Te Runanga Ratonga Hapori o Te Raki-pae-whenua

ANNUAL People in our communities in North working together to build resilient safer REPORT connected communities 2014

40th Annual General Meeting People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Table Of Contents

Whakatauki ...... 3

Vision & Mission ...... 4

Chairperson’s Report ...... 5

Executive Officer’s Report ...... 7

Who We Are ...... 9

Membership...... 10

Board Member and Staff Profiles ...... 11

How NSCSS contributes to the Auckland & Local Board Plans...... 18

The Year’s Work ...... 23

Building Resilience and Capability...... 24

Training & Mentoring ...... 26

Safer Whanau Project, North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network, Child Focus Group...... 27

Stand By Me, Bullying Prevention Project...... 32

Flaxroots Community Planning...... 34

Supporting Community ...... 37

Publications, Social Media & Website...... 38

Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group ...... 40

In summary, what we did and how we did ...... 42

Looking ahead 2014 and beyond...... 43

Draft three year strategy 2014 - 2017...... 44

Events 2013 - 2014 ...... 45


Me he korokoru Tui Tau atu ki te kaupeka

Like the Tui stand on the highest branch And let your song be heard

3 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Vision & Mission

Vision People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Mission Championing positive change through effective community development that builds strong community agencies, networks and community wellbeing

North Shore Community and Social Services

PO Box 33284, Takapuna, North Shore 0740

T: 09 486 4820 W: www.nscss.org.nz E: [email protected]


Chairperson’s Report

We’ve been around the North Shore for 40 years, that’s an achievement worth celebrating. Turning 40 is a milestone that brings on reflection and contemplation about the future. The Board is promoting changes for our membership and community to consider so that our future is vibrant and remains fully in the service of the community. A new name supported by refocussed visions and objectives are promoted for decision at the 2014 AGM.

Over the past year NSCSS has continued to give broad support to a wide range of community interests at a structural and governance level. We have continued to work to achieve a good relationship with the Auckland Council while facing a structure Brian Putt of local boards that has yet to achieve a sub-regional Chairperson focus beyond their local boundaries. We await the North with strong groups in Milford, Coatesville, initiative of clustering local board interests to serve , Beachhaven and Paremoremo. wider subregional interests. The commitment of our innovative Chief Executive We have continued to provide the popular bi- Yvonne Powley to the Auckland Regional monthly seminar series on topics of current interest Methamphetamine Working Group has ensured that which covered affordable housing, the Unitary this important group is now ensconced in the Council Plan and our supportive workstream in bullying processes with direct reporting to the Council’s prevention and family violence. This year’s AGM Safety Committee. The group is exploring research invites parliamentary party candidates to outline ideas and developing formal policy structures. their party’s approach to current social challenges. We enjoy another year’s funding from the Ministry These sessions are usefully conducted within the of Social Development to manage the coordination neutral agency of NSCSS giving lively and wide of the North Shore Family Violence Network and discussion opportunities. Bullying Prevention work and Child Focus Group The Flaxroots Community Planning Project has under the skilful leadership of Deb Humphries and concluded but NSCSS remains the conduit to keep the Anna Crane. The Tindall Foundation has funded work achieved alive and flourishing. The Flaxroots our “5 Good Ideas” programme for a further three ideas and methods remain championing community years. This programme continues to be extremely groups in Rodney, Waiheke Island and as far south popular with our member groups and the wider as Patumahoe in Franklin. The Flaxroots Planning community development spectrum, particularly in Network remains firmly established in Auckland the areas of accountability reporting, collaborative

5 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

skills and funding resources. This work is seen Action Plan.. Extensive lobbying in the past led to by NSCSS as an essential service to the not-for- a Council decision to review the proposed policy profit sector as it struggles to achieve viability in structure to achieve better funding equity across the an environment of shrinking income and reduced region. We await the new Council’s revival of this funding opportunities. review.

NSCSS has played a large role in hosting national Your Board remains pledged to deliver the highest organisations to the North Shore and Auckland this level of community development service, support year. Seminars and workshops covering the interest and guidance that we are able to achieve. We have of our social development partners. ANGOA, welcomed new Board members Maria Lafaele, NZCOSS, Charities Commission, Social Development John Brothers and Dale Everiss during the year and Partners and Inspiring Communities have all been deeply appreciate their participation, skill and the part of the mix. connections they bring. The NSCSS Board gives our sincere thanks to our committed staff members A brilliant innovation in 2014 was the first “Provocative for their continuing commitment to the purpose of Breakfast” event in Auckland North with leading NSCSS. speakers on the important theme of funding and the changing interests of philanthropic agencies. The A special mention too for our funders and sponsors early morning start was very rewarding. over the last year whose confidence in NSCSS allows us to continue our work as a leader in new research, We remain focused on the need for an Auckland ideas promotion and information sharing in the wide community development funding policy to fields of community development and social policy. complement the Council's Thriving Communities Brian Putt Chairman – 2014

Auckland North


Executive Officer’s Report

This year NSCSS celebrates its 40th anniversary. We started life in 1974 as the North Shore Council of Social Services. The world has changed radically since that time. Communities in the North are vastly different in 2014. With the recent changes to the structure of Local Government and the creation of a metropolitan city; the North Shore is governed by 5 Local Boards and is increasingly being referred to as Auckland North.

In this new environment we have been reflecting on NSCSS’ history and on the work we do in relation to our constitution, looking at how our work has changed while the purpose and intent has remained the same.

Our organisation has remained true to the belief that robust community and social service organisations Yvonne Powley and projects are essential to the development of Executive Officer resilient safer and well-connected communities.

Training, knowledge sharing and capability building Our bi-monthly meetings and issue-based forums will always be a key part of our work within the are always well attended and it is through feedback community sector. Over the years we have moved and engagement with our members and the wider a long way from the notion of a ‘council’ or an community that we can ensure that the communities’ ‘umbrella ‘agency which no longer communicates voices are heard at a policy level. The the ‘what and how’ our organisation serves the Council of Social Services has recently changed its community. Over the past 5 years in particular we name to Community Networks Aotearoa. This has have adopted a community development approach prompted us to making our name more relevant. in response to the changing needs and issues in our At an executive, staff and Board level the strategic communities. We have also focused on projects and review we have been engaged in has resulted in a initiatives that actively encourage working together revision of our constitution; a proposed change to and supporting communities to engage with our name and the development of a high level draft finding new solutions to the complex social issues Strategy 2014 – 2017. of our time. Another of the original objectives in our constitution has been ‘to promote action to bring One of the highlights in our work this past year has about policy change’ and we remain committed to been the collaboration work in our project areas. this as an objective. Starting or sustaining a collaborative journey is

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exciting, sometimes stressful, and even new for input and wish her all the best. We hope to continue many of us. We see this as offering greater potential to work with Jo in a new redesigned relationship. for maximizing resources, developing sustainable We have welcomed Anna Crane to our staff as outcomes and greater community ownership and our Stand by Me Coordinator. Anna brings huge commitment in the courses of action. We believe experience and we are thrilled to have her. A very big this is where we can do our best work bringing thanks to Leanne, Ruth, Deb and Anna for all their agencies together and building strong sustainable work. Also a big thank you to Sandi Morrison who relationships. continues to work along side us and provides huge We celebrate the fact that we have achieved support both at the governance and operational considerable outcomes over the years in our ability levels. to influence central and local government policies We wouldn't exist without our wonderful sponsors and practices for our members as well as the wider and funders. We are extremely grateful for the community. We are looking forward to working with financial support we receive. A big thank you to our community for a further 40 years. I acknowledge them. the wonderful work of past staff and officers of NSCSS and hope we have kept the intent of the As well as our staff I would like to thank our original need for an organisation like NSCSS. dedicated board members and all of our partners and our community members for all the work you The past year we have welcomed three new Board do together to make Auckland North a better place members. We are delighted to have two new to live in. members from North Shore Pasefika Forum, Maria Lafaele and John Brothers, a new treasurer, Dale Yvonne Powley Everiss and Jo Dominick from Yes Disability. Jo is Executive Officer stepping down at this AGM and we thank her for her


Who We Are…

North Shore Community and Social Services is an Incorporated Society, governed by an Executive Committee. The organisation was formed in 1974 and incorporated in 1979. It is affiliated to the New Zealand Council of Social Services and is one of around 55 Councils of Social Services throughout New Zealand.

