Dialectologia 5 (2010), 87-131. LANGUAGE, PEOPLE, SALIENCE, SPACE: PERCEPTUAL DIALECTOLOGY AND LANGUAGE REGARD Dennis R. Preston Oklahoma State University, USA
[email protected] Abstract This paper explores the not novel idea that popular notions of the geographical distribution and status of linguistic facts are related to beliefs about the speakers of regional varieties but goes on to develop an approach to the underlying cognitive mechanisms that are employed when such connections are made. A detailed procedural account of the awakening of a response, called one of language regard , is given, as well as a structural account of an underlying attitudinal cognitorium with regard to popular beliefs about United States’ Southerners. A number of studies illustrating a variety of research tools in determining the connections, the response mechanisms, and the underlying structures of belief are provided. Keywords language regard, language attitudes, attitudinal cognitorium, perceptual dialectology, implicit and explicit attitudes 1. Introduction It is important to people whose major interest is in language variation to know where the land lies and how it is shaped and filled up — the facts of physical geography — because such matters have an influence on language. Sarah Thomason notes, for example, that Swahili will probably borrow no linguistic features from Pirahã (2001: 78) because speakers of the two languages are widely separated geographically and unlikely to run into one another. Introductory linguistics commonplaces about blocking (mountains, rivers, etc.) and facilitating (passes, rivers, etc.) geographical elements with regard to language and variety contact are also well known. There has even been suspicion that physical facts about geography are directly, even causally, related to 87 ©Universitat de Barcelona Dennis R.