been that left Colleen Allen a chance to Tracy her with a great pass from the those they converted for their lone started out the Athenas. neighbours to magnificent head one of these passes into the against center, and Wannan, putting her marker. master net Her efforts were not rewarded in 28 and antique pieces. top left corner of the for the continued on page

Even though the goals were second marker of the match.

delightful to the devotees, the After those two goals, the intense whole match both game itself was not as as equalled out as it could have been, as Waterloo sides tried the ineffective and

of cluttered middle. offered little in the way oppo- path down the The sition. game, however, deteriorated Laurier controlled the first fif- when neither side used the wings teen minutes of the match, but to their advantage, with the ex-

despite this, they lacked the ception of the Athenas on the ability to score. This began to right. change, however, in the 16th Despite this, Laurier edged out

minute and the to un- the Athenas in the saga began middle, espe- fold quite nicely. cially through the superb play of Both defensive pivot Nena sweeper Kim Wells. She hopeful- and herself Orescanin, roaming sweeper ly set a precedent with her Kim Wells played excellent intelligent anticipation and ruth- games. They connected their less determination to drive the dangerous drives with the stormy ball up front. Unfortunately there

Helen Stombous, who danced was not much to be found before around and about to the awe of the half as the clutter and clashes the Waterloo Athenas. ended every possibility.

In the 16th minute, she took After the half time intermis- the ball and stranded two defend- sion, Laurier got out of their

her a chance to score lower and their ers, leaving gears put power off a sharp angled shot from the behind the boots. In the 50th right. The goalie made a noble ef- minute, Orescanin took the occa- "Oh don't hit with " pholo by Jo-Ann Julien fort, blocking the attempt, but the sion to clear the ball to Stombous please, please, please, please, please us that ball. rebound found its way to Liisa who managed to make something who Wannen, came dashing in to out of such high clearances. finish of the play and give the She controlled and squared off dashed for soccer lads Hawks a 1-0 lead. the leather to Lisa Wannan on the Hopes

Waterloo did not sit back. left. Wannen wasted nothing, Saturday, Oct. 20th, Columbia Fields long drives, defusing dangerous crosses, and most Waterloo 2, Laurier 1 importantly encouraging and directing the Hawks

in front of him. His positive encouragement un- by Stephan Latour fortunately was not mirrored in the rest of the

This local match was to be a key to bring game team's quality of play. the Laurier Eleven closer to the play-offs, but in- The aerial battle up front was hopelessly lost, and stead Waterloo took the opportunity to bite deep even though Laurier was much better below the scars into the Purple and Gold with their 2-1 vic- knee, with some fine foot work, they simply could

tory. Mind you the Hawks were not the only ones not string a prolonged series together to penetrate feeling pain, as many of the faithful fans anticipated the Waterloo fortress. Despite heroic deeds and a in a victory, especially light of the sheer determina- lot of spirit, Laurier came up short in the goal de- tion, electrifying spirit, and positive attitude so in- partment. Waterloo took their turn once again and grained in the Hawks. scored before the Hawks could equalize. The game was one of the most passionate af- Before the half, Laurier began to crumble as fairs of the season; lots of hustle and bustle and ter- the defense clumsily coughed up a ball in their end, rific in tackles, yet the end it was sad to see that leaving the Warriors with an unprecedented op- rough justice triumphed. portunity which converted for The Laurier they the 2-0 lead. clash began with throwing every- behind two is Being by goals certainly not easy, thing forward with Jimmy Hoye as the courageous if and one thought that this would cast a cold culprit amongst the densely packed Waterloo mid blanket of inferiority upon the Hawks, one was field. The Hawks, however, despite their determina- when pleasantly surprised they turned in a superb tion, could not riddle the compactness in the War- effort in the second half. The midfield in Jimmy in rior ranks, who, return came out economically Steve Ben Hoye, Howard, and Umpleby were from their defense. for greedy every ball, and subsequently they gave With few but crisp and fast passes, the War- the Warriors plenty of turbulence to deal with. They riors overran the Laurier midfield and dazzled the were not, however, sufficiently lethal to a In Waterloo produce defense. the 6th minute, earned a free goal. kick on the right side of the box, which was drilled Besides the improved midfield, Ken Kopko, on into the center. A failure to mark the man left the the defensive right, turned in a respectable per- first notable scar, as Waterloo pounced on the ball all formance, impressing by turning defensive ac- and drilled it past the hapless keeper Ferdinand tion into creative and accurate forward surges. With Krause for their 1-0 lead. fifteen in minutes remaining the game, the Hawks The did not end after the opening goal, One onslaught of the few times the ball pholo by Jo-Ann Julien got away continued 28 but Ferdinand stood tall and solid, thwarting several on page the cord 28 SPORTS Thursday October 25, 1990

