Including Venture S~ienee Fi~tion Automatic Tiger KIT REED 4 Sacheverell AVRAM DAVIDSON 17 Survival of the Fittest JACK SHARKEY 23 The Prodigals (verse) JEAN BRIDGE 31 Scien~e: Forget It! ISAAC ASIMOV 32 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime ( not~elet) OSCAR WILDE 42 Pure Water From Salt THEODORE L. THOMAS 70 Incident in the IND HARRY HARRISON 72 Books A VRAM DAVIDSON 79 Humanoid Sacrifice ( nOtJelet) J. T. MCINTOSH 84 The Conventional Approach ROBERT BLOCH 105 The Lost Leonardo J. G._ BALLARD 112 F&SF MMketpla~e 129 COtler by Mel Hunter Joseph W. Ferman, PUBLISHER Avram Davidson, EXECUTIVE EDITOR ]saac Asimov, SCIENCE EDITOR Edtvard L. Ferman, MANAGING EDITOR Ted White, ASSISTANT EDITOR The MagaziKe of Fanta.r:y and Science Ficlion, Volwme 26, No. ], Whole No. 154, Mar. 1964. Pwblished monthly by Mercwry Press, Inc., at 40~ a copy. Annual subscription $4.50; $5.00 in Canada and the Pan American Union; $5.50 '"all other countries. Publi· catioN office, 10 Ferry Street, Concord, N. H. Editorial and general mail slrortld be sent to 347 East 5Jrd St., New York 22, N.Y. Serond Class postage paid at Concord, N.H. Printed i11 U. S. A. © 1964 by Mercury Press, Inc. All nghts, including translations into other lang11ages, reserved. Submissio11s must be accompanied by stamped, self-addressed. ellt!elopes ,· the Publisher ass11mes "" ruponsibility for return of tcnsolicited manuscripts. Kit ( Mrs.]oseph) Reed i8 the author of the soon to be published novel, AT WAR WITH CHILDREN (Fa"ar Straus). Her first novel, MOTHER ISN'T DEAD SHES ONLY SLEEPING (Houghton M, somewhat parallels her first F&SF story, THE WAIT ( April1958), which surprised and delighted our· many my riads of readers with its description of a good young girl and her hypochondriac mother caught up in the curious ways and sexual mores of a small town which was definitely not Middletown, Connecticut.
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