Governance Structure The governing body consists of 9 elected members, all who have extensive community involvement and an understanding of and commitment to community development.

The organisation has a governance/management structure whereby the Executive Committee carry out the functions of strategic planning, policy development, financial accountability and the appointment and supervision of the Executive Officer.

StructureNorth Diagram Shore Community and Social Services - Structure Diagram

Board members

Brian Putt Chairman Janet Johnson Secretary Citizen’s Advice Bureau North Shore Dale Everiss Treasurer Lisa Easte Vice-Chair Youthline North Shore Terry Hoskins Approach Ltd John Brothers North Shore Pasefika Forum Maria Lafaele North Shore Pasefika Forum Joanna Dominick YES Disability Prof Michael Belgrave Massey University

Yvonne Powley

Executive Officer

Sandi Morrison

Strategy and Projects

Leanne Royden Ruth Greenaway Deb Humphries Anna-Louise Crane

Financial Administrator Five Good Ideas Family Violence Prevention Stand By Me Training Coordinator Network anti-bullying project Safer Whanau Project Stand by Me Safe Spaces Media / Communications Child Focus Group Z Stay Safe Centres Coordinator Coordinator Project Coordinator

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Our Membership Abilities Inc ● Age Concern North Shore ● Adults in Motion ● Albany Village Library ● Alexandra Associates ● Approach Ltd ● Arthritis NZ North Shore Service ● Auckland Council ● Auckland University of Technology Library ● Awataha Marae Inc Society ● Baptist Union of New Zealand ● Barnardos North Shore ● Bays Community Housing Trust ● Beneficiary Advocacy Information Service ● Birkdale and Beachhaven Community Project ● Breast-screen Waitemata ● Business Professional Services ● CAB Birkenhead ● Citizens Advice Bureau Browns Bay ● Citizens Advice Bureau Glenfield ● Citizens Advice Bureau North Shore ● Citizens Advice Bureau Northcote ● Citizens Advice Bureau Takapuna ● Centre’s for Mutual Aid ● Child Connection Trust ● Community Waitakere ● Connect Supporting Recovery ●De Paul House ● Depot Arts Space ● Devonport Community Coordinator ● Devonport Community House ● Disabled Riding Warkworth ● East Coast Bays Community Project ● EBSCO NZ Ltd ● Employment Disputes ● English Language Partners North Shore ● Epilepsy North Shore & Rodney ● Equip ●Foundation for Youth Development ● Flaxroots Community Planning ● Glenfield Community Centre ● Greenhithe Community Trust ● Grey Power North Shore ● Grief Centre ●Harbour-side Community Services ● Health Promotion Forum ●Highbury Community House ● Homebuilders ● Kaipatiki Project Group ● Kawai Purapura ●Korean Rainbow Club ● La Leche League ● Literacy North Shore ● Mairangi Bay Arts Centre ● Marist Alternative Education Trust ● Massey University Social Work Programme ● Meadow-wood Community Centre ● Multiple Sclerosis Society of Auckland and North Shore ● Naval Family Liaison ● New Dawn Partnership Inc ● New Zealand Institute of Education ● North Harbour Budgeting Services ● North Harbour Living Without Violence ● North Shore Budget Service ● North Shore Chorale ● North Shore Hospice Trust ● North Shore Housing Trust ● North Shore Pasefika Forum ● North Shore Women’s Centre ● Northern Auckland Kindergarten Association ● Onepoto Awhina ● Northcote Community House ● Onewa Parent Centre ● Papakura Council of Social Services ● PHAB ● Raeburn House ● Red Cross Society ● Relationship Aotearoa ● Rose Centre ● Salvation Army Community & Family Services ● School of Social & Cultural Studies ● Seasons North Shore ● Senior Services Programme ● Safer Families Auckland ● Social Service Solutions Inc ● St Aidan’s Presbyterian Church ● St Barnabas Anglican Church ● St George’s Community Trust ● St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church ● Sunnynook Community Centre ● Takapuna Library ● Takapuna Methodist Church ● Takapuna North Trust ● Te Puna Hauora ● The Brain Injury Association (Auckland) Inc ● The Goodday NZ Korean Education and Culture Trust ● The Tui Centre ● Tough Love Auckland ● Unique Families Inc ● Waitemata District Health Board ● Waitemata PHO ● WDHB Bowel Screening ● Whanau Marama Parenting ● Willow Christian Trust ● Wilson Home Trust ● Wise Guys The Men’s Group ● YES Disability Resource Centre ● Youthlaw Aotearoa ● Youthline North Shore


Board Members

Brian Putt Chairperson – Metro Planning/ Birkdale BeachHaven Community Project Brian is a self employed town planner with 38 years of professional work in local, district, regional and central government planning. He has a long involvement with North Shore community organisations from his time as a councillor on the former Northcote Borough Council (from 1980). He was part of the establishment of Awataha Marae and Onepoto Awhina. Brian was an elected councillor on the inaugural North Shore City Council from 1989 – 1992. He chaired the Northcote Soccer Club for 6 years and was a member and Chair of the Northcote College Board of Trustees for 7 years. Brian’s interests remain in the strategic purpose and function of community development. He sees his professional skills as a valuable tool to assist in helping NSCSS confront and liaise with central and local government organisations. Brian is chair of the Birkdale Beachhaven Community Trust and is on the Board of COMET. Brian is married with 4 adult children and 3 grandchildren. He has lived in Northcote for 38 years.

Lisa Easte Deputy Chair –Manager Youthline North Shore Lisa Easte has been active in the world of counselling and supervision for over 20 years. Special emphasis has been in the area of youth development. Initially trained as a psychologist with a Masters’ degree from Auckland University, she went on to gain practical skills by working for 19 years with Youthline in Auckland. Initially as a telephone counsellor, then face to face counselling and training and supervision for others in the organisation. What started as a voluntary position to gain experience, grew into a full time job with a passion for youth. In 2005 Lisa worked for Project K where she trained and supervised the mentors working with teenage clients. She was responsible for the accounts and fundraising. Recently Lisa became Manager Youthline North Shore.

Janet Johnson (BCOM) - Secretary Citizens Advice Bureau North Shore Janet co-ordinates the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau North Shore – a well established Not for Profit charitable organization that provides free to all individuals an impartial and confidential service of information, guidance and support. The Citizens Advice Bureau also aims to exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.

Janet has worked in the NGO and community sector for nearly 15 years and has a background in Management and Employment Relations. She has a business degree from the University of Auckland. Janet is proud to be a New Zealand citizen and has lived on the North Shore since moving to New Zealand in 1989.

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Board Members

Professor Michael Belgrave – Massey University Professor Michael Belgrave joined North Shore Community & Social Services in July 2009. Michael is a Professor in History in the School of Social and Cultural Studies at Massey University in Albany. He has expertise in history, social policy, social service research and publishing. He has published in a range of areas, including: social service and health delivery, social policy, the history of health and medicine and race relations, using methods that range from quantitative to oral.

Michael has also been the research manager for the Waitangi Treaty Tribunal and was responsible for all the research, hearing and reporting of all claims from 1987 to 1993. Some other of his key appointments include: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge; Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge; Member of the Centres of Research Excellence (CORE) panel considering applications in the humanities, social sciences, education and public policy fields; Consultant to the New Zealand Law Commission on the legal recognition of Maori customary rights; appointed to a group to advise the Secretary of Justice on constitutional reform and the Treaty of Waitangi.

Dale Everiss – NCB, B.Bus, NZICA, Treasurer Dale has a background in accounting, having worked most recently with Vision Plastics Ltd, Lifewise Trust, Homecare services, Serco, Mount Eden Correction Facility, Methodist Mission/Lifewise Trust/Airedale Property, Capital & Coast District Health Board, and Kiwirail.

Dale studied Psychology at Auckland University. She was top in NZ in ACA Accounting, and has NCB, B.Bus qualifications. Dale has been a member of NZICA since 1996.

Her personal interests include: sailing, reading, fostering kittens and volunteer work.


