University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1937 The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 3-3-1937 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 039, No 35, 3/3/1937 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1937 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 039, No 35, 3/3/1937." 39, 35 (1937). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1937/10 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1937 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !Page FoUl' , NEW MEXICO LOBO Saturday, February 27, 1937 ___ *__ _ gathered up two brother P1kes and LOST-A set of car keys ih a ~ In Grey Felt serenaded beneath Pop's window. Pop brown leathe1' case. If found, please Latest Styles To Be Featured at J·-·-~~;;~~~RI~;~-.. -1 Who's slept stratght th10ugh everythmg, New Mexico's Leading retu11n to Wanda Seligman, * Lobos Talre Folll'th in College Newspaper Phi Mu Style Show on Sunday ,_,_,_,,_,_,,_,_,_,_,_, ___ , Doing Conference Basketball :Membe1s of P1 Kappa Alpha and Toulouse's prtde won't allow his. I;;::::============:::;;, ew ex1co 0 0 Mrs. Browmng1 as hostess, enter~ mnste1•piece to be printed, The latest spl'ing fash1ons for the tamed on Wednsday evening with a What ACME BEAUTY Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico college gid's wardrobe £o1• nll occu.· Four Fraternities SERVICE dinner pa1.·ty, The occasion was Pete Eiland complf'ms because Starret aions Will be d~splayed at the Pln 1\fu McDavid's birthday. Bebber gets s<.,tuelched lll psychology keeps McGee from work. Hold House Dances PERMANENTS VOL, style show to be g1ven at the cha:Pte1 class. XXXIX ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1937 No. 3& houlje Sum]Q.y ~fter.noon at three $3.00 tQ $7.50 Alpha Chi Omega entel'tained Given by FRANK COOPER o'clock. Sport, a£tet•noon1 and ave. Sntut•dtty night finds dnnC!es nt four White shoes appem on coeds as uneverend" F1a:me .i!ddressed Ius Heads Texas IRC Meet gue:;ts at th~ chaptel' house on Wed­ 11 ning am~arel, ns well ns new acceS· of the :flnt<ll•mty houses on the Jnll. cotlgtegatwn ll,S Butch." nesday evening. A surpnse p1uty for spung day~ 1netcnd to come Sldn Advice Free Local Students Plan sol'ies m11 be displayed by lnembets of 'l'h~ pledges of the Sigma Cln frnter~ Given by HARRIET DREESEN Prize of $5.00 Given for Name of Scheduled Assembly Tickets and Ballots Mtss Evodean Vidal was given in Win the active ch~_ptor who w!ll 1.lct us nity ate g1ving an Informal house I honot of het· bnthday. 11Sonny boy" Blue thshkes ptlbllcity All t11e U, Jass1es trying to 1~arn to models. dance on Satmdny evemng, EX-CEL-CIS I , Active Part in IRC of this sm t be clull'ming from the number of turn­ 'Hang Out' Room in New Building Transferred Until D "d p I •t Q Clothes to be exlnbited are bemg 1\fembf.WS of tho :Pi Kappa Alphu Misses Lorrame Putdte and Ruth outs at 1ecent charm school! Watch BEAUTY PRODUCTS furmshed th1ough the coul'tesy of one l10use are entertammg w1th au m­ 1t fellows, when they turn on the 206 Rosenwald Bldg. Ph. 2708 Pophn will spend the week-end in Gal­ Apolog1es to Edtth Huntet• for be­ 1 Texas Conference ot U e dov; dtown dress alwps. Re.. formal house dance. Also, pledges lup, cha1m! Oij~to; ;~:· r::~: :;·\~:· A:::~~.~~t be~~~,:~: :~::~~t~."e ~:;~~p~~~~.:.~:n~ Next Monday at 9 eCl e opu an y ueen AU sorts of fads in hats come and go lated cong1nts-but may they still be frcshments '~ill be SCl'VCd foll~>wing and actiVca of Kappfl Sigma and Sig- but the c1nss1c felt, sbown he(e seem­ offe1ed? Kastler, Zimmerman, Wood, the pe1formance. ma Phi Epsilon :flata1nittes are enter- 1 Students' Budding, the buildmg com~ ~:s~~~:~d~~!