Spiritualists Claim 'Gift of Tongues' at Exorcism Rites by MIKE S\UTH Notre Dame's Pentecostal of the Spirit's Manifestations

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Spiritualists Claim 'Gift of Tongues' at Exorcism Rites by MIKE S\UTH Notre Dame's Pentecostal of the Spirit's Manifestations l- VOL. 1 NO.. 10 UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME APRIL 13 1967 Spiritualists Claim 'Gift of Tongues' At Exorcism Rites BY MIKE S\UTH Notre Dame's Pentecostal of the Spirit's manifestations. Prayer Movement reached a new The group assembled Saturday stage of development last weekend morning for Lauds and Mass at in a series of prayer meetings the Grotto. A prayer meeting in involving ritual exorcisms and the the afternoon was followed by a ''laying on of hands," resulting full assembly in the evening in in some students receiving the Room 316 in the Administration "gift of tongues." Building. The events were organized by One of the nine visiting Pro­ Kevin Ranaghan of the St. Mary's testant Pentecostal ministers of ~ College Theology Department as South Bend's Full Gospel Busi­ • representing a new spirit of pen­ nessmen's Fellowship preached on ..... tecostal ecumenism within the the Gift of Tongues and the Fruits c' Catholic Church. Involved in the of the Spirit (patience, continence, weekend "retreat" were some 35 long-suffering, etc.). ~ students from Michigan State Uni­ Meanwhile, one student stood up, , versity (including Patrick Gal­ raised his hands over his head i •f!J(II(!II'r'~ linagh, tackle on the 1966 MSU while shouting mintelligibly, The !c I football team). crowd fell silent; a few people t'• Besides the 40 to 50 ND and chimed in "Praise to the Lord" J SMC students in attendance, there and "Alleluia.'' One of the min­ I were a number of priests and nuns, isters urged anyone who felt in­ including Fr. Edward O'Connor spired to interpret the message " t of Notre Dame's Theology Depart­ just spoken to do so. No one ment, Fr. Jerome Wilson, Univer­ replied. sity Vice-President of Business Many of the participants then Affairs, and Fr. Francis Zipple, (Cont'd. on page 2) 1 pastor of the MSU Newman Club, At the opening prayer meeting on Friday night in Room 319 of - . the Main Building, KevinRanaghan spoke of the goodness and power of the Holy Spirit, placing spe­ Inside ... cial emphasis on receiving the • Observer Reporter Dennis "gifts and fruits of the Spirit.'' Gallagher gives a critique of the THE LAYING ON OF HANDS-- Notte name's Pentecostw Movement climaxell last weekend m Theology graudate student Bri:m controversial Episcopalian Bis'flop a series of prayer meetings marked by numerous Baptisms of the uolv Spirit conferred by the Moore took the floor to tell the James Pike, who came all the way Apostolic ritual of invocation and the ..laying of hands" over members' heads. These were ac­ story of the great devotion to from California to advise the Notre companied by various ..manifestations of the Spirit" in the Gift of Tongues, Discernment of Mary that had grown up among the Dame students to keep the faith, Spirits, and minor healings. assembly. He spoke of thfs de­ Page 4. votion as an inspiration of the • Observer Editors explore the Spirit; when he expressed a feel­ world of the Lotus eaters, com­ Hesburgh Delaying On Freedom Statement ing that the Spirit had been com­ monly known as the Notre Dame pelling the group to recite the student government. Learn the BY DENNY MOORE assured at that time that written Vice-President-elect Tom Me- Rosary, others voiced a similar opinion, Page 6. An unexpected turor developed in comments on it would be forth Kenna agreed with Kelly, adding inspiration. Moore then led the • Class elections are only a week the Student Senate Tuesday night commg from University officws. that the feared "everything's gomg retreatants in praying the Glor­ away and Sophomore presidential when Student Body Vice-President However, when Moran returned to to be said to be under redeflni­ ious Mysteries to intercede for an candidate Rick Rembusch has Bob Moran announced FatherHes- McCarragher for the cirtiques tion" by the Administrationduring increased outpouring of the Spirit. already won. But, unfortunately burgh's refusal to allow Adminis- last week, he was informed that the time the Lay Board is being Fr. O'Connor next explained the there are others running for other tration officials to comment on none would be available due to a set up. Moran had earlier listed theological and scriptural bases offices, see the Observer rundown the Academic Freedom policy directive from Father Hesburgh. this as a possible reason for the for the Pentecostal Movement, as­ on the candidates, Page 4. statement passed by the Senate Moran tol<.t the l:lenate he wa:s Administration's "no comment" suring the group of its Catholic • It's time for the in editors to go early in March. "very disappointed" with the de- policy. orthodoxy. O'Connor cited mani­ out, the