Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015 No. 177 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was military recruits. This assessment CONGRATULATING THE PORT- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- would then be used as a baseline LAND, OREGON, TIMBERS ON pore (Mr. JOLLY). throughout the service careers of our THEIR MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER f servicemen and -women. CUP VICTORY This was included in the Medical The SPEAKER pro tempore. The DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Evaluation Parity for Servicemembers, Chair recognizes the gentleman from TEMPORE or MEPS, Act, which I introduced ear- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- lier this year. Now, I believe this as- utes. fore the House the following commu- sessment is essential in addressing the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I nication from the Speaker: suicide epidemic which has affected our come to the floor this morning barely WASHINGTON, DC, military members and veterans over able to talk. But not having much of a December 8, 2015. the past several years. voice is common in Portland, Oregon, I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. Mr. Speaker, when it comes to sui- these days, as fans shouted themselves JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this cide within the ranks of our American hoarse after the Portland Timbers’ day. heroes, commissioned studies have stunning victory over the Columbus PAUL D. RYAN, been implemented by the Department Crew on Sunday, winning the Major Speaker of the House of Representatives. of Defense in the past. League Soccer Cup. f We have found that, for over 60 per- There is no doubt that my hometown of Portland, Oregon, is Soccer City, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE cent of those individuals who attempt or commit suicide while serving in the USA. Fans continue to prove the point The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- military, it was not their first attempt. with a huge celebration today. ant to the order of the House of Janu- Their first attempt was before they I want to congratulate the Timbers ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- joined the military. This is about pre- for an amazing season and for being nize Members from lists submitted by existing conditions that have failed to such a huge part, indeed, of Portland, the majority and minority leaders for have been recognized. and all of Oregon. morning-hour debate. Mr. Speaker, if you are like me and This season had it all: injuries and The Chair will alternate recognition you assume that it is what people see bumps along the way that made Sun- between the parties, with each party on the battlefield—I have been to Af- day’s result seem highly unlikely. But limited to 1 hour and each Member ghanistan. I have been to Iraq in the under the leadership and direction of other than the majority and minority past. It is the horrors of war that drive Coach Caleb Porter, the Timbers stayed focused and made course correc- leaders and the minority whip limited people, largely, to suicide. tions that led them to a national to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- But these studies, Mr. Speaker, have championship, finishing with a flour- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. found that the large majority of those ish. f individuals who attempt or commit This team has so many heroes that it suicide while in the military never saw SUPPORTING THE MENTAL is impossible, in the time I have, to deployment. They were not in combat give them their due recognition. But I HEALTH NEEDS OF OUR SOL- situations. Again, it speaks to pre-ex- DIERS AND VETERANS want to give special mention to new isting conditions that have not been U.S. citizen Darlington Nagbee; Diego The SPEAKER pro tempore. The adequately identified and addressed. Chara; Rodney Wallace; Jake Gleason; Chair recognizes the gentleman from This is a matter that really has been and the old, salty dog, Jack Jewsbury, Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 thoroughly examined in recent years. all of whom have been with the Tim- minutes. So while I am happy that it is in the bers since our inaugural season. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. National Defense Authorization Act, I I also want to highlight the Maestro, Mr. Speaker, late last month President urge the Pentagon to act quickly to Diego Valeri; defenders Liam Ridgewell Barack Obama signed into law the Na- take steps to better assess the mental and Nat Borchers, he of the beard; as tional Defense Authorization Act of health of our servicemen and -women well as goalkeeper Adam Kwarasay for 2015, otherwise known as the NDAA. at the time of enlistment with this their heroic efforts this season. Included in the legislation was lan- commonsense, baseline evaluation. Merritt Paulson and his management guage directing the United States De- These heroes deserve all the informa- team deserve recognition for their pas- partment of Defense to study a mental tion that we can provide in order to sion for the support and their love for health assessment for all incoming make their lives a bit easier. our city. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9027 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:03 Dec 09, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08DE7.000 H08DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H9028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 8, 2015 Of course, you can’t mention the country, and generation upon genera- a friend, which happens regularly in Portland Timbers without talking tion of men and women who have worn high school and college—not that high about, as the song goes, the greatest the uniform of the Armed Forces and school kids should be doing it, but it is football supporters the world has ever defended it, for the security of our Na- a fact, and so are college kids. The po- seen, the Timbers Army. Your dedica- tion, and for the freedom of people. lice tell them that, unless they agree tion to team, town, and country is an We are a Nation worried about our to wear a wire and implicate a number inspiration and very much in evidence security, rightfully so. It is why we are of their friends, often close friends, in Columbus this weekend. calling on the President to do so much they could be sentenced to a long pris- Mr. Speaker, let me conclude by re- more to defeat this terror. It is why we on term, the maximum permitted by minding all of America and several are begging the President for a strong- law. places in Canada that, in case you er national security test. They are cornered, frightened. Any didn’t get the hint with Timber Joey We must always insist on a security person in that situation would take and his chain saw, there is no pity in test, but we must never require a reli- that deal. Most of them do it under su- the Rose City. gious test. preme duress, and they do it without f It is time that my side of the aisle the presence of a lawyer or the knowl- has one less candidate in the race for edge that they have a right to a law- DONALD TRUMP MUST END HIS the White House. It is time for Donald yer. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDACY Trump to withdraw from the race. Most of them seem to do it without The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. f even telling their parents because the THOMPSON of Pennsylvania). The Chair police tell them: Don’t tell anybody. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS recognizes the gentleman from Florida This is just between you and me. You (Mr. JOLLY) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The need to do this or you are going to pris- Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Chair recognizes the gentleman from on for a long time. to call on Donald Trump to withdraw Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. In the case of Rachel Hoffman and his candidacy for the White House. We Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, first of all, Andrew Sadek, it cost them their lives. face a security test in this Nation, a I would like to congratulate the gen- Rachel had dealt a small amount of national security test. It is a real and tleman from Florida (Mr. JOLLY) on his marijuana. They got her into dealing audible threat. statement. I thought that showed some with people that dealt heavy drugs and I have been most critical of the courage. It reflects the values of a lot guns and got her to try to make a big President’s foreign policy. It is an area of people here in this House and in the purchase. They didn’t do a very good that, respectfully, I have the greatest United States of America. It needed to job of covering her. Rachel was mur- disagreement with this administration. be said. dered. I have begged him in correspondence, Mr. Speaker, some of us on both sides Mr. Sadek was murdered, also, as a and I have used the word ‘‘beg’’ to do of the aisle have been working hard to confidential informant, without police more to defeat the threat of terror.