~~· thut. pmpose in the New Zealand Students Will Sel ecti• 0 n for sea son ingly goes on fmevcr. This time it's ' ' . T. 1 b b' . ·' t t tnn1ing Wlth informal dances at the Miss Margaret Sanford Will spend Marble, Cheney, Kinniard nnttee 1s offermg five dollars in tl•ade March 19, 1937, has been set as the Speak at Assembly Friday 1c 'ets may eo ~.:mneu a ten (len s the week-end with het: parents at her date up m g~:ey $tJtched felt, It; 1s S:pcakmg of congrats-th1s week's • '' and Link to Take Trip at the fountam o1· kitchen as a prize closing date and entries must be sub- 1•11 Scl'ence Lecture uall --~-------------~< _•_o_cl_>_fx_o_m_o_ll_'_''_e_m_b_e_rs_of_P_h_i_M_•_•·___ "_''_P_e_c_h_v• __ '_h_•_~_tc_,_· _h_ou_s_e_s_. ----lhonlle m Santa Rosa. an Ideal headgear fol' the conservative go to McWlurter and Campbell. Alpha to the student who submits the best nutted on or before that date. .l;L girl who wants to look smart, and an Cht's will enJOY candy on Monday I name m the opmion of the JUdges. Those wl10 WISh to mspcct the room CHILD LABOR IS TOPIC Stx coeds will coinpete foi the hono1 has excellent accessory for the new sprmg Conference to Include Nine Due to the district hasketball tour­ of pres1dlng ove1• tho 1\fh:age Beauty Dave Shaw teturned to h1s home night on Cnmpbe1l (they hope). The 1oom, or terrace1 will contalll and the buildmg m general may do so OF KROHN'S LECTURE m Las Vegas. :spo1 ts clothes. Fp~· college guls this N. M. and Texas Schools the tnbles and chmrs for fountain and at any time. nament wh1ch will be held m Carbsle Ball, Murch 13, at the Ellts club, as Mrs. Bartley Speaks to First rl gymnasium, the required nssem.bly TO WOMEN VO'rERS ever needed hat completes the ward­ Pophn pulls fast one and fads to cafetelia serv1ee. More than hkely --------- Poptllanty Queen ... Miss Btlbe McCarley left Thursday robe. Smce gi ey IS one of the popu­ answer phone call-one merry mixup New Mexico University's Iepresen­ the students Wlll usc the place as a scheduled fo1· Fnday, Ma1ch 5, hns been postponed unttl Monday, March A sccolid lecture 011 110lnld Labor" Selection of tlw quean will be deter- Session of U.,_Charm School morning to spend a few days at her lal' colors ;for sprmg, why not select fo1 all pa1·ties concerned-mostly Hen­ tatives to the New MeXICo-West Texas "get-togethei" or 11 hang~out " \ s, at nine o'clock. '\ III be gtven by 1\Ir, A. L. Krohn at the mmcd by the number of ticl(ets sold home in Clayton. this casual felt hat to wear With thn.t derson. International Relat10ns Clubs confer­ The contest 1s open to all students University Band to By BONNill MAY JOURDAN mnnnish-trulored smt With two sets "cettain" suit when sophisticat1on 1s ence to be held March 5 and 6 at and facu1ty o£ the U mverstty With Dr. GcoJge V1ncent, retued mem~ ne::\t meetmg of the College League by t]Ie candidate's sponsormg tu:gam­ 11 11 of accesso1•ies, one set dl.'cssy and not required? Lubbock, Texas, wJll take active part bet of the Rockefeller Foundatton1 That a considerable numbel' of gids :Mr. John W. Smith left :for his home Kinntud expresses views on soCJa. the exceptwn o£ membets of the As~ of Women Voters. :mtlon, und by votes re[!eivQd in a stu­ on oUl' campus tu•e mterested in charm the other sport, lS the smartest and in Black Gaberdme w1th hz­ m tho program. Students partiCipat­ soc1ated Students' Bu1lding cmmmt­ Vary Program for WJll speak at Monday's assembly, in Prescott, Arizona. He will retum p1oblems With much vigor m histo1y The dJscusston wtll be concemed dent body election March 11. the long run probably the most econo­ ard trim, Blue Gabaxdme ing are John Cheney, Helen Zimmer­ The New Zealand students, who was evidenced by the attendance at to the University next semester, class, tee, who ate exempted from cornpetmg 'l'he cand1datcs nrc: Bunny Bennatt, the fust meetJng of the cha1m school, mical outfit you r.nn include in your Chi O's Entertain with blue bzard trim. All man, Lou1s Lmk, Maxme Kastler, AMY HEMINWAY JONE'F. and will act as JUdges. Since the Concert Tonight we1e to be featured at the assembly, generally Wtth the ch1ld labor• Pl'Ob­ Sara )la,ynolds Thusday, wm·drobe, fot• it can be used the year • over gray doeskm, Sam :Mu1ble, and Btll Wood. Mr. committee will pick the winning will speak as scheduled nt a volun­ lem and w1th the tecent act10n of the Mary Dalby, Fumces Fifield, Helen hold in hall, P. S.-Remcmbe1, no short cuts on name round for sheet wear, travel, and Thomas C, Donnelly will bo faculty they w1l1 enter mto no dJscuss1on With tary assembly 111 Sc1ence LectUic ):lall state legislature in rattfying t1ua Holntcs, Mn:dnn Tarleton, and Snd1e Febiuary 25. Mrs. Bartley gave some the lawllB any more unless you go Nanninga Returns from Music, vaned m content fnm the 11 afternoon affairs and dinner. And last, Interest Shown by Informally Friday at nme o'clock Frtday mormng, A umendment.
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