The point after...

berth. hopes alive for the with and the leader of risen in the of by Chris Dodd playoff playoffs captain spiritual context the new

their 28-9 over the lack- the In Andy He can still Cord Sports The highlight of that '89 War- victory offense. years past philosophy. be

lustre Warrior the more than he squad. ball much counted on for the tough runs rior campaign was a victory over got up The Hawks played an effi- did this season and therefore the but he has become the Hawks of WLU. As a staunch gut much of- cient as all facets of the a more high profile role. more versatile and his stock has The University of Waterloo supporter and fan of the Hawks game played is fense and the defense seemed to This season Cecchini doing risen in the Hawk backfield. known for three I can Warriors are for many years honestly say click at once and the Hawks put more blocking and getting the that the loss Waterloo was an sports including such high profile to The Hawk fans once a solid, all around ball via the He has become again low and the feeling of together per- pass. ones as volleyball and men's all-time reliable have renewed their love formance. The of the one of the team's most affair at and humiliation will leave part game hoops but the football program despair with the and that I myself and the rest of the and effective receivers and he football squad things UW has left much to be desired. scars for years to come. However, with will reach a fever if Hawk fans liked best was the fact certainly knows how to run pitch they Hawks went in That is, until last year when they the a long way he has it. beat on relations with dis- that Laurier not only beat the the ball once caught Guelph Saturday. Hope- came away from the regular sea- repairing blocker Hawks will coach their hated Black and Gold, they domi- Cecchini is an effective fully the give son with a winning record and a gruntled fans by keeping second nated them on both sides of the who gives Kubas more time to Newbrough a "gatorade"

the shower and week I'll be ball. pass and revamped Hawks a next talk-

shot in the arm every time he ing about the Hawks' hopes in the Men' The offensive line is showing s soccer Since the of- steps on the field. playoff war against Western. If of signs improvement and even fense has switched emphasis from the Hawks play like they did this flashes of brilliance, as they did the the run to pass Cecchini's im- week, simply great, who knows an admirable job of protecting the what's in continued has not diminished but store. portance quarterback. Speaking of the

in quarterback, not enough can be found the range, courtesy of a confusing clutter front of the net, said about the freshman pivot Bill Women's soccer continued and elevated their spirits and will considerably. The worst enemy at

Kubas. Kubas had a this point was time, which also proved to be unbeatable. spectacular find the of entire frame behind the shot. Wannan left it to top right game as he completed 19 34

corner for the final 5-1 score. Sunday, 21st October. passes for 324 yards. Not too bad made for who three weeks This game, for the lack of intensity and passion certainly up Windsor 2, Laurier 0. a guy only with the picturesque goals. All entertainment and art aside, the team After the disappointing local skirmish, Laurier went westward to ago was the backup. showed again that it has turned about from the dullness in their first face the Lancers. Despite losing, they did manage the Lancers com- It seems to me that the future after few games. They certainly did not watch the game going for 45 minutes, but this was half the battle. Laurier's fortably only of Laurier football is looking ahead, rather they continued in full stride. new 5-3-2 formation brought some solid defensive play onto the with such as Bill bright guys the The only ugly taint in this match was tendency to gather all pitch, especially from defender Dan Machacek, who won the battle in Kubas, Stephan Ptaszek, Brent their efforts in the middle when the wings provided vast vistas to be the skies, and impressed with his industrial on the tough play Stucke and most of the offensive exploited. But this did not hamper the over-all effort, and it certainly afternoon. the were scarce and this Up-front, opportunities indeed, line being young. With players didn't interfere with the intoxicating goals! was quite a dangerous sign, especially when a victory was desperate- like this contributing on a regular ly needed. In the second half, Windsor had plans of their own when basis, the Hawk offense looks Sunday, 21st October. they on poor communication amongst the defensive units capitalized to stacked for the years come. Windsor 3, Laurier 2 for their two goals.

