A Survey on Energy-Efficient Data Management Jun Wang, Ling Feng Wenwei Xue, Zhanjiang Song Dept. of CS&T, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Nokia Research Center, Beijing, China
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT was about 1.5% of the total U.S. electricity con- Energy management has now become a critical and ur- sumption in 2006, and this energy consumption is gent issue in green computing. A lot of efforts have been expected to double by 2011 if continuously powering made on energy-efficiency computing at various levels computer servers and data centers using the same from individual hardware components, system software, methods [11].” Xu et al. showed that electricity con- to applications. In this paper, we describe the energy- sumed by computer servers and cooling systems in a efficiency computing problem, as well as possible strate- typical data center contributes to around 20 percent gies to tackle the problem. We survey some recently of the total ownership cost, equivalent to one-third developed energy-saving data management techniques. of the total maintenance cost [42]. When a data Benchmarks and power models are described in the end center reaches its maximum provisioned power, it for the evaluation of energy-efficiency solutions. has to be replaced or augmented at a great expense [33]. In the very near future, energy efficiency is ex- pected to be one of the key purchasing arguments 1. INTRODUCTION in the society. Now and in the future, green computing will be a Nowadays, power and energy have started to seve- key challenge for both information technology and rely constrain the design of components, systems, business.