outs to go in. And before festations of the Spirit in Aposto­ The statement, which elaborated velopments; reaction within the Kelly then offered to draft a he goes, Bob Anson gets the treat­ lic times mentioned in the Acts ment Pat Collins style. Collins on the student's right to a free Senate was somewhat more letter to be signed by each of of the Apostles and St. Paul's and open intellectual atmosphere, pointed. ASP Senator Bill Kelly the Senators and sent to each writes of the left and the left-out, letters. While denying that he was Page 3. was passed by a concensus vote immediately stated that the Sen- of the five University Vice-Presi­ in a position to judge the Move­ in the Senate and was presumed ate was ''being treated like a bunch dents. This letter was present­ e,w. Hudson Giles makes a fatal ment officially as a priest, and prediction about the 1967 Irish accepted by the University Ad- of stupid little kids sitting in a ed to the body at the conclusion admitting that he had received no ministration. room wasting 2 hours once a of the meeting. It reads as fol- football team. Read Giles rational gift of tongues himself, O'Connor unequivable, responsible, intelli­ Moran had presented the de- week." Kelly said he believed lows: reiterated his personal enthusiasm gent outlook, Page 12. claration to Father McCarragher "it would not be improper for us Dear Father, for the Movement and his whole­ shortly after its passage and was to act on this tonight •.• we've ~ot Having received no response to tQ stand uo sometime." (.Can't. on page 2) hearted belief in the genuineness Y!o~r.!EFJ om Dooley: An Ugly American After All? it becomes easier to understand ing grip." Those who fought the The following article Is ex• broken spar, their own drenched of Communist hatred ••• :' "devils" were, by definition, cerpted from "How the United flag; a flag they had hidden for The Viet Minh was indicted: Dooley's rather extensive rewrit­ ing of history. No act attributed heroes: States Got Involved In Viet Nom," years • • • their symbol, their They preached hatred against the The Vietnam governor of our small to to the Communists was dismissed a report the Center for Study emblem, their heraldry • • . a illstitutions, traditions and cus­ area was a patriot by the name of of Dem ocratl c Ins tl tu tl on s, yellow and gold flag displaying toms of colonial Vietnam. Every­ as unbelievable or as requiring factual substantiation. All of them Nguyen Luat. He had been educa­ One American who did much to the Pope's tiara and the keys of thing "feudal" or "reactionary" ted in France and chose to return blur the distinction between the Saint Peter. Working among the was to be destroyed • • • their fitted the "devil theory" and were passed on to the millions who read to his own nation of Vietnam •••• Catholic minority and the rest of Catholic refugees, Dooley took no Christian catechisms were burned During the war he had fought with the population in the North was account of the fact that 90 per and they were burned and they were his book, heard his lectures, and saw the film based on DELIVER the French as an officer. Tom Dooley, a young Navy doctor cent of the Vietnamese population told that religion is only an opiate. This "patriot" thus fought on the turned writer, whose book DE­ would be indifferent to the yellow Dooley combined his anti­ US FROM EVIL. Dooley's account of the Ameri­ side of the colonialists against LIVER US FROM EVIL hadagreat and gold flag, even in the unlikely communism with a strenuous belief the majority of his countrymen. impact on the American public. event that they understood its sym­ in an American-style economic can effort begins not with the $2.6 billion spent in support of the It is unfair to treat Dooley's Dooley had gone to Vietnam as bolism. system as the basis of any coun­ book as history, although it may part of the U.S. Navy's program To Dooley, even aside from the try's prosperity and freedom: French between 1950-54, but rather with the mission to aid the have served as such for many of of aid in transporting the refugees religious aspect, these people were • • • we continually explained to its readers. Its significance was to the South. He witnessed the on the side of the "free world'' in thousands of refugees, as indivi­ refugees. "We had come late to Vietnam, but we had come, And to provide a vocabulary of Com­ great suffering of an uprooted opposition to the total evil of duals and in groups, that only in mtmist horror that found its way people. As a Catholic, he was communism: " ••• how, outside a country which permits companies we brought not bombs and guns, into the speeches of Presidents particularly impressed with their expanding Russia, do you go about to grow large could such fabulous but help and love." and was, for many ordinary Amer­ religious opposition to communism being an Imperialist nowadllys?" charity be found.
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