One facet of the Hawk of- This match was to be some yet it proved to be a night- the Hawk loss eliminated chances formality, Sadly enough, any at post- has The drove and the missed fense that undergone change mare. refereeing everyone absolutely nutty, season play, but they are around for one more game against Guelph in On the Laurier's Liisa comparison to years past is the opportunities were numerous. bright side, this Saturday at 1 o'clock at Bechtel Park. This game ought to be a role of all-star tailback Wannan worked wonders with two goals on this afternoon, either like lions in Andy again show of character; they'll fight a den, or they go Cecchini. Cecchini is the team bringing her tally up to 5 for the weekend. through the motions. Let's hope they show the first mentioned trait!

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* VALUABLE COUPON* 402 KING ST. N (AT WEBER) WATERLOO 747-2166 the cord Thursday October 25, 1990 SPORTS 29 Football Hawks win Battle of Waterloo

three with a successful field goal and that would be the end of the

attempt. scoring for Waterloo. Their two

conversion point try was The second quarter started out squashed by the Hawk defense, as rough for the Hawk defense as were the hopes of a comeback. Waterloo launched an impressive By the middle of the fourth drive and tied the game at three. Laurier was cruising, and to put a That was the end of Waterloo, little icing on the cake, freshmen however, as the Hawks got it to- QB Chris Jansen read the blitz gether and Bill Kubas revved up like a seasoned veteran and hit a the offense. He two completed streaking Cecchini for another

to Brent Stucke, one for 40 passes major. When all the smoke yards and one for a touchdown cleared the final tally was Laurier 9. and just like that Laurier had a 28, Waterloo

lead they would not relinquish for Laurier was finally consistent

the remainder of the battle. from both sides of the ball and

in put a solid performance for The second quarter looked four quarters. The win evens the like the Kubas-Ptazsek-Stucke Guenther showed some much on Hawks' record 3-3 and Richard improved kicking Saturday. photo by Harvey Luong to keeps show as the Waterloo defense alive their hopes of participation seemed baffled as Laurier moved Chris Dodd by in the post season party. Water- efficient. The Hawks were solid but it was rookie Stephan Ptaszek the ball with precision and ease. loo's playoff hopes were dashed football season has from to bottom, out- down with the honours.. The 1990 top badly coming At 2:17 of the second frame, in with the loss, and as Coach New- for the fans of the Warriors in all facets The Hawks came been a tough one playing away empty the words of Mike D'Agnillo, it brough got his "gatorade" shower Wilfrid Laurier Golden of the contest. handed, however, as an eventual the was "vintage Cecchini" as the and Bill Kubas collected blocked. his Hawks team. The football Hawks The first quarter looked field goal attempt was veteran tailback found his way award for MVP all the Laurier as a for the Hawks as The crowd moaned they did, however, take huge step promising they into the endzone to give the fans breathed a sigh of relief. Last reconciliation with those dominated the on both sides anticipated another disappointing towards game Hawks a 17-3 lead. But that's not loss was more than as year's atoned fans with an impressive 28-9 tri- of the ball, but could only come loss. However, things changed all. A deflected Warrior pass for. in John Tavares off the first over the squad from Water- up with three points the first picked found its into the hands of umph way were The Hawks must now look loo on fifteen minutes. The Hawks be- Warrior and the Hawks Saturday. pass Jim Burkitt and Laurier was able ahead to the came out with a 30 Bill on the attack again. Laurier Gryphons of Guelph The Hawks firing gan yard, Kubas to add another field goal before as a win there defense for first couldn't on the board until on Saturday would from all cylinders as their pass to Ralph Spoltore a get the end of the half.