Board Members

Terry Hoskins – Approach Limited Terry Hoskins is the Chief Executive of Approach Limited which provides services to improve the performance of client businesses. Prior to this he was, for 10 years, the Chief Executive of Enterprise North Shore which was the economic development agency for North Shore City. Terry was educated and brought up in England where he managed and lead a range of enterprises. He has an MBA from Henley, England, and is a member of the Institute of Accredited Business Consultants NZ, the Institute of Directors and the NZ Institute of Management. He is a Trustee of the Independent Business Foundation and North Shore Community and Social Services Inc Since arriving in New Zealand 20 years ago, he has run his own business, worked with a variety of enterprises as a business consultant, and was the Chief Executive of a medium sized business, prior to joining Enterprise North Shore. Terry has helped many enterprises to succeed and grow by taking a strategic view of their enterprises and building on their strengths.

Maria Lafaele – North Shore Pasefika Forum Born of Samoan decent, Maria is a graduate from the University of Auckland. She is currently working for the Auckland Regional Public Health Service in the Pacific Quit Smoking Service - a project funded by Waitemata and Auckland District Health Boards to help Pacific People become somkefree. Prior to that, she worked as a Pacific Careers Consultant for the University of Auckland Career Centre and also for the WDHB Clinical Research & Resources Centre as a Pacific Researcher Assistant. She is serving the communities through her work as an Advisor Board member of the North Shore Pasefika Forum, a trustee board member to the North Shore Women's Centre and as a Committee member to the Birkdale and Beach Haven Community Project. She has a strong interest in communities and in particular a passion for Pacific communities looking at the transition experienced by many families arriving and living in New Zealand. She would like to see the Pasifika communities on the North Shore strengthened and empowered to achieve their aspirations.

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Board Members

John Brothers – North Shore Pasefika Forum John Brothers is currently a tutor at the Manukau Institute of Technology, in Electrical and Marine Electrical. He is also the current President of the New Zealand Electrical Institute (NZEI) Auckland Branch and the Vice President of the NZEI (National Council). In his career he spent 20 years working for the NZ Royal Navy as a Chief Petty Officer and Electrician. His qualifications are: registration as an Electrician ERBNZ (1988), Electrical Theory & Practice NZ Trade Certificate (1988), Certificate of Registration EWRB (1993), Certificate of Attainment In Instructional Technique Royal NZ Navy (1980), Machine Diagnosis Software Royal NZ Navy (1992), Electrical Equipment in Hazardous AreasAIT Compact Short Courses (1997), Etito Work Task Assessor (2004-2007) John brings to the Board his people skills in a diverse range, within a commercial, professional and team orientated environment. He has a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of analytical problem solving and proven effectiveness in leadership and supervision skills. Alongside his work with NSCSS, John is also actively involved in other community voluntary roles: He is involved in establishing a Pacific Arts & Cultural Centre on the North Shore of Auckland and is a member of City Impact Church – Browns Bay. In 2004 he travelled to Northern Tonga to build a church in 10 Days.

Joanna Louise Dominick – Bsc, Grad Dip Tchg Prim The last two years Jo has been working at the YES Disability Resource Centre as the Strategy Coordinator. In this role she worked with Auckland Council, the DHB and other organisations to promote inclusion of the Disability Community. Jo also managed Carabiner which is a mentoring programme for young people who live with extraordinary challenges. They pair young people with aspirations with mentors who are experienced in their field of interest. Prior to this Jo taught special needs students and prior to this she taught in the mainstream at high school and middle school levels. Jo says that her personal journey has given her valuable knowledge and skills to assist others living with disability. It has also developed a passion to promote inclusion of all people in our society.


Staff Profiles Yvonne Powley – Executive Officer Yvonne joined NSCSS in May 2009. She has a B.Soc.Sc. and has completed all the papers towards a M.Soc.Sc. and Dip.Com.Psych. (University of Waikato). In 2006, Yvonne set up her own business Pacific Research & Development, working for three years on various projects in the Pacific. She undertook a disaster assessment mission in the Solomon Islands after a tsunami and earthquake; worked with the Caritas Office of Justice and Peace in PNG; made a risk analysis for Oxfam of going into West Papua, and worked on a UNICEF project looking at the preparation for Avian Influenza in Samoa. Yvonne is a Board member of RedRNZ and EWPANZ.

Yvonne has held numerous management positions including General Manager of Auckland New Ventures from 1994 – 2001. Since moving to the North Shore, Yvonne became the Director of Northcote College Community English School and Campus Manager of Sir George Seymour National College of Travel & Tourism.

Leanne Royden – Financial Administration Leanne has a strong background in accounting spending the last 15 years working in the accounting field as a Financial Controller and Office Manager.

She began her career in the clerical area becoming a senior clerk and training officer with Social Welfare in New Plymouth.

Leanne has excelled at competitive sports competing in Duathalon Champs and Cycle races around New Zealand. She has two children and lives and works on the North Shore.

Deb Humphries – North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network; Safer Whanau Project; Child Focus Group Deb has worked in the North Shore Community Sector for the past 10 years. Her past employment history has seen her involved in the fields of education, social services, health and most recently Family Violence Prevention and intervention. Initially she worked within The Salvation Army North Shore Community Ministries situated in Glenfield. She was then involved with Community Child and Family Services, at North Shore Hospital employed by WDHB. Most recently she held the role of the North Shore Advocate for children and young people who have witnessed family violence, a role established by the former Safer Families Foundation/Shine.

With a background in teaching Deb is passionate about Community Development, especially that which involves enhancing public awareness and promoting change in culture and attitudes which condone violence within our homes and whanau. She believes our whole community benefits when we work towards supporting safer whanau for our children to be nurtured and cherished within.

15 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Staff Profiles

Ruth Greenaway – Training & Communications Coordinator Ruth Greenaway comes to NSCSS with 20 years’ experience of working in the community sector in areas of fundraising, community research and media communications. For the past ten years Ruth has also worked as a freelance Oral Historian, and gained experience in producing radio and film documentaries. Ruth was the President of the National Oral History Association of NZ. Ruth has contributed her skills to a range of community services over the years in areas of social housing, environmental education and health research among others. Ruth coordinates the Five Good Ideas training workshops and oversees the NSCSS communications with members and the wider community.

Anna-Louise Crane - Project Coordinator Anna coordinates two projects for NSCSS; Stand By ME - An antibullying project in schools on the North Shore and Community Safe Zones for children and young people, in partnership with Auckland Council. Anna brings to the role 13 years experience within the NZ Police - as a constable, which included working within intelligence units and as the Community Police Officer for the Kumeu and Huapai Communities. During her career in the police she was honoured to be a Police Negiotator. Anna's career to-date includes 30 months as a Team Leader for Community Safety for the Rodney District and then Auckland Council. She has recently been working for North Harbour Business Association designing and undertaking projects to keep local business, their staff and customers safe from crime. She has considerable experience with building strong community connections across both the public and private sectors. Anna has passion for working in violence prevention in particular, Family Violence, and believes building strong women to ensure a strong community. Anna is the mother of a lovely young man, who is currently in primary school.

Sandi Morrison – QSM , Strategy and Projects Sandi has worked for the past 30 years with public and private sector interests developing partnerships, projects and new services to support economic, social and cultural development. She was a member of the Strategy Leaders Group responsible for developing the Auckland Regional Economic Development Strategy; serving as well as chairing the Board of the Economic Development Association of New Zealand from 2000 – 2007. Sandi is actively involved in a range of innovative initiatives supporting community, cultural and social development in Auckland. She was Chair of Flaxroots; the community-led planning Project established by NSCSS in 2010 and is currently part of the NSCSS Strategy Group for the bullying prevention project Stand By Me. Sandi was an Executive and Founding member of Auckland New Ventures Inc/Te Amorangi o Tamaki.(1987 – 2004 ). She is Deputy Chair of the Arts Regional Trust ART / Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi and a foundation Trustee of The Big Idea / Te Aria Nui Charitable Trust .She is a member of the Auckland Social Policy Forum. Sandi has contributed to national policy development as a Ministerial appointment to the Hillary Commission and the Council and Arts Board of Creative New Zealand / Toi Aotearoa. In 2004 Sandi was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for Public Service


The NSCSS Team

Standing from top left: Sitting from left:

Ruth Greenaway- Training & Communications Anna-Louise Crane - Project Coordinator Stand By Me

Sandi Morrison – Strategy & Projects Deb Humphries– Family Violence Prevention

Leanne Royden – Finance

Yvonne Powley - Executive Officer

17 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

How NSCSS contributes to the Auckland & Local Board Plans NB: The Local Board outcomes are taken from draft Local Board Plans and may change when feedback is incorporated into each Local Board Plan.

