Yin · Home Practice Flow

Level: Beginner, Intermediate combines aspects of Buddhist mindfulness practices, Chinese meridian theory and classical Yoga to Duration: 90 mins create a deep experience of letting go. In holding Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/user-702445002/sets/yin-yoga-flow grounded poses for a long time, the fascia – the body’s interconnected energetics, begins to relax and release Focus: Hips, heart long-held tensions stored in the body mind, helping to open the body, focus the mind, and nourish the soul. Props: Bolster, Wall, Block, Cushion, Strap

Practice Tips

The Three tenets of Yin Yoga:

Edge. Come into each pose to your edge. Find that place where it hurts so good! If any short, sharp or pinching sensations arise, gently back out of the pose.

Breath. Come into a slow, mindful and flowing breath. Let the inhales and exhales guided you deep into the body and mind. Feel how the breath helps you find space within.

Stay. In this practice we cultivate our ability to be more present, still, open, and allowing. We also cultivate the resilience and becoming more responsive than reactive to what life presents. In this Yin session, we hold our bodies anywhere from 3-7 minutes per pose. The body’s connective tissue, known as the fascia, responds well to long holds to really long-held tensions. Our task here is to watch the discomfort, the restlessness, the frustration, or whatever arises, and breathe into that sensation, allowing it to be there without any need to edit, judge or change.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Reclined Butterfly With Bolster Seated Cat Cow Pose Child Pose Table Top Hip Circles Table Top Pose Variation Leg Sleeping Swan Pose Raised

Supta Bolster Upavistha Bitilasana Marjaryasana Balasana Bharmanasana Hip Circles Bharmanasana Variation Leg Raised

7 8 9 10 11 12

Head to Knee Pose Shoelace Pose Revolved Shoelace Pose Cow Face Pose Variation Seal Pose Child Pose Resting On Bent Hands In Front

Janu Sirsasana Variation Balasana Resting On Bent Hands In Front

13 14 15 16 17 18

Table Top Pose Variation Sleeping Swan Pose Head to Knee Pose Shoelace Pose Revolved Shoelace Pose Cow Face Pose Variation Leg Raised Resting On Bent Hands In Front

Bharmanasana Variation Leg Raised Janu Sirsasana Gomukhasana Variation Resting On Bent Hands In Front

www.pureflow.yoga Yin Yoga · Home Practice Flow

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Sphinx Pose Child Pose Reclined Supported Hero Pose Child Pose Seated Straddle Pose Wind Release Pose Variation Bolster

Salamba Balasana Supta Salamba Balasana Upavistha Konasana Pawanmuktasana Variation Bolster

25 26 27 28 29 30

Bridge Pose Variation Block Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose I Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose I Wind Release Pose Legs Up The Wall Pose Bolster Plough Pose Support Legs Straight

Setubandha Variation Supta I Supta Matsyendrasana I Pawanmuktasana Bolster Block Support Legs Straight


Corpse Pose Variation Bolster

Savasana Variation Bolster
