Courses | Financial Aid | Student Services DEFIANCE COLLEGE | TABLE of CONTENTS |
The Undergraduate CATALOG for 2011-2012 DEFIANCE COLLEGE Academic Information | Majors | Courses | Financial Aid | Student Services | TABLE OF CONTENTS | 2011-2012 Calendar ................................. 3 9HUL¿FDWLRQ 2012-2013 Calendar ................................. 4 Revisions of Aid Packages, 15 Satisfactory Academic Progress, 15 General Information ................................. 5 Appeals, 15 History, 5 9HWHUDQ(GXFDWLRQDO%HQH¿WV Mission Statement and Purposes, 5 Educational Philosophy, 5 Culture of Engagement ........................... 17 College Learning Outcomes, 5 Honors Program, 17 Assessment of Student Learning, 6 The McMaster School for Accreditation, 6 Advancing Humanity, 17 8&&$I¿OLDWLRQ Campus Covenant, 7 The McMaster School Non-Discrimination Statement, 7 for Advancing Humanity .........................17 Student Complaint Policy, 7 0F0DVWHU6FKRRO&HUWL¿FDWH3URJUDP Right to Modify, 7 Service Leadership Programs, 18 Experiential Learning, 18 Admission................................................... 8 Internships, 18 Campus Visit, 8 Field Experience, 19 How to Apply, 8 Cooperative Education, 19 When to Apply, 8 Admission Requirements, 8 Student Life ............................................. 19 International Student Admission, 8 Student Handbook, 19 Admission Criteria, 9 6WXGHQW/LIH2I¿FHV Admission Decision, 9 Student Life Services, 19 Re-Enrollment, 10 Accommodations Policy for Non-Matriculated Student Admission, 10 Students with Disabilities, 21 Transient Student Admission, 10 Grievance Procedure for Students
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