The Auckland Plan VISION: To be the world's most liveable city Outcomes: A fair, safe and healthy Auckland A beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people A green Auckland A culturally rich and creative Auckland An Auckland of prosperity and opportunity A Maori identity that is Auckland's point of A well-connected and accessible Auckland difference in the world

Devonport / Takapuna Local Board

Our heritage and Open space that Active, connected Facilities that enable Increased Easy safe and environment is allows us to live. and supported community wellbeing. opportunities for reliable journeys cherished and We will ensure that neighbourhoods. We will ensure that local new business that reduce looked after. our beaches, We will engage our facilities development and congestion. We will ensure that parks, sports fields regularly with all of contribute towards economic growth. We will advocate our environment is and general open our communities to making our We will encourage for and promote healthy and our space are places ensure they feel communities vibrant, new business and travel options that history valued so people want to be valued and able to connected and safe. support existing are safe and that future enabling everyone make a difference. business activity reliable and reduce generations can to relax, play, and We will encourage that significantly congestion from enjoy it as much as connect with activity that improves the local door to we do. nature. connects people to economy and destination. each other to provides job strengthen our opportunities for communities. local people.

NSCSS Activities in Devonport and Takapuna:

1. Promoting new ideas; profiling and debating issues; sharing learning’s and information through the provision of bi-monthly regional community meetings

2. Disseminating information on community events, opportunities, workshops, forums, submissions via regular monthly hard copy and weekly e-newsletters to members and Auckland North agencies

3. Initiating community forums with invited specialists in response to topical community issues and concerns

4. Building the capability and resilience of community agencies by providing regular training opportunities e.g. 5 Good Ideas

5. Providing mentoring, financial and administrative support and advice to new emerging organisations

6. Reflecting local community voices by promoting, coordinating, writing submissions on current social, community, planning issues

7. Promoting and supporting the work of the volunteer community champions in the Flaxroots Community Planning Network

8. Building an enduring relationship with the North Shore Pasefika Forum to build capability in Pasefika organisations;

9. Collaborating with Te Puna Hauora and Barnardos to deliver services on the Safer Whanau Project

10. Providing financial support and advice to the Devonport and Takapuna Trust.

11. Coordinating the North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network, the North Shore Child Focus Group, the Te Puna Haumaru project ‘Stand By Me’, the Auckland Council/NSCSS ‘Safe Spaces’ project at the Takapuna Library

12. Chairing the Regional Methamphetamine Working Group

13. Working with the other Auckland Councils of Social Services to promote and support community development locally and regionally


Kaipatiki Local Board

Proud positive Green open spaces A connected Vibrant town and Community communities, which and environments Kaipatiki through village centres and a facilities, assets and embrace the that enable active a range of thriving economy. services that are diversity of and healthy life- transport links, Birkenhead, high quality, well Kaipatiki. styles and protect both within and Northcote, managed and meet Our people have a our natural beyond our area. Glenfield, Beachhaven, our communities’ sense of belonging, heritage. Our communities and our smaller needs. are connected to Our parks and are able to move centres grow, develop Our people one another and are reserves are around Kaipatiki and thrive, whilst continue to enjoy proud to live in protected and and beyond protecting their unique our existing network Kaipatiki. enhanced enabling through walking personality and of community our people to and cycling, con- heritage/character facilities and enjoy the outdoors nections through quality design. services, which are and stay active enhanced public The economic easy to access and whilst conserving transport and importance of the managed to a high and growing our efficient road Wairau Valley is standard. natural heritage in system. recognized, partnership with strengthened and mana whenua. actively grows the contribution of Kaipatiki to Auckland’s economy. NSCSS Activities in Kaipatiki:

1. Promoting new ideas; profiling and debating issues; sharing learnings and information through the provision of bi-monthly regional community meetings

2. Disseminating information on community events, opportunities, workshops, forums, submissions via regular monthly hard copy and weekly e-newsletters to members and Auckland North agencies

3. Initiating community forums with invited specialists in response to topical community issues and concerns

4. Building the capability and resilience of community agencies by providing regular training opportunities e.g. 5 Good Ideas

5. Coordination of the North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network and the North Shore Child Focus Group

6. Capability Building of Pasefika organisations in collaboration with the North Shore Pasefika Forum.

7. Promoting and supporting the work of the volunteer community champions in the Flaxroots Community Planning Network

8. Have a signed memorandum of understanding with Te Puna Hauora on the Safer Whanau project.

9. Coordinating the North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network, the North Shore Child Focus Group, the Te Punanga Haumaru project ‘Stand By Me’ and the Auckland Council/ NSCSS ‘Safe Spaces’ project at the Glenfield Leisure Centre

10. Chairing the Regional Methamphetamine Working Group

11. Working with the other Auckland Councils of Social Services to promote and support community development locally and regionally

19 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Upper Harbour Local Board

An attractive well High quality sport An expansive A protected natural A well connected Accountable and built environment. and recreation business environment. and accessible transparent re- We have well facilities. environment. We have easy access to Upper Harbour. porting developed We have well- Upper Harbour safe and beautiful We have a well- We are honest neighbourhoods maintained, high enjoys strong reserves, parks and designed road open and careful that are connected quality sports and economic growth. beaches, where we network with about how and to education recreation facilities Our businesses can relax and enjoy connected bus where we spend facilities, transport at Rosedale and are able to ourselves. services, walkways our money networks, business the QBE stadium. prosper and and cycle ways parks and quality Our facilities create job across the North community and provide us with opportunities. Shore. We are well sports amenities. opportunities to connected to Our access to participate in a Westgate in the well-designed range of activities west and our central suburbs such as to keep us active city, giving us Hobsonville Point, and healthy. choices as to where shops and we work, study and businesses creates a play. sense of belonging and makes Upper Harbour the best place in Auckland to live and work. NSCSS Activities in Upper Harbour:

1. Promoting new ideas; profiling and debating issues; sharing learnings and information through the provision of bi-monthly regional community meetings

2. Disseminating information on community events, opportunities, workshops, forums, submissions via regular monthly hard copy and weekly e-newsletters to members and Auckland North agencies

3. Initiating community forums with invited specialists in response to topical community issues and concerns

4. Building the capability and resilience of community agencies by providing regular training opportunities e.g. 5 Good Ideas

5. Providing mentoring, financial and administrative support and advice to new emerging organisations

6. Reflecting local community voices by promoting, coordinating, writing submissions on current social, community and planning issues

7. Promoting and supporting the work of the volunteer community champions in the Flaxroots Community Planning Network

8. Coordination of the North Shore Child Focus Group

9. Chair the Regional Methamphetamine Working Group


Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

A better place to A strong local Connected Easy access to Safe and supported A protected and live. economy with communities with recreation options and communities. enhanced Our area skilled jobs. excellent transport open space. Our residents have environment. accommodates a Our area is an choices. Our quality network of access to a range of Our waterways, growing population, attractive place to Our communities open spaces and community facilities harbour, coastline, while improving set up and run a are well recreation facilities and services that parks, reserves and local character, the business and our connected to each support a balanced support a sense of heritage are environment and residents have other and the city and healthy lifestyle well-being, safety protected and our communities. access to skilled centre via public for residents. and connection to enhanced for jobs close to home. transport, walk- others. future generations ways, cycle ways to enjoy. and efficient roads including Penlink.

