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1937 The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940

3-3-1937 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 039, No 35, 3/3/1937 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 039, No 35, 3/3/1937." 39, 35 (1937). daily_lobo_1937/10

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1937 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !Page ' , NEW MEXICO LOBO Saturday, February 27, 1937 ___ *__ _ gathered up two brother P1kes and LOST-A set of car keys ih a ~ In Grey Felt serenaded beneath Pop's window. Pop brown leathe1' case. If found, please Latest Styles To Be Featured at J·-·-~~;;~~~RI~;~-.. -1 Who's slept stratght th10ugh everythmg, New Mexico's Leading retu11n to Wanda Seligman, * Lobos Talre Folll'th in College Newspaper Phi Mu Style Show on Sunday ,_,_,_,,_,_,,_,_,_,_,_, ___ , Doing Conference :Membe1s of P1 Kappa Alpha and Toulouse's prtde won't allow his. I;;::::======:::;;, ew ex1co 0 0 Mrs. Browmng1 as hostess, enter~ mnste1•piece to be printed, The latest spl'ing fash1ons for the tamed on Wednsday evening with a What ACME BEAUTY Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico college gid's wardrobe £o1• nll occu.· Four Fraternities SERVICE dinner pa1.·ty, The occasion was Pete Eiland complf'ms because Starret aions Will be d~splayed at the Pln 1\fu McDavid's birthday. Bebber gets s<.,tuelched lll psychology keeps McGee from work. Hold House Dances PERMANENTS VOL, style show to be g1ven at the cha:Pte1 class. XXXIX ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1937 No. 3& houlje Sum]Q.y ~fter.noon at three $3.00 tQ $7.50 Alpha Chi Omega entel'tained Given by FRANK COOPER o'clock. Sport, a£tet•noon1 and ave. Sntut•dtty night finds dnnC!es nt four White shoes appem on coeds as uneverend" F1a:me .i!ddressed Ius Heads Texas IRC Meet gue:;ts at th~ chaptel' house on Wed­ 11 ning am~arel, ns well ns new acceS· of the :flntwing and actiVca of Kappfl Sigma and Sig- but the c1nss1c felt, sbown he(e seem­ offe1ed? Kastler, Zimmerman, Wood, the pe1formance. ma Phi Epsilon :flata1nittes are enter- 1 Students' Budding, the buildmg com~ ~:s~~~:~d~~!~~· thut. pmpose in the New Zealand Students Will Sel ecti• 0 n for sea son ingly goes on fmevcr. This time it's ' ' . T. 1 b b' . ·' t t tnn1ing Wlth informal dances at the Miss Margaret Sanford Will spend Marble, Cheney, Kinniard nnttee 1s offermg five dollars in tl•ade March 19, 1937, has been set as the Speak at Assembly Friday 1c 'ets may eo ~.:mneu a ten (len s the week-end with het: parents at her date up m g~:ey $tJtched felt, It; 1s S:pcakmg of congrats-th1s week's • '' and Link to Take Trip at the fountam o1· kitchen as a prize closing date and entries must be sub- 1•11 Scl'ence Lecture uall --~------~< _•_o_cl_>_fx_o_m_o_ll_'_''_e_m_b_e_rs_of_P_h_i_M_•_•·___ "_''_P_e_c_h_v• __ '_h_•_~_tc_,_· _h_ou_s_e_s_. ----lhonlle m Santa Rosa. an Ideal headgear fol' the conservative go to McWlurter and Campbell. Alpha to the student who submits the best nutted on or before that date. .l;L girl who wants to look smart, and an Cht's will enJOY candy on Monday I name m the opmion of the JUdges. Those wl10 WISh to mspcct the room CHILD LABOR IS TOPIC Stx coeds will coinpete foi the hono1 has excellent accessory for the new sprmg Conference to Include Nine Due to the district hasketball tour­ of pres1dlng ove1• tho 1\fh:age Beauty Dave Shaw teturned to h1s home night on Cnmpbe1l (they hope). The 1oom, or terrace1 will contalll and the buildmg m general may do so OF KROHN'S LECTURE m Las Vegas. :spo1 ts clothes. Fp~· college guls this N. M. and Texas Schools the tnbles and chmrs for fountain and at any time. nament wh1ch will be held m Carbsle Ball, Murch 13, at the Ellts club, as Mrs. Bartley Speaks to First rl gymnasium, the required nssem.bly TO WOMEN VO'rERS ever needed hat completes the ward­ Pophn pulls fast one and fads to cafetelia serv1ee. More than hkely ------Poptllanty Queen ... Miss Btlbe McCarley left Thursday robe. Smce gi ey IS one of the popu­ answer phone call-one merry mixup New Mexico University's Iepresen­ the students Wlll usc the place as a scheduled fo1· Fnday, Ma1ch 5, hns been postponed unttl Monday, March A sccolid lecture 011 110lnld Labor" Selection of tlw quean will be deter- Session of U.,_Charm School morning to spend a few days at her lal' colors ;for sprmg, why not select fo1 all pa1·ties concerned-mostly Hen­ tatives to the New MeXICo-West Texas "get-togethei" or 11 hang~out " \ s, at nine o'clock. '\ III be gtven by 1\Ir, A. L. Krohn at the mmcd by the number of ticl(ets sold home in Clayton. this casual felt hat to wear With thn.t derson. International Relat10ns Clubs confer­ The contest 1s open to all students University Band to By BONNill MAY JOURDAN mnnnish-trulored smt With two sets "cettain" suit when sophisticat1on 1s ence to be held March 5 and 6 at and facu1ty o£ the U mverstty With Dr. GcoJge V1ncent, retued mem~ ne::\t meetmg of the College League by t]Ie candidate's sponsormg tu:gam­ 11 11 of accesso1•ies, one set dl.'cssy and not required? Lubbock, Texas, wJll take active part bet of the Rockefeller Foundatton1 That a considerable numbel' of gids :Mr. John W. Smith left :for his home Kinntud expresses views on soCJa. the exceptwn o£ membets of the As~ of Women Voters. :mtlon, und by votes re[!eivQd in a stu­ on oUl' campus tu•e mterested in charm the other sport, lS the smartest and in Black Gaberdme w1th hz­ m tho program. Students partiCipat­ soc1ated Students' Bu1lding cmmmt­ Vary Program for WJll speak at Monday's assembly, in Prescott, Arizona. He will retum p1oblems With much vigor m histo1y The dJscusston wtll be concemed dent body election March 11. the long run probably the most econo­ ard trim, Blue Gabaxdme ing are John Cheney, Helen Zimmer­ The New Zealand students, who was evidenced by the attendance at to the University next semester, class, tee, who ate exempted from cornpetmg 'l'he cand1datcs nrc: Bunny Bennatt, the fust meetJng of the cha1m school, mical outfit you r.nn include in your Chi O's Entertain with blue bzard trim. All man, Lou1s Lmk, Maxme Kastler, AMY HEMINWAY JONE'F. and will act as JUdges. Since the Concert Tonight we1e to be featured at the assembly, generally Wtth the ch1ld labor• Pl'Ob­ Sara )la,ynolds Thusday, wm·drobe, fot• it can be used the year • over gray doeskm, Sam :Mu1ble, and Btll Wood. Mr. committee will pick the winning will speak as scheduled nt a volun­ lem and w1th the tecent act10n of the Mary Dalby, Fumces Fifield, Helen hold in hall, P. S.