The EMBO Journal (2013), 1–2 Cytonemes extend their reach Thomas B Kornberg Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. Correspondence to:
[email protected] The EMBO Journal advance online publication, 14 May 2013; doi:10.1038/emboj.2013.115 Cytonemes are specialized filopodia, first described in the functionally diverse, with a subset dedicated and designed Drosophila wing imaginal disc, that were proposed to for juxtacrine signalling between distant cells. The term mediate long distance signalling during development. A cytoneme was coined to highlight this specialized function- recent report from Barna and colleagues (Sanders et al, ality (Ramirez-Weber and Kornberg, 1999). Filopodia with 2013) published in Nature shows that cytonemes in the apparent sensory function had been observed previously in chick limb bud carry SHH signalling proteins out to signal various contexts: thin, dynamic filopodia extend across sea receiving cells, thus highlighting their evolutionarily urchin embryos, appearing to explore and perhaps pattern conserved roles in cell–cell communication. distant sheets of cells (reviewed in McClay, 1999), and Our textbooks inform us that long distance signalling by anthropomorphic descriptions of neuronal growth cone animal cells is carried out in either of two ways. One, specific for neurons, involves signal exchange at sites of direct con- tact. The cell body of a neuron can be far from target cells (even metres away), but neurons extend processes that can bridge the distance to the target cell. Non-neuronal cells, in contrast, are hemmed in by their neighbours, their contacts limited to nearest neighbours, and they use the other Chick limb bud Receptors mode: signal release at the surface of signal-producing cells, followed by dispersion in extracellular fluid so that released SHH target cells signals eventually bind to receptors on target cells.