NSCSS Activities in Hibiscus and Bays:

1. Promoting new ideas; profiling and debating issues; sharing learnings and information through the provision of bi-monthly regional community meetings

2. Disseminating information on community events, opportunities, workshops, forums, submissions via regular monthly hard copy and weekly e-newsletters to members and Auckland North agencies

3. Initiating community forums with invited specialists in response to topical community issues and concerns

4. Building the capability and resilience of community agencies by providing regular training opportunities e.g. 5 Good Ideas

5. Providing mentoring, financial and administrative support and advice to new emerging organisations

6. Reflecting local community voices by promoting, coordinating, writing submissions on current social, community and planning issues

7. Promoting and supporting the work of the volunteer community champions in the Flaxroots Community Planning Network

8. Collaborating with Te Puna Hauora and Barnardos to deliver services on the Safer Whanau Project

9. Coordinating the North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network, the North Shore Child Focus Group, the Te Puna Haumaru project ‘Stand By Me’ and the Auckland Council/NSCSS ‘Safe Spaces’ project at the Orewa Library

10. Chairing the Regional Methamphetamine Working Group

11. Working with the other Auckland Councils of Social Services to promote and support community development locally and regionally

21 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Rodney Local Board

Communities plan Local economies Parks and sports Arts, culture and Local halls and Our environment is for their own futures are strong and facilities are easy to events enhance our libraries are healthy, cared for Our communities growing. access and enjoy. communities and familiar, valued and and enjoyed by all. know what they Our local economy Our communities, express who we are. well used Local community want for their will strengthen and young and old, will Our communities will community spaces. groups take futures. Local businesses will have increased ac- celebrate learn and Our halls and ownership in the people will plan for thrive through cess to a wide range grow through arts, libraries meet the quality of their their own areas and working together. of recreation culture, events and a needs of local environment. River determine what is A growing opportunities for variety of community communities. They and stream water important. economy will health, well-being led initiatives. These are highly valued, quality will be provide more jobs Roads, paths and and enjoyment. activities will welcoming friendly improving, pest for local people. public transport strengthen spaces in which species reduced enable us to get communities, provide local residents take and waste around easily. opportunities for pride and have a minimised. Our Our communities people to connect sense of ownership. wastewater will be well with each other and servicing will be connected by build a sense of pride. reliable and transport links and environmentally have a range of friendly. transport options available to them. NSCSS Activities in Rodney:

1. Promoting new ideas; profiling and debating issues; sharing learnings and information through the provision of bi-monthly regional community meetings

2. Disseminating information on community events, opportunities, workshops, forums, submissions via regular monthly hard copy and weekly e-newsletters to members and Auckland North agencies

3. Initiating community forums with invited specialists in response to topical community issues and concerns

4. Building the capability and resilience of community agencies by providing regular training opportunities e.g. 5 Good Ideas

5. Providing mentoring, financial and administrative support and advice to new emerging organisations

6. Reflecting local community voices by promoting, coordinating, writing submissions on current social, community and planning issues

7. Promoting and supporting the work of the volunteer community champions in the Flaxroots Community Planning Network

8. Coordinating the North Shore Child Focus Group

9. Chairing the Regional Methamphetamine Working Group

10. Working with the other Auckland Councils of Social Services to promote and support community development locally and regionally


The Year’s Work

Community Representation & Knowledge Building „„ Presentation to the Community Forum North We are constantly requested to take part in research projects „„ Waves Meeting, Safer Whanau „ and provide comment on issues relating to the community. „ Grief centre Event Celebration „„ Hosting ANGOA Streamlined Contracting Seminars Over the year we have participated in the following: „„ Hosting workshop Auckland North on Neighbourly, Community Representation Community Website „„ Supporting Intergenerational Dialogue meeting 2014 „„ Community Network Meetings „„ HostingProvocativebreakfastAucklandNorthin „„ New Zealand Council of Social Services – Regional & conjunction with Inspiring Communities National Meetings „„ Communities in the Future Conference 2014 „„ ANGOA Forum „„ Youth Homelessness in Auckland, Western Springs „„ Treaty of Waitangi Workshop, Aotea Centre Gardens Community Centre „„ Memorandum of Understanding with the Glenn „„ Hosting Peter Glensor, Social development partners, Inquiry, Local Panel Visit Wellington „„ NZ Law Society Interview re responsibilities of property „„ ADCOSS AGM, Freemans Bay May 2014 owners & tenants around Methamphetamine „„ AUT Children’s Commission re Evidence based and „„ Social Enterprise Meetings, Auckland Council and Evidence Informed collective partners „„ Office of the Children’s commissioner feedback re „„ Enduring Power of Attorney Meeting Information sharing guidelines „„ Living Wage Campaign „„ Charities Commission Meetings SUBMISSIONS To Local & Central Government „„ International Convention Centre Submission „„ Consultation Document Proposal regarding Auckland „„ Safety Forum, Town Hall DHB and Waitemata DHB Collaboration in Contact „„ NSCSS presentation Kaipatiki Local Board Centre July 2013 „„ Presentation to the National Addiction Conference for „„ 28 October 2013 Submission on Sentencing (Protection ARMWG of Children from Criminal Offending) Amendment Bill „„ ASB Community Trust Funding Fair, Stall Holder „„ November 2013 Submission on the International „„ Capacity Strengthening Group Meetings, National Convention Bill „„ Atamira Event, The Cloud, Queens Wharf „„ 1 February 2014 Submission on the Auckland Council „„ Hosting Workshops for Department of Internal Affairs Unitary Plan „„ Candidates Meeting NSCSS & WDHB/Health Link North „„ 1 February 2014 Submission on A New National Drug „„ Bi Monthly Meetings Policy for NZ „„ De Paul House meeting on Housing „„ 23 February 2014 Submission on Auckland Council „„ Partner at Amazing Albany Annual Plan „„ Statistics NZ, Mt Albert, Community Statistics „„ 9 March 2014 Submission Auckland Council Local Board „„ Inspiring Communities Advisory Group. Plan „„ NZCOSS hui, Wellington „„ 9 March 2014 Submission Auckland Council Area Plan „„ Submission National Drug Policy „„ 15 May 2014 Submission to Proposed Health & Safety „„ New Economics Foundation, Natalie Nichols, Auckland Reform Bill Public Library „„ May 2014 Submission to Psychoactive Substances Bill „„ Z Garage Promotional Work

23 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Building Resilience and Capability

FIVE Good Ideas 2013 – 2014

North Shore Community and Social Services gratefully acknowledges the support of the Tindall Foundation to enable the delivery of the series of training seminars and workshops delivered under the title Five Good Ideas. This programme continues to be in demand from our membership base and from community organisations across the . In 2013 we delivered training in central Auckland (Parnell), Franklin (Pukekohe) and Waiheke Island. In 2014 we will include South Auckland and Rodney (Orewa).

Five Good Ideas workshop


Lunchtime seminars: How well is your board June 2013 Judy Whiteman (Parnell) performing? July A Managers guide to IT Hazel Jennings (Takapuna) How to run a successful strategic August Carol Scholes (Takapuna) planning day Transforming meetings and September Morna Haist (Takapuna) consensus decision making Eddy Helm and Jade Tang from Social Media and Digital September Curative (Adult Learning Centre Communications Waiheke Island)

Building capability & resilience in Carol Scholes (Pukekohe) September your NGO

Building capability & resilience in Carol Scholes (Takapuna) October your NGO

Helen Sissons and Danni October Talking to the Media Mulrennan – AUT Broadcasting School (Takapuna) Social Media and Digital Eddy Drever and Jade Tang from November Communications Curative (Takapuna) Carol Scholes (Takapuna) March 2014 Governance

Helen Sissons (Takapuna) April How to write a Media release

Carol Scholes (Parnell) June Strategic Thinking & Planning

One Day Workshops: The following one day workshops were held as a more in-depth review of some of these above topics with special attention given to the specific needs of the organisation’s present. Stephanie Maitland August 2013 The Fundraising Challenge

Helen Sissons and Danni November Talking to the Media Mulrennan

Social Media and Digital Eddy Helm and Jade Tang December Communications

How to run a successful strategic December Carol Scholes planning day

25 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Training & Mentoring

As part of NSCSS’ commitment to building stronger and more resilient community agencies and networks; NSCSS has a committed team of specialists and mentors who deliver workshops and seminars on relevant topics on a regular basis.

A number of these experienced presenters and workshop facilitators are also available to work 1:1 with community organizations and networks.