-Remcmbe1, no short cuts on name round for sheet wear, travel, and Thomas C, Donnelly will bo faculty they w1l1 enter mto no dJscuss1on With tary assembly 111 Sc1ence LectUic ):lall state legislature in rattfying t1ua Holntcs, Mn:dnn Tarleton, and Snd1e Febiuary 25. Mrs. Bartley gave some the lawllB any more unless you go Nanninga Returns from Music, vaned m content fnm the 11 afternoon affairs and dinner. And last, Interest Shown by Informally Friday at nme o'clock Frtday mormng, A umendment. Glutz, valuable and "up to tho minuto tips adviser. the contestants concermng the con­ pens o:C many composers1 w1l1 be of­ but not least, Mrs. Bartley St\1d, 11Be sternly with a lChatah member· or The Lent::ue has revised its coustl­ on styles in clothes, espec1a1ly for the • • • P1 Gamma chapter of Chi Omega Nme coJleges from New MexiCO and Meeting of Educators test. fered by a large University c.t New number of inotructois are lequirmg Bunny Bennett, Kappa Kappa well g1•oomed alwnys. Appearance in have some pull. attendance of thc1r classes. tlltton and has lllled that in the futu1c coming spring and summer seasons, held an mformol dance at their chop­ West Texas arc sendmg Jepresenta~ The name _should reflect the atmo­ Mex1co band tomght m Carh!ilc gym­ this world means a great dent., CLWV Ill Pohtics Mr S. P. Nanninga, dean of the The speakers are travehng across no person can hold office who has not Gamma cmldldatc1 is a sophomore in In colors for spring navy blue tops tor house, Fr1day night, Feb1•uary 2G, ttves to the confe1ence. Delcgntea sphere of the butldmg as well as be nasium, under the duectton of :M:r. Branson, cute A. D. P11 slays the been a member o.i the organization the Arts and Sciences college, She from collegea outside the district may college of cducatwn1 teturned Satur­ app1opriate for the use to which the \V1lham Kunkel. the Umted States f1·om Los Angeles to the hst, beige running a close second. from nine until twelve, men. fpr at least one month. Pink, white, and yellow will be popu- Metnbers of Kappa Omicron At the last meetmg of College bung the number to more than 100. day after attendmg the meetmg of 1·oom wtll be put, All entrJes should Of the mne se1ect1ons in the pro­ New York on a good wJil debate. and hns had leads in seveial dramatic. club L a Ue f e V t S On Wedn.s Those in cha1ge were Maxine Me- de}?artment supermtendents of the lecture tour. It will take them four The next meeting w~ll b~ held in Jar colors for this sumtnel'. The Phi' Are Entertai'ned e g o Wom n o er - P1omment sveakers include Ivh. Don­ be typcwr1tten with the submitted gram, the "Celtic Romance11 by the J>lays, :recently becoming n member of . vrohn g.n k to Cartney, Fern Wood, and Mary Mad- Potter ls mdustrious, and lovely. National Education Association, held the South Hall of the dormitory on straight-line; loose coat or the fitted d ay after n oo n Rabb1 .n. :rO e ald Grant of Scotland, world trav­ name at the top and the person's name combined women's and men's qua1:tets, months to cross the continent because Theta A1vha Phi national honorary coat is much sma:-ter than the swog.. the g1rls on the recently passed Child aline Gumm. Chaperone was Mrs. elet and lecturer; Mrs. Burton W. m New 01leans last week. and address below. A person m&y composed of Helen E, Ztnlmerman, they will debate and lecture at sev­ Wednesday, March :10, at five o'clock. Kappa Omic10n Plti, honorary home L b A d Thomas. Marion Burnett is quiet for a H1s ch1ef interest in the convention dramatic fratcl•nity, gcr coat for spring, a or men ment. Blue Gabardine With calf ~tusSCl', a 1ecent delegate to the peace submit as many names as he wishes. Gwendolyn Wmde, Sammie Bratton, eral univers1t1es. economics f1nternity1 was entertained Th 1 t t d th Th d" R b t p 1 change at the Inter-frat dance. was the complete program planned l'l.faty Dalby, Phi'1\lu candidate, a When asked if there was a trend e g1r s were so m ores e m e a tten mg were: o ~r a a - trim. Black Gnbardmc eonference ju Buenos Aires, and Miss Julia Carroll, Theodore Norris, Ray Topics which the team will spealt Wednesday evening at a buffet supper b" t th t n-bb" v h '! ' M c • F w d for the trainmg of clementnry and semor, l1as taken leads in c1vic operas. toward shorter lengths m clothes this su JCC a .. ~ 1 ..~ro n was re- mer, .u axme c aJ·~ney, • ern oo , w1th patent trim. Amy H, Jones, division assistant to Patke1 , James Jenkins1 and Ray Fifc1 on have not been decided. Mr. Kern­ which was sctvcd by the meal plan- .. d t t th t t' El" b th V II' ' Th d OJ k Kmnatrd spends the afternoon ln lugh school teachets. A brEakfast STUDENTS APPLY FOR Publications Board season, Mrs. Bartle.., eaid thut the ques~e o come o e nex mee mg ' tza e a tnn~, e a ar , the Ca:rnegie Endowment. iS being featured, as well as the mtz and :Mr. Pledger speak on six She is interested in S}lods and is n the Lobo office, Wonder why? '· length worn for street" clothes depends mng and serving class. Washington's of t h c orgamza• t' 1011 an d gtvc• more d e- Lce w 111 mms, JI arne• t R an d a 11 , 'l'hc conference WJll open at a gen­ m honor of New Mexico delegates was $500 HONOR A WARD band's prese11tation of Stephen Fos- topics: State enterprise m New Zea­ member of the W. A. A. Council. upon the ,·ndiv•"dual, birthday theme was carried out in the tails and discussion of the subject. Pauline Ham, Lorraine Russell, Betty etal m~etmg on Frtday, March 5, at g1ven m New Orleans. ter's Melod1es. This is a new ar- land~ New Zealand-the soCial lab- Appoints Lobo and F1•ances Fifield, sopltomot·c Phrate~ meal and in the decorations, · b 1 b h z k M h M'll M G Betty Fischer barks. She has a wh1ch addresses of welcome Will be Girls, (especially you who did not Great interest ts emg s town Y t e oo , art a 1 er, axine reen, Applications i'or the national Phi rangement to be played in Albuqucr- oratqry_ of the world; How the New res candidate, received the Ives Mc­ attend the meeting) here are some of Plans :for the social calendar for young women on the camvus in na- Ruth Gaines Wilson, Clora Fluitt, cold. made by the pres1dent of Texas Tcch­ i th fi t t d Zealand legislature met the world de~ Rappa Phi award of $500 has been que or e rs nne an was pre- pression·, the British commonwealth Mirage Assistants mor:inl scholarship last ycat. tho suggestions mndo by Mrs. Bartley this semester· were discussed, and eom- tional and state :political affairs; ana Mary Elizabeth Murphy1 Betty Snapp, nologtcnl College, and by Donald Hen­ sented to th~ band by the Foster Faun- for a college girl's wmdrobe: mitteca were appointed by the presi- the desire for more and a wider. knowl· Natalie MUl'dock, Vcgfl. Testman, Chambers has meeting, hence miss­ ry, student president of the confer­ Cooperation Between submitted by Kathetine ~:Iilner and datton. of nations; The new science of public Sadie Glutz, Phi Phi candidate, mg out on the Chi 0. dance. Three aSSistant Lobo cdito;rs and A girl can be VCl'Y smartly dressed l.d-::c-::n-:t-:, -:M... i-::ss....