
FALSE ALTRUISM By Bilyana Martinovski

The story I am about to tell you, starts in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. The 32 year old, recently married and charming Attorney General, William Clinton allegedly raped beautiful who ran an elderly home in Arkansas. Everybody told Juanita to be silent and she remained silent. For a long time. This is the true beginning of a proto-metoo movement.

In 1980, William Clinton had already become Governor of Arkansas and a father when he allegedly sexually rubbed himself on Leslie Millwee’s neck until he got an orgasm and touched her breasts from behind as she was working seated on a chair in a tiny TV studio room. Leslie was a young intern and remained silent for years. In 1991, this same Governor exposed his genitals to . Paula police reported Governor Clinton to the police, but nothing happened, at first. In 1992, as the Bosnian war erupted, Gennifer Flowers exposed a 12 years long adulterous relationship with the Presidential Candidate. William Clinton denied it but Flowers could prove with audio recordings that he lied. Despite the fact that these and many other women complained of ’s sexual violence but only few reported, Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States. Scant months into the highest elective office in America, and while leader of the “Free World”, by 1993, the former Little Rock attorney had become the liberal President of the USA when he allegedly groped loyal Democrat (then) , who came to President Clinton seeking help, as her family’s finances had suffered reverses. Shocked, Kathleen filed a police report, and has never since recovered. As the genocide in Rwanda erupted in April 1994, the President was too busy settling Paula Jones’ sexual assault case and did nothing to stop the genocide. Despite all that, Bill Clinton remained the favorite liberal leader in the U.S., won a second term and in 1997 decided to immortalize his accomplishments in a Presidential Museum. In order to fund it, he started the William J. , which sole purposes were and are to build a Presidential Center and Park, including a Library and research center, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Charity is seen as a form of altruism, which inspires individuals’ expression of will and participation in society. It is therefore privileged by US law with a tax exemption but strictly regulated. Breach of charity laws such as stating false purpose, having conflicts of interest, lack of proper documentation of charitable activities, etc. can lead to prison. A foundation is, in this sense, crowdsourcing for a non-profit activity. The Clinton Foundation received a conditional federal tax exemption on 29 January 1998, which means that the foundation did not owe federal income taxes, as long as the donations and activities were dedicated to building the Presidential Center and Park and charity laws were respected. In addition, so long as the Foundation carried out the plans outlined in its application and adhered to applicable laws, donors to the Clinton Foundation could reduce their federal taxable income by the amount of their donations, subject to certain restrictions.