mean a was The 0:13 of the first when tallied trip to the playoffs and a was intense and their offense down. next play was similar, they The half second went much showdown with Western in the

the same for the Hawks as Kubas first round. If the Hawks play as hit for another Spoltore 27 yard they did against Waterloo it took Tennis gain. It the Warriors until won't be long until playoff fever 7:02 of the fourth before they the small up sweeps through campus wraps could their first across push major and people begin to talk of the

to inch within eight of the Hawks, great Hawks of 1990. Janet Forbes by play, the top four teams advance into the playoffs

This weekend's WLU Women's Tennis tourna- which take place this weekend at York University.

ment marked the final windup of the outdoor '90- "For us, the season was successful," stated Cho.

'91 season for the Varsity Hawks. "It allowed us to show other universities that

Despite a home court advantage, the tennis Hawks despite our relatively small enrollment, we can

could not alter the dominance of the University of come up with strong players with past O.T.A. expe-

Toronto team. The did, however, post several wins rience who are quite comfortable with this year's the against team from the University of Waterloo. calibre of competitive play. Each year we move for-

Despite a close 5-4 loss to U of W, highlights of the ward, allowing us to build on what we have learned

weekend consisted of key victories from players in the past years' experience. As a result, we have such Jennifer as Welsh, Tracy Goldhar and Nadine even higher expectations for each individual on the

and Scherberger. team more importantly, for the team on the

The doubles team of Welsh and Jane Barnett whole for the next year."

was also triumphant and continued their doubles Cho states that the lady Hawks are looking at an

dominance with win a decisive 6-4, 6-1 over U of equally strong team for next season despite losing W. key player Nadine Scherberger who was successful Samantha Brenchley and Helen "Killer" Killoch in attaining victories against Western, Guelph,

lost a closely matched battle, 6-7 (5-7), 3-6. The Queen's and Windsor.

team of Goldhar and Scherberger could do no bet- "You can believe that Nadine's experience will

ter, 6-7 loss. be but posting a (4-7), 3-6 missed, we also can build on the experience Regardless of the dominance displayed by other of this year's rookie members of Samantha Bren- universities such as Western, Queen's, U of T and chley, Rosalind Lun and Kim Yaworski." stated York, assistant coach Tony Cho noted that this Cho.

year's team was far the in by strongest several Coaches Cho, Forbes and Huss would like to As years. a result the women have a very good extend their congratulations to this year's Lady chance of capturing a sixth place out of the ranking Hawks on a successful season and a sixth place fin- ten A competing universities. In Women's 0.W.1.A.A ish. final look at the Lady Hawks Tennis team for 1990.


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SUNDAY OCT 28 9:00 pm the cord

30 SPORTS Th ursday October 25, 1990

Dynasty forming in THL

Bill MacNeil Rob Hums in a contest. Ken Pearson, and Brent by nipeg to their second consecutive fortunately got the win." very physical two each. after a 13-0 drub- added two goals for Pearson had points In the 1970's Buffalo had the win, doubling Waterloo 6-3. Waterloo, Taylor THL For at the hands of last Montreal, while 1989 top Montreal, Scotty Bryant The French Connection. In the Team concept is a popular bing Calgary scored while with Win- week showed of spark defenseman Dave Finch, Kevin two goals Dave 1980's the Soviets had the in- theme this year the plenty Finch and Dave Hagerman each linemates did despite the loss. If not for some Routley and Dave Hagerman famous KLM line. This year, the nipeg players. "My had a and an assist. key saves by Winnipeg goalie each had two-point nights as well. goal Tamiae Hockey League boasts a heck of a job in the corners." Frank Giannone, the without co- what could well be the hot- stated Windsor native Ponic, game may Calgary, playing very ICE CHIPS have been much closer. and Rob test trio since the Three Amigos: shifting the credit of his two-goal captains Brad Tubman THL Molson Player of the "Don Line". performance, including one Bobier (who have a combined six Winnipeg's Week for week number is 4 one Chin. MONTREAL 7 CALGARY In Sunday night THL action, shorthanded, to Dodd and points after one game), dropped first year forward Sean Conklin Early season scoring leader the Don Line-consisting of "It was a solid team effort to 1-1. Steve Cowan and Kerry of Winnipeg. The Walsingham bit Brad Carnegie scored two goals assist residence dons Michael Ponic, tonight. We were a sluggish at Lynch, with a goal and an native (where the hell is that?) assists as Montreal the of the but we and added two with Chris Dodd, and Neil Chin com- start game, got each, and Ed Korditsch, two had a hat trick plus and assist in won its first of the season bined for nine to lead Win- some lucky bounces and game assists, led Calgary. points first his team's game 2 TORONTO 4 VANCOUVER Members of the Waterloo Sis-

