“SABAH Graduate” Ceremony</P>
“SABAH Graduate” ceremony was held at the Baku Convention Center on July 5. ParticipantsParticipants in the inevent the eventincluded included head headof the of Humanitarian the Humanitarian Affairs Affairs Department Department of the of Presidential the Presidential AdministrationAdministration FarahFarah Aliyeva,Aliyeva, headhead ofof thethe YouthYouth PolicyPolicy andand SportSport AffairsAffairs DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe PresidentialPresidential Administration,Administration, assistantassistant to theto the First First Vice Vice President President Yusuf Yusuf Mammadaliyev, Mammadaliyev, Minister Minister of Educationof Education Jeyhun Jeyhun Bayramov, Bayramov, members members of of parliament,parliament, heads heads of public of public and andprivate private organizations, organizations, rectors rectors of higher of higher education education institutions, institutions, media media captains, captains, education experts and students. Prior to the ceremony participants viewed “I am SABAH” exhibition in the foyer of the center. TheThe event event started started with with the the playing playing of of the the state state anthem anthem of of the the Republic Republic of of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, and and then then featured featured the the screening screening of a documentary on the activity of SABAH groups. HeadHead ofof thethe YouthYouth PolicyPolicy andand SportSport AffairsAffairs DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe PresidentialPresidential Administration,Administration, assistantassistant toto thethe FirstFirst ViceVice
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