
End-of-Project Report New England Biolabs Foundation

Grant Summary Project Name Character Limit: 100

Amount Awarded Character Limit: 20

Decision Date Character Limit: 10

Project Country Please select project country or countries. Choices Belize Bolivia Cameroon Ecuador Ghana Guatemala Honduras Peru North Shore of Massachusetts, USA Other (by prior invitation)

Thematic Area(s) Please select (up to three) thematic areas of interest to our foundation that are addressed by your project. Choices Conserving biological diversity (terrestrial and marine) Sustaining cultural diversity (e.g., linguistic diversity and knowledge systems and practices) Maintaining ecosystem services (e.g., water, soil, and carbon sequestration) Supporting food sovereignty and economic vitality of local communities Sustaining healthy reefs and marine fisheries Artistic expression (Local US applicants only)

Project Geography Please select applicable project geography or geographies. Choices

Printed On: 24 March 2021 1 Coastal landscapes/seascapes of Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras within the Gulf of Honduras Southern Pacific coast of Nicaragua, including Nicaragua Northern coast within Nicaragua’s North Atlantic Autonomous Sacred Valley of the Incas, extending from Ollantaytambo to Pisac in the Southern of Peru The portion of the Bolivian Altiplano extending from to Lake Poopó and beyond to Sucre Andes- of Ecuador and Peru Weto Landscape /Togo Plateau in the southern part of the Togo-Atakora Mountains in Ghana Black Volta Basin in the Upper West region of Ghana Highland landscapes of Southwest Cameroon North Shore of Massachusetts, USA Other (by prior invitation only)

Questions for Grantee Summary of activities* Please provide a summary of activities you have conducted under the grant. Character Limit: 4000

Project outcomes* What were your key project outcomes during the grant period? Please reflect on how these have proven to be similar to, or different from, the outcomes you envisioned in your proposal. Character Limit: 2000

Difficulties encountered* Please describe the difficulties you encountered and how you solved them (or did not). Character Limit: 2000

In hindsight* If you were to do this project again, would you do it differently? If so, how? Character Limit: 2000

Future plans* Please describe your plans for the project over the next one to two years. Character Limit: 3000

Future financial support* What are your plans for the future financial support for the project? Character Limit: 2000

Detailed accounting* Please upload a detailed accounting of the use of the grant money, using the line items from your proposal budget and using the format shown here: NEBF-financial-report-template.xlsx. Please use the space below to explain any material deviation(s) from your proposal budget.

Printed On: 24 March 2021 2 Character Limit: 3000 | File Size Limit: 4 MB

Comments OPTIONAL: Please share any comments or suggestions about working with our foundation here. Character Limit: 2000

Additional material OPTIONAL: Please upload any published material or supplementary reporting concerning the project that you would like to share with us. File Size Limit: 4 MB

Printed On: 24 March 2021 3