A relatively large pro-Sigma kins Junior B coaching staff have

Chi crowd looked on as their been at the Bubble on the last two

Toronto scored the HAWKSTHEOFWEEK squad game's Sundays scouting the THL. Word first four goals, two by Jeff is that they are impressed with Hansen, en route to winning its than few and will Liisa more a players LIISA WANNAN (SOCCER)- scored a total of 5 goals this * season opener over Vancouver. be contacting some of the more 3 Waterloo on and 2 against Windsor on * weekend, against Saturday, Adam Brown played solidly be- who still the outstanding performers Sunday. Saturday's was the first in a month for first year* game tween the pipes for Toronto. have a junior eligibility Phys. Ed. student from who was out with a knee injury. Corbyville Vancouver mounted a partial Toronto was quite impressive comeback from the 4-0 deficit as in its first game. Solid recruiting goalie Steve Rideout shut in the off-season has obviously Toronto out from midway paid dividends and made them a through the second period. Brad definite contender (finally!) Kit and Chris Cornwall scored Congratulations to 1989 THL third period goals for Vancouver, Top Goalie Jeff Lynch on crack- but last year's B Division ing the varsity Hawkey Hawks champions could come no closer. line-up

QUEBEC 7 MONTREAL4 The Forwell Cup Three Stars each is Playing both physically and following game proving

with finesse, Quebec proved it to be very popular with the

was the team to beat this year as players. Stars receive Gatorade

of they cruised to an easy victory products courtesy Forwell's, KUBAS The first quarterback from St. BILL (FOOTBALL)- year and the end of the over Montreal. Dwayne Cook and at regular sea- Thomas Aquinas High School in Brampton completed 19 of 34 1989 THL All-Star Rick Boyco son team leaders in Forwell Cup Waterloo. He threw for 323 yards in Saturday's game against passes assist will collect additional each had two goals and an points for one touchdown and had no interceptions. for the winners. Teammates Brian prizes.

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4 the cord SPORTS Thursday October 25, 1990 31 Rookies cluster Women's basketball

is much dis- be contributor. She however, way. "Janice more she should a major does, expect results from the three candi- ciplined and knowledgeable this Two other new post players good

and has Riki and Bun- dates, Jillian year, really improved," are Martin Tiffany Napier, Stephanie Packer Bourne. her coach observed. She will be ning. Martin has good size and is and Holly Lind- to lead the team at both ley will be the exhibition expected a physical player, while Bunning using

season to ends of the court. sense gain some seasoning for has displayed an uncanny look the rookies. Lindley will also to sec- of the basket so far.

ond forward Sue forwards is still year Eagleson The other are Lindley feeling things for leadership and poise. The Carolyn Dixon, Jennifer Delca out with her team, and the exhibi- will team hopes to take advantage of and Jennifer Sharp. tion season be used to determine which combination of her strong post play. "With a year Teena Murray is a second

student and work best to- under her belt, Sue should be year in her first year with players systems

capable of performing on a more the team. A shooting guard, she is gether. with nice The coach would like consistent basis this year," said a good passer a jump to again