-R_c_Ic_n_s_ti_ll_m_•_nk_s_. ---·I edge is evident. Mary Madeline Gumm, Florence ence, Four sessions of round table Ann Espe, Additional applications Admission is twenty-five cents. Pro- administration, and world peace. is a freshman in the General CoUege, on a comparatively small sum ofi-CLASSIFIED Among the topics for discussion Pierson, Helen Solday, Doris Ogden, discussions will cover the followmg are expected to be filed shortly. cecds will go to the Student Union Mr. Pledger entered Otago univer- one Mirage assistant were appointed P. D. Henderson only caused an­ Social Agencies Is Last year she was elected to Delta money if she plans her clothes care~ and study on the program :for this se- Ruby Proctor, Gwcnn Weide, Helen subJects: unemocracy vs. Dictator­ The chapter here will choose Qne committee. SJty in 1930 and graduated in law in at the regular meeting of the vub­ noyance to a wakeful pledge when he 1 Phi Alpha1 aud this year has been n fully and in good taste. For campus mester is the uqestion, pro and con, Hood, Hildegarde Re1che, Jayne shit)/' 'League of Nations nnd Cur­ 1;------, 1935. In 1933 he was awarded the hcations board Monday aftcrlltlon. 11 petson to compete for th1s national Otago Law Society's prize. At pres~ A noteboolc belonging to John Shel- h ROTC th" Th J p 1" E1 1 d 'h · d t rent Europe/' Fore1gn Relations of me.mbeJ.' of Kappa Epsilon Mu, and wear clothes should be strictly sport. of t e on 1s campus. e ones, au me u er, an ~ e1r a es. Aim of New Club Bill Wood, Calvin Horn, and .Fran­ b p A d" St t" • PARIS SHOE STORE 11 fellowship sometulle before Apl'll 1 ent 11-:Ir. Pledger IS continumg hts A beige sweater is usually a more use- don, which contnined several college sub' JeC t WI"II e d'Jscusse d •m one of th e unc h was served . rn 10 sup- u d en t s g1ve th e a d ver tsers m the Umted Stntes,U and The New All My Eggs Ill English 21B. 307 West Cenhal ces Potterwel'e the students nppointed ful nnd stylish sweater than a. colored and camp songs, has been lost since i ut ure mee t"mgs. p1' te d th e mus1c,· Th e Lcb o yo u r supvort . Pan-Amaricamsm.'' Mr. A. L. Krohn and six other offi­ from the semor members who wish studies in economics. He is a mcm~ Helen Holmes, Alp1ul. Delta Pi can­ the Christmas holidays. If :found, Of the University's representatives cers under the title of 11Council of to continue graduate work. By the One Basket. . . ber of the New Zealand Institute of as assistant Lobo editors. Henr1etta one, it blends with greater please r·eturn to tlte personnel office -----======:::::::::::::::::::::::::....-....-----...!.------..:..------­ didate, is a sophomore in the college because a- to Lubboek Helen Zimnte1•mnn lB Bebber waa selected as the third assis· variety of colors. Only by actually at once. 1 Social Agency," are making plans for Jast of April or the first of 1\lay, the '------.!1 Public Administration. of education. She is a member of the chairman of the Iound table on For­ tant Mirage editor to replace Jim trying various colors on yourself can the coordmntion of federal, state, and national chapter wtll choose three per- White fraternity men this weeK Mr. Kemnitz obtained the degree of eign Relations and Mr. Donnelly is went through the traditional 'l'ites he- Master of Laws, with honors in jurism, Caylor, who left school some time ago. College League. of Women Voters, you tell which colors are best suited to 11 LOST- Democratic Governments :faculty adviser of the round table of county· social bureaus. sons to receive the $500 fellowships. real property, and bankruptcy, in 1933. .Action was tnken by the board to Women's Athletic Assoc1tttion, and the your type. For dressy wear, plain h fore the altar of Nemisis, and while in Europe." Return to Sam Marble, The members of the counetl in­ J.· " • tifT nway wit1l illegitihlate ndvclltis .. Amar~can Forc1gn Policies. Sam T e_sum is. to ba. paid m mstnJlments t 11e .ll'esnmen~ men dLMrobed,.~.., to go Ho bros been M!CI't!;ttlr"," Vil!e-prusident, :Physi~al Edueattofi Majors' club. II pumps are always in good taste1 A Lobo office. clude people connected with socinl ing sold m the name. of the Univer­ ~lnrble will read a paper on "The throughout the year. swimming in the fish pondJ the soror- and ptesident of the Otago Univcr­ ~:IariJ~,n Tarleton, gir1s' dormitory League of Nations of the Future," and agencies of the comtnunity. One of tty gals had their little part. in the sity Law Students' Association. He is stty. 'l'he hoard has made lt com­ candidate, is a senior and a tr·nnsler John Cheney Will read one on 11 Amer­ the first steps tnken will b!! the edu- spring festival. now studying economics. pulsory that aU students wishing to :from Denver University. ienn Neutrality" cation of the public as to the pur- Commt'tte I t Girls appeared yesterday morning sell advertising for any of tlto cam­ i'\.~TINC l'.tsli. pose of the different sociol ogcncfes. e nspec s pus organizations, or any project The combination of all the social on the campus voluminous R s •h p connected with the school in any way, AS LIBRARY RECEIVES 51 E , c )lOpe>• bags, eoch containing one or are pams apers GRADE YOURSELF IN s~lo.,. organizations )S hoped to !'loco the ngmeers ollege two rnw eggs. Should any fatality must fi:r:st obtain permission from the SCIENTIFIC VOLUMES advantages of each at the dtsposal of board and acquire a card authori~ing SWAP EXAMINATION all In order to solve dlfflcult prob­ o

,, ' "