By 1998, as NATO was bombing former Yugoslavia, the Chief of Staff, John Podesta, was forced to realize that a fatal scandal was unavoidable due to sexual misconducts, which involved the Little Rock attorney, then President, Paula Jones and a young intern, . The attorney/President lied in a televised testimony in front of millions of worldwide viewers, a lie exposed by his own semen found on Monica Lewinsky’s dress. This had immense impact upon me personally. I watched the testimony as I was writing my PhD thesis on forensic linguistics and detection of linguistic means for mitigation of guilt, among other things. I thought that this man must be cognitively-emotionally compromised to lie so obviously in front of the entire world given that the federal prosecution had clear material evidence. Yet, I could see non-verbal signs that Clinton wished to depict himself as a victim, which means that he both manipulated and relied on social validation. I remember my supervising Professor asking me ‘What do your think of Bill Clinton’s testimony, Bilyana?’ My response was simple ‘He lied.’ To this day, most people in Sweden don’t know that President Bill Clinton was impeached (on December 19th 1998) on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice (yet not convicted) and that attorney Bill Clinton had to surrender his law licenses in 2001. The neoliberal & leftist Fake News propaganda has “protected” Clinton for a long time. Due to this disgraceful ending of his presidency or due to loss of his law license, a decision was made to have Bill Clinton avoid being named as trustee. The Little Rock Foundation had already received millions of dollars in donations. The first president of the Clinton Foundation was Skip Rutherfort 1998-2004. The William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park in Little Rock, Arkansas was dedicated in 2004. The Clinton Foundation never filed a tax return for 1997 and never disclosed its government grants. While Bill Clinton had many disqualifying defects in his record, he was and remains determined to operate the foundation that started by using his name, so he became centrally involved with the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation immediately upon leaving the White House on January 20th 2001. Starting in 2001, the Clinton Foundation (CF) changed the nature of its work by creating sub-charities. None of the many changes made were properly disclosed or approved by federal, state or foreign tax authorities. Yet, no government authority brought Bill Clinton or his Foundation to task. The impeached President’s wife manifested her intention to use her husband’s Presidential contacts and prestige in order to realize her political ambitions. Hillary didn’t show solidarity with or empathy for the growing body of women whose well-being, dignity and reputation were damaged by her husbands’ sexual violence and abuse of power. On the contrary, Hillary once defended and acquitted an indicted rapist who attacked a 12 years old girl, which she laughed about later, and actually led her own attacks against her husband’s victims. I wondered back then who would support a woman who enables sexual violence and denies support to this proto-metoo movement. The answer came soon: Hillary got the support of women who denied responsibility for their part in the ‘patriarchal order’. Through the Foundation, the wife of the globally deceptive ex-President announced her political intent: globalization, which for me meant that she aims to become Secretary of State. Indeed, Clinton Foundation started 6 global sub-charities, 3 of which the year before her 2008 election campaign: 2004 Disaster relief 2005 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2006 Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) 2007 Clinton Global Initiative Universities (CGI-U) 2007 Clinton Global Citizen Award 2007 Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative Lets take for instance CGI 2009-10, which bakes in CCI and CGI-U. The stated purpose of the charity is so general that it can’t qualify as a charity. The path that the Clintons followed to attempt expanding the purposes of the Clinton Foundation, beyond being a presidential archive and research center in Little Rock, Arkansas, was to establish new “initiatives” and “charities”, in theory controlled by the original Clinton Foundation. This approach is not allowed as a tax-exempt charity organized in the United States must have specific and limited purposes that are clearly spelled out and approved in advance by the I.R.S. Perhaps because Clinton loyalists had been inserted into the I.R.S. and the Department of Justice before 20 January 2001, nothing was done to stop obvious an serious transgressions. Under US law, fraudulent charities are taxed as for-profit corporations and have to pay back taxes on their income (the difference between their revenues and their expenses). The I.R.S. also assesses penalties against donors who normally have to repay the values of tax deductions claimed for their donations. In addition, experience with much less serious offenses suggests that CF directors, founders, executives, and their accountants might have to serve in prison for charity fraud. An investigation commenced in February 2001 and terminated in 2005, strangely, without finding obvious frauds. This was led from January 2002 by James Comey and from September 2001 by Mueller, as head of the FBI. Comey would later be involved in clearing Hillary from criminal charges in the e-mail scandal, while Mueller today leads the, so-called, investigation into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. lost the Presidential election in 2008 to Obama but became the Secretary of State, which she prepared us for with her pronounced globalization program. Clinton Foundation continued to be the sole member of any of the new Clinton Foundation charity initiatives, but Charles Ortel, the most prominent investigator of CF, discovered that the Clintons never amended the original Little Rock foundation purpose and never updated the letter of determination. In effect, they destined all post-2001 charity initiatives worth $ billions as fraud, even the 4 new sub-charities initiated after Hillary assumed a high White House position. The main problems include: (1) Clinton Global Initiative, Inc. (CGI); (2) Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI); (3) Clinton Bush Fund (CBHF; (4) Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Inc. (AHG); and (5) 40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Inc. For instance, the main Foundation was not authorized to provide HIV/AIDS relief internationally under CHAI. Similarly, Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund started 2010 but CF was never authorized for disaster relief. On top of that, CF tax return form for 2014 showed that only 5,6% of the donated hundreds of millions of dollars were spend on charity. The standards for organizing and operating a charity are strict--you must get approval, in advance, to pursue specific purposes that in fact are "charitable". So, you cannot pursue any purposes, even laudable ones, unless the IRS approves these changed purposes in advance, on the basis of truthful reporting. The Clinton Foundation never applied for rights to do international work until 2009 when it did so without disclosing many past transgressions - lying on the 1023 Federal Tax exemption applications is a felony. By 2016, Clinton Foundation had earned $2 Billion cumulatively and had more than 160 000 donors some of which were Swedish. In 2015, The Washington Times reported: “By the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left office in 2013, the Clinton Foundation Insamlingsstiftelse had collected millions of dollars inside Sweden” The Swedish Post Code Lottery announced that it donated to the Clinton Foundation 58,9 Million SEK between 2007-2013 and 64 Million SEK 2013-2017.

