Harding University Scholar Works at Harding Harding Bulletins Archives and Special Collections 5-1-1980 Harding Bulletin May 1980 (vol. 55, no. 11) Harding University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.harding.edu/hubulletins Recommended Citation Harding University. (1980). Harding Bulletin May 1980 (vol. 55, no. 11). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/ hubulletins/420 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in Harding Bulletins by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ... ,..,) Hardiri.g University BULLE·TIN VOLUME 55 MAY 1980 NUMBER 11 ~ if '"d .. ~ C :::J &. 0:3 :r~ t""' Nursing School Earns Accreditation by National ' League ~ c ,....... ~~ . ~ I=' ~ . tTl The School of Nursing has received study for submission to the ac members of the science faculty. The faculty upgrading and other finishing §~ 0 an eight-year full accreditation from creditation agency. Representatives results ofthe survey illustrated a critical touches for the accreditation pursuit. t~ o~ the National League for Nursing of New from the NLN then visited the school to nursing shortage and a scarcity of "The accreditation opens career -~ ~ c~ .."" York, according to an announcement verify the self-study. Based on the educational programs to prepare avenues in graduate schools and in ~ . ~ p by President Clifton L. Ganus Jr. The fmdings of the representatives, the baccalaureate graduates. governmental positions with the VA 0. Q. -< [~ '" span is the maximum granted by the agency's board of review voted to accept The administration at Harding, Hospitals and Military," Mrs.