Over the past year some of our specialists have been fully funded via the Ministry of Social Development’s Capability Investment Resource (CIR) to work in a mentoring role with a range of community organisations.

Moving into 2014 and beyond the focus of MSD’s CIR will shift towards ‘supporting co-operative, joined-up activity and new ways of working together’. From MSD’s perspective this approach recognises that ‘broader, sustainable social development comes from improving cross-sector co-ordination and collective vision.’

NSCSS is an accredited Capability Mentoring Organisation registered with the Ministry of Social Development.

Capability Mentoring Team


Safer Whanau Project

The Safer Whanau project is a Inter-agency Partnered Response to Family Violence on Auckland’s North Shore. This innovative service involves working in partnership with Te Puna Hauora and key social service providers to provide a wrap-around holistic whanau ora service.

„„ 73 Families referred to receive services that assist to restore safety and wellbeing „„ 100% Clients expressed they were satisfied with the service „„ 100% Clients reported they have improved awareness of services „„ 64 agencies are part of the coordination of service delivery „„ 40 plus agencies have provided feedback Deb Humphries – Safer Whanau „„ 42 FVIARS (Family Violence Inter-Agency Response meetings) at Project; The North Shore Family North Shore Policing Centre Violence Prevention Network; „„ 2 WDHB Partner Abuse Advisory Group meetings at North Shore Child Focus Group Hospital „„ 1 WDHB Child Abuse Advisory Group meetings at North Shore Hospital „„ 5 Strengthening Families Local Management Group (LMG) meetings „„ 3 Project Planning meetings with Te Puna Hauora „„ FACS Family Centred Services Provider Regional Workshop „„ 12 Auckland Council, Community Development and Safety meetings for Safe Spaces Project

The North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network Family violence networks operate throughout New Zealand. Each network has different membership and operates according to local needs. But all networks share a common purpose: they provide a forum where a range of government and community organisations meet to direct a local joined-up response to family/ whānau violence.

Network activities generally include: „„ 20 training/good practice sessions delivered (including CFG) „„ 11 collaborative network meetings „„ Promotion of family violence services „„ White Ribbon Takapuna Event – BBQ and shopping district walk-about (2013) „„ 6 Meetings with North Harbour Business Association (key partner) „„ 2 Tauiwi Working Group meetings – Multi-Sector Action Plan to Prevent Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence (Auckland Council)

27 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

„„ 17 Family Violence Prevention Partners meetings „„ Auckland Council Submission – Community Safety Forum „„ Filming for NHBA Family Violence Project - Training Resources „ „„ 2 Point Research meetings – Auckland Council – MSAP to Prevent Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence „„ Violence Sector Focus Group - Research Interview – Debbie Hagar „„ CIR (Capability Investment Resource) Application for NSFVP Network & CFG „„ Streamlined Contracting with NGO’s workshop „„ Training for Glenfield Leisure Centre Staff – How you can help (It’s Not Ok) and Stand by Me „„ Presentation to Waitakere Family Violence Taskforce Steering Group „„ Regional workshop for family violence agencies on working with faith communities (It’s Not Ok) „„ Briefing / Presentation to Local Boards on MSAP – NSFVP Network & CFG local initiatives & projects „„ 47 weekly e-news delivered to Network

White Ribbon event – 2013


North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network – member agencies:

The following agencies have all ‘signed up‘ as members of The NSFVP Network / CFG and they remain keen to receive news and the Minutes of our regular Network meetings. A strong core team of up to 20 member agencies meet regularly on a monthly basis at the Mary Thomas Centre, 3 Gibbons Road, Takapuna. Anyone who is interested and actively working in the FVP sector including central and local government personnel are welcome to attend. We meet on the first Thursday of the month from 12:30 – 2pm. Date, time and venue for the Network meetings are advertised through NSCSS notices and the NSFVP Network eNews.

NGOs: Salvation Army A Child’s Play Seasons for Growth Abuse Prevention Services SHAKTI Age Concern SHINE Albany Community Coordinator Social Worker in Schools (SWIS) Auckland Dyspraxia Trust Speak Out Loud Auckland University Strengthening Families (Kaipatiki) Auckland Women’s Centre Strengthening Families (Raeburn House) Auckland Women’s Refuge TANI Autism NZ Te Puna Hauora Barnardos Te Puna Whanau Ora Network Alliance Bays Youth Community Trust Te Rito Rodney Bluelight Victim Support Change Works Waitakere Community Law Centre Child Connection Trust Waitemata PHO City Impact Church WAVES Connect Supporting Recovery Whanau Marama De Paul House Youthline Family Works YouthworX Footsteps Zonta North Shore Heart for Youth Trust HIPPY GOVT: Home & Family Counselling NZ Defence Force (Devonport Naval Base) Inner City Women’s Group Child Youth & Family Mana Wahine Police North Harbour Business Association Waitemata District Health Board North Harbour Living Without Violence Auckland Council North Shore Community and Social Services Corrections North Shore Pasefika Forum Work & Income North Shore Women’s Centre Ministry of Justice NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse Ministry of Social Development Pakaranga Children’s Health Camp Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs Raeburn House Total: 64 Relationships Aotearoa Safer North Community Trust

29 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Child Focus Group Child Focus Group – member agencies: Child Focus Group (CFG) was formed in October 2010 with the overarching goal NGOs: of strengthening the Auckland North community’s ability to effectively support A Child’s Play children who have been affected by family violence and prevent them from Albany Community Coordinator further abuse by enhancing existing systems, increasing community ownership Auckland Dyspraxia Trust and the service response wrapped around families and whānau. Auckland University Autism NZ Activities July 2013 – June 2014 Barnardos Bays Youth Community Trust „„ 11 Monthly interagency information-sharing meetings Bluelight „„ Stand by Me Project Development (Te Punanga Haumaru and Safe Spaces) Change Works „„ Facilitation of North Shore Child Protection Community-wide Training: Step City Impact Church De Paul House Up – Speak Out Family Works „„ Auckland Council Strategic Action Plan for Children and Young People Footsteps „„ North Harbour Rotary Breakfast Presentation Heart for Youth Trust Home & Family Counselling „„ Our Amazing Place Albany Event Kaipatiki Youth Development Trust „„ Brando Creative Photo Shoot – Stand by Me logo competition Kids Link „„ MPHS Bully Banishing Network – West Auckland Te Punanga Haumaru North Harbour Living Without Violence Project North Shore Community and Social „„ Auckland North Community Response Forum Presentation Services „„ YouthworX Auckland North Strategic Youth Focus Workshop North Shore Leisure Centre North Shore Women’s Centre „„ Stand by me Presentation to Chris Hipkins (Labour candidate for Education) Pakaranga Children’s Health Camp - Auckland University Relationships Aotearoa „„ Filming for Stand by Me Youth Leadership Team Safer North Community Trust „„ Browns Bay Christmas Parade – Stand by Me information stall Salvation Army SHINE „„ ASB Catalyst for Change Application Interview with ASB Community Trust Social Worker in Schools (SWIS) „„ ASB Catalyst for Change Community meeting – facilitated by The Impact Speak Out Loud Collective Strengthening Families (Kaipatiki) Strengthening Families (Raeburn „ „ Connecting Education & Communities through Hubs Workshop – JR House) McKenzie Trust etc. Te Puna Whanau Ora Network Alliance „„ Methodist and Presbyterian Women’s Project 2014 – Child Protection: Tui Centre Whanau Marama Browns Bay Presentation Youthline „„ Youth Homelessness Forum – Auckland Council YouthworX „„ Takapuna Inter-generational Dialogue (Bullying Prevention discussion group) GOVT: Auckland Council „„ Pink Shirt Day – Disco Launch Event @ Glenfield Leisure Centre (Active Zone) Auckland DHB „„ Synergia Evaluation – Te Punanga Haumaru Child Youth & Family (CP) „„ 2 Auckland North Youth Offending Team meetings (including Strategic Child Youth & Family (YJ) NZ Defence Force (Devonport Naval Planning) Base) „„ 61 Partners/Steering Group meetings for Stand by Me Police „„ 13 School meetings for Stand by Me Waitemata District Health Board Total: 42


Family Violence and Bullying Prevention Relationships Diagram

North Shore Community & Social Services

Kaitiaki/ Guardian

North Shore Family Violence Prevention Network 64 members – Representing engaged and listed members Coordinator: Deb Humphries

Child Focus Group 42 members – Representing engaged and listed members Coordinator: Deb Humphries

Safer Whanau Stand By Me Safe Spaces Z Petrol Stations Whanau Ora Te Punanga Haumaru Coordinator: Anna-Louise Coordinator: Anna-Louise Crane Crane Coordinator: Deb Bullying Prevention NSCSS in partnership Stay Safe Information Humphries Coordinator: Anna-Louise with Auckland Council Centres (Partnership) Te Puna Hauora/ NSCSS Crane in Orewa, Glenfield and (MOU) Partnership: NSCSS and Takapuna Barnardos Referrals and Whole Community assessment: Approach: Whole School Barnardos, North Shore Approach (2 Schools) Women’s Centre, Shine Wide Eyes Programme Engaged Service in Schools, Youth Delivery: Leadership Team In partnership with Numerous agencies and various organisations. partners.