Lindley. shot off the dribble. Coach Lind- play the up-tempo game that last

The other are her featured: fast break offense two veterans ley said, "I look to to come year a guard Jennifer Kuntz, and outside off the bench behind Janice and and full court defense. She is and Shan- threat, power-forward do the job." prepared for changes though, as

who will The of concern non McConvey, provide area greatest her personnel may be better defense and is the strong rebounding. point guard position. suited for more zone and a more commented that, "Al- Without there Lindley a returning veteran, deliberate inside-outside game. have these four though we only are three rookies vying for the Despite the huge turnover of coming back, they have noted "The job. Lindley that, players, Lindley says"I am very tremendous commitment the to guard position is the toughest to optimistic. We have great have showed programme and learn. It is most difficult when chemistry on the team, and that

team good leadership on the so you are thrown in from day one." can help overcome adversity." far." Head coach Sue is By Jeff Dragich Lindley Leading the frosh is top confident, however, that she has a Cord Sports recruit Jennifer Field, Janice's strong freshman class coming in, and several players should be sister. A former juvenile delin-

It will be a new-look squad of able to contribute immediately. quent player, Jennifer is rated as

Lady Basketball Hawks that will "We have ten rookies, but two of one of the top centres to come out OWIAA them in their second of of school this be doing battle in the are year high year.

to her she is West Division this season. studies, so we're not as young as According coach,

With the loss of four starters we sound," she noted. strong and aggressive, her height is and only four veterans returning, Lindley will be counting on (6'1") an advantage, and she is third mobile in the the team will be relying heavily year guard Janice Field, the very post. JOCKSHORTS Once she on newcomers to produce. only returning starter, to lead the gains experience,

HOCKEY- The Hawkey Hawks continued their exhibition season

this week as they beat Guelph 14-4 and lost to Western 5-1.


Tonight HOCKEY- The Hawks will be off to the Smoke" to begins Hawkey "Big take in on the York Yeomen their first game of the season. The puck

by Rob Cresswell drops at 7:30 Now comes the time where I must "hype" this pm. Cord Sports FRIDAY OCTOBER 26TH game, so hear me out. With midterms upon us, BASKETBALL (WOMEN)- as This weekend WLU plays host for the The men's basketball season tips off this evening everybody needs a "TENSION BREAKER"! What Gold Rush Invitational. Games will be played on Friday, Saturday they host the University of Toronto Varsity Blues a perfect time to scream your guts out between and in the A.C. in This is first chance to sessions. It doesn't if Sunday a pre-season tune up. our cramming matter you're VOLLEYBALL (WOMEN)- The Volleyball Hawks travel all the see exactly what the upcoming season may bring, screaming "GO HAWKS" or "SOCIOLOGY

to to take in the Queen's Invitational on both Fri- and the highly regarded Blues should make for SUCKS" (personal bias). The point is be there and way Kingston part and some excellent be loud! Once have day Saturday. competition. you completed your mission, SATURDAY OCTOBER 27TH well for return to books Things have been going quite recently you can your totally relaxed. How- do for Hawks Hawks rookies have been in FOOTBALL- It's or die the football as they travel to our as the sharp prac- ever, if Thursday evening consists of the weekly Guelph this Saturday. The kick-off is 2:00 tice. The recent intersquad game had some stand- Turret drink-up, take some advice. Do your party- pm. HOCKEY- take that out In the evening we can all short ride to Windsor performances by the youngsters, who should ing before the game, head to the A.C. and be excep-

to watch the Hawks take on the Lancers at 7:30 see a great deal of time tonight as Coach Jefferies tionally noisy, (obnoxious if necessary). Then head Hawkey pm.

SOCCER (MEN)- The soccer team will be here tries to blend his team together. to the Turret after the buzzer and because the place playing against Last of Guelph in Bechtel Park. The game starts at 1:00 year the Hawks played U T early in the is empty (everybody was at the game), the line will pm.

BADMINTON- Both the men's and women's teams will be at Naismith tourney at Waterloo. Unfortunately it was move fast. the home McMaster this weekend. The men's team will be in the Crossover at start of many last minute, nail biting losses. My point is, the court for any sport should 10:00 am while the women's team will be in the Combined I at 10:00 Laurier played tough but foul trouble put four of the be an advantage. Most of the time our A.C. isn't.

six of the It We should make feel like the am. top out game. was, however, one of the our players varsity I CROSS COUNTRY (MEN)- The team will be at Queen's for the most exciting games of basketball have ever seen. athletes that they are. Show some support. It should I OUAA championship. Good luck. , expect to see the same thing tonight. be some serious athletic entertainment!


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