Page 2'wo NEW MEXICO LOBO Wednesday, March 3, 1937 Wednesday, March 3, 1937 NEW MEXlCO LOBO Page Three originated we are 11ot aware, Perhap~ a w-&terproof LIFE'S LIKE THAT NEW MEXICO LOBO bean1·rhigh top and a good five ce11t CJgttr would add By Fred Neher Publication of the Associated StuiiC"ntl of tba UnJvenit.1 o< Now materh11ly to his all supreme dlgnit;v, Molco, Publlehcd twleo weeklY fmm Bcmtemb9r to May, 1nc 1DB 1vo, exec»t:lng durin~ 'I)XRminr.tion and vacation porloda, If Mr. Link cnn persuade the president to become one of us again, and thereby revive .the tradition .of a mixing StabJCJ:'Iptlon )iy mull U.26 fn advanco. Lobos student ;president, our hats Will bG off to htm, End Season With. Double Loss to Aggies Member of MAjor Colle(l'e Publlcathms. Repte~J!lnted hv ti]e A. J, (Signed) Jamea C, Grecnacra, Bob Easterday. 1 No:rr!a Bill Compnn:v, Cnll B-u!ldln~, Ban Frunclsco; 156 m, 42nd St., ltfow York City Jl81Jl S. D:nmdwa:v, LOll A11K'ele11, Cnlif,f JO!l( 2nd Ave., ' Wolfpack_ Pugilists lntra~Mural Track Starts March /3 Round Robin Will be Seattle 1 128 W, M;~uUson St., Ohlcn!O'O• 1 Mr. Gasaway ,j Uember of Anocluted CoUeB"iato P~n and Nowa Week Syndlca~. I Saunders Answers by unl~11a Johnson Cagers Finish Year All e.Utorial& the editor otherwjae wnrked. To the Editor: Engage Wmgate and With Running ofSixteen Man Relay Held for Places on Speaks =.:::::::=-::::...:.:.:::---=-:,-:--:---:::~--- 1 omc• Jn student btll!dim~. Tclepl,aone~-Edlto:rlal O(l!ee, extenBion ll5' ' We think not!" .How ably the Messrs, Greenac1·e and Prcat OJll~11, e.xWnslon J6, Wasterday charactet·i:.:c themselve~ I And not only do Albuquerque Indians With the.cmnpletion of baslcetball, March 27 includes n ·~rics of sprint! Lobo Tennis Squad I am not spectaculal·, not flusby, but they tmtl'el' from a decided lack uf cere).>rnl exercise, but this week the University intramural relay,s,: A 4-ml'l,n .V..nule, each man With .500 Percent In Wins Sall'l. Mal'ble ----~------.. ~-----~- Editor~in-r.biaf teams will swing into theh· track 110 yat·ds; a 4-man % mile, each man cool headed and nlwuyJ> figltting, and they are g'l'Ossly misinfol'med-a common enough failing Lobo mittmen will take up their pro~ Melvin. Chambers ------Business Manager gram. 220 yardf:l; a 4-man medley, 2 men have Itcld down guard !>Osition on the in those who think not. gloves in the final meet of the 1937 Coaches Sacks and Lawson Hoy Jolmsotl's Now Mexico Lobo$ l£ James and Bob took as much interest in campus nf~ The fir,st eveht of this program is 110 yards, 1 man 220, 1 man 440 yards, Wolfpack hal'dwood team for three boxing season in a triangular meet Call Local Tournament " ended n medioc1'C season last night by fah•s as they apparently do in the occupants of the the 16-man !'elay1 to be run off Satur~ On April 1 and 2, the track pro­ years, Pikes, Kappa Alphas losing thair sacond straig·ht game to with the. Albuquerque Indiaris and day, March 13. In this event, each gram will wind up with outdoor meet. for Next Monday bleachers during basketball games, they would know that Sanitary Laundry After April 1 we will be at Coming to New Me,..:ico fl'Om Par­ the cotUorenca cbnmpion Aggies by a the activities limitation system was adopted before the the Fort Wingate Indians at Carlisle man runs 110 yards for a total of one The two days' events will includ~ full 3G-22 acore. Tho Aggics held a c! mile, Or. the following Saturday, the list of track and field events, Tennis at the University will begin sons, lCnnsas, I have lettered in foot­ To End Intra-Mural Pl"<.r~ent ~tndent Body President was elected and that he Rough dry, Se per }Jound; lc 203 WEST CENTRAL Gymnasium Thurf:lday night, Ma1·ch 4. 18nl4 lead at tl10 half, ~nme back cross cQuntry will take place. A new Coach Moulder bas announced that Mx:t :Monday with a round robin tour­ ball two years and in bnsketba.ll thl'cc is only doing what he conceives to be his duty in enforc~ extra for handkerchiefs (nicely strong ill the acconQ pol'iod tp smothel' Moulder's agg~egation will entet• the 2~mile course has been laid out for every entrant in inb:amural relay and nament for ranking~; on the Varsity years. During my year nnd n half at: BUSINESS STAFF ing it, ironed). Shirts finished in this Basketball Tonight. the Lobos with nine field goals against service, lOc extra. Let Us Repair Your ring in an attempt to polish oft' an un~ the ct·oss country this year. Starting track must be examined by- M1'. Gek­ f:lquad. Coaches Sacks and Lawson Parsons Juniol' Collegl! I played mrcn.Iatfon !danl'li:llr -"'~~--~--~-----~------·---- Fred Evan• As for walking on the grass: if our two bright~eyed will be in charge, the Lobos' ·foul', The win gives the gentlemen will tnke the troube to observe, they will not­ Shoes successful season with a victory. Two with one lap on the track, it leaves ler. Intramural manas-ers are aaked againlit some of the outstanding stm·s The fmnl iittrnmural basJ~Qtbu.ll game Aggics undisputed poasession of first the campus and retul'tls for the final to :iCC that their men have taken the Efforts a1.·e being nmde for the ath­ ice that grass walking has appreciably diminished du1·~ Phone 804 700 N. Broadway previous meets with Tempe and Ari­ of the Midwest, Centrally- located between the Pikes and Kappa Alphas place in the Bo1•del' Conference, and quartet• mile. The rela,y carnival on examination, letic council to finance tennis team ex~ Folly Blocks Path to ing the past two weeks. ! ALLEN'S SHOE SHOP zona netted the Wolfpack one draw penses in conjunction with track ac- Parsons is perennially a. first division has again been postponed. It is now leaves tho Lobos in fou1•th place be.. It is uite possible that the so-called 1'supreme dig~ hind Arizona, Owners Personal Service l 106 S. Fourth Phone 187 and one defeat. tivitics. Should the plan go through, team in one of the best Juniot• College scheduled to be played Wednesday, nity11 of the Student Body Pt·esident is due to his pt·eocCu­ Hookey A1lodaca and Kiko Martinez Utopian World J,_, __ ,_,_,_.,_, __ ,, __ .,_, In the Arizona meet Danoff, Wll~ Feminine Notions the Lobo tennis team will accompany' conferences in the country, March 3, at 4:30 ll· 1n, Pf!tion with the problem of how to get th eJames Green~ Freshmen Encounter ltl.d tl1e Aggie s<:ol'ing with 14 and 13 Iiams, and Valdez ware KO'd b~ Wild­ the traek squad on their trips to other Born at Parsons and n product of (Clovis Evening News-Jozwnal) acres and Bob Easterdays interested in f:lomething other • By Lydia Pi.nkertun, The Pikes, to rctain th~h: ho!d on Jloints l'e.speetivcly, 'l'al Godding __ schools in the conference. Thus, basketball center I have seen I, than sitting in bleachers and waJkin gon g1·ass. There • cat opponents; Paulson and Duran de­ 1 top~ tlle second berth, must defeat the IJaccd the Wolves with 10 !lOints, Receiving the Cardinal Newman award for This morning I happened to stroll should the travel to Arizona U notch basketball played all my life, is such a problem, you know. YOUR PHOTOGRAPH FOR EASTER cisioned, Duran losing his border Initial Hoop Loss L~boa Kappa Alphn team, A victory for Play in the first half was fairly 1936, Dr. Alexis Carrel tells an Illinois audi­ through the gym and