31 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Stand by Me – Bullying Prevention Project

Stand By Me is an anti-bullying project funded by the Ministry of Social Development from the Te Punanga Haumaru fund. It is a partnership project between North Shore Community & Social Services and Barnardos North Shore. It's overall goal is to effect social change in the community and reduce bullying for children and young people. The Project is led by Anna Crane, Project Coordinator.

“Stand by Me is about effecting positive social change in the community to reduce bullying of children and young people. We’re working with schools in Auckland North but we also recognised that the community has a greater role to play in safeguarding children and young people. That is how the Stand by Me Safe Spaces pilot project came about.” says Anna. Safe Spaces With the launch of Stand by ME - Safe Spaces - children and young people Anna-Louise Crane – Project who feel un-safe, or are being bullied by other young people on the street, or in Coordinator – Stand By Me – public spaces will now be able to access support and assistance outside of school anti-bullying project; Stand By Me hours at three Council facilities - Glenfield Leisure Centre, Takapuna Library and Safe Spaces Orewa Library. This is a joint initiative between North Shore Community and Social Services and the Violence Prevention Community Development and Safety team at Auckland Council.

Each site will have a counsellor; support and referral services will also be available. Anna Crane has been in consultation with young people about what they would find helpful at these sites. Responses have included ensuring that the space is very child and youth friendly and enables access to cyber counselling services and other sites that deal with bullying.

Darryl Snellaert, aged 18yrs and studying at Victoria University is the Chair of a Youth Advisory Team that works with Anna. She experienced bullying as a young person. I was actually bullied by a teacher at school. Having a safe space to go to outside of school would have really helped me at the time. Stand by Me is taking a fresh approach to how we tackle bullying in our communities. We have designed Safe Spaces in order to empower victimized youth or those who are bystanders to take action in a bullying situation. says Darryl.

The project received sponsorship for prizes from Z Petrol Stations North Shore and Playtech (based in North Harbour).

Z Service Stations Z Service Stations are now looking at rolling out the concept of Safe Spaces in 12 of their garages in Auckland. This is a very exciting initiative for NSCSS. They are establishing Stay Safe Information Centre’s. Staff training is taking place in each service station. Local providers of local services will also be displayed in the stations. Staff will be undergoing by-stander training whereby they can assist people who come in experiencing difficulties.


Meeting between Synergia, Auckland Council and NSCSS for Stand By Me & Safe Spaces

Kelly Maung, Auckland Council, Anna-Louise Crane & Deb Humphries

33 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Flaxroots Community Planning The Flaxroots Community Planning initiative was established by NSCSS in 2010 with funding from the Department of Internal Affair’s Community Development Scheme . Over the past 3 years Flaxroots has been able to support the growth and development of community led planning groups in a number of localities across Auckland North. In the early stages of the project Flaxroots developed a comprehensive resource online to encourage and support active participation by communities and enable them to progress their own planning and development initiatives http://www.flaxroots.org.nz

Flaxroots Community Planning FCP Network The FCP Network has met regularly to provide a strategic and learning forum to support the work of the voluntary community leaders and champions working in their local areas. The Network shares innovative ideas, problem solves to find new solutions to local issues and engages with key Council planning and development staff. As part of the development process the FCP Network has grown and attracts interest and participation from a broad cross section of community champions not only from communities on the North Shore, Rodney and Waiheke Island, but from as far south as Patumahoe in the Franklin area.

Positive Change With all the changes and restructure of Local government in Auckland since 2010, members of the FCP Network took every opportunity to champion the benefits of communities being directly involved in the planning and development of their local areas. NSCSS and Flaxroots organised workshops and forums to encourage submissions and public participation in the planning and democratic processes. Regrettably when the 3 year DIA contract came to an end ,NSCSS was unable to secure ongoing funds to retain Dr Dean Manly as the Coordinator of the Flaxroots project. Prior to his departure Dean made a significant contribution to the development and success of the collaborative commmunity initiative, Albany – Our Amazing Place. Flaxroots coordinated a ‘visioning station’ at the Albany event to capture the ideas and aspirations of a broad cross section of the local community as part of an ongoing process to plan for the Albany area.


News From The Flaxroots Community Planning Network „„ The South Kaipara community initiative contributed to the successful allocation of Department of Internal Affairs community development funding for 3 years to a local community collaboration and enterprise; „„ The Patumahoe Village project was also successful in obtaining 3 years community development funding from the Department of Internal Affairs to build and extend the work they have been doing; „„ As we go to print the Campbells Bay Community Association is engaging with their community to establish the importance and priorities for a number of their local community projects as part of drafting their 2014 Community Plan „„ The detailed 10 year Coatesville Community Plan which has been in development with the local community over the past 3 years has been presented to the Rodney Local Board for their approval and endorsement. Looking Forward Community leaders and champions across Auckland are hopeful that the Council’s recently published Thriving Communities Community and Social Development Action Plan April 2014 will translate into ongoing support for local communities as part of the Focus Area: Facilitate Grassroots Action.

The Council’s stated role and action is to enable, facilitate and provide every opportunity for communities to drive and ‘own’ their development.

Action 1: Facilitate and enable resident- and community-led development

Action 2: Support community-led placemaking

Community-led placemaking and planning puts communities in the driving seat in deciding how to improve their neighbourhoods…

The implementation and resourcing of these actions by Council’s community and planning staff would be welcomed by the Flaxroots Community Planning Network and the many diverse communities across Auckland.

Flaxroots meeting at Coatesville, Sandi Morrison, Max Thomson & Brian Hedley

35 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Albany – Our Amazing Place

Kristi Shaw, Albany Community Coordinator, and family with local community members

Albany Village Library


Supporting Community Leanne provides a valuable service to community agencies assisting them with financial accounting and administrative services.

These support services also extend to providing community agencies with access to photocopying, hiring of equipment and bookings of the Channel View Lounge.

Leanne Royden, Financial Administrator

Intergenerational Forum in the Channel View Lounge

37 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities


Newsletters Weekly E-News: 50 weekly e-newsletters were sent out over the past twelve months between 2013-14. On average 2,000 people receive these. News is sent to us from subscribers, as well as sourced from a variety of new sources. We receive good feedback about our e-news from across many agencies and individuals. E-news is also a way for us to advertise our publications, bi-monthly meetings, special forums, training and events. The audience for this is Auckland wide with some subscribers from across NZ.

Community Connections: 1500 newsletters were distributed over the past ten months. This provides a much needed vehicle to share information and allow community groups to promote their events and services on the North Shore and Rodney.

Community Network: we are contracted by Auckland District Council of Social Services to publish this monthly newsletter for Auckland City groups and over 1,000 were distributed over the year.

Community Resource Books Our unique resource books continue to be updated and improved. In the past year two new resources were created entitled: “Transforming Meetings: A Guide To Authentic Engagement And Consensus Decision Making” And “An Introductory Guide To Social Media And Digital Communicaton Tools”. The latter resource is a very comprehensive guide, containing many useful references and topics including, policy and internet safety. It is available on disc due to the large number of hyperlinks available to internet material.

