MATTERS OF GRAVITY The newsletter of the Topical Group on Gravitation of the American Physical Society Number 17 Spring 2001 Contents APS TGG News: APS Prize on gravitation, by Clifford Will .................. 3 TGG Elections, by David Garfinkle ...................... 3 We hear that, by Jorge Pullin ......................... 3 Research Briefs: Experimental Unruh Radiation?, by Matt Visser ............... 4 Why is the Universe accelerating?, by Beverly Berger ............ 6 The Lazarus Project, by Richard Price .................... 9 LIGO locks its first detector!, by Stan Whitcomb ............... 12 Progress on the nonlinear r-mode problem, by Keith Lockitch ........ 13 Conference Reports Analog Models of General Relativity, by Matt Visser ............. 17 Astrophysical Sources of Gravitational radiation, by Joan Centrella ..... 19 Numerical relativity at the 20th Texas meeting, by Pablo Laguna ...... 21 Editor Jorge Pullin Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802-6300 Fax: (814)863-9608 Phone (814)863-9597 Internet:
[email protected] WWW: ISSN: 1527-3431 1 Editorial Not much to report here. If you are burning to have Matters of Gravity with you all the time, the newsletter is now available for Palm Pilots, Palm PC's and web-enabled cell phones as an Avantgo channel. Check out under technology science. The next newsletter is due September 1st. If everything goes well this newsletter should! be available in the gr-qc Los Alamos archives ( under number gr-qc/yymmnnn. To retrieve it send email to
[email protected] with Subject: get yymmnnn (numbers 2-16 are also available in gr-qc).