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02 Main Catalogue Front CINEPHILE PARADISE 影迷嘉年華 Italy 意大利 2020 | Italian | DCP/Online | Colour | 99min Director Daniele Luchetti Producer Beppe Caschetto Scriptwriter Domenico Starnone, Francesco Piccolo, Daniele Luchetti Cinematographer Ivan Casalgrandi Editor Daniele Luchetti, Ael Dallier Vega Production Designer Andrea Castorina Sound Carlo Missidenti Cast Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Morante, Silvio Orlando Production IBC Movie, Rai Cinema World Sales mk2 films ©IBC Movie ©Schramm Film The Ties Lacci 婚姻不像你預期 When I first read Domenico Starnone’sLacci (Ties), I found questions [導演的話] that concerned me and characters with whom it was easy to identify. 當我第一次閱讀原著小說時,我在書中發現了令我關心 Through a family story that covers thirty years, two generations, 的問題,以及感同身受的人物。這個家庭故事橫跨三十 ties that are more like barbed wire than the bonds of love, you finish 年,涉及兩代人,與其說是愛的連繫,更像是鐵絲網的 reading the book with one question in mind: Have you allowed your 糾纏。看完這個故事,內心想到一個問題:你是否容許 life to be governed by love? 自己的生活被愛所支配? The Ties is a film on the secret forces that bind us. Love is not the 這部電影講述的是把我們緊緊相繫的神秘力量。不僅是 only thing that unites people, there is also what remains when 愛令人們難捨難離,當愛不再存在了,還有些東西剩下 love is gone. People can stay together out of resentment, shame 來。人們可以是出於怨恨、恥辱、羞愧,或是愚蠢地企 or dishonour, in a mad attempt to keep their promises. The Ties 圖兌現承諾,因而糾結在一起。這故事是關於當愛令我 speaks about the damage that love causes when it makes us 們突然改變人生軌跡所造成的損害,或更糟的是,當愛 suddenly change route and, even worse, the damage it inflicts when 離我們而去所造成的傷害。 it abandons us. 有好一段時間,尤其當我是觀眾時,我意識到故事中令 For some time now, above all as a viewer, I have realised that what 我最感興趣的是感情關係。因此,每當我執導電影,要 interests me in a story are relationships. For this reason, every time 處理這些主題時,我都不得不忠於自己強烈情感所繫的 I find myself dealing with these themes as a director, I am unable to 基礎。不論是否有明確的社會或政治背景,還是在私密 betray what forms the basis of my passion. Relationships, whether 且受規限的空間中,感情關係都不僅是單純講我們這些 they are more explicitly set against the background of a social or 人,更會涉及我們身處的時代。 political context, or contained in a private and circumscribed space, are a way of narrating not simply ourselves, but ourselves in the times in which we live. Daniele Luchetti Daniele LUCHETTI was born in Rome in 1960. He began his career as an assistant SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 director and actor in films by Nanni Moretti. He made his directorial debut in 1988 with It’s 1991 The Yes Man 順從者 Happening Tomorrow. 2003 Ginger and Cinnamon 薑與肉桂 丹尼爾盧切堤 1960 年生於羅馬,父親是雕刻家,祖父是畫家。他曾就讀羅馬大學藝術系 2007 My Brother is an Only Child 紅與黑 和高蒙電影學院,曾任蘭尼摩列提的助導及演員,1988 年執導個人首作《明日事》。 2010 Our Life 我們的生活 2013 Those Happy Years 風流快活的日子 2020 The Ties 婚姻不像你預期 ©Gianni Fiorito 24.
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