The need for and success of the resources has been evident from the orders placed by organisations from all over New Zealand. They are promoted by several tertiary organisations involved in community and social worker training and endorsed by many community advisors.

Auckland Regional Funding Directory We have published our nineteenth edition of the Auckland Regional Funding Directory. Fundraising committees find this directory invaluable, and it is sought after by both large and small not for profit groups as well as educational organisations.


Social Media Over the past 18 months NSCSS has embraced the use of social media as another platform for sharing news, promoting membership, advertising events, meetings and forums. NSCSS makes use of Facebook (www. facebook.com/northshorecommunityandsocialservices), Twitter (https://twitter.com/nscss) and Tumblr blog (http://nscss.tumblr.com/nscss) Members are encouraged to post their events.

The Flaxroots Community Planning – social media channels are still being maintained: https://www.facebook. com/FVP001, https://twitter.com/villageplanning.

In 2014 the Stand by ME anti-bullying project, also adopted the use of social media and currently has 425 followers on its Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/NSCSSStandByME, with a reach that has exceeded 4,000 people.

Websites Our website (www.nscss.org.nz) continues to be a vital portal for sharing information about NSCSS and our projects online. The Flaxroots website is also still maintained - http://www.flaxroots.org.nz/

39 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

Supporting Regional Initiatives The Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group

The Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group (ARMWG) was Chairperson and CEO from North established in July 2011 as part of the ‘P’ Free Communities project, led by Mayor Shore Community & Social Services Len Brown. Yvonne Powley The Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group (ARMWG) is focused Deputy Chairperson and Director of on raising the awareness of the impact that methamphetamine use has on our Forensic and Industrial Science communities and influencing legislation; as well as galvanising national, regional Dr Nicholas Powell and local action to ensure effective outcomes for the Auckland region. Auckland Council The Working Group is a vehicle for strengthening local governance and action Trina Baggett; CAYAD on methamphetamine supply and demand and involves representation from Winnie Hauraki; CAYAD more than twenty different agencies. Jason Foster, Licensing & Compliance Darryl Thompson; Inspector, The Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Plan aligns with the National Technical & Environmental Health Methamphetamine Action Plan. David Hay; Principal Policy Analyst Vision Auckland Regional Public Health Auckland is a city free from the influence and harm of methamphetamine. Service Dr Denise Barnfather, Auckland Purpose Medical Officer of Health To build a collective and cohesive approach to methamphetamine related harm John Whitmore, Health Protection Officer that motivates positive and sustained change in Auckland communities. Auckland District Health Board Activities 2013 to 2014 (Yvonne Powley as Chair of Mahia Winder, Midwife ARMWG) Massey University „ „ May 2013 Submission on Psychoactive Substances Steve Randerson, CAYAD National „„ May 2013 ARMWG Treatment Sub-Group Meeting at Henderson Coordinator „„ May 2013 ARMWG Treatment Sub-Group Meeting at Henderson Consumer Network Brody Runga „„ May 2013 Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group meeting Sharon Thompson (Chair) Department of Corrections - Prisons „„ June 2013 Meeting with CAYAD, Trina Baggett regarding ARMWG Richard Butler „„ June 1013 Meeting with Senior Policy Analyst regarding involvement in Kerrie Anderson ARMWG Department of Corrections - „„ July 2013 ARMWG Healthy Housing Sub Group meeting Probation Julie Harrison „„ July 2013 Presentation to National Addiction Conference for ARMWG Peter Cooke „„ August 2013 Meeting with CAYAD, Trina Baggett regarding ARMWG Renee Clarkson Lidiya Dobreva „„ August 2013 Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group meeting (Chair) (continued on next page)


„„ September 2013 Raising awareness of methamphetamine related harm, Methminder – private business Methhelp resources and the Alcohol and Drug helpline at Atamira Maori Miles Stratford, Director in the City Ministry of Social Development „„ October 2013 ARMWG Treatment Sub-Group Meeting Britt Doodes „„ October ARMWG Healthy Housing Sub Group meeting Housing NZ Stephen Tipa „„ October 2013 Submission on Sentencing (Protection of Children from CADS Criminal Offending) Amendment Bill Alistair White „„ November 2013 Auckland Regional Methamphetamine WorkingGroup NZ Police meeting (Chair) Detective Inspector Scott Beard „„ December 2013 Meeting with detective Inspector Scott Beard, Auckland Detective Inspector Stan Brown Police regarding ‘Proceeds to Crime’ for ARMWG Odyssey House „„ January 2014 Meeting with Manager CAYAD, Auckland Council River Paton Phil Grady „„ February 2014 Meeting CAYAD, Trina Baggett Wings Trust „„ February 2014 Submission on National Drug Policy for ARMWG Don Graham „„ March 2014 Cataloguing Draft document on ARMWG achievements Salvation Army „„ April 2014 ARMWG Healthy Housing Sub Group meeting Clare Luamanuvae „„ May 2014 Submission on the Health and Safety Reform Bill Te Whanau o Waipareira – Patua te „„ May 2014 Auckland Regional Methamphetamine Working Group meeting Ngangara, Hoani Waititi Marae Shane White (Chair) Elaine Ngamu „„ May 2014 Meeting with Envirocheck (Hamilton) regarding remediation Real Estate Institute of New Zealand services for Methamphetamine Nicole Song „„ May 2014 Meeting with Auckland Council regarding developing a Auckland Law Society standard for Methamphetamine remediation Mark Davies, Property Lawyer „ „ June 2014 ARMWG Training day (Sorrento in the Park) Members as at March 2014 „„ July 2014 ARMWG Healthy Housing Sub Group meeting

Yvonne Powley Chair, & Dr Nick Powell Deputy Chair, Forensic & Industrial Science (left front) and ARMWG members

41 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

In summary, what we did and how we did, 2013 – 2014









Looking ahead 2014 and beyond Our strategic review process and the development of NSCSS draft strategy 2014 to 2017 highlighted the challenges facing not only our communities but the community organisations that serve them.

The imperartive for community agencies and service providers is to remain in tune and in touch with the complex issues and changes required to affect positive social change in Auckland North.

Many issues impacting on communities or creating barriers for communities to engage and develop their own new solutions are common across geographic boundaries.

There is a need for better informed, locally engaged and strategic forums with community champions and leaders to discuss, debate and profile common issues and concerns.

We are thinking about these as regular strategic conversations with local community and sector champions on a quarterly and 'as need' basis. The focus would be on:

• Taking a strategic approach to local issues

• Critical thinking and analysis

• Identifying gaps and issues in Auckland North

• Joining the dots

• Communicating, informing, advocating to relevant parties

43 People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build resilient safer connected communities

North Shore Community & Social Services – DRAFT Three-Year Strategy: 2014- 2017 40 years experience serving community

Our vision People in our communities in Auckland North working together to build more resilient and safer connected communities

Our mission Championing positive change through effective community development that builds strong community agencies, networks and community wellbeing.

Our Manaakitanga Whanaungatanga Tika Porihanga Rereketanga Mahi ngatahi Respect, kindness Kinship, relationship, Fairness, Community Diversity Working Values To people Sense of connection rightness participation collaboratively

Stakeholder Outcomes

Accomplished through NSCSS strategic focus areas:

Building Community Supporting Collaboration & Innovation Promoting the Voices of Community • Encouraging active participation • Supporting and strengthening • Engaging with community • Promoting community activities & • Brokering partnerships leaders. new opportunities • Sharing innovative thinking & • Developing inclusive processes • Sharing information & resources practice • Identifying issues and gaps • Strengthening Community Agencies • Supporting community research • Influencing local and central and projects and evaluation government policy

Effective Communication Championing positive change Community led development Good governance and leadership Effective networking locally, regionally Achieved via Strong organizational base and nationally Evidence informed Accountable to the community

44 Me he korokoru Tui, Tau atu kit e kaupeka. Like the Tui, stand on the highest branch, and let your song be heard . Events 2013 – 2014 FUNDERS AND SPONSORS North Shore Community & Social Services thanks our funders and sponsors for their support.

Auckland Council

Department of Internal Affairs

Lottery Grants Board

Ministry of Social Development

Tindall Foundation

Lion Foundation

Pub Charity

Massey University

Z Service Stations