watched a very :for a track meet, the tennis team will Under such conditions no one cun keep If the gentlemen care to send a committee around, the cloHe1 tlle Lobos holding a brief lead conference belt to Art Rosenberg of interesting scene when the giils' gym meet the Wildcat netmen at the same from being a basketball plnyer. Kappa Alpha will throw the teams ence that the power of science may yet enable President might be cajoled into becoming 4'one of us," faced by Ralph Bowyer, spectacu~ au.t·ly in the game. In n aeries of sat the Arizona team, class were going through their daily into u tie fpr second place behind the w1tatever that is. But until he is convinced that "being e Allow us plj)nty of time to make your Ja~ center, the strong Galles Motor­ time. Spurred on by the legend of Phogg up shots in the aeeond period, tlle man to keep his civilization from crumbling Boxing on the hill has sutfe~·ed dozen (they sure were worth watch~ :Men signed to compete for places on Allen and his JCanaas UnivenJity chum­ championship I., hank Living~ The Galles team, composed of old him low during Jnnuat·yJ he has been the lll'Climinrn:y fl'oln Gt·ants high ing the sCI)Ue. Tf1e blonde, is she beau­ Felter, George Hannett. Coaches First at Parson's. high school and himself and his institutions. No longer need Student Union stan, 155 lb., all holders of Border and experienced hoopmen, completely the mainstay in the bnclccourt fat• the achopl 30~19. -·-·-·-.. -·-·-··--"--·-··-.. -··---.. Opinions .. Sacks and Lawson urge all men in~ later at Parsons JuniOr College, Gasa­ -- 709 West Central Conference championships with the dominated the play. Driving under tiful, hum mmmlll;mmmm I wandel' .•. basketeers. nox S<:Qre he be the slave of blind impulses he cannot Can she ever get a date. She looks tel·ested in varsity tennis to sec them way was a p1·ominent member of botl1 exception of Fellis, wet•e scheduled to the basket time after time Bowyer an­ As a deJlcndnblc f(!edcr and a speedy Lobos (22) FT Notes pretty fat to me. I notice that the for instructions. football and basl~etball team. FG TP understand, or of natural laws whose very ex­ Eh; don the gloves for the Loboa during nexed a total of 20 points, The Frosh ball rustlet·, Gasaway will be hnrd to Stoci'Oton. 1 pastries are really worth watching, Fre01hmnn tennis will get under way In this year, his last at the l1i!ltop 0 2 istence he does not suspect. He can shape his the CUlTent scuson. Bibo and Gal~ seemed unable to penetrate the tight replace when the 1938 hoop tnnchine Suenz 0 0 0 Q, How much· reduction will be the most inte1·esting people buy pas­ ne.;:t week, 'vith two tournaments institution, Gasaway has played in is assembled. legos did not return for the second employed by the victors. scheduled for the season. The Frosh ____:______: ____:___::__ _ _.!.______Godding 5 0 10 future as he chooses. Wilbah ?? made on books bought at the co-op? A CLEANING PROCESS FOR PARTICULAR tries. Even though they are fat­ semester, Fellis, Livingston, and Lane !lfany times they wo1·ked the ball down Thomas 3 0 Scoop 'n E. A. Books will be sold at list price. tening, so I notice. will meet the Albuquerque high school 6 If the time ever comes when the race does z. PEOPLE could not participate because of out~ the floor only to lose it and to see the lCcitllley 1 0 The amount of rebate will, of course, team, state 11rep school c~amJJions last 2 by aide work. experienced Galles quintet take ad~ Gasaway .o decide to live by intelligence instead of by depend upon the overhead costs of I wonder if the Major's Club is go- year, ~n tl1cir ii.rst contest. Only other Fencing Classes Enjoyed by 2 2 DRY-SHEEN Prospects for next year are uncer­ vantage of the break to score. llnnnett 0 0 0 habit, prejudice, and emotion, Dr. Carrel un­ running the store, However, since ing to start a family album of its match play wilt be with the Varsity We suppose that Kerney Agerton, alleged writer :for tain. The present rosin editions will Outstanding for the freshmen was LO}lCZ 0 0 0 the overhead costs will be relatively Prompt 20'!'o OFF Phone own It has according to the repo1•ts Intel' in the year. Object of iresh­ questionably is one of the seers it will heed. the Aggie shcot, will make some pointed remarks about be minus the services of Valdez, Wil­ Slippery George Underwood, one of eno~gh pict~res to start a Sunda; man tennis is to det?rmh,1e rankings Fifty-five Lobo Students fixed, there will bo a direct ratio be­ Delivery Cash & Carry 2828 liams, and Duran. the closest guarding forwards seen at Total 10 2 22 ;Right at this moment, however, it seems as if our athletic ability in his next sportscast, Supplement for the New York Times. for ne;o.:t year's varsity squad. The Shades of the Romantic Agel With tween the volume of business and the It was announced that interest' in Carlisle Gym. Underwood found the sports have both i'ound n medium on Lus C1'UCca (3G) FG FT l'P Well, mebbe he's right and t'bcn again-However, we following ntj(!n are practicing for the the clashing of steel upon steel and the pressing need is less for a scientifically con­ rebates made. The greater the num· boxing has sufficiently subsided in the hoop .for eleven counters, and was the the field of eombat. Fencing hns long Apodaca 0 2 14 did plenty all right in our encounters with the farm­ bcr of books sold, the greater will be Doughnuts and pastry will be sold Frosh team: James Hirsch, Reynolds the occasional cry of "Touche" tho an .. !llartinez 0 1 18 trolled future than for a present which can be conference to eliminate the holding of sparkplug of the Frosh quintet. been acknowledged tl1e trainer of pardon-Aggics. the percentage of rebate to the inw HULL'S CLEANERS in the gym. to help out the W. A. A. Johnson, Max Mattingly, Elmer Neish, cient sport of the Musketeers marcllcs Kozcliski 0 0 0 --?- 411 East Central Next to Public Library the annual border conference meet Tuesday night the Frosh met Hail to the doughnuts and pastry, Je1•y Garduno, Don Singer, and Silas on slowly but steadi1y. poise but few have discovered t11c shaped by ordinary common sense. dividual purchaser. this year. Grants high school quintet. Stevens 1 0 2 song may sway in a drunken brawl.Hcnry. Although an ancient and glorified value of poise itself. They ren1lzo tho J. Apodaca 3 0 6 For the one thing that stands out about the Ever wonder where our sweat--suit combinations come Q, How does one become a member sport in itself, fencing bas found a ::.:..::..::::::_.::::.::::__ _: ______...:. ______---:.:---·1 advantages or handling oneself grace~ Finley 0 1 0 world's present fix is that it is the result of from l 'The guy tQat pick 'em must have a 1901 equip· of the co-op? • I A. Payment of the regular student place on the New Mexico campus only fully, find this new sport advanta• Bnll 0 0 0 • ment catnlog. BE'J'TER LIGHT- BETTER SIGHT Wnync sheer folly. activities fee automatically entitfim. in the last IJix year.s, EstablJshed in gcous nnd pleasurable. 