Between her post in the UN and her post as a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström was employed by this same Post Code Lottery in 2013. In addition, SIDA, led also by Isabella Lövin, the current Deputy PM, competed with the Gates Foundation in generosity and donated more than 205 Million SEK to CF (CHAI).

Bill Clinton had lost his law license and was impeached due to perjury and obstruction of justice related to multiple sexual crimes and misconducts. Did that stop the donors, at least, the Swedish donors responsible for taxpayers’ resources? No. Given the large number of donations and donors, people must have thought that they would get away with anything, even if they knew CF was not organized or operated lawfully, was wrapped in scandal, was investigated by FBI 2001-2005, and was founded by one of the two impeached Presidents in U.S. history. In 2016, the book and subsequent documentary Clinton Cash brought a long list of conflict of interest issues and many shady dealings of the Clintons into the light. In short, they had acted as politicians-for-hire for various foreign and commercial interests. For example, the UraniumOne deal of the mining mogul Frank Giustra, who suddenly got to mine uranium in Kazakhstan after meeting with Bill Clinton, sits on the main CF board.

The earthquake in Haiti marked a grand failure of the Clinton Foundation. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Haiti on 16 January 2010 to survey the damage and stated that $48 million had been raised already in the US to help Haiti recover. The 26-member international Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission, headed by Bill Clinton and Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, later “supervised” the $5.3 billion pledged internationally for the first two years of Haiti's reconstruction. In a public letter co- authored with UNESCO head Irina Bokova, Jean wrote: "As time passes, what began as a natural disaster is becoming a disgraceful reflection on the international community." The Commission had been set up to facilitate the flow of funds toward reconstruction projects in April 2010, but as of January 2011, no major reconstruction had started. According to Haitian groups, it was simply designed as a vehicle for donors to funnel multinationals’ and NGOs’ project contracts. On top of that, OXFAM, which is a 'charity' supported by CF and by the Clintons in Haiti, was recently shut down due to gross sex scandals. During the election campaign we learned that John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff was employed as CF advisor since 2011, which was not disclosed by either CF or the Secretary of State until Wikileaks published Hillary’s emails in 2016. This same Podesta, functioned as Obama's counsel 2014-2015 and as Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman. To make sure that CF didn’t really amend its purpose and didn’t indeed get a renewed tax-exemption after 2001, as all available paperwork indicates, Daily Caller filed a request to obtain CF’s tax exemption documentation. IRS refused to provide it. This is not the end though. The head of IRS, Koskinen, finally retired in November 2017 and is now replaced by a more responsive fellow.

What is the moral of the story so far? It shows that lack of local justice, as in sexual abuse cases, grows global crime. Therefore, I don’t support centralization of power because the more centralized and large the governing entities become, the less chance people have to participate in the decision-making process vital to their lives. I have been allegedly reported to the police for ‘liking Trump’ by a Swedish State-funded censorship group jagarhar.se and my Associate Professorship was removed from Stockholm University due to these accusations.

But my question is: why would anyone cheerlead for the Clintons? Bilyana Martinovski

Acknowledgement: I am grateful to Mr. Charles Ortel for providing valuable input and kind support as I was writing this article.