0 0 0 Wood 0 Here, for instance, we have a world that is And ,did you notice the Rcd~hot-.Rayon-Rompers tbe one to membership in ·the co-op, with 1931 as a minor sport it seemed only a Up to dnte therG bas been no inter.. 0 0 small attraction alongside of the Aggics wearl Looks mighty fine-yah-mighty fine. Q. Will groups be permitted to en~ seholnstic !eneing meets, but the bope Total 16 4 36 sick almost to death as a result of the ·over­ U. S. Senator Reynolds glory of football and basketba11, and - tertain in the lounges? And, if so, that in the near future these may be Makes the farmers look more like ballet dancers. few ventured to even teat tlie advan- whelming disaster of a world war. The beat what will the costs be 'l Illuminating Engineering Society arranged is expressed by both the remedy that occurs to it seems to be a new ----;?--- tages of this new sport. instructor and the students. Inter.. A. Groups will be encouraged to However, fencing soon begun to LINK LINES Or don't you remembe1• when one of the yelkings megw use the lounges for meetings of a so­ ·Lamps elass matches have been tll'ranged in war on a bigger, bloodier~ and more destruc­ says: ttLuckies are considerate gain favor, until at present there are By Louis Lin~ aphoncd •1No smoking in the gyp, pleaseil? Well, Mattie cial nature, 'l'he costs w111, of course, the _past and will be scheduled ngain tive scale than the last on~. to be found some 1i!ty-1ive students this year; G. Arlissnngle Chambers, who had just lit a ciggie when be dependent on the amount and kind Albuquerque Gas and Electric Co learning the art of 1'paries" and Here is a world which has takeh advantage of refreshments served and on the The lad w110 finds himself the sur.. the magic volce came through, said, 111•t hear the ARTHUR PRAGER, Vice-President and Genera! Mamzger • "counters" under the tutelage of .Art viving combatant on tho field of honor Out of tho nigltt which wao hot and of the science Dr. Carrel extols in order to in­ type of service required, Stanton. gent until he makes the announcement to the other side, of my throat" and the girl who '~runs through'' the dry und into the din and b1nre, sttunw Q. How many offices are there, and bled a. fa:rrnc1' fresh trom the lmy, cow crease its capacity to produce the things it You see, I'm not near sighted, but very far-hearing.'' Exponents of grace and poise, the rest of the. competitors of her sex will who will use them 7 advocates of skill and competitive dirty and riding n mnre. With a fnce needs. Having done so, the world has dis­ , .. and a ·uttle far fetched, too, Spider, both bo awarded a medal this year, covered that it doesn't know how to act in the A. There are eight office rooms and "Two Southern tt"aditions are oratory most huJr nnd t.he icy stm·c ol a man two large meeting rooms. Offices have with work to do, Jw bltiJuh~1·cd around presence of abundance; and so, within the last --?-- -and good tobacco. Lucky Strike been assigned to the Lobo, Mirage, For 011 conference ground Let!lcing men for few years, we have seen it destroying goods Wonder how many of you mugs have ever heard Stock­ Assoeiated Students, and to the ac~ shows me how to indulge in botlt. the Aggie Zoo. And whnt•s more ha that might be produced-while millions of ton speak. They tell us that his voice sounds like very countant for the Associated Students. this light smoke not only pleases my got them. Evct·y tnnn on the down people have suffered from want. high "C." One Will be occupied by the barber, taste but leaves my t1troat in condition. river institution is th('rB by virtue It is a world which endured much agony to ----;?--- one reserved for a locker room in Last fall in North Carolina-when l or boing ::~slccd to come. And tha which records or various campus Ol'­ farmer scout didn•t have to go fat' us We promised Posy Evans that we'd fix him up with a get rid of certain irksome despotisms. The ganizations may be kept, and one will made over 100 speeches-! visited tlte with the exception or J(iJco Martinez, story about how true he is being to his girl. The only despotisms eliminated, the people who were re­ probably be used by the building hoS· Lucky Strike factory. I believe I dis· the basketball club jg a produ~t or trouble is that we forgot which one he is being true to. lieved of them have turned right around to tess. tltc native New 1\lcxicnn mesas. Vic· Is it that Kappa or the one in Mississippi, India Freddie 'l covered, in the Lncky Strike 'Toruting' create new ones, making them more rigid and Q. Will rent be charged for the process, the secret of what makes this tory is not the dominant thing ln any oppressive than the ones they replaced, and ---?--- offices? intcrcoUegintc endeavor but the rc.. cigarette so considerate of my throat. peated lack of it evidences poor rna· manning them with megalomaniacs who are A. No definite decision has been May lle a trifle late but , •• Frank, Chambers-and-well made on this question. However, l have been more than ever an advo• somy in tltc erection of the athletic even more irresponsible than the despots who anyway, Frank and Chambers say that the police cars since the building is the property of cate of a light smoke since seeing the edifice. There is som.cthing wrong were fired. that they have in the city may be rather shabby-but the Associated Students and since all with the structure and here it seems they'll do in a pinch. extra care and expense devoted to It is a world whose best remedy for a ruin­ groups having offices in the building to be both th(> material which goes to ---?--- making Lw::kies easy on the throat." form and the mind which molds it.. 1£ ous collapse of international trade is to raise are composed of members of the As~ Once in a great while this campus get:r a break in the sociated Students, it is unlikely that the smnll town institute at the aite of the barriers to such trade higher than ever tltc. crG!l!ies can>:;tcntly pattern before; a world which sneers fonn of something really good~ The band concert is ~~rc~n=t=w:il:l:b:e:c:h:a:r:g:e:d.======;l a. conqueror, why can't the ~:;11,000 "impractical that break, and we'd like fo' you nl to 1tend 'dis char per annum Univ

r ,_ I %

NEW MEXICO LOBO Wednesday, March 3, 1937 He wants aU the ladies to know that Kappas Initiate 16 KAPPA ALPHA HOLDS he play~ ball. (f . SPRING INITIATION Who's I nto M em b ers h1p FlorenCe New Mexico's Leading Lobo Advertisers Are Doing and keeps .. .. _,,_,, ,,_,._,,_,_, * Kappa Alpha 01·der announces the _ __ __. come in. College Newspaper · Worthy of Patronage ·Formal initiation for Kappa Kappa initiation of t1Hl foUowing new niemR What ew ex1co 0 0 Gamma pledges was held Saturday hers: Monte StrQng, Albuquerque; ' afternoon at the house. Frank 1\'tims, of Mountainair; Louis Publication of the Associated. Students of the University of New Mexico ' New members are: Ruth King, Louise Lipp, Betty Powe1·, Dol'!lthy Bernabe, of Gallup; Raymond Dean, . ·- ~ ·-- -""·~ Seward, !{atherine Sheehan, Billie of Mngdnlona; Cuny Long, of Alllu­ VoL. xxxix ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXWO, SATURDAY, MARCil: 6, 1937 No, 36 Ruth Springer, Bnrbnl'a Strong, PaR querq,ue; nnd Clyde Conover, also of tricia Vetlcil1 1 Betty Bent, Katherine Albuquerque. Burns~ Margaret -lane Burns, Mary ----- Katherine Brown, Juanita Fincke, The g·ift of $110,000 to the Univer­ Milner Walker Selected by Hell Week Still a Heller AccordlngPossibility of$125 .. 000--for Universi{y- Helen Harwood, Julia :S:enry, and sity o£ Michigan was contl'illuted by Allys Jo Itasten, ,, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Bat­ Luby and B~ndell sw&.y together ' · t .r A d To Tired Recipients of the Paddles D . ' . ·---- tle Creek. at the Chi 0 dance, Fl'iday. H S ' A University of Iowa professor who onor OCie y tOr war s By Dale Bellamah epends on. ConstitutiOnal Amendment plan11ed to go on a bobsleighing :party Thieves at the 'University of Texas Cooper and Walker have joined the ¥-- "F:rnte~·nity Hell Week Has Gone Anotl1er Pike vledge boldly stated ' be~ with students had to- stay home are playful. After 11. midnight swipe Wilkin's family. Monetary scholarships set aside by SENIOR IS HONORED Panty Waist," reads a headline in the that Hell Week was Jla cin(lh." An cause his mothel' wouldn't let him go. of $8, one left a note which read, the Faculty Women's Olub and the Albuquerque Jour11al, active on tile l3ending end of a,pad!lle Bill Goes to Secretary of State Since Constitutional She claimed ''sm:h a party is not dig­ Students Drink More 111l'hanlts i'Ol' the eight bucks! Will re­ 'fal Godding, baaketball hot-shot, Du Bois fights, in more ways than Amel'ican Association of Univer:>ity ttintel'esting news to us," said one made bim admit that it was "pretty Amendments Are Not Submitted to Governor nified enough for a col1ege teacher/' turn latel'/1 signed "I'm a robber." refuses to comb his hair after a game. one, for his education. · Women were awarded, this week to of the pledges who were going throug darn tough.'' ·-·--·-·-·---·-·-·t Ml'f>, Edna Wnlker and Katherine Mfl- the sacred rites of the Mystic 01·der On the other hand, Kappa Sigma Alcohol According GETS AAUW AWARD Another obstacle in obtaining the ner, senior students~ by the honors of Thisa Thatn Fraternity, "They pledges, afte1· being placed on the l'e- $1251000 University of. New Me"ico CAMPUS BRIEFS GLORY OF THE WESTERN SKYLINE and nwards committee. should come up and se~ us sometime." ceiving end of a foud joke for 11 bor- share o£ the stato building bon(l issue I_,_,_,_, ___ ,_,_,_,_,_,_,1 Mrs. Walke1• was chosen to l'eceive So, after seeking the opinions of rowing" 150 light bulbs from a down- To Digest Survey overcome by a unanimous vote of tlle the '$50 award set aside by the Faculty pledges of the two houses tl1at are town street :sign and being accosted by house, there ren1ains tho decision of Jane Crosby spent the week-end in Women's club to be given to a senior this week going through the annual the local gendal·mes, refused to make Less Regulations Governing the voters to insure future building on Roswell. or junio1· woma,n on the basis of ne.ed, ceremonies, and of the actives and any statements ;for publication. What Liquor in Larger Colleges the camllllS, There will either be a sc}101arship, and genel·al ability. Mrs. alumni of all the houses, we found a they did say was not fit to print. One spccinl eJection called by an P.tmctment Wulkar is supporting herself and two llighly divided list of o}linions-hut all of their leaders stated that foolish- of High Academic Status in the legislature, or t1te issue will be Erline ll:lenbart went to Mountain~ small children while attending the leading to the same answer: that Hell ness had been cut outj that the pledges air over the week~cnd to visit her voted em in tho regular election in University. In spite of this heavy Week is still Hell Week. had to work and work ltard. Liquor Easily Obtained in 1938, friends. load, the committee learned that she OUl· mission started jn the wee Kappa Alpha, it was discovered, Spite of Drinking Rules The bill, comppsed and iuh'oduced has maintained a vct•y creditable hours of the morning, we accosted as was the only ,house that had gone by Senatot• S. A. Jones of Clovis, went Edwinna Genn spent last week in scholastic recol'd, and expects to grad~ our .fit•st interviewee, JjRusty" F1·an~ "panty waist." They have discon- College students arc dr~nldng more through both the ltouse a,nd the sen­ Roswell visiting her sister, who is con­ uate in June. She has an NYA posi~ cltini1 as he pedalled a bicycle around tinued Hell Week, alcoholic beverages since prohibition, uta in conjunction with n constitutioiJ­ tined to bed. tion in the library, is enl,"Olled in the the half-mile stretch In Pi Kappa AIM An interesting point brought out in al amendment containing a section au­ College of Education, and plans to pha'a annual twenty-hour race. Peek- all of the houses was that :first-year according to repo1·ts from 581 colleges thorizing the. issuance of the bonds. ---··-··-·-··-.. --.. -··---·+ teach when she gets her degree. ing thto11 gb red, swollen e~es, he Said: actives were the lllQSt unmerciful on in answer to a questionnaire survey Tho pl·incipal beneficia1•ies of the Valliant Printing Co. The real need for awards on the 111 don't know what the Journal would the poor nephytes, and that the alum~ just completed by the Lite1·ary Digest. bill will be the University of New pipefub of fragrant f \~H .•~YOL WANT IN A PIPE TOBACCO campus, such as the ones being offe1·ed call THIS. I've been pumping this ni were the ones who sbouted loudest The survey n1so reveals that there 1\re."

sions1 according to J. Kemmity, a Original Mexican Cafe ior a Spnnish vcrsity, Coach Henry's :football teams ranked lowest in 1936 :football. Since sufficient funds for the en- League is planning to have n good .N'ew Zealand representative who dinner. Ordering and conversation have suffered from an apparent scar~ The Lobo coach closed his address tertainment have been raised by mem~ orChestra and some floor entertain- Education Students You hear somebody compli­ hi d . were held entirely in Spnnish. 1tlr. city of the material that sbould be with the sta.tentent that no rise in bers of the junior class, it will not be 1. mcnt. The ball will be a costume a:· spoke in assem y F'ri ay mommg. Campa taught several lllexican folk present in a school of this size, Third athletics could be accomplished with- necessnry to sell tickets to the affair! £air and guest.s may come in any attire Practice Teaching ment Chesterfields at a party. He also told of the good co-opera- songs to the group after dinner. largest in a eonferenr.e of seven out better material. this year. they wish. • tion between employees and employers --'-----'--'------'------'------'------~---..!...-'-:______Thirty-eight University students Another time, the grocer tells because of the councils of arbitration !Ira practice teaching in secondary you it's a darn good cigarette. set up to settle disputes. Student Building Dedication Set for Fall Semester; Equipment Ready for Installation -:chool, eitl1er on the campus or in the A studc'nt may attend high school ~ity. In order to n-nm-c-the n11angout'~ orJI.~---+======:::f:-..:::l• 11 Wol'kers i-n--NY-_ A vocational Or you see a group of men on for tw\l years in New Zealand, but if Mr. J, W. Dief1::11dor!J who ia: in lounge in the Student Union building, schools will 1nake the furniture to go he is Mt successfU1 1 he is expelled. charge of the students doing practicC:I the building committee is hoJding a in the Student Union building,'' snid a street corner, most of 'em Only stud~nts nblc to pass a special in seconda~ schools, said that the contest thnt wll ! be open to student r-t.... ~. t ••• ~. ~ ..... ~ I'·n.,.,, "''""'" L... u'> I o.... •• ~ .. u.... ,.... I 1\11·. J, L. Bostwiclt. smoking Chesterfields. examination may attend college, pUblic schools of the city are not only All brondcnstitlg in New Zealand and faculty members on this cnmpue, Ro~ ..· "~-rf~_.:_.·il'•-."_'_' Jl,._._"",-'w~;.,'_"_'b"-"~'~!',!IJ"'\...,Jr:"i I c_..::::.::::___J = The furniture will l)robnbly be com:- co~operntive, bat helpful to the Uni­ The members of the committee are: , li pleted by July 15. The wrought-iron has been taken over by the govern~ 11 versity and its students. Because they have what ment, according to C. E. H. Pledger, Miss Lena C. Clauve1 Miss Marion Ro· ~L.oll•$t. floor lamps and tile-topped table to Those practice teaching at Lincoln who Is accompanying Mr. Knmmity on hovcc, Miss ·Helen Baird, Mr. J. L. _ go in tha lunch room wilt also be mad~ Junior High 1nclude: Mart Ay1·es, Bostwick, Mr. C. V, Newsom, :M1·, 0. e~~· Ro<>M ?=t by workerS' in the vocational schools. smokers like, Chesterfields are his tour, Advertising is allowed only Roland Dickey~ Oristcll l:Iall, Espid· on one station, and that is by a special H. Fewell, Mr. Lyle Saunders, Mr. "'?'' •o.· • w ~ The fountain eqUipment, bought . p,.,.~ 0 il1"' rion Otero, Hazel Petty, Josephine humming right along • , .. 1·equest from the people. Tom Glavey~ Mr. Tom Biddle, and • ~ :from th~ Arrow Drug Compan~ whidi Ridenour, nnd Bill Stockton. Mr. Louis Dr:;polchro•, This: commit- is unsuited for use in the Studettt Practice teachers at senior high tee will net as ;judges, i .. u Union building, will be traded for ~ L~~ school arc: Dorothea Derry, Rnlph The priM will cbnaist of $5.00 in niore suitable equipment from the Assembly Called Bowyat, Pearl nutler1 George D~ty, trade at the kitchen or the fountnin rl( Weber Showcase Company, Draper~ Betty Fugatt, Ralph Hall, J',1nrion J{el­ in the, Studeht Union buildirtg. H.. r,.o G·••u• J ••,,., 8,.d•• -... l~==u==t.,J.=;:===!. ies nnd rngs will be bought in Albu~ • i ~ elJcL', Elrtillo Lopez, Lucile Lyons, Eli' George Vincent, former pr~eldent ot ... Each person may submit ltS mllllf" ~t.... ';:',::" o.~,. ~..... 1\.u~t.. "I'. --y..:;; querque, Martinez1 Maxine MeCnrtn:e:r, Nel­ the Rockefeller Foundation, will speak names as be desires. All entries lnUst ..Jl Between eight and :fourteen stu.. on 11 New Frontiers and Old,11 at the Htn .Mejia, Katherine Milner, Theo~ be typewritten With tl1e submitted yw...... r...~::l t ••: dents will be employed to work in required assembly Monday nt 9. Mr. 1 name at the top, and the pereon;s ,-.... ~ ~~ ..... 1 11.... L.. u dora Non'is, Robertn Palmer, Marion Vinc(lnt also iS well known because of name and address below; a:nd put in n &... , .Stu« the building. The manager o£ the Rohovec, Jesus Sanchez, E:elen Still­ his success as for1ner president of the box provided in the :versonhel office. D \. If has not yet been chosen. ninnks1 Howntd Sylvester, Elva Walk­ • Jl r~.u•~"''"~ II II hook~store Urtiver~rlty of Minnesota, All entries must be in by March 19, ~ The personnel office will have general er, nnd Be1t Witlintns, A dinner in honor of Mr. Vincent Because of the ln.rge number of J" contl"ol of the Student Union building. Students pract{ec. tenching Oh tl1c • h b • • d th fLoOA PLIO< carnpus nrc: Mrs. Garnet Brayer, Her­ will ba giV'oil ut the dining hall Mon· h 0 nalile.!J W tch nvc en recewe • AHoCIIITtD Sruot::Ni'.5 BuiLtiiNll • The Student Union committee anM bert B1:ayer Thomas Bush, R. W. day at 12:30. committee mn:v be .!lubdivided to voss nounccs that the building will defi~ 1 Mr. Vincent has been in Ari:r.onn for Utlon names:. Students m·e allowed Hanks, Avis Johnson, James Lough­ .. the vns!: few days and -will nrrlvc herd to hand in ns many nnmes ns they The above Jllllrt sho\Vs the ground level. The bnsemcn t spnce provides for n billiard l'oom, jnnito:r•s quartersJ the: nitely be open :tor use the fall sernes- lin, !tfal"gnl·et Sanford, Carl St!l1lick, Leonrt 'rnlbot, and ]'zunc(!'s Watson. Monclny mm:ning. chOCtse, ballroom air-conditioning unit, iurnace apnce1 and transformer vault. ter or this year.

r t